1 Line
 A BASIC program is a series of lines containing instructions for the BASIC
 compiler.   A  BASIC  program  line can contain a line number, one or more
 statements, an optional comment field, and a line terminator.

 LINE is also a special immediate mode variable that  allows  the  user  to
 determine  what statement was executing if a program was interrupted.  For
 example, if a CTRL/C is typed when a program was executing line  100,  the
 immediate mode statement PRINT LINE would display 100.

2 Ampersand
 An ampersand (&), followed immediately by a carriage return, allows  you
 to continue a BASIC statement on the next line.

2 Backslash
 The  backslash  statement  separator  (\)  separates  statements  in   a
 multi-statement line.

2 Continuation
 BASIC statements can be continued to the next text line if they end with
 an ampersand (&) immediately followed by a line terminator.

2 Length
 A text line (numbered line or continuation line) can contain up  to  255

2 Numbers
 Line numbers are optional; you can compile, link and run a BASIC program
 without specifying line numbers.

 BASIC line numbers are positive whole numbers in the range 1  to  32767,
 inclusive.   Numbers  outside  this  range, fractional line numbers, and
 line numbers with embedded spaces or tabs generate errors.  Line numbers
 with  percent  signs  are  flagged  as  a  declining  feature  when  the
 /FLAG=DECLINING qualifier is enabled.  Leading zeroes are ignored.

 In the BASIC environment, if the first line of a  program  has  no  line
 number,  BASIC  assumes  that  the  entire  program is a line-numberless

 If you have a line-numberless program  that  contains  multiple  program
 units,  the  point at which BASIC breaks each program unit is determined
 by the placement of the statement that terminates the program unit.  Any
 text  that  follows  the  program terminator becomes associated with the
 following program unit.  A program terminator can be any  END  statement
 such as an END PROGRAM statement followed by any valid expression.

2 Terminators
 A carriage return/line feed sequence (<RETURN>) ends a program line.