Library /sys$common/syshlp/cms$dw_help.hlb Overview *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
The Compaq Code Management System for OpenVMS (CMS) is a library system for software development and maintenance. During development, team members continually make changes to project files. CMS stores, tracks, and records user access and modifications to these files (called elements). Elements are stored in one or more central libraries where they are available to all project members. For information about using CMS, double click on an item from the list of additional topics below. To invoke CMS in the character-cell (terminal) environment, type the following command at the DCL command-line prompt: $ CMS/INTERFACE=CHARACTER_CELL. If you see a topic that lists no additional topics, click on the Go Back button or choose On Window from the Help Menu in the main CMS window. For information about using help, choose Using Help from the Help menu above.
1 - DECwindows basics |
Information about using DECwindows, such as how to use windows, dialog boxes, and scroll bars, is available from Session Manager help. A glossary of DECwindows terms is also available. To get Session Manager help: o Move the pointer to the Session Manager icon (the icon with your user name and the name of your system) in the Icon Box. o Double click MB1 twice quickly to display the Session Manager window. o Move the pointer to the Help menu; press and hold MB1 to pull down this menu. o Move the pointer to the On Basics menu item and release MB1 to display information about using DECwindows.
1.1 - SVN scroll bars
You can use scroll bars to display data outside the borders of a window. A scroll bar has stepping arrows at each end of the scroll region and a slider within the scroll region. For more information about using a scroll bar, double click on one of the additional topics.
1. 1.1 - Step arrows
Stepping arrows are the triangles that appear at each end of a scroll bar. To move the window one line in the direction of the stepping arrow, move the pointer to a stepping arrow and click on MB1. This allows you to move through the data in the window at a pace that is easier to view.
1. 1.2 - Scroll region
The scroll region is the area between the stepping arrows that is not highlighted. To move the data in the window by one window length, move the pointer to the scroll region and click on MB1.
1. 1.3 - Slider
The slider is the highlighted rectangle that appears in the scroll bar. The size of the slider indicates how much of the data appears on the screen. For example, if the slider takes up 10 percent of the scrolling region, only 10 percent of the data is displayed in the window. To move quickly through the data, move the pointer to the slider. Press MB1, and drag the slider through the scrolling region. When you release MB1, the information from the position in the data indicated by the slider is displayed in the window.
2 - About Release Notes |
You can find the release notes in SYS$HELP:CMSvvu.RELEASE_NOTES, where vv is the major version number, and u is the update number. To list all the CMS release notes available, type: $ DIRECTORY SYS$HELP:CMS*.RELEASE_NOTES.
3 - Using Libraries |
A CMS library consists of a VMS directory and its subdirectories containing specially formatted files that CMS uses. The library serves as a repository for CMS elements and control files. When you invoke CMS, you must open a library environment to tell CMS which library (or libraries) to use. The library or libraries you specify become the library search list. Even opening one library means that you are setting the library search list; in this case, the library search list contains one library. When you specify multiple libraries, CMS accesses them in the order in which they appear in the search list. A library search list can be set in two ways: o By pulling down the File menu, then choosing the Open... menu item to open an existing library or libraries o By creating a new library or libraries (this automatically sets the library search list--you do not need to then specifically open it) Libraries can be viewed in any CMS view. Use the following steps to display a library's attributes: 1. Click on the library. 2. Pull down the View menu. 3. Pull down the Expand submenu. 4. Choose the Attributes menu item.
3.1 - Creating Libraries
You must create an empty VMS directory (by using the DCL CREATE/DIRECTORY command), or direct CMS to create a directory, to contain the CMS library to be created. You then create the library in that directory by following these steps: 1. Pull down the File menu. 2. Choose the New menu item. This invokes the New submenu. 3. Choose the Library... item from the submenu. The New Library dialog box appears, allowing you to specify the directory and options for the newly-created library. NOTE: Once you create a library, you must access the library exclusively with CMS commands. If a library is accessed by means other than CMS, unrecoverable library corruption may result.
4 - Using Elements |
An element is the basic structural unit in a library. An element consists of a file and all its versions (generations). When you create an element and place it in a CMS library for the first time, CMS creates generation 1 of that element. Each time you replace an element in the library, CMS creates a new generation of that file. Thus, a generation represents a specific version of an element. CMS can store any type of VMS file except a directory file. You can perform the following functions on elements: o Create and delete elements o Reserve elements o Fetch a readonly copy of an element o Insert elements into and remove elements from groups o Set or change the attributes of an element o View elements, their generations, and their attributes
4.1 - Element attrs
You can display and set the following types of element attributes: o Whether concurrent reservations are allowed o Whether reference copies are maintained for elements o Whether new element generations are marked for review o Whether history information is included when the element is retrieved o Whether notes are included when the element is retrieved Use the following steps to display an element's attributes: 1. Display an Element view. 2. Choose the desired element. 3. Pull down the View menu. 4. Pull down the Expand submenu. 5. Choose the Attributes menu item. Use the following steps to set or change an element's attributes: 1. Pull down the Maintenance menu. 2. Pull down the Modify submenu. 3. Choose the Element... menu item. A dialog box appears, allowing you to modify the element.
5 - Using Groups |
A group is a set of elements or other groups (or both) that you can combine and manipulate as a unit. For example, you might create a group that contains all the elements that process error messages; or you might create a group that contains all the chapters in a book. A group name is a string of 39 or fewer characters that consists of letters, digits, underlines, hyphens, or dollar signs. Periods are not allowed in group names. You can perform the following functions on groups: o Create and delete groups o Fetch, reserve, replace, review, and set an access control list (ACL) on the contents of a group o Insert elements (and other groups) into a group o Remove elements (and other groups) from a group o Set or change the attributes of a group o View the contents and attributes of a group
5.1 - Group attrs
You can change the following types of group attributes: o The name of the group o The creation remark associated with the group o The readonly attribute of the group Use the following steps to display a group's attributes: 1. Display a Group view. 2. Choose the desired group. 3. Pull down the View menu. 4. Pull down the Expand submenu. 5. Choose the Attributes menu item. Use the following steps to set or change a group's attributes: 1. Pull down the Maintenance menu. 2. Pull down the Modify submenu. 3. Choose the Group... menu item. A dialog box appears, allowing you to change the desired attributes.
6 - Using Classes |
A class is a set of particular generations of elements. You typically combine generations into classes to represent the state of elements at a particular time or stage. For example, you might create a class containing only those generations of elements that were used to produce the first draft of a manual in base level 1. A class name is a string of 39 or fewer characters that consists of letters, digits, underlines, hyphens, dollar signs, and periods. Class names must begin with a letter. You can perform the following functions on classes: o Create and delete classes o Fetch, reserve, replace, review, and set an access control list (ACL) on the contents of a class o Insert generations into a class o Remove generations from a class o Set or change the attributes of a class o View the contents and attributes of a class
6.1 - Class attrs
You can change the following types of class attributes: o The name of the class o The creation remark associated with the class o The readonly attribute of the class Use the following steps to display a class's attributes: 1. Display a Class view. 2. Choose the desired class. 3. Pull down the View menu. 4. Pull down the Expand submenu. 5. Choose the Attributes menu item. Use the following steps to set or change a class's attributes: 1. Pull down the Maintenance menu. 2. Pull down the Modify submenu. 3. Choose the Class... menu item. A dialog box appears, allowing you to change the desired attributes.
7 - Ref copy def |
A reference copy directory is a directory in which CMS stores a copy of the latest generation on the main line of descent for each element in a library. (The main line of descent of an element consists of generation 1 of the element and all its direct descendants; that is, generations 2, 3, 4, and so on.) The reference copy directory is not a CMS library; it is a VMS directory associated with a CMS library. You cannot assign a CMS library as a reference copy directory, nor should it be a subdirectory of a CMS library. To establish reference copies, you must: 1. Create a VMS directory at DCL level (with the DCL CREATE/DIRECTORY command). For new libraries, you may direct CMS to create the directory for you. 2. Associate the reference copy directory with the CMS library: o For new libraries, supply the name of the reference copy directory in the New Library dialog box. If you would like CMS to create the library for you, click on the Automatically Create Directory button. o For existing libraries, supply the name of the reference copy directory in the Modify Library dialog box. 3. Associate the reference copy directory with elements: o For new elements: new elements inherit the reference copy attribute from the library; that is, new elements have their reference copy attribute turned on by default if the library has a reference copy directory. o For existing elements: You must set the reference copy attribute for existing elements; pull down the Modify Element dialog box and activate the Reference Copy option.
8 - Exiting from CMS |
To exit from CMS, pull down the Library menu and choose Exit.