Library /sys$common/syshlp/dbg$help.hlb DEBUG, SET, OUTPUT, Parameters *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
output-option Specifies an output option to be enabled or disabled. Valid keywords are as follows: LOG Specifies that debugger input and output be recorded in a log file. If you specify the log file by the SET LOG command, the debugger writes to that file; otherwise, by default the debugger writes to SYS$DISK[]:DEBUG.LOG. NOLOG (Default) Specifies that debugger input and output not be recorded in a log file. SCREEN_LOG Specifies that, while in screen mode, the screen contents be recorded in a log file as the screen is updated. To log the screen contents, you must also specify SET OUTPUT LOG. See the description of the LOG option regarding specifying the log file. NOSCREEN_ (Default) Specifies that the screen contents, while LOG in screen mode, not be recorded in a log file. TERMINAL NOTE This parameter is not available in the Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger. (Default) Specifies that debugger output be displayed at the terminal. NOTERMINAL NOTE This parameter is not available in the Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger. Specifies that debugger output, except diagnostic messages, not be displayed at the terminal. VERIFY Specifies that the debugger echo, on the current output device, each input command string that it is executing from a command procedure or DO clause. The current output device is by default SYS$OUTPUT (your terminal) but can be redefined with the logical name DBG$OUTPUT. NOVERIFY (Default) Specifies that the debugger not display each input command string that it is executing from a command procedure or DO clause.