Library /sys$common/syshlp/dbg$uihelp.hlb DEBUGUI, compile *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
To bring a program under debugger control and take full advantage of symbolic debugging, you must first compile and link the program as explained here. You can use the debugger with programs written in any of the source languages listed in the topic Debugger Support for Languages. The following example shows how to compile and link a C program named EIGHTQUEENS before using the debugger. The compiler and linker are invoked from DCL level ($). The program's source code is in the file EIGHTQUEENS.C. On VAX systems, you explicitly identify linker options files in your LINK command: $ CC/DEBUG/NOOPTIMIZE EIGHTQUEENS $ LINK/DEBUG EIGHTQUEENS,OPTIONS_FILE/OPTIONS On AXP systems, you do not identify linker options files: $ CC/DEBUG/NOOPTIMIZE EIGHTQUEENS $ LINK/DEBUG EIGHTQUEENS The /DEBUG and /NOOPTIMIZE qualifiers are compiler command defaults for some languages. These qualifiers are used in the example for emphasis. (For more information about compiling and linking that is specific to a particular language, see the documentation furnished with that language.) The /DEBUG qualifier on the compiler command (CC in this case) directs the compiler to write the symbol information associated with EIGHTQUEENS.C into the object module, EIGHTQUEENS.OBJ, in addition to the code and data for the program. This symbol information lets you use the names of variables, routines, and other symbols declared in EIGHTQUEENS.C when using the debugger. If your program's source code is in several files, you must compile each file whose symbols you want to reference with the /DEBUG qualifier. Some compilers optimize the object code to reduce the size of the program or to make it run faster. In such cases you should compile your program with the /NOOPTIMIZE command qualifier (or equivalent) when preparing for debugging. Otherwise, the contents of some program locations might be inconsistent with what you would expect from viewing the source code. For example, some optimization techniques eliminate certain variables so that you no longer have access to them while debugging. (After the program has been debugged, you will probably want to recompile it without the /NOOPTIMIZE qualifier to take advantage of optimization.) The /DEBUG qualifier on the LINK command directs the linker to include all symbol information that is contained in EIGHTQUEENS.OBJ in the executable image. The qualifier also causes the image activator to start the debugger at run time if you start the debugger by running a program, using the following DCL command syntax: $ DEBUG/KEEP If your program has several object modules, you need to specify those modules in the LINK command (for most languages). On VAX processors, the /OPTIONS qualifier indicates that OPTIONS_FILE is a linker options file. In the OpenVMS VAX example, the file specifies a run-time library to be linked with the program. Even if you compile and link an image with the /DEBUG command qualifier, you can execute that image normally without it being under debugger control. To do so, use the /NODEBUG qualifier on the DCL RUN command. For example: $ RUN/NODEBUG EIGHTQUEENS This is convenient for checking your program after you think it is error free. Note that the data required by the debugger occupies space within the executable image. So, when you think your program is correct, you might want to link your program again without the /DEBUG qualifier. This creates an image with only traceback data in the debug symbol table, which uses less disk space.