VMS Help
FORTRAN, Statements, Directive Statements, INIT_DEP_FWD

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)


  The INIT_DEP_FWD (INITialize DEPendences ForWarD) directive
  specifies that the compiler is to begin its dependence analysis by
  assuming all dependences occur in the same forward direction as
  their appearance in the normal scalar execution order.  This
  contrasts with the normal compiler behavior, which is for the
  dependence analysis to make no initial assumptions about the
  direction of a dependence.

  The INIT_DEP_FWD directive must precede the DO statement for each
  DO loop.  No source code lines, other than the following, can be
  placed between the INIT_DEP_FWD directive statement and the DO
  statement:  an optional CPAR$ DO_PARALLEL directive, a CDEC$
  NOVECTOR directive, placeholder lines, comment lines, or blank
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