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TCPIP Services, Programming Interfaces, Sockets API, inet_ntoa()

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

    Converts an internet address into a text string representing the
    address in the standard internet dotted-decimal format.
      #include  <in.h>
      #include  <inet.h>
      char *inet_ntoa  ( struct in_addr in );

  1 - Argument

    An internet address in network byte order.

  2 - Description

    This function converts an internet address into an ASCII (null-
    terminated) string that represents the address in standard
    internet dotted-decimal format.
    Because the string is returned in a static buffer that is
    overwritten by subsequent calls to inet_ntoa(), you should copy
    the string to a safe place.

  3 - Return Value

    x                  A pointer to a string containing the internet
                       address in dotted-decimal format.
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