Library /sys$common/syshlp/dbg$help.hlb
DEBUG, DECLARE, Parameters

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)


    Specifies a formal parameter (a symbol) that is declared within
    the command procedure.

    Do not specify a null parameter (represented either by two
    consecutive commas or by a comma at the end of the command).


    Specifies the parameter kind of a formal parameter. Valid
    keywords are as follows:

    ADDRESS   Specifies that the actual parameter is interpreted
              as an address expression. Same effect as
              DEFINE/ADDRESS symbol-name = actual-parameter.
    COMMAND   Specifies that the actual parameter is
              interpreted as a command. Same effect as
              DEFINE/COMMAND symbol-name = actual-parameter.
    VALUE     Specifies that the actual parameter is interpreted as a
              value expression in the current language. Same effect
              as DEFINE/VALUE symbol-name = actual-parameter.
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