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DCE_THREADS, Thread Intro, Non Portable Extensions

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

  DECthreads also provides routines that implement nonportable extensions
  to the POSIX 1003.1c standard.  These routines are grouped into these
  functional categories:

  1 - Thread Execution Routines

   pthread_delay_np          Causes a thread to delay execution.

                             Obtains a value representing a desired
                             expiration time.

   pthread_getsequence_np    Obtains the thread sequence number.

  2 - Thread Attributes Routines

                             Obtains the guardsize attribute of the
                             specified thread attributes object.

                             Changes the guardsize attribute of the
                             specified thread attributes object.

  3 - DECthreads Global Mutex Routines

   pthread_lock_global_np    Locks the DECthreads global mutex if it
                             is unlocked.

   pthread_unlock_global_np  Unlocks the DECthreads lobal mutex if it
                             is locked.

  4 - Mutex Attributes Routines

                             Obtains the mutex type attribute of a
                             mutex attributes object.

                             Changes the mutex type attribute of a
                             mutex attributes object.

  5 - Condition Variable Routines

                             Wakes one thread that is waiting on a
                             condition variable (called from interrupt
                             level only).

  6 - DECthreads Exception Object Routines

                             Obtains a system-defined error status
                             from a DECthreads status exception object.

   pthread_exc_matches_np    Determines whether two DECthreads exception
                             objects are identical.

   pthread_exc_report_np     Produces a message that reports what a
                             specified DECthreads status exception
                             object represents.

                             Imports a system-defined error status
                             into a DECthreads address exception object.
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