1 GET The GET statement moves a record from a file to a record buffer and makes the data available for processing. GET statements are valid on RMS sequential, relative, indexed, and block I/O files. For information on the graphics GET POINT statement, type "Graphics GET_POINT" at the help facility prompt "Topic?". Examples GET #1% GET #2%, RECORD 155%, WAIT 0% GET #1%, KEY #0 EQ "JONES" GET #2%, RFA Address(5) GET #1%, RECORD A%, ALLOW READ 2 Syntax GET chnl-exp [, position-clause ] [, lock-clause ] { RFA rfa-var } position-clause: { RECORD num-exp } { KEY # key-clause } lock-clause: { ALLOW allow-clause [WAIT [int-exp]] } { WAIT [int-exp] } { REGARDLESS } { NONE } allow-clause: { READ } { MODIFY } { str-exp } key-clause: int-exp1 rel-op { int-exp2 } { decimal-exp } { quadword-exp } { EQ } rel-op: { GE } { GT } { NX } { NXEQ } Status: 200 OK Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Last-Modified: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 06:15:19 GMT Script-Control: X-stream-mode=1 1 GETRFA The GETRFA function returns the Record File Address (RFA) of the last record accessed in an RMS file open on a specified channel. Example FOR I% = 1% TO 100% PUT #1 R_array(I%) = GETRFA(1%) NEXT I% 2 Syntax rfa-var = GETRFA(chnl-exp)