Library /sys$common/syshlp/dbg$help.hlb
DEBUG, Keypad Definitions CI, GOLD

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

    Keypad definitions when   +--------+--------+--------+--------+
    you press the GOLD key.   |        |  Help  |Set Mode|        |
                              |  GOLD  | Keypad |   No   |  BLUE  |
    Reset cancels the         |        |  Gold  | Screen |        |
    GOLD key.                 +--------+--------+--------+--------+
                              |Inst LH1|        |  Set   |        |
    For more information,     | Reg RH1| Scroll | Process|        |
    see help on:              | Out S45|  Top   |  next  |        |
      KEYPAD BLUE             | Scroll |        | Scroll | Select |
      KEYPAD DEFAULT          |  Left  |  Show  | Right  | Source |
      KEYPAD STATE_KEYS       |  255   |  Calls |  255   |  next  |
    Ctrl/W does a             |  Exam  |        | Select |        |
    DISPLAY/REFRESH           |  prev  | Scroll | Output |   E    |
    in screen mode.           |        | Bottom |  next  |   N    |
                              +--------+--------+--------+   T    |
                              |                 |        |   E    |
                              |    Step/Into    | Reset  |   R    |
                              |                 |        |        |
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