VMS Help

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

1 - /LOG


    Controls whether the RENAME command displays the file
    specification of each file that it renames. The default is



    Determines whether protection is set for an RT-11 output file.
    The default is /NOPROTECT.

    This qualifier is not valid for Files-11 or DOS-11 output files.
    Protection attributes for Files-11 output are taken from the
    current process default protection.

    EXCHANGE does not attempt to transfer protection attributes
    from the input file to the output file. Protection mechanisms
    of various operating systems do not readily translate to one

    The owner UIC of the output file is the UIC of the current



    Controls whether the RENAME command renames files that have the
    file type SYS. These files are usually files necessary for the
    operation of an RT-11 system. Only RT-11 volumes handle SYS files
    in this manner.

    The default is /NOSYSTEM; the RENAME command does not rename an
    RT-11 file with the type SYS, whether it is matched by a wildcard
    specification or is named explicitly. EXCHANGE displays a message
    when it skips an SYS file during a rename operation.

    EXCHANGE handles files with the file type BAD in a similar
    manner; that is, the rename operation skips BAD files. However,
    EXCHANGE does not warn that BAD files are being skipped, and the
    /SYSTEM qualifier has no effect on BAD files. To rename a file
    with the type BAD, specify the file explicitly instead of using



    Defines the physical format of the volume to be processed.
    EXCHANGE supports the RENAME command on RT-11 volumes only.
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