1 Run_time_errors BASIC returns run-time error messages if an error occurs while a program is executing. BASIC diagnoses the error and indicates the program line that generated the error. Warning error messages indicate that an error has occurred, but program execution continues. In some cases, VAX BASIC re-prompts for more information or correct data. In other cases, BASIC performs the specified operation, but the results are not as expected. Fatal error messages indicate that the program has aborted. You can recover from most fatal errors by including error-handling routines in your program. Certain errors, however, are not recoverable even when error-handlers are used. In the description of these errors, they are designated as not trappable. You do not need error-handling routines to trap errors that generate warning messages. 2 ARGDONMAT Arguments don't match (ERR=88) The arguments in a function call do not match the arguments defined for the function, either in number or in type. Change the arguments in the function call to match those in the DEF or change the arguments in the DEF. This error cannot be trapped with a BASIC error handler. 2 ARGTOOLAR Argument too large in EXP (ERR=49) The program contains: o An argument to the EXP function larger than 88 o An exponentiation operation that results in a number greater than 1E38 Change the EXP argument to one in the valid range or reduce the size of the exponent. 2 ARRMUSSAM Arrays must be same dimension (ERR=238) The program attempts to perform matrix addition or subtraction on input arrays with a different dimensions. Redimension the arrays so that the input arrays have identical dimensions. 2 ARRMUSSQU Arrays must be square (ERR=239) The program attempts matrix inversion (MAT INV) on an array that is not square. Redimension the array to be square before performing MAT INV. 2 ARRTOOSMA Array too small (ERR=197) The array you reference with a graphic statement is too small. Check the description of the graphic statement to get the minimum size requirement for an array and increase the size of the array accordingly. 2 BADDIRDEV Bad directory for device (ERR=1) The device directory does not exist or is unreadable. Supply a valid directory. 2 BADRECIDE Bad record identifier (ERR=143) The program attempted a record access that specified: o A zero or negative record number on a RELATIVE file o A null key value on an INDEXED file Change the record number or key specification to a valid value. 2 BADRECVAL Bad RECORDSIZE value on OPEN (ERR=148) The value in the RECORDSIZE clause in the OPEN statement is zero or greater than 16384. Change the value in the RECORDSIZE clause. 2 CANCHAARR Cannot change array dimensions (ERR=240) The program attempts to redimension a one-dimensional array to two dimensions or vice versa. Change the array's dimensions in the DIM statement. 2 CANFINFIL Can't find file or account (ERR=5) The specified file or directory is not on the device. Supply a valid file specification. 2 CANINVMAT Can't invert matrix (ERR=56) The program attempts to invert a singular matrix. Supply a matrix of the proper form for inversion. 2 CANOPEFIL Cannot open file (ERR=162) The program attempts to open a file that cannot be opened. Check the file protection or supply an access string for network file access. 2 CLIPONOFF Clipping must be set to ON or OFF (ERR=259) Valid strings for the SET CLIP statement are "ON" and "OFF". Change the string to either "ON" or "OFF". 2 COLNOTCON Color indices are not contiguous (ERR=261) The color indices on the device you are using are not contiguous. Use caution when specifying all color indices. The ASK MAX COLOR statement will not retrieve the maximum number of colors for this device. 2 COONOTNDC Coordinates are not within NDC space (ERR=273) The boundaries of NDC space are 0,1,0,1; coordinates must be within this range. Supply coordinates with values between 0 and 1. 2 CORFILSTR Corrupted file structure (ERR=29) RMS has detected an invalid file structure on disk. See your system manager. 2 DATFORERR Data format error (ERR=50) The program specifies a data type in an INPUT or READ statement that does not agree with the value supplied. Change the INPUT or READ statement, or supply data of the correct type. 2 DATOVERF Data overflow (ERR = 289) Either the keystroke retrieved by the INKEY$ function caused the type-ahead buffer to overflow or, the terminal attempted to send a valid ANSI escape sequence that did not correspond to a keystroke. Specify the DCL command SET TERMINAL/HOSTSYNC, before using the INKEY$ function. This command will prevent the type-ahead buffer from overflowing. 2 DATTYPERR Data type error (ERR=101) The program contains a value of incorrect data type. Change the value to the correct data type. This error cannot be trapped with a BASIC error handler. 2 DEADLOCK Detected deadlock while waiting for GET or FIND (ERR=193) The record your program is trying to access is currently locked on another channel or by another process. Simultaneously, your program has locked a record that the other user cannot access. The deadlock cannot be resolved. Possible solutions include: o Use the FREE statement to unlock ALL locked records o Use GET...REGARDLESS if read access is sufficient 2 DECERR DECIMAL error or overflow (ERR=181) The result of a DECIMAL expression is greater than or requires more precision than can be contained in the variable. Reduce the magnitude of the expression or increase the allowed digits in the DECIMAL variable. 2 DEVINMET Device is an input metafile (ERR=270) The operation cannot be performed on an input metafile (device type 3). Specify an appropriate device type or an appropriate device identification number. 2 DEVNOTOPE Device is not open (ERR=268) The device has not been identified in an OPEN ... FOR GRAPHICS statement. Specify the device in an OPEN ... FOR GRAPHICS statement. 2 DEVOPEING Device and operation are incompatible (ERR=272) The operation you requested cannot be performed on the specified device. For example, output cannot be displayed on a device that is for input only. Specify an appropriate device type for the operation you require. Device types are listed in the manual Programming with VAX BASIC Graphics. 2 DEVOUTMET Device is an output metafile (ERR=269) The specified device is an output metafile (device type 2). Specify an alternative device type or change the device identification number. 2 DEVTYPNOT Device type is not supported (ERR=267) The specified device type is not supported by VAX GKS. Specify an alternative device type. Supported device types are listed in the manual Programming with VAX BASIC Graphics and in the VAX GKS documentation. Verify with your system manager that support for the specified device has been installed. Also, verify that the VAX GKS startup command procedure has properly executed. 2 DEVHUNWRI Device hung or write locked (ERR=14) The program attempted an operation to a hardware device that is not functioning properly or is protected against writing. Check the device on which the operation is performed. 2 DIFUSELON Differing use of LONG/WORD or SINGLE/DOUBLE qualifiers (ERR=229) The main and subprograms were compiled with different LONG/WORD or SINGLE/DOUBLE qualifiers. Recompile one of the programs with the same qualifier as the other. This error cannot be trapped with a BASIC error handler. 2 DIMOUTRAN Dimension number out of range (ERR=195) The dimension number is beyond the specified range. Change the dimensions specified with the LBOUND or UBOUND function. 2 DIRERR Directive error (ERR=253) A system service call resulted in an error. See the appropriate OpenVMS I/O or RMS documentation for information. 2 DIVBY_ZER Division by 0 (ERR=61) The program attempts to divide a value by zero. Check program logic and change the attempted division, or trap the error in an error handler. 2 DUPKEYDET Duplicate key detected (ERR=134) In a PUT operation to an indexed file, a duplicate key was specified, and DUPLICATES was not specified when the file was created. Change the duplicate key or re-create the file specifying DUPLICATES for that key. 2 ECHTYPNOT Prompt/echo type not supported (ERR=256) The specified prompt or echo type is invalid. BASIC supports only the default prompt and echo types. Do not change the prompt or echo type. If you do so, you should continue to use direct calls to VAX GKS routines rather than use BASIC input statements. 2 ENDFILDEV End of file on device (ERR=11) The program attempted to read data beyond the end of the file. The program can trap this error in an error handler. 2 ENTPOINOT Entered points not within a transformation (ERR=285) Input points are not within the viewport of a defined transformation. Issue a warning to the user to input points within the defined area. Alternatively, you can change at least one transformation to include the viewport area not defined. At the start of program execution, transformation 1 includes all of NDC space. Optionally, you can define one transformation to cover the default viewport. 2 ERRFILCOR Error on OPEN - file corrupted (ERR=178) The program attempted to open an invalid structure on disk. See your system manager. 2 ERRTRANEE ERROR trap needs RESUME (ERR=246) An error handler attempts to execute an END, SUBEND, FUNCTIONEND, or FNEND statement without first executing a RESUME statement. Change the program logic so that the error handler executes a RESUME statement before executing an END, SUBEND, FUNCTIONEND, or FNEND statement. This error cannot be trapped with a BASIC error handler. 2 FATSYSIO_ Fatal system I/O failure (ERR=12) An I/O error has occurred in the system or Record Management Services. The last operation will not be completed. See the OpenVMS RMS documentation for RMS errors or retry the operation. 2 FIEOVEBUF FIELD overflows buffer (ERR=63) A FIELD statement attempts to access more data than exists in the specified buffer. Change the FIELD statement to match the buffer's size or increase the buffer's size. 2 FILACPFAI FILE ACP failure (ERR=252) The operating system's file handler reported an error to RMS. See the appropriate OpenVMS I/O or RMS documentation for information. 2 FILATTNOT File attributes not matched (ERR=160) The following attributes in the OPEN statement do not match the corresponding attributes of the target file: o ORGANIZATION o BUCKETSIZE o BLOCKSIZE o RECORDSIZE o Key number, size, position or attributes (CHANGES, DUPLICATES) o Record format Change the OPEN statement attributes to match those of the file or remove the clause. 2 FILEXPDAT File expiration date not yet reached (ERR=174) The program attempted to delete a file before the file's expiration date was reached. Change the file's expiration date. 2 FILIS_LOC File is locked (ERR=138) The program does not allow shared access and attempts to access a file that has been locked by another user, or by the system. Change the OPEN statement to allow shared access or wait until the file is released by other user(s). 2 FLOPOIERR Floating point error (ERR=48) A program operation resulted in a floating-point number with absolute value outside the range 10^-38 to 10^38. Check program logic or trap the error in an error handler. 2 FNEWITFUN FNEND without function call (ERR=73) The program executes a FNEND statement before executing a function call. Check program logic to make sure that FNEND statements are executed only in multi-line DEFs, or remove the FNEND statement. This error cannot be trapped with a BASIC error handler. 2 GKSNOTINS VAX GKS is not installed (ERR=226) Graphics statements are not operational when VAX GKS is not installed. See your system manager. 2 ILLALLCLA Illegal ALLOW clause (ERR=168) The value specified for the ALLOW clause (sharing) is illegal for the type of file organization. Change the ALLOW clause value. 2 ILLARGLOG Illegal argument in LOG (ERR=53) The program contains a negative or zero argument to the LOG or LOG10 function. Supply an argument in the valid range. 2 ILLARESTY Illegal area style (ERR=262) Area styles are device dependent; the style you specified is not supported by the device. Specify a valid area style for the device. The valid styles are: o SOLID (the default) o HOLLOW o HATCH o PATTERN 2 ILLBYTCOU Illegal byte count for I/O (ERR=31) A PRINT or INPUT list invoked a function that closed an I/O channel. Change the function so that it does not close the I/O channel. 2 ILLCNTCLA Illegal count clause (ERR=290) In a graphics statement, you specified a COUNT clause with a numeric value which exceeds the size of the array. Specify a numeric value which is less than or equal to the size of the array. 2 ILLCOLIND Illegal color index (ERR=280) The index you specified is not supported by the device. Specify a valid color index. The valid range of indices for the device is from 0 to the value retrieved by the ASK MAX COLOR statement. 2 ILLCOLMIX Illegal color mix (ERR=291) An intensity value in the SET COLOR MIX statement is beyond the valid range of 0 through 1. Specify a value in the range 0 through 1. 2 ILLDEVID Illegal device identification number (ERR=266) The device identification number is beyond the valid range of 0 through 255. Specify a device identification number between 0 and 255. 2 ILLDEVNAM Illegal device name in OPEN (ERR=292) An explicit or implicit OPEN...FOR GRAPHICS statement contains an illegal device name for the device type being used. Possible causes include: o Specifying a device that does not exist on the system o Specifying a logical name that is not defined o Specifying a file name that does not exist when the device type is for an input metafile o Specifying a file name for a device type that requires a VMS physical device name 2 ILLECHARE Illegal echo area (ERR=283) The specified echo area boundaries are invalid. Specify echo area boundaries within the device viewport. 2 ILLEXIDEF Illegal exit from DEF* (ERR=245) A multi-line DEF* contains a branch to an END, SUBEND or FUNCTIONEND statement. Change the program logic so that the program executes the multi-line DEF's FNEND statement before executing the END, SUBEND or FUNCTIONEND statement. This error cannot be trapped with a BASIC error handler. 2 ILLFIEVAR Illegal FIELD variable (ERR=122) A FIELDed variable is referenced after a non-BASIC subprogram closed the file associated with that variable. This error cannot be trapped with a BASIC error handler unless the program contains OPTION HANDLE = SEVERE. Check program logic; do not reference the variable after the file has been closed. 2 ILLFILNAM Illegal file name (ERR=2) A file name is too long, incorrectly formatted, or contains embedded blanks or invalid characters. Supply a valid file specification. 2 ILLILLACC Illegal or illogical access (ERR=136) The requested access is impossible because: o The attempted record operation and the ACCESS clause in the OPEN statement are incompatible. o The ACCESS clause is inconsistent with the file organization. o ACCESS READ or APPEND was specified when the file was created. Change the ACCESS clause. 2 ILLINIVAL Illegal initial value (ERR=284) The specified initial value is beyond the range of possible values. Specify an initial value within the default range (0 through 1) or within the alternative range you optionally specified. 2 ILLIO_CHA Illegal I/O channel (ERR=46) The program specified an I/O channel outside the legal range. Specify I/O channels in the range 1 to 99, inclusive. 2 ILLLINSIZ Illegal line size (ERR=275) The specified line size is less than or equal to 0. Specify a line size value greater than 0. 2 ILLLINSTY Illegal line style number (ERR=274) The specified line style number is negative. Specify a valid line style value greater than zero. 2 ILLNETOPE Illegal network operation (ERR=190) The program tries to mix GET and PUT operations, or PRINT and INPUT operations, on a network terminal-format file. Change the file specifications to be sequential variable. 2 ILLKEYATT Illegal key attributes (ERR=137) An invalid combination of key characteristics is specified, either NODUPLICATES and CHANGES, or CHANGES without DUPLICATES. Change the invalid key characteristics. 2 ILLNUM Illegal number (ERR=52) A value supplied to a numeric variable is incorrect, for example, "ABC" and "1..2" are illegal numbers. Supply numeric values of the correct form. 2 ILLOPE Illegal operation (ERR=141) The program attempts to do one of the following: o Delete a record in a sequential file o Update a record on a magtape file o Transpose a matrix, or perform a matrix multiplication, with the same array as source and destination o Rewind a process-permanent file o Delete a record in a read-only file o Assign a value to a virtual array element in a read-only file o Perform a MARGIN operation on VIRTUAL file o Perform an invalid operation on a VIRTUAL file, for example, using GET and PUT on a VIRTUAL file, then attempting to reference a virtual array dimensioned on that file. Change the illegal operation. 2 ILLPICOPE Illegal picture operation (ERR=258) The program attempts to define a transformation within a picture definition. The following statements are invalid within pictures and within routines that are called by pictures: o SET WINDOW o SET VIEWPORT o SET DEVICE WINDOW o SET DEVICE VIEWPORT o SET CLIP Remove any invalid statements from the picture definition. Set the boundaries for windows and viewports before a picture is invoked. 2 ILLPOISTY Illegal point style number (ERR=276) The specified point style is less than 0. Specify a valid point style greater than 0. 2 ILLRECACC Illogical record accessing (ERR=153) The program attempts to perform an operation that is invalid for the specified file type, for example, a random access on a sequential file. Supply a valid operation for that file type or change the file type. 2 ILLRECFIL Illegal record on file (ERR=142) A record contains an invalid byte count field. Use the DCL DUMP command to check the file for possible bad data. 2 ILLRECLOC Illegal record locking (ERR=187) The program contains an ALLOW or REGARDLESS clause on a GET statement and the file was not opened with the UNLOCK EXPLICIT clause. Either remove the ALLOW clause from the GET statement or use the EXPLICIT UNLOCK clause in the OPEN statement. This error cannot be trapped with a BASIC error handler. 2 ILLRESSUB Illegal RESUME to subroutine (ERR=247) While in an error handler activated by an ON ERROR GO BACK, the error handler attempts to RESUME without a line number or a label. You cannot RESUME to a line or label in any program module except the one containing the error handler. This error cannot be trapped with a BASIC error handler. 2 ILLSTYIND Illegal area style index (ERR=279) The specified area style index is not supported by the device or is less than 0. Specify a valid area style index greater than 0. 2 ILLSWIUSA Illegal switch usage (ERR=67) The program attempts an illegal SYS call. See the appropriate RSTS/E SYS call documentation. 2 ILLSYSUSA Illegal SYS(0) usage, (ERR=18) The program attempted an illegal SYS call. See the appropriate RSTS/E SYS call documentation. 2 ILLTEXHEI Illegal text height (ERR=278) The text height is less than or equal to zero. Specify a text height greater than zero. 2 ILLTEXJUS Illegal text justification (ERR=263) The specified text justification factor is invalid. See the manual Programming with VAX BASIC Graphics for valid justification values. Specify valid values. 2 ILLTEXPAT Illegal text path (ERR=265) The specified text path is invalid. Specify a valid text path. Valid text path values are: o RIGHT (the default) o LEFT o UP o DOWN 2 ILLTEXPRE Illegal text precision (ERR=264) The specified precision string is invalid. Specify a valid string for the precision value. Valid precision values are: "STROKE" for software fonts, "STRING" and "CHAR" for hardware fonts. 2 ILLTEXRAT Illegal text width-to-height ratio (ERR=276) The specified width-to-height ratio is less than or equal to zero. Specify a width-to-height ratio greater than zero. 2 ILLTFFOPE Illegal terminal-format file operation (ERR=191) The program specifies a GETRFA function on a terminal-format file. Change the file specifications to be sequential variable. 2 ILLTRANUM Illegal transformation number (ERR=257) The specified transformation number is less than 1 or greater than 255. Specify a transformation number between 1 and 255. 2 ILLUSADEV Illegal usage for device (ERR=133) The requested operation cannot be performed because either: o The device specification contains illegal syntax o The specified device does not exist on your system o The specified device is inappropriate for the requested operation (for example, an indexed file access on magtape) Supply the correct device type. 2 ILLWAIVAL Illegal wait value (ERR=192) The specified integer expression is less than 0 or greater than 255. Specify an integer expression whose value is 0 through 255. 2 IMASQUROO Imaginary square roots (ERR=54) An argument to the SQR function is negative. Supply arguments to the SQR function that are greater than or equal to zero. 2 IMPERRHAN Improper error handling (ERR=186) After an error has occurred, a program's error handler calls another program, and the called program executes an ON ERROR GO BACK statement before clearing the error with a RESUME statement. Change the program logic so that the called program clears the error condition before executing the ON ERROR GO BACK statement. This error cannot be trapped with a BASIC error handler. 2 INDNOTFUL Index not fully optimized (ERR=171) A record was successfully written to an INDEXED file, however, the alternate key path was not optimized. This slows record access. Delete the record and rewrite it. 2 INTERR Integer error (ERR=51) The program contains an integer whose absolute value is exceeds the range for the data type. Type HELP DATA_TYPES for information on valid ranges for BYTE, WORD, and LONG integers and use only integers in the valid range. 2 INVCHASTR Invalid character in string (ERR = 287) The program references a string that contains an invalid character. Remove the invalid character from the string. 2 INVFILOPT Invalid file options (ERR=139) The program has specified invalid file options in the OPEN statement. Change the invalid file options. 2 INVKEYREF Invalid key of reference (ERR=144) The program attempts to perform a GET, FIND, or RESTORE on an INDEXED file using an invalid KEY, for example, an alternate KEY that has not been defined. Use a valid KEY in the GET, FIND, or RESTORE statement. 2 INVRFAFIE Invalid RFA field (ERR=173) During a FIND or GET by RFA, an invalid record's file address was contained in the RAB. Supply a correct RFA field. 2 IO_CHAALR I/O channel already open (ERR=7) The program attempted to OPEN channel zero (the controlling terminal). Remove the OPEN statement; channel zero is always open. 2 IO_CHANOT I/O channel not open (ERR=9) The program attempted to perform an I/O operation before OPENing the channel. OPEN the channel before attempting an I/O operation to it. 2 KEYFIEBEY Key field beyond end of record (ERR=151) The position given for the key field exceeds the maximum size of the record. Specify a key field within the record. 2 KEYLARTHA Key larger than record (ERR=159) The key specification exceeds the maximum record size. Reduce the size of the key specification. 2 KEYNOTCHA Key not changeable (ERR=130) An UPDATE statement attempted to change a KEY field that did not have CHANGES specified in the OPEN statement. Remove the changed key field in the UPDATE statement or specify CHANGES for that key field in the OPEN statement. Note the primary key cannot be changed. 2 KEYSIZTOO Key size too large (ERR=145) The key length on a GET or FIND is either zero or larger than the key length defined for the target record. Change the key specification in the GET or FIND statement. 2 KEYWAIEXH Keyboard wait exhausted (ERR=15) No input was received during the execution of a INPUT, LINPUT, or INPUT LINE statement that was preceded by a WAIT statement. You must supply input within the specified time. 2 LINTOOLON Line too long (ERR=47) The program attempted to input more data than the input buffer can hold. The default input buffer size of terminal input is 132. 2 MATDIMERR Matrix dimension error (ERR=124) The program does one of the following: o Attempts to assign more than two dimensions to an array o Attempts to reference a one-dimensional array with two subscripts o Attempts to reference a two-dimensional array with one subscript Reduce the number of subscripts to one or two or reference the array using the correct number of dimensions. This error cannot be trapped with a BASIC error handler. 2 MAXMEMEXC Maximum memory exceeded (ERR=126) The program has insufficient string and I/O buffer space because its allowable memory size has been exceeded or the system's maximum memory capacity has been reached. Reduce the amount of string or I/O buffer space or split the program into two or more modules. 2 MEMMANVIO Memory management violation (ERR=35) The program attempted to read or write to a memory location to which it was not allowed access. If the program was compiled with /NOCHECK, it may be exceeding an array bound; recompile with /CHECK. Otherwise, check program logic. This error cannot be trapped with a BASIC error handler. 2 MISSPEFEA Missing special feature (ERR=66) The program attempts to use an unavailable SYS call. See the appropriate RSTS/E SYS call documentation. 2 MOVOVEBUF Move overflows buffer (ERR=161) In a MOVE statement, the combined length of elements in the I/O list exceeds size of the record just read. Reduce the size of the I/O list or increase the file's RECORDSIZE. 2 NAMACCNOW Name or account now exists (ERR=16) The program attempted to RENAME a file and a file with that name already exists. Use the KILL statement to erase the old file before using RENAME to name the new file or use a different name. 2 NEGFILSTR Negative fill or string length (ERR=166) A MOVE statement I/O list contains a FILL item or string length with a negative value. Change the FILL item or string length value to be greater than or equal to zero. 2 NEGZERTAB Negative or zero TAB (ERR=176) The program attempted a zero or negative TAB. This error is signaled only for programs compiled with the /ANSI_STANDARD qualifier. Change the argument to the TAB statement. 2 NETOPERR Network operation error (ERR=182) The program attempts to perform an invalid network operation, or the network software failed during a network operation. Take action based on the associated error messages. 2 NO_CURREC No current record (ERR=131) The program attempts a DELETE or UPDATE when the previous GET or FIND failed, or no previous GET or FIND was done. Correct the cause of failure for the previous GET or FIND, or make sure a GET or FIND was done, then retry the operation. 2 NO_PRIKEY No primary key specified (ERR=150) The program attempts to create an INDEXED file without specifying a PRIMARY KEY value. Specify a PRIMARY KEY. 2 NO_ROOUSE No room for user on device (ERR=4) No user storage space exists on the specified device. Delete files that are no longer needed. 2 NODNAMERR Node name error (ERR=175) A file specification's node name contains a syntax error. Supply a valid node name. 2 NOTBASIC Not a BASIC error (ERR=194) The error is not a BASIC error and is not mapped to an alternative BASIC error message. Use RMSSTATUS or VMSSTATUS to access the text of the error message. 2 NOTENDFIL Not at end of file (ERR=149) The program attempted a PUT operation on a sequential file before the last record or without opening the file for WRITE access. OPEN a sequential file with ACCESS APPEND or OPEN the file with ACCESS WRITE. 2 NOTENODAT Not enough data in record (ERR=59) An INPUT statement did not find enough data in one line to satisfy all the specified variables. Supply enough data in the record or reduce the number of specified variables. 2 NOTIMP Not implemented (ERR=250) The program attempted to use a feature that does not exist in this version of BASIC, for example, TIME(4%). 2 NOTRANACC Not a random access device (ERR=64) The program attempts a random access on a device that does not allow such access, for example, a PUT with a record number to a magnetic tape file. Make the access sequential instead of random or use a suitable I/O device. 2 ON_STAOUT ON statement out of range (ERR=58) The index value in an ON GOTO or ON GOSUB statement is less than 1 or greater than the number of line numbers in the list. Check program logic to make sure that the index value is greater than or equal to one, and less than or equal to the number of line numbers in the ON GOTO or ON GOSUB statement. 2 ONEOR_TWO One or two dimensions only (ERR=102) The program contains a MAT statement that attempts to assign more than two dimensions to an array. Change the number of dimensions in the MAT statement to one or two. This error cannot be trapped with a BASIC error handler. 2 PROLOSSOR Internal error in BASIC Run-Time library. Please submit a software problem report. (ERR = 103) A consistency check in the BASIC run-time support failed. Program execution is aborted. This error should never occur. Please submit a software problem report. This error cannot be trapped with a BASIC error handler. 2 NUMCOOINS Number of coordinates insufficient (ERR=281) Insufficient coordinates are provided. A GRAPH POINTS statement requires the coordinates for at least one point. A GRAPH LINES statement requires a minimum of two points. A GRAPH AREA statement requires a minimum of three points. Supply an adequate number of points. 2 ONEOR_TWO One or two dimensions only (ERR=102) The program contains a MAT statement that attempts to assign more than two dimensions to an array. Change the number of dimensions in the MAT statement to one or two. 2 OUTOF_DAT Out of data (ERR=57) A READ statement requested additional data from an exhausted DATA list. Remove the READ statement, reduce the number of variables in the READ statement, or supply more DATA items. 2 PRIKEYOUT Primary key out of sequence (ERR=158) A sequential PUT to an INDEXED file specifies a PRIMARY KEY value lower than that of the preceding record. Sort the records before using PUT on an indexed file. 2 PRIUSIFOR PRINT-USING format error (ERR=116) The program contains a PRINT USING statement with an invalid format string. Change the PRINT USING format string. 2 PROC__TRA Programmable ^C trap (ERR=28) A CTRL/C was typed at the controlling terminal. You can trap this error with an error handler. 2 PROLOSSOR Program lost-Sorry (ERR=103) A fatal system error caused your program to be lost. This error should never occur. Please submit a software performance report. 2 PROVIO Protection violation (ERR=10) The program attempted to read or write to a file whose protection code did not allow the operation. Use a different file, or change the file's protection code or the attempted operation. 2 RECALREXI Record already exists (ERR=153) An attempted random access PUT on a relative file has encountered a pre-existing record. Specify a different record number for the PUT or delete the record. 2 RECATTNOT Record attributes not matched (ERR=228) A RECORDTYPE clause specifies file attributes that do not match those of the file. Change the RECORDTYPE attribute to match that of the file. 2 RECBUCLOC Record/bucket locked (ERR=154) The program attempts to access a record or bucket that has been locked by another program. Retry the operation. 2 RECFILTOO Record on file too big (ERR=157) The specified record is longer than the input buffer. Increase the input buffer's size. 2 RECHASBEE Record has been deleted (ERR=132) A record previously located by its Record File Address (RFA) has been deleted. 2 RECNOTFOU Record not found (ERR=155) A random access GET or FIND was attempted on a deleted or nonexistent record. 2 RECNUMEXC RECORD number exceeds maximum (ERR=147) The specified record number exceeds the maximum specified for this file. Reduce the specified record number. The maximum record number cannot be specified in BASIC; it is either a default, or it was specified by a non-BASIC program when the file was created. 2 RECOVEMAP RECORDSIZE overflows MAP buffer (ERR=185) The OPEN statement specifies a RECORDSIZE value larger than the size of the MAP specified in the MAP clause. Increase the size of the MAP to match the RECORDSIZE value. This error cannot be trapped with a BASIC error handler. 2 REDARR Redimensioned array (ERR=105) The program attempts to redimension an array to have more elements than were originally dimensioned. Change the statement that attempts the redimension or increase the original number elements. 2 REMOVEBUF REMAP overflows buffer (ERR=183) A REMAP statement causes the variables in the dynamic MAP to be associated with nonexistent storage. Change the REMAP statement so that all variables are associated with the storage in the MAP. 2 REMSTRNOT REMAP string is not static (ERR=196) You referenced a string with a REMAP statement that was not declared in COMMON or MAP. Declare the string in the COMMON or MAP statement. 2 RESNO_ERR RESUME and no error (ERR=104) The program either executes a RESUME statement outside of the error handling routine or calls a subprogram from the error handler and the subprogram executes an ON ERROR GO BACK statement. Check program logic to make sure that the RESUME statement is executed only in the error handler, or remove the ON ERROR GO BACK statement from the subprogram. This error cannot be trapped with a BASIC error handler. 2 RETWITGOS RETURN without GOSUB (ERR=72) The program executes a RETURN statement before a GOSUB. Check program logic to make sure that RETURN statements are executed only in subroutines, or remove the RETURN statement. This error cannot be trapped with a BASIC error handler. 2 RRVNOTFUL RRV not fully updated, (ERR=171) RMS wrote a record successfully, but did not update one or more Record Retrieval Vectors. Therefore, you cannot retrieve any records associated with those vectors. Delete the record and rewrite it. 2 SCAFACINT SCALE factor interlock (ERR=127) A subprogram was compiled with a different SCALE factor than the calling program. Recompile one of the programs with a scale factor that matches the other. This error cannot be trapped with a BASIC error handler. 2 SIZRECINV Size of record invalid (ERR=156) The program contains a COUNT or RECORDSIZE specification that is invalid because: o COUNT equals zero o COUNT exceeds the maximum size of the record o COUNT conflicts with the actual size of the current record during a sequential file UPDATE on disk o COUNT does not equal the maximum record size for fixed format records o You specified a record size in the OPEN statement that was unequal to the actual record size established when the file was created. Supply a valid COUNT value in the PUT or UPDATE statement, or a valid RECORDSIZE in the OPEN statement, whichever is applicable. 2 STO Stop (ERR=123) The program executed a STOP statement. Continue execution by typing CONTINUE or terminate execution by typing EXIT. This error cannot be trapped with a BASIC error handler. 2 STRLENZER String length is zero (ERR = 288) A graphics statement references a null string where a null string is illegal. Adjust the string length so that it is greater than zero. 2 STRTOOLON String too long (ERR=227) The program contains a string longer than 65535 bytes. Reduce the length of the string. 2 SUBOUTRAN Subscript out of range (ERR=55) The program attempts to reference an array element outside of the array's DIMENSIONed bounds. Check program logic to make sure that all array references are to elements within the array boundaries. 2 SYNERR Syntax error (ERR=98) The program contains a syntax error. Correct the displayed statement to correspond to the syntax rules of BASIC language elements. This error cannot be trapped with a BASIC error handler. 2 TAPBOTDET Tape BOT detected (ERR=129) The program attempts a rewind or backspace operation on a magtape that is already at the beginning of the file. Check program logic; do not rewind or backspace if the magtape is at the beginning of the file. 2 TAPNOTANS Tape not ANSI labeled (ERR=146) The program attempts to access a file-structured magtape that does not have an ANSI label. Determine the magtape's format by mounting it with the /FOREIGN qualifier and using the DCL DUMP command. You can then access it as a non-file-structured magtape. 2 TAPRECNOT Tape records not ANSI (ERR=128) The records in the magtape you accessed are neither ANSI D nor ANSI F format. Determine the magtape's format by mounting it with the /FOREIGN qualifier and using the DUMP DCL command. 2 TERFORFIL Terminal format file required (ERR=164) The program attempted to use PRINT #, INPUT #, LINPUT #, MAT INPUT #, MAT PRINT #, or PRINT USING # to access a RELATIVE, INDEXED, or VIRTUAL file. Supply a terminal-format file. 2 TOOFEWARG Too few arguments (ERR=97) A function call or SUB or FUNCTION statement passed fewer arguments than were defined in the DEF or subprogram. Change the number of arguments to match the number defined in the DEF or subprogram. This error cannot be trapped with a BASIC error handler. 2 TOOLITDAT Too little data in record (ERR = 189) An INPUT statement did not find enough data in one line to satisfy all the specified variables. This error is signaled only for programs compiled with the /ANSI_STANDARD qualifier. Supply enough data in the record or reduce the number of specified variables. 2 TOOMANARG Too many arguments (ERR=89) A function call or a SUB or FUNCTION statement passed more arguments than were expected. Reduce the number of arguments. A SUB or FUNCTION statement can pass a maximum of approximately 32 arguments: a function call can pass a maximum of eight arguments. This error cannot be trapped with a BASIC error handler. 2 TOOMUCDAT Too much data in record (ERR=177) The user has given too many items in response to the INPUT statement. This error is only signaled for ANSI INPUT. Supply the correct number of items to the INPUT statement or change the INPUT statement. 2 TRANOTDIF Transformation numbers are not different (ERR=260) The same transformation number is used twice in the SET INPUT PRIORITY statement. Specify two different transformations in the SET INPUT PRIORITY statement. 2 UNEFILDAT Unexpired file date (ERR=179) The program attempts to delete a file whose expiration date has not yet passed. 2 UNINUMNOT Unit number is not defined for the device (ERR=282) The specified unit is a method that is not supported by the device. (The default unit is 1.) Verify the supported units for the device and specify a valid unit. 2 UNKGKSERR Unknown GKS error (ERR=286) A graphics error has occurred that is not mapped to a BASIC error message. Use VMSSTATUS to access the text of the VAX GKS error message. 2 USEABOINP User aborted input, locate point canceled (ERR=293) The middle mouse button was pressed during the execution of a graphics input statement that uses a mouse to enter points (e.g. LOCATE POINT). The pressing of the middle mouse button aborts the graphics input statement in progress and the data in the variables used for the graphics input statement is unchanged. The pressing of the middle mouse button during a graphics input statement is analogous to typing CTRL/Z at regular INPUT statement. The program can trap this error in an error handler and attempt the input statement again if so desired. 2 VIRARRDIS Virtual array not on disk (ERR=43) The program attempted to reference a virtual array on a non-disk device, or the virtual array is not opened as ORGANIZATION VIRTUAL. Virtual arrays must be on disk; change the file specification in the OPEN statement for this array. Open the file with ORGANIZATION VIRTUAL. 2 VIRARROPE Virtual array not yet open (ERR=45) The program attempted to reference a virtual array before opening the associated disk file. OPEN the disk file containing the virtual array before referencing the array. 2 VIRBUFTOO Virtual buffer too large (ERR=42) The program attempted to access a VIRTUAL file and the buffer size was not a multiple of 512 bytes. Change the I/O buffer to be a multiple of 512 bytes. 2 WHA What? (ERR=109) A command or immediate mode statement could not be processed. Check for illegal verbs or improper formats. This error cannot be trapped with a BASIC error handler. 2 ERR1 See BADDIRDEV 2 ERR2 See ILLFILNAM 2 ERR4 See NO_ROOUSE 2 ERR5 See CANFINFIL 2 ERR7 See IO_CHAALR 2 ERR9 See IO_CHANOT 2 ERR10 See PROVIO 2 ERR11 See ENDFILDEV 2 ERR12 See FATSYSIO_ 2 ERR14 See DEVHUNWRI 2 ERR15 See KEYWAIEXH 2 ERR16 See NAMACCNOW 2 ERR18 See ILLSYSUSA 2 ERR28 See PROC__TRA 2 ERR29 See CORFILSTR 2 ERR31 See ILLBYTCOU 2 ERR35 See MEMMANVIO 2 ERR42 See VIRBUFTOO 2 ERR43 See VIRARRDIS 2 ERR45 See VIRARROPE 2 ERR46 See ILLIO_CHA 2 ERR47 See LINTOOLON 2 ERR48 See FLOPOIERR 2 ERR49 See ARGTOOLAR 2 ERR50 See DATFORERR 2 ERR51 See INTERR 2 ERR52 See ILLNUM 2 ERR53 See ILLARGLOG 2 ERR54 See IMASQUROO 2 ERR55 See SUBOUTRAN 2 ERR56 See CANINVMAT 2 ERR57 See OUTOF_DAT 2 ERR58 See ON_STAOUT 2 ERR59 See NOTENODAT 2 ERR61 See DIVBY_ZER 2 ERR63 See FIEOVEBUF 2 ERR64 See NOTRANACC 2 ERR66 See MISSPEFEA 2 ERR67 See ILLSWIUSA 2 ERR72 See RETWITGOS 2 ERR73 See FNEWITFUN 2 ERR88 See ARGDONMAT 2 ERR89 See TOOMANARG 2 ERR97 See TOOFEWARG 2 ERR98 See SYNERR 2 ERR101 See DATTYPERR 2 ERR102 See ONEOR_TWO 2 ERR103 See PROLOSSOR 2 ERR104 See RESNO_ERR 2 ERR105 See REDARR 2 ERR109 See WHA 2 ERR116 See PRIUSIFOR 2 ERR122 See ILLFIEVAR 2 ERR123 See STO 2 ERR124 See MATDIMERR 2 ERR126 See MAXMEMEXC 2 ERR127 See SCAFACINT 2 ERR128 See TAPRECNOT 2 ERR129 See TAPBOTDET 2 ERR130 See KEYNOTCHA 2 ERR131 See NO_CURREC 2 ERR132 See RECHASBEE 2 ERR133 See ILLUSADEV 2 ERR134 See DUPKEYDET 2 ERR136 See ILLILLACC 2 ERR137 See ILLKEYATT 2 ERR138 See FILIS_LOC 2 ERR139 See INVFILOPT 2 ERR141 See ILLOPE 2 ERR142 See ILLRECFIL 2 ERR143 See BADRECIDE 2 ERR144 See INVKEYREF 2 ERR145 See KEYSIZTOO 2 ERR146 See TAPNOTANS 2 ERR147 See RECNUMEXC 2 ERR148 See BADRECVAL 2 ERR149 See NOTENDFIL 2 ERR150 See NO_PRIKEY 2 ERR151 See KEYFIEBEY 2 ERR152 See ILLRECACC 2 ERR153 See RECALREXI 2 ERR154 See RECBUCLOC 2 ERR155 See RECNOTFOU 2 ERR156 See SIZRECINV 2 ERR157 See RECFILTOO 2 ERR158 See PRIKEYOUT 2 ERR159 See KEYLARTHA 2 ERR160 See FILATTNOT 2 ERR161 See MOVOVEBUF 2 ERR162 See CANOPEFIL 2 ERR164 See TERFORFIL 2 ERR166 See NEGFILSTR 2 ERR168 See ILLALLCLA 2 ERR170 See INDNOTFUL 2 ERR171 See RRVNOTFUL 2 ERR173 See INVRFAFIE 2 ERR174 See FILEXPDAT 2 ERR175 See NODNAMERR 2 ERR176 See NEGZERTAB 2 ERR177 See TOOMUCDAT 2 ERR178 See ERRFILCOR 2 ERR179 See UNEFILDAT 2 ERR181 See DECERR 2 ERR182 See NETOPERR 2 ERR183 See REMOVEBUF 2 ERR185 See RECOVEMAP 2 ERR186 See IMPERRHAN 2 ERR187 See ILLRECLOC 2 ERR189 See TOOLITDAT 2 ERR190 See ILLNETOPE 2 ERR191 See ILLTFFOPE 2 ERR192 See ILLWAIVAL 2 ERR193 See DEADLOCK 2 ERR194 See NOTBASIC 2 ERR195 See DIMOUTRAN 2 ERR196 See REMSTRNOT 2 ERR197 See ARRTOOSMA 2 ERR226 See GKSNOTINS 2 ERR227 See STRTOOLON 2 ERR228 See RECATTNOT 2 ERR229 See DIFUSELON 2 ERR238 See ARRMUSSAM 2 ERR239 See ARRMUSSQU 2 ERR240 See CANCHAARR 2 ERR245 See ILLEXIDEF 2 ERR246 See ERRTRANEE 2 ERR247 See ILLRESSUB 2 ERR250 See NOTIMP 2 ERR252 See FILACPFAI 2 ERR253 See DIRERR 2 ERR256 See ECHTYPNOT 2 ERR257 See ILLTRANUM 2 ERR258 See ILLPICOPE 2 ERR259 See CLIPONOFF 2 ERR260 See TRANOTDIF 2 ERR261 See COLNOTCON 2 ERR262 See ILLARESTY 2 ERR263 See ILLTEXJUS 2 ERR264 See ILLTEXPRE 2 ERR265 See ILLTEXPAT 2 ERR266 See ILLDEVID 2 ERR267 See DEVTYPNOT 2 ERR268 See DEVNOTOPE 2 ERR269 See DEVOUTMET 2 ERR270 See DEVINMET 2 ERR272 See DEVOPEING 2 ERR273 See COONOTNDC 2 ERR274 See ILLLINSTY 2 ERR275 See ILLLINSIZ 2 ERR276 See ILLPOISTY 2 ERR277 See ILLTEXRAT 2 ERR278 See ILLTEXHEI 2 ERR279 See ILLSTYIND 2 ERR280 See ILLCOLIND 2 ERR281 See NUMCOOINS 2 ERR282 See UNINUMNOT 2 ERR283 See ILLECHARE 2 ERR284 See ILLINIVAL 2 ERR285 See ENTPOINOT 2 ERR286 See UNKGKSERR 2 ERR287 See INVCHASTR 2 ERR288 See STRLENZER 2 ERR289 See DATOVERF 2 ERR290 See ILLCNTCLA 2 ERR291 See ILLCOLMIX 2 ERR292 See ILLDEVNAM 2 ERR293 See USEABOINP