Library /sys$common/syshlp/basichelp.hlb
Graphics, MAT...POINTS

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

  The MAT GET POINTS and MAT LOCATE POINTS statements accept one  or  more
  points  input  by  a  user.   Points  accepted  with  the MAT GET POINTS
  statement are not affected by  the  transformation  function  associated
  with  the  DRAW  statement,  whereas points accepted with the MAT LOCATE
  POINTS statement are.


  DECLARE LONG how_many
  DECLARE SINGLE user_x(12),user_y(12)
  MAT GET POINTS , COUNT how_many      &
                 : user_x, user_y
  MAT GRAPH POINTS , COUNT how_many    &
                   : user_x, user_y

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