1 M =TITLE CMS Menus =INCLUDE Overview =INCLUDE About =INCLUDE Use_help =INCLUDE Overview Decwindows_basics =INCLUDE Overview Exiting_from_CMS Use CMS menus to access buttons and dialog boxes that let you create and open libraries, manipulate elements and generations, and perform other CMS operations. The main CMS window contains the following menus: File, Edit, View, Maintenance, Data, Options, and Help. 2 L_m =TITLE File Menu =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries =INCLUDE Overview Ref_copy_def Choose the File menu to perform the following operations: o Create a new library or element o Open (or set) a library o Fetch a library element o Reserve an element o Replace an element o Unreserve an element o Close a library o Specify a default directory o Close a view window when there are multiple windows open o End the CMS session Choose a menu item from the File menu to perform the desired action. 3 New_mi =TITLE New Menu Item Choose the New item to create either a new library or a new element. The New Library... and New Element... items in the submenu invoke dialog boxes that prompt you for information to create the new objects. 4 Cl_mi =TITLE New Library... Menu Item =INCLUDE Overview Ref_copy_def =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries Creating_Libraries =INCLUDE Occ O_d Choose the New Library... menu item to create a CMS library. You must create the library in an existing empty VMS directory (or direct CMS to create the directory); you can have only one CMS library in each directory. When you choose New Library..., a dialog box appears allowing you to specify options for the library you are creating. New Library... automatically opens the library for access; you do not have to explicitly open it. 5 Cl_db =TITLE New Library Dialog Box =INCLUDE M L_m New_mi Cl_mi The New Library dialog box allows you to enter information about the library you want to create, such as the library name, the creation remark to be logged in the library history, whether CMS should create the directory for you, the name of the reference copy directory (if any) to be associated with the library, and search list information. 6 Cl_lf =TITLE Library Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries Fill in the Library field with the name of the library to be created. Unless you have told CMS to create the directory for you (via the Automatically Create Directory button), this name must be the name of a valid VMS directory that you created with the DCL CREATE/DIRECTORY command, and the directory must be empty. This library cannot be your current default directory. Wildcards are not allowed. 6 Cl_dr =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text that is associated with the creation of the new library. The text is permanently logged in the library history file. You are not required to surround the Remark field with quotes. You can use any characters; however, the length of the remark cannot exceed 256 characters. If you do not enter a remark, a null remark is logged in the library history file. 6 Cl_rdb =TITLE Reference Copy Directory Field =INCLUDE Overview Ref_copy_def =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries Fill in the Reference Copy Directory field with the name of a reference copy directory (you must have already created the VMS directory). This associates the reference copy directory with the current library. When the Reference Copy Directory button is activated, CMS stores copies of elements in the reference copy directory. For more information, double click on About Reference Copy Directories from the list of additional topics below. The reference copy directory cannot be a CMS library, nor should it be a subdirectory of a CMS library. Wildcards are not allowed. 6 Cl_acd =TITLE Automatically Create Directory Click on the Automatically Create Directory button to direct CMS to automatically create the library directory for you. 6 Cl_rev_o =TITLE File Revision Time Attributes The File Revision Time attributes consist of the following choices: o Original--specifies that the original revision time of files placed in a CMS library should be restored unchanged upon their retrieval. This is the default behavior. o Storage Time--specifies that the time when a file was stored in a CMS library (through a create element or replace transaction) should be substituted for its original revision time upon retrieval. 6 Cl_sl =TITLE Search List Position Description =INCLUDE Using_Libraries =INCLUDE Occ O_D Click on the Search List Position button to specify: o Whether the new library (or libraries) will supersede the existing list, if one exists. o Whether the new library or libraries will be inserted into the existing list, and the position in which they are to be inserted, before or after other libraries, or last in the list. 6 Cl_nr =TITLE New Button Click on the New button to supersede the existing library list with the new library (or libraries) specified in the Library field. 6 Cl_frb =TITLE First Button Click on the First button to insert the new library at the beginning of the library list. 6 Cl_da =TITLE After Button Click on the After button to insert the new library into the library list immediately following the library specified in the After field. You must then supply a library in the After field. 6 Cl_ar =TITLE After Field Fill in the After field with the name of the library that the newly-opened library will follow. The default is to include the newly-opened library after all previously opened libraries. 6 Cl_lr =TITLE Last Button Click on the Last button to insert the new library at the end of the library list. 6 Cl_cur =TITLE Concurrent flag This flag indicates whether or not elements created in this library will allow concurrent reservations by default. 6 Cl_kep =TITLE Keep flag This flag indicates whether all versions of the file used to create an element or generation are deleted during that operation. 6 Cl_ext =TITLE Extended filenames flag This flag indicates whether extended filename are allowed in the library. Extended filenames are only available on OpenVMS V7.2 and later. 6 Cl_var =TITLE Long variant names flag This flag indicates whether long variant names are allowed in the library. 4 Ct_emi =TITLE New Element... Menu Item =INCLUDE M M_M Ct_mi =INCLUDE M M_M Ct_mi Ct_gr =INCLUDE M M_M Ct_mi Cc_cl Choose the New Element... menu item to bring up a dialog box, enabling you to input attributes and other options for the element you are creating. The new element transaction creates the first generation of a new element. It does this by moving the input file from a VMS directory into a CMS library. By default, CMS searches for the file in your current default directory; you can direct CMS to use a file with a different name or in a different directory by choosing the Input File option. After the element is created, CMS deletes all versions of the input file from the specified location unless you turn off the Delete Input Files option or turn on the Reserve New Element option. 5 Ct_dbx =TITLE New Element Dialog Box =INCLUDE M L_m New_mi Ct_emi The New Element dialog box allows you to enter information about the element (or elements) you want to create. 6 Ct_ef =TITLE Element Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Fill in the Element field with the name of one or more elements to be created. Within a library, all element names must be unique. Do not use the file name 00CMS, because that name is reserved for CMS. You can also specify a list of element names separated by commas, or you can specify a wildcard expression. The name cannot be the same as any existing element name in the library. 6 Ct_r =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with the creation remark of the element and logged in the history file with this create transaction. The remark is stored with both the element and its first generation. 6 Ct_inp =TITLE Input File Button Click on the Input File button to specify that the file to be used to create the element is in a different location than your default directory, or is named other than the element name. You must also specify the name of the directory if the file is in a location other than your default directory. After the element is created, CMS deletes all versions of the input file from the specified location unless you turn off the Delete Input Files option or turn on the Reserve New Element option. 6 Ct_del =TITLE Delete Input Files Button Click on the Delete Input Files button to direct CMS to delete all versions of the file used to create the new element. 6 Ct_res =TITLE Reserve New Element Button Click on the Reserve New Element button to direct CMS to reserve the new element after it is created. When you specify the Reserve New Element option, CMS does not delete the file used to create the element. When you choose Reserve New Element, generation 1 of the newly-created element is automatically reserved. If the Reserve New Element option is turned off and the Delete Input File options is turned on, CMS deletes all versions of the file used to create the element. 6 Ct_ele_a =TITLE Element Attributes You can establish different attributes for each element you create. These attributes include the following: o Whether to allow reservations of the same element by more than one user o Whether elements are assigned a reference copy file o Whether new element generations are marked for review o Whether to include notes and history information when the element is retrieved 7 Ct_all =TITLE Allow Concurrent Reservations Button Click on the Allow Concurrent Reservations button to allow multiple reservations for the element. After you create the element, you grant or deny concurrent access by doing the following: 1. Click on the element. 2. Pull down the Maintenance menu. 3. Pull down the Modify submenu. 4. Choose the Element... menu item. CMS brings up a dialog box, allowing you to specify the desired options. 7 Ct_rf =TITLE Reference Copy Button =INCLUDE Overview Ref_copy_def Click on the Reference Copy button to direct CMS to maintain a reference copy of the element. You must have previously created a reference copy directory and enabled the Reference Copy attribute of the library. CMS creates a reference copy for the new element and updates the element's reference copy file in the reference copy directory whenever you create a new main line generation of the element. When CMS places a file in the reference copy directory, it also deletes any earlier versions of that file in the reference copy directory. The reference copy attribute is inherited from the library; that is, if a reference copy directory is established for the library, the attribute is also enabled for new elements by default. 7 Ct_mar =TITLE Mark New Generations for Review Button =INCLUDE M M_M Rw_mi Click on the Mark new generations for review button to direct CMS to mark new new generations of the element for review. New generations of that element are marked for review only if the reserved generation was either rejected or has a review pending. 7 Ct_no =TITLE Notes Attribute Button Click on the Notes button to append notes to the lines of the file when you fetch or reserve the element. 8 Ct_nof =TITLE Notes Format Field Fill in the Format field with a format string. The note for a line consists of the format string. The format string characters #G indicate that the generation number of the particular generation in which the line was inserted or most recently modified should be appended to the lines of the output file. You can optionally include other ASCII text in the Notes Format field. To include a quotation mark in the notes string, type it twice (""). To include a number sign in the notes string, type it twice (##). You must also specify the column number in which to place the note. 8 Ct_noc =TITLE Notes Column Field Fill in the Column field with the column number where the note should begin. This value is required and must be an integer in the range 1 to 511. The note is placed to the right of the text of the line. If the length of the line is less than the column number, the note appears at the column number position. If the length of the line is greater than or equal to the column number, the note is placed at the next tab stop after the end of the line. (Tab stops are at position 9 and every eight characters thereafter.) 7 Ct_his =TITLE History Attribute Button Click on the History button to establish the History attribute for the element. If an element has the History attribute enabled, its history is included in the file when you retrieve it with the fetch or reserve transactions. 8 Ct_his_be =TITLE History At Beginning/At End Button Click on the At Beginning button to direct CMS to include the history for the element at the beginning of the output file. Click on the At End button to direct CMS to include the history for the element at the end of the output file. 8 Ct_his_f =TITLE History Format Field Fill in the Format field with a format string indicating where the format is to appear in the output file. The string must contain the characters #H or #B (lowercase is allowed), and can contain other printing characters. Use the letter B to include the history at the beginning of the file. Use the letter H to include the history at the end of the file. To include a quotation mark in the history string, type it twice (""). To include a number sign in the history string, type it twice (##). 3 Ol_mi =TITLE Open... Menu Item =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries =INCLUDE M C_m Kl_mi =INCLUDE M C_m Cm_il_mi =INCLUDE Occ O_d Choose the Open... menu item to establish an existing CMS library as the current library. The library is automatically inserted into the library search list. When you choose Open..., a dialog box appears, allowing you to specify options for the library to be opened. You can specify multiple libraries to be opened by separating each library with a comma. 4 Ol_db =TITLE Open Library Dialog Box =INCLUDE M L_m Ol_mi =INCLUDE M C_m Kl_mi =INCLUDE M C_m Cm_il_mi =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries The Open Library dialog box allows you to specify information such as the name of the library to be opened, allows you to verify the opened library, and optionally allows you to specify search list information for the library. It also displays any known libraries you have set up using the Known Libraries... menu item under the Options menu. 5 Ol_db_lf =TITLE Library Directory Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries =INCLUDE Occ O_d =INCLUDE M C_m Cm_il_mi Fill in the Library Directory field with the name of a VMS directory previously defined as a CMS library. The library cannot be your current default directory. The library must already exist. You can specify multiple libraries to be opened by separating each library name with a comma. Wildcards are not allowed. 5 Ol_klf =TITLE Known Libraries List Box =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries =INCLUDE M C_m Kl_mi =INCLUDE M C_m Cm_il_mi The Known Libraries list box contains a list of all the CMS libraries you previously specified (if any) through the Known Libraries... submenu under the Options menu. The Known Libraries list box can contain ten library names. If you click on a library in the list box, the library is placed in the Library Directory field. Double click on the library in the list box to place it in the Library Directory field and open it. If you press the SHIFT key, then click on the library in the list box, the library is appended to any libraries in the Library Directory field. Press the SHIFT key, then double click on the library in the list box to append the library to any libraries in the Library Directory field and open it. 5 Ol_va_tb =TITLE Verify Added Libraries Button =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries =INCLUDE M M_m Vl_mi When the Verify Added Libraries button is activated, CMS performs a normal locking and verification process as the library is opened. If Verify Added Libraries is not activated, CMS opens the library without performing the locking and verification process. This speeds up the open library operation and allows you to open the library even if it is locked by another user. 5 Ol_sl_pd =TITLE Search List Position Description =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries =INCLUDE Occ O_D Click on the Search List Position button to specify the position the new library or libraries should have in the search list, including: o Whether the new library will supersede the existing list, if one exists o Whether the new library (or libraries) will be inserted into the existing list, and the position in which they are to be inserted, before or after other libraries, or last in the list. 5 Ol_nr_b =TITLE New Button =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries =INCLUDE Occ O_D Click on the New button to supersede the existing library list with the new library (or libraries) specified in the Library Directory field. 5 Ol_fr_b =TITLE First Button =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries =INCLUDE Occ O_D Click on the First button to insert the new library at the beginning of the library list. 5 Ol_ar_b =TITLE After Button =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries =INCLUDE Occ O_D Click on the After button to insert the new library into the library list immediately following the library specified in the After field. You must then supply a library in the After field. Fill in the After field with the directory specification of the library that the newly-opened library will follow. The default is to include the newly-opened library after all previously opened libraries. 5 Ol_db_afb =TITLE After Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries =INCLUDE Occ O_D Fill in the After field with the name of the library that the newly-opened library will follow. The default is to include the newly-opened library after all previously opened libraries. 5 Ol_lr_b =TITLE Last Button =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries =INCLUDE Occ O_D Click on the Last button to insert the new library at the end of the library list. 3 F_mi =TITLE Fetch... Menu Item =INCLUDE Overview Using_elements =INCLUDE Overview Using_groups =INCLUDE Overview Using_classes Choose the Fetch... menu item to retrieve a copy of the specified object or objects from the CMS library. The object can be an element name, a group name (CMS will fetch the most recent generations of elements in the group), a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. CMS fetches the most recent generation on the main line of descent unless you fill in the Generation field. Fetch delivers a copy of the specified generations to your current default directory. The generation is not reserved, and CMS does not allow you to replace it. CMS allows you to fetch a generation that is already reserved, and notifies you of any current generation reservations for the element. If a version of a file with the same name as the element already exists in your current default directory when you execute the fetch transaction, CMS notifies you. A new version is then created with the next higher version number. 4 F_sf =TITLE Selected Box If you click on an object or objects before choosing the Fetch... menu item, the Selected box contains those objects. CMS performs the fetch transaction on the selected objects. 4 F_ef =TITLE Element Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Fill in the Element field with the name of the object or objects you want retrieved. The object can be an element name, a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. By default, CMS retrieves the most recent generation on the main line of descent of each element. If you want to fetch a specific generation of the element, you must specify the generation number in the Fetch Generation field. 4 F_gf =TITLE Generation Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Fill in the Generation field with the number of the generation you want retrieved. For example, 3B2. If you omit this field, CMS by default fetches the most recent generation on the main line of descent. 4 F_rf =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with the transaction and logged in the history file with this fetch transaction. 4 F_opb =TITLE Options Button Click on the Options button to bring up a dialog box, allowing you to specify the following options in the library: o Whether to write the element out to a differently named file o Whether to merge generations of an element o Whether to include notes and history information when the element is fetched 5 F_of =TITLE Output File Button Click on the Output File button to direct CMS to write output to a specified file; you must supply a file specification in the Output File field. If you omit the file specification in the Output File field, CMS creates a file in your default directory with the same name as the element. If you specify multiple elements (by using wildcards, a comma list, or a group name) and you do not specify wildcards in the Output File field, CMS creates successive versions of the file and places the files in your default directory. 5 F_mg =TITLE Merge Generation Button Click on the Merge Generation button to specify that another generation of the element (called the merge generation) is to be merged with the generation being fetched (called the retrieved generation). Fill in the Merge Generation field with the number of the merge generation. CMS merges the lines of the two generations and delivers a single copy of the file to your default directory. The merge generation cannot be on the same line of descent as the retrieved generation. When there is a conflict between blocks of one or more lines, CMS includes the conflicting lines and flags the conflict. 5 F_na =TITLE Notes Attribute The Notes attribute controls the inclusion of notes in the output file when you fetch the element (or generation). Specifying options for the Notes attribute for this fetch transaction temporarily establishes the Notes attribute for the element, regardless of whether the element previously had the Notes attribute enabled. To display the current default notes attribute, do the following: 1. Pull down the View menu. 2. Choose the Element menu item. 3. Click on the desired element. 4. Pull down the View menu. 5. Choose the Expand submenu. 6. Choose the Attributes menu item. 6 F_nd =TITLE Default Button Click on the Default button to direct CMS to append notes to the output file as it is retrieved by the fetch transaction, depending on the default you have set up for the element using the New Element... menu item under the File menu, or the Modify Element... menu item under the Maintenance menu. 6 F_nn =TITLE None Button Click on the None button to prevent CMS from embedding any notes in the output file, regardless of any default you have set up for the element using the New Element... menu item under the File menu, or the Modify Element... menu item under the Maintenance menu. 6 F_nfo =TITLE Format Button Click on the Format button to direct CMS to append notes to the lines of the file. You may also specify a format field string. If you specify a format field string, CMS temporarily overrides any default format field string you have set up for the element using the New Element... menu item under the File menu, or using the Modify Element... menu item under the Maintenance menu. The format string specifies the format of the note. The string can contain text or the character #G (lowercase is allowed). To include a quotation mark in the notes string, type it twice (""). To include a number sign in the notes string, type it twice (##). If you click on the Format button and the element you are fetching was not created or modified with the Notes attribute on, then you must also specify a number in the Position field. 6 F_c =TITLE Position Field Fill in the Position field with the column number in which the note is to be placed. If you specify the Format option, then you must also specify a Position number. The Position number can be any integer in the range 1 to 511. By default, CMS places notes in column 80. 5 F_hd =TITLE History Attribute Choose the History attribute to control the inclusion of the history records in the output file when you fetch the element (or generation). Specifying options for the History attribute for this fetch transaction temporarily establishes the history attribute for the element, regardless of whether the element previously had the Notes attribute enabled. To display the current default History attribute, do the following: 1. Pull down the View menu. 2. Choose the Element menu item. 3. Click on the desired element. 4. Pull down the View menu. 5. Choose the Expand submenu. 6. Choose the Attributes menu item. 6 F_hd_pb =TITLE Default Button Click on the Default button to specify that history should be included in the output file as it is retrieved, depending on the default you have set up for the element using the New Element... menu item under the File menu, or using the Modify Element... menu item under the Maintenance menu. 6 F_hn_tb =TITLE None Button Click on the None button to prevent CMS from including the element history in the output file, regardless of any default you have set up for the element using the New Element... menu item under the File menu, or using the Modify Element... menu item under the Maintenance menu. 6 F_hf_f =TITLE Format Option Click on the Format button to specify that history is to be included in the output file. You may also specify a format field string. If you specify a format field string, CMS temporarily overrides any default format field string you have set up for the element using the New Element... menu item under the File menu, or using the Modify Element... menu item under the Maintenance menu. The format string specifies the format of the history. The string must contain the characters #H or #B (lowercase is allowed), and can contain other printing characters. To include a quotation mark in the history string, type it twice (""). To include a number sign in the history string, type it twice (##). 3 R_mi =TITLE Reserve... Menu Item =INCLUDE Overview Using_elements =INCLUDE Overview Using_groups Choose the Reserve... menu item to retrieve a copy of the specified object from the CMS library and mark it as reserved. The object can be an element, group, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. Reserve places a copy of the object in your current default directory, and marks the object as reserved. When you choose Reserve, a dialog box appears, allowing you to specify options for the reserve transaction. 4 riel_mnt =TITLE Reserved Element =INCLUDE M L_m R_mi =INCLUDE M L_m R_mi Re_dbx Re_op_pb A reserved element indicates that a copy of one or more of the element's generations has been retrieved and placed in the users default directory. CMS marks that generation as being reserved. You can then work on the file as necessary before replacing it back into the library. 4 Re_dbx =TITLE Reserve Dialog Box =INCLUDE M L_m R_mi The Reserve dialog box allows you to enter information about an object (or objects) you want to reserve. 5 Re_sf =TITLE Selected Box If you click on an object or objects before choosing the Reserve... menu item, the Selected box contains those objects. CMS performs the reserve transaction on the selected objects. 5 Re_ef =TITLE Element Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Fill in the Element field with the name of the object (or objects) you want to reserve. By default, CMS reserves the most recent generation on the main line of descent of each element. The object can be an element name, a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. If you want to reserve a specific generation of the element, you must specify the generation number in the Generation field. 5 Re_gf =TITLE Generation Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Fill in the Generation field with the number of the generation you want reserved; for example, 3B1. If you omit this field, CMS reserves the most recent generation on the main line of descent. 5 Re_rf =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with the reservation and logged in the history file with this reserve transaction. 5 Re_op_pb =TITLE Options Button Choose the Options button to specify the options for the reserve transaction, including: o Whether to allow reservations of the same element by more than one user o Whether to write the element out to a differently named file o Whether to merge generations of an element o Whether to include notes and history information when an object is reserved 6 Ra_cr_pb =TITLE Allow Concurrent Reservations Button The Allow Concurrent Reservations button allows you to specify whether another user can reserve an element while you have it reserved. If this button is activated, you must replace or unreserve the element before others can reserve it. 6 Ro_ft_b =TITLE Output File Button Click on the Output File button to direct CMS to write output to a specified file; you must supply a file specification in the Output File field. If you omit the file specification in the Output File field, CMS creates a file in your default directory with the same name as the element. If you specify multiple elements (by using wildcards, a comma list, or a group name) and you do not specify wildcards in the Output File field, CMS creates successive versions of the file and places the files in your default directory. 6 Re_me_g =TITLE Merge Generation Button Click on the Merge Generation button to specify that another generation of the element (called the merge generation) is to be merged with the generation that is being reserved (called the retrieved generation). Fill in the Merge Generation field with the merge generation number. CMS merges the lines of the two generations and delivers a single copy of the file to your default directory. The file that CMS places in your directory has the current creation and revision times. The merge generation cannot be on the same line of descent as the retrieved generation. When there is a conflict between blocks of one or more lines, CMS includes the conflicting lines and flags the conflict. 6 R_na =TITLE Notes Attribute The Notes attribute controls the inclusion of notes in the output file when you reserve the element (or generation). Specifying options for the Notes attribute for this reserve transaction temporarily establishes the Notes attribute for the element, regardless of whether the element previously had the Notes attribute enabled. To display the current default Notes attribute, do the following: 1. Pull down the View menu. 2. Choose the Element menu item. 3. Click on the desired element. 4. Pull down the View menu. 5. Choose the Expand submenu. 6. Choose the Attributes menu item. 7 Nd_tb =TITLE Default Button Click on the Default button to direct CMS to append notes to the output file as it is retrieved by the reserve transaction, depending on the default you have set up for the element using the New Element... menu item under the File menu, or using the Modify Element... menu item under the Maintenance menu. 7 Nn_tb =TITLE None Button Click on the None button to prevent CMS from embedding any notes in the output file, regardless of any default you have set up for the element using the New Element... menu item under the File menu, or using the Modify Element... menu item under the Maintenance menu. 7 Nf_o =TITLE Format Option Click on the Format button to direct CMS to append notes to the lines of the file. You may also specify a format field string. If you specify a format field string, CMS temporarily overrides any default format field string you have set up for the element using the New Element... menu item under the File menu, or using the Modify Element... menu item under the Maintenance menu. The format string specifies the format of the note. The string can contain text or the character #G (lowercase is allowed). To include a quotation mark in the notes string, type it twice (""). To include a number sign in the notes string, type it twice (##). If you click on the Format button and the element you are reserving was not created or modified with the Notes attribute on, then you must also specify a number in the column field. 7 R_c_f =TITLE Column Field Fill in the Column field with the column number in which the note is to be placed. If you specify the Format option, then you must specify the column number. The column number can be any integer in the range 1 to 511. 6 Ha =TITLE History Attribute Choose the History attribute to control the inclusion of the history records in the output file when you reserve the element (or generation). Specifying options for the History attribute for this reserve transaction temporarily overrides any defaults you have set up for the element using the New Element... menu item under the File menu, or using the Modify Element... menu item under the Maintenance menu. To display the current default History attribute, do the following: 1. Pull down the View menu. 2. Choose the Element menu item. 3. Click on the desired element. 4. Pull down the View menu. 5. Choose the Expand submenu. 6. Choose the Attributes menu item. 7 Hd_tb =TITLE Default Button When the Default button is activated, CMS includes the history in the output file as it is retrieved by the reserve transaction, depending on the default you have set up for the element using the New Element... menu item under the File menu, or using the Modify Element... menu item under the Maintenance menu. 7 Hn_tb =TITLE None Button When the None button is activated, CMS does not include any element history in the output file, regardless of any default you have set up for the element using the New Element... menu item under the File menu, or using the Modify Element... menu item under the Maintenance menu. 7 Hf_o =TITLE Format Button When the Format button is activated, CMS includes the history in the output file. You may also specify a format field string. If you specify a format field string, CMS temporarily overrides any default format field string you have set up for the element using the New Element... menu item under the File menu, or using the Modify Element... menu item under the Maintenance menu. The format string specifies the format of the history. The string must contain the characters #H or #B (lowercase is allowed), and can contain other printing characters. To include a quotation mark in the history string, type it twice (""). To include a number sign in the history string, type it twice (##). 3 Rp_mi =TITLE Replace... Menu Item =INCLUDE M L_m Ur_mi =INCLUDE Overview Using_elements Choose the Replace... menu item to return an element reservation to the library and create a new generation of the element. The replace transaction transfers a file from your default directory to the current CMS library, thus creating a new generation. The number of the new generation is the number of its predecessor with the rightmost level number increased by 1. For example, if you reserved generation 1A1, CMS would create generation 1A2 when you replaced it. Replace checks for other current reservations and concurrent replacements of the element, and whether you are replacing another user's reservation. If any of these situations occur, CMS prompts whether you want to proceed with the transaction. If you execute the transaction, CMS records it as an unusual occurrence. 4 Rp_sf =TITLE Selected Box If you click on an object or objects before choosing the Replace... menu item, the Selected box contains those objects. CMS performs the replace transaction on the selected objects. 4 Rp_ef =TITLE Element Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Fill in the Element field with the name of the reserved object (or objects) you want replaced back into the library. The object can be an element name, a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. 4 Rp_rf =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with the newly-created generations, to be logged in the history file with this replace transaction. If you do not enter a remark, the remark from the corresponding reservation is used for the new generation and the replacement transaction in the history file. 4 Rp_opb =TITLE Options Button The Options button brings up a dialog box, allowing you to specify the following options in the library: o A generation number for the replacement o A reservation identification number for the replacement o A file other than the one located in your default directory to be used as the input file o A variant generation name to be created o Whether CMS should delete the file from your default directory after the replacement o Whether CMS should create a new generation only if the generation has had changes made to it o Whether the new generation created by the replacement is reserved. 5 Rp_go =TITLE Generation Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Fill in the Generation field with the number of the specific generation to be replaced; for example, 3B2. Choose the Generation option when you have more than one reservation of an element or if you are replacing another user's reservation (you can also do this by using the Reservation Identification option). You can use Replace Generation as long as the concurrent reservations are not on the same generation. If you have more than one concurrent reservation for the same generation, you must fill in the Replace Reservation Identification option. 5 Rp_rio =TITLE Reservation Identification Field Choose the Reservation Identification option when you have multiple reservations of the same element reservation (you can also do this by choosing the Replace Generation option). If you have more than one concurrent reservation for the same generation, you must identify the specific reservation to be replaced. Each reservation is assigned an identification number. Fill in the Reservation Identification field with the specific number of the reservation to be replaced; for example, 2. To determine the identification number of each reservation, do the following: 1. Pull down the View menu. 2. Choose the Reservation menu item. 3. Double click on the reserved element to expand it into individual reserved generations. The identification number appears in parentheses at the beginning of each line that lists a reserved generation. 5 Rp_ifo =TITLE Input File Field Fill in the Input File field with a file name other than the one located in your default directory. After the reserved generation is replaced, CMS deletes the file used to create the new generation (and any earlier versions of the file in the same directory) unless you turn off the Delete files when replaced button, or turn on the Reserve Again button. If you do not supply a file name, CMS searches your current default directory for a file with the same name as the element. 5 Rp_vgl =TITLE Variant Generation Name Option Fill in the Variant Generation Name field to create a variant generation. If two or more users have concurrently reserved the same element generation, only one of the replaced generations can be on the same line of descent. Thus, no more than one can be replaced as a main line generation and the rest must be replaced as variants. The Variant Generation Names are limited to alphabetic characters (A through Z) and underscore characters with a maximum length of 255 characters. CMS labels the variant generation by appending the Variant Generation Name and the number 1 to the generation number. For example, if you reserved generation 2 of an element INIT.BAS, you could create a variant 2CHANGE_ABC1, where 2 is the generation number, CHANGE_ABC is the variant name, and 1 is the appended number. 5 Rp_dfr =TITLE Delete Files When Replaced Button Click on the Delete files when replaced button to specify that all versions of the file used to create the new element are deleted from your directory. 5 Rp_cng_o =TITLE Create New Generation Only if Changed Button Click on the Create new generation only if changed button to specify that a new generation is to be created only if the input file is different from the generation that was reserved. After the new generation is created, CMS deletes all versions of the input file from the specified location unless you turn off the Delete files when replaced button or turn on the Reserve Again button. 5 Rp_atb =TITLE Reserve Again Button Click on the Reserve Again button to control whether the new generation of the element created by the replacement is re-reserved. The element files are not deleted from your current default directory. 3 Ur_mi =TITLE Unreserve... Menu Item =INCLUDE M L_m Rp_mi =INCLUDE Overview Using_elements Choose the Unreserve... menu item to cancel one or more reservations of a generation of an element. You cannot unreserve a generation held by another user unless you hold BYPASS privilege or unless you are granted BYPASS access to the element by an access control list (ACL). If you have more than one reservation of an element or if you are canceling another user's reservation, you must specify the exact reservation to be canceled. You do this by using either the Generation option or the Reservation Identification button in the Options dialog box (choose the Options button). 4 Ur_sf =TITLE Selected Box If you click on an object or objects before choosing the Unreserve... menu item, the Selected box contains those objects. CMS performs the unreserve transaction on the selected objects. 4 Ur_ef =TITLE Element Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Fill in the Element field with the name of the object or objects whose reservations are to be canceled. The object can be an element name, a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. 4 Ur_rf =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with the cancellation and logged in the history file with this unreserve transaction. 4 Ur_opb =TITLE Options Button The Options button brings up a dialog box, allowing you to specify the following options in the library: o A generation number for the reserved generation to be canceled o A reservation identification number for the reserved generation to be canceled o Whether CMS should delete the file from your default directory after the cancellation, and optionally, a file name and location other than your default directory. 5 Ur_ogf =TITLE Generation Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Fill in the Generation field with the specific generation number of the reservation to be canceled; for example, 3B2. If you have more than one reservation of the same element generation, you must choose the Reservation Identification option to unreserve the reservation. 5 Ur_rio =TITLE Reservation Identification Field Use the Reservation Identification option when you have multiple reservations of the same element generation. If you have more than one concurrent reservation for the same generation, you must identify the specific reservation to be unreserved. Each reservation is assigned an identification number. Fill in the Reservation Identification field with the number of the specific reservation to be canceled; for example, 2. To determine the identification number of each reservation, do the following: 1. Pull down the View menu. 2. Choose the Reservation menu item. 3. Double click on the reserved element to expand it into individual reserved generations. The identification number appears in parentheses at the beginning of each line that lists a reserved generation. 5 Ur_dfu =TITLE Delete Files When Unreserved Button Click on the Delete files when unreserved button to delete all versions of the unreserved file from your default directory. If you choose this option, you can also use the Delete file specification field to specify a different location or a different file specification (or both) for the file to be deleted. 5 Ur_dfs =TITLE Delete File Specification Field Fill in the Delete file specification field with a different location and/or name of the file to be deleted. 3 Cm_mi =TITLE Close... Menu Item =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries =INCLUDE Occ O_d Choose the Close... menu item to remove one or more libraries from the current library search list. 4 Cl_olries =TITLE Open Libraries Box The Open Libraries list box contains the current libraries in your library list. Double click on a library to close it. 4 All =TITLE All Button Click on the All button to close all the libraries in the current library list, regardless of whether or not they have been currently selected. 3 Dd_mi =TITLE Set Directory... Menu Item =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries Choose the Set Directory... menu item to specify a default device and directory to be automatically used for file input and output. CMS uses the default device and directory you specify for the duration of the current CMS session. Your initial default device and directory are restored when you exit from the CMS session. 4 Dd_d =TITLE Directory Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries Specify the name of the default directory to use. This directory cannot be your CMS library directory or any of its subdirectories. 3 Cv_mi =TITLE Close View Menu Item =INCLUDE M V_m =INCLUDE M V_m Uv_mi =INCLUDE M V_m Vnv_mi =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries Choose the Close View menu item to close the current view window when there are multiple CMS views open. The Close View menu item is located in both the File and View menus, and has the same function in both menus. 3 E_mi =TITLE Exit Menu Item Choose the Exit menu item to end the CMS session. 2 E_m =TITLE Edit Menu Choose the Edit menu to perform clipboard operations. 3 Ec_mi =TITLE Copy Menu Item Choose the Copy menu item to move the selected text to the clipboard. Copy does not alter any information. 3 Es_mi =TITLE Select All Menu Item Choose the Select All menu item to select the entire contents of the window, not just the data currently visible in the window. 2 V_m =TITLE View Menu =INCLUDE M C_m Vw_mi =INCLUDE M C_m Vw_mi Vw_text A view is a window that displays CMS library objects and information about those objects. You can choose the following types of views from the View menu: o Element o Group o Class o Reservation o History o Review o Command You can also use the View menu to do the following: o Update views o Expand and collapse objects o Display multiple views (new view) o Restrict and unrestrict the contents of views o Close views 3 Uv_mi =TITLE Update View Menu Item =INCLUDE M V_m Vnv_mi =INCLUDE M L_m Cv_mi =INCLUDE M C_m Vw_mi Vw_text Choose the Update menu item to collapse previously expanded objects and display an updated view window, including any changes made to the library search list. 3 Vex_mi =TITLE Expand Submenu =INCLUDE M V_m Vc_clmi =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Element_attrs =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups Group_attrs =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes Class_attrs =INCLUDE M M_M Ac =INCLUDE M C_m Vw_mi Vw_text Choose the Expand submenu to expand an object's children, attributes, access control list (ACL), group or class membership list, or all of the above options. Expand operates on whatever type of view is current. To display an option, follow these steps: 1. Click on the desired object (for instance, a group). 2. Pull down the View menu. 3. Pull down the Expand submenu. 4. Choose the Children, Attributes, ACLs, Membership, or All menu item. 4 Vex_cmi =TITLE Expand Children Menu Item =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes Choose the Children menu item to expand the object into its subobjects. For example, if you choose a group, and expand the group into its children, CMS displays any elements and other groups contained in the group. 4 Vex_ami =TITLE Expand Attributes Menu Item =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Element_attrs =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups Group_attrs =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes Class_attrs =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes Choose the Attributes menu item to expand the object into its attributes. CMS displays different types of attributes for different objects. These may include concurrent reservations, reference copy information, review information, history format, notes format, and notes position. 4 Vex_acmi =TITLE Expand ACLs Menu Item =INCLUDE M M_M Ac Choose this menu item to display the access control list (ACL) associated with the specified object (or objects). 4 Vex_mmi =TITLE Expand Membership Menu Item =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes Choose the Membership menu item to display the list of groups or classes (if any) in which the element or generation is a member. 4 Vex_almi =TITLE Expand All Menu Item =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Element_attrs =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups Group_attrs =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes Class_attrs =INCLUDE M M_M Ac Choose the All menu item to display the following information about the specified object (or objects): o Its children o Its attributes o Any access control lists (ACLs) o Group or class membership list 3 Vc_clmi =TITLE Collapse Submenu =INCLUDE M V_m Vex_mi =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Element_attrs =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups Group_attrs =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes Class_attrs =INCLUDE M M_M Ac =INCLUDE M C_m Vw_mi Vw_text Choose the Collapse submenu to collapse the children, access control list (ACL), attributes, or the membership list of a CMS object back into the object. To collapse the children, ACL, attributes, or membership list of an object, follow these steps (the item must have been previously expanded): 1. Click on the desired object (for instance, a group). 2. Pull down the View menu. 3. Pull down the Collapse submenu. 4. Choose the Children, ACLs, Attributes, or Membership menu item. 4 Vc_chmi =TITLE Collapse Children Menu Item =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes Choose the Children menu item to collapse the subobjects (children) back into the main object. 4 Vc_atmi =TITLE Collapse Attributes Menu Item =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Element_attrs =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups Group_attrs =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes Class_attrs Choose the Attributes menu item to collapse the previously displayed attributes back into the object. 4 Vc_acmi =TITLE Collapse ACLs Menu Item =INCLUDE M M_M Ac Choose this menu item to collapse the access control lists (ACLs) back into the main object. 4 Vc_mmi =TITLE Collapse Membership Menu Item =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes Choose the Membership menu item to collapse the display of the membership list. 4 Vc_ami =TITLE Collapse All Menu Item =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Element_attrs =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups Group_attrs =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes Class_attrs =INCLUDE M M_M Ac Choose the All menu item to collapse the display of all previously expanded information about the specified object (or objects), except for the object name. 3 Vev_mi =TITLE Element View Menu Item =INCLUDE M C_m Vw_mi Vw_cv_ef =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries =INCLUDE M C_m Vw_mi Vw_text Choose the Element View menu item to display all the elements in the current library. CMS lists the elements in alphabetical order. Double click on a specific element to expand it to display the list of generations that belong to the element. If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays the name of each library in the library list. You must separately expand each library into its elements. 3 Vgv_mi =TITLE Group View Menu Item =INCLUDE M C_m Vw_mi Vw_cv_gf =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries =INCLUDE M C_m Vw_mi Vw_text Choose the Group View menu item to display all the groups in the current library. CMS lists the groups in alphabetical order. Double click on a specific group to expand it to display the list of elements and other groups contained in the group. If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays the name of each library in the library list. You must separately expand each library into its groups. 3 Vcv_mi =TITLE Class View Menu Item =INCLUDE M C_m Vw_mi Vw_cf =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries =INCLUDE M C_m Vw_mi Vw_text Choose the Class View menu item to display all the classes in the current library. CMS lists the classes in alphabetical order. Double click on a specific class to expand it to display the list of generations contained in the class. If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays the name of each library in the library list. You must separately expand each library into its classes. 3 Vrv_mi =TITLE Reservation View Menu Item =INCLUDE M C_m Vw_mi Vw_rf =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries =INCLUDE M C_m Vw_mi Vw_text Choose the Reservation View menu item to display elements and generations that are reserved in the current library. Double click on a reserved element to expand it into individual generation reservations. Double click on a reserved generation to expand it into the following information: o Its reservation identification number o The name of the user who has it reserved o The generation number o The date, time, and remark associated with the reservation If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays only the name of each library in the library list. You must separately expand each library into its reserved elements and generations. 4 Vw_rf_c_r =TITLE Concurrent Replacements Field Click on the Concurrent Replacements field to display a list of concurrent replacements for the element. If there are no concurrent replacements, CMS performs no expansion. 3 Vhv_mi =TITLE History View Menu Item =INCLUDE M V_m Rv_Mi Rh_db =INCLUDE M V_m Rv_mi Rh_db His_rec_o =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries =INCLUDE M C_m Vw_mi Vw_hf =INCLUDE M C_m Vw_mi Vw_text Choose the History View menu item to display a chronological list of the transactions performed in the library. Each history record contains the following: o Date and time of the transaction o The username of the user who performed the action o The transaction that was performed o The name of the element and generation number o The remark associated with the transaction If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays the name of each library in the library list. You must separately expand each library into its history records. 3 Vrev_mi =TITLE Review View Menu Item =INCLUDE M C_m Vw_mi Vw_rrf =INCLUDE M M_M Rw_mi =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE M C_m Vw_mi Vw_text Choose the Review View menu item to display a list of all elements and generations that currently have reviews pending in the library. Double click on a specific element under review to expand it into its individual generations under review. Double click on a generation to expand it into a list of review comments, if any. CMS displays the following: o The generation number of the element o The name of the user who placed the element under review o The date, time, and remark associated with the element or generation under review If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays the name of each library in the library list. You must separately expand each library into its review elements. 3 Vcc_mi =TITLE Command View Menu Item =INCLUDE M C_m Vw_mi Vw_cof =INCLUDE M M_M Ac =INCLUDE M C_m Vw_mi Vw_text Choose the Command View menu item to display a list of every CMS command on which an access control list (ACL) can be placed. Double click on a specific command to expand it to display the ACL, if any, assigned to the command. If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays the name of each library in the library list. You must separately expand each library into its commands. 3 Vnv_mi =TITLE New View Submenu =INCLUDE M V_m Uv_mi =INCLUDE M L_m Cv_mi =INCLUDE M C_m Vw_mi Vw_text Choose the New view submenu to display a list of all available types of views. You can choose one of the following types: element, group, class, reservation, history, review, and command. CMS displays a new view window that contains the type of view you chose. To close a window when you have multiple view windows open, pull down the View menu, then choose Close View. The Close View menu item is located in both the File and View menus, and has the same function in both menus. 4 Vnv_nemi =TITLE New Element View Menu Item =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries Choose the New Element View menu item to open a new view window that displays all the elements in the current library. CMS lists the elements in alphabetical order. Double click on a specific element to expand it to display the list of generations that belong to the element. If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays the name of each library in the library list. You must separately expand each library into its elements. 4 Vnv_ngmi =TITLE New Group View Menu Item =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries Choose the New Group View menu item to open a new view window that displays all the groups in the current library. Double click on a specific group to expand it to display the list of elements and other groups contained in the group. If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays the name of each library in the library list. You must separately expand each library into its groups. 4 Vnv_ncmi =TITLE New Class View Menu Item =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries Choose the New Class View menu item to open a new view window that displays all the classes in the current library. Double click on a specific class to expand it to display the list of generations contained in the class. If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays the name of each library in the library list. You must separately expand each library into its classes. 4 Vnv_nrmi =TITLE New Reservation View Menu Item =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries Choose the New Reservation View menu item to open a new view window that displays the elements whose generations that are reserved in the current library. Double click on a reserved element to expand it into individual generation reservations. Double click on a reserved generation to expand it into the following information: o Its reservation identification number o The name of the user who has it reserved o The generation number o The date, time, and remark associated with the reservation If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays only the name of each library in the library list. You must separately expand each library into its reserved elements and generations. 4 Vnv_hvmi =TITLE New History View Menu Item =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries Choose the New History View menu item to open a new view window that displays a chronological list of the history records for each CMS transaction performed in the library. Each history record contains the following: o Date and time of the transaction o The username of the user who performed the action o The transaction that was performed o The name of the element and generation number o The remark associated with the transaction If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays only the name of each library in the library list. You must separately expand each library into its history records. 4 Vnv_rmi =TITLE New Review View Menu Item =INCLUDE M M_M Rw_mi =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Choose the New Review View menu item to open a new view window that displays a list of all elements and generations that currently have reviews pending in that library. Double click on a specific element under review to expand it into its individual generations under review. Double click on a generation to expand it into a list of review comments, if any. CMS then displays the following: o The generation number of the element o The name of the user who placed the element under review o The date, time, and remark associated with the element or generation under review If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays only the name of each library in the library list. You must separately expand each library into its review elements. 4 Vnv_cmi =TITLE New Command View Menu Item =INCLUDE M M_M Ac Choose the New Command View menu item to open a new view window that displays a list of every CMS command on which an access control list (ACL) can be placed. Double click on a specific command to expand it to display the ACL, if any, assigned to the command. If you have opened multiple libraries, CMS displays only the name of each library in the library list. You must separately expand each library into its commands. 3 Rv_mi =TITLE Restrict... Menu Item =INCLUDE M V_m Unv_mi =INCLUDE M C_m Vw_mi Vw_text Choose the Restrict... menu item to control the contents of the current view. The Restrict View options are equivalent to options available when using command-line interface SHOW commands. When you choose Restrict..., a dialog box appears, allowing you to specify an object (or objects) to be displayed with the options you specify. To view an object other than the object type in your current view, change the view by choosing a different type of view; or pull down the New View submenu, choose the desired view, and then choose the Restrict... menu item. 4 Rv_re_db =TITLE Restrict Elements Dialog Box =INCLUDE M V_m Rv_mi =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements The Restrict Elements dialog box allows you to restrict the display of information about one or more elements. 5 Rv_enf =TITLE Elements Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Fill in the Elements field with the name of one or more elements. If you do not supply an element expression, CMS automatically displays all the elements in the library. Full or partial wildcards are allowed; for example, you could restrict the element view to elements with a file type of .PAS by typing *.PAS in the Elements name field. You can specify multiple elements by separating each element name with a comma. 5 Rv_bf =TITLE Before Field =INCLUDE M C_m Cust_rest_opt Fill in the Before field with a time value or keyword before which you want to display generation information. CMS will only list generation information prior to the time you specify. Time values can be an absolute, delta, or a combination time value. For example, 17:12:37 is a valid absolute time value. Keywords can be one of the following: TODAY, TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. 5 Rv_sf =TITLE Since Field =INCLUDE M C_m Cust_rest_opt Fill in the Since field with a time value or keyword from which you want to display generation information. CMS will only display information on generations that occurred after the time you specify. Time values can be an absolute, delta, or a combination time value. For example, 17:12:37 is a valid absolute time value. Keywords can be one of the following: TODAY, TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. 5 Rv_apb =TITLE Apply Button Click on the Apply button to apply the current settings in the dialog box, update the view associated with the dialog box, and leave the dialog box in the main window. 4 Rv_gdb =TITLE Restrict Groups Dialog Box =INCLUDE M V_m Rv_mi =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups The Restrict Groups dialog box allows you to restrict the display of information about one or more groups. 5 Rv_gnf =TITLE Groups Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups Fill in the Groups field with the name of one or more groups. If you do not supply a group name, CMS automatically displays all the groups in the library. Full or partial wildcards are allowed; for example, you could restrict the group view to groups that begin with the characters DOCU by typing DOCU* in the Groups field. You can specify multiple groups by separating each group name with a comma. 4 Rv_cldb =TITLE Restrict Classes Dialog Box =INCLUDE M V_m Rv_mi =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes The Restrict Classes dialog box allows you to restrict the display of information about one or more classes. 5 Rv_cnf =TITLE Classes Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes Fill in the Classes field with the name of one or more classes. If you do not supply a class name, CMS automatically displays all the classes in the library. Full or partial wildcards are allowed; for example, you could restrict the class view to classes that end with the characters _V2 by typing *_V2 in the Classes field. You can specify multiple classes by separating each class name with a comma. 4 Rr_db =TITLE Restrict Reservations Dialog Box =INCLUDE M V_m Rv_mi The Restrict Reservations dialog box allows you to restrict the display of information about one or more reserved generations. 5 Rr_ef =TITLE Elements Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE M C_m Cust_rest_opt Fill in the Elements field with the name of one or more elements. If you do not supply an element expression, CMS automatically displays all elements in the library that have generations reserved. Full or partial wildcards are allowed; for example, you could restrict the reservations view to element generations with a file type of .PAS by typing *.PAS in the Restrict Reservations Elements field. You can specify multiple elements by separating each element expression with a comma. 5 Rr_gf =TITLE Generation Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE M C_m Cust_rest_opt Fill in the Generation field with a generation expression. If you do not supply a generation expression, CMS automatically displays all reserved generations. You can specify multiple generations by separating each generation name with a comma. 5 Rr_unf =TITLE User Name Field =INCLUDE M C_m Cust_rest_opt Fill in the User Name field with the name of one or more users to direct CMS to display the generations reserved by that user. You can specify multiple users by separating each user name with a comma. 4 Rh_db =TITLE Restrict History Dialog Box =INCLUDE M V_m Rv_mi =INCLUDE M C_m Cust_rest_opt The Restrict History dialog box allows you to restrict the display of information about library history. If you do not specify any restrictions, Restrict History displays a chronological list of transactions performed on the CMS library or libraries. You can limit the display of information on transactions by choosing different history options. 5 His_rec_o =TITLE History Record A history record is a recording of a transaction that has updated the library. CMS records all transactions that update the library except for the following types of transactions: annotate, differences, fetch trans- actions without a remark, open library, view, and verify. A history record consists of the date, time, the name of the person who issued the command or function, the name of the command or function, the element and generation number, and any associated remark entered when the command was issued. If no remark was entered, a null remark is displayed. For any command that caused CMS to record an unusual occurrence, an asterisk is displayed in the first column. CMS does not perform any expansion on a history record. 5 Rh_of =TITLE Objects Field =INCLUDE M C_m Cust_rest_opt Fill in the Objects field with one or more element names, group names, class names, commands, or libraries on which you want history information. Wildcards are allowed. You can specify multiple objects; separate each object name with a comma. This field is optional; if you do not supply an object in this field, CMS displays history records for all objects in the current library. 5 Rh_sf =TITLE Since Field =INCLUDE M C_m Cust_rest_opt Fill in the Since field with a time value or keyword from which you want to display history information. CMS displays history information on or after the time you specify. Time values can be an absolute, delta, or a combination time value. For example, 17:12:37 is a valid absolute time value. Keywords can be one of the following: TODAY, TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. If you do not enter a value, CMS displays history records for the past 30 days. 5 Rh_unf =TITLE User Name Field =INCLUDE M C_m Cust_rest_opt Fill in the User Name field with the name of one or more users whose library transactions you want to display. You can specify multiple users by separating each user name with a comma. Wildcards are allowed. 5 Rh_bf =TITLE Before Field =INCLUDE M C_m Cust_rest_opt Fill in the Before field with a time value or keyword before which you want to display history information. CMS lists history information prior to the time you specify. Time values can be an absolute, delta, or a combination time value. For example, 17:12:37 is a valid absolute time value. Keywords can be one of the following: TODAY, TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. 5 Rh_uto =TITLE Unusual Transactions Only Button =INCLUDE M C_m Cust_rest_opt Click on the Unusual Transactions Only button to direct CMS to display only those transactions that have been recorded as unusual occurrences. If this button is not activated, CMS displays all transactions, including unusual transactions. 5 Rh_tv =TITLE Transactions to View Description =INCLUDE M C_m Cust_rest_opt CMS displays information for the history output of an object based on the options that are activated. Transactions that are not activated are not displayed for the object. 6 Rh_ct =TITLE Copy Transaction =INCLUDE M M_M Cy_mi When the Copy button is activated, CMS displays the history records of copy transactions. 6 Rh_mt =TITLE Modify Transaction =INCLUDE M M_M My_mi When the Modify button is activated, CMS displays the history records of modify transactions. 6 Rh_ut =TITLE Unreserve Transaction =INCLUDE M L_m Ur_mi When the Unreserve button is activated, CMS displays the history records of unreserve transactions. 6 Rh_mat =TITLE Mark Transaction =INCLUDE M M_M Rw_mi When the Mark button is activated, CMS displays the history records of elements or generations that have been marked for review. 6 Rh_cr_t =TITLE Create Transaction =INCLUDE M M_M Ct_mi =INCLUDE M L_M New_mi Ct_emi When the Create button is activated, CMS displays the history records of create transactions. 6 Rh_rem_t =TITLE Remark Transaction =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi When the Remark button is activated, CMS displays the history records of remark transactions. 6 Rh_vt =TITLE Verify Transaction =INCLUDE M M_m Vl_mi When the Verify button is activated, CMS displays the history records of verify transactions. 6 Rh_rj_t =TITLE Reject Transaction =INCLUDE M M_M Rw_mi When the Reject button is activated, CMS displays the history records of elements or generations that have been rejected. 6 Rh_dt =TITLE Delete Transaction =INCLUDE M M_M Del When the Delete button is activated, CMS displays the history records of delete transactions. 6 Rh_rt =TITLE Remove Transaction =INCLUDE M M_M Rm_mi When the Remove button is activated, CMS displays the history records of remove transactions. 6 Rh_se_t =TITLE Set Transaction =INCLUDE M M_M Ac When the Set button is activated, CMS displays the history records of set transactions. 6 Rh_r_t =TITLE Review Transaction =INCLUDE M M_M Rw_mi When the Review button is activated, CMS displays the history records of review transactions. 6 Rh_tvf =TITLE Fetch Transaction =INCLUDE M L_m F_mi When the Fetch button is activated, CMS displays the history records of fetch transactions. 6 Rh_tvr =TITLE Replace Transaction =INCLUDE M L_m Rp_mi When the Replace button is activated, CMS displays the history records of replace transactions. 6 Rh_at =TITLE Accept Transaction =INCLUDE M M_M Rw_mi When the Accept button is activated, CMS displays the history records of elements whose generations were on the review pending list and have been accepted. 6 Rh_tvi =TITLE Insert Transaction =INCLUDE M M_M I_mi When the Insert button is activated, CMS displays the history records of insert transactions. 6 R_h_tvr =TITLE Reserve Transaction =INCLUDE M L_M R_mi When the Reserve button is activated, CMS displays the history records of reserve transactions. 6 R_h_dt =TITLE Cancel Transaction =INCLUDE M M_M Rw_mi When the Cancel button is activated, CMS displays the history records of review canceled transactions. 6 Rhis_clear =TITLE Clear Button Click on the Clear button to deactivate every transaction button under Transactions to View. 6 R_h_apb =TITLE Apply Button Click on the Apply button to apply the current settings in the dialog box, restrict the view according to the options you specify, and leave the dialog box in the main window. To exit the dialog box, choose the OK or Cancel button. 4 Rrv_db =TITLE Restrict Reviews Dialog Box =INCLUDE M M_M Rw_mi =INCLUDE M V_m Rv_mi =INCLUDE M C_m Cust_rest_opt The Restrict Reviews dialog box allows you to restrict the display of information of pending reviews. 5 Rrv_ef =TITLE Elements Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE M C_m Cust_rest_opt Fill in the Elements field with the name of one or more elements that are to be searched for generations that have reviews pending. For each element with generations under review, CMS displays the element name, generation number, user name, date, time, replacement remark, and any associated review comments. You can specify multiple elements by separating each element name with a comma. Wildcards are allowed. 5 Rrv_gf =TITLE Generation Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE M C_m Cust_rest_opt Fill in the Generation field with one or more generation expressions. Only reviews pending for the specified generation or generations are displayed. You can specify multiple generation expressions by separating them with commas. Wildcards are allowed. 5 Rrv_unf =TITLE User Name Field =INCLUDE M C_m Cust_rest_opt Fill in the User Name field with the name of one or more users whose current reviews pending are to be displayed. You can specify multiple users by separating each user name with a comma. Wildcards are allowed. 3 Unv_mi =TITLE Unrestrict View Menu Item =INCLUDE M V_m Rv_mi Choose the Unrestrict menu item to display the full contents of the current view. 2 M_M =TITLE Maintenance Menu The Maintenance menu contains a list of all transactions associated with organizational and maintenance functions. These transactions allow you to do the following: o Insert objects into groups and classes o Remove objects from groups and classes o Create groups and classes o Modify the characteristics of objects o Delete objects from the library o Review generations of elements o Issue remarks for elements and generations o Set access control lists (ACLs) on objects o Copy elements from one library to another When you choose one of these menu items, a dialog box appears, allowing you to view and specify options for that operation. To perform a transaction, follow these steps: o Click on the desired CMS object. o Pull down the Maintenance menu. o Pull down the desired menu item. 3 I_mi =TITLE Insert Submenu =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes Choose the Insert submenu to display a list of the types of objects on which you can perform insertion transactions: o Elements o Groups o Generations 4 I_e =TITLE Insert Element... Menu Item =INCLUDE M M_M I_mi I_gm =INCLUDE M M_M I_mi I_gi =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups The Insert Element... menu item allows you to place one or more elements or groups into one or more groups. If you specify a group name in the Element field, CMS inserts the elements contained in the group. For example, if you insert group A into group B, group B will contain the elements in group A. If the contents of group A change at a later time, the contents of group B are not affected. To insert a group into another group, choose the Insert Group... menu item. 5 I_s =TITLE Selected Box If you click on an object or objects before choosing the Insert Element... menu item, the Selected box contains those objects. CMS performs the insert transaction on the selected objects. 5 I_ef =TITLE Element Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups Fill in the Element field with the name of one or more element expressions to be inserted into a group. The element expression can be an element name, a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. 5 I_g =TITLE Group Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Fill in the Group field with the name of one or more groups into which the element or elements are to be inserted. You can use a group name, wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. 5 I_r =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with the transaction and logged in the history file with this insert transaction. 5 I_ia =TITLE Insert if Absent Button =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups Click on the Insert if Absent button to direct CMS to insert the element only if the group does not already contain that element. If the element already belongs to the group, CMS takes no action and does not return an error. 4 I_gm =TITLE Insert Group... Menu Item =INCLUDE M M_M I_mi I_e =INCLUDE M M_M I_mi I_gi =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Choose the Insert Group... menu item to place one or more groups into one or more other groups. If you insert group A into group B, the elements accessible through group B change as the contents of group A change. A group cannot be a member of itself; that is, it cannot be a subgroup of itself. For example, you cannot insert group A into group B if group A already contains group B. 5 I_sf =TITLE Selected Box If you click on an object or objects before choosing the Insert Group... menu item, the Selected box contains those objects. CMS performs the insert transaction on the selected objects. 5 I_gf =TITLE Subgroup Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups Fill in the Subgroup field with the name of one or more groups to be inserted into the other group (or groups). The subgroup can be a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. 5 I_gg =TITLE Group Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups Fill in the Group field with the name of the group expression into which the subgroup is to be inserted. The group expression can be a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. 5 I_rm =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with the transaction and logged in the history file with this insert transaction. 5 I_atb =TITLE Insert if Absent Button Click on the Insert if Absent button to direct CMS to insert the subgroup into the group only if the group does not already contain it. If the subgroup already belongs to the group, CMS takes no action and does not return an error. 4 I_gi =TITLE Insert Generation... Menu Item =INCLUDE M M_M I_mi I_e =INCLUDE M M_M I_mi I_gm =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes The Insert Generation... menu item places one or more element generations into one or more classes. A class can contain only one generation of an element. 5 I_sfg =TITLE Selected Box If you click on an object or objects before choosing the Insert Generation... menu item, the Selected box contains those objects. CMS performs the insert transaction on the selected objects. 5 I_gef =TITLE Element Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes Fill in the Element field with the name of one or more element expressions whose generations are to be inserted into the class. The element expression can be an element name, a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. 5 I_grp =TITLE Generation Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes Fill in the Generation field with the generation number to be inserted into the class. If you omit this field, CMS uses the latest generation on the main line of descent. 5 I_igi =TITLE Class Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes Fill in the Class field with the name of the class into which the element generation is to be placed. You can use a class name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. 5 Ibef =TITLE Before Field Fill in the Before field with a time value indicating the time before which CMS should choose the latest ancestor of the generation specified by the Generation Field that pre-dates the specified time. If no generation pre-dates that time (i.e. generation 1 is later) then no generation is inserted. 5 Igr =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with the transaction and logged in the history file with this insert transaction. 5 Ist_od =TITLE Insert Option Description The Insert Option choices enable you to direct CMS to perform the insert transaction only in certain cases. 6 Iia =TITLE Always Button Click on the Always button to direct CMS to insert the element generation into the class in all cases. If the class already contains a generation from the element, that generation is removed before the new one is inserted. 6 Ifa =TITLE If Absent Button Click on the If Absent button to direct CMS to insert the element generation into the class only if a generation of that element is not already in the class. If a generation of the element is already in the class, CMS takes no action and does not return an error. 6 Isp =TITLE Supersede if Present Button Click on the Supersede if Present button to direct CMS to remove a generation of the element that exists in the class and replaces it with the specified generation. If you specify Supersede if Present and there is no generation of that element already in the class, CMS issues an error message and does not insert the generation. 6 Non =TITLE None Button If the None button is activated, CMS places the generation into the class. If a generation of the element is already in the class, CMS issues an error message and does not insert the generation. 3 Rm_mi =TITLE Remove Submenu =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes Choose the Remove submenu to display a list containing the types of objects on which you can perform remove transactions: o Elements o Groups o Generations 4 Rm_e =TITLE Remove Element... Menu Item =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups The Remove Element... menu item allows you to remove one or more elements from one or more groups. Remove Element does not delete an element from the library, but removes the association between the element and the group. 5 Rm_sf =TITLE Selected Box If you click on an object or objects before choosing the Remove Element... menu item, the Selected box contains those objects. CMS performs the remove transaction on the selected objects. 5 Rm_ef =TITLE Element Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups Fill in the Element field with the name of one or more objects to be removed from one or more groups. The object can be an element name, a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. 5 Rm_g =TITLE Group Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups Fill in the Group field with the name of one or more groups from which the element or elements are to be removed. You can use a wildcard expression, or a list of group names and wildcard expressions, separated by commas. 5 Rm_r =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with the transaction and logged in the history file with this remove transaction. 5 Rm_if =TITLE Remove if Present Button =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups Click on the Remove if Present button to direct CMS to remove the element from the group if the element belongs to the group. If the element does not belong to the group, CMS takes no action and does not return an error. 4 Rm_gm =TITLE Remove Group... Menu Item =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups The Remove Group... menu item removes a group from another group. Remove Group does not delete the group from the library, but removes the association between the two groups. If you remove group A from group B, the contents of group A are no longer accessible through group B. 5 Rm_rags =TITLE Selected Box If you click on an object or objects before choosing the Remove Group... menu item, the Selected box contains those objects. CMS performs the remove transaction on the selected objects. 5 Rm_gsg =TITLE Subgroup Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups Fill in the Subgroup field with the name of one or more groups to be removed. The subgroup can be a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. 5 Rm_igf =TITLE Group Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups Fill in the Group field with the name of one or more group expressions from which the subgroup is to be removed. The group expression can be a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. 5 Rm_in =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with the transaction and logged in the history file with this remove transaction. 5 Rm_ipt =TITLE Remove if Present Button =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups Click on the Remove if Present button to direct CMS to remove the subgroup from the group only if it already belongs to the group. If the subgroup does not belong to the group, CMS takes no action and does not return an error. 4 Rmgm =TITLE Remove Generation... Menu Item =INCLUDE M M_M I_mi I_gi =INCLUDE M M_M I_mi I_gi Ist_od Isp =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes The Remove Generation... menu item removes one or more element generations from one or more classes. Remove Generation does not delete the generation from the library, but removes the association between the generation and the class. To remove one element generation from a class and replace it with another generation of the same element, use the Insert Generation... menu item with the Supersede if Present button. 5 Rmsf =TITLE Selected Box If you click on an object or objects before choosing the Remove Generation... menu item, the Selected box contains those objects. CMS performs the remove transaction on the selected objects. 5 Rmig =TITLE Element Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes Fill in the Element field with the name of one or more objects whose generations are to be removed from the class. The object can be an element name, a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. 5 Rmgf =TITLE Generation Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes Fill in the Generation field with the generation number to be removed from the class. The generation must exist in the class. If you use a wildcard or a list of class names, CMS deletes the particular generation from each specified class. 5 Rmf =TITLE Class Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes Fill in the Class field with the name of the class expression from which the element generation is to be removed. The class expression can be a class name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. 5 Rmr =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with the transaction and logged in the history file with this remove transaction. 5 Rmif =TITLE Remove if Present Button =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes Click on the Remove if Present button to direct CMS to remove any generation of the element that exists in the class. If the class does not contain a generation from the element, CMS takes no action and does not return an error. 3 Ct_mi =TITLE New Submenu =INCLUDE M L_m New_mi Ct_emi =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes =INCLUDE Overview Using_libraries =INCLUDE Overview Using_libraries Creating_libraries Choose the New submenu to display a list of objects on which you can operate: o Groups o Classes For information on creating elements, pull down the File Menu and select Help on the New Element... menu item or double click on the New Element... menu item topic below. For information on creating libraries, double click on the Creating a Library topic. 4 Ct_gr =TITLE New Group... Menu Item =INCLUDE M L_m New_mi Ct_emi =INCLUDE Overview Using_libraries =INCLUDE Overview Using_libraries Creating_libraries =INCLUDE M M_M I_mi I_e =INCLUDE M M_M I_mi I_gm =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups The New Group... menu item creates an empty group. New Group does not automatically place any elements or groups in the newly-created group. After a group is created, you can place any related set of elements or groups in that group by using the Insert Element... or Insert Group... menu items. When you choose New Group..., a dialog box appears, allowing you to specify options for the group that you are creating. 5 Cg_dbx =TITLE New Group Dialog Box =INCLUDE M M_m Ct_mi Ct_gr The New Group dialog box allows you to enter information about the group or groups you want to create. 6 Cg_gf =TITLE Group Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups Fill in the Group field with the name of one or more groups to be created. The name cannot be the same as any existing group or class name in the library; however, if a previously used group or class name has been removed, you can reuse that name. You can also specify a list of group names separated by commas. Wildcards are not allowed. 6 Cg_r =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with the creation remark of the group and logged in the history file with this create transaction. 4 Cc_cl =TITLE New Class... Menu Item =INCLUDE M L_m New_mi Ct_emi =INCLUDE Overview Using_libraries =INCLUDE Overview Using_libraries Creating_libraries =INCLUDE M M_M I_mi I_gi =INCLUDE Overview Using_classes The New Class... menu item creates an empty class. New Class does not automatically place any generations in the newly-created class. After a class is created, you can place any related set of generations in that class by using the Insert Generation... menu item. When you choose New Class..., a dialog box appears, allowing you to specify options for the class that you are creating. 5 Cl_dbx =TITLE New Class Dialog Box The New Class dialog box allows you to enter information about the class (or classes) you want to create. 6 Cl_gf =TITLE Class Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_classes Fill in the Class field with the name of one or more classes to be created. The name cannot be the same as any existing class or group name in the library; however, if a previously used class or group name has been removed, you can reuse that name. You can also specify a list of class names separated by commas. Wildcards are not allowed. 6 Cl_r =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with the creation remark of the class and logged in the history file with this create transaction. 3 My_mi =TITLE Modify Submenu Choose the Modify submenu to display a list of the objects whose characteristics can be changed: o Elements o Groups o Classes o Generations o Libraries 4 My_e =TITLE Modify Element... Menu Item =INCLUDE Overview Ref_copy_def =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Element_attrs =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups Group_attrs The Modify Element... menu item allows you to change the following characteristics of one or more elements: o Whether concurrent reservations are allowed o Whether elements are assigned a reference copy o Whether new element generations are marked for review o What the notes format and position should be o What the history format should be o The creation remark that is associated with the element o The name of the element Use the following steps to display an element's attributes: 1. Choose the desired element. 2. Pull down the View menu. 3. Pull down the Expand submenu. 4. Choose the Attributes menu item. 5 My_sf =TITLE Selected Box If you click on an object or objects before choosing the Modify Element... menu item, the Selected box contains those objects. CMS performs the modify transaction on the selected objects. 5 My_ef =TITLE Element Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_elements Fill in the Element field with one or more objects to be modified. The object can be an element name, a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. 5 My_r =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with the transaction and logged in the history file with this modify transaction. 5 My_a =TITLE Allow Concurrent Reservations Button Click on the Allow Concurrent Reservations button to specify that this element can have multiple reservations. Click on the Off button to specify that the element cannot have multiple reservations. If you do not specify this option, CMS will maintain the existing concurrent reservations attribute (that you specified when you created or previously modified the element). 5 My_rf =TITLE Reference Copy Button =INCLUDE Overview Ref_copy_def Click on the Reference Copy button to direct CMS to update the element's reference copy file in the reference copy directory whenever you create a new main line generation of the element. You must have previously created and assigned a reference copy directory to the library. If you do not specify this option, CMS will maintain the existing reference copy attribute (that you specified when you created or previously modified the element). 5 My_ng =TITLE Mark New Generations for Review Button =INCLUDE M M_M Rw_mi Click on the Mark new generations for review button to direct CMS to mark new generations of the element for review. If you do not specify this option, CMS will maintain the existing review attribute (that you specified when you created or previously modified the element). 5 My_na =TITLE Notes Attribute The Notes attribute is used to append notes to the lines of the output file when you fetch or reserve a generation of the element. To display the current default Notes attribute, do the following: 1. Pull down the View menu. 2. Choose the Element View menu item. 3. Click on the desired element. 4. Pull down the View menu. 5. Choose the Expand submenu. 6. Choose the Attributes menu item. If you do not specify this option, CMS will maintain the existing notes attribute (that you specified when you created or previously modified the element). 6 My_onoff =TITLE Notes On/Off Buttons Click on the On button to establish the notes attribute for the element. Click on the Off button to remove any current notes attribute. 6 My_nf =TITLE Notes Format Field Fill in the Format field with a format string. The note for a line consists of the format string. The format string characters #G indicate that the generation number of the particular generation in which the line was inserted or most recently modified should be appended to the lines of the output file. You can optionally include other ASCII text in the Notes Format field. To include a quotation mark in the notes string, type it twice (""). To include a number sign in the notes string, type it twice (##). You must also specify the column number in which to place the note. 6 My_nc =TITLE Notes Column Field Fill in the Column field with the column number in which the format string is to be placed. If you specify the Format option, you must also specify the column number. The column number can be any integer in the range 1 to 511. 5 My_h =TITLE History Attribute The History attribute controls the inclusion of the history records in the output file when you fetch or reserve a generation of the element. To display the current default History attribute, do the following: 1. Pull down the View menu. 2. Choose the Element View menu item. 3. Click on the desired element. 4. Pull down the View menu. 5. Choose the Expand submenu. 6. Choose the Attributes menu item. If you do not specify this option, CMS will maintain the existing history attribute (that you specified when you created or previously modified the element). 6 My_ho =TITLE History Off Button Click on the Off button to remove any existing history attribute for the element. 6 My_ha =TITLE History At Beginning/At End Button Click on the At Beginning button to direct CMS to include the history for the element at the beginning of the output file. Click on the At End button to direct CMS to include the history for the element at the end of the output file. 6 My_hf =TITLE History Format Field Fill in the Format field with a format string indicating where the format is to appear in the output file. The string must contain the characters #H or #B (lowercase is allowed), and can contain other printing characters. Use the letter B to include the history at the beginning of the file. Use the letter H to include the history at the end of the file. To include a quotation mark in the history string, type it twice (""). To include a number sign in the history string, type it twice (##). 5 My_cr =TITLE Creation Remark =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Creation Remark field with text of a new remark to be substituted for the creation remark that is associated with the element. 5 My_en =TITLE New Element Name Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Fill in the New Element Name field with a new name for the element. The new element name cannot be the same as the name of another existing element. Do not use the file name 00CMS because this name is reserved for CMS. You cannot use wildcards or a comma list in the New Element Name field or in the Element name field. 4 My_g =TITLE Modify Group... Menu Item =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups Group_attrs The Modify Group... menu item allows you to change the following characteristics of one or more groups: o The access to the group (readonly or noreadonly). You cannot change the contents of a group that has been set readonly o The creation remark that is associated with the group o The name of the group Use the following steps to display a group's attributes: 1. Click on a group. 2. Pull down the View menu. 3. Pull down the Expand submenu. 4. Choose the Attributes menu item. 5 My_gsf =TITLE Selected Box If you click on an object or objects before choosing the Modify Group... menu item, the Selected box contains those objects. CMS performs the modify transaction on the selected objects. 5 My_gg =TITLE Group Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_groups Fill in the Group field with one or more groups to be modified. You can use a wildcard expression, or a list of group names and wildcard expressions, separated by commas. 5 My_gr =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with the transaction and logged in the history file with this modify transaction. 5 My_m =TITLE Readonly Button Click on the Readonly button to establish or alter the readonly attribute of a group. Noreadonly is the default attribute of a group when it is created with the New Group... menu item. If you do not specify this option, CMS will maintain the existing readonly attribute (that you specified when you created or previously modified the group). 5 My_offon =TITLE Readonly On/Off Buttons Click on the On button to establish the readonly attribute of a group. Click on the Off button to remove the readonly attribute of a group. 5 My_mg =TITLE Creation Remark =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Creation Remark field with a new remark to be substituted for the creation remark that is associated with the group. 5 My_mgn =TITLE New Group Name Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_groups Fill in the New Group Name field with a new name for an existing group. The new group name cannot be the same as an existing group or class name. You cannot use wildcards or a comma list. 4 My_ci =TITLE Modify Class... Menu Item =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes Class_attrs The Modify Class... menu item allows you to change the following characteristics of one or more classes: o The access to the class (readonly or noreadonly). You cannot change the contents of a class that has been set readonly o The creation remark that is associated with the class o The name of the class Use the following steps to display a class's attributes: 1. Click on a class. 2. Pull down the View menu. 3. Pull down the Expand submenu. 4. Choose the Attributes menu item. 5 My_csf =TITLE Selected Box If you click on an object or objects before choosing the Modify Class... menu item, the Selected box contains those objects. CMS performs the modify transaction on the selected objects. 5 My_cf =TITLE Class Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_classes Fill in the Class field with one or more classes to be modified. You can use a wildcard expression, or a list of class names and wildcard expressions, separated by commas. 5 My_cr =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with the transaction and logged in the history file with this modify transaction. 5 My_rtb =TITLE Readonly Button Click on the Readonly button to establish or alter the readonly attribute of a class. Noreadonly is the default attribute of a class when it is created with the New Class... menu item. If you do not specify this option, CMS will maintain the existing readonly attribute (that you specified when you created or previously modified the class). 6 My_offon_but =TITLE Readonly On/Off Buttons Click on the On button to establish the readonly attribute of a group. Click on the Off button to remove the readonly attribute of a group. 5 My_mcd =TITLE Creation Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Creation Remark field with a new remark to be substituted for the creation remark that is associated with the group. 5 My_mcn =TITLE New Class Name Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_classes Fill in the New Class Name field with a new name for the existing class. The new class name cannot be the same as an existing class or group name. You cannot use wildcards or a comma list. 4 Mod_g =TITLE Modify Generation... Menu Item =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Element_attrs =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes Class_attrs =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi The Modify Generation... menu item allows you to change the creation remark that is associated with a particular generation. Use the following steps to display an element generation's attributes: 1. Click on a generation. 2. Pull down the View menu. 3. Pull down the Expand submenu. 4. Choose the Attributes menu item. 5 Mod_sf =TITLE Selected Box If you click on an object or objects before choosing the Modify Generation... menu item, the Selected box contains those objects. CMS performs the modify transaction on the selected objects. 5 Mod_ef =TITLE Element Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_classes Fill in the Element field with one or more objects to be modified. The object can be an element name, a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. 5 Mod_gf =TITLE Generation Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Fill in the Generation field with the specific generation number to be modified. If you omit this field, CMS modifies the most recent generation on the main line of descent. 5 Mod_r =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with the transaction and logged in the history file with this modify transaction. 5 Mod_de =TITLE Creation Remark =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Creation Remark with a new remark to be substituted for the creation remark that is associated with the generation. 4 Mod_r =TITLE Modify Reservation... Menu Item =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Element_attrs =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes Class_attrs The Modify Reservation... menu item allows you to change the reservation remark that is associated with a particular reservation. Use the following steps to display a reservation record: 1. Pull down the View Menu 2. Choose the Reservations menu item. 3. Double click on the element of interest 5 Mod_sf =TITLE Selected Box If you click on an object or objects before choosing the Modify Reservation... menu item, the Selected box contains those objects. CMS performs the modify transaction on the selected objects. 5 Mod_ef =TITLE Element Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_classes Fill in the Element field with one or more objects to be modified. The object can be an element name, a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. 5 Mod_gf =TITLE Generation Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Fill in the Generation field with the specific generation number to be modified. If you omit this field, CMS modifies the most recent generation on the main line of descent. 5 Mod_if =TITLE Reservation Identification Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Fill in the Reservation Identification field with the specific reservation identification number to be modified. This field need only be filled in if there are multiple reservations outstanding on this generation. 5 Mod_r =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with the transaction and logged in the history file with this modify transaction. 5 Mod_de =TITLE Creation Remark =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Creation Remark with a new remark to be substituted for the creation remark that is associated with the reservation. 4 Mod_l =TITLE Modify Library... Menu Item =INCLUDE Overview Ref_copy_def =INCLUDE Overview Using_libraries The Modify Library... menu item is used to modify the attributes of one or more libraries: o It establishes or removes the connection between the current CMS library and its reference copy directory. o It establishes the file revision time, concurrent and keep attributes. Modify Library does not add files to or delete files from a reference copy directory. Once you establish a reference copy directory for a library, subsequent transactions that create new element generations on the main line of descent also update the reference copy directory (provided the element also has the reference copy attribute). Use the following steps to display a library's attributes: 1. Click on the library name. 2. Pull down the View menu. 3. Choose the Expand submenu. 4. Choose the Attributes menu item. 5 Mod_lf =TITLE Library Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_libraries Fill in the Library field with the name of the library to be modified. If you do not fill in this field, CMS modifies your current library. Use the Occlude button to modify more than one library at a time. 5 Mod_rf =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with the transaction and logged in the history file with this modify transaction. 5 Mod_refc =TITLE Reference Copy Field =INCLUDE Overview Ref_copy_def =INCLUDE Overview Using_libraries Fill in the Reference Copy field with the name of an empty VMS directory to be used for reference copies of library elements. If the Reference Copy Directory button is activated, CMS stores copies of elements belonging to the library in the reference copy directory. You must also specify a VMS directory name in the Reference Copy Directory field. The directory cannot be a CMS library, nor can it be a subdirectory of a CMS library directory. Although CMS allows you to assign the same reference copy directory to different libraries, it is strongly recommended that you assign each CMS library its own unique reference copy directory. Wildcards are not allowed. 5 Mod_rev_time =TITLE File Revision Time Attributes The File Revision Time attributes consist of the following choices: o Original--specifies that the original revision time of files placed in a CMS library should be restored unchanged upon their retrieval (fetch or reserve transaction). This is the default behavior. o Storage Time--specifies that the time when a file was stored in a CMS library (through a create element or replace transaction) should be substituted for its original revision time upon retrieval. 5 Mod_conc =TITLE Concurrent Attribute The Concurrent attribute effects element creation. When concurrent is on elements created will allow concurrent reservations by default. When the attribute is off, concurrent reservations will normally not be allowed for newly created elements. The default is to allow concurrent reservations for all elements. 5 Mod_kep =TITLE Keep Attribute The Keep attribute is a library wide default that effects whether or not files are deleted when a new element or generation is created. When keep is on creating or replacing an element will not delete the file used for that operation. When the keep attribute is off those files will be deleted. The default is to delete files during creation of a new element or generation. 5 Mod_ext =TITLE Extended filenames flag This flag indicates whether extended filename are allowed in the library. Extended filenames are only available on OpenVMS V7.2 and later. 6 Cl_var =TITLE Long variant names flag This flag indicates whether long variant names are allowed in the library. 3 Del =TITLE Delete Submenu =INCLUDE M M_m Rm_mi =INCLUDE M M_m Ac =INCLUDE M M_m Ac Ac_db Ac_r =INCLUDE Overview Using_elements =INCLUDE Overview Using_groups =INCLUDE Overview Using_classes Choose the Delete submenu to display a list of objects that can be deleted: o Elements o Groups o Classes o Generations o History For information on deleting access control lists (ACLs) choose the Set ACL... menu item under the additional topics below. 4 De_e =TITLE Delete Element... Menu Item =INCLUDE M M_M Rm_mi Rm_e =INCLUDE Overview Using_elements =INCLUDE Overview Ref_copy_def The Delete Element... menu item allows you to delete one or more elements from the library. You cannot delete an element whose generations have any existing reservations. Additionally, the element cannot be a member of a group, nor can one of its generations belong to a class or be under review. If any generation of an element is reserved, you must unreserve or replace it before you can delete the element. If the element belongs to any groups or has generations in any classes, you must first remove them by doing the following: 1. Pull down the Maintenance menu. 2. Choose the Remove submenu. 3. Choose the Element... or Generation... menu item. Then provide the necessary information in the subsequent Remove Element or Remove Generation dialog box. If the element is set with the reference copy attribute, CMS deletes the corresponding reference copy file from the reference copy directory. 5 De_edb =TITLE Delete Element Dialog Box =INCLUDE M M_m Del De_e =INCLUDE Overview Ref_copy_def The Delete Element dialog box allows you to enter information about the element or elements you want to delete from the library. 6 De_sf =TITLE Selected Box If you click on an object or objects before choosing the Delete Element... menu item, the Selected box contains those objects. CMS performs the delete transaction on the selected objects. 6 De_ef =TITLE Element Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_elements Fill in the Element field with the name of one or more elements to be deleted. An element expression can be an element name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. 6 De_r =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with the deletion remark of the element and logged in the history file with this delete transaction. 4 Dg_gr =TITLE Delete Group... Menu Item =INCLUDE M M_m Rm_mi Rm_gm The Delete Group... menu item deletes one or more groups from a library. The group must be empty, and also cannot belong to another group. When you choose Delete Group..., a dialog box appears, allowing you to specify options for the group you are deleting. To determine the elements and groups that belong to a specific group, do the following: 1. Click on a group. 2. Pull down the View menu. 3. Choose the Expand submenu. 4. Choose the Children item. To determine the elements and groups that belong to another group, do the following: 1. Click on a group. 2. Pull down the View menu. 3. Choose the Expand submenu. 4. Choose the Membership menu item. 5 Dg_gedb =TITLE Delete Group Dialog Box =INCLUDE M M_M Del Dg_gr The Delete Group dialog box allows you to enter information about the group or groups you want to delete from the library. 6 Dg_gsf =TITLE Selected Box If you click on an object or objects before choosing the Delete Group... menu item, the Selected box contains those objects. CMS performs the delete transaction on the selected objects. 6 Dg_gf =TITLE Group Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_groups Fill in the Group field with the name of one or more groups to be deleted. A group expression can be one or more group names, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. 6 Dg_grf =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with the transaction and logged in the history file with this delete transaction. 6 Dg_grcf =TITLE Remove Contents Button Click on the Remove Contents button to indicate that CMS should remove elements and group members from the specified groups prior to deleting the groups. 4 Dc_mi =TITLE Delete Class... Menu Item =INCLUDE M M_m Rm_mi Rmgm The Delete Class... menu item deletes one or more classes from a library. The class must be empty or CMS will not delete the class. When you choose Delete Class..., a dialog box appears, allowing you to specify options for the class you are deleting. To determine which generations belong to a class, do the following: 1. Click on a class. 2. Pull down the View menu. 3. Choose the Expand submenu. 4. Choose the Children menu item. 5 Dc_cdb =TITLE Delete Class Dialog Box =INCLUDE M M_M Del Dc_mi The Delete Class dialog box allows you to enter information about the class or classes you want to delete from the library. 6 Dc_csf =TITLE Selected Box If you click on an object or objects before choosing the Delete Class... menu item, the Selected box contains those objects. CMS performs the delete transaction on the selected objects. 6 Dc_cf =TITLE Class Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_classes Fill in the Class field with the name of one or more class expressions to be deleted from the CMS library. The class expression can be a class name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. 6 Dc_crf =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with the transaction and logged in the history file with this delete transaction. 6 Dg_crcf =TITLE Remove Contents Button Click on the Remove Contents button to indicate that CMS should remove generation members from the specified classes prior to deleting the classes. 4 Dg_mi =TITLE Delete Generation... Menu Item =INCLUDE M M_m Rm_mi Rmgm The Delete Generation... menu item removes information about one or more generations of an element. You may want to delete some generations of an element if your library contains a large number of unneeded generations of an element. Once a generation is deleted, it cannot be restored to its former place in the element in the CMS library. You can, however, permanently store the contents of the generation using the Archive file button. When you choose Delete Generation..., a dialog box appears, allowing you to specify options for the generation you are deleting. 5 Dg_cdb =TITLE Delete Generation Dialog Box =INCLUDE M M_M Del Dg_mi The Delete Generation dialog box allows you to enter information about the generation or generations you want to delete from the library. 6 Dg_csf =TITLE Selected Box If you click on an object or objects before choosing the Delete Generation... menu item, the Selected box contains those objects. CMS performs the delete transaction on the selected objects. 6 Dg_ef =TITLE Element Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_elements Fill in the Element field with the name of one or more element expressions to be deleted. An element expression can be an element name, a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. 6 Dg_rf =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with the transaction and logged in the history file with this delete transaction. 6 Dg_ar =TITLE Archive File Field Fill in the Archive File field with the name of a file (or files) to which CMS should write all the information from the deleted generation. If you do not supply a file name, CMS creates a file with the same name as the element and the .CMS_ARCHIVE file type and places it in your default directory. 6 Dg_ran =TITLE Range of Generations You can choose to delete either a single generation or a range of generations using the Single and Range buttons, respectively. 6 Dg_si =TITLE Single Button Click on the Single button to indicate that you are deleting only a single generation of an element. By default, CMS deletes the latest generation on the main line of descent (1+). To indicate a specific generation, supply the generation number in the Single range field. 6 Dg_rg =TITLE Range Button Click on the Range button to indicate that you want to delete a sequence of generations of an element. If the Range button is activated, you must also specify the exact range to be deleted. Do this by using the From or To options. 6 Dg_f =TITLE From Button Click on the From button to specify the start of a range of generations that are to be deleted, either including or excluding the specified generation. Fill in the From field with the appropriate generation number. CMS automatically deletes the start of the range including the generation you specify unless you click on the Exclusive button. You must specify the end of the range with the To option. 6 Dg_to =TITLE To Button Click on the To button to specify the end of a range of generations that are to be deleted, either including or excluding the specified generation. Fill in the To field with the appropriate generation number. CMS automatically deletes the end of the range including the generation you specify unless you click on the Exclusive button. You must also specify the start of the range with the From option. 4 Dh_mi =TITLE Delete History... Menu Item The Delete History... menu item deletes all or part of the library history. CMS writes the deleted history records to a file named HISTORY.DMP in your current default directory. Delete History... does not delete the library creation history record. When you choose Delete History..., a dialog box appears, allowing you to specify options for the history you are deleting. 5 Dh_db =TITLE Delete History Dialog Box =INCLUDE M M_M Del Dh_mi The Delete History dialog box allows you to enter information about the history you want to delete from the library. 6 Dh_bef =TITLE Before Field Fill in the Before field with a time value indicating the time from which CMS should delete all previous history information. Entries are made in the history file specifying that a section of the history data has been removed. These entries are made at the locations in the history file where the lines were deleted. The time value can be an absolute, delta, or a combination time value, or one of the following keywords: TODAY, TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. 6 Dh_obf =TITLE Objects Field Fill in the Objects field with one or more element names, group names, class names, commands, or libraries on which you want history deleted. Wildcards are allowed. You can specify multiple objects; separate each object name with a comma. This field is optional; if you do not supply an object in this field, CMS deletes history records for all objects in the current library. 6 Dh_unf =TITLE User Name Field Fill in the User Name field with the name of one or more users to direct CMS to delete the history records created by that user. You can specify multiple users by separating each user name with a comma. 6 Dh_rf =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with the transaction and logged in the history file with this transaction. 6 Dh_of =TITLE Output File The output file directs CMS to write the history output you are deleting to the specified file. If you do not supply a file specification for the file, CMS creates a file named HISTORY.DMP and places it in your default directory. 5 Dh_tv =TITLE Transactions to Delete Description CMS deletes history records based on the transaction buttons that are activated. Transactions are not deleted for transaction buttons that are not activated. 6 Dhis_clear =TITLE Clear Button Click on the Clear button to deactivate every transaction button under Transactions Records to Delete. 6 Dh_ct =TITLE Copy Transaction =INCLUDE M M_M Cy_mi When the Copy button is activated, CMS deletes the history records of copy transactions. 6 Dh_mt =TITLE Modify Transaction =INCLUDE M M_M My_mi When the Modify button is activated, CMS deletes the history records of modify transactions. 6 Dh_ut =TITLE Unreserve Transaction =INCLUDE M L_m Ur_mi When the Unreserve button is activated, CMS deletes the history records of unreserve transactions. 6 Dh_mat =TITLE Mark Transaction =INCLUDE M M_M Rw_mi When the Mark button is activated, CMS deletes the history records of elements or generations that have been marked for review. 6 Dh_cr_t =TITLE Create Transaction =INCLUDE M M_M Ct_mi =INCLUDE M L_M New_mi Ct_emi When the Create button is activated, CMS deletes the history records of create transactions. 6 Dh_rem_t =TITLE Remark Transaction =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi When the Remark button is activated, CMS deletes the history records of remark transactions. 6 Dh_vt =TITLE Verify Transaction =INCLUDE M M_m Vl_mi When the Verify button is activated, CMS deletes the history records of verify transactions. 6 Dh_rj_t =TITLE Reject Transaction =INCLUDE M M_M Rw_mi When the Reject button is activated, CMS deletes the history records of elements or generations that have been rejected. 6 Dh_dt =TITLE Delete Transaction =INCLUDE M M_M Del When the Delete button is activated, CMS deletes the history records of delete transactions. 6 Dh_rt =TITLE Remove Transaction =INCLUDE M M_M Rm_mi When the Remove button is activated, CMS deletes the history records of remove transactions. 6 Dh_se_t =TITLE Set Transaction =INCLUDE M M_M Ac When the Set button is activated, CMS deletes the history records of set transactions. 6 Dh_r_t =TITLE Review Transaction =INCLUDE M M_M Rw_mi When the Review button is activated, CMS deletes the history records of review transactions. 6 Dh_tvf =TITLE Fetch Transaction =INCLUDE M L_m F_mi When the Fetch button is activated, CMS deletes the history records of fetch transactions. 6 Dh_tvr =TITLE Replace Transaction =INCLUDE M L_m Rp_mi When the Replace button is activated, CMS deletes the history records of replace transactions. 6 Dh_at =TITLE Accept Transaction =INCLUDE M M_M Rw_mi When the Accept button is activated, CMS deletes the history records of elements whose generations were on the review pending list and have been accepted. 6 Dh_tvi =TITLE Insert Transaction =INCLUDE M M_M I_mi When the Insert button is activated, CMS deletes the history records of insert transactions. 6 Dh_tvr =TITLE Reserve Transaction =INCLUDE M L_M R_mi When the Reserve button is activated, CMS deletes the history records of reserve transactions. 6 Dh_dt =TITLE Cancel Transaction =INCLUDE M M_M Rw_mi When the Cancel button is activated, CMS deletes the history records of review canceled transactions. 3 Vl_mi =TITLE Verify... Menu Item =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries =INCLUDE Occ O_d Choose the Verify... menu item to instruct CMS to perform a series of consistency checks on your CMS library. CMS verifies libraries to confirm that the library structure and library files are in a valid form. By default, CMS verifies all the elements in each library in the library search list. To specify that CMS verify only the first occurrence of each element in the search list, use the Occlude option. When you choose Verify..., a dialog box appears, enabling you to specify options for the library to be verified. 4 Vl_db =TITLE Verify Dialog Box =INCLUDE M M_m Vl_mi =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE Occ O_d =INCLUDE Overview Ref_copy_def The Verify dialog box allows you to enter information about the library you want to verify. You must supply information about whether to verify some or all of the elements in the library. You can also specify occlusion options, a remark to be stored in the library history, whether or not to confirm the deletion of any reference copies, and the options to use during the verify operation. To specify multiple elements to be verified, use wild- cards and/or a list of element names separated with commas. If you do not supply an element specification, CMS verifies every element in the library. 5 Vl_sf =TITLE Selected Field If you click on an object or objects before choosing the Verify... menu item, the Selected field contains those objects. CMS performs the verify transaction on the selected objects. 5 Vl_enf =TITLE Element Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries Fill in the Element field with the name of one or more element expressions to be verified. If you do not supply an element name, CMS verifies every element in the library. The element expression can also be a wildcard expression or a group name. You cannot specify an element expression if you also specify the Recover option in this dialog box. 5 Vl_rf =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text that is associated with the transaction. The remark is permanently logged in the library history file. 5 Vl_dbc =TITLE Confirm Reference Copy Deletions Button =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries =INCLUDE Overview Ref_copy_def Click on the Confirm reference copy deletions button to direct CMS to prompt you for confirmation prior to deleting any invalid reference copies during the verify/repair operation. 5 Vl_a =TITLE Verify Action Options The Verify action options allow you to indicate the type of verification CMS should use to verify the contents of the library. 6 Vl_ai =TITLE Inspect Button Click on the Inspect button to verify your library without performing any recovery or repair operations. If any data in the library is invalid, CMS displays an error message indicating that there is an error found during the verification of the library. Choose the Recover or Repair buttons to correct the errors discovered by the verify transaction. 6 Vl_ar =TITLE Recover Button Click on the Recover button to recover the library if a previously performed transaction was incomplete and the rollback mechanism did not automatically cancel the transaction. 6 Vl_arr =TITLE Repair Button =INCLUDE Overview Ref_copy_def Click on the Repair button to repair a file or files in the library. Files should be repaired if one of the following conditions occur: o Files were not closed by CMS o The checksum of elements in the library is invalid o File generations have an invalid maximum record size o A reference copy is invalid, missing, or duplicated o A data block was not found 3 Rw_mi =TITLE Review Submenu The Review process enables you to communicate information about the status of generations of elements. Using Review, you can mark a generation to be examined and commented on by other team members. The generation can then be accepted, rejected, or the review canceled. To display pending reviews, do the following: 1. Pull down the View menu. 2. Choose the Review submenu. You can also then pull down the View menu item again and choose the Restrict... menu item. This allows you to restrict the information displayed by the Review View. You can view remarks made by other users by doing the following: 1. Click on an element generation. 2. Pull down the View menu. 3. Pull down the Expand submenu. 4. Choose the Children menu item. In the Review view, "children" are defined as the review comments associated with the given generation. Typically, a developer will replace a reservation, thus creating a new generation, which is then marked for review. Project members examine the new generation and add review comments. One developer is usually responsible for the generation; that developer assimilates the various comments and accepts or rejects the generation. If the generation is rejected, the developer may reserve the generation to correct the problems, and then accept the generation. 4 Rw_c =TITLE Review Comment... Menu Item Choose the Review Comment... menu item to associate a review comment with a specific element generation. The generation must already be on the review pending list. You can place a generation on the review pending list by doing the following: 1. Pull down the Maintenance menu. 2. Choose the Review submenu. 3. Choose the Mark... menu item. Fill in the dialog box with the desired information. 5 Rw_csf =TITLE Selected Box If you click on an object or objects before choosing the Review Comment... menu item, the Selected box contains that object. CMS associates the review comment to this object by default. 5 Rw_cef =TITLE Element Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Fill in the Element field with the name of one or more objects with which the review comment is to be associated. The object can be an element name, a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. 5 Rw_c_r_f =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with the text to be associated with the transaction and logged in the history file with this review transaction. 5 Rw_g_e_f =TITLE Generation Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Fill in the Generation field with the generation number of the element with which to associate the review comment. If you omit the generation number, CMS uses the most recently created generation with a review pending. You need to specify the generation number only if more than one generation is under review. 4 Rw_a =TITLE Review Accept... Menu Item The Accept... menu item changes the review status of each specified element generation from "pending" to "accepted" and removes it from the review pending list. 5 Rw_s =TITLE Selected Box If you click on an object or objects before choosing the Accept... menu item, the Selected box contains that object. CMS performs the accept transaction on the selected object. 5 Rw_e =TITLE Element Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Fill in the Element field with the name of one or more objects to be accepted. The object can be an element name, a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. 5 Rw_r =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with the transaction and logged in the history file with this review transaction. 5 Rw_g =TITLE Generation Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Fill in the Generation field with the generation number of the element generation to be accepted. If you omit the generation number, CMS accepts the most recently created generation with a review pending. You need to specify the generation number only if more than one generation is under review. 4 Rw_j =TITLE Review Reject... Menu Item The Reject... menu item changes the review status of each specified element generation from "pending" to "rejected" and removes it from the review pending list. 5 Rw_rsf =TITLE Selected Box If you click on an object or objects before choosing the Reject... menu item, the Selected box contains that object. CMS performs the reject transaction on the selected object. 5 Rw_rj =TITLE Element Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Fill in the Element field with the name of one or more objects to be rejected. The object can be an element name, a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. 5 Rw_rr =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with the transaction and logged in the history file with this review transaction. 5 Rw_gf =TITLE Generation Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Fill in the Generation field with the generation number of the element to be rejected. If you omit the generation number, CMS rejects the most recently created generation with a review pending. You need to specify the generation number only if more than one generation is under review. 4 Rw_ms =TITLE Review Mark... Menu Item Choose the Mark... menu item to place an element generation under review. CMS then places the generation on a review pending list. Mark changes the review status of the element generation from "none" to "pending" and then places the generation on a review pending list. You can associate a review comment with the generation by using the Review Comment... menu item. You can then view comments made by other users by doing the following: 1. Click on an element generation. 2. Pull down the View menu. 3. Pull down the Expand submenu. 4. Choose the Children menu item. In the Review view, "children" are defined as the review comments associated with the given generation. Typically, a developer will replace a reservation, thus creating a new generation, which is then marked for review. Project members examine the new generation and add their comments to the review. One developer is usually responsible for the generation; that developer assimilates the various comments and accepts or rejects the generation. If the generation is rejected, the developer may reserve the generation to correct the problems, and then accept the generation. You can use one of the following menu items to change the review status of the element generation: Accept..., Reject..., or Cancel.... The Mark... menu item can be used only on element generations that are not already on the review pending list. 5 Rw_mf =TITLE Selected Box If you click on an object or objects before choosing the Mark... menu item, the Selected box contains those objects. CMS performs the mark transaction on the selected object. 5 Rw_me =TITLE Element Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Fill in the Element field with the name of one or more objects whose generations are to be marked as pending review. The object can be an element name, a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. 5 Rw_mr =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with the transaction and logged in the history file with this mark transaction. 5 Rw_mg =TITLE Generation Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Fill in the Generation field with the generation number of the element to be marked as having review pending status. If you omit the generation number, CMS marks the most recent generation on the main line of descent. 4 Rw_csi =TITLE Review Cancel... Menu Item The Review Cancel... menu item changes the review status of each specified element generation from "pending" to "none" and removes it from the review pending list. Use the Cancel... menu item only on element generations that already have reviews pending. 5 Rw_csf =TITLE Selected Box If you click on an object or objects before choosing the Cancel... menu item, the Selected box contains those objects. CMS performs the cancel transaction on the selected objects. 5 Rw_cef =TITLE Element Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Fill in the Element field with the name of one or more objects whose reviews pending are to be canceled. The object can be an element name, a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. 5 Rw_crf =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with the transaction and logged in the history file with this cancel transaction. 5 Rw_cgf =TITLE Generation Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Fill in the Generation field with the generation number of the element to have its review pending status canceled. If you omit the generation number, CMS cancels the review of the most recent generation on the main line of descent with a review pending. 3 Rk_mi =TITLE Remark... Menu Item Choose the Remark... menu item to add a remark to the library history. The remark is recorded in the library history in the following format: date time username REMARK "remark" The remark is usually used to describe a transaction. You can use any characters; however, the length of the remark cannot exceed 256 characters. 4 Rk_text =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi You can enter any character string in the Remark field. You usually enter a remark to describe a transaction; remarks are useful in tracking modifications made to elements. The length of the remark cannot exceed 256 characters. All CMS operations that modify the library or its contents allow you to enter a remark, which is recorded in the library history as part of the transaction record. 4 Rk_u =TITLE Mark as Unusual Event Button Click on the Mark as unusual event button to specify that the remark string placed in the history file be marked as an unusual occurrence. It appears marked with an asterisk in the history output. To display history output, do the following: 1. Pull down the View menu. 2. Choose the History menu item. 4 Rk_ok =TITLE OK Button Click on the OK button to include the remark in the library history, optionally mark it as an unusual event, and then remove the dialog box. 4 Rk_cx =TITLE Cancel Button Click on the Cancel button to remove the dialog box without including the remark in the library history. 3 Ac =TITLE Set ACL... Menu Item Choose the Set ACL... menu item to manipulate the access control list (ACL) on various objects in the library. An ACL consists of access control entries (ACEs) that grant or deny access to a command or other object to specified users. Generally, there are two ways in which you can use ACLs on objects: o To control and restrict access to commands For example, you can create an ACL specifying certain users who are not allowed to use certain commands, or other users who are allowed to use only certain commands. o To control and restrict access to other objects (elements, groups, classes, the element list, the group list, the class list, library history, and library attributes) For example, you can create an ACL specifying certain users who are not allowed to insert or modify a particular element. When there is no ACL on a command or other object, access to the command or other object is unrestricted. Assigning an ACL to an object limits access strictly to the specified user or users. The use of ACLs could possibly cause unintended restrictions. You should fully understand the composition of both VMS and CMS ACLs before using CMS ACLs. See the "Guide to Code Management System for VMS Systems" for more information on using ACLs. 4 Ac_db =TITLE Set ACL Dialog Box =INCLUDE M M_M Ac The Set ACL dialog box allows you to enter information about access control lists (ACLs) and access control entries (ACEs). 5 Ac_sf =TITLE Selected Box =INCLUDE Ac_ob If you click on an object or objects before choosing the Set ACL... menu item, the Selected box contains those objects. CMS performs the set ACL transaction you specify on the selected objects. 5 Ac_ob =TITLE Object Field =INCLUDE M M_m Ac Ac_db Ac_obj =INCLUDE M M_m Ac Ac_db Ac_obj E_l =INCLUDE M M_m Ac Ac_db Ac_obj H_l Fill in the Object field with the name of one or more objects whose access control lists (ACLs) are to be created, modified, or deleted. Wildcards and a comma list are allowed. The name in the Object field depends on the Object type. For example, if the Object type is Class, the object name must be the name of a class in the CMS library. The same principle applies to elements and groups. If the Object type is Library, the Object field must contain one or more of the following keywords: ELEMENT_LIST CLASS_LIST GROUP_LIST HISTORY LIBRARY_ATTRIBUTES If the Object type is Command, the Object field must contain the name of a CMS command. Commands that contain two words must be specified with an underscore; for example, INSERT_ELEMENT. 5 Ac_obj =TITLE Object Type =INCLUDE M M_m Ac Ac_db Ac_ob The Object type indicates the type of object whose access control list (ACL) is being modified. The Object type is required. Double click on the Object Field or on the object lists from the additional topics below for more information on object types. 6 E_L =TITLE Element, Group, and Class Lists You can conceptually think of element, group, and class lists as generic objects representing, respectively, all the elements, groups, and classes that already exist, or have yet to be created in the CMS library. You use the object lists with access control lists (ACLs) to grant or deny access to objects already created in the library, or objects that will be created in the library. See the "Guide to Code Management System for VMS Systems" for a more detailed explanation of object lists. 6 H_L =title History and Library Attributes By specifying a CMS ACL on the CMS library or the library history, you can restrict users from certain types of access to the library or the library history. You can restrict users from the following types of access to the library: MODIFY, REPAIR, VERIFY. You can restrict users from the following types of access to the library history: DELETE, REMARK. See the "Guide to Code Management System for VMS Systems" for a more detailed explanation of using ACLs on the library or library history. 5 Ac_rf =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with the transaction and logged in the history file with this transaction. 5 Ac_ace =TITLE ACEs Box One or more access control entries (ACEs) comprise an access control list (ACL). You can use two types of ACLs in CMS: Identifier ACEs and Action ACEs. o Identifier ACEs control which users can perform which CMS operations on a specified object. o Action ACEs define CMS events and specify actions to be taken based on these events. This Help entry describes Identifier ACEs; see the "Guide to DIGITAL Code Management System" for more information on Action ACEs. Fill in the ACEs box with one or more ACEs. Identifier ACEs must have the following format: (IDENTIFIER=identifier[,OPTIONS=options][,ACCESS=access]) For example, (ID=PROJ_LEADER, ACCESS=MODIFY+DELETE). This ACE indicates that both the modify and delete operations are allowed for the user holding the PROJ_LEADER identifier. To specify multiple ACEs, enclose the ACEs in parentheses. For example: ((ID=JONES,ACCESS=CONTROL+EXECUTE),(ID=BOB,ACCESS=FETCH)) See the "Guide to Code Management System for VMS Systems" for more information on ACLs. 5 Ac_new =TITLE Add ACEs in Front Button Click on the Add ACEs in Front button to direct CMS to add the ACEs in the ACEs box to the beginning of the ACL. By default, ACEs added to the ACL are always placed at the top of the list. 5 Ac_aft =TITLE Add ACEs After ACE Button Click on the Add ACEs After ACE button to direct CMS to add the ACEs in the ACEs box to the ACL after the ACE you specify in the accompanying text field. 5 Ac_r =TITLE Remove ACEs Button Click on the Remove ACEs button to direct CMS to delete the ACE (or ACEs) specified in the ACEs box from the ACL. If you do not specify any ACEs in the ACEs box, CMS deletes the entire ACL. If you specify an ACE that does not exist, CMS notifies you, then continues on to delete the next specified ACE. 5 Ac_rep =TITLE Supersede ACL Button Click on the Supersede ACL button to direct CMS to replace any existing ACL on the object with the new ACEs you specify in the ACEs box. 5 Ac_mda =TITLE Make Default ACL Button Click on the Make Default ACL button to direct CMS to propagate the DEFAULT option ACEs in the ACL of the object list to the ACL of the specified object. This option can be used only with object lists. For example, click on this option if you assign or modify an ACL on a group list. The ACEs would then be assigned to any newly-created groups. 5 Ac_lik =TITLE Copy ACL From Object Button Click on the Copy ACL From Object button to direct CMS to replace the ACL of the object specified in the Object name field with an ACL copied from another object. You must specify the ACL to be copied in the text field. No wildcards are allowed. 3 Cy_mi =TITLE Copy Submenu =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes Choose the Copy submenu to display a list containing the types of objects on which you can perform copy transactions: o Elements o Groups o Classes 4 Cy_el =TITLE Copy Element... Menu Item =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements The Copy Element... menu item allows you to copy one or more existing elements and create a new element (or elements) in the same library or another library. The original element is left unchanged. If you copy an element to the same library, the new element must have a different name. 5 Cy_sf =TITLE Selected Box If you click on an object or objects before choosing the Copy Element... menu item, the Selected box contains those objects. CMS performs the copy transaction on the selected objects. 5 Cy_e =TITLE Input Element Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Fill in the Input Element field with the name of one or more existing elements to be copied. If you specify more than one element to be copied, you must use a wildcard character for the Output Element name. The Input Element can be an element name, a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. 5 Cy_of =TITLE Output Element Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Fill in the Output Element field with the name of the new element. The name cannot be the same as any existing element name in the target library. The file name component cannot be 00CMS because this name is reserved for CMS. Wildcards are allowed. If you specify more than one element name in the Input Element field, you must use a wildcard character for the Output Element name. 5 Cy_r =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with the transaction and logged in the history file with this copy transaction. 5 Cy_i =TITLE Input Library Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries Fill in the Input Library field with the name of a library other than your current library. If you do not specify this option, CMS uses your current library. 4 Cy_gr =TITLE Copy Group... Menu Item =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups The Copy Group... menu item allows you to copy one or more existing groups and create a new group (or group) in the same library or another library. The original group is left unchanged. If you copy a group to the same library, the new group must have a different name. 5 Cy_sf =TITLE Selected Box If you click on an object or objects before choosing the Copy Group... menu item, the Selected box contains those objects. CMS performs the copy transaction on the selected objects. 5 Cy_g =TITLE Input Group Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups Fill in the Input Group field with the name of one or more existing groups to be copied. If you specify more than one group to be copied, you must use a wildcard character for the Output Group name. The Input Group can be a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. 5 Cy_of =TITLE Output Group Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Groups Fill in the Output Group field with the name of the new group. The name cannot be the same as any existing group name in the target library. The file name component cannot be 00CMS because this name is reserved for CMS. Wildcards are allowed. If you specify more than one group name in the Input Element field, you must use a wildcard character for the Output Group name. 5 Cy_r =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with the transaction and logged in the history file with this copy transaction. 5 Cy_i =TITLE Input Library Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries Fill in the Input Library field with the name of a library other than your current library. If you do not specify this option, CMS uses your current library. 4 Cy_cl =TITLE Copy Class... Menu Item =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes The Copy Class... menu item allows you to copy one or more existing classes and create a new class (or classes) in the same library or another library. The original class is left unchanged. If you copy a class to the same library, the new class must have a different name. 5 Cy_sf =TITLE Selected Box If you click on an object or objects before choosing the Copy Class... menu item, the Selected box contains those objects. CMS performs the copy transaction on the selected objects. 5 Cy_c =TITLE Input Class Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes Fill in the Input Class field with the name of one or more existing classes to be copied. If you specify more than one class to be copied, you must use a wildcard character for the Output Class name. The Input Class can be a class name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. 5 Cy_of =TITLE Output Class Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Classes Fill in the Output Class field with the name of the new class. The name cannot be the same as any existing class name in the target library. The file name component cannot be 00CMS because this name is reserved for CMS. Wildcards are allowed. If you specify more than one class name in the Input Class field, you must use a wildcard character for the Output Class name. 5 Cy_r =TITLE Remark Field =INCLUDE M M_M Rk_mi Fill in the Remark field with text to be associated with the transaction and logged in the history file with this copy transaction. 5 Cy_i =TITLE Input Library Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Libraries Fill in the Input Library field with the name of a library other than your current library. If you do not specify this option, CMS uses your current library. 2 D_M =TITLE Data Menu The Data menu contains a list of the CMS operations that allow you to do the following: o Perform a Differences comparison of files o Perform a Differences comparison of class contents o Create an annotated listing of modifications made to an element When you choose one of these menu items, a dialog box appears, allowing you to view and specify options for that operation. To perform a transaction, follow these steps: 1. Click on the desired CMS object. 2. Pull down the Data menu. 3. Pull down the desired menu item. 3 D_mi =TITLE Element/File Differences... Menu Item Choose the Element/File Differences... menu item to compare two files, two generations of elements, or a file and a generation of an element. If CMS finds differences, it creates a file that contains the lines that differ between them, and delivers a copy of the file to your current default directory. If the files are the same, CMS issues a message to that effect and does not create a differences file. If you have turned off the Differences Only button, CMS still creates a file, even if there are no differences. 4 D_p =TITLE Primary Input The Primary Input region includes a Selected field, the Element/File field, and an optional Generation field. The Primary Input region is associated with information about the first file to be compared. 4 D_sf =TITLE Selected Field If you click on an object or objects before choosing the Element/File Differences... menu item, the Selected field contains those objects. CMS performs the differences transaction on the selected objects. 4 D_pi =TITLE Primary Input Element/File Field Fill in the Primary Input Element/File field with the name of the first file to be compared. CMS assumes that the file is a VMS file specification. To specify an element, you must specify the exact generation number of the element by choosing the Generation button and filling in the Generation field. 4 D_pig =TITLE Primary Input Generation Option Choose the Primary Input Generation button to specify that the file in the Primary Input Element/File field is an element and not a VMS file specification. By default, CMS uses the highest mainline generation (1+). To compare any other generation, you must supply the exact generation number. 4 D_sis =TITLE Secondary Input The Secondary Input region includes an Element/File field, and an optional Generation field. The Secondary Input region is associated with information about the second file to be compared. You must supply an object name in the Element/File field. You can optionally supply a generation number to indicate a particular element generation. 4 D_si =TITLE Secondary Input Element/File Field The Secondary Input Element/File field specifies the second file to be compared. CMS assumes that the file is a VMS file specification. To specify an element, you must specify the exact generation number of the element by choosing the Generation button and filling in the Generation field. CMS follows these rules when you do not provide a second file specification: o If you direct CMS to take the Primary Input Element/File from a location that is not a CMS library, CMS uses the next lower file version in the same directory as the Primary Input Element/File. o If you direct CMS to take the Primary Input Element/File from a CMS library (by specifying the generation number) CMS uses the latest default directory version of the Primary Input Element/File as the Secondary Input File. 4 D_sig =TITLE Secondary Input Generation Option Choose the Secondary Input Generation button to specify that the file in the Secondary Input Element/File field is an element and not a VMS file specification. By default, CMS uses the highest mainline generation (1+). To compare any other generation, you must supply the exact generation number. 4 D_op =TITLE Output Options You can specify the following options on the differences transaction: o Whether to allow page breaks in the output file o Whether the differing lines from the two files are formatted vertically (side by side) instead of horizontally (line by line) o Whether just the differences are listed or not o The width of the differences report o Whether a list of generation differences should be included 5 D_pbo =TITLE Page Breaks Button Click on the Page Breaks button to direct CMS to allow page breaks in the output file. Otherwise, page breaks are converted to the string "<PAGE>" in the output file. 5 D_po =TITLE Parallel Button Click on the Parallel button to control whether the differing lines from the two files are formatted side by side. The differences from the first file are displayed on the left and the differences from the second file are displayed on the right. 5 D_w =TITLE Width Option Click on the Width button to control the limit for the width of the differences report. The value can be from 48 to 511, inclusive. If you do not supply a width in the Width field, CMS uses 80 by default. 5 D_od =TITLE Differences Only Option When this button is activated, CMS creates a file that contains only the lines that differ between the two files. 5 D_gd =TITLE Generation Differences Button Click on this button to direct CMS to include a list of generation differences in the output file. This option is only applicable if two generations are being compared in the differences transaction. 4 D_go_tb =TITLE Output File Field Fill in the Output File field with the name of a file to which CMS should write the differences output. If you do not specify a file name in the Output File field, CMS creates a file with the Primary Input Element/File name and the file type .DIF in your default directory. You can also choose the Appended option; this option appends the output to the existing file. 4 D_ab =TITLE Appended Button Click on the Appended button to control whether CMS appends the differences output to an existing file or creates a new file. If you choose Appended and the output file does not exist, CMS creates a new file. If you do not provide an output file specification, CMS searches your default directory for a file with the Primary Input Element/File name and the file type .DIF. 4 D_op_pb =TITLE Options Button Click on the Options button to bring up a dialog box, allowing you to specify the following options in the library: o Characters to be ignored during the comparison o Lines of text to be ignored during the comparison o Whether the output is formatted, and the type of formatting 5 D_odi =TITLE Ignore Options The Ignore options allow you to choose a keyword that specifies the type of character to be ignored during the comparison. You can choose one or more of the following keywords: o Case o Formfeeds o Spacing o Leading blanks o Trailing blanks o History o Notes 6 D_ic =TITLE Case Button Click on the Case button to direct CMS to ignore case-sensitivity (A through Z, a through z) during the differences comparison. 6 D_ifo =TITLE Formfeeds Button Click on the Formfeeds button to direct CMS to ignore formfeed characters as it compares records from the two files. The formfeeds remain in the output file, but are disregarded for the differences comparison. 6 D_is =TITLE Spacing Button Click on the Spacing button to direct CMS to compress multiple blanks and tabs into a single space as it compares records from the two files. The blanks and tabs remain in the output file, but are disregarded for the differences comparison. 6 D_ilb =TITLE Leading Blanks Button Click on the Leading Blanks button to direct CMS to ignore leading blanks and tabs as it compares records from the two files. The blanks and tabs remain in the output file, but are disregarded for the differences comparison. 6 D_itb =TITLE Trailing Blanks Button Click on the Trailing Blanks button to direct CMS to ignore trailing blanks and tabs as it compares records from the two files. The blanks and tabs remain in the output file, but are disregarded for the differences comparison. 6 D_iho =TITLE History Button Click on the History button to direct CMS to ignore element generation history as it compares a file with a generation. At least one of the files must be an element generation with the History attribute enabled. The history text is ignored for the differences comparison and is removed from the output file. 6 D_ino =TITLE Notes Button Click on the Notes button to direct CMS to ignore notes as it compares a file with a generation. At least one of the files must be an element generation with the notes attribute enabled. The notes text is ignored for the differences comparison and is removed from the output file. 5 D_sk =TITLE Skip Lines Button Click on the Skip lines button to indicate the number of lines at the beginning of each file (or generation) that are to be ignored during the comparison of both files. You must specify a nonnegative integer value indicating the number of lines to be ignored. 5 D_skt =TITLE Skip Text Delimited By Option The Skip text delimited by option allows you to specify a pair of strings used to delimit a section of text to be ignored during the comparison of both files. The delimiters cannot exceed 256 characters each, and must be unique. Any text between and including the delimiters is treated as if it did not exist. Sentinel strings may contain any characters, but if you include spaces or tabs, the entire string must be enclosed in quotation marks. 5 Dof =TITLE Output Format The Output Format options control whether the history and source file listing is formatted. You must specify the type of formatting and data partition. The formatting types include: o ASCII o Decimal o Hexadecimal o Octal 6 Das =TITLE ASCII Button Click on the ASCII button to specify that each byte of data be displayed as an ASCII character. ASCII is most useful when files contain textual data. 6 Dcf =TITLE Decimal Button Click on the Decimal button to specify that each value be displayed as a decimal numeral. If you specify decimal output, you cannot also specify Records as an Output Partition. By default, data is partitioned into longwords. 6 Dhf =TITLE Hexadecimal Button Click on the Hexadecimal button to specify that each value be displayed as a hexadecimal numeral. If you specify hexadecimal output, you cannot also specify Records as an Output Partition. By default, data is partitioned into longwords. 6 Doff =TITLE Octal Button Click on the Octal button to specify that each value be displayed as an octal numeral. If you specify Octal output, you cannot also specify Records as an Output Partition. By default, data is partitioned into longwords. 5 Dop =TITLE Output Partition The Output Partition options control whether the history and source file listing is formatted. You must specify the type of formatting and data partition. The data partition types include: o Records o Byte o Word o Long 6 Dro =TITLE Records Button Click on the Records button to specify that no further partitioning of data is to occur beyond the record partitioning already in the file. This partitioning is most useful when the files contain textual data. You can only specify Records by itself or in conjunction with the ASCII Output Format. 6 Dpo =TITLE Byte Button Click on the Byte button to specify that the data displayed is to be partitioned into bytes. 6 Dwp =TITLE Word Button Click on the Word button to specify that the data displayed is to be partitioned into word values. 6 Dlp =TITLE Long Button Click on the Long button to specify that the data displayed is to be partitioned into longword values. This is the default partitioning for Decimal, Hexadecimal, and Octal Output Formats. 3 D_cmi =TITLE Class Differences... Menu Item Choose the Class Differences... menu item to compare the contents of two classes. If CMS finds differences, it creates a file that contains the generations that differ between them, and delivers a copy of the file to your current default directory. If the contents of the classes are the same, CMS issues a message to that effect and does not create a differences file. If you have turned off the Differences Only button, CMS still creates a file, even if there are no differences. 4 D_p =TITLE Primary Input The Primary Input region includes a Selected field, and a Class field. The Primary Input region is associated with information about the first class to be compared. 4 D_sf =TITLE Selected Field If you click on an object or objects before choosing the Class Differences... menu item, the Selected field contains those objects. CMS performs the differences transaction on the selected objects. 4 D_pi =TITLE Primary Input Class Field Fill in the Primary Input Class field with the name of the first class to be compared. 4 D_sis =TITLE Secondary Input The Secondary Input region includes a Class field. The Secondary Input region is associated with information about the second class to be compared. You must supply an object name in the Class field. 4 D_si =TITLE Secondary Input Class Field The Secondary Input Class field specifies the second class to be compared. 4 D_op =TITLE Output Options You can specify the following options on the differences transaction: o Whether the differing generation names from the two classes are formatted vertically (side by side) instead of horizontally (line by line) o Whether just the differences are listed or not o The width of the differences report 5 D_po =TITLE Parallel Button Click on the Parallel button to control whether the differing generation names from the two classes are formatted side by side. The differences from the first class are displayed on the left and the differences from the second class are displayed on the right. 5 D_w =TITLE Width Option Click on the Width button to control the limit for the width of the differences report. The value can be from 48 to 511, inclusive. If you do not supply a width in the Width field, CMS uses 80 by default. 5 D_od =TITLE Differences Only Option When this button is activated, CMS creates a file that contains only the generation names that differ between the two classes. 4 D_go_tb =TITLE Output File Field Fill in the Output File field with the name of a file to which CMS should write the differences output. If you do not specify a file name in the Output File field, CMS creates a file with the Primary Input Class name and the file type .DIF in your default directory. You can also choose the Appended option; this option appends the output to the existing file. 4 D_ab =TITLE Appended Button Click on the Appended button to control whether CMS appends the differences output to an existing file or creates a new file. If you choose Appended and the output file does not exist, CMS creates a new file. If you do not provide an output file specification, CMS searches your default directory for a file with the Primary Input Class name and the file type .DIF. 4 D_op_pb =TITLE Options Button Click on the Options button to bring up a dialog box, allowing you to specify the following options in the library: o Generation name differences to be shown during the comparision o Generation name differences to be ignored during the comparison 5 D_ods =TITLE Show Options The Show options allow you to choose what sort of generation name differences should be shown during the comparison. You can choose one or more of the following options: o Element Differences o Generation Differences o Variant Differences 6 D_ed =TITLE Element Differences Click on the Element Differences button to direct CMS to show the difference if there is a generation of an element in one class but no generation of that element in the other class. 6 D_gd =TITLE Generation Differences Click on the Generation Differences button to direct CMS to show the difference if the generation in one class differs from the generation in the other class but one generation isn't a variant of the other generation. 6 D_vd =TITLE Variant Differences Click on the Variant Differences button to direct CMS to show the difference if the generation in one class differs from the generation in the other class and one generation is a variant of the other. One generation will be a variant of the other if at some point in the path between one generation and the other a generation is reserved and replaced with a variant specified. 5 D_ig =TITLE Ignore Options The Ignore options allow you to choose what sort of generation name differences should be ignored during the comparison. Currently the only option possible is the following: o First Variant 6 D_fv =TITLE First Variant Click on the First Variant button to direct CMS to ignore any differences where the generation in one class is the first variant of the generation in the other class. For example generation 2C1 is a first variant of generation 2 and generation 4B6D1 is a first variant of generation 4B6. 3 A_mi =TITLE Annotate... Menu Item Choose the Annotate... menu item to create a line-by-line file listing of the changes made to each specified element generation; CMS places this file in your current default directory or a directory you specify. The annotate transaction documents the development of an element, and creates an output file that contains an annotated listing; unless you specify a different name, CMS names the file name the same as the element name and the file type is .ANN. The annotated listing file contains two parts: o A history o A source file listing The history includes the following: o Generation number o Date, time, user, and remark associated with each generation of the element The source file listing includes the following: o All lines inserted or modified from generation 1 to the specified generation. 4 A_sf =TITLE Selected Box If you click on an object or objects before choosing the Annotate... menu item, the Selected box contains those objects. CMS performs the annotate transaction on the selected objects. 4 A_ef =TITLE Element Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Fill in the Element field with the name of the object or objects you want annotated. The object can be an element name, a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas. If you specify a group name, CMS annotates each element in the group. If you use wildcards, CMS produces one annotated listing file for each matching element. By default, CMS annotates the most recent generation on the main line of descent of each element. If you want to annotate a specific generation of the element, you must also specify the generation number in the Generation field. 4 A_gf =TITLE Generation Field =INCLUDE Overview Using_Elements Fill in the Generation field with the number of the generation you want annotated. For example, 3B2. If you omit this field, CMS by default annotates the most recent generation on the main line of descent. 4 A_mg =TITLE Merge Generation Field Fill in the Merge Generation field with the number of the generation to be merged into the retrieved generation. The merge transaction combines two generations of an element and creates a single file that contains the annotated listing. The file contains text common to both generations. When changes that are not identical are made in the same position of the common ancestor, the changes from both generations are included in the resulting file and are marked as a conflict. 4 A_fa =TITLE Full Annotation Button Click on the Full Annotation button to direct CMS to include all of the following information about the file used to create each generation: o Creation time o Revision time o Revision number o Record format o Record attributes o Deleted lines 4 A_of =TITLE Output Format Options The Output Format options control whether the history and source file listing is formatted. You must specify the type of formatting and data partition. The formatting types include: o ASCII o Decimal o Hexadecimal o Octal 5 A_ii =TITLE ASCII Button Click on the ASCII button to specify that each byte of data be displayed as an ASCII character. ASCII is most useful when files contain textual data. 5 A_dc =TITLE Decimal Button Click on the Decimal button to specify that each value be displayed as a decimal numeral. If you specify decimal output, you cannot also specify Records as an Output Partition. By default, data is partitioned into longwords. 5 A_hx =TITLE Hexadecimal Button Click on the Hexadecimal button to specify that each value be displayed as a hexadecimal numeral. If you specify hexadecimal output, you cannot also specify Records as an Output Partition. By default, data is partitioned into longwords. 5 A_oc =TITLE Octal Button Click on the Octal button to specify that each value be displayed as an octal numeral. If you specify octal output, you cannot also specify Records as an Output Partition. By default, data is partitioned into longwords. 4 A_op =TITLE Output Partition Options The Output Partition options control whether the history and source file listing is formatted. You must specify the type of formatting and data partition. The data partition types include: o Records o Byte o Word o Long 5 A_rc =TITLE Records Button Click on the Records button to specify that no further partitioning of data is to occur beyond the record partitioning already in the file. This partitioning is most useful when the files contain textual data. You can only specify Records by itself or in conjunction with the ASCII Output Format. 5 A_bp =TITLE Byte Button Click on the Byte button to specify that the data displayed is to be partitioned into bytes. 5 A_wp =TITLE Word Button Click on the Word button to specify that the data displayed is to be partitioned into word values. 5 A_lg =TITLE Long Button Click on the Long button to specify that the data displayed is to be partitioned into longword values. This is the default partitioning for Decimal, Hexadecimal, and Octal Output Formats. 4 A_dfn =TITLE Output File Field Fill in the Output File field with the name of a file to which CMS should write the annotated output. If you do not specify a file name in the Output File field, CMS creates a file with the element name and the file type .ANN in your default directory. You can also choose the Appended option, which appends the output to the existing file. You may annotate multiple elements by using wildcards, a comma list, or a group name; however, if you do not specify wildcards in the output file, CMS creates successive versions of the file. 4 A_atb =TITLE Appended Button Click on the Appended button to control whether CMS appends the history and source file listing to an existing file or creates a new file. If you choose Appended and the output file does not exist, CMS creates a new file. If you do not provide an output file specification, CMS searches your default directory for a file with the element file name and the file type .ANN. 2 C_m =TITLE Options Menu The Options menu allows you to tailor the CMS session by performing the following: o Enter CMS command-line mode o Specify options for the display of messages o Open a specific library (or libraries) each time you invoke CMS o Set up a list of known libraries for easy reference o Set a default view to be displayed each time you invoke CMS o Set default occlusion information o Specify default restrictions for each view type o Save and restore customized options Note that some customizations will take effect immediately, while others may take effect the next time you invoke the associated view, and still others take effect the next time you invoke the CMS DECwindows interface (for example, the Initial Library menu item). To save options, choose the Save Options menu item. 3 Sh_cm =TITLE Show Command... Menu Item Choose the Show Command... menu item to enter CMS command-line commands at the CMS prompt. The output appears in the CMS Command window. When you choose the Show Command... menu item, a dialog box appears with a display window, a smaller input window containing the CMS prompt (CMS>), and the Clear Command Window and Cancel buttons. 4 Sh_co =TITLE CMS Command Output Window The CMS Command output window displays the output when you enter CMS commands at the CMS prompt (CMS>). 4 Sh_iw =TITLE CMS Command Input Window Enter commands in the CMS command-line interface by typing them at the CMS prompt (CMS>). Command output is displayed in the main window. 4 Sh_cl =TITLE Clear Command Window Button Click on the Clear Command Window button to clear the contents of the output window. 3 Ml_mi =TITLE Message Logging... Menu Item =INCLUDE msg_box Choose the Message Logging... menu item to direct CMS to display error, success, and informational messages using the options you choose. 4 Ml_wipb =TITLE Operation Status Box Button =INCLUDE msg_box Choose the Operation Status Box button to direct CMS to display all messages in a operation status box during your CMS session. 4 Ml_cmwb =TITLE Command Window Button =INCLUDE msg_box Choose the Command Window button to direct CMS to display all informational messages interactively in the Show Command... window. CMS automatically pops up the Show Command... window when you choose this option. 4 Ml_cm_ifv =TITLE Command Window if Visible Button =INCLUDE msg_box Choose the Command Window if Visible button to direct CMS to display all informational messages in the Show Command... window only when you have the Show Command... window currently opened. 4 Ml_nne =TITLE None Button =INCLUDE msg_box Choose the None button to prevent CMS from displaying any informational messages. 3 Cm_il_mi =TITLE Initial Library... Menu Item =INCLUDE M L_m Ol_mi Choose the Initial Library... menu item to specify a library or libraries to be automatically opened each time you invoke CMS. When you choose Initial Library..., a dialog box appears, allowing you to specify one or more library specifications. 4 Il_lsf =TITLE Library Specification Field Fill in the Library Specification field with the name of the library (or libraries) that you want automatically opened each time you invoke CMS. You can specify multiple libraries to be opened; separate each library name with a comma. 3 Kl_mi =TITLE Known Libraries... Menu Item =INCLUDE M L_m Ol_mi =INCLUDE M L_m Ol_mi Ol_db =INCLUDE M L_m Ol_mi Ol_db Ol_klf Choose the Known Libraries... menu item to specify multiple library names that CMS stores and displays each time you enter CMS. When you enter CMS, the libraries you specified are shown in the Open Library dialog box. To open one of the known libraries, do the following: 1. Pull down the Library menu. 2. Pull down the Open... submenu; the Open Library dialog box appears. 3. Double click on the desired library displayed in the Known Libraries box. 4 Kl_f =TITLE Known Libraries Box =INCLUDE M C_m Kl_mi Kl_lsf =INCLUDE M L_m Ol_mi =INCLUDE M L_m Ol_mi Ol_db =INCLUDE M L_m Ol_mi Ol_db Ol_klf The Known Libraries box displays all the known libraries that you specified in the Library Specification(s) field. The libraries you specify are then displayed in the Open Library dialog box each time you enter CMS. Double click on one or more of the known libraries to open the library. Double click on the Library Specification(s) field from the additional topics below for more information on entering library specifications. 4 Kl_lsf =TITLE Library Specification(s) Field =INCLUDE M C_m Kl_mi Kl_f Fill in the Library Specification(s) field with one or more library specifications. To specify a library search list, enter the library specifications on one line, separating each specification with a comma. When you double click on the search list from the Known Libraries box in the Open Library dialog box, CMS opens the entire search list. To specify individual library names, enter a single library specification, then choose the Add button. Do this for each library specification. Each time you choose the Add button, CMS adds each name in list form to the Known Libraries box. You can specify up to ten libraries in the Known Libraries field. 4 Kl_apb =TITLE Known Libraries Add Button Click on the Add button to add the specified library or libraries to the Known Libraries box. CMS automatically adds the new library (or libraries) to the beginning of the library list. 4 Kl_re_pb =TITLE Known Libraries Remove Button Click on the Remove button to remove one or more libraries from the Known Libraries box. First choose the library or libraries to be removed; then choose the Remove button. The remove transaction does not delete the library; however, it removes the library from the immediate list of known libraries. 3 Vw_mi =TITLE View... Menu Item =INCLUDE M V_m Choose the View... menu item to specify the default view you want displayed each time you invoke CMS. You can specify one of the following views: o Element o Group o Class o Reservation o History o Review o Command You can also specify the style in which CMS should display the view: o Textual o Outline o Tree You can also specify a preference for LSE to display (or not display) each file fetched or reserved. 4 Vw_cv_ef =TITLE Element View Button =INCLUDE M V_m Vev_mi Click on the Element button to direct CMS to display an element view each time you enter CMS or open a new view. CMS displays the element view by default. To further tailor the element view, do the following: 1. Pull down the View menu. 2. Pull down the Restrict... menu item. 3. Choose the desired options for the element view. 4 Vw_cv_gf =TITLE Group View Button =INCLUDE M V_m Vgv_mi Click on the Group button to direct CMS to display a group view each time you enter CMS or open a new view. To further tailor the group view, do the following: 1. Pull down the View menu. 2. Pull down the Restrict... menu item. 3. Choose the desired options for the group view. 4 Vw_cf =TITLE Class View Button =INCLUDE M V_m Vcv_mi Click on the Class button to direct CMS to display a class view each time you enter CMS or open a new view. To further tailor the class view, do the following: 1. Pull down the View menu. 2. Pull down the Restrict... menu item. 3. Choose the desired options for the class view. 4 Vw_rf =TITLE Reservation View Button =INCLUDE M V_m Vrv_mi Click on the Reservation button to direct CMS to display a view of current reservations each time you enter CMS or open a new view. To further tailor the reservations view, do the following: 1. Pull down the View menu. 2. Pull down the Restrict... menu item. 3. Choose the desired options for the reservation view. 4 Vw_hf =TITLE History View Button =INCLUDE M V_m Vhv_mi Click on the History button to direct CMS to display a view of the library history each time you enter CMS or open a new view. To further tailor the history view, do the following: 1. Pull down the View menu. 2. Pull down the Restrict... menu item. 3. Choose the desired options for the history view. 4 Vw_rrf =TITLE Review View Button =INCLUDE M M_M Rw_mi =INCLUDE M V_m Vrev_mi Click on the Review button to direct CMS to display a view of generations currently on the review pending list each time you enter CMS or open a new view. To further tailor the review view, do the following: 1. Pull down the View menu. 2. Pull down the Restrict... menu item. 3. Choose the desired options for the review view. 4 Vw_cof =TITLE Command View Button =INCLUDE M V_m Vcc_mi Click on the Command button to direct CMS to display a list of CMS commands each time you enter CMS or open a new view. The list contains the commands on which access control lists (ACLs) can be placed. Double click on a command name to display any ACLs on the command. 4 Vw_text =TITLE Display Style Options =INCLUDE M V_m The Display Style options direct CMS to display the startup view using the method you specify. You can choose one of the following buttons: o Textual--directs CMS to display the startup view in textual-outline form. This is the default. o Outline--directs CMS to display the startup view in vertical-outline form. Click on the navigational icon to pop up the CMS Navigation Window. The navigational icon is located in the lower right-hand corner of the view window. o Tree--directs CMS to display the startup view in a tree structure. Click on the navigational icon to pop up the CMS Navigation Window. The navigational icon is located in the lower right-hand corner of the view window. 4 Vw_lse =TITLE LSE Views Options =INCLUDE M V_m The LSE Views Options give the CMS user the option of having LSE open a new buffer for each file fetched or reserved. LSE must already be running in order for these buffers to be opened. You can choose one or more of the following buttons: o Fetch--directs LSE to open a new buffer for each file fetched. This is the default. o Reserve-- directs LSE to open a new buffer for each file reserved. This is the default. 3 Cust_rest_opt =TITLE Restrict Submenu =INCLUDE M V_m Rv_mi Choose the Restrict submenu to customize the display of options for the view type you specify. Using the Restrict submenu is equivalent to using command-line interface SHOW commands. Use the Restrict submenu to restrict the display of options *before* you display a view. 3 Cu_sa_mi =TITLE Save Options Menu Item Choose the Save Options menu item to store your current customizations. 3 Cu_sa =TITLE Restore Options Menu Item Choose the Restore Options menu item to restore customizations that have been previously stored with the Save Options menu item. Choose this button to restore your original customizations if you have temporarily changed (overridden) customizations in the current session. 3 Cu_sy_a =TITLE Restore System Options Menu Item Choose the Restore System Options menu item to enable system-wide defaults, thus overriding any current customizations. Status: 200 OK Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Last-Modified: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 09:06:51 GMT Script-Control: X-stream-mode=1 1 msg_box =TITLE Message Box =INCLUDE M C_m Ml_mi =INCLUDE M C_m Ml_mi Ml_wipb =INCLUDE M C_m Ml_mi Ml_cmwb =INCLUDE M C_m Ml_mi Ml_cm_ifv =INCLUDE M C_m Ml_mi Ml_nne The Message Box displays informational messages to notify you of current status as CMS executes transactions. You can customize the Message Box to display certain options; for more information, click on the Message Logging... menu item below.