The License Management utility (LICENSE) is a DCL-level interface
   to the License Management Facility (LMF). LMF provides tools for
   managing software license information in the License Database
   and controlling the loading of licenses registered there. This
   database is located in SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB.

   Most Compaq software products require license registration as
   part of the normal product installation before users can access
   the product. The LICENSE commands are:


2  Usage_Summary
To use the License Management utility (LICENSE), enter a LICENSE
command and subcommand at the DCL prompt ($).  For example, you can
enter short commands on one line:

   Or you can enter long command strings followed by a hyphen (-)
   before pressing Return each time:

   _$ /PRODUCER=DEC /UNITS=1200 /VERSION=7.0 -


      Enter the LICENSE commands carefully. LICENSE command
      strings can be long. If so, type a hyphen (-) at the end
      of a screen line to continue entering the same command.

      LMF may return only a checksum error when you omit or
      incorrectly enter information. Therefore, before you press
      Return, carefully check the characters you typed on each

      For most of the LICENSE commands, you can eliminate
      some typing by using the command procedure

   All the LICENSE commands except LICENSE START, LICENSE LOAD, and
   LICENSE UNLOAD manipulate only the LMF databases. Thus, to enter
   most LICENSE commands, you need only the privileges required
   to access the License Databases. The License Database is file-
   based; normal file protection applies. LMF provides the License
   Database with a default file access of read and write privileges
   to system-level processes (S:RW).

   commands, you need the privilege to change mode to kernel
   (CMKRNL) and to create system logical names (SYSNAM) and system
   privileges (SYSPRV).

   Some commands change license record fields in the License
   Database. LMF writes a history record when you use the following


   To display a listing of current and history records of licenses
   registered in the License Database, use LICENSE LIST. To display
   the licenses active on the current node, use the DCL command SHOW

   In some special circumstances, OpenVMS licenses are in a separate
   License Database located in SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE]LMF$SYSTEM.LDB.
   Your LICENSE commands must identify this database with the
   /DATABASE qualifier.

   Many of the LICENSE commands can affect more than one license
   simultaneously. You can control which licenses a command
   affects by adding more than one product name in the product-
   name parameter, using the /ALL qualifier, or using the standard
   DCL wildcard characters (* and %) in your command strings. Using
   the wildcard character (*) in the product-name parameter implies
   the use of /ALL.

   Many of the qualifiers are positional, allowing further control
   for the management of large License Databases. With multiple
   parameters, positional qualifiers affect only the preceding
   parameter. A positional qualifier that precedes every parameter,
   however, affects them all equally.

   Copies licenses from one License Database to another. When you
   use LICENSE COPY, LMF disables the source license and registers
   a copy in the destination License Database as if it were a new
   license. If the terms and conditions of your license contract
   allow it, you can reenable the source database license by using

   LICENSE COPY cannot be used to create a copy of a license in the
   same database as the source of the copy.


     LICENSE COPY  product-name[,...] output-database

3  Parameters


   Name or names of products with a license to be copied to the
   output License Database.


   File specification of the License Database to which the license
   or licenses should be copied. This database must have been
   previously created using LICENSE CREATE.

   If you enter a partial file specification (for example,
   specifying only a directory), LMF$LICENSE is the default file
   name, and .LDB is the default file type. If you do not specify a
   device or directory, the current default device and directory are

3  Qualifiers


   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies that all licenses with the given product name should
   be copied. This qualifier affects only the product name that
   immediately precedes it in the command string.



   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies a string that helps identify the license you want to
   copy. You must enter the authorization string exactly as it
   appears on your PAK. Use this optional qualifier only if you
   need it to identify the license. This qualifier affects only the
   product name that immediately precedes it in the command string.



   Specifies the location of the License Database from which
   the license should be copied. The default file specification
   is defined by the logical name LMF$LICENSE, which points to
   system. Use this optional qualifier only if you do not use the
   default License Database name and location.



   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies the name of the company (for example, DEC) that issued
   the PAK for the product. Use this optional qualifier only if you
   need to identify the license. This qualifier affects only the
   product name that immediately precedes it in the command string.


      /NOLOG (default)

   Controls whether LICENSE COPY displays the name of each license
   that it copies.



   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies the name of the company (for example, DEC) that owns
   the product for which you have a license. Use this optional
   qualifier only if you need to identify the license. This
   qualifier affects only the product name that immediately precedes
   it in the command string.

3  Description
   To copy a license from one database to another, use LICENSE COPY.
   The following conditions apply to a LICENSE COPY transaction:

   o  The status of the source database license changes to disabled.

   o  Network copies are supported within the limits of remote
      FAL access. If you use access control strings, such as
       "USERNAME password" within the file specification, the actual
      password string is not stored.

   o  LICENSE COPY does not transfer any user-supplied data such as
      reservation lists, modified termination dates, modified units,
      include or exclude node lists, or comments.

3  Examples


     This command copies the Fortran license in the default License
     Database to the BACKUP_DATA:BACKUP.LDB License Database. This
     command fails if there is more than one Fortran license in the
     default database.


     This command copies the Fortran license in the source License
     Database to the BACKUP_DATA2:BACKUP2.LDB License Database. This
     command fails if there is more than one Fortran license in the
     source database.


     This command copies all Fortran licenses in the default License
     Database to the BACKUP_DATA:BACKUP.LDB License Database.


     This command copies all licenses whose product names begin
     with the string "FOR" from the default License Database to the
     BACKUP_DATA:BACKUP.LDB License Database. In this case, using
     the wildcard character (*) implies the use of /ALL.


     This command copies all licenses from the default License
     Database to the BACKUP_DATA:BACKUP.LDB License Database. In
     this case, using the wildcard character (*) implies the use of


     This command copies all licenses with the producer name DEC
     from the default License Database to the BACKUP_DATA:BACKUP.LDB
     License Database. In this case, using the wildcard character
     (*) implies the use of /ALL.


     This command copies all licenses beginning with a "D" followed
     by any two characters from the default License Database to the
     BACKUP_DATA:BACKUP.LDB License Database. In this case, using
     the wildcard character (%) implies the use of /ALL.

   Creates a License Database with no license records.
   Because LMF provides a default License Database in
   SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB when OpenVMS is installed,
   you do not typically need to use this command.

   To use LMF, you must have a License Database file
   and the License Unit Requirement Table (LURT) file
   (SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LURT.DAT), which comes installed with



3  Qualifier



   Specifies the location of the License Database. The default file
   specification is defined by the logical name LMF$LICENSE, which
   points to SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB on an unmodified
   OpenVMS system.

3  Example


     This command creates the License Database named LMF$LICENSE.LDB
     in the directory SYS$MANAGER.

   Deletes one or more licenses and all history information for
   those licenses from the License Database. Deleted licenses are no
   longer available to the system for any use.


     LICENSE DELETE  product-name[,...]

3  Parameter


   Name or names of products with a license to be removed from the
   License Database. You can delete only licenses that have been

3  Qualifiers


   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies that all licenses with the given product name should
   be deleted. This qualifier affects only the product name that
   immediately precedes it in the command string.



   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies a string that helps identify the license you want to
   delete. You must enter the authorization string exactly as it
   appears on your PAK. Use this optional qualifier only if you
   need it to identify the license. This qualifier affects only the
   product name that immediately precedes it in the command string.



   Specifies the location of the License Database from which
   the license or licenses should be deleted. The default file
   specification is defined by the logical name LMF$LICENSE, which
   points to SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB on an unmodified
   OpenVMS system. Use this optional qualifier only if you do not
   use the default License Database name and location.



   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies the name of the company (for example, DEC) that issued
   the PAK for the product. Use this optional qualifier only if you
   need it to identify the license. This qualifier affects only the
   product name that immediately precedes it in the command string.


      /NOLOG (default)

   Controls whether LICENSE DELETE displays the name of each license
   that it deletes.



   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies the name of the company (for example, DEC) that owns
   the product for which you have a license. Use this optional
   qualifier only if you need it to identify the license. This
   qualifier affects only the product name that immediately precedes
   it in the command string.



   Positional qualifier.

   Selects licenses to be deleted according to the product-name
   parameter specified and one or more license status keywords from
   the following list:

   o  ALL (default)-Deletes all specified licenses in the database.

   o  ACTIVE-Deletes all specified enabled licenses in the database.
      ACTIVE status means that the registered license is enabled for
      loading. For backward compatibility, the LICENSE LIST command
      identifies enabled licenses as having a status of active.

   o  DISABLED-Deletes all specified disabled licenses in the

   o  EXTINCT-Purges specified license information by deleting all
      extinct license records in the database. Extinct records are
      history records retained after a license is modified.

   o  CANCELED-Deletes all specified canceled licenses in the
      database. Note that current versions of LMF do not set license
      status to canceled. Old licenses may have this status.

   If you enter more than one keyword, separate them with commas,
   and enclose the list in parentheses. You can abbreviate each
   option to the minimum number of characters needed to uniquely
   identify it.

3  Description
   Use LICENSE DELETE to delete licenses from the License Database.
   To tailor your command, use options to the /STATUS qualifier and
   wildcard characters in product name strings.

   File space is not released following LICENSE DELETE commands.
   For information on retrieving Record Management Services (RMS)
   file space, see the OpenVMS Record Management Utilities Reference

3  Examples


     This command deletes the Fortran license from the default
     License Database.


     This command deletes the Fortran, COBOL and Pascal licenses
     from the default License Database.


     This command deletes the Fortran license from the
     MY$DISK:MYDATA.LDB License Database.


     This command deletes all licenses for the product named Fortran
     issued by XYLASOFT from the default License Database. If there
     are licenses for products named Fortran issued by companies
     other than XYLASOFT, they are not deleted.


     This command deletes all license records with a status of
     EXTINCT from the database. This is effectively a purge of all
     historical information.

   Disables a license currently registered in the License Database.


     LICENSE DISABLE  product-name[,...]

3  Parameter


   Name or names of products with a license that you want to
   disable. You can disable only licenses that currently exist
   in the License Database. Enter the product name exactly as it
   appears on your Product Authorization Key (PAK).

3  Qualifiers


   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies that all licenses with the given product name should
   be disabled. This qualifier affects only the product name that
   immediately precedes it in the command string.



   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies a string that helps identify the license you want to
   disable. You must enter the authorization string exactly as it
   appears on your PAK. Use this optional qualifier only if you
   need it to identify the license. This qualifier affects only the
   product name that immediately precedes it in the command string.



   Specifies the location of the License Database. The default file
   specification is defined by the logical name LMF$LICENSE, which
   points to SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB on an unmodified
   OpenVMS system. Use this optional qualifier only if you do not
   use the default License Database name and location.



   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies the name of the company (for example, DEC) that issued
   the PAK for the product. Use this optional qualifier only if you
   need it to identify the license. This qualifier affects only the
   product name that immediately precedes it in the command string.


      /NOLOG (default)

   Controls whether LICENSE DISABLE displays the name of each
   license that it disables.



   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies the name of the company (for example, DEC) that owns
   the product for which you have a license. Use this optional
   qualifier only if you need it to identify the license. This
   qualifier affects only the product name that immediately precedes
   it in the command string.

3  Description
   LICENSE DISABLE does not immediately affect loaded licenses. To
   affect a loaded license, you must first enter a LICENSE UNLOAD
   command, which unloads the license, but allows current processes
   to finish using the product. Note that to immediately disable all
   loaded licences, you must shut down the system.

   You cannot use LICENSE LOAD to activate a disabled license; you
   must first use LICENSE ENABLE.

   LMF does not display error messages when either you or the system
   attempts to unload a disabled license.

3  Example


     This command disables the license for ABCD software produced by
     Compaq. Because no database is specified, LMF uses the default

   Enables an existing license in the License Database so that you
   can load it with LICENSE LOAD. This command cancels the effect
   the license disabled. Newly registered licenses are enabled by


     LICENSE ENABLE  product-name[,...]

3  Parameter


   Name or names of products with a license to enable. You can
   enable only licenses that currently exist in the License
   Database. Enter the product name exactly as it appears on your

3  Qualifiers


   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies that all licenses with the given product name should
   be enabled. This qualifier affects only the product name that
   immediately precedes it in the command string.



   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies a string that helps identify the license you want to
   enable. You must enter the authorization string exactly as it
   appears on your PAK. Use this optional qualifier only if you
   need it to identify the license. This qualifier affects only the
   product name that immediately precedes it in the command string.



   Specifies the location of the License Database. The default file
   specification is defined by the logical name LMF$LICENSE, which
   points to SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB on an unmodified
   OpenVMS system. Use this optional qualifier only if you do not
   use the default License Database name and location.



   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies the name of the company (for example, DEC) that issued
   the PAK for the product. Use this optional qualifier only if you
   need it to identify the license. This qualifier affects only the
   product name that immediately precedes it in the command string.


      /NOLOG (default)

   Controls whether LICENSE ENABLE displays the name of each license
   that it enables.



   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies the name of the company (for example, DEC) that owns
   the product for which you have a license. Use this optional
   qualifier only if you need it to identify the license. This
   qualifier affects only the product name that immediately precedes
   it in the command string.

3  Description
   Use LICENSE ENABLE to reestablish disabled licenses as available
   for loading with a LICENSE LOAD command.

   Enabled licenses can combine with other licenses when loaded for
   use. Do not enable a license that has expired, and be sure that
   all include, exclude, and reservation lists are up to date.

   Use LICENSE LIST to inspect each license before you enable it.
   Use LICENSE MODIFY to change include, exclude, and reservation

   Because errors do not occur until enabled licenses are loaded,
   consider entering LICENSE LOAD immediately to load each newly
   enabled license on each appropriate node in an OpenVMS Cluster.
   If another combinable license for the same product is already
   loaded, first unload it with LICENSE UNLOAD. Use the DCL command
   SHOW LICENSE to see which licenses are currently active on your
   system. After you unload the other license, enter LICENSE LOAD
   to load the combination of the newly enabled license and the
   previously active license.

3  Example


     This command enables the license for DECset software. Because
     no database is specified, LMF uses the default database. Next,
     load the license with LICENSE LOAD.

   Produces a replica of a Product Authorization Key (PAK) that
   is sent to a file or displayed on your terminal (the default).
   If the terms and conditions of your license contract allow it,
   you can then enter this PAK replica in the License Database of
   another processor. When you enter LICENSE ISSUE, LMF disables
   the license in the current License Database and marks the license
   DISABLED. To enable a license that has been marked ISSUED, enter

   For License Databases connected to a network, consider using


     LICENSE ISSUE  product-name[,...]

3  Parameter


   Name or names of products with a license to be issued. You can
   issue only licenses that currently exist in the License Database.
   Enter the product name exactly as it appears on your PAK.

3  Qualifiers


   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies that all licenses with the given product name should
   be issued. This qualifier affects only the product name that
   immediately precedes it in the command string.



   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies a string that helps identify the license you want to
   issue. You must enter the authorization string exactly as it
   appears on your PAK. Use this optional qualifier only if you
   need it to identify the license. This qualifier affects only the
   product name that immediately precedes it in the command string.



   Specifies the location of the License Database. The default file
   specification is defined by the logical name LMF$LICENSE, which
   points to SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB on an unmodified
   OpenVMS system. Use this optional qualifier only if you do not
   use the default License Database name and location.



   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies the name of the company (for example, DEC) that issued
   the PAK for the product. Use this optional qualifier only if you
   need it to identify the license. This qualifier affects only the
   product name that immediately precedes it in the command string.


      /NOLOG (default)

   Controls whether LICENSE ISSUE displays the name of each license
   that it issues.



   Specifies the name of the file to which your PAK replica is
   written. If you do not specify the /OUTPUT qualifier, or if
   you do not supply a file specification with this qualifier, the
   output is sent to SYS$OUTPUT.

   If you specify a file name that already exists, this command
   creates a new version of the file. If you specify a complete file
   name and version that already exists, this command appends the
   PAK replica to the existing file.


      /NOPROCEDURE (default)

   Specifies that the PAK replica is to be written in the form of a
   DCL command procedure. Use /PROCEDURE with the /OUTPUT qualifier
   to create a command procedure in a file. Then you can invoke the
   procedure to register the PAK replica in the License Database of
   another processor.

   If you do not specify the /OUTPUT qualifier with /PROCEDURE,
   or if you do not supply a file specification with the /OUTPUT
   qualifier, the procedure is sent to SYS$OUTPUT.



   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies the name of the company (for example, DEC) that owns
   the product for which you have a license. Use this optional
   qualifier only if you need it to identify the license. This
   qualifier affects only the product name that immediately precedes
   it in the command string.

3  Description
   If your license contract allows it, use LICENSE ISSUE to
   move a license from a License Database on one processor (or
   OpenVMS Cluster environment) to a License Database on another
   processor. To move a license, enter LICENSE ISSUE, including
   enough PAK information to clearly identify the license. LICENSE
   ISSUE automatically disables the current license but does
   not immediately unload it; LMF does not terminate any active
   processes. To unload the license, enter a LICENSE UNLOAD command.

   After you issue the PAK replica, read the information, and
   register it on the new processor as you would any PAK, or, if
   you used the /PROCEDURE qualifier with the /OUTPUT qualifier,
   invoke the new DCL command procedure to register the license.

   Note that the PAK replica includes only PAK information
   registered with a LICENSE REGISTER command. The replica does
   not include any changes made with other LICENSE commands.

3  Examples


     This command issues a PAK replica, which you can use to
     register the Fortran license on a new processor (or OpenVMS
     Cluster environment), and puts it into the file named
     FORTRAN.PAK. The next step is to print the file, read the
     information, and, using a LICENSE REGISTER command or
     VMSLICENSE.COM, enter the correct information in the License
     Database of the new processor. The Fortran license in the
     current License Database is marked ISSUED and is disabled.


     This command displays, at the current terminal, a PAK replica
     with the information from the VOLSHAD (VAX Volume Shadowing)
     license. This display is reproduced below. The license
     registered in the current License Database is marked ISSUED
     and is disabled. You can register the data from this replica of
     a PAK in the License Database of another processor using either

       Software Product Authorization Key Replica
       Issued by CASPER
       Issued on 24-FEB-2001 14:23
       Issuer:             DEC
       Authorization:      ALS-WM-93166-5573
       Product Name:       VOLSHAD
       Producer:           DEC
       Units:              460
       Version:            5.4
       PAK Termination Date:   31-DEC-2001
       Availability:       E
       Options:            MOD_UNITS
       Checksum:           1-ADEB-DOCJ-NENC-KDBM


     This command generates a DCL command procedure such as the
     following to be used for registering the specified license in a
     License Database:

       $! Software Product Authorization Key Replica
       $! Issued by CASPER
       $! Issued on 23-Oct-2001 14:23
        /ISSUER=DEC -
        /PRODUCER=DEC -
        /UNITS=400 -
        /VERSION=5.4 -

   Displays information from the License Database on disk about
   the specified license or licenses. Use one or more qualifiers to
   control the form, content, and location of information displayed.

   The SHOW LICENSE command, described in the OpenVMS DCL
   Dictionary, displays information from the License Database in


     LICENSE LIST  [product-name[,...]]

3  Parameter


   Name or names of products with a license that you want to
   list. You can list only licenses that currently exist on disk
   in the License Database. You can specify one product name or
   use wildcard characters to display licenses. The product-name
   parameter is optional; the default is to display all of the

3  Qualifiers



   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies a string that helps identify the license you want to
   list. You must enter the authorization string exactly as it
   appears on your PAK. Use this optional qualifier only if you
   need it to identify the license.

   This qualifier affects only the product name that immediately
   precedes it in the command string.


   Used with /TERMINATION_DATE and /RELEASE_DATE, selects only those
   licenses whose times are before the time specified with the other

   The /BEFORE qualifier cannot be used with the /SINCE qualifier.


      /BRIEF (default)

   Specifies a listing from the License Database that includes only
   the license product and producer names.



   Specifies the location of the License Database. The default file
   specification is defined by the logical name LMF$LICENSE, which
   points to SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB on an unmodified
   OpenVMS system. Use this optional qualifier only if you do not
   use the default License Database name and location.


   Specifies a listing from the License Database that includes a
   full display of the specified license or licenses.


   Specifies a listing from the License Database that includes the
   history records in the License Database for the specified license
   or licenses.



   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies the name of the company (for example, DEC) that issued
   the PAK for the product. Use this optional qualifier only if you
   need it to identify the license. This qualifier affects only the
   product name that immediately precedes it in the command string.



   Specifies the name of the file to which your list is written. If
   you do not specify the /OUTPUT qualifier, or if you do not supply
   a file specification with this qualifier, the output is sent to



   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies the name of the company (for example, DEC) that owns
   the product for which you have a license. Use this optional
   qualifier only if you need it to identify the license.

   This qualifier affects only the product name that immediately
   precedes it in the command string.



   Used with /BEFORE or /SINCE, specifies a listing from the License
   Database that includes only licenses with a release date on
   or after the date specified. The date must be presented in the
   standard OpenVMS format: dd-mmm-yyyy. The default value is /SINCE


   Produces a full display that includes the current selection
   weights assigned to individual PAKs.


   Used with /TERMINATION_DATE and /RELEASE_DATE, selects only those
   licenses whose times are after the time specified with the other

   /SINCE cannot be used with /BEFORE.



   Used with /BEFORE or /SINCE, specifies a listing from the License
   Database that includes only licenses with a termination date on
   or after the date specified. The date must be presented in the
   standard OpenVMS format: dd-mmm-yyyy. The default value is /SINCE



   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies the version number of the product for which you have
   a license. Versions use the format integer.integer. You can
   specify wildcard syntax as *.* but not * alone. Use this optional
   qualifier only if you need it to identify the license. This
   qualifier affects only the product name that immediately precedes
   it in the command string.

3  Description
   LICENSE LIST displays license records as they appear on disk
   in the License Database. LICENSE LIST /BRIEF does not produce
   a display with history records. You can control the displays as

   o  After you enter LICENSE LIST with the /BRIEF qualifier, you
      can scroll through the display with the arrow keys on your

   o  After you enter LICENSE LIST with the /FULL or /HISTORY
      qualifier, which displays the first LICENSE record, you can
      see the other records one at a time by pressing Return. You
      can also scroll through the license records using the Previous
      Screen key (or PF3) and the Next Screen key (or PF4).

   For any LICENSE LIST display, use the arrow keys to scroll
   vertically or horizontally one line at a time. Press Ctrl/Z to
   exit from the display.

   Note that a LICENSE LIST command may display the status of a
   registered license as Active. This means the registered license
   is enabled for loading; it has not been disabled. It does not
   necessarily mean the license was loaded with a LICENSE LOAD
   command. The LICENSE LIST command displays only information on
   disk in the License Database; enter SHOW LICENSE to determine all
   active licenses on the current system.

   You can also list licenses using the VMSLICENSE.COM command

3  Examples


     This command displays a list of the names of product licenses
     in the License Database. Note that the LMF Version shown refers
     to the software that created the database.

       CTRL/Z to exit, PF3-PF4 for Prev-Next Screen, ArrowKeys to scroll.

        License Management Facility  V1.2

        License Database File:       WORK2:[BACKUP]LMF$LICENSE.LDB;1
        Created on:                  20-JUL-2000
        Created by user:             USER_1
        Created by LMF Version:      V1.1

        Issuer:                      DEC
        Product Name:                OPENVMS-ALPHA
        Producer:                    DEC
        Units:                       500
        Version:                     0.0
        Release Date:                 4-MAY-2001
        PAK Termination Date:        (none)
        Availability:                0
        Activity:                     000000100
        Options:                     MOD_UNITS
        Product Token:
        Hardware ID:

        Revision Level:              1
        Status:                      Active
        Command:                     REGISTER


     This example displays a listing with full information of a
     current Fortran license issued by Compaq.

     The first screen, shown here, displays the most recent license
     record for the Fortran license. To see the history records
     one screen at a time, press Return. The revision level of
     the displayed record is 2, and the status is Active. The
     next screen would display the previous license record with a
     revision level of 1 and a status of Extinct.

       CTRL/Z to exit, PF3-PF4 for Prev-Next Screen, ArrowKeys to scroll.

        License Management Facility  V1.2

        License Database File:   ART::SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB

        Created on:                  17-AUG-2000
        Created by user:             USER_2
        Created by LMF Version:      V1.2

        Issuer:                      DEC
        Authorization:               USA-2468
        Product Name:                FORTRAN
        Producer:                    DEC
        Units:                       0
        Modified Units:              2000
        Version:                     5.4
        Release Date:                (none)
        PAK Termination Date:        31-DEC-2000
        Modified Termination Date:   30-NOV-2001
        Availability:                F (Layered Products)
        Activity:                    0
        Options:                     MOD_UNITS
        Hardware ID:

        Revision Level:              2
        Status:                      Active
        Command:                     MODIFY
        Modified by user:            DEGAS
        Modified on:                 19-AUG-2000 14:32:23.41
        Include:                     ART

   Loads licenses, making them available for product authorization
   on the current node. The product licenses must be registered and
   current in the License Database. That is, they must not have been
   disabled or issued.

   If the license is already loaded, LMF returns an informational
   message, unloads the license, and then loads the license.

   To use this command, you need CMKRNL, SYSNAM, and SYSPRV


     LICENSE LOAD  [product-name][,...]

3  Parameter


   Name or names of products with a license to be loaded. You can
   load only licenses that are currently registered and enabled
   in the License Database. Enter the product name exactly as it
   appears on your Product Authorization Key (PAK). If you do not
   specify a product name, LICENSE LOAD loads all of the products
   that are registered and enabled.

   You cannot use wildcard characters for product-name.

3  Qualifiers



   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies a string that helps identify the license you want to
   register. You must enter the authorization string exactly as it
   appears on your PAK. This qualifier affects only the product name
   that immediately precedes it in the command string.



   Location of the License Database. The default file specification
   is defined by the logical name LMF$LICENSE, which points to
   system. Use this optional qualifier only if you do not use the
   default License Database name and location.



   Positional qualifier.

   Name of the company (for example, DEC) that issued the PAK for
   the product. Use this optional qualifier only if you need it to
   identify the license.

   This qualifier affects only the product name that immediately
   precedes it in the command string.


      /LOG (default)

   Controls whether or not LICENSE LOAD displays a message to
   acknowledge the loading of each license.



   Positional qualifier.

   Name of the company that owns the product for which you have
   a license. Use this optional qualifier only if you need it to
   identify the license. This qualifier affects only the product
   name that immediately precedes it in the command string.


      /UNLOAD (default)

   When requested to load a license that is currently loaded, LMF
   first automatically unloads it and then loads the latest license.

   You can specify /NOUNLOAD to verify whether or not there is
   already a license loaded; LMF issues the warning LICENSE-W-
   ALREADYLOADED and does not load the license. To then load the
   license, follow these steps:

   1. Manually unload the current license with the LICENSE UNLOAD

   2. Reissue the LICENSE LOAD command.

3  Description
   The LICENSE LOAD command loads licenses registered in the License
   Database. To use a licensed product, ensure that the system
   loads the registered license. When you register a license with
   VMSLICENSE.COM, you can confirm an option to load the license,
   whereas if you register a license with LICENSE REGISTER, you must
   also load it with LICENSE LOAD.

   Use LICENSE LOAD only after you register a new license; LMF
   automatically loads all registered licenses at each subsequent
   system startup. You can enter LICENSE LOAD at other times to load
   modifications made with other LICENSE commands.

   You can enter one LICENSE LOAD command without product-name to
   load all the available registered licenses.


      Registered licenses are enabled for loading by default.
      You can, however, disable a registered license to prevent

   A LICENSE START command entered interactively or when the system
   reboots also loads all licenses that are registered and enabled.

   If you register multiple licenses for a single product, LICENSE
   LOAD loads all of the matching licenses. You do not typically
   load individual licenses, and you cannot unload individual
   licenses for a product. The Availability, Activity, Personal Use,
   and User license units of the multiple licenses work in concert
   to provide more product availability.

   In an OpenVMS Cluster environment, each system loads licenses
   when it reboots. If you need to load a license for all assigned
   nodes of a running cluster, you can do one of the following:

   o  Log in to each OpenVMS Cluster node, and enter LICENSE LOAD.

   o  Invoke the OpenVMS SYSMAN utility to execute the LICENSE
      LOAD command on the desired OpenVMS Cluster nodes. See the
      OpenVMS System Manager's Manual for details on defining your
      management environment and executing commands on a list of

   A LICENSE LOAD command can fail, sending a message to the
   operator communication manager (OPCOM) for any of the following

   o  Insufficient license units are registered for the current

   o  The current date is later than the license termination date.

   o  A license checksum does not match the rest of the license
      data. Check for data corruption in the License Database.

   If you attempt to load a disabled license or a license modified
   to exclude the current node in an OpenVMS Cluster environment,
   OPCOM does not display an error message.

   If licenses for more than one product are being loaded, LICENSE
   LOAD continues with the next license following a failure.

3  Examples


     The commands in this example illustrate a situation in which
     you enter a LICENSE LOAD command interactively. LICENSE LOAD
     loads the product Fortran on the node MUSIC. Data in the
     License Database determines whether the license is successfully
     loaded on the specified node.

     %LICENSE-W-NOLOAD, license was not loaded for BASIC
     -LICENSE-F-EXCEEDED, attempted usage exceeds active license limits

     This command attempts to load the product BASIC, but LICENSE
     LOAD fails because too few license units are registered to
     authorize use on the current processor.

   Modifies a license for system management and license-sharing
   purposes. Immediately changes data in the License Database, but
   your modifications do not affect the running system until you
   load the modified license.


     LICENSE MODIFY  qualifier[,...] product-name[,...]

3  Parameter


   Name or names of products with a license to be modified. You
   can modify only licenses that currently exist in the License

3  Qualifiers


   Used with the /INCLUDE or /EXCLUDE qualifier, specifies that the
   node names provided are to be added to the previously established
   include or exclude lists.

   Used with the /RESERVE qualifier, specifies that the user
   names provided are to be added to the previously established
   reservation lists.

   When you use /ADD, you do not need to retype the entire list to
   add a new node name or user name.


   Positional qualifier.

   Modifies all the licenses with the given product name. This
   qualifier affects only the product name that immediately precedes
   it in the command string.



   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies a string that helps identify the license you want to
   modify. You must enter the authorization string exactly as it
   appears on your PAK. Use this optional qualifier only if you
   need it to identify the license. This qualifier affects only the
   product name that immediately precedes it in the command string.



   Modifies a PAK by adding or removing the COMBINE option. If the
   PAKs are combinable, LMF combines them during license loading.



   Specifies a string of text. Use this comment field of up to 63
   characters to associate information for this transaction with
   the license. History records for the license retain this license
   information. If you specify more than one word, enclose the text
   in quotation marks (""). This qualifier is optional.

   The text in the comment field is replaced only when you enter new
   comments with another LICENSE MODIFY command. At this point the
   old comment text is available as a history record.



   Specifies the location of the License Database. The default file
   specification is defined by the logical name LMF$LICENSE, which
   points to SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB on an unmodified
   OpenVMS system. Use this optional qualifier only if you do not
   use the default License Database name and location.



   Specifies that the named node or nodes in an OpenVMS Cluster
   environment cannot access the licensed product. The excluded
   nodes cannot load (with a LICENSE LOAD or LICENSE START command)
   the license registered in the License Database. Each node-name
   argument must be a System Communications Services (SCS) node
   name or a system parameter set with the System Generation utility
   (SYSGEN). The node name might not be the same as the DECnet node
   name. If you specify more than one node name, separate them with
   commas, and enclose the list in parentheses. This qualifier is

   To modify previously defined lists without having to retype
   all of the node names, use the /ADD or /REMOVE qualifiers with

   You can control license access to nodes with /EXCLUDE and control
   user access with /RESERVE, but you cannot use these qualifiers on
   the same command line. To use both types of control with the same
   license, you must enter separate LICENSE MODIFY commands.



   Specifies that the named node or nodes in an OpenVMS Cluster
   environment can access the licensed product. Only the included
   nodes can load (with a LICENSE LOAD or LICENSE START command)
   the license registered in the License Database. Each node-name
   argument must be an SCS node name, or a system parameter set with
   SYSGEN. The node name might not be the same as the DECnet node

   Licenses for the OpenVMS operating system usually specify the
   NO_SHARE option on their PAKs. In a cluster environment you must
   restrict each of these OpenVMS licenses to a single node. If
   you did not do this when registering with VMSLICENSE.COM, enter
   LICENSE MODIFY/INCLUDE=node-name, specifying one SCS node name
   for each OpenVMS license.

   To specify more than one SCS node name for a license that does
   not specify NO_SHARE, separate the names with commas, and enclose
   the list in parentheses. This qualifier is optional.

   To modify previously defined lists without having to retype
   all of the node names, use the /ADD or /REMOVE qualifiers with

   You can control license access to nodes with /INCLUDE and control
   user access with /RESERVE, but you cannot use these qualifiers on
   the same command line. To use both types of control with the same
   license, you must enter separate LICENSE MODIFY commands.



   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies the name of the company (for example, DEC) that
   issued the PAK for the product. Use this qualifier only if it is
   required to identify the license. This qualifier affects only the
   product name that immediately precedes it in the command string.


      /NOLOG (default)

   Controls whether LICENSE MODIFY displays the name of each license
   that it modifies.



   Specifies whether to add or subsequently remove /NO_SHARE from a
   PAK. Adding /NO_SHARE prevents the sharing of the PAK units with
   other cluster nodes.

   PAKs with /NO_SHARE require you to provide the SCS node name of
   the cluster node that will be using this particular license. See
   the /INCLUDE qualifier for more information.

   Note that if /NO_SHARE is present on your PAK when you register
   it, you cannot remove the option using /NONO_SHARE. Only if
   you add /NO_SHARE with the MODIFY command, can you subsequently
   remove it.



   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies the name of the company (for example, DEC) that owns
   the product for which you have a license. Use this optional
   qualifier only if you need it to identify the license. This
   qualifier affects only the product name that immediately precedes
   it in the command string.


   Used with the /INCLUDE or /EXCLUDE qualifier, specifies that
   the node names provided are to be removed from the previously
   established include or exclude lists.

   Used with the /RESERVE qualifier, specifies that the user names
   provided are to be removed from the previously established
   reservation lists.

   When you use /REMOVE, you do not need to retype the entire list
   to remove a node name or user name.



   Specifies that the license or licenses are to be reserved for use
   by the users listed in the user-name parameter. Users not listed
   are denied access to the product. The value applied to user-
   name differs from product to product. See your Software Product
   Description (SPD) for details.

   Most products define user-name to be the user name OpenVMS
   maintains for each account. This is the name you type at the
   Username prompt during login.

   If your PAK specifies the RESERVE_UNITS option, you must assign
   one or more users to a reservation list. The number of user
   names allowed per list depends on the number of activity units
   available and a constant value or the License Unit Requirement
   Tables (LURTs). Calculate this number as you would for any
   Activity License. For example, a 200-unit license with a constant
   value of 100 is a two-user license.

   You can also create and modify a reservation list for
   Availability and regular Activity Licenses that do not specify
   the RESERVE_UNITS option. Because these licenses do not limit
   the number of names on the list, you can assign as many names as
   you like to the reservation list. All users not on the list are
   denied access.

   Although you can control license access to nodes with /INCLUDE
   and /EXCLUDE qualifiers and control user access with the /RESERVE
   qualifier, you cannot use these qualifiers on the same command
   line. If you want to use both types of control with the same
   license, you must enter separate LICENSE MODIFY commands.

   Use the /ADD and /REMOVE qualifiers for further control in
   modifying previously established reservation lists.



   Modifies the selection weight. Selection-weight values determine
   the order in which LMF checks multiple licenses when a product
   makes a license grant request. LMF checks higher-weighted
   licenses before lower-weighted ones. Specify arbitrary numbers
   between 1 and 1000.


      You cannot modify selection weights for Availability

   To restore the selection weight of a PAK to the default value,
   enter the LICENSE MODIFY command with /SELECTION_WEIGHT=0. For
   example, you can use either of the following commands:




   Date at which the product license is to be terminated. If
   your PAK supplied a license termination date, LMF uses the
   earliest date to determine the termination date. The date must
   be presented in the standard OpenVMS format: dd-mmm-yyyy. If
   you want to restrict a product from further use today, enter
   yesterday's date; LMF terminates the license at the end of the
   day specified.



   Number of license units you want on a license that includes the
   MOD_UNITS option. If your PAK allows you to modify the license
   units, use this qualifier to change the value in the License

3  Description
   Use the LICENSE MODIFY command to modify a license. To control
   which nodes in a cluster environment have access to what
   software, use LICENSE MODIFY with the /INCLUDE or /EXCLUDE
   qualifier. For example, you can load licenses for products used
   less often or requiring limited access on one node.

   If you do not specify which nodes can load a license (with a
   LICENSE LOAD or LICENSE START command), LMF loads a license
   on a first-come, first-served basis. When your license has
   insufficient license units for full cluster environment use,
   control product access with an include list.

   Because most OpenVMS PAKs use the /NO_SHARE option, in a cluster
   environment you must restrict these operating system licenses to
   one node. Enter LICENSE MODIFY/INCLUDE=node-name, specifying only
   one SCS node name for each OpenVMS license.

   To control which users have access to a product, use LICENSE
   MODIFY with the /RESERVE qualifier. You can create and modify
   a reservation list for any kind of license. Only users on the
   reservation lists are allowed access to the product.

   If your PAK specifies the RESERVE_UNITS option, you must assign
   one or more users to a reservation list. The number of user
   names allowed per list depends on the number of activity units
   available and a constant value or the License Unit Requirement
   Tables (LURTs). Calculate this number as you would for any
   Activity License. For example, a 200-unit license with a constant
   value of 100 is a two-user license.

   Use the /ADD and /REMOVE qualifiers in conjunction with the
   /INCLUDE, /EXCLUDE, and /RESERVE qualifiers when you modify
   existing include, exclude, and reservation lists.

   To add comments about a license in the License Database, use
   LICENSE MODIFY with the /COMMENT qualifier.

   If your PAK includes the MOD_UNITS option, you can use the /MOD_
   UNITS qualifier to specify the number of license units you want
   for your registered license.

   Use the other LICENSE MODIFY command qualifiers only as needed to
   identify the correct license.

   You can also modify a license record using the VMSLICENSE.COM
   command procedure.

   List Size Restrictions

   Two restrictions apply to the size of lists (reservation lists,
   include lists, or exclude lists). These restrictions apply to
   PAKs of all license types.

   o  On any single PAK, the sum of characters contained in all
      lists must not exceed 5000 characters.

      Because the length of names varies and some overhead is
      used for each name, this 5000-character limit cannot be
      expressed as an exact number of permissible names. However,
      Compaq guarantees that at least 400 names, in total, can be
      specified in the various types of lists. For example, each of
      the following represents the minimally guaranteed number of

      -  Reservation list with up to 400 user names

      -  Reservation list with up to 200 user names plus an include
         list with up to 200 node names (totaling up to 400)

      -  Reservation list with up to 200 user names plus an exclude
         list with up to 200 node names (totaling up to 400)

      -  Include list with up to 400 node names

      -  Exclude list with up to 400 node names


         If you enter more names than are permitted, LICENSE LIST
         might not be able to display all names entered. In this
         case, you receive the error message LICENSE-F-CORRUP.
         However, the License Database is not actually corrupt,
         and the PAKs can still be loaded into memory (though the
         names are not displayed).

   o  The LICENSE LOAD and LICENSE START commands can load into
      memory a reservation list with no more than 30,000 characters.
      (Include and exclude lists, which are not loaded into memory,
      are irrelevant to the 30,000-character limit.)

      Because the length of names varies and some overhead is used
      for each name, this 30,000-character limit cannot be expressed
      as an exact number of permissible names. But Compaq guarantees
      that, for each product, at least 2000 user names can appear on
      reservation lists. In the case of an OpenVMS Cluster, this is
      a per-node limit.

      Note that, because 2000 user names is a per-product limit and
      because there can be more than one PAK per product, the number
      of user names on a per-product basis is the sum of the user
      names specified on each PAK.

      For example, if three activity PAKs for the DECwrite
      product were registered on a system and each PAK specified
      a reservation list with 200 user names, the total number of
      user names for that product is 600. This is safely below the
      30,000-character (2000 user name) limit and below the 5000-
      character (400 user name) limit.

3  Examples

     _$ /COMMENT="Modified to exclude nodes DANCE & THEATR 10/23/00" -
     _$ FORTRAN

     This command modifies the Fortran license in the License
     Database so that users cannot access Fortran from the nodes
     named DANCE and THEATR. A comment is added to the database
     record for future reference.

     _$ /COMMENT="Modified to add node named DRAMA 10/23/00" -
     _$ FORTRAN

     This command modifies the Fortran license in the License
     Database so that users can access Fortran from the node DRAMA
     in addition to any nodes previously named in the license
     include list.


     This command changes the license units on a license with the
     MOD_UNITS option.


     Unless an earlier termination date exists, this command sets a
     new termination date of 1-JAN-2001 for the Fortran license.


     This command removes all nodes from the previously established
     exclude list. All nodes now have access to the Fortran license.

   Moves one or more licenses from one License Database to another.
   When you use LICENSE MOVE, LMF deletes those licenses from the
   source License Database.

   For License Databases not connected to a network, consider using


     LICENSE MOVE  product-name[,...] output-database

3  Parameters


   Name or names of products with a license to be moved to the
   output License Database.


   File specification of the License Database to which the license
   or licenses should be moved. This database must have been
   previously created using LICENSE CREATE.

   If you enter a partial file specification (for example,
   specifying only a directory), LMF$LICENSE is the default file
   name, and .LDB is the default file type. If you do not specify a
   device or directory, the current default device and directory are

3  Qualifiers


   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies that all licenses with the given product name should
   be moved. This qualifier affects only the product name that
   immediately precedes it in the command string.



   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies a string that helps identify the license you want to
   modify. You must enter the authorization string exactly as it
   appears on your PAK. Use this optional qualifier only if you
   need it to identify the license. This qualifier affects only the
   product name that immediately precedes it in the command string.



   Specifies the location of the License Database from which
   the license or licenses should be moved. The default file
   specification is defined by the logical name LMF$LICENSE, which
   points to SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB on an unmodified
   OpenVMS system. Use this optional qualifier only if you do not
   use the default License Database name and location.



   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies the name of the company (for example, DEC) that issued
   the PAK for the product. Use this optional qualifier only if you
   need it to identify the license. This qualifier affects only the
   product name that immediately precedes it in the command string.


      /NOLOG (default)

   Controls whether LICENSE MOVE displays the name of each license
   that it moves.



   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies the name of the company (for example, DEC) that owns
   the product for which you have a license. Use this optional
   qualifier only if you need it to identify the license. This
   qualifier affects only the product name that immediately precedes
   it in the command string.

3  Description
   If your license contract allows it, use LICENSE MOVE to move a
   license from one License Database to another. To move a license,
   enter LICENSE MOVE, including enough PAK information to clearly
   identify the license. LICENSE MOVE automatically deletes the
   license in the source License Database.

   Note that the moved license includes only the general PAK
   information normally provided by LICENSE REGISTER. LICENSE MOVE
   does not transfer any user-supplied data such as reservation
   lists, modified termination dates, modified units, include or
   exclude node lists, or comments.

3  Examples


     This command moves the Fortran license in the default License
     Database to the ALT_SYS2:LMF$LICENSE.LDB output License
     Database. This command fails if the default database contains
     more than one Fortran license.


     This command moves the Fortran license in the source License
     Database, LMFDATA:LMF$LICENSE.LDB, to the destination License
     Database, ALT_SYS:LMF$LICENSE.LDB. This command fails if the
     source License Database contains more than one Fortran license.


     This command moves all Fortran licenses in the default
     License Database to the output License Database, ALT_


     This command merges two databases by moving all licenses in
     the default License Database to the output License Database,

   Adds a new license to the License Database. A Product
   Authorization Key (PAK) provides the product name and information
   you need to register the license. You must enter all information
   provided by your PAK exactly as it appears.

   You can also register a new product license with the command
   procedure SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM, which provides a prompt-
   based interface to the LICENSE REGISTER command.


     LICENSE REGISTER  product-name

3  Parameter


   Name of the product with a license to register. You can register
   only licenses that do not currently exist in the License
   Database. You can register multiple licenses for the same product
   when they have different authorization numbers. Enter the product
   name exactly as it appears on your PAK.

   You cannot use wildcard characters for the product-name parameter
   with this command.

3  Qualifiers


      /ACTIVITY=code | CONSTANT=integer

   Specifies a license unit code that corresponds to a License Unit
   Requirement Table (LURT) or to a constant value. If your PAK
   supplies an activity code, you must enter the code exactly as
   it appears. The current codes are A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I.
   If your PAK specifies the keyword CONSTANT, then you must also
   specify the integer value. This denotes a constant requirement
   for all System Marketing Models (SMMs) equal to the value given.
   If your PAK specifies the decimal value 0, then the license has
   no requirement for that license type. PAK issuers determine the
   value for this element.



   Specifies a string that helps identify the license you want to
   register. You must enter the authorization string exactly as it
   appears on your PAK.


      /AVAILABILITY= code | CONSTANT=integer

   Specifies a license unit code that corresponds to a License Unit
   Requirement Table (LURT) or to a constant value. If your PAK
   supplies an availability code, you must enter the code exactly
   as it appears. The current codes are A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and
   I. If your PAK specifies the keyword CONSTANT, then you must also
   specify the integer value from your PAK. PAK issuers determine
   the value for this element.



   Specifies a 17-character verification string created by the PAK
   issuer for each PAK. The checksum string is presented in the
   format n-cccc-cccc-cccc-cccc, where n is an integer and c is
   an alphabetic character from A through P. A PAK presents the
   checksum string with hyphen (-)  characters for readability.
   Because LMF does not count hyphens for authorization, you do not
   have to enter them. Otherwise, you must enter the checksum string
   exactly as it appears on your PAK.



   Specifies the location of the License Database. The default file
   specification is defined by the logical name LMF$LICENSE, which
   points to SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB in an unmodified
   OpenVMS system. Use this optional qualifier only if you do not
   use the default database.



   Specifies the identification number of the hardware on which
   the product is licensed. If your PAK supplies a hardware
   identification number, you must enter the information exactly
   as it appears.



   Specifies the name of the company (for example, DEC) that issued
   the PAK for the product. Note that the PAK issuer is often the
   same as the producer. You must enter the information exactly as
   it appears on your PAK.



   Specifies LICENSE REGISTER options. If your PAK supplies any
   license options, you must enter this information exactly as it

   The following table describes the available keywords.

   Keyword          Meaning

   ALPHA            Identifies Availability Licenses for Alpha
   MOD_UNITS        You can modify the number of license units.
   NO_SHARE         You cannot use the license on more than one
                    processor in an OpenVMS Cluster environment.

                    To use this license in a cluster, designate
                    it for one node. Issue LICENSE MODIFY with the
                    /INCLUDE qualifier.
   RESERVE_UNITS    The license must be assigned to one or more
                    users. Reserve the license using LICENSE MODIFY
                    with the /RESERVE qualifier.
   USER             Designates a User License.
   VAX_ALPHA        Identifies Availability Licenses that are valid
                    for both OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha systems.

   If you enter more than one keyword, separate them with commas,
   and enclose the list in parentheses. You can abbreviate each
   option to the minimum number of characters needed to uniquely
   identify it.



   Specifies the name of the company (for example, DEC) that owns
   the product for which you have a license. You must enter the
   information exactly as it appears on your PAK.



   Specifies a product release date such that the license authorizes
   use of all product versions released on or before the date. If
   your PAK supplies a product release date, you must enter the
   information exactly as it appears. The date must be presented in
   the standard OpenVMS format: dd-mmm-yyyy.



   Specifies the date on which the product license terminates. If
   your PAK supplies a license termination date, you must enter it
   exactly as it appears. The date must be presented in the standard
   OpenVMS format: dd-mmm-yyyy.



   Specifies a string of information associated with some products.
   This option can enable or disable certain product features. See
   your product documentation for details. If your PAK provides
   token information, you must enter it exactly as it appears.



   Specifies the number of license units for your license. You must
   enter the number exactly as it appears on your PAK even if your
   PAK specifies the MOD_UNITS option.



   Limits the version number of the product for which you have a
   license. Use the format integer.integer. If your PAK supplies
   version information, you must enter it exactly as it appears.

3  Description
   LICENSE REGISTER is the primary LICENSE command. Before you enter
   a LICENSE REGISTER command, you need a PAK that supplies the
   information required to enter a license in the License Database.

   You can register additional licenses for products that already
   exist in the License Database. If you register another combinable
   license in the License Database, LMF combines the license units
   during a LICENSE LOAD or LICENSE START command. This allows more
   product availability or activity for the same product.

   The checksum number supplied with your PAK is calculated from
   the other information supplied with the PAK. Thus, you must
   enter each qualifier necessary to supply information from your
   particular PAK. If you enter LICENSE REGISTER without a required
   qualifier, LMF returns a checksum error.

3  Examples

     _$ /PRODUCER=DEC /UNITS=400 /VERSION=5.4 -

     This command adds the license for the product Fortran to the
     default License Database. Fortran becomes licensed using the
     availability formula with 400 license units available.

     _$ /PRODUCER=DEC /UNITS=1000 /VERSION=4.0 -

     This command adds the license for the product DVNETRTG (DECnet
     for OpenVMS Routing) to the default License Database. In the
     example, DVNETRTG is licensed using the availability formula
     with 1000 license units.

   Sets up the License Unit Requirement Table (LURT) for your system
   and loads all licenses that are registered and enabled in the
   License Database. Because the OpenVMS operating system issues a
   LICENSE START command during system startup, you should need this
   command only if system startup fails.

   To use this command, you need CMKRNL, SYSNAM, and SYSPRV

   To load the licenses in the License Database of a system with LMF
   already started, use LICENSE LOAD.



3  Parameters

3  Qualifiers



   Specifies the location of the License Database. The default file
   specification is defined by the logical name LMF$LICENSE, which
   points to SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB on an unmodified
   OpenVMS system. Use this optional qualifier only if you do not
   use the default database.


      /LOG (default)

   Controls whether LICENSE START displays a message to acknowledge
   the loading of each product license.

3  Example


     This command sets up the LURT for your system and loads all
     the licenses that are registered and enabled in the License

   Unloads a license, making the product unavailable from the
   current node. The product license or licenses must be registered
   in the License Database and must have been previously loaded
   with an interactive or automatic LICENSE LOAD command. Running
   processes are allowed to continue to completion.

   To use this command, you need CMKRNL, SYSNAM, and SYSPRV


     LICENSE UNLOAD  product-name[,...]

3  Parameter


   Name of the product to be unloaded. You can unload only licenses
   that have been loaded. Enter each product name exactly as it
   appears on its Product Authorization Key (PAK). You cannot use
   wildcard characters for product-name.

3  Qualifiers


      /NOLOG (default)

   Controls whether LICENSE UNLOAD lists the name of each unloaded



   Positional qualifier.

   Specifies the name of the company (for example, DEC) that owns
   the product for which you have a license. The default string
   for this qualifier is DEC. If DEC is not the producer of the
   product, you must use this qualifier to identify the product.
   This qualifier affects only the product name that immediately
   precedes it in the command string. Wildcard characters are not

3  Description
   LICENSE UNLOAD affects all units for a single product even if
   the loaded units are combined from multiple licenses. In such a
   case, you cannot unload the units from a single license. You must
   unload all the units.

   You are not required to unload a loaded license before modifying
   data in the License Database. To maximize product availability,
   modify licenses in the License Database first, and then load
   the changes by entering a LICENSE UNLOAD command followed by a
   LICENSE LOAD command.

3  Examples


     This command unloads the Compaq Fortran license on the node
     from which it is entered.


     This command unloads the Compaq Pascal and Compaq Fortran
     licenses on the node from which it is entered.