VMS Help

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)


    Specifies that you are initializing an output queue of a
    particular type. If you are reinitializing an existing queue,
    you can use the /DEVICE qualifier only if the queue was created
    as an output queue. Possible options are as follows:

    PRINTER     Indicates a printer queue.

    SERVER      Indicates a server queue. A server queue is
                controlled by the user-modified or user-written
                symbiont specified with the /PROCESSOR qualifier.

    TERMINAL    Indicates a terminal queue.

    If you specify the /DEVICE qualifier without a queue type, the
    /DEVICE=PRINTER qualifier is used by default.

    An output queue is classified as either an execution or generic
    queue. By default, the /DEVICE qualifier initializes an execution
    queue of the designated type. To specify a generic printer,
    server, or terminal queue, use the /GENERIC qualifier with the
    /DEVICE qualifier.

    You specify the queue type with the /DEVICE qualifier for
    informational purposes. When an output execution queue is
    started, the symbiont associated with the queue determines
    the actual queue type. The standard symbiont examines device
    characteristics to establish whether the queue should be marked
    as printer or terminal. By convention, user-modified and user-
    written symbionts mark the queue as a server queue. The device
    type of a generic queue need not match the device type of its
    execution queues.

    The /DEVICE and /BATCH qualifiers are mutually exclusive; the
    /NODEVICE and /NOBATCH qualifiers cannot be used together.
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