1 MAT The MAT statement lets you implicitly create and manipulate one- and two-dimensional arrays. You can use the MAT statement to assign values to array elements, or to redimension a previously dimensioned array. You can also perform matrix arithmetic operations such as multiplication, addition, and subtraction, and other matrix operations such as transposing and inverting matrices. For information on the graphics MAT PLOT or MAT...POINT statements, type either "Graphics MAT_PLOT" or "Graphics MAT...POINT" at the help facility prompt "Topic?". Examples: MAT First_array = ZER MAT String_array = NUL$ MAT A = B + C MAT C = (55.2) * First_array 2 Syntax Initialization (Numeric): { CON } MAT num-array = { IDN } [ ( int-exp1 [, int-exp2 ] ) ] { ZER } Initialization (String): MAT str-array = NUL$ [ ( int-exp1 [, int-exp2 ] ) ] Array Arithmetic: [ { + } ] MAT num-array1 = num-array2 [ { - } num-array3 ] [ { * } ] MAT num-array1 = num-array2 * num-array3 [* num-array4] ,... Scalar Multiplication: MAT num-array4 = ( num-exp ) * num-array5 Inversion and Transposition: { TRN } MAT num-array6 = { INV } ( num-array7 ) 2 INPUT The MAT INPUT statement assigns values from a terminal or terminal-format file to array elements. Example MAT INPUT Emp_name$(10,10) 3 Syntax MAT INPUT [ chnl-exp, ] { array [ (int-exp1 [,int-exp2]) ] },... 2 LINPUT The MAT LINPUT statement receives string data from a terminal or terminal-format file and assigns it to string array elements. Example MAT LINPUT Time_card$(10%) 3 Syntax MAT LINPUT [chnl-exp,] { str-array [ (int-exp1 [,int-exp2]) ] },... 2 PRINT The MAT PRINT statement prints the contents of a one- or two-dimensional array on your terminal or assigns the value of each array element to a record in a terminal-format file. Example MAT PRINT Arr1(5,5) 3 Syntax MAT PRINT [chnl-exp,] {array [(int-exp1 [,int-exp2])] [{ , }]}... { ; } 2 READ The MAT READ statement assigns values from DATA statements to array elements. Example MAT READ Animal$(2,2) DATA CAT,DOG,GOAT,RABBIT 3 Syntax MAT READ { array [ ( int-exp1 [, int-exp2 ] ) ] },...