Library /sys$common/syshlp/dbg$help.hlb

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

       /NOSAVE_VECTOR_STATE (default)

    Applies to VAX vectorized programs. Controls whether the current
    state of the vector processor is saved and then restored when a
    routine is called with the CALL command.

    The state of the vector processor comprises the following:

    o  The values of the vector registers (V0 to V15) and the vector
       control registers (VCR, VLR, and VMR)

    o  Any vector exception (an exception caused by the execution of
       a vector instruction) that might be pending delivery

    When you use the CALL command to execute a routine, execution
    of the routine might change the state of the vector processor as

    o  By changing the values of vector registers or vector control

    o  By causing a vector exception

    o  By causing the delivery of a vector exception that was pending
       when the CALL command was issued

    The /SAVE_VECTOR_STATE qualifier specifies that after the called
    routine has completed execution, the debugger restores the state
    of the vector processor that exists before the CALL command is
    issued. This ensures that, after the called routine has completed

    o  Any vector exception that was pending delivery before the CALL
       command was issued is still pending delivery

    o  No vector exception that was triggered during the routine call
       is still pending delivery

    o  The values of the vector registers are identical to their
       values before the CALL command was issued

    The /NOSAVE_VECTOR_STATE qualifier (which is the default)
    specifies that the state of the vector processor that exists
    before the CALL command is issued is not restored by the debugger
    after the called routine has completed execution. In this case,
    the state of the vector processor after the routine call depends
    on the effect (if any) of the called routine.

    The /[NO]SAVE_VECTOR_STATE qualifiers have no effect on the
    general registers. The values of these registers are always saved
    and restored when you execute a routine with the CALL command.
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