1 MOD The MOD function divides a numeric value by another numeric value and returns the remainder. Example B% = MOD(A,70) 2 Syntax num-var = MOD (num-exp, num-exp) Status: 200 OK Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Last-Modified: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 06:15:19 GMT Script-Control: X-stream-mode=1 1 Modifiers Statement modifiers qualify or restrict a statement. They let you execute a statement conditionally or create an implied loop. A modifier affects only the statement immediately preceding it. You can modify only executable statements. The FOR, UNTIL, and WHILE modifiers create a loop on a single line. A statement modified by FOR executes until the loop variable reaches its upper limit. A statement modified by UNTIL executes as long as cond-exp is false. A statement modified by WHILE executes as long as cond-exp is true. The IF and UNLESS modifiers test a conditional expression. A statement modified by IF executes only when cond-exp is true. No THEN or ELSE clause can follow the IF modifier. A statement modified by UNLESS executes only when cond-exp is false. Example PRINT X IF X <> 0 Format statement modifier cond-exp