Library /sys$common/syshlp/cms$dw_help.hlb
Overview, DECwindows basics

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

  Information about using DECwindows, such as how to use
  windows, dialog boxes, and scroll bars, is available
  from Session Manager help.  A glossary of DECwindows
  terms is also available.  To get Session Manager help:

  o  Move the pointer to the Session Manager icon
     (the icon with your user name and the name of
     your system) in the Icon Box.

  o  Double click MB1 twice quickly to display the
     Session Manager window.

  o  Move the pointer to the Help menu; press and
     hold MB1 to pull down this menu.

  o  Move the pointer to the On Basics menu item
     and release MB1 to display information about
     using DECwindows.

  1 - SVN scroll bars

  You can use scroll bars to display data outside the
  borders of a window. A scroll bar has stepping arrows at
  each end of the scroll region and a slider within the
  scroll region.

  For more information about using a scroll bar, double
  click on one of the additional topics.

 1.1 - Step arrows

  Stepping arrows are the triangles that appear at each
  end of a scroll bar.

  To move the window one line in the direction of the
  stepping arrow, move the pointer to a stepping arrow and
  click on MB1. This allows you to move through the data
  in the window at a pace that is easier to view.

 1.2 - Scroll region

  The scroll region is the area between the stepping arrows
  that is not highlighted.

  To move the data in the window by one window length, move
  the pointer to the scroll region and click on MB1.

 1.3 - Slider

  The slider is the highlighted rectangle that appears in
  the scroll bar. The size of the slider indicates how much
  of the data appears on the screen. For example, if the
  slider takes up 10 percent of the scrolling region, only
  10 percent of the data is displayed in the window.

  To move quickly through the data, move the pointer to the
  slider. Press MB1, and drag the slider through the
  scrolling region. When you release MB1, the information
  from the position in the data indicated by the slider is
  displayed in the window.
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