Library /sys$common/syshlp/basichelp.hlb
MAT, Syntax

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

  Initialization (Numeric):

                      { CON }
      MAT num-array = { IDN } [ ( int-exp1 [, int-exp2 ] ) ]
                      { ZER }

  Initialization (String):

      MAT str-array = NUL$ [ ( int-exp1 [, int-exp2 ] ) ]

  Array Arithmetic:

                                  [ { + }            ]
      MAT num-array1 = num-array2 [ { - } num-array3 ]
                                  [ { * }            ]

      MAT num-array1 = num-array2 * num-array3 [* num-array4] ,...

  Scalar Multiplication:

      MAT num-array4 = ( num-exp ) * num-array5

  Inversion and Transposition:

                       { TRN }
      MAT num-array6 = { INV } ( num-array7 )
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