VMS Help
System Services, $NUMTIM

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

    Converts an absolute or delta time from 64-bit system time format
    to binary integer date and time values.

    On Alpha systems, this service accepts 64-bit addresses.


      SYS$NUMTIM  timbuf ,[timadr]

    C Prototype

      int sys$numtim  (unsigned short int timbuf [7], struct

                      _generic_64 *timadr);

  1 - Arguments


    OpenVMS usage:vector_word_unsigned
    type:         word (unsigned)
    access:       write only
    mechanism:    by 32- or 64-bit reference (Alpha)
    mechanism:    by 32-bit reference (VAX)
    Buffer into which $NUMTIM writes the converted date and time. The
    timbuf argument is the 32-bit address (on VAX systems) or the 32-
    or 64-bit address (on Alpha systems) of a 7-word structure.

    Refer to the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual to view the
    diagram of the fields in this structure.

    If the timadr argument specifies a delta time, $NUMTIM returns
    the value 0 in the year since 0 and month of year fields. It
    returns in the day of month field the number of days specified by
    the delta time.


    OpenVMS usage:date_time
    type:         quadword
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by 32- or 64-bit reference (Alpha)
    mechanism:    by 32-bit reference (VAX)
    The 64-bit time value to be converted. The timadr argument is the
    32-bit address (on VAX systems) or the 32- or 64-bit address (on
    Alpha systems) of a quadword containing this time. A positive-
    time value represents an absolute time, while a negative time
    value indicates a delta time.

    If you do not specify timadr, $NUMTIM returns the current system

    If timadr specifies the value 0, $NUMTIM returns the base date
    (November 17, 1858).
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