The Debugger Command Dictionary contains detailed reference
   information about all debugger commands, organized as follows:

   o  Command Format explains how to enter debugger commands.

   o  Commands Disabled in DECwindows lists commands that are
      disabled in the command/message view of the debugger's Compaq
      DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS user interface.

   o  Messages gives general information about debugger diagnostic
      messages. The Debugger Command Dictionary contains detailed
      reference information about the debugger commands.

2  New_Features
   For more information, see the OpenVMS Debugger Manual.

   This section describes the following new OpenVMS Debugger

   o  New commands for examining process dumps

   o  Multiprocess debugging

   o  New /VARIANT qualifier to the EXAMINE command

3  New_Process_Dump_Tools_(Alpha_only)
   The OpenVMS Version 7.3 debugger contains new comands for
   processing dump files. Note that these new-style process dump
   and process dump analysis tools are not compatible with the old-
   style process dumps. That is, if you have a problem you want to
   analyze with the new tools, you must generate a new process dump
   using the new process dump image.

   The following subtopics describe the new tools.

4  Debugger_ANALYZE_PROCESS_DUMP_Command
   The debugger has a new command:

   ANALYZE/PROCESS_DUMP/IMAGE_PATH[=directory-spec] dumpfile.

   This command is available only in the kept debugger. The kept
   debugger is the image you invoke with the command DEBUG/KEEP,
   which allows you to run and rerun programs from the same
   debugging session.

   The qualifier /PROCESS_DUMP is required, and distinguishes this
   command from the one that invokes the System Dump Debugger (SDD),

   For more information, see the OpenVMS Debugger Manual

4  Debugger_SDA_Command
   The new debugger SDA command invokes the System Dump Analyzer
   (SDA) from within the OpenVMS debugger. You can then use SDA for
   additional process dump analysis. For example:

    DBG> SDA

    OpenVMS (TM) Alpha process dump analyzer

    SDA> ..

   This allows you to use SDA for additional analysis of a system
   dump without terminating a debugger session.

   For more information, see the OpenVMS Debugger Manual

3  Multiprocess_Debugging_Enhanced
   For Version 7.3, debugger support for multiprocess programs has
   been extensively overhauled. Bugs have been fixed and the user-
   interface has been improved.

   The multiprocess debugging enhancements include the following

   o  Greater control over individual process and groups of
      processes, including:

         Execution of processes (or groups of processes)
         Suspension of processes (or groups of processes)
         Exiting processes (or groups of processes), with or without
         exit handler execution

   o  Ability to create user-defined groups of processes

   o  Simpler to start a multiprocess debugging session; the default
      configuration of the kept debugger is for a multiprocess

   o  Applications that use $HIBER WAIT (LIB$WAIT, $SCHDWH, and so
      on) can now be debugged using normal debugger configurations

   These enhancements make it much easier to debug multiprocess

   For more detailed information, refer to the OpenVMS Debugger

   The EXAMINE command has a new /VARIANT qualifier that enables
   the debugger to display the correct item when it encounters an
   anonymous variant.

   In a C program, a union contains members, only one of which is
   valid at any one time. When displaying a union, the debugger does
   not know which member is currently valid. In a PASCAL program,
   a record with a variant part contains variants, only one of
   which is valid at any one time. When displaying a record with an
   anonymous variant part, the debugger does not know which variant
   is currently valid, and displays all variants by default.

   You can use the /VARIANT qualifier to select which member of
   a union (C program) or anonymous variant (PASCAL program) to
   display. The format is as follows:

    DBG> EXAMINE /VARIANT=var-selector address-exp

    DBG> EXAMINE /VARIANT=(var-selector,...)  address-exp

   The variant selector var-selector specifies a name, a
   discriminant (PASCAL only), or a position; that is, one of the

   o  NAME = name-string

   o  DISCRIMINANT = expression

   o  POSITION = expression

   For more information, see the EXAMINE topic.

2  Address_Expressions
   Several debugger commands require that you specify an address
   expression. An address expression is an entity that denotes a
   memory address or a register. Commands for which you specify
   address expressions are:

      DEPOSIT (at the left of the equal sign)

   In general, you can specify address expressions using the syntax
   of the currently set language. For example:

   DBG> SET WATCH A[1]   ! Pascal

   In addition, you can specify address expressions numerically, and
   you can also use the built-in symbols %LINE and %LABEL to refer
   to code locations:


   You can also use the following operators to specify addresses
   that you might not be able to access by name (nonsymbolic

   + - *    Arithmetic operators
   @ or .   Indirection
   <p,s>    Select bit field

   For example, examine the instruction 3 bytes after line 10:

   DBG> EXAMINE %LINE 10 + 3

   Examine the location pointed to by P:


   Do not confuse an address expression with a language expression,
   which denotes a value rather than a program location. The
   following examples show how the same command parameter is treated
   either as an address expression or as a language expression
   depending on the command:

   Show the address of the variable X (address expression):
   Show the current value of X (address expression):
   X: 0
   Evaluate X (language expression):
   Evaluate X+1 (language expression):
   Show value at location X plus 1 byte (address expression):
   513: 0

3  Using_Symbols_and_Operators_in_Address_Expressions
   The symbols and operators that can be used in address expressions
   are listed below. A unary operator has one operand. A binary
   operator has two operands.

   Symbol           Description

   %LABEL           Specifies that the numeric literal that follows
                    is a program label (for languages like FORTRAN
                    that have numeric program labels). You can
                    qualify the label with a path-name prefix that
                    specifies the containing module.
   %LINE            Specifies that the numeric literal that follows
                    is a line number in your program. You can
                    qualify the line number with a path-name prefix
                    that specifies the containing module.
   Backslash (\)    When used within a path name, delimits each
                    element of the path name. In this context, the
                    backslash cannot be the leftmost element of the
                    complete path name.

                    When used as the prefix to a symbol, specifies
                    that the symbol is to be interpreted as a global
                    symbol. In this context, the backslash must be
                    the leftmost element of the symbol's complete
                    path name.
   At sign (@)      Unary operators. In an address expression, the
   Period (.)       at sign (@)  and period (.)  each function as
                    a "contents-of" operator. The "contents-of"
                    operator causes its operand to be interpreted as
                    a memory address and thus requests the contents
                    of (or value residing at) that address.
   Bit field        Unary operator. You can apply bit field
   <p,s,e>          selection to an address-expression. To select
                    a bit field, you supply a bit offset (p),  a
                    bit length (s),  and a sign extension bit (e),
                    which is optional.
   Plus sign (+)    Unary or binary operator. As a unary operator,
                    indicates the unchanged value of its operand.
                    As a binary operator, adds the preceding operand
                    and succeeding operand together.
   Minus sign (-)   Unary or binary operator. As a unary operator,
                    indicates the negation of the value of its
                    operand. As a binary operator, subtracts the
                    succeeding operand from the preceding operand.
   Multiplication   Binary operator. Multiplies the preceding
   sign (*)         operand by the succeeding operand.
   Division sign    Binary operator. Divides the preceding operand
   (/)              by the succeeding operand.

   The examples in the additional topics illustrate the use of
   built-in symbols and operators in address expressions.

4  %LINE_and_%LABEL_Operators
   The following command sets a tracepoint at line 26 of the module
   in which execution is currently suspended:


   The next command displays the source line associated with line

   module MAIN
       47:  procedure SWAP(X,Y: in out INTEGER) is

   The next command sets a breakpoint at label 10 of module MOD4:


4  Path-Name_Operators
   The following command displays the value of the variable COUNT
   that is declared in routine ROUT2 of module MOD4. The backslash
   (\)  path-name delimiter separates the path-name elements:


   The following command sets a breakpoint on line 26 of the module


   The following command displays the value of the global symbol X:


4  Arithmetic_Operators
   The order in which the debugger evaluates the elements of an
   address expression is similar to that used by most programming
   languages. The order is determined by the following three
   factors, listed in decreasing order of precedence (first listed
   have higher precedence):

   1. The use of delimiters (usually parentheses or brackets) to
      group operands with particular operators

   2. The assignment of relative priority to each operator

   3. Left-to-right priority of operators

   The debugger operators are listed in decreasing order of
   precedence as follows:

   1. Unary operators ((.),  (@), (+),  (-))

   2. Multiplication and division operators ((*),  (/))

   3. Addition and subtraction operators ((+),  (-))

   For example, when evaluating the following expression, the
   debugger first adds the operands within parentheses, then divides
   the result by 4, then subtracts the result from 5.


   The following command displays the value contained in the memory
   location X + 4 bytes:


4  Contents-of_Operator
   The following examples illustrate use of the contents-of
   operator. In the next example, the instruction at the current
   PC value is obtained (the instruction whose address is contained
   in the PC and which is about to execute):

   MOD\%LINE 5: PUSHL   S^#8

   In the next example, the source line at the PC value one level
   down the call stack is obtained (at the call to routine SWAP):

   module MAIN
   MAIN\%LINE 134:     SWAP(X,Y);

   For the next example, assume that the value of pointer variable
   PTR is 7FF00000 hexadecimal, the address of an entity that you
   want to examine. Assume further that the value of this entity is
   3FF00000 hexadecimal. The following command shows how to examine
   the entity:

   7FF00000: 3FF00000

   In the next example, the contents-of operator (at sign or
   period) is used with the current location operator (period) to
   examine a linked list of three quadword-integer pointer variables
   (identified as L1, L2, and L3 in the illustration that follows).
   P is a pointer to the start of the list. The low longword of each
   pointer variable contains the address of the next variable; the
   high longword of each variable contains its integer value (8, 6,
   and 12, respectively).

     P: | 9B40 |--+      L1          L2          L3
        +------+  |   +------+    +------+    +------+
                  +-->| 9BDA |--->| 9BF4 |--->| 0000 |
                      |------|    |------|    |------|
                      |  8   |    |  6   |    |  12  |
                      +------+    +------+    +------+

DBG> EXAMINE .P             ! Examine the entity whose address
                             ! is contained in P.
00009BC2: 00000008 00009BDA  ! High word has value 8, low word
                             ! has address of next entity (9BDA).
DBG> EXAMINE @.             ! Examine the entity whose address
                             ! is contained in the current entity.
00009BDA: 00000006 00009BF4  ! High word has value 6, low word
                             ! has address of next entity (9BF4).
DBG> EXAMINE ..             ! Examine the entity whose address
                             ! is contained in the current entity.
00009BF4: 0000000C 00000000  ! High word has value 12 (dec.), low word
                             ! has address 0 (end of list).

4  Bit-Field_Operator
   The following example shows how to use the bit-field operator.
   For example, to examine the address expression X_NAME starting
   at bit 3 with a length of 4 bits and no sign extension, you would
   enter the following command:

   DBG> EXAMINE X_NAME <3,4,0>

2  Built_in_Symbols
   The debugger built-in symbols provide options for specifying
   program entities and values in debugger commands, as follows:

   Function       Symbols

   Specify        %Rn, %R31, %AP, %FP, %SP, %PC, %PSL, %Vn, %VCR,
   Alpha          %VLR, %VMR, %Fn, %F31
   and VAX

   %LANGUAGE      Specify the current language

   %NAME          Construct identifiers

   %PARCNT        Count parameters passed in command procedures

   %BIN, %DEC,    Control radix
   %HEX, %OCT

   %CURLOC,       Specify consecutive program locations and the
   %NEXTLOC,      current value of an entity

   %LABEL,        Specify numeric labels and line numbers

   %ADDR,         Specify the argument passing mechanism for the
   %DESCR,        CALL command
   %REF, %VAL

   about          %NEXT_TASK, %TASK. %VISIBLE_TASK


3  %Rn
   On VAX systems, specifies the VAX general purpose registers
   %R0 through %R11. On Alpha systems, specifies the Alpha integer
   registers %R0 through %R28.


   DBG> DEPOSIT %R1 = 23

3  %AP
   On VAX systems, specifies the VAX argument pointer register

3  %FP
   On VAX systems, specifies the VAX frame pointer register (%R13).
   On Alpha systems, specifies the Alpha stack frame base register

3  %SP
   On VAX systems, specifies the VAX stack pointer register (%R14).
   On Alpha systems, specifies the Alpha stack pointer register

3  %PC
   Specifies the VAX or Alpha program counter register. The PC
   contains the address of the next instruction to be executed by
   the processor.

   VAX Examples:

   DBG> EXAMINE %PC   ! Display the value in the PC
   MOD3\%PC:  1554    ! address of next instruction to execute

   DBG> EXAMINE %PC   ! Display the value at the address in the PC
   MOD3\%LINE 12:    MOVL B^12(R11),R1
                      ! next instruction to execute

3  %PSL
   On VAX systems, specifies the VAX processor status longword.

3  %Vn
   On VAX systems, specifies the VAX vector registers %V0 through

3  %VCR
   On VAX systems, specifies the VAX vector count register (%VCR).
   The VCR specifies the length of the offset vector generated by
   the IOTA instruction.

3  %VLR
   On VAX systems, specifies the VAX vector length register (%VLR).
   The VLR limits the highest element of a vector register that is
   processed by a vector instruction.

3  %VMR
   On VAX systems, specifies the VAX vector mask register (%VMR).
   The VMR specifies a mask (a bit pattern) that a vector
   instruction uses in order to operate on only certain elements
   of a vector register operand.

3  %R31
   On Alpha systems, specifies the ReadAsZero/Sink register. This
   register is permanently assigned the value zero.

3  %PS
   On Alpha systems, specifies the Alpha processor status register.

3  %Fn
   On Alpha systems, specifies the Alpha floating-point registers
   %F0 through %F30.

3  %F31
   On Alpha systems, specifies the ReadAsZero/Sink floating-point
   register. This register is permanently assigned the value zero.

   Specifies the current language. The current language is the
   language last established with the SET LANGUAGE command. BY
   default, if you did not enter a SET LANGUAGE command, the current
   language is the language of the module containing the main
   program (image transfer address).



3  %NAME
   Enables you to constuct identifiers that are not ordinarily legal
   in the current language.


   %NAME id-char-string
   %NAME 'any-char-string'


   DBG> EXAMINE %NAME 12      ! Examine variable nameD '12'
   DBG> EXAMINE %NAME 'P.AAA' ! Examine generated label P.AAA

   Specifies the number of actual parameters to the current command
   procedure. Use %PARCNT in command procedures that can take a
   variable number of actual parameters. You can use %PARCNT only
   inside command procedures; it is not defined when commands are
   entered from the terminal.

   For example, suppose the command procedure ABC is executed with
   the command @ABC 111,222,333. Inside ABC, %PARCNT then has the
   value 3 because there are three parameters on this particular
   call to ABC.



3  %BIN
   Specifies that a following numeric literal (or all numeric
   literals in a following parenthesized expression) be interpreted
   in binary radix.


   DBG> EVALUATE/DEC %BIN (10 + 10)

3  %DEC
   Specifies that a following numeric literal (or all numeric
   literals in a following parenthesized expression) be interpreted
   in decimal radix.


   DBG> EVALUATE/HEX %DEC (10 + 10)

3  %HEX
   Specifies that a following numeric literal (or all numeric
   literals in a following parenthesized expression) be interpreted
   in hexadecimal radix.


   DBG> EVALUATE/DEC %HEX (10 + 10)

3  %OCT
   Specifies that a following numeric literal (or all numeric
   literals in a following parenthesized expression) be interpreted
   in octal radix.


   DBG> EVALUATE/DEC %OCT (10 + 10)

   Specifies the current logical entity (that is, the program
   location last referenced by an EXAMINE, DEPOSIT, or
   EVALUATE/ADDRESS command). You can also use the period character
   (.)  for this purpose.


   CIRCLE\RADIUS:  0.0000000E+00
   DBG> DEPOSIT %CURLOC = 1   ! Set RADIUS to 1
   DBG> DEPOSIT . = 2         ! Set RADIUS to 2

   Specifies the logical successor of the current entity (that is,
   the program location that logically follows the location last
   referenced by an EXAMINE, DEPOSIT, or EVALUATE/ADDRESS command).
   The EXAMINE command without a parameter is equivalent to EXAMINE


   SIEVE\PRIMES(5): 11
   DBG> EXAMINE    ! Equivalent to EXAMINE %NEXTLOC
   SIEVE\PRIMES(6): 13

   Specifies the logical predecessor of the current entity (that is,
   the program location that logically precedes the location last
   referenced by an EXAMINE, DEPOSIT, or EVALUATE/ADDRESS command).
   You can also use the circumflex character (^)  for this purpose.


   SIEVE\PRIMES(6):  13
   SIEVE\PRIMES(5):  11
   DBG> EXAMINE ^  ! Equivalent to EXAMINE %PREVLOC
   SIEVE\PRIMES(4):  7

   Specifies the value last displayed by an EVALUATE or EXAMINE
   command, or deposited by a DEPOSIT command. You can also use the
   backslash character (\)  for this purpose. These two symbols are
   not affected by an EVALUATE/ADDRESS command.


   CIRCLE\RADIUS:  0.0000000E+00

   %LABEL n is the debugger syntax for referring to label n in your
   program. This is intended for languages like FORTRAN which have
   numeric program labels. You can qualify the label with a path
   name specifying the containing module.



   The old syntax of %LABEL MODULENAME\n is no longer accepted.

3  %LINE
   %LINE n is the debugger syntax for referring to line n in
   your program. You can qualify the line number with a path name
   specifying the containing module.



   The old syntax of %LINE MODULENAME\n is no longer accepted.

3  %PAGE
   Specifies the current height of the screen, in lines, as used by
   the debbuger.

   For example, the following command defines a screen mode window
   named MIDDLE that occupies a region around the middle of the

   _DBG> (%PAGE/4,%PAGE/2,%WIDTH/4,%WIDTH/2)

   Specifies the current width of the screen, in columns, as used by
   the debugger.

   For example, the following command defines a screen mode window
   named MIDDLE that occupies a region around the middle of the

   _DBG> (%PAGE/4,%PAGE/2,%WIDTH/4,%WIDTH/2)

   Enables you to determine whether you are using the debugger's
   command interface or Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS user
   interface. With the Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS user
   interface, the value of %DECWINDOWS is 1 (TRUE). With the command
   interface, the value is 0 (FALSE). For example:


   The following example shows how to use %DECWINDOWS in a debugger
   initialization file to position the debugger source window, SRC,
   at debugger startup:

      ! DECwindows Motif (workstation) syntax:
      (DISPLAY SRC AT (100,300,100,700))
      ! Screen-mode (terminal) syntax:
      (DISPLAY SRC AT (AT H1))

3  %ADDR
   (Default) Used with the CALL command to specify the argument
   passing mechanism. The %ADDR symbol specifies that the argument
   is passed by address. See the CALL command.

   Used with the CALL command to specify the argument passing
   mechanism. The %DESCR symbol specifies that the argument is
   passed by descriptor. See the CALL command.

3  %REF
   Used with the CALL command to specify the argument passing
   mechanism. The %REF symbol specifies that the argument is passed
   by reference. See the CALL command.

3  %VAL
   Used with the CALL command to specify the argument passing
   mechanism. The %VAL symbol specifies that the argument is passed
   by value. See the CALL command.

   Specifies the current display (screen mode). This is the display
   most recently referenced with a DISPLAY command (that is, the
   least occluded display.)



   Specifies the current (screen mode) scrolling display. This is
   the default display for the SCROLL, MOVE, and EXPAND commands, as
   well as for the associated keypad keys (KP2, KP4, KP6, and KP8).



   Specifies the next display after the current display in the
   screen-mode display list. The next display is the display
   that follows the topmost display. Because the display list is
   circular, this is the display at the bottom of the pasteboard
   (the most occluded display).



   Specifies the next instruction display after the current
   instruction display in the screen-mode display list. The current
   instruction display is the display that receives the output from



   Specifies the next output display after the current output
   display in the screen-mode display list. An output display
   receives debugger output that is not already directed to another



   Specifies the next display after the current scrolling display in
   the screen-mode display list.



   Specifies the next source display after the current source
   display in the screen-mode display list. The current source
   display is the display which receives the output from TYPE and
   EXAMINE/SOURCE commands.



   Specifies the scope, relative to the call stack, for which source
   code is displayed in a screen-mode source display. If source code
   is not available for display in that scope, the debugger displays
   source code for the next level down the call stack for which it
   is available.

   The %SOURCE_SCOPE symbol is used in the definition of the
   predefined screen-mode source display SRC:


   Specifies the scope, relative to the call stack, for which
   decoded instructions are displayed in a screen-mode instruction

   The %INST_SCOPE symbol is used in the definition of the
   predefined screen-mode instruction display INST:


   Specifies the call frame that the debugger is currently using as
   reference when displaying source code or decoded instructions, or
   when searching for symbols. By default, this is call frame 0.

   The %CURRENT_SCOPE_ENTRY symbol returns an integer value that
   denotes a call frame on the call stack. Call frame 0 denotes
   the routine at the top of the call stack, where execution is
   suspended. Call frame 1 denotes the calling routine, and so on.

   Specifies the next frame down the call stack from the call frame
   denoted by %CURRENT_SCOPE_ENTRY.

   The %NEXT_SCOPE_ENTRY symbol returns an integer value that
   denotes a call frame on the call stack. Call frame 0 denotes
   the routine at the top of the call stack, where execution is
   suspended. Call frame 1 denotes the calling routine, and so on.

   Specifies the next frame up the call stack from the call frame
   denoted by %CURRENT_SCOPE_ENTRY.

   The %PREVIOUS_SCOPE_ENTRY symbol returns an integer value that
   denotes a call frame on the call stack. Call frame 0 denotes
   the routine at the top of the call stack, where execution is
   suspended. Call frame 1 denotes the calling routine, and so on.

   When specifying a process name in a debugger command string, you
   can optionally precede the name with the symbol %PROCESS_NAME.



   When specifying a process identifier (PID) in a debugger command
   string, you must precede the PID with the symbol %PROCESS_PID.


   all> CONNECT %PROCESS_PID 258001B6

   When specifying a debugger-assigned process number in a debugger
   command string, you can precede the number with %PROCESS_NUMBER
   (or the abbreviation %PROC).



   Specifies the next process in the debugger's process list after
   the visible process.



   Specifies the previous process in the debugger's process list
   before the visible process.



   Specifies the visible process. This is the process whose stack,
   register set, and images are the current context for looking up
   symbols, register values, routine calls, breakpoints, and so on.



   A special form of %EXC_NAME for Ada programs. In Ada, an
   exception can be raised with syntax such as "raise XXX;". In
   this case, the exception name in the operating system sense is
   just "EXCEPTION," which is what %E returns. The Ada exception
   name ("XXX") is returned by %ADAEXC_NAME.



   Gives you the facility of the current exception. This provides a
   way of qualifying exception breaks.


   _DBG> (%EXC_FAC = "SYSTEM")

   Gives you the name of the current exception. This provides a way
   of qualifying exception breaks.



   Gives you the current exception number. This provides a way of
   qualifying exception breaks.


   %SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation at PC !XL,
        virtual address !XL

   Gives you the severity code of the current exception. This
   provides a way of qualifying exception breaks.



   (Applies only to tasking programs.) Gives you the currently
   active task (the one that was running when the debugger last
   took control). See the SET TASK/ACTIVE command.


   %TASK 2

   (Applies only to Ada tasking programs.) Gives you the task which
   is the entry caller of the active task during a task rendezvous.

   If the active task (%ACTIVE_TASK) is not currently executing
   an accept statement (that is, a rendezvous is not in progress),
   %CALLER_TASK returns %TASK 0.


   The following command sets a breakpoint within an accept
   statement. The breakpoint is triggered only when %TASK 3 is the
   task making the entry call of the rendezvous.

   DBG> TYPE 51:53
   module SAMPLE
       51:         accept RENDEZVOUS do
       52:            PUT_LINE("Beginning the rendezvous");
       53:         end RENDEZVOUS;

   (Applies only to tasking programs.) Gives you the next task after
   the one currently visible (%VISIBLE_TASK). "Next" in this context
   is just an internal ordering that cycles through all the tasks.
   This lets you set up command procedures that cycle through all



3  %TASK
   (Applies only to tasking programs.)

   %TASK n (where n is a positive decimal integer) is the debugger
   syntax for referring to a task by its task ID. The task ID is
   a unique number associated with a task at the time the task
   is created. The task number n can be obtained using the SHOW
   TASK/ALL command or by examining task objects.


   T1: %TASK 2

   (Applies only to tasking programs.) Gives you the task that the
   debugger is using to do symbol lookups. This is the default task
   assumed by debugging commands when you do not (or cannot) specify
   a task. For example, the EXAMINE %R0 command displays register 0
   of the visible task.

   This is normally the same as %ACTIVE_TASK but can be changed
   using the SET TASK command.


   %TASK 2

2  Client-Server_Interface
   The OpenVMS Debugger has an optional client/server configuration
   that allows you to access the debugger and its functions from a
   PC or a workstation.

   The debugger client/server retains the functionality of the
   OpenVMS kept debugger, but splits the debugger into two
   components, the debug server and the debug client. The interface
   of the Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS debug client is
   similar to the Motif interface of the standalone debugger.

   The debug server runs on an OpenVMS system, similar to the kept
   debugger without the user interface. The debug client contains
   the user interface, and runs on an OpenVMS system using Compaq
   DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS, or on a PC running Microsoft
   Windows 95 or Microsoft Windows NT.

   The following table shows the systems on which the debug client
   and the debug server run:

   Debug      Debug
   Client     Server    System

   X          X         OpenVMS VAX
   X          X         OpenVMS Alpha
   X                    Microsoft Windows 95 Intel
   X                    Microsoft Windows 98 Intel
   X                    Microsoft Windows NT Alpha
   X                    Microsoft Windows NT Intel

   The OpenVMS client-server configuration allows the following:

   o  Remote access to OpenVMS Debug Servers from other OpenVMS
      systems or from PCs running Windows 95 or Windows NT Version
      3.51 or later

   o  Client access to multiple servers, each running on the same or
      different OpenVMS nodes

   o  Multiple clients on different nodes to simultaneously connect
      to the same server for teaching or team debugging

   o  Debugging of multi-tier client/server applications that are
      distributed among several mixed-platform systems

3  Required_Software
   The Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS debug client requires the
   following system software:

      OpenVMS Version 7.0 or later (VAX or Alpha)
      Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Version 1.2 or later

   The debug server requires OpenVMS Version 7.0 or later running on
   a VAX or Alpha node.

   The OpenVMS debugger client/server configuration also requires
   that the following be installed on the OpenVMS node running the
   server and any nodes running the Compaq DECwindows Motif for
   OpenVMS client:

   o  A TCP/IP stack

   o  DCE RPC


      If you are running TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (UCX) Version
      4.1, you must have ECO2 installed. You can also run a later
      version of UCX.

   The client and server communicate using DCE RPC over one of the
   following transports:


3  Starting_the_Debug_Server
   You can start the debug server after logging in directly to the
   OpenVMS system. You can also log in remotely with a product such
   as eXcursion, or a terminal emulator such as Telnet. Note that
   you can run Telnet directly from the Microsoft Windows client.

   To start the server on an OpenVMS node, enter the following


   The server displays its network binding strings, which allow
   Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS and Microsoft Windows clients
   to specify this server for connection. For example:


   %DEBUG-I-WATCH: Network Binding: ncacn_ip_tcp:[1034]
   %DEBUG-I-WATCH: Network Binding: ncacn_dnet_nsp:19.10[RPC224002690001]
   %DEBUG-I-WATCH: Network Binding: ncadg_ip_udp:[1045]
   %DEBUG-I-AWAIT: Ready for client connection...

   To connect to the server, you must know the nodename of the
   node running the server, and the port number. The port number is
   displayed in the square brackets of the network binding string.

   The following table matches the network binding string prefix
   with its associated network transport:

   Transport  NetworK Binding String Prefix

   TCP/IP     ncacn_ip_tcp
   DECnet     ncacn_dnet_nsp:
   UDP        ncadg_ip_udp


      You must hold the DBG$ENABLE_SERVER identifier in the rights
      database to be able to run the debug server. Exercise care
      when using the debug server. Once a debug server is running,
      anyone on the network has the ability to connect to the
      debug server.

   Before granting the DBG$ENABLE_SERVER identifier, the system
   manager must create it by entering the command DEBUG/SERVER
   from an account with write access to the rights database. The
   system manager needs to do this only once. The system manager
   can then run the Authorize utility to grant the DBG$ENABLE_SERVER
   identifier to the user's account in the rights database.

3  Starting_the_Motif_Debug_Client
   Once the debug server is running, start the Motif debug client.
   To do so, enter the following command:


   The debugger displays the Server Connection dialog.

   From the Server Connection dialog, you can

   o  Select a session for connection

   o  Select a network transport protocol

   o  Specify the number of secondary clients allowed

   o  Connect to a selected server to begin and activate a new
      session or reactivate an existing session

   o  Disconnect from a session

   o  Test whether a server is available

   o  Stop the server

   o  Cancel a connection operation and dismiss the dialog


      Messages and program output appear by default in the window
      in which you start the server. You can redirect program
      output to another window as required.

3  Primary_Clients_and_Secondary_Clients
   The primary client is the first client to connect to the server.
   A secondary client is an additional client that has connected to
   the same server. The primary client controls whether or not any
   secondary clients can connect to the server through the Server
   Options dialog. Click Options on the Server Connection dialog to
   display the Server Options dialog.

3  Establishing_a_Server_Session
   A session is the connection between a particular client and a
   particular server. Each session is identified within the client
   by the network binding string the client used to connect to the

   When you start the client, the debugger displays the Server
   Connection dialog, to let you specify the server, the network
   transport protocol, and the number of secondary clients allowed.

   In the Server Connection dialog the Connection [local]: dialog
   bar contains the default network binding string. This string is
   based on the last string you entered, or the node on which the
   client is running. There is not necessarily a server associated
   with the default binding string.

   To specify the server, you can accept the default, or you can
   enter the node name of the OpenVMS node running the debug server
   and the port number. For example:


   To specify the network transport protocol and the number of
   secondary clients allowed, perform the following steps:

   1. Click Options to display the Server Options dialog.

   2. In the Server Options dialog, click on the network transport:
      TCP/IP, DECnet, or UDP.

   3. In the Server Options dialog, enter the number of secondary
      clients (0-30) to be allowed.

   4. Click OK to dismiss the Server Options dialog.

   Click Connect to connect the client to the server.

3  Switching_Between_Sessions
   Each time you connect to a server and initiate a session, the
   session is listed in the Active Sessions dialog bar in the
   Server Connection dialog. You can switch back and forth between
   sessions. Each time you switch to a new session, the debugger
   updates the contents of any open debugger displays with the new

   To switch to a different session, perform the following steps:

   1. Open the File menu.

   2. Click Server Connection.

   3. Click the Active Sessions dialog bar to display the list of
      active sessions.

   4. Double click the required session in the Active Sessions list.
      This selects the session as the current session, dismisses the
      Server Connection dialog, and updates the debugger displays
      with the current context.

   Note that you cannot change the number of secondary clients
   allowed on a session while that session is active. To change the
   number of clients allowed on a session, you must be the primary
   client, and perform the following steps:

   1. Open the File menu.

   2. Specify the network binding string of the session.

   3. Click Disconnect.

   4. Click Options.

   5. In the Server Options dialog, click on the network transport:
      TCP/IP, DECnet, or UDP.

   6. In the Server Options dialog, select the number of secondary
      clients (0-31) to be allowed.

   7. Click OK to dismiss the Server Options dialog.

   8. In the Server Connection dialog, click Connect.

3  Closing_a_Client/Server_Session
   Click on Exit Debug? from the File menu to invoke the Confirm
   Exit dialog.

   Once you have invoked the Confirm Exit dialog, perform one of the

   o  To terminate both the client and the server (default) click

   o  To dismiss the Confirm Exit dialog without taking any action,
      click Cancel.

   o  To terminate only the debug client, perform the following

      o  Click Exit Server.

      o  Click OK.

   o  To terminate only the debug server, perform the following

      o  Click Exit Client.

      o  Click OK.

   If you do not terminate the debug server, you can connect to the
   server from another debug client. If you do not terminate the
   client, you can connect to another server for which you know the
   network binding string.

2  Command_Format
   You can enter debugger commands interactively at the keyboard or
   store them within a command procedure to be executed later with
   the execute procedure (@) command.

3  General_Rules
   A command string is the complete specification of a debugger
   command. Although you can continue a command on more than one
   line, the term command string is used to define an entire command
   that is passed to the debugger.

   A debugger command string consists of a verb and, possibly,
   parameters and qualifiers.

   The verb specifies the command to be executed. Some debugger
   command strings might consist of only a verb or a verb pair. For

   DBG> GO

   A parameter specifies what the verb acts on (for example, a file
   specification). A qualifier describes or modifies the action
   taken by the verb. Some command strings might include one or more
   parameters or qualifiers. In the following examples, COUNT, I,
   J, and K, OUT2, and PROG4.COM are parameters (@ is the execute
   procedure command); /SCROLL and /OUTPUT are qualifiers.


   Some commands accept optional WHEN or DO clauses. DO clauses are
   also used in some screen display definitions.

   A WHEN clause consists of the keyword WHEN followed by a
   conditional expression (within parentheses) that evaluates to
   true or false in the current language. A DO clause consists
   of the keyword DO followed by one or more command strings
   (within parentheses) that are to be executed in the order that
   they are listed. You must separate multiple command strings
   with semicolons (;).  These points are illustrated in the next

   The following command string sets a breakpoint on routine SWAP.
   The breakpoint is triggered whenever the value of J equals 4
   during execution. When the breakpoint is triggered, the debugger
   executes the two commands SHOW CALLS and EXAMINE I,K, in the
   order indicated.


   The debugger checks the syntax of the commands in a DO clause
   when it executes the DO clause. You can nest commands within DO

3  Interactive_Input_Rules
   When entering a debugger command interactively at the keyboard,
   you can abbreviate a keyword (verb, qualifier, parameter) to as
   few characters as are needed to make it unique within the set of
   all debugger keywords. However, some commonly used commands (for
   example, EXAMINE, DEPOSIT, GO, STEP) can be abbreviated to their
   first characters. Also, in some cases, the debugger interprets
   nonunique abbreviations correctly on the basis of context.

   Pressing the Return key terminates the current line, causing
   the debugger to process it. To continue a long command string
   on another line, type a hyphen (-)  before pressing Return. As
   a result, the debugger prompt is prefixed with an underscore
   character (_DBG>), indicating that the command string is still
   being accepted.

   You can enter more than one command string on one line by
   separating command strings with semicolons (;).

   To enter a comment (explanatory text recorded in a debugger log
   file but otherwise ignored by the debugger), precede the comment
   text with an exclamation point (!).  If the comment wraps to
   another line, start that line with an exclamation point.

   The command line editing functions that are available at the
   DCL prompt ($) are also available at the debugger prompt (DBG>),
   including command recall with the up arrow and down arrow keys.
   For example, pressing the left arrow and right arrow keys moves
   the cursor one character to the left and right, respectively;
   pressing Ctrl/H or Ctrl/E moves the cursor to the start or
   end of the line, respectively; pressing Ctrl/U deletes all the
   characters to the left of the cursor, and so on.

   To interrupt a command that is being processed by the debugger,
   press Ctrl/C. See the Ctrl/C command.

3  Command_Procedure_Rules
   To maximize legibility, it is best not to abbreviate command
   keywords in a command procedure. Do not abbreviate command
   keywords to less than four significant characters (not counting
   the negation /NO . . . ), to avoid potential conflicts in future

   Start a debugger command line at the left margin. (Do not start a
   command line with a dollar sign ($)  as you do when writing a DCL
   command procedure.)

   The beginning of a new line ends the previous command line (the
   end-of-file character also ends the previous command line). To
   continue a command string on another line, type a hyphen (-)
   before starting the new line.

   You can enter more than one command string on one line by
   separating command strings with semicolons (;).

   To enter a comment (explanatory text that does not affect the
   execution of the command procedure), precede the comment text
   with an exclamation point (!).  If the comment wraps to another
   line, start that line with an exclamation point.

2  Command_Summary
   The additional topics list all the debugger commands and any
   related DCL commands in functional groupings, along with brief

3  Starting_and_Ending_a_Debugging_Session
   The commands listed below are used to start the debugger, bring a
   program under debugger control, and interrupt and end a debugging
   session. Except where otherwise specified, all commands are
   debugger commands.

   DEBUG/KEEP (DCL)        Starts the debugger
   RUN filespec            Brings a program under debugger control
   RERUN                   Reruns the program currently under
                           debugger control
   RUN filespec (DCL)      If the specified image was linked using
                           LINK/DEBUG, starts the debugger and
                           also brings the image under debugger
                           control. When you start the debugger in
                           this manner, you cannot then use the
                           debugger RUN or RERUN commands. You
                           can use the /[NO]DEBUG qualifiers with
                           the RUN command to control whether the
                           debugger is started when the program is
   EXIT, Ctrl/Z            Ends a debugging session, executing all
                           exit handlers
   QUIT                    Ends a debugging session without
                           executing any exit handlers declared
                           in the program
   Ctrl/C                  Aborts program execution or a debugger
                           command without interrupting the
                           debugging session
   (SET,SHOW) ABORT_KEY    (Assigns, identifies) the default
                           Ctrl/C abort function to another Ctrl-
                           key sequence, identifies the Ctrl-key
                           sequence currently defined for the abort
   Ctrl/Y-DEBUG (DCL)      Interrupts a program that is running
                           without debugger control and starts
                           the debugger; not supported in the Kept
                           Debugger configuration
   ATTACH                  Passes control of your terminal from the
                           current process to another process
   SPAWN                   Creates a subprocess, enabling you to
                           execute DCL commands without ending
                           a debugging session or losing your
                           debugging context

3  Controlling_and_Monitoring_Program_Execution
   The following commands are used to control and monitor program

   GO                     Starts or resumes program execution
   STEP                   Executes the program up to the next line,
                          instruction, or specified instruction
   (SET,SHOW) STEP        (Establishes, displays) the default
                          qualifiers for the STEP command
   (SET,SHOW,CANCEL)      (Sets, displays, cancels) breakpoints
   (ACTIVATE,DEACTIVATE)  (Activates, deactivates) previously set
   BREAK                  breakpoints
   (SET,SHOW,CANCEL)      (Sets, displays, cancels) tracepoints
   (ACTIVATE,DEACTIVATE)  (Activates, deactivates) previously set
   TRACE                  tracepoints
   (SET,SHOW,CANCEL)      (Sets, displays, cancels) watchpoints
   (ACTIVATE,DEACTIVATE)  (Activates, deactivates) previously set
   WATCH                  watchpoints
   SHOW CALLS             Identifies the currently active routine
   SHOW STACK             Gives additional information about the
                          currently active routine calls
   CALL                   Calls a routine

3  Examining_and_Manipulating_Data
   The following commands are used to examine and manipulate data:

   EXAMINE                Displays the value of a variable or the
                          contents of a program location
   SET MODE [NO]OPERANDS  Controls whether the address and contents
                          of the instruction operands are displayed
                          when you examine an instruction
   DEPOSIT                Changes the value of a variable or the
                          contents of a program location
   DUMP                   Displays the contents of memory in a
                          manner similar to the DCL command DUMP.
   EVALUATE               Evaluates a language or address expression
   MONITOR                (Applies only to the debugger's Compaq
                          DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS user
                          interface). Displays the current value
                          of a variable or language expression in
                          the Monitor View of the Compaq DECwindows
                          Motif for OpenVMS user interface.

3  Type_Selection_and_Radix
   The following commands are used to control type selection and

   (SET,SHOW,CANCEL)      (Establishes, displays, restores) the
   RADIX                  radix for data entry and display
   (SET,SHOW,CANCEL)      (Establishes, displays, restores) the
   TYPE                   type for program locations that are not
                          associated with a compiler-generated type
   SET MODE [NO]G_FLOAT   Controls whether double-precision
                          floating-point constants are interpreted
                          as G_FLOAT or D_FLOAT

3  Symbol_Searches_and_Symbolization
   The following commands are used to control symbol searches and

   SHOW SYMBOL            Displays symbols in your program
   (SET,SHOW,CANCEL)      Sets a module by loading its symbol
   MODULE                 information into the debugger's symbol
                          table, identifies, cancels a set module
   (SET,SHOW,CANCEL)      Sets a shareable image by loading data
   IMAGE                  structures into the debugger's symbol
                          table, identifies, cancels a set image
   SET MODE [NO]DYNAMIC   Controls whether or not modules and
                          shareable images are set automatically
                          when the debugger interrupts execution
   (SET,SHOW,CANCEL)      (Establishes, displays, restores) the
   SCOPE                  scope for symbol searches
   SYMBOLIZE              Converts a memory address to a symbolic
                          address expression
   SET MODE [NO]LINE      Controls whether program locations are
                          displayed in terms of line numbers or
                          routine-name + byte offset
   SET MODE [NO]SYMBOLIC  Controls whether program locations are
                          displayed symbolically or in terms of
                          numeric addresses

3  Displaying_Source_Code
   The following commands are used to control the display of source

   TYPE                   Displays lines of source code
   EXAMINE/SOURCE         Displays the source code at the location
                          specified by the address expression
   SEARCH                 Searches the source code for the specified
   (SET,SHOW) SEARCH      (Establishes, displays) the default
                          qualifiers for the SEARCH command
   SET STEP [NO]SOURCE    Enables/disables the display of source
                          code after a STEP command has been
                          executed or at a breakpoint, tracepoint,
                          or watchpoint
   (SET,SHOW) MARGINS     (Establishes, displays) the left and right
                          margin settings for displaying source code
   (SET,SHOW,CANCEL)      (Creates, displays, cancels) a source
   SOURCE                 directory search list

3  Screen_Mode
   The following commands are used to control screen mode and screen

   SET MODE [NO]SCREEN    Enables/disables screen mode
   DISPLAY                Creates or modifies a display
   SCROLL                 Scrolls a display
   EXPAND                 Expands or contracts a display
   MOVE                   Moves a display across the screen
   (SHOW,CANCEL) DISPLAY  (Identifies, deletes) a display
   (SET,SHOW,CANCEL)      (Creates, identifies, deletes) a window
   WINDOW                 definition
   SELECT                 Selects a display for a display attribute
   SHOW SELECT            Identifies the displays selected for each
                          of the display attributes
   SAVE                   Saves the current contents of a display
                          into another display
   EXTRACT                Saves a display or the current screen
                          state into a file
   (SET,SHOW) TERMINAL    (Establishes, displays) the terminal
                          screen height and width that the debugger
                          uses when it formats displays and other
   SET MODE [NO]SCROLL    Controls whether an output display is
                          updated line by line or once per command
   Ctrl/W                 Refreshes the screen

3  Editing_Source_Code
   The following commands are used to control source editing from a
   debugging session:

   EDIT                   Starts an editor during a debugging
   (SET,SHOW) EDITOR      (Establishes, identifies) the editor
                          started by the EDIT command

3  Defining_Symbols
   The following commands are used to define and delete symbols for
   addresses, commands, or values:

   DEFINE                 Defines a symbol as an address, command,
                          or value
   DELETE                 Deletes symbol definitions
   (SET,SHOW) DEFINE      (Establishes, displays) the default
                          qualifier for the DEFINE command
   SHOW SYMBOL/DEFINED    Identifies symbols that have been defined
                          with the DEFINE command

3  Keypad_Mode
   The following commands are used to control keypad mode and key

   SET MODE [NO]KEYPAD    Enables/disables keypad mode
   DEFINE/KEY             Creates key definitions
   DELETE/KEY             Deletes key definitions
   SET KEY                Establishes the key definition state
   SHOW KEY               Displays key definitions

3  Command_Files__Log_Files__Initialization_Files_
   The following commands are used with command procedures and log

   @ (Execute Procedure)  Executes a command procedure
   (SET,SHOW) ATSIGN      (Establishes, displays) the default file
                          specification that the debugger uses to
                          search for command procedures
   DECLARE                Defines parameters to be passed to command
   (SET,SHOW) LOG         (Specifies, identifies) the debugger log
   SET OUTPUT [NO]LOG     Controls whether a debugging session is
   SET OUTPUT             Controls whether, in screen mode, the
   [NO]SCREEN_LOG         screen contents are logged as the screen
                          is updated
   SET OUTPUT [NO]VERIFY  Controls whether debugger commands are
                          displayed as a command procedure is
   SHOW OUTPUT            Identifies the current output options
                          established by the SET OUTPUT command

3  Control_Structures
   The following commands are used to establish conditional and
   looping structures for debugger commands:

   FOR                    Executes a list of commands while
                          incrementing a variable
   IF                     Executes a list of commands conditionally
   REPEAT                 Executes a list of commands a specified
                          number of times
   WHILE                  Executes a list of commands while a
                          condition is true
   EXITLOOP               Exits an enclosing WHILE, REPEAT, or FOR

3  Multiprocess_Programs
   The following commands are used to debug multiprocess programs.
   Note that these commands are specific to multiprocess programs.
   Many of the commands listed under other categories have
   qualifiers or parameters that are specific to multiprocess
   programs (for example, SET BREAK/ACTIVATING, EXIT process-spec,

   CONNECT                Brings a process under debugger control
   DISCONNECT             Release a process from debugger control
   DEFINE/PROCESS_SET     Assigns a symbolic name to a list of
                          process specifications
   SET MODE               Controls whether execution is interrupted
   [NO]INTERRUPT          in other processes when it is paused in
                          some process
   SET MODE [NO]WAIT      Controls whether the debugger waits for
                          all processes to stop executing before it
                          prompts for another command
   (SET,SHOW) PROCESS     Modifies the multiprocess debugging
                          environment, displays process information
   WAIT                   Controls whether the debugger waits
                          until all processes have stopped before
                          prompting for another command.

3  Additional_Commands
   The following commands are used for miscellaneous purposes:

   HELP                   Displays online help on debugger commands
                          and selected topics
   (DISABLE,ENABLE,SHOW)  (Disables, enables) the delivery of
   AST                    ASTs in the program, identifies whether
                          delivery is enabled or disabled
   (SET,SHOW) EVENT_      (Establishes, identifies) the current run-
   FACILITY               time facility for Ada, POSIX Threads, and
                          SCAN events
   (SET,SHOW) LANGUAGE    (Establishes, identifies) the current
   SET MODE [NO]SEPARATE  Controls whether the debugger, when used
                          on a workstation running VWS, creates a
                          separate window for debugger input and
   SET OUTPUT             Controls whether debugger output, except
   [NO]TERMINAL           for diagnostic messages, is displayed or
   SET PROMPT             Specifies the debugger prompt
   (SET,SHOW) TASK        Modifies the tasking environment, displays
                          task information
   (SET,SHOW) VECTOR_     Enables or disables a debugger vector mode
   MODE                   option, identifies the current vector mode
                          option (for vectorized programs).
   SHOW EXIT_HANDLERS     Identifies the exit handlers declared in
                          the program
   SHOW MODE              Identifies the current debugger modes
                          established by the SET MODE command (for
                          example, screen mode, step mode)
   SHOW OUTPUT            Identifies the current output options
                          established by the SET OUTPUT command
   SYNCHRONIZE VECTOR_    Forces immediate synchronization between
   MODE                   the scalar and vector processors (for
                          vectorized programs)

2  Process_Relationships
   The debugger consists of two parts: A main debugger image
   (DEBUGSHR.EXE) that contains most of the debugger code and
   a smaller kernel debugger image (DEBUG.EXE). This separation
   reduces potential interference between the debugger and the
   program being debugged and also makes it possible to have a
   multiprocess debugging configuration.

   When you start the debugger, a process is created to run the
   main debugger. Regardless of the configuration (default or
   multiprocess), the presence of a main debugger running in some
   process establishes a unique debugging session.

   When you bring a program under debugger control, the main
   debugger spawns a subprocess to run the program along with the
   kernel debugger.

   In the multiprocess configuration, the program being debugged
   runs in several processes. Each process that is running one or
   more images under debugger control is also running a local copy
   of the kernel debugger. The main debugger, running in its own
   process, communicates with the other processes through their
   kernel debuggers.

   Although all processes of a multiprocess configuration must be in
   the same job, they do not have to be related in a particular
   process/subprocess hierarchy. Moreover, the program images
   running in separate processes do not have to communicate with
   each other.

2  Compaq_DECwindows_Interface
   The debugger has a Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS user
   interface for workstations. When using this interface, you
   interact with the debugger by using a mouse and pointer to choose
   items from menus, click on buttons, select names in windows,
   and so on. The default DECwindows interface provides the basic
   debugging and convenience features that you will need most of the

   You can customize the Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS user
   interface with many of the special features of the command
   interface by modifying the control-panel buttons and their
   associated commands or by adding new buttons. You can customize
   other Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS user interface
   features by modifying the debugger resource file (DECW$USER_

   Occasionally, you may find you prefer to disable the Compaq
   DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS user interface, in order to use
   the somewhat faster command-line interface. If you redefine
   the DBG$DECW$DISPLAY logical name, as follows, you can use
   the debugger command-line interface while retaining a windows
   interface for your application:


   For complete information about the Compaq DECwindows Motif for
   OpenVMS user interface, see the OpenVMS Debugger Manual.

3  Invocation
   To invoke the debugger's Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS user
   interface from the DCL command line, issue the following command:

   $    DEBUG/KEEP

3  Online_Help
   To access online help within the Compaq DECwindows Motif for
   OpenVMS user interface, choose one of the following items from
   the Help menu on the debugger's main window:

   o  On Context: context-sensitive help.

   o  On Window: task-oriented help.

   o  On Help: how to use online help.

   o  On Version: copyright and version information.

   o  On Commands: debugger command help.

   o  On Commands, Messages item: diagnostic message help.

3  DBG$DECW$DISPLAY_Logical_Name
   Specifies the debugger interface (Compaq DECwindows Motif for
   OpenVMS or command) or the display device (if you are displaying
   the interface on a workstation).

   By default, DBG$DECW$DISPLAY is either undefined or has the same
   definition as the application-wide logical name DECW$DISPLAY (see
   help on Logical_Names).

   The Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS user interface is the
   default on workstations. To display the command interface instead
   of the Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS user interface, enter
   the following definition before starting the debugger:


   For complete information about the Compaq DECwindows Motif for
   OpenVMS user interface, see the debugger's Compaq DECwindows
   Motif for OpenVMS documentation.

2  Commands_Disabled_in_DECwindows
   The following commands are disabled in the debugger's Compaq
   DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS user interface. Many of them are
   relevant only to the command interface's screen mode.

   ATTACH             SELECT
   HELP               (SET,SHOW) WINDOW
   MOVE               (SHOW,CANCEL) DISPLAY
   SAVE               SHOW SELECT
   SCROLL             SPAWN

   The debugger issues an error message if you try to enter any
   of these disabled commands at the command prompt or when the
   debugger executes a command procedure containing any of these

   The MONITOR command works only with the Compaq DECwindows Motif
   for OpenVMS user interface (because the command uses the Monitor

2  Keypad_Definitions_CI
   This help topic describes the keypad definitions in the
   debugger's command interface. For information on keypad
   definitions in the graphical user interface (GUI), type HELP

   On Digital VT-series terminals and MicroVAX workstations, you
   can use the numeric keypad to enter debugger commands provided
   you are in "keypad mode." Keypad mode is enabled by default, but
   can be disabled and enabled by the SET MODE [NO]KEYPAD commands.
   In keypad mode, keypad keys are bound to commonly used debugger
   commands such as STEP, GO and EXAMINE. Most keys are bound to
   screen mode commands, to help you manipulate the predefined
   screen displays efficiently. Some keys are "terminated": the
   corresponding command is executed immediately. Others are
   not: you can enter additional parameters to the command before
   terminating it with a carriage return or the Enter key. Also,
   some keys echo on the terminal while others do not, depending
   on the key. You can define your own keypad definitions with the
   DEFINE/KEY command.

   Keypad definitions when   +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   you do not use the GOLD   |        |  Help  |  Set   |        |
   or BLUE key.              |  GOLD  | Keypad |  Mode  |  BLUE  |
                             |        | Default| Screen |        |
   For more information      +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   see help on:              | Src LH1|        |        |  Disp  |
                             |Inst RH1| Scroll |  Disp  |  next  |
     KEYPAD BLUE             | Out S45|   Up   |  next  | S12345 |
     KEYPAD GOLD             +--------+--------+--------+--------+
     KEYPAD STATE_KEYS       |  Exam  |        |        |        |
                             | Scroll | Source | Scroll |   Go   |
   Ctrl/W does a             |  Left  | .0\%PC | Right  |        |
   DISPLAY/REFRESH           +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   in screen mode.           |        |        | Select |        |
                             |  Exam  | Scroll | Scroll |   E    |
                             |        |  Down  |  next  |   N    |
                             +--------+--------+--------+   T    |
                             |                 |        |   E    |
                             |      Step       | Reset  |   R    |
                             |                 |        |        |

   Keypad definitions when   +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   you press the GOLD key.   |        |  Help  |Set Mode|        |
                             |  GOLD  | Keypad |   No   |  BLUE  |
   Reset cancels the         |        |  Gold  | Screen |        |
   GOLD key.                 +--------+--------+--------+--------+
                             |Inst LH1|        |  Set   |        |
   For more information,     | Reg RH1| Scroll | Process|        |
   see help on:              | Out S45|  Top   |  next  |        |
     KEYPAD BLUE             | Scroll |        | Scroll | Select |
     KEYPAD DEFAULT          |  Left  |  Show  | Right  | Source |
     KEYPAD STATE_KEYS       |  255   |  Calls |  255   |  next  |
   Ctrl/W does a             |  Exam  |        | Select |        |
   DISPLAY/REFRESH           |  prev  | Scroll | Output |   E    |
   in screen mode.           |        | Bottom |  next  |   N    |
                             +--------+--------+--------+   T    |
                             |                 |        |   E    |
                             |    Step/Into    | Reset  |   R    |
                             |                 |        |        |

   Keypad definitions when   +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   you press the BLUE key.   |        |  Help  |        |        |
                             |  GOLD  | Keypad |  Disp  |  BLUE  |
   "..." means you must      |        |  Blue  |  Gener |        |
   type more input after     +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   pressing the key.         |2 SRC Qn| Scroll | 2 SRC  |  Disp  |
                             | 2 INST |   Up   |   at   | Src H1 |
   Reset cancels the         | at RQn |  ...   | Q1,Q2  | Out S45|
   BLUE key.                 +--------+--------+--------+--------+
                             | Scroll |  Show  | Scroll | Select |
   For more information,     |  Left  |  Calls | Right  |  Inst  |
   see help on:              |  ...   |   3    |  ...   |  next  |
     KEYPAD DEFAULT          |3 SRC Sn| Scroll | 3 SRC  |        |
     KEYPAD GOLD             | 3 INST |  Down  |   at   |   E    |
     KEYPAD STATE_KEYS       | at RSn |  ...   |S1,S2,S3|   N    |
                             +--------+--------+--------+   T    |
   Ctrl/W does a             |                 |        |   E    |
   DISPLAY/REFRESH           |    Step/Over    | Reset  |   R    |
   in screen mode.           |                 |        |        |

   Keypad definitions in     +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   the MOVE state when you   |        |  Help  |  Set   |        |
   do not use GOLD or BLUE.  |  GOLD  | Keypad |  Mode  |  BLUE  |
                             |        |  Move  | Screen |        |
   For more information,     +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   see help on:              | Src LH1|        |        |  Disp  |
                             |Inst RH1|  Move  |  Disp  |  next  |
      KEYPAD BLUE            | Out S45|   Up   |  next  | S12345 |
      KEYPAD GOLD            +--------+--------+--------+--------+
      KEYPAD STATE_KEYS      |        |  Exam  |        |        |
                             |  Move  | Source |  Move  |   Go   |
   Ctrl/W does a             |  Left  | .0\%PC |  Right |        |
   DISPLAY/REFRESH           +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   in screen mode.           |        |        | Select |        |
                             |  Exam  |  Move  | Scroll |   E    |
                             |        |  Down  |  next  |   N    |
                             +--------+--------+--------+   T    |
                             |                 |        |   E    |
                             |      Step       | Reset  |   R    |
                             |                 |        |        |

   Keypad definitions in     +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   the EXPAND state when     |        |  Help  |  Set   |        |
   you do not use the GOLD   |  GOLD  | Keypad |  Mode  |  BLUE  |
   or BLUE key.              |        | Expand | Screen |        |
   For more information,     | Src LH1|        |        |  Disp  |
   see help on:              |Inst RH1| Expand |  Disp  |  next  |
                             | Out S45|   Up   |  next  | S12345 |
      KEYPAD BLUE            +--------+--------+--------+--------+
      KEYPAD GOLD            |        |  Exam  |        |        |
      KEYPAD STATE_KEYS      | Expand | Source | Expand |   Go   |
                             |  Left  | .0\%PC | Right  |        |
   Ctrl/W does a             +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   DISPLAY/REFRESH           |        |        | Select |        |
   in screen mode.           |  Exam  | Expand | Scroll |   E    |
                             |        |  Down  |  next  |   N    |
                             +--------+--------+--------+   T    |
                             |                 |        |   E    |
                             |      Step       | Reset  |   R    |
                             |                 |        |        |

   Keypad definitions in     +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   the CONTRACT state when   |        |  Help  |  Set   |        |
   you do not use the GOLD   |  GOLD  | Keypad |  Mode  |  BLUE  |
   or BLUE key.              |        |Contract| Screen |        |
   For more information,     | Src LH1| Expand |        |  Disp  |
   see help on:              |Inst RH1|   Up=  |  Disp  |  next  |
                             | Out S45|   -1   |  next  | S12345 |
      KEYPAD BLUE            +--------+--------+--------+--------+
      KEYPAD GOLD            | Expand |  Exam  | Expand |        |
      KEYPAD STATE_KEYS      |  Left= | Source | Right= |   Go   |
                             |   -1   | .0\%PC |   -1   |        |
   Ctrl/W does a             +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   DISPLAY/REFRESH           |        | Expand | Select |        |
   in screen mode.           |  Exam  |  Down= | Scroll |   E    |
                             |        |   -1   |  next  |   N    |
                             +--------+--------+--------+   T    |
                             |                 |        |   E    |
                             |      Step       | Reset  |   R    |
                             |                 |        |        |

   Keypad definitions in     +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   the MOVE state when       |        |  Help  |Set Mode|        |
   you press the GOLD key.   |  GOLD  | Keypad |   No   |  BLUE  |
                             |        |MoveGold| Screen |        |
   For more information,     +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   see help on:              |Inst LH1|  Move  |  Set   |        |
                             | Reg RH1|   Up=  | Process|        |
      KEYPAD BLUE            | Out S45|   999  |  next  |        |
      KEYPAD DEFAULT         +--------+--------+--------+--------+
      KEYPAD STATE_KEYS      |  Move  |        |  Move  | Select |
                             |  Left= |  Show  | Right= | Source |
   Ctrl/W does a             |   999  |  Calls |   999  |  next  |
   DISPLAY/REFRESH           +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   in screen mode.           |  Exam  |  Move  | Select |        |
                             |  prev  |  Down= | Output |   E    |
                             |        |   999  |  next  |   N    |
                             +--------+--------+--------+   T    |
                             |                 |        |   E    |
                             |    Step/Into    | Reset  |   R    |
                             |                 |        |        |

   Keypad definitions in     +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   the EXPAND state when     |        |  Help  |Set Mode|        |
   you press the GOLD key.   |  GOLD  | Keypad |   No   |  BLUE  |
                             |        |ExpaGold| Screen |        |
   For more information,     +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   see help on:              |Inst LH1| Expand |  Set   |        |
                             | Reg RH1|   Up=  | Process|        |
      KEYPAD BLUE            | Out S45|   999  |  next  |        |
      KEYPAD DEFAULT         +--------+--------+--------+--------+
      KEYPAD STATE_KEYS      | Expand |        | Expand | Select |
                             |  Left= |  Show  | Right= | Source |
   Ctrl/W does a             |   999  |  Calls |   999  |  next  |
   DISPLAY/REFRESH           +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   in screen mode.           |  Exam  | Expand | Select |        |
                             |  prev  |  Down= | Output |   E    |
                             |        |   999  |  next  |   N    |
                             +--------+--------+--------+   T    |
                             |                 |        |   E    |
                             |    Step/Into    | Reset  |   R    |
                             |                 |        |        |

   Keypad definitions in     +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   the CONTRACT state when   |        |  Help  |Set Mode|        |
   you press the GOLD key.   |  GOLD  | Keypad |   No   |  BLUE  |
                             |        |CntrGold| Screen |        |
   For more information,     +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   see help on:              |Inst LH1| Expand |  Set   |        |
                             | Reg RH1|   Up=  | Process|        |
      KEYPAD BLUE            | Out S45|  -999  |  next  |        |
      KEYPAD DEFAULT         +--------+--------+--------+--------+
      KEYPAD STATE_KEYS      | Expand |        | Expand | Select |
                             |  Left= |  Show  | Right= | Source |
   Ctrl/W does a             |  -999  |  Calls |  -999  |  next  |
   DISPLAY/REFRESH           +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   in screen mode.           |  Exam  | Expand | Select |        |
                             |  prev  |  Down= | Output |   E    |
                             |        |  -999  |  next  |   N    |
                             +--------+--------+--------+   T    |
                             |                 |        |   E    |
                             |    Step/Into    | Reset  |   R    |
                             |                 |        |        |

   Keypad definitions in     +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   the MOVE state when       |        |  Help  |        |        |
   you press the BLUE key.   |  GOLD  | Keypad |  Disp  |  BLUE  |
                             |        |MoveBlue|  Gener |        |
   For more information      +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   see help on:              |2 SRC Qn|        | 2 SRC  |  Disp  |
                             | 2 INST |  Move  |   at   | Src H1 |
      KEYPAD DEFAULT         | at RQn |  Up=5  | Q1,Q2  | Out S45|
      KEYPAD GOLD            +--------+--------+--------+--------+
      KEYPAD STATE_KEYS      |        |  Show  |        | Select |
                             |  Move  |  Calls |  Move  |  Inst  |
   Ctrl/W does a             | Left=10|   3    |Right=10|  next  |
   DISPLAY/REFRESH           +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   in screen mode.           |3 SRC Sn|        | 3 SRC  |        |
                             | 3 INST |  Move  |   at   |   E    |
                             | at RSn | Down=5 |S1,S2,S3|   N    |
                             +--------+--------+--------+   T    |
                             |                 |        |   E    |
                             |    Step/Over    | Reset  |   R    |
                             |                 |        |        |

   Keypad definitions in     +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   the EXPAND state when     |        |  Help  |        |        |
   you press the BLUE key.   |  GOLD  | Keypad |  Disp  |  BLUE  |
                             |        |ExpaBlue|  Gener |        |
   For more information      +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   see help on:              |2 SRC Qn|        | 2 SRC  |  Disp  |
                             | 2 INST | Expand |   at   | Src H1 |
      KEYPAD DEFAULT         | at RQn |  Up=5  | Q1,Q2  | Out S45|
      KEYPAD GOLD            +--------+--------+--------+--------+
      KEYPAD STATE_KEYS      |        |  Show  |        | Select |
                             | Expand |  Calls | Expand |  Inst  |
   Ctrl/W does a             | Left=10|   3    |Right=10|  next  |
   DISPLAY/REFRESH           +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   in screen mode.           |3 SRC Sn|        | 3 SRC  |        |
                             | 3 INST | Expand |   at   |   E    |
                             | at RSn | Down=5 |S1,S2,S3|   N    |
                             +--------+--------+--------+   T    |
                             |                 |        |   E    |
                             |    Step/Over    | Reset  |   R    |
                             |                 |        |        |

   Keypad definitions in     +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   the CONTRACT state when   |        |  Help  |        |        |
   you press the BLUE key.   |  GOLD  | Keypad |  Disp  |  BLUE  |
                             |        |CntrBlue|  Gener |        |
   For more information,     +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   see help on:              |2 SRC Qn| Expand | 2 SRC  |  Disp  |
                             | 2 INST |   Up=  |   at   | Src H1 |
      KEYPAD DEFAULT         | at RQn |   -5   | Q1,Q2  | Out S45|
      KEYPAD GOLD            +--------+--------+--------+--------+
      KEYPAD STATE_KEYS      | Expand |  Show  | Expand | Select |
                             |  Left= |  Calls | Right= |  Inst  |
   Ctrl/W does a             |  -10   |   3    |  -10   |  next  |
   DISPLAY/REFRESH           +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   in screen mode.           |3 SRC Sn| Expand | 3 SRC  |        |
                             | 3 INST |  Down= |   at   |   E    |
                             | at RSn |   -5   |S1,S2,S3|   N    |
                             +--------+--------+--------+   T    |
                             |                 |        |   E    |
                             |    Step/Over    | Reset  |   R    |
                             |                 |        |        |

3  State_Keys
   You can use the four scrolling keys (KP8, KP2, KP4, and KP6)
   to expand, contract, and move displays, depending on the keypad
   state in effect. Thus, the keys do a SCROLL/UP, /DOWN, /LEFT, or
   /RIGHT, or a corresponding MOVE. You can press the GOLD key to
   make the operation to advance more than one line or column. The
   commands apply to the current scrolling display. Pressing KP3
   selects the current scrolling display from the display circular

   Four keys on the LK201 keyboard let you set the keypad state to
   DEFAULT, MOVE, EXPAND, or CONTRACT. The keypad state changes the
   definitions of KP8, KP2, KP4, and KP6. The meaning of all other
   keys remains unchanged.

   If you do not have an LK201 keyboard with the F17-F20 keys on it,
   you can get the same effect by typing the corresponding command:

                                 F17      F18      F19      F20
   SET KEY/STATE=DEFAULT  or  +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   SET KEY/STATE=MOVE         |        |        |        |        |
   SET KEY/STATE=CONTRACT     |        |        |        |        |

   For example, in the MOVE state (key F18), pressing KP2 moves the
   default scrolling display down by one character position, and
   pressing GOLD-KP2 moves the display down by a larger increment.
   The keypad remains in the MOVE state until you select another
   state, such as the DEFAULT state (key F17).

3  Summary
   Summary of debugger       +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   keypad definitions.       |        |        |        |        |
                             |  GOLD  |  Help  | Screen |  BLUE  |
   For more information,     |        |        |  Mode  |        |
   see help on:              +--------+--------+--------+--------+
                             | Select |        |        |  Disp  |
     KEYPAD BLUE             | Screen |   Up   |  Disp  |  next  |
     KEYPAD DEFAULT          | Layout |        |  next  |  at FS |
     KEYPAD GOLD             +--------+--------+--------+--------+
     KEYPAD STATE_KEYS       |        |        |        |        |
                             |  Left  | Where  | Right  |   Go   |
   Ctrl/W does a             |        | am I?  |        |        |
   DISPLAY/REFRESH           +--------+--------+--------+--------+
   in screen mode.           |        |        |        |        |
                             |  Exam  |  Down  | Select |   E    |
                             |        |        |  next  |   N    |
                             +--------+--------+--------+   T    |
                             |                 |        |   E    |
                             |      Step       | Reset  |   R    |
                             |                 |        |        |

2  Keypad_Definitions_GUI
   This section describes the keypad definitions in the debugger's
   graphical user interface. For information on the keypad
   definitions in the command interface, type HELP Keypad_

   On workstations running the debugger's GUI, you can use the
   numeric keypad to enter predefined debugger commands, as follows:

   Key                Predefined Command

   KP0                Step/Line
   KP1                Examine
   KPcomma            Go
   GOLD-KP0           Step/Into
   BLUE-KP0           Step/Over
   GOLD-KP1           Examine^
   KP5                Show Calls
   GOLD-KP5           Show Calls 3

   To issue one of these commands, press the key indicated, followed
   by the Enter key on the keypad.

   You can change the commands represented by each key, or map
   commands to other keys on your keyboard, by customizing the
   EnterCmdOnCmdLine entry in the debugger resource file. For more
   information, see the OpenVMS Debugger Manual. If you are mapping
   to other keys, you also need to consult the key designations
   listed in the KeySym Encoding chapter of the X and Motif Quick
   Reference Guide.

   Users of the debugger's command interface keypad definitions
   should note that you do not need to be in keypad mode to use
   keypad definitions in the GUI.

2  Language_Support
   On VAX processors, you can use the debugger with programs written
   in the following Compaq languages:

   Ada        BASIC     BLISS      C
   C++        COBOL     DIBOL      Fortran
   MACRO-32   Pascal    PL-I       RPG II

   On Alpha processors, you can use the debugger with programs
   written in the following Compaq languages:

   Ada        BASIC     BLISS      C
   C++        COBOL     Fortran    MACRO-32
   MACRO-64   Pascal    PL/I

3  Overview
   The debugger recognizes the syntax, data typing, and scoping
   rules of each language. It also recognizes each language's
   operators and expression syntax. Therefore, when using debugger
   commands you can specify variables and other program entities as
   you might in the source code of the program. You can also compute
   the value of a source-language expression using the syntax of
   that language.

   This appendix describes debugging techniques that are common to
   most of the supported languages. The help topics provide further
   information specific to each language:

   o  Supported operators in language expressions

   o  Supported constructs in language expressions and address

   o  Supported data types

   o  Any other language-specific information, including
      restrictions in debugger support, if any

   For more information about language-specific debugger support,
   refer to the documentation furnished with a particular language.

   If your program is written in more than one language, you can
   change the debugging context from one language to another during
   a debugging session. Use the SET LANGUAGE command with the
   keyword corresponding to your language choice.

   On VAX processors, you can specify one of the following keywords:

   ADA        BASIC     BLISS      C
   C++        COBOL     DIBOL      FORTRAN
   MACRO      PASCAL    PLI        RPG

   On Alpha processors, you can specify one of the following

   ADA        AMACRO    BASIC      BLISS
   C          C++       COBOL      FORTRAN

   When you are debugging a program written in an unsupported
   language, enter the SET LANGUAGE UNKNOWN command. To maximize
   the usability of the debugger with unsupported languages, this
   setting causes the debugger to accept a large set of data formats
   and operators, including some that might be specific to only a
   few supported languages. For information about the operators
   and constructs that are recognized when the language is set to
   UNKNOWN, type Help Language_UNKNOWN.

3  Ada
   The following subtopics describe debugger support for Ada.
   For information specific to Ada tasking programs, see also the
   debugger manual.

4  Ada_Names_and_Symbols
   The following subtopics describe debugger support for Ada names
   and symbols, including predefined attributes.

   Note that parts of names may be language expressions-for example,
   attributes such as 'FIRST or 'POS. This affects how you use the
   EXAMINE, EVALUATE, and DEPOSIT commands with such names. For
   examples of enumeration types, type Help Specifying_Attributes_

5  Ada_Names
   Supported Ada names follow:

   Kind of Name    Debugger Support

   Lexical         Full support for Ada rules for the syntax of
   elements        identifiers.

                   Function designators that are operator symbols
                   (for example, + and *) rather than identifiers
                   must be prefixed with %NAME. Also, the operator
                   symbol must be enclosed in quotation marks.

                   Full support for Ada rules for numeric literals,
                   character literals, string literals, and reserved

                   The debugger accepts signed integer literals in
                   the range -2147483648 to 2147483647.

                   Depending on context and architecture, the
                   debugger interprets floating-point types as F_
                   floating, D_floating, G_floating, H_floating, S_
                   floating, or T_floating.
   Indexed         Full support.
   Slices          You can examine and evaluate an entire slice or
                   an indexed component of a slice.

                   You can deposit only to an indexed component of a
                   slice. You cannot deposit an entire slice.
   Selected        Full support, including use of the keyword all in
   components      .all.
   Literals        Full support, including the keyword null.
   Boolean         Full support (TRUE, FALSE).
   Aggregates      You can examine the entire record and array
                   objects with the EXAMINE command. You can deposit
                   a value in a component of an array or record. You
                   cannot use the DEPOSIT command with aggregates,
                   except to deposit character string values.

5  Predefined_Attributes
   Supported Ada predefined attributes follow. Note that the
   debugger SHOW SYMBOL/TYPE command provides the same information
   that is provided by the P'FIRST, P'LAST, P'LENGTH, P'SIZE, and
   P'CONSTRAINED attributes.

   Attribute    Debugger Support

   P'CONSTRAINEDFor a prefix P that denotes a record object
                with discriminants. The value of P'CONSTRAINED
                reflects the current state of P (constrained or
   P'FIRST      For a prefix P that denotes an enumeration type or
                a subtype of an enumeration type. Yields the lower
                bound of P.
   P'FIRST      For a prefix P that is appropriate for an array
                type, or that denotes a constrained array subtype.
                Yields the lower bound of the first index range.
   P'FIRST(N)   For a prefix P that is appropriate for an array
                type, or that denotes a constrained array subtype.
                Yields the lower bound of the Nth index range.
   P'LAST       For a prefix P that denotes an enumeration type, or
                a subtype of an enumeration type. Yields the upper
                bound of P.
   P'LAST       For a prefix P that is appropriate for an array
                type, or that denotes a constrained array subtype.
                Yields the upper bound of the first index range.
   P'LAST(N)    For a prefix P that is appropriate for an array
                type, or that denotes a constrained array subtype.
                Yields the upper bound of the Nth index range.
   P'LENGTH     For a prefix P that is appropriate for an array
                type, or that denotes a constrained array subtype.
                Yields the number of values of the first index range
                (zero for a null range).
   P'LENGTH(N)  For a prefix P that is appropriate for an array
                type, or that denotes a constrained array subtype.
                Yields the number of values of the Nth index range
                (zero for a null range).
   P'POS(X)     For a prefix P that denotes an enumeration type or a
                subtype of an enumeration type. Yields the position
                number of the value X. The first position is 0.
   P'PRED(X)    For a prefix P that denotes an enumeration type or
                a subtype of an enumeration type. Yields the value
                of type P which has a position number one less than
                that of X.
   P'SIZE       For a prefix P that denotes an object. Yields the
                number of bits allocated to hold the object.
   P'SUCC(X)    For a prefix P that denotes an enumeration type or
                a subtype of an enumeration type. Yields the value
                of type P which has a position number one more than
                that of X.
   P'VAL(N)     For a prefix P that denotes an enumeration type or
                a subtype of an enumeration type. Yields the value
                of type P which has the position number N. The first
                position is 0.

6  Specifying_Attributes_with_Enumeration_Types
   Consider the following declarations:

   type DAY is
   MY_DAY : DAY;

   The following examples show the use of attributes with
   enumeration types. Note that you cannot use the EXAMINE command
   to determine the value of attributes, because attributes are not
   variable names. You must use the EVALUATE command instead. For
   the same reason, attributes can appear only on the right of the
   := operator in a DEPOSIT command.

   %DEBUG-W-ILLENUMVAL, enumeration value out of legal range

6  Resolving_Overloaded_Enumeration_Literals
   Consider the following declarations:

   type MASK is (DEC,FIX,EXP);
   type CODE is (FIX,CLA,DEC);

   In the following example, the qualified expression CODE'(FIX)
   resolves the overloaded enumeration literal FIX, which belongs to
   both type CODE and type MASK:

   %DEBUG-W-NOUNIQUE, symbol 'FIX' is not unique
       enumeration type (CODE, 3 elements), size: 1 byte
       enumeration type (MASK, 3 elements), size: 1 byte

4  Operators_and_Expressions
   The following sections describe debugger support for Ada
   operators and language expressions.

5  Operators_in_Language_Expressions
   Supported Ada operators in language expressions include:

   Kind    Symbol  Function

   Prefix  +       Unary plus (identity)
   Infix   +       Addition
   Infix   *       Multiplication
   Infix   /       Division
   Infix   MOD     Modulus
   Infix   REM     Remainder
   Infix   **      Exponentiation (VAX specific)
   Prefix  ABS     Absolute value
   Infix   &       Concatenation (only string types)
   Infix   =       Equality (only scalar and string types)
   Infix   /=      Inequality (only scalar and string types)
   Infix   >       Greater than (only scalar and string types)
   Infix   >=      Greater than or equal (only scalar and string
   Infix   <       Less than (only scalar and string types)
   Infix   <=      Less than or equal (only scalar and string types)
   Prefix  NOT     Logical NOT
   Infix   AND     Logical AND (not for bit arrays)
   Infix   OR      Logical OR (not for bit arrays)
   Infix   XOR     Logical exclusive OR (not for bit arrays)

   The debugger does not support the following items:

   o  Operations on entire arrays or records

   o  The short-circuit control forms: and then, or else

   o  The membership tests: in, not in

   o  User-defined operators

5  Language_Expressions
   Supported Ada expressions include:

   Kind of
   Expression     Debugger Support

   Type           No support for any of the explicit type
   conversions    conversions specified in Ada. However, the
                  debugger performs certain implicit type
                  conversions between numeric types during the
                  evaluation of expressions.

                  The debugger converts lower-precision types
                  to higher-precision types before evaluating
                  expressions involving types of different

                  o  If integer and floating-point types are mixed,
                     the integer type is converted to floating-point

                  o  If integer and fixed-point types are mixed, the
                     integer type is converted to fixed-point type.

                  o  If integer types of different sizes are mixed
                     (for example, byte-integer and word-integer),
                     the one with the smaller size is converted to
                     the larger size.

   Subtypes       Full support. Note that the debugger denotes
                  subtypes and types that have range constraints
                  as "subrange" types.
   Qualified      Supported as required to resolve overloaded
   expressions    enumeration literals (literals that have the same
                  identifier but belong to different enumeration
                  types). The debugger does not support qualified
                  expressions for any other purpose.
   Allocators     No support for any operations with allocators.
   Universal      No support.

4  Data_Types
   Supported Ada data types follow:

   Ada Data Type               Operating System Data Type Name

   INTEGER                     Longword Integer (L)
   SHORT_INTEGER               Word Integer (W)
   SHORT_SHORT_INTEGER         Byte Integer (B)
   SYSTEM.UNSIGNED_QUADWORD    Quadword Unsigned (QU)
   SYSTEM.UNSIGNED_LONGWORD    Longword Unsigned (LU)
   SYSTEM.UNSIGNED_WORD        Word Unsigned (WU)
   SYSTEM.UNSIGNED_BYTE        Byte Unsigned (BU)
   FLOAT                       F_Floating (F)
   SYSTEM.F_FLOAT              F_Floating (F)
   SYSTEM.D_FLOAT              D_Floating (D)
   LONG_FLOAT                  D_Floating (D), if pragma LONG_FLOAT
                               (D_FLOAT) is in effect.
                               G_Floating (G), if pragma LONG_FLOAT
                               (G_FLOAT) is in effect.
   SYSTEM.G_FLOAT              G_Floating (G)
   SYSTEM.H_FLOAT              H_Floating (H)
   (VAX specific)
   LONG_LONG_FLOAT             H_Floating (H)
   (VAX specific)
   IEEE_SINGLE_FLOAT           S_Floating (FS)
   (Alpha specific)
   IEEE_DOUBLE_FLOAT           T_Floating (FT)
   (Alpha specific)
   Fixed                       (None)
   STRING                      ASCII Text (T)
   BOOLEAN                     Aligned Bit String (V)
   BOOLEAN                     Unaligned Bit String (VU)
   Enumeration                 For any enumeration type whose value
                               fits into an unsigned byte or word:
                               Byte Unsigned (BU) or Word Unsigned
                               (WU), respectively. Otherwise: No
                               corresponding operating system data
   Arrays                      (None)
   Records                     (None)
   Access (pointers)           (None)
   Tasks                       (None)

4  Compiling_and_Linking
   The Ada predefined units in the ADA$PREDEFINED program library
   on your system have been compiled with the /NODEBUG qualifier.
   Before using the debugger to refer to names declared in the
   predefined units, you must first copy the predefined unit source
   files using the ACS EXTRACT SOURCE command. Then, you must
   compile the copies into the appropriate library with the /DEBUG
   qualifier, and relink the program with the /DEBUG qualifier.

   If you use the /NODEBUG qualifier with one of the Ada compilation
   commands, only global symbol records are included in the modules
   for debugging. Global symbols in this case are names that the
   program exports to modules in other languages by means of the Ada
   export pragmas:


   The /DEBUG qualifier on the ACS LINK command causes the linker to
   include all debugging information in the closure of the specified
   unit in the executable image.

4  Source_Display
   Source code may not be available for display for the following
   reasons that are specific to Ada programs:

   o  Execution is paused within Ada initialization or elaboration
      code, for which no source code is available.

   o  The copied source file is not in the program library where the
      unit was originally compiled.

   o  The external source file is not where it was when the unit was
      originally compiled.

   o  The source file has been modified since the executable image
      was generated, and the original copied source file or external
      source file no longer exists.

   The following paragraphs explain how to control the display of
   source code with Ada programs.

   If the compiler command's /COPY_SOURCE qualifier (the default)
   was in effect when you compiled your program, the debugger
   obtains the displayed Ada source code from the copied source
   files located in the program library where the program was
   originally compiled. If you compiled your program with the
   /NOCOPY_SOURCE qualifier, the debugger obtains the displayed
   Ada source code from the external source files associated with
   your program's compilation units.

   The file specifications of the copied or external source files
   are embedded in the associated object files. For example, if you
   have used the ACS COPY UNIT command to copy units, or the DCL
   command COPY or BACKUP to copy an entire library, the debugger
   still searches the original program library for copied source
   files. If, after copying, the original units have been modified
   or the original library has been deleted, the debugger may not
   find the original copied source files. Similarly, if you have
   moved the external source files to another disk or directory, the
   debugger may not find them.

   In such cases, use the SET SOURCE command to locate the correct
   files for source display. You can specify a search list of one
   or more program library or source code directories. For example
   (ADA$LIB is the logical name that the program library manager
   equates to the current program library):


   The SET SOURCE command does not affect the search list for the
   external source files that the debugger fetches when you use the
   debugger EDIT command. To tell the EDIT command where to look for
   your source files, use the SET SOURCE/EDIT command.

4  EDIT_Command
   With Ada programs, by default the debugger EDIT command fetches
   the external source file that was compiled to produce the
   compilation unit in which execution is currently paused. You
   do not edit the copied source file, in the program library, that
   the debugger uses for source display.

   The file specifications of the source files you edit are embedded
   in the associated object files during compilation (unless you
   specify /NODEBUG). If some source files have been relocated after
   compilation, the debugger may not find them.

   In such cases, you can use the debugger SET SOURCE/EDIT command
   to specify a search list of one or more directories where the
   debugger should look for source files. For example:


   The SET SOURCE/EDIT command does not affect the search list for
   copied source files that the debugger uses for source display.

   The SHOW SOURCE/EDIT command displays the source-file search list
   currently being used for the EDIT command. The CANCEL SOURCE/EDIT
   command cancels the source-file search list currently being used
   for the EDIT command and restores the default search mode.

4  GO_and_STEP_Commands
   Note the following points about using the GO and STEP commands
   with Ada programs:

   o  When starting a debugging session, use the GO command rather
      than the STEP command to avoid stepping through compiler-
      generated initialization code.

      -  Use the GO command to go directly to the preset breakpoint
         at the start of the main program, past the initialization
         and package elaboration code.

      -  Use the GO command and breakpoints to suspend execution at
         the start of the elaboration of library packages, before
         execution reaches the main program.

      For information on how to monitor the package elaboration
      phase, type Help Debugging_Ada_Library_Packages.

   o  If a line contains more than one statement, a STEP command
      executes all the statements on that line as part of a single

   o  Ada task entry calls are not the same as subprogram calls
      because task entry calls are queued and may not execute right
      away. If you use the STEP command to move execution into a
      task entry call, the results might not be what you expect.

4  Debugging_Ada_Library_Packages
   When an Ada main program (or a non-Ada main program that calls
   Ada code) is executed, initialization code is executed for the
   Ada run-time library and elaboration code for all library units
   that the program depends on. The elaboration code causes the
   library units to be elaborated in appropriate order before the
   main program is executed. Library specifications, bodies, and
   some of their subunits are also elaborated by this process.

   The elaboration of library packages accomplishes the following

   o  Causes package declarations to take effect

   o  Initializes any variables whose declaration includes
      initialization code

   o  Executes any sequence of statements that appear between the
      begin and end statements of package bodies

   When you bring an Ada program under debugger control, execution
   is paused initially before the initialization code is executed
   and before the elaboration of library units. For example:

   Language: ADA, Module: FORMS
   Type GO to reach main program

   At that point, before typing GO to get to the start of the main
   program, you can step through and examine parts of the library
   packages by setting breakpoints at the package specifications
   or bodies you are interested in. You then use the GO command
   to get to the start of each package. To set a breakpoint on a
   package body, specify the package unit name with the SET BREAK
   command. To set a breakpoint on a package specification, specify
   the package unit name followed by a trailing underscore character

   Even if you have set a breakpoint on a package body, the break
   will not occur if the debugger module for that body is not
   set. If the module is not set, the break will occur at the
   package specification. This effect occurs because the debugger
   automatically sets modules for the specifications of packages
   named in with clauses; it does not automatically set modules
   for the associated package bodies (see the Language_Support Ada
   subtopic Setting_Modules).

   Also, to set a breakpoint on a subprogram declared in a package
   specification, you must set the module for the package body.

   Note that the compiler generates unique names for subprograms
   declared in library packages that are or could be overloaded
   names. The debugger uses these unique names in its output, and
   requires them in commands where the names would otherwise be
   ambiguous. For more information on resolving overloaded names
   and symbols, see the Language_Support Ada subtopic Resolving_

4  Predefined_Breakpoints
   When you start the debugger with an Ada program (or a non-Ada
   program that calls Ada code), two breakpoints that are associated
   with Ada tasking exception events are automatically established.
   These breakpoints are established automatically during debugger
   initialization when the Ada run-time library is present.

   When you enter a SHOW BREAK command under these conditions, the
   following breakpoints are displayed:

   Predefined breakpoint on ADA event "EXCEPTION_TERMINATED"
       for any value
   Predefined breakpoint on ADA event "DEPENDENTS_EXCEPTION"
       for any value

4  Monitoring_Exceptions
   The debugger recognizes three kinds of exceptions in Ada

   o  A user-defined exception-an exception declared with the Ada
      reserved word exception in an Ada compilation unit

   o  An Ada predefined exception, such as PROGRAM_ERROR or

   o  Any other (non-Ada) exception or condition

   The following subtopics explain how to monitor such exceptions.

5  Monitoring_Any_Exception
   The SET BREAK/EXCEPTION command enables you to set a breakpoint
   on any exception or condition. This includes certain conditions
   that are signaled internally within the Ada run-time library.
   These conditions are an implementation mechanism; they do not
   represent program failures, and they cannot be handled by Ada
   exception handlers. If these conditions appear while you are
   debugging your program, you may want to consider specifying the
   kind of exceptions when setting breakpoints.

   The following example shows a tracepoint occurring for an Ada
   CONSTRAINT_ERROR exception as the result of a SET TRACE/EXCEPTION

   DBG> GO
         . . .
   -ADA-I-EXCRAIPRI, Exception raised prior to PC = 00000A7C
   trace on exception preceding
         . . .

   In the next example, the SHOW CALLS command displays a traceback
   of the calls leading to the subprogram where the exception
   occurred or to which the exception was raised:

   DBG> GO
          . . .
   %SYSTEM-F-INTDIV, arithmetic trap, integer divide
        by zero at PC=000008AF,
   PSL=03C000A2 break on exception preceding
        17:      return X/Y;
    module name     routine name       line    rel PC    abs PC
   *SYSTEM_OPS      DIVIDE               17   00000015  000008AF
   *PROCESSOR       PROCESSOR            19   000000AE  00000BAD
                    ADA$ELAB_PROCESSOR        00000009  00000809
                    LIB$INITIALIZE            00000054  00000C36
    SHARE$ADARTL                              00000000  000398BE
                    ADA$ELAB_PROCESSOR        0000001B  0000081B
                    LIB$INITIALIZE            0000002F  00000C21

   In this example, the condition SS$_INTDIV is raised at line
   17 of the subprogram DIVIDE in the package SYSTEM_OPS. The
   example shows an important effect: some conditions (such as SS$_
   INTDIV) are treated as being equivalent to some Ada predefined

   The matching of a condition and an Ada predefined exception is
   performed by the condition handler provided by Ada for any frame
   that includes an exception part. Therefore, when an exception
   breakpoint or tracepoint is triggered by a condition that has
   an equivalent Ada exception name, the message displays only the
   system condition code name, and not the name of the corresponding
   Ada exception.

5  Monitoring_Specific_Exceptions
   Whenever an exception is raised, the debugger sets the following
   built-in symbols. You can use them to qualify exception
   breakpoints or tracepoints so that they trigger only on certain

   %EXC_        A string that names the facility that issued the
   FACILITY     exception. The facility name for Ada predefined
                exceptions and user-defined exceptions is ADA.
   %EXC_NAME    An uppercase string that names the exception.
                If the exception raised is an Ada predefined
                exception, its name is truncated if it exceeds
                15 characters. For example, CONSTRAINT_ERROR is
                truncated to CONSTRAINT_ERRO. If the exception is
                a user-defined exception, %EXC_NAME contains the
                string "EXCEPTION", and the name of the user-defined
                exception is contained in %ADAEXC_NAME.
   %ADAEXC_     If the exception raised is user-defined, %ADAEXC_
   NAME         NAME contains a string that names the exception, and
                %EXC_NAME contains the string "EXCEPTION". If the
                exception is not user-defined, %ADAEXC_NAME contains
                a null string, and the name of the exception is
                contained in %EXC_NAME.
   %EXC_NUM     The number of the exception.
   %EXC_        A string that gives the exception severity level (F,
   SEVERITY     E, W, I, S, or ?).

5  Monitoring_Handled_Exceptions_and_Exception_Handlers
   The SET BREAK/EVENT and SET TRACE/EVENT commands let you set
   breakpoints and tracepoints on exceptions that are about to be
   handled by Ada exception handlers. These commands let you observe
   the execution of each Ada exception handler that gains control.

   You can specify two event names with these commands:

   HANDLED       Triggers when an exception is about to be handled
                 in an Ada exception handler (includes HANDLED_
                 OTHERS events).
   HANDLED_      Triggers only when an exception is about to be
   OTHERS        handled in an Ada exception handler choice others.

   For example, the following command sets a breakpoint that
   triggers whenever an exception is about to be handled by an Ada
   exception handler:


   When the breakpoint triggers, the debugger identifies the
   exception that is about to be handled and the exception handler
   that is about to be executed. You can then use that information
   to set a breakpoint on a particular handler, or you can enter the
   GO command, and see which Ada handler next attempts to handle the
   exception. For example:

   DBG> GO
         . . .
   break on Ada event HANDLED
     task %TASK 1 is about to handle an exception
     The Ada exception handler is at: PROCESSOR.%LINE 21
       -ADA-I-EXCRAIPRI, Exception raised prior to PC = 00000A7C

4  Examining_and_Manipulating_Data
   When examining and manipulating data, note the following

   o  Before you can examine or deposit into a nonstatic variable
      (any variable not declared in a library package), its defining
      subprogram, task, and so on, must be active on the call stack.

   o  Before you can examine, deposit, or evaluate an Ada subprogram
      formal parameter or an Ada variable, the parameter or variable
      must be elaborated. In other words, you should step or
      otherwise move execution past the parameter or variable's
      declaration. The value contained in any variable or formal
      parameter whose declaration has not been elaborated might be

   In most cases, the debugger enables you to specify variables
   and expressions in debugger commands exactly as you would
   specify them in the source code of the program, including use
   of qualified expressions. The following subtopics discuss some
   additional points about debugger support for records and access

5  Records
   Note the following points about debugger support for records:

   o  With certain Ada record variables, the debugger fails to show
      the record components correctly (possibly with a NOACCESSR
      error message) when the type declaration is in a different
      scope than the record (symbol) declaration.

   o  With variant records, the debugger lets you examine or assign
      a value to a component of a variant part that is not active.
      But because this is an illegal action in Ada, the debugger
      also issues an informational message. For example, assume
      that record REC1 has a variant field named STATUS and that the
      value of STATUS is such that REC1.COMP3 is inactive:

      %DEBUG-I-BADDISCVAL, incorrect value of 1 in discriminant
          field STATUS
      MAIN.REC1.COMP3:    438

5  Access_Types
   Note the following points about debugger support for access

   o  The debugger does not support allocators, so you cannot create
      new access objects with the debugger.

   o  When you specify the name of an access object with the EXAMINE
      command, the debugger displays the memory location of the
      object it designates.

   o  To examine the value of a designated object, you must use
      selected component notation, specifying .ALL. For example, to
      examine the value of a record access object designated by A:

          NAME(1..10):        "John Doe  "
          AGE :       6
          NEXT:       1462808

   o  To examine one component of a designated object, you can omit
      .ALL from the selected component syntax. For example:

      EXAMPLE.A.ALL.NAME(1..10):     "John Doe  "

   The following example shows the debugger support for incomplete
   types. Consider the following declarations:

   package P is
      type T is private;
      type T_TYPE;
      type T is access T_TYPE;
   end P;

   package body P is
      type T_TYPE is
           A: NATURAL := 5;
           B: NATURAL := 4;
         end record;

      T_REC: T_TYPE;
      T_PTR: T := new T_TYPE'(T_REC);
   end P;

   with P; use P;
   procedure INCOMPLETE is
      VAR: T;
       . . .

   The debugger does not have complete information about the type T,
   so you cannot manipulate the variable VAR. However, the debugger
   does have information about objects declared in the package body
   P. Thus, you can manipulate the variables T_PTR and T_REC.

4  Module_Names_and_Path_Names
   The names of Ada debugger modules are the same as the names
   of the corresponding compilation units, with the following
   provision. To eliminate ambiguity, an underscore character (_)
   is appended to a specification name to distinguish it from its
   body name. For example, TEST (body), TEST_ (specification). To
   determine the exact names of the modules in your program, use the
   SHOW MODULE command.

   In most cases when you specify a path name, the debugger can
   distinguish body names and specification names from the context.
   Therefore, use this naming convention only if needed to resolve
   an ambiguity.

   When the debugger language is set to Ada, the debugger generally
   constructs pathnames that follow the Ada rules, using selected
   component notation to separate path name elements (with other
   languages, a backslash is used to separate elements). For

   TEST_.A1        ! A1 is declared in the package
                    ! specification of unit TEST
   TEST.B1         ! B1 is declared in the package
                    ! body of unit TEST

   The maximum length that you can specify for a subunit path name
   (expanded name) is 247 characters.

   When a use clause makes a symbol declared in a package directly
   visible outside the package, you do not need to specify an
   expanded name (package-name.symbol) to refer to the symbol,
   either in the program itself or in debugger commands.

   The SHOW SYMBOL/USE_CLAUSE command identifies any package
   (library or otherwise) that a specified block, subprogram, or
   package mentions in a use clause. If the entity specified is a
   package (library or otherwise), the command also identifies any
   block, subprogram, package, and so on, that names the specified
   module in a use clause. For example:

   package spec B_
       used by:  F
       uses:     A_

   If a label has been assigned to a loop statement or declare block
   in the source code, the debugger displays the label; otherwise,
   the debugger displays LOOP$n for a loop statement or BLOCK$n
   for a declare block, where n is the line number at which the
   statement or block begins.

4  Symbol_Lookup_Conventions
   For Ada programs, when you do not specify a path name (including
   an Ada expanded name), the debugger searches the run-time symbol
   table as follows.

   1. The debugger looks for the symbol within the block or routine
      surrounding the current PC value (where execution is currently

   2. If the symbol is not found, the debugger then searches any
      package that is mentioned in a use clause. The debugger does
      not distinguish between a library package and a package whose
      declaration is in the same module as the current scope region.
      If the same symbol is declared in two or more packages that
      are visible, the symbol is not unique (according to Ada
      rules), and the debugger issues a message similar to the

      %DEBUG-E-NOUNIQUE, symbol 'X' is not unique

   3. If the symbol is still not found, the debugger searches the
      call stack and other scopes, as for other languages.

4  Setting_Modules
   When you or the debugger sets an Ada module, by default the
   debugger also sets any "related" module (that is, any module
   whose symbols should be visible within the module being set).
   Such modules are related to the one being set through either a
   with-clause or a subunit relationship.

   Related module setting takes place as follows. If M1 is the
   module that is being set, then the following modules are
   considered related and are also set:

   o  If M1 is a library body, the debugger also sets the associated
      library specification, if any.

   o  If M1 is a subunit, the debugger also sets its parent unit
      and, therefore, any parent of the parent.

   o  If M1 mentions a library package P1 in a with clause, the
      debugger also sets P1's specification. Neither the body of
      P1 nor any possible subunits of P1 are set, because symbols
      declared within them should not be visible outside.

      If P1's specification mentions a package P2 in a with clause,
      the debugger also sets P2's specification. Likewise, if
      P2's specification mentions a package P3 in a with clause,
      the debugger also sets P3's specification, and so on. The
      specifications of all such library packages are set so
      that you can access data components (for example, record
      components) that may have been declared in other packages.

   o  If M1 mentions a library subprogram in a with clause, the
      debugger does not set the subprogram. Only the subprogram
      name needs to be visible in M1 (no declaration within a
      library subprogram should be visible outside the subprogram).
      Therefore, the debugger inserts the name of the library
      subprogram into the RST when M1 is set.

   If debugger performance becomes a problem as more modules are
   set, use the SET MODE NODYNAMIC command, which disables related
   module setting as well as dynamic module setting. You must then
   set individual modules explicitly with the SET MODULE command.

   By default, the SET MODULE command sets related modules
   simultaneously with the module specified in the command.

   The SET MODULE/NORELATED command sets only the modules you
   specify explicitly. However, if you use SET MODULE/NORELATED, you
   may find that a symbol that is declared in another unit and that
   should be visible at the point of execution is no longer visible
   or that a symbol which should be hidden by a redeclaration of
   that same symbol is now visible.

   The CANCEL MODULE/NORELATED command deletes from the RST only
   the modules you specify explicitly. This command, which is the
   default, deletes related modules in a manner consistent with
   the intent of Ada's scope and visibility rules. The exact effect
   depends on module relationships.

   The distinction between related and directly related for subunits
   is analogous to that for library packages.

5  Setting_Modules_for_Package_Bodies
   Modules for package bodies are not automatically set by the

   You may need to set the modules for library package bodies
   yourself so that you can debug the package body or debug
   subprograms declared in the corresponding package specification.

4  Resolving_Overloaded_Names_and_Symbols
   When you encounter overloaded names and symbols, the debugger
   issues a message like the following:

   %DEBUG-E-NOTUNQOVR, symbol 'ADD' is overloaded
        use SHOW SYMBOL to find the unique symbol names

   If the overloaded symbol is an enumeration literal, you can use
   qualified expressions to resolve the overloadings.

   If the overloaded symbol represents a subprogram or task accept
   statement, you can use the unique name generated by the compiler
   for the debugger. The compiler always generates unique names for
   subprograms declared in library package specifications, because
   the names might later be overloaded in the package body. Unique
   names are generated for task accept statements and subprograms
   declared in other places only if the task accept statements or
   subprograms are actually overloaded.

   Overloaded task accept statement names and subprogram names are
   distinguished by a suffix consisting of two underscores followed
   by an integer that uniquely identifies the given symbol. You must
   use the unique naming notation in debugger commands to uniquely
   specify a subprogram whose name is overloaded. However, if there
   is no ambiguity, you do not need to use the unique name, even
   though one was generated.

4  CALL_Command
   With Ada programs, you can use the CALL command reliably only
   with a subprogram that has been exported. An exported subprogram
   must be a library subprogram or must be declared in the outermost
   declarative part of a library package.

   The CALL command does not check whether or not the subprogram can
   be exported, nor does it check the parameter-passing mechanisms
   that you specify. Note that you cannot use the CALL command to
   modify the value of a parameter.

   A CALL command may result in a deadlock if it is entered when the
   Ada run-time library is executing. The run-time library routines
   acquire and release internal locks that allow the routines to
   operate in a tasking environment. Deadlock can result if a
   subprogram called from the CALL command requires a resource
   that has been locked by an executing run-time library routine.
   To avoid this situation in a nontasking program, enter the CALL
   command immediately before or after an Ada statement has been
   executed. However, this approach is not sufficient to assure
   that deadlock will not occur in a tasking program, as some other
   task may be executing a run-time library routine at the time of
   the call. If you must use the CALL command in a tasking program,
   you can avoid deadlock if the called subprogram does not do any
   tasking or input-output operations.

   The following subtopics describe debugger support for BASIC.

4  Operators_in_Language_Expressions
   Supported BASIC operators in language expressions include:

   Kind    Symbol  Function

   Prefix  +       Unary plus
   Infix   +       Addition, String concatenation
   Infix   *       Multiplication
   Infix   /       Division
   Infix   **      Exponentiation
   Infix   ^       Exponentiation
   Infix   =       Equal to
   Infix   <>      Not equal to
   Infix   ><      Not equal to
   Infix   >       Greater than
   Infix   >=      Greater than or equal to
   Infix   =>      Greater than or equal to
   Infix   <       Less than
   Infix   <=      Less than or equal to
   Infix   =<      Less than or equal to
   Prefix  NOT     Bit-wise NOT
   Infix   AND     Bit-wise AND
   Infix   OR      Bit-wise OR
   Infix   XOR     Bit-wise exclusive OR
   Infix   IMP     Bit-wise implication
   Infix   EQV     Bit-wise equivalence

4  Constructs_in_Language_and_Address_Expressions
   Supported constructs in language and address expressions for
   BASIC follow:

   Symbol Construct

   ( )    Subscripting
   ::     Record component selection

4  Data_Types
   Supported BASIC data types follow:

   BASIC Data Type             Operating System Data Type Name

   BYTE                        Byte Integer (B)
   WORD                        Word Integer (W)
   LONG                        Longword Integer (L)
   SINGLE                      F_Floating (F)
   DOUBLE                      D_Floating (D)
   GFLOAT                      G_Floating (G)
   HFLOAT (VAX specific)       H_Floating (H)
   DECIMAL                     Packed Decimal (P)
   STRING                      ASCII Text (T)
   RFA                         (None)
   RECORD                      (None)
   Arrays                      (None)

4  Compiling_for_Debugging
   If you make changes to a program in the BASIC environment and
   attempt to compile the program with the /DEBUG qualifier without
   first saving or replacing the program, BASIC signals the error
   "Unsaved changes, no source line debugging available." To avoid
   this problem, save or replace the program, and then recompile the
   program with the /DEBUG qualifier.

4  Constants
   BASIC constants of the form [radix]"numeric-string"[type] (such
   as "12.34"GFLOAT) or the form n% (such as 25% for integer 25) are
   not supported in debugger expressions.

4  Evaluating_Expressions
   Expressions that overflow in the BASIC language do not
   necessarily overflow when evaluated by the debugger. The debugger
   tries to compute a numerically correct result, even when the
   BASIC rules call for overflows. This difference is particularly
   likely to affect DECIMAL computations.

4  Line_Numbers
   The sequential line numbers that you refer to in a debugging
   session and that are displayed in a source code display are
   those generated by the compiler. When a BASIC program includes
   or appends code from another file, the included lines of code are
   also numbered in sequence by the compiler.

4  Stepping_into_Routines
   The STEP/INTO command is useful for examining external functions.
   However, if you use this command to stop execution at an internal
   subroutine or a DEF, the debugger initially steps into run-time
   library (RTL) routines, providing you with no useful information.
   In the following example, execution is paused at line 8, at a
   call to Print_routine:

        . . .
   ->  8  GOSUB Print_routine
       9  STOP
        . . .
      20  Print_routine:
      21    IF Competition = Done
      22      THEN PRINT "The winning ticket is #";Winning_ticket
      23      ELSE PRINT "The game goes on."
      24    END IF
      25  RETURN

   A STEP/INTO command would cause the debugger to step into the
   relevant RTL code and would inform you that no source lines
   are available for display. On the other hand, a STEP command
   alone would cause the debugger to proceed directly to source
   line 9, past the call to Print_routine. To examine the source
   code of subroutines or DEF functions, set a breakpoint on the
   routine label (for example, enter the SET BREAK PRINT_ROUTINE
   command). You can then suspend execution exactly at the start
   of the routine (line 20, in this example) and then step directly
   into the code.

4  Symbolic_References
   All variable and label names within a single BASIC program must
   be unique. Otherwise the debugger cannot resolve the symbol

4  Watchpoints
   In BASIC, you can set a watchpoint only on variables that are
   declared in COMMON or MAP statements (static variables). You
   cannot set watchpoints on variables explicitly declared with the
   DECLARE statement.

   The following subtopics describe debugger support for BLISS.

4  Operators_in_Language_Expressions
   Supported BLISS operators in language expressions include:

   Kind    Symbol  Function

   Prefix  .       Indirection
   Prefix  +       Unary plus
   Infix   +       Addition
   Infix   *       Multiplication
   Infix   /       Division
   Infix   MOD     Remainder
   Infix   ^       Left shift
   Infix   EQL     Equal to
   Infix   EQLU    Equal to
   Infix   EQLA    Equal to
   Infix   NEQ     Not equal to
   Infix   NEQU    Not equal to
   Infix   NEQA    Not equal to
   Infix   GTR     Greater than
   Infix   GTRU    Greater than unsigned
   Infix   GTRA    Greater than unsigned
   Infix   GEQ     Greater than or equal to
   Infix   GEQU    Greater than or equal to unsigned
   Infix   GEQA    Greater than or equal to unsigned
   Infix   LSS     Less than
   Infix   LSSU    Less than unsigned
   Infix   LSSA    Less than unsigned
   Infix   LEQ     Less than or equal to
   Infix   LEQU    Less than or equal to unsigned
   Infix   LEQA    Less than or equal to unsigned
   Prefix  NOT     Bit-wise NOT
   Infix   AND     Bit-wise AND
   Infix   OR      Bit-wise OR
   Infix   XOR     Bit-wise exclusive OR
   Infix   EQV     Bit-wise equivalence

4  Constructs_in_Language_and_Address_Expressions
   Supported constructs in language and address expressions for
   BLISS follow:

   Symbol    Construct

   [ ]       Subscripting
   [fldname] Field selection
   <p,s,e>   Bit field selection

4  Data_Types
   Supported BLISS data types follow:

   BLISS Data Type             Operating System Data Type Name

   BYTE                        Byte Integer (B)
   WORD                        Word Integer (W)
   LONG                        Longword Integer (L)
   QUAD (Alpha specific)       Quadword (Q)
   BYTE UNSIGNED               Byte Unsigned (BU)
   WORD UNSIGNED               Word Unsigned (WU)
   LONG UNSIGNED               Longword Unsigned (LU)
   QUAD UNSIGNED (Alpha        Quadword Unsigned (QU)
   VECTOR                      (None)
   BITVECTOR                   (None)
   BLOCK                       (None)
   BLOCKVECTOR                 (None)
   REF VECTOR                  (None)
   REF BITVECTOR               (None)
   REF BLOCK                   (None)
   REF BLOCKVECTOR             (None)

3  CC
   The following subtopics describe debugger support for C.

4  Operators_in_Language_Expressions
   Supported C operators in language expressions include:

   Kind    Symbol  Function

   Prefix  *       Indirection
   Prefix  &       Address of
   Prefix  sizeof  size of
   Infix   +       Addition
   Infix   *       Multiplication
   Infix   /       Division
   Infix   %       Remainder
   Infix   <<      Left shift
   Infix   >>      Right shift
   Infix   ==      Equal to
   Infix   !=      Not equal to
   Infix   >       Greater than
   Infix   >=      Greater than or equal to
   Infix   <       Less than
   Infix   <=      Less than or equal to
   Prefix  ~       Bit-wise NOT
   Infix   &       Bit-wise AND
   Infix   |       Bit-wise OR
   Infix   ^       Bit-wise exclusive OR
   Prefix  !       Logical NOT
   Infix   &&      Logical AND
   Infix   ||      Logical OR

   Because the exclamation point (!)  is an operator in C, it cannot
   be used as the comment delimiter. When the language is set to
   C, the debugger instead accepts /* as the comment delimiter. The
   comment continues to the end of the current line. (A matching */
   is neither needed nor recognized.) To permit debugger log files
   to be used as debugger input, the debugger still recognizes an
   exclamation point (!)  as a comment delimiter if it is the first
   nonspace character on a line.

   The debugger accepts the prefix asterisk (*)  as an indirection
   operator in both C language expressions and debugger address
   expressions. In address expressions, prefix "*" is synonymous to
   prefix "." or "@" when the language is set to C.

   The debugger does not support any of the assignment operators
   in C (or any other language) in order to prevent unintended
   modifications to the program being debugged. Hence such operators
   as =, +=, ++, and -- are not recognized. To alter the contents of
   a memory location, you must use an explicit DEPOSIT command.

4  Constructs_in_Language_and_Address_Expressions
   Supported constructs in language and address expressions for C

   Symbol     Construct

   [ ]        Subscripting
   .          Structure component selection
   ->         Pointer dereferencing

4  Data_Types
   Supported C data types follow:

   C Data Type                 Operating System Data Type Name

   __int64 (Alpha specific)    Quadword Integer (Q)
   unsigned __int64 (Alpha     Quadword Unsigned (QU)
   __int32 (Alpha specific)    Longword Integer (L)
   unsigned __int32 (Alpha     Longword Unsigned (LU)
   int                         Longword Integer (L)
   unsigned int                Longword Unsigned (LU)
   __int16 (Alpha specific)    Word Integer (W)
   unsigned __int16 (Alpha     Word Unsigned (WU)
   short int                   Word Integer (W)
   unsigned short int          Word Unsigned (WU)
   char                        Byte Integer (B)
   unsigned char               Byte Unsigned (BU)
   float                       F_Floating (F)
   __f_float (Alpha            F_Floating (F)
   double                      D_Floating (D)
   double                      G_Floating (G)
   __g_float (Alpha            G_Floating (G)
   float (Alpha specific)      IEEE S_Floating (FS)
   __s_float (Alpha            IEEE S_Floating (FS)
   double (Alpha specific)     IEEE T_Floating (FT)
   __t_float (Alpha            IEEE T_Floating (FT)
   enum                        (None)
   struct                      (None)
   union                       (None)
   Pointer Type                (None)
   Array Type                  (None)

   Floating-point numbers of type float may be represented by F_
   Floating or IEEE S_Floating, depending on compiler switches.

   Floating-point numbers of type double may be represented by IEEE
   T_Floating, D_Floating, or G_Floating, depending on compiler

4  Case_Sensitivity
   Symbol names are case sensitive for language C, meaning that
   uppercase and lowercase letters are treated as different

4  Static_and_Nonstatic_Variables
   Variables of the following storage classes are allocated
   statically: static, globaldef, globalref, and extern.

   Variables of the following storage classes are allocated
   nonstatically (on the stack or in registers): auto and register.
   Such variables can be accessed only when their defining routine
   is active (on the call stack).

4  Scalar_Variables
   You can specify scalar variables of any C type in debugger
   commands exactly as you would specify them in the source code
   of the program.

   The following paragraphs provide additional information about
   char variables and pointers.

   The char variables are interpreted by the debugger as byte
   integers, not ASCII characters. To display the contents of a char
   variable ch as a character, you must use the /ASCII qualifier:

   SCALARS\main\ch:      "A"

   You also must use the /ASCII qualifier when depositing into
   a char variable, to translate the byte integer into its ASCII
   equivalent. For example:

   DBG> DEPOSIT/ASCII ch = 'z'
   SCALARS\main\ch:        "z"

   The following example shows use of pointer syntax with the
   EXAMINE command. Assume the following declarations and

   static long li  = 790374270;
   static int *ptr = &li;

   DBG> EXAMINE *ptr
   *SCALARS\main\ptr:       790374270

4  Arrays
   The debugger handles C arrays as for most other languages. That
   is, you can examine an entire array aggregate, a slice of an
   array, or an individual array element, using array syntax (for
   example EXAMINE arr[3]). And you can deposit into only one array
   element at a time.

4  Character_Strings
   Character strings are implemented in C as null-terminated ASCII
   strings (ASCIZ strings). To examine and deposit data in an entire
   string, use the /ASCIZ (or /AZ) qualifier so that the debugger
   can interpret the end of the string properly. You can examine
   and deposit individual characters in the string using the C
   array subscripting operators ([ ]). When you examine and deposit
   individual characters, use the /ASCII qualifier.

   Assume the following declarations and assignments:

   static char *s = "vaxie";
   static char **t = &s;

   The EXAMINE/AZ command displays the contents of the character
   string pointed to by *s and **t:

   *STRING\main\s: "vaxie"
   **STRING\main\t:        "vaxie"

   The DEPOSIT/AZ command deposits a new ASCIZ string in the
   variable pointed to by *s. The EXAMINE/AZ command displays the
   new contents of the string:

   DBG> DEPOSIT/AZ  *s = "DEC C"
   DBG> EXAMINE/AZ  *s,  **t
   *STRING\main\s: "DEC C"
   **STRING\main\t:         "DEC C"

   You can use array subscripting to examine individual characters
   in the string and deposit new ASCII values at specific locations
   within the string. When accessing individual members of a string,
   use the /ASCII qualifier. A subsequent EXAMINE/AZ command shows
   the entire string containing the deposited value:

   [3]:    " "
   DBG> DEPOSIT/ASCII s[3] = "-"
   DBG> EXAMINE/AZ *s, **t
   *STRING\main\s:    "VAX-C"
   **STRING\main\t:   "VAX-C"

4  Structures_and_Unions
   You can examine structures in their entirety or on a member-by-
   member basis, and deposit data into structures one member at a

   To reference members of a structure or union, use the usual C
   syntax for such references. That is, if variable p is a pointer
   to a structure, you can reference member y of that structure with
   the expression p ->y. If variable x refers to the base of the
   storage allocated for a structure, you can refer to a member of
   that structure with the x.y expression.

   The debugger uses C type-checking rules to reference members of
   a structure or union. For example, in the case of x.y, y need
   not be a member of x; it is treated as an offset with a type.
   When such a reference is ambiguous-when there is more than one
   structure with a member y-the debugger attempts to resolve the
   reference according to the following rules. The same rules for
   resolving the ambiguity of a reference to a member of a structure
   or union apply to both x.y and p ->y.

   o  If only one of the members, y, belongs in the structure or
      union, x, that is the one that is referenced.

   o  If only one of the members, y, is in the same scope as x, then
      that is the one that is referenced.

   You can always give a path name with the reference to x to narrow
   the scope that is used and to resolve the ambiguity. The same
   path name is used to look up both x and y.

3  C++_V5.5_and_Later
   (Alpha only.)

   On Alpha systems, the OpenVMS debugger provides enhanced support
   for debugging C++ modules compiled with the Version 5.5 compiler
   or later (Alpha only).

   The debugger supports the following C++ features:

   o  C++ names and expressions, including:

      -  Explicit and implicit this pointer to refer to class

      -  Scope resolution operator (::)

      -  Member access operators: period (.) and right arrow (->)

      -  Template instantiations

   o  Setting breakpoints in:

      -  Member functions, including static and virtual functions

      -  Overloaded functions

      -  Constructors and destructors

      -  Template instantiations

      -  Operators

   o  Calling functions, including overloaded functions

   o  Debugging programs containing a mixture of C++ code and code
      in other languages

   The following subtopics describe debugger support for C++
   (Compiler Version 5.5 (Alpha only)).

4  Operators_in_Language_Expressions
   Supported C++ operators in language expressions follow:

   Kind    Symbol  Function

   Prefix  *       Indirection
   Prefix  &       Address of
   Prefix  sizeof  size of
   Prefix  -       Unary minus (negation)
   Infix   +       Addition
   Infix   -       Subtraction
   Infix   *       Multiplication
   Infix   /       Division
   Infix   %       Remainder
   Infix   <<      Left shift
   Infix   >>      Right shift
   Infix   ==      Equal to
   Infix   !=      Not equal to
   Infix   >       Greater than
   Infix   >=      Greater than or equal to
   Infix   <       Less than
   Infix   <=      Less than or equal to
   Prefix  ~       Bit-wise NOT
   Infix   &       Bit-wise AND
   Infix   |       Bit-wise OR
   Infix   ^       Bit-wise exclusive OR
   Prefix  !       Logical NOT
   Infix   &&      Logical AND
   Infix   ||      Logical OR

   Because the exclamation point (!)  is an operator, it cannot be
   used in C++ programs as a comment delimiter. However, to permit
   debugger log files to be used as debugger input, the debugger
   interprets ! as a comment delimiter when it is the first nonspace
   character on a line. In C++ language mode, the debugger also
   interprets /* or // as preceding a comment that continues to the
   end of the current line.

   The debugger accepts the asterisk (*)  prefix as an indirection
   operator in both C++ language expressions and debugger address
   expressions. In address expressions, the * prefix is synonymous
   with either the period (.) prefix or at sign (@) prefix when the
   debugger is in C++ language mode.

   To prevent unintended modifications to the program being
   debugged, the debugger does not support any of the assignment
   operators in C++ (or any other language). Thus, such operators
   as =, +=, -=, ++, and -- are not recognized in debugger commands.
   To alter the contents of a memory location, you must use the
   debugger DEPOSIT command.

4  Constructs_in_Language_and_Address_Expressions
   Supported constructs in language and address expressions for C++

   Symbol     Construct

   [ ]        Subscripting
   .          Structure component selection
   ->         Pointer dereferencing
   ::         Scope resolution

4  Data_Types
   Supported C++ data types follow:

   C++ Data Type               Operating System Data Type Name

   __int64 (Alpha)             Quadword Integer (Q)
   unsigned __int64 (Alpha)    Quadword Unsigned (QU)
   __int32 (Alpha)             Longword Integer (L)
   unsigned __int32 (Alpha)    Longword Unsigned (LU)
   int                         Longword Integer (L)
   unsigned int                Longword Unsigned (LU)
   __int16 (Alpha)             Word Integer (W)
   unsigned __int16 (Alpha)    Word Unsigned (WU)
   short int                   Word Integer (W)
   unsigned short int          Word Unsigned (WU)
   char                        Byte Integer (B)
   unsigned char               Byte Unsigned (BU)
   float                       F_Floating (F)
   __f_float (Alpha)           F_Floating (F)
   double                      D_Floating (D)
   double                      G_Floating (G)
   __g_float (Alpha)           G_Floating (G)
   float (Alpha)               IEEE S_Floating (FS)
   __s_float (Alpha)           IEEE S_Floating (FS)
   double (Alpha)              IEEE T_Floating (FT)
   __t_float (Alpha)           IEEE T_Floating (FT)
   enum                        (None)
   struct                      (None)
   class                       (None)
   union                       (None)
   Pointer Type                (None)
   Array Type                  (None)

   Floating-point numbers of type float may be represented by F_
   Floating or IEEE S_Floating, depending on compiler switches.

   Floating-point numbers of type double may be represented by IEEE
   T_Floating, D_Floating, or G_Floating, depending on compiler

4  Case_Sensitivity
   Symbol names are case sensitive in C++. This means that uppercase
   and lowercase letters are treated as different characters.

4  Displaying_Information_About_a_Class
   Use the command SHOW SYMBOL to display static information about
   a class declaration. Use the command EXAMINE to view dynamic
   information about class objects (see Displaying Information About
   an Object).

   The command SHOW SYMBOL/FULL displays the class type declaration,

      Data members (including static data members)
      Member functions (including static member functions)
      Constructors and destructors
      Base classes and derived classes

   For example:

   type C
       struct (C, 13 components), size: 40 bytes
   overloaded name C
          instance C::C(void)
          instance C::C(const C &)
   type C
       struct (C, 13 components), size: 40 bytes
         inherits: B1, size: 24 bytes, offset: 0 bytes
                   B2, size: 24 bytes, offset: 12 bytes
         contains the following members:
           overloaded name C::g
                  instance C::g(int)
                  instance C::g(long)
                  instance C::g(char)
           j : longword integer, size: 4 bytes, offset: 24 bytes
           s : longword integer, size: 4 bytes, address: #  [static]
           overloaded name C
           int ==(C &)
           C & =(const C &)
           void h(void)   [virtual]
           __vptr : typed pointer type, size: 4 bytes, offset: 4 bytes
           __bptr : typed pointer type, size: 4 bytes, offset: 8 bytes
           structure has been padded, size: 4 bytes, offset: 36 bytes
   overloaded name C
          instance C::C(void)
          instance C::C(const C &)

   Note that SHOW SYMBOL/FULL does not display members of base
   classes or derived classes. Use the commands SHOW SYMBOL/FULL
   base_class_name and SHOW SYMBOL/FULL derived_class_name to
   display information about members of those classes. For example:

   type B1
       struct (B1, 8 components), size: 24 bytes
         inherits: virtual A
         is inherited by: C
         contains the following members:
           i : longword integer, size: 4 bytes, offset: 0 bytes
           overloaded name B1
           void f(void)
           B1 & =(const B1 &)
           void h(void)   [virtual]
           __vptr : typed pointer type, size: 4 bytes, offset: 4 bytes
           __bptr : typed pointer type, size: 4 bytes, offset: 8 bytes
           structure has been padded, size: 12 bytes, offset: 12 bytes
   overloaded name B1
          instance B1::B1(void)
          instance B1::B1(const B1 &)

   Use the command SHOW SYMBOL/FULL class_member_name to display
   information about class members. For example:

   record component C::j
       address: offset 24 bytes from beginning of record
       atomic type, longword integer, size: 4 bytes
   record component A::j
       address: offset 4 bytes from beginning of record
       atomic type, longword integer, size: 4 bytes

   Use the SHOW SYMBOL/FULL command to display detailed information
   about an object.

   Note that SHOW SYMBOL does not currently support qualified names.
   For example, the following commands are not currently supported:

   SHOW SYMBOL    object_name.function_name

   SHOW SYMBOL    class_name::member_name

4  Displaying_Information_About_an_Object
   The debugger uses C++ symbol lookup rules to display information
   about objects. Use the command EXAMINE to display the current
   value of an object. For example:

   CXXDOCEXAMPLE\main\a: struct A
       i:  0
       j:  1
       __vptr:     131168

   You can also display individual object members using the member
   access operators, period (.) and right arrow (->), with the
   EXAMINE command. For example:

   CXXDOCEXAMPLE\main\ptr:         40
   DBG> EXAMINE *ptr
   *CXXDOCEXAMPLE\main\ptr: struct A
       i:  0
       j:  1
       __vptr:     131168
   CXXDOCEXAMPLE\main\a.i: 0
   DBG> EXAMINE ptr->i
   CXXDOCEXAMPLE\main\ptr->i:      0

   The debugger correctly interprets virtual inheritance. For

   CXXDOCEXAMPLE\main\c: struct C
       inherit B1
           inherit virtual A
               i:  8
               j:  9
               __vptr:     131200
           i:      10
           __vptr: 131232
           __bptr: 131104
       inherit B2
           inherit virtual A  (already printed, see above)
           i:      11
           __vptr: 131280
           __bptr: 131152
       j:  12
       __vptr:     131232
       __bptr:     131104

   Use the scope resolution operator (::) to reference global
   variables, to reference hidden members in base classes, to
   explicitly reference a member that is inherited, or otherwise
   to name a member hidden by the current context. For example:

   CXXDOCEXAMPLE\main\c.j: 12
   DBG> EXAMINE c.A::j
   CXXDOCEXAMPLE\main\c.A::j:      9
   CXXDOCEXAMPLE\main\x:   101
   CXXDOCEXAMPLE\x:        13

   To resolve ambiguous member references, the debugger lists the
   members that satisfy the reference and requests an unambiguous
   reference to the member. For example:

   %DEBUG-I-AMBIGUOUS, 'i' is ambiguous, matching the following
   %DEBUG-E-REENTER, reenter the command using a more precise pathname
   DBG> EXAMINE c.B1::i
   CXXDOCEXAMPLE\main\c.B1::i:     10

   Use the scope resolution operator (::) to refer to static data
   members. For example:

   CXXDOCEXAMPLE\main\c.s: 42
   C::s:   42

   Use the SHOW SYMBOL/FULL to display the class type of an object
   (see Displaying Information About a Class).

4  Setting_Watchpoints
   You can set watchpoints on objects. All nonstatic data members
   are watched (including those in base classes). Static data
   members are not watched when you set a watchpoint on the object.
   However, you can explicitly set watchpoints on static data
   members. For example:

   %DEBUG-I-WPTTRACE, non-static watchpoint, tracing every instruction
   DBG> GO
   watch of CXXDOCEXAMPLE\main\c.i at CXXDOCEXAMPLE\main\%LINE 50+8
       50:     c.B2::i++;
      old value: 11
      new value: 12
   break at CXXDOCEXAMPLE\main\%LINE 51
       51:     c.s++;
   DBG> GO
   watch of CXXDOCEXAMPLE\main\c.s at CXXDOCEXAMPLE\main\%LINE 51+16
       51:     c.s++;
      old value: 43
      new value: 44
   break at CXXDOCEXAMPLE\main\%LINE 53
       53:     b1.f();

4  Debugging_Functions
   The debugger uses C++ symbol lookup rules to display information
   on member functions. For example:

       14:     void f() {}
   DBG> GO
   break at routine B1::f
       14:     void f() {}

   The debugger correctly interprets references to the this pointer.
   For example:

   DBG> EXAMINE this
   B1::f::this:            16
   DBG> EXAMINE *this
   *B1::f::this: struct B1
       inherit virtual A
           i:      2
           j:      3
           __vptr: 131184
       i:  4
       __vptr:     131248
       __bptr:     131120
   DBG> EXAMINE this->i
   B1::f::this->i: 4
   DBG> EXAMINE this->j
   B1::f::this->A::j:      3
   B1::f::this->i: 4
   B1::f::this->A::j:      3

   The debugger correctly references virtual member functions. For

       53:     b1.f();
   DBG> SET BREAK this->h
   breakpoint at routine B1::f
   breakpoint at routine B1::h
   !! We are at the call to B1::f made at 'c.B1::f()'.
   !! Here this->h matches C::h.
   DBG> GO
   break at routine B1::f
       14:     void f() {}
       54:     c.B1::f();
   DBG> SET BREAK this->h
   breakpoint at routine B1::f
   breakpoint at routine B1::h
   breakpoint at routine C::h
   !! Handling overloaded functions
   %DEBUG-I-NOTUNQOVR, symbol 'g' is overloaded
   overloaded name C::g
          instance C::g(int)
          instance C::g(long)
          instance C::g(char)
   %DEBUG-E-REENTER, reenter the command using a more precise pathname
   DBG> SET BREAK g(int)


   If you try to set a break on an overloaded function, the debugger
   lists the instances of the function and requests that you specify
   the correct instance. For example, with Debugger Version 7.2:

   %DEBUG-I-NOTUNQOVR, symbol 'g' is overloaded
   overloaded name C::g
          instance void g(int)
          instance void g(long)
          instance void g(char *)
   %DEBUG-E-REENTER, reenter the command using a more precise pathname
   DBG> SET BREAK g(int)


      The means of displaying and specifying overloaded functions
      is different than in the OpenVMS Debugger Version 7.1C.

   The debugger provides support for debugging constructors,
   destructors, and operators. For example:

   %DEBUG-I-NOTUNQOVR, symbol 'C' is overloaded
   overloaded name C
          instance C::C(void)
          instance C::C(const C &)
   %DEBUG-E-REENTER, reenter the command using a more precise pathname
   routine C::~C
      type signature: ~C(void)
       code address: #, size: 152 bytes
       procedure descriptor address: #
   %DEBUG-W-UNALLOCATED, '==' is not allocated in memory (optimized away)
   %DEBUG-E-CMDFAILED, the SET BREAK command has failed
   routine C::==
       type signature: int ==(C &)
       address: unallocated
   breakpoint at routine C::~C

4  Limitations_on_Debugger_Support_for_C++
   The following limitations apply when you debug a C++ program:

   o  You cannot specify a template by name in a debugger command.
      You must use the name of the instantiation of the template.

   o  In C++, expressions in the instantiated template name can be
      full constant expressions, such as stack<double,f*10>. This
      form is not yet supported in the debugger; you must enter the
      value of the expression (for example, if f is 10 in the stack
      example, you must enter 100).

3  C++
   The following subtopics describe debugger support for C++
   programs compiled with C++ compiler versions prior to Version

4  The_%name_Lexical_Function
   Use of the %name lexical function is required with debugger
   commands to reference certain entities in Compaq C++, such as
   functions and data members. When used, this function is always
   placed between the command and the reference. Examples of correct
   usage are shown in the following sections for cases where its use
   is required.

4  Operators_in_Language_Expressions
   Supported C++ operators in language expressions include:

   Kind    Symbol  Function

   Prefix  *       Indirection
   Prefix  &       Address of
   Prefix  sizeof  size of
   Infix   +       Addition
   Infix   *       Multiplication
   Infix   /       Division
   Infix   %       Remainder
   Infix   <<      Left shift
   Infix   >>      Right shift
   Infix   ==      Equal to
   Infix   !=      Not equal to
   Infix   >       Greater than
   Infix   >=      Greater than or equal to
   Infix   <       Less than
   Infix   <=      Less than or equal to
   Prefix  ~       Bit-wise NOT
   Infix   &       Bit-wise AND
   Infix   |       Bit-wise OR
   Infix   ^       Bit-wise exclusive OR
   Prefix  !       Logical NOT
   Infix   &&      Logical AND
   Infix   ||      Logical OR

   Because the exclamation point (!)  is an operator, it cannot be
   used in C++ programs as a comment delimiter. However, to permit
   debugger log files to be used as debugger input, the debugger
   still recognizes an exclamation point as a comment delimiter if
   it is the first nonspace character on a line. In C++ language
   mode, the debugger accepts /* as the comment delimiter. The
   comment continues to the end of the current line. (A matching
   */ is neither needed nor recognized.)

   The debugger accepts the asterisk (*)  prefix as an indirection
   operator in both C++ language expressions and debugger address
   expressions. In address expressions, the * prefix is synonymous
   to the period (.) prefix or at sign @ prefix when the language is
   set to C++.

   To prevent unintended modifications to the program being
   debugged, the debugger does not support any of the assignment
   operators in C++ (or any other language). Thus, such operators
   as =, +=, ++, and -- are not recognized. To alter the contents
   of a memory location, you must do so with an explicit deposit

4  Constructs_in_Language_and_Address_Expressions
   Supported constructs in language and address expressions for C++

   Symbol     Construct

   [ ]        Subscripting
   .          Structure component selection
   ->         Pointer dereferencing

4  Data_Types
   Supported C++ data types follow:

   C++ Data Type               Operating System Data Type Name

   __int64 (Alpha specific)    Quadword Integer (Q)
   unsigned __int64 (Alpha     Quadword Unsigned (QU)
   __int32 (Alpha specific)    Longword Integer (L)
   unsigned __int32 (Alpha     Longword Unsigned (LU)
   int                         Longword Integer (L)
   unsigned int                Longword Unsigned (LU)
   __int16 (Alpha specific)    Word Integer (W)
   unsigned __int16 (Alpha     Word Unsigned (WU)
   short int                   Word Integer (W)
   unsigned short int          Word Unsigned (WU)
   char                        Byte Integer (B)
   unsigned char               Byte Unsigned (BU)
   float                       F_Floating (F)
   __f_float (Alpha            F_Floating (F)
   double                      D_Floating (D)
   double                      G_Floating (G)
   __g_float (Alpha            G_Floating (G)
   float (Alpha specific)      IEEE S_Floating (FS)
   __s_float (Alpha            IEEE S_Floating (FS)
   double (Alpha specific)     IEEE T_Floating (FT)
   __t_float (Alpha            IEEE T_Floating (FT)
   enum                        (None)
   struct                      (None)
   union                       (None)
   Pointer Type                (None)
   Array Type                  (None)

   Floating-point numbers of type float may be represented by F_
   Floating or IEEE S_Floating, depending on compiler switches.

   Floating-point numbers of type double may be represented by IEEE
   T_Floating, D_Floating, or G_Floating, depending on compiler

4  Case_Sensitivity
   Symbol names are case sensitive for C++, meaning that uppercase
   and lowercase letters are treated as different characters.

4  Qualified_Class_Names
   Discussions in some of the following sections use the term
   qualified class names to describe how to compose the names of
   class members when using the debugger. If a class is not defined
   within another class, the qualified class name is merely the name
   of the class itself. However, if a class is nested within another
   class, the name of the immediately containing class must precede
   it, separated with a pair of colons (::). If the containing class
   is itself nested, its name must be prefixed, and so on.

   The following are examples of properly qualified class names:

   DBG> set break %name 'C::f'             ! f is a member of class C
   DBG> set break %name 'FOO::BAR::BAZ::g' ! g is a member of BAZ,
                                           ! which is nested in BAR,
                                           ! which is nested in FOO

4  Using_the_Debugger_with_C++_Data
   This section describes how to use the debugger with C++ data.

5  Nonstatic_Data_Members
   This section describes how to refer to data members that are not
   declared static.

6  Noninherited_Data_Members
   To refer to a nonstatic data member that is defined directly in a
   C++ class (or a struct or union), use its name just as with a C
   language struct or union member. The following example shows the
   correct use of a nonstatic data member reference:

   DBG> examine x.m, p->m

6  Inherited_Data_Members
   Currently, debugger support distinguishes nonstatic data members
   inherited from various base classes by prefixing their names with
   a sequence of significant base class names on the inheritance
   path to the member, and then the class that the member is
   declared in. A base class on a path from an object to a member
   is significant if the base class in question is derived from
   using multiple inheritances. Thus, a base class is significant
   if it is mentioned in a base list containing more than one base

   This notation generates the minimum number of base class prefixes
   necessary to describe the inheritance path to a base class,
   because it involves naming only those base classes where one
   must choose where to proceed next when traversing the path. When
   no multiple inheritance is involved, the reference is of the
   following form:


   To refer to nonstatic data members inherited from base classes
   of an object, quote the sequence of significant qualified base
   class names and the member name (separated by double colons)
   with %name. Specify the sequence of significant base classes, in
   the order from the object's most derived significant class, to
   the significant base class closest to the object. For example,
   consider the inheritance graph for the following declarations:

   struct A { int a_member; };
   struct B : A { int b_member; };
   struct C { int c_member; };
   struct D : B, C { int d_member; };
   struct E : D { int e_member; };
   struct F { int f_member; };
   struct G : F { int g_member; };
   struct H : E, G { int h_member; };
   struct I : H { int i_member; };
   struct J : I { int j_member; };

   static J j_object;

   Because classes B, C, E and G are mentioned in base lists, which
   involve multiple inheritance, they are the significant classes
   that appear as prefixes. The following examples are references to
   all the members through debugger deposit commands. Note that
   the class of the inherited member itself appears before the
   member name, regardless of whether or not the member belongs
   to a significant class.

6  Inherited_Virtual_Data_Members
   In the debugger, symbolic access to data members of virtual base
   classes is currently not supported. The one exception to this is
   that the pointer member named __bptr is present in such objects.

5  Static_Data_Members
   To refer to a static data member, quote its qualified class name,
   two colons (::), and then the member name, with %name.

   The following examples show the correct use of static data member

   DBG> examine %name 'C::s'
   DBG> examine %name 'FOO::BAR::BAZ::sdm'

5  Reference_Objects_and_Reference_Members
   To access the values of objects declared with a reference, use
   the name of the object.

   The debugger treats data members declared with a reference type
   as though they were pointer variables; thus, you must use the *
   or -> dereference operators on their names. For example, consider
   the following code:

   class C {
       int &ref_mem;
       C(int &arg) : ref_mem(arg) {}

       auto int obj = 5;
       auto int &ref_obj = obj;
       auto C c(obj);
       obj = 23;

The following sequence shows the correct way to use the debugger to
examine the members:

   stepped on return from routine REF\main
     to REF\main\%LINE 13+16
       13: }
   DBG> examine obj, ref_obj
   REF\main\obj:   23
   REF\main\ref_obj:       23
   DBG> examine c
       ref_mem:    2144211292
   DBG> symbolize c.ref_mem
   address 7FCE1154:
   DBG> examine *c.ref_mem
   *REF\main\c.ref_mem:    23

5  Pointers_to_Members
   Objects that are pointers to members are represented as 64-bit

5  Referencing_Entities_by_Type
   To examine and display the value of an object or member by type,
   use the command EXAMINE/TYPE. Similarly, you can modify the value
   of an expression to be deposited to a type you specify by using
   the DEPOSIT/TYPE command. With the /TYPE qualifier, the syntax
   for these commands is as follows:


   The type denoted by name must be the name of a variable or data
   type declared in the program. The /type qualifier is particularly
   useful for referencing C++ objects that have been declared with
   more than one type.

4  Using_the_Debugger_with_C++_Functions
   This section describes how to reference the various kinds of
   functions and function arguments.

5  Referring_to_Overloaded_Functions
   To find the symbolic names of functions in your code, use the
   SHOW SYMBOL command. If the function is overloaded, use the
   asterisk wildcard character (*) in the name specification to
   display the overloaded symbol names.

   For example, consider the following code:

   class base
       base( int );


       int base_f1();

       void base_f2();
       void base_f2( int );
       void base_f2( char );

   The following sequence shows how to display overloaded symbols
   and determine the appropriate function reference:

   DBG> set break %name 'base::base_f2'
   %DEBUG-E-NOTUNQOVR, symbol 'base::base_f2' is overloaded
           use SHOW SYMBOL to find the unique symbol names
   DBG> show symbol *base_f2
   overloaded symbol CXX_T10_179\base::base_f2
     overloaded instance CXX_T10_179\base::base_f2__1
     overloaded instance CXX_T10_179\base::base_f2__2
     overloaded instance CXX_T10_179\base::base_f2__3
   DBG> set break %name 'base::base_f2__2'
   DBG> step
   stepped to CXX_T10_179\main\%LINE 20
       20:     x.base_f2();
   DBG> step
   stepped to CXX_T10_179\main\%LINE 21
       21:     x.base_f2(5);
   DBG> step
   break at routine CXX_T10_179\base::base_f2__2
       12:     void base_f2( int ) {}
   DBG> step
   stepped to CXX_T10_179\main\%LINE 22
       22:     x.base_f2('W');
   stepped to CXX_T10_179\main\%LINE 22
   DBG> go
   'Normal successful completion'
   DBG> ^Z

5  Referring_to_Static_and_Nonstatic_Member_Functions
   To refer to a member function, quote, with %name, its qualified
   class name, two colons (::), and the name of the member
   function. If the member function is overloaded, append the suffix

   The following examples show the correct use of member function

   DBG> set break %name 'MYSTRING::length'
   DBG> set break %name 'MYCOMPLEX::format__1', %name 'MYCOMPLEX::format__2'

5  Referring_to_Constructors
   To refer to a constructor, state the name. If a constructor is
   overloaded, append the suffix __integer-number.

   The following examples show the correct use of constructor

   DBG> set break FOO
   DBG> set break MYSTRING__1

5  Referring_to_Destructors
   To refer to a destructor, quote its name, including the tilde
   (~), with %name.

   The following example shows the correct use of a destructor

   DBG> set break %name '~FOO'

5  Referring_to_Conversions
   To refer to conversion operators from a class SRC to a type dest,
   quote SRC, two colons (::), and then dest with %name.

   The set of atomic types is drawn from the following set of names:

   void            char   signed_char   unsigned_char   signed_short
   unsigned_short  int    signed_int    unsigned_int    signed_long
   unsigned_long   float  double        long_double

   Pointer types are named (type*). Reference types are named
   (type&). The types struct, union class and enum are named by
   their tags and the qualifiers const and volatile precede their
   types with a space in between. For example:

   DBG> set break %name 'C::int', %name 'C::(const S)&'

5  Referring_to_User-Defined_Operators
   The following operators may be overloaded by user-defined

   +     -      *     /       %      ^      &      |      ~       !
   =     <      >     +=      -=     *=     /=     %=     ^=      &=
   |=    <<     >>    >>=     <<=    ==     !=     <=     >=      &&
   |     ++     --    ->*     ,      ->     []     ()     delete  new

   See Section 7.2 of The Annotated C++ Reference Manual (shipped
   with C++ documentation) for more details.

   To refer to such user-defined functions, quote the operator
   characters with %name. As with regular functions, prefix the
   string quoted by %name with a qualified class name and two
   colons (::) if the user-defined operator is a member function.
   Similarly, if the function is overloaded, append the suffix
   __integer_number to the operator characters. In particular,
   this suffix is necessary if both unary and binary instances of
   an operator such as + are defined, or if prefix instances of ++
   or - are defined.

   The following examples show the correct use of user-defined
   function references:

   DBG> set break %name 'MYSTRING::+'
   DBG> set break %name 'COUNTER::++__1', %name 'COUNTER::++__2'

5  Referring_to_Function_Arguments
   In debugger referencing, you use this, *this, and this->m as

   o  All nonstatic member functions have a pointer parameter
      available named this. For example:

      DBG> examine this

   o  Use *this to examine the prefix object that a member function
      is invoked against. For example:

      DBG> examine *this

   o  Use the this parameter to refer to a data member m of the
      prefix argument to a member function. For example:

      DBG> examine this->m

   The following subtopics describe debugger support for COBOL.

4  Operators_in_Language_Expressions
   Supported COBOL operators in language expressions include:

   Kind    Symbol  Function

   Prefix  +       Unary plus
   Infix   +       Addition
   Infix   *       Multiplication
   Infix   /       Division
   Infix   **      Exponentiation (VAX specific)
   Infix   =       Equal to
   Infix   NOT =   Not equal to
   Infix   >       Greater than
   Infix   NOT <   Greater than or equal to
   Infix   <       Less than
   Infix   NOT >   Less than or equal to
   Infix   NOT     Logical NOT
   Infix   AND     Logical AND
   Infix   OR      Logical OR

4  Constructs_in_Language_and_Address_Expressions
   Supported constructs in language and address expressions for
   COBOL follow:

   Symbol Construct

   ( )    Subscripting
   OF     Record component selection
   IN     Record component selection

4  Data_Types
   Supported COBOL data types follow:

   COBOL Data Type             Operating System Data Type Name

   COMP                        Longword Integer (L,LU)
   COMP                        Word Integer (W,WU)
   COMP                        Quadword Integer (Q,QU)
   COMP-1                      F_Floating (F)
   COMP-1 (Alpha specific)     S_Floating (FS)
   COMP-2                      D_Floating (D)
   COMP-2 (Alpha specific)     T_Floating (FT)
   COMP-3                      Packed Decimal (P)
   INDEX                       Longword Integer (L)
   Alphanumeric                ASCII Text (T)
   Records                     (None)
   Numeric Unsigned            Numeric string, unsigned (NU)
   Leading Separate Sign       Numeric string, left separate sign
   Leading Overpunched Sign    Numeric string, left overpunched sign
   Trailing Separate Sign      Numeric string, right separate sign
   Trailing Overpunched Sign   Numeric string, right overpunched
                               sign (NRO)

   Floating-point numbers of type COMP-1 may be represented by F_
   Floating or IEEE S_Floating, depending on compiler switches.

   Floating-point numbers of type COMP-2 may be represented by D_
   Floating or IEEE T_Floating, depending on compiler switches.

4  Source_Display
   The debugger can show source text included in a program with the
   COPY, COPY REPLACING, or REPLACE statement. However, when COPY
   REPLACING or REPLACE is used, the debugger shows the original
   source text instead of the modified source text generated by the

   The debugger cannot show the original source lines associated
   with the code for a REPORT section. You can see the DATA SECTION
   source lines associated with a REPORT, but no source lines are
   associated with the compiled code that generates the report.

4  COBOL_INITIALIZE_Statement_and_Large_Tables_(Arrays)_(Alpha_Only)_
   On OpenVMS Alpha systems, the debugger can take an unusually
   great amount of time and resources if you use the STEP command to
   execute an INITIALIZE statement in a COBOL program when a large
   table (array) is being initialized.

   To work around this problem, set a breakpoint on the first
   executable line past the INITIALIZE statement, rather than
   stepping across the INITIALIZE statement.

   (VAX only)

4  Operators_in_Language_Expressions
   Supported DIBOL operators in language expressions include:

   Kind    Symbol  Function

   Prefix  #       Round
   Prefix  +       Unary plus
   Infix   +       Addition
   Infix   *       Multiplication
   Infix   /       Division
   Infix   //      Division with fractional result
   Infix   .EQ.    Equal to
   Infix   .NE.    Not equal to
   Infix   .GT.    Greater than
   Infix   .GE.    Greater than or equal to
   Infix   .LT.    Less than
   Infix   .LE.    Less than or equal to
   Infix   .NOT.   Logical NOT
   Infix   .AND.   Logical AND
   Infix   .OR.    Logical OR
   Infix   .XOR.   Exclusive OR

4  Constructs_in_Language_and_Address_Expressions
   Supported constructs in language and address expressions for
   DIBOL follow:

   Symbol     Construct

   ( )        Substring
   [ ]        Subscripting
   .          Record component selection

4  Data_Types
   Supported DIBOL data types follow:

   DIBOL Data
   Type            Operating System Data Type Name

   I1              Byte Integer (B)
   I2              Word Integer (W)
   I4              Longword Integer (L)
   Pn              Packed Decimal String (P)
   Pn.m            Packed Decimal String (P)
   Dn              Numeric String, Zoned Sign (NZ)
   Dn.m            Numeric String, Zoned Sign (NZ)
   An              ASCII Text (T)
   Arrays          (None)
   Records         (None)

3  Fortran
   The following subtopics describe debugger support for Fortran.

4  Operators_in_Language_Expressions
   Supported Fortran operators in language expressions include:

   Kind    Symbol  Function

   Prefix  +       Unary plus
   Infix   +       Addition
   Infix   *       Multiplication
   Infix   /       Division
   Infix   **      Exponentiation (VAX specific)
   Infix   //      Concatenation
   Infix   .EQ.    Equal to
   Infix   ==      Equal to
   Infix   .NE.    Not equal to
   Infix   /=      Not equal to
   Infix   .GT.    Greater than
   Infix   >       Greater than
   Infix   .GE.    Greater than or equal to
   Infix   >=      Greater than or equal to
   Infix   .LT.    Less than
   Infix   <       Less than
   Infix   .LE.    Less than or equal to
   Infix   <=      Less than or equal to
   Prefix  .NOT.   Logical NOT
   Infix   .AND.   Logical AND
   Infix   .OR.    Logical OR
   Infix   .XOR.   Exclusive OR
   Infix   .EQV.   Equivalence
   Infix   .NEQV.  Exclusive OR

4  Constructs_in_Language_and_Address_Expressions
   Supported constructs in language and address expressions for
   Fortran follow:

   Symbol         Construct

   ( )            Subscripting
   . (period)     Record component selection
   % (percent     Record component selection

4  Predefined_Symbols
   Supported Fortran predefined symbols follow:

   Symbol    Description

   .TRUE.    Logical True
   .FALSE.   Logical False

4  Data_Types
   Supported Fortran data types follow:

   Fortran Data Type           Operating System Data Type Name

   LOGICAL*1                   Byte Unsigned (BU)
   LOGICAL*2                   Word Unsigned (WU)
   LOGICAL*4                   Longword Unsigned (LU)
   LOGICAL*8 (Alpha            Quadword Unsigned (QU)
   BYTE                        Byte (B)
   INTEGER*1                   Byte Integer (B)
   INTEGER*2                   Word Integer (W)
   INTEGER*4                   Longword Integer (L)
   INTEGER*8 (Alpha            Quadword Integer (Q)
   REAL*4                      F_Floating (F)
   REAL*4 (Alpha specific)     IEEE S_Floating (FS)
   REAL*8                      D_Floating (D)
   REAL*8                      G_Floating (G)
   REAL*8 (Alpha specific)     IEEE T_Floating (FT)
   REAL*16 (Alpha specific)    H_Floating (H)
   COMPLEX*8                   F_Complex (FC)
   COMPLEX*8 (Alpha            IEEE S_Floating (SC)
   COMPLEX*16                  D_Complex (DC)
   COMPLEX*16                  G_Complex (GC)
   COMPLEX*16 (Alpha           IEEE T_Floating (TC)
   CHARACTER                   ASCII Text (T)
   Arrays                      (None)
   Records                     (None)

   Even though the data type codes for unsigned integers (BU,
   WU, LU, QU) are used internally to describe the LOGICAL data
   types, the debugger (like the compiler) treats LOGICAL variables
   and values as being signed when they are used in language

   The debugger prints the numeric values of LOGICAL variables or
   expressions instead of .TRUE. or .FALSE. Normally, only the low-
   order bit of a LOGICAL variable or value is significant (0 is
   .FALSE. and 1 is .TRUE.). However, Fortran does allow all bits
   in a LOGICAL value to be manipulated and LOGICAL values can be
   used in integer expressions. For this reason, it is at times
   necessary to see the entire integer value of a LOGICAL variable
   or expression, and that is what the debugger shows.

   COMPLEX constants such as (1.0,2.0) are not supported in debugger

   Floating-point numbers of type REAL*4 and COMPLEX*8 may be
   represented by F_Floating or IEEE S_Floating, depending on
   compiler switches.

   Floating-point numbers of type REAL*8 and COMPLEX*16 may be
   represented by D_Floating, G_Floating, or IEEE T_Floating,
   depending on compiler switches.

   On OpenVMS Alpha systems, the debugger cannot evaluate
   expressions that contain complex variables. To work around this
   problem, examine the complex variable and then evaluate the
   expression using the real and imaginary parts of the complex
   variable as shown by the EXAMINE command.

4  Initialization_Code
   When you debug a program that compiled with the /CHECK=UNDERFLOW
   or /PARALLEL qualifier, a message appears, as in the following

   Language: FORTRAN, Module: FORMS
   Type GO to reach main program

   The "Type GO to reach MAIN program" message indicates that
   execution is supended before the start of the main program, so
   that you can execute initialization code under debugger control.
   Entering the GO command places you at the start of the main
   program. At that point, enter the GO command again to start
   program execution, as with other types of Fortran programs.

3  MACRO-32
   The following subtopics describe debugger support for MACRO-32.

4  Operators_in_Language_Expressions
   The MACRO-32 language does not have expressions in the same sense
   as high-level languages. Only assembly-time expressions and only
   a limited set of operators are accepted. To permit the MACRO-32
   programmer to use expressions at debug-time as freely as in other
   languages, the debugger accepts a number of operators in MACRO-
   32 language expressions that are not found in MACRO-32 itself.
   In particular, the debugger accepts a complete set of comparison
   and Boolean operators modeled after BLISS. It also accepts the
   indirection operator and the normal arithmetic operators.

   Kind    Symbol  Function

   Prefix  @       Indirection
   Prefix  .       Indirection
   Prefix  +       Unary plus
   Infix   +       Addition
   Infix   *       Multiplication
   Infix   /       Division
   Infix   MOD     Remainder
   Infix   @       Left shift
   Infix   EQL     Equal to
   Infix   EQLU    Equal to
   Infix   NEQ     Not equal to
   Infix   NEQU    Not equal to
   Infix   GTR     Greater than
   Infix   GTRU    Greater than unsigned
   Infix   GEQ     Greater than or equal to
   Infix   GEQU    Greater than or equal to unsigned
   Infix   LSS     Less than
   Infix   LSSU    Less than unsigned
   Infix   LEQ     Less than or equal to
   Infix   LEQU    Less than or equal to unsigned
   Prefix  NOT     Bit-wise NOT
   Infix   AND     Bit-wise AND
   Infix   OR      Bit-wise OR
   Infix   XOR     Bit-wise exclusive OR
   Infix   EQV     Bit-wise equivalence

4  Constructs_in_Language_and_Address_Expressions
   Supported constructs in language and address expressions for
   MACRO-32 follow:

   Symbol  Construct

   [ ]     Subscripting
   <p,s,e> Bit field selection as in BLISS

   The DST information generated by the MACRO-32 assembler treats
   a label that is followed by an assembler directive for storage
   allocation as an array variable whose name is the label. This
   enables you to use the array syntax of a high-level language when
   examining or manipulating such data.

   In the following example of MACRO-32 source code, the label LAB4
   designates hexadecimal data stored in four words:

   LAB4:    .WORD    ^X3F,5[2],^X3C

   The debugger treats LAB4 as an array variable. For example,
   the following command displays the value stored in each element

       [0]:        003F
       [1]:        0005
       [2]:        0005
       [3]:        003C

   The following command displays the value stored in the fourth
   word (the first word is indexed as element "0"):

   .MAIN.\MAIN\LAB4[3]:    03C

4  Data_Types
   MACRO-32 binds a data type to a label name according to the
   assembler directive that follows the label definition. Supported
   MACRO-32 directives follow:

   Directives       Operating System Data Type Name

   .BYTE            Byte Unsigned (BU)
   .WORD            Word Unsigned (WU)
   .LONG            Longword Unsigned (LU)
   .SIGNED_BYTE     Byte Integer (B)
   .SIGNED_WORD     Word Integer (W)
   .LONG            Longword Integer (L)
   .QUAD            Quadword Integer (Q)
   .F_FLOATING      F_Floating (F)
   .D_FLOATING      D_Floating (D)
   .G_FLOATING      G_Floating (G)
   .H_FLOATING      H_Floating (H)  (VAX specific)
   (Not             Packed decimal (P)

4  MACRO-32_Compiler_(AMACRO)
   (Alpha only) Programmers who are porting applications written in
   MACRO-32 to Alpha systems use the MACRO-32 compiler (AMACRO). A
   debugging session for compiled MACRO-32 code is similar to that
   for assembled code. However, there are some important differences
   that are described in this section. For complete information on
   porting these applications, see the Porting VAX MACRO Code from
   OpenVMS VAX to OpenVMS Alpha manual.

5  Code_Relocation
   One major difference is the fact that the code is compiled. On
   a VAX system, each MACRO-32 instruction is a single machine
   instruction. On an Alpha system, each MACRO-32 instruction may
   be compiled into many Alpha machine instructions. A major side
   effect of this difference is the relocation and rescheduling of
   code if you do not specify /NOOPTIMIZE in your compile command.
   After you have debugged your code, you can recompile without
   /NOOPTIMIZE to improve performance.

5  Symbolic_Variables
   Another major difference between debugging compiled code and
   debugging assembled code is a new concept to MACRO-2, the
   definition of symbolic variables for examining routine arguments.
   On VAX systems, when you were debugging a routine and wanted to
   examine the arguments, you would typically do something like the

           DBG> EXAMINE @AP        ; to see the argument count
           DBG> EXAMINE @AP+4      ; to examine the first arg


           DBG> EXAMINE @AP        ; to see arg count
           DBG> EXAMINE .+4:.+20   ; to see first 5 args

   On Alpha systems, the arguments do not reside in a vector in
   memory as they did on VAX systems. Furthermore, there is no AP
   register on Alpha systems. If you type EXAMINE @AP when debugging
   MACRO compiled code, the debugger reports that AP is an undefined

   In the compiled code, the arguments can reside in some
   combination of:

   o  Registers

   o  On the stack above the routine's stack frame

   o  In the stack frame, if the argument list was "homed" (that is,
      placed in the fixed position of the stack frame to resolve VAX
      AP references) or if there are calls out of the routine that
      would require the register arguments to be saved

   The compiler does not require that you read the generated code
   to locate the arguments. Instead, it provides $ARGn symbols that
   point to the correct argument locations. $ARG0 is the same as
   @AP+0 is on VAX systems, that is, the argument count. $ARG1 is
   the first argument, $ARG2 is the second argument, and so forth.
   These symbols are defined in CALL_ENTRY and JSB_ENTRY directives,
   but not in EXCEPTION_ENTRY directives.

5  Locating_Arguments_Without_$ARGn_Symbols
   There may be additional arguments in your code for which the
   compiler did not generate a $ARGn symbol. The number of $ARGn
   symbols defined for a .CALL_ENTRY routine is the maximum number
   detected by the compiler (either by automatic detection or as
   specified by MAX_ARGS) or 16, whichever is less. For a .JSB_ENTRY
   routine, since the arguments are homed in the caller's stack
   frame and the compiler cannot detect the actual number, it always
   creates eight $ARGn symbols.

   In most cases, you can easily find any additional arguments, but
   in some cases you cannot.

5  Arguments_That_Are_Easy_to_Locate
   You can easily find additional arguments if:

   o  The argument list is not homed, and $ARGn symbols are defined
      to $ARG7 or higher. If the argument list is not homed, the
      $ARGn symbols $ARG7 and above always point into the list
      of parameters passed as quadwords on the stack. Subsequent
      arguments will be in quadwords following the last defined
      $ARGn symbol.

   o  The argument list has been homed, and you want to examine
      an argument that is less than or equal to the maximum number
      detected by the compiler (either by automatic detection or as
      specified by MAX_ARGS). If the argument list is homed, $ARGn
      symbols always point into the homed argument list. Subsequent
      arguments will be in longwords following the last defined
      $ARGn symbol.

   For example, you can examine arguments beyond the eighth argument
   in a JSB routine (where the argument list must be homed in the
   caller), as follows:

     DBG> EX $ARG8  ; highest defined $ARGn
     DBG> EX .+4  ; next arg is in next longword
     DBG> EX .+4  ; and so on

   This example assumes that the caller detected at least ten
   arguments when homing the argument list.

   To find arguments beyond the last $ARGn symbol in a routine that
   did not home the arguments, proceed exactly as in the previous
   example except substitute EX .+8 for EX .+4.

5  Arguments_That_Are_Not_Easy_to_Locate
   You cannot easily find additional arguments if:

   o  The argument list is homed, and you want to examine arguments
      beyond the number detected by the compiler. The $ARGn symbols
      point to the longwords that are stored in the homed argument
      list. The compiler only moves as many arguments as it can
      detect into this list. Examining longwords beyond the last
      argument that was homed will result in examining various other
      stack context.

   o  The argument list is not homed, and $ARGn symbols are
      defined only as high as $ARG6. In this case, the existing
      $ARGn symbols will either point to registers or to quadword
      locations in the stack frame. In both cases, subsequent
      arguments cannot be examined by looking at quadword locations
      beyond the defined $ARGn symbols.

   The only way to find the additional arguments in these cases
   is to examine the compiled machine code to determine where the
   arguments reside. Both of these problems are eliminated if MAX_
   ARGS is specified correctly for the maximum argument that you
   want to examine.

5  Debugging_Code_with_Floating-Point_Data
   The following list provides important information about debugging
   compiled MACRO-32 code with floating-point data on an Alpha

   o  You can use the EXAMINE/FLOAT command to examine an Alpha
      integer register for a floating-point value.

      Even though there is a set of registers for floating-point
      operations on Alpha systems, those registers are not used
      by compiled MACRO-32 code that contains floating-point
      operations. Only the Alpha integer registers are used.

      Floating-point operations in compiled MACRO-32 code are
      performed by emulation routines that operate outside the
      compiler. Therefore, performing MACRO-32 floating-point
      operations on, say, R7, has no effect on Alpha floating-point
      register 7.

   o  When using the EXAMINE command to examine a location that
      was declared with a .FLOAT directive or other floating-point
      storage directives, the debugger automatically displays the
      value as floating-point data.

   o  When using the EXAMINE command to examine the G_FLOAT data
      type, the debugger does not use the contents of two registers
      to build the value for VAX data.

      Consider the following example:


      In this example, the lower longwords of R4 and R5 are not
      used to build the value as is the case on VAX. Instead, the
      quadword contents of R4 are used.

      The code the compiler generates for D_FLOAT and G_FLOAT
      operations preserves the VAX format of the data in the low
      longwords of two consecutive registers. Therefore, using
      EXAMINE/G_FLOAT on either of these two registers will not give
      the true floating-point value, and issuing DEPOSIT/G_FLOAT to
      one of these registers will not give the desired results. You
      can manually combine the two halves of such a value, however.
      For example, assume you executed the following instruction:

      MOVG    DATA, R6

      You could then read the G_FLOAT value which now resides in R6
      and R7 with a sequence like the following:

      DBG> EX R6
      .MAIN.\%LINE 100\%R6:   0FFFFFFFF D8E640D1
      DBG> EX R7
      .MAIN.\%LINE 100\%R7:   00000000 2F1B24DD
      DBG> DEP R0 = 2F1B24DDD8E640D1
      DBG> EX/G_FLOAT R0
      .MAIN.\%LINE 100\%R0:   4568.89900000000

   o  You can deposit floating-point data in an Alpha integer
      register with the DEPOSIT command. The syntax is the same
      as it is on VAX.

   o  H_FLOAT is unsupported.

5  Debugging_Code_with_Packed_Decimal_Data
   The following list provides important information about debugging
   compiled MACRO-32 code with packed decimal data on an Alpha

   o  When using the EXAMINE command to examine a location that was
      declared with a .PACKED directive, the debugger automatically
      displays the value as a packed decimal data type.

   o  You can deposit packed decimal data. The syntax is the same as
      it is on VAX.


3  MACRO-64
   (Alpha only) The following subtopics describe debugger support
   for MACRO-64.

4  Operators_in_Language_Expressions
   Language MACRO-64 does not have expressions in the same sense
   as high-level languages. Only assembly-time expressions and only
   a limited set of operators are accepted. To permit the MACRO-64
   programmer to use expressions at debug-time as freely as in other
   languages, the debugger accepts a number of operators in MACRO-
   64 language expressions that are not found in MACRO-64 itself.
   In particular, the debugger accepts a complete set of comparison
   and Boolean operators modeled after BLISS. It also accepts the
   indirection operator and the normal arithmetic operators.

   Kind    Symbol  Function

   Prefix  @       Indirection
   Prefix  .       Indirection
   Prefix  +       Unary plus
   Infix   +       Addition
   Infix   *       Multiplication
   Infix   /       Division
   Infix   MOD     Remainder
   Infix   @       Left shift
   Infix   EQL     Equal to
   Infix   EQLU    Equal to
   Infix   NEQ     Not equal to
   Infix   NEQU    Not equal to
   Infix   GTR     Greater than
   Infix   GTRU    Greater than unsigned
   Infix   GEQ     Greater than or equal to
   Infix   GEQU    Greater than or equal to unsigned
   Infix   LSS     Less than
   Infix   LSSU    Less than unsigned
   Infix   LEQ     Less than or equal to
   Infix   LEQU    Less than or equal to unsigned
   Prefix  NOT     Bit-wise NOT
   Infix   AND     Bit-wise AND
   Infix   OR      Bit-wise OR
   Infix   XOR     Bit-wise exclusive OR
   Infix   EQV     Bit-wise equivalence

4  Constructs_in_Language_and_Address_Expressions
   Supported constructs in language and address expressions for
   MACRO-64 follow:

   Symbol  Construct

   <p,s,e> Bit field selection as in BLISS

4  Data_Types
   MACRO-64 binds a data type to a label name according to the data
   directive that follows the label definition. For example, in the
   following code fragment, the .LONG data directive directs MACRO-
   64 to bind the longword integer data type to labels V1, V2, and

   .BYTE 5
   V3: .LONG 7

   To confirm the type bound to V1, V2, and V3, issue a SHOW
   SYMBOL/TYPE command with a V* parameter. The following display

      data  .MAIN.\V1
         atomic type, longword integer, size: 4 bytes
      data .MAIN.\V2
         atomic type, longword integer, size: 4 bytes
      data .MAIN.\V3
         atomic type, longword integer, size: 4 bytes)

   Supported MACRO-64 directives follow:

   Directives       Operating System Data Type Name

   .BYTE            Byte Unsigned (BU)
   .WORD            Word Unsigned (WU)
   .LONG            Longword Unsigned (LU)
   .SIGNED_BYTE     Byte Integer (B)
   .SIGNED_WORD     Word Integer (W)
   .LONG            Longword Integer (L)
   .QUAD            Quadword Integer (Q)
   .F_FLOATING      F_Floating (F)
   .D_FLOATING      D_Floating (D)
   .G_FLOATING      G_Floating (G)
   .S_FLOATING      S_Floating (S)
   .T_FLOATING      T_Floating (T)
   (Not             Packed decimal (P)

3  Pascal
   The following subtopics describe debugger support for Pascal.

4  Operators_in_Language_Expressions
   Supported Pascal operators in language expressions include:

   Kind    Symbol  Function

   Prefix  +       Unary plus
   Infix   +       Addition, concatenation
   Infix   *       Multiplication
   Infix   /       Real division
   Infix   DIV     Integer division
   Infix   MOD     Modulus
   Infix   REM     Remainder
   Infix   **      Exponentiation (VAX specific)
   Infix   IN      Set membership
   Infix   =       Equal to
   Infix   <>      Not equal to
   Infix   >       Greater than
   Infix   >=      Greater than or equal to
   Infix   <       Less than
   Infix   <=      Less than or equal to
   Prefix  NOT     Logical NOT
   Infix   AND     Logical AND
   Infix   OR      Logical OR

   The typecast operator (::)  is not supported in language

4  Constructs_in_Language_and_Address_Expressions
   Supported constructs in language and address expressions for
   Pascal follow:

   Symbol          Construct

   [ ]             Subscripting
   . (period)      Record component selection
   ^               Pointer dereferencing

4  Predefined_Symbols
   Supported Pascal predefined symbols follow:

   Symbol  Meaning

   TRUE    Boolean True
   FALSE   Boolean False
   NIL     Nil pointer

4  Built-In_Functions
   Supported Pascal built-in functions follow:

   Symbol Meaning

   SUCC   Logical successor
   PRED   Logical predecessor

4  Data_Types
   Supported Pascal data types follow:

   Pascal Data Type       Operating System Data Type Name

   INTEGER                Longword Integer (L)
   INTEGER                Word Integer (W,WU)
   INTEGER                Byte Integer (B,BU)
   UNSIGNED               Longword Unsigned (LU)
   UNSIGNED               Word Unsigned (WU)
   UNSIGNED               Byte Unsigned (BU)
   SINGLE, REAL           F_Floating (F)
   REAL (Alpha            IEEE S_Floating (FS)
   DOUBLE                 D_Floating (D)
   DOUBLE                 G_Floating (G)
   DOUBLE (Alpha          IEEE T_Floating (FT)
   QUADRUPLE (VAX         H_Floating (H)
   BOOLEAN                (None)
   CHAR                   ASCII Text (T)
   VARYING OF CHAR        Varying Text (VT)
   SET                    (None)
   FILE                   (None)
   Enumerations           (None)
   Subranges              (None)
   Typed Pointers         (None)
   Arrays                 (None)
   Records                (None)
   Variant records        (None)

   The debugger accepts Pascal set constants such as [1,2,5,8..10]
   or [RED, BLUE] in Pascal language expressions.

   Floating-point numbers of type REAL may be represented by F_
   Floating or IEEE S_Floating, depending on compiler switches or
   source code attributes.

   Floating-point numbers of type DOUBLE may be represented by D_
   Floating, G_Floating, or IEEE T_Floating, depending on compiler
   switches or source code attributes.

4  Additional_Information
   In general, you can examine, evaluate, and deposit into
   variables, record fields, and array components. An exception
   to this occurs under the following circumstances: if a variable
   is not referenced in a program, the Pascal compiler might not
   allocate the variable. If the variable is not allocated and you
   try to examine it or deposit into it, you will receive an error

   When you deposit data into a variable, the debugger truncates
   the high-order bits if the value being deposited is larger than
   the variable; the debugger fills the high-order bits with zeros
   if the value being deposited is smaller than the variable. If
   the deposit violates the rules of assignment compatibility, the
   debugger displays an informational message.

   You can examine and deposit into automatic variables (within any
   active block); however, because automatic variables are allocated
   in stack storage and are contained in registers, their values
   are considered undefined until the variables are initialized or
   assigned a value.

4  Restrictions
   Restrictions in debugger support for Pascal are as follows.

   You can examine a VARYING OF CHAR string, but you cannot examine
   the .LENGTH or .BODY fields using the normal language syntax. For
   example, if VARS is the name of a string variable, the following
   commands are not supported:


   To examine these fields, use the techniques illustrated in the
   following examples.

   Use                Instead of


3  PL-I
   The following subtopics describe debugger support for PL/I.

4  Operators_in_Language_Expressions
   Supported PL/I operators in language expressions include:

   Kind    Symbol  Function

   Prefix  +       Unary plus
   Infix   +       Addition
   Infix   *       Multiplication
   Infix   /       Division
   Infix   **      Exponentiation
   Infix   ||      Concatenation
   Infix   =       Equal to
   Infix   ^=      Not equal to
   Infix   >       Greater than
   Infix   >=      Greater than or equal to
   Infix   ^<      Greater than or equal to
   Infix   <       Less than
   Infix   <=      Less than or equal to
   Infix   ^>      Less than or equal to
   Prefix  ^       Bit-wise NOT
   Infix   &       Bit-wise AND
   Infix   |       Bit-wise OR

4  Constructs_in_Language_and_Address_Expressions
   Supported constructs in language and address expressions for PL/I

   Symbol     Construct

   ( )        Subscripting
   .          Structure component selection
   ->         Pointer dereferencing

4  Data_Types
   Supported PL/I data types follow:

   PL/I Data Type           Operating System Data Type Name

   FIXED BINARY             Byte- (B),  Word- (W), or Longword- (L)
   FIXED DECIMAL            Packed Decimal (P)
   FLOAT BIN/DEC            F_Floating (F)
   FLOAT BIN/ DEC           D_Floating (D)
   FLOAT BIN/DEC            G_Floating (G)
   FLOAT BIN/DEC (VAX       H_Floating (H)
   BIT                      Bit (V)
   BIT                      Bit Unaligned (VU)
   CHARACTER                ASCII Text (T)
   CHARACTER VARYING        Varying Text (VT)
   FILE                     (None)
   Labels                   (None)
   Pointers                 (None)
   Arrays                   (None)
   Structures               (None)

4  Static_and_Nonstatic_Variables
   Variables of the following storage classes are allocated


   Variables of the following storage classes are allocated
   nonstatically (on the stack or in registers):


4  Examining_and_Manipulating_Data
   The following subtopics give examples of the EXAMINE command with
   PL/I data types. They also highlight aspects of debugger support
   that are specific to PL/I.

5  EXAMINE_Command_Examples
   The following examples show use of the EXAMINE command with a few
   selected PL/I data types.

   o  Examine the value of a variable declared as FIXED DECIMAL

      PROG4\X:    540.02700

   o  Examine the value of a structure variable:

          ITEM:       "WF-1247"
          PRICE:        49.95
          IN_STOCK:     24

   o  Examine the value of a pictured variable (note that the
      debugger displays the value in quotation marks):

      MAIN\Q:    "666.3330"

   o  Examine the value of a pointer (which is the virtual address
      of the variable it accesses) and display the value in
      hexadecimal radix instead of decimal (the default):

      PROG4\SAMPLE.P:  0000B2A4

   o  Examine the value of a variable with the BASED attribute; in
      this case, the variable X has been declared as BASED(PTR),
      with PTR its pointer:

      PROG\X:    "A"

   o  Examine the value of a variable X declared as BASED with a
      variable PTR declared as POINTER; here, PTR is associated with
      X by the following line of PL/I code (instead of X having been
      declared as BASED(PTR) as in the preceding example):


      In this case, you examine the value of X as follows:

      PROG6\PTR->X:    "A"

5  Notes_on_Debugger_Support
   Note the following points about debugger support for PL/I.

   You cannot use the DEPOSIT command with entry or label variables
   or formats, or with entire arrays or structures. You cannot use
   the EXAMINE command with entry or label variables or formats;
   instead, use the EVALUATE/ADDRESS command.

   You cannot use the EXAMINE command to determine the values or
   attributes of global literals (such as GLOBALDEF VALUE literals)
   because they are static expressions. Instead, use the EVALUATE

   You cannot use the EXAMINE, EVALUATE, and DEPOSIT commands
   with compile-time variables and procedures. However, you can
   use EVALUATE and DEPOSIT (but not EXAMINE) with a compile-time
   constant, as long as the constant is the source and not the

   Note that an uninitialized automatic variable does not have
   valid contents until after a value has been assigned to it.
   If you examine it before that point, the value displayed is

   You can deposit a value into a pointer variable either by
   depositing another pointer's value into it, thus making symbolic
   reference to both pointers, or by depositing a virtual address
   into it. (You can find out the virtual address of a variable by
   using the EVALUATE/ADDRESS command, and then deposit that address
   into the pointer.) When you examine a pointer, the debugger
   displays its value in the form of the virtual address of the
   variable that the pointer points to.

   The debugger treats all numeric constants of the form n or n.n
   in PL/I language expressions as packed decimal constants, not
   integer or floating-point constants, in order to conform to PL/I
   language rules. The internal representation of 10 is therefore
   0C01 hexadecimal, not 0A hexadecimal.

   You can enter floating-point constants using the syntax nEn or

   There is no PL/I syntax for entering constants whose internal
   representation is Longword Integer. This limitation is not
   normally significant when debugging, since the debugger supports
   the PL/I type conversion rules. However, it is possible to enter
   integer constants by using the debugger's %HEX, %OCT, and %BIN
   operators, because nondecimal radix constants are assumed to be
   command displays 00000035.

   (VAX only) The follow subtopics describe debugger support for
   RPG II.

4  Operators_in_Language_Expressions
   The following operators are supported in language expressions
   when the language is set to RPG II:

   Kind    Symbol  Function

   Prefix  +       Unary plus
   Infix   +       Addition
   Infix   *       Multiplication
   Infix   /       Division
   Infix   =       Equal to
   Infix   NOT =   Not equal to
   Infix   >       Greater than
   Infix   NOT <   Greater than or equal to
   Infix   <       Less than
   Infix   NOT >   Less than or equal to
   Prefix  NOT     Logical NOT
   Infix   AND     Logical AND
   Infix   OR      Logical OR

4  Constructs_in_Language_and_Address_Expressions
   Supported constructs in language and address expressions for RPG
   II follow:

   Symbol  Construct

   ( )     Subscripting

4  Data_Types
   Supported RPG II data types follow:

   RPG II Data Type   Operating System Data Type Name

   Longword binary    Longword Integer (L)
   Word binary        Word Integer (W)
   Packed decimal     Packed Decimal (P)
   Character          ASCII Text (T)
   Overpunched        Right Overpunched Sign (NRO)
   Arrays             (None)
   Tables             (None)

4  Setting_Breakpoints_or_Tracepoints
   With RPG II programs, you can set breakpoints using source
   line numbers, logic cycle labels, user-defined tag names,
   and subroutine labels. Debugging RPG II programs is somewhat
   different from debugging programs in other languages, and the
   additional topics explain where and how you can set breakpoints
   or tracepoints.

5  Specifications
   The following paragraphs describe where you can set breakpoints
   (or tracepoints) in specifications, using line numbers.

   The RPG II program cycle determines the order in which program
   lines are processed. When setting breakpoints or tracepoints,
   you can reference the line numbers that RPG II assigns to your
   program and appear in a listing file or in a debugger source
   display. The line numbers you specify in columns 1 through 5 of a
   specification are not used.

   The compiler assigns line numbers only to certain specifications
   at specific points in the logic cycle; therefore, you can specify
   a breakpoint or tracepoint at these points in the program:

   o  A breakpoint at a File Description specification occurs
      before an input or update file is opened or just before an
      output file is created. The line number of this breakpoint
      corresponds to the File Description specification for this

   o  A breakpoint at an Input specification occurs before the
      fields are loaded with data from a record. The line number
      of this breakpoint corresponds to the record definition in an
      Input specification.

   o  You can set two breakpoints for each Calculation
      specification. The first breakpoint occurs just after testing
      control-level indicators, if used, and just before testing
      conditioning indicators. The second breakpoint occurs just
      before executing the operation code. Use the following syntax:

      SET BREAK line-number.statement-number

      For example, assume that a Calculation specification begins
      with line number 25. The SET BREAK 25.1 command enables you to
      test indicators. The SET BREAK 25.2 command puts a breakpoint
      just before the operation code is executed. If a Calculation
      specification has no conditioning indicators, the SET BREAK
      25 command puts a breakpoint just before the operation code is

      You can specify statement numbers only with Calculation
      specifications that have conditioning indicators.

   o  A breakpoint at an Output specification occurs after the
      output buffer has been built but before the record is output.
      The line number of the breakpoint corresponds to the record
      definition in an Output specification.

5  Labels
   You can specify an RPG II label as a breakpoint or a tracepoint.
   The following RPG II labels, which correspond to specific points
   in the logic cycle, are provided in addition to user-defined
   tags. Note that these labels do not appear in the source code
   but are accessible from the debugger. The labels do appear in the
   machine code listing.

   Label       Description and Breakpoint Behavior

   *DETL       Breaks just before outputting heading and detail
   *GETIN      Breaks just before reading the next record from the
               primary or secondary file
   *TOTC       Breaks just before performing total-time calculations
   *TOTL       Breaks just before performing total-time output
   *OFL        Breaks just before performing overflow output
   *DETC       Breaks just before performing detail-time

   For example:


4  EXAMINE_Command
   The EXAMINE command enables you to look at the contents of a
   variable, the current table entry, an array element, or the I/O

   To examine an array variable, use array syntax as in the
   following example:

   DBG> EXAMINE ARR3(9)    ! Display element 9 of array ARR3
   DBG> EXAMINE ARRY(1:7)  ! Display elements 1-7 of array ARRY

   Specifying a table name enables you to examine the entry
   retrieved from the last LOOKUP operation.

   To display the contents of the I/O buffer, specify the name of
   the input file, update file, or output file, followed by the
   string $BUF. For example, the following command displays the
   contents of the I/O buffer for the input file INPUT:


   The following command displays the ASCII equivalent of the string
   STRING, which is 6 characters long:


   To examine a variable which contains the at sign (@),  use %NAME
   as follows:


   To examine a nonexternal indicator, precede it with the string
   *IN. For example:

   *IN56:  "0"

   If an indicator is set off, 0 is displayed. If an indicator is
   set on, 1 is displayed.

   You cannot examine external indicators in this manner. To examine
   external indicators, you must first link the program with the
   /NOSYSSHR qualifier; then, use the CALL command, as in the
   following example which displays the value of U5:

   value returned is 0

4  DEPOSIT_Command
   Note the following points when using the DEPOSIT command:

   o  You can deposit a single value into an element of an array
      using array syntax as in the following example, which deposits
      the value 150 into element 2 of array ARR:

      DBG> DEPOSIT ARR(2) = 150

   o  You can deposit multiple values into an array of character
      strings, by using the /ASCII qualifier with the DEPOSIT
      command. For example, assume PARTS is an array of 10 elements
      in program INV.RPG, each a character string of length 3. The
      following DEPOSIT command deposits the strings P04, P05, and
      P06 into elements 4, 5, and 6, respectively, of array PARTS:

      DBG> DEPOSIT/ASCII PARTS(4) = "P04P05P06"
          (4):     'P04'
          (5):     'P05'
          (6):     'P06'

   o  Values deposited into numeric fields are aligned on the
      decimal point. Shorter fields are padded with zeros to the
      left and right of the decimal point.

   o  Values deposited into character fields are left justified. If
      the value contains fewer characters than the character field,
      the field is padded on the right with spaces.

   o  To set a nonexternal indicator on or off with the DEPOSIT
      command, precede the indicator with the string *IN. Depositing
      the value 1 or 0 sets the indicator on or off, respectively.
      For example, the following command sets indicator 56 on:

      DBG> DEPOSIT *IN56 = "1"

4  EDIT_Command
   The EDIT command invokes the RPG II editor rather than the
   Language-Sensitive Editor.

   (VAX only) The following subtopics describe debugger support for

4  Operators_in_Language_Expressions
   Supported SCAN operators in language expressions include:

   Kind    Symbol  Function

   Prefix  +       Unary plus
   Infix   +       Addition
   Infix   *       Multiplication
   Infix   /       Division
   Infix   &       Concatenation
   Infix   =       Equal to
   Infix   <>      Not equal to
   Infix   >       Greater than
   Infix   >=      Greater than or equal to
   Infix   <       Less than
   Infix   <=      Less than or equal to
   Prefix  NOT     Complement
   Infix   AND     Intersection
   Infix   OR      Union
   Infix   XOR     Exclusive OR

4  Constructs_in_Language_and_Address_Expressions
   Supported constructs in language and address expressions for SCAN

   Symbol     Construct

   ( )        Subscripting
   .          Record component selection
   ->         Pointer dereferencing

4  Predefined_Symbols
   Supported SCAN predefined symbols follow:

   Symbol  Meaning

   TRUE    Boolean True
   FALSE   Boolean False
   NIL     Nil pointer

4  Data_Types
   Supported SCAN data types follow:

   SCAN Data Type   Operating System Data Type Name

   BOOLEAN          (None)
   INTEGER          Longword Integer (L)
   POINTER          (None)
   TREE             (None)
   TREEPTR          (None)
   RECORD           (None)
   OVERLAY          (None)

   There is no specific support for the following data types:


4  Names
   You can use the names of the following SCAN constructs in
   debugger commands:


4  Controlling_Execution
   Note the following points about SCAN breakpoints, tracepoints,
   and watchpoints.

5  Breakpoints_and_Tracepoints
   You can set breakpoints and tracepoints on procedures, trigger
   macros, syntax macros, and labels, as well as line numbers. For

   DBG> SET BREAK find_keyword    ! break on a trigger macro
   DBG> CANCEL BREAK exit         ! cancel break on label
   DBG> SET BREAK compare_trees   ! break on a procedure

   Conventional breakpoints and tracepoints are not especially
   convenient for monitoring SCAN's picture matching. Where do you
   set a breakpoint or tracepoint to observe the tokens built by
   your program? There is no statement in your program on which to
   set such a breakpoint.

   To solve this problem, VAX SCAN defines several events. By
   setting breakpoints or tracepoints on these events, you can
   observe the picture matching process.

   The following event keywords are defined for SCAN programs:

   Keyword        Description

   TOKEN          A token is built.
   PICTURE        An operand in a picture is being matched.
   INPUT          A new line of the input stream is read.
   OUTPUT         A new line of the output stream is written.
   TRIGGER        A trigger macro is starting or terminating.
   SYNTAX         A syntax macro is starting or terminating.
   ERROR          Picture matching error recovery is starting or

   Use these keywords with the /EVENT qualifier of the following


   For example, the following command sets a breakpoint that
   triggers whenever a TOKEN is built:


   Recognition of SCAN events is enabled automatically by the
   debugger if the main program is written in SCAN. If you are
   debugging a program written in another language that calls a
   SCAN routine, proceed as follows to set up the SCAN environment:

   1. Enter the SET LANGUAGE SCAN command to enable recognition
      of language-dependent operators, expressions, and other
      constructs (see the SET LANGUAGE command).

   2. Enter the SET EVENT_FACILITY SCAN command to enable
      recognition of SCAN events (see the SET EVENT_FACILITY
      command). The SHOW EVENT_FACILITY command identifies the
      current facility and its events.

5  Watchpoints
   Note the following points about SCAN watchpoints:

   o  Variables declared at MODULE level are static by default.

   o  Variables declared at PROCEDURE or MACRO level are automatic
      (nonstatic) by default.

   o  DYNAMIC STRING variables are dynamically built. The storage
      used to hold the value of the string can change when the
      value of the string changes. Thus, the storage the debugger
      is watching may not be the correct storage if the string's
      value is changed.

4  Examining_and_Depositing
   The following subtopics explain how to examine and deposit into
   the following SCAN variables:


5  STRING_Variables
   If you deposit into a FIXED STRING variable, truncation will
   occur if the deposited string is longer than the size established
   by the declaration of that variable.

   If you deposit into a VARYING STRING variable, truncation will
   occur if the deposited string is longer than the maximum size
   established by the declaration of that variable.

   If you deposit into a DYNAMIC STRING variable, truncation will
   occur if the deposited string is longer than the current size of
   the variable.

   With FIXED and DYNAMIC STRING variables, if the deposited string
   is shorter than the current size of the variable, the unfilled
   portion of the variable will be blank padded to the right, with
   the new string left justified in the variable.

   In the case of VARYING STRING variables, the current size of
   the variable storage space will be adjusted to the size of the
   deposited string.

5  FILL_Variables
   Examining a FILL variable causes the contents of the specified
   variable to be displayed as a string, by default, and so may
   have little meaning. If the characteristics (or type) of the fill
   are known, the appropriate qualifier applied to the command will
   produce a more meaningful display. The following command example
   shows a fill x that is known to be a single floating number:


5  POINTER_Variables
   You can examine a POINTER by name to find the address of the
   variable it points to. Use the operator that combines the minus
   sign and the greater than symbol to examine the variable that is
   based on the POINTER.

   Consider these declarations and assignments:

   TYPE symnode: RECORD
                    ptr:  POINTER TO symnode,
                    vstr: VARYING STRING( 20 ),
                 END RECORD;

   DECLARE x   : symnode;
   DECLARE xptr: POINTER TO symnode;
   xptr        = POINTER(x);
   x.vstr      = 'prehensile';

   The following command displays the value of the vstr component of

   DBG> EXAMINE x.vstr

   The following command displays the value of vstr based on the

   DBG> EXAMINE xptr->.vstr

5  TREE_and_TREEPTR_Variables
   You can examine the contents of the nodes in a tree using the
   following syntax:

   EXAMINE tree_variable([subscript], . . . )

   You cannot deposit into a TREE variable.

   If you specify the name of a tree with the EXAMINE command, the
   debugger displays the contents of all nodes and leaves of the
   tree. For example:

   DBG> EXAMINE voters

   You can specify an interior node by entering the subscript for
   that node. For example:

   DBG> EXAMINE voters('salem')

   You can examine the leaf node in a tree by specifying all
   subscripts leading to the desired leaf. For example:

   DBG> EXAMINE voters('salem',ward2)

   If you examine a TREEPTR variable, such as cityptr or wardptr,
   the debugger displays the address of that tree node. You examine
   what a TREEPTR variable is pointing to as follows:

   DBG> EXAMINE cityptr->

5  RECORD_and_OVERLAY_Variables
   If you specify a RECORD by name with the EXAMINE command, all
   components of the RECORD are presented. To examine individual
   components of the RECORD, specify the full name of each

   The general format is as follows:

   EXAMINE recordname

   EXAMINE recordname.componentname.componentname . . .

   You examine an OVERLAY in the same way. All components are again
   presented; thus, if a four-byte region is a FILL(4), an INTEGER,
   and a VARYING STRING(2), the four bytes will be displayed three
   different ways.

3  Language_UNKNOWN
   The following subtopics describe debugger support for language

4  Operators_in_Language_Expressions
   Supported operators in language expressions for language UNKNOWN

   Kind    Symbol  Function

   Prefix  +       Unary plus
   Infix   +       Addition
   Infix   *       Multiplication
   Infix   /       Division
   Infix   **      Exponentiation (VAX specific)
   Infix   &       Concatenation
   Infix   //      Concatenation
   Infix   =       Equal to
   Infix   <>      Not equal to
   Infix   /=      Not equal to
   Infix   >       Greater than
   Infix   >=      Greater than or equal to
   Infix   <       Less than
   Infix   <=      Less than or equal to
   Infix   EQL     Equal to
   Infix   NEQ     Not equal to
   Infix   GTR     Greater than
   Infix   GEQ     Greater than or equal to
   Infix   LSS     Less than
   Infix   LEQ     Less than or equal to
   Prefix  NOT     Logical NOT
   Infix   AND     Logical AND
   Infix   OR      Logical OR
   Infix   XOR     Exclusive OR
   Infix   EQV     Equivalence

4  Constructs_in_Language_and_Address_Expressions
   Supported constructs in language and address expressions for
   language UNKNOWN follow:

   Symbol        Construct

   [ ]           Subscripting
   ( )           Subscripting
   . (period)    Record component selection
   ^             Pointer dereferencing

4  Predefined_Symbols
   Supported predefined symbols for language UNKNOWN follow:

   Symbol  Meaning

   TRUE    Boolean True
   FALSE   Boolean False
   NIL     Nil pointer

4  Data_Types
   When the language is set to UNKNOWN, the debugger understands
   all data types accepted by other languages except a few very
   language-specific types, such as picture types and file types.
   In UNKNOWN language expressions, the debugger accepts most scalar
   OpenVMS calling standard data types.

   o  For language UNKNOWN, the debugger accepts the dot-notation
      for record component selection. For example, if C is a
      component of a record B which in turn is a component of a
      record A, then C can be referenced as A.B.C. Subscripts can
      be attached to any array components; for example, if B is an
      array, then C can be referenced as A.B[2,3].C.

   o  For language UNKNOWN, the debugger accepts brackets and
      parentheses for subscripts. For example, A[2,3] and A(2,3)
      are equivalent.

2  Logical_Names

   Specifies the debugger interface (Compaq DECwindows Motif for
   OpenVMS or command) or the display device (if you are displaying
   the interface on a workstation).

   By default, DBG$DECW$DISPLAY is either undefined or has the same
   definition as the application-wide logical name DECW$DISPLAY.

   The Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS user interface is the
   default on workstations. To display the command interface instead
   of the Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS user interface, enter
   the following definition before starting the debugger:


   For complete information about the Compaq DECwindows Motif for
   OpenVMS user interface, see the debugger's Compaq DECwindows
   Motif for OpenVMS documentation.

   (Alpha only) Specifies the directory in which a separate Debug
   Symbol File (.DSF) file resides.

   Debugging an executable file that has a separate .DSF file
   requires the following:

   o  The name of the .DSF file must match the name of the .EXE file
      being debugged.

   o  You must define DBG$IMAGE_DSF_PATH to point to the directory
      that contains the .DSF file.

   (Alpha only) Specifies the directory path of .DSF files when you
   are using the OpenVMS Alpha System-Code Debugger. For complete
   information on using this debugger, see the Writing OpenVMS Alpha
   Device Drivers in C.

   If the logical name DBG$INIT is defined at the start of a
   debugging session, then the file that it translates to is used
   as an initialization file. The commands in the file are executed
   as if the file had been called with the execute procedure (@)
   command. This is useful if there is a particular set of commands
   that you always execute when you start up the debugger, for
   example to specify a source directory search list, enable screen
   mode, log the session.


        . . .

   The value of the logical name DBG$INPUT determines the debugger
   input device. By default, this is SYS$INPUT.

   The value of the logical name DBG$OUTPUT determines the debugger
   output device. By default, this is SYS$OUTPUT.

   If you plan to debug a program that takes its input from a
   file and your debugger input from the terminal, establish the
   following definitions before starting the debugger:

   $ DEFINE SYS$INPUT program-input-file

   That is, define DBG$INPUT to point to the translation of

   If you define DBG$INPUT to point to SYS$COMMAND, the debugger
   will try to get its input from the file.

2  Messages
   To get help about a debugger message, use the following general
   command format:

   DBG> HELP Messages message-identifier

   where message-identifier is the keyword displayed to the left
   of the message text. The additional topics list all message
   identifiers alphabetically.

   The following information is provided for each message
   identifier: message text, explanation, and user action.

3  Example
   For example, suppose the debugger displays the following message:

   Language: BASIC, Module: TEST

   In this example, the message identifier is INITIAL. To get
   information about this message, enter the following command:


3  Message_Format
   The following example shows the elements of a debugger diagnostic

   %DEBUG-W-NOSYMBOL, symbol 'X' is not in the symbol table
     1   2    3                        4

   1  The facility name (DEBUG).

   2  The severity level (W, in this example).

   3  The message identifier (NOSYMBOL, in this example). The
      message identifier is an abbreviation of the message text.

   4  The message text.

   The identifier enables you to find the explanation for a
   diagnostic message from the debugger's online help (and the
   action you need to take, if any).

3  Severity_Levels
   The possible severity levels for diagnostic messages are as

      S (success)
      I (informational)
      W (warning)
      E (error)
      F (fatal, or severe error)

   Success and informational messages inform you that the debugger
   has performed your request.

   Warning messages indicate that the debugger might have performed
   some, but not all, of your request and that you should verify the

   Error messages indicate that the debugger could not perform your
   request, but that the state of the debugging session was not
   changed. The only exceptions are if the message identifier was
   DBGERR or INTERR. These identifiers signify an internal debugger
   error, and you should contact your Compaq support representative.

   Fatal messages indicate that the debugger could not perform your
   request and that the debugging session is in an indeterminate
   state from which you cannot recover reliably. Typically, the
   error ends the debugging session.

aborting command due to kernel debugger termination

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The kernel debugger terminated so the current
   command was aborted.

   User Action: Check the reason the kernel debugger terminated.

command aborted by user request

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The command being executed was stopped when you
   typed CTRL-C.

   User Action: No action necessary.

absolute date-time syntax error

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The date-time value could not be converted because
   it is not in the proper VMS format.

   User Action: Re-enter the date-time value using the correct VMS
   date-time format.

access violation in address computation for address_value

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The address computation for the specified variable
   resulted in an access violation. This normally means that a
   register value or a descriptor needed in the address computation
   is uninitialized or corrupted.

   User Action: If the necessary register or descriptor is not yet
   initialized, the variable is not available at this point in the
   code. If the register or descriptor is corrupted, the cause of
   this error should be located and corrected.

program is activating

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The process process-specification has just
   activated, and is now connected to the main debugger. Any SET

   User Action: Submit an SPR. This message is handled internally,
   and should never be signaled to the user.

address range covers more than one module address_value is in path_
name address_value is in path_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The address range specified in a debugger
   EXAMINE/SOURCE command covers more than a single module. This
   is not allowed. The start address CZ is in module mod1 and the
   end address yyy is in module mod2.

   User Action: Re-enter the command with a valid address range.

instruction uses illegal or undefined addressing modes

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

a must-be-zero field in an address was not zero

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This is an internal debugger error.

   User Action: If the error is reproducible, submit a Software
   Performance Report and, if possible, enclose a copy of the
   program being debugged, its build procedure, and a logged
   debugging session that reproduces the error.

& not allowed on register variables: operand bound to register_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The C language & operator could not be applied to
   the given operand because the operand is a register variable.
   This is not allowed in the C language definition.

   User Action: Do not use the & operator on a register variable.

error allocating memory for an object in routine function_name.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger detected an error when allocating

   User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
   submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

a debugger has already connected to the desired process.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The process you are trying to connect to is already
   connected to a debugger (maybe your current debugger). There can
   only be one connection at a time.

   User Action: Check to see if you have already connected (SHOW
   PROCESS/ALL) to the desired process. If not, then some other
   debug session is connected to it. Disconnect the other debugger
   from the desired process before attempting to reconnect your

field_name is an ambiguous field name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The reference to the given field cannot be resolved
   because there is more than one field with the given name.

   User Action: Fully qualify the reference with a complete name for
   the desired field.

qualifier qualifier_name is ambiguous

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The qualifier cannot be resolved to a single option.
   There is more than one option to the command that starts with
   these characters.

   User Action: Add more of the characters to the qualifier
   string to make the option unambiguous. The qualifier should be
   unambiguous when it has at least four characters.

'member_name' is ambiguous, matching the following

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The reference to the given member cannot be resolved
   because there is more than one member with the given name.

   User Action: Fully qualify the reference with a complete name for
   the desired member.

operand of ampersand must be lvalue

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The C language & operator cannot be applied to the
   result of an expression. This is not allowed in the C language

   User Action: Do not use the & operator in this context.

analyze process dump kernel of the VMS debugger not available

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The analyze process dump kernel for the VMS debugger
   is not available on this system.

   User Action: Contact your Digital Representative on the
   availability of this feature.

argument list for frame frame-addr is not readable at address arg-

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger is attempting to chain down the call
   stack, following frame pointers. The debugger has determined
   that part or all of the argument list for the frame at frame-addr
   is not accessible for reading. This argument list lies at arg-
   addr. This usually indicates a corrupt frame list, but could also
   indicate that the program has protected part of memory in which
   the frame lies. In either case, this is an error.

   User Action: Determine what part of your code is writing into the
   FP register or overwriting the saved frame pointer on the call
   stack (or a preceding saved frame pointer) and correct it. Since
   the debugger looks at the call stack to symbolize addresses, you
   may suppress some of these messages by typing the command "SET

a VMS command must be specified in order to pass arguments in a RUN
or RERUN command

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: In order to specify arguments on a VMS run command,
   the command must be specified using a foreign command, or set
   using SET COMMAND. This VMS definition must be supplied to the
   Debugger RUN command using the /COMMAND qualifier.

   User Action: Supply the proper /COMMAND qualifier along with the
   /ARGUMENT switch.

AST arguments for AST frame frame-addr at astarg-addr is not

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger is attempting to chain down the call
   stack, following frame pointers. The debugger has determined
   that part or all of the AST argument array for the AST frame at
   frame-addr is not accessible for reading. This vector lies at
   astarg-addr. This usually indicates a corrupt frame list, but
   could also indicate that the program has protected part of memory
   in which the frame lies. In either case, this is an error.

   User Action: Determine what part of your code is writing into the
   FP register or overwriting the saved frame pointer on the call
   stack (or a preceding saved frame pointer) and correct it. Since
   the debugger looks at the call stack to symbolize addresses, you
   may suppress some of these messages by typing the command "SET

ASTs were disabled, and are still disabled

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The delivery of asynchronous system traps ASTs were
   already turned off in your program when the DISABLE AST command
   was issued.

   User Action: None

ASTs were enabled, and are still enabled

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The delivery of asynchronous system traps ASTs were
   already turned on in your program when the ENABLE AST command was

   User Action: None

the /AT qualifier was specified, /ENABLE was not

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The /AT qualifier is only appropriate with the
   /ENABLE qualifier.

   User Action: Reenter the command, specifying /ENABLE.

terminal is now attached to process process_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The control of your terminal is being passed from
   the current process to another process by means of the ATTACH

   User Action: None

attach request refused

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The specified process could not be attached to.
   Either it was not detached or it did not belong to the caller's

   User Action: Ensure that the specified process is detached and
   belongs to the caller's job.

attempted to compare addresses in different address spaces

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This is an internal debugger error.

   User Action: If the error is reproducible, submit a Software
   Performance Report and, if possible, enclose a copy of the
   program being debugged, its build procedure, and a logged
   debugging session that reproduces the error.

attempted to compare addresses with different address states, error
occurred comparing address with address

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This is an internal debugger error.

   User Action: If the error is reproducible, submit a Software
   Performance Report and, if possible, enclose a copy of the
   program being debugged, its build procedure, and a logged
   debugging session that reproduces the error.

incorrect package spec name in body-spec spec-name, module mod-name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The compiler has generated invalid Debug Symbol
   Table information.

   User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report against
   the compiler.

descriptor for 'symbol_name' is bad or is not set up yet

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The descriptor for the given symbol points into
   memory that cannot be read by the Debugger.

   User Action: Correct the descriptor.

incorrect value of tag_value in discriminant field tag_name.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The discriminate value you gave was out of range.

   User Action: Supply a discriminate value that is within the
   correct range.

bad Debugger Symbol Table (DST) (compiler error)

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger has detected an error in the Debug
   Symbol Table of your program. This indicates an internal error in
   either the debugger or the compiler of this module.

   User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

parameter does not have permitted data type for this event

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The event you specified cannot be used with the
   specified symbol. For example, you cannot specify the RUN event
   except on TASK type symbols. Please see the documentation for
   details on which events can be specified with which symbol types.

   User Action: Specify the correct symbol type for this event.

the user-mode exit handler list is corrupt

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: While walking the list of user-mode exit handlers,
   the debugger detected a forward link which pointed to an
   inaccessible exit control block.

   User Action: Check for a call to the SYS$DCLEXH system service
   that specifies an illegal exit control block argument. Also
   verify that exit control blocks are not getting corrupted later
   in the program.

bad FP or bad saved FP at pointer-addr in call stack, can't read
frame near frame-addr

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger is attempting to chain down the call
   stack, following frame pointers. The FP register (if pointer-
   addr is "FFFFFFFF") or the saved frame pointer at location
   pointer-addr points to a frame at least part of which is not
   read accessible near location frame-addr.

   User Action: Determine what part of your code is writing into the
   FP register or overwriting the saved frame pointer on the call
   stack (or a preceding saved frame pointer) and correct it. Since
   the debugger looks at the call stack to symbolize addresses, you
   may suppress some of these messages by typing the command "SET

non-existent object handle passed to routine

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger uses object handles for passing
   information around within itself. The debugger has used a non-
   existent or corrupt handle for an operation. The user should
   never see this message.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

the target system has the wrong incarnation

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: After a network failure, the debugger has attempted
   to re-connect to the target system. However, the target systems
   incarnation value does not match the last known incarnation,
   therefore this debug session is no longer valid. This is most
   likely due to the target system rebooting.

   User Action: Start up the debugger and target system again from

opcode opcode_name is unknown

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The opcode opcode_name specified as a command
   parameter is unknown to the debugger. It may be the case that
   an opcode synonym has been specified which is not recognized by
   the debugger.

   User Action: Specify a valid opcode or specify an opcode synonym
   that the debugger recognizes.

bad parameter value

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

invalid pathname path_name, SCOPE not changed

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The scope path_name specified in the SET SCOPE
   command contained a pathname that does not exist.

   User Action: Specify a valid scope.

bad sigarg pointer at pointer-addr or bad sigarg vector, can't read
sigarg vector near sigarg-addr

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger is attempting to chain down the call
   stack, following frame pointers, and has encountered an exception
   handler. The signal argument pointer at location pointer-addr
   points to a signal argument vector at least part of which is not
   read accessible near location sigarg-addr.

   User Action: Determine what part of your code is overwriting
   the stored signal argument pointer on the call stack, or part
   of the signal argument vector itself, and correct it. Since the
   debugger looks at the call stack to symbolize addresses, you may
   suppress some of these messages by typing the command "SET MODE

WARNING: stack corrupted; session integrity not guaranteed

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: While walking the call stack, the debugger has
   determined that the stack is corrupted. The debugger will attempt
   to establish some context and give the user control. Continuation
   in the presence of a corrupted stack typically results in
   unpredictable program and debugger behavior.

   User Action: See the secondary message, if any, for more
   information. Look at what little valid information is left and
   then start over. Attempt to find and fix the point where the
   stack gets corrupted. It may be possible to examine program
   state, but continuing instruction execution typically results
   in unpredictable program and debugger behavior.

cannot start from PC address_value

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Location address_value is not an accessible address
   and therefore cannot be executed. This is often caused when
   a GO command with no address specification is entered after
   the program has terminated. The debugger tries to execute an
   instruction at location 0, which is not accessible.

   User Action: Specify a different address specification in the GO
   command or, if the program has terminated, you can exit from the
   debugger and initiate the program with the DCL command RUN.

bad status returned from routine-name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger got an unexpected error status from the
   system service or RTL routine routine-name.

   User Action: Examine the error message and consider if the
   problem is related to a lack of quota or otherwise related to
   your program's behavior. If so, then take corrective action. If,
   after this evaluation, you believe that the problem lies in the
   debugger, then submit a Software Performance Report.

incorrect parent name in subunit sym-name, in module mod-name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The compiler has generated invalid Debug Symbol
   Table information.

   User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report (SPR)
   against the compiler.

incorrect value of tag_value in tag field tag_name.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The tag value you gave was out of range.

   User Action: Supply a tag that is within the correct range.

target location protected, cannot perform deposit

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The target address of the DEPOSIT command cannot be
   made writeable. The DEPOSIT command cannot be performed.

   User Action: None.

incorrect package name in use clause use-name, module module-name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The compiler has generated invalid Debug Symbol
   Table information.

   User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report against
   the compiler.

bad user-specified event table or event entry in user RTL

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger has detected an internal inconsistency
   in the event tables of the Run Time Library. This indicates an
   internal error in either the debugger or the Run Time Library.

   User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report.

cannot watch protected address address_value

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A SET WATCH command specified a protected address.
   Note that you cannot place a watchpoint on a dynamically
   allocated variable because these variables are stored on the

   User Action: Do not use watchpoint on this address.

the debugger can not write to the command dialog box, is not

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger got an unexpected status when trying to
   write to the command dialog box. This prevents the debugger from
   continuing this session.

   User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
   submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

base variable not set up yet

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The pointer to the based variable has not been
   set up by an ALLOCATE statement. Without a valid pointer, the
   reference cannot be made.

   User Action: Execute the ALLOCATE statement that defines the
   pointer for this based variable and then use the pointer to
   dereference the desired variable.

length 'number_value' must be greater than zero

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The specified length expression yielded a non-
   positive value, in a context in which that does not make sense.

   User Action: Enter a length expression that yields a value which
   is greater than zero.

bit range out of limits

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The EVALUATE command specified a bit field that is
   too wide.

   User Action: The low limit of the bit field is 0 and the high
   limit is 31; the maximum range is 31:0.

error searching for this breakpoint.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger detected and error when searching for
   the existence of the breakpoint in the list current breakpoints.

   User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
   submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

breakpoint or tracepoint being set in a different module.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The specified line number was not found in the
   current module. Consequently, Debug is setting the breakpoint
   or tracepoint in a module later in the call stack or in a set
   module not on the call stack.

   User Action: If the breakpoint or tracepoint was intended to be
   set in the current module, cancel the breakpoint or tracepoint
   and specify a line number in the current module.

execution breakpoint or tracepoint set on data item

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The command requested a breakpoint or tracepoint
   for a data item. Typically breakpoints are set only on code

   User Action: See the following message.

buffer overflow

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

an internal buffer overflow has been detected.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The size of an internal buffer is insufficient to
   perform this operation

   User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

button !AC already exists in the button list.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

button !AC not found in the internal button list

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

too many buttons, cannot generate a unique button name.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

B, W, L, G, I, or S must precede ^ for operand number operand_number

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: You must specify the type of offset as either B
   (byte), W (word), or L (longword). You must specify the type of
   literal as either I (immediate) or S (short). You may specify the
   addressing mode as G (general).

   User Action: Enter the instruction again, specifying the operand
   using one of the above modes.

call to user program complete

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This signal is generated by the debugger kernel
   after a called routine returns.

   User Action: Submit an SPR. This message is handled internally,
   and should never be signaled to the user.

calling non-static member function in a static fashion

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: You are attempting to use the CALL command to
   call a non-static member function using a static syntax, eg.
   Class::Func. This may result in incorrect parameters being passed
   to the called routine, resulting in unpredictable results.

   User Action: Use a non-static syntax when calling the routine,
   eg. Obj.Func()

cancel it and set a watchpoint if that is what was intended

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: If you intended to get notified when the specified
   location was modified rather than executed, then a watchpoint
   should have been set rather than a breakpoint.

   User Action: If a watchpoint was intended, then cancel the
   breakpoint and set a watchpoint.

cannot access the main debugger

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The kernel debugger cannot access the main debugger.
   The reason is given in the message following this message.

   User Action: Correct the problem given by the messages following
   this message. If the problem cannot be solved, submit a Software
   Performance Report (SPR).

cannot build an ACA Services attribute list.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Debug could not build the attribute list needed to
   invoke an ACA Services function. The ACA Services function will
   not be executed.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

could not create the debugger subprocess

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An error occurred while trying to create a
   subprocess to run the sharable main debugger image. The reason
   is given in the message following this message.

   User Action: Correct the problem given by the messages following
   this message. If the problem cannot be solved, submit a Software
   Performance Report (SPR).

unable to delete logical logical name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger process lacks the privleges necessary
   to delete this logical.

   User Action: Deassign the logical and redefine it in a less
   privleged table and mode, e.g. /job/user_mode.

cannot retrieve optional arguments to the DEBUG message.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Optional arguments were specified to the DEBUG
   message however Debug cannot retrieve these arguments from ACA

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

cannot deallocate an ACA Services attribute list.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Debug could not deallocate the attribute list needed
   to invoke an ACA Services function.

   User Action: No action necessary.

cannot get file-id for image file opened on channel channel-number

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An error occurred while trying to get the file-id
   of the image file opened on channel channel-number. The reason is
   given in the message following this message.

   User Action: Correct the problem given by the messages following
   this message. If the problem cannot be solved, submit a Software
   Performance Report (SPR).

cannot retrieve the list count on an item list.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An item list was secified in an ACA Services message
   to Debug, however, in the course of processing the message, Debug
   could not retrieve the count of the number of items in the list
   from ACA Services.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

cannot get file-id for the main image file opened on channel

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An error occurred while trying to get the file-id of
   the main image file opened on channel channel-number. The reason
   is given in the message following this message.

   User Action: Correct the problem given by the messages following
   this message. Note that trying to debug a remote image is NOT
   currently supported. If you are not trying to debug a remote
   image and the problem cannot be solved, submit a Software
   Performance Report.

cannot interrupt process !AC

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger could not interrupt the specified
   process because it was deleted. This message usually indicates
   that the specified process terminated abnormally-either via the
   DCL STOP command or via a call to $DELPRC.

   User Action: The debugger failed to interrupt the process. Unless
   the reason for this is apparent, submit a Software Performance
   Report (SPR).

cannot open image image_name (File: device_name:(file_id,file_

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The information the debugger needs to allow you to
   debug this section of code is in an image file that could not be

   User Action: Check for the existence of the specified file and/or
   its associated file protection attributes.

cannot paste to read-only window.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The window which has the input focus is a read-only
   window. You cannot paste to a read-only window.

   User Action: Assign the input focus to a writeable window and, if
   applicable, to the appropriate text-entry field.

could not register Debug as ACA Services server.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Debug could not register itself as an ACA Services

   User Action: Verify that ACA Services is installed and that the
   Control Server is running on the current system. If ACA Services
   is installed and the Control Server is running on the current
   system and this problem still exist, submit a Software Performace
   Report, otherwise install ACA Services and start the Control

could not unregister Debug as ACA Services server.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Debug could not unregister itself as an ACA Services

   User Action: Use ACA Services command, STOP SERVER, to unregister
   Debug as an ACA Services server.

circular stack at frame address frame-addr

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger is attempting to chain down the call
   stack, following frame pointers. The debugger has determined that
   the linked frames loop back on themselves at frame-addr.

   User Action: Determine what part of your code is writing into the
   FP register or overwriting the saved frame pointer on the call
   stack (or a preceding saved frame pointer) and correct it. Since
   the debugger looks at the call stack to symbolize addresses, you
   may suppress some of these messages by typing the command "SET

command aborted after number_of_handlers exit handlers displayed
circular exit handler list suspected

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: After displaying information about 100 exit
   handlers, the debugger suspects a circular exit handler list.

   User Action: If there is a circular exit handler list, then
   identify and correct the error in the user program.

clipboard operation failure

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: One of the DECtoolkit clipboard routines has failed.
   The attempt to write to the clipboard may not have completed

   User Action: Verify that the clipboard contains the data that you
   wrote to it. If it does not, attempt the operation again.

clipboard locked

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Some other DECWINDOWS application has locked the

   User Action: Wait until the other application has released the

error in the command buffer size.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger detected an error when trying to
   process the input command. Debug determined that the command
   buffer size was to small to store the command buffer.

   User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
   submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

the !AC command has failed

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The command has failed. The command has had no
   effect on the current debugging session.

   User Action: Reenter the command after correcting the problem.

the correct command is command_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The previous message shows the obsolete command. The
   command replacing it is shown in this message.

   User Action: Use the correct command as shown. The obsolete
   command will not be available in a future release of the

command command_name is obsolete

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This command is obsolete.

   User Action: Do not use this command, it will not be available in
   a future release of the debugger.

The !AC command is not allowed when analyzing a process dump

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The specified command may not be used within a
   process dump analysis.

   User Action: Do not use the command when analyzing a process

the command command_name is not available

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The specified command, although available in
   some debug implementations, is not available in this one. One
   reason why is that the qualifier just doesn't make sense on the
   platform. For example, the /JSB qualifier on a STEP command
   doesn't make sense on Alpha VMS because there is no "JSB"
   instruction like there is on VAX VMS.

   User Action: Choose another command.

The !AC command is not allowed in the DECWindows debugger

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The specified command may not be used with the
   DECWindows debugger.

   User Action: Do not use the command with the DECWindows debugger.

The !AC command is not allowed in the one process debugger

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The specified command may not be used with the
   single process debugger.

   User Action: Do not use the command with the one process

command syntax error at or near 'the debugger_command_segment'

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: There is a syntax error in the Debug command
   somewhere near the string shown in the message.

   User Action: Correct the syntax error and re-enter the command.

specified component not found in this type

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The enumeration component named in this operation
   could not be found in the list of components defined for this

   User Action: Correct the name of the enumeration component or
   correct the expression.

the vector control word is not accessible

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger does not have direct access to the
   vector control word. Therefore the operands of this instruction
   cannot be displayed correctly.

   User Action: Do not attempt to display the operands of vector
   instructions whose control word is not accessible to the

variant selector 'compname' must be an unqualified component name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: When the language is C or C++, a variant selector
   must specify a component of the union being selected.

   User Action: Specify a component name.

error generating a compound string.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger could not generate a compound string
   that is utilized by the Xtoolkit.

   User Action: No action necessary.

illegal combination of command elements - check documentation

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Command line elements conflict in their operations.
   The command will not be performed.

   User Action: Do not specify conflicting command line elements.

WARNING: continuing after severe error; integrity not guaranteed

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger has encountered a severe error in the
   users program and is continuing. The integrity of this debugging
   session can no longer be guaranteed.

   User Action: Determine and correct the cause of the severe error.

illegal deposit to a constrained record component

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger cannot DEPOSIT into a constrained
   record component.

   User Action: Do not attempt to deposit into a constrained record

the RUN or RERUN command did not succeed

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An error occurred while trying to create a
   subprocess for the program to run. The error status returned
   from the RUN or RERUN command is appended to this message.

   User Action: If the error is correctable, correct the problem
   and reenter the command. If not, the RUN and RERUN commands are

side effect on post-decrement operation not performed

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger does not support the evaluation of a
   post-decrement expression.

   User Action: None

side effect on post-increment operation not performed

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger does not support the evaluation of a
   post-increment expression.

   User Action: None

side effect on pre-decrement operation not performed

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger does not support the evaluation of a
   pre-decrement expression.

   User Action: None

side effect on pre-increment operation not performed

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger does not support the evaluation of a
   pre-increment expression.

   User Action: None

failed to map-in the Debugger Symbol Table (DST)

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: There will always be a secondary message describing
   why the debugger failed to map-in the debugger symbol table (DST)
   or global symbol table (GST).

   User Action: Please refer to the secondary message to take the
   appropriate action.

cannot convert negative value to unsigned value at or near opcode_

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The command is attempting to assign a negative value
   to an unsigned type. This is not allowed.

   User Action: Do not attempt to put a negative value into an
   unsigned variable.

debugger error or session corruption.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger has encountered an internal error or
   session corruption.

   User Action: If the error is reproducible, and is not an obvious
   side effect of the user program (i.e. stack corruption, resource
   exhaustion, etc.) submit a Software Performance Report (SPR) and
   if possible, enclose a copy of the program being debugged, its
   build procedure, and a logged debugging session that reproduces
   the error.

a debugger process from a previous debugging session has been

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: While attempting to create a process to run the
   debugger, a debug process from a previous debugging session was
   found and terminated.

   User Action: Under normal circumstances, the debugger process
   will exit when a debugging session ends via the EXIT or QUIT
   commands. If the previous debugging session was terminated with
   an EXIT or QUIT command and this error is reproducable, then
   submit a Software Performance Report (SPR)

too many declarations, parameter_name ignored

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: There is a mismatch between the number of
   declarations in a command procedure and the number of parameters
   passed to that command procedure.

   User Action: Check the command procedure and the DECLARE
   statements within to see if they agree with the number of
   parameters on the command line.

decimal overflow at or near opcode_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The value being deposited does not fit into the
   specified address.

   User Action: Specify either a smaller value or a different target

illegal packed or decimal string value (Reserved Operand fault
occurred during conversion)

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger encountered a Reserved Operand Fault
   when attempting to convert the specified value. This indicates
   that the packed or decimal string value did not contain a valid

   User Action: Ensure that the string value contains only valid

state_name key key_name has been defined

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The defining of functions keys has just been
   performed using the DEFINE/KEY command. This command assigns
   a string to function key. This is the logging message for the
   DEFINE/KEY command.

   User Action: None

error in processing DEFINE/KEY command:

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: There was an error in defining the given key in
   the display system. The key may not be redefinable, either
   because the display system will not allow it or because there are
   protections that prevent it. The key definition may be invalid.

   User Action: Correct the error in the key definition.

command defined with too many levels of recursion.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Commands may only be defined to a specified depth of
   recursion (now set at 100).

   User Action: Redefine your command such that it uses less levels
   of recursion.

state_name key key_name has been deleted

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The undefining of functions keys has just been
   performed using the DELETE/KEY command. This command deletes the
   key definitions that were established by the DEFINE/KEY command
   or, by default by the debugger.This is the logging message for
   the DELETE/KEY command.

   User Action: None

error in processing DELETE/KEY command:

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: There was an error in deleting the given key
   definition from the display mechanism. The key may not be a
   defined key. The key definition might also be protected against

   User Action: Correct the error in the command or correct the
   protections of the key in the display mechanism being used.

delta time too large

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger encountered an error when attempting to
   convert the string form of the delta time to binary.

   User Action: Enter the delta time specifying a smaller value.

descriptor not set up yet

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A descriptor used in an expression in the command
   is not yet fully initialized. Some of the fields are not valid,
   which means that the Debugger cannot completely evaluate the

   User Action: Examine the descriptor that caused the problem and
   determine which fields are not correct. Fill in these fields with
   the correct values.

ASTs were enabled, and are now disabled

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Delivery of asynchronous system traps (ASTs) has
   been turned off in your program by a DISABLE AST command.

   User Action: None

display name required with this command

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: user did not specify a display name with this

   User Action: enter a display name with this command

display not selected; was removed from screen

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: You specified a display which is removed from the

   User Action: Either specify a display which is not removed from
   the screen, or place the specified display onto the screen and
   attempt the operation again.

display_name display already exists

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: You attempted to create a display which already
   exists, either by explicitly creating the display or by trying to
   save the contents of a display into currently existing display.

   User Action: Specify a display which does not exist.

the display kind display_name is not available

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The specified display kind, although available in
   some debug implementations, is not available in this one.

   User Action: Do not select the display kind.

the size of display_name is too small for its display-window
increase the display size or decrease the display-window length

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: You attempted to (re)size a display, e.g.
   DISPLAY/SIZE=n or EXPAND/DOWN=m, such that the defined display
   size is less than its display-window length. (See the SHOW
   DISPLAY command.) This is not allowed. The command was aborted.

   User Action: Try again with either a larger display size, e.g.
   bigger n in DISPLAY/SIZE=n, OR a smaller expansion, e.g. smaller
   m in EXPAND/DOWN=m.

attempted to divide by zero

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: During the evaluation of an expression, the debugger
   noticed an attempt to divide by zero.

   User Action: Correct the expression so that it does not divide by

using file_specification BUT it does NOT appear to match with file_

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger is pulling debug symbol information
   for an image from the image DSF file BUT the link time in the
   image header for the DSF does NOT match with the image EXE.
   This means there may be symbolic and/or source line correlation
   misinterpretations or omissions.

   User Action: Verify that, if defined, the dbg$image_dsf_path is
   set up correctly. Verify that your DSF was created by the same
   link that created your image EXE.

error in DST (compiler error). GOTO DST has been ignored

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This represents an internal compiler, linker or
   debugger error.

   User Action: If this can be reproduced please submit a Software
   Performance Report (SPR).

error occurs offset byte!%S from beginning of DST

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This is a secondary message which gives detailed
   information about where the DST error occurs. It is intended
   primarily to be used by Digital.

   User Action: If you are submitting a problem report on the
   primary error message, be sure to include this one, too.

DST nesting depth too deep in module path_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Symbol table nesting depth is too deep in the
   specified module. This occurs if routine nesting or data record
   nesting is very deep in the user program.

   User Action: Simplify the user program and run again.

duplicate or conflicting vector qualifier specified at 'command_

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The qualifier indicated in the shown command line
   fragment has already been specified, or is conflicting with an
   earlier specified qualifier.

   User Action: Delete the qualifier in error.

more than one static link DST encountered in path_name, compiler

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Only one static link DST record is permitted for
   a given module, Ada package, or routine. This message indicates
   that this constraint was violated somewhere within the specified
   module. This message usually indicates a compiler error.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

a DECwindows toolkit error has occurred the message text is '!AS'

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An error has been reported by the DECwindows
   toolkit. This indicates that either the toolkit or the X server
   has detected a problem with the debuggers DECwindows display(s).

   User Action: Try to correct the problem specified in the message.
   For further information or assistance on this problem, contact
   your System Manager.

the 1 process debugger cannot be run in DECwindows mode

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger must have ASTs enabled at all times
   in order to properly run as a DECwindows program. This is not
   possible for a 1 process debugger. Therefore, the debugger is
   defaulting to not run as a DECwindows debugger.

   User Action: Correct the logical name assignment for DBG$PROCESS
   to be either "MULTIPROCESS" or "DEFAULT", and try again.

setting image image_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger is automatically setting the image
   containing the current PC. This is only an informational message.

   User Action: None

setting language language_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger is automatically setting up the
   language to correspond to the the module containing the current
   PC. This is only an informational message.

   User Action: None

setting module path_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger is automatically setting the module
   containing the current PC. This is only an informational message.

   User Action: None

the original version is file_specification

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The original file has been revised since the start
   of the debug session. This message indicates that source lines
   may not correspond to the ones used to compile this module

   User Action: Use SET SOURCE command to point to the original
   source file if possible and retry operation.

error while trying to EDIT

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An error occurred because of specifying a bad
   command line or because of choosing an editor which is not
   installed on this system.

   User Action: Check command line syntax and re-enter, or select an
   editor which is installed on the system. For further information
   on the installed editors contact your system manager.

editing file file_specification

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger is currently setup to edit the file as
   specified in the message. This is only an informational message.

   User Action: None

no source file to use for editing

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This messages indicates that the debugger could not
   find the specified source file to use for editing.

   User Action: Use SET SOURCE command to point to the original
   source file if possible and retry operation.

editing a revised version of the original source file

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The original source file has been revised since the
   start of the debug session. This message indicates that future
   source line may not correspond to the ones used to compile this

   User Action: Use SET SOURCE command to point to the original
   source file if possible and retry operation.

error retrieving information from view.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger could not retrieve the necessary
   information for a particular view display. This inhibits the
   debugger from manipulating the contents of the window at this

   User Action: No action necessary.

ASTs were disabled, and are now enabled

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Delivery of asynchronous system traps (ASTs) has
   been turned off in your program by a DISABLE AST command.

   User Action: None

entry mask has non-zero value in bits 12:13

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This is an internal status signal, it should never
   be seen by the user. If this message does occur please submit a
   Software Performance Report (SPR).

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

error searching for a window object.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: When looking for a window object, the debugger
   detected an error.

   User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
   submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

enumeration value out of range

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An error in your program indicates that the value of
   this enumeration is out of range.

   User Action: Examine this field in numeric format to determine
   its value. Determine the error in your code and make the
   appropriate corrections.

unable to activate image

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A bad status was returned from LIB$FIND_IMAGE_

   User Action: The image the debugger was trying to activate could
   not be activated. The following error should help to resolve the

failed to acquire an I/O channel for the debugger

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A bad status was returned from a $ASSIGN type of
   call. This message should be issued in the $DBG_INFO context.

   User Action: The debugger needs to acquire I/O channels to do
   I/O. In this case the debugger failed to acquire such a channel.
   Check your process quotas.

unable to close file

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A bad status was returned from a call to close a

   User Action: The debugger failed to close a file. Unless the
   reason for this is apparent, submit a Software Performance Report

error trying to create a user defined button.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger detected and error when trying to
   create the user defined push button.

   User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
   submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

error trying to create a window in routine function_name.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger detected an error when trying to create
   a window.

   User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
   submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

unable to create a logical name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger failed to create the required logical
   names for input and output redirection.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

failed to deassign an I/O channel acquired by the debugger

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger wanted to deassign an I/O channel that
   is acquired for internal purposes. This error notes the failure
   of the SYS$DASSGN system service, probably due to an invalid

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

unable to format output string

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An error was returned from a call to $FAO.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

error fetching objects from MRM in routine function_name.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger could not find one of the necessary
   objects in the Motif Resource Manager (MRM). This may prevent the
   debugger from continuing the session.

   User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
   submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

unable to get device information

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger needed some information from $GETDVI
   and the call failed. This indicates an internal programming

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

attempt to allocate an event flag failed

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger wanted to allocate a local event flag
   for it's own use. For some reason the routine called to allocate
   the event flag failed. This message is usually issued in the
   $DBG_INFO context.

   User Action: The debugger needs event flags to operate. Check the
   program being debugged for excessive allocation of event flags.

error decoding instruction at current PC

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger has encountered an error during
   decoding of an instruction at the current PC

   User Action: The address may be an entry mask, examine the
   instruction 2 bytes beyond the specified address.

signal arguments were incorrect, signal cannot be decoded

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The arguments which were passed as part of the
   signal in your program were incorrect. The debugger encountered
   an error in trying to analyze the signal arguments. The error is
   shown in the message following this message.

   User Action: Analyze the arguments passed to LIB$SIGNAL by your
   program, and correct the error.

error invoking editor

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: While trying to invoke an editor a bad status was

   User Action: Is the requested editor available and working
   properly. If so, submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

error opening the Motif resource (UID) file, in routine function_

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   User Action: Please make sure that resource (UID) file for the
   debugger is in appropriate directory (Usually SYS$SYSTEM). Please
   consult your system manager.

debugger error or session corruption

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error or
   session corruption.

   User Action: Correct the problem given by the messages following
   this message. If the problem cannot be solved, submit a Software
   Performance Report (SPR).

Error limit = error-limit, dumping terminated

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The error limit specified for the DST dump was
   exceeded; the dumper was unable to continue processing the input
   file. By default, the error limit is set at 5. Use the /ERROR_
   LIMIT qualifier to change the value.


   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Unspecified error.

error handle signalled, address = address

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger signalled an error handle. This should
   never happen. The error handles are an internal construct which
   are used to obtain information within the debugger. They should
   never appear in user-visible messages.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

error from $QIOW

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A bad status was returned from a call to $QIOW.

   User Action: If problem can be recreated, submit a Software
   Performance Report (SPR).

error returned from a call to the Screen Management Facility (SMG)

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A bad status was returned from a call to SMG. This
   could be a result of any number of things which may or may not be
   a debugger problem.

   User Action: Check the user program for potential interactions
   between it and the debugger; pasteboard sharing and the like.
   Also, check the set up of the terminal which might cause SMG some
   problem. If the error still can't be explained submit a Software
   Performance Report (SPR).

error returned from an internal debugger system service call

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A bad status was returned from a call to a system
   service. This message will list the particular system service.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

unable to perform operation for current target system

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This is an internal debugger error.

   User Action: If the error is reproducible, submit a Software
   Performance Report and, if possible, enclose a copy of the
   program being debugged, its build procedure, and a logged
   debugging session that reproduces the error.

error in user-specified event

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: When attempting to process the specified event, the
   debugger called the Run Time Library, which returned an error
   status. The error status returned by the Run Time Library follows
   this message.

   User Action: Correct the problem based on the associated message
   which follows the debugger error message.

attempt to examine beyond the end of a register

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A ranged examine command was specified that
   attempted to examine beyond the end of a bounded register.

   User Action: Respecify the command so that it does not go past
   the end of the register.

invalid range of addresses

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The first address of a range to examine must be less
   than the second address in this range.

   User Action: Enter the address range specifying the addresses in
   increasing order.

exception breakpoint replaced

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A SET BREAK/EXCEPTION was done when exception breaks
   were already in effect. The old exception break was replaced with
   the new one.

   User Action: Submit an SPR. This message is handled internally,
   and should never be signaled to the user.

error occurred while executing routine called from exception break

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: While executing a routine called from an exception
   break using the CALL command, an exception occurred. Any
   exceptions from routines called from an exception break cause
   this message to be displayed followed by the text of the
   exception. Execution of the called routine is then terminated.

   User Action: Either correct the CALL command if it was in error,
   or correct the routine that caused the exception. To use the
   debugger to help find the cause of the exception, try calling the
   routine while not at an exception break.

exitloop argument num_levels is too large

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The parameter specified on the EXITLOOP command is
   greater than the number of loops nested at this time. It is also
   possible that you have specified an EXITLOOP command when you are
   not inside of a loop.

   User Action: Reduce the parameter on the EXITLOOP command to no
   more than the number of loops nested at the time the EXITLOOP
   command is to be executed. If there are no loops currently being
   executed, then the EXITLOOP command is redundant.

an error occurred while trying to exit the program

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An error status was returned from the call to the
   debugger-kernel service that terminates program execution.
   Depending on the severity of the error, the program may or may
   not have terminated.

   User Action: Examine the error message after this message
   and consider if the problem is related to a lack of quota
   or otherwise related to your program's behavior. If so, then
   take corrective action. If, after this evaluation, you believe
   that the problem lies in the debugger, then submit a Software
   Performance Report (SPR).

is 'status_value'

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The program has exited with the status status_value.

   User Action: None.

expanding debugger memory pool

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger kernel maintains a memory pool from
   which it allocates data structures to keep track of breakpoints,
   tracepoints, watchpoints, and so on. The initial size of
   the memory pool is 256 pages. The memory pool is expanded
   automatically when needed, and this informational is signaled
   when memory pool expansion occurs. If you have set a large number
   of breakpoints, tracepoints, or watchpoints, this message is to
   be expected.

   User Action: If this message appears for no evident reason (i.e.
   you have not set a large number of breakpoints, tracepoints, or
   watchpoints), there may be something wrong with the debugger. In
   this case, submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

could not find the DECwindows image to be initialized.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger could not find the DECwindows image
   that it was trying to initialize.

   User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
   submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

failed to set breakpoint on a condition handler address

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The user had requested a SET BREAK/HANDLERS but a
   frame based condition handler was found that Debug was unable to
   set a breakpoint on.

   User Action: You have several options. If the particular
   handler is NOT of interest, then it is safe to ignore the set
   the breakpoint error messages. You also have the option to
   CANCEL BREAK/HANDLERS and SET BREAK on only the breakpointable
   handlers of interest. Finally, if the handler IS of interest
   AND IS in an installed resident image, then you should activate
   the image privately via a logical, e.g. "DEFINE LIBOTS
   SYS$LIBRARY:LIBOTS.EXE;". That should bring the handler's
   activated address into the process's writeable address space.

could not open the user interface definition (UID) file,

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger could not find one of the necessary
   file to support the DECWindows interface, preventing the debugger
   from continuing this session.

   User Action: Check for the existance and accessability of
   SYS$LIBRARY:DEBUGUIL.UID. For further assistance and information
   on this probelm check with your system manager.

error trying to connect to the DECWindows software.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger failed to establish a connection to the
   X server preventing the debugger from continuing this session.

   User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
   submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

a fatal condition was detected by the debugger.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger got an unexpected status from the
   system service or RTL routine routine-name which prevents this
   DEBUG session from continuing.

   User Action: Examine the error message and consider if the
   problem is related to a lack of quota or otherwise related to
   your program's behavior. If so, then take corrective action. If,
   after this evaluation, you believe that the problem lies in the
   debugger, then submit a Software Performance Report.

error fetching literals from MRM.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger could not find one of the necessary
   literals in the Motif Resource Manager (MRM). This prevents the
   debugger from continuing this session.

   User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
   submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

maximum file name length is 251 characters

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The name of the file specified by the user is too
   large for the debugger to handle

   User Action: Try to redo the operation with a shorter string.

file not available

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The source file for the given program cannot be

   User Action: Change the protections on the source file, or use
   SET SOURCE to tell the Debugger where the source file really

floating overflow at or near opcode_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The value being deposited does not fit into the
   specified address.

   User Action: Specify either a smaller value or a different target

stack frame at frame address frame-addr is not readable

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger is attempting to chain down the call
   stack, following frame pointers. The debugger has determined
   that part or all of the frame at frame-addr is not accessible for
   reading. This usually indicates a corrupt frame list, but could
   also indicate that the program has protected part of memory in
   which the frame lies. In either case, this is an error.

   User Action: Determine what part of your code is writing into the
   FP register or overwriting the saved frame pointer on the call
   stack (or a preceding saved frame pointer) and correct it. Since
   the debugger looks at the call stack to symbolize addresses, you
   may suppress some of these messages by typing the command "SET

desired height of specified_height is not allowed, height is set to

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The device specified by DBG$OUTPUT had a screen
   height that wasn't in the range of 18-100.

   User Action: Use SHOW TERMINAL command and verify that the
   terminal height is correct, it is in the range 18-100, and is
   pointing to a valid terminal type.

identifier too long, please shorten

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Identifiers in address expressions must be shorter
   than 256 characters.

   User Action: Enter a shorter identifier.

precision lost during fixed point operation

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: While doing operations on fixed point data items,
   the debugger recognized that some precision was lost.

   User Action: You should understand that the result of the
   operation is imprecise and may not be exactly what you expect.

floating underflow at or near opcode_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: While performing the arithmetic operation, a
   floating-point value became less than the smallest representable
   value for that data type.

   User Action: You should understand that the result of the
   operation is imprecise and may not be exactly what you expect.

ignoring logical logical name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger is ignoring this logical likely because
   a previous error, e.g. unable to delete logical.

   User Action: If there was an error message previous to this one,
   see its user action and correct it.

integer overflow at or near opcode_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: While performing the arithmetic operation, a
   floating-point value exceeded the largest representable value
   for that data type.

   User Action: You should understand that the result of the
   operation is imprecise and may not be exactly what you expect.

illegal constant constant_name in address expression

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The constant in the message evaluates to a non-
   integer type. Only integer types can be used in an address

   User Action: Change the constant to the appropriate integer

subscript range ('*') not permitted here (must be at lowest level of
data structure)

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger does not allow an asterisk as a range
   in an EXAMINE except as the last index in the array. That is, the
   memory to examine must be a contiguous region. Unconnected slices
   of arrays are not allowed.

   User Action: Remove the asterisk from the expression to examine.
   Placing the corrected EXAMINE inside a Debugger FOR loop command
   could provide the functionality needed to do the command as
   originally desired.

illegal name for DEFINE: defined_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A defined name must be non-null.

   User Action: Enter a non-null name to DEFINE.

enumeration value out of legal range

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The predecessor (or successor) function has been
   used on the first (or last) component of the enumeration. The
   result would not be a valid value of the enumeration.

   User Action: Do not use the predecessor (or successor) function
   on the first (or last) component of the enumeration.

Attempt to pass an illegal event structure: structure-name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

   User Action: Submit an SPR.

file variable points to invalid file descriptor

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The file variable references a file descriptor that
   cannot be read, is incomplete, or points to a file that is not

   User Action: Correct the file descriptor.

float_value is an illegal floating point value

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The Debugger attempted to parse the given floating
   point number and encountered an illegal character.

   User Action: Correct the floating point number.

invalid invocation number at invoc_num

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An illegal invocation number was specified (must be
   in decimal radix).

   User Action: Specify a legal decimal invocation number.

illegal length field length_value in structure reference

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A negative value was given for the length of a field
   in a structure reference.

   User Action: Change the field length to a non-negative value.

illegal numeric pathname at path_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An illegal numeric pathname was specified (must be
   in decimal radix).

   User Action: Specify a legal decimal numeric pathname.

illegal packed size size_value; must be 0..31

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The specified size on a /PACKED qualifier is
   illegal. It must be a value between 0 and 31.

   User Action: Specify a legal value with the /PACKED qualifier.

illegal use of %SOURCE_SCOPE (must not be combined with invocation

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: %SOURCE_SCOPE has been used in the same path with
   other scope numbers.

   User Action: Remove all but one of the references to the desired

illegal use of %SOURCE_SCOPE (must appear at the start of the

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: %SOURCE_SCOPE has been used in a path name in an
   illegal position. The %SOURCE_SCOPE lexical must be the first
   item in the path list.

   User Action: Move the %SOURCE_SCOPE lexical to the first position
   in the pathname.

illegal pathname element at path_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Invocation numbers cannot be used with other

   User Action: Eliminate the continuation of the pathname after the
   invocation number.

unknown identifier in pathname at path_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An illegal identifier was specified in the pathname.

   User Action: Specify a legal identifier.

position field value position_value is too large

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The value of the position specifier in the BLISS
   field reference is an incredibly large number, larger than the
   Debugger can handle. The value may be negative, which is also

   User Action: Change the value of the position specifier in the
   BLISS field reference to a smaller (or positive) value.

illegal or unsupported qualifier on command

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: One of the qualifiers to the command is incorrect.

   User Action: Remove the incorrect qualifier to the command.

subscript range not permitted here (must be at lowest level of data

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The Debugger does not allow a range in an EXAMINE
   except as the last index in the array. That is, the memory to
   examine must be a contiguous region. Unconnected slices of arrays
   are not allowed.

   User Action: Remove the range from the expression to examine.
   Placing the corrected EXAMINE inside a Debugger FOR loop command
   could provide the functionality needed to do the command as
   originally desired.

illegal set constant in expression

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: One of the constants specified in the given set
   expression has a type that is inconsistent with the set type.

   User Action: Change the erroneous set constant value to a
   constant with a type that agrees with the set type.

illegal sign extension field value extension_value

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An illegal value has been entered for the sign
   extension field in a field reference.

   User Action: Re-enter the command using a valid sign extension
   field value.

illegal size field size_value; must be 0..size_limit

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The size value for a BLISS field reference contains
   an illegal value.

   User Action: Change the size value of the field reference to an
   integer between 0 and size_limit, inclusive.

substring length larger than 32K not supported

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The calculated length of a substring in the
   expression is larger than can be handled by the Debugger.

   User Action: Do not use a substring with a length greater than
   32K in an expression to be evaluated by the Debugger.

can only apply substring operation to string data types

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The Debugger has found a substring operation, but
   the data type of the operand is not a string type.

   User Action: Correct the data type of the string operand in the
   substring expression.

illegal thunk call address

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger detected a 0 addressed compiler-
   supplied routine during Value Spec evaluation.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR) to the
   appropriate compiler.

illegal type of operand(s)

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The type of the operand is illegal for the operator

   User Action: Change the operand.

illegal vector instruction qualifier specified at 'command_line'

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A vector instruction qualifier that is
   illegal for this vector instruction was specified during a

   User Action: Do not specify that illegal qualifier on that

target image file_specification not found on host system

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An image that is loaded on the target system or
   represented in the dump file does not have a matching copy on
   the host system. The debugger can not load any information about
   this image, therefore, symbolic debugging of code in the image is

   User Action: Check the the image search path on the host system
   for this image. Either fix the search path or place a copy of
   this image in that path and restart the debug session.

target system image file_specification does not match host copy

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An image that is loaded on the target system does
   not match the host copy of that image. This occurs when the link
   time in the image header for the DSF or EXE file on the host does
   not match the link time of the target system's image.

   User Action: Verify that the image path is set up correctly and
   that it points to the same images as are loaded on the target

incorrect DST nesting in module path_name, compiler error

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Incorrect symbol table nesting occurred, such as
   improper routine or data record nesting in the specified module.
   This message normally indicates a compiler error.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report.

WARNING: stack corrupted; session integrity not guaranteed

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: While walking the call stack, the debugger has
   determined that the stack has been corrupted. It did however,
   find some valid call frames and will attempt to continue with
   that information. Continuation in the presence of a corrupted
   stack typically results in unpredictable program and debugger

   User Action: Look at what little valid information is left and
   then start over. Attempt to find and fix the point where the
   stack gets corrupted. It may be possible to examine program
   state, but continuing instruction execution typically results
   in unpredictable program and debugger behavior.

operand number operand_number incomplete

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: When parsing an instruction, the debugger found an
   incomplete operand.

   User Action: Specify complete operands when entering machine

pointers of different size, cannot perform subtraction

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The two pointers point to objects with incompatible
   types. A computation involving these pointers does not have a
   meaningful result.

   User Action: Do not attempt to mix pointers of different types in
   arithmetic computations.

qualifier qualifier_name is not compatible with qualifier_name(s)

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Qualifiers specified with the command conflict in
   their operations.

   User Action: Specify non-conflicting qualifiers.

a debugger_type kernel debugger is incompatible with a debugger_type
main debugger

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A kernel debugger attempted to connect to a main
   debugger with which it is not compatible.

   User Action: Make sure that the logical names used to point at
   the sharable and non_sharable debugger images are defined to
   point to the same type of debuggers.

the RPC versions of the main and kernel debuggers are incompatible

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A kernel debugger attempted to connect to a main
   debugger with which it is not compatible.

   User Action: Make sure that the logical names used to point at
   the sharable and non_sharable debugger images are defined to
   point to the same type of debuggers.

index and base registers are equal for operand number operand_number

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: When parsing an instruction, the debugger found an
   operand whose base register and index registers were the same.
   The VAX instruction architecture forbids this construction.

   User Action: Specify different registers for the base and index

target system interrupted

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The target system has hit a break point in the
   INI$BRK system routine. The system code calls this routine in
   order to return control to the debugger either because the call
   is compiled into the code or an IPL 14 interrupt was generated.

   User Action: None.

an error has occurred during debugger initialization, unable to
continue this session.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger encountered an error during
   initialization which does not allow this debugging session to

   User Action: Use the message which preceded this message to
   analyze and correct the error, and try again.

Language: language_name, Module: path_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This message is displayed when the debugger is
   invoked by the image activator. The language is set to language_
   name, and the module to path_name. Module path_name is the first
   module specified in the LINK command, and language language_name
   is the language used in that module.

   User Action: None.

error reading input line:

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: There was an error from the system while trying to
   read the input line.

   User Action: Re-enter the command line. Check to see that the
   Debugger has read access to the input source. If the problem
   persists, submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

No instructions for address address_value

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: No instructions correspond to the address address_

   User Action: None. This message is informational.

insufficient virtual memory for the debugger memory pool

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Failed to allocate additional memory for working

   User Action: Cancel set modules to free space in memory and try

debugger error in debugger_routine_name or session corruption

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger has encountered an internal error or
   session corruption.

   User Action: If the error is reproducible, and is not an obvious
   side effect of the user program (i.e. stack corruption, resource
   exhaustion, etc.) submit a Software Performance Report (SPR) and
   if possible, enclose a copy of the program being debugged, its
   build procedure, and a logged debugging session that reproduces
   the error.

process interrupted via cross-process signal

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This signal is delivered asyncronously to a process
   to cause the debugger to be invoked in that process.

   User Action: Submit an SPR. This message is handled internally,
   and should never be signaled to the user.

internal memory-pool error

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger's internal memory area has been
   corrupted or is inconsistent. This can be caused by an internal
   debugger error or by random stores by the user program.

   User Action: Correct the user program. If the problem still
   exists, submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

integer overflow at or near opcode_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The value being deposited does not fit into the
   specified address.

   User Action: Specify either a smaller value or a different target

internal debugger coding error in using vector instruction(s)

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An internal debugger error has been encountered when
   attempting to execute a vector instruction. Messages will follow
   this text which will more fully explain the error.

   User Action: If the error is reproducible, submit a Software
   Performance Report and, if possible, enclose a copy of the
   program being debugged, its build procedure, and a logged
   debugging session that reproduces the error.

number truncated at or near opcode_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: On some conversions packed numbers need to be
   truncated to fit into their destination. Truncation is done from
   the least significant digit to the most significant digit.

   User Action: You should understand that the result of the
   operation is imprecise and may not be exactly what you expect.

error retrieving text from an object.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger found a discrepancy in the ranges of
   the text string that was retrieved.

   User Action: No action necessary.

invalid argument list for 'the debugger_command_segment'

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: There is an error with the argument list. The
   Debugger may be expecting an argument list when none was
   supplied. The Debugger may have found an argument list where
   one was not expected. The Debugger may have found an argument
   list that was too long or too short. Finally, the Debugger may
   have found an inconsistency in the argument list.

   User Action: Correct the command. Supply the correct argument
   list if one was missing or in error. Delete the inappropriate
   argument list, if one was present.

array dimension is out of range

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The array dimension is out of the range of the
   declared size and shape of the array. Either the dimension
   requested is less than zero, or it is greater than the number
   of dimensions the array was declared with.

   User Action: Correct the invalid array dimension.

invalid array descriptor

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An array descriptor in the image does not have the
   correct format. This can be caused by a reference to a VAX BASIC
   array when the first line of the program has not been executed.
   The array is not set up correctly until the BASIC program
   initialization is done. This message can also be caused by a
   user program or DEPOSIT commands altering a compiler generated
   array descriptor. This can also be caused by an incomplete array
   declaration in C or C++. For example, the declaration extern int
   element_array[] can result in an array descriptor with a zero

   User Action: If the reference is to a VAX BASIC array,
   enter a STEP or GO command to ensure that the BASIC program
   initialization is done and then repeat the reference. If the
   reference is to an Alpha C array, try accessing the global symbol
   table definition for the array by upper-casing the array name.
   Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

invalid character

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: When parsing the command, an invalid character was

   User Action: Enter the command specifying only valid characters.

invalid character in current locale

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An illegal character in the current locale has been

   User Action: Reenter the string using valid characters.

invalid character constant in expression

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: When evaluating a language expression, the debugger
   expected to find a closing single quote mark, or the end of the
   command. Some other character was found, which resulted in an
   illegal language expression.

   User Action: Enter a valid language expression.

command is not available for this configuration

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This command is not available for this configuration
   of the debugger. It may be available in a future version.

   User Action: None.

unable to access stack to depth of depth

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger is trying to access the register set of
   a frame depth frames down on the stack.

   User Action: If you explictly requested for information about
   that frame, (e.g. via a previous SET SCOPE command), modify your
   command such that it is requesting information about a valid

invalid string descriptor

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

invalid digit in binary number: number_value

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A numeric value other than '0' and '1' was found in
   a binary number.

   User Action: Enter binary numbers specifying only digits '0' and

invalid digit in decimal number: number_value

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A numeric value other than in the range '0' through
   '9' was found in a decimal number.

   User Action: Enter decimal numbers specifying only digits '0'
   through '9'.

invalid digit in hexadecimal number: number_value

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A numeric value other than in the range '0' through
   '9' or an alphabetic value other than in the range 'A' through
   'F' was found in a hexadecimal number. Hexadecimal numbers must
   also start with a numeric character, for example '0F'.

   User Action: Enter hexadecimal numbers specifying only digits '0'
   through '9' and alphabetic values 'A' through 'F'.

invalid digit in octal number: number_value

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A numeric value other than in the range '0' through
   '7' was found in a decimal number.

   User Action: Enter decimal numbers specifying only digits '0'
   through '7'.

invalid directory name: file_specification

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The directory name 'file_specification' given in a
   DEBUGGER command SET SOURCE is not valid. Either the directory
   syntax is incorrect or the directory does not exist.

   User Action: Ensure that the directory exists and that the syntax
   is correct.

invalid DMT pointer; internal linker or debugger error

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger found that the pointer in the image
   header to the Debug Module Table (DMT) was invalid. The debugger
   will continue from this error trying to initialize based on the
   Debug Symbol Table (DST).

   User Action: Check that the image file hasn't been modified or
   corrupted in some way. If not, submit a Software Performance
   Report (SPR).

invalid display size: display_size

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The SIZE value for a display must be between 1 and

   User Action: Specify the SIZE value between 1 and 1000.

invalid DST record

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger has detected an error in the Debug
   Symbol Table of your program. This indicates an internal error in
   either the debugger or the compiler of this module.

   User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

invalid expression for operand number operand_number

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The specified operand was not correct for this

   User Action: Please check the documentation for the correct
   operands for this instruction, and re-enter the instruction with
   the correct operands.

invalid file handle

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger has detected an invalid file handle for
   the given context connection. This indicates an internal error in
   either the debugger or the compiler.

   User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report.

invalid DST fixup records in image image_name, symbol references to
shareable images may be erroneous

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: While attempting to read the symbol table
   information in the specified image, the debugger found errors
   in the symbol table address fixup records. These records are used
   to adjust for the base addresses of shareable images. This means
   that any symbols in this image which point to addresses in other
   (shareable) images will most likely be incorrect. Symbols which
   refer to addresses in this image will be correct unless this is
   also a shareable image.

   User Action: Relink the image and, if the error is reproducible,
   submit a Software Performance Report explaining how the image
   file was created.

invalid field reference; too many or few parameters

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The Debugger could not complete the parse of the
   BLISS field reference specification. Either the closing angle
   bracket terminator was found too soon, or it was not found when
   it was expected.

   User Action: Correct the field reference.

invalid GST record

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger has detected an error in the Global
   Symbol Table of your program. This indicates an internal error in
   either the debugger or the compiler of this module.

   User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

invalid GST record; GST is partially built

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger found an invalid Global Symbol Table
   (GST) record in the image. The debugger will discontinue
   initializing the GST at this point. The debugger will continue
   from this error, however global symbol information may not be

   User Action: Check that the image file hasn't been modified or
   corrupted in some way. If not, submit a Software Performance
   Report (SPR).

right margin must be greater than left

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: You specified a right margin that was less than the
   left margin in the debugger command SET MARGIN. The right margin
   must be greater than the left margin.

   User Action: Re-enter the command specifying a valid margin

invalid numeric string 'number_value'

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A numeric value which was not in the specified radix
   was found in the language expression.

   User Action: Enter numbers specifying only valid digits for that

invalid number of source files

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An invalid number of source files was specified on
   the SET MAX_SOURCE_FILES command. The maximum number of source
   files that the debugger will keep open simultaneously is 20.

   User Action: Re-enter the command specifying a valid number
   within the range.

invalid numeric string at or near 'number_value'

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger encountered an error when attempting to
   convert the specified value. This indicates that the string value
   did not contain a valid number.

   User Action: Ensure that the string value contains only valid

invalid operator 'operator_symbol' in address expression

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Address expressions cannot contain operators.

   User Action: Enter the address expression without operators.

invalid operator symbol 'operator_symbol' in expression

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Identifiers in address expressions must be shorter
   than 256 characters.

   User Action: Enter a shorter identifier.

invalid screen height, value must be between minimum_height and

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The height of the terminal which the debugger uses
   to place it's windows must be between the values specified.

   User Action: Specify the page size of the screen to be between
   the values specified.

the password does not match the target system password

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The password specified in the connect command does
   not match the password in the target systems password file. Or,
   no password was specified and the target system requires one.

   User Action: Check to make sure the correct node name and
   password were specified. Check the target system to make sure
   both were set up correctly.

process specification syntax error

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The specified process specification is syntactically

   User Action: Re-enter the command specifying a correct process

invalid task priority value specified

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The priority of an Ada task must be between 0 and

   User Action: Specify a valid priority for the task.

invalid range specification in array subscript

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A range specification in an array reference is
   illegal. The Debugger may have found a range where none is
   allowed. An asterisk may have been used as a range where it is
   not allowed. The array subscripts may have more than one set
   of ranges, which is not allowed. The range may be invalid, with
   bounds greater than the declared bounds of the array. Finally,
   the lower bound of the range may be greater than the upper bound
   of the array.

   User Action: Correct the range specification in the array

invalid selection of display_name display; wrong display kind

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Some attributes can only be placed on certain types
   of displays. For example, the SOURCE attribute can only be placed
   on source displays. The attribute you specified cannot be placed
   on the display you specified.

   User Action: See the debugger documentation of the SELECT command
   for details on which attributes can be placed on which displays.
   Specify attributes which are compatible with the display kind.

invalid source line range

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An invalid source line range was entered in the
   debugger TYPE command. The first line number of the range must be
   non-negative and less than or equal to the second number in the

   User Action: Re-enter the command specifying a valid line number

time slice was not set, parameter is out of range

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The value specified for the time slice was out of
   range for the Ada type DURATION used by the debugger.

   User Action: See the Ada documentation for the range of the
   DURATION type. Specify time slice values which are in range.

invalid screen width, must be between minimum_width and maximum_

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The width of the terminal which the debugger uses to
   place its windows must be between the values specified.

   User Action: Specify the width of the screen to be between the
   values specified.

invalid window parameter: number_value

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The value specified was out of range of the screen
   on which the window will be placed. If the debugger is placing
   its windows on a terminal screen, the beginning row and column
   numbers must be between 1 and the height and width of the screen,
   and the beginning value plus the height or width of the window
   must not exceed the height or width of the terminal screen.
   If the debugger is running with the DECwindows interface, the
   beginning row and column numbers must be greater than 0.

   User Action: Specify valid parameters for the window row and
   column values, and for the height and width of the window.

record file address overflow at or near opcode_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The conversion of the ASCII string to a record file
   address caused an overflow. The conversion was performed however.

   User Action: Check the value to make sure the conversion
   performed as expected.

string truncated at or near opcode_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The string did not fit into the specified
   destination resulting in lost trailing characters. The conversion
   was performed however.

   User Action: Check the value to make sure the conversion
   performed as expected.

item not available

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The user should never see this message. The debugger
   uses an item list construct for passing information between
   its parts. This message indicates that the requesting routine
   requested data which the target routine was not capable of
   providing. Appearance of this message indicates an internal
   problem in the debugger.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR)

item truncated - buffer of insufficient size

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The user should never see this message. The debugger
   uses an item list construct for passing information between
   its parts. This message indicates that the requesting routine
   allocated a buffer which was too small for the requested data.
   Appearance of this message indicates an internal problem in the

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR)

value does not fit into target location at or near opcode_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The value can not be represented in the target
   location and may be truncated. The bit field is not large enough
   to hold the value.

   User Action: Check the value in the target location.

value assigned is out of bounds at or near opcode_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The value is out of the bounds defined for the data.
   The operation was performed however.

   User Action: Check the results of the operation to make sure they
   are as you expected.

logical name DBG$PROCESS must be either MULTIPROCESS or DEFAULT

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The logical name DBG$PROCESS translates to something
   other than "MULTIPROCESS" or "DEFAULT".

   User Action: Correct the logical name assignment for DBG$PROCESS
   and try again.

the Kept Debugger must be run as a multi-process debugger

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The kept debugger must be a master process running
   and rerunning programs as subprocesses. This is not possible for
   a one process debugger. The kept debugger must be run using more
   than one process.

   User Action: Correct the logical name assignment for DBG$PROCESS
   to be either "MULTIPROCESS" or "DEFAULT", and try again.

Kernel Function function_name not yet implemented on this

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

host kernel of the VMS system debugger not available

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The host kernel for the VMS system debugger is not
   available on this system so a connection could not be made.

   User Action: Contact your Digital Representative on the
   availability of this feature.

unrecognized key name: key_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This keyname <key_name, !AS> is in error. It can not
   be defined by the user.

   User Action: Check spelling of the key name.

unrecognized state name: state_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This key state <state_name, !AS> is in error. It has
   not been defined by the user.

   User Action: Check spelling of the state name or define the

stack exception handlers lost, re-initializing stack

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The user's program contained an error that caused
   the exception handling mechanism to fail. This error occurs
   when the stack is overwritten by the user program or by deposit

   User Action: Identify and correct the error in the user program.


   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This is either 'No line information available', or
   'No line <line_number, !UL>, previous line is <line_number, !UL>,
   next line is <line_number, !UL>'

the error log is in file file_specification

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An internal debugger error has occurred, and
   information which will be useful in locating the error has been
   written to file_specification.

   User Action: If the error is reproducible, submit a Software
   Performance Report (SPR) and, if possible, enclose a copy of
   the program being debugged, program build steps, and a logged
   debugging session that reproduces the error.

strings longer than 2**16 characters not supported

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The length of a string or the range of one array
   bound is greater than 2**16. The string or array is too large for
   the Debugger.

   User Action: Do not use strings of this length with the Debugger.

loop increment cannot be zero

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The loop increment specified on the FOR command is

   User Action: Change the loop increment to be a non-zero value.

loop var loop_variable has been redefined; exiting for loop

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Since the loop variable has been redefined, the
   debugger will exit the loop. No further comparison is possible.

   User Action: None.

lower bound of subrange was optimized away

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The lower bound of the subrange was optimized away.
   The largest negative number on the machine is being used as the
   lower bound.

   User Action: You may wish to recompile the program without

Main Function function_name not yet implemented on this architecture

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

mask/target subscripts do not match, displaying mask

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The subscript values for the supplied mask value
   are different then the subscript values for the target value. To
   minimize confusion, Debug is showing the mask values as well as
   the target values.

   User Action: None, this message is informational.

mask operations not allowed on record and SCAN tree objects

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A mask operation (as specified by the /TMASK or
   /FMASK qualifiers) cannot be performed on a record or SCAN tree

   User Action: Specify an array or address range to perform the
   mask operation on.

mask used is not %VMR, displaying specified mask

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The supplied mask is not %VMR. To minimize
   confusion, Debug is showing the mask values as well as the target

   User Action: None, this message is informational.

parenthesis required in 'EXAMINE/xMASK=(x)'

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Parentheses are required around the mask expression
   specified with the /TMASK or /FMASK qualifiers on the Examine

   User Action: Include parantheses when specifying a mask

matching quote is missing

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The matching quote at the end of a quoted string is

   User Action: Correct the error and re-enter the command.

mechanism array for exception frame frame-addr at mchvec-addr is not

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger is attempting to chain down the call
   stack, following frame pointers. The debugger has determined that
   part or all of the mechanism array for the exception frame at
   frame-addr is not accessible for reading. This vector lies at
   mchvec-addr. This usually indicates a corrupt frame list, but
   could also indicate that the program has protected part of memory
   in which the frame lies. In either case, this is an error.

   User Action: Determine what part of your code is writing into the
   FP register or overwriting the saved frame pointer on the call
   stack (or a preceding saved frame pointer) and correct it. Since
   the debugger looks at the call stack to symbolize addresses, you
   may suppress some of these messages by typing the command "SET

missing closing subscript parenthesis

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This is a syntax error in a Debug command

   User Action: Reinvoke the command with the proper syntax

misplaced invocation number in path_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The invocation number was not placed after the
   innermost (rightmost) routine name in the specified pathname.

   User Action: Correct the pathname and re-enter the command.

missing or invalid operator at 'operator_symbol'

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An operand was encountered in a language expression
   when an operator was expected. For example, 'EVALUATE A B'
   instead of 'EVALUATE A + B'.

   User Action: Specify valid operators between operands.

missing Module-Begin record in DST (compiler error)

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An expected Module-Begin record was not found in
   the debugger Symbol Table. This indicates a probable error in the
   compiler output.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

missing Module-End in DST for path_name (compiler error)

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An expected Module-End record was not found in the
   debugger Symbol Table. This indicates a probable error in the
   compiler output.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

misplaced operator or missing operand at 'operator_symbol'

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An operand was encountered in a language expression
   when an operator was expected, or an operand did not follow an
   operator. For example, 'EVALUATE A B' or 'EVALUATE A + ' instead
   of 'EVALUATE A + B'.

   User Action: Specify valid operators between operands.

a module name was expected; path_name not valid

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This is a syntax error in a Debug command

   User Action: Reinvoke the command with the proper syntax

error searching for information on a monitor item.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: When looking for up information for a particular
   monitor item, the debugger detected an error.

   User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
   submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

monitor value truncated to 256 characters.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The monitor view displays a maximum of 256 character

   User Action: You may monitor specific character ranges or monitor
   the value in hex.

parenthesis required around process list in debug_command

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Parentheses must be placed around the process
   list for debugger commands SET/PROCESS=(process-list) or

   User Action: Place parentheses around the process list in the

command is only valid when multiprocess support is enabled

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger was unable to execute the specified
   command since it is only valid when the debugger's multiprocess
   support is enabled.

   User Action: Restart the debugging session with multiprocess
   support enabled. Multiprocess support is enabled by defining the
   logical name DBG$PROCESS as follows: ($ DEFINE/JOB DBG$PROCESS

name string missing or invalid in %NAME construct

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The %NAME construct requires either a quoted string
   or a name to be supplied.

   User Action: Specify a valid name after the %NAME construct.

name is too long: 'symbol_name'

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Display and window names must be less than 80
   characters in length.

   User Action: Shorten the name to be less than 80 characters long.

unexpected end of command line

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The command entered was not complete. A required
   part of the command was omitted.

   User Action: Re-enter the complete command.

parenthesis required in THEN, ELSE, and DO clauses

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Parenthesis are required in THEN, ELSE, and DO
   clauses to group the containing debugger commands.

   User Action: Correct the THEN, ELSE, or DO clause by including

network connection failed, reason = reason_code

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The network connection between the host debugger
   and target system can fail for a variaty of reasons. The target
   system may have stopped responding or crashed. Or there could
   have been too many collisions on the network.

   User Action: Check the reason code in the documentation.

connection to target system failed, retrying

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Either the connection could not be started or was
   interrupted due to a failure. The host debugger will try to re-
   connect to the target system.

   User Action: If no connection is re-made after many retries,
   check the target system's console for errors. Also check the

no read access to address address_value

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The address you specified cannot be read by the
   debugger. Therefore the operation you requested cannot be

   User Action: Verify that the address being read is correct.
   One way to do this is to use EVALUATE to find the address of
   the specified symbol, or to EXAMINE the descriptor to see if it
   specifies a valid address.

no write access to address address_value

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A DEPOSIT, SET BREAK, or SET TRACE command specified
   the address address_value. The debugger does not have write
   access to that page. The debugger requires write access in order
   to be able to set up breakpoints and tracepoints.

   User Action: None. You cannot do the requested operation without
   proper access.

register register_name does not have an address use @register_name
to obtain the contents of register register_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The user has requested the address of a register but
   registers do not have addresses

   User Action: Examine the register directly

could not allocate an error list.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A problem was detected in the processing of an ACA
   Services message and Debug could not allocate an error list so
   that this error could be reported to ACA Services.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

deposit into register 14 (stack pointer) not allowed

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: You cannot deposit into the stack pointer register
   because the debugger is on the stack and it would corrupt the
   debugger or program stack frames.

   User Action: None.

attach command failed

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The ATTACH command could be not performed because of
   an error which was returned by the system service called by the
   debugger. The error status returned by the system service routine
   follows this message.

   User Action: Correct the problem based on the associated message
   which follows the debugger error message.

error retrieving the text associated with a breakpoint.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger could not retrieve the associated text
   which belongs to a breakpoint.

   User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
   submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

the breakpoint view has not been activated.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   User Action: Create the breakpoint view from the "VIEW" menu.

break or trace points on registers, records or arrays are not

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Only watchpoints are allowed on registers, records
   or arrays.

   User Action: Either change the address of the breakpoint or
   tracepoint, or specify a watchpoint on the address.

cannot set break or trace at address address_value

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The user has requested that a breakpoint be set at
   an address that is either non-writable, in Debug, or invalid in
   some other way.

   User Action: Correct the address and reissue the command

no breakpoints are set

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The SHOW BREAK command was entered and no
   breakpoints were set.

   User Action: None.

no active call frames

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The call stack cannot be displayed because your
   program has run to completion, and there are no call frames on
   the stack.

   User Action: None.

cannot cancel main image

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The user has requested that the main image symbols
   be canceled. This is an invalid operation.

   User Action: No action required - operation invalid.

no CLI present to perform function

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: There is no command line interpreter in the target
   process from which to perform the operation.

   User Action: None. You cannot perform the attempted operation.

CONNECT command failed

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger was unable to execute the connect
   command. The reason is given in the message following this

   User Action: Correct the problem given by the messages following
   this message. Most often, the problem is due to specifying a
   process that does not exist.

you cannot connect a debugger to itself

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The process you are trying to connect to is this

   User Action: Use the connect command with a process name or
   process id of the process you actually want to connect to and
   that is NOT your current main debugger.

cannot perform operation without the Correlation Facility

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The given operation requires the Correlation
   Facility and the appropriate correlation data. Without this
   information, the debugger cannot determine how to complete the

   User Action: Make sure that the Correlation Facility is
   appropriately set up and in use when compiling and debugging
   the given program.

cross-process signal system service is not available

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger was unable to execute the specified
   command because the cross-process signal system service is not
   available in this version of VMS.

   User Action: Upgrade to a version of VMS that has the cross-
   process signal system service.

cannot connect to a process with a different UIC group

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The given operation is not supported by the
   Debugger. You can only connect to processes with the same UIC
   group as the process running the Debugger.

   User Action: Make sure that the process you want to connect to is
   in the same UIC group as the process running the Debugger.

current location not defined

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: '.' is not currently defined.

   User Action: Do not reference '.' until an EXAMINE or
   EVALUATE/ADDRESS command has been performed.

this command qualifier is not supported by POSIX Threads

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The POSIX Threads facility does not support this

   User Action: None.

No default scope list: error performing !AC

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The specified command or built-in symbol requires
   that the default scope list be established.

   User Action: To establish the default scope list, perform a
   CANCEL SCOPE command.

no default window in which to attach your display.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The display specified did not have a window
   associated with it. The Debugger attempted to attach it to a
   default window called H1. Debugger discovered that the H1 window
   had been deleted.

   User Action: Either re-create window H1 or specifically specify a
   window that exists when creating a new display.

missing or invalid instruction operand delimiter

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A DEPOSIT command specified an invalid instruction
   operand format.

   User Action: Re-enter the command with valid operands.

depositing into the debugger's address space is not allowed

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The user has tried to deposit into addresses
   occupied by the Debugger. This is not allowed.

   User Action: Correct the address and reissue the command.

no source directory list in effect for path_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger command CANCEL SOURCE/MODULE=path_name
   failed because there is no source directory search list in effect
   for module path_name.

   User Action: This is an informational message. However, if the
   wrong module was specified, the command should be re-entered with
   the correct name.

no source directory list in effect

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger command CANCEL SOURCE had no effect
   because no source directory search list is currently in effect.

   User Action: None. This message is informational.

no directory is selected.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

DISCONNECT command failed

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger was unable to execute the disconnect
   command. The reason is given in the message following this

   User Action: Correct the problem given by the messages following
   this message. Most often, the problem is due to specifying a
   process that does not exist.

no symbols in image_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The image is linked with the /NODEBUG qualifier, so
   there is no symbol table.

   User Action: Relink the image with the /DEBUG qualifier.

no Debugger Symbol Table: no DSF file found and

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The information the debugger needs to allow you to
   debug this section of code is in an image file that could not be

   User Action: Check for the existence of the specified file and/or
   its associated file protection attributes.

package body path_name has no executable code

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

package spec path_name has no executable code

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

string beginning with 'string_value' is missing end delimiter

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A DEPOSIT command specified an ASCII string or
   INSTRUCTION string beginning with characters string_value that
   do not have a terminating apostrophe.

   User Action: Re-enter the command with characters containing a
   terminating apostrophe.

no eventpoints were specified with a SHOW or CANCEL command.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Eventpoints were not given with a SHOW or CANCEL

   User Action: Try the command again, specifying eventpoints to
   operate on.

unable to evaluate expression for following reason

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The expression could not be evaluated. The following
   message indicates why.

   User Action: See the following message.

the /EVENT qualifier is not allowed: first type 'SET EVENT facility'
to specify an event facility

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: No event facility has been set up yet, therefore
   no events which use an event facility can be set, canceled, or

   User Action: Set an event facility, and try the operation again.

no exception breaks were set

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A CANCEL BREAK/EXCEPTION command was entered when
   exception breaks were not in effect. The CANCEL BREAK/EXCEPTION
   command had no effect.

   User Action: None. This message is informational.

no exit handlers are declared

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: There are no user-mode exit handlers currently

   User Action: None. This message is informational.

cannot exit running process !UL-you must STOP it first

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger cannot exit from the indicated process
   because it is running. In order exit the process, it must first
   be stopped.

   User Action: Use the STOP command to exit the process.

'field_name' is not a field in this record

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An attempt was made to reference a field that is not
   defined in the record.

   User Action: Check the field specified to ensure that it is
   defined in the record.

no free storage available

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger has used all memory available.

   User Action: Memory must be made available before the debugger
   can continue executing. SET modules could be canceled, or the
   debugging session can be stopped and the system manager can
   increase the virtual memory on your system.

some or all global symbols not accessible

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The image was linked with the /NODEBUG qualifier,
   and there are no global symbols in the symbol table.

   User Action: Relink the image with the /DEBUG qualifier.

the Heap Analyzer will not be invoked

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger encountered a problem trying to define
   the librtl logical required to invoke the Heap Analyzer.

   User Action: Insure there is enough room in the process logical
   name table for the debugger to define the librtl logical. If so,
   and the command still fails, define the librtl logical at the
   DCL level, restart the debugger and reexecute the RUN or RERUN

message cannot be executed when the UI is hidden.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The Debug message cannot be executed when a HideUI
   message is in effect.

   User Action: Send the ShowUI message and then re-execute the
   Debug message.

the debugger could not open the help library file

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger could not open the help library file
   because there was some low level file open error.

   User Action: Check for user quotas being exceeded. For further
   assistance and information on this problem check with your system

input objects not available

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger was unable to open either DBG$INPUT or

   User Action: Check that logicals used to point at input files or
   devices are properly defined.

debugger must have input focus to accept paste operation

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A writeable debugger window and, if applicable, a
   text-entry field in that window must have the input focus before
   the selection can be pasted to it from the clipboard.

   User Action: Assign the input focus to a writeable window and, if
   applicable, to the appropriate text-entry field.

cannot translate opcode at location address_value

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The address specified in the EXAMINE command is
   not the beginning of a valid instruction. This can be caused by
   specifying an address that is in the middle of an instruction or
   by an address that is in a data area.

   User Action: Specify an address that contains a valid

cannot retrieve the invocation context instance handle.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: In the course of trying to execute an ACA Services
   message, Debug has tried and failed to retrieve the invocation
   context instance handle from ACA Services.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

this kernel debugger does not exist in this context

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Debug main is trying to communicate with the kernel
   debugger in a context where the kernel debugger does not exist.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

cannot accept keypad input, mode is set to NOKEYPAD

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The user is trying to define or set a keypad
   definition which can not be performed due to the current
   operating mode.

   User Action: Use a terminal that supports keypad operations.

unable to set up keypad definitions

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An error status was returned from the Screen
   Management Facility that indicates that the debugger keypad
   definitions are corrupted.

   User Action: Try to set keypad mode again (SET MODE KEYPAD). If
   this fails to correct the problem submit a Software Performance
   Report (SPR).

last value is not defined

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: '\' is not currently defined.

   User Action: Do not reference '\' until a DEPOSIT or EVALUATE
   command has been performed.


   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The line number range CZ:yyy specified on the
   DEBUGGER command TYPE does not exist. There are no such line
   numbers in the specified module (or the default module).

   User Action: Re-enter the command specifying line numbers that do

list of parameter values not allowed - check use of comma (,)

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A command that only accepts a single input value for
   a parameter contains multiple values separated by commas (,).

   User Action: Re-enter the command; specify one value. If
   necessary, issue the command once for each value.

image does not contain local symbols

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: All the modules in the image were compiled or
   assembled without traceback information. There is no local symbol
   information in the image.

   User Action: Recompile or reassemble the modules using the /DEBUG
   qualifier and then relink them.

error trying to fetch the main window from the Motif Resource
Manager (MRM).

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger detected an error when trying to fetch
   debuggers main window from the Resource Manager. This prevents
   the debugger from continuing this session.

   User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
   submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

host copy of the main system image not found

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger running on the host system could not
   find a local copy of the target system's main image - SYS$BASE_

   User Action: Check to make sure the image search path for
   the host is set up correctly. See the System-Code Debugger
   documentation for details.

[NO]MARK_CHANGE qualifier not applicable to display_name display

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The /MARK_CHANGE and /NOMARK_CHANGE qualifiers can
   not be applied to the indicated kind of display.

   User Action: None.

no matches

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A SEARCH command was being used and no matches were

   User Action: No action required

no monitor entry was found matching "expression"

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The input "monitor /delete" expression does not
   match with any currenly monitored item.

   User Action: Retry "monitor /delete" with corrected expression.

wildcard request complete

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This is a debugger internal error code.

   User Action: If the debugger reports this error please submit a
   Software Performance Report.

Motif images not found; defaulting to command interface

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The images of the Motif layered product are
   optionally installed. If the Motif user interface to the debugger
   is desired, then Motif must be properly installed, otherwise the
   default character cell mode will run.

   User Action: If desiring the Motif user interface, check that
   Motif is installed correctly.

widget by name !AC not found in the UID file.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

specified name does not match any name in the selection box.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A name was entered as the selection that is not in
   the selection box.

   User Action: Select a name from the box.

nonexistent process

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A process name or process identification specified
   in a command is not valid.

   User Action: Verify that the process name or identification is
   correct and that the process was not already deleted. Also verify
   that you have the required privilege to access the process.

process process-specification does not exist

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The process-specification was not valid or the
   specified process did not exist.

   User Action: Verify that the process specification is correct and
   that the process still exists and then re-enter the command.

scope does not exist or is not in set module: scope_number

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger could not find the scope indicated by
   the numbered scope in the scope list.

   User Action: Set the module that contains that scope.

next line for source display not defined

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger command TYPE or SEARCH was entered
   without specifying a line number (for example, the next line
   after the last source line printed should be used). But no next
   source line is currently defined.

   User Action: Re-enter the command explicitly specifying the
   desired line number.

display_name display may not be occluded

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A display was positioned over the indicated display
   that is not allowed to be occluded. The indicated display was
   popped to the front.

   User Action: You may wish to move the display so it is not
   occluded by the display named in the message.

cannot open image image_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The information the debugger needs to allow you to
   debug this section of code is in an image file that could not be

   User Action: Check for the existence of the specified file and/or
   its associated file protection attributes.

output objects are not available

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger was unable to open either DBG$OUTPUT or

   User Action: Check that logicals used to point at output files or
   devices are properly defined.

error writing to the Message view.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger got an unexpected status when trying
   to write to the Message view . This prevents the debugger from
   continuing this session.

   User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
   submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

'symbol_name' is not a member of package body path_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

'symbol_name' is not a member of package spec path_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

cannot parse the invocation context instance handle.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Debug cannot parse the invocation context instance
   handle retrieved from ACA Services.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

logical predecessor not defined

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The logical predecessor of the identifier or
   instruction referenced is not defined.

   User Action: None. This message is informational.

there are currently no processes being debugged

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debug session is currently not connected to any
   user processes.

   User Action: Either RUN a program or CONNECT to a program.

the current command is targetted at an empty process set

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The set of processes at which the current command is
   targetted is empty.

   User Action: Either change the current process set, run a
   program, connect to a program, stop a program or wait for a

function function_name requires a running program.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: There is no program currently being debugged.

   User Action: Start a program using RUN or RERUN, then reenter the

cannot delete, remove, unselect, or change kind of the display_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This display can not be deleted, removed,
   unselected, or have it's kind changed.

   User Action: None.

no compatible pthread debugger established

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Either this threaded application is not controlled
   by PTHREAD$RTL or else this debugger was built to interface with
   a PTHREAD$DBGSHR that is incompatible with the system PTHREAD$RTL

   User Action: pthread commands are not possible, use older task
   commands, for example, SHOW TASK/ALL, or upgrade your POSIX
   Threads environment

radix override not allowed with BLISS fields

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The use of a radix override qualifier is not
   supported when evaluating a BLISS field reference. BLISS field
   references are always displayed using a decimal notation. It is,
   however, possible to use a radix override qualifier when refering
   to the contents of a BLISS field.

   User Action: Don't use a radix switch with a BLISS field.

recursive symbol_type symbol definition encountered at or near

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: While attempting to expand a defined symbol, a
   recursive symbol definition was encountered.

   User Action: Redefine the symbol specified in the error message
   so that it does not contain any circular dependencies and then
   re-enter the command.

predefined process set !AC cannot be redefined

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Predefined process set cannot be redefined.

   User Action: Choose a different name for the user-defined process

there is no program to RERUN.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: You must RUN a program first before you can RERUN

   User Action: Use the RUN command and specify a program.

unable to resume execution, stack or PC corrupted in %PROCESS_NUMBER

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger has determined that the stack or PC
   is corrupted. The top application frame is so corrupted that the
   debugger is unable to do normal STEPs and GOs.

   User Action: Look at what little valid information is left,
   especially the call stack, machine instruction view, current
   PC, FP, etc. It may be possible to realize the stack corruption
   and fix it by hand through deposits to stack locations and
   registers. It should also be possible to CALL or GO newPC if
   the call target or newPC is valid. More likely, you will need
   exit/quit, start over, and attempt to find and fix the point
   where your application corrupts the stack or PC.

unable to set return break; breakpoint set on caller's return PC.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This is a debugger internal error code.

   User Action: If the debugger reports this error please submit a
   Software Performance Report.

unable to set return break, stepping to caller's return PC.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This is a debugger internal error code.

   User Action: If the debugger reports this error please submit a
   Software Performance Report.

successful debugger status

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This is an internal status signal, it should never
   be seen by the user. If this message does occur please submit a
   Software Performance Report (SPR).

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

cannot build symbol table

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger is unable to build a symbol table
   because of errors in the format of the image file.

   User Action: Relink the image and, if the error is reproducible,
   submit a Software Performance Report explaining how the image
   file was created.

can't find the saved registers for the CALL command for frame frame-

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger is attempting to chain down the call
   stack, following frame pointers. The debugger has determined
   that the frame at frame-addr was caused by a CALL command from
   the debugger. The debugger is unable to find the register set it
   saved for the context before the CALL command.

   User Action: Determine what part of your code is writing into the
   FP register or overwriting the saved frame pointer on the call
   stack (or a preceding saved frame pointer) and correct it. Since
   the debugger looks at the call stack to symbolize addresses, you
   may suppress some of these messages by typing the command "SET

cannot save a program I/O display

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The SAVE command is not allowed on a program I/O
   display since the debugger does not know the contents of the

   User Action: None.

no scope exists to look up line line_number

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The specified line_number cannot be found because
   there is no current scope to look it up in.

   User Action: Specify the module explicitly and retry the

a list of scopes is not allowed with this command.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: You cannot enter a list of scopes with the
   previously executed command.

   User Action: Enter the command with only one scope item.

the target system has run out of scratch space

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Scratch space is allocated on the target system to
   implement single stepping. The target system has run out of this
   space so no more work can be done.

   User Action: Reboot the target system with more scratch space and
   try the debugger again. See the documentation for more details.

screen mode is not supported on this device screen mode output is
being lost

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger output is being sent to a device that
   the Screen Management Facility does can not write to. While
   the debugger will continue to process commands, the screen mode
   output will be lost.

   User Action: Make sure the logical DBG$OUTPUT is pointed to a
   device that the Screen Management Facility can write to.

screen mode is not supported on this terminal screen mode is not set

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Screen mode is not allowed on the terminal type used
   by the current session.

   User Action: Use another terminal if screen mode is desired

no scrolling display selected or missing display name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The user did not enter a display name with the
   command, and the debugger attempted to use the display with the
   SCROLL attribute. However, no display currently has the SCROLL

   User Action: Either reenter the command, specifying a display
   name, or SELECT a display to have the SCROLL attribute and
   reenter the command.

display_name display may not be scrolled

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This display can not be scrolled.

   User Action: None.

error trying to access a source display segment in routine function_

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger got an unexpected status when trying to
   access a source display segment. This prevents the debugger from
   continuing this session.

   User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
   submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

no semantic events defined for the specified symbol

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: There are no semantic events defined for the
   specified symbol.

   User Action: Pick a different symbol.

the SET TERMINAL command is not supported on this terminal

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The SET TERMINAL command is not allowed on the
   terminal being used for the current session

   User Action: Use another type of terminal

could not locate SMGSHR (or locale specific equivalent)

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger relies on the ability to dynamically
   link to the SMGSHR.EXE (or a locale specific equivalent) at
   runtime. (The locale specific equivalent of SMGSHR.EXE is denoted
   by defining logical, DBG$SMGSHR.) When this error occurs, the
   debugger cannot locate the SMG sharable image and hence, cannot

   User Action: Verify that the SMG sharable image exists. If so,
   please submit a Software Performance Report.

spawn command failed

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger failed to perform a SPAWN command or
   SPAWN an editor. The error status returned from the SPAWN command
   is appended to this error message.

   User Action: If the SPAWN error is correctable, correct the
   problem and reenter the command. If not, the SPAWN command is

search string not set

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: No current search string is defined for the debugger
   command SEARCH. The SEARCH command was entered without a search
   string indicating that the current search string should be used.
   But no previous SEARCH command has been entered to define a
   current search string.

   User Action: Explicitly specify the desired search string on the

no source line for address address_value

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: No source line corresponds to the address address_
   value specified on the debugger command EXAMINE/SOURCE.

   User Action: None. This message is informational.

no STEP, GO, SET PROCESS/VISIBLE or CALL commands allowed in screen

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A STEP, GO, SET PROCESS/VISIBLE or CALL command
   was used in a screen display command list. The debugger does not
   allow the use of such commands in display command lists.

   User Action: Re-specify the screen display command list without
   using any of the disallowed commands.

logical successor not defined

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The logical successor of the referenced instruction
   or identifier is not defined.

   User Action: None. This message is informational.

no such breakpoint

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The CANCEL BREAK command specified an address that
   is not the address of a breakpoint.

   User Action: Use the SHOW BREAK command to find the location of
   the current breakpoints, and then cancel any of these breakpoints
   that you want to cancel.

no such display defined: display_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The specified display <display_name, !AC> does not

   User Action: Re-enter the command, specifying an existing

no such help topic or invalid HELP command

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The user has requested help for a topic for which
   there is no help or the syntax used to request the help was

   User Action: Try another topic or just type HELP for a topic list

image image_name not found

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The specified image <image_name, !AC> does not

   User Action: Re-enter the command, specifying an existing image.

module path_name is not in module chain

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The module path_name, specified in the SET MODULE
   command, does not exist in the image. This message can be caused
   when: (1) a module name has been entered incorrectly or (2) a
   module is compiled with the /NOTRACE switch.

   User Action: Specify a module that is in the image.

library package path_name is not in the symbol table

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

scope does not exist or is not in set module: scope_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The user has requested that the current scope be set
   to a scope that is invalid for the current module

   User Action: Correct the scope specification and reissue the

no such task exists or no task satisfies criteria

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The user entered a task expression that does not
   correspond to an existing task, or no existing task satisfies the
   task expression.

   User Action: Reenter the command with a task expression that
   specifies an existing task.

no such tracepoint

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The CANCEL TRACE command specified an address that
   was not the address of a tracepoint.

   User Action: Use the SHOW TRACE command to display the current
   tracepoints and then cancel any that you want to cancel.

no such window defined: display_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The specified, or defaulted window <window_name,
   !AC> does not exist.

   User Action: Reenter the command, specifying an existing window

no such watchpoint

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The CANCEL WATCH command specified an address that
   was not the address of a watchpoint.

   User Action: Use the SHOW WATCH command to display the current
   watchpoints and then cancel any that you want to cancel.

symbol 'symbol_name' is not in the symbol table

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger could not find the symbol '<symbol_
   name, !AC>' in its symbol table.

   User Action: The symbol may have been entered incorrectly, in
   which case the fix is to enter the symbol correctly. The other
   possibility is that the module the symbol is defined in has
   not been loaded into the debugger's symbol table; perform a SET
   MODULE of the appropriate module.

no symbol 'symbol_name' was declared in routine path_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

program is not an ADA program; command ignored

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The entered command applies only to Ada programs ;
   since this is not an Ada program, the command cannot be executed.

   User Action: No user action required.

type of variable is not array

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The variable being treated as an array has not been
   defined as one.

   User Action: Check that the correct variable reference is being

'symbol_name' was not declared as a structure

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A VAX BLISS-32 structure reference specified a
   symbol symbol_name that was not declared a structure.

   User Action: Re-enter the command with a valid symbol reference.

Type GO to reach MAIN program

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger has started at the beginning of

   User Action: If you want to get to the actual start of the main
   program you should type GO at the debug prompt. The debugger
   will allow the program to execute the LIB$INITIALIZE code and
   then break at the start of the main program. If you'd like to
   debug the LIB$INITIALIZE code you are positioned to do so at this

target of EXAMINE/OPERANDS is not the current PC results may be

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The operands being examined will probably give
   incorrect results, because the context for the instruction
   is probably not set up properly. Specifically, the values of
   registers used in address computations depend on the previous
   series of instructions being executed, which was not done in this

   User Action: Only use EXAMINE/OPERANDS with .0\%PC

program does not use POSIX Threads services.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The entered command applies only to programs using
   POSIX Threads services.

   User Action: No user action required.

defined_symbol was not defined

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The symbol was not found in the defined symbol

   User Action: Check your spelling or use SHOW DEFINE to see what
   symbols have been defined.

this text can not be edited.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

this entry cannot be expanded.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

select some text and try again.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

expression_type is not implemented at command level

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The expression_type is not supported at this type.

   User Action: Specify a type of expression that the debugger

time slice modification not supported by this event facility

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The current event facility does not support the
   ability to to dynamically modify time slicing in the debugger.

   User Action: This operation is not supported by the debugger. The
   user must recode his application to change time slicing.

exitloop encountered when not in a loop

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An incorrect nesting of loops exist in the command
   stream currently being executed.

   User Action: Correct the command stream

specified scope cannot be found in the default scope list

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The specified scope was not in the current default
   scope list.

   User Action: Enter the command with a scope that is in the
   default scope list.

examined address is not the start of an instruction

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The examined address does not denote the start of an

   User Action: Specify an address that does denote the start of an

Function function_name applies only to Kept Debugger configuration.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This command only makes sense when executed from the
   Kept Debugger configuration of DECdebug.

   User Action: Restart debugger using the Kept Debugger
   configuration and re-enter the command.

specified scope is not a numbered scope.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The SET SCOPE/CURRENT command requires a numbered

   User Action: Enter the command with a numbered scope.

original version of source file not found file used is file_

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A source file was found for some module. But the
   revision date and time or the file size indicates that this may
   not be the same version of the file that was used in the original
   compilation of the module. This warning message indicates
   that future source line displays from this source file may not
   correspond to the actual source used to compile the module.

   User Action: None, unless the original source is available.
   Then you can use the debugger command SET SOURCE to indicate
   the location of the source to the debugger.

variable must be of pointer or file type

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The variable should be a pointer or a file type.

   User Action: Specify a variable of pointer or file type.

no tracepoints are set, no opcode tracing

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: There are no tracepoints or opcode tracing set.

   User Action: None. This message is informational.

Unable to find a trailing zero for ASCIZ object at address address_

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger was unable to find a trailing zero for
   the specified ASCIZ string.

   User Action: The ASCIZ string is missing a trailing zero, or the
   object examined is not an ASCIZ string.

variable is not record; cannot select component component_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The user has requested a record operation on a
   variable which is not a record.

   User Action: Correct the command and reissue it

SCAN tree or subtree not found SCAN error message

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

the debugger is uncertain about the DECWindow configuration.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger is uncertain about the systems
   DECWindow configuration

   User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
   submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

Unable to save configuration options.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The Debugger was unable to access the necessary
   resource file.

   User Action: If attempting to SAVE OPTIONS, check to be sure
   that the logical name DECW$USER_DEFAULTS is properly defined
   and that the assigned directory has write access. If attempting
   to RESTORE DEFAULT OPTIONS, check to be sure both logicals
   and are accessible. The user defaults directory must have write
   access while the system defaults directory must have read access.
   Finally, be sure that the file DECW$SYSTEM_DEFAULTS:VMSDEBUG.DAT
   exists (installed during Operating System installation). If not,
   contact your system manager.

expression does not specify a valid task value

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The expression entered does not specify a valid task
   value. Only Ada task values are known as such in the symbol table
   - Thread values are considered to be pointers.

   User Action: Unless you are debugging threads, reenter the
   command, correctly specifying a task value.

expression does not specify a valid thread number

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The expression entered does not specify a valid
   thread sequence number.

   User Action: Reenter the command, correctly specifying a thread

the debugger will be unable to create a separate window; OSC not

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger requires OSC support enabled to create
   a separate window (see SET MODE SEPARATE).

   User Action: To allow the debugger to create a separate window,
   may wish to put this line in your private startup file.

the debugger will be unable to create a separate window; UIS too

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger requires VWS V3.0 or later to create a
   separate window (see SET MODE SEPERATE).

   User Action: To allow the debugger to create a separate window,
   install VWS V3.0 or later, and in your private startup file (or

symbol 'symbol_name' is overloaded

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: More than one instance of the specified symbol
   '<symbol_name, !AC>' exists in the user program. Without further
   information, the debugger cannot determine which symbol to use.

   User Action: Re-enter the command, uniquely specifying the symbol
   to be used. The SHOW SYMBOL command can be used to find the
   unique symbol names.

instruction screen display not updated

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The instruction screen display was not updated
   because of the preceding error message.

   User Action: See the preceding error message.

symbol type information not available please SET the module that
describes this type

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The user has requested information about a symbol
   which cannot be provided in the current context.

   User Action: SET the module containing the information and
   reissue the command

'symbol_name' has no type or length information, cannot proceed.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The requested information cannot be obtained because
   the entity in question doesn't have all the attributes necessary
   to follow through with the request.

   User Action: None. This message is informational.

debugger user interface image not found; defaulting to command

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The user interface portion of the debugger is a
   separate image which cannot be located.

   User Action: Check that the debugger is properly installed. If
   so, please submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

symbol 'symbol_name' is not unique

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The symbol specified was not in a default scope or
   was defined in more than one scope.

   User Action: Specify the scope of the symbol in a pathname or
   change the default scope.

symbol 'symbol_name' is not unique

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The symbol specified was not in a default scope or
   was defined in more than one scope.

   User Action: Specify the scope of the symbol in a pathname or
   change the default scope.

shareable image contains no universal symbols

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: No universal symbols were found in the image.

   User Action: None.

no user-specified events are allowed; none are declared

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A reference was made to an event, when no such event
   had been defined (language not SCAN).

   User Action: Reenter the last command, without specifying any

entity 'symbol_name' does not have a value at the current PC

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The value of the specified variable does not exist
   at this point in the program's execution. For example, the
   variable might be assigned to a register that is currently being
   used for some other purpose.

   User Action: Retry the operation at a point in the program's
   execution when the variable is being referenced.

'symbol_name' has no value because it is a type name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

reference does not have a value

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The command specified a reference that has no value.

   User Action: Change the reference.

no vector support - command cannot be performed

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An attempt was made to modify vector state on a
   system which has neither hardware vector capabilities nor the
   VVIEF. This includes the EXAMINE vector-register, DEPOSIT vector-
   register, and SET VECTOR_MODE commands.

   User Action: Do not attempt to modify vector state on a system
   which does not have vector capabilities.

no qualifier specified on the VIEW command

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: There were no qualifiers specified on the VIEW

   User Action: Reenter the command, specifying a qualifier for the
   VIEW command.

no watchpoints are set

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: No watchpoints are set.

   User Action: None. This message is informational.

cannot watch entity; not in memory (was optimized away)

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A watchpoint cannot be set on that entity due to
   optimizations performed by the compiler

   User Action: Recompile the program with no optimizations in

cannot watch protected target

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: You are attempting to set a /STATIC watchpoint on
   a location that is either a register, is not in your program, or
   is on the stack (P1 space). These kinds of locations cannot be
   watchpointed with the /STATIC qualifier.

   User Action: Either use the /NOSTATIC qualifier, or do not watch-
   point this location.

cannot set watchpoints on variant records

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The user has requested that a watchpoint be set on a
   variant record. This operation is not currently supported

   User Action: No user action required

watchpoints not allowed after SET TYPE ASCIC, ASCIW, or ASCIZ

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

cannot insert breakpoint

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

no wildcard permitted

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Wildcards are not permitted in this context

   User Action: Re-enter the command without using wildcards

file name, type, and version cannot be wildcarded

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The components of a file specification entered in a
   SET SOURCE command may not be wildcarded.

   User Action: Reenter the command without wildcarding any file
   specification components.

cannot replace breakpoint with opcode

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

cannot set protection

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

unable to set breakpoint at break-addr, no write access.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Most debugger startups set a breakpoint in the user
   program and then return control to that program. The debugger
   regains control when that breakpoint is hit. It is necessary for
   the debugger to have write access to the user program in order to
   set breakpoints.

   User Action: Change/allow write access to your program's code.

synchronize can not be done from an exception break.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A synchronize command can not be done from an
   exception break.

   User Action: Do not perform a synchronization command when at an
   exception break.

could not initialize state to accept input.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger it could not properly setup the state
   to accept input. This prevents the debugger from continuing this

   User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
   submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

cannot dereference null pointer

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

error retrieving widget information in routine function_name.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger detected an error when retrieving
   information on a particular widget in the MOTIF toolkit. This
   prevents the debugger from continuing this session.

   User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
   submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

numeric constant too long, please shorten

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A number entered in the command line is too long.

   User Action: Reenter the command, shortening the long number.

number truncated

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The number entered is greater than the largest
   signed longword integer. The value has been truncated to the
   the largest signed integer.

   User Action: None.

3  NYI
function is not yet implemented.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

requested object is invalid

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

   User Action: Submit an SPR.

the pointer associated with the requested object is invalid

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

   User Action: Submit an SPR.

the type associated with the requested object is incorrect

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

   User Action: Submit an SPR.

this message is available for reuse

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This message is obsolete, and should never be seen.

   User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report.

this message is available for reuse

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This message is obsolete, and should never be seen.

   User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report.

this message is available for reuse

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This message is obsolete, and should never be seen.

   User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report.

this message is available for reuse

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This message is obsolete, and should never be seen.

   User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report.

this message is available for reuse

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This message is obsolete, and should never be seen.

   User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report.

no support for G/H instructions at or near opcode_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

operator 'operator_symbol' not allowed on given data types

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger encountered a problem when performing
   the operation '<operator_symbol, !AC>' on the specified operands.
   This may be a data type conversion error.

   User Action: Reenter the command, specifying compatible operands.

instruction operand syntax error for operand number operand_number

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger encountered an error in one of the
   operands of an instruction.

   User Action: If the instruction was entered by the user, reenter
   the instruction, correcting the operand error. If not, then there
   may be an error in the user program instructions.

output being lost, both NOTERMINAL and NOLOG are in effect

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The SET OUTPUT command has set the output conditions
   to NOTERMINAL and NOLOG; consequently, the output is not
   displayed on the terminal or written to a log file. The output
   normally displayed by the debugger will not be available.

   User Action: Use the SET OUTPUT command to send output to the
   terminal or to a log file.

error trying to fetch and override an object from MRM in routine

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger detected an error when fetching an
   object from the Motif Resource Manager (MRM) for the purpose of
   overriding behavior. This prevents the debugger from continuing
   this session.

   User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
   submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

packed size required

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A size parameter is required

   User Action: Supply a size parameter and reissue the command

parentheses required around qualifier value in 'debug_cmd_segment'

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The indicated qualifier value must be surrounded by

   User Action: Place parentheses around the type of expression

parse stack overflow, simplify expression

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The expression was too complex for the debugger to

   User Action: Simplify the expression.

The primary handler should ignore this signal

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This is an internal status signal, it should never
   be seen by the user. If this message does occur please submit a
   Software Performance Report (SPR).

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

pathname qualifiers (path_name) not allowed in SHOW SYMBOL data name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The user has issued a command with invalid syntax

   User Action: No user action required

too many qualifiers on name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: There are too many pathname elements in the entered
   pathname for the debugger to handle.

   User Action: Shorten the pathname entered, either by abbreviating
   the pathname, defining a symbol for the pathname, or setting a
   search scope so that you can use a shorter pathname.

pathname too long at path_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The entered pathname is too long for the debugger to

   User Action: Shorten the pathname entered, either by abbreviating
   the pathname, defining a symbol for the pathname, or setting a
   search scope so that you can use a shorter pathname.

error trying to associate the PC with a line number.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger detected an error when looking up the
   PC to line number correlation.

   User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
   submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

PC not allowed in context for operand number operand_number

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Using the PC as an operand in the entered
   instruction is not allowed.

   User Action: If the instruction was entered by the user, reenter
   the instruction, without using the PC in the operand. If not,
   then there may be an error in the user program instructions.

PLI conversion error at or near opcode_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An error occurred in the PL/I RTL performing a data
   type conversion, for the object <opcode_name, !AC>.

   User Action: Reenter the command, specifying a legitimate object
   for the operation desired.

predefined eventpoint(s) not canceled

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Any existing predefined eventpoints have not been
   canceled as the result of a CANCEL command.

   User Action: Specify the /PREDEFINED qualifier with the CANCEL
   command to cancel predefined eventpoints.

the command parameter parameter_name is not available

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The specified command parameter, although available
   in some debug implementations, is not available in this one.
   One reason why is that the parameter just doesn't make sense
   on the platform. For example, the JSB parameter on a SET STEP
   command doesn't make sense on Alpha VMS because there is no "JSB"
   instruction like there is on VAX VMS.

   User Action: Reissue the command without the parameter.

process not ready

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A process name or process identification specified
   in a command is either delete pending or not fully connected to

   User Action: Verify that the process name or identification is
   correct and that the process was not already deleted. Also verify
   that you have the required privilege to access the process.

proper frame not found on call stack for path_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: You attempted to look at a variable in a routine
   invocation that does not exist.

   User Action: Specify a routine or routine invocation that is
   currently active.

display_name display width not changed, must be full width of screen

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This display's width can not be changed. It must be
   the full width of the screen.

   User Action: None.

display_name display now occludes some or all of display_name
display's text

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This display now occludes some or all of the
   specified display.

   User Action: None.

display_name display length not changed, must be at least 2 lines

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This display's length can not be changed to less
   than the minimum value specified.

   User Action: None.

too many levels of @ procedure nesting

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The user has nested indirect command processing too

   User Action: Try to eliminate some of the levels of indirection
   or look for a recursive invocation

PUSH_INNER_ARRAY DST stack machine operator for array 'symbol_name'
is not yet implemented

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The named array is unconstrained, and its subscript
   bounds live in different places at different points in the
   program's execution. This cannot be denoted using DEBUG Symbol
   Table (DST) features which this version of the debugger supports.

   User Action: Verify that you are using the latest releases of
   the compiler and debugger. Examine the nearest object code which
   references the variable and simulate the access algorithm by

PUSH_VALSPEC DST stack machine operator for variable 'symbol_name'
is not yet implemented

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The named variable's address is complex, and its
   computation uses operands which live in different places at
   different points in the program's execution. This cannot be
   denoted using DEBUG Symbol Table (DST) features which this
   version of the debugger supports.

   User Action: Verify that you are using the latest releases of the
   compiler and debugger. Try recompiling the application without
   optimization. Examine the nearest object code which references
   the variable and simulate the access algorithm by hand.

PTHREAD debugger call failed, error code (hex) status

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The OpenVMS Debug PTHREAD command calls a POSIX
   Threads Debugger image. That call failed.

   User Action: Check your POSIX Threads Debugger command syntax and
   semantics (see Guide to POSIX Threads, debugging appendix).

invalid POSIX Threads debugger command

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Your PTHREAD command had an invalid POSIX Threads
   debugger command string. See Debugger Manual and Guide To POSIX
   Threads for legal POSIX Threads debugger command strings.

   User Action: Re-issue the command with a legal POSIX Threads
   debugger command string.

'symbol_name' is not initialized (try a STEP command first)

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An object containing either virtual member functions
   or virtual base classes contain pointers to tables which are used
   to implement those features of the C++ language. Such a pointer
   is initialized by a constructor, and hence is not valid prior to
   the execution of that constructor. Certain debugger operations
   applied to such an object require that such a pointer to be valid
   in order for the debugger operation to complete successfully.

   User Action: Advance the program until the appropriate
   constructor has been executed. Usually, a single STEP command
   will suffice.

record object or record formal parameter must prefix 'CONSTRAINED

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

the command qualifier qualifier_name is not available

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The specified command qualifier, although available
   in some debug implementations, is not available in this one.
   One reason why is that the qualifier just doesn't make sense
   on the platform. For example, the /JSB qualifier on a STEP
   command doesn't make sense on Alpha VMS because there is no "JSB"
   instruction like there is on VAX VMS.

   User Action: Reissue the command without the qualifier.

A direction qualifier must be specified with the EXPAND and MOVE

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Direction ( UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT ) information is
   missing from the command.

   User Action: Provide a direction with the command and try again.

quoted string too long, please shorten

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A quoted string was entered in a debugger command
   that was too large for the debugger to handle.

   User Action: Reenter the command, shortening the string entered.

debugger input read error; session may terminate

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Excessive read errors have occurred from the
   input command stream. The Debugger may exit after printing this

   User Action: Check the physical integrity of the device
   containing the input stream. Also check that the input buffer
   is large enough to handle the input stream or reduce the rate of
   command entry.

reenter the command using a more precise pathname

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: More than one instance of the specified symbol
   exists in the user program. Without further information, the
   debugger cannot determine which symbol to use.

   User Action: Re-enter the command, uniquely specifying the symbol
   to be used. The SHOW SYMBOL command can be used to find the
   unique symbol names.

attach request refused

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Either you have attempted to attach to a process
   that is your own process or that is not part of your process

   User Action: None. You cannot perform the attempted operation.

register save mask hidden for stack frame frame_number

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Information on where the designated routine
   invocation might save registers is in a module which has not
   been set. Symbolic references to non-static variables of callers
   of this routine may not be resolved correction by the debugger.

   User Action: Set the module by using the SET MODULE or SET
   MODULE/CALLS commands, or enable dynamic module setting with the
   SET MODE DYNAMIC command. Then retry the action which produced
   this message.

register save mask missing for stack frame frame_number

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Information on where the designated routine
   invocation might save registers is not available. Symbolic
   references to non-static variables of callers of this routine
   may not be resolved correction by the debugger.

   User Action: Recompile or reassemble the modules using the /DEBUG
   qualifier and then relink them.

error registering resources with MRM.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger detected an error when registering
   resources with the Motif Resource Manager (MRM). This prevents
   the debugger from continuing this session.

   User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
   submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

register required in context for operand number operand_number

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A register is required to establish context for the
   specified operand.

   User Action: If the instruction was entered by the user, reenter
   the instruction, using a register with the specified operand. If
   not, then there may be an error in the user program instructions.

unable to write/update register set, stack likely corrupted.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Debug kernel failed to write/update the current
   context register set. Any pending deposits or steps may fail.
   Continuation in the presence of a corrupted stack typically
   results in unpredictable program and/or debugger behavior.

   User Action: Look at what little valid information is left and
   then start over. Attempt to find and fix the point where the
   stack gets corrupted. It may be possible to examine program
   state, but continuing instruction execution typically results
   in unpredictable program and/or debugger behavior.

Unable to look up 'symbol_name', object being renamed not found in
symbol table

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The user has requested an operation on an object
   that was not found in the symbol table.

   User Action: Correct and reissue the command

an error occurred while trying to resume execution of the program

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An error status was returned from the call to the
   debugger-kernel service that resumes program execution. Depending
   on the severity of the error, the program may or may not have
   resumed execution.

   User Action: Examine the error message after this message
   and consider if the problem is related to a lack of quota
   or otherwise related to your program's behavior. If so, then
   take corrective action. If, after this evaluation, you believe
   that the problem lies in the debugger, then submit a Software
   Performance Report (SPR).

control returned to process process_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Control has returned to the parent process.

   User Action: None.

round factor out of range

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The DIBOL scale factor is out of the acceptable

reserved operand fault at or near opcode_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger encountered an opcode that is reserved
   to Digital.

   User Action: If the instruction was entered by the user, reenter
   the instruction, without using an opcode reserved to Digital. If
   not, then there may be an error in the user program instructions.

the source to routine !AC is not available

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: There is no source available for this routine.

Bad DTYPE for RPC Data Blocking.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

an internal inter-process communications error has occurred

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An internal communications error has occurred. The
   reason is given in the message following this message.

   User Action: If the error is reproducible, and not a result of
   continued instruction execution after a severe error (stack
   corruption, resource exhaustion, etc.) submit a Software
   Performance Report (SPR) and if possible, enclose a copy of
   the program being debugged, its build procedure, and a logged
   debugging session that reproduces the error.

invalid RPC descriptor

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

RPC packet overflow

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

undefined RPC function encountered

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

undefined RPC argument encountered

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

error in symbol table

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: There is a format error in the symbol table.

   User Action: If the format error is not caused by a user program
   error or a DEPOSIT command, submit a Software Performance Report.


   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The Debuggers current customization resources have
   been written to the DECW$USER_DEFAULTS directory (typically
   sys$login). If the user selected RESTORE DEFAULT OPTIONS,
   then a copy of the system-wide resource file, DECW$SYSTEM_
   DEFAULTS:VMSDEBUG.DAT, has been copied to the users resource
   directory, DECW$USER_DEFAULTS.

   User Action: The resources will be activated the next time the
   Debugger is started.

pointer addition: scale factor of scale_factor applied to right/left

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Indicates the scale factor applied in computing the

   User Action: None.

pointer subtraction: a scale factor of scale_factor applied to the

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Indicates the scale factor applied in computing the

   User Action: None.

no read access to address address_value for display in display_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

No source line for address: address_value

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: No source line corresponds to the address address_
   value specified on the debugger command EXAMINE/SOURCE.

   User Action: None. This message is informational.

original version of source file not found for display in display_
name file used is file_specification

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A source file was found for some module. But the
   revision date and time or the file size indicates that this may
   not be the same version of the file that was used in the original
   compilation of the module. This warning message indicates
   that future source line displays from this source file may not
   correspond to the actual source used to compile the module.

   User Action: None, unless the original source is available.
   Then you can use the debugger command SET SOURCE to indicate
   the location of the source to the debugger.

screen too big for Screen Mode width must be less than maximum_
width, height less than maximum_height

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The current screen dimensions are too large for
   debugger screen mode.

   User Action: Change the screen dimensions to be small enough for
   debugger screen mode.

screen too small for Screen Mode width must be at least minimum_
width, height must be at least minimum_height

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The current screen dimensions are too small for
   debugger screen mode.

   User Action: Change the screen dimensions to be large enough for
   debugger screen mode.

unable to open source file file_specification

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Source lines from the file file_specification cannot
   be displayed because the debugger was unable to open the source
   file (represented as file_specification). The accompanying RMS
   status message gives more information about the reasons for the
   source file not being opened.

   User Action: Examine the RMS status message to determine the
   reasons for the source file not being opened, and take the
   appropriate action based on that information.

unable to read source file file_specification

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Source lines from the file file_specification cannot
   be displayed because the debugger was unable to read the source
   file (represented as file_specification). The accompanying RMS
   status message gives more information about the reasons for the
   source file not being opened.

   User Action: Examine the RMS status message to determine
   the reasons for the source file not being read, and take the
   appropriate action based on that information.

system dump kernel of the VMS system dump debugger not available

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The system dump kernel for the VMS system dump
   debugger is not available on this system.

   User Action: Contact your Digital Representative on the
   availability of this feature.

error processing the user's selection.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger detected an error when processing
   the user's selection. The selection did not match any of the
   specified selections in the list box. This prevents the debugger
   from continuing this session.

   User Action: Try the debugger again, if the same results exist
   submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

network failure occurred during a send, retrying

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A network failure occurred during a send. This is
   most likely due to excessive network traffic. The debugger will
   retry the send until it sees a network time-out. Then it will try
   to re-establish the connection.

   User Action: Wait for progress or network failure.

keypad state has been set to state_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The specified keypad state has been set.

   User Action: None.

error in processing SET KEY command:

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An error has occurred during a SET KEY command

shift count is negative

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

error in processing SHOW KEY command:

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An error has occurred during the processing of a
   SHOW KEY command

debugger sharing users process

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An error occurred while trying to create a
   subprocess to run the main debugger image. This message indicates
   that the debugger is attempting to run in the user process.

   User Action: Correct the problem specified in the messages
   preceding this message. If the problem cannot be solved, submit a
   Software Performance Report (SPR).

operators with side effects not supported (++, -)

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The user has requested the use of an operator that
   has side effects. This operation is not currently supported by
   the Debugger.

   User Action: Issue the operation and the side effects as
   individual commands

signal vector for exception frame frame-addr at sigvec-addr is not

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger is attempting to chain down the call
   stack, following frame pointers. The debugger has determined
   that part or all of the signal vector for the exception frame
   at frame-addr is not accessible for reading. This vector lies
   at sigvec-addr. This usually indicates a corrupt frame list, but
   could also indicate that the program has protected part of memory
   in which the frame lies. In either case, this is an error.

   User Action: Determine what part of your code is writing into the
   FP register or overwriting the saved frame pointer on the call
   stack (or a preceding saved frame pointer) and correct it. Since
   the debugger looks at the call stack to symbolize addresses, you
   may suppress some of these messages by typing the command "SET

signal vector was truncated

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The signal vector on this stack frame was too big to
   fit into the DEBUG buffer.

   User Action: Submit an SPR. This message is handled internally,
   and should never be signaled to the user.

silent error

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This error should never be displayed to the debug
   user. It is an internal debuger only condition code.

   User Action: None.

only atomic data types are supported with 'SIZE

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: SIZE is not supported on the item requested

   User Action: No user action required

size field truncated to size_limit bits

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The size of the entry in a BLISS field specification
   was larger then size_limit. The debugger set the entry size to
   size_limit and executed the command.

   User Action: None. This message is informational.

Source lines not available for .0

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: There were no source lines available for the current
   PC, so the debugger displayed the source lines for the calling
   routine. The source lines may be unavailable because the code
   associated with the current PC is not available (e.g. is in
   a Digital-supplied shareable image) or was compiled or linked

   User Action: If source modules is available, then recompile and
   relink the application using the /DEBUG qualifier.

subprocess spawned

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This message is output by the DEBUG command SPAWN
   when it spawns a subprocess.

   User Action: None. This message is informational.

source lines not available for module path_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The source lines from module CZ cannot be displayed
   or searched because there is no source line information in the
   symbol table for that module. Either the compiler is not able to
   generate such information or the /DEBUG qualifier was not used on
   the compilation or link command.

   User Action: If the language in question supports source line
   display, recompile and relink with the /DEBUG qualifier. If the
   language does not support source line display, source lines will
   not be available to the debugger for modules written in that

source code for line !UL in module !AC not currently available.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

checking for static watchpoint hits before the actual system service
return address

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger was unable to set a breakpoint at or
   step to a system sevice return address. It attempts to do this
   when intercepting system service calls during static watchpoint
   event processing.

   User Action: If there was a watchpoint hit, examine the call
   stack and find the frame before the DBGSSISHR (or SYS$SSISHR)
   frame in order to realize the correct context and instruction for
   the watchpoint hit. Otherwise, it is safe to ignore this message.

system service intercepted

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This error code is used by the debugger to indicate
   that a system service has been intercepted.

   User Action: Submit an SPR. This message is handled internally,
   and should never be signaled to the user.

system service intercept cycle end

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This error code is used by the debugger to indicate
   that a system service has been intercepted.

   User Action: Submit an SPR. This message is handled internally,
   and should never be signaled to the user.

system service intercept cycle start

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This error code is used by the debugger to indicate
   that a system service has been intercepted.

   User Action: Submit an SPR. This message is handled internally,
   and should never be signaled to the user.

cannot step over PC = address_value

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger was unable to step over the routine and
   executed a step into the routine instead.

   User Action: None. This message is informational.

string truncated

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: While processing the command, the debugger truncated
   a text string.

   User Action: The debugger failed to allocate a large enough
   buffer to store the command output. Unless the reason for this
   is apparent, submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

string operand lengths don't match, shorter padded with blanks on
the right

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The operands of a string comparison ( 'ABC' < 'AB' )
   did not have the same length. The shorter one is blank extended
   on the right.

   User Action: Use strings of the same length.

strings longer than 255 characters not supported

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The string that was specified by the user is too
   large for the debugger to handle

   User Action: Try to redo the operation with a shorter string

structure size declared as num_units allocation units, num_units was

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The VAX BLISS-32 structure size was declared to be
   num_units units but was referenced with num_units units.

   User Action: None. This message is informational.

subscript subscript_number is out of bounds

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An attempt to subscript out of the bounds of an
   array was made.

   User Action: Change the value of the subscript.

subscript out of range, low/high bound for dimension subscript_
number is subscript_bound

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The subscript specification is not within the bounds
   of the array.

   User Action: Reenter the command, specifying a subscript
   specification that is within the bounds defined for the array.

invalid substring (start: low_bound, end: high_bound), object has
length string_size

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The substring specification (start: low_bound, end:
   high_bound ) is not within the bounds defined for the data type.

   User Action: Specify a substring specification within the bounds
   defined for the data type.

SUPERDEBUG not available

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This is a Debug internal message. The user should
   never see this message.

   User Action: If you see this message, please submit an SPR
   describing the circumstances.

non-static variable 'symbol_name' is not active

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The symbol symbol_name is not defined in an active
   call frame.

   User Action: Check the symbol specified; if correct, ensure that
   you have defined the scope correctly.

no symbols matching defined_symbol are defined

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: You attempted to use the SHOW SYMBOL command to show
   a symbol that is not defined.

   User Action: Verify that the symbol is defined and reenter the

vector synchronization complete

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This signal is generated by the debugger kernel
   after it has executed the synchronization instruction(s)
   necessary to insure that all vector exceptions have been

   User Action: Submit an SPR. This message is handled internally,
   and should never be signaled to the user.

Synchronize reporting complete

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: All current vector exceptions have been reported.

   User Action: None, this message is informational.

synchronize already in progress.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Only one synchronize command is allowed at a time.

   User Action: Do not perform a synchronization command until the
   previous command has completed.

syntax error in expression at or near 'debugger_command_segment'

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger encountered text it does not understand
   near '<debugger_command_segment, !AC>'.

   User Action: Reenter the command, correcting the syntax error.

syntax error in %LABEL construct, see HELP Built_in_Symbols %LABEL

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger encountered an error in the use of the
   %LABEL built-in symbol.

   User Action: Reenter the command line, correcting the error in
   the %LABEL construct.

syntax error in %LINE construct, see HELP Built_in_Symbols %LINE

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger encountered an error in the use of the
   %LINE built-in symbol.

   User Action: Reenter the command line, correcting the error in
   the %LINE construct.

command syntax error at or near 'debugger_command_segment'

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger encountered a command syntax error near
   the element debugger_command_segment.

   User Action: Re-enter the command.

target system rejected the connection request

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The target system rejected. This can be because the
   target system is not in a debuggable state, you have specified
   the password incorrectly, or a system with this name does not
   exist on the network.

   User Action: Check spelling of the node name or password. Also
   verify that the system is in a debuggable state (booted with the
   correct flags).

error error_code from ADA multitasking

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An unexpected error was returned to the debugger
   from the Ada RTL. Additional information from the Ada RTL is
   appended to this error message.

   User Action: User action is dependent on the information returned
   from the Ada RTL. If the error is not recoverable, the user may
   wish to enter an SPR on the Ada compiler.

Null task cannot be selected or modified

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

Task has no registers (it is the Null task)

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

task not aborted; ADA multitasking is executing critical section

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The task specified may not be aborted at this time.

   User Action: Retry the abort at a later time.

task cannot be made the active task; task is not ready or running

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The task specified to made the active task is not in
   either the READY nor the RUNNING state. Tasks not in those states
   cannot be made the active task. To determine the state of the
   task, perform a SHOW TASK command.

   User Action: If the task is in the TERMINATED state, no action
   is possible. If the task is in the SUSPENDED state, the action
   required to get the task in the READY or RUNNING state depends on
   the user program and the state of the debugging session.

task is null; cannot set attributes of null task

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

program is terminating

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The process process-specification has just finished
   execution. All exit handlers in your program have run. Any SET

   User Action: Submit an SPR. This message is handled internally,
   and should never be signaled to the user.

thread thread_number's stack is close to overflowing

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This thread's stack is close to overflowing, it is
   over 66% full. Note that the debug kernel image runs on the user
   stacks, i.e. consumes user stack resources. Also the debug main
   image will run on the user stacks IF the debugger configuration
   is one process (DBG$PROCESS logical set to "NONE"). If a stack
   does overflow, memory errors, e.g. access violations, bus errors,
   segmentation faults, will likely occur.

   User Action: Your code may need to change to create this thread
   with a larger stack, see the Guide to POSIX Threads. Also always
   run the debugger in its DEFAULT or MULTIPROCESS configuration
   when debugging threaded applications.

primary (at address) has already been built for this->membername

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This is an internal status signal, it should never
   be seen by the user. If this message does occur please submit a
   Software Performance Report (SPR).

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

time slice interval has been slowed to 10.0 seconds

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: DEBUG has changed the ADA time slice interval to
   10.0 seconds. When you set watchpoints, DEBUG automatically
   increases the value of pragma TIME_SLICE to 10.0. This is because
   of interaction between the watchpoint implementation and VAX
   Ada's time slicing. Slowing down the time-slice rate prevents
   problems from occurring.

   User Action: If the change in time-slice setting is undesirable,
   then avoid the use of watchpoints.

too few subscripts, array has num_dimensions dimensions

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The user has specified a symbol reference with too
   few subscripts

   User Action: Correct and reissue the command

too many dimensions in array

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

too many errors, some errors not reported

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Too many MISMODBEG or certain other errors occurred.
   Other similar errors are not reported.

   User Action: None. This message is informational.

too many invocation numbers in symbol pathname

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

too many parameters on command

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

too many subscripts, array has num_dimensions dimensions

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The user has specified a symbol reference with too
   many subscripts

   User Action: Correct and reissue the command

3  TRUNC64
address !@XH being truncated in !AC

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A 64-bit address is being truncated to 32-bits,
   such that information is being lost. This is a debugger internal

   User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

the User Interface is currently hidden.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Debug did not hide the UI because it is already

   User Action: No action necessary.

the User Interface is currently displayed.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Debug did not show the UI because it is currently

   User Action: No action necessary.

unable to access beyond end of register set

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The command entered attempted to read or write
   beyond the end of a register or register set.

   User Action: Re-enter the command, insuring that you do not
   attempt to access beyond the end of the register set.

unable to create DBG$OUTPUT, SYS$OUTPUT used

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

unable to convert radixvalue to datatype_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Debug was unable to perform the requested conversion

   User Action: No user action required

error converting byte count into target addressable units

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This is an internal debugger error.

   User Action: If the error is reproducible, submit a Software
   Performance Report and, if possible, enclose a copy of the
   program being debugged, its build procedure, and a logged
   debugging session that reproduces the error.

data is not aligned on a byte boundary

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The user has requested a type override that can not
   be performed

   User Action: No user action required

'symbol_name' is not allocated in memory (optimized away)

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The requested entity is not available for use due to
   optimizations performed by the compiler

   User Action: Recompile the program with no optimizations in

unable to open DBG$INPUT, SYS$INPUT used

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

unable to open DBG$OUTPUT for screen output

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

unable to open Debugger Symbol File file_specification

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The Debugger Symbol File (DSF) cannot be opened. The
   accompanying VMS RMS status message gives you more information
   about the reasons for the file not being opened.

   User Action: Examine the VMS RMS status message to determine the
   reasons for the debugger symbol file not being opened, and take
   action based on that information. Also, verify that the logical
   name DBG$IMAGE_DSF_PATH is defined to indicate the proper file.

unable to open help library file_specification

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The help library file_specification cannot be opened
   to look for the help you requested. The accompanying VAX RMS
   status message gives you more information about the reasons for
   the library not being opened.

   User Action: Examine the VAX RMS status message to determine
   the reasons for the help library not being opened, and take the
   appropriate action based on that information. Also, verify that
   the logical name DBG$HELP is either not defined, or is defined to
   indicate the proper file.

unable to open initialization file file_specification

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The initialization file cannot be opened. The
   accompanying VMS RMS status message gives you more information
   about the reasons for the file not being opened.

   User Action: Examine the VMS RMS status message to determine the
   reasons for the initialization file not being opened, and take
   action based on that information. Also, verify that the logical
   name DBG$INIT is defined to indicate the proper file.

unable to open source file file_specification

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Source lines from the file file_specification cannot
   be displayed because the debugger was unable to open the source
   file (represented as file_specification). The accompanying RMS
   status message gives more information about the reasons for the
   source file not being opened.

   User Action: Examine the RMS status message to determine the
   reasons for the source file not being opened, and take the
   appropriate action based on that information.

unable to open the original source file file specification

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Source lines from the original (before
   preprocessing) source file cannot be displayed because the
   debugger could not get the necessary information from the
   Correlation Facility.

   User Action: Check your Correlation Facility logicals and library
   to see that they are referencing the proper files.

unable to read source file file_specification

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Source lines from the file file_specification cannot
   be displayed because the debugger was unable to read the source
   file (represented as file_specification). The accompanying RMS
   status message gives more information about the reasons for the
   source file not being opened.

   User Action: Examine the RMS status message to determine
   the reasons for the source file not being read, and take the
   appropriate action based on that information.

unable to save value for defined_symbol, definition ignored

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

unable to set thread event

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This is likely an internal error in either the
   debugger or the thread facility. Please submit a Software
   Performance Report (SPR).

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

unable to set image image_name because it has no symbol table

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The image is linked with the /NODEBUG qualifier, so
   there is no symbol table.

   User Action: Relink the image with the /DEBUG qualifier.

unable to set visible task: registers not available

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

Unable to create debugger stack, using program stack

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: DEBUG failed to set the protection ($SETPRT) on the
   DEBUG stack's guard pages. This message indicates an internal
   debugger error.

   User Action: Submit an SPR.

unbalanced parentheses in expression

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

undefined exponentiation at or near opcode_name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

state_name key key_name is undefined

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: You attempted to use the SHOW/KEY or the DELETE/KEY
   command to show or delete the definition of a key that is not

   User Action: Verify that the key is defined and reenter the

The primary handler should now handle this unhandled exception

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This is an internal status signal, it should never
   be seen by the user. If this message does occur please submit a
   Software Performance Report (SPR).

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

attempt to evaluate unimplemented type, cannot proceed.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The data type of the entity in question has not been
   implemented in the debugger. The debugger doesn't have the needed
   information on the entity's type to follow through with request.

unknown debugger function code !UL.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   User Action: Make sure that none of the user definable function
   codes reference numbers that are not documented.

unmatched left parenthesis found

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A left parenthesis (() was found, but the matching
   right parenthesis ()) is missing.

   User Action: Include the right parenthesis ()).

unrecognized vector instruction qualifier specified at 'command_

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The qualifier indicated in the shown command line
   fragment is unreqcognized.

   User Action: Specify a legal vector instruction qualifier.

upper bound of subrange was optimized away

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The upper bound of the specified subrange was
   optimized away by the compiler. In place of the actual upper
   bound, DEBUG used the hex value 7FFFFFFF.

   User Action: None. This message is informational.

this command qualifier is obsolete, use PTHREAD command equivalent

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This is a POSIX Threads application in which the
   debugger has interfaced with a POSIX Threads debugger image.
   Thread, mutex, condition value, and more state can be accessed
   via the "PTHREAD debugger-command-string" command, e.g. "PTHREAD
   THREAD 2 -F". See Debugger Manual and Guide To POSIX Threads
   or the "PTHREAD HELP" command for legal POSIX Threads debugger
   command strings.

   User Action: Use PTHREAD "debugger command string" command

user input thread is busy

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger's user input thread is busy trying
   to collect a new input line. User's should never see this

   User Action: Please submit a Software Performance Report.

DEBUG detected a bad RTL EVCB sentinel-Event ignored.

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: While process a pseudo-go operation, the EVCB sent
   to the debugger by the RTL had a bogus sentinel field. Therefore,
   the debugger ignored the event.

   User Action: None.

user-specified event error code error_code returned by user RTL

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

value of variable 'symbol_name' not usable as address

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The value of the specified variable is not usable as
   an address. The address must be a longword.

   User Action: Modify the address and retry the operation.

value is subscript_value, bounds are low_bound..high_bound

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An attempt to subscript out of the bounds of an
   array was made.

   User Action: Change the value of the subscript.

variant nesting depth exceeds 20, cannot access record component

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

debugger-generated vector disabled fault

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This signal is generated by the debugger kernel
   while it is processing a vector disabled fault that it has

   User Action: Submit an SPR. This message is handled internally,
   and should never be signaled to the user.

the reason values for this vector error are reason_values

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An internal error has occurred with the debuggers
   use of vector instructions. The particular error code has two
   values which are associated with it, which more fully explain
   what went wrong.

   User Action: None.

vector registers can be accessed only in scope 0

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An attempt was made to reference a vector register
   from a scope other than scope 0. DEBUG will not accept a command
   which specifies any other scope for a vector register.

   User Action: If the current scope has been set to a scope other
   than scope 0 (using the SET SCOPE command), use an explicit 0\
   pathname to access the vector register.

vector register subscript out of bounds, bounds are low_bound..high_

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An attempt to subscript out of the bounds of an
   array was made.

   User Action: Change the value of the subscript.

opening/closing command procedure file_specification

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger is verifying a command procedure. This
   message is displayed before the command procedure is executed and
   after all the commands have been displayed.

   User Action: None. This message is informational.

the debugger_type debugger has the following RPC version: major_

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This message is to inform you of the version
   number(s) of the main and kernel debuggers. It will only appear
   as part of another message, such as INCOMVERSION.

   User Action: Submit an SPR. This message is handled internally,
   and should never be signaled to the user.

the host (!AC) and target (!AC) versions are incompatible

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The host kernel and target kernel versions are
   incompatible. This is usually due to different versions of the
   operating system on the host and target systems.

   User Action: Check the versions of the operating systems. Review
   the System-Code Debugger documentation to find out which versions
   are compatible.

Reserved operand, encoded as floating divide by zero

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: During a floating-point operation, an attempt was
   made to divide by zero.

   User Action: Examine the code that caused the fault. Verify that
   the operands or variables are specified correctly. Verify that
   the encoded reserved operand was not deposited by a non-floating-
   point operation.

Reserved operand, encoded as floating overflow

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: During a floating-point operation, a floating point
   value exceeded the largest representable value for that data

   User Action: Examine the code that caused the fault. Verify that
   the operands or variables are specified correctly. Verify that
   the encoded reserved operand was not deposited by a non-floating-
   point operation.

Reserved operand, encoded as floating reserved operand

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: During a floating-point operation, an attempt is
   made to divide by zero.

   User Action: Examine the code that caused the fault. Verify that
   the operands or variables are specified correctly. Verify that
   the encoded reserved operand was not deposited by a non-floating-
   point operation.

Reserved operand, encoded as floating underflow

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: An arithmetic exception condition occurred as a
   result of floating-point underflow.

   User Action: Examine the code that caused the fault. Verify that
   the operands or variables are specified correctly. Verify that
   the encoded reserved operand was not deposited by a non-floating-
   point operation.

instruction at current PC may trigger a watchpoint

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This signal is generated by the debugger kernel
   when it is about to execute an instruction that may trigger a

   User Action: Submit an SPR. This message is handled internally,
   and should never be signaled to the user.

cannot WATCH variables longer than 512 bytes

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

cannot WATCH variable of 0 or negative size

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

watchpoint now cancelled

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This message is a sub-message to WATVARSCP,
   WATVARPTR, WATVARPROT, etc. This message indicates that the
   original watchpoint has been cancelled (is no longer active).

   User Action: None. This message is informational.

now watching variable name

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This message is a sub-message to WATVARSCP and
   WATVARPTR. This message indicates the new name under which a
   variable which either went out of scope or whose pointer(s)
   changed is addressed by the debugger. If this message appears,
   the watchpoint is still active under this new name.

   User Action: None. This message is informational.

global section associated with watched variable variable name has
been unmapped

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The global-section which contained a global-
   section watchpoint is no longer mapped by any process that is
   under debugger control. This message is always followed by the
   WATNOWCAN message, since the debugger must delete the watchpoint.

   User Action: No action necessary.

watched variable overlaps into a global section

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The specified variable spans a range of virtual
   memory which includes a global-section and a private-section or
   two different global-sections. A watched variable must either be
   entirely in one global-section or entirely in a private-section.

   User Action: Do not use watchpoint on this address range.

watched variable variable name is no longer accessible

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Some action by the program has made the target
   variable inaccessible to the debugger. The program might have
   deleted the virtual memory which contains some part of the
   variable or one of the pointers in the pointer chain to the
   variable, or the program might have set the protection of such
   virtual memory such that the debugger can not read it. This
   message is always followed by the WATNOWCAN message, since the
   debugger must delete the watchpoint.

   User Action: None. This message is informational.

watched variable variable name has been re-mapped to a global

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The program mapped a global-section over a watched
   variable. This message indicates that the debugger made the
   watchpoint a global-section watchpoint. If the global-section
   is mapped by more than one process that is under the debugger
   control, the watched variable will be watched in each process
   that is mapped to the global section.

   User Action: No action necessary.

watched variable variable name now overlaps different sections

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The specified variable spans a range of virtual
   memory which has been re-mapped to include a global-section and
   a private-section or two different global-sections. A watched
   variable must either be entirely in one global-section or
   entirely in a private-section.

   User Action: Do not use watchpoint on this address range.

watched variable variable name has been re-mapped to a private

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The program mapped a private-section over a watched
   global section variable. This message indicates that the debugger
   made the watchpoint a private-section watchpoint.

   User Action: No action necessary.

watched variable variable name has been protected by the program

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Some action by the user program has made it
   impossible for the debugger to set the protection on part or all
   of the variable. The debugger will therefore not detect changes
   to the variable. This message is always followed by the WATNOWCAN
   message, since the debugger must delete the watchpoint.

   User Action: None. This message is informational.

watched variable variable name now points to a different address

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Some pointer in the variable reference has changed
   value. This message is accompanied by a further message
   indicating whether the debugger has cancelled the watchpoint
   or re-defined the watchpoint to address the original data by a
   different name.

   User Action: None. This message is informational.

watched variable variable name has gone out of scope

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The identified variable is no longer accessible
   by its original name. The program may have returned from the
   routine in which the variable was defined, or it may have called
   another routine. This message is accompanied by a further message
   indicating whether the debugger has cancelled the watchpoint
   (in the case that the variable is truly gone) or re-defined the
   watchpoint to address the same data by a different name.

   User Action: None. This message is informational.

desired width of display_width is not allowed, width is set to

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: After creating the display pasteboard using the SMG
   routine SMG$CREATE_PASTEBOARD, DEBUG found that the display width
   was not in the range 20-255.

   User Action: Issue the DCL command SHOW TERMINAL and verify that
   the terminal width is correct and in the range 20-255.

the command debugger-command is only supported on VWS workstations

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: The debugger only supports the command debugger-
   command on workstations running VWS.

   User Action: None. This capability of the debugger does not exist
   for your terminal or machine.

non-static watchpoint, tracing every instruction

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: Setting a watchpoint on a non-static location such
   as the stack or on a register forces the debugger to trace every
   instruction that is executed. This will slow down execution of
   your program by a considerable amount.

   User Action: If you do not want execution of your program slowed
   down, then you must cancel the watchpoint.

an attempt to write into a memory location failed

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

cannot write into the debugger kernel's address space

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

cannot write into the debugger kernel's stack

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: This message indicates an internal debugger error.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR).

zero length DST record has been ignored (compiler error)

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: A zero-length DST record was encountered within a
   module. This message normally indicates a compiler error.

   User Action: Submit a Software Performance Report.

increment for ranged examine is zero; exiting loop

   Facility: DEBUG, VMS Debugger

   Explanation: While performing a ranged examine, DEBUG no
   successor to the current data item was found because the length
   of the current data item was zero bytes.

   User Action: None. This message is informational.

2  Path_Names
   If your program has multiple symbols with the same name, you
   may need to use path names to resolve symbol ambiguities. For
   example, your program may have a variable X in procedure A,
   another variable X in procedure B which is nested in procedure
   A, and still another variable X in procedure C. If you specify X,
   as in this example, the debugger uses symbol search conventions
   (based on the PC scope) to resolve the ambiguity:


   If the debugger cannot do so, it issues the following message:

   %DEBUG-W-NOUNIQUE, X is not unique.

   To resolve the ambiguity, you can specify which X you want by
   using a path name. For example:


   For more information, see the SET SCOPE command.

   SS$_DEBUG (defined in STARLET) is a condition you can signal from
   your program to start the debugger. Signalling SS$_DEBUG from
   your program is equivalent to entering Ctrl/Y followed by DEBUG
   at that point.

   You can pass commands to the debugger at the time you signal it
   with SS$_DEBUG. For example, to start the debugger and issue a
   SHOW CALLS command at a given point in your program, you could
   put the following into your program (this example is coded in


2  System_Management
   The debugger consists of two parts (main and kernel), to
   accommodate the debugging of multiprocess programs.

   o  For a program that runs in one process, a debugging session
      requires two processes instead of one.

   o  For a multiprocess program, a debugging session requires as
      many processes as are used by the program, plus an additional
      process for the main debugger.

   Under these conditions, several users who are simultaneously
   debugging programs can place an additional load on a system. The
   subtopics describe the resources used by the debugger so that you
   can tune your system for this activity.

   The discussion covers only the resources used by the debugger.
   In the case of multiprocess programs, you might also have to tune
   your system to support the programs themselves.

3  User_Quotas
   Each user needs a PRCLM quota sufficient to create an additional
   process for the debugger, beyond the number of processes needed
   by the program.

   BYTLM, ENQLM, FILLM, and PGFLQUOTA are pooled quotas. They may
   need to be increased to account for the debugger process as

   o  Each user's ENQLM quota should be increased by at least the
      number of processes being debugged.

   o  Each user's PGFLQUOTA might need to be increased. If a user
      has an insufficient PGFLQUOTA, the debugger might fail to
      activate or might cause "virtual memory exceeded" errors
      during execution.

   o  Each user's BYTLM and FILLM quotas may need to be increased.
      The debugger requires BYTLM and FILLM quotas sufficient to
      open each image file being debugged, the corresponding source
      files, and the debugger input, output, and log files.

4  Behavior_After_Stack_Corruption
   The debugger allocates a certain amount of memory at startup
   and shares the stack with the user's program. If a user process
   exception results in exhaustion of resources or corruption of the
   stack, the debugger may be incapable of regaining control, and
   the debug session may terminate.

   Be aware of this potential behavior after the occurrence of stack
   corruption messages or warnings about continuing from a severe
   error. In either case, the integrity of the debug session cannot
   be guaranteed.

   It is recommended that you try one of the following measures:

   o  Change your source code, temporarily or permanently, to reduce
      resource consumption or lessen the use of stack space

   o  Increase quotas

   o  Specify a larger stack size when linking your program

3  System_Resources
   The kernel and main debugger communicate through global sections.
   The main debugger communicates with up to 8 kernel debuggers
   through a 65-page global section. Therefore, the system global-
   page and global-section parameters (GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS,
   respectively) might need to be increased. For example, if 10
   users are using the debugger simultaneously, 10 global sections
   using a total of 650 global pages are required by the debugger.

2  VWS_Workstations
   The following commands are recognized only when you are using
   the debugger at a workstation running VWS (not Compaq DECwindows
   Motif for OpenVMS):



2  @_(Execute_Procedure)
   Executes a debugger command procedure.


     @file-spec [parameter[, . . . ]]

3  Parameters


   Specifies the command procedure to be executed. For any part
   of the full file specification not provided, the debugger uses
   the file specification established with the last SET ATSIGN
   command, if any. If the missing part of the file specification
   was not established by a SET ATSIGN command, the debugger assumes
   SYS$DISK:[]DEBUG.COM as the default file specification. You can
   specify a logical name.


   Specifies a parameter that is passed to the command procedure.
   The parameter can be an address expression, a value expression
   in the current language, or a debugger command; the command must
   be enclosed within quotation marks (").  Unlike with DCL, you
   must separate parameters by commas. Also, you can pass as many
   parameters as there are formal parameter declarations within the
   command procedure. For more information about passing parameters
   to command procedures, see the DECLARE command.

3  Description
   A debugger command procedure can contain any debugger commands,
   including another execute procedure (@) command. The debugger
   executes commands from the command procedure until it reaches an
   EXIT or QUIT command or reaches the end of the command procedure.
   At that point, the debugger returns control to the command stream
   that invoked the command procedure. A command stream can be the
   terminal, an outer (containing) command procedure, a DO clause in
   a command such as SET BREAK, or a DO clause in a screen display

   By default, commands read from a command procedure are not
   echoed. If you enter the SET OUTPUT VERIFY command, all commands
   read from a command procedure are echoed on the current output
   device, as specified by DBG$OUTPUT (the default output device is

   For information about passing parameters to command procedures,
   see the DECLARE command.

   Related commands:


3  Example

 %DEBUG-I-VERIFYICF, entering command procedure CHECKOUT
 break at routine PROG5\SUB2
 PROG5\SUB2\X:  376
      . . .
 %DEBUG-I-VERIFYICF, exiting command procedure MAIN

     In this example, the SET ATSIGN command establishes
     that debugger command procedures are, by default,
     in USER:[JONES.DEBUG] and have a file type of .DBG.
     The @CHECKOUT command executes the command procedure
     USER:[JONES.DEBUG]CHECKOUT.DBG. The debugger echoes commands
     in the command because of the SET OUTPUT VERIFY command.


   Activates a breakpoint that you have previously set and then


     ACTIVATE BREAK  [address-expression[, . . . ]]

4  Parameters


   Specifies a breakpoint to be activated. Do not use the asterisk
   (*)  wildcard character. Instead, use the /ALL qualifier. Do not
   specify an address expression when using any qualifiers except

4  Qualifiers


   Activates a breakpoint established by a previous SET


   By default, activates all user-defined breakpoints. When used
   with /PREDEFINED, activates all predefined breakpoints but
   no user-defined breakpoints. To activate all breakpoints, use


   Activates a breakpoint established by a previous SET BREAK/BRANCH


   Activates a breakpoint established by a previous SET BREAK/CALL



   Activates a breakpoint established by a previous SET
   BREAK/EVENT=event-name command. Specify the event name (and
   address expression, if any) exactly as specified with the SET
   BREAK/EVENT command.

   To identify the current event facility and the associated event
   names, use the SHOW EVENT_FACILITY command.


   Activates a breakpoint established by a previous SET


   Activates a breakpoint established by a previous SET
   BREAK/HANDLER command.


   Activates a breakpoint established by a previous SET


   Activates a breakpoint established by a previous SET BREAK/LINE
   command. Do not specify an address expression with this


   Activates a specified predefined breakpoint without affecting
   any user-defined breakpoints. When used with /ALL, activates all
   predefined breakpoints.


   (Alpha only) Activates a breakpoint established by a previous SET


   Activates a breakpoint established by a previous SET


   (Alpha only) Activates a breakpoint established by a previous
   SET BREAK/UNALIGNED_DATA command, or reactivates a breakpoint
   previously disabled by a DEACTIVATE BREAK/UNALIGNED_DATA command.


   Activates a specified user-defined breakpoint without affecting
   any predefined breakpoints. To activate all user-defined
   breakpoints, use the /ALL qualifier.


   (VAX only) Activates a breakpoint established by a previous SET

4  Description
   User-defined breakpoints are activated when you set them with
   the SET BREAK command. Predefined breakpoints are activated by
   default. Use the ACTIVATE BREAK command to activate one or more
   breakpoints that you deactivated with DEACTIVATE BREAK.

   Activating and deactivating breakpoints enables you to run and
   rerun your program with or without breakpoints without having to
   cancel and then reset them. By default, the RERUN command saves
   the current state of all breakpoints (activated or deactivated).

   You can activate and deactivate user-defined breakpoints or
   predefined breakpoints or both. To check if a breakpoint is
   activated, use the SHOW BREAK command.

   Related commands:


4  Examples


     This command activates the user-defined breakpoint set at the
     address expression MAIN\LOOP+10.


     This command activates all user-defined breakpoints.


     This command activates all breakpoints, both user-defined and

   Activates a tracepoint that you have previously set and then


     ACTIVATE TRACE  [address-expression[, . . . ]]

4  Parameters


   Specifies a tracepoint to be activated. Do not use the asterisk
   (*)  wildcard character. Instead, use the /ALL qualifier. Do not
   specify an address expression when using any qualifiers except

4  Qualifiers


   Activates a tracepoint established with a previous SET


   By default, activates all user-defined tracepoints. When used
   with /PREDEFINED, activates all predefined tracepoints but
   no user-defined tracepoints. To activate all tracepoints, use


   Activates a tracepoint established with a previous SET
   TRACE/BRANCH command.


   Activates a tracepoint established with a previous SET TRACE/CALL



   Activates a tracepoint established with a previous SET
   TRACE/EVENT=event-name command. Specify the event name (and
   address expression, if any) exactly as specified with the SET
   TRACE/EVENT command.

   To identify the current event facility and the associated event
   names, use the SHOW EVENT_FACILITY command.


   Activates a tracepoint established with a previous SET


   Activates a tracepoint established with a previous SET


   Activates a tracepoint established with a previous SET TRACE/LINE


   Activates a specified predefined tracepoint without affecting
   any user-defined tracepoints. When used with /ALL, activates all
   predefined tracepoints.


   Activates a tracepoint established with a previous SET


   Activates a specified user-defined tracepoint without affecting
   any predefined tracepoints. To activate all user-defined
   tracepoints, use the /ALL qualifier.


   (VAX only) Activates a tracepoint established with a previous SET

4  Description
   User-defined tracepoints are activated when you set them with
   the SET TRACE command. Predefined tracepoints are activated by
   default. Use the ACTIVATE TRACE command to activate one or more
   tracepoints that you deactivated with DEACTIVATE TRACE.

   Activating and deactivating tracepoints enables you to run and
   rerun your program with or without tracepoints without having to
   cancel and then reset them. By default, the RERUN command saves
   the current state of all tracepoints (activated or deactivated).

   You can activate and deactivate user-defined tracepoints or
   predefined tracepoints or both. To check if a tracepoint is
   activated, use the SHOW TRACE command.

   Related commands:


4  Examples


     This command activates the user-defined tracepoint at the
     location MAIN\LOOP+10.


     This command activates all user-defined tracepoints.

   Activates a watchpoint that you have previously set and then


     ACTIVATE WATCH  [address-expression[, . . . ]]

4  Parameters


   Specifies a watchpoint to be activated. With high-level
   languages, this is typically the name of a variable. Do not
   use the asterisk (*)  wildcard character. Instead, use the /ALL
   qualifier. Do not specify an address expression with /ALL.

4  Qualifiers


   Activates all watchpoints.

4  Description
   Watchpoints are activated when you set them with the SET WATCH
   command. Use the ACTIVATE WATCH command to activate one or more
   watchpoints that you deactivated with DEACTIVATE WATCH.

   Activating and deactivating watchpoints enables you to run and
   rerun your program with or without watchpoints without having to
   cancel and then reset them.

   By default, the RERUN command saves the current state of all
   static watchpoints (activated or deactivated). The state of
   a particular nonstatic watchpoint might or might not be saved
   depending on the scope of the variable being watched relative to
   the main program unit (where execution restarts).

   To check if a watchpoint is activated, use the SHOW WATCH

   Related commands:


4  Examples


     This command activates the watchpoint at variable TOTAL in
     module SUB2.


     This command activates all watchpoints you have set and


   Opens a system dump for analysis by the System Dump Debugger
   (kept debugger only).



4  Description

   Invokes the OpenVMS Alpha System Dump Debugger (SDD) to analyze a
   system dump.

   SDD is similar in concept to the System Code Debugger (SCD).
   While SCD allows connection to a running system, with control of
   the system's execution and the examination and modification of
   variables, SDD allows analysis of memory as recorded in a system

   Use of SDD usually involves two systems, although all of the
   required environment can be set up on a single system. The
   description that follows assumes that two systems are being used:

   o  The build system, where the image that causes the system crash
      has been built

   o  The test system, where the image is executed and the system
      crash occurs

   In common with SCD, the OpenVMS debugger user interface allows
   you to specify variable names, routine names, and so on,
   precisely as they appear in your source code. Also, SDD can
   display the source code where the software was executing at the
   time of the system crash.

   SDD recognizes the syntax, data typing, operators, expressions,
   scoping rules, and other constructs of a given language. If your
   code or driver is written in more than one language, you can
   change the debugging context from one language to another during
   a debugging session.

   To use SDD you must do the following:

   o  Build the system image or device driver that is causing the
      system crash.

   o  Boot a system, including the system image or device driver,
      and perform the necessary steps to cause the system crash.

   o  Reboot the system and save the dump file.

   o  Invoke SDD, which is integrated with the OpenVMS debugger.

   For more information about using the SDD, including a sample SDD
   session, see the OpenVMS Alpha System Analysis Tools Manual.

   Related commands:


4  Example



     Invokes SDD from within the kept debugger.

   Opens a process dump for analysis with the System Code Debugger
   (kept debugger only)



4  Parameters


   The name of the process dump file to be analyzed. The file type
   must be .DMP.

4  Qualifiers



   Specifies the search path for the debugger to find the files that
   contains the debugger symbol tables (DSTs). The files must be of
   type .DSF or .EXE, with the same name as the image names in the
   dumpfile. For example, if image name foo.exe is in the dump file,
   then the debugger searches for foo.dsf or foo.exe.

4  Description

   (Kept debugger only.) Opens a process dump for analysis with
   the System Code Debugger (SCD). The qualifier /PROCESS_DUMP is
   required and distinguishes this command from the one that invokes
   the System Dump Debugger (SDD), ANALYZE/CRASH_DUMP.

   The qualifier /IMAGE_PATH=directory-spec is optional, and
   specifies the search path the debugger is to use to find the
   debugger symbol table (DST) files. The debugger builds an image
   list from the saved process image list. When you set an image
   (the main image is automatically set), the debugger attempts to
   open that image in order to find the DSTs.

   If you include the /IMAGE_PATH=directory-spec qualifier, the
   debugger searches for the .DST file in the specified directory.
   The debugger first tries to translate directory-spec as the
   logical name of a directory search list. If that fails, the
   debugger interprets directory-spec as a directory specification,
   and searches that directory for matching .DSF or .EXE files. A
   .DSF file takes precedence over an .EXE file. The name of the
   .DSF or .EXE file must match the image name.

   If you do not include the /IMAGE_PATH=directory-spec qualifier,
   the debugger looks for the DST file first in the directory
   that contains the dump file. If that fails, the debugger next
   searches directory SYS$SHARE and then directory SYS$MESSAGE. If
   the debugger fails to find a DST file for the image, symbolic
   information available to the debugger is limited to global and
   universal symbol names.

   The debugger checks for link date-time mismatches between the
   dump file image and the DST file and issues a warning if one is

   The parameter dumpfile is the name of the process dump file to be
   analyzed. Note that the process dump file type must be .DMP and
   the DST file type must be either .DSF or .EXE.

   For more information about using SCD, see the OpenVMS Alpha
   System Analysis Tools Manual.

   Related commands:


4  Example

 DBG> ANALYZE/PROCESS/IMAGE_DUMP=my_disk$:[my_dir] my_disk$:[my_
 %SYSTEM-F-IMGDMP, dynamic image dump signal at PC=001C0FA0B280099C, PS=001C003C
 break on unhandled exception preceding WECRASH\th_
run\%LINE 26412 in THREAD 8
  26412:         if (verify) {
 WECRASH\th_run\%PC:     0000000000030244

   Passes control of your terminal from the current process to
   another process.


      This command is not available in the Compaq DECwindows Motif
      for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.


     ATTACH  process-name

3  Parameters


   Specifies the process to which your terminal is to be attached.
   The process must already exist before you try to attach to it.
   If the process name contains nonalphanumeric or space characters,
   you must enclose it in quotation marks (").

3  Description
   The ATTACH command enables you to go back and forth between
   a debugging session and your command interpreter, or between
   two debugging sessions. To do so, you must first use the SPAWN
   command to create a subprocess. You can then attach to it
   whenever you want. To return to your original process with
   minimal system overhead, use another ATTACH command.

   Related command:


3  Examples

     %DEBUG-I-RETURNED, control returned to process JONES

     In this example, the series of commands creates a subprocess
     JONES_1 from the debugger (currently running in the process
     JONES) and then attaches to that subprocess.

   2.DBG> ATTACH "Alpha One"

     This example illustrates using quotation marks to enclose a
     process name that contains a space character.

   Calls a routine that was linked with your program.


     CALL  routine-name [(argument[, . . . ])]

3  Parameters


   Specifies the name or the memory address of the routine to be


   Specifies an argument required by the routine. Arguments can be
   passed by address, by descriptor, by reference, and by value, as

   %ADDR   (Default, except for C and C++.) Passes the argument by
           address. The format is as follows:

           CALL routine-name (%ADDR address-expression)

           The debugger evaluates the address expression and
           passes that address to the routine specified. For
           simple variables (such as X), the address of X is
           passed into the routine. This passing mechanism is how
           Fortran implements ROUTINE(X). In other words, for named
           variables, using %ADDR corresponds to a call by reference
           in Fortran. For other expressions, however, you must use
           the %REF function to call by reference. For complex or
           composite variables (such as arrays, records, and access
           types), the address is passed when you specify %ADDR,
           but the called routine might not handle the passed data
           properly. Do not specify a literal value (a number or an
           expression composed of numbers) with %ADDR.
   %DESCR  Passes the argument by descriptor. The format is as

           CALL routine-name (%DESCR language-expression)

           The debugger evaluates the language expression and
           builds a standard descriptor to describe the value. The
           descriptor is then passed to the routine you named. You
           would use this technique to pass strings to a Fortran
   %REF    Passes the argument by reference. The format is as

           CALL routine-name (%REF language-expression)

           The debugger evaluates the language expression and passes
           a pointer to the value, into the called routine. This
           passing mechanism corresponds to the way Fortran passes
           the result of an expression.
   %VAL    (Default for C and C++.) Passes the argument by value.
           The format is as follows:

           CALL routine-name (%VAL language-expression)

           The debugger evaluates the language expression and passes
           the value directly to the called routine.

3  Qualifiers


      /AST (default)

   Controls whether the delivery of asynchronous system traps
   (ASTs) is enabled or disabled during the execution of the called
   routine. The /AST qualifier enables the delivery of ASTs in the
   called routine. The /NOAST qualifier disables the delivery of
   ASTs in the called routine. If you do not specify /AST or /NOAST
   with the CALL command, the delivery of ASTs is enabled unless you
   have previously entered the DISABLE AST command.


      /NOSAVE_VECTOR_STATE (default)

   Applies to VAX vectorized programs. Controls whether the current
   state of the vector processor is saved and then restored when a
   routine is called with the CALL command.

   The state of the vector processor comprises the following:

   o  The values of the vector registers (V0 to V15) and the vector
      control registers (VCR, VLR, and VMR)

   o  Any vector exception (an exception caused by the execution of
      a vector instruction) that might be pending delivery

   When you use the CALL command to execute a routine, execution
   of the routine might change the state of the vector processor as

   o  By changing the values of vector registers or vector control

   o  By causing a vector exception

   o  By causing the delivery of a vector exception that was pending
      when the CALL command was issued

   The /SAVE_VECTOR_STATE qualifier specifies that after the called
   routine has completed execution, the debugger restores the state
   of the vector processor that exists before the CALL command is
   issued. This ensures that, after the called routine has completed

   o  Any vector exception that was pending delivery before the CALL
      command was issued is still pending delivery

   o  No vector exception that was triggered during the routine call
      is still pending delivery

   o  The values of the vector registers are identical to their
      values before the CALL command was issued

   The /NOSAVE_VECTOR_STATE qualifier (which is the default)
   specifies that the state of the vector processor that exists
   before the CALL command is issued is not restored by the debugger
   after the called routine has completed execution. In this case,
   the state of the vector processor after the routine call depends
   on the effect (if any) of the called routine.

   The /[NO]SAVE_VECTOR_STATE qualifiers have no effect on the
   general registers. The values of these registers are always saved
   and restored when you execute a routine with the CALL command.

3  Description
   The CALL command is one of the four debugger commands that
   can be used to execute your program (the others are GO, STEP,
   and EXIT). The CALL command enables you to execute a routine
   independently of the normal execution of your program. The CALL
   command executes a routine whether or not your program actually
   includes a call to that routine, as long as the routine was
   linked with your program.

   When you enter a CALL command, the debugger takes the following
   actions. For more information, see the qualifier descriptions.

   1. Saves the current values of the general registers.

   2. Constructs an argument list.

   3. Executes a call to the routine specified in the command and
      passes any arguments.

   4. Executes the routine.

   5. Displays the value returned by the routine in register R0.
      By convention, after a called routine has executed, register
      R0 contains the function return value (if the routine is a
      function) or the procedure completion status (if the routine
      is a procedure that returns a status value). If a called
      procedure does not return a status value or function value,
      the value in R0 might be meaningless, and the "value returned"
      message can be ignored.

   6. Restores the values of the general registers to the values
      they had just before the CALL command was executed.

   7. Issues the prompt.

   The debugger assumes that the called routine conforms to the
   procedure calling standard (see the OpenVMS Calling Standard).
   However, the debugger does not know about all the argument-
   passing mechanisms for all supported languages. Therefore,
   you might need to specify how to pass parameters, for example,
   use CALL SUB1(%VAL X) rather than CALL SUB1(X). For complete
   information about how arguments are passed to routines, see your
   language documentation.

   When the current language is C or C++, the CALL command by
   default now passes arguments by value rather than by reference.
   In addition, you can now pass the following arguments without
   using a passing mechanism lexical (such as %REF or %VAL):

   o  Routine references

   o  Quoted strings (treated as %REF strings)

   o  Structures, records, and objects

   o  Floating-point parameters by value in F_, D_, G_, S_, and T_
      floating format by dereferencing a variable of that type.

   If the routine contains parameters that are not read-only, the
   values assigned to parameters may not be visible, and access
   to values is unreliable. This is because the debugger adjusts
   parameter values in an internal argument list, not the program
   argument list. To examine changing values, consider using static
   variables instead of parameters.

   The CALL command converts all floating-point literals to F_
   floating format. Passing a floating-point literal in a format
   other than F_floating is not supported. (See the example below.)

   A common debugging technique at an exception breakpoint
   (resulting from a SET BREAK/EXCEPTION or STEP/EXCEPTION command)
   is to call a dump routine with the CALL command. When you enter
   the CALL command at an exception breakpoint, any breakpoints,
   tracepoints, or watchpoints that were previously set within the
   called routine are temporarily disabled so that the debugger does
   not lose the exception context. However, such eventpoints are
   active if you enter the CALL command at a location other than an
   exception breakpoint.

3  Description,_Continued...

   When an exception breakpoint is triggered, execution is suspended
   before any application-declared condition handler is invoked.
   At an exception breakpoint, entering a GO or STEP command after
   executing a routine with the CALL command causes the debugger to
   resignal the exception (see the GO and STEP commands).

   On Alpha processors, you cannot debug routines that are activated
   before the routine activated by a CALL command. For example, your
   program is stopped in routine MAIN, and you set a breakpoint in
   routine SORT. You issue the debugger command CALL SORT. While
   debugging routine SORT, you cannot debug routine MAIN. You must
   first return from the call to routine SORT.

   If you are debugging a multiprocess program, the CALL command is
   executed in the context of the current process set. In addition,
   when debugging a multiprocess program, the way in which execution
   continues in your process depends on whether you entered a SET
   MODE [NO]INTERRUPT command or a SET MODE [NO]WAIT command. By
   default (SET MODE NOINTERRUPT), when one process stops, the
   debugger takes no action with regard to the other processes.
   Also by default (SET MODE WAIT), the debugger waits until
   all processes in the current process set have stopped before
   prompting for a new command.

   Related commands:


3  Examples

   1.DBG> CALL SUB1(X)
     value returned is 19

     This command calls routine SUB1, with parameter X (by default,
     the address of X is passed). In this case, the routine returns
     the value 19.

   2.DBG> CALL SUB(%REF 1)
     value returned is 1

     This command passes a pointer to a memory location containing
     the numeric literal 1, into the routine SUB.

      1785 calls to LIB$GET_VM, 284 calls to LIB$FREE_VM, 122216 bytes
      still allocated, value returned is 00000001

     This example calls Run-Time Library routine LIB$SHOW_VM
     (in shareable image LIBRTL) to display memory statistics.
     The SET MODULE command makes the universal symbols (routine
     names) in LIBRTL visible in the main image. See also the SHOW
     MODULE/SHARE command.

   4.DBG> CALL testsub (%val 11.11, %val 22.22, %val 33.33)

     This example passes floating-point parameters by value, to a
     C subroutine with the function prototype void testsub (float,
     float, float). The floating-point parameters are passed in F_
     floating format.


3  ALL
   Cancels all breakpoints, tracepoints, and watchpoints. Restores
   the scope and type to their default values. Restores the line,
   symbolic, and G_floating modes established with the SET MODE
   command to their default values.



4  Qualifiers


   Cancels all predefined (but no user-defined) breakpoints and


   Cancels all user-defined (but no predefined) breakpoints,
   tracepoints, and watchpoints. This is the default unless you
   specify /PREDEFINED.

4  Description
   The CANCEL ALL command does the following:

   1. Cancels all user-defined eventpoints (those created with
      the commands SET BREAK, SET TRACE, and SET WATCH). This is
      equivalent to entering the commands CANCEL BREAK/ALL, CANCEL
      TRACE/ALL, and CANCEL WATCH/ALL. Depending on the type of
      program (for example Ada, multiprocess), certain predefined
      breakpoints or tracepoints might be set automatically when
      you start the debugger. To cancel all predefined but no user-
      defined eventpoints, use CANCEL ALL/PREDEFINED. To cancel
      all predefined and user-defined eventpoints, use CANCEL

   2. Restores the scope search list to its default value
      (0,1,2, . . . ,n). This is equivalent to entering the CANCEL
      SCOPE command.

   3. Restores the data type for memory locations that are
      associated with a compiler-generated type to the associated
      type. Restores the type for locations that are not associated
      with a compiler-generated type to "longword integer". This is
      equivalent to entering the CANCEL TYPE/OVERRIDE and SET TYPE
      LONGWORD commands.

   4. Restores the line, symbolic, and G_floating modes established
      with the SET MODE command to their default values. This is
      equivalent to entering the following command:


   The CANCEL ALL command does not affect the current language
   setting or modules included in the run-time symbol table.

   Related commands:

      SET TYPE

4  Examples


     This command cancels all user-defined breakpoints and
     tracepoints and all watchpoints, and restores scopes, types,
     and some modes to their default values. In this example, there
     are no predefined breakpoints or tracepoints.

     %DEBUG-I-PREDEPTNOT, predefined eventpoint(s) not canceled

     This command cancels all user-defined breakpoints and
     tracepoints and all watchpoints, and restores scopes, types,
     and some modes to their default values. In this example, there
     is a predefined breakpoint or tracepoint; this is not canceled
     by default.


     This command cancels all predefined breakpoints and
     tracepoints, and restores scopes, types, and some modes
     to their default values. No user-defined breakpoints or
     tracepoints are affected.

   Cancels a breakpoint.


     CANCEL BREAK  [address-expression[, . . . ]]

4  Parameters


   Specifies a breakpoint to be canceled. Do not use the asterisk
   (*)  wildcard character. Instead, use the /ALL qualifier. Do not
   specify an address expression when using any qualifiers except

4  Qualifiers


   Cancels the effect of a previous SET BREAK/ACTIVATING command.


   By default, cancels all user-defined breakpoints. When used
   with /PREDEFINED, cancels all predefined breakpoints but no
   user-defined breakpoints. To cancel all breakpoints, use CANCEL


   Cancels the effect of a previous SET BREAK/BRANCH command.


   Cancels the effect of a previous SET BREAK/CALL command.



   Cancels the effect of a previous SET BREAK/EVENT=event-name
   command. Specify the event name (and address expression, if
   any) exactly as specified with the SET BREAK/EVENT command. To
   identify the current event facility and the associated event
   names, use the SHOW EVENT_FACILITY command.


   Cancels the effect of a previous SET BREAK/EXCEPTION command.


   Cancels the effect of a previous SET BREAK/HANDLER command.


   Cancels the effect of a previous SET BREAK/INSTRUCTION command.


   Cancels the effect of a previous SET BREAK/LINE command.


   Cancels a specified predefined breakpoint without affecting
   any user-defined breakpoints. When used with /ALL, cancels all
   predefined breakpoints.


   (Alpha only) Cancels the effect of a previous SET


   Cancels the effect of a previous SET BREAK/TERMINATING command.


   (Alpha only) Cancels the effect of a previous SET


   Cancels a specified user-defined breakpoint without affecting any
   predefined breakpoints. This is the default unless you specify
   /PREDEFINED. To cancel all user-defined breakpoints, use the /ALL


   (VAX only) Cancels the effect of a previous SET BREAK/VECTOR_
   INSTRUCTION command.

4  Description
   Breakpoints can be user defined or predefined. User-defined
   breakpoints are set explicitly with the SET BREAK command.
   Predefined breakpoints, which depend on the type of program
   you are debugging (for example, Ada or ZQUIT multiprocess), are
   established automatically when you start the debugger. Use the
   SHOW BREAK command to identify all breakpoints that are currently
   set. Any predefined breakpoints are identified as such.

   User-defined and predefined breakpoints are set and canceled
   independently. For example, a location or event can have both
   a user-defined and a predefined breakpoint. Canceling the user-
   defined breakpoint does not affect the predefined breakpoint, and

   To cancel only user-defined breakpoints, do not specify
   /PREDEFINED with the CANCEL BREAK command (the default is /USER).
   To cancel only predefined breakpoints, specify /PREDEFINED
   but not /USER. To cancel both predefined and user-defined
   breakpoints, specify both /PREDEFINED and /USER.

   In general, the effect of the CANCEL BREAK command is symmetrical
   with that of the SET BREAK command (even though the SET BREAK
   command is used only with user-defined breakpoints). Thus, to
   cancel a breakpoint that was established at a specific location,
   specify that same location (address expression) with the CANCEL
   BREAK command. To cancel breakpoints that were established
   on a class of instructions or events, specify the class of
   instructions or events with the corresponding qualifier (/LINE,
   /BRANCH, /ACTIVATING, /EVENT=, and so on). For more information,
   see the qualifier descriptions.

   If you want the debugger to ignore a breakpoint without your
   having to cancel it (for example, if you want to rerun the
   program with and without breakpoints), use the DEACTIVATE BREAK
   instead of the CANCEL BREAK command. Later, you can activate the
   breakpoint (with ACTIVATE BREAK).

   Related commands:


4  Examples


     This command cancels the user-defined breakpoint set at the
     address expression MAIN\LOOP+10.


     This command cancels all user-defined breakpoints.


     This command cancels all user-defined and predefined


     This command cancels a previous user-defined SET
     BREAK/ACTIVATING command. As a result, the debugger does not
     suspend execution when a new process is brought under debugger


     This command cancels the predefined breakpoint set on task
     terminations due to unhandled exceptions. This breakpoint
     is predefined for Ada programs and programs that call POSIX
     Threads or Ada routines.

   Permanently deletes a screen display.


      This command is not available in the Compaq DECwindows Motif
      for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.


     CANCEL DISPLAY  [display-name[, . . . ]]

4  Parameters


   Specifies the name of a display to be canceled. Do not specify
   the PROMPT display, which cannot be canceled. Do not use
   the asterisk (*)  wildcard character. Instead, use the /ALL
   qualifier. Do not specify a display name with /ALL.

4  Qualifiers


   Cancels all displays, except the PROMPT display.

4  Description
   When a display is canceled, its contents are permanently lost,
   it is deleted from the display list, and all the memory that was
   allocated to it is released.

   You cannot cancel the PROMPT display.

   Related commands:


4  Examples


     This command deletes display SRC2.


     This command deletes all displays, except the PROMPT display.

   Restores the line, symbolic, and G_floating modes established by
   the SET MODE command to their default values. Also restores the
   default input/output radix.


      This command is not available in the Compaq DECwindows Motif
      for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.



4  Description
   The effect of the CANCEL MODE command is equivalent to the
   following commands:


   The default radix for both data entry and display is decimal for
   most languages.

   On VAX processors, the exceptions are BLISS and MACRO-32, which
   have a default radix of hexadecimal. On Alpha processors, the
   exceptions are BLISS, MACRO-32, and MACRO-64, which have a
   default radix of hexadecimal.

   Related commands:


4  Example


     This command restores the default radix mode and all default
     mode values.

   Restores the default radix for the entry and display of integer



4  Qualifiers


   Cancels the override radix established by a previous SET
   RADIX/OVERRIDE command. This sets the current override radix
   to "none" and restores the output radix mode to the value
   established with a previous SET RADIX or SET RADIX/OUTPUT
   command. If you did not change the radix mode with a SET RADIX
   restores the radix mode to its default value.

4  Description
   The CANCEL RADIX command cancels the effect of any previous SET
   RADIX and SET RADIX/OVERRIDE commands. It restores the input and
   output radix to their default value. The default radix for both
   data entry and display is decimal for most languages.

   On VAX processors, the exceptions are BLISS and MACRO-32, which
   have a default radix of hexadecimal. On Alpha processors, the
   exceptions are BLISS, MACRO-32, and MACRO-64, which have a
   default radix of hexadecimal.

   The effect of the CANCEL RADIX/OVERRIDE command is more limited
   and is explained in the description of the /OVERRIDE qualifier.

   Related commands:


4  Examples


     This command restores the default input and output radix.


     This command cancels any override radix you might have set with
     the SET RADIX/OVERRIDE command.

   Restores the default scope search list for symbol lookup.



4  Description
   The CANCEL SCOPE command cancels the current scope search list
   established by a previous SET SCOPE command and restores the
   default scope search list, namely 0,1,2, . . . ,n, where n is the
   number of calls in the call stack.

   The default scope search list specifies that, for a symbol
   without a path-name prefix, a symbol lookup such as EXAMINE X
   first looks for X in the routine that is currently executing
   (scope 0); if no X is visible there, the debugger looks in the
   caller of that routine (scope 1), and so on down the call stack;
   if X is not found in scope n, the debugger searches the rest of
   the run-time symbol table (RST), then searches the global symbol
   table (GST), if necessary.

   Related commands:


4  Example


     This command cancels the current scope.

   Cancels a source directory search list, a source directory search
   method, or both a list and method established by a previous SET
   SOURCE command.



4  Qualifiers


   Cancels the effect of a previous SET SOURCE/DISPLAY command,
   which specifies the directory search list to be used by the
   debugger when displaying source code. Canceling this command
   means the debugger searches for a source file in the directory in
   which it was compiled.


   Cancels the effect of a previous SET SOURCE/EDIT command, which
   specifies the directory search list to be used during execution
   of the debugger's EDIT command. Canceling this command means the
   debugger searches for a source file in the directory in which it
   was compiled.


   Cancels the effect of a previous SET SOURCE/EXACT command, which
   specifies a directory search method. Canceling this command means
   that the debugger no longer searches for the exact version of the
   source file from compilation; it reverts to the default behavior
   of searching for the latest version of the file.


   Cancels the effect of a previous SET SOURCE/LATEST command, which
   specifies a directory search method. In this case, the CANCEL
   SOURCE/LATEST command directs the debugger to return to searching
   for the exact version of the source file from compilation.
   Because /LATEST is the default setting, this qualifier only makes
   sense when used with other qualifiers, for example, /MODULE.



   Cancels the effect of a previous SET SOURCE/MODULE=module-
   name command in which the same module name and qualifiers were
   specified. (The /MODULE qualifier allows you to specify a unique
   directory search list, directory search method, or both, for
   the named module.) You can append one or more of the qualifiers

   If you issue a CANCEL SOURCE/MODULE command with additional
   qualifiers, you cancel the effect of the specified qualifiers
   on the module. If you issue an unqualified CANCEL SOURCE/MODULE
   command, the debugger no longer differentiates the module from
   any other module in your directories.


   (Applies to STDL programs only. Requires the installation of the
   Correlation Facility (a separate layered product) and invocation
   of the kept debugger.) Cancels the effect of a previous SET
   required to debug STDL source files, and must be canceled when
   you debug source files written in other languages.

4  Description
   CANCEL SOURCE cancels the effect of a previous SET SOURCE
   command. The nature of this cancellation depends on the
   qualifiers activated in previous SET SOURCE commands. See the

   When you issue a SET SOURCE command, be aware that one of the
   two qualifiers -/LATEST or /EXACT-will always be active. These
   qualifiers affect the debugger search method. The /LATEST
   qualifier directs the debugger to search for the version last
   created (the highest-numbered version in your directory). The
   /EXACT qualifier directs the debugger to search for the version
   last compiled (the version recorded in the debugger symbol table
   created at compile time). For example, a SET SOURCE/LATEST
   command might search for SORT.FOR;3 while a SET SOURCE/EXACT
   command might search for SORT.FOR;1.

   CANCEL SOURCE without the /DISPLAY or /EDIT qualifier cancels the
   effect of both SET SOURCE/DISPLAY and SET SOURCE/EDIT, if both
   were previously given.

   The /DISPLAY qualifier is needed when the files to be displayed
   are no longer in the compilation directory.

   The /EDIT qualifier is needed when the files used for the display
   of source code are different from the editable files. This is the
   case with Ada programs. For Ada programs, the (SET,SHOW,CANCEL)
   SOURCE commands affect the search of files used for source
   display (the "copied" source files in Ada program libraries);
   the (SET,SHOW,CANCEL) SOURCE/EDIT commands affect the search of
   the source files that you edit when using the EDIT command.

   For information specific to Ada programs, see the
   Language_Support Ada help topic.

   Related commands:


4  Examples

      . . .

        source directory search list for CTEST,
         match the exact source file version:
         source directory list for all other modules,
         match the latest source file version:
        source directory search list for CTEST,
         match the exact source file version:
         all other source files will try to match
         the latest source file version

     In this example, the SET SOURCE command establishes a directory
     search list and a search method (the default, latest version)
     for source files other than CTEST. The CANCEL SOURCE command
     cancels the directory search list but does not cancel the
     search method.

         no directory search list in effect,
          match the exact source file
         source directory list for all modules,
          match the exact source file version:
          source directory list for all modules,
          match the latest source file version:

     In this example, the SET SOURCE/EXACT command establishes a
     search method (exact version) that remains in effect for the
     SET SOURCE [JONES] command. The CANCEL SOURCE/EXACT command not
     only cancels the SET SOURCE/EXACT command, but also affects the
     SET SOURCE [JONES] command.

   Cancels a tracepoint.


     CANCEL TRACE  [address-expression[, . . . ]]

4  Parameters


   Specifies a tracepoint to be canceled. Do not use the asterisk
   (*)  wildcard character. Instead, use the /ALL qualifier. Do not
   specify an address expression when using any qualifiers except

4  Qualifiers


   Cancels the effect of a previous SET TRACE/ACTIVATING command.


   By default, cancels all user-defined tracepoints. When used
   with /PREDEFINED, it cancels all predefined tracepoints but
   no user-defined tracepoints. To cancel all tracepoints, use


   Cancels the effect of a previous SET TRACE/BRANCH command.


   Cancels the effect of a previous SET TRACE/CALL command.



   Cancels the effect of a previous SET TRACE/EVENT=event-name
   command. Specify the event name (and address expression, if
   any) exactly as specified with the SET TRACE/EVENT command. To
   identify the current event facility and the associated event
   names, use the SHOW EVENT_FACILITY command.


   Cancels the effect of a previous SET TRACE/EXCEPTION command.


   Cancels the effect of a previous SET TRACE/INSTRUCTION command.


   Cancels the effect of a previous SET TRACE/LINE command.


   Cancels a specified predefined tracepoint without affecting any
   user-defined tracepoints. When used with /ALL, it cancels all
   predefined tracepoints.


   Cancels the effect of a previous SET TRACE/TERMINATING command.


   Cancels a specified user-defined tracepoint without affecting any
   predefined tracepoints. This is the default unless you specify
   /PREDEFINED. To cancel all user-defined tracepoints, use /ALL.


   (VAX only) Cancels the effect of a previous SET TRACE/VECTOR_
   INSTRUCTION command.

4  Description
   Tracepoints can be user defined or predefined. User-defined
   tracepoints are explicitly set with the SET TRACE command.
   Predefined tracepoints, which depend on the type of program you
   are debugging (for example, Ada or multiprocess), are established
   automatically when you start the debugger. Use the SHOW TRACE
   command to identify all tracepoints that are currently set. Any
   predefined tracepoints are identified as such.

   User-defined and predefined tracepoints are set and canceled
   independently. For example, a location or event can have both
   a user-defined and a predefined tracepoint. Canceling the user-
   defined tracepoint does not affect the predefined tracepoint, and

   To cancel only user-defined tracepoints, do not specify
   /PREDEFINED with the CANCEL TRACE command (the default is /USER).
   To cancel only predefined tracepoints, specify /PREDEFINED
   but not /USER. To cancel both user-defined and predefined

   In general, the effect of CANCEL TRACE is symmetrical with
   that of SET TRACE (even though SET TRACE is used only with
   user-defined tracepoints). Thus, to cancel a tracepoint that
   was established at a specific location, specify that same
   location (address expression) with CANCEL TRACE. To cancel
   tracepoints that were established on a class of instructions
   or events, specify the class of instructions or events with the
   corresponding qualifier (/LINE, /BRANCH, /ACTIVATING, /EVENT=,
   and so on). For more information, see the qualifier descriptions.

   To cause the debugger to temporarily ignore a tracepoint, but
   retain definition of the tracepoint, use the command DEACTIVATE
   TRACE. You can later activate the tracepoint (with ACTIVATE

   Related commands:


4  Examples


     This command cancels the user-defined tracepoint at the
     location MAIN\LOOP+10.


     This command cancels all user-defined tracepoints.


     This command cancels a previous SET TRACE/TERMINATING command.
     As a result, a user-defined tracepoint is not triggered when a
     process does an image exit.


     This command cancels the tracepoint that was set to trigger
     when task 3 (task ID = 3) entered the RUN state.


   Cancels the override type established by a previous SET
   TYPE/OVERRIDE command.



5  Description
   The CANCEL TYPE/OVERRIDE command sets the current override type
   to "none." As a result, a program location associated with a
   compiler-generated type is interpreted according to that type.

   Related commands:


5  Example


     This command cancels the effect of a previous SET TYPE/OVERRIDE

   Cancels a watchpoint.


     CANCEL WATCH  [address-expression[, . . . ]]

4  Parameters


   Specifies a watchpoint to be canceled. With high-level languages,
   this is typically the name of a variable. Do not use the asterisk
   (*)  wildcard character. Instead, use the /ALL qualifier. Do not
   specify an address expression with /ALL.

4  Qualifiers


   Cancels all watchpoints.

4  Description
   The effect of the CANCEL WATCH command is symmetrical with the
   effect of the SET WATCH command. To cancel a watchpoint that was
   established at a specific location with the SET WATCH command,
   specify that same location with CANCEL WATCH. Thus, to cancel
   a watchpoint that was set on an entire aggregate, specify the
   aggregate in the CANCEL WATCH command; to cancel a watchpoint
   that was set on one element of an aggregate, specify that element
   in the CANCEL WATCH command.

   The CANCEL ALL command also cancels all watchpoints.

   To cause the debugger to temporarily ignore a watchpoint, but
   not delete the definition of the watchpoint, use the command
   DEACTIVATE WATCH. You can later activate the watchpoint (with

   Related commands:


4  Examples


     This command cancels the watchpoint at variable TOTAL in module


     This command cancels all watchpoints you have set.

   Permanently deletes a screen window definition.


      This command is not available in the Compaq DECwindows Motif
      for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.


     CANCEL WINDOW  [window-name[, . . . ]]

4  Parameters


   Specifies the name of a screen window definition to be canceled.
   Do not use the asterisk (*)  wildcard character. Instead, use
   the /ALL qualifier. Do not specify a window definition name with

4  Qualifiers


   Cancels all predefined and user-defined window definitions.

4  Description
   When a window definition is canceled, you can no longer use its
   name in a DISPLAY command. The CANCEL WINDOW command does not
   affect any displays.

   Related commands:


4  Example


     This command permanently deletes the screen window definition

   (Kept debugger only.) Interrupts an image that is running without
   debugger control in another process and brings that process under
   debugger control. When used without a parameter, CONNECT brings
   any spawned process that is waiting to connect to the debugger
   under debugger control.

   On Alpha systems, the debugger command CONNECT can also be used
   to bring a target system running the Alpha operating system
   under the control of the OpenVMS Alpha System-Code Debugger.
   The OpenVMS Alpha System-Code Debugger is a kernel debugger that
   you activate through the OpenVMS Debugger.

   If you are using the CONNECT command to debug the Alpha operating
   system, you must complete the instructions described in the
   System Code Debugger chapter of the OpenVMS Alpha System Analysis
   Tools Manual before you issue the command. (These instructions
   include the creation of an Alpha device driver and the setup
   commands activating the OpenVMS Alpha System-Code Debugger.) You
   must also have started the OpenVMS Debugger with the DCL command


     CONNECT  [process-spec]

     CONNECT  %NODE_NAME node-name

3  Parameters


   Specifies a process in which an image to be interrupted is
   running. The process must be in the same OpenVMS job as the
   process in which the debugger was started. Use any of the
   following forms:

   [%PROCESS_NAME] proc-    The OpenVMS process name, if that
   name                     name contains no space or lowercase
                            characters. The process name can include
                            the asterisk (*)  wildcard character.
   [%PROCESS_NAME] "proc-   The OpenVMS process name, if that name
   name"                    contains space or lowercase characters.
                            You can also use apostrophes (') instead
                            of quotation marks (").
   %PROCESS_PID proc-id     The OpenVMS process identifier (PID, a
                            hexadecimal number).


   (Alpha only) When you are debugging the Alpha operating
   system, specifies the node name of the machine to which you
   are connecting (the target machine running the Alpha operating

3  Qualifiers



   (Alpha only) When you are debugging the Alpha operating
   system, specifies the password for the machine to which you
   are connecting (the target machine running the Alpha operating
   system). If a password has not been established for that machine,
   this qualifier can be omitted.



   (Alpha only) When you are debugging the Alpha operating system,
   specifies the image-path for the machine from which you are
   connecting (the host machine running the debugger). The image-
   path is a logical name that points to the location of system
   images. The default logical name is DBGHK$IMAGE_PATH:.

3  Description
   (Kept debugger only.) When you specify a process, the CONNECT
   command enables you to interrupt an image that is running without
   debugger control in that process and bring the process under
   debugger control. The command is useful if, for example, you
   run a debuggable image with the DCL command RUN/NODEBUG, or if
   your program issues a LIB$SPAWN Run-Time Library call that does
   not start the debugger. You cannot connect to a process created
   through a $CREPRC system service call.

   Depending on the version of the debugger you are running on your
   system, you may be restricted to connection with processes you
   created, or you may be able to connect to processes created by
   any member of your user identification code (UIC) group. (In some
   cases, you may have to set the SYSGEN SECURITY_POLICY parameter
   to 8 before you create the process.) Restrictions on Process
   Creation, by Debugger Version Number lists the restrictions that
   apply to specific versions of the debugger.

   Table 1-1 Restrictions on Process Creation, by Debugger Version

                          Then you can
                          connect to
                          a process
   If you are running...  by...          With the SYSGEN Parameter?

   VAX Version 5.5-2,     You            No
   Alpha Version 6.0,
   VAX Version 6.0        You, Member    Yes
                          of UIC Group
   VAX Version 6.1,       You, Member    No
   later                  of UIC Group
   Alpha Version 6.1,

   VMSDEBUGUIL) exist, they must translate to the same definitions
   in both the debugger and the target process.

   The image modules must have been compiled and linked with the
   /DEBUG qualifier. The image cannot have been linked with the
   /NOTRACEBACK qualifier.

   When the process is brought under debugger control, execution of
   the image is suspended at the point at which it was interrupted.

   When you do not specify a process, the CONNECT command brings any
   processes that are waiting to connect to your debugging session
   under debugger control. If no process is waiting, you can press
   Ctrl/C to abort the CONNECT command.

   By default, a tracepoint is triggered when a process is brought
   under debugger control. This predefined tracepoint is equivalent
   to that resulting from entering the SET TRACE/ACTIVATING command.
   The process is then known to the debugger and can be identified
   in a SHOW PROCESS display.

   You cannot use the CONNECT command to connect to a subprocess
   of a process running under debugger control. Use the SET PROCESS
   command to connect to such a subprocess.

   Using the CONNECT Command to Debug the Alpha Operating System
   (Alpha only)

   You can use the CONNECT command to debug Alpha operating
   system code with the OpenVMS Alpha System-Code Debugger (SCD).
   Typically, you issue this command from a timesharing (host) Alpha
   machine (running SCD), and you connect to a standalone (target)
   Alpha machine (running the Alpha operating system). Communication
   between the two machines occurs over the Ethernet network.


      The port used for SCD on the target machine is not
      configured at all, and cannot be used for any other
      purpose, such as DECnet, LAT, user applications, and so on.
      Therefore, to be able to use DECnet or to be in a cluster
      while using SCD, you must have another Ethernet port for
      that traffic.

   In some cases, you may find that you need to use the alternative
   Delta/XDelta Debugger to debug operating system code. These cases

   o  When you have access to only one Alpha machine for debugging

   o  When you are debugging portions of code that generate Ethernet
      traffic on the target system and have only one ethernet port.

   Generally, however, the OpenVMS Alpha System-Code Debugger is
   preferred for debugging Alpha operating system code. For complete
   information on using this debugger, see the OpenVMS Alpha System
   Analysis Tools Manual.

   Related commands:


3  Examples


     This command brings under debugger control any processes that
     are waiting to be connected to the debugger.


     This command interrupts the image running in process JONES_3
     and brings the process under debugger control. Process JONES_
     3 must be in the same UIC group as the process in which the
     debugger was started. Also, the image must not have been linked
     with the /NOTRACEBACK qualifier.

     %DEBUG-I-NOLOCALS, image does not contain local symbols

     On Alpha systems, this CONNECT command brings the target system
     running Alpha operating-system code under debugger control.
     This example specifies that the Alpha target machine (running
     the operating system) has a node name of SCDTST and a password
     of eager_beaver. The Alpha host machine (running the debugger)
     has the default DBGHK$IMAGE_PATH: image-path.

2  Ctrl

3  /C
   When entered from within a debugging session, Ctrl/C aborts the
   execution of a debugger command or interrupts program execution
   without interrupting the debugging session.


      Do not use Ctrl/Y from within a debugging session.



4  Description
   Pressing Ctrl/C enables you to abort the execution of a debugger
   command or to interrupt program execution without interrupting
   the debugging session. This is useful when, for example, the
   program is executing an infinite loop that does not have a
   breakpoint, or you want to abort a debugger command that takes
   a long time to complete. The debugger prompt is then displayed,
   so that you can enter debugger commands.

   If your program already has a Ctrl/C AST service routine enabled,
   use the SET ABORT_KEY command to assign the debugger's abort
   function to another Ctrl-key sequence. Note, however, that many
   Ctrl-key sequences have predefined functions, and the SET ABORT_
   KEY command enables you to override such definitions (see the
   OpenVMS User's Manual). Some of the Ctrl-key characters not used
   by the operating system are G, K, N, and P.

   If your program does not have a Ctrl/C AST service routine
   enabled and you assign the debugger's abort function to another
   Ctrl-key sequence, then Ctrl/C behaves like Ctrl/Y-that is, it
   interrupts the debugging session and returns you to DCL level.

   Do not use Ctrl/Y from within a debugging session. Instead, use
   either Ctrl/C or an equivalent Ctrl-key sequence established with
   the SET ABORT_KEY command.

   You can use the SPAWN and ATTACH commands to leave and return to
   a debugging session without losing the debugging context.

   Related commands:


4  Example

      . . .
 DBG> EXAMINE/BYTE 1000:101000  !should have typed 1000:1010
 1000: 0
 1004: 0
 1008: 0
 1012: 0
 1016: 0
 %DEBUG-W-ABORTED, command aborted by user request

     This example shows how to use Ctrl/C to interrupt program
     execution and then to abort the execution of a debugger

3  /W
   Refreshes the screen in screen mode (like DISPLAY/REFRESH). See
   the DISPLAY/REFRESH command.



3  /Y
   When entered from DCL level, Ctrl/Y interrupts an image that is
   running without debugger control, enabling you then to start the
   debugger with the DCL command DEBUG.


      Do not use Ctrl/Y from within a debugging session. Instead,
      use Ctrl/C or an equivalent abort-key sequence established
      with the SET ABORT_KEY command.

      When you start the debugger with the Ctrl/Y-DEBUG sequence,
      you cannot then use the debugger RUN or RERUN commands.



4  Description
   Pressing Ctrl/Y at DCL level enables you to interrupt an image
   that is running without debugger control, so that you can then
   start the debugger with the DCL command DEBUG.

   You can bring an image under debugger control only if, as a
   minimum, that image was linked with the /TRACEBACK qualifier
   (/TRACEBACK is the default for the LINK command).

   When you press Ctrl/Y to interrupt the image's execution, control
   is passed to DCL. If you then enter the DCL command DEBUG, the
   interrupted image is brought under control of the debugger. The
   debugger sets its language-dependent parameters to the source
   language of the module in which execution was interrupted and
   displays its prompt. You can then determine where execution was
   suspended by entering a SHOW CALLS command.

   The Ctrl/Y-DEBUG sequence is not supported in the kept debugger

   The Ctrl/Y-DEBUG sequence is not supported in the Compaq
   DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.
   Instead, use the STOP button.

   Within a debugging session, you can use the CONNECT command to
   connect an image that is running without debugger control in
   another process (of the same job) to that debugging session.

   Related commands:

      DEBUG (DCL command)
      RUN (DCL command)

4  Examples

          . . .
     $ DEBUG

                Debugger Banner and Version Number

     Language: ADA, Module: SWAP

     In this example, the RUN/NODEBUG command executes the image
     TEST_B without debugger control. Execution is interrupted
     with Ctrl/Y. The DEBUG command then causes the debugger to be
     started. The debugger displays its banner, sets the language-
     dependent parameters to the language (Ada, in this case) of the
     module (SWAP) in which execution was interrupted, and displays
     the prompt.

          . . .
     $ DEBUG

                Debugger Banner and Version Number

     Language: FORTRAN, Module: SUB4
     predefined trace on activation at SUB4\%LINE 12 in %PROCESS_NUMBER 1

     In this example, the DEFINE/JOB command establishes a
     multiprocess debugging configuration. The RUN/NODEBUG command
     executes the image PROG2 without debugger control. The Ctrl/Y-
     DEBUG sequence interrupts execution and starts the debugger.
     The banner indicates that a new debugging session has been
     started. The activation tracepoint indicates where execution
     was interrupted when the debugger took control of the process.

3  /Z
   Ends a debugging session (like EXIT). See the EXIT command.




   Deactivates a breakpoint, which you can later activate.


     DEACTIVATE BREAK  [address-expression[, . . . ]]

4  Parameters


   Specifies a breakpoint to be deactivated. Do not use the asterisk
   (*)  wildcard character. Instead, use the /ALL qualifier. Do not
   specify an address expression when using any qualifiers except

4  Qualifiers


   Deactivates a breakpoint established by a previous SET


   By default, deactivates all user-defined breakpoints. When used
   with /PREDEFINED, deactivates all predefined breakpoints but
   no user-defined breakpoints. To deactivate all breakpoints, use


   Deactivates a breakpoint established by a previous SET
   BREAK/BRANCH command.


   Deactivates a breakpoint established by a previous SET BREAK/CALL



   Deactivates a breakpoint established by a previous SET
   BREAK/EVENT=event-name command. Specify the event name (and
   address expression, if any) exactly as specified with the SET
   BREAK/EVENT command.

   To identify the current event facility and the associated event
   names, use the SHOW EVENT_FACILITY command.


   Deactivates a breakpoint established by a previous SET


   Deactivates a breakpoint established by a previous SET
   BREAK/HANDLER command.


   Deactivates a breakpoint established by a previous SET


   Deactivates a breakpoint established by a previous SET BREAK/LINE


   Deactivates a specified predefined breakpoint without affecting
   any user-defined breakpoints. When used with /ALL, deactivates
   all predefined breakpoints.


   (Alpha only) Deactivates a breakpoint established by a previous


   Deactivates a breakpoint established by a previous SET


   (Alpha only) Deactivates a breakpoint established by a previous


   Deactivates a specified user-defined breakpoint. To deactivate
   all user-defined breakpoints, use the /ALL qualifier.


   (VAX only) Deactivates a breakpoint established by a previous SET

4  Description
   User-defined breakpoints are activated when you set them with
   the SET BREAK command. Predefined breakpoints are activated by
   default. Use the DEACTIVATE BREAK command to deactivate one or
   more breakpoints.

   If you deactivate a breakpoint, the debugger ignores the
   breakpoint during program execution. To activate a deactivated
   breakpoint, use the ACTIVATE BREAK command. You can activate and
   deactivate user-defined and predefined breakpoints separately.
   Activating and deactivating breakpoints enables you to run and
   rerun your program with or without breakpoints without having to
   cancel and then reset them. By default, the RERUN command saves
   the current state of all breakpoints (activated or deactivated).

   To check if a breakpoint is deactivated, use the SHOW BREAK

   Related commands:


4  Examples


     This command deactivates the user-defined breakpoint set at the
     address expression MAIN\LOOP+10.


     This command deactivates all user-defined breakpoints.

   Deactivates a tracepoint, which you can later activate.


     DEACTIVATE TRACE  [address-expression[, . . . ]]

4  Parameters


   Specifies a tracepoint to be deactivated. Do not use the asterisk
   (*)  wildcard character. Instead, use the /ALL qualifier. Do not
   specify an address expression when using any qualifiers except

4  Qualifiers


   Deactivates a tracepoint established with a previous SET


   By default, deactivates all user-defined tracepoints. When used
   with /PREDEFINED, it deactivates all predefined tracepoints but
   no user-defined tracepoints. To deactivate all tracepoints, use


   Deactivates a tracepoint established with a previous SET
   TRACE/BRANCH command.


   Deactivates a tracepoint established with a previous SET
   TRACE/CALL command.



   Deactivates a tracepoint established with a previous SET
   TRACE/EVENT=event-name command. Specify the event name (and
   address expression, if any) exactly as specified with the SET
   TRACE/EVENT command.

   To identify the current event facility and the associated event
   names, use the SHOW EVENT_FACILITY command.


   Deactivates a tracepoint established with a previous SET


   Deactivates a tracepoint established with a previous SET


   Deactivates a tracepoint established with a previous SET
   TRACE/LINE command.


   Deactivates a specified predefined tracepoint without affecting
   any user-defined tracepoints. When used with /ALL, it deactivates
   all predefined tracepoints.


   Deactivates a tracepoint established with a previous SET


   Deactivates a specified user-defined tracepoint without affecting
   any predefined tracepoints. When used with /ALL, it deactivates
   all user-defined tracepoints. The /USER qualifier is the default
   unless you specify /PREDEFINED.


   (VAX only) Deactivates a tracepoint established with a previous

4  Description
   User-defined tracepoints are activated when you set them with
   the SET TRACE command. Predefined tracepoints are activated by
   default. Use the DEACTIVATE TRACE command to deactivate one or
   more tracepoints.

   If you deactivate a tracepoint, the debugger ignores the
   tracepoint during program execution. To activate a deactivated
   tracepoint, use the ACTIVATE TRACE command. You can activate and
   deactivate user-defined and predefined tracepoints separately.
   Activating and deactivating tracepoints enables you to run and
   rerun your program with or without tracepoints without having to
   cancel and then reset them. By default, the RERUN command saves
   the current state of all tracepoints (activated or deactivated).

   To check if a tracepoint is deactivated, use the SHOW TRACE

   Related commands:


4  Examples


     This command deactivates the user-defined tracepoint at the
     location MAIN\LOOP+10.


     This command deactivates all user-defined tracepoints.

   Deactivates a watchpoint, which you can later activate.


     DEACTIVATE WATCH  [address-expression[, . . . ]]

4  Parameters


   Specifies a watchpoint to be deactivated. With high-level
   languages, this is typically the name of a variable. Do not
   use the asterisk (*)  wildcard character. Instead, use the /ALL
   qualifier. Do not specify an address expression with /ALL.

4  Qualifiers


   Deactivates all watchpoints.

4  Description
   Watchpoints are activated when you set them with the SET WATCH
   command. Use the DEACTIVATE WATCH command to deactivate one or
   more watchpoints.

   If you deactivate a watchpoint, the debugger ignores the
   watchpoint during program execution. To activate a deactivated
   watchpoint, use the ACTIVATE WATCH command. Activating and
   deactivating watchpoints enables you to run and rerun your
   program with or without watchpoints without having to cancel
   and then reset them.

   By default, the RERUN command saves the current state of all
   static watchpoints (activated or deactivated). The state of
   a particular nonstatic watchpoint might or might not be saved
   depending on the scope of the variable being watched relative to
   the main program unit (where execution restarts).

   To check if a watchpoint is deactivated, use the SHOW WATCH

   Related commands:


4  Examples


     This command deactivates the watchpoint at variable TOTAL in
     module SUB2.


     This command deactivates all watchpoints you have set.

   Declares a formal parameter within a command procedure. This
   enables you to pass an actual parameter to the procedure when
   entering an execute procedure (@) command.


     DECLARE  p-name:p-kind [,p-name:p-kind[, . . . ]]

3  Parameters


   Specifies a formal parameter (a symbol) that is declared within
   the command procedure.

   Do not specify a null parameter (represented either by two
   consecutive commas or by a comma at the end of the command).


   Specifies the parameter kind of a formal parameter. Valid
   keywords are as follows:

   ADDRESS   Specifies that the actual parameter is interpreted
             as an address expression. Same effect as
             DEFINE/ADDRESS symbol-name = actual-parameter.
   COMMAND   Specifies that the actual parameter is
             interpreted as a command. Same effect as
             DEFINE/COMMAND symbol-name = actual-parameter.
   VALUE     Specifies that the actual parameter is interpreted as a
             value expression in the current language. Same effect
             as DEFINE/VALUE symbol-name = actual-parameter.

3  Description
   The DECLARE command is valid only within a command procedure.

   The DECLARE command binds one or more actual parameters,
   specified on the command line following the execute procedure
   (@) command, to formal parameters (symbols) declared within a
   command procedure.

   Each p-name:p-kind pair specified by a DECLARE command binds one
   formal parameter to one actual parameter. Formal parameters are
   bound to actual parameters in the order in which the debugger
   processes the parameter declarations. If you specify several
   formal parameters on a single DECLARE command, the leftmost
   formal parameter is bound to the first actual parameter, the
   next formal parameter is bound to the second, and so on. If you
   use a DECLARE command in a loop, the formal parameter is bound
   to the first actual parameter on the first iteration of the loop;
   the same formal parameter is bound to the second actual parameter
   on the next iteration, and so on.

   Each parameter declaration acts like a DEFINE command: it
   associates a formal parameter with an address expression, a
   command, or a value expression in the current language, according
   to the parameter kind specified. The formal parameters themselves
   are consistent with those accepted by the DEFINE command and can
   in fact be deleted from the symbol table with the DELETE command.

   The %PARCNT built-in symbol, which can be used only within a
   command procedure, enables you to pass a variable number of
   parameters to a command procedure. The value of %PARCNT is the
   number of actual parameters passed to the command procedure.

   Related commands:

      @ (Execute Procedure)

3  Examples

   1.! ***** Debugger Command Procedure EXAM_GO.COM *****

     DBG> @EXAM_GO X "@DUMP"

     In this example, the command procedure EXAM_GO.COM accepts two
     parameters, an address expression (L)  and a command string
     (M).  The address expression is then examined and the command
     is executed.

     At the debugger prompt, the @EXAM_GO X "@DUMP" command executes
     EXAM_GO.COM, passing the address expression X and the command
     string @DUMP.

   2.! ***** Debugger Command Procedure VAR.DBG *****
     DBG> @VAR.DBG 12,37,45
     %DEBUG-I-VERIFYIC, entering command procedure VAR.DBG
     %DEBUG-I-VERIFYIC, exiting command procedure VAR.DBG

     In this example, the command procedure VAR.DBG accepts a
     variable number of parameters. That number is stored in the
     built-in symbol %PARCNT.

     At the debugger prompt, the @VAR.DBG command executes VAR.DBG,
     passing the actual parameters 12, 37, and 45. Therefore,
     %PARCNT has the value 3, and the FOR loop is repeated 3
     times. The FOR loop causes the DECLARE command to bind each
     of the three actual parameters (starting with 12) to a new
     declaration of X. Each actual parameter is interpreted as a
     value expression in the current language, and the EVALUATE X
     command displays that value.

   Assigns a symbolic name to an address expression, command, or


     DEFINE  symbol-name=parameter [,symbol-name=parameter[, . . . ]]

3  Parameters


   Specifies a symbolic name to be assigned to an address, command,
   or value. The symbolic name can be composed of alphanumeric
   characters and underscores. The debugger converts lowercase
   alphabetic characters to uppercase. The first character must not
   be a number. The symbolic name must be no more than 31 characters


   Depends on the qualifier specified.

3  Qualifiers


   (Default) Specifies that the defined symbol is an abbreviation
   for an address expression. In this case, parameter is an address


   Specifies that the defined symbol is treated as a new debugger
   command. In this case, parameter is a quoted character string.
   This qualifier provides, in simple cases, essentially the same
   capability as the following DCL command:

   $ symbol := string

   To define complex commands, you might need to use command
   procedures with formal parameters. For more information about
   declaring parameters to command procedures, see the DECLARE


   Specifies that the definition is valid only in the command
   procedure in which it is defined. The defined symbol is not
   visible at debugger command level. By default, a symbol defined
   within a command procedure is visible outside that procedure.


   Specifies that the defined symbol is an abbreviation for a value.
   In this case, parameter is a language expression in the current

3  Description
   The DEFINE/ADDRESS command assigns a symbolic name to an
   address expression in a program. You can define a symbol for a
   nonsymbolic program location or for a symbolic program location
   having a long path-name prefix. You can then refer to that
   program location with the symbolic name. The /ADDRESS qualifier
   is the default.

   The DEFINE/COMMAND command enables you to define abbreviations
   for debugger commands or even define new commands, either from
   the debugger command level or from command procedures.

   The DEFINE/VALUE command enables you to assign a symbolic name to
   a value (or the result of evaluating a language expression).

   The DEFINE/LOCAL command confines symbol definitions to command
   procedures. By default, defined symbols are global (visible
   outside the command procedure).

   To enter several DEFINE commands with the same qualifier, first
   use the SET DEFINE command to establish a new default qualifier
   (for example, SET DEFINE COMMAND makes subsequent DEFINE commands
   behave like DEFINE/COMMAND). You can override the current default
   qualifier for a single DEFINE command by specifying another

   In symbol translation, the debugger searches symbols you define
   during the debugging session first. So if you define a symbol
   that already exists in your program, the debugger translates the
   symbol according to its defined definition, unless you specify a
   path-name prefix.

   If a symbol is redefined, the previous definition is canceled,
   even if you used different qualifiers with the DEFINE command.

   Definitions created with the DEFINE/ADDRESS and DEFINE/VALUE
   commands are available only when the image in whose context
   they were created is the current image. If you use the SET IMAGE
   command to establish a new current image, these definitions are
   temporarily unavailable. However, definitions created with the
   DEFINE/COMMAND and DEFINE/KEY commands are always available for
   all images.

   Use the SHOW SYMBOL/DEFINED command to determine the equivalence
   value of a symbol.

   Use the DELETE command to cancel a symbol definition.

   Related commands:


3  Examples


     In this example, the DEFINE/VALUE command assigns a value of
     0 to the symbol COUNTER. The SET TRACE command causes the
     debugger to increment the value of the symbol COUNTER by 1
     whenever address R is encountered. In other words, this example
     counts the number of calls to R.


     This command assigns the symbol BRE to the debugger command SET

3  /KEY
   Assigns a string to a function key.


      This command is not available in the Compaq DECwindows Motif
      for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.


     DEFINE/KEY  key-name "equivalence-string"

4  Parameters


   Specifies a function key to be assigned a string. Valid key names
   are as follows:

   Key       LK201
   Name      Keyboard      VT100-type    VT52-type

   PF1       PF1           PF1           Blue
   PF2       PF2           PF2           Red
   PF3       PF3           PF3           Black
   PF4       PF4           PF4
   KP0-KP9   Keypad 0-9    Keypad 0-9    Keypad 0-9
   PERIOD    Keypad        Keypad
             period (.)    period (.)
   COMMA     Keypad comma  Keypad comma
             (,)           (,)
   E1        Find
   E2        Insert Here
   E3        Remove
   E4        Select
   E5        Prev Screen
   E6        Next Screen
   HELP      Help
   DO        Do
   F6-F20    F6-F20

   On LK201 keyboards:

   o  You cannot define keys F1 to F5 or the arrow keys (E7 to E10).

   o  You can define keys F6 to F14 only if you have first entered
      the DCL command SET TERMINAL/NOLINE_EDITING. In that case, the
      line-editing functions of the left and right arrow keys (E8
      and E9) are disabled.


   Specifies the string to be processed when you press the specified
   key. Typically, this is one or more debugger commands. If the
   string includes any space or nonalphanumeric characters (for
   example, a semicolon separating two commands), enclose the string
   in quotation marks (").

4  Qualifiers


      /ECHO (default)

   Controls whether the command line is displayed after the key has
   been pressed. Do not use /NOECHO with /NOTERMINATE.


      /IF_STATE=(state-name[, . . . ])
      /NOIF_STATE (default)

   Specifies one or more states to which a key definition applies.
   The /IF_STATE qualifier assigns the key definition to the
   specified states. You can specify predefined states, such as
   DEFAULT and GOLD, or user-defined states. A state name can be
   any appropriate alphanumeric string. The /NOIF_STATE qualifier
   assigns the key definition to the current state.


      /NOLOCK_STATE (default)

   Controls how long the state set by /SET_STATE remains in effect
   after the specified key is pressed. The /LOCK_STATE qualifier
   causes the state to remain in effect until it is changed
   explicitly (for example, with a SET KEY/STATE command). The
   /NOLOCK_STATE qualifier causes the state to remain in effect
   only until the next terminator character is typed, or until the
   next defined function key is pressed.


      /LOG (default)

   Controls whether a message is displayed indicating that the key
   definition has been successfully created. The /LOG qualifier
   displays the message. The /NOLOG qualifier suppresses the


      /NOSET_STATE (default)

   Controls whether pressing the key changes the current key state.
   The /SET_STATE qualifier causes the current state to change to
   the specified state when you press the key. The /NOSET_STATE
   qualifier causes the current state to remain in effect.


      /NOTERMINATE (default)

   Controls whether the specified string is terminated (processed)
   when the key is pressed. The /TERMINATE qualifier causes the
   string to be terminated when the key is pressed. The /NOTERMINATE
   qualifier enables you to press other keys before terminating the
   string by pressing the Return key.

4  Description
   Keypad mode must be enabled (SET MODE KEYPAD) before you can use
   this command. Keypad mode is enabled by default.

   The DEFINE/KEY command enables you to assign a string to a
   function key, overriding any predefined function that was bound
   to that key. When you then press the key, the debugger enters
   the currently associated string into your command line. The
   DEFINE/KEY command is like the DCL command DEFINE/KEY.

   For a list of the predefined key functions, see the Keypad_
   Definitions_CI online help topic.

   On VT52- and VT100-series terminals, the function keys you can
   use include all of the numeric keypad keys. Newer terminals and
   workstations have the LK201 keyboard. On LK201 keyboards, the
   function keys you can use include all of the numeric keypad keys,
   the nonarrow keys of the editing keypad (Find, Insert Here, and
   so on), and keys F6 to F20 at the top of the keyboard.

   A key definition remains in effect until you redefine the key,
   enter the DELETE/KEY command for that key, or exit the debugger.
   You can include key definitions in a command procedure, such as
   your debugger initialization file.

   The /IF_STATE qualifier enables you to increase the number of
   key definitions available on your terminal. The same key can be
   assigned any number of definitions as long as each definition is
   associated with a different state.

   By default, the current key state is the DEFAULT state. The
   current state can be changed with the SET KEY/STATE command,
   or by pressing a key that causes a state change (a key that was

   Related commands:

      (SET,SHOW) KEY

4  Examples

     %DEBUG-I-SETKEY, keypad state has been set to GOLD
     %DEBUG-I-DEFKEY, GOLD key KP9 has been defined

     In this example, the SET KEY command establishes GOLD as
     the current key state. The DEFINE/KEY command assigns the
     SET RADIX/OVERRIDE HEX command to keypad key 9 (KP9) for the
     current state (GOLD). The command is processed when you press
     the key.

     %DEBUG-I-DEFKEY, BLUE key KP9 has been defined

     This command assigns the unterminated command string "SET BREAK
     %LINE" to keypad key 9 for the BLUE state. After pressing BLUE-
     KP9, you can enter a line number and then press the Return key
     to terminate and process the SET BREAK command.

     %DEBUG-I-SETKEY, keypad state has been set to DEFAULT
     %DEBUG-I-DEFKEY, DEFAULT key F12 has been defined

     In this example, the SET KEY command establishes DEFAULT as
     the current state. The DEFINE/KEY command makes the F12 key
     (on an LK201 keyboard) a state key. Pressing F12 while in
     the DEFAULT state causes the current state to become RED. The
     key definition is not terminated and has no other effect (a
     null string is assigned to F12). After pressing F12, you can
     enter "RED" commands by pressing keys that have definitions
     associated with the RED state.

   Assigns a symbolic name to a list of process specifications.


     DEFINE/PROCESS_SET  process-set-name =process-spec[, . . . ]

4  Parameters


   Specifies a symbolic name to be assigned to a list of process
   specifications. The symbolic name can be composed of alphanumeric
   characters and underscores. The debugger converts lowercase
   alphabetic characters to uppercase. The first character must not
   be a number. The symbolic name must be no more than 31 characters


   Specifies a process currently under debugger control. Use any of
   the following forms:

   [%PROCESS_NAME] process-  The process name, if that name does not
   name                      contain spaces or lowercase characters.
                             The process name can include the
                             asterisk (*)  wildcard character.
   [%PROCESS_NAME]           The process name, if that name contains
   "process-name"            spaces or lowercase characters. You
                             can also use apostrophes (') instead of
                             quotation marks (").
   %PROCESS_PID process_id   The process identifier (PID, a
                             hexadecimal number).
   [%PROCESS_NUMBER]         The number assigned to a process when
   process-number            it comes under debugger control. A
   (or %PROC process-        new number is assigned sequentially,
   number)                   starting with 1, to each process. If
                             a process is terminated with the EXIT
                             or QUIT command, the number can be
                             assigned again during the debugging
                             session. Process numbers appear in a
                             SHOW PROCESS display. Processes are
                             ordered in a circular list so they can
                             be indexed with the built-in symbols
                             %PREVIOUS_PROCESS and %NEXT_PROCESS.
   process-set-name          A symbol defined with the
                             DEFINE/PROCESS_SET command to represent
                             a group of processes.
   %NEXT_PROCESS             The next process after the visible
                             process in the debugger's circular
                             process list.
   %PREVIOUS_PROCESS         The process previous to the visible
                             process in the debugger's circular
                             process list.
   %VISIBLE_PROCESS          The process whose stack, register set,
                             and images are the current context for
                             looking up symbols, register values,
                             routine calls, breakpoints, and so on.

   If you do not specify a process, the symbolic name is created but
   contains no process entries.

4  Description
   The DEFINE/PROCESS_SET command assigns a symbol to a list of
   process specifications. You can then use the symbol in any
   command where a list of process specifications is allowed.

   The DEFINE/PROCESS_SET command does not verify the existence of a
   specified process. This enables you to specify processes that do
   not yet exist.

   To identify a symbol that was defined with the DEFINE/PROCESS_SET
   command, use the SHOW SYMBOL/DEFINED command. To delete a symbol
   that was defined with the DEFINE/PROCESS_SET command, use the
   DELETE command.

   Related commands:


4  Examples

      Number  Name               State   Current PC
     *    1 FILE_SERVER          step    FS_PROG\%LINE 37
          2 NETWORK_SERVER       break   NET_PROG\%LINE 24

     This DEFINE/PROCESS_SET command assigns the symbolic name
     SERVERS to the process set consisting of FILE_SERVER and
     information about the processes that make up the set SERVERS.

     defined G1
         bound to: "%PROCESS_NUMBER 1, %VISIBLE_PROCESS"
         was defined /process_set
     all> DELETE G1

     This DEFINE/PROCESS_SET command assigns the symbolic name G1 to
     the process set consisting of process 1 and the visible process
     (process 3). The SHOW SYMBOL/DEFINED G1 command identifies the
     defined symbol G1. The DELETE G1 command deletes the symbol
     from the DEFINE symbol table.

     %DEBUG-E-NORECSYM, recursive PROCESS_SET symbol definition
          encountered at or near "A"

     This series of DEFINE/PROCESS_SET commands illustrate valid and
     invalid uses of the command.

   Deletes a symbol definition that was established with the DEFINE


     DELETE  [symbol-name[, . . . ]]

3  Parameters


   Specifies a symbol whose definition is to be deleted from the
   DEFINE symbol table. Do not use the asterisk (*)  wildcard
   character. Instead, use the /ALL qualifier. Do not specify a
   symbol name with /ALL. If you use the /LOCAL qualifier, the
   symbol specified must have been previously defined with the
   DEFINE/LOCAL command. If you do not specify /LOCAL, the symbol
   specified must have been previously defined with the DEFINE
   command without /LOCAL.

3  Qualifiers


   Deletes all global DEFINE definitions. Using /ALL/LOCAL deletes
   all local DEFINE definitions associated with the current command
   procedure (but not the global DEFINE definitions).


   Deletes the (local) definition of the specified symbol from the
   current command procedure. The symbol must have been previously
   defined with the DEFINE/LOCAL command.

3  Description
   The DELETE command deletes either a global DEFINE symbol or a
   local DEFINE symbol. A global DEFINE symbol is defined with the
   DEFINE command without the /LOCAL qualifier. A local DEFINE
   symbol is defined in a debugger command procedure with the
   DEFINE/LOCAL command, so that its definition is confined to that
   command procedure.

   Related commands:


3  Examples


     In this example, the DEFINE command defines X and Y as global
     symbols corresponding to INARR and OUTARR, respectively. The
     DELETE command deletes these two symbol definitions from the
     global symbol table.


     This command deletes all local symbol definitions from the
     current command procedure.

3  /KEY
   Deletes a key definition that was established with the DEFINE/KEY
   command or, by default, by the debugger.


      This command is not available in the Compaq DECwindows Motif
      for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.


     DELETE/KEY  [key-name]

4  Parameters


   Specifies a key whose definition is to be deleted. Do not use
   the asterisk (*)  wildcard character. Instead, use the /ALL
   qualifier. Do not specify a key name with /ALL. Valid key names
   are as follows:

   Key       LK201
   Name      Keyboard      VT100-type    VT52-type

   PF1       PF1           PF1           Blue
   PF2       PF2           PF2           Red
   PF3       PF3           PF3           Black
   PF4       PF4           PF4
   KP0-KP9   Keypad 0-9    Keypad 0-9    Keypad 0-9
   PERIOD    Keypad        Keypad
             period (.)    period (.)
   COMMA     Keypad comma  Keypad comma
             (,)           (,)
   ENTER     Enter         ENTER         ENTER
   E1        Find
   E2        Insert Here
   E3        Remove
   E4        Select
   E5        Prev Screen
   E6        Next Screen
   HELP      Help
   DO        Do
   F6-F20    F6-F20

4  Qualifiers


   Deletes all key definitions in the specified state. If you do
   not specify a state, all key definitions in the current state are
   deleted. To specify one or more states, use /STATE=state-name.


      /LOG (default)

   Controls whether a message is displayed indicating that the
   specified key definitions have been deleted. The /LOG qualifier
   (which is the default) displays the message. The /NOLOG qualifier
   suppresses the message.


      /STATE=(state-name [, . . . ])
      /NOSTATE (default)

   Selects one or more states for which a key definition is to be
   deleted. The /STATE qualifier deletes key definitions for the
   specified states. You can specify predefined key states, such as
   DEFAULT and GOLD, or user-defined states. A state name can be any
   appropriate alphanumeric string. The /NOSTATE qualifier deletes
   the key definition for the current state only.

   By default, the current key state is the DEFAULT state. The
   current state can be changed with the SET KEY/STATE command,
   or by pressing a key that causes a state change (a key that was

4  Description
   The DELETE/KEY command is like the DCL command DELETE/KEY.

   Keypad mode must be enabled (SET MODE KEYPAD) before you can use
   this command. Keypad mode is enabled by default.

   Related commands:

      (SET,SHOW) KEY

4  Examples

     %DEBUG-I-DELKEY, DEFAULT key KP4 has been deleted

     This command deletes the key definition for KP4 in the state
     last set by the SET KEY command (by default, this is the
     DEFAULT state).

     %DEBUG-I-DELKEY, BLUE key COMMA has been deleted
     %DEBUG-I-DELKEY, RED key COMMA has been deleted

     This command deletes the key definition for the COMMA key in
     the BLUE and RED states.

   Changes the value of a program variable. More generally, deposits
   a new value at the location denoted by an address expression.


     DEPOSIT  address-expression = language-expression

3  Parameters


   Specifies the location into which the value of the language
   expression is to be deposited. With high-level languages, this
   is typically the name of a variable and can include a path name
   to specify the variable uniquely. More generally, an address
   expression can also be a memory address or a register and can
   be composed of numbers (offsets) and symbols, as well as one or
   more operators, operands, or delimiters. For information about
   the debugger symbols for the registers and about the operators
   you can use in address expressions, see the Built_in_Symbols and
   Address_Expressions help topics.

   You cannot specify an entire aggregate variable (a composite data
   structure such as an array or a record). To specify an individual
   array element or a record component, follow the syntax of the
   current language.


   Specifies the value to be deposited. You can specify any language
   expression that is valid in the current language. For most
   languages, the expression can include the names of simple
   (noncomposite, single-valued) variables but not the names
   of aggregate variables (such as arrays or records). If the
   expression contains symbols with different compiler-generated
   types, the debugger uses the rules of the current language to
   evaluate the expression.

   If the expression is an ASCII string or an assembly-language
   instruction, you must enclose it in quotation marks (")  or
   apostrophes ('). If the string contains quotation marks or
   apostrophes, use the other delimiter to enclose the string.

   If the string has more characters (1-byte ASCII) than can fit
   into the program location denoted by the address expression,
   the debugger truncates the extra characters from the right. If
   the string has fewer characters, the debugger pads the remaining
   characters to the right of the string by inserting ASCII space

3  Qualifiers



   Deposits a counted ASCII string into the specified location. You
   must specify a quoted string on the right-hand side of the equal
   sign. The deposited string is preceded by a 1-byte count field
   that gives the length of the string.



   Deposits an ASCII string into the address given by a string
   descriptor that is at the specified location. You must specify
   a quoted string on the right-hand side of the equal sign. The
   specified location must contain a string descriptor. If the
   string lengths do not match, the string is either truncated on
   the right or padded with space characters on the right.



   Deposits n bytes of an ASCII string into the specified location.
   You must specify a quoted string on the right-hand side of the
   equal sign. If its length is not n, the string is truncated or
   padded with space characters on the right. If you omit n, the
   actual length of the data item at the specified location is used.



   Deposits a counted ASCII string into the specified location. You
   must specify a quoted string on the right-hand side of the equal
   sign. The deposited string is preceded by a 2-byte count field
   that gives the length of the string.



   Deposits a zero-terminated ASCII string into the specified
   location. You must specify a quoted string on the right-hand
   side of the equal sign. The deposited string is terminated by a
   zero byte that indicates the end of the string.


   Deposits a 1-byte integer into the specified location.


   Converts the expression on the right-hand side of the equal sign
   to the D_floating type (length 8 bytes) and deposits the result
   into the specified location.


   Converts a string representing a date and time (for example,
   21-DEC-1988 21:08:47.15) to the internal format for date and
   time and deposits that value (length 8 bytes) into the specified
   location. Specify an absolute date and time in the following

   [dd-mmm-yyyy[:]] [hh:mm:ss.cc]



   (Alpha only) Converts the expression on the right-hand side of
   the equal sign to the IEEE X_floating type (length 16 bytes) and
   deposits the result into the specified location.


   On VAX processors, converts the expression on the right-hand side
   of the equal sign to the F_floating type (length 4 bytes) and
   deposits the result into the specified location.

   On Alpha processors, converts the expression on the right-hand
   side of the equal sign to the IEEE T_floating type (double
   precision, length 8 bytes) and deposits the result into the
   specified location.


   (VAX only) Converts the expression on the right-hand side of the
   equal sign to the F_floating type (length 4 bytes) and deposits
   the result into the specified location.


   Converts the expression on the right-hand side of the equal sign
   to the G_floating type (length 8 bytes) and deposits the result
   into the specified location.


   (VAX only) Converts the expression on the right-hand side of the
   equal sign to the H_floating type (length 16 bytes) and deposits
   the result into the specified location.


   (VAX only) Deposits an instruction into the specified location.
   The expression on the right-hand side of the equal sign must be a
   quoted string representing an assembly-language instruction.



   (Alpha only) Converts the expression on the right-hand side of
   the equal sign to the IEEE S_floating type (single precision,
   length 4 bytes) and deposits the result into the specified



   (Alpha only) Converts the expression on the right-hand side of
   the equal sign to the IEEE T_floating type (double precision,
   length 8 bytes) and deposits the result into the specified


   Deposits a longword integer (length 4 bytes) into the specified


   Deposits an octaword integer (length 16 bytes) into the specified



   Converts the expression on the right-hand side of the equal sign
   to a packed decimal representation and deposits the resulting
   value into the specified location. The value of n is the number
   of decimal digits. Each digit occupies one nibble (4 bits).


   Deposits a quadword integer (length 8 bytes) into the specified



   (Alpha only) Converts the expression on the right-hand side of
   the equal sign to the IEEE S_floating type (single precision,
   length 4 bytes) and deposits the result into the specified


   Applies to tasking (multithread) programs. Deposits a task value
   (a task name or a task ID such as %TASK 3) into the specified
   location. The deposited value must be a valid task value.


   (Alpha only) Converts the expression on the right-hand side of
   the equal sign to the IEEE T_floating type (double precision,
   length 8 bytes) and deposits the result into the specified



   Converts the expression to be deposited to the type denoted by
   name (which must be the name of a variable or data type declared
   in the program), then deposits the resulting value into the
   specified location. This enables you to specify a user-declared
   type. You must use parentheses around the type expression.



   Deposits up to n longwords (n characters) of a converted
   multibyte file code sequence into the specified location. The
   default is 1 longword. You must specify a string on the right-
   hand side of the equal sign.

   When converting the specified string, the debugger uses the
   locale database of the process in which the debugger runs. The
   default is C locale.


   Deposits a word integer (length 2 bytes) into the specified


   (Alpha only) Converts the expression on the right-hand side of
   the equal sign to the IEEE X_floating type (length 16 bytes) and
   deposits the result into the specified location.

3  Description
   You can use the DEPOSIT command to change the contents of any
   memory location or register that is accessible in your program.
   For high-level languages the command is used mostly to change the
   value of a variable (an integer, real, string, array, record, and
   so on).

   The DEPOSIT command is like an assignment statement in most
   programming languages. The value of the expression specified to
   the right of the equal sign is assigned to the variable or other
   location specified to the left of the equal sign. For Ada and
   Pascal, you can use ":=" instead of "=" in the command syntax.

   The debugger recognizes the compiler-generated types associated
   with symbolic address expressions (symbolic names declared in
   your program). Symbolic address expressions include the following

   o  Variable names. When specifying a variable with the DEPOSIT
      command, use the same syntax that is used in the source code.

   o  Routine names, labels, and line numbers. On VAX systems, these
      are associated with instructions. You can deposit instructions
      using basically the same techniques as when depositing into
      string variables. However, you must also use the /INSTRUCTION
      qualifier or first enter a SET TYPE INSTRUCTION or SET

   In general, when you enter a DEPOSIT command, the debugger takes
   the following actions:

   o  It evaluates the address expression specified to the left of
      the equal sign, to yield a program location.

   o  If the program location has a symbolic name, the debugger
      associates the location with the symbol's compiler-generated
      type. If the location does not have a symbolic name (and,
      therefore, no associated compiler-generated type) the debugger
      associates the location with the type longword integer by
      default. This means that, by default, you can deposit integer
      values that do not exceed 4 bytes into these locations.

   o  It evaluates the language expression specified to the right of
      the equal sign, in the syntax of the current language and in
      the current radix, to yield a value. The current language is
      the language last established with the SET LANGUAGE command.
      By default, if you did not enter a SET LANGUAGE command, the
      current language is the language of the module containing the
      main program.

   o  It checks that the value and type of the language expression
      is consistent with the type of the address expression. If
      you try to deposit a value that is incompatible with the type
      of the address expression, the debugger issues a diagnostic
      message. If the value is compatible, the debugger deposits the
      value into the location denoted by the address expression.

3  Description,_Continued...

   The debugger might do type conversion during a deposit operation
   if the language rules allow it. For example, a real value
   specified to the right of the equal sign might be converted to
   an integer value if it is being deposited into a location with
   an integer type. In general, the debugger tries to follow the
   assignment rules for the current language.

   There are several ways of changing the type associated with a
   program location so that you can deposit data of a different type
   into that location:

   o  To change the default type for all locations that do not have
      a symbolic name, you can specify a new type with the SET TYPE

   o  To change the default type for all locations (both those that
      do and do not have a symbolic name), you can specify a new
      type with the SET TYPE/OVERRIDE command.

   o  To override the type currently associated with a particular
      location for the duration of a single DEPOSIT command, you
      can specify a new type by using a qualifier (/ASCII:n, /BYTE,
      /TYPE=(name), and so on).

   When debugging a C program, or a program in any case-specific
   language, you cannot use the DEPOSIT/TYPE command if the type
   specified is a mixed or lowercase name. For example, suppose the
   program has a function like the following:

   xyzzy_type foo ()
   xyzzy_type     z;
   z = get_z ();
   return (z);

   If you try to enter the following command, the debugger issues a
   message that it cannot find the type "xyzzy_type":

   DBG> DEPOSIT/TYPE=(xyzzy_type) z="whatever"

   The debugger can interpret and display integer data in any one
   of four radixes: binary, decimal, hexadecimal, and octal. The
   default radix for both data entry and display is decimal for most

   On VAX processors, the exceptions are BLISS and MACRO-32, which
   have a default radix of hexadecimal. On Alpha processors, the
   exceptions are BLISS, MACRO-32, and MACRO-64, which have a
   default radix of hexadecimal.

   You can use the SET RADIX and SET RADIX/OVERRIDE commands to
   change the default radix.

   The DEPOSIT command sets the current entity built-in symbols
   %CURLOC and period (.)  to the location denoted by the address
   expression specified. Logical predecessors (%PREVLOC or the
   circumflex character (^))  and successors (%NEXTLOC) are based
   on the value of the current entity.

   Related commands:


3  Examples

   1.DBG> DEPOSIT I = 7

     This command deposits the value 7 into the integer variable I.


     This command deposits the value of the expression CURRENT_WIDTH
     + 24.80 into the real variable WIDTH.


     This command deposits the value FALSE into the Boolean variable

   4.DBG> DEPOSIT PART_NUMBER = "WG-7619.3-84"

     This command deposits the string WG-7619.3-84 into the string
     variable PART_NUMBER.


     This command deposits the value 02172 into component ZIPCODE of
     record EMPLOYEE.

   6.DBG> DEPOSIT ARR(8) = 35
     DBG> DEPOSIT ^ = 14

     In this example, the first DEPOSIT command deposits the value
     35 into element 8 of array ARR. As a result, element 8 becomes
     the current entity. The second command deposits the value 14
     into the logical predecessor of element 8, namely element 7.

   7.DBG> FOR I = 1 TO 4 DO (DEPOSIT ARR(I) = 0)

     This command deposits the value 0 into elements 1 to 4 of array

     %DEBUG-E-OPTNOTALLOW, operator "DEPOSIT" not allowed on
          given data type

     The debugger alerts you when you try to deposit data of the
     wrong type into a variable (in this case, if you try to deposit
     an integer value into an enumerated type variable). The E
     (error) message severity indicates that the debugger does not
     make the assignment.

   9.DBG> DEPOSIT VOLUME = - 100
     %DEBUG-I-IVALOUTBNDS, value assigned is out of bounds
          at or near '-'

     The debugger alerts you when you try to deposit an out-of-
     bounds value into a variable (in this case a negative value).
     The I (informational) message severity indicates that the
     debugger does make the assignment.

   10DBG> DEPOSIT/OCTAWORD BIGINT = 111222333444555

     This command deposits the expression 111222333444555 into
     location BIGINT and converts it to an octaword integer.

   11DBG> DEPOSIT/FLOAT BIGFLT = 1.11949*10**35

     This command converts 1.11949*10**35 to an F_floating type
     value and deposits it into location BIGFLT.


3  AST
   Disables the delivery of asynchronous system traps (ASTs) in your



4  Description
   The DISABLE AST command disables the delivery of ASTs in your
   program and thereby prevents interrupts from occurring while the
   program is running. If ASTs are delivered while the debugger is
   running (processing commands, and so on), they are queued and are
   delivered when control is returned to the program.

   The ENABLE AST command reenables the delivery of ASTs, including
   any pending ASTs (ASTs waiting to be delivered).


      Any call by your program to the $SETAST system service that
      enables ASTs overrides a previous DISABLE AST command.

   Related commands:


4  Example

 ASTs are disabled

     The DISABLE AST command disables the delivery of ASTs in your
     program, as confirmed by the SHOW AST command.

   Releases a process from debugger control without terminating the
   process (kept debugger only).


     DISCONNECT  process-spec

3  Parameters


   Specifies a process currently under debugger control. Use any of
   the following forms:

   [%PROCESS_NAME] process-  The process name, if that name does not
   name                      contain spaces or lowercase characters.
                             The process name can include the
                             asterisk (*)  wildcard character.
   [%PROCESS_NAME]           The process name, if that name contains
   "process-name"            spaces or lowercase characters. You
                             can also use apostrophes (') instead of
                             quotation marks (").
   %PROCESS_PID process_id   The process identifier (PID, a
                             hexadecimal number).
   [%PROCESS_NUMBER]         The number assigned to a process when
   process-number            it comes under debugger control. A
   (or %PROC process-        new number is assigned sequentially,
   number)                   starting with 1, to each process. If
                             a process is terminated with the EXIT
                             or QUIT command, the number can be
                             assigned again during the debugging
                             session. Process numbers appear in a
                             SHOW PROCESS display. Processes are
                             ordered in a circular list so they can
                             be indexed with the built-in symbols
                             %PREVIOUS_PROCESS and %NEXT_PROCESS.
   process-set-name          A symbol defined with the
                             DEFINE/PROCESS_SET command to represent
                             a group of processes.
   %NEXT_PROCESS             The next process after the visible
                             process in the debugger's circular
                             process list.
   %PREVIOUS_PROCESS         The process previous to the visible
                             process in the debugger's circular
                             process list.
   %VISIBLE_PROCESS          The process whose stack, register set,
                             and images are the current context for
                             looking up symbols, register values,
                             routine calls, breakpoints, and so on.

3  Description
   (Kept debugger only.) The DISCONNECT command releases a specified
   process from debugger control without terminating the process.
   This is useful if, for example, you have brought a running
   program under debugger control with a CONNECT command and you now
   want to release it without terminating the image. (In contrast,
   when you specify a process with the EXIT or QUIT command, the
   process is terminated.)


      The debugger kernel runs in the same process as the image
      being debugged. If you issue the DISCONNECT command for this
      process, you release your process, but the kernel remains

      This activation continues until the program image finishes

      If you install a new version of the debugger while one or
      more disconnected but activated kernels inhabit user program
      space, you can experience problems with debugger behavior if
      you try to reconnect to one of those kernels.

   Related commands:


3  Example


     This command releases process JONES from debugger control
     without terminating the process.

   Creates a new screen display or modifies an existing display.


      This command is not available in the Compaq DECwindows Motif
      for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.


     DISPLAY  display-name [AT window-spec] [display-kind] [, . . . ]

3  Parameters


   Specifies the display to be created or modified.

   If you are creating a new display, specify a name that is not
   already used as a display name.

   If you are modifying an existing display, you can specify any of
   the following entities:

   o  A predefined display:

         FREG (Alpha only)

   o  A display previously created with the DISPLAY command

   o  A display built-in symbol:


   You must specify a display unless you use /GENERATE (parameter
   optional), or /REFRESH (parameter not allowed).

   You can specify more than one display, each with an optional
   window specification and display kind.


   Specifies the screen window at which the display is to be
   positioned. You can specify any of the following entities:

   o  A predefined window. For example, RH1 (right top half).

   o  A window definition previously established with the SET WINDOW

   o  A window specification of the form (start-line, line-count[,
      start-column, column-count]). The specification can include
      expressions which can be based on the built-in symbols %PAGE
      and %WIDTH (for example, %WIDTH/4).

   If you omit the window specification, the screen position depends
   on whether you are specifying an existing display or a new

   o  If you are specifying an existing display, the position of the
      display is not changed.

   o  If you are specifying a new display, it is positioned at
      window H1 or H2, alternating between H1 and H2 each time you
      create another display.


   Specifies the display kind. Valid keywords are as follows:

   DO                  Specifies an automatically updated output
   (command[; . . . ]) display. The commands are executed in the
                       order listed each time the debugger gains
                       control. Their output forms the contents of
                       the display. If you specify more than one
                       command, the commands must be separated by
   INSTRUCTION         Specifies an instruction display. If selected
                       as the current instruction display with the
                       SELECT/INSTRUCTION command, it displays the
                       output from subsequent EXAMINE/INSTRUCTION
   INSTRUCTION         (VAX only) Specifies an automatically updated
   (command)           instruction display. The command specified
                       must be an EXAMINE/INSTRUCTION command. The
                       instruction display is updated each time the
                       debugger gains control.
   OUTPUT              Specifies an output display. If selected
                       as the current output display with the
                       SELECT/OUTPUT command, it displays any
                       debugger output that is not directed to
                       another display. If selected as the current
                       input display with the SELECT/INPUT command,
                       it echoes debugger input. If selected as the
                       current error display with the SELECT/ERROR
                       command, it displays debugger diagnostic
   REGISTER            Specifies an automatically updated register
                       display. The display is updated each time the
                       debugger gains control.
   SOURCE              Specifies a source display. If selected
                       as the current source display with the
                       SELECT/SOURCE command, it displays the
                       output from subsequent TYPE or EXAMINE/SOURCE
   SOURCE (command)    Specifies an automatically updated source
                       display. The command specified must be a
                       TYPE or EXAMINE/SOURCE command. The source
                       display is updated each time the debugger
                       gains control.

   You cannot change the display kind of the PROMPT display.

   If you omit the display-kind parameter, the display kind depends
   on whether you are specifying an existing display or a new

   o  If you specify an existing display, the display kind is not

   o  If you specify a new display, an OUTPUT display is created.

3  Qualifiers


   Erases the entire contents of a specified display. Do not use
   this qualifier with /GENERATE or when creating a new display.


      /DYNAMIC (default)

   Controls whether a display automatically adjusts its window
   dimensions proportionally when the screen height or width is
   changed by a SET TERMINAL command. By default (/DYNAMIC), all
   user-defined and predefined displays adjust their dimensions


   Regenerates the contents of a specified display. Only
   automatically generated displays are regenerated. These include
   DO displays, register displays, source (cmd-list) displays, and
   instruction (cmd-list) displays. The debugger automatically
   regenerates all these kinds of displays before each prompt. If
   you do not specify a display, it regenerates the contents of all
   automatically generated displays. Do not use this qualifier with
   /CLEAR or when creating a new display.


   Places a specified display at the bottom of the display
   pasteboard (same as /PUSH). This hides the specified display
   behind any other displays that share the same region of the
   screen. You cannot hide the PROMPT display.


      /NOMARK_CHANGE (default)

   Controls whether the lines that change in a DO display each time
   it is automatically updated are marked. Not applicable to other
   kinds of displays.

   When you use /MARK_CHANGE, any lines in which some contents
   have changed since the last time the display was updated are
   highlighted in reverse video. This qualifier is particularly
   useful when you want any variables in an automatically updated
   display to be highlighted when they change.

   The /NOMARK_CHANGE qualifier (default) specifies that any lines
   that change in DO displays are not to be marked. This qualifier
   cancels the effect of a previous /MARK_CHANGE on the specified


      /POP (default)

   Controls whether a specified display is placed at the top of the
   display pasteboard, ahead of any other displays but behind the
   PROMPT display. By default (/POP), the display is placed at the
   top of the pasteboard and hides any other displays that share the
   same region of the screen, except the PROMPT display.

   The /NOPOP qualifier preserves the order of all displays on the
   pasteboard (same as /NOPUSH).


      /NOPROCESS (default)

   Used only when debugging multiprocess programs (kept debugger
   only). Controls whether the specified display is process specific
   (that is, whether the specified display is associated only with a
   particular process). The contents of a process-specific display
   are generated and modified in the context of that process. You
   can make any display process specific, except the PROMPT display.

   The /PROCESS=(process-spec) qualifier causes the specified
   display to be associated with the specified process. You must
   include the parentheses. Use any of the following process-spec

   [%PROCESS_NAME] process-  The process name, if that name does not
   name                      contain spaces or lowercase characters.
                             The process name can include the
                             asterisk (*)  wildcard character.
   [%PROCESS_NAME]           The process name, if that name contains
   "process-name"            spaces or lowercase characters. You
                             can also use apostrophes (') instead of
                             quotation marks (").
   %PROCESS_PID process_id   The process identifier (PID, a
                             hexadecimal number).
   [%PROCESS_NUMBER]         The number assigned to a process when
   process-number            it comes under debugger control. A
   (or %PROC process-        new number is assigned sequentially,
   number)                   starting with 1, to each process. If
                             a process is terminated with the EXIT
                             or QUIT command, the number can be
                             assigned again during the debugging
                             session. Process numbers appear in a
                             SHOW PROCESS display. Processes are
                             ordered in a circular list so they can
                             be indexed with the built-in symbols
                             %PREVIOUS_PROCESS and %NEXT_PROCESS.
   process-set-name          A symbol defined with the
                             DEFINE/PROCESS_SET command to represent
                             a group of processes.
   %NEXT_PROCESS             The next process after the visible
                             process in the debugger's circular
                             process list.
   %PREVIOUS_PROCESS         The process previous to the visible
                             process in the debugger's circular
                             process list.
   %VISIBLE_PROCESS          The process whose stack, register set,
                             and images are the current context for
                             looking up symbols, register values,
                             routine calls, breakpoints, and so on.

   The /PROCESS qualifier causes the specified display to be
   associated with the process that was the visible process when
   the DISPLAY/PROCESS command was executed.

   The /NOPROCESS qualifier (which is the default) causes the
   specified display to be associated with the visible process,
   which might change during program execution.

   If you do not specify /PROCESS, the current process-specific
   behavior (if any) of the specified display remains unchanged.



   The /PUSH qualifier has the same effect as /HIDE. The /NOPUSH
   qualifier preserves the order of all displays on the pasteboard
   (same as /NOPOP).


   Refreshes the terminal screen. Do not specify any command
   parameters with this qualifier. You can also use Ctrl/W to
   refresh the screen.


   Marks the display as being removed from the display pasteboard,
   so it is not shown on the screen unless you explicitly request
   it with another DISPLAY command. Although a removed display is
   not visible on the screen, it still exists and its contents are
   preserved. You cannot remove the PROMPT display.



   Sets the maximum size of a display to n lines. If more than n
   lines are written to the display, the oldest lines are lost as
   the new lines are added. If you omit this qualifier, the maximum
   size of the display is as follows:

   o  If you specify an existing display, the maximum size is

   o  If you are creating a display, the default size is 64 lines.

   For an output or DO display, /SIZE:n specifies that the display
   should hold the n most recent lines of output. For a source or
   instruction display, n gives the number of source lines or lines
   of instructions that can be placed in the memory buffer at any
   one time. However, you can scroll a source display over the
   entire source code of the module whose code is displayed (source
   lines are paged into the buffer as needed). Similarly, you can
   scroll an instruction display over all of the instructions of
   the routine whose instructions are displayed (instructions are
   decoded from the image as needed).

3  Description
   You can use the DISPLAY command to create a display or to modify
   an existing display.

   To create a display, specify a name that is not already used as
   a display name (the SHOW DISPLAY command identifies all existing

   By default, the DISPLAY command places a specified display on
   top of the display pasteboard, ahead of any other displays but
   behind the PROMPT display, which cannot be hidden. The specified
   display thus hides the portions of other displays (except the
   PROMPT display) that share the same region of the screen.

   For a list of the key definitions associated with the DISPLAY
   command, type Help Keypad_Definitions_CI. Also, use the SHOW KEY
   command to determine the current key definitions.

   Related commands:


3  Examples


     This command shows the predefined register display, REG, at its
     current window location.


     This command pushes display INST to the bottom of the display
     pasteboard, behind all other displays.


     In this example, the DISPLAY command shows the user-defined
     display NEWDISP at the right middle third of the screen. The
     SELECT/INPUT command selects NEWDISP as the current input
     display. NEWDISP now echoes debugger input.


     In this example, the DISPLAY command creates a display named
     DISP2 essentially at the right bottom half of the screen, above
     the PROMPT display, which is located at S6. This is an output
     display by default. The SELECT/OUTPUT command then selects
     DISP2 as the current output display.

   5.DBG> SET WINDOW TOP AT (1,8,45,30)

     In this example, the SET WINDOW command creates a window named
     TOP starting at line 1 and column 45, and extending down for
     8 lines and to the right for 30 columns. The DISPLAY command
     creates an instruction display named NEWINST to be displayed
     through TOP. The SELECT/INST command selects NEWINST as the
     current instruction display.


     This command creates a DO display named CALLS at window Q3.
     Each time the debugger gains control from the program, the
     SHOW CALLS command is executed and the output is displayed in
     display CALLS, replacing any previous contents.


     This command creates a DO display named EXAM at window Q2.
     The display shows the current values of variables A, B, and C
     whenever the debugger prompts for input. Any changed values are


     This command makes display OUT_X specific to the visible
     process (process 3) and puts the display at window S4.

   Displays the contents of memory.


     DUMP  address-expression1 [:address-expression2]

3  Parameters


   Specifies the first memory location to be displayed.


   Specifies the last memory location to be displayed (default is

3  Qualifiers


   Displays each examined entity as a binary integer.


   Displays each examined entity as a byte integer (length 1 byte).


   Displays each examined entity as a decimal integer.


   Displays each examined entity as a hexadecimal integer.


      /LONGWORD (default)

   Displays each examined entity in the longword integer type
   (length 4 bytes). This is the default type for program locations
   that do not have a compiler-generated type.


   Displays each examined entity as an octal integer.


   Displays each examined entity in the quadword integer type
   (length 8 bytes).


   Displays each examined entity in the word integer type (length 2

3  Description
   The DUMP command displays the contents of memory, including
   registers, variables, and arrays. The DUMP command formats its
   output in a manner similar to the DCL command DUMP. The debugger
   DUMP command makes no attempt to interpret the structure of

   In general, when you enter a DUMP command, the debugger evaluates
   address-expression1 to yield a program location. The debugger
   then displays the entity stored at that location as follows:

   o  If the entity has a symbolic name, the debugger uses the size
      of the entity to determine the address range to display.

   o  If the entity does not have a symbolic name (and, therefore,
      no associated compiler-generated type) the debugger
      displays address-expression1 through address-expression2 (if

   In either case, the DUMP command displays the contents of these
   locations as longword (by default) integer values in the current

   The default radix for display is decimal for most languages.
   On VAX processors, the exceptions are BLISS and MACRO-32, which
   have a default radix of hexadecimal. On Alpha processors, the
   exceptions are BLISS, MACRO-32, and MACRO-64, which have a
   default radix of hexadecimal.

   Use one of the four radix qualifiers (/BINARY, /DECIMAL,
   /HEXADECIMAL, /OCTAL) to display data in another radix. You can
   also use the SET RADIX and SET RADIX/OVERRIDE commands to change
   the default radix.

   Use one of the size qualifiers (/BYTE, /WORD, /LONGWORD,
   /QUADWORD) to change the format of the display.

   The DUMP command sets the current entity built-in symbols %CURLOC
   and period (.) to the location denoted by the address expression
   specified. Logical predecessors (%PREVLOC or the circumflex
   character (^)) and successors (%NEXTLOC) are based on the value
   of the current entity.

   Related command:


3  Examples

   1.DBG> DUMP/QUAD R16:R25

      0000000000000078 0000000000030038 8.......x....... %R16
      000000202020786B 0000000000030041 A.......kx   ... %R18
      0000000000030140 0000000000007800 .x......@....... %R20
      0000000000010038 0000000000000007 ........8....... %R22
      0000000000000006 0000000000000000 ................ %R24


     This command displays general registers R16 through R25 in
     quadword format and hexadecimal radix.

   2.DBG> DUMP/BYTE/DECIMAL 30000:30040

         0    0    0    0    0    3    0  -80 °....... 0000000000030000
         0    0    0    0    0    3    1   64 @....... 0000000000030008
         0    0    0    0    0    3    0   48 0....... 0000000000030010
         0    0    0    0    0    3    0   56 8....... 0000000000030018
         0    0    0    0    0    3    0  -64 À....... 0000000000030020
         0    0    0    0    0    3    0  -80 °....... 0000000000030028
         0    0    0    0    0    0    7  -50 ÃŽ....... 0000000000030030
       101  101  119   32  116  120  101  110 next wee 0000000000030038
                                          107 k        0000000000030040

     This command displays locations 30000 through 30040 in byte
     format and decimal radix.

   Starts the editor established with the SET EDITOR command. If
   you did not enter a SET EDITOR command, starts the DEC Language-
   Sensitive Editor (LSEDIT), if that editor is installed on your


     EDIT  [[module-name\] line-number]

3  Parameters


   Specifies the name of the module whose source file is to be
   edited. If you specify a module name, you must also specify a
   line number. If you omit the module name parameter, the source
   file whose code appears in the current source display is chosen
   for editing.


   A positive integer that specifies the source line on which the
   editor's cursor is initially placed. If you omit this parameter,
   the cursor is initially positioned at the beginning of the source
   line that is centered in the debugger's current source display,
   or at the beginning of line 1 if the editor was set to /NOSTART_
   POSITION (see the SET EDITOR command.)

3  Qualifiers


      /NOEXIT (default)

   Controls whether you end the debugging session prior to starting
   the editor. If you specify /EXIT, the debugging session is
   terminated and the editor is then started. If you specify
   /NOEXIT, the editing session is started and you return to your
   debugging session after terminating the editing session.

3  Description
   If you have not specified an editor with the SET EDITOR command,
   the EDIT command starts the DEC Language-Sensitive Editor
   (LSEDIT) in a spawned subprocess (if LSEDIT is installed on your
   system). The typical (default) way to use the EDIT command is
   not to specify any parameters. In this case, the editing cursor
   is initially positioned at the beginning of the line that is
   centered in the currently selected debugger source display (the
   current source display).

   The SET EDITOR command provides options for starting different
   editors, either in a subprocess or through a callable interface.

   Related commands:


3  Examples

   1.DBG> EDIT

     This command spawns the DEC Language-Sensitive Editor (LSEDIT)
     in a subprocess to edit the source file whose code appears in
     the current source display. The editing cursor is positioned
     at the beginning of the line that was centered in the source

   2.DBG> EDIT SWAP\12

     This command spawns the DEC Language-Sensitive Editor (LSEDIT)
     in a subprocess to edit the source file containing the module
     SWAP. The editing cursor is positioned at the beginning of
     source line 12.

     DBG> EDIT

     In this example, the SET EDITOR/CALLABLE_EDT command
     establishes that EDT is the default editor and is started
     through its callable interface (rather than spawned in a
     subprocess). The EDIT command starts EDT to edit the source
     file whose code appears in the current source display. The
     editing cursor is positioned at the beginning of source line 1,
     because the default qualifier /NOSTART_POSITION applies to EDT.


3  AST
   Enables the delivery of asynchronous system traps (ASTs) in your



4  Description
   The ENABLE AST command enables the delivery of ASTs while your
   program is running, including any pending ASTs (ASTs waiting
   to be delivered). If ASTs are delivered while the debugger is
   running (processing commands, and so on), they are queued and are
   delivered when control is returned to the program. Delivery of
   ASTs in your program is initially enabled by default.


      Any call by your program to the $SETAST system service that
      disables ASTs overrides a previous ENABLE AST command.

   Related commands:


4  Example

 ASTs are enabled

     The ENABLE AST command enables the delivery of ASTs in your
     program, as confirmed with the SHOW AST command.

   Displays the value of a language expression in the current
   language (by default, the language of the module containing the
   main program).


     EVALUATE  language-expression[, . . . ]

3  Parameters


   Specifies any valid expression in the current language.

3  Qualifiers


   Specifies that the result be displayed in binary radix.


   Specifies that the expression be interpreted as a condition
   value (the kind of condition value you would specify using the
   condition-handling mechanism). The message text corresponding to
   that condition value is then displayed. The specified value must
   be an integer value.


   Specifies that the result be displayed in decimal radix.


   Specifies that the result be displayed in hexadecimal radix.


   Specifies that the result be displayed in octal radix.

3  Description
   The debugger interprets the expression specified in an EVALUATE
   command as a language expression, evaluates it in the syntax of
   the current language and in the current radix, and displays its
   value as a literal (for example, an integer value) in the current

   The current language is the language last established with
   the SET LANGUAGE command. If you did not enter a SET LANGUAGE
   command, the current language is, by default, the language of the
   module containing the main program.

   If an expression contains symbols with different compiler-
   generated types, the debugger uses the type-conversion rules
   of the current language to evaluate the expression.

   The debugger can interpret and display integer data in any one
   of four radixes: binary, decimal, hexadecimal, and octal. The
   current radix is the radix last established with the SET RADIX

   If you did not enter a SET RADIX command, the default radix for
   both data entry and display is decimal for most languages. On VAX
   processors, the exceptions are BLISS and MACRO-32, which have a
   default radix of hexadecimal. On Alpha processors, the exceptions
   are BLISS, MACRO-32, and MACRO-64, which have a default radix of

   You can use a radix qualifier (/BINARY, /OCTAL, and so on) to
   display integer data in another radix. These qualifiers do not
   affect how the debugger interprets the data you specify; they
   override the current output radix, but not the input radix.

   The EVALUATE command sets the current value of built-in symbols
   %CURVAL and backslash (\)  to the value denoted by the specified

   You cannot evaluate a language expression that includes a
   function call. For example, if PRODUCT is a function that
   multiplies two integers, you cannot use the command EVALUATE
   PRODUCT(3,5). If your program assigns the returned value
   of a function to a variable, you can examine the resulting
   value of that variable. On Alpha processors, the command
   EVALUATE procedure-name displays the procedure descriptor address
   (not the code address) of a specified routine, entry point, or
   Ada package.

   For more information about debugger support for language-specific
   operators and constructs, see the Language_Support Help topic.

   Related commands:


3  Examples

   1.DBG> EVALUATE 100.34 * (14.2 + 7.9)

     This command uses the debugger as a calculator by multiplying
     100.34 by (14.2 + 7.9).


     This command evaluates the symbol X and displays the result in
     octal radix.


     This command evaluates the sum of the values of two real
     variables, TOTAL and CURR_AMOUNT.


     In this example, the EVALUATE command evaluates the logical
     AND of the current values of two Boolean variables, WILLING and


     In this Ada example, this command evaluates the first element
     of the enumeration type COLOR.

   Evaluates an address expression and displays the result as a
   memory address or a register name.


     EVALUATE/ADDRESS  address-expression[, . . . ]

4  Parameters


   Specifies an address expression of any valid form (for example, a
   routine name, variable name, label, line number, and so on).

4  Qualifiers


   Displays the memory address in binary radix.


   Displays the memory address in decimal radix.


   Displays the memory address in hexadecimal radix.


   Displays the memory address in octal radix.

4  Description
   The EVALUATE/ADDRESS command enables you to determine the memory
   address or register associated with an address expression.

   The debugger can interpret and display integer data in any one
   of four radixes: binary, decimal, hexadecimal, and octal. The
   default radix for both data entry and display is decimal for
   most languages. On VAX processors, the exceptions are BLISS and
   MACRO-32, which have a default radix of hexadecimal. On Alpha
   processors, the exceptions are BLISS, MACRO-32, and MACRO-64,
   which have a default radix of hexadecimal.

   You can use a radix qualifier (/BINARY, /OCTAL, and so on) to
   display address values in another radix. These qualifiers do not
   affect how the debugger interprets the data you specify; that is,
   they override the current output radix, but not the input radix.

   If the value of a variable is currently stored in a register
   instead of memory, the EVALUATE/ADDRESS command identifies the
   register. The radix qualifiers have no effect in that case.

   The EVALUATE/ADDRESS command sets the current entity built-in
   symbols %CURLOC and period (.)  to the location denoted by the
   address expression specified. Logical predecessors (%PREVLOC
   or the circumflex character (^))  and successors (%NEXTLOC) are
   based on the value of the current entity.

   On Alpha processors, the command EVALUATE/ADDRESS procedure-name
   displays the procedure descriptor address (not the code address)
   of a specified routine, entry point, or Ada package.

   Related commands:


4  Examples


     This command displays the memory address denoted by the address
     expression MODNAME\%LINE 110.


     This command displays the memory addresses denoted by the
     address expressions A, B, and C in hexadecimal radix.


     This command indicates that variable X is associated with
     register R1. X is a nonstatic (register) variable.

   Displays the current value of a program variable. More
   generally, displays the value of the entity denoted by an address


     EXAMINE  [address-expression[:address-expression] [, . . . ]]

3  Parameters


   Specifies an entity to be examined. With high-level languages,
   this is typically the name of a variable and can include a path
   name to specify the variable uniquely. More generally, an address
   expression can also be a memory address or a register and can
   be composed of numbers (offsets) and symbols, as well as one or
   more operators, operands, or delimiters. For information about
   the debugger symbols for the registers and about the operators
   you can use in address expressions, type Help Built_in_Symbols or
   Help Address_Expressions.

   If you specify the name of an aggregate variable (a composite
   data structure such as an array or record structure) the debugger
   displays the values of all elements. For an array, the display
   shows the subscript (index) and value of each array element. For
   a record, the display shows the name and value of each record

   To specify an individual array element, array slice, or record
   component, follow the syntax of the current language.

   If you specify a range of entities, the value of the address
   expression that denotes the first entity in the range must
   be less than the value of the address expression that denotes
   the last entity in the range. The debugger displays the entity
   specified by the first address expression, the logical successor
   of that address expression, the next logical successor, and so
   on, until it displays the entity specified by the last address
   expression. You can specify a list of ranges by separating ranges
   with a comma.

   For information specific to vector registers and vector
   instructions, see /TMASK, /FMASK, /VMR, and /OPERANDS qualifiers.

3  Qualifiers



   Interprets each examined entity as a counted ASCII string
   preceded by a 1-byte count field that gives the length of the
   string. The string is then displayed.



   Interprets each examined entity as the address of a string
   descriptor pointing to an ASCII string. The CLASS and DTYPE
   fields of the descriptor are not checked, but the LENGTH and
   POINTER fields provide the character length and address of the
   ASCII string. The string is then displayed.



   Interprets and displays each examined entity as an ASCII string
   of length n bytes (n characters). If you omit n, the debugger
   attempts to determine a length from the type of the address



   Interprets each examined entity as a counted ASCII string
   preceded by a 2-byte count field that gives the length of the
   string. The string is then displayed.



   Interprets each examined entity as a zero-terminated ASCII
   string. The ending zero byte indicates the end of the string.
   The string is then displayed.


   Displays each examined entity as a binary integer.


   Displays each examined entity in the byte integer type (length 1


   Interprets each examined entity as a condition-value return
   status and displays the message associated with that return


   Displays each examined entity in the D_floating type (length 8


   Interprets each examined entity as a quadword integer (length 8
   bytes) containing the internal representation of date and time.
   Displays the value in the format dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss.cc.


   Displays each examined entity as a decimal integer.


   Displays each examined entity in the default radix.

   The minimum abbreviation is /DEFA.



   (Alpha only) When the code is optimized, displays n definition
   points for a split-lifetime variable. A definition point
   is a location in the program where the variable could have
   received its value. By default, up to five definition points are
   displayed. If more than the given number of definitions (explicit
   or default) are available, then the number of additional
   definitions is reported as well. (For more information on split-
   lifetime variables, see OpenVMS Debugger Manual.)

   The minimum abbreviation is /DEFI.



   (Alpha only) Displays each examined entity in the IEEE X_floating
   type (length 16 bytes).


   On VAX processors, same as /F_FLOAT. Displays each examined
   entity in the F_floating type (length 4 bytes).

   On Alpha processors, same as T_FLOAT. Displays each examined
   entity in the IEEE T_floating type (double precision, length 8


   (VAX only) Displays each examined entity in the F_floating type
   (length 4 bytes).


   (Alpha only) Displays each examined entity in FPCR (floating-
   point control register) format.



   Applies only to VAX vectorized programs. See the /TMASK


   Displays each examined entity in the G_floating type (length 8


   (VAX only) Displays each examined entity in the H_floating type
   (length 16 bytes).


   Displays each examined entity as a hexadecimal integer.


   Displays each examined entity as an assembly-language instruction
   (variable length, depending on the number of instruction operands
   and the kind of addressing modes used). See also the /OPERANDS

   In screen mode, the output of an EXAMINE/INSTRUCTION command is
   directed at the current instruction display, if any, not at an
   output or DO display. The arrow in the instruction display points
   to the examined instruction.

   On Alpha processors, the command EXAMINE/INSTRUCTION procedure-
   name displays the first instruction at the code address of a
   specified routine, entry point, or Ada package.


      /LINE (default)

   Controls whether program locations are displayed in terms of line
   numbers (%LINE x) or as routine-name + byte-offset. By default
   (/LINE), the debugger symbolizes program locations in terms of
   line numbers.



   (Alpha only) Displays each examined entity in the IEEE S_floating
   type (single precision, length 4 bytes).



   (Alpha only) Displays each examined entity in the IEEE T_floating
   type (double precision, length 8 bytes).


   Displays each examined entity in the longword integer type
   (length 4 bytes). This is the default type for program locations
   that do not have a compiler-generated type.


   Displays each examined entity as an octal integer.


   Displays each examined entity in the octaword integer type
   (length 16 bytes).



   (VAX only) Displays operand information associated with an
   examined instruction (displays each operand's address and its
   contents, using the operand's data type). The keywords BRIEF
   and FULL vary the amount of information displayed about any
   nonregister operands. The default is /OPERANDS=BRIEF.

   Use /OPERANDS only when examining the instruction at the current
   PC value (for example, EXAMINE/OPERANDS .0\%PC). Examining the
   operands of an instruction that is not at the current PC value
   can give erroneous results, because the state of the machine (the
   contents of the registers) is not set up for that instruction.

   In screen mode, operand information is directed at the current
   output display.

   When you examine the operands of a vector instruction, any
   operand-element masking that might be associated with that
   instruction is performed by default. The /TMASK and /FMASK
   qualifiers enable you to specify some other mask. The current
   value of the vector length register (VLR) limits the highest
   element of a vector register that you can examine.

   See also the SET MODE [NO]OPERANDS=keyword command, which lets
   you set a default level for the amount of operand information
   displayed when examining instructions.



   Interprets each examined entity as a packed decimal number. The
   value of n is the number of decimal digits. Each digit occupies
   one nibble (4 bits).


   (Alpha only) Displays each examined entity in PS (processor
   status register) format.


   (VAX only) Displays each examined entity in PSL (processor status
   longword) format.


   (VAX only) Displays each examined entity in PSW (processor status
   word) format. The /PSW qualifier is like /PSL except that only
   the low-order word (2 bytes) is displayed.


   Displays each examined entity in the quadword integer type
   (length 8 bytes).


   (Alpha only) Displays each examined entity in the IEEE S_floating
   type (single precision, length 4 bytes).


   (Alpha only) Displays each examined entity in SFPCR (software
   floating-point control register) format.



      This qualifier is not available in the Compaq DECwindows
      Motif for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.

   Displays the source line corresponding to the location of each
   examined entity. The examined entity must be associated with a
   machine code instruction and, therefore, must be a line number, a
   label, a routine name, or the memory address of an instruction.
   The examined entity cannot be a variable name or any other
   address expression that is associated with data.

   In screen mode, the output of an EXAMINE/SOURCE command is
   directed at the current source display, if any, not at an output
   or DO display. The arrow in the source display points to the
   source line associated with the last entity specified (or the
   last one specified in a list of entities).

   On Alpha processors, the command EXAMINE/SOURCE procedure-name
   displays the source code at the code address of a specified
   routine, entry point, or Ada package.


      /SYMBOLIC (default)

   Controls whether symbolization occurs. By default (/SYMBOLIC),
   the debugger symbolizes all addresses, if possible; that is, it
   converts numeric addresses into their symbolic representation.
   If you specify /NOSYMBOLIC, the debugger suppresses symbolization
   of entities you specify as absolute addresses. If you specify
   entities as variable names, symbolization still occurs. The
   /NOSYMBOLIC qualifier is useful if you are interested in
   identifying numeric addresses rather than their symbolic names
   (if symbolic names exist for those addresses). Using /NOSYMBOLIC
   may speed up command processing because the debugger does not
   need to convert numbers to names.


   Applies to tasking (multithread) programs. Interprets each
   examined entity as a task (thread) object and displays the task
   value (the name or task ID) of that task object. When examining a
   task object, use /TASK only if the programming language does not
   have built-in tasking services.


   (Alpha only) Displays each examined entity in the IEEE T_floating
   type (double precision, length 8 bytes).



   These qualifiers apply only to VAX vectorized programs. They
   enable you to specify a mask in order to display certain elements
   of a vector register (V0 to V15), or of an array in memory, while
   not displaying other elements.

   For example, when you examine the operands of a vector
   instruction (by using the /OPERANDS qualifier), these qualifiers
   enable you to override any operand-element masking that might be
   associated with that instruction.

   The /TMASK qualifier applies the EXAMINE command only to the
   elements of the register or array that correspond to the set
   bits (bit value: 1) of the mask. The /FMASK qualifier applies the
   EXAMINE command only to the elements that correspond to the clear
   bits (bit value: 0) of the mask. The current value of the vector
   length register (VLR) limits the highest register element that
   you can examine but not the highest array element.

   By default, if you do not specify a mask address expression with
   /TMASK or /FMASK, the vector mask register (VMR) is used. That
   is, the EXAMINE command is applied only to the elements of the
   vector register or array that correspond to the set bits (in the
   case of /TMASK) or clear bits (in the case of /FMASK) of VMR.

   If you specify a mask address expression with /TMASK or /FMASK,
   the value at that address is used as the mask, subject to the
   following conventions:

   o  You must use parentheses around the address expression.

   o  The number of mask elements limits the number of register or
      array elements that you can examine.

   o  If the mask address expression denotes a Boolean array, its
      values are used as the mask, in the same basic way that VMR is
      used in the default case.

   o  If the mask address expression denotes a non-Boolean array,
      the least significant bit value of each array element is used
      as the mask for the corresponding element of the register or
      target array.

   o  If the mask address expression denotes a Boolean scalar type,
      its value is used as the mask for the first element of the
      register or target array. No other elements are examined.

   o  If the mask address expression denotes any other type, its
      least significant bit value is used as the mask for the first
      element of the register or target array. No other elements are

   o  For a multi-element mask, the lowest specified element of
      the mask is applied to the lowest specified element of the
      register or target array.



   Interprets and displays each examined entity according to the
   type specified by name (which must be the name of a variable or
   data type declared in the program). This enables you to specify
   a user-declared type. You must use parentheses around the type


      /VARIANT=variant-selector address-expression
      /VARIANT=(variant-selector,...) address-expression

   Enables the debugger to display the correct item when it
   encounters an anonymous variant.

   In a C program, a union contains members, only one of which is
   valid at any one time. When displaying a union, the debugger does
   not know which member is currently valid.

   In a PASCAL program, a record with a variant part contains
   variants, only one of which is valid at any one time. When
   displaying a record with an anonymous variant part, the debugger
   does not know which variant is currently valid, and displays all
   variants by default.

   You can use the /VARIANT qualifier of the EXAMINE command to
   select which member of a union (C) or anonymous variant (PASCAL)
   to display.


   (VAX only) Applies only to VAX vectorized programs. Displays the
   Vector Mask Register.



   Interprets and displays each examined entity as a multibyte file
   code sequence of length n longwords (n characters). The default
   is 1 longword.

   When converting the examined string, the debugger uses the locale
   database of the process in which the debugger runs. The default
   is C locale.


   Displays each examined entity in the word integer type (length 2


   (Alpha only) Displays each examined entity in the IEEE X_floating
   type (length 16 bytes).

3  Description
   The EXAMINE command displays the entity at the location denoted
   by an address expression. You can use the command to display the
   contents of any memory location or register that is accessible
   in your program. For high-level languages, the command is used
   mostly to obtain the current value of a variable (an integer,
   real, string, array, record, and so on).

   If you are debugging optimized code on Alpha systems, the EXAMINE
   command displays the definition points at which a split-lifetime
   variable could have received its value. Split-lifetime variables
   are discussed in OpenVMS Debugger Manual. By default, the
   EXAMINE command displays up to five definition points. With the
   /DEFINITIONS qualifier, you can specify the number of definition

   The debugger recognizes the compiler-generated types associated
   with symbolic address expressions (symbolic names declared in
   your program). Symbolic address expressions include the following

   o  Variable names. When specifying a variable with the EXAMINE
      command, use the same syntax that is used in the source code.

   o  Routine names, labels, and line numbers. These are associated
      with instructions. You can examine instructions using the same
      techniques as when examining variables.

   In general, when you enter an EXAMINE command, the debugger
   evaluates the address expression specified to yield a program
   location. The debugger then displays the value stored at that
   location as follows:

   o  If the location has a symbolic name, the debugger formats the
      value according to the compiler-generated type associated with
      that symbol (that is, as a variable of a particular type or as
      an instruction).

   o  If the location does not have a symbolic name (and, therefore,
      no associated compiler-generated type) the debugger formats
      the value in the type longword integer by default. This means
      that, by default, the EXAMINE command displays the contents of
      these locations as longword (4-byte) integer values.

   For information specific to vector registers (VAX only) and
   vector instructions (VAX only), see the /TMASK, /FMASK, /VMR,
   and /OPERANDS qualifiers.

3  Description,_Continued...

   There are several ways of changing the type associated with
   a program location so that you can display the data at that
   location in another data format:

   o  To change the default type for all locations that do not have
      a symbolic name, you can specify a new type with the SET TYPE

   o  To change the default type for all locations (both those that
      do and do not have a symbolic name), you can specify a new
      type with the SET TYPE/OVERRIDE command.

   o  To override the type currently associated with a particular
      location for the duration of a single EXAMINE command, you can
      specify a new type by using a type qualifier (/ASCII:n, /BYTE,
      /TYPE=(name), and so on). Most qualifiers for the EXAMINE
      command are type qualifiers.

   The debugger can interpret and display integer data in any one of
   four radixes: binary, decimal, hexadecimal, and octal.

   The default radix for both data entry and display is decimal for
   most languages. On VAX processors, the exceptions are BLISS and
   MACRO-32, which have a default radix of hexadecimal. On Alpha
   processors, the exceptions are BLISS, MACRO-32, and MACRO-64,
   which have a default radix of hexadecimal.

   The EXAMINE command has four radix qualifiers (/BINARY, /DECIMAL,
   /HEXADECIMAL, /OCTAL) that enable you to display data in another
   radix. You can also use the SET RADIX and SET RADIX/OVERRIDE
   commands to change the default radix.

   In addition to the type and radix qualifiers, the EXAMINE command
   has qualifiers for other purposes:

   o  The /SOURCE qualifier enables you to identify the line of
      source code corresponding to a line number, routine name,
      label, or any other address expression that is associated with
      an instruction rather than data.

   o  The /[NO]LINE and /[NO]SYMBOLIC qualifiers enable you to
      control the symbolization of address expressions.

   The EXAMINE command sets the current entity built-in symbols
   %CURLOC and period (.)  to the location denoted by the address
   expression specified. Logical predecessors (%PREVLOC or the
   circumflex character (^))  and successors (%NEXTLOC) are based
   on the value of the current entity.

   The /VARIANT qualifier enables the debugger to display the
   correct item when it encounters an anonymous variant.

   In a C program, a union contains members, only one of which is
   valid at any one time. When displaying a union, the debugger does
   not know which member is currently valid. In a PASCAL program,
   a record with a variant part contains variants, only one of
   which is valid at any one time. When displaying a record with an
   anonymous variant part, the debugger does not know which variant
   is currently valid, and displays all variants by default.

   You can use the /VARIANT qualifier of the EXAMINE command to
   select which member of a union (C program) or anonymous variant
   (PASCAL program) to display. The format is as follows:

    DBG> EXAMINE /VARIANT=variant-selector address-expression

    DBG> EXAMINE /VARIANT=(variant-selector,...)  address-expression

   The variant selector variant-selector specifies a name, a
   discriminant (PASCAL only), or a position; that is, one of the

   o  NAME = name-string

   o  DISCRIMINANT = expression

   o  POSITION = expression

   The /VARIANT qualifier takes a list of zero or more variant
   selectors. /VARIANT without any variant selectors is the
   default: the first variant of all anonymous variant lists will
   be displayed.

   Each variant selector specifies either the name, the
   discriminant, or the position of the variant to be displayed.

   The debugger uses the variant selector as follows:

   1. If the debugger encounters an anonymous variable list while
      displaying address-expression, the debugger uses the variant
      selector to choose which variant to display.

   2. Each time the debugger encounters an anonymous variant list,
      it attempts to use the next variant selector to choose which
      variant to display. If the variant selector matches one of the
      variants of the variant list (union), the debugger displays
      that variant.

   3. The debugger walks the structure top-to-bottom, depth first,
      so that children are encountered before siblings.

   4. If the debugger encounters an anonymous variant list and does
      not have a variant selector to match it with, the debugger
      displays the first variant.

   5. If the variant selector does not match any of the variants of
      an anonymous variant list, the debugger displays a single line
      to indicate that. This is similar to what the debugger does if
      the discriminant value fails to match any of the variants in a
      discriminated variant list. . For example:

              [Variant Record omitted - null or illegal Tag Value: 3]

   A name specifies a name string. A name matches a variant if that
   variant contains a field with the name specified by name.

   A discriminant specifies a language expression that must be
   type compatible with the tag type of the variant part it is
   meant to match. The discriminant expression matches a variant
   if it evaluates to a value in the variant's case-label list.
   Discriminants apply only to Pascal programs, because C and C++
   unions do not have discriminants.

   A positional-selector specifies a language expression, which
   should evaluate to a integer between 1 and N, where N is the
   number of variants in a variant list. A positional-selector that
   evaluates to I specifies that the Ith variant is to be displayed.

   You can use asterisk (*) as a wildcard, which matches all
   variants of an anonymous variant list.

   Each of these variant selectors can be used to match all
   variants. In particular, each of the following variant selectors
   indicates that all of the variants of the first anonymous variant
   list are to be displayed.


   The variant selectors can themselves contain a list of selectors.
   For example, the following commands all mean the same thing.

    EXAMINE /VARIANT=(DIS=(3,1,54)) x
    EXAMINE /VARIANT=DIS=(3,1,54) x

   You can specify a a single discriminant or position value without
   parentheses if the value is a simple decimal integer. To use
   a general expression to specify the value, you enclose the
   expression in parentheses. In the following list of commands,
   the first four are legal while the last three are not.

    EXAMINE /VARIANT=POS=(3)    ! parentheses unnecessary
    EXAMINE /VARIANT=(POS=(3))  ! parentheses unnecessary
    EXAMINE /VARIANT=(POS=3)    ! parentheses unnecessary
    EXAMINE /VARIANT=(POS=foo)  ! parentheses necessary
    EXAMINE /VARIANT=POS=(foo)  ! parentheses necessary
    EXAMINE /VARIANT=(POS=3-1)  ! parentheses necessary

   Related Commands:


3  Examples

     SUB2\COUNT:  27

     This command displays the value of the integer variable COUNT
     in module SUB2.

     INVENTORY\PART_NUMBER:  "LP-3592.6-84"

     This command displays the value of the string variable PART_

        (1,1):     27.01000
        (1,2):     31.01000
        (1,3):     12.48000
        (2,1):     15.08000
        (2,2):     22.30000
        (2,3):     18.73000

     This command displays the value of all elements in array ARR3
     in module SUB1. ARR3 is a 2 by 3 element array of real numbers.

   4.DBG> EXAMINE SUB1\ARR3(2,1:3)
        (2,1):     15.08000
        (2,2):     22.30000
        (2,3):     18.73000

     This command displays the value of the elements in a slice of
     array SUB1\ARR3. The slice includes "columns" 1 to 3 of "row"


     This command displays the value of the nested record component

     module MAIN
         47:  procedure SWAP(X,Y: in out INTEGER) is

     This command displays the source line in which routine SWAP is
     declared (the location of routine SWAP).


     This command specifies that, for the first anonymous variant
     list encountered, display the variant part containing a field
     named "m", for the second anonymous variant list, display
     the part with the discriminant value 4, and, for the third
     anonymous variant list, display the first variant part.

   Ends a debugging session, or terminates one or more processes of
   a multiprocess program, allowing any application-declared exit
   handlers to run. If used within a command procedure or DO clause
   and no process is specified, it exits the command procedure or DO
   clause at that point.


     EXIT  [process-spec[, . . . ]]

3  Parameters


   Specifies a process currently under debugger control. Use any of
   the following forms:

   [%PROCESS_NAME] process-  The process name, if that name does not
   name                      contain spaces or lowercase characters.
                             The process name can include the
                             asterisk (*)  wildcard character.
   [%PROCESS_NAME]           The process name, if that name contains
   "process-name"            spaces or lowercase characters. You
                             can also use apostrophes (') instead of
                             quotation marks (").
   %PROCESS_PID process_id   The process identifier (PID, a
                             hexadecimal number).
   [%PROCESS_NUMBER]         The number assigned to a process when
   process-number            it comes under debugger control. A
   (or %PROC process-        new number is assigned sequentially,
   number)                   starting with 1, to each process. If
                             a process is terminated with the EXIT
                             or QUIT command, the number can be
                             assigned again during the debugging
                             session. Process numbers appear in a
                             SHOW PROCESS display. Processes are
                             ordered in a circular list so they can
                             be indexed with the built-in symbols
                             %PREVIOUS_PROCESS and %NEXT_PROCESS.
   process-set-name          A symbol defined with the
                             DEFINE/PROCESS_SET command to represent
                             a group of processes.
   %NEXT_PROCESS             The next process after the visible
                             process in the debugger's circular
                             process list.
   %PREVIOUS_PROCESS         The process previous to the visible
                             process in the debugger's circular
                             process list.
   %VISIBLE_PROCESS          The process whose stack, register set,
                             and images are the current context for
                             looking up symbols, register values,
                             routine calls, breakpoints, and so on.

   You can also use the asterisk (*)  wildcard character to specify
   all processes.

3  Description
   The EXIT command is one of the four debugger commands that can be
   used to execute your program (the others are CALL, GO, and STEP).

   Ending a Debugging Session:

   To end a debugging session, enter the EXIT command at the
   debugger prompt without specifying any parameters. This causes
   orderly termination of the session: the program's application-
   declared exit handlers (if any) are executed, the debugger exit
   handler is executed (closing log files, restoring the screen and
   keypad states, and so on), and control is returned to the command
   interpreter. You cannot then continue to debug your program by
   entering the DCL command DEBUG or CONTINUE (you must restart the

   Because EXIT runs any application-declared exit handlers, you can
   set breakpoints in such exit handlers, and the breakpoints are
   triggered upon typing EXIT. Thus, you can use EXIT to debug your
   exit handlers.

   To end a debugging session without running any application-
   declared exit handlers, use the QUIT command instead of EXIT.

   Using the EXIT Command in Command Procedures and DO Clauses:

   When the debugger executes an EXIT command (without any
   parameters) in a command procedure, control returns to the
   command stream that invoked the command procedure. A command
   stream can be the terminal, an outer (containing) command
   procedure, or a DO clause in a command or screen display
   definition. For example, if the command procedure was invoked
   from within a DO clause, control returns to that DO clause, where
   the debugger executes the next command (if any remain in the
   command sequence).

   When the debugger executes an EXIT command (without any
   parameters) in a DO clause, it ignores any remaining commands
   in that clause and displays its prompt.

3  Description,_Continued...

   Terminating Specified Processes:

   If you are debugging a multiprocess program you can use the
   EXIT command to terminate specified processes without ending
   the debugging session. The same techniques and behavior apply,
   whether you enter the EXIT command at the prompt or use it within
   a command procedure or DO clause.

   To terminate one or more processes, enter the EXIT command,
   specifying these processes as parameters. This causes orderly
   termination of the images in these processes, executing any
   application-declared exit handlers associated with these images.
   Subsequently, the specified processes are no longer identified
   in a SHOW PROCESS/ALL display. If any specified processes were on
   hold as the result of a SET PROCESS command, the hold condition
   is ignored.

   When the specified processes begin to exit, any unspecified
   process that is not on hold begins execution. After execution
   is started, the way in which it continues depends on whether you
   entered a SET MODE [NO]INTERRUPT command. By default (SET MODE
   INTERRUPT), execution continues until it is suspended in any
   process. At that point, execution is interrupted in any other
   processes that were executing images, and the debugger prompts
   for input.

   To terminate specified processes without running any application-
   declared exit handlers or otherwise starting execution, use the
   QUIT command instead of EXIT.

   Related commands:

      @ (Execute Procedure)

3  Examples

   1.DBG> EXIT

     This command ends the debugging session and returns you to DCL


     This command causes orderly termination of three processes of
     a multiprocess program: the process after the visible process
     on the process list, process JONES_3, and process 5. Control
     is returned to the debugger after the specified processes have

   Exits one or more enclosing FOR, REPEAT, or WHILE loops.


     EXITLOOP  [integer]

3  Parameters


   A decimal integer that specifies the number of nested loops to
   exit from. The default is 1.

3  Description
   Use the EXITLOOP command to exit one or more enclosing FOR,
   REPEAT, or WHILE loops.

   Related commands:


3  Example


     The WHILE 1 command generates an endless loop that executes a
     STEP command with each iteration. After each STEP, the value
     of X is tested. If X is greater than 3, the EXITLOOP command
     terminates the loop (Fortran example).

   Expands or contracts the window associated with a screen display.


      This command is not available in the Compaq DECwindows Motif
      for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.


     EXPAND  [display-name[, . . . ]]

3  Parameters


   Specifies a display to be expanded or contracted. You can specify
   any of the following entities:

   o  A predefined display:

         FREG (Alpha only)

   o  A display previously created with the DISPLAY command

   o  A display built-in symbol:


   If you do not specify a display, the current scrolling display,
   as established by the SELECT command, is chosen.

3  Qualifiers



   Moves the bottom border of the display down by n lines (if n is
   positive) or up by n lines (if n is negative). If you omit n, the
   border is moved down by 1 line.



   Moves the left border of the display to the left by n lines (if
   n is positive) or to the right by n lines (if n is negative). If
   you omit n, the border is moved to the left by 1 line.



   Moves the right border of the display to the right by n lines (if
   n is positive) or to the left by n lines (if n is negative). If
   you omit n, the border is moved to the right by 1 line.



   Moves the top border of the display up by n lines (if n is
   positive) or down by n lines (if n is negative). If you omit
   n, the border is moved up by 1 line.

3  Description
   You must specify at least one qualifier.

   The EXPAND command moves one or more display-window borders
   according to the qualifiers specified (/UP:[n], /DOWN:[n],
   RIGHT:[n], /LEFT:[n]).

   The EXPAND command does not affect the order of a display on
   the display pasteboard. Depending on the relative order of
   displays, the EXPAND command can cause the specified display to
   hide or uncover another display or be hidden by another display,
   partially or totally.

   Except for the PROMPT display, any display can be contracted to
   the point where it disappears (at which point it is marked as
   "removed"). It can then be expanded from that point. Contracting
   a display to the point where it disappears causes it to lose any
   attributes that were selected for it. The PROMPT display cannot
   be contracted or expanded horizontally but can be contracted
   vertically to a height of 2 lines.

   A window border can be expanded only up to the edge of the
   screen. The left and top window borders cannot be expanded beyond
   the left and top edges of the display, respectively. The right
   border can be expanded up to 255 columns from the left display
   edge. The bottom border of a source or instruction display can
   be expanded down only to the bottom edge of the display (to the
   end of the source module or routine's instructions). A register
   display cannot be expanded beyond its full size.

   For a list of the key definitions associated with the EXPAND
   command, type Help Keypad_Definitions_CI. Also, use the SHOW KEY
   command to determine the current key definitions.

   Related commands:


3  Examples


     This command moves the right border of the current scrolling
     display to the right by 6 columns.


     This command moves the top border of display OUT2 up by 1 line,
     and the right border to the left by 12 columns.


     This command moves the bottom border of display SRC down to the
     bottom edge of the screen.

   Saves the contents of screen displays in a file or creates a
   debugger command procedure with all of the commands necessary to
   re-create the current screen state later on.


      This command is not available in the Compaq DECwindows Motif
      for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.


     EXTRACT  [display-name[, . . . ]] [file-spec]

3  Parameters


   Specifies a display to be extracted. You can specify any of the
   following entities:

   o  A predefined display:

         FREG (Alpha only)

   o  A display previously created with the DISPLAY command

   You can use the asterisk (*)  wildcard character in a display
   name. Do not specify a display name with the /ALL qualifier.


   Specifies the file to which the information is written. You can
   specify a logical name.

   If you specify /SCREEN_LAYOUT, the default specification for
   the file is SYS$DISK:[]DBGSCREEN.COM. Otherwise, the default
   specification is SYS$DISK:[]DEBUG.TXT.

3  Qualifiers


   Extracts all displays. Do not specify /SCREEN_LAYOUT with this


   Appends the information at the end of the file, rather than
   creating a new file. By default, a new file is created. Do not
   specify /SCREEN_LAYOUT with this qualifier.


   Writes a file that contains the debugger commands describing the
   current state of the screen. This information includes the screen
   height and width, message wrap setting, and the position, display
   kind, and display attributes of every existing display. This file
   can then be executed with the execute procedure (@) command to
   reconstruct the screen at a later time. Do not specify /ALL with
   this qualifier.

3  Description
   When you use the EXTRACT command to save the contents of a
   display into a file, only those lines that are currently stored
   in the display's memory buffer (as determined by the /SIZE
   qualifier on the DISPLAY command) are written to the file.

   You cannot extract the PROMPT display into a file.

   Related commands:


3  Examples


     This command writes all the lines in display SRC into file


     This command appends all the lines in display OUT to the end of


     This command writes the debugger commands needed to reconstruct
     the screen into file SYS$DISK:[]DBGSCREEN.COM.

2  FOR
   Executes a sequence of commands while incrementing a variable a
   specified number of times.


     FOR  name=expression1 TO expression2 [BY expression3]

          DO (command[; . . . ])

3  Parameters


   Specifies the name of a count variable.


   Specifies an integer or enumeration type value. The expression1
   and expression2 parameters must be of the same type.


   Specifies an integer or enumeration type value. The expression1
   and expression2 parameters must be of the same type.


   Specifies an integer.


   Specifies a debugger command. If you specify more than one
   command, you must separate the commands with semicolons. At each
   execution, the debugger checks the syntax of any expressions in
   the commands and then evaluates them.

3  Description
   The behavior of the FOR command depends on the value of the
   expression3 parameter, as detailed in the following table:

   expression3Action of the FOR Command

   Positive   name parameter is incremented from the value of
              expression1 by the value of expression3 until it is
              greater than the value of expression2
   Negative   name is decremented from the value of expression1 by
              the value of expression3 until it is less than the
              value of expression2
   0          The debugger returns an error message
   Omitted    The debugger assumes it to have the value +1

   Related commands:


3  Examples

   1.DBG> FOR I = 10 TO 1 BY -1 DO (EXAMINE A(I))

     This command examines an array backwards.

   2.DBG> FOR I = 1 TO 10 DO (DEPOSIT A(I) = 0)

     This command initializes an array to zero.

2  GO
   Starts or resumes program execution.


     GO  [address-expression]

3  Parameters


   Specifies that program execution resume at the location denoted
   by the address expression. If you do not specify an address
   expression, execution resumes at the point of suspension or,
   in the case of debugger startup, at the image transfer address.

3  Description
   The GO command starts program execution or resumes execution from
   the point at which it is currently suspended. GO is one of the
   four debugger commands that can be used to execute your program
   (the others are CALL, EXIT, and STEP).

   Specifying an address expression with the GO command can produce
   unexpected results because it alters the normal control flow
   of your program. For example, during a debugging session
   you can restart execution at the beginning of the program by
   entering the GO %LINE 1 command. However, because the program has
   executed, the contents of some variables might now be initialized
   differently from when you first ran the program.

   If an exception breakpoint is triggered (resulting from a SET
   BREAK/EXCEPTION or a STEP/EXCEPTION command), execution is
   suspended before any application-declared condition handler is
   invoked. If you then resume execution with the GO command, the
   behavior is as follows:

   o  Entering a GO command to resume execution from the current
      location causes the debugger to resignal the exception. This
      enables you to observe which application-declared handler, if
      any, next handles the exception.

   o  Entering a GO command to resume execution from a location
      other than the current location inhibits the execution of any
      application-declared handler for that exception.

   If you are debugging a multiprocess program, the GO command is
   executed in the context of the current process set. In addition,
   when debugging a multiprocess program, the way in which execution
   continues in your process depends on whether you entered a SET
   MODE [NO]INTERRUPT command or a SET MODE [NO]WAIT command. By
   default (SET MODE NOINTERRUPT), when one process stops, the
   debugger takes no action with regard to the other processes.
   Also by default (SET MODE WAIT), the debugger waits until all
   process in the current process set have stopped before prompting
   for a new command.

   Related commands:

      SET STEP

3  Examples

   1.DBG> GO
          . . .
     'Normal successful completion'

     This command starts program execution, which then completes

     DBG> GO     ! start execution
          . . .
     break at routine INVENTORY\RESTORE
     137: procedure RESTORE;
     DBG> GO     ! resume execution
          . . .

     In this example, the SET BREAK command sets a breakpoint on
     routine RESTORE. The first GO command starts program execution,
     which is then suspended at the breakpoint on routine RESTORE.
     The second GO command resumes execution from the breakpoint.

   3.DBG> GO %LINE 42

     This command resumes program execution at line 42 of the module
     in which execution is currently suspended.

   Displays online help on debugger commands and selected topics.


      This command is not available in the Compaq DECwindows Motif
      for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger. Help on commands
      is available from the Help menu in a DECwindows debugger


     HELP  topic [subtopic [ . . . ]]

3  Parameters


   Specifies the name of a debugger command or topic about which you
   want help. You can specify the asterisk (*)  wildcard character,
   either singly or within a name.


   Specifies a subtopic, qualifier, or parameter about which you
   want further information. You can specify the asterisk wildcard
   (*),  either singly or within a name.

3  Description
   The debugger's online help facility provides the following
   information about any debugger command, including a description
   of the command, its format, explanations of any parameters
   that can be specified with the command, and explanations of any
   qualifiers that can be specified with the command.

   To get information about a particular qualifier or parameter,
   specify it as a subtopic. If you want information about all
   qualifiers, specify "qualifier" as a subtopic. If you want
   information about all parameters, specify "parameter" as
   a subtopic. If you want information about all parameters,
   qualifiers, and any other subtopics related to a command, specify
   an asterisk (*)  as a subtopic.

   In addition to help on commands, you can get online help on
   various topics such as screen features, keypad mode, and so on.
   Topic keywords are listed along with the commands when you type

   For summary information about new features with this release of
   the debugger, see help on New_Features.

   For help on the predefined keypad-key functions, type Help
   Keypad_Definitions_CI. Also, use the SHOW KEY command to
   determine the current key definitions.

3  Example


     This command displays help for the GO command.

2  IF
   Executes a sequence of commands if a language expression (Boolean
   expression) is evaluated as true.


     IF  Boolean-expression THEN (command[; . . . ])

         [ELSE (command[; . . . ])]

3  Parameters


   Specifies a language expression that evaluates as a Boolean value
   (true or false) in the currently set language.


   Specifies a debugger command. If you specify more than one
   command, you must separate the commands with semicolons (;).

3  Description
   The IF command evaluates a Boolean expression. If the value is
   true (as defined in the current language), the command list in
   the THEN clause is executed. If the expression is false, the
   command list in the ELSE clause (if any) is executed.

   Related commands:


3  Example


     This command causes the debugger to suspend program execution
     at location R (a breakpoint) and then resume program execution
     if the value of X is less than 5 (Fortran example). If the
     value of X is 5 or more, its value is displayed.

   Displays the current value of a program variable or language
   expression in the monitor view of the Compaq DECwindows Motif for
   OpenVMS user interface.


      Requires the Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS user


     MONITOR  expression

3  Parameters


   Specifies an entity to be monitored. With high-level languages,
   this is typically the name of a variable. Currently, MONITOR does
   not handle composite expressions (language expressions containing

   If you specify the name of an aggregate variable (a composite
   data structure such as an array or record structure), the monitor
   view lists "Aggregate" for the value of the variable. You can
   then double-click on the variable name to get the values of all
   the elements (see context-sensitive Help).

   To specify an individual array element, array slice, or record
   component, follow the syntax of the current language.

3  Qualifiers



   Interprets each monitored entity as a counted ASCII string
   preceded by a 1-byte count field that gives the length of the
   string. The string is then displayed.



   Interprets each monitored entity as the address of a string
   descriptor pointing to an ASCII string. The CLASS and DTYPE
   fields of the descriptor are not checked, but the LENGTH and
   POINTER fields provide the character length and address of the
   ASCII string. The string is then displayed.



   Interprets and displays each monitored entity as an ASCII string
   of length n bytes (n characters). If you omit n, the debugger
   attempts to determine a length from the type of the address



   Interprets each monitored entity as a counted ASCII string
   preceded by a 2-byte count field that gives the length of the
   string. The string is then displayed.



   Interprets each monitored entity as a zero-terminated ASCII
   string. The ending zero byte indicates the end of the string.
   The string is then displayed.


   Displays each monitored entity as a binary integer.


   Displays each monitored entity in the byte integer type (length 1


   (VAX only) Displays each monitored entity in the D_floating type
   (length 8 bytes).


   Interprets each monitored entity as a quadword integer (length 8
   bytes) containing the internal OpenVMS representation of date and
   time. Displays the value in the format dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss.cc.


   Displays each monitored entity as a decimal integer.


   Displays each monitored entity in the default radix.


   (Alpha only) Displays each monitored entity in the IEEE X_
   floating type (length 16 bytes).


   On VAX processors, displays each monitored entity in the F_
   floating type (length 4 bytes).

   On Alpha processors, displays each monitored entity in the IEEE
   T_floating type (double precision, length 8 bytes).


   (VAX only) Displays each monitored entity in the F_floating type
   (length 4 bytes).


   Displays each monitored entity in the G_floating type (length 8


   (VAX only) Displays each monitored entity in the H_floating type
   (length 16 bytes).


   Displays each monitored entity as a hexadecimal integer.


   Displays each monitored entity as an assembly-language
   instruction (variable length, depending on the number of
   instruction operands and the kind of addressing modes used).
   See also the /OPERANDS qualifier.


   Same as /LONGWORD qualifier.


   (Alpha only) Displays each monitored entity in the IEEE S_
   floating type (single precision, length 4 bytes).


   (Alpha only) Displays each monitored entity in the IEEE T_
   floating type (double precision, length 8 bytes).



   Displays each monitored entity in the longword integer type
   (length 4 bytes). This is the default type for program locations
   that do not have a compiler-generated type.


   Displays each monitored entity as an octal integer.


   Displays each monitored entity in the octaword integer type
   (length 16 bytes).


   Displays each monitored entity in the quadword integer type
   (length 8 bytes).


   Removes a monitored item or items with the address expression
   specified from the Monitor View.


   Same as /WORD qualfier.


   Applies to tasking (multithread) programs. Interprets each
   monitored entity as a task (thread) object and displays the task
   value (the name or task ID) of that task object. When monitoring
   a task object, use /TASK only if the programming language does
   not have built-in tasking services.



   Displays each monitored entity in the word integer type (length 2

3  Description
   You can use the MONITOR command only with the debugger's Compaq
   DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS user interface, because the output
   of that command is directed at the monitor view. With the command
   interface, you typically use the EVALUATE, EXAMINE or SET WATCH
   command instead.

   The MONITOR command does the following:

   1. Displays the monitor view (if it is not already displayed by a
      previous MONITOR command).

   2. Puts the name of the specified variable or expression and its
      current value in the monitor view.

   The debugger updates the monitor view whenever the debugger
   regains control from the program, regardless of whether the value
   of the variable or location you are monitoring has changed. (By
   contrast, a watchpoint halts execution when the value of the
   watched variable changes.)

   For more information about the monitor view and the MONITOR
   command, see context-sensitive Help.

   Related commands:


3  Example


     This command displays the name and current value of the
     variable COUNT in the monitor view of the debugger's Compaq
     DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS user interface. The value is
     updated whenever the debugger regains control from the program.

   Moves a screen display vertically or horizontally across the


      This command is not available in the Compaq DECwindows Motif
      for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.


     MOVE  [display-name[, . . . ]]

3  Parameters


   Specifies a display to be moved. You can specify any of the
   following entities:

   o  A predefined display:

         FREG (Alpha only)

   o  A display previously created with the DISPLAY command

   o  A display built-in symbol:


   If you do not specify a display, the current scrolling display,
   as established by the SELECT command, is chosen.

3  Qualifiers



   Moves the display down by n lines (if n is positive) or up by
   n lines (if n is negative). If you omit n, the display is moved
   down by 1 line.



   Moves the display to the left by n lines (if n is positive) or
   right by n lines (if n is negative). If you omit n, the display
   is moved to the left by 1 line.



   Moves the display to the right by n lines (if n is positive) or
   left by n lines (if n is negative). If you omit n, the display is
   moved to the right by 1 line.



   Moves the display up by n lines (if n is positive) or down by n
   lines (if n is negative). If you omit n, the display is moved up
   by 1 line.

3  Description
   You must specify at least one qualifier.

   For each display specified, the MOVE command simply creates a
   window of the same dimensions elsewhere on the screen and maps
   the display to it, while maintaining the relative position of the
   text within the window.

   The MOVE command does not change the order of a display on the
   display pasteboard. Depending on the relative order of displays,
   the MOVE command can cause the display to hide or uncover another
   display or be hidden by another display, partially or totally.

   A display can be moved only up to the edge of the screen.

   For a list of the keypad-key definitions associated with the MOVE
   command, type Help Keypad_Definitions_CI. Also, use the SHOW KEY
   command to determine the current key definitions.

   Related commands:


3  Examples


     This command moves the current scrolling display to the left by
     1 column.


     This command moves display NEW_OUT up by 3 lines and to the
     right by 5 columns.

   Passes a command to the POSIX Threads debugger for execution.


      This command is valid only when the event facility is
      THREADS and the program is running POSIX Threads 3.13 or


     PTHREAD  command

3  Parameters


   A POSIX Threads debugger command.

3  Description
   Passes a command to the POSIX Threads debugger for execution.
   The results appear in the command view. Once the POSIX Threads
   debugger command has been completed, control is returned to the
   OpenVMS debugger. You can get help on POSIX Threads debugger
   commands by typing PTHREAD HELP.

   See the Guide to POSIX Threads Library for more information about
   using the POSIX Threads debugger.

   Related commands:





3  Example

     conditions [-afhwqrs] [-
N <n>] [id]...: list condition variables
     exit: exit from DECthreads debugger
     help [topic]: display help information
     keys [-v] [-N <n>] [id]...: list keys
     mutexes [-afhilqrs] [-N <n>] [id]...: list mutexes
     quit: exit from DECthreads debugger
     show [-csuv]: show stuff
     squeue [-c <n>] [-fhq] [-t <t>] [a]: format queue
     stacks [-fs] [sp]...: list stacks
     system: show system information
     threads [-1] [-N <n>] [-abcdfhklmnor] [-s <v>] [-
tz] [id]...: list threads
     tset [-chna] [-s <v>] <id>: set state of thread
     versions: display versions
     write <st>: write a string
 All keywords may be abbreviated: if the abbreviation is ambiguous,
 the first match will be used. For more help, type 'help <topic>'.

     This command invokes the POSIX Threads debugger help file,
     then returns control to the OpenVMS debugger. To get specific
     help on a POSIX Threads debugger Help topic, type PTHREAD HELP

   Ends a debugging session, or terminates one or more processes of
   a multiprocess program (similar to EXIT), but without allowing
   any application-declared exit handlers to run. If used within a
   command procedure or DO clause and no process is specified, it
   exits the command procedure or DO clause at that point.


     QUIT  [process-spec[, . . . ]]

3  Parameters


   (Kept debugger only.) Specifies a process currently under
   debugger control. Use any of the following forms:

   [%PROCESS_NAME] process-  The process name, if that name does not
   name                      contain spaces or lowercase characters.
                             The process name can include the
                             asterisk (*)  wildcard character.
   [%PROCESS_NAME]           The process name, if that name contains
   "process-name"            spaces or lowercase characters. You
                             can also use apostrophes (') instead of
                             quotation marks (").
   %PROCESS_PID process_id   The process identifier (PID, a
                             hexadecimal number).
   [%PROCESS_NUMBER]         The number assigned to a process when
   process-number            it comes under debugger control. A
   (or %PROC process-        new number is assigned sequentially,
   number)                   starting with 1, to each process. If
                             a process is terminated with the EXIT
                             or QUIT command, the number can be
                             assigned again during the debugging
                             session. Process numbers appear in a
                             SHOW PROCESS display. Processes are
                             ordered in a circular list so they can
                             be indexed with the built-in symbols
                             %PREVIOUS_PROCESS and %NEXT_PROCESS.
   process-set-name          A symbol defined with the
                             DEFINE/PROCESS_SET command to represent
                             a group of processes.
   %NEXT_PROCESS             The next process after the visible
                             process in the debugger's circular
                             process list.
   %PREVIOUS_PROCESS         The process previous to the visible
                             process in the debugger's circular
                             process list.
   %VISIBLE_PROCESS          The process whose stack, register set,
                             and images are the current context for
                             looking up symbols, register values,
                             routine calls, breakpoints, and so on.

   You can also use the asterisk (*)  wildcard character to specify
   all processes.

3  Description
   The QUIT command is simlar to the EXIT command, except that QUIT
   does not cause your program to execute and, therefore, does not
   execute any application-declared exit handlers in your program.

   Ending a Debugging Session:

   To end a debugging session, enter the QUIT command at the
   debugger prompt without specifying any parameters. This causes
   orderly termination of the session: the debugger exit handler
   is executed (closing log files, restoring the screen and keypad
   states, and so on), and control is returned to DCL level. You
   cannot then continue to debug your program by entering the DCL
   command DEBUG or CONTINUE (you must restart the debugger).

   Using the QUIT Command in Command Procedures and DO Clauses:

   When the debugger executes a QUIT command (without any
   parameters) in a command procedure, control returns to the
   command stream that invoked the command procedure. A command
   stream can be the terminal, an outer (containing) command
   procedure, or a DO clause in a command or screen display
   definition. For example, if the command procedure was invoked
   from within a DO clause, control returns to that DO clause, where
   the debugger executes the next command (if any remain in the
   command sequence).

   When the debugger executes a QUIT command (without any
   parameters) in a DO clause, it ignores any remaining commands
   in that clause and displays its prompt.

   Terminating Specified Processes:

   If you are debugging a multiprocess program, you can use the
   QUIT command to terminate specified processes without ending
   the debugging session. The same techniques and behavior apply,
   whether you enter the QUIT command at the prompt or use it within
   a command procedure or DO clause.

   To terminate one or more processes, enter the QUIT command,
   specifying these processes as parameters. This causes orderly
   termination of the images in these processes without executing
   any application-declared exit handlers associated with these
   images. Subsequently, the specified processes are no longer
   identified in a SHOW PROCESS/ALL display.

   In contrast to the EXIT command, the QUIT command does not cause
   any process to start execution.

   Related commands:

      @ (Execute Procedure)

3  Examples

   1.DBG> QUIT

     This command ends the debugging session and returns you to DCL


     This command causes orderly termination of three processes of
     a multiprocess program: the process after the visible process
     on the process list, process JONES_3, and process 5. Control
     is returned to the debugger after the specified processes have

   (Alpha only) When debugging Alpha operating system code with
   the OpenVMS Alpha System-Code Debugger, reboots the target
   machine running the Alpha operating system code and executes
   (or reexecutes) your system program.

   The REBOOT command, in other words, is similar to the RUN or
   RERUN commands when you are within the OpenVMS Alpha System-Code
   Debugger environment. (The OpenVMS Alpha System-Code Debugger
   is a kernel debugger that is activated through the OpenVMS

   Before you issue this command, you must have completed the
   instructions described in the Writing OpenVMS Alpha Device
   Drivers in C manual. These instructions include the creation of
   an Alpha device driver, the setup commands activating the OpenVMS
   Alpha System-Code Debugger, and the CONNECT command that allows
   you to debug.

   You must also have started the OpenVMS Debugger with the
   DEBUG/KEEP command.



3  Description
   For complete information on using the OpenVMS Alpha System-
   Code Debugger, see the Writing OpenVMS Alpha Device Drivers in
   C manual.

   Related commands:


3  Example


     This command reboots the target machine where you will be
     debugging the OpenVMS Alpha operating system and reruns your

   Executes a sequence of commands a specified number of times.


     REPEAT  language-expression DO (command[; . . . ])

3  Parameters


   Denotes any expression in the currently set language that
   evaluates to a positive integer.


   Specifies a debugger command. If you specify more than one
   command, you must separate the commands with semicolons (;).  At
   each execution, the debugger checks the syntax of any expressions
   in the commands and then evaluates them.

3  Description
   The REPEAT command is a simple form of the FOR command. The
   REPEAT command executes a sequence of commands repetitively a
   specified number of times, without providing the options for
   establishing count parameters that the FOR command does.

   Related commands:


3  Example


     This command line sets up a loop that issues a sequence of two
     commands (EXAMINE Y, then STEP) 10 times.

   Reruns the program currently under debugger control.


      Requires that you started your debugging session with the
      DCL command DEBUG/KEEP and then executed the debugger RUN
      command. If you began your session with the DCL command RUN
      filespec instead, you cannot use the debugger RERUN command.



3  Qualifiers



   Specifies a list of arguments. If you specify a quoted string,
   you might have to add quotation marks because the debugger strips
   them when parsing the string. If you do not specify arguments,
   any arguments that were specified previously when running or
   rerunning that program are applied, by default.


   (Applies only to workstation users.) Invokes the Heap Analyzer, a
   debugger feature that helps you understand how memory is used
   by your application. For more information on using the Heap
   Analyzer, see the OpenVMS Debugger Manual.


      /SAVE (default)

   Controls whether to save the current state (activated or
   deactivated) of all breakpoints, tracepoints, and static
   watchpoints for the next run of the program. The /SAVE qualifier
   specifies that their state is saved, and /NOSAVE specifies that
   their state is not saved. /SAVE may or may not save the state of
   a particular nonstatic watchpoint depending on the scope of the
   variable being watched relative to the main program unit (where
   execution restarts).

3  Description
   If you invoked the debugger with the DCL command DEBUG/KEEP and
   subsequently used the debugger RUN command to begin debugging
   your program, you can then use the RERUN command to rerun the
   program currently under debugger control.

   The RERUN command terminates the image you were debugging and
   then restarts that image under debugger control. Execution is
   paused at the start of the main program unit, as if you had used
   the debugger RUN command or the DCL command RUN/DEBUG.

   The RERUN command uses the same version of the image that is
   currently under debugger control. To debug a different version
   of that program (or a different program) from the same debugging
   session, use the RUN command.

   Related commands:

      RUN (debugger command)
      RUN (DCL command)

3  Examples


     This command reruns the current program. By default, the
     debugger saves the current state of all breakpoints,
     tracepoints, and static watchpoints (activated or deactivated).


     This command reruns the current program without saving the
     current state of breakpoints, tracepoints, and watchpoints-in
     effect, the same as using the RUN command and specifying the
     image name.

   3.DBG> RERUN/ARGUMENTS="fee fii foo fum"

     This command reruns the current program with new arguments.

2  RUN
   Runs a program under debugger control.


      Requires that you started your debugging session with the
      DCL command DEBUG/KEEP. If you began your session with
      the DCL command RUN filespec instead, you cannot use the
      debugger RUN command.


     RUN  [program-image]

3  Parameters


   Specifies the executable image of the program to be debugged.
   Do not specify an image if you use the /COMMAND=cmd-symbol

3  Qualifiers



   Specifies a list of arguments. If you specify a quoted string,
   you might have to add quotation marks because the debugger strips
   quotes when parsing the string.



   Specifies a DCL foreign command for running the program.

   Do not use this qualifier if you specify a program-image

   Do not specify a DCL command or any other command definition that
   was created with the SET COMMAND command.


   (Applies only to workstation users.) Invokes the Heap Analyzer, a
   debugger feature that helps you understand how memory is used
   by your application. For more information on using the Heap
   Analyzer, see the OpenVMS Debugger Manual.


   Runs a new program under debugger control without terminating any
   programs already running.

3  Description
   If you invoked the debugger with the DCL command DEBUG/KEEP, you
   can use the debugger RUN command at any time during a debugging
   session to start a program under debugger control. If you are in
   the midst of debugging a program when you issue the RUN command,
   that program will first be terminated unless you use the /NEW

   To run the same program again (that is, the same version of the
   program that is currently under debugger control), use the RERUN
   command. RERUN enables you to save the current state (activated
   or deactivated) of any breakpoints, tracepoints, and static

   Note the following restrictions about the debugger RUN command:

   o  You can use the RUN command only if you started the debugger
      with the DCL command DEBUG/KEEP.

   o  You cannot use the RUN command to connect the debugger to a
      running program. See the description of Ctrl/Y.

   o  You cannot run a program under debugger control over a DECnet
      link. Both the image to be debugged and the debugger must
      reside on the same node.

   Related commands:

      RUN (DCL command)
      Ctrl/Y-DEBUG (DCL command)
      DEBUG (DCL command)

3  Examples

     Language: C, Module: EIGHTQUEENS

     This command brings the program EIGHTQUEENS under debugger

          . . .

     The first line of this example creates a command symbol RUNPROG
     (at DCL level) to run an image named MYPROG.EXE. The second
     line starts the debugger. The debugger RUN command then brings
     the image MYPROG.EXE under debugger control. The /COMMAND
     qualifier specifies the command symbol previously created (in
     this case RUNPROG), and the /ARGUMENTS qualifier passes the
     arguments X Y Z to the image.


     This command brings the program MYPROG.EXE under debugger
     control and passes the arguments X Y Z.

   Preserves the contents of an existing screen display in a new


      This command is not available in the Compaq DECwindows Motif
      for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.


     SAVE  old-display AS new-display [, . . . ]

3  Parameters


   Specifies the display whose contents are saved. You can specify
   any of the following entities:

   o  A predefined display:

         FREG (Alpha only)

   o  A display previously created with the DISPLAY command

   o  A display built-in symbol:



   Specifies the name of the new display to be created. This new
   display then receives the contents of the old-disp display.

3  Description
   The SAVE command enables you to save a snapshot copy of an
   existing display in a new display for later reference. The new
   display is created with the same text contents as the existing
   display. In general, the new display is given all the attributes
   or characteristics of the old display except that it is removed
   from the screen and is never automatically updated. You can later
   recall the saved display to the terminal screen with the DISPLAY

   When you use the SAVE command, only those lines that are
   currently stored in the display's memory buffer (as determined
   by the /SIZE qualifier on the DISPLAY command) are stored in
   the saved display. However, in the case of a saved source or
   instruction display, you can also see any other source lines
   associated with that module or any other instructions associated
   with that routine (by scrolling the saved display).

   You cannot save the PROMPT display.

   Related commands:


3  Example


     This command saves the contents of the display named REG into
     the newly created display named OLDREG.

   Scrolls a screen display to make other parts of the text visible
   through the display window.


      This command is not available in the Compaq DECwindows Motif
      for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.


     SCROLL  [display-name]

3  Parameters


   Specifies a display to be scrolled. You can specify any of the
   following entities:

   o  A predefined display:

         FREG (Alpha only)

   o  A display previously created with the DISPLAY command

   o  A display built-in symbol:


   If you do not specify a display, the current scrolling display,
   as established by the SELECT command, is chosen.

3  Qualifiers


   Scrolls down to the bottom of the display's text.



   Scrolls down over the display's text by n lines to reveal text
   further down in the display. If you omit n, the display is
   scrolled by approximately 3/4 of its window height.



   Scrolls left over the display's text by n columns to reveal text
   beyond the left window border. You cannot scroll past column 1.
   If you omit n, the display is scrolled left by 8 columns.



   Scrolls right over the display's text by n columns to reveal text
   beyond the right window border. You cannot scroll past column
   255. If you omit n, the display is scrolled right by 8 columns.


   Scrolls up to the top of the display's text.



   Scrolls up over the display's text by n lines to reveal text
   further up in the display. If you omit n, the display is scrolled
   by approximately 3/4 of its window height.

3  Description
   The SCROLL command moves a display up, down, right, or left
   relative to its window so that various parts of the display text
   can be made visible through the window.

   Use the SELECT/SCROLL command to select the target display for
   the SCROLL command (the current scrolling display).

   For a list of the key definitions associated with the SCROLL
   command, type Help Keypad_Definitions_CI. Also, use the SHOW KEY
   command to determine the current key definitions.

   Related command: SELECT.

3  Examples


     This command scrolls the current scrolling display to the left
     by 8 columns.


     This command scrolls display ALPHA 4 lines up.

   Searches the source code for a specified string and displays
   source lines that contain an occurrence of the string.


     SEARCH  [range] [string]

3  Parameters


   Specifies a program region to be searched. Use any of the
   following formats:

   mod-name            Searches the specified module from line 0 to
                       the end of the module.
   mod-name\line-num   Searches the specified module from the
                       specified line number to the end of the
   mod-name\line-      Searches the specified module from the line
   num:line-num        number specified on the left of the colon to
                       the line number specified on the right.
   line-num            Uses the current scope to find a module and
                       searches that module from the specified line
                       number to the end of the module. The current
                       scope is established by a previous SET SCOPE
                       command, or the PC scope if you did not enter
                       a SET SCOPE command. If you specify a scope
                       search list with the SET SCOPE command, the
                       debugger searches only the module associated
                       with the first named scope.
   line-num:line-num   Uses the current scope to find a module and
                       searches that module from the line number
                       specified on the left of the colon to the
                       line number specified on the right. The
                       current scope is established by a previous
                       SET SCOPE command, or the PC scope if you
                       did not enter a SET SCOPE command. If you
                       specify a scope search list with the SET
                       SCOPE command, the debugger searches only the
                       module associated with the first named scope.
   null (no entry)     Searches the same module as that from which
                       a source line was most recently displayed
                       (as a result of a TYPE, EXAMINE/SOURCE,
                       or SEARCH command, for example), beginning
                       at the first line following the line most
                       recently displayed and continuing to the end
                       of the module.


   Specifies the source code characters for which to search. If you
   do not specify a string, the string specified in the last SEARCH
   command, if any, is used.

   You must enclose the string in quotation marks (")  or
   apostrophes (') under the following conditions:

   o  The string has any leading or ending space or tab characters

   o  The string contains an embedded semicolon

   o  The range parameter is null

   If the string is enclosed in quotation marks, use two consecutive
   quotation marks ("") to indicate an enclosed quotation mark.
   If the string is enclosed in apostrophes, use two consecutive
   apostrophes ('') to indicate an enclosed apostrophe.

3  Qualifiers


   Specifies that the debugger search for all occurrences of the
   string in the specified range and display every line containing
   an occurrence of the string.


   Specifies that the debugger search for an occurrence of the
   string in the specified range but display the string only if
   it is not bounded on either side by a character that can be part
   of an identifier in the current language.


   (Default) Specifies that the debugger search for the next
   occurrence of the string in the specified range and display only
   the line containing this occurrence.


   (Default) Specifies that the debugger search for and display the
   string as specified, and not interpret the context surrounding an
   occurrence of the string, as it does in the case of /IDENTIFIER.

3  Description
   The SEARCH command displays the lines of source code that contain
   an occurrence of a specified string.

   If you specify a module name with the SEARCH command, that module
   must be set. To determine whether a particular module is set,
   use the SHOW MODULE command, then use the SET MODULE command, if

   Qualifiers for the SEARCH command determine whether the debugger:
   (1)  searches for all occurrences (/ALL) of the string or only
   the next occurrence (/NEXT); and (2)  displays any occurrence
   of the string (/STRING) or only those occurrences in which the
   string is not bounded on either side by a character that can be
   part of an identifier in the current language (/IDENTIFIER).

   If you plan to enter several SEARCH commands with the same
   qualifier, you can first use the SET SEARCH command to establish
   a new default qualifier (for example, SET SEARCH ALL makes the
   SEARCH command behave like SEARCH/ALL). Then you do not have to
   use that qualifier with the SEARCH command. You can override the
   current default qualifiers for the duration of a single SEARCH
   command by specifying other qualifiers.

Related commands:


3  Examples

     module COBOLTEST
         40: 02      D2N     COMP-2 VALUE -234560000000.
         41: 02      D       COMP-2 VALUE  222222.33.
         42: 02      DN      COMP-2 VALUE -222222.333333.
         47: 02      DR0     COMP-2 VALUE  0.1.
         48: 02      DR5     COMP-2 VALUE  0.000001.
         49: 02      DR10    COMP-2 VALUE  0.00000000001.
         50: 02      DR15    COMP-2 VALUE  0.0000000000000001.

     This command searches for all occurrences of the letter D in
     lines 40 to 50 of the module COBOLTEST, the module that is in
     the current scope.

     module COBOLTEST
         41: 02      D       COMP-2 VALUE  222222.33.

     This command searches for all occurrences of the letter D in
     lines 40 to 50 of the module COBOLTEST. The debugger displays
     the only line where the letter D (the search string) is not
     bounded on either side by a character that can be part of an
     identifier in the current language.

   3.DBG> SEARCH/NEXT 40:50 D
     module COBOLTEST
         40: 02      D2N     COMP-2 VALUE -234560000000.

     This command searches for the next occurrence of the letter D
     in lines 40 to 50 of the module COBOLTEST.

     module COBOLTEST
         41: 02      D       COMP-2 VALUE  222222.33.

     This command searches for the next occurrence of the letter D.
     The debugger assumes D to be the search string because D was
     the last one entered and no other search string was specified.

   5.DBG> SEARCH 43 D
     module COBOLTEST
         47: 02      DR0     COMP-2 VALUE  0.1.

     This command searches for the next occurrence (by default) of
     the letter D, starting with line 43.

2  SDA
   Invokes the System Dump Analyzer (SDA) from within the OpenVMS
   debugger without terminating a debugger session.


     SDA  [sda-command]

3  Parameters


   One SDA command to be executed before returning control to the
   OpenVMS debugger.

3  Description
   The SDA command allows you to use the System Dump Analyzer (SDA)
   within the debugger for the following tasks:


   o  System code debugging with the System Code Debugger (SCD)
      (Alpha only)

   o  System dump analysis with the System Dump Debugger (SDD)
      (Alpha only)

   o  Process dump analysis with the System Dump Analyzer (SDA)
      (Alpha only)

   This gives you access to all SDA commands within the debugging
   session. When you exit SDA, you return to the same debugging
   session. Note that you do not have access to debugger commands
   within the SDA session.


      The SDA command is not available when debugging user-mode

   Related commands


3  Example

 OpenVMS (TM) Alpha process dump analyzer

  SDA> ..

     This example opens an SDA session within the OpenVMS debugger,
     performs some analysis, closes the SDA session and returns
     control to the debugger.


     This example show the execution of a single SDA command from
     within the debugger, followed by a return of control to the

   Selects a screen display as the current error, input,
   instruction, output, program, prompt, scrolling, or source


      This command is not available in the Compaq DECwindows Motif
      for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.


     SELECT  [display-name]

3  Parameters


   Specifies the display to be selected. You can specify any one
   of the following, with the restrictions noted in the qualifier

   o  A predefined display:

         FREG (Alpha only)

   o  A display previously created with the DISPLAY command

   o  A display built-in symbol:


   If you omit this parameter and do not specify a qualifier, you
   "unselect" the current scrolling display (no display then has the
   scrolling attribute). If you omit this parameter but specify a
   qualifier (/INPUT, /SOURCE, and so on), you unselect the current
   display with that attribute (see the qualifier descriptions).

3  Qualifiers


   Selects the specified display as the current error display. This
   causes all debugger diagnostic messages to go to that display.
   The display specified must be either an output display or the
   PROMPT display. If you do not specify a display, this qualifier
   selects the PROMPT display current error display. By default, the
   PROMPT display has the error attribute.


   Selects the specified display as the current input display. This
   causes that display to echo debugger input (which appears in the
   PROMPT display). The display specified must be an output display.

   If you do not specify a display, the current input display
   is unselected and debugger input is not echoed to any display
   (debugger input appears only in the PROMPT display). By default,
   no display has the input attribute.


   Selects the specified display as the current instruction display.
   This causes the output of all EXAMINE/INSTRUCTION commands to
   go to that display. The display specified must be an instruction

   If you do not specify a display, the current instruction display
   is unselected and no display has the instruction attribute.

   By default, for all languages except MACRO-32, no display has the
   instruction attribute. If the language is set to MACRO-32, the
   INST display has the instruction attribute by default.


   Selects the specified display as the current output display. This
   causes debugger output that is not already directed to another
   display to go to that display. The display specified must be
   either an output display or the PROMPT display.

   If you do not specify a display, the PROMPT display is selected
   as the current output display. By default, the OUT display has
   the output attribute.


   Selects the specified display as the current program display.
   This causes the debugger to try to force program input and
   output to that display. Currently, only the PROMPT display can
   be specified.

   If you do not specify a display, the current program display is
   unselected and program input and output are no longer forced to
   the specified display.

   By default, the PROMPT display has the program attribute, except
   on workstations, where the program attribute is unselected.


   Selects the specified display as the current prompt display.
   This is where the debugger prompts for input. Currently, only the
   PROMPT display can be specified. Moreover, you cannot unselect
   the PROMPT display (the PROMPT display always has the prompt


   (Default) Selects the specified display as the current scrolling
   display. This is the default display for the SCROLL, MOVE,
   and EXPAND commands. Although any display can have the scroll
   attribute, you can use only the MOVE and EXPAND commands (not the
   SCROLL command) with the PROMPT display.

   If you do not specify a display, the current scrolling display is
   unselected and no display has the scroll attribute.

   By default, for all languages except MACRO-32, the SRC display
   has the scroll attribute. If the language is set to MACRO-32, the
   INST display has the scroll attribute by default.


   Selects the specified display as the current source display. This
   causes the output of all TYPE and EXAMINE/SOURCE commands to go
   to that display. The display specified must be a source display.

   If you do not specify a display, the current source display is
   unselected and no display has the source attribute.

   By default, for all languages except MACRO-32, the SRC display
   has the source attribute. If the language is set to MACRO-32, no
   display has the source attribute by default.

3  Description
   Attributes are used to select the current scrolling display
   and to direct various types of debugger output to particular
   displays. This gives you the option of mixing or isolating
   different types of information, such as debugger input, output,
   diagnostic messages, and so on in scrollable displays.

   Use the SELECT command with one or more qualifiers (/ERROR,
   /SOURCE, and so on) to assign one or more corresponding
   attributes to a display. By default, if you do not specify a
   qualifier, /SCROLL is assumed.

   If you use the SELECT command without specifying a display name,
   the attribute assignment indicated by the qualifier is canceled
   (unselected). To reassign display attributes, you must use
   another SELECT command. For more information, see the individual

   For a list of the key definitions associated with the SELECT
   command, type Help Keypad_Definitions_CI. Also, use the SHOW KEY
   command to determine the current key definitions.

   Related commands:


3  Examples


     This command selects display SRC2 as the current source and
     scrolling display.


     This command selects display OUT as the current input and
     error display. This causes debugger input, debugger output
     (assuming OUT is the current output display), and debugger
     diagnostic messages to be logged in the OUT display in the
     correct sequence.


     This command unselects (deletes the source attribute from)
     the currently selected source display. The output of a TYPE
     or EXAMINE/SOURCE command then goes to the currently selected
     output display.

2  SET

   Assigns the debugger's abort function to another Ctrl-key
   sequence. By default, Ctrl/C does the abort function.


      This command is not available in the Compaq DECwindows Motif
      for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.


     SET ABORT_KEY  = CTRL_character

4  Parameters


   Specifies the key you press while holding down the Ctrl key. You
   can specify any alphabetic character.

4  Description
   By default, the Ctrl/C sequence, when entered within a debugging
   session, aborts the execution of a debugger command and
   interrupts program execution. The SET ABORT_KEY command enables
   you to assign the abort function to another Ctrl-key sequence.
   This might be necessary if your program has a Ctrl/C AST service
   routine enabled.

   Many Ctrl-key sequences have predefined functions, and the SET
   ABORT_KEY command enables you to override such definitions (see
   the OpenVMS User's Manual). Some of the Ctrl-key characters not
   used by the operating system are G, K, N, and P.

   The SHOW ABORT_KEY command identifies the Ctrl-key sequence
   currently in effect for the abort function.

   Do not use Ctrl/Y from within a debugging session. Instead, use
   either Ctrl/C or an equivalent Ctrl-key sequence established with
   the SET ABORT_KEY command.

   Related commands:


4  Example

 Abort Command Key is CTRL_C
      . . .
 DBG> EXAMINE/BYTE 1000:101000  !should have typed 1000:1010
 1000: 0
 1004: 0
 1008: 0
 1012: 0
 1016: 0
 %DEBUG-W-ABORTED, command aborted by user request
      . . .
 DBG> EXAMINE/BYTE 1000:101000  !should have typed 1000:1010
 1000: 0
 1004: 0
 1008: 0
 1012: 0
 1016: 0
 %DEBUG-W-ABORTED, command aborted by user request

     This example shows the following:

     o  Use of Ctrl/C for the abort function (default).

     o  Use of the SET ABORT_KEY command to reassign the abort
        function to Ctrl/P.

   Establishes the default file specification that the debugger uses
   when searching for command procedures.


     SET ATSIGN  file-spec

4  Parameters


   Specifies any part of a file specification (for example, a
   directory name or a file type) that the debugger is to use
   by default when searching for a command procedure. If you do
   not supply a full file specification, the debugger assumes
   SYS$DISK:[]DEBUG.COM as the default file specification for any
   missing field.

   You can specify a logical name that translates to a search list.
   In this case, the debugger processes the file specifications
   in the order they appear in the search list until the command
   procedure is found.

4  Description
   When you invoke a debugger command procedure with the execute
   procedure (@) command, the debugger assumes, by default, that the
   command procedure file specification is SYS$DISK:[]DEBUG.COM. The
   SET ATSIGN command enables you to override this default.

   Related commands:

      @ (Execute Procedure)

4  Example


     In this example, when you use the @TEST command, the debugger
     looks for the file TEST.DBG in USER:[JONES.DEBUG].

   Establishes a breakpoint at the location denoted by an address
   expression, at instructions of a particular class, or at the
   occurrence of specified events.


     SET BREAK  [address-expression[, . . . ]]


                [DO(command[; . . . ])]

4  Parameters


   Specifies an address expression (a program location) at which
   a breakpoint is to be set. With high-level languages, this
   is typically a line number, a routine name, or a label, and
   can include a path name to specify the entity uniquely. More
   generally, an address expression can also be a memory address or
   a register and can be composed of numbers (offsets) and symbols,
   as well as one or more operators, operands, or delimiters. For
   information about the operators that you can use in address
   expressions, see the Address_Expressions help topic.

   Do not specify the asterisk (*)  wildcard character. Do not
   specify an address expression with any of the following

      /INSTRUCTION=(opcode[, . . . ]) (VAX only)
      /[NO]JSB (VAX only)
      /SYSEMULATE (Alpha only)
      /UNALIGNED_DATA (Alpha only)

   The /MODIFY and /RETURN qualifiers are used with specific kinds
   of address expressions.

   If you specify a memory address or an address expression whose
   value is not a symbolic location, check (with the EXAMINE
   command) that an instruction actually begins at the byte of
   memory so indicated. If an instruction does not begin at this
   byte, a run-time error can occur when an instruction including
   that byte is executed. When you set a breakpoint by specifying
   an address expression whose value is not a symbolic location, the
   debugger does not verify that the location specified marks the
   beginning of an instruction.

   On VAX systems, CALLS and CALLG routines start with an entry


   Specifies a conditional expression in the currently set
   language that is to be evaluated whenever execution reaches the
   breakpoint. (The debugger checks the syntax of the expressions in
   the WHEN clause when execution reaches the breakpoint, not when
   the breakpoint is set.) If the expression is true, the debugger
   reports that a breakpoint has been triggered. If an action (DO
   clause) is associated with the breakpoint, it will occur at this
   time. If the expression is false, a report is not issued, the
   commands specified by the DO clause (if one was specified) are
   not executed, and program execution is continued.


   Specifies a debugger command to be executed as part of the DO
   clause when break action is taken. The debugger checks the syntax
   of the commands in a DO clause when it executes the DO clause,
   not when the breakpoint is set.

4  Qualifiers


   Causes the debugger to break when a new process comes under
   debugger control. The debugger prompt is displayed when the first
   process comes under debugger control. This enables you to enter
   debugger commands before the program has started execution. See
   also the /TERMINATING qualifier.



   Specifies that break action not be taken until the nth time the
   designated breakpoint is encountered (n is a decimal integer).
   Thereafter, the breakpoint occurs every time it is encountered
   provided that conditions in the WHEN clause (if specified) are
   true. The SET BREAK/AFTER:1 command has the same effect as SET


   Causes the debugger to break on every branch instruction
   encountered during program execution. See also the /INTO and
   /OVER qualifiers.


   Causes the debugger to break on every call instruction
   encountered during program execution, including the RET
   instruction. See also the /INTO and /OVER qualifiers.



   Causes the debugger to break on the specified event (if that
   event is defined and detected by the current event facility).
   If you specify an address expression with /EVENT, causes the
   debugger to break whenever the specified event occurs for that
   address expression. You cannot specify an address expression with
   certain event names.

   Event facilities are available for programs that call Ada or SCAN
   routines or that use POSIX Threads services. Use the SHOW EVENT_
   FACILITY command to identify the current event facility and the
   associated event names.


   Causes the debugger to break whenever an exception is signaled.
   The break action occurs before any application-declared exception
   handlers are invoked.

   As a result of a SET BREAK/EXCEPTION command, whenever your
   program generates an exception, the debugger suspends program
   execution, reports the exception, and displays its prompt. When
   you resume execution from an exception breakpoint, the behavior
   is as follows:

   o  If you enter a GO command without an address-expression
      parameter, the exception is resignaled, thus allowing any
      application-declared exception handler to execute.

   o  If you enter a GO command with an address-expression
      parameter, program execution continues at the specified
      location, thus inhibiting the execution of any application-
      declared exception handler.

   o  On VAX, if you enter a STEP command, the debugger steps into
      any application-declared exception handler. If there is no
      application-declared handler for that exception, the debugger
      resignals the exception.

      On Alpha, you must explicitly set a breakpoint in the
      exception handler before entering a STEP or a GO command to
      get the debugger to suspend execution within the handler.

   o  If you enter a CALL command, the routine specified is

   On Alpha processors, an exception might not be delivered (to
   the program or debugger) immediately after the execution of the
   instruction that caused the exception. Therefore, the debugger
   might suspend execution on an instruction beyond the one that
   actually caused the exception.


   Causes the debugger to scan the call stack and attempt to set
   a breakpoint on every established frame-based handler whenever
   the program being debugged has an exception. The debugger does
   not discriminate between standard RTL handlers and user-defined

   On Alpha systems, many RTLs establish a jacket RTL handler on a
   frame where the user program has defined its own handler. This
   RTL jacket does some setup and argument manipulation before
   actually calling the handler defined by the user. When processing
   the exception, the debugger sets the breakpoint on the jacket RTL
   jacket handler, because that is the address on the call stack. If
   the debugger suspends program execution at a jacket RTL handler,
   you can usually reach the user-defined handler by entering a
   STEP/CALL command followed by a STEP/INTO command. Some cases
   might require that you enter additional sequences of STEP/CALL
   and STEP/INTO commands. See the OpenVMS Calling Standard for more
   information on frame-based handlers.

   If the jacket RTL handler is part of an installed shared image
   such as ALPHA LIBOTS, the debugger cannot set a breakpoint on it.
   In this case, activate the RTL as a private image by defining the
   RTL as a logical name. For example:


   Note that the trailing semicolon (;) is required.


      /INSTRUCTION[=(opcode[, . . . ])]

   When you do not specify an opcode, causes the debugger to break
   on every instruction encountered during program execution.

   On VAX processors only, you can optionally specify one or more
   opcodes. This causes the debugger to break on every instruction
   with an opcode that is on the list.

   If you specify a vector instruction (VAX only), do not include
   an instruction qualifier (/UNALIGNED_DATA, /VECTOR_INSTRUCTION,
   /MODIFY, /0, or /1) with the instruction mnemonic.

   See also the /INTO and /OVER qualifiers.


   (Default) Applies only to breakpoints set with the following
   qualifiers (that is, when an address expression is not explicitly

      /INSTRUCTION=(opcode[, . . . ]) (VAX only)

   When used with those qualifiers, /INTO causes the debugger to
   break at the specified points within called routines (as well as
   within the routine in which execution is currently suspended).
   The /INTO qualifier is the default and is the opposite of /OVER.

   When using /INTO, you can further qualify the break action with
   /[NO]JSB, /[NO]SHARE, and /[NO]SYSTEM.



   (VAX only) Qualifies /INTO. Use with /INTO and one of the
   following qualifiers:

      /INSTRUCTION=(opcode[, . . . ])

   The /JSB qualifier is the default for all languages except DIBOL.
   It lets the debugger break within routines that are called by the
   JSB or CALL instruction. The /NOJSB qualifier (the DIBOL default)
   specifies that breakpoints not be set within routines called
   by JSB instructions. In DIBOL, application-declared routines
   are called by the CALL instruction and DIBOL Run-Time Library
   routines are called by the JSB instruction.


   Causes the debugger to break on the beginning of each source
   line encountered during program execution. See also the /INTO and
   /OVER qualifiers.


   Causes the debugger to break on every instruction that writes to
   and modifies the value of the location indicated by the address
   expression. The address expression is typically a variable name.

   The SET BREAK/MODIFY command acts exactly like a SET WATCH
   command and operates under the same restrictions.

   If you specify an absolute address for the address expression,
   the debugger might not be able to associate the address with
   a particular data object. In this case, the debugger uses a
   default length of 4 bytes. You can change this length, however,
   by setting the type to either WORD (SET TYPE WORD, which changes
   the default length to 2 bytes) or BYTE (SET TYPE BYTE, which
   changes the default length to 1 byte). SET TYPE LONGWORD restores
   the default length of 4 bytes.


   Applies only to breakpoints set with the following qualifiers
   (that is, when an address expression is not explicitly

      /INSTRUCTION=(opcode[, . . . ]) (VAX only)

   When used with those qualifiers, /OVER causes the debugger to
   break at the specified points only within the routine in which
   execution is currently suspended (not within called routines).
   The /OVER qualifier is the opposite of /INTO (which is the


   Causes the debugger to break on the return instruction of the
   routine associated with the specified address expression (which
   can be a routine name, line number, and so on). Breaking on the
   return instruction enables you to inspect the local environment
   (for example, obtain the values of local variables) while
   the routine is still active. Note that the view of a local
   environment may differ depending on your architecture.

   On VAX processors, this qualifier can only be applied to routines
   called with a CALLS or CALLG instruction; it cannot be used with
   JSB routines. On Alpha processors, this qualifier can be applied
   to any routine.

   The address-expression parameter is an instruction address within
   a routine. It can simply be a routine name, in which case it
   specifies the routine start address. However, you can also
   specify another location in a routine, so you can see only those
   returns that are taken after a certain code path is followed.

   A SET BREAK/RETURN command cancels a previous SET BREAK if you
   specify the same address expression.


      /SHARE (default)

   Qualifies /INTO. Use with /INTO and one of the following

      /INSTRUCTION=(opcode[, . . . ]) (VAX only)

   The /SHARE qualifier permits the debugger to break within
   shareable image routines as well as other routines. The /NOSHARE
   qualifier specifies that breakpoints not be set within shareable


      /NOSILENT (default)

   Controls whether the "break . . . " message and the source line
   for the current location are displayed at the breakpoint. The
   /NOSILENT qualifier specifies that the message is displayed. The
   /SILENT qualifier specifies that the message and the source line
   are not displayed. The /SILENT qualifier overrides /SOURCE. See
   also the SET STEP [NO]SOURCE command.


      /SOURCE (default)

   Controls whether the source line for the current location is
   displayed at the breakpoint. The /SOURCE qualifier specifies that
   the source line is displayed. The /NOSOURCE qualifier specifies
   that no source line is displayed. The /SILENT qualifier overrides
   /SOURCE. See also the SET STEP [NO]SOURCE command.



   (Alpha only) Stops program execution and returns control to the
   debugger after the operating system emulates an instruction.
   The optional argument mask is an unsigned quadword with bits
   set to specify which emulated instruction groups shall cause
   breakpoints. The only emulated instruction group currently
   defined consists of the BYTE and WORD instructions. Select this
   instruction group by setting bit 0 of mask to 1.

   If mask is not specified or if mask = FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, the
   debugger stops program execution when the operating system
   emulates any instruction.


      /SYSTEM (default)

   Qualifies /INTO. Use with /INTO and one of the following

      /INSTRUCTION=(opcode[, . . . ]) (VAX only)

   The /SYSTEM qualifier permits the debugger to break within system
   routines (P1 space) as well as other routines. The /NOSYSTEM
   qualifier specifies that breakpoints not be set within system


   Causes the breakpoint to disappear after it is triggered (the
   breakpoint does not remain permanently set).


   Causes the debugger to break when a process does an image exit.
   The debugger gains control and displays its prompt when the
   last image of a one-process or multiprocess program exits. A
   process is terminated when the image has executed the $EXIT
   system service and all of its exit handlers have executed. See
   also the /ACTIVATING qualifier.


   (Alpha only) Causes the debugger to break directly after any
   instruction that accesses unaligned data (for example, after a
   load word instruction that accesses data that is not on a word


   (VAX only) Causes the debugger to break on every vector
   instruction encountered during program execution. See also the
   /INTO and /OVER qualifiers.

4  Description
   When a breakpoint is triggered, the debugger takes the following

   1. Suspends program execution at the breakpoint location.

   2. If you specified /AFTER when you set the breakpoint, checks
      the AFTER count. If the specified number of counts has not
      been reached, execution resumes and the debugger does not do
      the remaining steps.

   3. Evaluates the expression in a WHEN clause, if you specified
      one when you set the breakpoint. If the value of the
      expression is false, execution resumes and the debugger does
      not do the remaining steps.

   4. Reports that execution has reached the breakpoint location by
      issuing a "break . . . " message, unless you specified /SILENT.

   5. Displays the line of source code at which execution is
      suspended, unless you specified /NOSOURCE or /SILENT when
      you set the breakpoint or unless you previously entered SET

   6. Executes the commands in a DO clause, if you specified one
      when you set the breakpoint. If the DO clause contains a GO
      command, execution continues and the debugger does not perform
      the next step.

   7. Issues the prompt.

   You set a breakpoint at a particular location in your program
   by specifying an address expression with the SET BREAK command.
   You set a breakpoint on consecutive source lines, classes of
   instructions, or events by specifying a qualifier with the SET
   BREAK command. Generally, you must specify either an address
   expression or a qualifier, but not both. Exceptions are /EVENT
   and /RETURN.

   The /LINE qualifier sets a breakpoint on each line of source

   The following qualifiers set breakpoints on classes of
   instructions. Using these qualifiers with /LINE causes the
   debugger to trace every instruction of your program as it
   executes and thus significantly slows down execution:

      /INSTRUCTION=(opcode[, . . . ]) (VAX only)

   The following qualifiers set breakpoints on classes of events:

      /SYSEMULATE (Alpha only)
      /UNALIGNED_DATA (Alpha only)

   The following qualifiers affect what happens at a routine call:

      /[NO]JSB (VAX only)

4  Description,_Continued...

   The following qualifiers affect what output is displayed when a
   breakpoint is reached:


   The following qualifiers affect the timing and duration of


   Use the /MODIFY qualifier to monitor changes at program locations
   (typically changes in the values of variables).

   If you set a breakpoint at a location currently used as
   a tracepoint, the tracepoint is canceled in favor of the
   breakpoint, and vice versa.

   On OpenVMS Alpha systems, the SET BREAK/UNALIGNED_DATA command
   calls the $START_ALIGN_FAULT_REPORT system service routine. Do
   not issue this command if the program you are debugging includes
   a call to the same $START_ALIGN_FAULT_REPORT routine. If you
   issue the command before the program call, the program call
   fails. If the program call occurs before you issue the command,
   unaligned breaks are not set.

   Breakpoints can be user defined or predefined. User-defined
   breakpoints are set explicitly with the SET BREAK command.
   Predefined breakpoints, which depend on the type of program you
   are debugging (for example, Ada or multiprocess), are established
   automatically when you start the debugger. Use the SHOW BREAK
   command to identify all breakpoints that are currently set. Any
   predefined breakpoints are identified as such.

   User-defined and predefined breakpoints are set and canceled
   independently. For example, a location or event can have both
   a user-defined and a predefined breakpoint. Canceling the user-
   defined breakpoint does not affect the predefined breakpoint, and

   Related commands:


4  Examples


     This command causes the debugger to break on line 12 of module


     This command causes the debugger to break on the third and
     subsequent times that SUB2 (a routine) is executed.


     This command causes the debugger to break at location LOOP1. At
     the breakpoint, the following commands are issued, in the order
     given: (1)  EXAMINE D, (2) STEP, (3)  EXAMINE Y, and (4)  GO.
     The /NOSOURCE qualifier suppresses the display of source code
     at the breakpoint.


     This command causes the debugger to break on routine ROUT3 when
     X is greater than 4. At the breakpoint, the EXAMINE Y command
     is issued. The syntax of the conditional expression in the WHEN
     clause is language-dependent.

     breakpoint at 1440 [temporary]

     This command sets a temporary breakpoint at memory address
     1440. After that breakpoint is triggered, it disappears.


     This command causes the debugger to break on the beginning of
     every source line encountered during program execution.


     These two commands cause the debugger to break when X is not
     equal to 0. The first command tests for the condition at the
     beginning of every source line encountered during execution.
     The second command tests for the condition at each instruction.
     The syntax of the conditional expression in the WHEN clause is


     This command causes the debugger to break whenever the return
     instruction of routine ROUT4 is about to be executed.


     This command causes the debugger to break whenever an exception
     is signaled. At the breakpoint, the SET MODULE/CALLS and SHOW
     CALLS commands are issued.


     This command causes the debugger to break whenever a process of
     a multiprocess program is brought under debugger control.

   Establishes a default qualifier (/ADDRESS, /COMMAND, /PROCESS_
   GROUP, or /VALUE) for the DEFINE command.


     SET DEFINE  define-default

4  Parameters


   Specifies the default to be established for the DEFINE command.
   Valid keywords (which correspond to DEFINE command qualifiers)
   are as follows:

   ADDRESS          Subsequent DEFINE commands are treated as
                    DEFINE/ADDRESS. This is the default.
   COMMAND          Subsequent DEFINE commands are treated as
   PROCESS_SET      Subsequent DEFINE commands are treated as
   VALUE            Subsequent DEFINE commands are treated as

4  Description
   The SET DEFINE command establishes a default qualifier for
   subsequent DEFINE commands. The parameters that you specify in
   the SET DEFINE command have the same names as the qualifiers for
   the DEFINE command. The qualifiers determine whether the DEFINE
   command binds a symbol to an address, a command string, a list of
   processes, or a value.

   You can override the current DEFINE default for the duration of
   a single DEFINE command by specifying another qualifier. Use the
   SHOW DEFINE command to identify the current DEFINE defaults.

   Related commands:


4  Example


     The SET DEFINE VALUE command specifies that subsequent DEFINE
     commands are treated as DEFINE/VALUE.

   Establishes the editor that is started by the EDIT command.


     SET EDITOR  [command-line]

4  Parameters


   Specifies a command line to start a particular editor on your
   system when you use the EDIT command.

   You need not specify a command line if you use /CALLABLE_EDT,
   /CALLABLE_LSEDIT, or /CALLABLE_TPU. If you do not use one of
   these qualifiers, the editor specified in the SET EDITOR command
   line is spawned to a subprocess when you enter the EDIT command.

   You can specify a command line with /CALLABLE_LSEDIT or
   /CALLABLE_TPU but not with /CALLABLE_EDT.

4  Qualifiers


   Specifies that the callable version of the EDT editor is started
   when you use the EDIT command. Do not specify a command line with
   this qualifier (a command line of "EDT" is used).


   (VAX only) Specifies that the callable version of the DEC
   Language-Sensitive Editor (LSEDIT) is started when you use the
   EDIT command. If you also specify a command line, it is passed
   to callable LSEDIT. If you do not specify a command line, the
   default command line is LSEDIT.


   Specifies that the callable version of the DEC Text Processing
   Utility (DECTPU) is started when you use the EDIT command. If you
   also specify a command line, it is passed to callable DECTPU. If
   you do not specify a command line, the default command line is


      /NOSTART_POSITION (default)

   Controls whether the /START_POSITION qualifier is appended
   to the specified or default command line when you enter the
   EDIT command. Currently, only DECTPU and the DEC Language-
   Sensitive Editor (specified as TPU or /CALLABLE_TPU, and LSEDIT
   or /CALLABLE_LSEDIT, respectively) support this qualifier.

   The /START_POSITION qualifier affects the initial position of
   the editor's cursor. By default (/NOSTART_POSITION), the editor's
   cursor is placed at the beginning of source line 1, regardless
   of which line is centered in the debugger's source display or
   whether you specify a line number in the EDIT command. If you
   specify /START_POSITION, the cursor is placed either on the
   line whose number you specify in the EDIT command, or (if you
   do not specify a line number) on the line that is centered in the
   current source display.

4  Description
   The SET EDITOR command enables you to specify any editor that is
   installed on your system. In general, the command line specified
   as parameter to the SET EDITOR command is spawned and executed in
   a subprocess.

   On VAX processors, if you use EDT, LSEDIT, or DECTPU, you can
   start these editors in a more efficient way. You can specify
   the callable versions of EDT, LSEDIT, and DECTPU, respectively,
   to be invoked by the EDIT command. In the case of LSEDIT and
   DECTPU, you can also specify a command line that is executed by
   the callable editor.

   On Alpha processors, you can use /CALLABLE_EDT or /CALLABLE_TPU,
   but not /CALLABLE_LSEDIT.

   Related commands:


4  Examples


     This command causes the EDIT command to spawn the command line
     '@MAIL$EDIT ""', which starts the same editor as you use in


     This command causes the EDIT command to start callable DECTPU
     with the default command line of TPU.


     This command causes the EDIT command to start callable DECTPU
     with the command line TPU/SECTION=MYSECINI.TPU$SECTION.


     This command causes the EDIT command to start callable EDT
     with the default command line of EDT. Also the /START_POSITION
     qualifier is appended to the command line, so that the editing
     session starts on the source line that is centered in the
     debugger's current source display.

   Establishes the current event facility.

   Event facilities are available for programs that call Ada or SCAN
   routines or that use POSIX Threads services.


     SET EVENT_FACILITY  facility-name

4  Parameters


   Specifies an event facility. Valid facility-name keywords are as

   ADA        If the event facility is set to ADA, the (SET,CANCEL)
              BREAK and (SET,CANCEL) TRACE commands recognize Ada-
              specific events as well as generic, low-level task
              events. (Ada events consist of task and exception

              You can set the event facility to ADA only if the main
              program is written in Ada or if the program calls an
              Ada routine.
   THREADS    If the event facility is set to THREADS, the
              (SET,CANCEL) BREAK and (SET,CANCEL) TRACE commands
              recognize POSIX Threads-specific as well as generic,
              low-level task events. All POSIX Threads events are
              task (thread) events.

              You can set the event facility to THREADS only if
              the shareable image CMA$RTL is currently part of the
              program's process (if that image is listed in a SHOW
              IMAGE display).
   SCAN       (VAX only) If the event facility is set to SCAN, the
              (SET,CANCEL) BREAK and (SET,CANCEL) TRACE commands
              recognize SCAN (pattern-matching) events.

              You can set the event facility to SCAN only if the main
              program is written in SCAN or if the program calls a
              SCAN routine.

4  Description
   The current event facility (ADA, THREADS, or SCAN) defines the
   eventpoints that you can set with the SET BREAK/EVENT and SET
   TRACE/EVENT commands.

   When started with a program that is linked with an event
   facility, the debugger automatically sets the facility in a
   manner appropriate for the type of program. For example, if the
   main program is written in Ada or SCAN, the event facility is set
   to ADA or SCAN, respectively.

   The SET EVENT_FACILITY command enables you to change the event
   facility and thereby change your debugging context. This is
   useful if you have a multilanguage program and want to debug
   a routine that is associated with an event facility but that
   facility is not currently set.

   On VAX processors, you cannot use both Ada and POSIX Threads
   tasking services in the same program. This implies that you can
   change the event facility only from ADA to SCAN or from POSIX
   Threads to SCAN, or conversely.

   Use the SHOW EVENT_FACILITY command to identify the event
   names associated with the current event facility. These are the
   keywords that you can specify with the (SET,CANCEL) BREAK/EVENT
   and (SET,CANCEL) TRACE/EVENT commands.

   Related commands:


4  Example


     This command establishes THREADS (POSIX Threads) as the current
     event facility.

   Loads symbol information for one or more shareable images and
   establishes the current image.


     SET IMAGE  [image-name[, . . . ]]

4  Parameters


   Specifies a shareable image to be set. Do not use the asterisk
   (*)  wildcard character. Instead, use the /ALL qualifier. Do not
   specify an image name with /ALL.

4  Qualifiers


   Specifies that all shareable images are set.

4  Description
   The SET IMAGE command builds data structures for one or more
   specified images but does not set any modules within the images

   The current image is the current debugging context: you have
   access to symbols in the current image. If you specify only one
   image with the SET IMAGE command, that image becomes the current
   image. If you specify a list of images, the last one in the list
   becomes the current image. If you specify /ALL, the current image
   is unchanged.

   Before an image can be set with the SET IMAGE command, it must
   have been linked with the /DEBUG or /TRACEBACK qualifier on the
   DCL command LINK. If an image was linked /NOTRACEBACK, no symbol
   information is available for that image and you cannot specify it
   with the SET IMAGE command.

   Definitions created with the DEFINE/ADDRESS and DEFINE/VALUE
   commands are available only when the image in whose context they
   were created is the current image. When you use the SET IMAGE
   command to establish a new current image, these definitions are
   temporarily unavailable. However, definitions created with the
   DEFINE/COMMAND and DEFINE/KEY commands are available for all

   Related commands:


4  Example


     This sequence of commands shows how to set a breakpoint on
     routine SUBR in module SUBR of shareable image SHARE1. The SET
     IMAGE command sets the debugging context to SHARE1. The SET
     MODULE command loads the symbol records of module SUBR into
     the run-time symbol table (RST). The SET BREAK command sets a
     breakpoint on routine SUBR.

3  KEY
   Establishes the current key state.


      This command is not available in the Compaq DECwindows Motif
      for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.


     SET KEY

4  Qualifiers


      /LOG (default)

   Controls whether a message is displayed indicating that the key
   state has been set. The /LOG qualifier displays the message. The
   /NOLOG qualifier suppresses the message.


      /NOSTATE (default)

   Specifies a key state to be established as the current state.
   You can specify a predefined key state, such as GOLD, or
   a user-defined state. A state name can be any appropriate
   alphanumeric string. The /NOSTATE qualifier leaves the current
   state unchanged.

4  Description
   Keypad mode must be enabled (SET MODE KEYPAD) before you can use
   this command. Keypad mode is enabled by default.

   By default, the current key state is the DEFAULT state. When
   you define function keys, you can use the DEFINE/KEY /IF_STATE
   command to assign a specific state name to the key definition.
   If that state is not set when you press the key, the definition
   is not processed. The SET KEY/STATE command enables you to change
   the current state to the appropriate state.

   You can also change the current state by pressing a key
   that causes a state change (a key that was defined with

   Related commands:

      SHOW KEY

4  Example


     This command changes the key state to the PROG3 state. You
     can now use the key definitions that are associated with this

   Establishes the current language.


     SET LANGUAGE  language-name

4  Parameters


   Specifies a language.

   On VAX processors, valid keywords are:

   ADA          BASIC      BLISS     C
   MACRO        PASCAL     PLI       RPG
   SCAN         UNKNOWN

   On Alpha processors, valid keywords are:

   ADA        AMACRO       BASIC     BLISS
   C          C_PLUS_PLUS  COBOL     FORTRAN
   MACRO      MACRO64      PASCAL    PLI

4  Description
   When you start the debugger, the current language is set to that
   in which the module containing the main program is written. This
   is usually the module containing the image transfer address. To
   debug a module written in a different source language from that
   of the main program, you can change the language with the SET
   LANGUAGE command.

   The current language setting determines how the debugger parses
   and interprets the names, operators, and expressions you specify
   in debugger commands, including things like the typing of
   variables, array and record syntax, the default radix for the
   entry and display of integer data, case sensitivity, and so on.
   The language setting also determines how the debugger formats and
   displays data associated with your program.

   The default radix for both data entry and display is decimal for
   most languages. On VAX processors, the exceptions are BLISS and
   MACRO-32, which have a default radix of hexadecimal. On Alpha
   processors, the exceptions are BLISS, MACRO-32, and MACRO-64,
   which have a default radix of hexadecimal.

   The default type for program locations that do not have a
   compiler-generated type is longword integer. This is appropriate
   for debugging 32-bit applications. It might be advisable to
   change the default type to quadword for debugging applications
   that use the 64-bit address space. Use the SET TYPE QUADWORD

   Use the SET LANGUAGE UNKNOWN command when debugging a program
   written in an unsupported language. To maximize the usability
   of the debugger with unsupported languages, SET LANGUAGE UNKNOWN
   causes the debugger to accept a large set of data formats and
   operators, including some that might be specific to only a few
   supported languages.

   Note that SET LANGUAGE UNKNOWN can be an easy, quick workaround
   for language-related problems because it uses the "loosest" set
   of rules.

   For information about debugger support for language-specific
   operators and constructs, see the Language_Support help topic.

   Related commands:

      SET MODE
      SET TYPE

4  Examples


     This command establishes COBOL as the current language.


     This command establishes Pascal as the current language.

   Toggles the state of automatic language setting.



5  Description
   When you start the debugger, the current language is set to that
   in which the module containing the main program is written. This
   is usually the module containing the image transfer address. By
   default, when the scope of the program being executed changes to
   a module written in a different language, the debugger changes
   the current language to that of the module.

   You can prevent the debugger from automatically changing the
   current language with the SET LANGUAGE/NODYNAMIC command.

   Related commands:


5  Examples


     This command prevents the debugger from changing the current
     language until you enter a SET LANGUAGE or SET LANGUAGE/DYNAMIC

3  LOG
   Specifies a log file to which the debugger writes after a SET
   OUTPUT LOG command has been entered.


     SET LOG  file-spec

4  Parameters


   Denotes the file specification of the log file. If you do
   not supply a full file specification, the debugger assumes
   SYS$DISK:[]DEBUG.LOG as the default file specification for any
   missing field.

   If you specify a version number and that version of the file
   already exists, the debugger writes to the file specified,
   appending the log of the debugging session onto the end of that

4  Description
   The SET LOG command determines only the name of a log file; it
   does not cause the debugger to create or write to the specified
   file. The SET OUTPUT LOG command accomplishes that.

   If you entered a SET OUTPUT LOG command but no SET LOG command,
   the debugger writes to the file SYS$DISK:[]DEBUG.LOG by default.

   If the debugger is writing to a log file and you specify another
   log file with the SET LOG command, the debugger closes the former
   file and begins writing to the file specified in the SET LOG

   Related commands:

      SHOW LOG

4  Examples


     In this example, the SET LOG command specifies the debugger
     log file to be SYS$DISK:[]CALC.LOG. The SET OUTPUT LOG command
     causes user input and debugger output to be logged to that


     In this example, the SET LOG command specifies the debugger
     log file to be [CODEPROJ]FEB29.TMP. The SET OUTPUT LOG command
     causes user input and debugger output to be logged to that

   Specifies the leftmost and rightmost source-line character
   position at which to begin and end display of a source line.


      This command is not available in the Compaq DECwindows Motif
      for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.


     SET MARGINS  rm




4  Parameters


   The source-line character position at which to begin display of
   the line of source code (the left margin).


   The source-line character position at which to end display of the
   line of source code (the right margin).

4  Description
   The SET MARGINS command affects only the display of source lines.
   It does not affect the display of other debugger output, as from
   an EXAMINE command.

   The SET MARGINS command is useful for controlling the display
   of source code when, for example, the code is deeply indented
   or long lines wrap at the right margin. In such cases, you can
   set the left margin to eliminate indented space in the source
   display, and you can decrease the right margin setting (from its
   default value of 255) to truncate lines and prevent them from

   The SET MARGINS command is useful mostly in line (noscreen) mode.
   In line mode, the SET MARGINS command affects the display of
   source lines resulting from a TYPE, EXAMINE/SOURCE, SEARCH, or
   STEP command, or when a breakpoint, tracepoint, or watchpoint is

   In screen mode, the SET MARGINS command has no effect on
   the display of source lines in a source display, such as the
   predefined display SRC. Therefore it does not affect the output
   of a TYPE or EXAMINE/SOURCE command, since that output is
   directed at a source display. The SET MARGINS command affects
   only the display of any source code that might appear in an
   output or DO display (for example, after a STEP command has
   been executed). However, such source-code display is normally
   suppressed if you enable screen mode by pressing PF1-PF3, because
   that sequence issues the SET STEP NOSOURCE command as well as SET
   MODE SCREEN to eliminate redundant source display.

   By default, the debugger displays a source line starting at
   character position 1 of the source line. This is actually
   character position 9 on your terminal screen. The first eight
   character positions on the screen are reserved for the line
   number and cannot be manipulated by the SET MARGINS command.

   If you specify a single number, the debugger sets the left margin
   to 1 and the right margin to the number specified.

   If you specify two numbers, separated with a colon, the debugger
   sets the left margin to the number on the left of the colon and
   the right margin to the number on the right.

   If you specify a single number followed by a colon, the debugger
   sets the left margin to that number and leaves the right margin

   If you specify a colon followed by a single number, the debugger
   sets the right margin to that number and leaves the left margin

   Related commands:


4  Examples

     left margin: 1 , right margin: 255
     DBG> TYPE 14
     module FORARRAY
        14:        DIMENSION IARRAY(4:5,5), VECTOR(10), I3D(3,3,4)

     This example displays the default margin settings for a line of
     source code (1 and 255).

     left margin: 1 , right margin: 39
     DBG> TYPE 14
     module FORARRAY
        14:        DIMENSION IARRAY(4:5,5), VECTOR

     This example shows how the display of a line of source code
     changes when you change the right margin setting from 255 to

   3.DBG> SET MARGINS 10:45
     left margin: 10 , right margin: 45
     DBG> TYPE 14
     module FORARRAY
        14: IMENSION IARRAY(4:5,5), VECTOR(10),

     This example shows the display of the same line of source code
     after both margins are changed.

   4.DBG> SET MARGINS :100
     left margin: 10 , right margin: 100

     This example shows how to change the right margin setting while
     retaining the previous left margin setting.

     left margin: 5 , right margin: 100

     This example shows how to change the left margin setting while
     retaining the previous right margin setting.

   Enables or disables a debugger mode.


     SET MODE  mode[, . . . ]

4  Parameters


   (Default) Enables dynamic mode. When dynamic mode is enabled,
   the debugger sets modules and images automatically during program
   execution so that you typically do not have to enter the SET
   MODULE or SET IMAGE command. Specifically, whenever the debugger
   interrupts execution (whenever the debugger prompt is displayed),
   the debugger automatically sets the module and image that contain
   the routine in which execution is currently suspended. If the
   module or image is already set, dynamic mode has no effect
   on that module or image. The debugger issues an informational
   message when its sets a module or image automatically.


   Disables dynamic mode. Because additional memory is allocated
   when a module or image is set, you might want to disable dynamic
   mode if performance becomes a problem (you can also free up
   memory by canceling modules and images with the CANCEL MODULE
   and CANCEL IMAGE commands). When dynamic mode is disabled, you
   must set modules and images explicitly with the SET MODULE and
   SET IMAGE commands.


   Specifies that the debugger interpret double-precision floating-
   point constants entered in expressions as G_FLOAT (does not
   affect the interpretation of variables declared in your program).


   (Default) Specifies that the debugger interpret double-precision
   floating-point constants entered in expressions as D_FLOAT (does
   not affect the interpretation of variables declared in your


   Useful when debugging a multiprocess program. Specifies that,
   when program execution is suspended in any process, the debugger
   interrupts execution in all other processes that were executing
   images and prompts for input.


   (Default) Useful when debugging a multiprocess program. Specifies
   that, when program execution is suspended in any process, the
   debugger take no action with regard to other process.



      This parameter is not available in the Compaq DECwindows
      Motif for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.

   (Default) Enables keypad mode. When keypad mode is enabled,
   you can use the keys on the numeric keypad to perform certain
   predefined functions. Several debugger commands, especially
   useful in screen mode, are bound to the keypad keys. (See the
   Keypad_Definitions_CI help topic; also, use the SHOW KEY command
   to determine the current key definitions.) You can also redefine
   the key functions with the DEFINE/KEY command.



      This parameter is not available in the Compaq DECwindows
      Motif for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.

   Disables keypad mode. When keypad mode is disabled, the keys on
   the numeric keypad do not have predefined functions, nor can you
   assign debugger functions to those keys with DEFINE/KEY commands.


   (Default) Specifies that the debugger display program locations
   in terms of line numbers, if possible.


   Specifies that the debugger display program locations as routine-
   name + byte-offset rather than in terms of line numbers.


   Specifies that the EXAMINE command, when used to examine
   an instruction, display the address and contents of the
   instruction's operands in addition to the instruction and
   its operands. The level of information displayed about any
   nonregister operands depends on whether you use the keyword BRIEF
   or FULL. The default is OPERANDS=BRIEF.


   (Default) Specifies that the EXAMINE command, when used to
   examine an instruction, display only the instruction and its



      This parameter is not available in the Compaq DECwindows
      Motif for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.

   Enables screen mode. When screen mode is enabled, you can divide
   the terminal screen into rectangular regions, so different data
   can be displayed in different regions. Screen mode enables you to
   view more information more conveniently than the default, line-
   oriented, noscreen mode. You can use the predefined displays, or
   you can define your own.



      This parameter is not available in the Compaq DECwindows
      Motif for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.

   (Default) Disables screen mode.



      This parameter is not available in the Compaq DECwindows
      Motif for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.

   Enables scroll mode. When scroll mode is enabled, a screen-mode
   output or DO display is updated by scrolling the output line by
   line, as it is generated. SET MODE SCROLL is the default.



      This parameter is not available in the Compaq DECwindows
      Motif for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.

   Disables scroll mode. When scroll mode is disabled, a screen-mode
   output or DO display is updated only once per command, instead
   of line by line as it is generated. Disabling scroll mode reduces
   the amount of screen updating that takes place and can be useful
   with slow terminals.


   (Applies only to workstations running VWS.) Specifies that a
   separate window be created for debugger input and output. This
   feature is useful when debugging screen-oriented programs,
   because it moves all debugger displays out of the window that
   contains the program's input and output. The separate window is
   created with a height of 24 lines and a width of 80 columns wide,
   emulating a VT-series terminal screen.


   (Applies only to workstations running VWS. Default.) Specifies
   that no separate window be created for debugger input and output.


   (Default) Enables symbolic mode. When symbolic mode is
   enabled, the debugger displays the locations denoted by address
   expressions symbolically (if possible) and displays instruction
   operands symbolically (if possible). EXAMINE/NOSYMBOLIC can be
   used to override SET MODE SYMBOLIC for the duration of an EXAMINE


   Disables symbolic mode. When symbolic mode is disabled, the
   debugger does not attempt to symbolize numeric addresses (it
   does not cause the debugger to convert numbers to names). This is
   useful if you are interested in identifying numeric addresses
   rather than their symbolic names (if symbolic names exist
   for those addresses). When symbolic mode is disabled, command
   processing might speed up somewhat, because the debugger does not
   need to convert numbers to names. EXAMINE/SYMBOLIC can be used
   to override SET MODE NOSYMBOLIC for the duration of an EXAMINE


   (Default) Enables wait mode. In wait mode the debugger waits
   until all processes under its control have stopped before
   prompting for a new command.


   Disable wait mode. In nowait mode, the debugger immediately
   prompts for new commands even if some or all processes are still

4  Description
   For details about the SET MODE command, see the parameter
   descriptions. The default values of these modes are the same
   for all languages.

   Related commands:


4  Example


     This command puts the debugger in screen mode.

   Loads the symbol records of a module in the current image into
   the run-time symbol table (RST) of that image.


      The current image is either the main image (by default) or
      the image established as the current image by a previous SET
      IMAGE command.


     SET MODULE  [module-name[, . . . ]]

4  Parameters


   Specifies a module of the current image whose symbol records
   are loaded into the RST. Do not use the asterisk (*)  wildcard
   character. Instead, use the /ALL qualifier. Do not specify a
   module name with /ALL or /CALLS.

4  Qualifiers


   Specifies that the symbol records of all modules in the current
   image be loaded into the RST.


   Sets all the modules that currently have routines on the call
   stack. If a module is already set, /CALLS has no effect on that


      /RELATED (default)

   (Applies to Ada programs.) Controls whether the debugger loads
   into the RST the symbol records of a module that is related to a
   specified module through a with-clause or subunit relationship.
   Once loaded, you can reference names declared in related modules
   within debugger commands exactly as you reference them within the
   Ada source code.

4  Description
   Symbol records must be present in the RST if the debugger is to
   recognize and properly interpret the symbols declared in your
   program. The process by which the symbol records of a module are
   loaded into the RST is called setting a module.

   At debugger startup, the debugger sets the module containing
   the transfer address (the main program). By default, dynamic
   mode is enabled (SET MODE DYNAMIC). Therefore, the debugger sets
   modules (and images) automatically as the program executes so
   that you can reference symbols as you need them. Specifically,
   whenever execution is suspended, the debugger sets the module
   and image containing the routine in which execution is suspended.
   In the case of Ada programs, as a module is set dynamically, its
   related modules are also set automatically, by default, to make
   the appropriate symbols accessible (visible).

   Dynamic mode makes accessible most of the symbols you might need
   to reference. If you need to reference a symbol in a module that
   is not already set, proceed as follows:

   o  If the module is in the current image, use the SET MODULE
      command to set the module where the symbol is defined.

   o  If the module is in another image, use the SET IMAGE command
      to make that image the current image, then use the SET MODULE
      command to set the module where the symbol is defined.

   If dynamic mode is disabled (SET MODE NODYNAMIC), only the module
   containing the transfer address is set automatically. You must
   set any other modules explicitly.

   If you use the SET IMAGE command to establish a new current
   image, all modules previously set remain set. However, only the
   symbols in the set modules of the current image are accessible.
   Symbols in the set modules of other images are temporarily

   When dynamic mode is enabled, memory is allocated automatically
   to accommodate the increasing size of the RST. If dynamic mode
   is disabled, the debugger automatically allocates more memory as
   needed when you set a module or an image. Whether dynamic mode
   is enabled or disabled, if performance becomes a problem as more
   modules are set, use the CANCEL MODULE command to reduce the
   number of set modules.

   If a parameter in a SET SCOPE command designates a program
   location in a module that is not already set, the SET SCOPE
   command sets that module.

   For information specific to Ada programs, type Help
   Language_Support Ada.

   Related commands:


4  Examples


     This command sets module SUB1 (loads the symbol records of
     module SUB1 into the RST).


     In this example, the SET IMAGE command makes shareable image
     SHARE3 the current image. The SET MODULE command sets module
     MATH in image SHARE3. The SET BREAK command sets a breakpoint
     on line 31 of module MATH.

     module name           symbols   language   size

     FOO                   yes       MACRO       432
     MAIN                  no        FORTRAN     280
          . . .
     SHARE$DEBUG           no        Image         0
     SHARE$LIBRTL          no        Image         0
     SHARE$MTHRTL          no        Image         0
     SHARE$SHARE1          no        Image         0
     SHARE$SHARE2          no        Image         0

     total modules: 17.              bytes allocated: 162280.

     In this example, the SHOW MODULE/SHARE command identifies all
     modules in the current image and all shareable images (the
     names of the shareable images are prefixed with SHARE$).
     The SET MODULE SHARE$SHARE2 command sets the shareable image
     module SHARE$SHARE2. The SHOW SYMBOL command identifies any
     universal symbols defined in the shareable image SHARE2. For
     more information, see the SHOW MODULE/SHARE command.

   Enables or disables a debugger output option.


     SET OUTPUT  output-option[, . . . ]

4  Parameters


   Specifies an output option to be enabled or disabled. Valid
   keywords are as follows:

   LOG          Specifies that debugger input and output be recorded
                in a log file. If you specify the log file by
                the SET LOG command, the debugger writes to that
                file; otherwise, by default the debugger writes to
   NOLOG        (Default) Specifies that debugger input and output
                not be recorded in a log file.
   SCREEN_LOG   Specifies that, while in screen mode, the screen
                contents be recorded in a log file as the screen is
                updated. To log the screen contents, you must also
                specify SET OUTPUT LOG. See the description of the
                LOG option regarding specifying the log file.
   NOSCREEN_    (Default) Specifies that the screen contents, while
   LOG          in screen mode, not be recorded in a log file.


                      This parameter is not available in the
                      Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS user
                      interface to the debugger.

                (Default) Specifies that debugger output be
                displayed at the terminal.


                      This parameter is not available in the
                      Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS user
                      interface to the debugger.

                Specifies that debugger output, except diagnostic
                messages, not be displayed at the terminal.
   VERIFY       Specifies that the debugger echo, on the current
                output device, each input command string that it is
                executing from a command procedure or DO clause. The
                current output device is by default SYS$OUTPUT (your
                terminal) but can be redefined with the logical name
   NOVERIFY     (Default) Specifies that the debugger not display
                each input command string that it is executing from
                a command procedure or DO clause.

4  Description
   Debugger output options control the way in which debugger
   responses to commands are displayed and recorded. For details
   about the SET OUTPUT command, see the parameter descriptions.

   Related commands:

      @ (Execute Procedure)
      (SET,SHOW) LOG

4  Example


     This command specifies that the debugger take the following

     o  Output each command string that it is executing from a
        command procedure or DO clause (VERIFY)

     o  Record debugger output and user input in a log file (LOG)

     o  Not display output at the terminal, except diagnostic
        messages (NOTERMINAL)

   Establishes the visible process or enables/disables dynamic
   process setting.

   Used only when debugging multiprocess programs (kept debugger


     SET PROCESS  [process-spec[, . . . ]]

4  Parameters


   Specifies a process currently under debugger control. Use any of
   the following forms:

   [%PROCESS_NAME] process-  The process name, if that name does not
   name                      contain spaces or lowercase characters.
                             The process name can include the
                             asterisk (*)  wildcard character.
   [%PROCESS_NAME]           The process name, if that name contains
   "process-name"            spaces or lowercase characters. You
                             can also use apostrophes (') instead of
                             quotation marks (").
   %PROCESS_PID process_id   The process identifier (PID, a
                             hexadecimal number).
   [%PROCESS_NUMBER]         The number assigned to a process when
   process-number            it comes under debugger control. A
   (or %PROC process-        new number is assigned sequentially,
   number)                   starting with 1, to each process. If
                             a process is terminated with the EXIT
                             or QUIT command, the number can be
                             assigned again during the debugging
                             session. Process numbers appear in a
                             SHOW PROCESS display. Processes are
                             ordered in a circular list so they can
                             be indexed with the built-in symbols
                             %PREVIOUS_PROCESS and %NEXT_PROCESS.
   process-set-name          A symbol defined with the
                             DEFINE/PROCESS_SET command to represent
                             a group of processes.
   %NEXT_PROCESS             The next process after the visible
                             process in the debugger's circular
                             process list.
   %PREVIOUS_PROCESS         The process previous to the visible
                             process in the debugger's circular
                             process list.
   %VISIBLE_PROCESS          The process whose stack, register set,
                             and images are the current context for
                             looking up symbols, register values,
                             routine calls, breakpoints, and so on.

   You can also use the asterisk (*)  wildcard character to specify
   process set all.

   Do not specify a process with the /[NO]DYNAMIC qualifier.

4  Qualifiers


      /DYNAMIC (default)

   Controls whether dynamic process setting is enabled or disabled.
   When dynamic process setting is enabled (/DYNAMIC), whenever the
   debugger suspends execution and displays its prompt, the process
   in which execution is suspended automatically becomes the visible
   process. When dynamic process setting is disabled (/NODYNAMIC),
   the visible process remains unchanged until you specify another
   process with the SET PROCESS/VISIBLE command.


   Makes the specified process the visible process. This switches
   your debugging context to the specified process, so that symbol
   lookups and the setting of breakpoints, and so on, are done
   in the context of that process. When using /VISIBLE, you must
   specify one process.

4  Description
   The SET PROCESS command establishes the visible process, defines
   the current process set, or defines the visible process.

   By default, commands are executed in the context of the visible
   process (the process that is your current debugging context).
   Symbol lookups, the setting of breakpoints, and so on, are done
   in the context of the visible process.

   Dynamic process setting is enabled by default and is controlled
   with /[NO]DYNAMIC. When dynamic process setting is enabled,
   whenever the debugger suspends program execution and displays
   its prompt, the process in which execution is suspended becomes
   the visible process automatically.

   Related commands:


4  Example

  Number   Name         State     Current PC
 *    2 TEST_Y          break     PROG\%LINE 71

     The SET PROCESS TEST_Y command makes process TEST_Y the visible
     process. The SHOW PROCESS command displays information about
     the visible process by default.

   Changes the debugger prompt string to your personal preference.


     SET PROMPT  [prompt-parameter]

4  Parameters


   Specifies the new prompt string. If the string contains spaces,
   semicolons (;),  or lowercase characters, you must enclose it in
   quotation marks (")  or apostrophes ('). If you do not specify a
   string, the current prompt string remains unchanged.

   By default, the prompt string is DBG> when debugging a single
   process program.

   By default, when debuggging a multiprocess program, the prompt
   string is the name of the current process set followed by a right
   angle bracket (>). You should not use the SET PROMPT command when
   debugging multiprocess programs.

4  Qualifiers


      /NOPOP (default)

   (Applies only to workstations running VWS.) The /POP qualifier
   causes the debugger window to pop over other windows and become
   attached to the keyboard when the debugger prompts for input. The
   /NOPOP qualifier disables this behavior (the debugger window is
   not popped over other windows and is not attached to the keyboard
   automatically when the debugger prompts for input).

4  Description
   The SET PROMPT command enables you to tailor the debugger prompt
   string to your individual preference.

   If you are debugging a multiprocess program, you should not use
   the SET PROMPT command.

   If you are using the debugger at a workstation, /[NO]POP enables
   you to control whether the debugger window is popped over other
   windows whenever the debugger prompts for input.

   Related commands:


4  Examples

   1.DBG> SET PROMPT "$ "
     $ SET PROMPT "d b g : "
     d b g : SET PROMPT "DBG> "

     In this example, the successive SET PROMPT commands change the
     debugger prompt from "DBG>" to "$", to "d b g :", then back to

   Establishes the radix for the entry and display of integer data.
   When used with /OVERRIDE, it causes all data to be displayed as
   integer data of the specified radix.


     SET RADIX  radix

4  Parameters


   Specifies the radix to be established. Valid keywords are as

   BINARY      Sets the radix to binary.
   DECIMAL     Sets the radix to decimal. This is the default for
               all languages except BLISS, MACRO-32, and MACRO-64
               (Alpha only).
   DEFAULT     Sets the radix to the language default.
   OCTAL       Sets the radix to octal.
   HEXADECIMAL Sets the default radix to hexadecimal. This is the
               default for BLISS, MACRO-32, and MACRO-64 (Alpha

4  Qualifiers


   Sets only the input radix (the radix for entering integer data)
   to the specified radix.


   Sets only the output radix (the radix for displaying integer
   data) to the specified radix.


   Causes all data to be displayed as integer data of the specified

4  Description
   The current radix setting influences how the debugger interprets
   and displays integer data in the following contexts:

   o  Integer data that you specify in address expressions or
      language expressions.

   o  Integer data that is displayed by the EXAMINE and EVALUATE

   The default radix for both data entry and display is decimal for
   most languages. On VAX processors, the exceptions are BLISS and
   MACRO-32, which have a default radix of hexadecimal. On Alpha
   processors, the exceptions are BLISS, MACRO-32, and MACRO-64,
   which have a default radix of hexadecimal.

   The SET RADIX command enables you to specify a new radix
   for data entry or display (the input radix and output radix,

   If you do not specify a qualifier, the SET RADIX command
   changes both the input and output radix. If you specify /INPUT
   or /OUTPUT, the command changes the input or output radix,

   Using SET RADIX/OVERRIDE changes only the output radix but causes
   all data (not just data that has an integer type) to be displayed
   as integer data of the specified radix.

   Except when used with /OVERRIDE, the SET RADIX command does not
   affect the interpretation or display of noninteger values (such
   as real or enumeration type values).

   The EVALUATE, EXAMINE, and DEPOSIT commands have radix
   qualifiers (/BINARY, /HEXADECIMAL, and so on) which enable you to
   override, for the duration of that command, any radix previously
   established with SET RADIX or SET RADIX/OVERRIDE.

   You can also use the built-in symbols %BIN, %DEC, %HEX, and %OCT
   in address expressions and language expressions to specify that
   an integer literal should be interpreted in binary, decimal,
   hexadecimal, or octal radix.

   Related commands:


4  Examples


     This command sets the radix to hexadecimal. This means that,
     by default, integer data is interpreted and displayed in
     hexadecimal radix.


     This command sets the radix for input to octal. This means
     that, by default, integer data that is entered is interpreted
     in octal radix.


     This command sets the radix for output to binary. This means
     that, by default, integer data is displayed in binary radix.


     This command sets the override radix to decimal. This means
     that, by default, all data (not just data that has an integer
     type) is displayed as decimal integer data.

   Establishes how the debugger looks up symbols (variable names,
   routine names, line numbers, and so on) when a path-name prefix
   is not specified.


     SET SCOPE  location[, . . . ]

4  Parameters


   Denotes a program region (scope) to be used for the
   interpretation of symbols that you specify without a path-name
   prefix. A location can be any of the following, unless you
   specify /CURRENT or /MODULE.

   path-name      Specifies the scope denoted by the path-name
   prefix         prefix. A path-name prefix consists of the
                  names of one or more nesting program elements
                  (module, routine, block, and so on), with each
                  name separated by a backslash character (\).
                  When a path-name prefix consists of more than
                  one name, list a nesting element to the left of
                  the backslash and a nested element to the right of
                  the backslash. A common path-name prefix format is

                  If you specify only a module name and that name is
                  the same as the name of a routine, use /MODULE;
                  otherwise, the debugger assumes that you are
                  specifying the routine.
   n              Specifies the scope denoted by the routine which
                  is n levels down the call stack (n is a decimal
                  integer). A scope specified by an integer changes
                  dynamically as the program executes. The value 0
                  denotes the routine that is currently executing,
                  the value 1 denotes the caller of that routine,
                  and so on down the call stack. The default scope
                  search list is 0,1,2, . . . ,n, where n is the
                  number of calls in the call stack.
   \              Specifies the global scope-that is, the set of
   (backslash)    all program locations in which a global symbol is
                  known. The definition of a global symbol and the
                  way it is declared depends on the language.

   When you specify more than one location parameter, you establish
   a scope search list. If the debugger cannot interpret the symbol
   using the first parameter, it uses the next parameter, and
   continues using parameters in order of their specification until
   it successfully interprets the symbol or until it exhausts the
   parameters specified.

4  Qualifiers


   Establishes a scope search list that is like the default search
   list (0,1,2, . . . ,n), numeric scope specified as the command
   parameter. Scope 0 is the PC scope, and n is the number of calls
   in the call stack.

   When using SET SCOPE/CURRENT, note the following conventions and

   o  The default scope search list must be in effect when the
      command is entered. To restore the default scope search list,
      enter the CANCEL SCOPE command.

   o  The command parameter specified must be one (and only one)
      decimal integer from 0 to n.

   o  In screen mode, the command updates the predefined source,
      instruction, and register displays SRC, INST, and REG,
      respectively, to show the routine on the call stack in which
      symbol searches are to start.

   o  The default scope search list is restored when program
      execution is resumed.


   Indicates that the name specified as the command parameter is a
   module name and not a routine name. You need to use /MODULE only
   if you specify a module name as the command parameter and that
   module name is the same as the name of a routine.

4  Description
   By default, the debugger looks up a symbol specified without a
   path-name prefix according to the scope search list 0,1,2, . . .
   ,n, where n is the number of calls in the call stack. This
   scope search list is based on the current PC value and changes
   dynamically as the program executes. The default scope search
   list specifies that a symbol lookup such as EXAMINE X first looks
   for X in the routine that is currently executing (scope 0, also
   known as the PC scope); if no X is visible there, the debugger
   looks in the caller of that routine (scope 1), and so on down the
   call stack; if X is not found in scope n, the debugger searches
   the rest of the run-time symbol table (RST)-that is, all set
   modules and the global symbol table (GST), if necessary.

   In most cases, this default scope search list enables you
   to resolve ambiguities in a predictable, natural way that is
   consistent with language rules. But if you cannot access a symbol
   that is defined multiple times, use either of the following

   o  Specify the symbol with a path-name prefix. The path-name
      prefix consists of any nesting program units (for example,
      module\routine\block) that are necessary to specify the symbol
      uniquely. For example:

      DBG> TYPE MOD4\27

   o  Establish a new default scope (or a scope search list) for
      symbol lookup by using the SET SCOPE command. You can then
      specify the symbol without using a path-name prefix. For

      DBG> TYPE 27

4  Description,_Continued...

   The SET SCOPE command is useful in those cases where otherwise
   you would need to use a path name repeatedly to specify symbols.

   To restore the default scope search list, use the CANCEL SCOPE

   When the default scope search list is in effect, you can use the
   SET SCOPE/CURRENT command to specify that symbol searches start
   at a numeric scope other than scope 0, relative to the call stack
   (for example, scope 2).

   When you use the SET SCOPE command, the debugger searches only
   the program locations you specify explicitly, unless you specify
   /CURRENT. Also, the scope or scope search list established with a
   SET SCOPE command remains in effect until you restore the default
   scope search list or enter another SET SCOPE command. However, if
   you specify /CURRENT, the default scope search list is restored
   whenever program execution is resumed.

   The SET SCOPE command updates a screen-mode source or instruction
   display only if you specify /CURRENT.

   If a name you specify in a SET SCOPE command is the name of
   both a module and a routine, the debugger sets the scope to the
   routine. In such cases, use the SET SCOPE/MODULE command if you
   want to set the scope to the module.

   If you specify a module name in a SET SCOPE command, the debugger
   sets that module if it is not already set. However, if you want
   only to set a module, use the SET MODULE command rather than the
   SET SCOPE command, to avoid the possibility of disturbing the
   current scope search list.

   For information specific to Ada programs, type Help Language_
   Support Ada.

   Related commands:


4  Examples

     %DEBUG-W-NOUNIQUE, symbol 'Y' is not unique
         data CHECK_IN\Y
         data INVENTORY\COUNT\Y
     INVENTORY\COUNT\Y: 347.15

     In this example, the first EXAMINE Y command indicates that
     symbol Y is defined multiple times and cannot be resolved from
     the current scope search list. The SHOW SYMBOL command displays
     the different declarations of symbol Y. The SET SCOPE command
     directs the debugger to look for symbols without path-name
     prefixes in routine COUNT of module INVENTORY. The subsequent
     EXAMINE command can now interpret Y unambiguously.

   Establishes default qualifiers (/ALL or /NEXT, /IDENTIFIER or
   /STRING) for the SEARCH command.


     SET SEARCH  search-default[, . . . ]

4  Parameters


   Specifies a default to be established for the SEARCH command.
   Valid keywords (which correspond to SEARCH command qualifiers)
   are as follows:

   ALL        Subsequent SEARCH commands are treated as SEARCH/ALL,
              rather than SEARCH/NEXT.
   IDENTIFIER Subsequent SEARCH commands are treated as
              SEARCH/IDENTIFIER, rather than SEARCH/STRING.
   NEXT       (Default) Subsequent SEARCH commands are treated as
              SEARCH/NEXT, rather than SEARCH/ALL.
   STRING     (Default) Subsequent SEARCH commands are treated as
              SEARCH/STRING, rather than SEARCH/IDENTIFIER.

4  Description
   The SET SEARCH command establishes default qualifiers for
   subsequent SEARCH commands. The parameters that you specify with
   SET SEARCH have the same names as the qualifiers for the SEARCH
   command. The qualifiers determine whether the SEARCH command:
   (1)  searches for all occurrences of a string (ALL) or only the
   next occurrence (NEXT); and (2)  displays any occurrence of the
   string (STRING) or only those occurrences in which the string is
   not bounded on either side by a character that can be part of an
   identifier in the current language (IDENTIFIER).

   You can override the current SEARCH default for the duration of
   a single SEARCH command by specifying other qualifiers. Use the
   SHOW SEARCH command to identify the current SEARCH defaults.

   Related commands:


4  Example

 search settings: search for next occurrence, as a string

 search settings: search for next occurrence, as an identifier

 search settings: search for all occurrences, as an identifier

     In this example, the SET SEARCH IDENTIFIER command directs
     the debugger to search for an occurrence of the string in
     the specified range but display the string only if it is not
     bounded on either side by a character that can be part of an
     identifier in the current language.

     The SET SEARCH ALL command directs the debugger to search for
     (and display) all occurrences of the string in the specified

   Specifies a directory search list, a directory search method, or
   both a list and a method for source files.


     SET SOURCE  directory-spec[, . . . ]

4  Parameters


   Specifies any part of an OpenVMS file specification (typically
   a device/directory) that the debugger is to use by default
   when searching for a source file. For any part of a full file
   specification that you do not supply, the debugger uses the file
   specification stored in the module's symbol record (that is, the
   file specification that the source file had at compile time).

   If you specify more than one directory in a single SET SOURCE
   command, you create a source directory search list (you can
   also specify a search list logical name that is defined at your
   process level). In this case, the debugger locates the source
   file by searching the first directory specified, then the second,
   and so on, until it either locates the source file or exhausts
   the list of directories.

4  Qualifiers


   Specifies the directory search list used when the debugger
   displays source code. The default display search directory is
   the compilation directory.


   Specifies the directory search list used during execution of the
   debugger's EDIT command. The default edit search directory is the
   compilation directory.


      /EXACT (default)

   Specifies the directory search method used. In this case, the
   debugger searches for the exact version of the source file, as
   indicated in the debugger symbol table.


   Specifies the directory search method used. In this case, the
   debugger searches for the latest version of the source file, that
   is, the highest-numbered version in your directory.



   Specifies the directory search list used only for the designated
   module. You can append one or more of the qualifiers listed above
   to the SET SOURCE/MODULE command.


   (Applies to STDL programs only. Requires installation of the
   Correlation Facility (a separate layered product) and invocation
   of the kept debugger.) Specifies that the debugger display the
   original STDL source file, rather than the intermediate files
   produced during STDL compilation.

4  Description
   By default, the debugger expects a source file to be in the same
   directory it was in at compile time. If a source file has been
   moved to a different directory since compile time, use the SET
   SOURCE command to specify a directory search list and search
   method to locate the file.

   Specifying the Directory Search List

   On OpenVMS Version 6.1 and later, a complete OpenVMS file
   specification has the following format:


   This format reflects the DECnet node name functionality used
   in the default version of DECnet shipped with the OpenVMS
   operating system. For more information, see the DECnet for
   OpenVMS Networking Manual.

   On OpenVMS systems running Version 6.1 or later and DECnet-
   Plus for OpenVMS, a complete file specification can include
   expanded node designations, called full names. Full names are
   hierarchically structured DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS node names that
   can be stored in a DECdns naming service. Full names can be a
   maximum of 255 bytes long, in the following format:

   namespace:.directory ... .directory.node-name

   In this syntax statement, namespace identifies the global naming
   service, directory ... .directory defines the hierarchical
   directory path within the naming service, and node-name is the
   specific object defining the DECnet node.

   For information on full names and suggestions for setting up a
   system of names, see the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. For
   information on DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS, see the DECnet-Plus for
   OpenVMS Introduction and User's Guide.

   If the full file specification of a source file exceeds 255
   characters, the debugger cannot locate the file. You can work
   around this problem by first defining a logical name "X" (at DCL
   level) to expand to your long file specification, and then using
   the SET SOURCE X command.

   A SET SOURCE command with neither the /DISPLAY nor the /EDIT
   qualifier changes both the display and edit search directories.

   When compiling a program with the /DEBUG qualifier, if you use
   a rooted-directory logical name to specify the location of the
   source file, make sure that it is a concealed rooted-directory
   logical name. If it is not concealed and you move the source file
   to another directory after compilation, you cannot then use the
   debugger SET SOURCE command to specify the new location of the
   source file.

   To create a concealed rooted-directory logical name, use the DCL
   command DEFINE with the /TRANSLATION_ATTR=CONCEALED qualifier.

4  Description,_Continued...

   Specifying the Directory Search Method

   When you issue a SET SOURCE command, be aware that one of the
   two qualifiers -/LATEST or /EXACT-will always be active. These
   qualifiers affect the debugger search method. The /LATEST
   qualifier directs the debugger to search for the version last
   created (the highest-numbered version in your directory). The
   /EXACT qualifier directs the debugger to search for the version
   last compiled (the version recorded in the debugger symbol table
   created at compile time). For example, a SET SOURCE/LATEST
   command might search for SORT.FOR;3 while a SET SOURCE/EXACT
   command might search for SORT.FOR;1.

   If the debugger locates this version using the directory search
   list, it checks that the creation or revision date and time,
   file size, record format, and file organization are the same as
   the original compile-time source file. If these characteristics
   match, the debugger concludes that the original source file has
   been located in its new directory.

   If the debugger cannot locate this version using the directory
   search list, it identifies the file that has the closest revision
   date and time (if such a file exists in that directory) and
   issues a NOTORIGSRC message ("original version of source file
   not found") when first displaying the source code.

   Specifying the /EDIT Qualifier

   The /EDIT qualifier is needed when the files used for the display
   of source code are different from the files to be edited by
   using the EDIT command. This is the case with Ada programs. For
   Ada programs, the (SET, SHOW, CANCEL) SOURCE commands affect
   the search of files used for source display (the "copied"
   source files in Ada program libraries); the (SET,SHOW,CANCEL)
   SOURCE/EDIT commands affect the search of the source files you
   edit when using the EDIT command. If you use /MODULE with /EDIT,
   the effect of /EDIT is further qualified by /MODULE.

   For information specific to Ada programs, see the
   Language_Support Ada help topic.

   Specifying the /ORIGINAL Qualifier

   Before you can use the /ORIGINAL qualifier in a SET SOURCE
   command, the Correlation Facility (a separate layered product)
   must be installed on your system. Refer to Correlation Facility
   documentation for information on creating a correlation library
   before debugging.

   Then, invoke the kept debugger and issue the SET SOURCE/ORIGINAL
   command as follows:

   DBG> RUN filename.EXE

   After issuing these commands, you can debug STDL source code in
   the same way you debug any other supported language program.

   Related commands:


4  Examples

       no directory search list in effect
         source directory list for all modules,
         match the latest source file version:

     In this example, the SET SOURCE command specifies that the
     debugger should search directories [PROJA], [PROJB], and
     [PETER.PROJC], in that order, for the latest version of source

         no directory search list in effect,
          match the exact source file
         source directory list for all modules,
          match the exact source file version:
          source directory list for all modules,
          match the latest source file version:

     In this example, the SET SOURCE/EXACT command establishes a
     search method (exact version) that remains in effect for the
     SET SOURCE [JONES] command. The CANCEL SOURCE/EXACT command not
     only cancels SET SOURCE/EXACT command, but also affects the SET
     SOURCE [JONES] command.

   Establishes default qualifiers (/LINE, /INTO, and so on) for the
   STEP command.


     SET STEP  step-default[, . . . ]

4  Parameters


   Subsequent STEP commands are treated as STEP/BRANCH (step to the
   next branch instruction).


   Subsequent STEP commands are treated as STEP/CALL (step to the
   next call instruction).


   Subsequent STEP commands are treated as STEP/EXCEPTION (step to
   the next exception).


   Subsequent STEP commands are treated as STEP/INSTRUCTION (step to
   the next instruction).

   On VAX processors, you can also specify one or more instructions
   (opcode[, . . . ]). The debugger then steps to the next
   instruction in the specified list.

   On VAX processors, if you specify a vector instruction, do not
   include an instruction qualifier (/UNALIGNED_DATA, /VECTOR_
   INSTRUCTION, /MODIFY, /0, or /1)) with the instruction mnemonic.


   Subsequent STEP commands are treated as STEP/INTO (step into
   called routines) rather than STEP/OVER (step over called
   routines). When INTO is in effect, you can qualify the types
   of routines to step into by using the [NO]JSB, [NO]SHARE,
   and [NO]SYSTEM parameters, or by using the STEP/[NO]JSB,
   STEP/[NO]SHARE, and STEP/[NO]SYSTEM command/qualifier
   combinations (the latter three take effect only for the immediate
   STEP command).


   (VAX only) If INTO is in effect, subsequent STEP commands are
   treated as STEP/INTO/JSB (step into routines called by a JSB
   instruction as well as those called by a CALL instruction). This
   is the default for all languages except DIBOL.


   (VAX only; Default.) If INTO is in effect, subsequent STEP
   commands are treated as STEP/INTO/NOJSB (step over routines
   called by a JSB instruction, but step into routines called by
   a CALL instruction). This is the default for DIBOL.


   (Default) Subsequent STEP commands are treated as STEP/LINE (step
   to the next line).


   (Default) Subsequent STEP commands are treated as STEP/OVER (step
   over all called routines) rather than STEP/INTO (step into called


   Subsequent STEP commands are treated as STEP/RETURN (step to the
   return instruction of the routine that is currently executing-
   that is, up to the point just prior to transferring control back
   to the calling routine).


   (Alpha only) Subsequent STEP commands are treated as
   STEP/SEMANTIC_EVENT (step to the next semantic event).


   (Default) If INTO is in effect, subsequent STEP commands
   are treated as STEP/INTO/SHARE (step into called routines in
   shareable images as well as into other called routines).


   If INTO is in effect, subsequent STEP commands are treated as
   STEP/INTO/NOSHARE (step over called routines in shareable images,
   but step into other routines).


   Subsequent STEP commands are treated as STEP/SILENT (after a
   step, do not display the "stepped to . . . " message or the source
   line for the current location).


   (Default) Subsequent STEP commands are treated as STEP/NOSILENT
   (after a step, display the "stepped to . . . " message).


   (Default) Subsequent STEP commands are treated as STEP/SOURCE
   (after a step, display the source line for the current location).
   Also, subsequent SET BREAK, SET TRACE, and SET WATCH commands
   WATCH/SOURCE, respectively (at a breakpoint, tracepoint, or
   watchpoint, display the source line for the current location).


   Subsequent STEP commands are treated as STEP/NOSOURCE (after a
   step, do not display the source line for the current location).
   Also, subsequent SET BREAK, SET TRACE, and SET WATCH commands
   SET WATCH/NOSOURCE, respectively (at a breakpoint, tracepoint,
   or watchpoint, do not display the source line for the current


   (Default) If INTO is in effect, subsequent STEP commands are
   treated as STEP/INTO/SYSTEM (step into called routines in system
   space (P1 space) as well as into other called routines).


   If INTO is in effect, subsequent STEP commands are treated as
   STEP/INTO/NOSYSTEM (step over called routines in system space,
   but step into other routines).


   (VAX only) On VAX processors, subsequent STEP commands are
   treated as STEP/VECTOR_INSTRUCTION (step to the next vector

4  Description
   The SET STEP command establishes default qualifiers for
   subsequent STEP commands. The parameters that you specify in
   the SET STEP command have the same names as the qualifiers for
   the STEP command. The following parameters affect where the STEP
   command suspends execution after a step:

      INSTRUCTION=(opcode[, . . . ]) (VAX only)
      SEMANTIC_EVENT (Alpha only)

   The following parameters affect what output is seen when a STEP
   command is executed:


   The following parameters affect what happens at a routine call:

      [NO]JSB (VAX only)

   You can override the current STEP defaults for the duration of a
   single STEP command by specifying other qualifiers. Use the SHOW
   STEP command to identify the current STEP defaults.

   Enabling screen mode by pressing PF1-PF3 enters the SET STEP
   NOSOURCE command as well as the SET MODE SCREEN command.
   Therefore, any display of source code in output and DO displays
   that would result from a STEP command or from a breakpoint,
   tracepoint, or watchpoint being triggered is suppressed, to
   eliminate redundancy with the source display.

   On VAX systems, the STEP/OVER command may sometimes result in
   stepping into, not over, Fortran Run-Time Library routines. For
   more information, see the OpenVMS Debugger Manual.

   Related commands:


4  Examples


     This command causes the debugger to execute the program to the
     next instruction when a STEP command is entered, and not to
     display lines of source code with each STEP command.


     This command causes the debugger to execute the program to
     the next line when a STEP command is entered, and to step into
     called routines in user space only. The debugger steps over
     routines in system space and in shareable images.

   Changes characteristics of one or more tasks of a tasking program
   (also called a multithread program).


      SET TASK and SET THREAD are synonymous commands. They
      perform identically.


     SET TASK  [task-spec[, . . . ]]

4  Parameters


   Specifies a task value. Use any of the following forms:

   o  When the event facility is THREADS:

      -  A task (thread) ID number as declared in the program, or a
         language expression that yields a task ID number.

      -  A task ID number (for example, 2), as indicated in a SHOW
         TASK display.

   o  When the event facility is ADA:

      -  A task (thread) name as declared in the program, or a
         language expression that yields a task value. You can use a
         path name.

      -  A task ID (for example, %TASK 2), as indicated in a SHOW
         TASK display.

   o  One of the following task built-in symbols:

      %ACTIVE_TASK    The task that runs when a GO, STEP, CALL, or
                      EXIT command executes.
      %CALLER_TASK    (Applies only to Ada programs.) When an accept
                      statement executes, the task that called the
                      entry associated with the accept statement.
      %NEXT_TASK      The task after the visible task in the
                      debugger's task list. The ordering of tasks
                      is arbitrary but consistent within a single
                      run of a program.
      %PREVIOUS_      The task previous to the visible task in the
      TASK            debugger's task list.
      %VISIBLE_TASK   The task whose call stack and register set are
                      the current context for looking up symbols,
                      register values, routine calls, breakpoints,
                      and so on.

   Do not use the asterisk (*)  wildcard character. Instead, use the
   /ALL qualifier. Do not specify a task with /ALL or /TIME_SLICE.
   If you do not specify a task or /ALL with /ABORT, /[NO]HOLD,
   /PRIORITY, or /RESTORE, the visible task is selected.

4  Qualifiers


   Marks the specified tasks for termination. Termination occurs
   at the next allowable point after a specified task resumes

   For Compaq Ada tasks, the effect is identical to executing an Ada
   abort statement for the tasks specified and causes these tasks
   to be marked as abnormal. Any dependent tasks are also marked for

   For POSIX Threads threads, use the following command:

   PTHREAD tset -c thread-number

   You can get help on POSIX Threads debugger commands by typing

   See the Guide to POSIX Threads Library for more information about
   using the POSIX Threads debugger.


   Makes the specified task the active task, which is the task that
   runs when a STEP, GO, CALL, or EXIT command executes. This causes
   a task switch to the new active task and makes that task the
   visible task. The specified task must be in either the RUNNING or
   READY state. When using /ACTIVE, you must specify one task.

   The SET TASK/ACTIVE command is supported for Compaq Ada on VAX
   only. For POSIX Threads programs or Compaq Ada on Alpha programs,
   use one of the following alternatives:

   o  For query-type actions, use the SET TASK/VISIBLE command.

   o  To gain control of execution, use a strategic placement of

   o  Use the PTHREAD tset -a thread-number command.

   You can get help on POSIX Threads debugger commands by typing

   See the Guide to POSIX Threads Library for more information about
   using the POSIX Threads debugger.


   Applies the SET TASK command to all tasks.


      /NOHOLD (default)

   When the event
   facility is THREADS, use the PTHREAD tset -h thread-number or
   the PTHREAD tset -n thread-number command.

   Controls whether a specified task is put on hold. The /HOLD
   qualifier puts a specified task on hold.

   Putting a task on hold prevents a task from entering the RUNNING
   state. A task put on hold is allowed to make other state
   transitions; in particular, it can change from the SUSPENDED
   to the READY state.

   A task already in the RUNNING state (the active task) can
   continue to execute as long as it remains in the RUNNING state,
   even though it is put on hold. If the task leaves the RUNNING
   state for any reason (including expiration of a time slice, if
   time slicing is enabled), it will not return to the RUNNING state
   until released from the hold condition.

   You can override the hold condition and force a task into the
   RUNNING state with the SET TASK/ACTIVE command even if the task
   is on hold.

   The /NOHOLD qualifier releases a specified task from hold.

   You can get help on POSIX Threads debugger commands by typing

   See the Guide to POSIX Threads Library for more information about
   using the POSIX Threads debugger.



   When the event facility is THREADS, use the PTHREAD
   tset -s thread-number command.

   Sets the priority of a specified task to n, where n is a decimal
   integer from 0 to 15. This does not prevent the priority from
   later changing in the course of execution, for example, while
   executing an Ada rendezvous or POSIX Threads synchronization
   event. This qualifier does not affect a task's scheduling policy.

   You can get help on POSIX Threads debugger commands by typing

   See the Guide to POSIX Threads Library for more information about
   using the POSIX Threads debugger.


   (Compaq Ada on VAX only) Restores the priority of a specified
   task to the priority it had when it was created. Does not affect
   the scheduling priority of the task.



   Supported for Compaq Ada on VAX only. Sets the time-slice
   duration to the value t, where t is a decimal integer or real
   value representing seconds. The set value overrides the time-
   slice value specified in the program, if any. To disable time
   slicing, use /TIME_SLICE=0.0. /TIME_SLICE is valid only when the
   event facility is ADA.


   Makes the specified task the visible task, which is the task
   whose call stack and register set are the current context for
   looking up symbols, register values, routine calls, breakpoints,
   and so on. Commands such as EXAMINE are directed at the visible
   task. The /VISIBLE qualifier does not affect the active task.
   When using /VISIBLE, you must specify one task.

4  Description

   The SET TASK command enables you to establish the visible task
   and the active task, control the execution of tasks, and cause
   task state transitions, directly or indirectly.

   To determine the current state of a task, use the SHOW TASK
   command. The possible states are RUNNING, READY, SUSPENDED, and

   Related commands:


4  Examples


     (Event facility = ADA) This command makes task 3 (task ID = 3)
     the active task.

   2.DBG> PTHREAD tset -a 3

     (Event facility = THREADS) This command makes task 3 (task ID =
     3) the active task.


     This command makes the next task in the debugger's task list
     the visible task. (The /VISIBLE qualifier is a default for the
     SET TASK command.)

     DBG> GO
          . . .
     DBG> STEP
          . . .

     In this example, the SET TASK/HOLD/ALL command freezes
     the state of all tasks except the active task. Then, SET
     TASK/ACTIVE is used selectively (along with the GO and STEP
     commands) to observe the behavior of one or more specified
     tasks in isolation.

   Sets the terminal-screen height or width that the debugger uses
   when it formats screen and other output.


      This command is not available in the Compaq DECwindows Motif
      for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.



4  Qualifiers



   Specifies that the terminal screen height should be set to n
   lines. You can use any value from 18 to 100.



   Specifies that the terminal screen width should be set to n
   columns. You can use any value from 20 to 255. For a VT100-,
   VT200-, or VT300 series terminal, n is typically either 80 or


   Tells the debugger to wrap output text in predefined display
   OUT at the column specified by the /WIDTH qualifier. If you do
   not specify /WIDTH in the current command, /WRAP defaults to the
   %WIDTH setting.

4  Description
   The SET TERMINAL command enables you to define the portion of
   the screen that the debugger has available for formatting screen

   This command is useful with VT100-, VT200-, or VT300-series
   terminals, where you can set the screen width to typically 80 or
   132 columns. It is also useful with workstations, where you can
   modify the size of the terminal-emulator window that the debugger

   You must specify at least one qualifier. You can specify all. The
   /PAGE and /WIDTH qualifiers each require a value.

   When you enter the SET TERMINAL command, all display window
   definitions are automatically adjusted to reflect the new screen
   dimensions. For example, RH1 changes dimensions proportionally to
   remain in the top right half of the screen.

   Similarly, all "dynamic" display windows are automatically
   adjusted to maintain their relative proportions. Note that
   all display windows are dynamic unless referenced with the
   DISPLAY/NODYNAMIC command. In that case, the display window
   retains its current dimensions after subsequent SET TERMINAL
   commands. However, you can use the DISPLAY command to reconfigure
   the display window (you can also use keypad-key combinations,
   such as BLUE-MINUS, to enter predefined DISPLAY commands).

   Related commands:


4  Example


     This command specifies that the terminal screen width be set to
     132 columns.

   Changes characteristics of one or more tasks of a tasking program
   (also called a multithread program).


      SET TASK and SET THREAD are synonymous commands. They
      perform identically.


     SET TASK  [task-spec[, . . . ]]

4  Parameters


   Specifies a task value. Use any of the following forms:

   o  When the event facility is THREADS:

      -  A task (thread) ID number as declared in the program, or a
         language expression that yields a task ID number.

      -  A task ID number (for example, 2), as indicated in a SHOW
         TASK display.

   o  When the event facility is ADA:

      -  A task (thread) name as declared in the program, or a
         language expression that yields a task value. You can use a
         path name.

      -  A task ID (for example, %TASK 2), as indicated in a SHOW
         TASK display.

   o  One of the following task built-in symbols:

      %ACTIVE_TASK    The task that runs when a GO, STEP, CALL, or
                      EXIT command executes.
      %CALLER_TASK    (Applies only to Ada programs.) When an accept
                      statement executes, the task that called the
                      entry associated with the accept statement.
      %NEXT_TASK      The task after the visible task in the
                      debugger's task list. The ordering of tasks
                      is arbitrary but consistent within a single
                      run of a program.
      %PREVIOUS_      The task previous to the visible task in the
      TASK            debugger's task list.
      %VISIBLE_TASK   The task whose call stack and register set are
                      the current context for looking up symbols,
                      register values, routine calls, breakpoints,
                      and so on.

   Do not use the asterisk (*)  wildcard character. Instead, use the
   /ALL qualifier. Do not specify a task with /ALL or /TIME_SLICE.
   If you do not specify a task or /ALL with /ABORT, /[NO]HOLD,
   /PRIORITY, or /RESTORE, the visible task is selected.

4  Qualifiers


   Marks the specified tasks for termination. Termination occurs
   at the next allowable point after a specified task resumes

   For Compaq Ada tasks, the effect is identical to executing an Ada
   abort statement for the tasks specified and causes these tasks
   to be marked as abnormal. Any dependent tasks are also marked for

   For POSIX Threads threads, use the following command:

   PTHREAD tset -c thread-number

   You can get help on POSIX Threads debugger commands by typing

   See the Guide to POSIX Threads Library for more information about
   using the POSIX Threads debugger.


   Makes the specified task the active task, which is the task that
   runs when a STEP, GO, CALL, or EXIT command executes. This causes
   a task switch to the new active task and makes that task the
   visible task. The specified task must be in either the RUNNING or
   READY state. When using /ACTIVE, you must specify one task.

   The SET TASK/ACTIVE command is supported for Compaq Ada on VAX
   only. For POSIX Threads programs or Compaq Ada on Alpha programs,
   use one of the following alternatives:

   o  For query-type actions, use the SET TASK/VISIBLE command.

   o  To gain control of execution, use a strategic placement of

   o  Use the PTHREAD tset -a thread-number command.

   You can get help on POSIX Threads debugger commands by typing

   See the Guide to POSIX Threads Library for more information about
   using the POSIX Threads debugger.


   Applies the SET TASK command to all tasks.


      /NOHOLD (default)

   When the event
   facility is THREADS, use the PTHREAD tset -h thread-number or
   the PTHREAD tset -n thread-number command.

   Controls whether a specified task is put on hold. The /HOLD
   qualifier puts a specified task on hold.

   Putting a task on hold prevents a task from entering the RUNNING
   state. A task put on hold is allowed to make other state
   transitions; in particular, it can change from the SUSPENDED
   to the READY state.

   A task already in the RUNNING state (the active task) can
   continue to execute as long as it remains in the RUNNING state,
   even though it is put on hold. If the task leaves the RUNNING
   state for any reason (including expiration of a time slice, if
   time slicing is enabled), it will not return to the RUNNING state
   until released from the hold condition.

   You can override the hold condition and force a task into the
   RUNNING state with the SET TASK/ACTIVE command even if the task
   is on hold.

   The /NOHOLD qualifier releases a specified task from hold.

   You can get help on POSIX Threads debugger commands by typing

   See the Guide to POSIX Threads Library for more information about
   using the POSIX Threads debugger.



   When the event facility is THREADS, use the PTHREAD
   tset -s thread-number command.

   Sets the priority of a specified task to n, where n is a decimal
   integer from 0 to 15. This does not prevent the priority from
   later changing in the course of execution, for example, while
   executing an Ada rendezvous or POSIX Threads synchronization
   event. This qualifier does not affect a task's scheduling policy.

   You can get help on POSIX Threads debugger commands by typing

   See the Guide to POSIX Threads Library for more information about
   using the POSIX Threads debugger.


   (Compaq Ada on VAX only) Restores the priority of a specified
   task to the priority it had when it was created. Does not affect
   the scheduling priority of the task.



   Supported for Compaq Ada on VAX only. Sets the time-slice
   duration to the value t, where t is a decimal integer or real
   value representing seconds. The set value overrides the time-
   slice value specified in the program, if any. To disable time
   slicing, use /TIME_SLICE=0.0. /TIME_SLICE is valid only when the
   event facility is ADA.


   Makes the specified task the visible task, which is the task
   whose call stack and register set are the current context for
   looking up symbols, register values, routine calls, breakpoints,
   and so on. Commands such as EXAMINE are directed at the visible
   task. The /VISIBLE qualifier does not affect the active task.
   When using /VISIBLE, you must specify one task.

4  Description

   The SET TASK command enables you to establish the visible task
   and the active task, control the execution of tasks, and cause
   task state transitions, directly or indirectly.

   To determine the current state of a task, use the SHOW TASK
   command. The possible states are RUNNING, READY, SUSPENDED, and

   Related commands:


4  Examples


     (Event facility = ADA) This command makes task 3 (task ID = 3)
     the active task.

   2.DBG> PTHREAD tset -a 3

     (Event facility = THREADS) This command makes task 3 (task ID =
     3) the active task.


     This command makes the next task in the debugger's task list
     the visible task. (The /VISIBLE qualifier is a default for the
     SET TASK command.)

     DBG> GO
          . . .
     DBG> STEP
          . . .

     In this example, the SET TASK/HOLD/ALL command freezes
     the state of all tasks except the active task. Then, SET
     TASK/ACTIVE is used selectively (along with the GO and STEP
     commands) to observe the behavior of one or more specified
     tasks in isolation.

   Establishes a tracepoint at the location denoted by an address
   expression, at instructions of a particular class, or at the
   occurrence of specified events.


     SET TRACE  [address-expression[, . . . ]]


                [DO(command[; . . . ])]

4  Parameters


   Specifies an address expression (a program location) at which
   a tracepoint is to be set. With high-level languages, this
   is typically a line number, a routine name, or a label, and
   can include a path name to specify the entity uniquely. More
   generally, an address expression can also be a memory address or
   a register and can be composed of numbers (offsets) and symbols,
   as well as one or more operators, operands, or delimiters. For
   information about the operators that you can use in address
   expressions, type Help Address_Expressions.

   Do not specify the asterisk (*)  wildcard character. Do not
   specify an address expression with the following qualifiers:

      /INSTRUCTION=(opcode[, . . . ]) (VAX only)
      /[NO]JSB (VAX only)

   The /MODIFY and /RETURN qualifiers are used with specific kinds
   of address expressions.

   If you specify a memory address or an address expression whose
   value is not a symbolic location, check (with the EXAMINE
   command) that an instruction actually begins at the byte of
   memory so indicated. If an instruction does not begin at this
   byte, a run-time error can occur when an instruction including
   that byte is executed. When you set a tracepoint by specifying
   an address expression whose value is not a symbolic location, the
   debugger does not verify that the location specified marks the
   beginning of an instruction.

   On VAX processors, CALLS and CALLG routines start with an entry


   Specifies a conditional expression in the currently set
   language that is to be evaluated whenever execution reaches the
   tracepoint. (The debugger checks the syntax of the expressions in
   the WHEN clause when execution reaches the tracepoint, not when
   the tracepoint is set.) If the expression is true, the debugger
   reports that a tracepoint has been triggered. If an action (DO
   clause) is associated with the tracepoint, it will occur at this
   time. If the expression is false, a report is not issued, the
   commands specified by the DO clause (if one was specified) are
   not executed, and program execution is continued.


   Specifies a debugger command to be executed as part of the DO
   clause when trace action is taken. The debugger checks the syntax
   of the commands in a DO clause when it executes the DO clause,
   not when the tracepoint is set.

4  Qualifiers


   Causes the debugger to trace when a new process comes under
   debugger control. See also the /TERMINATING qualifier.



   Specifies that trace action not be taken until the nth time the
   designated tracepoint is encountered (n is a decimal integer).
   Thereafter, the tracepoint occurs every time it is encountered
   provided that conditions in the WHEN clause (if specified) are
   true. The SET TRACE/AFTER:1 command has the same effect as SET


   Causes the debugger to trace every branch instruction encountered
   during program execution. See also the /INTO and /OVER


   Causes the debugger to trace every call instruction encountered
   during program execution, including the return instruction. See
   also the /INTO and /OVER qualifiers.



   Causes the debugger to trace the specified event (if that event
   is defined and detected by the current event facility). If you
   specify an address expression with /EVENT, causes the debugger
   to trace whenever the specified event occurs for that address
   expression. You cannot specify an address expression with certain
   event names.

   Event facilities are available for programs that call Ada or
   SCAN routines or that use POSIX Threads services. To identify the
   current event facility and the associated event names, use the


   Causes the debugger to trace every exception that is signaled.
   The trace action occurs before any application-declared exception
   handlers are invoked.

   As a result of a SET TRACE/EXCEPTION command, whenever your
   program generates an exception, the debugger reports the
   exception and resignals the exception, thus allowing any
   application-declared exception handler to execute.


      /INSTRUCTION[=(opcode[, . . . ])] (VAX only)

   When you do not specify an opcode, causes the debugger to trace
   every instruction encountered during program execution.

   (VAX only) If you specify one or more opcodes, causes the
   debugger to trace every instruction whose opcode is in the list.

   If you specify a vector instruction, do not include an
   instruction qualifier (/UNALIGNED_DATA, /VECTOR_INSTRUCTION,
   /MODIFY, /0, or /1) with the instruction mnemonic.

   See also the /INTO and /OVER qualifiers.


   (Default) Applies only to tracepoints set with the following
   qualifiers (that is, when an address expression is not explicitly

      /INSTRUCTION=(opcode[, . . . ]) (VAX only)

   When used with those qualifiers, /INTO causes the debugger to
   trace the specified points within called routines (as well as
   within the routine in which execution is currently suspended).
   The /INTO qualifier is the default and is the opposite of /OVER.

   When using /INTO, you can further qualify the trace action with
   the /[NO]JSB, /[NO]SHARE, and /[NO]SYSTEM qualifiers.



   (VAX only) Qualifies /INTO. Use with /INTO and one of the
   following qualifiers:

      /INSTRUCTION=(opcode[, . . . ])

   The /JSB qualifier is the default for all languages except DIBOL.
   It lets the debugger set tracepoints within routines that are
   called by the JSB or CALL instruction. The /NOJSB qualifier (the
   DIBOL default) specifies that tracepoints not be set within
   routines called by JSB instructions. In DIBOL, application-
   declared routines are called by the CALL instruction and DIBOL
   Run-Time Library routines are called by the JSB instruction.


   Causes the debugger to trace the beginning of each source line
   encountered during program execution. See also the /INTO and
   /OVER qualifiers.


   Causes the debugger to trace when an instruction writes to and
   changes the value of a location indicated by a specified address
   expression. The address expression is typically a variable name.

   The SET TRACE/MODIFY X command is equivalent to SET WATCH X
   DO(GO). The SET TRACE/MODIFY command operates under the same
   restrictions as SET WATCH.

   If you specify an absolute address for the address expression,
   the debugger might not be able to associate the address with
   a particular data object. In this case, the debugger uses a
   default length of 4 bytes. You can change this length, however,
   by setting the type to either WORD (SET TYPE WORD, which changes
   the default length to 2 bytes) or BYTE (SET TYPE BYTE, which
   changes the default length to 1 byte). The SET TYPE LONGWORD
   command restores the default length of 4 bytes.


   Applies only to tracepoints set with the following qualifiers
   (that is, when an address expression is not explicitly

      /INSTRUCTION=(opcode[, . . . ]) (VAX only)

   When used with those qualifiers, /OVER causes the debugger to
   trace the specified points only within the routine in which
   execution is currently suspended (not within called routines).
   The /OVER qualifier is the opposite of /INTO (which is the


   Causes the debugger to break on the return instruction of the
   routine associated with the specified address expression (which
   can be a routine name, line number, and so on). Breaking on the
   return instruction enables you to inspect the local environment
   (for example, obtain the values of local variables) while
   the routine is still active. Note that the view of a local
   environment may differ depending on your architecture. On VAX
   processors, this qualifier can only be applied to routines called
   with a CALLS or CALLG instruction; it cannot be used with JSB
   routines. On Alpha processors, this qualifier can be applied to
   any routine.

   The address-expression parameter is an instruction address within
   a routine. It can simply be a routine name, in which case it
   specifies the routine start address. However, you can also
   specify another location in a routine, so you can see only those
   returns that are taken after a certain code path is followed.

   A SET TRACE/RETURN command cancels a previous SET TRACE if you
   specify the same address expression.


      /SHARE (default)

   Qualifies /INTO. Use with /INTO and one of the following

      /INSTRUCTION=(opcode[, . . . ]) (VAX only)

   The /SHARE qualifier permits the debugger to set tracepoints
   within shareable image routines as well as other routines. The
   /NOSHARE qualifier specifies that tracepoints not be set within
   shareable images.


      /NOSILENT (default)

   Controls whether the "trace . . . " message and the source line
   for the current location are displayed at the tracepoint. The
   /NOSILENT qualifier specifies that the message is displayed. The
   /SILENT qualifier specifies that the message and source line are
   not displayed. The /SILENT qualifier overrides /SOURCE.


      /NOSOURCE (default)

   Controls whether the source line for the current location is
   displayed at the tracepoint. The /SOURCE qualifier specifies that
   the source line is displayed. The /NOSOURCE qualifier specifies
   that the source line is not displayed. The /SILENT qualifier
   overrides /SOURCE. See also the SET STEP [NO]SOURCE command.


      /SYSTEM (default)

   Qualifies /INTO. Use with /INTO and one of the following

      /INSTRUCTION=(opcode[, . . . ]) (VAX only)

   The /SYSTEM qualifier permits the debugger to set tracepoints
   within system routines (P1 space) as well as other routines. The
   /NOSYSTEM qualifier specifies that tracepoints not be set within
   system routines.


   Causes the tracepoint to disappear after it is triggered (the
   tracepoint does not remain permanently set).


   (Default) Causes the debugger to trace when a process does an
   image exit. The debugger gains control and displays its prompt
   when the last image of a one-process or multiprocess program
   exits. See also the /ACTIVATING qualifier.


   (VAX only) Causes the debugger to trace every vector instruction
   encountered during execution. See also the /INTO and /OVER

4  Description
   When a tracepoint is triggered, the debugger takes the following

   1. Suspends program execution at the tracepoint location.

   2. If you specified /AFTER when you set the tracepoint, checks
      the AFTER count. If the specified number of counts has not
      been reached, execution is resumed and the debugger does not
      perform the remaining steps.

   3. Evaluates the expression in a WHEN clause, if you specified
      one when you set the tracepoint. If the value of the
      expression is false, execution is resumed and the debugger
      does not perform the remaining steps.

   4. Reports that execution has reached the tracepoint location by
      issuing a "trace . . . " message, unless you specified /SILENT.

   5. Displays the line of source code corresponding to the
      tracepoint, unless you specified /NOSOURCE or /SILENT when
      you set the tracepoint or entered a previous SET STEP NOSOURCE

   6. Executes the commands in a DO clause, if you specified one
      when you set the tracepoint.

   7. Resumes execution.

   You set a tracepoint at a particular location in your program
   by specifying an address expression with the SET TRACE command.
   You set a tracepoint on consecutive source lines, classes of
   instructions, or events by specifying a qualifier with the SET
   TRACE command. Generally, you must specify either an address
   expression or a qualifier, but not both. Exceptions are /EVENT
   and /RETURN.

   The /LINE qualifier sets a tracepoint on each line of source

   The following qualifiers set tracepoints on classes of
   instructions. Using these qualifiers and /LINE causes the
   debugger to trace every instruction of your program as it
   executes and thus significantly slows down execution.

      /INSTRUCTION=(opcode[, . . . ]) (VAX only)
      /SYSEMULATE (Alpha only)

   The following qualifiers set tracepoints on classes of events:


4  Description_(Continued...)

   The following qualifiers affect what happens at a routine call:

      /[NO]JSB (VAX only)

The following qualifiers affect what output is displayed when a
tracepoint is reached:


   The following qualifiers affect the timing and duration of


   Use the /MODIFY qualifier to monitor changes at program locations
   (typically changes in the values of variables).

   If you set a tracepoint at a location currently used as
   a breakpoint, the breakpoint is canceled in favor of the
   tracepoint, and conversely.

   Tracepoints can be user defined or predefined. User-defined
   tracepoints are set explicitly with the SET TRACE command.
   Predefined tracepoints, which depend on the type of program you
   are debugging (for example, Ada or multiprocess), are established
   automatically when you start the debugger. Use the SHOW TRACE
   command to identify all tracepoints that are currently set. Any
   predefined tracepoints are identified as such.

   User-defined and predefined tracepoints are set and canceled
   independently. For example, a location or event can have both
   a user-defined and a predefined tracepoint. Canceling the user-
   defined tracepoint does not affect the predefined tracepoint, and

   Related commands:


4  Examples


     This command causes the debugger to trace the beginning of
     routine SUB3 when that routine is executed.


     This command causes the debugger to trace every BRANCH
     instruction and every CALL instruction encountered during
     program execution.


     This command causes the debugger to trace the beginning of
     every source line, including lines in called routines (/INTO)
     but not in shareable image routines (/NOSHARE) or system
     routines (/NOSYSTEM).


     This command causes the debugger to trace line 14 of module
     TEST5 when X is not equal to 2. At the tracepoint, the EXAMINE
     Y command is issued. The /NOSOURCE qualifier suppresses the
     display of source code at the tracepoint. The syntax of
     the conditional expression in the WHEN clause is language-


     This command causes the debugger to trace when X is not equal
     to 0. The condition is tested at each instruction encountered
     during execution. The syntax of the conditional expression in
     the WHEN clause is language-dependent.


     This command causes the debugger to trace the beginning of
     routine SUB2 during execution. At the tracepoint, the DO
     clause sets a watchpoint on variable K. The /SILENT qualifier
     suppresses the "trace . . . " message and the display of source
     code at the tracepoint. This example shows a convenient way
     of setting a watchpoint on a nonstatic (stack or register)
     variable. A nonstatic variable is defined only when its
     defining routine (SUB2, in this case) is active (on the call


     This command causes the debugger to trace the return
     instruction of routine ROUT4 (that is, just before execution
     returns to the calling routine). At the tracepoint, the DO
     clause issues the EXAMINE X command. This example shows a
     convenient way of obtaining the value of a nonstatic variable
     just before execution leaves that variable's defining routine.


     This command causes the debugger to trace the point at which
     any task makes a transition to the TERMINATED state.

   Establishes the default type to be associated with program
   locations that do not have a symbolic name (and, therefore, do
   not have an associated compiler-generated type). When used with
   /OVERRIDE, it establishes the default type to be associated with
   all locations, overriding any compiler-generated types.


     SET TYPE  type-keyword

4  Parameters


   Sets the default type to counted ASCII string with a 1-byte count
   field that precedes the string and gives its length. AC is also
   accepted as a keyword.


   Sets the default type to ASCII string descriptor. The CLASS and
   DTYPE fields of the descriptor are not checked, but the LENGTH
   and POINTER fields provide the character length and address
   of the ASCII string. The string is then displayed. AD is also
   accepted as a keyword.


   Sets the default type to ASCII character string (length n bytes).
   The length indicates both the number of bytes of memory to be
   examined and the number of ASCII characters to be displayed. If
   you do not specify a value for n, the debugger uses the default
   value of 4 bytes. The value n is interpreted in decimal radix.


   Sets the default type to counted ASCII string with a 2-byte count
   field that precedes the string and gives its length. This data
   type occurs in PASCAL and PL/I. AW is also accepted as a keyword.


   Sets the default type to zero-terminated ASCII string. The ending
   zero byte indicates the end of the string. AZ is also accepted as
   a keyword.


   Sets the default type to byte integer (length 1 byte).


   Sets the default type to D_floating (length 8 bytes).


   Sets the default type to date and time. This is a quadword
   integer (length 8 bytes) containing the internal representation
   of date and time. Values are displayed in the format dd-mmm-yyyy
   hh:mm:ss.cc. Specify an absolute date and time as follows:

   [dd-mmm-yyyy[:]] [hh:mm:ss.cc]


   (Alpha only) Sets the default type to IEEE X_floating (length 16


   On VAX systems, sets the default type to F_floating (length 4

   On Alpha systems, sets the default type to IEEE T_floating
   (double precision, length 8 bytes).


   Sets the default type to G_floating (length 8 bytes).


   (VAX only) Sets the default type to H_floating (length 16 bytes).


   Sets the default type to instruction (variable length, depending
   on the number of instruction operands and the kind of addressing
   modes used).


   (Alpha only) Sets the default type to IEEE S_Floating type
   (single precision, length 4 bytes).


   (Alpha only) Sets the default type to IEEE T_Floating type
   (double precision, length 8 bytes).


   Sets the default type to longword integer (length 4 bytes). This
   is the default type for program locations that do not have a
   symbolic name (do not have a compiler-generated type).


   Sets the default type to octaword integer (length 16 bytes).


   Sets the default type to packed decimal. The value of n is the
   number of decimal digits. Each digit occupies one nibble (4


   Sets the default type to quadword integer (length 8 bytes).


   Sets the default type to the type denoted by expression (the name
   of a variable or data type declared in the program). This enables
   you to specify an application-declared type.


   (Alpha only) Sets the default type to IEEE S_Floating type
   (single precision, length 4 bytes).


   On Alpha systems, sets the default type to IEEE T_Floating type
   (double precision, length 8 bytes).


   On Alpha systems, sets the default type to IEEE X_floating type
   (length 16 bytes).


   Sets the default type to word integer (length 2 bytes).

4  Qualifiers


   Associates the type specified with all program locations, whether
   or not they have a symbolic name (whether or not they have an
   associated compiler-generated type).

4  Description
   When you use EXAMINE, DEPOSIT, or EVALUATE commands, the default
   types associated with address expressions affect how the debugger
   interprets and displays program entities.

   The debugger recognizes the compiler-generated types associated
   with symbolic address expressions (symbolic names declared in
   your program), and it interprets and displays the contents of
   these locations accordingly. For program locations that do not
   have a symbolic name and, therefore, no associated compiler-
   generated type, the default type in all languages is longword
   integer, which is appropriate for debugging 32-bit applications.

   On Alpha systems, when debugging applications that use the 64-bit
   address space, you should use the SET TYPE QUADWORD command.

   The SET TYPE command enables you to change the default type
   associated with locations that do not have a symbolic name.
   The SET TYPE/OVERRIDE command enables you to set a default type
   for all program locations, both those that do and do not have a
   symbolic name.

   The EXAMINE and DEPOSIT commands have type qualifiers (/ASCII,
   /BYTE, /G_FLOAT, and so on) which enable you to override, for the
   duration of a single command, the type previously associated with
   any program location.

   Related commands:


4  Examples


     This command establishes an 8-byte ASCII character string as
     the default type associated with untyped program locations.


     This command establishes longword integer as the default type
     associated with both untyped program locations and program
     locations that have compiler-generated types.


     This command establishes D_Floating as the default type
     associated with untyped program locations.


     This command establishes the type of the variable S_ARRAY as
     the default type associated with untyped program locations.

   Enables or disables a debugger vector mode option.

   Applies only to VAX vectorized programs.


     SET VECTOR_MODE  vector-mode-option

4  Parameters


   Specifies the vector mode option. Valid keywords are as follows:

   SYNCHRONIZED    Specifies that the debugger force automatic
                   synchronization between the scalar and vector
                   processors whenever a vector instruction is
                   executed. Specifically, the debugger issues a
                   SYNC instruction after every vector instruction
                   and, in addition, an MSYNC instruction after
                   any vector instruction that accesses memory.
                   This forces the completion of all activities
                   associated with the vector instruction that is
                   being synchronized:

                   o  Any exception that was caused by a vector
                      instruction is delivered before the next
                      scalar instruction is executed. Forcing the
                      delivery of a pending exception triggers an
                      exception breakpoint or tracepoint (if one was
                      set) or invokes an exception handler (if one
                      is available at that location in the program).

                   o  Any read or write operation between vector
                      registers and either the general registers
                      or memory is completed before the next scalar
                      instruction is executed.

                   The SET VECTOR_MODE SYNCHRONIZED command does
                   not issue an immediate SYNC or MSYNC instruction
                   at the time it is issued. To force immediate
                   synchronization, use the SYNCHRONIZE VECTOR_MODE
   NOSYNCHRONIZED  (Default) Specifies that the debugger not force
                   synchronization between the scalar and vector
                   processors except for internal debugger purposes.
                   As a result, any synchronization is controlled
                   entirely by the program, and the program runs as
                   if it were not under debugger control.

4  Description
   Vector mode options control the way in which the debugger
   interacts with the vector processor. For details about the SET
   VECTOR_MODE command, see the parameter descriptions.

   Related commands:


4  Examples


     This command causes the debugger to force synchronization
     between the scalar and vector processors after each vector
     instruction is executed.


     Vector mode is nonsynchronized
     Vector mode is synchronized
     DBG> STEP   2
     stepped to .MAIN.\SUB\%LINE 99
         99:         VVDIVD  V1,V0,V2
     DBG> STEP   3
     %SYSTEM-F-VARITH, vector arithmetic fault, summary=00000002,
                       mask=00000004, PC=000002E1, PSL=03C00010
     break on unhandled exception preceding .MAIN.\SUB\%LINE 100
        100:         CLRL    R0

     The comments that follow refer to the callouts in the previous

     1  The SET VECTOR_MODE SYNCHRONIZED command causes the debugger
        to force automatic synchronization between the scalar and
        vector processors whenever a vector instruction is executed.

     2  This STEP command suspends program execution on line 99,
        just before a VVDIVD instruction is executed. Assume that,
        in this example, the instruction will trigger a floating-
        point divide-by-zero exception.

     3  This STEP command executes the VVDIVD instruction, which
        triggers the exception. The vector exception is delivered
        immediately because the debugger is being operated in
        synchronized vector mode.

   Establishes a watchpoint at the location denoted by an address


     SET WATCH  address-expression[, . . . ]


                [DO(command[; . . . ])]

4  Parameters


   Specifies an address expression (a program location) at which
   a watchpoint is to be set. With high-level languages, this is
   typically the name of a program variable and can include a path
   name to uniquely specify the variable. More generally, an address
   expression can also be a memory address or a register and can
   be composed of numbers (offsets) and symbols, as well as one or
   more operators, operands, or delimiters. For information about
   the operators that you can use in address expressions, see the
   Address_Expressions online help topic.

   Do not specify the asterisk (*)  wildcard character.


   Specifies a conditional expression in the currently set language;
   the expression is to be evaluated whenever execution reaches the
   watchpoint. (The debugger checks the syntax of the expressions in
   the WHEN clause when execution reaches the watchpoint, not when
   the watchpoint is set.) If the expression is true, the debugger
   reports that a watchpoint has been triggered. If an action (DO
   clause) is associated with the watchpoint, it will occur at this
   time. If the expression is false, a report is not issued, the
   commands specified by the DO clause (if one was specified) are
   not executed, and program execution is continued.


   Specifies a debugger command to be executed as part of the DO
   clause when watch action is taken. The debugger checks the syntax
   of the commands in a DO clause when it executes the DO clause,
   not when the watchpoint is set.

4  Qualifiers



   Specifies that watch action not be taken until the nth time the
   designated watchpoint is encountered (n is a decimal integer).
   Thereafter, the watchpoint occurs every time it is encountered
   provided that conditions in the WHEN clause are true. The SET
   WATCH/AFTER:1 command has the same effect as SET WATCH.


   Specifies that the debugger is to monitor a nonstatic variable
   by tracing instructions not only within the defining routine, but
   also within a routine that is called from the defining routine
   (and any other such nested calls). The SET WATCH/INTO command
   enables you to monitor nonstatic variables within called routines
   more precisely than SET WATCH/OVER; but the speed of execution
   within called routines is faster with SET WATCH/OVER.


   Specifies that the debugger is to monitor a nonstatic variable
   by tracing instructions only within the defining routine, not
   within a routine that is called by the defining routine. As a
   result, the debugger executes a called routine at normal speed
   and resumes tracing instructions only when execution returns
   to the defining routine. The SET WATCH/OVER command provides
   faster execution than SET WATCH/INTO; but if a called routine
   modifies the watched variable, execution is interrupted only upon
   returning to the defining routine. When you set watchpoints on
   nonstatic variables, SET WATCH/OVER is the default.


      /NOSILENT (default)

   Controls whether the "watch . . . " message and the source line
   for the current location are displayed at the watchpoint. The
   /NOSILENT qualifier specifies that the message is displayed. The
   /SILENT qualifier specifies that the message and source line are
   not displayed. The /SILENT qualifier overrides /SOURCE.


      /SOURCE (default)

   Controls whether the source line for the current location is
   displayed at the watchpoint. The /SOURCE qualifier specifies that
   the source line is displayed. The /NOSOURCE qualifier specifies
   that the source line is not displayed. The /SILENT qualifier
   overrides /SOURCE. See also the SET STEP [NO]SOURCE command.



   Enables you to override the debugger's default determination of
   whether a specified variable (watchpoint location) is static or
   nonstatic. The /STATIC qualifier specifies that the debugger
   should treat the variable as a static variable, even though
   it might be allocated in P1 space. This causes the debugger
   to monitor the location by using the faster write-protection
   method rather than by tracing every instruction. The /NOSTATIC
   qualifier specifies that the debugger should treat the variable
   as a nonstatic variable, even though it might be allocated in P0
   space, and causes the debugger to monitor the location by tracing
   every instruction. Be careful when using these qualifiers.


   Causes the watchpoint to disappear after it is triggered (the
   watchpoint does not remain permanently set).

4  Description
   When an instruction causes the modification of a watchpoint
   location, the debugger takes the following actions:

   1. Suspends program execution after that instruction has
      completed execution.

   2. If you specified /AFTER when you set the watchpoint, checks
      the AFTER count. If the specified number of counts has not
      been reached, execution continues and the debugger does not
      perform the remaining steps.

   3. Evaluates the expression in a WHEN clause, if you specified
      one when you set the watchpoint. If the value of the
      expression is false, execution continues and the debugger
      does not perform the remaining steps.

   4. Reports that execution has reached the watchpoint location
      ("watch of . . . ") unless you specified /SILENT.

   5. Reports the old (unmodified) value at the watchpoint location.

   6. Reports the new (modified) value at the watchpoint location.

   7. Displays the line of source code at which execution is
      suspended, unless you specified /NOSOURCE or /SILENT when
      you set the watchpoint or entered a previous SET STEP NOSOURCE

   8. Executes the commands in a DO clause, if you specified one
      when you set the watchpoint. If the DO clause contains a GO
      command, execution continues and the debugger does not perform
      the next step.

   9. Issues the prompt.

   For high-level language programs, the address expressions you
   specify with the SET WATCH command are typically variable names.
   If you specify an absolute memory address that is associated
   with a compiler-generated type, the debugger symbolizes the
   address and uses the length in bytes associated with that type
   to determine the length in bytes of the watchpoint location. If
   you specify an absolute memory address that the debugger cannot
   associate with a compiler-generated type, the debugger watches 4
   bytes of memory, by default, beginning at the byte identified by
   the address expression. You can change this length, however, by
   setting the type to either WORD (SET TYPE WORD, which changes the
   default length to 2 bytes) or BYTE (SET TYPE BYTE, which changes
   the default length to 1 byte). SET TYPE LONGWORD restores the
   default length of 4 bytes.

   You can set watchpoints on aggregates (that is, entire arrays
   or records). A watchpoint set on an array or record triggers
   if any element of the array or record changes. Thus, you do not
   need to set watchpoints on individual array elements or record
   components. Note, however, that you cannot set an aggregate
   watchpoint on a variant record.

   You can also set a watchpoint on a record component, on an
   individual array element, or on an array slice (a range of array
   elements). A watchpoint set on an array slice triggers if any
   element within that slice changes. When setting the watchpoint,
   follow the syntax of the current language.

4  Description,_Continued...

   The following qualifiers affect what output is seen when a
   watchpoint is reached:


   The following qualifiers affect the timing and duration of


   The following qualifiers apply only to nonstatic variables:


   The following qualifier overrides the debugger's determination of
   whether a variable is static or nonstatic:



      On VAX systems, watchpoints set on variables whose addresses
      are in global sections do not work. Attempting to set a
      watchpoint on a location in a global section results in a
      %DEBUG-E-BADWATCH message.

   Related commands:


4  Static_and_Nonstatic_Watchpoints

   Static and Nonstatic Watchpoints

   The technique for setting a watchpoint depends on whether the
   variable is static or nonstatic.

   A static variable is associated with the same memory address
   throughout execution of the program. You can always set a
   watchpoint on a static variable throughout execution.

   A nonstatic variable is allocated on the call stack or in a
   register and has a value only when its defining routine is active
   (on the call stack). Therefore, you can set a watchpoint on a
   nonstatic variable only when execution is currently suspended
   within the scope of the defining routine (including any routine
   called by the defining routine). The watchpoint is canceled when
   execution returns from the defining routine. With a nonstatic
   variable, the debugger traces every instruction to detect any
   changes in the value of a watched variable or location.

   Another distinction between static and nonstatic watchpoints
   is speed of execution. To watch a static variable, the debugger
   write-protects the page containing the variable. If your program
   attempts to write to that page, an access violation occurs and
   the debugger handles the exception, determining whether the
   watched variable was modified. Except when writing to that page,
   the program executes at normal speed.

   To watch a nonstatic variable, the debugger traces every
   instruction in the variable's defining routine and checks the
   value of the variable after each instruction has been executed.
   Since this significantly slows execution, the debugger issues a
   message when you set a nonstatic watchpoint.

   As explained in the next paragraphs, /[NO]STATIC, /INTO, and
   /OVER enable you to exercise some control over speed of execution
   and other factors when watching variables.

   The debugger determines whether a variable is static or nonstatic
   by checking how it is allocated. Typically, a static variable is
   in P0 space (0 to 3FFFFFFF, hexadecimal); a nonstatic variable is
   in P1 space (40000000 to 7FFFFFFF) or in a register. The debugger
   issues a warning if you try to set a watchpoint on a variable
   that is allocated in P1 space or in a register when execution is
   not currently suspended within the scope of the defining routine.

   The /[NO]STATIC qualifiers enable you to override this default
   behavior. For example, if you have allocated nonstack storage
   in P1 space, use /STATIC when setting a watchpoint on a variable
   that is allocated in that storage area. This enables the debugger
   to use the faster write-protection method of watching the
   location instead of tracing every instruction. Conversely, if,
   for example, you have allocated your own call stack in P0 space,
   use /NOSTATIC when setting a watchpoint on a variable that is
   allocated on that call stack. This enables the debugger to treat
   the watchpoint as a nonstatic watchpoint.

   You can also control the execution speed for nonstatic
   watchpoints in called routines by using /INTO and /OVER.

   On both Alpha and VAX processors, both static and nonstatic
   watchpoints are available. With static watchpoints, the debugger
   write-protects the page of memory in which the watched variable
   is stored. Static watchpoints, therefore, would interfere with
   the system service itself if not for the debugger's use of system
   service interception (SSI).

   If a static watchpoint is in effect then, through system service
   interception, the debugger deactivates the static watchpoint,
   asynchronous traps (ASTs), and thread switching, just before the
   system service call. The debugger reactivates them just after
   the system service call completes, putting the watchpoint, AST
   enabling, and thread switching back to their original state
   and, finally, checking for any watchpoint hits. This behavior
   is designed to allow the system service to run as it normally
   would (that is, without write-protected pages) and to prevent
   the AST code or a different thread from potentially changing the
   watchpointed location while the watchpoint is deactivated. Be
   aware of this behavior if, for example, your application tests to
   see if ASTs are enabled.

   An active static watchpoint can cause a system service to fail,
   likely with an ACCVIO status, if the system service is not
   supported by the system service interception (SSI) vehicle
   (DBGSSISHR on OpenVMS VAX systems and SYS$SSISHR on OpenVMS Alpha
   systems). Any system service that is not in SYS$PUBLIC_VECTORS is
   unsupported by SSI, including User Written System Services (UWSS)
   and any loadable system services, such as $MOUNT.

   When a static watchpoint is active, the debugger write-protects
   the page containing the variable to be watched. A system service
   call not supported by SSI can fail if it tries to write to that
   page of user memory.

   To avoid this failure, do either of the following:

   o  Deactivate the static watchpoint before the service call.
      When the call completes, check the watchpoint manually and
      reactivate it.

   o  Use nonstatic watchpoints. Note that nonstatic watchpoints can
      slow execution.

   If a watched location changes during a system service routine,
   you will be notified, as usual, that the watchpoint occurred.
   Note that, on rare occasions, stack may show one or more debugger
   frames on top of the frame or frames for your program. To work
   around this problem, enter one or more STEP/RETURN commands to
   get back to your program.

   System service interception is on by default, but on Alpha
   processors only, you can disable interception prior to a
   debugging session by issuing the following command:


   To reenable system service interception, issue one of the
   following commands:


4  Global_Section_Watchpoints

   On Alpha processors, you can set watchpoints on variables or
   arbitrary program locations in global sections. A global section
   is a region of memory that is shared among all processes of a
   multiprocess program. A watchpoint that is set on a location in
   a global section (a global section watchpoint) triggers when any
   process modifies the contents of that location.

   You set a global section watchpoint just as you would set a
   watchpoint on a static variable. However, because of the way the
   debugger monitors global section watchpoints, note the following
   point. When setting watchpoints on arrays or records, performance
   is improved if you specify individual elements rather than the
   entire structure with the SET WATCH command.

   If you set a watchpoint on a location that is not yet mapped to
   a global section, the watchpoint is treated as a conventional
   static watchpoint. When the location is subsequently mapped
   to a global section, the watchpoint is automatically treated
   as a global section watchpoint and an informational message is
   issued. The watchpoint is then visible from each process of the
   multiprocess program.

4  Examples


     This command establishes a watchpoint on the variable MAXCOUNT.

     DBG> GO
          . . .
     watch of SUBR\ARR at SUBR\%LINE 12+8
        old value:
         (1):         7
         (2):         12
         (3):         3
        new value:
         (1):         7
         (2):         12
         (3):         28

     break at SUBR\%LINE 14

     In this example, the SET WATCH command sets a watchpoint on
     the three-element integer array, ARR. Execution is then resumed
     with the GO command. The watchpoint triggers whenever any array
     element changes. In this case, the third element changed.


     This command sets a watchpoint on element 3 of array ARR
     (Fortran array syntax). The watchpoint triggers whenever
     element 3 changes.

   4.DBG> SET WATCH P_ARR[3:5]

     This command sets a watchpoint on the array slice consisting
     of elements 3 to 5 of array P_ARR (Pascal array syntax). The
     watchpoint triggers whenever any of these elements change.


     This command sets a separate watchpoint on each of elements
     3 to 5 of array P_ARR (Pascal array syntax). Each watchpoint
     triggers whenever its target element changes.


     In this example, variable K is a nonstatic variable and is
     defined only when its defining routine, SUB2, is active (on
     the call stack). The SET TRACE command sets a tracepoint on
     SUB2. When the tracepoint is triggered during execution, the DO
     clause sets a watchpoint on K. The watchpoint is then canceled
     when execution returns from routine SUB2. The /SILENT qualifier
     suppresses the "trace . . . " message and the display of source
     code at the tracepoint.

   Creates a screen window definition.


      This command is not available in the Compaq DECwindows Motif
      for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.


     SET WINDOW  window-name

                 AT (start-line,line-count


4  Parameters


   Specifies the name of the window you are defining. If a window
   definition with that name already exists, it is canceled in favor
   of the new definition.


   Specifies the starting line number of the window. This line
   displays the window title, or header line. The top line of the
   screen is line 1.


   Specifies the number of text lines in the window, not counting
   the header line. The value must be at least 1. The sum of start-
   line and line-count must not exceed the current screen height.


   Specifies the starting column number of the window. This is the
   column at which the first character of the window is displayed.
   The leftmost column of the screen is column 1.


   Specifies the number of characters per line in the window. The
   value must be at least 1. The sum of start-column and column-
   count must not exceed the current screen width.

4  Description
   A screen window is a rectangular region on the terminal screen
   through which you can view a display. The SET WINDOW command
   establishes a window definition by associating a window name
   with a screen region. You specify the screen region in terms of a
   starting line and height (line count) and, optionally, a starting
   column and width (column count). If you do not specify the
   starting column and column count, the starting column defaults
   to column 1 and the column count defaults to the current screen

   You can specify a window region in terms of expressions that use
   the built-in symbols %PAGE and %WIDTH.

   You can use the names of any windows you have defined with the
   SET WINDOW command in a DISPLAY command to position displays on
   the screen.

   Window definitions are dynamic-that is, window dimensions expand
   and contract proportionally when a SET TERMINAL command changes
   the screen width or height.

   Related commands:


4  Examples


     This command defines a window named ONELINE at the top of the
     screen. The window is one line deep and, by default, spans the
     width of the screen.

   2.DBG> SET WINDOW MIDDLE AT (9,4,30,20)

     This command defines a window named MIDDLE at the middle of the
     screen. The window is 4 lines deep starting at line 9, and 20
     columns wide starting at column 30.


     This command defines a window named FLEX that occupies a region
     around the middle of the screen and is defined in terms of the
     current screen height (%PAGE) and width (%WIDTH).


   Identifies the Ctrl-key sequence currently defined to abort
   the execution of a debugger command or to interrupt program


      This command is not available in the Compaq DECwindows Motif
      for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.



4  Description
   By default, the Ctrl/C sequence, when entered within a debugging
   session, aborts the execution of a debugger command and
   interrupts program execution. The SET ABORT_KEY command enables
   you to assign the abort function to another Ctrl-key sequence.
   The SHOW ABORT_KEY command identifies the Ctrl-key sequence
   currently in effect for the abort function.

   Related commands:


4  Example

 Abort Command Key is CTRL_C
 Abort Command Key is CTRL_P

     In this example, the first SHOW ABORT_KEY command identifies
     the default abort command key sequence, Ctrl/C. The SET ABORT_
     KEY = CTRL_P command assigns the abort-command function to
     Ctrl/P, as confirmed by the second SHOW ABORT_KEY command.

3  AST
   Indicates whether delivery of asynchronous system traps (ASTs) is
   enabled or disabled.



4  Description
   The SHOW AST command indicates whether delivery of ASTs is
   enabled or disabled. The command does not identify an AST whose
   delivery is pending. The delivery of ASTs is enabled by default
   and with the ENABLE AST command. The delivery of ASTs is disabled
   with the DISABLE AST command.

   Related commands:


4  Example

 ASTs are enabled
 ASTs are disabled

     The SHOW AST command indicates whether the delivery of ASTs is

   Identifies the default file specification established with
   the last SET ATSIGN command. The debugger uses this file
   specification when processing the execute procedure (@) command.



4  Description
   Related commands:

      @ (Execute Procedure)

4  Examples

     No indirect command file default in effect, using DEBUG.COM

     This example shows that if you did not use the SET ATSIGN
     command, the debugger assumes command procedures have the
     default file specification SYS$DISK:[]DEBUG.COM.

     Indirect command file default is USER:[JONES.DEBUG].DBG

     In this example, the SHOW ATSIGN command indicates the default
     file specification for command procedures, as previously
     established with the SET ATSIGN command.

   Displays information about breakpoints.



4  Qualifiers


   Displays information about predefined breakpoints.


   Displays information about user-defined breakpoints.

4  Description
   The SHOW BREAK command displays information about breakpoints
   that are currently set, including any options such as WHEN or DO
   clauses, /AFTER counts, and so on, and whether the breakpoints
   are deactivated.

   By default, SHOW BREAK displays information about both user-
   defined and predefined breakpoints (if any). This is equivalent
   to entering the SHOW BREAK/USER/PREDEFINED command. User-defined
   breakpoints are set with the SET BREAK command. Predefined
   breakpoints are set automatically when you start the debugger,
   and they depend on the type of program you are debugging.

   If you established a breakpoint using SET BREAK/AFTER:n, the SHOW
   BREAK command displays the current value of the decimal integer
   n, that is, the originally specified integer value minus 1 for
   each time the breakpoint location was reached. (The debugger
   decrements n each time the breakpoint location is reached until
   the value of n is 0, at which time the debugger takes break

   On Alpha systems, the SHOW BREAK command does not display
   individual instructions when the break is on a particular class
   of instruction (as with SET BREAK/CALL or SET BREAK/RETURN).

   Related commands:


4  Examples

     breakpoint at SUB1\LOOP
     breakpoint at MAIN\MAIN+1F
        do (EX SUB1\D ; EX/SYMBOLIC PSL; GO)
     breakpoint at routine SUB2\SUB2
        /after: 2

     The SHOW BREAK command identifies all breakpoints that are
     currently set. This example indicates user-defined breakpoints
     that are triggered whenever execution reaches SUB1\LOOP,
     MAIN\MAIN, and SUB2\SUB2, respectively.

     predefined breakpoint on Ada event "DEPENDENTS_EXCEPTION"
        for any value
     predefined breakpoint on Ada event "EXCEPTION_TERMINATED"
        for any value

     This command identifies the predefined breakpoints that are
     currently set. The example shows two predefined breakpoints,
     which are associated with Ada tasking exception events. These
     breakpoints are set automatically by the debugger for all Ada
     programs and for any mixed language program that is linked with
     an Ada module.

   Identifies the currently active routine calls.


     SHOW CALLS  [integer]

4  Parameters


   A decimal integer that specifies the number of routine calls to
   be identified. If you omit the parameter, the debugger identifies
   all routine calls for which it has information.

4  Qualifiers


   Displays the image name for each active call on the call stack.

4  Description
   The SHOW CALLS command shows a traceback that lists the sequence
   of active routine calls that lead to the routine in which
   execution is currently suspended. Any recursive routine calls
   are shown in the display, so you can use the SHOW CALLS command
   to examine the chain of recursion.

   SHOW CALLS displays one line of information for each call frame
   on the call stack, starting with the most recent call. The top
   line identifies the currently executing routine, the next line
   identifies its caller, the following line identifies the caller
   of the caller, and so on.

   Even if your program contains no routine calls, the SHOW CALLS
   command displays an active call. The reason for this is that
   your program has a stack frame built for it when it is first
   activated. Thus, if the SHOW CALLS display shows no active calls,
   either your program has terminated or the call stack has been

   On VAX processors, the sequence of routine calls corresponds to
   the sequence of call frames on the call stack. Whenever a call is
   made to a routine as your program executes, the operating system
   creates a separate call frame on the call stack. Each call frame
   stores information about the calling routine, for example, the PC
   value that enables the SHOW CALLS command to symbolize module and
   routine information.

   On Alpha processors, a routine invocation can result in a stack
   frame procedure (with a call frame on the stack), a register
   frame procedure (with a call frame stored in the register set),
   or a null frame procedure (without a call frame). SHOW CALLS
   provides one line of information on all three: stack frame
   procedures, register frame procedures, and null frame procedures.
   (See the Alpha example below.)

4  Description,_Continued...

   The following information is provided for each line of the SHOW
   CALLS display:

   o  The name of the enclosing module. An asterisk (*)  to the left
      of a module name indicates that the module is set.

   o  The name of the calling routine, provided the module is set
      (the first line shows the currently executing routine).

   o  The line number where the call was made in that routine,
      provided the module is set (the first line shows the line
      number at which execution is suspended).

   o  The value of the PC in the calling routine at the time
      that control was transferred to the called routine. On VAX
      processors, the PC value is shown as a memory address relative
      to the nearest preceding symbol value (for example, a routine)
      and also as an absolute address. On Alpha processors, the
      PC is shown as a memory address relative to the first code
      address in the module and also as an absolute address.

      When you specify the /IMAGE qualifier, the debugger first does
      a SET IMAGE command for each image that has debug information
      (that is, it was linked using the /DEBUG or /TRACEBACK
      qualifier). The debugger then displays the image name for
      each active call on the calls stack. The output display has
      been expanded and displays the image name in the first column.

      The debugger suppresses the share$image_name module name,
      because that information is provided by the /IMAGE qualifier.

      The SET IMAGE command lasts only for the duration of the SHOW
      CALLS/IMAGE command. The debugger restores the set image state
      when the SHOW CALLS/IMAGE command is complete.

   Related commands:


4  Examples

     module name   routine name   line      rel PC      abs PC

      SUB2         SUB2                    00000002    0000085A
     *SUB1         SUB1              5     00000014    00000854
     *MAIN         MAIN             10     0000002C    0000082C

     This command displays information about the sequence of
     currently active procedure calls on a VAX system.

      module name routine name  line     rel PC           abs PC
     *MAIN         FFFF          31  00000000000002B8 00000000000203C4
     -the above appears to be a null frame
                                    in the same scope as the frame below
     *MAIN         MAIN          13  00000000000000A8 00000000000200A8
                                     0000000000000000 FFFFFFFF8255A1F8

     This example has been reformatted for Help, and may appear
     slightly different from the actual output display. This example
     is on an Alpha system. Note that sections of routine prologues
     and epilogues appear to the debugger to be null frames. The
     portion of the prologue before the change in the frame pointer
     (FP) and the portion of the epilogue after restoration of the
     FP each look like a null frame, and are reported accordingly.

   Identifies the default (/ADDRESS, /COMMAND, /PROCESS_GROUP, or
   /VALUE) currently in effect for the DEFINE command.



4  Description
   The default qualifier for the DEFINE command is the one last
   established with the SET DEFINE command. If you did not enter a
   SET DEFINE command, the default qualifier is /ADDRESS.

   To identify a symbol defined with the DEFINE command, use the

   Related commands:


4  Example

 Current setting is: DEFINE/ADDRESS

     This command indicates that the DEFINE command is set for
     definition by address.

   Identifies one or more existing screen displays.


      This command is not available in the Compaq DECwindows Motif
      for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.


     SHOW DISPLAY  [display-name[, . . . ]]

4  Parameters


   Specifies the name of a display. If you do not specify a name,
   or if you specify the asterisk (*)  wildcard character by itself,
   all display definitions are listed. You can use the wildcard
   within a display name. Do not specify a display name with the
   /ALL qualifier.

4  Qualifiers


   Lists all display definitions.

4  Description
   The SHOW DISPLAY command lists all displays according to their
   order in the display list. The most hidden display is listed
   first, and the display that is on top of the display pasteboard
   is listed last.

   For each display, the SHOW DISPLAY command lists its name,
   maximum size, screen window, and display kind (including any
   debug command list). It also identifies whether the display is
   removed from the pasteboard or is dynamic (a dynamic display
   automatically adjusts its window dimensions if the screen size is
   changed with the SET TERMINAL command).

   Related commands:


4  Example

 display SRC at H1, size = 64, dynamic
 display INST at H1, size = 64, removed, dynamic
 display REG at RH1, size = 64, removed, dynamic, kind = REGISTER
 display OUT at S45, size = 100, dynamic, kind = OUTPUT
 display EXSUM at Q3, size = 64, dynamic, kind = DO (EXAMINE SUM)
 display PROMPT at S6, size = 64, dynamic, kind = PROGRAM

     The SHOW DISPLAY command lists all displays currently defined.
     In this example, they include the five predefined displays
     (SRC, INST, REG, OUT, and PROMPT), and the user-defined DO
     display EXSUM. Displays INST and REG are removed from the
     display pasteboard: the DISPLAY command must be used to display
     them on the screen.

   Indicates the action taken by the EDIT command, as established by
   the SET EDITOR command.



4  Description
   Related commands:


4  Examples

     The editor is SPAWNed, with command line

     In this example, the EDIT command spawns the EDT editor in
     a subprocess. The /START_POSITION qualifier appended to the
     command line indicates that the editing cursor is initially
     positioned at the beginning of the line that is centered in the
     debugger's current source display.

     The editor is CALLABLE_TPU, with command line "TPU"

     In this example, the SHOW EDITOR command indicates that the
     EDIT command invokes the callable version of the DEC Text
     Processing Utility (DECTPU). The editing cursor is initially
     positioned at the beginning of source line 1.

   Identifies the current event facility and the associated event

   Event facilities are available for programs that call Ada
   routines or that use POSIX Threads services. On VAX processors,
   event facilities are also available for programs that call SCAN



4  Description
   The current event facility (ADA, THREADS, or SCAN) defines the
   eventpoints that you can set with the SET BREAK/EVENT and SET
   TRACE/EVENT commands.

   The SHOW EVENT_FACILITY command identifies the event names
   associated with the current event facility. These are the
   keywords that you can specify with the (SET,CANCEL) BREAK/EVENT
   and (SET,CANCEL) TRACE/EVENT commands.

   Related commands:


4  Example

 event facility is THREADS
      . . .

     This command identifies the current event facility to be
     THREADS (POSIX Threads) and lists the associated event names
     that can be used with SET BREAK/EVENT or SET TRACE/EVENT

   Identifies the exit handlers that have been declared in your



4  Description
   The exit handler routines are displayed in the order that they
   are called (that is, last in, first out). The routine name is
   displayed symbolically, if possible. Otherwise, its address is
   displayed. The debugger's exit handlers are not displayed.

4  Example

 exit handler at STACKS\CLEANUP

     This command identifies the exit handler routine CLEANUP, which
     is declared in module STACKS.

   Displays information about one or more images that are part of
   your running program.


     SHOW IMAGE  [image-name]

4  Parameters


   Specifies the name of an image to be included in the display. If
   you do not specify a name, or if you specify the asterisk (*)
   wildcard character by itself, all images are listed. You can use
   the wildcard within an image name.

4  Description
   The SHOW IMAGE command displays the following information:

   o  Name of the image

   o  Start and end addresses of the image

   o  Whether the image has been set with the SET IMAGE command
      (loaded into the run-time symbol table, RST)

   o  Current image that is your debugging context (marked with an
      asterisk (*))

   o  Total number of images selected in the display

   o  Number of bytes allocated for the RST and other internal

   SHOW IMAGE does not display all of the memory ranges of an image
   installed using the /RESIDENT qualifier. Instead, this command
   displays only the process data region.

   Related commands:


4  Example

  image name            set    base address    end address

 *SHARE                 yes    00000200        00000FFF
  SHARE1                no     00001000        000017FF
  SHARE2                yes    00018C00        000191FF
  SHARE3                no     00019200        000195FF
  SHARE4                no     00019600        0001B7FF

  total images: 5       bytes allocated: 33032

     This SHOW IMAGE command identifies all of the images whose
     names start with SHARE and which are associated with the
     program. Images SHARE and SHARE2 are set. The asterisk (*)
     identifies SHARE as the current image.

3  KEY
   Displays the debugger predefined key definitions and those
   created by the DEFINE/KEY command.


      This command is not available in the Compaq DECwindows Motif
      for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.


     SHOW KEY  [key-name]

4  Parameters


   Specifies a function key whose definition is displayed. Do not
   use the asterisk (*)  wildcard character. Instead, use the /ALL
   qualifier. Do not specify a key name with /ALL or /DIRECTORY.
   Valid key names are as follows:

   Key       LK201
   Name      Keyboard      VT100-type    VT52-type

   PF1       PF1           PF1           Blue
   PF2       PF2           PF2           Red
   PF3       PF3           PF3           Black
   PF4       PF4           PF4
   KP0-KP9   Keypad 0-9    Keypad 0-9    Keypad 0-9
   PERIOD    Keypad        Keypad
             period (.)    period (.)
   COMMA     Keypad comma  Keypad comma
             (,)           (,)
   ENTER     Enter         ENTER         ENTER
   E1        Find
   E2        Insert Here
   E3        Remove
   E4        Select
   E5        Prev Screen
   E6        Next Screen
   HELP      Help
   DO        Do
   F6-F20    F6-F20

4  Qualifiers


   Displays all key definitions for the current state, by default,
   or for the states specified with /STATE.


   Displays only the key definitions (by default, all qualifiers
   associated with a key definition are also shown, including any
   specified state).


   Displays the names of all the states for which keys have been
   defined. Do not specify other qualifiers with this qualifier.


      /STATE=(state-name [, . . . ])
      /NOSTATE (default)

   Selects one or more states for which a key definition is
   displayed. The /STATE qualifier displays key definitions for the
   specified states. You can specify predefined key states, such as
   DEFAULT and GOLD, or user-defined states. A state name can be any
   appropriate alphanumeric string. The /NOSTATE qualifier displays
   key definitions for the current state only.

4  Description
   Keypad mode must be enabled (SET MODE KEYPAD) before you can use
   this command. Keypad mode is enabled by default.

   By default, the current key state is the DEFAULT state. You can
   change the current state by using the SET KEY/STATE command or
   by pressing a key that causes a state change (that is, a key that
   was defined with DEFINE/KEY/LOCK_STATE or /SET_STATE).

   Related commands:

      SET KEY

4  Examples


     This command displays all the key definitions for the current

     GOLD keypad definitions:
       KP8 = "Scroll/Top" (noecho,terminate,nolock)

     This command displays the definition for keypad key 8 in the
     BLUE state.

     DEFAULT keypad definitions:
       KP8 = "Scroll/Up"

     This command displays the definition for keypad key 8 in the
     current state.


     This command displays the names of the states for which keys
     have been defined.

   Identifies the current language.



4  Description
   The current language is the language last established with
   the SET LANGUAGE command. If you did not enter a SET LANGUAGE
   command, the current language is, by default, the language of the
   module containing the main program.

   Related command:


4  Example

 language: BASIC

     This command displays the name of the current language as

3  LOG
   Indicates whether the debugger is writing to a log file and
   identifies the current log file.



4  Description
   The current log file is the log file last established by a SET
   LOG command. By default, if you did not enter a SET LOG command,
   the current log file is the file SYS$DISK:[]DEBUG.LOG.

   Related commands:

      SET LOG

4  Examples

     not logging to DEBUG.LOG

     This command displays the name of the current log file as
     DEBUG.LOG (the default log file) and reports that the debugger
     is not writing to it.

     logging to USER$:[JONES.WORK]PROG4.LOG

     In this example, the SET LOG command establishes that the
     current log file is PROG4.LOG (in the current default
     directory). The SET OUTPUT LOG command causes the debugger
     to log debugger input and output into that file. The SHOW LOG
     command confirms that the debugger is writing to the log file
     PROG4.COM in your current default directory.

   Identifies the current source-line margin settings for displaying
   source code.


      This command is not available in the Compaq DECwindows Motif
      for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.



4  Description
   The current margin settings are the margin settings last
   established with the SET MARGINS command. By default, if you
   did not enter a SET MARGINS command, the left margin is set to 1
   and the right margin is set to 255.

   Related command:


4  Examples

     left margin: 1 , right margin: 255

     This command displays the default margin settings of 1 and 255.

     left margin: 1 , right margin: 50

     This command displays the default left margin setting of 1 and
     the modified right margin setting of 50.

   3.DBG> SET MARGINS 10:60
     left margin: 10 , right margin: 60

     This command displays both margin settings modified to 10 and

   Identifies the current debugger modes (screen or no screen,
   keypad or nokeypad, and so on) and the current radix.



4  Description
   The current debugger modes are the modes last established with
   the SET MODE command. By default, if you did not enter a SET MODE
   command, the current modes are the following:

      NOG_FLOAT (D_float)

   Related commands:


4  Example

 modes: symbolic, line, d_float, screen, scroll, keypad,
        dynamic, interrupt, no separate window
 input radix :decimal
 output radix:decimal

     The SHOW MODE command displays the current modes and current
     input and output radix.

   Displays information about the modules in the current image.


     SHOW MODULE  [module-name]

4  Parameters


   Specifies the name of a module to be included in the display. If
   you do not specify a name, or if you specify the asterisk (*)
   wildcard character by itself, all modules are listed. You can
   use a wildcard within a module name. Shareable image modules are
   selected only if you specify /SHARE.

4  Qualifiers


      /NORELATED (default)

   (Applies to Ada programs.) Controls whether the debugger
   includes, in the SHOW MODULE display, any module that is
   related to a specified module through a with-clause or subunit

   The SHOW MODULE/RELATED command displays related modules as
   well as those specified. The display identifies the exact
   relationship. By default (/NORELATED), no related modules are
   selected for display (only the modules specified are selected).


      /NOSHARE (default)

   Controls whether the debugger includes, in the SHOW MODULE
   display, any shareable images that have been linked with your
   program. By default (/NOSHARE) no shareable image modules are
   selected for display.

   The debugger creates dummy modules for each shareable image in
   your program. The names of these shareable "image modules" have
   the prefix SHARE$. The SHOW MODULE/SHARE command identifies these
   shareable image modules, as well as the modules in the current

   Setting a shareable image module loads the universal symbols
   for that image into the run-time symbol table so that you can
   reference these symbols from the current image. However, you
   cannot reference other (local or global) symbols in that image
   from the current image. This feature overlaps the effect of the
   newer SET IMAGE and SHOW IMAGE commands.

4  Description
   The SHOW MODULE command displays the following information about
   one or more modules selected for display:

   o  Name of the module

   o  Programming language in which the module is coded, unless all
      modules are coded in the same language

   o  Whether the module has been set with the SET MODULE command.
      That is, whether the symbol records of the module have been
      loaded into the debugger's run-time symbol table (RST)

   o  Space (in bytes) required in the RST for symbol records in
      that module

   o  Total number of modules selected in the display

   o  Number of bytes allocated for the RST and other internal
      structures (the amount of heap space in use in the main
      debugger's process)


      The current image is either the main image (by default) or
      the image established as the current image by a previous SET
      IMAGE command.

   For information specific to Ada programs, type Help
   Language_Support Ada.

   Related commands:


4  Examples

     module name           symbols   size

     TEST                  yes       432
     SCREEN_IO             no        280

     total PASCAL modules: 2.    bytes allocated: 2740.

     In this example, the SHOW MODULE command, without a parameter,
     displays information about all of the modules in the current
     image, which is the main image by default. This example shows
     the display format when all modules have the same source
     language. The symbols column shows that module TEST has been
     set, but module SCREEN_IO has not.

     module name           symbols   language   size

     FOO                   yes       MACRO      432
     MAIN                  no        FORTRAN    280
     SUB1                  no        FORTRAN    164
     SUB2                  no        FORTRAN    204

     total modules: 4.     bytes allocated: 60720.

     In this example, the SHOW MODULE command displays information
     about the modules FOO and MAIN, and all modules having the
     prefix SUB. This example shows the display format when the
     modules do not have the same source language.

     module name           symbols   language   size

     FOO                   yes       MACRO       432
     MAIN                  no        FORTRAN     280
          . . .
     SHARE$DEBUG           no        Image         0
     SHARE$LIBRTL          no        Image         0
     SHARE$MTHRTL          no        Image         0
     SHARE$SHARE1          no        Image         0
     SHARE$SHARE2          no        Image         0

     total modules: 17.     bytes allocated: 162280.

     In this example, the SHOW MODULE/SHARE command identifies all
     of the modules in the current image and all of the shareable
     images (the names of the shareable images are prefixed with
     SHARE$. The SET MODULE SHARE$SHARE2 command sets the shareable
     image module SHARE$SHARE2. The SHOW SYMBOL command identifies
     any universal symbols defined in the shareable image SHARE2.

   Identifies the current output options.



4  Description
   The current output options are the options last established with
   the SET OUTPUT command. By default, if you did not enter a SET
   OUTPUT command, the output options are: NOLOG, NOSCREEN_LOG,

   Related commands:

      SET LOG

4  Example

 noverify, terminal, screen_log,
     logging to USER$:[JONES.WORK]DEBUG.LOG;9

     This command shows the following current output options:

     o  Debugger commands read from debugger command procedures are
        not echoed on the terminal.

     o  Debugger output is being displayed on the terminal.

     o  The debugging session is being logged to the log file

     o  The screen contents are logged as they are updated in screen

   Displays information about processes that are currently under
   debugger control.


     SHOW PROCESS  [process-spec[, . . . ]]

4  Parameters


   Specifies a process currently under debugger control. Use any of
   the following forms:

   [%PROCESS_NAME] process-  The process name, if that name does not
   name                      contain spaces or lowercase characters.
                             The process name can include the
                             asterisk (*)  wildcard character.
   [%PROCESS_NAME]           The process name, if that name contains
   "process-name"            spaces or lowercase characters. You
                             can also use apostrophes (') instead of
                             quotation marks (").
   %PROCESS_PID process_id   The process identifier (PID, a
                             hexadecimal number).
   [%PROCESS_NUMBER]         The number assigned to a process when
   process-number            it comes under debugger control. A
   (or %PROC process-        new number is assigned sequentially,
   number)                   starting with 1, to each process. If
                             a process is terminated with the EXIT
                             or QUIT command, the number can be
                             assigned again during the debugging
                             session. Process numbers appear in a
                             SHOW PROCESS display. Processes are
                             ordered in a circular list so they can
                             be indexed with the built-in symbols
                             %PREVIOUS_PROCESS and %NEXT_PROCESS.
   process-set-name          A symbol defined with the
                             DEFINE/PROCESS_SET command to represent
                             a group of processes.
   %NEXT_PROCESS             The next process after the visible
                             process in the debugger's circular
                             process list.
   %PREVIOUS_PROCESS         The process previous to the visible
                             process in the debugger's circular
                             process list.
   %VISIBLE_PROCESS          The process whose stack, register set,
                             and images are the current context for
                             looking up symbols, register values,
                             routine calls, breakpoints, and so on.

   You can also use the asterisk (*)  wildcard character or the /ALL
   qualifier to specify all processes. Do not specify a process with
   /ALL or /DYNAMIC. If you do not specify a process or /ALL with
   /BRIEF, /FULL, or /[NO]HOLD, the visible process is selected.

4  Qualifiers


   Selects all processes known to the debugger for display.


   (Default) Displays only one line of information for each process
   selected for display.


   Shows whether dynamic process setting is enabled or disabled.
   Dynamic process setting is enabled by default and is controlled
   with the SET PROCESS/[NO]DYNAMIC command.


   Displays maximum information for each process selected for


   (Default). Selects the visible process for display.

4  Description
   The SHOW PROCESS command displays information about specified
   processes and any images running in those processes.

   The SHOW PROCESS/FULL command also displays information about the
   availability and use of the vector processor. This information
   is useful if you are debugging a program that uses vector

   A process can first appear in a SHOW PROCESS display as soon as
   it comes under debugger control. A process can no longer appear
   in a SHOW PROCESS display if it is terminated through an EXIT or
   QUIT command.

   By default (/BRIEF), one line of information is displayed for
   each process, including the following:

   o  The process number assigned by the debugger. A process number
      is assigned sequentially, starting with process 1, to each
      process that comes under debugger control. If a process is
      terminated by an EXIT or QUIT command, its process number is
      not reused during that debugging session. The visible process
      is marked with an asterisk (*)  in the leftmost column.

   o  The process name.

   o  The current debugging state for that process.

   o  The location (symbolized, if possible) at which execution of
      the image is suspended in that process.

   The SHOW PROCESS/FULL command gives additional information about
   processes (see the examples).

   Related commands:


4  Examples

   1.all> SHOW PROCESS
      Number  Name             State      Current PC
     *    2 _WTA3:             break      SCREEN\%LINE 47

     By default, the SHOW PROCESS command displays one line of
     information about the visible process (which is identified
     with an asterisk (*)  in the leftmost column). The process has
     the process name _WTA3:. It is the second process brought under
     debugger control (process number 2). It is on hold, and the
     image's execution is suspended at a breakpoint at line 47 of
     module SCREEN.

      Number  Name          State       Current PC
          7 TEST_3          watch of TEST_3\ROUT4\COUNT
                                            TEST_3\%LINE 54

     This SHOW PROCESS command displays one line of information
     about process TEST_3. The image is suspended at a watchpoint of
     variable COUNT.

     Dynamic process setting is enabled

     This command indicates that dynamic process setting is enabled.

   Identifies the current radix for the entry and display of integer
   data or, if you specify /OVERRIDE, the current override radix.



4  Qualifiers


   Identifies the current override radix.

4  Description
   The debugger can interpret and display integer data in any one
   of four radixes: binary, decimal, hexadecimal, and octal. The
   current radix for the entry and display of integer data is the
   radix last established with the SET RADIX command.

   If you did not enter a SET RADIX command, the default radix for
   both data entry and display is decimal for most languages. On VAX
   processors, the exceptions are BLISS and MACRO-32, which have a
   default radix of hexadecimal. On Alpha processors, the exceptions
   are BLISS, MACRO-32, and MACRO-64, which have a default radix of

   The current override radix for the display of all data is the
   override radix last established with the SET RADIX/OVERRIDE
   command. If you did not enter a SET RADIX/OVERRIDE command, the
   override radix is "none".

   Related commands:


4  Examples

     input radix: decimal
     output radix: decimal

     This command identifies the input radix and output radix as

     output override radix: hexadecimal

     In this example, the SET RADIX/OVERRIDE command sets the
     override radix to hexadecimal and the SHOW RADIX/OVERRIDE
     command indicates the override radix. This means that commands
     such as EXAMINE display all data as hexadecimal integer data.

   Identifies the current scope search list for symbol lookup.



4  Description
   The current scope search list designates one or more program
   locations (specified by path names or other special characters)
   to be used in the interpretation of symbols that are specified
   without path-name prefixes in debugger commands.

   The current scope search list is the scope search list last
   established with the SET SCOPE command. By default, if you did
   not enter a SET SCOPE command, the current scope search list is
   0,1,2, . . . ,n.

   The default scope search list specifies that, for a symbol
   without a path-name prefix, a symbol lookup such as EXAMINE X
   first looks for X in the routine that is currently executing
   (scope 0); if no X is visible there, the debugger looks in the
   caller of that routine (scope 1), and so on down the call stack;
   if X is not found in scope n, the debugger searches the rest of
   the run-time symbol table (RST)-that is, all set modules and the
   global symbol table (GST), if necessary.

   If you used a decimal integer in the SET SCOPE command to
   represent a routine in the call stack, the SHOW SCOPE command
   displays the name of the routine represented by the integer, if

   Related commands:


4  Examples

         1 [ = EIGHTQUEENS\TRYCOL ],
         2 [ = EIGHTQUEENS\TRYCOL 1 ],
         3 [ = EIGHTQUEENS\TRYCOL 2 ],
         4 [ = EIGHTQUEENS\TRYCOL 3 ],
         5 [ = EIGHTQUEENS\TRYCOL 4 ],
         6 [ = EIGHTQUEENS ]
         1 [ = EIGHTQUEENS\TRYCOL ],
      *  2 [ = EIGHTQUEENS\TRYCOL 1 ],
         3 [ = EIGHTQUEENS\TRYCOL 2 ],
         4 [ = EIGHTQUEENS\TRYCOL 3 ],
         5 [ = EIGHTQUEENS\TRYCOL 4 ],
         6 [ = EIGHTQUEENS ]

     The CANCEL SCOPE command restores the default scope search
     list, which is displayed by the (first) SHOW SCOPE command. In
     this example, execution is suspended at routine REMOVEQUEEN,
     after several recursive calls to routine TRYCOL. The asterisk
     (*)  indicates that the scope search list starts with scope 0,
     the scope of the routine in which execution is suspended.

     The SET SCOPE/CURRENT command resets the start of the scope
     search list to scope 2. Scope 2 is the scope of the caller of
     the routine in which execution is suspended. The asterisk in
     the output of the (second) SHOW SCOPE command indicates that
     the scope search list now starts with scope 2.

         0, [= TEST ],

     In this example, the SET SCOPE command directs the debugger
     to look for symbols without path-name prefixes according to
     the following scope search list. First the debugger looks in
     the PC scope (denoted by 0, which is in module TEST). If the
     debugger cannot find a specified symbol in the PC scope, it
     then looks in routine R2 of module STACKS; if necessary, it
     then looks in module SCREEN_IO, and then finally in the global
     symbol table (denoted by the global scope (\)).  The SHOW SCOPE
     command identifies the current scope search list for symbol
     lookup. No asterisk is shown in the SHOW SCOPE display unless
     the default scope search list is in effect or you have entered
     a SET SCOPE/CURRENT command.

   Identifies the default qualifiers (/ALL or /NEXT, /IDENTIFIER or
   /STRING) currently in effect for the SEARCH command.



4  Description
   The default qualifiers for the SEARCH command are the default
   qualifiers last established with the SET SEARCH command. If you
   did not enter a SET SEARCH command, the default qualifiers are
   /NEXT and /STRING.

   Related commands:


4  Example

 search settings: search for next occurrence, as a string
 search settings: search for next occurrence, as an identifier
 search settings: search for all occurrences, as an identifier

     In this example, the first SHOW SEARCH command displays the
     default settings for the SET SEARCH command. By default, the
     debugger searches for and displays the next occurrence of the

     The second SHOW SEARCH command indicates that the debugger
     searches for the next occurrence of the string, but displays
     the string only if it is not bounded on either side by a
     character that can be part of an identifier in the current

     The third SHOW SEARCH command indicates that the debugger
     searches for all occurrences of the string, but displays
     the strings only if they are not bounded on either side by a
     character that can be part of an identifier in the current

   Identifies the displays currently selected for each of the
   display attributes: error, input, instruction, output, program,
   prompt, scroll, and source.


      This command is not available in the Compaq DECwindows Motif
      for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.



4  Description
   The display attributes have the following properties:

   o  A display that has the error attribute displays debugger
      diagnostic messages.

   o  A display that has the input attribute echoes your debugger

   o  A display that has the instruction attribute displays the
      decoded instruction stream of the routine being debugged.
      The display is updated when you enter an EXAMINE/INSTRUCTION

   o  A display that has the output attribute displays any debugger
      output that is not directed to another display.

   o  A display that has the program attribute displays program
      input and output. Currently only the PROMPT display can have
      the program attribute.

   o  A display that has the prompt attribute is where the debugger
      prompts for input. Currently, only the PROMPT display can have
      the PROMPT attribute.

   o  A display that has the scroll attribute is the default display
      for the SCROLL, MOVE, and EXPAND commands.

   o  A display that has the source attribute displays the source
      code of the module being debugged, if available. The display
      is updated when you enter a TYPE or EXAMINE/SOURCE command.

   Related commands:


4  Example

 display selections:
      scroll = SRC
      input  = none
      output = OUT
      error  = PROMPT
      source = SRC
      instruction = none
      program = PROMPT
      prompt = PROMPT

     The SHOW SELECT command identifies the displays currently
     selected for each of the display attributes. These selections
     are the defaults for languages.

   Identifies the source directory search lists and search methods
   currently in effect.



4  Qualifiers


   Identifies the search list used when the debugger displays source


   Identifies the search list to be used during execution of the
   debugger's EDIT command.

4  Description
   The SET SOURCE/MODULE=module-name command establishes a source
   directory search list for a particular module. The SET SOURCE
   command establishes a source directory search list for all
   modules not explicitly mentioned in a SET SOURCE/MODULE=module-
   name command. When you have used those commands, SHOW SOURCE
   identifies the source directory search list associated with each
   search category.

   If a source directory search list has not been established by
   using the SET SOURCE or SET SOURCE/MODULE=module-name command,
   the SHOW SOURCE command indicates that no directory search list
   is currently in effect. In this case, the debugger expects each
   source file to be in the same directory that it was in at compile
   time (the debugger also checks that the version number and the
   creation date and time of a source file match the information in
   the debugger's symbol table).

   The /EDIT qualifier is needed when the files used for the display
   of source code are different from the files to be edited by using
   the EDIT command. This is the case with Ada programs. For Ada
   programs, the SHOW SOURCE command identifies the search list of
   files used for source display (the copied source files in Ada
   program libraries); the SHOW SOURCE/EDIT command identifies the
   search list for the source files you edit when using the EDIT

   For information specific to Ada programs, see the
   Language_Support Ada help topic.

   Related commands:


4  Examples

     no directory search list in effect,
         match the latest source file version
     source directory search list for all modules,
         match the latest source file version:

     In this example, the SET SOURCE command directs the debugger to
     search the directories [PROJA],[PROJB], and DISK:[PETER.PROJC].
     By default, the debugger searches for the latest version of
     source files.

     source directory search list for CTEST,
         match the exact source file version:
     source directory search list for all other modules,
     match the latest source file version:

     In this example, the SET SOURCE command directs the debugger
     to search the current default directory ([]) and directory
     DISK$2:[PROJD] for source files to use with the module CTEST.
     The /EXACT qualifier specifies that the search will locate
     the exact version of the CTEST source files found in the debug
     symbol table.

   Displays information on the currently active routine calls.


     SHOW STACK  [integer]

4  Parameters


   Specifies the number of frames to display. If you omit the
   parameter, the debugger displays information about all call

4  Description
   For each call frame, the SHOW STACK command displays information
   such as the condition handler, saved register values, and the
   argument list, if any. The latter is the list of arguments passed
   to the subroutine with that call. In some cases the argument list
   can contain the addresses of actual arguments. In such cases, use
   the EXAMINE address-expression command to display the values of
   these arguments.

   On VAX processors, each routine invocation results in a call
   frame on the call stack.

   On Alpha processors, a routine invocation can result in a stack
   frame procedure (with a call frame on the stack), a register
   frame procedure (with a call frame stored in the register set),
   or a null frame procedure (without a call frame). SHOW STACK
   provides information on all three: stack frame procedures,
   register frame procedures, and null frame procedures. (See
   Example 2 below.)

   Related command:


4  Examples

     stack frame 0 (2146814812)

         condition handler: 0
            SPA:            0
            S:              0
            mask:           ^M<R2>
            PSW:            0000 (hexadecimal)
         saved AP:          7
         saved FP:          2146814852
         saved PC:          EIGHTQUEENS\%LINE 69
         saved R2:          0
         argument list:(1)  EIGHTQUEENS\%LINE 68+2

     stack frame 1 (2146814852)
         condition handler: SHARE$PASRTL+888
            SPA:            0
            S:              0
            mask:           none saved
            PSW:            0000 (hexadecimal)
         saved AP:          2146814924
         saved FP:          2146814904
         saved PC:          SHARE$DEBUG+667

     In this example for VAX systems, the SHOW STACK command
     displays information about all call stack frames at the current
     PC location.

   Identifies the default qualifiers (/INTO, /INSTRUCTION, /NOSILENT
   and so on) currently in effect for the STEP command.



4  Description
   The default qualifiers for the STEP command are the default
   qualifiers last established by the SET STEP command. If you did
   not enter a SET STEP command, the default qualifiers are /LINE,

   Enabling screen mode by pressing PF1-PF3 enters the SET STEP
   NOSOURCE command as well as the SET MODE SCREEN command (to
   eliminate redundant source display in output and DO displays).
   In that case, the default qualifiers are /LINE, /OVER, /NOSILENT,
   and /NOSOURCE.

   Related commands:

      SET STEP

4  Example

 step type: nosystem, noshare, nosource, nosilent, into routine calls,
            by instruction

     In this example, the SHOW STEP command indicates that the
     debugger take the following actions:

     o  Steps into called routines, but not those in system space or
        in shareable images

     o  Steps by instruction

     o  Does not display lines of source code while stepping

   Displays information about the symbols in the debugger's run-time
   symbol table (RST) for the current image.


      The current image is either the main image (by default) or
      the image established as the current image by a previous SET
      IMAGE command.


     SHOW SYMBOL  symbol-name[, . . . ] [IN scope[, . . . ]]

4  Parameters


   Specifies a symbol to be identified. A valid symbol name is
   a single identifier or a label name of the form %LABEL n,
   where n is an integer. Compound names such as RECORD.FIELD
   or ARRAY[1,2] are not valid. If you specify the asterisk (*)
   wildcard character by itself, all symbols are listed. You can use
   the wildcard within a symbol name.


   Specifies the name of a module, routine, or lexical block, or a
   numeric scope. It has the same syntax as the scope specification
   in a SET SCOPE command and can include path-name qualification.
   All specified scopes must be in set modules in the current image.

   The SHOW SYMBOL command displays only those symbols in the RST
   for the current image that both match the specified name and
   are declared within the lexical entity specified by the scope
   parameter. If you omit this parameter, all set modules and the
   global symbol table (GST) for the current image are searched
   for symbols that match the name specified by the symbol-name

4  Qualifiers


   Displays the address specification for each selected symbol. The
   address specification is the method of computing the symbol's
   address. It can merely be the symbol's memory address, but it can
   also involve indirection or an offset from a register value. Some
   symbols have address specifications too complicated to present in
   any understandable way. These address specifications are labeled
   "complex address specifications."

   On Alpha processors, the command SHOW SYMBOL/ADDRESS procedure-
   name displays both the code address and procedure descriptor
   address of a specified routine, entry point, or Ada package.


   Displays symbols you have defined with the DEFINE command (symbol
   definitions that are in the DEFINE symbol table).


   Displays only those symbols that are declared directly in the
   scope parameter. Symbols declared in lexical entities nested
   within the scope specified by the scope parameters are not shown.


   Displays all information associated with the /ADDRESS, /TYPE, and
   /USE_CLAUSE qualifiers.

   For C++ modules, if symbol-name is a class, SHOW SYMBOL/FULL also
   displays information about the class.


   Displays symbols that are defined with the DEFINE/LOCAL command
   (symbol definitions that are in the DEFINE symbol table).


   Displays data type information for each selected symbol.


   (Applies to Ada programs.) Identifies any Ada package that a
   specified block, subprogram, or package names in a use clause.
   If the symbol specified is a package, also identifies any block,
   subprogram, package, and so on, that names the specified symbol
   in a use clause.

4  Description
   The SHOW SYMBOL command displays information that the debugger
   has about a given symbol in the current image. This information
   might not be the same as what the compiler had or even what
   you see in your source code. Nonetheless, it is useful for
   understanding why the debugger might act as it does when handling

   If you do not specify a qualifier, the SHOW SYMBOL command lists
   all of the possible declarations or definitions of a specified
   symbol that exist in the RST for the current image (that is,
   in all set modules and in the GST for that image). Symbols are
   displayed with their path names. A path name identifies the
   search scope (module, nested routines, blocks, and so on) that
   the debugger must follow to reach a particular declaration of a
   symbol. When specifying symbolic address expressions in debugger
   commands, use path names only if a symbol is defined multiple
   times and the debugger cannot resolve the ambiguity.

   The /DEFINED and /LOCAL qualifiers display information about
   symbols defined with the DEFINE command (not the symbols that
   are derived from your program). The other qualifiers display
   information about symbols defined within your program.

   For information specific to Ada programs, type Help
   Language_Support Ada.

   Related commands:


4  Examples

     data FORARRAY\I

     This command shows that symbol I is defined in module FORARRAY
     and is a variable (data) rather than a routine.

          descriptor address: 0009DE8B

     This command shows that symbol INTARRAY1 is defined in module
     FORARRAY and has a memory address of 0009DE8B.


     This command lists all the symbols whose names contain the
     string "PL".

         enumeration type (primary, 3 elements), size: 4 bytes

     This command shows that the variable COLOR is an enumeration


     This command displays all information about all symbols.

         routine MOD3\COUNTER
         data MOD3\COUNTER\X
         data MOD3\COUNTER\Y

     This command lists all the symbols that are defined in the
     scope denoted by the path name MOD3\COUNTER.

     defined SB
         bound to: SET BREAK
         was defined /command

     In this example, the DEFINE/COMMAND command defines SB as
     a symbol for the SET BREAK command. The SHOW SYMBOL/DEFINED
     command displays that definition.

   Displays information about the tasks of a multithread program
   (also called a tasking program).


      SET TASK and SET THREAD are synonymous commands. They
      perform identically.


     SHOW THREAD  [task-spec[, . . . ]]

4  Parameters


   Specifies a task value. Use any of the following forms:

   o  When the event facility is THREADS:

      -  A task (thread) name as declared in the program, or a
         language expression that yields a task ID number.

      -  A task ID number (for example, 2), as indicated in a SHOW
         THREAD display.

   o  When the event facility is ADA:

      -  A task (thread) name as declared in the program, or a
         language expression that yields a task value. You can use a
         path name.

      -  A task ID (for example, 2), as indicated in a SHOW THREAD

   o  One of the following task built-in symbols:

      %ACTIVE_TASK    The task that runs when a GO, STEP, CALL, or
                      EXIT command executes.
      %CALLER_TASK    (Applies only to Ada programs.) When an accept
                      statement executes, the task that called the
                      entry associated with the accept statement.
      %NEXT_TASK      The task after the visible task in the
                      debugger's task list. The ordering of tasks
                      is arbitrary but consistent within a single
                      run of a program.
      %PREVIOUS_      The task previous to the visible task in the
      TASK            debugger's task list.
      %VISIBLE_TASK   The task whose call stack and register set are
                      the current context for looking up symbols,
                      register values, routine calls, breakpoints,
                      and so on.

   Do not use the asterisk (*)  wildcard character. Instead, use the
   /ALL qualifier. Do not specify a task with /ALL, /STATISTICS, or

4  Qualifiers


   Selects all existing tasks for display-namely, tasks that have
   been created and (in the case of Ada tasks) whose master has not
   yet terminated.



   Does a SHOW CALLS command for each task selected for display.
   This identifies the currently active routine calls (the call
   stack) for a task.


   When the event facility is THREADS, use the

     PTHREAD thread -f thread-number

   Displays additional information for each task selected for
   display. The additional information is provided if you use /FULL
   by itself or with /CALLS or /STATISTICS.

   You can get help on POSIX Threads debugger commands by typing

   See the Guide to POSIX Threads Library for more information about
   using the POSIX Threads debugger.


      /NOHOLD (default)

   When the event facility is THREADS, use the PTHREAD tset -n
   thread-number command.

   Selects either tasks that are on hold, or tasks that are not on
   hold for display.

   If you do not specify a task, /HOLD selects all tasks that are on
   hold. If you specify a task list, /HOLD selects the tasks in the
   task list that are on hold.

   If you do not specify a task, /NOHOLD selects all tasks that
   are not on hold. If you specify a task list, /NOHOLD selects the
   tasks in the task list that are not on hold.

   You can get help on POSIX Threads debugger commands by typing

   See the Guide to POSIX Threads Library for more information about
   using the POSIX Threads debugger.


   Displays the image name for each active call on the call stack.
   Valid only with the /CALLS qualifier.


      /PRIORITY=(n[, . . . ])

   When the event facility is THREADS, use the PTHREAD tset -s
   thread-number command.

   If you do not specify a task, selects all tasks having any of
   the specified priorities, n, where n is a decimal integer from 0
   to 15. If you specify a task list, selects the tasks in the task
   list that have any of the priorities specified.

   You can get help on POSIX Threads debugger commands by typing

   See the Guide to POSIX Threads Library for more information about
   using the POSIX Threads debugger.


      /STATE=(state[, . . . ])

   If you do not specify a task, selects all tasks that are in any
   of the specified states-RUNNING, READY, SUSPENDED, or TERMINATED.
   If you specify a task list, selects the tasks in the task list
   that are in any of the states specified.


   (Compaq Ada on VAX only) Displays task statistics for the entire
   tasking system. This information enables you to measure the
   performance of your tasking program. The larger the number of
   total schedulings (also known as context switches), the more
   tasking overhead there is.


   (VAX only) Displays the current time-slice value, in seconds,
   as specified by a previous SET TASK/TIME_SLICE command. If no
   SET TASK/TIME_SLICE command was previously entered, displays
   the time-slice value, if any, that was specified in the program.
   If no time-slice value was previously established, the value is
   0.0-that is, time slicing is disabled.

   /TIME_SLICE is valid only when the event facility is ADA.

4  Description
   A task can first appear in a SHOW THREAD display as soon as it
   is created. A task can no longer appear in a SHOW THREAD display
   if it is terminated or (in the case of an Ada tasking program)
   if its master is terminated. By default, the SHOW THREAD command
   displays one line of information for each task selected.

   When you specify the /IMAGE qualifier, the debugger first does a
   SET IMAGE command for each image that has debug information (that
   is, it was linked using the /DEBUG or /TRACEBACK qualifier). The
   debugger then displays the image name for each active call on the
   calls stack. The output display has been expanded and displays
   the image name in the first column.

   The debugger suppresses the share$image_name module name, because
   that information is provided by the /IMAGE qualifier.

   The SET IMAGE command lasts only for the duration of the SHOW
   THREAD/CALLS/IMAGE command. The debugger restores the set image
   state when the SHOW THREAD/CALLS/IMAGE command is complete.

   Related commands:


4  Examples

     event facility is ADA
          . . .
       task id   pri hold state   substate        task object
     * %TASK 1    7       RUN                   122624
       %TASK 2    7  HOLD SUSP  Accept          H4.MONITOR
       %TASK 3    6       READY Entry call      H4.CHECK_IN

     In this example, the SHOW EVENT_FACILITY command identifies
     ADA as the current event facility. The SHOW TASK/ALL command
     provides basic information about all the tasks that were
     created through Ada services and currently exist. One line
     is devoted to each task. The active task is marked with an
     asterisk (*).  In this example, it is also the active task (the
     task that is in the RUN state).


     This command selects the active task, 3, and task MONITOR for


     This command selects all tasks with priority 6 for display.


     This command selects all tasks that are either running or
     suspended for display.


     This command selects all tasks that are both suspended and not
     on hold for display.


     This command selects for display those tasks among the visible
     task and %TASK 3 that are in either the RUNNING or SUSPENDED
     state and have priority 7.

   Identifies the current terminal screen height (page) and width
   being used to format output.


      This command is not available in the Compaq DECwindows Motif
      for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.



4  Description
   The current terminal screen height and width are the height and
   width last established by the SET TERMINAL command. By default,
   if you did not enter a SET TERMINAL command, the current height
   and width are the height and width known to the terminal driver,
   as displayed by the DCL command SHOW TERMINAL (usually 24 lines
   and 80 columns for VT-series terminals).

   Related commands:


4  Example

 terminal width: 80
          page:  24
          wrap:  80

     This command displays the current terminal screen width and
     height (page) as 80 columns and 24 lines, and the message wrap
     setting at column 80.

   Displays information about the tasks of a multithread program
   (also called a tasking program).


      SET TASK and SET THREAD are synonymous commands. They
      perform identically.


     SHOW THREAD  [task-spec[, . . . ]]

4  Parameters


   Specifies a task value. Use any of the following forms:

   o  When the event facility is THREADS:

      -  A task (thread) name as declared in the program, or a
         language expression that yields a task ID number.

      -  A task ID number (for example, 2), as indicated in a SHOW
         THREAD display.

   o  When the event facility is ADA:

      -  A task (thread) name as declared in the program, or a
         language expression that yields a task value. You can use a
         path name.

      -  A task ID (for example, 2), as indicated in a SHOW THREAD

   o  One of the following task built-in symbols:

      %ACTIVE_TASK    The task that runs when a GO, STEP, CALL, or
                      EXIT command executes.
      %CALLER_TASK    (Applies only to Ada programs.) When an accept
                      statement executes, the task that called the
                      entry associated with the accept statement.
      %NEXT_TASK      The task after the visible task in the
                      debugger's task list. The ordering of tasks
                      is arbitrary but consistent within a single
                      run of a program.
      %PREVIOUS_      The task previous to the visible task in the
      TASK            debugger's task list.
      %VISIBLE_TASK   The task whose call stack and register set are
                      the current context for looking up symbols,
                      register values, routine calls, breakpoints,
                      and so on.

   Do not use the asterisk (*)  wildcard character. Instead, use the
   /ALL qualifier. Do not specify a task with /ALL, /STATISTICS, or

4  Qualifiers


   Selects all existing tasks for display-namely, tasks that have
   been created and (in the case of Ada tasks) whose master has not
   yet terminated.



   Does a SHOW CALLS command for each task selected for display.
   This identifies the currently active routine calls (the call
   stack) for a task.


   When the event facility is THREADS, use the command.

   Displays additional information for each task selected for
   display. The additional information is provided if you use /FULL
   by itself or with /CALLS or /STATISTICS.

   You can get help on POSIX Threads debugger commands by typing

   See the Guide to POSIX Threads Library for more information about
   using the POSIX Threads debugger.


      /NOHOLD (default)

   When the event facility is THREADS, use the PTHREAD tset -n
   thread-number command.

   Selects either tasks that are on hold, or tasks that are not on
   hold for display.

   If you do not specify a task, /HOLD selects all tasks that are on
   hold. If you specify a task list, /HOLD selects the tasks in the
   task list that are on hold.

   If you do not specify a task, /NOHOLD selects all tasks that
   are not on hold. If you specify a task list, /NOHOLD selects the
   tasks in the task list that are not on hold.

   You can get help on POSIX Threads debugger commands by typing

   See the Guide to POSIX Threads Library for more information about
   using the POSIX Threads debugger.


   Displays the image name for each active call on the call stack.
   Valid only with the /CALLS qualifier.


      /PRIORITY=(n[, . . . ])

   When the event facility is THREADS, use the PTHREAD tset -s
   thread-number command.

   If you do not specify a task, selects all tasks having any of
   the specified priorities, n, where n is a decimal integer from 0
   to 15. If you specify a task list, selects the tasks in the task
   list that have any of the priorities specified.

   You can get help on POSIX Threads debugger commands by typing

   See the Guide to POSIX Threads Library for more information about
   using the POSIX Threads debugger.


      /STATE=(state[, . . . ])

   If you do not specify a task, selects all tasks that are in any
   of the specified states-RUNNING, READY, SUSPENDED, or TERMINATED.
   If you specify a task list, selects the tasks in the task list
   that are in any of the states specified.


   (Compaq Ada on VAX only) Displays task statistics for the entire
   tasking system. This information enables you to measure the
   performance of your tasking program. The larger the number of
   total schedulings (also known as context switches), the more
   tasking overhead there is.


   (VAX only) Displays the current time-slice value, in seconds,
   as specified by a previous SET TASK/TIME_SLICE command. If no
   SET TASK/TIME_SLICE command was previously entered, displays
   the time-slice value, if any, that was specified in the program.
   If no time-slice value was previously established, the value is
   0.0-that is, time slicing is disabled.

   /TIME_SLICE is valid only when the event facility is ADA.

4  Description
   A task can first appear in a SHOW THREAD display as soon as it
   is created. A task can no longer appear in a SHOW THREAD display
   if it is terminated or (in the case of an Ada tasking program)
   if its master is terminated. By default, the SHOW THREAD command
   displays one line of information for each task selected.

   When you specify the /IMAGE qualifier, the debugger first does a
   SET IMAGE command for each image that has debug information (that
   is, it was linked using the /DEBUG or /TRACEBACK qualifier). The
   debugger then displays the image name for each active call on the
   calls stack. The output display has been expanded and displays
   the image name in the first column.

   The debugger suppresses the share$image_name module name, because
   that information is provided by the /IMAGE qualifier.

   The SET IMAGE command lasts only for the duration of the SHOW
   THREAD/CALLS/IMAGE command. The debugger restores the set image
   state when the SHOW THREAD/CALLS/IMAGE command is complete.

   Related commands:


4  Examples

     event facility is ADA
          . . .
       task id   pri hold state   substate        task object
     * %TASK 1    7       RUN                   122624
       %TASK 2    7  HOLD SUSP  Accept          H4.MONITOR
       %TASK 3    6       READY Entry call      H4.CHECK_IN

     In this example, the SHOW EVENT_FACILITY command identifies
     ADA as the current event facility. The SHOW TASK/ALL command
     provides basic information about all the tasks that were
     created through Ada services and currently exist. One line
     is devoted to each task. The active task is marked with an
     asterisk (*).  In this example, it is also the active task (the
     task that is in the RUN state).


     This command selects the active task, 3, and task MONITOR for


     This command selects all tasks with priority 6 for display.


     This command selects all tasks that are either running or
     suspended for display.


     This command selects all tasks that are both suspended and not
     on hold for display.


     This command selects for display those tasks among the visible
     task and %TASK 3 that are in either the RUNNING or SUSPENDED
     state and have priority 7.

   Displays information about tracepoints.



4  Qualifiers


   Displays information about predefined tracepoints.


   Displays information about user-defined tracepoints.

4  Description
   The SHOW TRACE command displays information about tracepoints
   that are currently set, including any options such as WHEN or DO
   clauses, /AFTER counts, and so on, and whether the tracepoints
   are deactivated.

   By default, SHOW TRACE displays information about both user-
   defined and predefined tracepoints (if any). This is equivalent
   to entering the SHOW TRACE/USER/PREDEFINED command. User-defined
   tracepoints are set with the SET TRACE command. Predefined
   tracepoints are set automatically when you start the debugger,
   and they depend on the type of program you are debugging.

   If you established a tracepoint using SET TRACE/AFTER:n, the SHOW
   TRACE command displays the current value of the decimal integer
   n, that is, the originally specified integer value minus 1 for
   each time the tracepoint location was reached. (The debugger
   decrements n each time the tracepoint location is reached until
   the value of n is 0, at which time the debugger takes trace

   On Alpha systems, the SHOW TRACE command does not display
   individual instructions when the trace is on a particular class
   of instruction (as with SET TRACE/CALL or SET TRACE/RETURN).

   Related commands:


4  Examples

     tracepoint at routine CALC\MULT
     tracepoint on calls:
             RET     RSB     BSBB    JSB     BSBW    CALLG   CALLS

     In this VAX example, the SHOW TRACE command identifies all
     tracepoints that are currently set. This example indicates
     user-defined tracepoints that are triggered whenever execution
     reaches routine MULT in module CALC or one of the instructions

     predefined tracepoint on program activation
             (EXAM/SOURCE .%SOURCE_SCOPE\%PC);
             (EXAM/INSTRUCTION .0\%PC))
     predefined tracepoint on program termination

     This command identifies the predefined tracepoints that are
     currently set. The example shows the predefined tracepoints
     that are set automatically by the debugger for a multiprocess
     program. The tracepoint on program activation triggers whenever
     a new process comes under debugger control. The DO clause
     creates a process-specific source display named SRC_n and a
     process-specific instruction display named INST_n whenever a
     process activation tracepoint is triggered. The tracepoint on
     program termination triggers whenever a process does an image

   Identifies the current type for program locations that do not
   have a compiler-generated type or, if you specify /OVERRIDE, the
   current override type.



4  Qualifiers


   Identifies the current override type.

4  Description
   The current type for program locations that do not have a
   compiler-generated type is the type last established by the SET
   TYPE command. If you did not enter a SET TYPE command, the type
   for those locations is longword integer.

   The current override type for all program locations is the
   override type last established by the SET TYPE/OVERRIDE command.
   If you did not enter a SET TYPE/OVERRIDE command, the override
   type is "none".

   Related commands:

      SET TYPE

4  Examples

     type: quadword integer

     In this example, you set the type to quadword for locations
     that do not have a compiler-generated type. The SHOW TYPE
     command displays the current default type for those locations
     as quadword integer. This means that the debugger interprets
     and displays entities at those locations as quadword integers
     unless you specify otherwise (for example with a type qualifier
     on the EXAMINE command).

     type/override: none

     This command indicates that no override type has been defined.

   Identifies the current vector mode (synchronized or

   Applies to VAX vectorized programs.



4  Description
   The current vector mode is the mode established with the SET
   VECTOR_MODE command. If you did not enter a SET VECTOR_MODE
   command, the default vector mode is NONSYNCHRONIZED.

   Related commands:


4  Example

 Vector mode is nonsynchronized
 Vector mode is synchronized

     The SHOW VECTOR_MODE command indicates the effect of the SET
     VECTOR_MODE command.

   Displays information about watchpoints.



4  Description
   The SHOW WATCH command displays information about watchpoints
   that are currently set, including any options such as WHEN or DO
   clauses, /AFTER counts, and so on, and whether the watchpoints
   are deactivated.

   If you established a watchpoint using SET WATCH/AFTER:n, the SHOW
   WATCH command displays the current value of the decimal integer
   n, that is, the originally specified integer value minus 1 for
   each time the watchpoint location was reached. (The debugger
   decrements n each time the watchpoint location is reached until
   the value of n is 0, at which time the debugger takes watch

   Related commands:


4  Example

 watchpoint of MAIN\X
 watchpoint of SUB2\TABLE+20

     This command displays two watchpoints: one at the variable
     X (defined in module MAIN), and the other at the location
     SUB2\TABLE+20 (20 bytes beyond the address denoted by the
     address expression TABLE).

   Identifies the name and screen position of predefined and
   user-defined screen-mode windows.


      This command is not available in the Compaq DECwindows Motif
      for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.


     SHOW WINDOW  [window-name[, . . . ]]

4  Parameters


   Specifies the name of a screen window definition. If you do not
   specify a name, or if you specify the asterisk (*)  wildcard
   character by itself, all window definitions are listed. You can
   use the wildcard within a window name. Do not specify a window
   definition name with the /ALL qualifier.

4  Qualifiers


   Lists all window definitions.

4  Description
   Related commands:


4  Example

 window LH1 at (1,11,1,40)
 window LH12 at (1,23,1,40)
 window LH2 at (13,11,1,40)
 window RH1 at (1,11,42,39)
 window RH12 at (1,23,42,39)
 window RH2 at (13,11,42,39)

     This command displays the name and screen position of all
     screen window definitions whose names start with LH or RH.

   Creates a subprocess, enabling you to execute DCL commands
   without terminating a debugging session or losing your debugging


      This command is not available in the Compaq DECwindows Motif
      for OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.


     SPAWN  [DCL-command]

3  Parameters


   Specifies a DCL command which is then executed in a subprocess.
   Control is returned to the debugging session when the DCL command

   If you do not specify a DCL command, a subprocess is created
   and you can then enter DCL commands. Either logging out of the
   spawned process or attaching to the parent process (with the DCL
   command ATTACH) returns you to your debugging session.

   If the DCL command contains a semicolon, you must enclose the
   command in quotation marks (").  Otherwise the semicolon is
   interpreted as a debugger command separator. To include a
   quotation mark in the string, enter two consecutive quotation
   marks ("").

3  Qualifiers



   Specifies an input DCL command procedure containing one or more
   DCL commands to be executed by the spawned subprocess. The
   default file type is .COM. If you specify a DCL command string
   with the SPAWN command and an input file with /INPUT, the command
   string is processed before the input file. After processing
   of the input file is complete, the subprocess is terminated.
   Do not use the asterisk (*)  wildcard character in the file



   Writes the output from the SPAWN operation to the specified
   file. The default file type is .LOG. Do not use the asterisk
   (*)  wildcard character in the file specification.


      /WAIT (default)

   Controls whether the debugging session (the parent process) is
   suspended while the subprocess is running. The /WAIT qualifier
   (default) suspends the debugging session until the subprocess
   is terminated. You cannot enter debugger commands until control
   returns to the parent process.

   The /NOWAIT qualifier executes the subprocess in parallel with
   the debugging session. You can enter debugger commands while the
   subprocess is running. If you use /NOWAIT, you should specify
   a DCL command with the SPAWN command; the DCL command is then
   executed in the subprocess. A message indicates when the spawned
   subprocess completes.

   The kept debugger (that is, the debugger invoked with the DCL
   command DEBUG/KEEP) shares I/O channels with the parent process
   when it is run by a SPAWN/NOWAIT command. Therefore, in the
   Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS user interface, you must
   press the Return key twice on the DECterm from which the debugger
   was run after the debugger version number has appeared in the
   command view.

   Optionally, you can execute the kept debugger in the following


3  Description
   The SPAWN command acts exactly like the DCL command SPAWN. You
   can edit files, compile programs, read mail, and so on without
   ending your debugging session or losing your current debugging

   In addition, you can spawn a DCL command SPAWN. DCL processes the
   second SPAWN command, including any qualifier specified with that

   Related command:


3  Examples


     This example shows that the SPAWN command, without a parameter,
     creates a subprocess at DCL level. You can now enter DCL
     commands. Log out to return to the debugger prompt.


     This command creates a subprocess that is executed in parallel
     with the debugging session. This subprocess executes the DCL
     command procedure READ_NOTES.COM. The output from the spawned
     operation is written to the file 0428NOTES.LOG.


     This command creates a subprocess that is executed in parallel
     with the debugging session. This subprocess creates another
     subprocess to execute the DCL command procedure MYCOM.COM. The
     output from that operation is written to the file MYCOM.LOG.

   Executes the program up to the next line, instruction, or other
   specified location.


     STEP  [integer]

3  Parameters


   A decimal integer that specifies the number of step units
   (lines, instructions, and so on) to be executed. If you omit
   the parameter, the debugger executes one step unit.

3  Qualifiers


   Executes the program to the next branch instruction. STEP/BRANCH
   has the same effect as SET BREAK/TEMPORARY/BRANCH;GO.


   Executes the program to the next call or return instruction.
   STEP/CALL has the same effect as SET BREAK/TEMPORARY/CALL;GO.


   Executes the program to the next exception, if
   any. STEP/EXCEPTION has the same effect as SET
   BREAK/TEMPORARY/EXCEPTION;GO. If no exception occurs,
   STEP/EXCEPTION has the same effect as GO.


      /INSTRUCTION=(opcode[, . . . ])

   When you do not specify an opcode, executes the program to the
   next instruction. STEP/INSTRUCTION has the same effect as SET

   On VAX processors, you can specify one or more opcodes; the
   debugger executes the program to the next instruction whose
   opcode is in the list. The following commands are equivalent:

   DBG> STEP/INSTRUCTION=(opcode[, . . . ])

   On VAX processors, you can specify vector instructions; do not
   include an instruction qualifier (/UNALIGNED_DATA, /VECTOR_
   INSTRUCTION, /MODIFY, /0, or /1) with the instruction mnemonic.


   If execution is currently suspended at a routine call, STEP/INTO
   executes the program up to the beginning of that routine (steps
   into that routine). Otherwise, STEP/INTO has the same effect as
   STEP without a qualifier. The /INTO qualifier is the opposite of
   /OVER (the default behavior).


      On Alpha processors, when execution is stopped at an
      exception break, STEP/INTO does not transfer control to a
      user exception handler. Stop execution within the handler by
      setting a breakpoint in the handler.

   The STEP/INTO behavior can be changed by also using the /[NO]JSB,
   /[NO]SHARE, and /[NO]SYSTEM qualifiers.



   (VAX only) Qualifies a previous SET STEP INTO command or a
   current STEP/INTO command.

   If execution is currently suspended at a routine call and the
   routine is called by a JSB instruction, STEP/INTO/NOJSB has the
   same effect as STEP/OVER. Otherwise, STEP/INTO/NOJSB has the same
   effect as STEP/INTO.

   Use STEP/INTO/JSB to override a previous SET STEP NOJSB command.
   STEP/INTO/JSB enables STEP/INTO to step into routines called
   by a JSB instruction, as well as into routines called by a CALL

   The /JSB qualifier is the default for all languages except
   DIBOL. The /NOJSB qualifier is the default for DIBOL. In DIBOL,
   application-declared routines are called by the CALL instruction
   and DIBOL Run-Time Library routines are called by the JSB


   Executes the program to the next line of source code. However,
   the debugger skips over any source lines that do not result
   in executable code when compiled (for example, comment lines).
   STEP/LINE has the same effect as SET BREAK/TEMPORARY/LINE;GO.
   This is the default behavior for all languages.


   If execution is currently suspended at a routine call, STEP/OVER
   executes the routine up to and including the routine's return
   instruction (steps over that routine). The /OVER qualifier is the
   default behavior and is the opposite of /INTO.


      On Alpha processors, when execution is suspended at a source
      line that contains a loop with a routine call, STEP/OVER
      steps into the called routine. To step to the next program
      statement, set a temporary breakpoint at the statement and
      enter GO.


   Executes the routine in which execution is currently suspended up
   to its return instruction (that is, up to the point just prior to
   transferring control back to the calling routine). This enables
   you to inspect the local environment (for example, obtain the
   values of local variables) before the return instruction deletes
   the routine's call frame from the call stack. STEP/RETURN has the

   STEP/RETURN n executes the program up n levels of the call stack.


   (Alpha only) Executes the program to the next semantic event.

   STEP/SEMANTIC_EVENT simplifies debugging optimized code. (See the
   Description section.)


      /SHARE (default)

   Qualifies a previous SET STEP INTO command or a current STEP/INTO

   If execution is currently suspended at a call to a shareable
   image routine, STEP/INTO/NOSHARE has the same effect as
   STEP/OVER. Otherwise, STEP/INTO/NOSHARE has the same effect as

   Use STEP/INTO/SHARE to override a previous SET STEP NOSHARE
   command. STEP/INTO/SHARE enables STEP/INTO to step into shareable
   image routines, as well as into other kinds of routines.


      /NOSILENT (default)

   Controls whether the "stepped to . . . " message and the source
   line for the current location are displayed after the STEP has
   completed. The /NOSILENT qualifier specifies that the message is
   displayed. The /SILENT qualifier specifies that the message and
   source line are not displayed. The /SILENT qualifier overrides


      /SOURCE (default)

   Controls whether the source line for the current location is
   displayed after the STEP has completed. The /SOURCE qualifier
   specifies that the source line is displayed. The /NOSOURCE
   qualifier specifies that the source line is not displayed.
   The /SILENT qualifier overrides /SOURCE. See also the SET STEP
   [NO]SOURCE command.


      /SYSTEM (default)

   Qualifies a previous SET STEP INTO command or a current STEP/INTO

   If execution is currently suspended at a call to a system
   routine (in P1 space), STEP/INTO/NOSYSTEM has the same effect
   as STEP/OVER. Otherwise, STEP/INTO/NOSYSTEM has the same effect
   as STEP/INTO.

   Use STEP/INTO/SYSTEM to override a previous SET STEP NOSYSTEM
   command. STEP/INTO/SYSTEM enables STEP/INTO to step into system
   routines, as well as into other kinds of routines.


   (VAX only) Executes the program to the next vector
   instruction. STEP/VECTOR_INSTRUCTION has the same effect as SET

3  Description
   The STEP command is one of the four debugger commands that can be
   used to execute your program (the others are CALL, EXIT, and GO).

   The behavior of the STEP command depends on the following

   o  The default STEP mode previously established with a SET STEP
      command, if any

   o  The qualifier specified with the STEP command, if any

   o  The number of step units specified as the parameter to the
      STEP command, if any

   If no SET STEP command was previously entered, the debugger
   takes the following default actions when you enter a STEP command
   without specifying a qualifier or parameter:

   1. Executes a line of source code (the default is STEP/LINE).

   2. Reports that execution has completed by issuing a "stepped
      to . . . " message (the default is STEP/NOSILENT).

   3. Displays the line of source code at which execution is
      suspended (the default is STEP/SOURCE).

   4. Issues the prompt.

   The following qualifiers affect the location to which you step:

      /INSTRUCTION=(opcode[, . . . ]) (VAX only)
      /SEMANTIC_EVENT (Alpha only)

   The following qualifiers affect what output is seen upon
   completion of a step:


   The following qualifiers affect what happens at a routine call:

      /[NO]JSB (VAX only)

   If you plan to enter several STEP commands with the same
   qualifiers, you can first use the SET STEP command to establish
   new default qualifiers (for example, SET STEP INTO, NOSYSTEM
   makes the STEP command behave like STEP/INTO/NOSYSTEM). Then you
   do not have to use those qualifiers with the STEP command. You
   can override the current default qualifiers for the duration of a
   single STEP command by specifying other qualifiers. Use the SHOW
   STEP command to identify the current STEP defaults.

3  Description,_Continued...

   If an exception breakpoint is triggered (resulting from a SET
   BREAK/EXCEPTION or a STEP/EXCEPTION command), execution is
   suspended before any application-declared condition handler is
   started. If you then resume execution with the STEP command, the
   debugger resignals the exception and the program executes to the
   beginning of (steps into) the condition handler, if any.

   On Alpha systems, if your program has been compiled with the
   /OPTIMIZE qualifier, semantic stepping mode is available, with
   When you are debugging optimized code, the apparent source
   program location tends to bounce back and forth, with the same
   line appearing repeatedly. In semantic stepping mode, the program
   executes to the next point in the program where a significant
   effect (semantic event) occurs.

   A semantic event is one of the following:

   o  Data event - An assignment to a user variable

   o  Control event - A control flow decision, with a conditional or
      unconditional transfer of control, other than a call

   o  Call event - A call (to a routine that is not stepped over) or
      a return from a call

   Not every assignment, transfer of control, or call is a semantic
   event. The major exceptions are as follows:

   o  When two instructions are required to assign to a complex or
      X_floating value, only the first instruction is treated as a
      semantic event.

   o  When there are multiple branches that are part of a single
      higher-level construct, such as a decision tree of branches
      that implement a case or select construct, then only the first
      is treated as a semantic event.

   o  When a call is made to a routine that is a compiler-specific
      helper routine, such as a call to OTS$MOVE, which handles
      certain kinds of string or storage copy operations, the call
      is not considered a semantic event. Control will not stop at
      the call.

      To step into such a routine, you must do either of the

      -  Set a breakpoint at the routine entry point.

      -  Use a series of STEP/INSTRUCTION commands to reach the call
         of interest and then use STEP/INSTRUCTION/INTO to enter the
         called routine.

   o  When there is more than one potential semantic event in a
      row with the same line number, only the first is treated as a
      semantic event.

   The STEP/SEMANTIC_EVENT command causes a breakpoint to be set at
   the next semantic event. Execution proceeds to that next event.
   Parts of any number of different lines and statements may be
   executed along the way, without interfering with progress. When
   the semantic event is reached (that is, when the instruction
   associated with that event is reached but not yet executed),
   execution is suspended (similar to reaching the next line when
   STEP/LINE is used).

   If you are debugging a multiprocess program, the STEP command is
   executed in the context of the current process set. In addition,
   when debugging a multiprocess program, the way in which execution
   continues in your process depends on whether you entered a SET
   MODE [NO]INTERRUPT command or a SET MODE [NO]WAIT command. By
   default (SET MODE NOINTERRUPT), when one process stops, the
   debugger takes no action with regard to the other processes.
   Also by default (SET MODE WAIT), the debugger waits until all
   process in the current process set have stopped before prompting
   for a new command.

   On VAX systems, the STEP/OVER command results in stepping
   into, not over, Fortran Run-Time Library routines. For more
   information, see the OpenVMS Debugger Manual.

   Related commands:


3  Examples

     step type: source, nosilent, by line,
                over routine calls
     DBG> STEP
     stepped to SQUARES$MAIN\%LINE 4
          4:         OPEN(UNIT=8, FILE='DATAFILE.DAT', STATUS='OLD')

     In this example, the SHOW STEP command identifies the default
     qualifiers currently in effect for the STEP command. In this
     case, the STEP command, without any parameters or qualifiers,
     executes the next line of source code. After the STEP command
     has completed, execution is suspended at the beginning of line

   2.DBG> STEP 5
     stepped to MAIN\%LINE 47
         47:         SWAP(X,Y);

     This command executes the next 5 lines of source code. After
     the STEP command has completed, execution is suspended at the
     beginning of line 47.

     stepped to routine SWAP
         23: procedure SWAP (A,B: in out integer) is
     DBG> STEP
     stepped to MAIN\SWAP\%LINE 24
         24:    TEMP: integer := 0;
     stepped on return from MAIN\SWAP\%LINE 24 to MAIN\SWAP\%LINE 29
         29: end SWAP;

     In this example, execution is paused at a call to routine
     SWAP, and the STEP/INTO command executes the program up to
     the beginning of the called routine. The STEP command executes
     the next line of source code. The STEP/RETURN command executes
     the rest of routine SWAP up to its RET instruction (that is,
     up to the point just prior to transferring control back to the
     calling routine).

   Interrupts all specified processes that are running.


     STOP  [process-spec[, . . . ]

3  Parameters


   This parameter specifies the process set to be stopped. The
   default is the current process set. Use any of the following

   [%PROCESS_NAME] process-  The process name, if that name does not
   name                      contain spaces or lowercase characters.
                             The process name can include the
                             asterisk (*)  wildcard character.
   [%PROCESS_NAME]           The process name, if that name contains
   "process-name"            spaces or lowercase characters. You
                             can also use apostrophes (') instead of
                             quotation marks (").
   %PROCESS_PID process_id   The process identifier (PID, a
                             hexadecimal number).
   [%PROCESS_NUMBER]         The number assigned to a process when
   process-number            it comes under debugger control. A
   (or %PROC process-        new number is assigned sequentially,
   number)                   starting with 1, to each process. If
                             a process is terminated with the EXIT
                             or QUIT command, the number can be
                             assigned again during the debugging
                             session. Process numbers appear in a
                             SHOW PROCESS display. Processes are
                             ordered in a circular list so they can
                             be indexed with the built-in symbols
                             %PREVIOUS_PROCESS and %NEXT_PROCESS.
   process-set-name          A symbol defined with the
                             DEFINE/PROCESS_SET command to represent
                             a group of processes.
   %NEXT_PROCESS             The next process after the visible
                             process in the debugger's circular
                             process list.
   %PREVIOUS_PROCESS         The process previous to the visible
                             process in the debugger's circular
                             process list.
   %VISIBLE_PROCESS          The process whose stack, register set,
                             and images are the current context for
                             looking up symbols, register values,
                             routine calls, breakpoints, and so on.

   You can also use the asterisk (*)  wildcard character to specify
   all processes.

3  Description
   The STOP command interrupts the specified processes. You can use
   the STOP command in nowait mode to stop processes that are still

3  Examples

   1.all> SHOW PROCESS
      Number  Name          State            Current PC
          1 DBGK$$2727282C  break    SERVER\main\%LINE 18834
          2 USER1_2         running          not available
     *    3 USER1_3         running          not available
     all> CLIENTS> STOP
     all> show process
      Number  Name          State            Current PC
          1 DBGK$$2727282C  break    SERVER\main\%LINE 18834
          2 USER1_2         interrupted   0FFFFFFFF800F7A20
     *    3 USER1_3         interrupted   0FFFFFFFF800F7A20

     This command sequence first shows all processes, then stops the
     processes in process set clients. The last SHOW PROCESS command
     shows the new process states.

   Converts a memory address to a symbolic representation, if


     SYMBOLIZE  address-expression[, . . . ]

3  Parameters


   Specifies an address expression to be symbolized. Do not use the
   asterisk (*)  wildcard character.

3  Description
   If the address is a static address, it is symbolized as the
   nearest preceding symbol name, plus an offset. If the address
   is also a code address and a line number can be found that covers
   the address, the line number is included in the symbolization.

   If the address is a register address, the debugger displays all
   symbols in all set modules that are bound to that register. The
   full path name of each such symbol is displayed. The register
   name itself ("%R5", for example) is also displayed.

   If the address is a call stack location in the call frame of a
   routine in a set module, the debugger searches for all symbols
   in that routine whose addresses are relative to the frame pointer
   (FP) or the stack pointer (SP). The closest preceding symbol name
   plus an offset is displayed as the symbolization of the address.
   A symbol whose address specification is too complex is ignored.

   On Alpha processors, the commands
   SYMBOLIZE procedure-code-address and
   SYMBOLIZE procedure-descriptor-address both display the path
   name of the routine, entry point, or Ada package specified by
   these addresses.

   If the debugger cannot symbolize the address, a message is

   Related commands:


3  Examples

     address PROG\%R5:

     This example shows that the local variable X in routine PROG is
     located in register R5.

     address 0027C9E3:

     This command directs the debugger to treat the integer literal
     27C9E3 as a hexadecimal value and convert that address to a
     symbolic representation, if possible. The address converts to
     the symbol X in module MOD5.


   Forces immediate synchronization between the scalar and vector

   Applies to VAX vectorized programs.



4  Description
   The SYNCHRONIZE VECTOR_MODE command forces immediate
   synchronization between the scalar and vector processors by
   issuing SYNC and MSYNC instructions. The effect is as follows:

   o  Any exception that was caused by a vector instruction and
      was still pending delivery is immediately delivered. Forcing
      the delivery of a pending exception triggers an exception
      breakpoint or tracepoint (if one was set) or invokes an
      exception handler (if one is available at that location in
      the program).

   o  Any read or write operation between vector registers
      and either the general registers or memory is completed
      immediately. That is, any vector memory instruction that was
      still being executed completes execution.

   Entering the SYNCHRONIZE VECTOR_MODE command is equivalent
   to issuing SYNC and MSYNC instructions at the location in the
   program at which execution is suspended.

   By default, the debugger does not force synchronization between
   the scalar and vector processors during program execution (SET
   VECTOR_MODE NOSYNCHRONIZED). To force such synchronization, use

   Related commands:


4  Examples

     %DEBUG-I-SYNCREPCOM, Synchronize reporting complete

     This command forces immediate synchronization between the
     scalar and vector processors. In this example, the diagnostic
     message indicates that the synchronization operation has
     completed and that all pending vector exceptions have been
     delivered and reported.

   2.DBG> STEP   1
     stepped to .MAIN.\SUB\%LINE 99
         99:         VVDIVD  V1,V0,V2
     DBG> STEP   2
     stepped to .MAIN.\SUB\%LINE 100
        100:         CLRL    R0
         [0]:  13.53400
         [1]:  Reserved operand, encoded as floating divide by zero
         [2]:  247.2450
          . . .
     %SYSTEM-F-VARITH, vector arithmetic fault, summary=00000002,
                       mask=00000004, PC=000002E1, PSL=03C00010
     break on unhandled exception preceding .MAIN.\SUB\%LINE 100
        100:         CLRL    R0)

     The comments that follow refer to the callouts in the previous

     1  This STEP command suspends program execution on line 99,
        just before a VVDIVD instruction is executed. Assume that,
        in this example, the instruction will trigger a floating-
        point divide-by-zero exception.

     2  This STEP command executes the VVDIVD instruction. Note,
        however, that the exception is not delivered at this point
        in the execution of the program.

     3  The EXAMINE/FLOAT command displays a decoded exception
        message in element 1 of the destination register, V2. This
        confirms that a floating-point divide-by-zero exception was
        triggered and is pending delivery.

     4  The SYNCHRONIZE VECTOR_MODE command forces the immediate
        delivery of the pending vector exception.

   Displays lines of source code.


     TYPE  [[module-name\]line-number[:line-number]

           [,[module-name\]line-number[:line-number][, . . . ]]]

3  Parameters


   Specifies the module that contains the source lines to be
   displayed. If you specify a module name along with the line
   numbers, use standard pathname notation: insert a backslash (\)
   between the module name and the line numbers.

   If you do not specify a module name, the debugger uses the
   current scope (as established by a previous SET SCOPE command,
   or the PC scope if you did not enter a SET SCOPE command) to find
   source lines for display. If you specify a scope search list with
   the SET SCOPE command, the debugger searches for source lines
   only in the module associated with the first named scope.


   Specifies a compiler-generated line number (a number used to
   label a source language statement or statements).

   If you specify a single line number, the debugger displays the
   source code corresponding to that line number.

   If you specify a list of line numbers, separating each with a
   comma, the debugger displays the source code corresponding to
   each of the line numbers.

   If you specify a range of line numbers, separating the beginning
   and ending line numbers in the range with a colon (:),  the
   debugger displays the source code corresponding to that range
   of line numbers.

   You can display all the source lines of a module by specifying
   a range of line numbers starting from 1 and ending at a number
   equal to or greater than the largest line number in the module.

   After displaying a single line of source code, you can display
   the next line of that module by entering a TYPE command without
   a line number (that is, by entering TYPE and then pressing the
   Return key). You can then display the next line and successive
   lines by repeating this sequence, in effect, reading through your
   source program one line at a time.

3  Description
   The TYPE command displays the lines of source code that
   correspond to the specified line numbers. The line numbers used
   by the debugger to identify lines of source code are generated by
   the compiler. They appear in a compiler-generated listing and in
   a screen-mode source display.

   If you specify a module name with the TYPE command, the module
   must be set. Use the SHOW MODULE command to determine whether
   a particular module is set. Then use the SET MODULE command, if

   In screen mode, the output of a TYPE command is directed at the
   current source display, not at an output or DO display. The
   source display shows the lines specified and any surrounding
   lines that fit in the display window.

   Related commands:


3  Examples

   1.DBG> TYPE 160
     module COBOLTEST
        160: START-IT-PARA.
     DBG> TYPE
     module COBOLTEST
        161:         MOVE SC1 TO ES0.

     In this example, the first TYPE command displays line 160,
     using the current scope to locate the module containing
     that line number. The second TYPE command, entered without
     specifying a line number, displays the next line in that

   2.DBG> TYPE 160:163
     module COBOLTEST
        160: START-IT-PARA.
        161:         MOVE SC1 TO ES0.
        162:         DISPLAY ES0.
        163:         MOVE SC1 TO ES1.

     This command displays lines 160 to 163, using the current scope
     to locate the module.

   3.DBG> TYPE SCREEN_IO\7,22:24

     This command displays line 7 and lines 22 to 24 in module

   Causes the debugger to wait until the target processes have
   stopped before prompting for the next command.



3  Description
   When debugging multiprocess programs, the WAIT command causes
   the debugger to complete executing all process specified by the
   previous command before displaying a prompt to accept and execute
   another command.

   Related commands:


3  Example

 all> 2,3> GO;WAIT
 processes 2,3
   break at CLIENT\main\%LINE 18814
       18814:      status = sys$qiow (EFN$C_ENF,  mbxchan,
                         IO$_READVBLKIO$M_WRITERCHECK, myiosb)
 process 1
   break at SERVER\main\%LINE 18834
       18834:             if ((myiosb.iosb$w_status ==
                         SS$_NOREADER) && (pos_status != -1))

     This command sequence executes the target processes (in this
     case, 2 and 3), and the debugger waits until both processes
     reach breakpoints before prompting for the next command.

   Executes a sequence of commands while the language expression
   (Boolean expression) you have specified evaluates as true.


     WHILE  Boolean-expression DO (command[; . . . ])

3  Parameters


   Specifies a language expression that evaluates as a Boolean value
   (true or false) in the currently set language.


   Specifies a debugger command. If you specify more than one
   command, separate the commands with semicolons (;).  At each
   execution, the debugger checks the syntax of any expressions in
   the commands and then evaluates them.

3  Description
   The WHILE command evaluates a Boolean expression in the current
   language. If the value is true, the command list in the DO clause
   is executed. The command then repeats the sequence, reevaluating
   the Boolean expression and executing the command list until the
   expression is evaluated as false.

   If the Boolean expression is false, the WHILE command terminates.

   Related commands:


3  Example


     This command directs the debugger to keep stepping through the
     program until X no longer equals 0 (Fortran example).