VMS Help LANCP, DEFINE, NODE, Qualifiers *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
/ADDRESS=node-address /NOADDRESS (default) Associates a LAN address with the node name. Specify the address as 6 bytes in hexadecimal notation, separated by hyphens. The address does not have to be unique (as might be the case when the address is not known, so a nonexistent address is specified). If multiple node addresses are to be associated with a node name, each combination may be given as a node name with an extension, for example, VAXSYS.EXA for the EXA device on node VAXSYS, or VAXSYS_1 for the first LAN device on node VAXSYS. If you do not specify the /ADDRESS qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOADDRESS qualifier clears the field.
2 - /ALL
Defines data for all nodes in the LAN permanent node database. If you specify a node name, all matching nodes are selected; for example, A/ALL selects all nodes beginning with A.
/BOOT_TYPE=boot-option /NOBOOT_TYPE Indicates the type of processing required for downline load requests. You can specify one of the following keywords with this qualifier: o VAX_SATELLITE-an OpenVMS Cluster VAX satellite boot o ALPHA_SATELLITE-an OpenVMS Cluster Alpha satellite boot o OTHER-the specified image; a noncluster satellite load that does not require additional data The distinction is necessary, because OpenVMS Cluster satellite loads require additional cluster-related data be appended to the load image given by the /FILE qualifier. The default value is OTHER. If you do not specify the /BOOT_TYPE qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOBOOT_TYPE qualifier clears the field.
/DECNET_ADDRESS=value /NODECNET_ADDRESS Associates a DECnet address with the node name. Specify the address in DECnet notation, xx.xxxx. If you do not specify the /DECNET_ADDRESS=value qualifier, then the setting remains unchanged. The /NODECNET_ADDRESS qualifier clears the field.
5 - /FILE
/FILE=file-spec /NOFILE Supplies the file name of a boot file to be used when the downline load request does not include a file name (for example, with OpenVMS Cluster satellite booting). The file specification is limited to 127 characters. If no file name is specified, OpenVMS Cluster satellite loads default to APB.EXE where the boot type is set to ALPHA and NISCS_ LOAD.EXE where the boot type is set to VAX. If you do not specify the /FILE qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOFILE qualifier clears the field.
/IP_ADDRESS=value /NOIP_ADDRESS Associates an IP address with the node name. Specify the address in the standard dotted notation, xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. If you do not specify the /IP_ADDRESS=value qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOIP_ADDRESS qualifier clears the filed.
7 - /ROOT
/ROOT=directory-specification /NOROOT Supplies the directory specification to be associated with the file name. For cluster satellite service, the /ROOT qualifier specifies the satellite root directory. For noncluster service, this qualifier specifies the location of the file. If the file specification or the file name given in the boot request includes the directory name, this qualifier is ignored. The directory specification is limited to 127 characters. If you do not specify the /ROOT qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOROOT qualifier clears the field.
8 - /SIZE
/SIZE=value /NOSIZE Specifies the size in bytes of the file data portion of each downline load message. The default is the load data size specified for the device. The permitted range is 246 to 1482 bytes. Use a larger size for better load performance and less server overhead. If you do not specify the /SIZE qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOSIZE qualifier clears the setting.
9 - /V3
/V3 /NOV3 Indicates that only MOP Version 3 formatted messages are to be used for downline load purposes, regardless of the requested format. This allows systems that have a problem with MOP Version 4 booting to load. This qualifier causes the requesting node to fail over from MOP Version 4 to MOP Version 3 when no response has been made to a MOP Version 4 load request. If you do not specify the /V3 qualifier, the setting remains unchanged. The /NOV3 qualifier clears the setting.
Updates the node entries in the LAN permanent node database with any data currently set in the volatile database. This allows you to update the permanent database after changing data in the volatile database, rather than repeating the commands for each updated entry to apply the changes to the permanent database.