Library /sys$common/syshlp/dbg$help.hlb DEBUG, DEFINE, /PROCESS_SET, Examples *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
1.all> DEFINE/PROCESS_SET SERVERS=FILE_SERVER,NETWORK_SERVER all> SHOW PROCESS SERVERS Number Name State Current PC * 1 FILE_SERVER step FS_PROG\%LINE 37 2 NETWORK_SERVER break NET_PROG\%LINE 24 all> This DEFINE/PROCESS_SET command assigns the symbolic name SERVERS to the process set consisting of FILE_SERVER and NETWORK_SERVER. The SHOW PROCESS SERVERS command displays information about the processes that make up the set SERVERS. 2.all> DEFINE/PROCESS_SET G1=%PROCESS_NUMBER 1,%VISIBLE_PROCESS all> SHOW SYMBOL/DEFINED G1 defined G1 bound to: "%PROCESS_NUMBER 1, %VISIBLE_PROCESS" was defined /process_set all> DELETE G1 This DEFINE/PROCESS_SET command assigns the symbolic name G1 to the process set consisting of process 1 and the visible process (process 3). The SHOW SYMBOL/DEFINED G1 command identifies the defined symbol G1. The DELETE G1 command deletes the symbol from the DEFINE symbol table. 3.all> DEFINE/PROCESS_SET A = B,C,D all> DEFINE/PROCESS_SET B = E,F,G all> DEFINE/PROCESS_SET E = I,J,A %DEBUG-E-NORECSYM, recursive PROCESS_SET symbol definition encountered at or near "A" This series of DEFINE/PROCESS_SET commands illustrate valid and invalid uses of the command.