VMS Help
DECnet-Plus, DCL Commands, RENAME, Qualifiers, /CONFIRM

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)


    This qualifier controls whether a request is issued before each
    rename operation asking you to indicate whether to rename that
    file. The local sytem prompts you by asking, "filename -> filename
    ? (Y,N,Q,All):."

    Issue one of the following responses:

    o  To affirm renaming a specific file: Yes, True, or 1

    o  To prevent renaming a specific file: No, FALSE, 0, or <RET>

    o  To continue renaming without further confirmations: ALL

    o  To stop all renaming: Quit or <CTRL/Z>

    Abbreviations and any combination of upper- and lowercase letters
    are acceptable.

    Default value:   Unconfirmed
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