Library /sys$common/syshlp/dbg$uihelp.hlb DEBUGUI, break_cond *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
A conditional breakpoint suspends execution only when a specified expression is evaluated as true. For example, you can specify that a breakpoint take effect when the value of a variable in your program is 4. The breakpoint is ignored if the value is other than 4. The debugger evaluates the conditional expression when the breakpoint triggers during execution of your program. The following procedure sets a conditional breakpoint: 1. Display the source or instruction line on which you want to set the conditional breakpoint. 2. Display the Set/Modify Breakpoint dialog box in one of the following ways: - Press Ctrl/MB1 on the button to the left of a source line, an instruction line, or a breakpoint entry in the breakpoint view. This causes the Set/Modify Breakpoint dialog box to display, showing the line you selected in the Location: field. - Choose the Set (main or instruction window) or Set/Modify (optional view window) menu item from the Break menu. When the Set/Modify dialog box appears, enter the line in the Location: field. 3. Enter a relational expression in the Condition: field of the dialog box. The expression must be valid in the source language. For example, a[3] == 0 is a valid relational expression in the C language. 4. Click on OK. The conditional breakpoint is now set. The debugger indicates that a breakpoint is conditional by changing the shape of the breakpoint's button from a square to a diamond. The following procedure modifies a conditional breakpoint; that is, it can be used to change the condition associated with an existing conditional breakpoint, or to change an unqualified breakpoint into a conditional breakpoint: 1. Do one of the following: - Press Ctrl/MB1 on the button to the left of a source line, an instruction code line, or a breakpoint entry in the breakpoint view. - Click on a breakpoint entry in the breakpoint view, and choose the Set/Modify item from the Break Menu. 2. Follow steps 3 and 4 of the previous procedure, as appropriate.