1  DECnet-Plus

   The HELP information contained in this section pertains to additional
   features and extensions to OpenVMS which are provided by DECnet-Plus.

   Information is provided on the following enhancements:

   FTAM - File Transfer, Access and Management

   MOP - Maintenance Operation Protocol

   X.25 - Packet switching data network (PSDN) interface

   VTP - Virtual Terminal Protocol

2  DCL_Commands

   The following DCL commands provide enhanced capabilities if you have
   installed DECnet-Plus.


   appending utility, which appends files between FTAM systems within
   an OSI network. The appending utility operates on a combination of
   local and remote FTAM or on remote files only. Using this command,
   you can:

   o  Append an input file to a single output file

   o  Concatenate two or more input files into a single output file

   If only local files are specified, the APPEND/APPLICATION_
   PROTOCOL=FTAM utility passes the command to the RMS appending
   utility. In that case, all command qualifiers operate in the
   standard manner documented in OpenVMS help.

4  Format

   APPEND/APPLICATION_PROTOCOL=FTAM [/qualifier(s)] input-file-spec
   [,...] output-file-spec

   The following table describes the variables in this format state-

   Variable         Explanation
   /qualifier       An RMS qualifier of the APPEND command. For a
                    full description of supported qualifiers, see
                    individual qualifier subtopics; for a summary,
                    see the "Qualifier" subtopic.

   input-file-spec  A file specification of an input (source) file,
                    which can be either local or remote.

   [,...]           A file list containing file specifications for
                    one or more additional input files. Within a file
                    list, you must precede each additional file spec-
                    ification with either a comma (,) or a plus sign
                    (+) with or without a space. To end an input file
                    list, either omit the comma or plus sign between
                    the last input file specification and the output
                    file specification or press <RET>.

                    Input files can be from the same or different
                    FTAM systems.

   output-file-     The name of an output file. Because FTAM
   spec             always creates only one output file, the
                    APPEND/APPLICATION_PROTOCOL=FTAM command ac-
                    cepts only one output-file specification.

                    For local output files, appending a file to a
                    local directory is controlled by the same rules
                    that control the RMS appending utility. If you
                    specify no directory, the utility places the
                    output file in your default directory. If you
                    specify another local directory for which you
                    have write privileges, the utility places the
                    output file in that directory.

                    For remote output files, always specify the file
                    designation. For information on where a remote
                    FTAM system places an output file that is created
                    remotely using FTAM, see the documentation of the 
                    remote system.

4  Wildcards

   Wildcards provide a method for generalizing a file designation to
   encompass a set of local files. Standard DCL wildcard techniques 
   work for both local (RMS) files and remote files for those remote 
   FTAM systems that support the NBS-9 document type. If using 
   wildcard techniques with remote FTAM systems does not work, you 
   should complete the file designation.

   The supported wildcard characters include an asterisk (*) to 
   represent a text string, a percent sign (%) to represent a single 
   character, or empty brackets ([ ]) to represent all files in the 
   local default RMS directory.  

4  Qualifiers

   The availability of APPEND command qualifiers for the 
   APPEND/APPLICATION_PROTOCOL=FTAM command varies for local and 
   remote files. For local FTAM (RMS) files, the FTAM append utility 
   supports most of the DCL APPEND command qualifiers. For remote 
   files, only a few of those qualifiers are supported.

   For APPEND command qualifiers used with local files, the FTAM ap-
   pending utility generally implements standard RMS default values
   and actions. The exceptions are indicated by the term "nonstan-
   dard" in the qualifier descriptions.

   Any APPEND command qualifier that is unlisted here is accepted as
   a null qualifier, which produces no effect on the outcome of the
   APPEND command.



   Qualifier type:      Output file qualifier

   Supported file       Local and remote

   This qualifier sets the initial allocation for the output file to
   the number of 512-byte blocks specified by n.

   Default value:         Size of input file



   Qualifier type:        Input file qualifier

   Supported file types:  Local

   This qualifier selects files according to the dates of their most
   recent backup. It is relevant only with /BEFORE or /SINCE and is
   incompatible with /CREATED, /EXPIRED, and /MODIFIED.

   Default value:         Creation date



   Qualifier type:        Input file qualifier

   Supported file types:  Local

   This qualifier selects only those files that are dated before
   the time specified using absolute time (a specific date and/or
   time or a keyword - TODAY, TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY) or combination
   time (absolute plus delta time). Associated qualifiers: /BACKUP,
   /CREATED, /EXPIRED, or /MODIFIED. For information on specifying
   absolute and delta time, see the "OpenVMS User's Manual".

   Default value:         Today



   Qualifier type:        Input file qualifier

   Supported file types:  Local

   This qualifier selects only files whose user identification code
   (UIC) matches the specified UIC.

   Default value:         UIC of current process



   This qualifier specifies which character set the file data belongs 
   to, and instructs FTAM to encode the data accordingly.  For example, 
   to copy file data of the Japanese character sets Kanji and Katakana, 
   the user must supply the CHARACTER_SET= qualifier with the value

   Default value:         No character set specified



   Qualifier type:        Input file qualifier

   Supported file types:  Local and remote

   This qualifier controls whether a request is issued before each
   append operation asking you to indicate whether to append that
   file. The local sytem prompts you by asking: "Append filename?
   [N]." Issue one of the following responses:

   o  To affirm appending a specific file: Yes, True, or 1

   o  To prevent appending a specific file: No, FALSE, 0, or <RET>

   o  To continue appending without further confirmations: ALL

   o  To stop all appending: Quit or <CTRL/Z>

   Abbreviations and any combination of upper- and lowercase letters
   are acceptable.

   Default value:         Unconfirmed



   Qualifier type:        Output file qualifier

   Supported file types:  Local

   This qualifier indicates whether the output file must occupy
   consecutive physical disk blocks.

   Default value:         Noncontiguous storage (nonstandard default)



   Qualifier type:        Input file qualifier

   Supported file types:  Local

   This qualifier selects files based on their dates of creation. It
   is relevant only with /BEFORE or /SINCE and is incompatible with

   Default value:         Creation date



   Qualifier type:        Input file qualifier

   Supported file types:  Local

   This qualifier excludes from appending a file whose file specifi-
   cation matches any excluded file specification. When excluding a
   single file, you can omit the parentheses. Device names and ver-
   sion numbers are unsupported. Using wildcards for file name and 
   type is permitted.

   Default value:         All input files are copied



   Qualifier type:        Input file qualifier

   Supported file types:  Local

   This qualifier selects files according to their scheduled expi-
   ration dates. It is relevant only with /BEFORE or /SINCE and is
   incompatible with /BACKUP, /CREATED, and /MODIFIED.

   Default value:         Creation date



   Qualifier type:        Output file qualifier

   Supported file types:  Local

   This qualifier specifies the number of blocks to be added to the
   output file each time the file is extended. If you do not specify
   /EXTENSION, the default extension attribute of the output file is
   determined by the extension attribute of the corresponding input

   Default value:         The default extension for the local system
                          - usually 3 (nonstandard default)


      /JOURNAL=(filename )

   Qualifier type:  Global qualifier

   Supported file   Local (RMS) files

   This qualifier controls whether you want the FTAM service provider 
   to negotiate recovery and restart with the peer FTAM entity (if it 
   supports recovery). When the /JOURNAL qualifier is present, then 
   the FTAM protocol machine will insert checkpoints within the data 
   and will maintain a docket that contains recovery-related 

   If an error occurs during data transfer, and the image has not
   exited, the FTAM protocol machine will attempt to recover from the
   error, using the checkpoints.

   Default action:  No journaling



   Qualifier type:        Global qualifier

   Supported file types:  Local and remote

   This qualifier controls whether the FTAM appending utility dis-
   plays the input and output file specifications of each local file
   it appends. The /LOG qualifier displays following information:

   o  The file specifications of the input and output files

   o  The number of blocks or records appended

   o  The total number of new files created

   Default value:         No logging



   Qualifier type:        Input file qualifier

   Supported file types:  Local

   This qualifier selects files according to the dates on which they
   were last modified. It is relevant only with /BEFORE or /SINCE and
   is incompatible with /BACKUP, /CREATED, and /EXPIRED.

   Default value:         Creation date



   Qualifier type:  Output file qualifier

   Supported file   Local (RMS) and remote files

   This qualifier controls whether the FTAM appending facility cre-
   ates a new output file if the specified output file does not ex-
   ist. If the specified output file does exist, the /NEW_VERSION
   qualifier is ignored and the input file is appended to the output

   Default date:    /NONEW_VERSION


      /PARAMETER=CONCURRENCY_CONTROL=(parameter: value)

   Qualifier type:  Global qualifier

   Supported file   Remote files

   This qualifier gives users the ability to specify the file-locking
   parameters and values that are defined in ISO standard 8571. The
   possible file-locking parameters are:

   o  READ

   o  INSERT


   o  EXTEND

   o  ERASE




   The allowed values for these file-locking parameters are:

   o  not-required

   o  shared

   o  exclusive OR

   o  no-access

   Default action:  No concurrency_control is used



   Qualifier type:  Global qualifier

   Supported file   Local (RMS) and remote files

   This qualifier gives users the ability to pass a password value,
   if the responding FTAM entity (an FTAM listener) requires a pass-
   word in order for anyone to create a file on its file system. This
   file system password is not the same as a password for logging
   into an account.

   Default action:  No create_password used



   This qualifier allows the user to implement FTAM security group
   functions.  These functions only apply for local to remote, or
   remote to remote file copying. 

   The string list specified on the command line must be enclosed within
   single or double quotes.  All white space appearing within these
   quotes is ignored.
   The entire security string must be enclosed within parentheses, and
   multiple entries within the parenthesis must be separated by commas.

   You can abbreviate parameter values as long as there are
   enough characters for a unique value.

   You can use a dash (-) to continue any portion of the security group
   specification onto a new line.

   You can specify more than one security group, however you must
   flag each new group list element with its own /PARAMETER=SECURITY
   qualifier.  Note that the legal qualification parameter can only be
   specified once.

   IDENTITY, and LEGAL are optional.

   The allowed values for ACCESS-REQUEST, CA-NAME, and APWD-NAME

   The allowed values for CA-KEY are NOT-REQUIRED, SHARED, EXCLUSIVE,
   and NO-ACCESS.

   The expected input for APWD-STRING, USER-IDENTITY, and
   LEGAL-QUAL-STRING is GraphicString.

   Default action:        No security is used



   Qualifier type:        Output file qualifier

   Supported file types:  Local

   This qualifier defines the protection to be applied to the output

   Default value:         The default protection of the OpenVMS user
                          process (nonstandard default)



   Qualifier type:        Input file qualifier

   Supported file types:  Local

   This qualifier selects only those files that are dated after
   the time specified using absolute time (a specific date and/or
   time or a keyword - TODAY, TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY) or combination
   time (absolute plus delta time). Associated qualifiers: /BACKUP,
   /CREATED, /EXPIRED, or /MODIFIED. For information on specifying
   absolute and delta time, see the "OpenVMS User's Manual".

   Default value:         Today

4  Examples


      This command appends the single local file TEST.DAT to

      Note that without the double quotation marks (" ") surrounding
      \DIR\FILE, RMS would generate the following error:

         %APPEND-F-OPENIN, error opening AMIGUITA::\DIR\FILE as input
         -RMS-F-SYN, file specification syntax error


      This command appends the single local file TEST.DAT to TEST.DAT
      on AMIGUITA.


      This command appends the single local file TEST.DAT to test.dat
      on LESAMIES. Since the output-file designation is enclosed in
      double quotation-marks ("-"), the lower case characters entered
      in the command are retained in the output-file designation sent
      to the remote FTAM system.


      This command concatenates alphabetically the .DAT files in the
      local default directory. Concatenation ceases if any file dif-
      fers in file organization, record format, or record attributes
      from those of the first .DAT file listed in the directory.
      Note that the specified output-file designation, NEWFILE, lacks
      locational information. Therefore, the responding FTAM applica-
      tion places the file NEWFILE in whatever location serves as its
      default location for files created by an FTAM process.


      This command appends the file /DIR/FILE on AMIGUITA to
      /NEWMAIN/FILE on the same system. Two remote systems could
      just as easily be involved. Note that the file passes through
      the local FTAM system but is not opened or stored locally.


      This command concatenates the remote input file, 
      ^VOL>MAIN>FILE.EXT and the local input file, TEST.DAT, 
      (assuming that they have a common file organization and data 
      type) into the local output file, LARGETEST.DAT.

      Note that without the double quotation marks (" ") surround-
      ing ^VOL>DIR>FILE.EXT, DCL would interpret ^ as a parameter
      delimiter and generate the following error:

         %DCL-W-PARMDEL, invalid parameter delimiter ...


      This command sets the future file size of /MAIN/SUB/TEST/DAT to
      90 blocks.

      Note that without the double quotation marks (" ") surrounding
      /MAIN/SUB/FILE, DCL would interpret /MAIN as a qualifier and
      generate the following error:

         %DCL-W-IVQUAL, unrecognized qualifier ...


   copying utility, which copies files between FTAM systems within
   an OSI network. The copying utility operates on a combination of
   local and remote FTAM or on remote files only. Using this command,
   you can:

   o  Copy an input file to an output file

   o  Concatenate two or more input files into a single output file

   If only local files are specified, the COPY/APPLICATION_
   PROTOCOL=FTAM utility passes the command to the RMS copying util-
   ity. In that case, all command qualifiers operate in the standard
   manner documented in OpenVMS help.

4  Format

   COPY/APPLICATION_PROTOCOL=FTAM [/qualifier(s)] input-file-spec
   [,...] output-file-spec

   The following table describes the variables in this format state-

   Variable         Explanation
   /qualifier       An RMS qualifier of the COPY command. For a
                    full description of supported qualifiers, see
                    individual qualifier subtopics; for a summary,
                    see the "Qualifier" subtopic.

   input-file-spec  A file specification of an input (source) file,
                    which can be either local or remote.

   [,...]           A file list containing file specifications for
                    one or more additional input files. Within a file
                    list, you must precede each additional file spec-
                    ification with either a comma (,) or a plus sign
                    (+) with or without a space. To end an input file
                    list, either omit the comma or plus sign between
                    the last input file specification and the output
                    file specification or press <RET>.

                    Input files can be from the same or different
                    FTAM systems.

   output-file-     The name of an output file. Because FTAM 
   spec             always creates only one output file, the
                    COPY/APPLICATION_PROTOCOL=FTAM command accepts
                    only one output-file specification.

                    For local output files, copying a file to a local
                    directory is controlled by the same rules that
                    control the RMS copying utility. If you specify
                    no directory, the utility places the output file
                    in your default directory. If you specify another
                    local directory for which you have write privi-
                    leges, the utility places the output file in that

                    For remote output files, always specify the file
                    designation. For information on where a remote
                    FTAM system places an output file that is created
                    remotely using FTAM, see the documentation of the
                    remote system.

4  Wildcards

   Wildcards provide a method for generalizing a file designation to
   encompass a set of local files. Standard DCL wildcard techniques 
   work for both local (RMS) files and remote files for those remote 
   FTAM systems that support the NBS-9 document type. If using 
   wildcard techniques with remote FTAM systems does not work, you 
   should complete the file designation.

   The supported wildcard characters include an asterisk (*) to 
   represent a text string, a percent sign (%) to represent a single 
   character, or empty brackets ([ ]) to represent all files in the 
   local default RMS directory.  

4  Third-party-copying

   The COPY/APPLICATION_PROTOCOL=FTAM utility supports copying a file
   from one FTAM application to another by using the local OpenVMS 
   system as an intermediary (third-party copying). However, all 
   constraints for files affect both input and output files, and use 
   of wildcards or multiple file specifications is not possible.

4  Qualifiers

   The availability of COPY command qualifiers for the COPY/APPLICATION_
   PROTOCOL=FTAM command varies for local and remote files. For local
   FTAM (RMS) files, the FTAM copy utility supports most of the DCL
   COPY command qualifiers. For remote files, only a few of those
   qualifiers are supported.

   For COPY command qualifiers used with local files, the FTAM copy-
   ing utility generally implements standard RMS default values and
   actions. The exceptions are indicated by the term "nonstandard" in
   the qualifier descriptions.

   Any COPY command qualifier that is unlisted here is accepted as
   a null qualifier, which produces no effect on the outcome of the
   COPY command.



   Qualifier type:      Output file qualifier

   Supported file       Local and remote

   This qualifier sets the initial allocation for the output file to
   the number of 512-byte blocks specified by n.

   Default value:         Size of input file



   Qualifier type:        Input file qualifier

   Supported file types:  Local

   This qualifier selects files according to the dates of their most
   recent backup. It is relevant only with /BEFORE or /SINCE and is
   incompatible with /CREATED, /EXPIRED, and /MODIFIED.

   Default value:         Creation date



   Qualifier type:        Input file qualifier

   Supported file types:  Local

   This qualifier selects only those files that are dated before
   the time specified using absolute time (a specific date and/or
   time or a keyword - TODAY, TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY) or combination
   time (absolute plus delta time). Associated qualifiers: /BACKUP,
   /CREATED, /EXPIRED, or /MODIFIED. For information on specifying
   absolute and delta time, see the "OpenVMS User's Manual".

   Default value:         Today



   Qualifier type:        Input file qualifier

   Supported file types:  Local

   This qualifier selects only files whose user identification code
   (UIC) matches the specified UIC.

   Default value:         UIC of current process



   This qualifier specifies which character set the file data belongs 
   to, and instructs FTAM to encode the data accordingly.  For example, 
   to copy file data of the Japanese character sets Kanji and Katakana, 
   the user must supply the CHARACTER_SET= qualifier with the value

   Default value:         No character set specified



   Qualifier type:  qualifier

   Supported file   Local (RMS) (/CONCATENATE only) and remote files

   This qualifier controls whether multiple input files create corre-
   sponding multiple output files or create a single output file
   containing the concatenated contents of all the input files.
   Concatenation, which is the default, involves combining multi-
   ple input files (in their input order) into a single output file.
   For concatenation, all the input files must have identical file
   organization, record format, and record attributes. Creating mul-
   tiple output files, which requires local input files, requires the
   /NOCONCATENATE qualifier.

   Default action:  /CONCATENATE; The output file bears the name of
                    the first input file.



   Qualifier type:        Input file qualifier

   Supported file types:  Local and remote

   This qualifier controls whether a request is issued before each
   copy operation asking you to indicate whether to copy that file.
   The local sytem prompts you by asking: "Copy filename? [N]." Issue
   one of the following responses:

   o  To affirm copying a specific file: Yes, True, or 1

   o  To prevent copying a specific file: No, FALSE, 0, or <RET>

   o  To continue copying without further confirmations: ALL

   o  To stop all copying: Quit or <CTRL/Z>

   Abbreviations and any combination of upper- and lowercase letters
   are acceptable.

   Default value:         Unconfirmed



   Qualifier type:        Output file qualifier

   Supported file types:  Local

   This qualifier indicates whether the output file must occupy
   consecutive physical disk blocks

   Default value:         Noncontiguous storage (nonstandard default)



   Qualifier type:        Input file qualifier

   Supported file types:  Local

   This qualifier selects files based on their dates of creation. It
   is relevant only with /BEFORE or /SINCE and is incompatible with

   Default value:         Creation date

   Qualifier type:  Global qualifier
   Use of the /DELETE qualifier causes FTAM to delete the
   source file after the source file has been copied to the
   destination.  Note that this qualifier is NOT positional, and
   that it always applies to the source file, regardless its
   location on the command line.

   $ copy/application_protocol=ftam/delete mydata.dat -

   mydata.dat is copied to the alias remote_system as a file name
   remote_file.dat.  After the copy operation is complete, FTAM
   deletes the local file named mydata.dat.

   $ copy/application_protocol=ftam/delete remote_system::remote_file.dat -
   remote_file.dat is copied from the alias remote_system to a local
   file named mydata.dat.  After the copy operation is complete, FTAM
   deletes the remote file named remote_file.dat.



   Qualifier type:        Input file qualifier

   Supported file types:  Local

   This qualifier excludes from copying a file whose file specifi-
   cation matches any excluded file specification. When excluding a
   single file, you can omit the parentheses. Device names and ver-
   sion numbers are unsupported. Using wildcards for file name and 
   type is permitted.

   Default value:         All input files are copied



   Qualifier type:        Input file qualifier

   Supported file types:  Local

   This qualifier selects files according to their scheduled expi-
   ration dates. It is relevant only with /BEFORE or /SINCE and is
   incompatible with /BACKUP, /CREATED, and /MODIFIED.

   Default value:         Creation date



   Qualifier type:        Output file qualifier

   Supported file types:  Local

   This qualifier specifies the number of blocks to be added to the
   output file each time the file is extended. If you do not specify
   /EXTENSION, the default extension attribute of the output file is
   determined by the extension attribute of the corresponding input

   Default value:         The default extension for the local system
                          - usually 3 (nonstandard default)


      /JOURNAL=(filename )

   Qualifier type:  Global qualifier

   Supported file   Local (RMS) files

   This qualifier controls whether you want the FTAM service
   provider to negotiate recovery and restart with the peer FTAM
   entity (if it supports recovery). When the /JOURNAL qualifier is
   present, then the FTAM protocol machine will insert checkpoints
   within the data and will maintain a docket that contains recovery-
   related information.

   If an error occurs during data transfer, and the image has not
   exited, the FTAM protocol machine will attempt to recover from the
   error, using the checkpoints.

   Default action:  No journaling



   Qualifier type:        Global qualifier

   Supported file types:  Local and remote

   This qualifier controls whether the FTAM copying utility displays
   the input and output file specifications of each local file it
   copies. The /LOG qualifier displays following information:

   o  The file specifications of the input and output files

   o  The number of blocks or records copied

   o  The total number of new files created.

   Default value:         No logging



   Qualifier type:        Input file qualifier

   Supported file types:  Local

   This qualifier selects files according to the dates on which they
   were last modified. It is relevant only with /BEFORE or /SINCE and
   is incompatible with /BACKUP, /CREATED, and /EXPIRED.

   Default value:         Creation date


      /PARAMETER=CONCURRENCY_CONTROL=(parameter: value)

   Qualifier type:  Global qualifier

   Supported file   Remote files

   This qualifier gives users the ability to specify the file-locking
   parameters and values that are defined in ISO standard 8571. The
   possible file-locking parameters are:

   o  READ

   o  INSERT


   o  EXTEND

   o  ERASE




   The allowed values for these file-locking parameters are:

   o  not-required

   o  shared

   o  exclusive OR

   o  no-access

   Default action:  No concurrency_control is used



   Qualifier type:  Global qualifier

   Supported file   Local (RMS) and remote files

   This qualifier gives users the ability to pass a password value,
   if the responding FTAM entity (an FTAM listener) requires a pass-
   word in order for anyone to create a file on its file system. This
   file system password is not the same as a password for logging
   into an account.

   Default action:  No create_password used



   This qualifier allows the user to implement FTAM security group
   functions.  These functions only apply for local to remote, or
   remote to remote file copying. 

   The string list specified on the command line must be enclosed within
   single or double quotes.  All white space appearing within these
   quotes is ignored.
   The entire security string must be enclosed within parentheses, and
   multiple entries within the parenthesis must be separated by commas.

   You can abbreviate parameter values as long as there are
   enough characters for a unique value.

   You can use a dash (-) to continue any portion of the security group
   specification onto a new line.

   You can specify more than one security group, however you must
   flag each new group list element with its own /PARAMETER=SECURITY
   qualifier.  Note that the legal qualification parameter can only be
   specified once.

   IDENTITY, and LEGAL are optional.

   The allowed values for ACCESS-REQUEST, CA-NAME, and APWD-NAME

   The allowed values for CA-KEY are NOT-REQUIRED, SHARED, EXCLUSIVE,
   and NO-ACCESS.

   The expected input for APWD-STRING, USER-IDENTITY, and
   LEGAL-QUAL-STRING is GraphicString.

   Default action:        No security is used



   Qualifier type:        Output file qualifier

   Supported file types:  Local

   This qualifier defines the protection to be applied to the output

   Default value:         The default protection of the OpenVMS user
                          process (nonstandard default)



   Qualifier type:        Output file qualifier

   Supported file types:  Local and remote

   This qualifier determines how the copy operation responds when the
   file specification requested for the output file currently belongs
   to a preexisting file. On an OpenVMS system, the /REPLACE qualifier 
   is meaningful only when the output file specification contains
   a version number. In this situation, the /NOREPLACE qualifier
   generates an error condition and the output file is not created;
   the /REPLACE qualifier deletes the preexisting file and copies the
   input file to the preexisting file specification. The FTAM copying
   utility allocates new space for the output file.


      To ensure success of the /REPLACE qualifier, use the exact
      file specification that is returned by the DIRECTORY/APPLICATION_
      PROTOCOL=FTAM command for the output file.

   Default value:         No replacement



   Qualifier type:        Input file qualifier

   Supported file types:  Local

   This qualifier selects only those files that are dated after
   the time specified using absolute time (a specific date and/or
   time or a keyword - TODAY, TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY) or combination
   time (absolute plus delta time). Associated qualifiers: /BACKUP,
   /CREATED, /EXPIRED, or /MODIFIED. For information on specifying
   absolute and delta time, see the "OpenVMS User's Manual".

   Default value:         Today



   Qualifier type:        Output file qualifier

   Supported file types:  Local

   This qualifier directs an entire output file to a specified rela-
   tive volume number (n) of a multivolume set

   Default value:         File takes arbitrary position within multi-
                          volume set

4  Examples


      This command copies the single local file TEST.DAT to \DIR\FILE
      on AMIGUITA.

      Note that without the double quotation marks (" ") surrounding
      \DIR\FILE, RMS would generate the following error:

         %COPY-F-OPENIN, error opening AMIGUITA::\DIR\FILE as input
         -RMS-F-SYN, file specification syntax error


      This command copies the single local file TEST.DAT to TEST.DAT
      on AMIGUITA.


      This command copies the single local file TEST.DAT to test.dat
      on LESAMIES. Since the output-file designation is enclosed in
      double quotation-marks ("-"), the lower case characters entered
      in the command are retained in the output-file designation sent
      to the remote FTAM system.


      This command concatenates alphabetically the .DAT files in the
      local default directory. Concatenation ceases if any file dif-
      fers in file organization, record format, or record attributes
      from those of the first .DAT file listed in the directory.
      Note that the specified output-file designation, NEWFILE, lacks
      locational information. Therefore, the responding FTAM applica-
      tion places the file NEWFILE in whatever location serves as its
      default location for files created by an FTAM process.


      This command copies the remote file FILE.DAT to the local
      RMS directory [MAIN.SUB]. The resulting file specification
      is [MAIN.SUB]FILE.DAT.


      This command copies the file /DIR/FILE on AMIGUITA to
      /NEWMAIN/FILE on the same system. Two remote systems could
      just as easily be involved. Note that the file passes through
      the local FTAM system but is not opened or stored locally.


      This command concatenates the remote input file, 
      ^VOL>MAIN>FILE.EXT, and the local input file, TEST.DAT, 
      (assuming that they have a common file organization and data 
      type) into the local output file, LARGETEST.DAT.

      Note that without the double quotation marks (" ") surround-
      ing ^VOL>DIR>FILE.EXT, DCL would interpret ^ as a parameter
      delimiter and generate the following error:

         %DCL-W-PARMDEL, invalid parameter delimiter ...


      This command sets the future file size of /MAIN/SUB/TEST/DAT to
      90 blocks.

      Note that without the double quotation marks (" ") surrounding
      /MAIN/SUB/FILE, DCL would interpret /MAIN as a qualifier and
      generate the following error:

         %DCL-W-IVQUAL, unrecognized qualifier ...

       _To: FILE.DAT <RET>
       Copy PUNGYO::FILE.DAT? [N] Y<RET>

      After the command is confirmed, it copies the file FILE.DAT
      from the system PUNGYO to the local system.


      This command concatenates all files in the local default di-
      rectory except those having the extensions .DIR or .LOG. The
      output file is a remote file MAIN/SUB/FILE.EXT on the remote
      FTAM system PUNGYO.

       _To: FILE.DAT;5 <RET>

      This command causes the contents of a remote file,
      /MAIN/SUB/FILE/EXT from the remote FTAM system AMIGUITA, to
      replace the contents of a local file, FILE.DAT;5. The local
      file retains the original file name, FILE.DAT;5.


   deletion utility, which allows you to delete one or more files
   to which you have delete access on any FTAM system within an OSI

4  Format

   DELETE/APPLICATION_PROTOCOL=FTAM [/qualifier(s)] file-spec[,...]

   The following table describes the variables in this format state-

   Variable    Explanation
   /qualifier  An RMS qualifier of the DELETE command. For a full
               description of supported qualifiers, see individ-
               ual qualifier subtopics; for a summary, see the
               "Qualifier" subtopic.

   file-spec   A file specification for a local or remote file.

   [,...]      One or more additional local or remote file specifica-
               tions, each of which is separated from the preceding
               file specification by either a comma (,) or a plus
               sign (+).

4  Wildcards

   Wildcards provide a method for generalizing a file designation to
   encompass a set of local files. Standard DCL wildcard techniques 
   work for both local (RMS) files and remote files for those remote 
   FTAM systems that support the NBS-9 document type. If using 
   wildcard techniques with remote FTAM systems does not work, you 
   should complete the file designation.

   The supported wildcard characters include an asterisk (*) to 
   represent a text string, a percent sign (%) to represent a single 
   character, or empty brackets ([ ]) to represent all files in the 
   local default RMS directory.  

4  Qualifiers

   Any DELETE command qualifier that is unlisted here is accepted as
   a null qualifier, which produces no effect on the outcome of the



   This qualifier controls whether a request is issued before each
   delete operation asking you to indicate whether to delete that
   file. The local sytem prompts you by asking, "Delete filename?

   Issue one of the following responses:

   o  To affirm deleting a specific file: Yes, True, or 1

   o  To prevent deleting a specific file: No, FALSE, 0, or <RET>

   o  To continue deleting without further confirmations: ALL

   o  To stop all deleting: Quit or <CTRL/Z>

   Abbreviations and any combination of upper- and lowercase letters
   are acceptable.

   Default value:   Unconfirmed



   This qualifier controls whether the FTAM deletion utility displays
   the file specification of each file it deletes.

   Default value:   No logging

4  Examples

       Delete AMIGUITA::"/MAIN/SUB/FILE/EXT"? [N] <RET>

      This command allows you to review your deletion request(s)
      before they are executed. In this example, confirmation is
      denied and the file is undeleted.

       Delete FREUNDE::"^VOL>MAIN>FILE.EXT"? [N] Y<RET>
       %DELETE-I-FILDEL, FREUNDE::"^VOL>MAIN>FILE" deleted (1 block)
       Delete TEST.DAT;4? [N] N<RET>

      This command requests conformation about deleting the command
      deletes the remote file ^VOL>MAIN>TEST.DAT on FREUNDE and,
      receiving a positive response (Y), deletes that file. The
      command then requests conformation about deleting the local
      file TEST.DAT;4 and, receiving a negative response (N), leaves
      that file intact.


   directory utility, which allows you to display the file attributes
   of files on any FTAM system within an OSI network.

   By default, the DIRECTORY/APPLICATION_PROTOCOL=FTAM command dis-
   plays the file name and remote FTAM application address. To display
   information on all of the FTAM file attributes, include the
   /FULL qualifier in the DIRECTORY command.

4  Format

   DIRECTORY/APPLICATION_PROTOCOL=FTAM [/qualifier(s)] file-spec

   The following table describes the variables in this format state-

   Variable    Explanation
   /qualifier  An RMS qualifier of the DIRECTORY command. For a
               full description of supported qualifiers, see in-
               dividual qualifier subtopics; for a summary, see the
               "Qualifier" subtopic.

   file-spec   The file specification for a local or remote file.

4  Wildcards

   Wildcards provide a method for generalizing a file designation to
   encompass a set of local files. Standard DCL wildcard techniques 
   work for both local (RMS) files and remote files for those remote 
   FTAM systems that support the NBS-9 document type. If using 
   wildcard techniques with remote FTAM systems does not work, you 
   should complete the file designation.

   The supported wildcard characters include an asterisk (*) to 
   represent a text string, a percent sign (%) to represent a single 
   character, or empty brackets ([ ]) to represent all files in the 
   local default RMS directory.  

4  Qualifiers

   Any DIRECTORY command qualifier that is unlisted here is accepted
   as a null qualifier, which produces no effect on the outcome of



   Produces a brief directory display, which is the default format.
   Unless you specify the /SIZE, /OWNER, and/or /DATE qualifiers, the
   brief directory display contains only and FTAM application address
   and file designation for each specified file.

   Default value:   A brief display



   Controls the number of columns in a brief directory display. In
   practice, a display contains as many of the specified number of
   columns as can fit within the display width or the screen width
   (whichever is narrowest).

   Default value:   A four column display



   Displays either the creation or modification date of the speci-
   fied file(s) according to the type of date that you specify. The
   available types of dates and their effects are:

   CREATED   Displays the creation date of a file (default)

   MODIFIED  Displays the last modification date of a file, that is,
             when it was last written to

   Default value:   No date displayed



   This qualifier generates a complete listing of supported file
   attributes. The "File_attributes" subtopic of the /APPLICATION_
   PROTOCOL=FTAM qualifier defines the attributes that are listed by
   the full directory display.

   Default value:   A brief directory display



   Suppresses both individual file listings and individual directory
   totals when multiple directories are involved. The /GRAND_TOTAL
   qualifier displays the total numbers of targeted directories and

   Default value:   Both attributes of individual files and directory
                    totals displayed



   Controls whether a heading line consisting of an FTAM application
   name is displayed separately from file designations. Each FTAM
   system specified in a DIRECTORY command generates a separate
   directory header.

   Default value:   Header displayed



   This qualifier controls where the output of the command is sent.
   The /NOOUTPUT qualifier suppresses output. The /OUTPUT=file quali-
   fier with a file name and type sends the output to the designated
   file. The /OUTPUT=file with a directory but without a file name
   or type sends the output to the designated directory and a file
   called DIRECTORY.LIS. Using wildcards is prohibited in the /OUTPUT 
   file specification.

   Default value:   Output to the default output stream or device
                    of the current process, whose logical name is

                    (Without a file specification, the /OUTPUT quali-
                    fier also directs output to SYS$OUTPUT.)



   Controls whether the file owner's UIC is listed.

   Default value:   File owner undisplayed



   This qualifier places the directory output into the file
   DIRECTORY.LIS or the file you specify using the /OUTPUT=file qual-
   ifier, automatically queues the file for printing, and deletes the

   Default value:   No printing



   Provides the file size in the blocks used and/or allocated for
   each specified file. The available /SIZE options and their effects

   ALL          Displays the file size both in blocks used and blocks

   ALLOCATION   Displays the file size in blocks allocated

   USED         Displays the file size in blocks used (default op-

   See also the /WIDTH=(SIZE=n) qualifier.

   Default value:   File sizes undisplayed



   Suppresses individual file listings and displays only the summary
   information that is described under the /TRAILING qualifier.

   Default value:   Information about individual file(s) precedes



   Controls whether summary information (totals) appears in a trail-
   ing line at the end of a directory display. Totals include some or
   all of the following:

   o  Number of files listed per directory

   o  The number of directories (if the command specifies multiple

   o  Total number of blocks from each directory (if the command
      contains the /SIZE or the /FULL qualifier)

   Default value:   Totals displayed



   Allows you to control the display width allotted to four elements:
   the entire display, file name, owner information, and file size.
   If you specify only one display-element option (option), you can
   omit the parentheses. The display-element options are as follows:

   DISPLAY[=n]    Controls the total width for a directory display.
                  You can make the width from 1 through 255 charac-
                  ters. However, if the total width of the display
                  exceeds the terminal width, the directory facility
                  truncates the display on the right side.

   FILENAME[=n]   Controls the width of the file-name field for a
                  brief directory display.

   OWNER[=n]      Controls the width of the owner field for a brief
                  directory display. If the owner information exceeds
                  the length of the owner field, the directory facil-
                  ity truncates the owner information on the right

   SIZE[=n]       Controls the width of the size field for a brief
                  directory display.

   Default        o  Display: Terminal width
                  o  File name: 19 characters

                  o  Owner: 20 characters

                  o  Size: 6 characters

4  Examples

       _$ HAVA::TEST.DAT <RET>

      First, this command displays the FTAM application address,
      AMIGUITA, and the file name \DIR\FILE\EXT. Next, this com-
      mand displays the FTAM application address, HAVA, and the file
      name TEST.DAT. The output would resemble the following:

         Directory AMIGUITA::


         Total of 1 file

         Directory HAVA::


         Total of 1 file


      This command produces a full directory display for the remote
      file HAVA::TEST.DAT. The full directory display for such a
      remote file would resemble the following:

         Directory HAVA::

         TEST.DAT                      File ID:  None
         Size:           11/12         Owner:    <Unknown>
         Created:   <None specified>   Revised:  30-JAN-1988 9:41
         Expires:   <None specified>   Backup:    <No backup done>
         File organization:  Sequential
         File attributes:    Allocation: 12, Extend: 0, Global
         buffer count: 0
                             No version limit
         Record format:      Undefined
         Record attributes:  None
         Journaling enabled: None
         File protection:    System: , Owner: , Group: , World:
         Access Cntrl List:  None

         Total of 1 file, 11/12 blocks.


   renaming utility, which allows you to rename any combination of
   files to which you have access on any FTAM system within an OSI
   network. You can change the directory specification, file name,
   file type, or file version of an existing file.

4  Format

   RENAME/APPLICATION_PROTOCOL=FTAM [/qualifier(s)] input-file-
   spec[,...] output-file-spec

   The following table describes the variables in this format state-

   Variable         Explanation
   /qualifier       An RMS qualifier of the RENAME command. For a
                    full description of supported qualifiers, see
                    individual qualifier subtopics; for a summary,
                    see the "Qualifier" subtopic.

   input-file-spec  A file specification of an input (source) file,
                    which can be either local or remote.

   [,...]           A file list containing file specifications for
                    one or more additional input files. Within a file
                    list, you must precede each additional file spec-
                    ification with either a comma (,) or a plus sign
                    (+) with or without a space. To end an input file
                    list, either omit the comma or plus sign between
                    the last input file specification and the output
                    file specification or press <RET>.

                    Input files can be from the same or different
                    FTAM systems.

   output-file-     The name of an output file. Because FTAM
   spec             always creates only one output file, the
                    RENAME/APPLICATION_PROTOCOL=FTAM command ac-
                    cepts only one output-file specification.

                    For local output files, renaming a file to a
                    local directory is controlled by the same rules
                    that control the RMS renaming utility. If you
                    specify no directory, the utility places the
                    output file in your default directory. If you
                    specify another local directory for which you
                    have write privileges, the utility places the
                    output file in that directory.

                    For remote output files, always specify the file
                    designation. For information on where a remote
                    FTAM system places an output file that is created
                    remotely using FTAM, see the documentation of the
                    remote system.

4  Wildcards

   Wildcards provide a method for generalizing a file designation to
   encompass a set of local files. Standard DCL wildcard techniques 
   work for both local (RMS) files and remote files for those remote 
   FTAM systems that support the NBS-9 document type. If using 
   wildcard techniques with remote FTAM systems does not work, you 
   should complete the file designation.

   The supported wildcard characters include an asterisk (*) to 
   represent a text string, a percent sign (%) to represent a single 
   character, or empty brackets ([ ]) to represent all files in the 
   local default RMS directory.  

4  Qualifiers

   Any RENAME command qualifier that is unlisted here is not sup-



   This qualifier controls whether a request is issued before each
   rename operation asking you to indicate whether to rename that
   file. The local sytem prompts you by asking, "filename -> filename
   ? (Y,N,Q,All):."

   Issue one of the following responses:

   o  To affirm renaming a specific file: Yes, True, or 1

   o  To prevent renaming a specific file: No, FALSE, 0, or <RET>

   o  To continue renaming without further confirmations: ALL

   o  To stop all renaming: Quit or <CTRL/Z>

   Abbreviations and any combination of upper- and lowercase letters
   are acceptable.

   Default value:   Unconfirmed



   This qualifier controls whether the FTAM renaming utility displays
   the file specification of each file it renames.

   Default value:   No logging

4  Examples

       AMIGO::"/MAIN/SUB/FILE/EXT" --> AMIGO::"NEW/FILE" ? (Y,N,Q,All):

      This command allows you to review your renaming request(s)
      before they are executed. In this example, the remote file
      /MAIN/FILE/EXT is renamed to the remote file /NEW/FILE on the
      same system after the positive response (Y) is received.

       _$ TEST.DAT <RET>
       FREUND::"^VOL>MAIN>FILE.EXT" --> TEST.DAT ? (Y,N,Q,All): Y<RET>

      This command requests conformation about renaming the remote
      file ^VOL>MAIN>TEST.DAT on FREUND and, receiving a positive
      response (Y), renames that file to TEST.DAT. The informational
      message is displayed because the /LOG qualifier is used.

3  SET

   DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS provides additional functionality for the 
   HOST option of the SET verb.

4  Set_Options

   These are the SET command options supplied by DECnet-Plus for 

   Option                Function

   HOST/MOP              Connects your terminal to a remote system
                         by way of the current host processor using
                         the MOP protocol.

   HOST/VTP              Connects your terminal to a remote system
                         by way of the current host processor using
                         the OSI Virtual Terminal protocol.

   HOST/X29              Connects your terminal to a remote system
                         by way of the current host processor using
                         the X.25 software and the CCITT X.29 


   Connects your terminal (through the current host processor) to
   another processor, called the remote processor.


      SET HOST  remote-system

5  Parameter


      Specifies the name of the remote processor to which you will

5  /MOP

   Connects your system to a remote system using the MOP protocol.


      SET HOST/MOP  client-name

6  Parameter


      Specifies the name of the MOP CLIENT entity which describes 
      the remote system that is the target of the console carrier 
      request.  This is an optional parameter.  If omitted, you 
      must specify the /CIRCUIT and /ADDRESS qualifiers.

6  Qualifiers	   


    Specifies the LAN address of the remote system.


    Specifies the character which is to be recognized as a request
    to send a MOP Break protocol command to the remote system.
    Pressing the Ctrl key and this character transmits a MOP Break 
    to the remote system.  The default character is \.


    Specifies the name of the MOP CIRCUIT entity over which the
    request should take place.


    Specifies the character which is to be recognized as a request
    to terminate the connection with the remote system.  Once the
    connection is established, pressing the Ctrl key and this
    character terminates the connection. The default character is ].


    Specifies the service password of the remote system. A
    verification has 16 hex digits.  If less than 16 digits are
    specified, MOP will pad with zeros on the right.

5  /VTP

   Connects your system to a remote system utilizing the OSI Virtual 
   Terminal Protocol.


     SET HOST/VTP  alias

6  Parameter

      Specifies the name of the remote VT application that you wish 
      to connect to.  This name can be an alias in the 
      SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]ISOAPPLICATIONS.DAT file, or it can be the 
      X.500 Distinguished Name of the remote VT application enclosed 
      in quotes.

6  Qualifiers



   Selects the break character. The break character is used to
   generate a break on lines that expect a break rather than a
   carriage return. To generate a break, press Ctrl/break-character.  

   The break character can be any ASCII character between @ and z.
   You cannot select a character currently defined as either the 
   command character (see the description of the /COMMAND=command-
   character qualifier) or the disconnect character (see the 
   description of the /DISCONNECT=disconnect-character qualifier).

   The ASCII characters between @ and z include the alphabetic
   characters in both upper and lower cases, the "at" sign (@),
   the backslash (\),  the right bracket (]), the circumflex (^),
   the underscore (_),  and the grave accent (`).

   By default, the break character is the right bracket (]).



   Selects the command character. The command character is used to
   access VT command mode by pressing Ctrl/command-character.

   The command character can be any ASCII character between @ and z.
   You cannot select a character currently defined as either the 
   break character (see the description of the 
   /BREAK=break-character qualifier) or the disconnect character 
   (see the description of the /DISCONNECT=disconnect-character 

   The ASCII characters between @ and z include the alphabetic
   characters in both upper and lower cases, the "at" sign (@),
   the backslash (\), the right bracket (]), the circumflex (^),
   the underscore (_), and the grave accent (`).

   By default, the command character is the "at" sign (@).



   Selects the disconnect character. The disconnect character is 
   used to abnormally terminate VT association with the remote 
   system by pressing Ctrl/disconnect-character.

   The disconnect character can be any ASCII character between @ 
   and z.  You cannot select a character currently defined as 
   either the break character (see the description of the 
   /BREAK=break-character qualifier) or the command character (see
   the description of the /COMMAND=command-character qualifier).

   The ASCII characters between @ and z include the alphabetic
   characters in both upper and lower cases, the "at" sign (@),
   the backslash (\), the right bracket (]), the circumflex (^),
   the underscore (_), and the grave accent (`).

   By default, the disconnect character is the "backslash" (\).


      /NOLOG (default)

   Controls whether a log file of the entire session is kept. If you
   use the /LOG qualifier without the file specification, the log
   information is stored in the file SETHOST_VTP.LOG.



   Specifies the Virtual Terminal profile to be used when 
   establishing the association.  The following profiles are 
   currently supported:

   o Generalized_Telnet (default)

   o Telnet

   o Transparent

   o Amode_default


      /NOSTATISTICS (default)

   Provides statistics on the VT association, including CPU usage, 
   pagefaults, and I/O counts.

6  Example

   Username:  BROWN
       Welcome to VAX/VMS Version 5.4 on node ITALIC
   $  LOGOUT
   BROWN logged out at 19-APR-1991 15:04:25.27
   %VT-S-END, Control returned to local end system

   In this example, the name of the local node is CASLON. This SET 
   HOST/VTP command connects the user terminal to the processor at 
   the network node named ITALIC. The remote processor then prompts 
   for user name and password. Use the normal login procedure to 
   log in to the remote processor.

5  /X29

   Enables a connection to a host-based PAD using the X.29 protocol.


      SET HOST/X29 node-name

   When you are first connected to the  PAD,  your  terminal  is  in
   data-transfer mode.  You can change to PAD command mode by typing
   the appropriate escape character (usually <CTRL/P>).  In  command
   mode you can obtain further help on the PAD (by typing HELP).

6  Qualifiers




   This qualifier sets up a control character which has the same 
   effect as entering the BREAK command.  The character must be a 
   single letter representing a control character.  For example,  
   if the character is K, <CTRL/K> acts as a BREAK key.




   If you use this qualifier and do not specify a DTE address you 
   may only use the /LOG, /PARAMETER, /VMS_MODE, /PROFILE, 
   accept only CCITT commands and an A command is used to make the 

   If you specify a DTE address, you may use any of the qualifiers.  
   The PAD will make the call as requested and then enter CCITT




   If this qualifier is present with a value, the value refers to 
   the name of the closed user group, and the parameter is the 
   usual DTE address.

   When this qualifier is without a value, the DTE address parameter 
   is assumed to be the name of a bilateral closed user group.




   This qualifier changes the control character you type to go  into
   PAD command mode.

   Use this qualifier when accessing a PAD from a  console  terminal
   (or  on some other networking product) which interprets <CTRL/P>.
   Do not enter <CTRL/P> from a console terminal unless you have set
   the  terminal to LOCAL DISABLE with the keyswitch.  The keyswitch
   is on the front of the system that you are using.

   If you  specify  /NODEFAULT_ESCAPE_CHARACTER,  you  go  into  PAD
   command  mode by typing multiple <CTRL/Y>s ( or the host must set
   parameter 1 to a value greater than 1 ).




   This qualifier specifies a list of numbers, in  the  range  0  to
   255,  which are in the 'local facilities field' in the NCB (refer
   to the X.25 Programming Reference manual for details of the NCB). 
   This list specifies some local facility not covered  by  the X.25
   software.   This  field  is not checked so the network may reject
   the call if you request an invalid facility.




   This qualifier makes the call with fast select requested.




   The digit string specifies the local DTE address to use  for  the
   outgoing  call.  This qualifier is not valid if you are using 
   X.25 Access.




   This qualifier sets up a log file which logs copies  of  all  the
   data sent and received by the user.

   This file is by default PSIPAD.LOG and is in the  user's  default

   You can set the log file type in the PSI$PADLOG logical  name  to
   either  NETWORK or TERMINAL (the default).  NETWORK captures data
   on the network side of the host-based PAD, TERMINAL captures data
   as it appears on your terminal.

   Using the  /LOG qualifier is  the  same  as  using  the  SET  LOG
   command  which  assumes  the  default  /STAMP=SENSE.  The  /STAMP
   qualifier has no effect on the TERMINAL log file.




   Use this qualifier to request the  specified  packetsize  in  the
   call  packet.   Otherwise,  the  network  default  is  used.  The
   packetsize should be between 16 and 1024 and must be a  power  of
   2.   If  you request a packetsize larger than the one configured,
   X.25 will use the largest size configured.




   The parameter-list consists of compulsory keywords  and  optional
   values  such as TIMEOUT=10, NOWRAP and DELETE.  This qualifier is
   the same as issuing a SET PARAMETER parameter-list command.   
   X.25 reads the parameter-list before you make your call.




   This qualifier is a list of profiles.  It is the same as  issuing
   several "SET PROFILE profile-name" commands, one for each profile
   name in the list.




   Use this qualifier to put a non-standard X.29 protocol identifier
   string  into  the  'protocol  identifier' field of the call.  The
   string is interpreted as a series  of  hexadecimal  digits  which
   fill  the  first  4 bytes of user data in the call packet.  Valid
   values for this string are set up by the X.29 protocol.




   Use this qualifier  to  request  reverse  charging  in  the  call




   If you use this qualifier, the digit  string  you  specify  is  a
   local subaddress in the outgoing call.




   This qualifier displays the duration of the PAD  session  at  the
   end of the call.




   Use this qualifier to request the specified throughput  class  in
   the call packet.




   Use this qualifier to specify a string of user data that is  sent
   to the remote DTE when the call is established.  The maximum size
   of the string is 12 characters,  unless   /FAST_SELECT  has  been
   specified, in which case it is 124 characters.




   This qualifier causes the PAD to enter VMS mode.

   This optimizes communication with the remote DTE if the system is
   VMS  V4.0  or  later.   Do  not use this qualifier unless you are
   connected to a VAX/VMS V4.0 or later system.




   Use this qualifier to request the  specified  windowsize  in  the
   range  of  1-127  in  the  call  packet.   Otherwise, the network
   default is used.  If you request a windowsize larger than the one
   configured, X.25 will use the largest size configured.


   This help documents the FTAM product, which implements the 
   Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) File Transfer, Access and
   Management (FTAM) protocol.

   FTAM offers several user facilities that operate on any combination 
   of files on your system (local files) and on files on other systems 
   with FTAM applications (remote files). These facilities include:

   o  FTAM appending facility

      This facility enables you to append files by using the
      APPEND/APPLICATION_PROTOCOL=FTAM command. The facility allows
      the appending of one or more input files to a single output
      file, within or between FTAM applications.

   o  FTAM copying facility

      This facility enables you to copy files by using the COPY/APPLICATION_
      PROTOCOL=FTAM command. The facility allows the copying of one
      or more input files to a single output file, within or between
      FTAM applications.

   o  FTAM deletion facility

      This facility enables you to delete files by using the

   o  FTAM directory facility

      This facility enables you to display file attributes for one
      or more files by using the DIRECTORY/APPLICATION_PROTOCOL=FTAM

   o  FTAM renaming facility

      This facility enables you to rename files by using the

3 File-specification

   The FTAM DCL commands accept any of the following file specifica-
   tion formats:

      appl-address"initiator-id password account"::rms-file-designation
      appl-address"initiator-id password account"::"non-rms-file-

   The following table describes the variables in these format state-

   Variable      Explanation
   appl-address  An FTAM application address that corresponds to the
                 FTAM responder of an FTAM system. An FTAM responder
                 handles incoming requests for files from FTAM users.

   initiator-id  A character string that identifies an initiator
                 ID on the specified FTAM node. If you specify this
                 string in a local file specification, FTAM uses
                 the initiator ID as the user name of an OpenVMS 

   password      A string that identifies an FTAM filestore password.
                 If you specifiy this string in a local file specifi-
                 cation, FTAM uses the filestore password as the
                 login password for the OpenVMS account identified by 
                 the initiator ID.

   account       A string that identifies an FTAM account name. If
                 you specify this string in a local file specifi-
                 cation, FTAM uses it as an OpenVMS account name. To
                 specify an account, you must also specify both a
                 user name and a password.

   rms-file-     A standard Record Management Services (RMS) file
   designation   specification, which contains one or more components
                 in the following format:


                 Except for the file name or file name delimiter
                 (.), all the components are optional.

                 For local files, the FTAM copying facility per-
                 mits standard DCL wildcards. See the "Wildcards"
                 subtopic for more information about DCL wildcards.

   non-rms-      A file designation whose format RMS cannot inter-
   file-         pret. A non-rms file designation contains whatever
   designation   information the remote FTAM system requires for
                 locating a remote file. Enclosing non-RMS file des-
                 ignations between double quotation marks ("non-rms-
                 file-designation") causes RMS to accept the enclosed
                 designation without trying to parse it. Failing
                 to enclose non-rms file designations within double
                 quotation marks causes an error.

                 Note that FTAM cannot handle a remote file des-
                 ignation that contains one or more double quotation
                 marks among its characters.

   File designations equate to FTAM file names. An FTAM file name
   is a text string that identifies a file to an FTAM system. The
   FTAM system requesting a file (the initiator) supplies an FTAM
   file name to the FTAM system accepting the file request (the

   FTAM treats FTAM file names as follows:

   o  When you request a remote file, the FTAM initiator separates 
      the FTAM application address from the file designation.  The 
      application address translates into the address of an FTAM
      application on a particular FTAM system. The file designation,
      which includes everything to the right of the double colons
      (::) excluding double quotation marks that enclose an FTAM
      file designation, serves unchanged as an FTAM file name.

   o  When processing an incoming file request, the FTAM responder 
      treats whatever string it receives for the FTAM file name
      as an RMS file designation.

2  MOP

   Connects your system to a remote system using the MOP protocol.

2  X.25

   The X.25 software is the interface for packet switching data 
   networks (PSDNs).  

2  VTP

   Virtual Terminal software is a communications component for 
   terminal access between open systems.

   Virtual Terminal may act as the initiator/terminal (for a local 
   user) or as the responder/host (for the remote user).

   Supported Standards:

   Virtual Terminal conforms to the following ISO standards:
   o  ISO 9041 - Virtual Terminal Protocol - Basic Class

   o  ISO 8650 - ACSE protocol

   o  ISO 8823 - Presentation protocol
   o  ISO 8327 - Session protocol

   Virtual Terminal Features:

   o  Class of Service

      -  Basic class (character cell terminals)

   o  Mode of Operation

      -  Asynchronous Mode (A-Mode)

   o  Profile Support

      -  Default A-Mode

      -  Telnet-1988 (A-Mode)

      -  Transparent (A-Mode)

      -  Generalized Telnet (A-Mode)

   o  Functional Units

      -  Break

   o  Supported Gateways

      -  Bidirectional VT/LAT

      -  Bidirectional VT/Telnet

   Tracing Utility:

   The Virtual Terminal tracing utility, provided by 
   SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]OSITRACE.EXE, is a tool for identifying problems 
   in protocol exchanges between your local system and any remote 
   system.  The tracing utility captures protocol exchanges and 
   transcribes them into easily readable text.

   The Virtual Terminal tracing utility monitors data exchanges for
   individual associations.  The tracing utility can trace data 
   originating from the following components: VT, ACSE, Presentation, 
   and Session.