1  SET
   Defines or changes, for the current terminal session or batch
   job, characteristics associated with files and devices owned by
   the process.


     SET  option

2  Description
   The following table lists all the SET command options, including
   those generally reserved for use by system operators and

   Option             Function

   ACCOUNTING         Controls the current accounting file.

   AUDIT              Provides the management interface to the
                      security auditing system.

   BROADCAST          Determines which messages will be broadcast to

   CACHE/RESET        Resets systemwide I/O caching statistics for
                      the extended file cache (XFC).

   CARD_READER        Defines the default ASCII translation mode for
                      a card reader.

   CLUSTER/EXPECTED_  Sets the total expected votes in the OpenVMS
   VOTES              Cluster to a value that you specify or, if no
                      value is specified, sets the total votes to a
                      value determined by the system.

   COMMAND            Adds commands that are defined in a command
                      description file to your process command set
                      or a command tables file.

   CONTROL            Enables or disables interrupts caused by
                      Ctrl/T or Ctrl/Y.

   CPU                Changes the user capabilities associated with
                      the specified CPUs.

   DAY                Overrides the default day type specified in
                      the user authorization file (UAF).

   DEFAULT            Establishes a device and directory as the
                      current default for file specifications.

   DEVICE             Defines device characteristics.

   DEVICE/SERVED      Lets you make a disk on a local node available
                      to all the nodes on an OpenVMS Cluster.

   DIRECTORY          Modifies the characteristics of one or more

   DISPLAY            Redirects the output of a DECwindows

   ENTRY              Changes the current status or attributes of a
                      job not currently executing in a queue.

   FILE               Modifies the characteristics of one or more

   HOST               Connects your terminal (through the current
                      host processor) to another processor, called
                      the remote processor.

   HOST/DTE           Connects your system to a remote system by way
                      of an outgoing terminal line.

   HOST/DUP           Connects your terminal to a storage controller
                      through the appropriate bus for that

   HOST/HSC           Connects your terminal to a remote HSC50
                      disk and tape controller through the computer
                      interconnect (CI) bus.

   HOST/LAT           Connects your terminal to a specified service
                      available in the local area network (LAN),
                      establishing one session for communication
                      between your terminal and that service.

   HOST/RLOGIN        Allows you to log in to a remote host over a
                      TCP/IP connection and start an interactive
                      terminal session by accessing the RLOGIN

   HOST/TELNET        Connects you to a remote host over a TCP/IP
                      connection by invoking the TELNET application.

   HOST/TN3270        Connects you to a remote IBM host over a
                      TCP/IP connection, causing the local keyboard
                      to emulate an IBM 3279-class terminal keyboard
                      by invoking the TN3270 terminal emulator.

   KEY                Changes the current keypad state setting.

   LOGINS             Allows or disallows users to log in to the

   MAGTAPE            Defines characteristics of a magnetic tape

   MESSAGE            Overrides or supplements system messages.

   NETWORK            Registers the attributes of a network service.

   ON                 Controls whether the command interpreter
                      checks for an error condition following the
                      execution of commands in a command procedure.

   OUTPUT_RATE        Sets the rate at which output is written to a
                      batch job log file.

   PASSWORD           Lets users change their own passwords; lets
                      system managers change the system password.

   PREFIX             Allows you to set a prefix control string for
                      verified command lines.

   PRINTER            Defines printer characteristics.

   PROCESS            Defines execution characteristics of the
                      current process.

   PROMPT             Defines the DCL prompt.

   PROTECTION/DEFAULT Establishes the default protection to be
                      applied to all files subsequently created.

   QUEUE              Changes the current status or attributes of
                      the specified queue.

   RESTART_VALUE      Establishes a test value for restarting
                      portions of batch jobs.

   RIGHTS_LIST        Lets users modify the process rights list;
                      lets privileged users modify the system rights

   RMS_DEFAULT        Provides default multiblock and multibuffer
                      count values to be used by RMS for file

   SECURITY           Modifies the security profile of an object.

   SERVER             Controls starting, stopping, and restarting
                      of the security server. The security server
                      maintains information stored in the system
                      intrusion and proxy databases.

   SYMBOL             Controls access to local and global symbols in
                      command procedures.

   TERMINAL           Defines terminal characteristics.

   TIME               Resets the system clock to the specified

   VERIFY             Controls whether the command interpreter
                      displays lines in command procedures as it
                      executes them.

   VOLUME             Modifies the characteristics of one or more
                      Files-11 volumes.

   WORKING_SET        Changes the current working set limit or

   Controls the current accounting file.

   Requires OPER (operator) privilege.



3  Qualifiers



   Prevents the tracking of the resources specified by the keywords.

   The following table lists the keywords you can use to specify the
   type of resource.

   Keyword          Type of Resource

   IMAGE            Resources used by an image

   LOGIN_FAILURE    Resources used by an unsuccessful attempt to log

   MESSAGE          Unformatted record written to the accounting
                    file by a call to the $SNDJBC system service

   PRINT            Resources used by a print job

   PROCESS          Resources used by a process

   You do not need to stop the tracking of all processes and images.
   You can prevent resources being tracked for specific types of
   process and for images running in these types of process.

   The following table lists the keywords you can use to specify the
   type of process.

   Keyword        Type of Process

   BATCH          Batch process

   DETACHED       Detached process

   INTERACTIVE    Interactive process

   NETWORK        Network process

   SUBPROCESS     Subprocess (the parent process can be a batch,
                  detached, network, or interactive process)

   If the system is no longer tracking any resources, /DISABLE
   closes the current accounting file.

   If you use the /DISABLE qualifier and omit the keywords, the
   current accounting file does not track any resources, and the
   system closes the file.



   Enables the tracking of the specified resources, and opens the
   current accounting file if it is not already open.

   The following table lists the keywords you can use to specify the
   type of resource.

   Keyword          Type of Resource

   IMAGE            Resources used by an image

   LOGIN_FAILURE    Resources used by an unsuccessful attempt to log

   MESSAGE          (Unformatted record written to the accounting
                    file by a call to the $SNDJBC system service)

   PRINT            Resources used by a print job

   PROCESS          Resources used by a process

   You do not need to track all processes and images. You can track
   resources for specific types of process and for images running in
   those types of process.

   The following table lists the keywords you can use to specify the
   type of process.

   Keyword        Type of Process

   BATCH          Batch process

   DETACHED       Detached process

   INTERACTIVE    Interactive process

   NETWORK        Network process

   SUBPROCESS     Subprocess (the parent process can be a batch,
                  detached, network, or interactive process)

   If you use the /ENABLE qualifier and omit the keywords, the
   current accounting file tracks all resources.


   Writes information to the current SYS$OUTPUT device as the
   command executes.


   Closes the current accounting file, and starts up a new version
   of it.

   The name of the new file depends on whether the logical name
   ACCOUNTNG is defined in your system logical name table.

   If this logical name is not defined, the SET ACCOUNTING command
   opens the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT.

   If this logical name is defined, the command opens the file
   that this logical name points to. If you omit the directory,
   SYS$MANAGER is the default, and if you omit the file type, .DAT
   is the default.

   The /NEW_FILE qualifier writes a file forward link record to the
   old file, and a file backward link record to the new file. These
   records contain the names of the old and new files respectively.

3  Examples


     This example tells the system to track the resources used only
     by batch and interactive processes, and by images running
     in batch and interactive processes. It illustrates the
     cumulative effect of /ENABLE and /DISABLE qualifiers, and of
     SET ACCOUNTING commands.

     The /DISABLE qualifier prevents the tracking of all resources.
     The /ENABLE qualifier then tells the system to track the
     resources used by batch and interactive processes. The second
     SET ACCOUNTING command tells the system to track the resources
     used by images.


     This example closes the current accounting file, opens a
     new version of it, and changes the name of the old file to

   Provides the management interface to the security auditing

   Requires the SECURITY privilege.


     SET AUDIT/qualifier

   There are five categories of qualifiers, grouped by task, for the
   SET AUDIT command:

   Task           Qualifiers     Requirements

   Define         /AUDIT,        Specify whether you are defining
   auditing       /ALARM,        alarms (/ALARM), audits (/AUDIT),
   events         /CLASS,        or both. Also specify whether you
                  /ENABLE,       are enabling (/ENABLE) or disabling
                  /DISABLE       (/DISABLE) the reporting of the

   Define         /DESTINATION,  Requires both the /DESTINATION and
   auditing       /JOURNAL,      /JOURNAL qualifiers.
   log file       /VERIFY

   Define         /INTERVAL,     None.
   operational    /LISTENER,
   character-     /SERVER,
   istics of      /VERIFY
   the audit
   server and
   a listener
   mailbox (if

   Define         /ARCHIVE,      None.
   secondary      /DESTINATION,
   log file       /VERIFY

   Define         /BACKLOG,      With the /RESOURCE or /THRESHOLD
   resource       /EXCLUDE,      qualifier, include the /JOURNAL
   monitoring     /JOURNAL,      qualifier.
   defaults       /RESOURCE,

3  Qualifiers


   Makes the command apply to alarms, which are messages displayed
   on an operator terminal. See the description of the DCL command
   REPLY/ENABLE for details on how to enable terminals to display
   security messages.



   Specifies which classes of audit event messages are written to
   the security archive file. Specify one or more of the following

   Keyword              Description

   NONE                 Disables archiving on the system.

   [NO]ALL (default)    Enables or disables archiving of all system
                        security events. By default, no events are

   SYSTEM_ALARM         Enables archiving of all security alarm

   SYSTEM_AUDIT         Enables archiving of all security audit

   Archiving should be run on only one node in an OpenVMS Cluster
   with its own audit server database because multiple nodes will
   try to open the audit file exclusively.


   Makes the command apply to audits, which are messages recorded in
   the system security audit log file.



   Specifies the thresholds for suspending a process that has
   exceeded the process message limit. The thresholds include the
   total number of messages in memory and the number belonging
   to the particular process. To prevent a process from being
   suspended, use the /EXCLUDE qualifier. Specify the following

   Keyword          Description

   TOTAL=(n1,n2,n3) Thresholds at which flow control is initiated
                    and accelerated; see description below.

   PROCESS=(p1,p2)  Thresholds at which process submissions are

   Total             Process
   Messages Default  Messages Default Action Taken

   N1       100      P1       5       When there are 100 messages
                                      in memory, the audit server
                                      suspends any process that has
                                      submitted 5 or more messages
                                      until all messages are written
                                      to disk.

   N2       200      P2       2       When there are 200 messages
                                      in memory, the audit server
                                      suspends any process that has
                                      submitted 2 or more messages
                                      until all messages are written
                                      to disk.

   N3       300                       Any process with messages in
                                      memory is suspended until all
                                      messages are written to disk.



   Specifies the class of the object whose auditing attributes are
   to be modified. If /CLASS is not specified, the command assumes
   the class is FILE. Specify one of the following keywords with the
   /CLASS qualifier:




   When changing the destination of event messages, specifies
   the new location of the system security audit log file. The
   device, if part of the file specification, must be a disk. The
   /DESTINATION qualifier requires the /JOURNAL qualifier in this

   Once you have relocated the log file, execute the command SET
   AUDIT/SERVER=NEW_LOG to let all the nodes in the cluster know of
   the new location. The previous audit log file is closed and all
   subsequent audit event messages generated throughout the cluster
   are sent to the new audit log file.

   When used with /ARCHIVE, specifies the name of the archive log
   file. Events can be archived to a local or remote file on any
   file-structured disk device. For example, you can use an archive
   file to redirect event messages from a satellite to a larger node
   in the cluster.



   Disables alarms or audits for the specified events. To disable
   all system events and file access events, specify the keyword
   ALL. You must specify at least one of the keywords. For a list of
   the keywords to use with the /DISABLE qualifier, see the /ENABLE
   qualifier description. You must also specify either the /ALARM or
   /AUDIT qualifier, or both, when you use the /DISABLE qualifier.


      In processing the SET AUDIT command, the system processes
      the /DISABLE qualifier last. If you specify both the /ENABLE
      and /DISABLE qualifiers for items in the same class on
      the same command line, the /DISABLE qualifier disables any
      enabled items. Compaq recommends that you use separate lines
      for commands containing the /ENABLE and /DISABLE qualifiers.



   Enables alarms or audits for the specified events. To enable all
   system events and file access events, specify the keyword ALL.
   You must specify at least one keyword. You must also specify
   either the /ALARM or /AUDIT qualifier, or both, when you use the
   /ENABLE qualifier.

   The keywords that you can specify with either the /ENABLE or the
   /DISABLE qualifier are as follows:

   Keyword            Description

   ACCESS=(condition  Specifies access events for all objects in
   [:access[,...]]    a class. (To audit a single object, use an
   [,...])            auditing ACE and enable the access control
                      list (ACL) category.)

                      Compaq recommends that when you enable
                      auditing conditionally, you enable it for all
                      possible forms of access because the system
                      can check access rights at several points
                      during an operation. (For example, a FAILURE
                      might occur on a read or write access check.)

                      Condition      Description

                      ALL            All object access

                      BYPASS         Successful object access due to
                                     the use of the BYPASS privilege

                      FAILURE        Unsuccessful object access

                      GRPPRV         Successful object access due to
                                     the use of the group privilege

                      READALL        Successful object access due
                                     to the use of the READALL

                      SUCCESS        Successful object access

                      SYSPRV         Successful object access due to
                                     the use of the system privilege

                      Access         Description

                      ALL            All types of access

                      ASSOCIATE      Associate access

                      CONTROL        Control access to examine or
                                     change security characteristics

                      CREATE         Create access

                      DELETE         Delete access

                      EXECUTE        Execute access

                      LOCK           Lock access

                      LOGICAL        Logical I/O access

                      MANAGE         Manage access

                      PHYSICAL       Physical I/O access

                      READ           Read access

                      SUBMIT         Submit access

                      WRITE          Write access

   ACL                Specifies an event requested by an audit or
                      alarm ACE in the access control list (ACL) of
                      an object. To audit all objects of a class,
                      use the ACCESS keyword.

   ALL                Specifies all system events and file access
                      events. It does not enable access events for
                      object classes other than FILE.

   AUDIT=keyword      Specifies events within the auditing
                      subsystem. Only one keyword is currently
                      Keyword        Description

                      ILLFORMED      Specifies illformed events from
                                     internal calls (identified by
                                     NSA$M_INTERNAL) to $AUDIT_
                                     EVENT, $CHECK_PRIVILEGE,
                                     $CHKPRO, or $CHECK_ACCESS
                                     system services. An illformed
                                     event is caused by an
                                     incomplete or syntactically
                                     incorrect argument being
                                     supplied to one of these
                                     system services by a piece
                                     of privileged code.

   AUTHORIZATION      Specifies the modification of any portion of
                      the system user authorization file (SYSUAF),
                      network proxy authorization file (NETPROXY),
                      or the rights list (RIGHTLIST) (including
                      password changes made through the AUTHORIZE,
                      SET PASSWORD, or LOGINOUT commands or the
                      $SETUAI system service).

   BREAKIN=(keyword[,.Specifies the occurrence of one or more
                      classes of break-in attempts, as specified
                      by one or more of the following keywords:


   CONNECTION         Specifies a logical link connection or
                      termination through DECnet Phase IV,
                      DECwindows, $IPC, or SYSMAN.

   CREATE             Specifies the creation of an object. Requires
                      the /CLASS qualifier if it is not a file.

   DEACCESS           Specifies deaccess from an object. Requires
                      the /CLASS qualifier if it is not a file.

   DELETE             Specifies the deletion of an object. Requires
                      the /CLASS=DEVICE qualifier.

   FILE_ACCESS=       This keyword is obsolete and is superseded
   (keyword[,...])    by the ACCESS keyword, which is valid on all
                      OpenVMS Version 6.1 or higher systems. On
                      Alpha, this keyword specifies the occurrence
                      of file and global section access events
                      (regardless of the value given in the object's
                      access control list [ACL], if any).

   IDENTIFIER         Specifies that the use of identifiers as
                      privileges should be audited. For further
                      information, refer to the OpenVMS Guide to
                      System Security.

   INSTALL            Specifies modifications made to the known file
                      list through the INSTALL utility.

   LOGFAILURE=        Specifies the occurrence of one or more
   (keyword[,...])    classes of login failures, as specified by
                      the following keywords:

                      ALL            All possible types of login

                      BATCH          Batch process login failure

                      DETACHED       Detached process login failure

                      DIALUP         Dialup interactive login

                      LOCAL          Local interactive login failure

                      NETWORK        Network server task login

                      REMOTE         Interactive login failure
                                     from another network node,
                                     for example, with a SET HOST

                      SERVER         Server or TCB-based login

                      SUBPROCESS     Subprocess login failure

   LOGIN=             Specifies the occurrence of one or more
   (keyword[,...])    classes of login attempts, as specified by
                      the following keywords. See the LOGFAILURE
                      keyword for further description.

                         ALL            BATCH
                         DETACHED       DIALUP
                         LOCAL          NETWORK
                         REMOTE         SERVER

   LOGOUT=            Specifies the occurrence of one or more
   (keyword[,...])    classes of logouts, as specified by the
                      following keywords. See the LOGFAILURE keyword
                      for further description.

                         ALL            BATCH
                         DETACHED       DIALUP
                         LOCAL          NETWORK
                         REMOTE         SERVER

   MOUNT              Specifies a mount or dismount operation.

   NCP                Specifies access to the network configuration
                      database, using the network control program

   PRIVILEGE=         Specifies successful or unsuccessful use
   (keyword[,...])    of privilege, as specified by the following

                         FAILURE [:privilege(,...)] - Unsuccessful
                         use of privilege

                         SUCCESS [:privilege(,...)] - Successful use
                         of privilege

                      For a listing of privileges, refer to
                      online help for the DCL command SET

   PROCESS=           Specifies the use of one or more of the
   (keyword[,...])    process control system services, as specified
                      by the following keywords:

                      ALL            Use of any of the process
                                     control system services

                      CREPRC         All use of $CREPRC

                      DELPRC         All use of $DELPRC

                      SCHDWK         Privileged use of $SCHDWK

                      CANWAK         Privileged use of $CANWAK

                      WAKE           Privileged use of $WAKE

                      SUSPND         Privileged use of $SUSPND

                      RESUME         Privileged use of $RESUME

                      GRANTID        Privileged use of $GRANTID

                      REVOKID        Privileged use of $REVOKID

                      GETJPI         Privileged use of $GETJPI

                      FORCEX         Privileged use of $FORCEX

                      SETPRI         Privileged use of $SETPRI

                      Privileged use of a process control system
                      service means the caller used GROUP or WORLD
                      privilege to affect the target process.

   SYSGEN             Specifies the modification of a system
                      parameter with the OpenVMS System Generation

   TIME               Specifies the modification of system time.



   Adds a process identification (PID) to the audit server's process
   exclusion list. The process exclusion list contains those
   processes that will not be suspended by the audit server if a
   resource exhaustion reaches the action threshold. By default,
   realtime processes and all of the following processes are
   included in the process exclusion list and are never suspended:


   Use the SET AUDIT/NOEXCLUDE command to remove a process from the
   process exclusion list; however, processes listed above cannot
   be removed from the exclusion list. Also note that PIDs are
   not automatically removed from the process exclusion list when
   processes log out of the system.



   This qualifier is obsolete.

   On Alpha, specifies how the OpenVMS system proceeds following
   a failed attempt to write a security alarm to the operator
   communication process's (OPCOM's) mailbox. Specify one of the
   following keywords with the /FAILURE_MODE qualifier:

   Option Description

   CRASH  Forces a system failure if security alarms cannot be

   IGNORE Indicates that failing security alarms are to be ignored.
          The first failed alarm causes an error message to be
          written to the operator console and log file. The system
          maintains a count of the lost alarms, which can be
          displayed with the SHOW AUDIT command.

   WAIT   Indicates that processes are placed in the MWAIT state to
          wait until the resource is available. This is the default.

   The /ALARM qualifier is required when specifying an audit failure



   Specifies the delta times to be used for regular audit server
   operations. For information about specifying delta times, refer
   to the OpenVMS User's Manual.

   The following table describes keywords for the /INTERVAL

   Keyword          Description

   ARCHIVE_         Specifies the interval at which data collected
   FLUSH=time       by the audit server is written to the archive
                    file. The default is 1 minute.

   JOURNAL_         Specifies the interval at which data collected
   FLUSH=time       by the audit server is written to the audit log
                    file. The default is 5 minutes.

   RESOURCE_        Specifies the interval at which the audit server
   MONITOR=time     retries log file allocation or access. This
                    interval applies whenever free space in the
                    log file is below either the warning or action
                    thresholds, or when the volume holding the log
                    file is inaccessible. The default interval is 5

   RESUME_          Specifies the interval at which the audit
   SCAN=time        server reviews an existing resource exhaustion
                    condition. The default is 15 minutes.



   Specifies the name of the audit journal; the name defaults to
   SECURITY. (Currently, there is only one journal.)

   The /JOURNAL qualifier is required when redefining the audit log
   file or when specifying resource monitoring characteristics with
   the /RESOURCE or the /THRESHOLD qualifier.



   Specifies the name of a mailbox device to which the audit server
   sends a binary copy of all security audit event messages.
   Users can create such a mailbox to process system security
   events as they occur. For a description of the message formats
   written to the listener mailbox, refer to the Audit Analysis
   Utility documentation in the OpenVMS System Management Utilities
   Reference Manual.

   Use the SET AUDIT/NOLISTENER command to disable a listener



   Enables or disables the monitoring of disk volumes to ensure
   adequate space for audit journal entries; it also specifies the
   monitoring method to use. The /JOURNAL qualifier is required. For
   more information about resource monitoring, refer to the OpenVMS
   Guide to System Security.

   Keyword          Description

   DISABLE          Disables monitoring on the disk volume
                    containing the audit journal.

   ENABLE           Enables resource monitoring on the disk volume
                    containing the audit journal.
   MONITOR_         This keyword is obsolete.
                    Specifies the method the audit server uses to
                    monitor available resources. Specify one of the
                    following keywords:

                    COUNT      Controls whether resource monitoring
                               is based on the amount of free disk
                               space required to store a fixed
                               number of event messages.

                    PERCENTAGE Controls whether resource monitoring
                               is based on the percentage of the
                               disk volume or volume set available.

                    SPACE      Controls whether resource monitoring
                               is based on the number of free blocks
                               on the disk. The is the default
                               method used for resource monitoring.

                    TIME       Controls whether resource monitoring
                               is based on the amount of free disk
                               space needed to store events which
                               occur over a fixed period of time (in



   Modifies audit server characteristics. The following table
   describes keywords for the /SERVER qualifier:

   Keyword            Description

   CREATE_SYSTEM_LOG  This keyword is obsolete.

                      On Alpha, causes the audit server to create
                      a new local system security audit log file.
                      Other audit servers in the cluster are not
                      affected. This keyword may be used by sites
                      operating a multienvironment cluster where
                      it may be necessary to create a new log file
                      on a specific node in the cluster. CREATE_
                      SYSTEM_LOG is synonymous with NEW_LOG for
                      nonclustered systems.

   EXIT               Initiates an audit server shutdown. This is
                      the only method for removing the audit server
                      process from the system; the audit server
                      cannot be deleted or suspended.

   FINAL_             Specifies the action the audit server should
   ACTION=action      take when it runs out of memory and cannot
                      buffer messages. (For more information, refer
                      to the discussion of message flow control in
                      the OpenVMS Guide to System Security.) Specify
                      one of the following actions:

                         CRASH - Crash the system if the audit
                         server runs out of memory.

                         IGNORE_NEW - Ignore new event messages
                         until memory is available. New event
                         messages are lost but event messages in
                         memory are saved.

                         PURGE_OLD (default) - Remove old event
                         messages until memory is available for the
                         most current messages.

   FLUSH              Copies all buffered audit and archive records
                      to the security audit log file and security
                      archive file, respectively.

   INITIATE           Enables auditing during system startup.
                      Ordinarily, auditing is started from
                      VMS$LPBEGIN in STARTUP.COM but, if a site
                      redefines the logical name SYS$AUDIT_SERVER_
                      INHIBIT, the OpenVMS system waits for a SET
                      AUDIT/SERVER=INITIATE command before enabling

   NEW_LOG            Creates a new clusterwide audit log file.
                      Typically, this is used daily to generate a
                      new version of the audit log file.

                      The following sequence of commands can be used
                      to reset the space monitoring thresholds and
                      then to recreate the auditing log, thereby
                      creating a smaller log file:

                      $ SET AUDIT /JOURNAL=SECURITY
                      $ SET AUDIT /SERVER=NEW_LOG

                      By default, the size of the new auditing log
                      file is based on the size of the previous
                      auditing logs.

   REDIRECT_SYSTEM_   This keyword is obsolete.
                      On Alpha, causes the audit server on the local
                      node to redirect security event messages to a
                      new audit log file, whose location was defined
                      previously by the /DESTINATION qualifier.
                      Audit server processes (and log files) on
                      other nodes in the cluster are unaffected.

   RESUME             Requests the audit server process to resume
                      normal activity on the system, if adequate
                      disk space is available. Normally, once the
                      resource monitoring action threshold has been
                      reached, the audit server process suspends
                      most system activity and waits 15 minutes
                      before attempting to resume normal system

   START              Starts the audit server process on the
                      system. In order to fully enable the auditing
                      subsystem, the SET AUDIT/SERVER=INITIATE
                      command must be used after the SET
                      AUDIT/SERVER=START command has completed.

                      Compaq recommends using the following command
                      procedure to start the audit server:




   Specifies threshold values used in monitoring available space
   in the audit log file. The auditing system issues advisory
   messages to central and security operators whenever free space
   in the audit log file falls below the WARNING threshold. The
   auditing system suspends processes that generate audit events
   when free disk space is below the action threshold. (See
   /RESOURCE=[enable|disable]). The /JOURNAL qualifier is required.

   The following table lists the types of thresholds:

   Keyword        Description

   WARNING=value  Specifies the threshold at which the audit server
                  notifies all security operator terminals that
                  resources are getting low.

   ACTION=value   Specifies the threshold at which the audit server
                  starts suspending processes that are generating
                  audit records. (Certain processes are immune to
                  this: refer to OpenVMS Guide to System Security).

   RESUME=value   This keyword is obsolete.

                  Specifies the threshold at which the audit server
                  resumes normal system activity.

   The following table lists the default warning and action values
   for each monitoring mode:

   Mode                  Warning        Action

   Blocks                100            25
   Delta time            2 0:00:00      0 0:30:00


   Do not return the dollar sign ($) prompt until the audit server
   completes the command. Associated qualifiers determine which of
   the following actions occur:

   o  Redefinition of auditing events

   o  Redefinition of the audit log file or the archive file

   o  Modification of the audit server's operational characteristics

   o  Modification of resource monitoring attributes

   If you do not want to wait for the command to complete, specify

3  Examples

     System security audits currently enabled for:

       FILE access:
         Failure:     read,write,execute,delete,control
         SYSPRV:      read,write,execute,delete,control
         BYPASS:      read,write,execute,delete,control
         Other:       create,deaccess

     The SET AUDIT command in this example enables auditing of file
     creation and file deaccess; it also enables auditing for any
     file access done by using either SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.

     List of audit journals:
       Journal name:           SECURITY
       Journal owner:          (system audit journal)
       Destination:            AUDIT$:[AUDIT]TURIN.AUDIT$JOURNAL

     The SET AUDIT command in this example demonstrates how to
     switch to a new journal.

     Security auditing server characteristics:
       Database version:       4.4
       Backlog (total):        100, 200, 300
       Backlog (process):      5, 2
       Server processing intervals:
         Archive flush:        0 00:01:00.00
         Journal flush:        0 00:05:00.00
         Resource scan:        0 00:05:00.00
       Final resource action:  crash system

     The SET AUDIT command in this example changes the audit
     server's final action setting so the system crashes when the
     audit server runs out of memory.

     Security archiving information:

     Archiving events:    system audits

     The SET AUDIT command in this example enables a node-specific
     archive file.

     List of audit journals:
       Journal name:          SECURITY
       Journal owner:         (system audit journal)
       Monitoring:            enabled
         Warning thresholds,  Block count:   100   Duration:  2 00:00:00.0
         Action thresholds,   Block count:    25   Duration:  0 00:30:00.0

     The SET AUDIT command in this example enables disk monitoring
     and switches the mode so the disk space is monitored in terms
     of time rather than free blocks.

   Enables you to selectively screen out various kinds of messages
   from being broadcast to your terminal.


     SET BROADCAST=(class-name[,...])

3  Parameter


   Specifies the class of message that you want to enable or disable
   for broadcast to your terminal. If you specify only one class,
   you can omit the parentheses. The class names are as follows:

   ALL                  Enables all message classes.

   [NO]DCL              Specifies Ctrl/T and SPAWN/NOTIFY messages.

   [NO]GENERAL          Specifies all normal REPLY messages or
                        messages from $BRDCST.

   [NO]MAIL             Specifies notification of mail.

   NONE                 Disables all message classes.

   [NO]OPCOM            Specifies messages issued by the operator
                        communication process (OPCOM).

   [NO]PHONE            Specifies messages from the Phone utility.

   [NO]QUEUE            Specifies messages referring to print or
                        batch jobs issued by the queue manager.

   [NO]SHUTDOWN         Specifies messages issued from the
                        REPLY/SHUTDOWN command.

   [NO]URGENT           Specifies messages issued from the
                        REPLY/URGENT command.

   [NO]USER1 to         Specifies messages from specific user
   [NO]USER16           groups. (For information on setting up
                        user-written broadcast messages, see the
                        description of the $BRKTHRU system service
                        in the OpenVMS System Services Reference

3  Examples


     In this example, the first SET BROADCAST command screens out
     all mail and phone messages. Later the second SET BROADCAST
     command restores mail messages. Phone messages are still


     In this example, the first SET BROADCAST command screens out
     all messages. Later the second SET BROADCAST command restores
     shutdown, urgent, DCL, and OPCOM messages. General, phone,
     mail, queue, and user messages are still screened.


   Resets systemwide I/O caching statistics for the extended file
   cache (XFC).



4  Examples

                   System Memory Resources on 22-AUG-2001 11:22:22.50

     Extended File Cache  (Time of last reset: 16-AUG-2001 11:16:24.96)
         Allocated (Mbytes)          151.39    Maximum size (Mbytes)        1024.00
         Free (Mbytes)                 0.21    Minimum size (Mbytes)           0.23
         In use (Mbytes)             151.18    Write hit rate                     0%
         Read hit rate                   97%   Write I/O count                 5321
         Read I/O count              208052    Write hit count                    0
         Read hit count              203761    Writes bypassing cache             0
         Reads bypassing cache         1787    Vols in Full XFC mode              0
         Files cached open              316    Vols in VIOC Compatible mode       1
         Files cached closed            300    Vols in No Caching mode            0
         Read/Write ratio                97%   Vols in Perm. No Caching mode      0

     This example shows the cache statistics prior to issuing the
     SET CACHE/RESET command.


     This command resets the cache statistics and updates the

                     System Memory Resources on 22-AUG-2001 11:27:41.11

       Extended File Cache  (Time of last reset: 22-AUG-2001 11:27:37.76)
           Allocated (Mbytes)          151.39    Maximum size (Mbytes)        1024.00
           Free (Mbytes)                 0.21    Minimum size (Mbytes)           0.23
           In use (Mbytes)             151.18    Write hit rate                     0%
           Read hit rate                  100%   Write I/O count                    0
           Read I/O count                   9    Write hit count                    0
           Read hit count                   9    Writes bypassing cache             0
           Reads bypassing cache            0    Vols in Full XFC mode              0
           Files cached open              316    Vols in VIOC Compatible mode       1
           Files cached closed            300    Vols in No Caching mode            0
           Read/Write ratio               100%   Vols in Perm. No Caching mode      0

     This example shows the reset cache statistics and the modified

   Defines the default translation mode for cards read from a card
   reader. All subsequent input read from the specified card reader
   is converted using the specified mode.


     SET CARD_READER  device-name[:]

3  Parameter


   Specifies the name of the card reader for which the translation
   mode is to be set. The device must not be currently allocated to
   any other user.

3  Qualifiers


   Sets the card reader for cards punched on an 026 punch.


   Sets the card reader for cards punched on an 029 punch.


      /NOLOG (default)

   Controls whether log information is displayed at the terminal to
   confirm that the card reader is set.

3  Example


     The ALLOCATE command requests the allocation of a card reader
     by specifying the generic device name. When the ALLOCATE
     command displays the name of the device, the SET CARD_READER
     command sets the translation mode at 029. Then the COPY command
     copies all the cards read by the card reader CRA0 into the file
     CARDS.DAT in the directory [PEARLMAN.DATAFILES].


   Sets the total expected votes in the OpenVMS Cluster to a value
   that you specify or, if no value is specified, sets the total
   votes to a value determined by the system.

   Requires OPER (operator) privilege.



4  Parameter


   Specifies the total number of expected votes in the cluster.

4  Description
   The SET CLUSTER/EXPECTED_VOTES command enables you to adjust the
   total number of expected votes in the cluster. Set this value
   equal to the number of votes contributed by each node plus the
   number of votes contributed by the cluster quorum disk. The
   system will automatically calculate the value of the cluster
   quorum from the total number of expected votes in the cluster.

   You can specify the expected total votes value as part of the
   SET CLUSTER/EXPECTED_VOTES command string. If you enter the
   command without specifying a value for expected votes, the system
   calculates the value for you, using the following formula:


   NODEn_VOTES is the value of the system parameter VOTES for each
   node in the cluster and QUORUM_DISK_VOTES is the value of the
   system parameter QDSKVOTES.

   When you enter the SET CLUSTER/EXPECTED_VOTES command without
   specifying a value, the system assumes that all nodes that are
   expected to be in the cluster are currently members.

   In general, you use the SET CLUSTER/EXPECTED_VOTES command only
   when a node is leaving the cluster for an extended period of
   time. Under normal circumstances, quorum is not reduced when a
   node leaves the cluster, because it is assumed that the node may
   be rebooted and rejoin the cluster. If a node is removed and is
   unable to rejoin the cluster within a reasonable period of time
   (for example, if a node crashes due to a hardware problem and
   cannot rejoin the cluster for several days), the quorum for the
   cluster can safely be reduced by lowering the total expected
   votes until that node rejoins.

   The purpose of a cluster quorum is to eliminate any possibility
   of the cluster partitioning into separate clusters and
   simultaneously accessing the same resources (such as disks).
   If the sum of the votes for all members of the cluster is smaller
   than the cluster quorum, all nodes will block activity until new
   nodes join to increase the vote total. Lowering the quorum value
   (by reducing the value of the total expected votes) when one or
   more nodes leave the cluster for long periods of time reduces
   this possibility.

   Note that no matter what value you specify for the SET
   CLUSTER/EXPECTED_VOTES command, you cannot increase quorum to
   a value that is greater than the number of the votes present,
   nor can you reduce quorum to a value that is half or fewer of the
   votes present.

   When you enter the SET CLUSTER/EXPECTED_VOTES command, either
   with or without an expected votes value specified, the system
   responds with a message indicating the new value that was
   actually set. Note that you need to enter this command only on
   one node in the cluster, because the new value for total expected
   votes is propagated through the cluster. This new expected votes
   value should then be stored in the system parameter EXPECTED_
   VOTES on each node, so that it remains in effect after the nodes

   When a node that was previously a member of the cluster is
   ready to rejoin, you should increase the system parameter
   EXPECTED_VOTES to its original value before bringing the node
   back to the cluster. Note that you do not need to use the SET
   CLUSTER/EXPECTED_VOTES command to increase the number of expected
   votes, because the expected votes value will be increased
   automatically when the node rejoins the cluster.

4  Examples


     The SET CLUSTER command in this example instructs the system
     to calculate the total expected votes value for you, because
     no value is specified as part of the command string. The system
     uses the NODEn_VOTES + QUORUM_DISK_VOTES formula.


     The SET CLUSTER command in this example sets the total expected
     votes to 9, which is the value specified in the command string.

   Invokes the Command Definition Utility, which adds commands to
   your process command table or to a specified command table file.
   For a complete description of the Command Definition Utility,
   refer to the OpenVMS Command Definition, Librarian, and Message
   Utilities Manual.


     SET COMMAND  [filespec[,...]]

3  Parameters


   Specifies the name of one or more command definition files.
   If you specify more than one name, separate them with commas.
   The default file type is .CLD. Refer to the OpenVMS Command
   Definition, Librarian, and Message Utilities Manual for more
   information about writing a command definition file.

   The asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters
   are allowed in the file specification.

3  Qualifiers



   Specifies /DELETE mode to delete verbs from the command table you
   are modifying.

   You can use the /DELETE qualifier to delete a verb in either
   your process command table or in a command table file specified
   with the /TABLE qualifier. If you do not use the /TABLE qualifier
   to specify an alternate command table, the default is to delete
   verbs from your process command table. If you do not use the
   /OUTPUT qualifier to specify an output file, the default is to
   return the modified command table to your process.

   The verb specifies a verb to be deleted. If you specify two
   or more verbs, separate them with commas and enclose the list
   in parentheses. If you specify only one verb, you can omit the

   You cannot use the /LISTING, /OBJECT, or /REPLACE qualifiers in
   /DELETE mode.



   Controls whether an output listing is created and optionally
   provides an output file specification for the listing file.
   A listing file contains a listing of the command definitions
   along with any error messages. The listing file is similar to a
   compiler listing.

   If you specify the /LISTING qualifier and omit the file
   specification, output is written to the default device and
   directory; the listing file will have the same name as the first
   command definition file and a file type of .LIS.

   You can use the /LISTING qualifier only in /OBJECT or /REPLACE
   mode; you cannot create a listing in /DELETE mode. In /OBJECT and
   /REPLACE modes, the default is /NOLISTING.



   Specifies /OBJECT mode to create an object module from a
   command definition file and optionally provides an object file
   specification. You cannot use the /OBJECT qualifier to create an
   object module from a command definition that contains the IMAGE

   You can specify only one command definition file when you use SET

   If you specify the /OBJECT qualifier and omit the file
   specification, output is written to the default device and
   directory; the object file will have the same name as the input
   file and a file type .OBJ.

   You cannot use the /DELETE, /OUTPUT, /REPLACE, or /TABLE
   qualifiers in /OBJECT mode.



   Controls where the modified command table should be placed. If
   you provide an output file specification, the modified command
   table is written to the specified file. If you do not provide an
   output file specification, the edited command table replaces your
   process table. The /NOOUTPUT qualifier indicates that no output
   is to be generated.

   You can specify an output file specification with the /OUTPUT
   qualifier only when you also use the /TABLE=filespec qualifier to
   provide the input tables. The default file type is .EXE.

   You can use the /OUTPUT qualifier only in /DELETE or /REPLACE
   mode; you cannot use the /OUTPUT qualifier in /OBJECT mode.

   In /DELETE and /REPLACE mode, the default is /OUTPUT with no file


   Specifies /REPLACE mode to add or replace verbs in the command
   table you are modifying.

   You can use the /REPLACE qualifier to modify either the process
   command table or a command table file specified with the /TABLE
   qualifier. If you do not use the /TABLE qualifier to specify an
   alternate command table, the default is to modify your process
   command table. If you do not use the /OUTPUT qualifier to specify
   an output file, the default is to return the modified command
   table to your process.

   You cannot use the /OBJECT or /DELETE qualifiers in /REPLACE

   If you do not explicitly specify /DELETE, /OBJECT, or /REPLACE
   mode, the default is /REPLACE.



   Specifies the command table that is to be modified. If you
   specify the /TABLE qualifier and omit the file specification,
   the current process command table is modified. If you include a
   file specification, the specified command table is modified. The
   default file type is .EXE.

   If you use the /TABLE qualifier to provide an input command table
   file, you should also use the /OUTPUT qualifier to provide an
   output table file; otherwise, the modified command table will
   be written to your process and will replace your process command

   You can only use the /TABLE qualifier in /DELETE or /REPLACE
   mode; you cannot use the /TABLE qualifier in /OBJECT mode.

   In /REPLACE and /DELETE mode, the default is /TABLE with no input
   file specification.

3  Examples


     This command adds the commands in SNAG.CLD to the command table
     in the current process.


     This command creates an object file using the commands in
     SNAG.CLD. This object file can then be linked with other object
     files to process application defined commands.


     This command adds the commands in SNAG.CLD to the command table
     MYTAB.EXE and writes the updated table to MYCLI.EXE.

     When you use the /TABLE qualifier to specify an input command
     table, you should use the /OUTPUT qualifier to specify an an
     output file; otherwise, your process command table will be


     This command deletes the definition for the verb HOLD from your
     process command table. The modified command table is returned
     to your process.

   Enables or disables the Ctrl/Y or the Ctrl/T function. Pressing
   Ctrl/Y interrupts a command and returns you to the DCL command
   level. Pressing Ctrl/T momentarily interrupts a command to print
   a line of statistics.

   SET CONTROL=T requires that SET TERMINAL/BROADCAST be set for the
   information to be displayed at your terminal.


     SET CONTROL  [=(T,Y)]

     SET NOCONTROL  [=(T,Y)]

3  Parameter


   Specifies that T (Ctrl/T) or Y (Ctrl/Y) be enabled or disabled.
   If you specify only one character, you can omit the parentheses.
   If you do not specify either T or Y, Y is the default.

3  Examples


     The SET CONTROL command in this example disables the Ctrl/Y
     function as well as most Ctrl/C functions.


     The SET CONTROL command in this example enables the Ctrl/T


     The SET CONTROL command in this example disables both the
     Ctrl/T and Ctrl/Y functions.

   4.$ <Ctrl/T>
     NODE22::SMITH 16:21:04 (DCL) CPU=00:03:29.39 PF=14802 IO=18652 MEM=68
     $ <Ctrl/T>

     As shown in this example, when you press Ctrl/T, the system
     displays the appropriate information. The SET NOCONTROL=T
     command disables the Ctrl/T function. Now when you press
     Ctrl/T, no information is displayed.

2  CPU
   Changes the user capabilities associated with the specified CPUs.

   Requires ALTPRI and WORLD privileges.


     SET CPU  cpu-id[, . . . ]

3  Parameter


   Specifies a decimal value representing the identity of a
   processor in an OpenVMS multiprocessing system. On a VAX 6000
   system or an Alpha 7000 system, the CPU is the backplane slot
   number of the processor.

3  Qualifiers


   Applies the specified operation to all CPUs in the active set.



   Allows bits in the process user capability mask to be set or
   cleared individually, in groups, or all at once.


      The SET CPU/[NO]CAPABILITY command will fail if there is
      an active process that requires a capability that is not
      available on any remaining active CPU.

   Specifying the /CAPABILITY qualifier has no direct effect, but
   merely indicates the target of the operations specified by the
   following secondary qualifiers:

   /SET=(n[,..Sets all user capabilities defined by the position
              values n, where n has the range of 1 to 16.
   /CLEAR=(n[,Clears all user capabilities defined by the position
              values n, where n has the range of 1 to 16.

   The secondary qualifiers can all be used at once as long as the
   user capability bits defined in the /SET and /CLEAR parameters do
   not overlap.

   The /NOCAPABILITY qualifier clears all user capability bits.



   Clears all user capabilities defined by the position values n
   specified by the /CAPABILITY qualifier.


   Modifies the global cell SCH$GL_DEFAULT_CPU_CAP. This global cell
   is used to initialize the user capability mask of CPUs that are
   brought into the active set for the first time.



   Sets all user capabilities defined by the position values n
   specified by the /CAPABILITY qualifier.

3  Examples


     This command sets user capabilities 2 and 4 in the global cell


     This command sets user capabilities 2 and 4 in the global cell
     SCH$GL_DEFAULT_CPU_CAP, as well in the active CPU 0.



     PIPERI, a DEC 3000 Model 500
     Multiprocessing is ENABLED. Full checking synchronization image loaded.
     Minimum multiprocessing revision levels: CPU = 1

     System Page Size = 8192
     System Revision Code =
     System Serial Number =
     Default CPU Capabilities:
             System:         QUORUM RUN
     Default Process Capabilities:
             System:         QUORUM RUN

     PRIMARY CPU = 00

     CPU 00 is in RUN state
     Current Process: VMSADU          PID = 00000094
     Serial Number:
     Revision:       F001
     VAX floating point operations supported.
     IEEE floating point operations and data types supported.
     PALCODE: Revision Code = 5.48-01
              PALcode Compatibility = 0
              Maximum Shared Processors = 0
              Memory Space:  Physical address = 00000000 00054000
                             Length = 81920
              Scratch Space: Physical address = 00000000 00104000
                             Length = 8192
     Capabilities of this CPU:
             System:         PRIMARY QUORUM RUN
             User bitmask:   00000003
     Processes which can only execute on this CPU:
             NETACP           PID = 0000008F  Reason: PRIMARY Capability



     PIPERI, a DEC 3000 Model 500
     Multiprocessing is ENABLED. Full checking synchronization image loaded.
     Minimum multiprocessing revision levels: CPU = 1

     System Page Size = 8192
     System Revision Code =
     System Serial Number =
     Default CPU Capabilities:
             System:         QUORUM RUN
     Default Process Capabilities:
             System:         QUORUM RUN

     PRIMARY CPU = 00

     CPU 00 is in RUN state
     Current Process: VMSADU          PID = 00000094
     Serial Number:
     Revision:       F001
     VAX floating point operations supported.
     IEEE floating point operations and data types supported.
     PALCODE: Revision Code = 5.48-01
              PALcode Compatibility = 0
              Maximum Shared Processors = 0
              Memory Space:  Physical address = 00000000 00054000
                             Length = 81920
              Scratch Space: Physical address = 00000000 00104000
                             Length = 8192
     Capabilities of this CPU:
             System:         PRIMARY QUORUM RUN
             User bitmask:   00000002
     Processes which can only execute on this CPU:
             NETACP           PID = 0000008F  Reason: PRIMARY Capability

     In this example, the first SET CPU command sets user
     capabilities 1 and 2 for CPU 0. The second SET CPU command
     clears capability 1.

2  DAY
   Sets the default day type specified in the user authorization
   file (UAF) for the current day.

   Requires OPER (operator) privilege.


     SET DAY

3  Qualifiers



   Overrides any previous SET DAY specification and specifies that
   the normal UAF defaults are to be used to determine today's day


      /NOLOG (default)

   Controls whether log information is displayed at the terminal to
   confirm that the new SET DAY information has been set.



   Sets today until midnight to a primary day.



   Sets today until midnight to a secondary day.

3  Examples


     The SET DAY command in this example overrides the current
     default day type and sets today until midnight to a primary


     The SET DAY command in this example overrides the previous
     SET DAY command and sets today's day type to the UAF-defined

   Sets your default device and directory specifications. The new
   default is applied to all subsequent file specifications that do
   not explicitly include a device or directory name.

   When you change the default device assignment, the system equates
   the specified device with the logical name SYS$DISK.


     SET DEFAULT  [device-name[:]][directory-spec]

3  Parameters


   Specifies the name of the device you want to go to.


   Specifies the name of the directory you want to go to. A
   directory name must be enclosed in brackets ([ ]).  Use the minus
   sign (-)  to specify the next higher directory from the current

   On Alpha systems, if the length of the resulting default
   directory specification exceeds 255 characters, the SET DEFAULT
   attempts to replace the default directory string with a generated
   directory specification. If this happens, then in addition to
   the normal syntax check, the entire path to that specification,
   including the device, is verified and must exist for the call to

   On Alpha systems, if the process parse style is set to extended,
   then the directory specification may include a directory ID

   You must specify either the device-name parameter or the
   directory-spec parameter. If you specify only the device name,
   the current directory is the default for the directory-spec
   parameter. If you specify only the directory name, the current
   device is the default for the device-name parameter.

   You can use a logical name but it must constitute at least the
   device part of the specification. When you use a search list
   logical name as the parameter, the logical name is not translated
   by the SET DEFAULT command. Instead, the SET DEFAULT command
   retains the logical name so that OpenVMS Record Management
   Services (RMS) is able to access the entire search list. If you
   enter the SHOW DEFAULT command, the search list logical name
   is displayed as the default device, along with its equivalence

3  Examples


     The SET DEFAULT command in this example changes the default
     directory to [TANNER]. The default disk device does not change.


     The SET DEFAULT command in this example sets your default to
     the MOREAU.MEMOS subdirectory on $FLOPPY1.


     The SET DEFAULT command in this example sets the default device
     to $FLOPPY1. The directory name does not change.

   4.$ SET DEFAULT [-]

     The SET DEFAULT command in this example changes the default
     directory to the parent directory of the one you are
     currently in. For example, if the current directory is
     $FLOPPY1:[NIELSEN.MEMOS], this command sets your default to
     $FLOPPY1:[NIELSEN]. If you are in $FLOPPY1:[NIELSEN], this
     command sets your default to the master directory on the disk-

     $ SET DEFAULT [122001.ZAMORA.APP10]

     The command procedure in this example uses the F$ENVIRONMENT
     lexical function to save the current default directory in
     the symbol named SAVEDEF. The SET DEFAULT command changes
     the default directory 122001.ZAMORA.APP10. Later, the symbol
     SAVEDEF is used to restore the original default directory.

      =   WORK:[TOP.SUB1]
      =   WORK:[TOP.SUB2]

     Directory WORK:[TOP.SUB1]


     Total of 1 file.

     Directory WORK:[TOP.SUB2]


     Total of 1 file.

     Grand total of 2 directories, 2 files.
     $ DIRECTORY []

     Directory WORK:[TOP]

     KUDOS.TMP;1           NETSERVER.LOG;2

     Total of 2 files.

     In this example, the default directory is WORK:[TOP]. X is then
     defined to be a search list consisting of two subdirectories.
     When the SET DEFAULT X command is entered, the search list (X)
     is equated with the logical name SYS$DISK and is entered into
     the disk field. The subsequent SHOW DEFAULT command shows both
     the search list and the current default directory, followed by
     the expanded search list.

     If a DIRECTORY command is entered, the directories searched are
     those contained in the logical name X; however, if the current
     default directory specification ([]) is explicitly entered, the
     current default directory, rather than SYS$DISK, is searched.

     $SET DEFAULT WORK:[11,1,0]

     Directory WORK:[11,1,0]


     Total of 1 file.

     On Alpha systems, the SET DEFAULT command in this example uses
     a directory ID (DID) in the directory specification.

     $SET DEFAULT [-]
     %RMS-F-DIR, error in directory name

     On Alpha systems, because the total length of the default
     directory string would exceed 255 characters in this example, a
     Directory ID is used in the directory specification. When the
     default directory string is replaced with a Directory ID, it is
     not possible to use the minus sign to specify the next higher

   Establishes a print device or terminal as a spooled device or
   establishes the operational status for a device.

   Requires OPER (operator) privilege.


     SET DEVICE  device-name[:]

3  Parameter


   Specifies the name of the device whose spooling or operational
   status is to change. The device must be a print device or a
   terminal if you want to change the spooling status; the device
   must be a disk or magnetic tape if you want to change the
   operational status.

3  Qualifiers



   Controls whether the specified disk or magnetic tape is to be
   considered available. You must dismount the specified disk
   or magnetic tape before entering the SET DEVICE/[NO]AVAILABLE
   command. If you specify the /NOAVAILABLE qualifier, any attempt
   to allocate or mount the specified disk or magnetic tape is
   prevented. Devices are automatically set /AVAILABLE when brought
   online even if the device had been previously set /NOAVAILABLE.



   Aborts mount verification.

   To use this qualifier, the shadow set must be in mount
   verification. When you specify this qualifier, the shadow set
   aborts mount verification immediately on the node from which the
   qualifier is issued. Use this qualifier when it is known that the
   unit cannot be recovered.

   Note that after this command completes, the shadow set must still
   be dismounted. Use the following command to dismount the shadow



      /COPY_SOURCE (ddcu:,DSAnnnn:)

   Controls whether one or both source members of a shadow set are
   used as the source for read data during full copy operations,
   when a third member is added to the shadow set. This only affects
   copy operations that do not use DCD operations.

   HSG80 controllers have a read-ahead cache, which significantly
   improves single-disk read performance. Copy operations normally
   alternate reads between the two source members, which effectively
   nullifies the benefits of the read-ahead cache.

   This qualifier allows you to force all reads from a single source
   member for a copy operation.

   If the shadow set is specified, then all reads for full copy
   operations will be performed from the disk that is the current
   "master" member, regardless of physical location of the disk.

   If a member of the shadow set is specified, then that member will
   be used as the source of all copy operations. This allows you to
   choose a local source member, rather than a remote master member.



   Controls whether the port seize logic in the device driver of
   the specified disk is to be enabled. This qualifier should be
   used only on disks that contain a dual port kit and have been



   Enables or disables a path to a multipath device; the affected
   path is the one named in the /PATH qualifier. All paths are
   initially enabled; the current path cannot be disabled.



   Controls whether device errors are logged in the error log file.
   When you specify the /ERROR_LOGGING qualifier, all error messages
   reported by the device on which error logging is enabled are
   recorded in the error log file. Use the SHOW DEVICE/FULL command
   to find out the current status.


      /FORCE_REMOVAL ddcu:

   Expels a named shadow set member from the shadow set.

   If connectivity to a device has been lost and the shadow set is
   in mount verification, this qualifier causes the member to be
   expelled from the shadow set immediately.

   If the shadow set is not currently in mount verification, no
   immediate action is taken. If connectivity to a device has
   been lost but the shadow set is not in mount verification, this
   qualifier lets you flag the member to be expelled from the shadow
   set, as soon as it does enter mount verification.

   The device specified must be a member of a shadow set that is
   mounted on the node where the command is issued.


      /NOLOG (default)

   Controls whether log information is displayed at the terminal.


      /MEMBER_TIMEOUT=n ddcu:

   Specifies the timeout value to be used for a member of a shadow

   The value supplied by this qualifier overrides the system
   parameter, SHADOW_MBR_TMO, for this specific device. Each member
   of a shadow set can be assigned a different MEMBER_TIMEOUT value.

   The valid range for n is 1 to 16,777,215 seconds.

   The device specified must be a member of a shadow set that is
   mounted on the node where the command is issued.


      /MVTIMEOUT=n DSAnnnn:

   Specifies the mount verification timeout value to be used for
   this shadow set, specified by its virtual unit name, DSAnnnn:.

   The value supplied by this qualifier overrides the system
   parameter, MVTIMEOUT, for this specific shadow set.

   The valid range for n is 1 to 16,777,215 seconds.

   The device specified must be a shadow set that is mounted on the
   node where the command is issued.



   Specifies a particular route to the device. The path description
   string identifies a path from the host to the device (for
   example, PKA0.2343-A855-BC99-876F or PKC0.5). Wildcard characters
   have no special meaning. The path description may be abbreviated
   to the minimum unique string.

   This qualifier applies only to multipath devices.



   Specifies that the path specified by the /PATH qualifier is to be
   polled for continued availability as a path switch destination.
   This does not affect any attempt to switch to this path. Its
   purpose is only to inform an operator that a path may or may not
   be viable as a path switch destination. By default, all device
   paths are enabled for polling when they are discovered. Note that
   this qualifier applies only to multipath devices.



   Allows you to specify a CPU or a set of candidate CPUs from
   which the operating system chooses the CPU to assign to the Fast
   Path port. The chosen CPU is called the preferred CPU for this
   Fast Path port. The Fast Path port's interrupt I/O completion
   processing and I/O initiation processing are performed on this
   preferred CPU.

   In addition to selecting the preferred CPU, the User Preferred
   CPU is set for this port. Setting the User Preferred CPU prevents
   the port from being reassigned to another CPU unless the User
   preferred CPU is being stopped. The qualifier can be negated.
   When the /NOPREFERRED_CPUS qualifier is specified, the User
   Preferred CPU is cleared for the port, but it remains a Fast
   Path port, and the current preferred CPU is not changed.

   If both /PREFERRED_CPUS and /NOPREFERRED_CPUS are specified on
   the same command line, /NOPREFERRED_CPUS is ignored.

   If Fast Path is enabled, you can use the DCL command, SHOW
   DEVICES/FULL, to display the current preferred CPU and the User
   Preferred CPU.

   For more information about using Fast Path features to improve
   I/O performance, refer to the OpenVMS I/O User's Reference


      /READ_COST=n ddcu:

   Allows you to modify the default "cost" assigned to each member
   of a shadow set, so that reads are biased or prioritized toward
   one member versus another.

   The valid range for n is 1 to 65,535 units.

   The device specified must be a member of a shadow set that is
   mounted on the node where the command is issued.

   The shadowing driver assigns default READ_COST values to shadow
   set members when each member is initially mounted. The default
   value depends on the device type, and its configuration relative
   to the system mounting it. There are default values for a
   DECRAM device; a directly connected device in the same physical
   location; a directly connected device in a remote location;
   a DECram served device; and a default value for other served

   The value supplied by this qualifier overrides the default
   assignment. The shadowing driver adds the value of the current
   queue depth of the shadow set member to the READ_COST value and
   then reads from the member with the lowest value.

   Different systems in the cluster can assign different costs to
   each shadow set member.

   If the /SITE command qualifier has been specified, the shadowing
   driver will take site values into account when it assigns default
   READ_COST values. Note that in order for the shadowing software
   to determine whether a device is in the category of "directly
   connected device in a remote location," the /SITE command
   qualifier must have been applied to both the shadow set and the
   individual device.

   Reads requested for a shadow set from a system at site 1 are
   performed from a shadow set member that is also at site 1. Reads
   requested for the same shadow set from site 2 can read from the
   member located at site 2.


      /READ_COST=n DSAnnnn:

   Switches the read cost setting for all shadow set members back to
   the default read cost settings established automatically by the
   shadowing software. DSAnnnn: must be a shadow set that is mounted
   on the node from which this command is issued.

   The valid range for n is any nonzero number. The value supplied
   has no inherent meaning.


      /SITE=(n, logical_name) (ddcu: DSAnnnn:)

   Indicates to the shadowing driver the site location of the shadow
   set member or of the shadow set (represented by its virtual unit
   name). Prior to using this qualifier, you can define the site
   location in the SYLOGICALS.COM command procedure to simplify its

   The valid range for the site location designator, n, is 1 through

   The following example shows the site locations defined, followed
   by the use of the /SITE qualifier:

   $! At the ZKO site ...
   $! At the LKG site ...
   $! At both sites, the following would be used:



   Controls whether files are spooled to an intermediate disk.

   The queue name indicates the printer queue to which a file is
   queued. If a queue name is not supplied, the default is the name
   of either the printer or terminal.

   The intermediate disk name identifies the disk to which the
   spooled files are written. If the intermediate disk name is not
   supplied, the default is SYS$DISK (the current default disk). The
   intermediate disk must be mounted before files can be written to

   Once the device has been set spooled to a disk, that disk cannot
   be dismounted until the spooled device is set to /NOSPOOLED.
   All channels must be deassigned from a print device before its
   spooling characteristics can be changed. Also, the queue that is
   assigned to the device must be stopped.


   Attempts to switch from the current path of a multipath device
   to the path named in the /PATH qualifier. The path switch
   is attempted only if the path has not been disabled by SET
   DEVICE/NOENABLE. The path switch is initiated but not completed
   before returning control to the user; use SHOW DEVICE/MULTIPATH
   to verify that the path switching has completed successfully.

3  Examples


     In this example, the /SPOOLED qualifier requests that the
     printer queue LPA0 be spooled to an intermediate disk before
     files directed to the disk are printed. Because no intermediate
     disk was specified, the intermediate disk defaults to SYS$DISK.


     The SET DEVICE command in this example requests that all device
     errors reported on device DKB2 be logged in the error log file.


     The SET DEVICE command in this example prevents any attempt to
     mount a disk on device DRA0.


     The SET DEVICE command in this example enables the dual port
     seize logic in device DRA0.


     The Fast Path port PNA0 is assigned to CPU 1, and the User
     Preferred CPU is set to 1.


     The port PNA0 will have the User Preferred CPU cleared,
     but will remain a Fast Path port, with CPU 1 as its current
     preferred CPU.


     The operating system selects CPU 0,1, or 2 as the preferred CPU
     for Fast Path port PNA0, and sets its User Preferred CPU to the
     selected CPU.

   8.$ SET DEVICE $10$DKA1001:/PATH=PGB0.0123-4567-89AB-CDEF/ENABLE

     In this example, a request is made to enable path
     PGB0.0123-4567-89AB-CDEF as a switch path destination. No error
     is indicated if the path was in the enabled state prior to the
     request. Had the /NOENABLE option been used, the path would
     have been removed from switch path consideration.

   9.$ SET DEVICE $10$DKA1001:/PATH=PGB0.0123-4567-89AB-CDEF/POLL

     In this example, a request is made to enable path
     PGB0.0123-4567-89AB-CDEF for polling of its continued
     availability as a path switch destination. Had the /NOPOLL
     option been used, the path would have been removed from path
     availability polling consideration.

   10$ SET DEVICE $10$DKA1001:/PATH=PGB0.0123-4567-89AB-CDEF/SWITCH

     In this example, a request is made to switch from the current
     path to path PGB0.0123-4567-89AB-CDEF. Should the path fail,
     the switch algorithm of the unspecified path is used.

   Makes a disk on a local node available to all the nodes in an
   OpenVMS Cluster.

   Applies only to OpenVMS Cluster environments.

   You cannot use the SET DEVICE/SERVED command under the following

   o  In service of a Phase II shadow set virtual unit

   o  On devices that are already mounted

   o  On system disks

   o  On quorum disks


     SET DEVICE/SERVED  node-name$DDcu:

4  Parameter


   Specifies the device name of the device that you want to make
   available to the cluster.

4  Example


     The SET DEVICE/SERVED command in this example instructs the
     MSCP server to make the disk device DRA4 on your local node
     available to all other processors on your cluster.

   Modifies the characteristics of one or more directories.

   See the qualifier descriptions for restrictions.


     SET DIRECTORY  [device-name[:]]directory-spec[,...]

3  Parameters


   Specifies the device on which the directory that you want to
   modify is located. The device name parameter is optional.


   Specifies one or more directories to be modified. If you specify
   more than one directory, separate the directory specifications
   with commas. The asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard
   characters are allowed.

3  Qualifiers


   Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE
   qualifier. The /BACKUP qualifier selects directories according
   to the dates of their most recent backups. This qualifier
   is incompatible with the /CREATED, /EXPIRED, and /MODIFIED
   qualifiers, which also allow you to select directories according
   to time attributes. If you specify none of these four time
   qualifiers, the default is the /CREATED qualifier.



   Selects only those directories dated prior to the specified
   time. You can specify time as absolute time, as a combination
   of absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords:
   BOOT, LOGIN, TODAY (default), TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify
   one of the following qualifiers with the /BEFORE qualifier
   to indicate the time attribute to be used as the basis for
   selection: /BACKUP, /CREATED (default), /EXPIRED, or /MODIFIED.

   For complete information on specifying time values, refer to the
   OpenVMS User's Manual or the online help topic DCL_Tips (subtopic



   Selects only those directories whose owner user identification
   code (UIC) matches the specified owner UIC. The default UIC is
   that of the current process.

   Specify the UIC by using standard UIC format as described in the
   OpenVMS Guide to System Security.

   The /OWNER_UIC qualifier requires control access, a system UIC,
   or privilege.


      /NOCONFIRM (default)

   Controls whether a request is issued before each SET DIRECTORY
   operation to confirm that the operation should be performed on
   that file. The following responses are valid:

   YES      NO       QUIT
   TRUE     FALSE    Ctrl/Z
   1        0        ALL

   You can use any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters
   for word responses. Word responses can be abbreviated to one or
   more letters (for example, T, TR, or TRU for TRUE), but these
   abbreviations must be unique. Affirmative answers are YES, TRUE,
   and 1. Negative answers include: NO, FALSE, 0, and pressing
   Return. Entering QUIT or pressing Ctrl/Z indicates that you want
   to stop processing the command at that point. When you respond by
   entering ALL, the command continues to process, but no further
   prompts are given. If you type a response other than one of
   those in the list, DCL issues an error message and redisplays
   the prompt.


      /CREATED (default)

   Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE
   qualifier. The /CREATED qualifier selects directories based on
   their dates of creation. This qualifier is incompatible with the
   /BACKUP, /EXPIRED, and /MODIFIED qualifiers, which also allow
   you to select directories according to time attributes. If you
   specify none of these four time qualifiers, the default is the
   /CREATED qualifier.



   Excludes the specified directories from the SET DIRECTORY
   operation. You can include a directory but not a device in the
   file specification. The asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%)
   wildcard characters are allowed in the file specification;
   however, you cannot use relative version numbers to exclude a
   specific version. If you specify only one directory, you can omit
   the parentheses.


   Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE
   qualifier. The /EXPIRED qualifier selects directories according
   to their expiration dates. (The expiration date is set with
   the SET FILE/EXPIRATION_DATE command.) The /EXPIRED qualifier
   is incompatible with the /BACKUP, /CREATED, and /MODIFIED
   qualifiers, which also allow you to select directories according
   to time attributes. If you specify none of these four time
   qualifiers, the default is the /CREATED qualifier.


      /NOLOG (default)

   Controls whether the system displays the directory specification
   of each directory that is modified as the command executes.


   Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE
   qualifier. The /MODIFIED qualifier selects directories according
   to the dates on which they were last modified. This qualifier is
   incompatible with the /BACKUP, /CREATED, and /EXPIRED qualifiers,
   which also allow you to select directories according to time
   attributes. If you specify none of these four time modifiers, the
   default is the /CREATED qualifier.



   Requires control access, a system UIC, or privilege.

   Specifies an owner UIC for the directory. The default UIC is that
   of the current process.



   Selects only those directories dated on or after the specified
   time. You can specify time as absolute time, as a combination of
   absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords:
   BOOT, LOGIN, TODAY (default), TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify one
   of the following qualifiers with the /SINCE qualifier to indicate
   the time attribute to be used as the basis for selection:

   For complete information on specifying time values, refer to the
   OpenVMS User's Manual or the online help topic DCL_Tips (subtopic



   Specifies the file name format for display purposes.

   The valid keywords for this qualifier are CONDENSED and EXPANDED.
   Descriptions are as follows:

   Keyword     Explanation

   CONDENSED   Displays the file name representation of what is
   (default)   generated to fit into a 255-length character string.
               This file name may contain a DID or FID abbreviation
               in the file specification.
   EXPANDED    Displays the file name representation of what is
               stored on disk. This file name does not contain any
               DID or FID abbreviations.

   The keywords CONDENSED and EXPANDED are mutually exclusive. This
   qualifier specifies which file name format is displayed in the
   output message, along with the confirmation if requested.

   File errors are displayed with the CONDENSED file specification
   unless the EXPANDED keyword is specified.

   Refer to the OpenVMS Guide to Extended File Specifications for
   more information.



   Specifies the total number of versions that a file in the
   specified directory can have. If you do not specify a version
   limit, a value of 0 is used, indicating that the number of
   versions of a file is limited only to the Files-11 architectural
   limit-32,767. If you change the version limit for the directory,
   the new value applies only to files created after the change has
   been made.

   The SET DIRECTORY version limit value refers to the number of
   files with the same file name and type that can exist in the
   directory at one time. It has no effect on the version number
   field of a particular file specification. Use the SET FILE
   command to set limits on file version numbers.

   To find out the current version limit for a directory, use the
   DIRECTORY/FULL command on a directory file and look at the File
   Attributes component of the output.

3  Examples


     The SET DIRECTORY command in this example sets a version
     limit of five for all files in the VERCAMMEN directory and
     all subdirectories of [VERCAMMEN]. The /CONFIRM qualifier
     requests that you confirm whether the specified directory
     should actually be modified. Note that it affects only the
     files created after the command is entered.


     The SET DIRECTORY command in this example modifies both the
     [WOERTMAN] and [MOSER] directories, changing their owner
     UICs. Using the OWNER_UIC qualifier requires SYSPRV (system

   Directs the output of an OpenVMS DECwindows application.
   Output can be directed from any processor running a DECwindows
   application, including workstations, to any DECwindows

   Both source and destination nodes must be part of the same


     SET DISPLAY  [display-device]

3  Parameters


   Specifies a logical name for the workstation display you are
   creating or modifying. If you are directing application output
   to multiple workstation displays, you can use different logical
   names to point to each display. If you do not specify a display-
   device parameter, the logical name DECW$DISPLAY is used. This
   means that, by default, application output will be displayed on
   the workstation display device referred to by DECW$DISPLAY.

   By entering the command SHOW DISPLAY, you can see the default
   workstation node where applications will be displayed, as well as
   related device, screen, and transport information.

   If you specified your own logical name in the SET DISPLAY/CREATE
   command, include that logical name in the SHOW DISPLAY command.

3  Qualifiers


   Creates the workstation display device (WSAn:) on which a
   DECwindows application is displayed. You must specify the /CREATE
   qualifier the first time you use the SET DISPLAY command, but
   you need not respecify it if you continue to redirect output from
   applications to other workstations with subsequent SET DISPLAY

   When you specify the /CREATE qualifier without the /NODE
   qualifier, the workstation device defaults to the current node.
   Additionally, if you omit the /TRANSPORT qualifier, the transport
   defaults to either the value specified by the DECW$SETDISPLAY_
   DEFAULT_TRANSPORT logical, if defined, or to DECNET.


   Cancels the redirected display by deassigning the logical name
   DECW$DISPLAY and deleting the created display device. If you
   specified a logical name as the display-device parameter with
   the SET DISPLAY/CREATE command, entering the SET DISPLAY/DELETE
   display-device command cancels the redirected display by
   deassigning the logical name you specified and deleting the
   created display device.

   The DECwindows Session Manager defines DECW$DISPLAY in your job
   logical name table when you open a terminal (DECterm) window.
   When you redirect application output to another workstation
   with the SET DISPLAY/CREATE command, an additional DECW$DISPLAY
   logical name is defined in your process logical name table. This
   definition supersedes the definition in the job logical name
   table. Output from applications run from the process in which
   you executed the SET DISPLAY/CREATE command will be displayed on
   the workstation referred to by the definition of DECW$DISPLAY in
   the process logical name table. Enter the SHOW DISPLAY command
   to see where this application will be displayed. To see whether
   multiple definitions for DECW$DISPLAY exist, enter the command

   If DECW$DISPLAY is still defined (for example, in the job
   logical name table) after you specify the /DELETE qualifier, any
   DECwindows applications run from this process will be displayed
   on the workstation device to which output is now directed. Enter
   the SHOW DISPLAY command if you are unsure of the node to which
   DECW$DISPLAY refers.


      If you modify or delete the definition of DECW$DISPLAY from
      the job logical name table, you will be unable to start
      another session. Be careful not to specify the /DELETE
      qualifier without having first redirected the display with
      the SET DISPLAY/CREATE command.

   You cannot specify the /DELETE and /CREATE qualifiers on the same
   command line.


   Creates an executive-mode device and assigns the logical name
   DECW$DISPLAY to point to it. This qualifier must be used with
   the /CREATE qualifier. Devices created with the /EXECUTIVE_MODE
   qualifier are deleted only in the following situations:

   o  They are explicitly deleted with the /DELETE qualifier.

   o  The system is rebooted.

   To modify or delete executive-mode devices, you must have SYSNAM
   (system logical name) privilege.



   Defines the workstation on which you want to display DECwindows
   applications. The node name you provide cannot be a cluster alias
   (a name that represents multiple nodes configured in an OpenVMS
   Cluster), but must instead identify an actual node.

   You must create a workstation display device with the
   /CREATE qualifier before you can redirect the output from
   applications to other workstations. Do not enter the SET
   DISPLAY/NODE=workstation_display command without having
   previously specified the /CREATE qualifier.

   When you specify the /CREATE qualifier without the /NODE
   qualifier, the workstation defaults to the current node.

   Make sure that you are authorized to display applications
   on the workstation you specify. For more information about
   using the DECwindows Session Manager to authorize yourself to
   display applications from other nodes, refer to the DECwindows

   Each node, both source and destination, must be defined in
   the other's network node database. For example, to display
   applications on node HUBBUB from ZEPHYR, HUBBUB must be entered
   in ZEPHYR's network node database, and ZEPHYR must be entered
   in HUBBUB's network node database. In addition, users on ZEPHYR
   must be authorized in the DECwindows Session Manager to display
   applications on HUBBUB. For information about entering nodes in a
   network node database, refer to the DECnet for OpenVMS Networking
   Manual and the DECnet for OpenVMS Network Management Utilities
   manual. These manuals are available on the Documentation CD-ROM.



   Defines the screen to be associated with this display device. In
   some hardware configurations, the system supports more than one
   screen. In such a configuration, you can specify the screen to
   which the application is directed.



   Defines the server to be associated with the display device
   indicated by the display-device parameter to the SET DEVICE
   command. Using the transport mechanism, the server passes
   data between the user and the application. In some hardware
   configurations, the system supports more than one server. In
   such a configuration, you can specify the server to which the
   application is directed. If you do not specify the display-
   device parameter, the SET DISPLAY/SERVER command associates the
   server with the display device indicated by the logical name


      /SUPERVISOR_MODE (default)

   Creates a supervisor-mode device and assigns the logical name
   DECW$DISPLAY to point to it. This qualifier must be used with the
   /CREATE qualifier. When the user logs out, the device is deleted.



   Defines the mechanism, for example, DECnet or local, that passes
   information between the application and the workstation. The
   transport mechanism is used to send input from the user to
   the application and output from the application to the display
   device. The transport-name can be one of the following values:


      Specifies the appropriate network transport for applications
      running and displaying on different nodes. You can specify
      the default transport value used with the SET DISPLAY/CREATE
      command by defining the DECW$SETDISPLAY_DEFAULT_TRANSPORT
      logical in either the job, process, or system table. The
      value of this logical is then used each time you enter the
      SET DISPLAY/CREATE command without the /TRANSPORT qualifier.
      If you specify neither the qualifier nor the logical, the
      value of DECNET is used as default.

   o  LOCAL

      Optimizes the performance of applications running and
      displaying on the same node.


   Creates a user-mode display device and assigns the logical name
   DECW$DISPLAY to point to it. This qualifier must be used with
   the /CREATE qualifier. The lifetime of a user-mode device is
   one DECwindows image: when the next DECwindows image exits, the
   device is deleted.

3  Examples

       Device:     WSA1: [super]
       Node:       0
       Transport:  LOCAL
       Server:     0
       Screen:     0

       Device:     WSA2:  [exec]
       Node:       ZEPHYR
       Transport:  DECNET
       Server:     0
       Screen:     0


       Device:     WSA1:  [super]
       Node:       0
       Transport:  LOCAL
       Server:     0
       Screen:     0

     In this example, you are logged in to your workstation (device
     WSA1:), here referred to as node 0. (0 is the standard
     shorthand notation for representing your node.) You want to
     run the DECwindows Clock on your workstation and display it on
     another workstation, ZEPHYR.

     Assuming you are authorized to display applications on ZEPHYR,
     you redirect the application's output to ZEPHYR with the SET
     DISPLAY command. The device created on ZEPHYR is an executive-
     mode device. You enter the SHOW DISPLAY command to verify the
     location of the redirected display. You then run Clock. When
     you finish running Clock, you disable the redirected display
     by entering the SET DISPLAY/DELETE command. Finally, you
     enter the SHOW DISPLAY command to verify that any applications
     subsequently run on your node will also be displayed there.

     Note that a new workstation display device, WSA2, is created
     when you enter the SET DISPLAY/CREATE command. When you cancel
     the redirected display with the SET DISPLAY/DELETE command,
     application output is once again displayed on the workstation
     display device referred to by WSA1.


      Device:    WSA2:  [super]
      Node:      FLOPSY
      Transport: DECNET
      Server:    0
      Screen:    0



      Device:    WSA3:  [super]
      Node:      ZEPHYR
      Transport: DECNET
      Server:    0
      Screen:    0



      Device:    WSA1:  [super]
      Node:      0
      Transport: LOCAL
      Server:    0
      Screen:    0

     In this example, you are logged in to your node (device WSA1:),
     and want to direct the output from applications to several
     workstation displays in the same session. By specifying
     different logical names in the SET DISPLAY command, you
     can redirect the output without changing the logical name
     definition for DECW$DISPLAY. This allows you to display the
     output from most applications on your default display but
     occasionally display output on another workstation. You can
     also continue to run and display applications on your node. In
     this example, Clock is displayed on node FLOPSY, Calendar is
     displayed on node ZEPHYR, and Bookreader is displayed on your

     Note that to run your applications with the DCL command
     RUN/DETACHED, you must use the device name that equates to the
     logical display device name you specified in the SET DISPLAY
     command. Use the SHOW DISPLAY command to obtain this device

   Changes the current status or attributes of a job not currently
   executing in a queue.

   Requires delete (D) access to the job or manage (M) access to the


     SET ENTRY  entry-number[,...]

3  Parameter


   Specifies the entry number of the job you want to change. If
   you specify more than one entry, separate the entry numbers with
   commas (,).

   The system assigns a unique entry number to each queued print
   or batch job in the system. By default, the PRINT and SUBMIT
   commands display the entry number when they successfully queue
   a job for processing. These commands also create or update the
   local symbol $ENTRY to reflect the entry number of the most
   recently queued job. To find a job's entry number, enter the
   SHOW ENTRY or the SHOW QUEUE command.

3  Qualifiers



   Requests that the specified job be held until after a specific
   time. If the specified time has already passed, the job is
   scheduled for processing.

   You can specify either absolute time or a combination of absolute
   and delta times. For complete information on specifying time
   values, refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual or the online help
   topic DCL_Tips (subtopic Date_Time).


      Releasing or rescheduling a job before its submission time
      is not supported for security reasons. Therefore, if you set
      the system time to a future time and submit a job on a node
      where the queue manager is running, you cannot release or
      reschedule that job back to the present time if you reset
      the system time.

      For example, you can set the system time to a future time of
      January 1, 2020 and submit a job to run on January 9, 2020;
      however, if you set the system time back to the present time
      and try to release the job to the present time, the job will
      be released to January 1, 2020.

      This situation impacts the following qualifiers: /AFTER,
      /NOHOLD, and /RELEASE.

   To specify /AFTER for a job on hold, you must also specify
   /NOHOLD in order to cause the job to be held only until the
   specified time. Jobs can be released before the specified time
   by using the /NOAFTER or /RELEASE qualifier with the SET ENTRY



   Controls whether two file flag pages with a burst bar between
   them are printed preceding each file in a job.

   Use the /[NO]BURST qualifier to override the /DEFAULT qualifier
   options that have been set for the output queue you are using.
   The /[NO]BURST qualifier does not override the /SEPARATE
   qualifier options set for the queue.

   When you specify the /BURST qualifier for a file, the /[NO]FLAG
   qualifier does not add or subtract a flag page from the two flag
   pages that are printed preceding a file.



   Specifies the name or number of one or more characteristics to be
   associated with the job. Characteristics can refer to such things
   as color of ink. If you specify only one characteristic, you can
   omit the parentheses.

   A characteristic's number must range from 0 to 127. To see which
   characteristics have been defined for your system, use the SHOW
   QUEUE/CHARACTERISTICS command. To see which characteristics
   are associated with a particular queue, use the SHOW QUEUE/FULL

   A print job can be processed on an execution queue if none, some,
   or all of the characteristics associated with the queue also are
   associated with the job. That is, the job's characteristics must
   be a subset of the queue's characteristics. However, if any of
   the characteristics associated with the job are not associated
   with the queue, the job remains pending until one or more of the
   following occurs:

   o  The characteristics specified with the queue are changed
      to make the job's characteristics a subset of the
      queue's characteristics (using, for example, the SET

   o  The characteristics specified with the job are changed
      to make the job's characteristics a subset of the
      queue's characteristics (using, for example, the SET

   o  The job is moved to a queue on which all the job's
      characteristics have been specified (using, for example, the
      SET ENTRY/REQUEUE command).

   o  The job is deleted (using, for example, the DELETE/ENTRY



   Specifies the name of a command language interpreter (CLI) to
   use in processing the batch job. The file name specifies that
   the CLI be SYS$SYSTEM:filename.EXE. If you do not specify the
   /CLI qualifier, the job is run by the CLI specified in the user
   authorization file (UAF), or whatever CLI was specified when the
   job was originally submitted to the queue.



   Specifies the number of copies to print. The value of n can be
   any number from 1 to 255. When you use the /COPIES qualifier
   with the SET ENTRY command, the number of copies can apply
   only to the entire print job. You cannot use this qualifier to
   specify different numbers of copies for individual files within a
   multifile job.



   Specifies a CPU time limit for the batch job. You can specify
   the time parameter as delta time, the value 0, INFINITE, or NONE.
   If the queue on which the job executes has a defined CPUMAXIMUM
   value, the smaller of the specified job and queue values is used.
   If the queue on which the job executes does not have a specified
   maximum CPU time limit, the smaller of the SUBMIT command and
   user authorization file (UAF) values is used. If the queue on
   which the job executes does not have a specified maximum CPU time
   limit and the UAF has a specified CPU time limit of NONE, either
   the value 0 or the keyword INFINITE allows unlimited CPU time. If
   you specify NONE, the specified queue or UAF value is used. CPU
   time values must be greater than or equal to the number specified
   by the system parameter PQL_MCPULM.

   For information on specifying time values, refer to the OpenVMS
   User's Manual or the online help topic DCL_Tips (subtopic Date_



   Controls whether form feeds are inserted into the print job when
   the printer reaches the bottom margin of the form in use. You can
   suppress this automatic form feed (without affecting any of the
   other carriage control functions that are in place) by using the
   /NOFEED qualifier.

   When you use the /FEED qualifier with the SET ENTRY command, the
   qualifier applies to all files in the print job. You cannot use
   this qualifier to specify form feeds for individual files within
   a multifile job.



   Controls whether a flag page is printed preceding each file in a
   print job. The flag page contains the name of the user submitting
   the job, the job entry number, and other information about the
   file being printed.

   Use the /[NO]FLAG qualifier to override the installation-defined
   defaults that have been set for the output queue you are using
   or to override the qualifier specified in the PRINT command that
   queued the job.



   Specifies the name or number of the form to be associated with
   the print job. If you omit the /FORM qualifier, the default form
   for the execution queue is associated with the job.

   Forms have attributes such as print image width and length or
   paper stock, which the print symbiont associates with a job when
   the job is processed. To see which forms have been defined for
   your system, use the SHOW QUEUE/FORM command. To find out which
   form is mounted currently on a particular queue and which form is
   specified as that queue's default form, use the SHOW QUEUE/FULL

   The stock of the form associated with the job must match the
   stock of the form mounted on the execution queue on which you
   want the job to be processed. If the stocks do not match, the job
   remains pending until one or more of the following occurs:

   o  A form with the same stock as the job's form is mounted on
      the queue (using, for example, the SET QUEUE/FORM_MOUNTED

   o  A form with the same stock as the queue's mounted form is
      specified with the job (using, for example, the SET ENTRY/FORM

   o  The job is moved to a queue on which the stock of the mounted
      form matches the stock of the job's form (using, for example,
      the SET ENTRY/REQUEUE command).

   o  The job is deleted (using, for example, the DELETE/ENTRY



   Controls whether a heading line is printed at the top of each
   output page in a print job.



   Controls whether the job is to be made available for processing
   or held for processing later. If you specify the /HOLD qualifier,
   the job is not released for processing until you enter SET

   You can use the /NOHOLD qualifier to release jobs that have been
   held for the following reasons:

   o  A job was submitted with the /HOLD qualifier.

   o  A completed job is being retained in a queue.

   o  A user-written symbiont has refused a job.


      Releasing or rescheduling a job before its submission time
      is not supported for security reasons. Therefore, if you set
      the system time to a future time and submit a job on a node
      where the queue manager is running, you cannot release or
      reschedule that job back to the present time if you reset
      the system time.

      For example, you can set the system time to a future time of
      January 1, 2020 and submit a job to run on January 9, 2020;
      however, if you set the system time back to the present time
      and try to release the job to the present time, the job will
      be released to January 1, 2020.

      This situation impacts the following qualifiers: /AFTER,
      /NOHOLD, and /RELEASE.



   Requests that an entire print job be printed n times, where n
   is a decimal integer from 1 to 255. This qualifier overrides the
   /JOB_COUNT qualifier with the PRINT command.



   Controls whether the batch job log file is deleted after it is



   Creates a log file with the specified file specification. You can
   specify a different device name, as long as the process executing
   the batch job has access to the device on which the log file will
   reside. Logical names in the file specification are translated in
   the context of the process that executes the SET ENTRY command.

   If you omit the /LOG_FILE qualifier and specify the /NAME
   qualifier, the log file is written to a file having the same file
   name as that specified by the /NAME qualifier; the file type is
   .LOG. When you omit the /LOG_FILE qualifier, the job-name value
   used with the /NAME qualifier must be a valid file name.



   Indicates whether the print job must be printed on a printer that
   can print both uppercase and lowercase letters. The /NOLOWERCASE
   qualifier means that files can be printed on printers that print
   only uppercase letters. If all available printers can print both
   uppercase and lowercase letters, you do not need to specify the
   /LOWERCASE qualifier.



   Names the job. The job name must be 1 to 39 alphanumeric
   characters. The SHOW ENTRY and SHOW QUEUE commands display the
   job name. For batch jobs, the job name is also used for the batch
   job log file. For print jobs, the job name is also used on the
   flag page of the printed output.

   The default job name is the name of the first file in the job.


   For a batch job, erases the value established by the most
   recently executed SET RESTART_VALUE command. For a print job,
   clears the stored checkpoint so that the job will restart from
   the beginning.


   Cancels file deletion for a job that was submitted with the
   /DELETE qualifier. If you did not specify the /DELETE qualifier
   when the job was originally submitted to the queue, you cannot
   use the SET ENTRY command to establish file deletion at a later
   time. You cannot use the /NODELETE qualifier to cancel deletion
   of individual files in a multifile job.



   Specifies a message of up to 255 characters to appear on the
   flag page of the print job. Enclose messages containing lowercase
   letters, blanks, or other nonalphanumeric characters (including
   spaces) in quotation marks (" ").



   Controls whether a message notifies you when your job has been
   completed or aborted. Notification is sent to any terminal
   session on the same OpenVMS Cluster system to which you are
   logged in.



   Specifies a message string of up to 255 characters to be sent to
   the operator just before the print job begins to print. Enclose
   the message in quotation marks (" ")  if it contains spaces,
   special characters, or lowercase characters.



   Specifies the number of pages to print for the specified job.
   You can use the /PAGES qualifier to print portions of long files.
   By default, all pages of the file are printed. When you use the
   /PAGES qualifier with the SET ENTRY command, the qualifier can
   apply only to an entire job. You cannot use this qualifier to
   specify different numbers of pages to be printed for individual
   files within a multifile job.

   The lowlim specifier refers to the first page of the file that
   you want to print. If you omit the lowlim specifier, the printing
   starts on the first page of the file.

   The uplim specifier refers to the last page of the file that you
   want to print. When you want to print to the end of the file but
   do not know how many pages are in the file, use quotation marks
   (" ") as the uplim specifier.

   You can omit the parentheses when you specify only a value
   for the uplim specifier. For example, /PAGES=10 prints the
   first 10 pages of the file; /PAGES=(5,10) prints pages 5 to 10;
   /PAGES=(5,"") starts printing at page 5 and continues until the
   end of the file is reached.



   Specifies from one to eight optional parameters to be passed to
   the job. Each parameter can have as many as 255 characters. If
   you specify only one parameter, you can omit the parentheses.
   To specify a parameter that contains any special characters or
   delimiters, enclose the parameter in quotation marks.

   For batch jobs, the parameters define values to be equated to the
   symbols named P1 to P8 in each command procedure in the job. The
   symbols are local to the specified command procedures.



   Specifies whether the symbiont bypasses all formatting of the
   print job and sends the output QIO to the driver with format
   suppressed. All qualifiers affecting formatting, as well as the
   /HEADER, /PAGES, and /PAGE_SETUP qualifiers, are ignored.

   When you use the /PASSALL qualifier with the SET ENTRY command,
   the qualifier applies to the entire job. You cannot use this
   qualifier to specify PASSALL mode for individual files within a
   multifile job.



   Queues the batch job log file for printing when the job is
   completed. The default output queue for the log file is
   SYS$PRINT. The /PRINTER qualifier allows you to specify an output
   queue. The /NOPRINTER qualifier assumes the /KEEP qualifier.



   Requires OPER (operator) or ALTPRI (alter priority) privilege
   to raise the priority above the value of the queue's maximum
   scheduling priority.

   Specifies the job-scheduling priority of the job. The value of
   n is an integer in the range of 0 to 255, where 0 is the lowest
   priority and 255 is the highest.

   The default value for the /PRIORITY qualifier is the value of
   the system parameter DEFQUEPRI. No privilege is needed to set the
   priority lower than the queue's maximum scheduling priority.


   You can use the /RELEASE qualifier to release jobs that have been
   held for the following reasons:

   o  A job was submitted with the /AFTER qualifier.

   o  A job was submitted with the /HOLD qualifier.

   o  A completed job is being retained in a queue.

   o  A user-written symbiont has refused a job.


      Releasing or rescheduling a job before its submission time
      is not supported for security reasons. Therefore, if you set
      the system time to a future time and submit a job on a node
      where the queue manager is running, you cannot release or
      reschedule that job back to the present time if you reset
      the system time.

      For example, you can set the system time to a future time of
      January 1, 2020 and submit a job to run on January 9, 2020;
      however, if you set the system time back to the present time
      and try to release the job to the present time, the job will
      be released to January 1, 2020.

      This situation impacts the following qualifiers: /AFTER,
      /NOHOLD, and /RELEASE.



   Requests that the job be moved from the original queue to the
   specified queue.



   Specifies whether a batch or print job is restarted after a
   system failure or a STOP/QUEUE/REQUEUE command.



   Specifies the circumstances under which you want your jobs to be
   retained in a queue. When a job is retained in the queue, you can
   issue the SHOW QUEUE command after the job completes to see the
   status of the job. Without job retention, no record of a job is
   left in a queue after a job completes.

   Use the following options to specify job retention:

   o  ALWAYS-Holds the job in the queue regardless of the job's
      completion status.

   o  DEFAULT-Holds the job in the queue as specified by the queue's
      retention policy.

   o  ERROR-Holds the job in the queue only if the job completes

   o  UNTIL=time-value--Holds the job in the queue for the specified
      length of time, regardless of the job's completion status.


      You cannot specify a /NORETAIN qualifier with the SET
      ENTRY command (as system managers can with the commands
      can specify /RETAIN=DEFAULT with the SET ENTRY command. The
      default option holds the job in the queue as specified by
      the queue's retention policy. If the system manager has not
      specified retention for the queue, the job is not retained.

   How Job Retention Is Determined

   Although you can specify job retention options for your own jobs,
   the job retention option you specify may be overridden by the job
   retention option of the queue on which your job executed. If you
   submit or print a job to a generic queue, the generic queue's job
   retention setting may also override the job retention option you
   specify. This section describes how job retention is determined.

   An execution queue's job retention setting takes precedence
   over a generic queue's job retention setting; however, if the
   job's completion status does not match the job retention setting
   (if any) on the execution queue, then the generic queue's job
   retention setting attempts to control job retention. If the job's
   completion status does not match the job retention setting (if
   any) on the generic queue, then the user-specified job retention
   setting is used. Jobs submitted directly to execution queues are
   not affected by job retention settings on generic queues.

   If the execution queue's retention setting applies, the job is
   retained on the execution queue. Likewise, if the generic queue's
   retention setting applies, the job is retained on the generic
   queue. If the user-specified setting applies, the job is retained
   in the queue to which it was submitted.

   The following example illustrates how the queue manager
   determines job retention:

   Suppose you submit a job to a generic queue and specify
   /RETAIN=ALWAYS, and the job completes successfully.

   First, the queue manager compares the job's completion status
   to the execution queue's retention setting. Suppose the queue
   is set with /RETAIN=ERROR (retains only jobs that complete
   unsuccessfully). The job is not retained in the execution queue
   because the error condition was not met.

   Second, the queue manager compares the job's completion status to
   the generic queue's retention setting. Suppose the generic queue
   has no retention setting. The queue manager's comparison again
   fails to retain the job.

   Finally, the queue manager compares the job's completion
   status to the retention setting you specified for the job. This
   comparison reveals that the job should be retained. Because the
   user-specified setting leads the queue manager to retain the job,
   the job is held in the queue to which the job was submitted-in
   this case, the generic queue.

   For more information on types of queues, see the INITIALIZE/QUEUE
   command. For more information on setting retention options for

   Timed Retention

   Timed retention, which you specify using the UNTIL=time-value
   option, allows you to retain a job in the queue only as long as
   you need it. This eliminates the need to delete the job from the
   queue later.

   For example, the following command retains job 172 in the queue
   until 7:31 on April 19, when the job will automatically be
   deleted from the queue.

   $ SET ENTRY/RETAIN=UNTIL=19-APR-2001:07:31:0.0 172

   However, depending on the queue's job retention policy, the
   job might be retained indefinitely. The job retention policy
   set on the queue takes precedence over the user-specified job
   retention setting. Because system managers cannot specify timed
   job retention for a queue, any jobs retained as a result of a
   queue's setting are retained indefinitely.

   If you specify the /RETAIN=UNTIL=time-value option, you must
   supply a time value. The time value is first interpreted as
   a delta time, then as a combination time, and finally as
   absolute time. If you specify a delta time, the delta begins
   when the job completes. For example, if you specify SET
   ENTRY/RETAIN=UNTIL="+3:00", the job will be retained for three
   hours after the job completes. For information on specifying time
   values, refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual.



   Extracts the specified modules from the device control library
   (containing escape sequence modules for programmable printers)
   and copies the modules to the printer before each file in a print
   job is printed.

   When you use the /SETUP qualifier with the SET ENTRY command, the
   qualifier applies to the entire print job. You cannot use this
   qualifier to specify different setup modules for individual files
   within a multifile job.



   Controls whether the output of a print job is double-spaced.
   Specifying the /NOSPACE qualifier causes the output to be single-
   spaced. When you use the /SPACE qualifier with the SET ENTRY
   command, the qualifier applies to the entire job. You cannot use
   this qualifier to specify different spacing for individual files
   within a multifile job.



   Controls whether a trailer page is printed at the end of each
   file in a print job. The trailer page displays the entry number,
   as well as information about the user submitting the job and the
   files being printed.

   When you use the /TRAILER qualifier with the SET ENTRY command,
   trailer pages are placed at the end of each file in a multifile

   Use the /[NO]TRAILER qualifier to override the installation-
   defined defaults that have been set for the output queue you are
   using or the qualifier specified in the PRINT command that queued
   the job.



   Defines, for a batch job, a working set default, which is the
   default number of physical pages that the job can use.

   If the queue on which the job executes has a nonzero default
   working set, the smaller of the specified job and queue values
   is used. If the queue on which the job executes has a working set
   default of zero, the smaller of the specified job value and the
   value established in the user authorization file (UAF) is used.

   Specify the value of n as a number of 512-byte pagelets on
   Alpha or 512-byte pages on VAX. Note that the operating system
   rounds up this value to the nearest CPU-specific page so that
   the actual amount of physical memory allowed may be larger than
   the specified amount on Alpha. If you specify zero or NONE, the
   specified queue or UAF value is used. Working set default values
   must range between the numbers specified by the system parameters



   Defines, for the batch job, a working set extent, which is the
   maximum amount of physical memory that the job can use. The job
   uses the maximum amount of physical memory only when the system
   has excess free pages. If the queue on which the job executes has
   a nonzero working set extent, the smaller of the specified job
   and queue values is used. If the queue on which the job executes
   has a working set extent of zero, the smaller of the specified
   job value and the value established in the user authorization
   file (UAF) is used.

   Specify the value of n as a number of 512-byte pagelets on
   Alpha or 512-byte pages on VAX. Note that the operating system
   rounds up this value to the nearest CPU-specific page so that
   the actual amount of physical memory allowed may be larger than
   the specified amount on Alpha. If you specify zero or NONE, the
   specified queue or UAF value is used. Working set extent values
   must range between the numbers specified by the system parameters



   Defines, for the batch job, a working set quota, which is the
   amount of physical memory that the job is guaranteed. If the
   queue on which the job executes has a nonzero working set quota,
   the smaller of the specified job and queue values is used. If the
   queue on which the job executes has a working set quota of zero,
   the smaller of the specified job value or the value established
   in the user authorization file (UAF) is used.

   Specify the value of n as a number of 512-byte pagelets on
   Alpha or 512-byte pages on VAX. Note that the operating system
   rounds up this value to the nearest CPU-specific page so that
   the actual amount of physical memory allowed may be larger than
   the specified amount on Alpha. If you specify zero or NONE, the
   specified queue or UAF value is used. Working set quota values
   must range between the numbers specified by the system parameters

3  Examples

       Job MYFILE (queue SYS$PRINT, entry 112) holding

     The PRINT command in this example requests that the file
     MYFILE.DAT be queued to the system printer, but placed in
     a hold status. The SET ENTRY command releases the job for
     printing and requests that three copies of the job be printed.

       Job CLIMATE (queue SYS$BATCH, entry 211) pending

     The SUBMIT command in this example queues the command procedure
     CLIMATE.COM for processing as a batch job. The SET ENTRY
     command places the job in a hold state and changes the job name
     to TEMP, assuming that the job has not yet begun execution.

       Job MEMO (queue SYS$PRINT, entry 172) holding until 20:00

     The PRINT command in this example requests that three files be
     printed after 8:00 P.M. on the default printer with flag pages
     preceding each file. It also requests that the file REPORT.MEM
     be double-spaced. Later a SET ENTRY command calls for a burst
     page at the beginning of each file and requests that all files
     in the job be single-spaced. This command also requests that
     headers be printed on each page of each file in the job.

   Modifies the characteristics of one or more files.

   See the qualifier descriptions for restrictions.


     SET FILE  filespec[,...]

3  Parameter


   Specifies one or more files to be modified. If you specify more
   than one file, separate the file specifications with commas (,).
   The asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters
   are allowed.

3  Qualifiers



   Sets the attributes associated with a file. The following table
   lists possible keywords and the relationship to both ACP-QIO and
   OpenVMS RMS File attributes:

                                               OpenVMS RMS File
   Keyword     ACP-QIO File Attribute          Attribute

   BKS:{value} FAT$B_BKTSIZE={byte}            FAB$B_BKS={byte}
   DEQ:{value} FAT$W_DEFEXT={word}             FAB$W_DEQ={word}
   EBK:{value} FAT$L_EFBLK={longword}          XAB$L_EBK={longword}
   FFB:{value} FAT$W_FFBYTE={word}             XAB$W_FFB={word}
   FSZ:{value} FAT$B_VFCSIZE={byte}            FAB$B_FSZ={byte}
   GBC:{value} FAT$W_GBC={word}                FAB$W_GBC={word}
   HBK:{value} FAT$L_HIBLK={longword}          XAB$L_HBK={longword}
   LRL:{value} FAT$W_RSIZE={word}              XAB$W_LRL={word}
   MRS:{value} FAT$W_MAXREC={word}             FAB$W_MRS={word}
   RAT:NONE    FAT$B_RATTRIB=0                 FAB$B_RAT=0
   VRS:{value} FAT$W_VERSIONS={word}           XAB$W_VERLIMIT={word}



   Specifies that the Backup utility (BACKUP) records the contents
   of the file. The /NOBACKUP qualifier causes BACKUP to record the
   attributes of the file but not its contents. This qualifier is
   valid only for Files-11 Structure On-Disk Level 2 and 5 files.

   The /NOBACKUP qualifier is useful for saving files that contain
   unimportant data, such as SWAPFILES.



   Selects only those files dated prior to the specified time.
   You can specify time as absolute time, as a combination of
   absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords:
   BOOT, LOGIN, TODAY (default), TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify
   the /CREATED or the /MODIFIED qualifier to indicate the time
   attribute to be used as the basis for selection. The /CREATED
   qualifier is the default.

   For complete information on specifying time values, refer to the
   OpenVMS User's Manual or the online help topic DCL_Tips (subtopic



   Selects only those files whose owner user identification code
   (UIC) matches the specified owner UIC. The default UIC is that of
   the current process.

   Specify the UIC by using standard UIC format as described in the
   OpenVMS Guide to System Security.



   Use this qualifier to control which files are cached by the
   Extended File Cache. It sets the caching attribute for a file
   or directory in a Files-11 ODS-2 or ODS-5 volume.

   The caching attribute of a file is the default caching option
   that is used by the Extended File Cache when an application
   accesses the file without specifying which caching option it
   wants to use.

   The keyword can be either WRITETHROUGH or NO_CACHING. Use
   WRITETHROUGH for files that you want to be cached. Use NO_CACHING
   for files that you don't want to be cached.

   The Extended File Cache does not cache directories. The caching
   attribute of a directory controls only how the caching attribute
   is inherited by new files and subdirectories created in the

   o  When you create a new directory or file, it inherits its
      caching attribute from its parent directory.

   o  When you create a new version of an existing file, the new
      file inherits its caching attribute from the highest version
      of the existing file.

   When you use the INITIALIZE command to create a new Files-
   11 volume, the caching attribute of its root directory
   (000000.DIR;1) is set to write-through. This means that by
   default, all the files and directories you create in the volume
   will inherit a caching attribute of write-through unless you use

   If you do not want to cache any files in a volume, mount the
   volume with caching disabled, using MOUNT /NOCACHE, instead of
   setting the caching attribute of all the files in the volume to
   NO_CACHING. Using MOUNT /NOCACHE gives better performance, and
   ensures the minimum caching overhead.

   When you change the caching attribute of a directory, it does
   not affect the caching attribute of any existing files and
   subdirectories in the directory.

   When you change the caching attribute of a file, it does not
   affect the type of caching being used by any applications that
   are currently accessing the file.


      /NOCONFIRM (default)

   Controls whether a request is issued before each SET FILE
   operation to confirm that the operation should be performed on
   that file. The following responses are valid:

   YES      NO       QUIT
   TRUE     FALSE    Ctrl/Z
   1        0        ALL

   You can use any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters
   for word responses. Word responses can be abbreviated to one or
   more letters (for example, T, TR, or TRU for TRUE), but these
   abbreviations must be unique. Affirmative answers are YES, TRUE,
   and 1. Negative answers include: NO, FALSE, 0, and pressing
   Return. Entering QUIT or pressing Ctrl/Z indicates that you want
   to stop processing the command at that point. When you respond by
   entering ALL, the command continues to process, but no further
   prompts are given. If you type a response other than one of
   those in the list, DCL issues an error message and redisplays
   the prompt.


      /CREATED (default)

   Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE
   qualifier. The /CREATED qualifier selects files based on their
   dates of creation. This qualifier is incompatible with the
   /MODIFIED qualifier, which also allows you to select files
   according to time attributes. The /CREATED qualifier is the
   default qualifier.



   Specifies whether a read data check (rereading each record), a
   write data check (reading each record after it is written), or a
   combination of the two is performed on the file during transfers.
   By default, a write data check is performed.


   Resets the end-of-file (EOF) mark to the highest block allocated.



   Use with caution.

   Creates an alias for the specified file. Both the original name
   and the new alias refer to the same file. To remove the alias,
   use the SET FILE /REMOVE command.


      Make sure that the alias and the original name are in
      different directories, or you may subsequently lose data
      during a delete or purge operation. The DELETE and PURGE
      commands and the file version limit feature can behave
      unpredictably if the original name and the alias are in
      the same directory.

      If you use aliases, you must also be careful when you use
      the DELETE and SET FILE /REMOVE commands, or you may end up
      with either an inaccessable file that has no name or a name
      that does not refer to a file. Follow these guidelines to
      avoid these problems:

      o  Use SET FILE /REMOVE to remove an alias; do not use the
         DELETE command to remove an alias.

      o  Do not use SET FILE /REMOVE to remove the original file

      If you do not follow these guidelines and encounter
      problems, use ANALYZE /DISK /REPAIR to move inaccessable
      files to the SYSLOST directory and remove names that no
      longer refer to files.


   Specifies that the specified files are erased from the disk (not
   just written over) when the DELETE or PURGE command is issued for
   the files. See the DELETE/ERASE command for more information.



   Excludes the specified file from the SET FILE operation. You
   can include a directory name but not a device name in the file
   specifications. The asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%)
   wildcard characters are allowed in the file specification;
   however, you cannot use relative version numbers to exclude a
   specific version. If you specify only one file, you can omit the



   Requires read (R), write (W), and control access. Being the owner
   of the file is one way to get control access.

   Controls whether an expiration date is assigned to the specified

   Specify the date according to the rules described in the OpenVMS
   User's Manual or the online help topic DCL_Tips (subtopic Date_
   Time). Absolute date keywords are allowed. If you specify zero as
   the date, today's date is used.



   Sets the extend quantity default for the file. The value of
   the parameter n can range from 0 to 65,535. If you omit the
   value specification or specify a value of 0, OpenVMS Record
   Management Services (OpenVMS RMS) calculates its own value for
   the /EXTENSION qualifier.

   See the SET RMS_DEFAULT command for a description of the /EXTEND_
   QUANTITY qualifier.



   Sets the OpenVMS Record Management Services (OpenVMS RMS)
   global buffer count (the number of buffers that can be shared
   by processes accessing the file) for the specified files. The
   value n must be an integer in the range from 0 to 32,767. A value
   of 0 disables buffer sharing.

   The /SHARE qualifier can be used to enable or disable global
   buffers on a file currently being accessed; however, any new
   global buffer settings will only be applied to new accessors of
   the file. If a file is already open with global buffers, any new
   number of global buffers will not take effect until the file is
   closed by all accessors of the file.


      /NOLOG (default)

   Displays the file specification of each file modified as the
   command executes.



   Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE
   qualifier. The /MODIFIED qualifier selects files according to
   the dates on which they were last modified. This qualifier is
   incompatible with the /CREATED qualifier, which also allows
   you to select files according to time attributes. If you do not
   specify the /MODIFIED qualifier, the default is the /CREATED



   Controls whether movefile operations are enabled on the specified

   When you create a file, movefile operations are enabled on that
   file. You should disable movefile operations on specialized
   files that are accessed other than through the XQP (such as files
   accessed through logical I/O to a disk).

   Note that movefile operations are automatically disabled on
   critical system files. Do not enable movefile operations on these


   Use with extreme caution. Requires SYSPRV (system privilege).

   Removes the directory attributes of a file and allows you to
   delete the corrupted directory file even if other files are
   contained in the directory. When you delete a corrupted directory
   file, the files contained within it are lost.

   Use ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE/REPAIR to place the lost files in
   [SYSLOST]. You can then copy the lost files to a new directory.
   This qualifier is valid only for Files-11 On-Disk Structure Level
   2 files. For more information about the Verify utility, refer to
   the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.



   This qualifier has been superseded by the SET SECURITY/OWNER



   This command has been superseded by the SET SECURITY/PROTECTION


   Use with caution.

   Enables you to remove one of the names of a file that has more
   than one name, without deleting the file. If you have created an
   additional name for a file with the /ENTER qualifier of SET FILE,
   you can use the /REMOVE qualifier to remove either the original
   name or the alias. The file still exists and can be accessed by
   whatever name or names remain in effect.

   However, if you accidentally remove the name of a file that
   has only one name, you cannot access that file with most DCL
   commands; use the ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE utility to retrieve the



   Use the /SEMANTICS qualifier to create or change a semantics tag.
   Use the /NOSEMANTICS qualifier to remove a semantics tag from a
   file. For more information, refer to the Guide to OpenVMS File


   Allows you to enable or disable global buffers or statistics on a
   file currently being accessed by other users.

   Requires SYSPRV privilege.

   Only new accessors of the file acquire the new settings. For
   example, if a file is opened with no global buffers specified and
   the SET FILE/GLOBAL=n/SHARE command is issued, only new accessors
   of the file will use global buffers. If /STATISTICS is enabled on
   an active file, only operations performed by new accessors of the
   file are measured.

   If a file is already open with global buffers, any new number of
   global buffers will not take effect until the file is closed by
   all accessors of the file.

   The /SHARE qualifier is valid only with the following qualifiers:





   Controls whether the file is shelvable.



   Selects only those files dated on or after the specified time.
   You can specify time as absolute time, as a combination of
   absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords:
   BOOT, LOGIN, TODAY (default), TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify
   the /CREATED or the /MODIFIED qualifier to indicate the time
   attribute to be used as the basis for selection. The /CREATED
   qualifier is the default.

   For complete information on specifying time values, refer to the
   OpenVMS User's Manual or the online help topic DCL_Tips (subtopic


      /NOSTATISTICS (default)

   Enables the gathering of RMS statistics on the specified file.
   These statistics can then be viewed by using the Monitor
   utility, which is invoked with the DCL command MONITOR. The
   SET FILE/STATISTICS command applies an application ACE to the
   specified file. The ACE does not affect access control and is
   only meaningful to the application assigning it.

   The /SHARE qualifier can be used to enable or disable statistics
   on a file currently being accessed. However, only statistics of
   new accessors of the file will be measured.



   Specifies the file name format for display purposes.

   The valid keywords for this qualifier are CONDENSED and EXPANDED.
   Descriptions are as follows:

   Keyword     Explanation

   CONDENSED   Displays the file name representation of what is
   (default)   generated to fit into a 255-length character string.
               This file name may contain a DID or FID abbreviation
               in the file specification.
   EXPANDED    Displays the file name representation of what is
               stored on disk. This file name does not contain any
               DID or FID abbreviations.

   The keywords CONDENSED and EXPANDED are mutually exclusive. This
   qualifier specifies which file name format is displayed in the
   output message, along with the confirmation if requested.

   File errors are displayed with the CONDENSED file specification
   unless the EXPANDED keyword is specified.

   Refer to the OpenVMS Guide to Extended File Specifications for
   more information.


   Truncates the file at the end of the block containing the end-of-
   file (EOF) marker, that is, the qualifier releases allocated but
   unused blocks of the file.


   Clears a file marked as deaccess locked. Deaccess locking is
   required by and used by those few applications that maintain
   their own locking and consistency, typically without the use
   of the OpenVMS distributed lock manager, and potentially also
   without the use of RMS. When an application using deaccess
   locking does not correctly deaccess the file (often due to an
   application or system failure), the file is marked as locked, and
   is thus inaccessable until the integrity of the contents of the
   file are verified and the SET FILE/UNLOCK command is used.

   This command does not affect the state of files that are locked
   using RMS or the distributed lock manager.

   For details on file deaccess locking, refer to the OpenVMS I/O
   User's Reference Manual, the ACP-QIO interface documentation, and
   specifically the FIB$V_DLOCK option available on the IO$_CREATE
   and IO$_ACCESS functions.

   The SET FILE/UNLOCK command can clear the cause of the following
   error message:

   %SYSTEM-W-FILELOCKED, file is deaccess locked

   However, this command cannot resolve the cause of the error

   %RMS-W-FLK, file currently locked by another user



   Specifies the maximum number of versions for the specified file.
   If you do not specify a version limit, a value of 0 is used,
   indicating that the number of versions of a file is limited only
   to the Files-11 architectural limit of 32,767. When you exceed
   that limit, the earliest version of the file is deleted from
   the directory without notification to the user. For example, if
   you set the version limit to three when there are already five
   versions of that file in your directory, there will continue to
   be five versions of the file unless you specifically delete some
   or purge the directory. Once the number of versions is equal
   to or less than the current version limit, the version limit is

3  Examples


     The SET FILE command requests that the expiration date of the
     file BATCH.COM;3 be set to 11:00 A.M., December 19, 2001.


     This SET FILE command calls for all files that match the file
     specification PERSONNEL*.SAL and are dated before December
     31 of the current year to have their disk locations erased
     whenever one of them is deleted with commands such as DELETE or


     The SET FILE command modifies the characteristics of the file
     MYFILE.DAT, changing the owner user identification code (*).
     You must have system privilege (SYSPRV) to change the owner



     TEST.FDL;1   File ID:  (10,8,0)
     File attributes: Allocation: s, Extend: 0, Global buffer count: 0
        No version limit, MoveFile disabled

     Movefile operations are disabled on the file TEST.FDL. A
     DIRECTORY/FULL command on the file TEST.FDL affirms that the
     file attribute Movefile is disabled.


     The command, SET FILE/ATTRIBUTES, changes the file organization
     of the specified file.


     Directory DKB0:[FULGHUM]

     TEMP.DIR;1           (RWE,RWE,RE,RE)

     This example sets the protection on the TEMP.DIR file with the
     SET FILE command and then displays the protection of the file
     with the DIRECTORY command.


     This example sets 5000 global buffers on the INVENTORY.IDX file
     and enables statistics. If the file is open and the SET FILE
     command is issued without the /SHARE qualifier, the following
     error is returned: SYSTEM-W-ACCONFLICT (file access conflict).
     The /SHARE qualifier allows the global buffers and statistics
     to be enabled on an open file; however, these settings only
     apply to new accessors of the file.

   The SET FILE/AI_JOURNAL command marks one or more RMS files
   for after-image journaling. You can also specify certain
   characteristics of the journal with this command, including its
   file specification, whether it is to be created, its initial
   size, and its default extension quantity. The SET FILE/NOAI_
   JOURNAL command unmarks a file for after-image journaling.

   The SET FILE command is not supported for remote files. You
   must use the SET FILE command from the system where the file
   is located.


     SET FILE/[NO]AI_JOURNAL=(FILE=journal-filespec[,...])


4  Parameter


   Identifies the file to be marked for after-image journaling. If
   you specify more than one file, separate the file specifications
   with commas. The asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard
   characters are allowed. The file specification cannot include a
   node name, since the SET FILE command is not valid for network

4  Description
   The SET FILE/AI_JOURNAL command marks one or more RMS files
   for after-image journaling. You can also specify certain
   characteristics of the journal with this command, including its
   file specification, whether it is to be created, its initial
   size, and its default extension quantity. The SET FILE/NOAI_
   JOURNAL command unmarks a file for after-image journaling. After
   a data file is marked for after-image journaling with the SET
   FILE/AI_JOURNAL command, the following events occur whenever the
   file is opened by RMS for write operations:

   o  The journal is opened.

   o  All subsequent modifications to the data file are recorded in
      the journal.


      To be able to recover the data file at a later time,
      you must make a backup copy of the data file, even if it
      contains no data.

   You must use the FILE keyword to specify a journal. By default,
   any portions of the file specification that you omit will be the
   same as the data file that is to be journaled, but with the file
   type RMS$JOURNAL. That is, if you issue the following command,
   then, by default, the file specification for the after-image


   You should always keep the journal for after-image applications
   on a different volume from that of your data file. If recovery
   becomes necessary, you will be able to perform after-image
   recovery only if a backup copy of the data file is available.
   Use the FILE keyword to specify the journal location.

   Use the SET FILE/NOAI_JOURNAL command to unmark a file for after-
   image journaling. After you use the SET FILE/NOAI_JOURNAL command
   for a file, modifications to that data file will no longer be
   written to the journal.

   You must use the SET FILE/NOAI_JOURNAL command before you can
   delete a file that has been marked for after-image journaling.

4  Keywords

   Four keywords are used as parameters to the SET FILE/AI_JOURNAL
   must always use the FILE keyword; you can also use any, all, or
   none of the other three keywords.

   Use an equal sign (=)  immediately after the SET FILE/AI_JOURNAL
   command to use a keyword. If you use more than one of the
   keywords, enclose the list in parentheses and separate the items
   in the list with commas.


   Specifies the initial size, in blocks, of the journal. The
   ALLOCATION keyword is meaningful only when the CREATE keyword
   is also used.

   The default allocation is 0 blocks.


   Specifies that a new journal is to be created. If no journal
   exists, using this keyword creates a new one. If a journal (with
   the file specification given in this command) already exists,
   using this keyword creates a new version of the journal. In the
   latter instance, the data file named in this SET FILE command
   is journaled to the new journal. Any other files that are being
   journaled to the previous version of the journal will continue to
   be journaled to that previous version.

   If a journal does not already exist, be sure to use the CREATE
   keyword with the SET FILE/AI_JOURNAL command. If you do not
   specify the CREATE keyword and the file that you specify with
   the FILE keyword does not exist, a journal will not automatically
   be created and an error message is displayed.

   When you create a journal for after-image journaling, the file
   protection for the journal is determined as follows:

   o  If a version of the journal that you specify with the CREATE
      keyword already exists, then the new version of the journal
      has the same file protection and access control list (ACL) as
      the most recent version.

   o  If there is no existing journal (that is, if you are creating
      version 1 of the journal), then the file protection and
      ACL of the journal are the default file protection for the
      process that creates the journal, except that none of the four
      ownership categories (system, owner, group, world) is given
      delete access.

   Also, every time that you use the CREATE keyword, be sure to make
   a backup copy of the data file. (If it is the first time that
   the data file is marked for after-image journaling, then you must
   make a backup copy of the data file, regardless of whether the
   CREATE keyword is used.)


      To be able to recover the data file at a later time, you
      must mark the file for journaling, and then make a backup
      copy of the data file, even if it contains no data.

   In most cases (in particular, when you are using after-image
   journaling to protect against loss of data from a device
   failure), you should keep the backup copy on a different volume
   from the data file. If recovery becomes necessary, you will be
   able to perform after-image recovery only if a backup copy of the
   data file is available.

   If you want to use a single journal for both after-image and
   before-image journaling, do not use the CREATE keyword with both
   the /AI_JOURNAL and /BI_JOURNAL qualifiers, because that will
   create two separate journals. When you create a journal that
   will be used for more than one data file or more than one type
   of journaling (after-image or before-image), you should first
   use a SET FILE command to create the journal for a single type
   of journaling and for a single data file. After the journal is
   created, then you can use a single SET FILE command for multiple
   data files and both after-image and before-image journaling. For
   example, you might use the following sequence of commands:



   Specifies the default extension quantity, in blocks, for the
   journal. You can specify a value from 0 to 65,535.

   The EXTENSION keyword is meaningful only when you use the
   CREATE keyword. If the file is extended, the value that you
   specify is used. If you do not use the EXTENSION keyword
   when you create a journal, RMS calculates its own EXTENSION
   value for the journal.


   Specifies the journal where all modifications to the named data
   file will be recorded. The default file specification for the
   journal is the file specification of the data file that you name,
   but with a file type of RMS$JOURNAL. If you provide a partial
   file specification for the journal, any unspecified portions are
   taken from the default file specification. The FILE keyword is
   required when you use the SET FILE/AI_JOURNAL command.

   If you are using after-image journaling to protect against the
   loss of data due to a device failure (such as a head crash),
   you should keep the journal on a different volume from the
   one on which the data file is kept. Only by keeping the data
   file and journals on separate volumes can you use after-image
   recovery to restore the data file if its recording medium becomes
   corrupted (for example, by a disk head crash). If you issue the
   SET FILE/AI_JOURNAL command and the journal is on the same volume
   as the data file being marked for after-image journaling, the
   INVAIJDEV warning message is issued.

   The file specification cannot include a node name, since the SET
   FILE command is not valid for network access.

   You can use a single journal for multiple data files for after-
   image journaling, and you can also use a single journal for both
   after-image and before-image journaling.

4  Qualifier


      /NOLOG (default)

   Controls whether the SET FILE command displays the file
   specification and the type of journaling that has been set. By
   default, this information is not displayed.



     In this example, the file FINANCE_DISK:[PAYROLL]WEEKLY.DAT is
     marked for after-image journaling. The required FILE keyword
     is used to place the journal on the disk JOURNAL_DISK, and
     the CREATE keyword generates a new version of the journal.
     The file specification for the journal will be JOURNAL_

     The next step in the after-image journaling process after
     issuing this command is to back up the data file.

     after-image journaling

     In this example, the file SALES.DAT in default directory
     FINANCE_DISK:[REGION_1] is marked for after-image journaling
     and the /LOG qualifier causes the result of the SET FILE
     command to be displayed on the terminal.

     after-image journaling

     before-image journaling
     recovery-unit journaling

     In this example, the file OVERDUE.DAT is marked for all three
     types of journaling using two SET FILE commands. A single
     journal (JNL_DISK:[PAYABLE]OVERDUE.RMS$JOURNAL) will be used
     for after-image and before-image journaling.

     The first SET FILE command uses the /CREATE
     qualifier to create a new after-image journal,
     JNL_DISK:[PAYABLE]OVERDUE.RMS$JOURNAL. The file specification
     uses the current default directory [PAYABLE] and the default
     file extension RMS$JOURNAL.

     The second SET FILE command checks the disk JNL_DISK to see
     whether a journal already exists, and uses the existing journal
     for before-image journaling, as well as after-image journaling.


     In this example, the files OVERDUE.DAT and VENDORS.DAT are
     unmarked for both after-image and before-image journaling. It
     is not necessary to specify the journals that were used. If
     more than one journaling type was applied to the data files
     (as in the previous example), then you must cancel each of the
     journaling types before you can delete the data files.


     In this example, the files SALARY.DAT and CHECKS.DAT are both
     marked for after-image and for recovery unit journaling. The
     after-image journaling for both files is written to the same

   The SET FILE/BI_JOURNAL command marks one or more RMS files
   for before-image journaling. You can also specify certain
   characteristics of the journal with this command, including its
   file specification, whether it is to be created, its initial
   size, and its default extension quantity. The SET FILE/NOBI_
   JOURNAL command unmarks a file for before-image journaling.

   The SET FILE command is not supported for remote files. You
   must use the SET FILE command from the system where the file
   is located.


     SET FILE/[NO]BI_JOURNAL[=(keyword[,...])] data-filespec[,...]

4  Parameter


   Identifies the file to be marked for before-image journaling. If
   you specify more than one file, separate the file specifications
   with commas. The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard
   characters are allowed. The file specification cannot include a
   node name, since the SET FILE command is not valid for network

4  Description
   The SET FILE/BI_JOURNAL command marks one or more RMS files
   for before-image journaling. You can also specify certain
   characteristics of the journal with this command, including its
   file specification, whether it is to be created, its initial
   size, and its default extension quantity. The SET FILE/NOBI_
   JOURNAL command unmarks a file for before-image journaling.

   After a data file is marked for before-image journaling with the
   SET FILE/BI_JOURNAL command, the following events occur whenever
   the data file is opened by RMS for write operations:

   o  The journal is opened.

   o  All subsequent modifications to the data file are recorded in
      the journal.

   By default, the journal has the same file specification as
   the data file that is to be journaled, but with the file type
   RMS$JOURNAL. That is, if you issue the following command, then,
   by default, the file specification for the before-image journal


   If erroneous or corrupt data is introduced into the data file,
   you can use the RMS Recovery Utility to "roll back" the data file
   that has been marked for before-image journaling. This will allow
   you to restore the data file to a previous state by removing data
   until a specified time (prior to the introduction of bad data).

   Use the SET FILE/NOBI_JOURNAL command to unmark a file for
   before-image journaling. After you use the SET FILE/NOBI_JOURNAL
   command for a file, modifications to that data file will no
   longer be written to the journal.

   You must use the SET FILE/NOBI_JOURNAL command before you can
   delete a file that has been marked for before-image journaling.

4  Keywords

   Four keywords are used as optional parameters to the SET FILE/BI_
   FILE. You can use any, all, or none of these keywords.

   Use an equal sign (=)  immediately after the SET FILE/BI_JOURNAL
   command to use a keyword. If you use more than one of the
   keywords, enclose the list in parentheses and separate the items
   in the list with commas.


   Specifies the initial size, in blocks, of the journal. The
   ALLOCATION keyword is meaningful only when the CREATE keyword
   is also used.

   The default allocation is 0 blocks.


   Specifies that a new journal is to be created. If no journal
   exists, using this keyword creates a new one. If a journal (with
   the file specification given in this command) already exists,
   using this keyword creates a new version of the journal. In the
   latter instance, the data file named in this SET FILE command
   is journaled to the new journal. Any other files that are being
   journaled to the previous version of the journal will continue to
   be journaled to that previous version.

   If a journal does not already exist, be sure to use the CREATE
   keyword with the SET FILE/BI_JOURNAL command. If you do not
   specify the CREATE keyword and a journal does not exist, a
   journal is not automatically created and an error message is

   When you create a journal for before-image journaling, the file
   protection for the journal is determined as follows:

   o  If a version of the journal that you specify with the CREATE
      keyword already exists, then the new version of the journal
      has the same file protection and access control list (ACL) as
      the most recent version.

   o  If there is no existing journal (that is, if you are creating
      version 1 of the journal), then the file protection and
      ACL of the journal are the default file protection for the
      process that creates the journal, except that none of the four
      ownership categories (system, owner, group, world) is given
      delete access.

   If you want to use a single journal for both after-image and
   before-image journaling, do not use the CREATE keyword with both
   the /AI_JOURNAL and /BI_JOURNAL qualifiers, because that will
   create two separate journals. When you create a journal that
   will be used for more than one data file or more than one type
   of journaling (after-image or before-image), you should first
   use a SET FILE command to create the journal for a single type
   of journaling and for a single data file. After the journal is
   created, then you can use a single SET FILE command for multiple
   data files and both after-image and before-image journaling. For
   example, you might use the following sequence of commands:



   Specifies the default extension quantity, in blocks, for the
   journal. You can specify a value from 0 to 65,535.

   The EXTENSION keyword is meaningful only when you use the
   CREATE keyword. If the file is extended, the value that you
   specify is used. If you do not use the EXTENSION keyword
   when you create a journal, RMS calculates its own EXTENSION
   value for the journal.


   Specifies the journal where all before-image journal entries for
   the data file will be recorded. The default file specification
   for the journal is the file specification of the data file that
   you name, but with a file type of RMS$JOURNAL. Use the FILE
   keyword if you wish to modify this default file specification
   for the journal. If you provide a partial file specification for
   the before-image journal, any unspecified portions are taken from
   the default file specification.

   The file specification cannot include a node name, since the SET
   FILE command is not valid for network access.

   The FILE keyword is optional with the SET FILE/BI_JOURNAL

   You can use a single journal for multiple data files for before-
   image journaling, and you can also use the same journal for both
   before-image and after-image journaling.

4  Qualifier


      /NOLOG (default)

   Controls whether the SET FILE command displays the file
   specification and the type of journaling that has been set. By
   default, this information is not displayed.



     In this example, the file FINANCE_DISK:[PAYROLL]WEEKLY.DAT is
     marked for before-image journaling. The FILE keyword, together
     with the defaults obtained from the file specification of the
     data file, provides the journal with a file specification of
     keyword was used, this journal is created when this SET FILE
     command is given.

     before-image journaling

     In this example, the file SALES.DAT in default directory
     FINANCE_DISK:[REGION_1] is marked for before-image journaling
     and the /LOG qualifier causes the result of the SET FILE
     command to be displayed on the terminal.

     before-image journaling

     after-image journaling
     recovery-unit journaling

     In this example, the file OVERDUE.DAT is marked for all three
     types of journaling using two SET FILE commands. A single
     journal (JNL_DISK:[PAYABLE]OVERDUE.RMS$JOURNAL) will be used
     for after-image and before-image journaling.

     The first SET FILE command uses the /CREATE
     qualifier to create a new before-image journal,
     JNL_DISK:[PAYABLE]OVERDUE.RMS$JOURNAL. The file specification
     uses the current default directory [PAYABLE] and the default
     file extension RMS$JOURNAL.

     The second SET FILE command checks the disk JNL_DISK to see
     whether a journal already exists, and uses the existing journal
     for after-image journaling, as well as before-image journaling.


     In this example, the files OVERDUE.DAT and VENDORS.DAT are
     unmarked for both before-image and after-image journaling. It
     is not necessary to specify the journals that were used. If
     more than one journaling type was applied to the data files
     (as in the previous example), then you must cancel each of the
     journaling types before you can delete the data files.


     In this example, the files SALARY.DAT and CHECKS.DAT are both
     marked for before-image and for recovery unit journaling. The
     before-image journaling for both files is written to the same

   The SET FILE/RU_ACTIVE command designates the recoverable
   facility that controls active recovery units for the file.
   Alternatively, when used with the /RU_FACILITY qualifier, the SET
   FILE/RU_ACTIVE command lets you clear the designated recoverable
   facility that controls active recovery units for the specified

   The SET FILE command is not supported for remote files. You
   must use the SET FILE command from the system where the file
   is located.


     SET FILE/[NO]RU_ACTIVE=ru-facility data-filespec[,...]

4  Parameters


   Specifies the number or name of a recoverable facility. It can
   be an integer from 0 through 255, or it can be the name of a
   Compaq-registered recoverable facility.

   Facility numbers 1 through 127 are reserved by Compaq;
   facility numbers 128 through 255 are available for user-written
   recoverable facilities. RMS is recoverable facility 1; specifying
   the number 1 is equivalent to using the text * corresponds to
   no recoverable facility and is equivalent to using the qualifier
   /NORU_ACTIVE. Currently, the only Compaq-defined recoverable
   facility is 1 (RMS).


   Specifies the file that is to be modified. If you specify more
   than one file, separate the file specifications with commas. The
   asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are
   allowed. The file specification cannot include a node name, since
   the SET FILE command is not valid for network access.

4  Description
   The SET FILE/RU_ACTIVE command designates the recoverable
   facility that controls active recovery units for the file.
   Alternatively, when used with the /RU_FACILITY qualifier, the SET
   FILE/RU_ACTIVE command lets you clear the designated recoverable
   facility that controls active recovery units for the specified
   file. This is useful if a data file is unavailable due to active
   recovery units and an unavailable recovery unit journal.


      When you clear the RU_ACTIVE attribute (using the command
      SET FILE/RU_ACTIVE=0/RU_FACILITY=1), the data in the file is
      likely to be in an inconsistent state. Do not use the data
      file unless you can ensure that the data is consistent.
      After clearing the RU_ACTIVE attribute, you can unmark
      the file for journaling, delete the file, and re-create a
      consistent file using a backup copy.

   You can determine the recoverable facility that controls active
   recovery units (if any) for the file by entering the DCL command
   FILE/RU_JOURNAL command to determine the state of any active
   recovery units.

4  Qualifier



   Controls whether the SET FILE command displays the file
   specification and the type of facility that has been specified.
   By default, this information is not displayed.




     If the file WEEKLY.DAT is unavailable due to active recovery
     units and an unavailable recovery unit journal, you can use
     this command to gain access to the file. In this example, the
     recoverable facility is defined as RMS by the /RU_FACILITY=1
     qualifier. The RU_ACTIVE attribute that indicates active RMS
     recovery units for the file WEEKLY.DAT is cleared by the /RU_
     ACTIVE=0 qualifier.


      The data in the file may be inconsistent if there are active
      recovery units. Compaq recommends that you not use the
      contents of the data file unless you can verify that the
      data is consistent.

      Compaq also recommends that you make a new copy of the file
      using the Convert Utility and that you use the converted
      copy in place of the original.

   The SET FILE/RU_FACILITY command allows you to identify the
   recoverable facility that controls active recovery units on the

   The SET FILE command is not supported for remote files. You
   must use the SET FILE command from the system where the file
   is located.


     SET FILE/RU_FACILITY=ru-facility data-filespec[,...]

4  Parameters


   Specifies the number or name of a recoverable facility. It can
   be an integer from 0 through 255, or it can be the name of a
   Compaq-registered recoverable facility.

   Facility numbers 1 through 127 are reserved by Compaq;
   facility numbers 128 through 255 are available for user-written
   recoverable facilities. RMS is recoverable facility 1; specifying
   the number 1 is equivalent to using the text RMS. The number
   0 corresponds to no recoverable facility. Currently, the only
   Compaq-defined recoverable facility is 1 (RMS).

   The recoverable facility that you specify is an input parameter
   that is used only to open the file; it does not actually modify
   any file attributes.


   Specifies the file that is to be modified. If you specify more
   than one file, separate the file specifications with commas. The
   asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are
   allowed. The file specification cannot include a node name, since
   the SET FILE command is not valid for network access.

4  Description
   The SET FILE/RU_FACILITY command allows you to identify the
   recoverable facility that controls active recovery units on the
   file. You can use any other SET FILE qualifier with the /RU_
   FACILITY qualifier.

   When a data file has active recovery units and RMS journaling
   cannot resolve the recovery units (for example, if the recovery
   unit journal is unavailable), the data file cannot be opened
   or deleted. The presence of active recovery units prevents you
   from unmarking (or marking) a file for any journaling type. With
   the SET FILE/RU_FACILITY/RU_ACTIVE command, you can clear the
   designated recoverable facility that controls active recovery
   units for the data file.


      When you clear the RU_FACILITY attribute (with the command
      SET FILE/RU_ACTIVE=0/RU_FACILITY=1), the data in the file is
      likely to be in an inconsistent state. Do not use the data
      file unless you can ensure that the data is consistent.
      After clearing the RU_ACTIVE attribute, you can unmark
      the file for journaling, delete the file, and re-create a
      consistent file using a backup copy.

   You can determine the recoverable facility that controls active
   recovery units (if any) for the file by entering the DCL command
   FILE/RU_JOURNAL command to determine the state of any active
   recovery units.

4  Examples

     after-image journaling
     recovery-unit journaling

     This example shows the use of the /RU_FACILITY qualifier to
     allow SET FILE access to a data file. The SET FILE command
     identifies the recoverable facility holding the file and
     it also unmarks the file for recovery unit and after-image
     journaling. After these steps, it is then possible to delete
     the data file.


      If it becomes necessary to use the /RU_FACILITY qualifier
      because of active recovery units, the data in the file may
      be inconsistent. Compaq recommends that you not use the data
      file unless you can verify that the data is consistent.

      Compaq also recommends that you make a new copy of the file
      using the Convert Utility and that you use the converted
      copy in place of the original.


     In this example, the recoverable facility for the file
     SALES.DAT is identified as RMS by the /RU_FACILITY=RMS
     qualifier, and the RU active file attribute (which indicates
     active RMS recovery units) is cleared by the /RU_ACTIVE=0
     qualifier. If the file SALES.DAT is unavailable due to active
     recovery units and an unavailable recovery unit journal, you
     can use this command to gain access to the file.

     As in the previous example, this operation leaves the data
     file in an inconsistent state. In general, use this command to
     delete the data file, then restore the file from a backup copy.

   The SET FILE/RU_JOURNAL command marks an RMS file for recovery
   unit journaling.

   The SET FILE command is not supported for remote files. You
   must use the SET FILE command from the system where the file
   is located.


     SET FILE/[NO]RU_JOURNAL[=volume-name] data-filespec[,...]

4  Parameters


   Specifies the volume on which the recovery unit journals will be
   located, using one of the following keywords:

   o  DEVICE=device_name specifies a device name or logical name.

   o  LABEL=volume-label specifies a volume label.

   By default, recovery unit journals are created temporarily in the
   [SYSJNL] directory on the same volume as the file that is being
   journaled. (If such a directory does not exist, RMS journaling
   creates it automatically.) You can change the device on which the
   recovery unit journals are created by using either the DEVICE or
   LABEL keyword.

   Use the DEVICE keyword to specify the location of recovery unit
   journals using a device name or a logical name. Use the LABEL
   keyword to specify the location of recovery unit journals using a
   volume label. You can only use one of these two keywords (LABEL
   or DEVICE) to specify the recovery unit journal location. In
   either case, only the volume label is actually stored with the

   At run time, RMS attempts to translate the logical name
   DISK$volume_label when creating a recovery unit journal. This
   is the default logical name created by the Mount Utility when you
   mount the disk using the /SYSTEM or /CLUSTER qualifier. If you do
   not mount the disk using the /SYSTEM or /CLUSTER qualifier, you
   must define the logical name DISK$volume_label using the DEFINE
   command with the /SYSTEM and /EXECUTIVE_MODE qualifiers. You
   must have the SYSNAM (system logical name) or the SYSPRV (system
   privilege) privilege to use the /SYSTEM qualifier.


      The logical name DISK$volume_label can point to any
      disk device on the system that is mounted and has for
      its volume label an executive-mode logical name in the
      form DISK$volume_label with the concealed and terminal


   Specifies the file that is to be marked for recovery unit
   journaling. If a data file has been marked for recovery unit
   journaling with this command, DECdtm transaction services
   ($START_TRANS, $END_TRANS, and $ABORT_TRANS) must be used by
   an application program to define transactions whenever data in
   this file is modified.

   If you specify more than one file, separate the file
   specifications with commas. The asterisk (*) and the percent
   sign (%) wildcard characters are allowed. The file specification
   cannot include a node name, since the SET FILE command is not
   valid for network access.

4  Description
   The SET FILE/RU_JOURNAL command marks an RMS file for recovery
   unit journaling. To use recovery unit journaling for a data file,
   a data file must be marked for recovery unit journaling with the
   SET FILE/RU_JOURNAL command, and transactions must be defined
   in an application program using DECdtm transaction services. You
   can also use this command to specify the default volume on which
   recovery unit journals will be created for this file.

   Use the SET FILE/NORU_JOURNAL command to unmark a file for
   recovery unit journaling. After you use the SET FILE/NORU_JOURNAL
   command for a file, modifications to that data file will no
   longer be written to a recovery unit journal.

   If you wish to delete a file that has been marked for recovery
   unit journaling, you must use the SET FILE/NORU_JOURNAL command
   before you can delete the file.

   There is no reason other than performance to keep recovery unit
   journals on a different volume from the file being journaled.
   Unlike after-image journaling, which protects against a system
   failure such as a head crash that causes a loss of data, recovery
   unit journaling ensures that a predefined set of operations are
   either done in their entirety, or not done at all. In the event
   of an abnormal termination of the application, such as a system
   crash or a Ctrl/Y, any incomplete transactions are automatically
   rolled back (undone). Because all recovery unit journals must
   be available before the data files can be rolled back, locating
   recovery unit journals on a volume where availability might be
   low could reduce the availability of the data files that use
   those recovery unit journals.

   Specifying a location for recovery unit journals for a file
   does not guarantee that the recovery unit journals will always
   be located on the named device or volume. For any active
   transaction, there is always only one recovery unit journal for
   local files. Thus, if many files are involved in a transaction, a
   single recovery unit journal is used, even if different locations
   for the journals had been specified (for individual files) with
   different SET FILE/RU_JOURNAL commands.

   Remote files are an exception to this rule. Each remote file
   associated with a transaction has its own recovery unit and
   recovery unit journal. The recovery unit journal resides on the
   remote system. The volume is chosen in the same way as for local
   files. Remote files have no effect in determining where the local
   recovery unit journal resides.

   A journal is not deleted when the transaction has been completed.
   Recovery unit journals are automatically deleted only when
   all of the files involved in the transaction are closed and
   the application exits. RMS journaling automatically creates a
   recovery unit journal at run time, whenever the first record
   stream associates with a transaction. All record streams in
   the process associated with the same transaction share a single
   recovery unit journal. Once a recovery unit journal is created,
   it can be reused for another transaction by the process that
   created it. A recovery unit journal is created only when there is
   no available recovery unit journal opened by the process for the
   current transaction.

4  Examples


     This command marks the file WEEKLY.DAT for recovery unit
     journaling. Any operation within an application that modifies
     this file must be in a defined transaction (defined by DECdtm
     transaction services).

     after-image journaling
     recovery-unit journaling


     after-image journaling
     recovery-unit journaling

     In this example, the files OVERDUE.DAT and CURRENT.DAT are
     marked for after-image and recovery unit journaling using two
     SET FILE commands. In this example, a single journal (JNL_
     DISK:[PAYABLE]OVERDUE.RMS$JOURNAL) is used for after-image

     The first SET FILE command uses the /CREATE
     qualifier to create a new after-image journal, JNL_
     The file specification uses the current default directory
     [PAYABLE] and the default file extension RMS$JOURNAL.

     The second SET FILE command marks the file CURRENT.DAT for
     after-image and recovery unit journaling, checks the disk JNL_
     DISK to see whether an after-image journal already exists, and
     uses the existing journal JNL_DISK:[PAYABLE]OVERDUE.RMS$JOURNAL
     for the file CURRENT.DAT.

   Connects your terminal (through the current host processor)
   to another processor, called the remote processor. The command
   requires that:

   o  You must have an account on the remote system to log in.

   o  The NETMBX (network mailbox) privilege is set.


     SET HOST  node-name

3  Parameter


   Specifies the node name of the remote processor to which you will

3  Qualifiers



   Specifies the protocol connection, CTERM (CTDRIVER) or RTERM
   (RTTDRIVER) on the specified node. CTERM protocol is the default
   if no connection is specified.



   Changes the packet size of the protocol message sent between the
   terminal and the remote processor if a connection to the remote
   processor is already established. The default buffer size is 1010
   bytes; however, the buffer size n can range from 140 bytes to
   1024 bytes. The value of the parameter n is reset to 140 bytes if
   a value below 140 is specified; a value for n above 1024 bytes is
   reset to 1024.

   You can force the host node to write to the terminal in smaller
   packets, thereby ensuring that write operations to the terminal
   are displayed at more frequent intervals, by setting n to a
   value just above the minimum of 140 bytes. On slow DECnet links,
   setting the buffer size to a smaller value may decrease pauses
   between write operations when large amounts of data are being
   scrolled to the screen.


      /NOLOG (default)

   Controls whether a log file of the entire session is kept. If you
   use the /LOG qualifier without the file specification, the log
   information is stored in the file SETHOST.LOG.


      /MOP client-name

   Connects your system to a remote system using the MOP protocol.
   Note that this qualifier is displayed only if DECnet-Plus is
   installed on your system.

   For more information, type the following command:

   $ HELP DECnet-Plus DCL_Commands SET HOST/MOP


      /NORESTORE (default)

   Saves current terminal characteristics before a remote terminal
   session is begun and restores them when the remote session is

3  Examples


     The /APPLICATION_PROTOCOL qualifier specifies the CTERM
     protocol (the default) on node DAKOTA in this command line.

     Username:  GRESO
     Password: <PASSWORD>
         Welcome to OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3 on node ITALIC
     $  LOGOUT
     GRESO logged out at 19-DEC-2001 15:04:25.27
     %REM-S-END, Control returned to node _CASLON::

     In this example, the name of the local node is CASLON. This SET
     HOST command connects the user terminal to the processor at the
     network node named ITALIC. The remote processor then prompts
     for user name and password. Use the normal login procedure to
     log in to the remote processor.

     Once you are logged in at a remote node, you can use the SET
     HOST command to establish communication with another node.
     After logging in to node ITALIC, you could type SET HOST

     You would again be prompted for a user name and password. If
     you then supply a valid user name and password, you will be
     logged in to node BODONI.

     Note that when you log out of node BODONI, control is returned
     to node ITALIC. You must log out of node ITALIC to return to
     your local node, CASLON.

     Username: Jones
     Password: <PASSWORD>
     $  logout
     JONES   logged out at 19-DEC-2001 11:04:51.45
     %REM-S-END, control returned to node _ORACLE

     This example shows user JONES on node ORACLE logging in to
     remote node GENEVA and specifies that the original terminal
     screen width be restored to 80 characters when the remote
     session is terminated.

3  /DTE
   Connects your system to a remote system through an outgoing
   terminal line.

   You must have an account on the remote system in order to log in
   to that system after the connection is made.

   You must also have the ability to assign a channel to the
   terminal port specified. Your system manager can set the device
   protection on the terminal port to allow you access.


     SET HOST/DTE  terminal-name

4  Parameter


   Specifies the name of an outgoing terminal line, which connects
   your system directly to another system or modem.

4  Qualifiers



   Selects the break character. The break character is used to
   generate a break on lines that expect a break rather than a
   carriage return. To generate a break, press Ctrl/break-character.

   The break character can be any ASCII character between @ and
   z, except C, M, Q, S, Y, or the left bracket ([).  You cannot
   select a character currently defined as either the command
   character (see the description of the /COMMAND=command-character
   qualifier) or the escape character (see the description of the
   /ESCAPE=escape-character qualifier).

   The ASCII characters between @ and z include the alphabetic
   characters in both upper and lower cases, the at sign (@),  the
   backslash (\),  the right bracket (]), the circumflex (^),  the
   underscore (_),  and the grave accent (`).

   By default, the break character is the right bracket (]).



   Selects the command character. Use the command character to
   access DTE command mode by pressing Ctrl/command-character.

   The command character can be any ASCII character between @ and z,
   except C, M, Q, S, Y, or the left bracket ([).  You cannot select
   a character currently defined as either the break character (see
   the description of the /BREAK=break-character qualifier) or the
   escape character (see the description of the /ESCAPE=escape-
   character qualifier).

   The ASCII characters between @ and z include the alphabetic
   characters in both upper and lower cases, the at sign (@),  the
   backslash (\),  the right bracket (]), the circumflex (^),  the
   underscore (_),  and the grave accent (`).

   By default, the command character is the at sign (@).



   Allows a modem attached to the outgoing terminal line to be
   autodialed using the autodial protocol of that modem. The
   NUMBER keyword is the telephone number to be autodialed and is
   a required parameter.

   Before you dial a new number, you must log out of the current
   remote system.

   On Alpha, the MODEM_TYPE keyword defaults to DMCL (any modem that
   uses the DEC Modem Command Language).

   On VAX, the MODEM_TYPE keyword is optional. It can be used to
   specify any of the following modem types:

   o  DMCL (any modem that uses the DEC Modem Command Language)

   o  DF03 (default)

   o  DF112

   Each modem type requires a specific modem dialer code. Check with
   your system manager to see which modem dialer codes are installed
   on your system.

   In addition, the MODEM_TYPE keyword can be used to specify
   a modem type other than DF03, DF112, or DMCL. A template is
   provided for users interested in supporting other modems with
   autodial capabilities (see SYS$EXAMPLES:DTE_DF03.MAR).


      /NOECHO (default)

   Determines whether the terminal input is echoed by your local
   system. By default, all echoing is performed by the remote


      /EIGHT_BIT (default)

   Determines whether the outgoing terminal line supports 8-bit or
   7-bit characters. By default, 8-bit characters are supported. If
   you specify /NOEIGHT_BIT, then 7-bit characters are supported.


      /ERROR_ACTION=CONTINUE (default)

   Specifies the error action by using the EXIT or the CONTINUE

   When an error is detected on the outgoing terminal line, the
   error is reported to the local system and an error message is
   displayed on your terminal.

   If the error action is CONTINUE, then communication with the
   remote system continues uninterrupted.

   If the error action is EXIT, then the local system immediately
   exits from the remote system.



   Selects the escape character. You can use the escape character to
   exit from DTEPAD by pressing Ctrl/ escape-character.

   The escape character can be any ASCII character between @ and z,
   except C, M, Q, S, Y, or the left bracket ([).  You cannot select
   a character currently defined as either the break character (see
   the description of the /BREAK=break-character qualifier) or the
   command character (see the description of the /COMMAND=command-
   character qualifier).

   By default, the escape character is a backslash (\).

   The ASCII characters between @ and z include the alphabetic
   characters in both upper and lower cases, the at sign (@),  the
   backslash (\),  the right bracket (]), the circumflex (^),  the
   underscore (_),  and the grave accent (`).


      /FLOW_CONTROL (default)

   Determines whether XON/XOFF flow control is enabled. By default,
   flow control is enabled.

   XON/XOFF flow control is a means of preventing data-overrun
   errors. Incoming data is stored in receive buffers; when these
   buffers are full, a signal is sent to the remote system to stop
   transmission. Once there is sufficient space in the receive
   buffers, another message is sent to restart transmission.

   You should disable XON/XOFF flow control when the remote system
   has no XON/XOFF flow control.


      /INIT[=filespec] (default)

   Sets the configurable characteristics of DTEPAD according to
   values contained in the specified initialization file.

   If you use qualifiers in the command line to define the values of
   any of the configurable characteristics, these will supersede the
   values contained in the initialization file.

   By default, DTEPAD tries to translate the logical name DTEPAD$INI
   in order to find the appropriate initialization file. If you
   use the /INIT qualifier and omit the file specification, DTEPAD
   translates the logical name DTEPAD$INI and finds the appropriate
   file. If DTEPAD$INI is not defined, then DTEPAD uses /NOINIT as
   the default.

   An initialization file can contain any combination of any of the
   following DTE commands:

   o  SAVE


   o  SET DTE

   o  SPAWN

   The following is an example of an initialization file:



      /NOLOG (default)

   Controls whether a log file of the session is kept.

   If you use the /LOG qualifier and omit the file specification,
   then the log information is written to the file DTEPAD.LOG.

   When used to log a modem session, the log file contains any noise
   that occurred on the phone line. For example, typing a file in
   order to get it recorded in the log file could result in noise
   being recorded along with the file data. Therefore, the use of a
   log file is not recommended for the purpose of file transfers.

   Compaq recommends that you use asynchronous DECnet to transfer



   Specifies the maximum number of receive buffers. Receive buffers
   are buffers used to receive incoming data from the modem port.
   They are allocated as they are required.

   By default, the maximum number of receive buffers is 100. The
   minimum number you can specify is 20.


      /PARITY=NONE (default)

   Selects parity on the outgoing terminal line.



   Specifies the modem port read delay in milliseconds. The modem
   port read delay is the time interval during which data in the
   modem port is transferred into receive buffers at the terminal.

   By default, the modem port read delay is 50 milliseconds. This is
   also the minimum value.

   A long modem port read delay slows the rate at which data is
   displayed at your terminal, and also increases the risk of data-
   overrun errors; however, a longer read delay requires less CPU



   Sets the baud rate at which the terminal receives and transmits
   data. If the input and output rates are the same, specify the
   qualifier as /SPEED=rate.

   Not all terminals support different input and output baud rates.
   For specific information on baud rates for your terminal, consult
   the manual for that terminal.

   The default transmission rates are installation dependent.

   The valid baud rates are as follows:

    50       150       1800       4800       38400
    75       300       2000       7200       57600
   110       600       2400       9600       76800
   134      1200       3600      19200      115200

   If you select an invalid or unsupported speed, then the terminal
   line speed will remain set at its previous value.

4  Examples

     Username: SMITH

     This command connects the user terminal to the outgoing
     terminal line TTA2:, which is attached to a modem (type DF03
     by default) set to autodial the phone number 555-1234. The
     remote processor then prompts for user name and password. Use
     the normal login procedure to log in to the remote system.

     Username: SMITH

     This command accomplishes the same thing as in the first
     example, except that it uses the DF112 modem. The number sign
     (#)  is required to activate the autodialer in the DF112.


     This command sets the outgoing terminal port, TTA2, to support
     7-bit characters.


     This command disables the XON/XOFF flow control.


     This command sets the error action to EXIT.


     This command sets the maximum number of receive buffers to 150.


     This command defines the letter E as the escape character. Note
     that DTEPAD is not case sensitive.


     This command enables logging of the session. Since no log
     file is specified, the log is written to the default log file,


     This command uses the initialization file MYFILE.INI.

   10$ <Ctrl/@>

     This example shows you how to access DTE command mode by
     pressing Ctrl/@, where @ is the command character.


     This command saves the information on the current configuration
     in the file MYFILE.INI.


     This command defines the letter G as the break character.


     This command sets the terminal port so that echoing is
     performed by the local system.


     This command sets the input and output baud rates to 4800.

   15DTEPAD> SET DTE/LOG=myfile.log

     This command directs logging to the file MYFILE.LOG.

       Port TXA0              EIGHT_BIT ECHO
       Flow control           XON/XOFF
       Parity                 NONE
       Transmit Speed         4800
       Receive Speed          4800
       Error action           CONTINUE
       Break character        B
       Escape character       \
       Command character      @
       Maximum buffers        100
       Read delay             50 milliseconds
       Log file               MYFILE.INI
       Number dialed          12345678
       Modem type             DF03

       Bytes transmitted      75
       Bytes received         132
       Errors                 0

     This command displays all the current settings of the
     configurable characteristics, the number of bytes transmitted
     and received, and the number of errors detected.

3  /DUP
   Connects your terminal to a storage controller through the
   appropriate bus for that controller. The /SERVER and /TASK
   qualifiers are required.

   For use only with storage controllers. Requires the DIAGNOSE


     SET HOST/DUP/SERVER=server-name

     /TASK=task-name node-name

4  Parameter


   Specifies the node name of the storage controller.

4  Qualifiers


      /NOLOG (default)

   Controls whether a log file of the entire session is kept. If you
   use the /LOG qualifier without the file specification, the log
   information is stored in the file HSCPAD.LOG.



   Specifies the server name for the target storage controller.

   This qualifier is required.



   Specifies the utility or diagnostic name to be executed on the
   target storage controller under direction of the server.

   This qualifier is required.

4  Example

 %HSCPAD-I-LOCPROGEXE, Local program executing -
type ^\ to exit utility

     The SET HOST/DUP command in this example connects the user
     terminal to the utility program called DIRECT executing on a
     storage controller named R2DH5Y under direction of the MSCP$DUP

3  /HSC
   Connects your terminal to an HSC disk and tape controller through
   the computer interconnect (CI) bus.

   Used only with HSC controllers. Requires the DIAGNOSE privilege.


     SET HOST/HSC  node-name

4  Parameter


   Specifies the node name of the HSC.

4  Qualifier


      /NOLOG (default)

   Controls whether a log file of the entire session is kept. If you
   use the /LOG qualifier without the file specification, the log
   information is stored in the file HSCPAD.LOG.

4  Example

 %HSCPAD-I-LOCPROGEXE, Local program executing -
   type ^\ to exit, ^Y for prompt

     This SET HOST/HSC command connects the user terminal to the HSC
     named HSC001.

3  /LAT
   Connects your terminal to a specified service available on
   the local area network (LAN), establishing one session for
   communication between your terminal and that service.

   The service node that provides the service must be on a remote
   node, must be on the same extended LAN, and must be running at
   least Version 5.0 of the LAT protocol.


     SET HOST/LAT  service-name

4  Parameter


   Specifies the name of the service to which you want your terminal
   connected. A service is a resource on the LAN. A service often
   consists of all of the resources of a computer system. Other
   examples of services are a file storage system and an application
   program running on a computer system. A computer system that
   offers one or more services is called a service node.

   If several service nodes offer the same service, and you do not
   specify the /NODE=node-name qualifier, your terminal connects to
   the service node that is the least busy.

   To display a list of services on your LAN, use the LAT Control
   Program (LATCP) SHOW SERVICES command. Refer to the OpenVMS
   System Management Utilities Reference Manual.

4  Qualifiers



   Specifies whether connection attempts should be retried
   automatically when a connection fails because a service is
   unknown or unavailable, or because a node is unknown or
   unreachable. Also specifies that reconnects should be attempted
   automatically if a service has disconnected abnormally. The
   default is /NOAUTOCONNECT.


      /AUTOPROMPT (default)

   Causes an OpenVMS Username: prompt to appear with no user action
   when a SET HOST/LAT command is issued.

   On a terminal server port, you can configure the port to have
   AUTOPROMPT disabled (/NOAUTOPROMPT) so that you are required
   to press Return when connecting to a node to get the Username:
   prompt; however, when connecting to a reverse LAT service, the
   AUTOPROMPT characteristic should be disabled.



   Defines a character that generates a break on lines that expect a
   break rather than a carriage return. To generate a break, press
   the Ctrl and break-character keys together. The default break-
   character value is the tilde (~).

   You can select any ASCII character between @ and Z, except C, M,
   Q, S, Y, and the left bracket ([).  You cannot select a character
   that is already defined as the disconnect character.



   Specifies the port on a node to which you want to connect. The
   /NODE qualifier is required when you specify the /DESTINATION_
   PORT qualifier. The port must be available and must offer the
   service you specify. OpenVMS and certain other LAT service node
   systems ignore the /DESTINATION_PORT qualifier.



   Allows a modem attached to the outgoing terminal line to be
   autodialed using the autodial protocol of that modem. The
   NUMBER keyword is the telephone number to be autodialed and is
   a required parameter.

   The MODEM_TYPE keyword is optional. It can be used to specify any
   of the following modem types:

   o  DMCL (any modem that uses the DEC Modem Command Language)

   o  DF03 (default)

   o  DF112

   Each modem type requires a specific modem dialer code. Check with
   your system manager to see which modem dialer codes are installed
   on your system.

   In addition, the MODEM_TYPE keyword can be used to specify
   a modem type other than DF03, DF112, or DMCL. A template is
   provided for users interested in supporting other modems with
   autodial capabilities (see SYS$EXAMPLES:DTE_DF03.MAR).



   Defines the character that you can use to disconnect from a
   remote session. To generate a disconnect, press the Ctrl and
   disconnect-character keys together. The default disconnect-
   character is the backslash (\).

   You can select any ASCII character from @ through Z, except C, M,
   Q, S, Y, and the left bracket ([). For example, if you specify
   /DISCONNECT=A, Ctrl/A will be the disconnect character. You
   cannot select a character that is already defined as the break


      /EIGHT_BIT (default)

   Determines whether the outgoing terminal line supports 8-bit or
   7-bit characters. By default, 8-bit characters are supported. If
   you specify /NOEIGHT_BIT, then 7-bit characters are supported.


      To change the number of bits per character on the remote
      terminal server port, that port must have the REMOTE
      MODIFICATION characteristic enabled.



   The /FRAME=n qualifier allows a user making a LAT connection
   to a remote system to specify the number of data bits that
   the terminal driver expects for every character that is input
   or output. The value of n can be from 5 to 8. The default
   value depends on the settings for the terminal established by
   the /PARITY and /EIGHT_BIT qualifiers. The following example
   specifies a character frame size of 7 bits per character:




   Logs all data that is delivered during the LAT session. If you do
   not specify a log file, the data is stored in the file SETHOST_



   Specifies the node that offers the service to which you want to
   connect. The node you specify must be a remote node. Failover is
   not performed if the connection fails.



   Specifies the password required by a service that is password
   protected. If you do not specify the /PASSWORD qualifier when
   requesting a connection to a password-protected service, you are
   prompted for a password.


      /NOQUEUE (default)

   When connecting to a reverse LAT service that is already in use
   (such as a dial out modem), you are notified that the service
   is in use and the SET HOST/LAT command terminates. However, LAT
   can allow incoming connections to be queued to any reverse LAT
   service that supports service queueing, which enables users to be
   placed on a queue when using reverse LAT services.

   LAT reports your position in the queue. When the resource becomes
   available, you are immediately notified. You can cancel the
   queued connection by pressing Ctrl/Y and terminating the SET
   HOST /LAT command.



   Sets the baud rate at which the terminal receives and transmits
   data. If the input and output rates are the same, specify the
   qualifier as /SPEED=rate.

   Not all terminals support different input and output baud rates.
   For specific information on baud rates for your terminal, consult
   the manual for that terminal.

   The default transmission rates are installation dependent.

   The valid values for input and output baud rates are as follows:

   300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600

   If you select an invalid or unsupported speed, the terminal line
   speed will remain set at its previous value.


      To change the speed on the terminal server port, the REMOTE
      MODIFICATION characteristic must be enabled on that terminal
      server port.

      When initiating a connection, SET HOST/LAT may attempt
      to set terminal server port characteristics, such as the
      speed and the default speed for a LAT device. If the device
      connected to the terminal server port has a fixed speed
      (such as a dial-out modem) and you do not want the host
      to try to change this, disable the REMOTE MODIFICATION
      characteristic on that port using the following command:

      Local> LOGOUT PORT x

      Use the following command for terminal servers that support
      the CHANGE command:


4  Examples

     %LAT-S-CONNECTED, session to SORTER established
     %LAT-I-TODISCON, type ^\ to disconnect the session
     Username: BARKER

     $ LOGOUT
     BARKER logged out at 30-DEC-2001  11:04:51.45
     %LAT-I-DISCONNECTED, session disconnected from SORTER
     -LAT-I-END, control returned to node HOME

     This SET HOST/LAT command connects the user to the service
     SORTER, which is a computer system. The first message confirms
     that the user has been connected to that service. The second
     message informs the user how to disconnect the session. (The
     user can also disconnect the session by logging out from
     SORTER.) SORTER then prompts for the username and password.
     Use the normal login procedure to log in to the system. When
     the user logs out of the service SORTER, the terminal displays
     the DCL command prompt of the user's local processor system


     This command connects the user's terminal to the service BUDGET
     that is offered on port BOSTON, on service node STATE. The user
     can disconnect the session by pressing Ctrl/F.


     This command attempts to connect the user's terminal to the
     service PURSE. The service PURSE is password protected, so the
     user is prompted for a password. The user could have specified
     the password within the SET HOST/LAT command, as shown in the
     next example.


     This command connects the user's terminal to the password-
     protected service PURSE. The password is BEOR.

   Allows you to log in to a remote host over a TCP/IP connection
   and start an interactive terminal session by accessing the RLOGIN


                      { IPhostname }
     SET HOST/RLOGIN  { IPaddress  }
                      {            }


      You can specify the IPhostname or the IPaddress, but not

4  Parameter


   Specifies the IP host name of the remote host.


   Specifies an IP address of the remote host.

4  Qualifiers


   Specifies that Kerberos authentication should be used for
   acquiring access to the remote node.



   Optional qualifier that specifies the password of the user
   logging in to the remote host.



   Sets the terminal emulator to one of the following terminal
   types: VT100, VT200, VT300, VT400, VT500.


   Specifies that the current user name should be truncated to 8
   characters before attempting to connect to the remote node. The
   qualifier is required for communication with systems that limit
   the size of their login names to 8 characters. The /TRUNCATE_
   USERNAME qualifier is ignored if /USERNAME is specified.



   Specifies the user name for logging in to the remote node. The
   user name can be enclosed in quotes to preserve the case of the
   user name for case sensitive systems such as UNIX systems. If the
   /USERNAME qualifier is not specified, the default is the current
   user's user name.

4  Example

 $ SET HOST/RLOGIN remotehst1

     This example creates an RLOGIN connection to remote host
     remotehst1 over a TCP/IP connection.

   Connects you to a remote host over a TCP/IP connection by
   invoking the TELNET application.


                      { IPhostname }
     SET HOST/TELNET  { IPaddress  }
                      {            }


      You can specify the IPhostname or the IPaddress, but not

4  Parameter


   Specifies the IP host name of the remote host.


   Specifies an IP address of the remote host.

4  Qualifiers


   Specifies that Kerberos authentication should be used for
   acquiring access to the remote node.



   Specifies the remote TCP port to use. The default is 23.



   Sets the terminal emulator to one of the following terminal
   types: VT100, VT200, VT300, VT400, VT500.

4  Example

 $ SET HOST/TELNET remotehst2

     This example creates a TELNET connection to remote host
     remotehst2 over a TCP/IP connection.

3  /TN3270
   Connects you to a remote IBM host over a TCP/IP connection,
   causing the local keyboard to emulate an IBM 3279-class terminal
   keyboard by invoking the TN3270 terminal emulator.


                      { IPhostname }
     SET HOST/TN3270  { IPaddress  }
                      {            }


      You can specify the IPhostname or the IPaddress, but not

4  Parameter


   Specifies the IP host name of the remote host.


   Specifies an IP address of the remote host.

4  Qualifiers


   Specifies that Kerberos authentication should be used for
   acquiring access to the remote node.



   Specifies the remote TCP port to use. The default is 23.


   Sets the terminal emulator to one of the following terminal
   types: VT100, VT200, VT300, VT400, VT500.

4  Example

 $ SET HOST/TN3270 remotehst3

     This example creates a connection to a TELNET server on the
     remote IBM system remotehst3 over a TCP/IP connection.

2  KEY
   Sets and locks the key definition state for keys defined with the
   DEFINE/KEY command.


     SET KEY

3  Qualifiers


      /LOG (default)

   Controls whether the system displays a message indicating that
   the key state has been set.



   Specifies the name of the state. The state name can be any
   alphanumeric string. If you omit the /STATE qualifier or use
   the /NOSTATE qualifier, the current state is left unchanged. The
   default state is DEFAULT.

3  Example


     The SET KEY command in this example sets the key state to the
     state EDITING. You can now use the key definitions that were
     defined for the state EDITING.

   Sets the interactive limit (number of interactive users allowed
   on the system), or displays the interactive limit and the current
   number of interactive users.

   Requires OPER (operator) privilege to set the login limit.



3  Qualifier



   Establishes the number of interactive users allowed to gain
   access to the system. If the parameter n is specified, the
   interactive limit is set to the value n. If the parameter n
   is not specified, the SET LOGINS command displays the current
   interactive limit and the number of interactive users.

3  Examples

     %SET-I-INTSET, login interactive limit=5, current interactive value=3

     In this example, the SET LOGINS command specifies that only
     five interactive users can be logged in to the system.

     %SET-I-INTSET, login interactive limit=9, current interactive value=6

     When the SET LOGINS command is entered without a parameter, as
     shown in this example, the /INTERACTIVE qualifier requests
     that the current status of the login quotas be displayed.
     The message returned indicates that the maximum number of
     interactive users allowed on the system is 9 and that the
     number of interactive users currently logged in is 6. No change
     is made.

   Defines the default characteristics associated with a specific
   magnetic tape device for subsequent file operations.

   The SET MAGTAPE command is valid for magnetic tape devices
   mounted with foreign volumes.


     SET MAGTAPE  device-name[:]

3  Parameter


   Specifies the name of the magnetic tape device for which the
   characteristics are to be set. The device must not be currently
   allocated to any other user.

3  Qualifiers



   Specifies the default density for all write operations on the
   magnetic tape device when the volume is mounted as a foreign tape
   or as an unlabeled tape.

   Valid density values are:

   Keyword     Meaning

   DEFAULT     Default density
   800         NRZI 800 bits per inch (BPI)
   1600        PE 1600 BPI
   6250        GRC 6250 BPI
   3480        IBM 3480 HPC 39872 BPI
   3490E       IBM 3480 compressed
   833         DLT TK50: 833 BPI
   TK50        DLT TK50: 833 BPI
   TK70        DLT TK70: 1250 BPI
   6250        RV80 6250 BPI EQUIVALENT
     NOTE: Only the keywords above are understood by TMSCP/TUDRIVER
       code prior to OpenVMS Version 7.2. The remaining keywords
           in this table are supported only on Alpha systems.
   TK85        DLT Tx85: 10625 BPI - Cmpt III - Alpha only
   TK86        DLT Tx86: 10626 BPI - Cmpt III - Alpha only
   TK87        DLT Tx87: 62500 BPI - Cmpt III - Alpha only
   TK88        DLT Tx88: (Quantum 4000) - Cmpt IV - Alpha only
   TK89        DLT Tx89: (Quantum 7000) - Cmpt IV - Alpha only
   QIC         All QIC drives are drive-settable only - Alpha only
   8200        Exa-Byte 8200 - Alpha only
   8500        Exa-Byte 8500 - Alpha only
   DDS1        Digital Data Storage 1 - 2G - Alpha only
   DDS2        Digital Data Storage 2 - 4G - Alpha only
   DDS3        Digital Data Storage 3 - 8-10G - Alpha only
   DDS4        Digital Data Storage 4 - Alpha only
   AIT1        Sony Advanced Intelligent Tapes - Alpha only


   Writes a tape mark at the current position on the magnetic tape



   Allows you to skip by file mark or by record.


      This tape positioning qualifier is for use on local SCSI
      tape drives only.

   PER_IO          Allows a local MK device to use the skip-by-
   (default)       filemarks function. The tape drive must be able
                   to do a SCSI READ POSITION command and report
                   blank check at end-of-data. The IO$M_ALLOWFAST
                   function modifier must be supplied with IO$_
                   SKIPFILE. Otherwise, the tape will skip files
                   using the skip-by-records function.

   ALWAYS          Allows a local MK device to use the skip-by-
                   filemarks function. The tape drive must be able
                   to support the skip-by-filemarks function, and
                   no modifications should be needed to the IO$_
                   SKIPFILE function.

   NEVER           Specifies that a local MK device skip only by
                   records. If you use a utility that depends on the
                   semantics of skipping with skip-records, you may
                   also need to use this option because it causes
                   BACKUP or COPY to use the previous positioning.



   Displays information about the operations performed on the
   magnetic tape volume.


      /LOGSOFT (default)

   Controls whether soft errors on the specified device are to be
   logged in the error log file. Soft errors are errors corrected
   by the hardware without software intervention. This qualifier
   affects only devices that support hardware error correction, such
   as the TU78 magnetic tape drive. When used with other devices,
   this qualifier has no effect.



   Controls whether data records are automatically compacted and
   blocked together on a TA90E tape drive. Data compaction and
   record blocking increase the amount of data that can be stored
   on a single tape cartridge.

   Note that once data compaction or noncompaction has been selected
   for a given cartridge, that same status applies to the entire


   Moves a TZK10 tape cartridge to the end of the tape, and then
   back to the beginning of the tape. Use the /RETENSION qualifier
   on a regular basis to help maintain the integrity of TZK10 tape

   The /RETENSION qualifier must be used in conjunction with the
   /REWIND or /UNLOAD qualifier. The /RETENSION qualifier completes
   its action before /REWIND or /UNLOAD. Use /RETENSION/REWIND when
   you want the tape cartridge to remain loaded in the drive. Use
   /RETENSION/UNLOAD when you want to unload the tape cartridge
   after the retension operation.

   This qualifier only affects TZK10 tape cartridge drives and has
   no effect on non-SCSI drives.


   Requests that the volume on the specified device be rewound to
   the beginning of the magnetic tape.



   Requests that the magnetic tape volume be positioned according to
   any of the following options:

   BLOCK:n         Skips the specified number of blocks.

   END_OF_TAPE     Positions the volume at the end-of-tape (EOT)

   FILES:n         Skips the specified number of tape marks (not

                   The tape is positioned just past the nth tape
                   mark. If n is negative, the tape is still
                   positioned after the nth tape mark, not before
                   it. If the tape is already positioned immediately
                   after a tape mark, a skip of -1 results in no
                   net movement. (The tape moves to the preceding
                   mark, but is then repositioned to the end of the
                   mark, where it began.) For more information on
                   tape marks and files, refer to the OpenVMS System
                   Manager's Manual.

   RECORD:n        Skips the specified number of records up to


   Requests that the volume on the specified device be rewound and

3  Examples


     The MOUNT command in this example mounts a foreign tape on the
     device MTB1. The SET MAGTAPE command defines the density for
     writing the magnetic tape at 800 bpi.


     The MOUNT command in this example mounts a foreign tape on the
     device MTA0; the SET MAGTAPE command directs the magnetic tape
     position to skip four files.

   Sets the format for system messages or specifies a process
   level message file. Lets you override or supplement the system


     SET MESSAGE  [filespec]

3  Parameter


   Specifies the name of the process level message file. Messages
   in this file supersede messages for the same conditions in the
   system message file or in an existing process message file. The
   file type defaults to .EXE. The asterisk (*)  and the percent
   sign (%)  wildcard characters are not allowed. If you do not
   specify this parameter, the qualifiers apply to the system
   message file.

3  Qualifiers


   Removes any process-permanent message files currently in effect.
   Do not specify the filespec parameter with the /DELETE qualifier.


      /FACILITY (default)

   Formats messages so that the facility name prefix appears.


      /IDENTIFICATION (default)

   Formats messages so that the message identification prefix


      /SEVERITY (default)

   Formats messages so that the severity level appears.


      /TEXT (default)

   Formats messages so that the message text appears.

3  Examples

   1.$ TYPE XXX
     %TYPE-W-OPENIN, error opening DB1:[MARSHALL]XXX.LIS; as input
     -RMS-E-FNF, file not found
     $ TYPE XXX
     %TYPE-W, error opening DB1:[MARSHALL]XXX.LIS; as input
     -RMS-E, file not found

     When the first TYPE command is entered in this example, the
     error messages include all fields. Later, the SET MESSAGE
     command establishes that the IDENT portion (the abbreviation
     for the message text) is omitted in future messages.


     The SET MESSAGE command in this example specifies that the
     message text in NEWMSG.EXE supplements the existing system

   Registers the attributes of a network service.

   Requires SYSNAM (system name) privilege.


     SET NETWORK  network-service

3  Parameter


   Specifies the name of a network service.

3  Qualifiers



   Specifies the network address of the local node.



   Specifies a command to be executed to display the number of
   network connections.



   Specifies a command to be executed to display the number of
   network counters.



   Specifies a character string provided by the network service



   Specifies the OpenVMS driver for the network service.



   Specifies the manufacturer of the network service.



   Specifies the protocol for the network service.



   Specifies the name of the local node.



   Specifies the name of the protected shareable image activated
   by PPPD. This image contains the routine PPPD$OPEN_CONNECT,
   which notifies the network service that a new physical transport
   exists that supports PPP. If the image resides in the SYS$SHARE
   directory, enter the file name of the image without the suffix
   (such as, PPPD_CALLOUT instead of PPPD_CALLOUT.EXE); otherwise,
   enter the system logical that identifies the location of the


   Defines a new network service.


   Deletes a network service from the database.



   Specifies an image to be executed when you issue the
   START/NETWORK command for the network service.



   Specifies a command to be executed to display additional status



   Specifies an image to be executed when you issue the STOP/NETWORK
   command for the network service.


   Allows you to modify the specified data for the network service.

3  Examples

         /MANUFACTURER= "Digital Equipment Corporation"
         /NETWORK_TYPE="DNA V"
         /INTERFACE="net 0"
         /DATA="Router: No"
         /STATUS="mcr ncl show node 0 all"
         /CONNECTIONS="mcr ncl show node 0 session control port * all"
         /COUNTERS="mcr ncl show node 0 session control all counters"

     This command adds the network service DECnet-Plus (Phase V) to
     the database, with the specified characteristics.


     /MANUFACTURER="Digital Equipment Corporation"
     /STATUS="ucx show service"
     /CONNECTIONS="ucx show device"

     This command creates a new TCP/IP network service, adds it
     to the database, and enables the PPPD utility by supplying a
     logical name that identifies the location of the shareable

2  ON
   Enables error checking by the command interpreter after the
   execution of each command in a command procedure. Specify SET
   NOON to disable error checking.


     SET [NO]ON

3  Example

 $ DELETE  *.SAV;*
 $ COPY  *.OBJ  *.SAV

     This command procedure routinely copies all object modules
     into new files with the file type .SAV. The DELETE command
     first deletes all existing files with the .SAV file type, if
     any. The SET NOON command ensures that the procedure continues
     executing even if there are no files with the .SAV file type
     in the current directory. Following the DELETE command, the SET
     ON command restores error checking. Then the COPY command makes
     copies of all existing files with .OBJ file type.

   Sets the rate at which output is written to a batch job log file.

   For use only within command procedures that are submitted as
   batch or detached jobs.


     SET OUTPUT_RATE[=delta-time]

3  Parameter


   The time interval at which output is written from the output
   buffer to the batch job log file. If no delta time is specified,
   the information is written in the output buffer to the log file,
   but the output rate is not changed from the default of once per
   minute. Specify delta-time as [dddd-][hh:mm:ss.cc]. For more
   information on delta time, refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual or
   the online help topic DCL_Tips (subtopic Date_Time).

3  Example


     This command, when executed within a batch job, changes
     the default output rate from once a minute to once every 30

   Changes a password or system password. Also, can establish a
   secondary password or system password, or remove a secondary

   See the qualifier descriptions for restrictions.



3  Qualifiers



   Generates a list of five random passwords. Press Return to repeat
   the procedure until a suitable password appears.

   Value is a number from 1 to 10 that restricts the length of the
   password. For any value n, the SET PASSWORD command generates
   passwords of from n to (n+2) characters long.

   If no value is specified, SET PASSWORD uses a default value of
   6, and generates passwords from 6 to 8 characters long. Values
   greater than 10 are not accepted and produce errors.

   If your system manager has established a minimum password length
   for your account, SET PASSWORD/GENERATE=n compares that length
   with the optional value specified with the /GENERATE qualifier,
   and uses the larger of the two values. If you do not specify a
   value with the /GENERATE qualifier, the account minimum length is


      If the SET PASSWORD/GENERATE command fails to work properly,
      consult your system manager to be sure that either the file
      logical name VMS$PASSWORD_DICTIONARY is correctly defined.


   Creates or allows you to replace a secondary password. The
   procedure is the same as setting your primary password.

   Once a secondary password has been established, you will receive
   two PASSWORD: prompts when logging in. The primary password
   should be typed in first, followed by the secondary password.

   Secondary passwords make it possible to set up an account that
   requires two different people to access it. Each person knows one
   of the two passwords, and both passwords are required to log in

   To remove your secondary password, press Return when SET
   PASSWORD/SECONDARY prompts you for a new password and
   verification. After you do this, you will receive a single
   PASSWORD: prompt when logging in. If you remove the secondary
   password, your system manager must restore it.

   The /SECONDARY and /SYSTEM qualifiers are incompatible.


   Requires the SECURITY privilege.

   Changes the system password rather than a user password.

   If a terminal line has the system password (SYSPWD)
   characteristic set, no terminal prompts are sent to that terminal
   until the system password is entered.

   A system password is valid only for the node it is set on. In an
   OpenVMS Cluster, each node can have a different system password.

   The /SYSTEM and /SECONDARY qualifiers are incompatible. For
   more information about the use of system passwords, refer to
   the OpenVMS Guide to System Security.

3  Example

 Old password: HONCHO
 New password: BIG_ENCHILADA
 Verification: BIG_ENCHILADA

     In response to the SET PASSWORD command, the system first
     prompts for the old password and then for the new password. The
     system then prompts again for the new password to verify it.
     The password changes if the user is authorized to change this
     account's password, if the old password is given correctly, and
     if the new password is given identically twice; otherwise, an
     error message appears and the password remains unchanged.

     In a real session, neither the old password nor the new
     password and its verification appear on the screen or paper.

   Access to a MSCP/TMSCP class device may be available to an
   OpenVMS node from more than one host or storage controller. Use
   the SET PREFERRED_PATH command to specify a particular host or
   preferred path to access a specific MSCP class disk or TMSCP
   class tape device.

   If a preferred path is specified, the normal OpenVMS path
   selection process is modified to select the user-specified path
   over other available paths, assuming the user-specified path is

   This command is only meaningful for MSCP/TMSCP class devices that
   have more than one path available.


     SET PREFERRED_PATH  device-name[:]

3  Parameters


   Specifies the name of a MSCP class disk or TMSCP class tape

3  Qualifiers



   Tells the MSCP/TMSCP class driver that you want this host to
   be the preferred access path to the specified device. The class
   driver remembers this host name until it is changed by taking one
   of the following actions:

   o  Issuing another SET PREFERRED_PATH command specifying a
      different host

   o  Using the /NOHOST qualifier

   o  Rebooting the system

   Note that simply specifying a preferred path does not mean
   that it is immediately selected if the disk or tape device is
   currently using another path. Use the /FORCE qualifier along
   with the /HOST qualifier to force the preferred path to be used

   The host_name is the name of the host that will be the preferred
   path to the disk or tape device.


   Tells the class driver to initiate the path selection process
   immediately. If this qualifier is omitted when a new host name
   is specified, a switch from the current path to the new preferred
   path will not occur until some other event initiates the path
   selection process.


   Clears any previously defined preferred path assignment. Restores
   usual OpenVMS path selection behavior.

3  Examples


     Prior to issuing this command, the $10$DUA10: disk device
     has host HSC015 as its primary path and host HSC014 as its
     secondary path. Issuing this command selects host HSC014 as the
     preferred path.

     Note that the preferred path has been recorded by the class
     driver; however, the disk will remain on the current path
     (HSC015) until the next time the path selection process is


     To make the path change occur immediately, include the
     /FORCE qualifier on the command line with the preferred path


     Issue this command to initiate path selection processing if
     the specified device has a primary path that differs from the
     preferred path.

     If the preferred path is available, the device moves to that


     Remove the specified preferred path by using the /NOHOST
     qualifier if the device should no longer have a preferred path.

   Allows you to set a prefix control string for verified command


     SET [NO]PREFIX  string

3  Parameter


   Specifies the FAO control string to be used in generating a
   prefix to a verified command line. The following rules apply:

   o  No more than 64 characters are allowed in the control string.

   o  The resulting string can be no longer than 64 characters.

   o  Basic formatting FAO directives can be used ("!/", "!_", "!^",
      "!!", "!%F", and "!n*c").

   o  Time and date FAO directives can be used ("!%T" and "!%D").

   o  Repeat counts can be used ("!n(DD)").

   o  Output field length specifications can be used ("!lengthDD").

   o  Combination of repeat count and output field length can be
      used ("!n(lengthDD)").

   o  FAO directives that require arguments will always receive a
      value of zero.

3  Example

 $ @TEST
 $ SET PREFIX "(!5%T) "
 $ @TEST
 (17:52) $ SHOW DEFAULT

     This example demonstrates the difference between having and
     not having a prefix for verification. The first command turns
     on verification. (Verification must be turned on to see the
     prefix.) The second command invokes a test procedure to show
     what the output looks like without a prefix. The third and
     fourth lines reflect the contents of the test procedure invoked
     in the preceding command. The third command sets the prefix to
     an FAO control string so that the first five characters of the
     standard time will be shown for each command. The last command
     invokes the test procedure again to demonstrate what the output
     looks like with a prefix.

   Establishes the characteristics of a specific line printer. The
   default values listed for qualifiers to the SET PRINTER command
   are the defaults for an initially bootstrapped system.

   Requires OPER (operator) privilege. If the printer is a spooled
   device, LOG_IO (logical I/O) privilege is required to modify its


     SET PRINTER  printer-name[:]

3  Parameter


   Specifies the name of a line printer to set or modify its

3  Qualifiers


      /NOCR (default)

   Controls whether the printer driver outputs a carriage return
   character. Use this qualifier for printers on which line feeds do
   not imply carriage returns.

   Specify the /NOCR qualifier for printers where the line feed,
   form feed, vertical feed, and carriage return characters empty
   the printer buffer. The /NOCR qualifier causes carriage return
   characters to be held back and output only if the next character
   is not a form feed or vertical tab. Carriage return characters
   are always output on devices that have the carriage return
   function characteristic set.


      /NOFALLBACK (default)

   Determines whether the printer attempts to translate characters
   belonging to the DEC Multinational character set into 7-bit
   equivalent representations. If a character cannot be translated,
   an underscore (_)  character is substituted.

   If the /PASSALL qualifier is in effect, it has precedence over
   the /FALLBACK qualifier.


      /FF (default)

   Indicates whether the printer performs a mechanical form feed.
   Use the /NOFF qualifier when the printer does not automatically
   perform mechanical form feeds. This qualifier allows the driver
   to convert form feeds into multiple line feeds and to output


   Specifies the printer as an LA11. This qualifier provides
   information for the SHOW PRINTER command, which, in turn,
   provides the user with information about specific printers. If
   no printer type is specified, LP11 is assumed.


   Specifies the printer as an LA180. This qualifier provides
   information for the SHOW PRINTER command, which, in turn,
   provides the user with information about specific printers. If
   no printer type is specified, LP11 is assumed.


      /NOLOG (default)

   Determines whether information confirming the printer setting is
   displayed at the terminal from which the SET PRINTER command was



   Indicates whether the printer prints both uppercase and lowercase
   letters or only uppercase. When the operator specifies the
   /NOLOWERCASE qualifier, all letters are translated to uppercase.

   The /[NO]LOWERCASE and /[NO]UPPERCASE qualifiers are
   complementary; that is, the /LOWERCASE qualifier is equivalent
   to the /NOUPPERCASE qualifier, and the /NOLOWERCASE qualifier is
   equivalent to the /UPPERCASE qualifier.


      /LP11 (default)

   Specifies the printer as an LP11. This qualifier provides
   information for the SHOW PRINTER command, which, in turn,
   provides the user with information about specific printers. LP11
   is the default printer type.



   Establishes the number of lines per page on the currently
   installed form; the number of lines can range from 1 to 255 and
   defaults to 64. The printer driver uses this value to determine
   the number of line feeds that must be entered to simulate a form


      /NOPASSALL (default)

   Controls whether the system interprets special characters or
   passes them as 8-bit binary data.

   If you specify the /PASSALL qualifier, the printer driver does
   not expand tab characters to spaces, fill carriage return or line
   feed characters, or recognize control characters.


      /NOPOLLED (default)

   Instructs the LRDRIVER to run in polled mode instead of interrupt

   In polled mode, the printer is checked on a regular basis to
   determine if it is ready to receive additional data. The polling
   timer runs only while there is more data to be sent to the


      /NOPRINTALL (default)

   Controls whether the line printer driver outputs printable 8-bit
   multinational characters.


   Resets the USB pipe associated with the USB printer, thereby
   canceling all print jobs.


      /NOTAB (default)

   Controls how the printer handles TAB characters. The /NOTAB
   qualifier expands all tab characters to spaces and assumes tab
   stops at 8-character intervals.

   Use the /TAB qualifier when you do not want the system to
   convert tabs to spaces, but want the printer to process the tab
   characters. The OpenVMS system requires that printers expand tabs
   at 8-character intervals.


      /TRUNCATE (default)

   Controls whether the printer truncates data exceeding the value
   specified by the /WIDTH qualifier. Note that the /TRUNCATE and
   /WRAP qualifiers are incompatible.


   Specifies the printer as nonstandard. This qualifier provides
   information for the SHOW PRINTER command, which, in turn,
   provides the user with information about specific printers. If
   no printer type qualifier is specified, LP11 is assumed.



   Indicates whether the printer prints both uppercase and lowercase
   letters or only uppercase ones. When you specify the /UPPERCASE
   qualifier, all letters are translated to uppercase.

   The /[NO]UPPERCASE and /[NO]LOWERCASE qualifiers are
   complementary; that is, the /UPPERCASE qualifier is equivalent
   to the /NOLOWERCASE qualifier, and the /NOUPPERCASE qualifier is
   equivalent to the /LOWERCASE qualifier.



   Establishes the number of characters per output line on currently
   installed forms. The width, n, can range from 0 to 65535 for LP11
   controllers, and from 0 to 255 for DMF32 controllers. The default
   value is 132 characters per line.


      /NOWRAP (default)

   Controls whether the printer generates a carriage return and a
   line feed when it reaches the end of a line.

   If the /NOWRAP qualifier is specified, the printer writes
   characters out in the last position on the line.

   If the /WRAP qualifier is specified, the terminal generates a
   carriage return and a line feed whenever the end of a line is

   Note that the /TRUNCATE and /WRAP qualifiers are incompatible.

3  Examples


     The SET PRINTER command in this example establishes the size
     of an output page as 60 lines and the width of a line as 80
     characters for printer LPA0.

   2.$ SET PRINTER/LA11  LPB0:

     The SET PRINTER command in this example establishes the line
     printer LPB0 as an LA11 printer.


     The SET PRINTER command in this example requests that lowercase
     printing be enabled on line printer LPA0.

   Changes the execution characteristics associated with the
   specified process or kernel thread for the current terminal
   session or job. If no process is specified, changes are made
   to the current process.

   Requires GROUP privilege to change other processes in the same
   group. Requires WORLD privilege to change processes outside your


     SET PROCESS  [process-name]

3  Parameter


   Requires that you own the process or that you have GROUP
   privilege and that the process is in your group.

   Specifies the name of the process for which the characteristics
   are to be changed. Process names can be up to 23 alphanumeric
   characters long in the following format:


   o  The node name can have as many as 6 alphanumeric characters.

   o  The colons (:)  count for 2 characters.

   o  The process name can have as many as 15 characters.

   A local process name can look like a remote process name;
   therefore, if you specify ATHENS::SMITH, the system checks for
   a process named ATHENS::SMITH on the local node before checking
   node ATHENS for a process named SMITH.

   The default process is the current process.

   Process names are unique only within a particular UIC group.
   You cannot specify the process name for a process outside of
   your group. To change the characteristics of a process outside
   of your group, you must use the qualifier /IDENTIFICATION=pid.
   The process name parameter is ignored. If you include neither
   the process name nor the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier, the current
   process is assumed.

3  Qualifiers


      /AFFINITY (Alpha only)

   Allows bits in the kernel thread affinity mask to be set or
   cleared individually, in groups, or all at once. This qualifier
   is mutually exclusive with the /CAPABILITY qualifier.


      The SET PROCESS/[NO]AFFINITY command fails if none of the
      specified CPUs has the capabilities required by the process.

   The /NOAFFINITY qualifier clears all affinity bits currently set
   in the current or permanent affinity masks, based on the setting
   of the /PERMANENT qualifier. Specifying the /AFFINITY qualifier
   has no direct effect, but merely indicates the target of the
   operations specified by the following secondary parameters:

   /SET=(n[,..Sets affinity for currently active CPUs defined by the
              CPU IDs n, where n has the range of 0 to 31.
   /CLEAR=(n[,Clears affinity for currently active CPUs defined by
              the position values n, where n has the range of 0 to
   /PERMANENT Performs the operation on the permanent affinity
              mask as well as the current affinity mask, making the
              changes valid for the life of the kernel thread. (The
              default behavior is to affect only the affinity mask
              for the running image.)

   The secondary qualifiers can all be used at once as long as the
   affinity bits defined in the /SET and /CLEAR parameters do not

   The privileges required to execute the SET PROCESS/AFFINITY
   command match those required by the $PROCESS_AFFINITY system
   service. ALTPRI is the base privilege required to make any
   modifications, and the only privilege required to modify the
   current owner's kernel thread. Modifications within the same UIC
   group require GROUP privilege. Modifications to any unrelated
   kernel thread require WORLD privilege.

   As with the other SET PROCESS qualifiers, the bit operations
   occur on the current process if no /IDENTIFICATION qualifier
   or explicit process name parameter is specified. Specifying a
   process name does not imply that all kernel threads associated
   with the process are affected; the SET PROCESS command affects
   only the initial kernel thread of a multithreaded process.



   Controls whether the process automatically unshelves files.



   Allows bits in the process user capability mask to be set or
   cleared individually, in groups, or all at once. This qualifier
   is mutually exclusive with the /AFFINITY qualifier.


      The SET PROCESS/[NO]CAPABILITY command fails if there is no
      CPU with the required set of capabilities.

   The /NOCAPABILITY qualifier clears all user capability bits
   currently set in the current or permanent capability masks,
   based on the setting of the /PERMANENT qualifier. Specifying the
   /CAPABILITY qualifier has no direct effect, but merely indicates
   the target of the operations specified by the following secondary

   /SET=(n[,..Sets all user capabilities defined by the position
              values n, where n has the range of 1 to 16.
   /CLEAR=(n[,Clears all user capabilities defined by the position
              values n, where n has the range of 1 to 16.
   /PERMANENT Performs the operation on the permanent user capability
              mask as well as the current user capability mask,
              making the changes valid for the life of the kernel
              thread. (The default behavior is to affect only the
              capabilities mask for the running image.)

   The secondary qualifiers can all be used at once as long as the
   user capability bits defined in the /SET and /CLEAR parameters do
   not overlap.

   The privileges required to execute the SET PROCESS/CAPABILITY
   command match those required by the $PROCESS_CAPABILITIES system
   service. ALTPRI is the base privilege required to make any
   modifications, and the only privilege required to modify the
   current owner's kernel thread. Modifications within the same UIC
   group require GROUP privilege. Modifications to any unrelated
   kernel thread require WORLD privilege.

   As with the other SET PROCESS qualifiers, the bit operations
   occur on the current process if no /IDENTIFICATION qualifier
   or explicit process name parameter is specified. Specifying a
   process name does not imply that all kernel threads associated
   with the process are affected; the SET PROCESS command affects
   only the initial kernel thread of a multithreaded process.



   Clears all user capabilities or CPU affinities defined by the
   position values n specified by the /CAPABILITY or the /AFFINITY


      /DUMP[=NOW] [/ID=pid] [process-name]
      /NODUMP (default)

   Causes the contents of the address space to be written to the
   file named SYS$LOGIN:(image-name).DMP (where the image name is
   the same as the file name) when an image terminates due to an
   unhandled error. To specify a target process, indicate either the
   process ID or the process name.

   Using the NOW option causes the targeted process to dump as soon
   as possible. This is especially useful for hung processes.

   You can then analyze the dump with the ANALYZE/PROCESS_DUMP
   utility, the Debugger, or the System Dump Analyzer (SDA).


   Modifies the global cell SCH$GL_DEFAULT_PROCESS_CAP. This global
   cell is used to initialize the user capability mask of processes
   when they are started.



   Requires GROUP or WORLD privilege for processes other than your

   Specifies the process identification (PID) value of the
   kernel thread for which characteristics are to be changed. The
   /IDENTIFICATION qualifier overrides the process-name parameter.

   The PID is assigned by the system when the process is created.
   When you specify a PID, you can omit the leading zeros.

   If you use the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier, the process-name
   parameter is ignored.


      The /IDENTIFICATION qualifier allows the SET PROCESS command
      to affect individual kernel thread PIDs; because each thread
      is a separate runnable entity, this command treats them as
      discrete entities in terms of affinities and capabilities.



   Changes the name of the current process to a string of 1 to 15



   Allows a user to indicate how commands are to be parsed.

   Setting a particular parse style tells DCL how it should handle
   command syntax. User programs can also examine the state of this
   setting if they need to use different parse rules.

   The valid keywords for this qualifier are TRADITIONAL and
   EXTENDED. These keywords are mutually exclusive and cannot be

   If the /PARSE_STYLE qualifier is not specified, the default is
   the TRADITIONAL format.

   Keyword     Explanation

   TRADITIONAL Indicates that commands should be examined using the
   (default)   former (prior to Version 7.2) rules for DCL syntax.
   EXTENDED    Indicates that commands should be examined using a
   (Alpha      syntax that allows ODS-5 file specifications.

   The main differences for DCL when EXTENDED parse rules are in
   effect are:

   o  Arguments to foreign commands are case preserved. You can get
      the command string by calling LIB$GET_FOREIGN. Note that at
      this time, C/C++ programs which use the argc/argv mechanism
      still have unquoted arguments in lowercase.

   o  Some characters that were previously treated as token
      delimiters are no longer delimiters. The pound sign (#),
      circumflex (^), and question mark (?) fall into this category.

   o  A circumflex (^) is an escape character, which can be used to
      indicate that the next character in the command string is to
      be treated as if it were quoted, thereby losing its syntactic

   EXTENDED parsing also modifies DCL's rules for file
   specifications, that is, any item with a $FILE type in a Command
   Definition Language (.CLD) file:

   o  File specifications will not be in uppercase.

   o  Any number of commas (,) may be placed between directory
      delimiters ([] and <>).

   o  Directory file ID's (DIDs) can be included in the file

   o  Any number of periods (.) or semi-colons (;) may be included
      in the file specification.

   Refer to the OpenVMS Guide to Extended File Specifications for
   more information.


   Performs the operation on the permanent affinity or capability
   mask as well as the current mask, making the changes valid for
   the life of the kernel thread. (The default behavior is to affect
   the current mask only for the running image.) The /PERMANENT
   qualifier is only valid in conjunction with the /CAPABILITY or
   the /AFFINITY qualifier.



   Requires ALTPRI (alter priority) privilege to set the priority
   higher than the base priority of the specified process.

   Changes the priority for the specified kernel thread. If you do
   not have the ALTPRI privilege, the value you specify is compared
   to your current base priority, and the lower value is always



   Requires SETPRV (set privilege) privilege as an authorized
   privilege to enable any privilege you do not have in your
   authorized privilege mask.

   Enables the following process privileges:

   GROUP       GRPNAM       GRPPRV      IMPORT
   LOG_IO      MOUNT        NETMBX      OPER
   PFNMAP      PHY_IO       PRMCEB      PRMGBL
   SETPRV      SHARE        SHMEM       SYSGBL

   Use the SHOW PROCESS/PRIVILEGES command to determine what
   authorized privileges are enabled currently.



   Changes the home resource affinity domain (RAD) of a process.

   This command only works on the current process.

   Note that OpenVMS application support for resource affinity
   domains (RADs) is supported only on AlphaServer GS160 systems.



   Enables resource wait mode so that the process waits for
   resources to become available. If you specify the /NORESOURCE_
   WAIT qualifier, the process receives an error status code when
   system dynamic memory is not available or when the process
   exceeds one of the following resource quotas: direct I/O limit,
   buffered I/O limit, or buffered I/O byte count (buffer space)


      Disabling resource waiting should be performed with caution,
      as doing so can have unexpected effects on constituent
      sharable images and runtime libraries. Refer to the $SETRWM
      service in the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual for
      additional information.


   Allows a process suspended by a previous SET PROCESS/SUSPEND
   command to resume operation. The /RESUME qualifier is equivalent
   to the /NOSUSPEND qualifier.



   Adds a process to, or removes a process from, a scheduling class.
   This command does not modify the permanent class scheduling
   database file. Therefore, the effect of this command can be
   viewed as temporary placement into, or removal from, a scheduling



   Sets all user capabilities or CPU affinities defined by the
   position values n specified by the /CAPABILITY or the /AFFINITY



   Requires privileges as described in text.

   Temporarily stops the process's activities. The process remains
   suspended until another process resumes or deletes it. Use the
   qualifiers /NOSUSPEND and /RESUME to resume a suspended process.

   Specify either of the following keywords with the /SUSPEND
   qualifier to produce different results:

   Keyword     Result

   SUPERVISOR  Specifies that the named process is to be suspended
   (default)   to allow the delivery of asynchronous system traps
               (ASTs) at EXEC or KERNEL mode. Specifying this
               keyword is optional.

   KERNEL      Specifies that the named process is to be suspended
               such that no ASTs can be delivered. To specify the
               KERNEL keyword, you must be in either KERNEL mode or
               EXEC mode, or have CMKRNL (change mode to kernel) and
               CMEXEC (change mode to executive) privilege enabled.
               Note that this was the default behavior of the SET
               PROCESS/SUSPEND command for versions of OpenVMS prior
               to VMS Version 5.0.

   Depending on the operation, the process from which you specify
   the /SUSPEND qualifier requires privileges. You must have GROUP
   privilege to suspend another process in the same group, unless
   that process has the same user identification code (UIC). You
   must have WORLD privilege to suspend any other process in the

   When you enter the SET PROCESS/SUSPEND=KERNEL/ID= command in a
   cluster environment, the KERNEL keyword is ignored if the target
   process and the current process reside on different cluster
   nodes. As a result, process suspension is handled as if you had
   specified the SUPERVISOR keyword (the default).

   Note that you can specify SET PROCESS/SUSPEND=KERNEL
   to override a previous SET PROCESS/SUSPEND=SUPERVISOR.
   SET PROCESS/SUSPEND=SUPERVISOR does not, however, override SET


      /SWAPPING (default)

   Requires the PSWAPM (process swap) privilege to disable swapping
   for your process.

   Permits the process to be swapped. By default, a process that is
   not currently executing can be removed from physical memory so
   that other processes can execute. If you specify the /NOSWAPPING
   qualifier, the process is not swapped out of the balance set when
   it is in a wait state.

3  Examples


     The SET PROCESS command in this example assigns the current
     process the privilege of exceeding quotas.


     The SET PROCESS command in this example disables resource wait
     mode for the current process.

     %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 0005002F

     The RUN command in this example creates a subprocess and gives
     it the name TESTER. Subsequently, the SET PROCESS/PRIORITY
     command assigns the subprocess a priority of 10.


     19-APR-2001 15:17:28.41  User: DAVIS Process ID:   31900218
                              Node: OCALA  Process name: "DAVIS"

     Processes in this tree:

     DAVIS *


     The SET PROCESS/SUSPEND command in this example suspends the
     process DAVIS_1 such that ASTs can be delivered to it. Because
     no keyword was specified, the /SUSPEND=SUPERVISOR version is


     19-APR-2001 12:17:24.45   User: TESTA    Process ID:   31400208
                               Node: OCALA    Process name:  "TESTA"

     Processes in this tree:

     TESTA *

     The SET PROCESS/SUSPEND=KERNEL command in this example suspends
     the process TESTA_2 on node OCALA such that no ASTs can be
     delivered to it.


     COBRA7, a DEC 4000 Model 620
     Multiprocessing is ENABLED. Streamlined synchronization image loaded.
     Minimum multiprocessing revision levels: CPU = 1

     System Page Size = 8192
     System Revision Code =
     System Serial Number =
     Default CPU Capabilities:
             System:         QUORUM RUN
     Default Process Capabilities:
             System:         QUORUM RUN

     PRIMARY CPU = 00

     CPU 00 is in RUN state
     Current Process: *** None ***
     Serial Number:  AY24870417
     Revision:       A200
     VAX floating point operations supported.
     IEEE floating point operations and data types supported.
     Processor is Primary Eligible.
     PALCODE: Revision Code = 5.48
              PALcode Compatibility = 0
              Maximum Shared Processors = 2
              Memory Space:  Physical address = 00000000 00000000
                             Length = 0
              Scratch Space: Physical address = 00000000 00000000
                             Length = 0
     Capabilities of this CPU:
           System:           PRIMARY QUORUM RUN
           User bitmask:     00000040
     Processes which can only execute on this CPU:
           NETACP       PID = 0000008E      Reason: PRIMARY Capability

     CPU 01 is in RUN state
     Current Process: CPUSCHED        PID = 00000095
     Serial Number:  AY24870406
     Revision:       A200
     VAX floating point operations supported.
     IEEE floating point operations and data types supported.
     PALCODE: Revision Code = 5.48
              PALcode Compatibility = 0
              Maximum Shared Processors = 2
              Memory Space:  Physical address = 00000000 00000000
                             Length = 0
              Scratch Space: Physical address = 00000000 00000000
                             Length = 0
     Capabilities of this CPU:
           System:           QUORUM RUN
           User bitmask:     00000080
     Processes which can only execute on this CPU:
           CPUSCHED   PID = 00000095 Reason: Affinitized to this CPU
                                     Reason: User capabilities - 00000080)


     COBRA7, a DEC 4000 Model 620
     Multiprocessing is ENABLED. Streamlined synchronization image loaded.
     Minimum multiprocessing revision levels: CPU = 1

     System Page Size = 8192
     System Revision Code =
     System Serial Number =
     Default CPU Capabilities:
             System:         QUORUM RUN
     Default Process Capabilities:
             System:         QUORUM RUN

     CPU 00 is in RUN state
     Current Process: *** None ***
     Serial Number:  AY24870417
     Revision:       A200
     VAX floating point operations supported.
     IEEE floating point operations and data types supported.
     Processor is Primary Eligible.
     PALCODE: Revision Code = 5.48
              PALcode Compatibility = 0
              Maximum Shared Processors = 2
              Memory Space:  Physical address = 00000000 00000000
                             Length = 0
              Scratch Space: Physical address = 00000000 00000000
                             Length = 0
     Capabilities of this CPU:
             System:         PRIMARY QUORUM RUN
             User bitmask:   00000040
     Processes which can only execute on this CPU:
             NETACP           PID = 0000008E  Reason: PRIMARY Capability

     CPU 01 is in RUN state
     Current Process: CPUSCHED        PID = 00000095
     Serial Number:  AY24870406
     Revision:       A200
     VAX floating point operations supported.
     IEEE floating point operations and data types supported.
     PALCODE: Revision Code = 5.48
              PALcode Compatibility = 0
              Maximum Shared Processors = 2
              Memory Space:  Physical address = 00000000 00000000
                             Length = 0
              Scratch Space: Physical address = 00000000 00000000
                             Length = 0
     Capabilities of this CPU:
             System:         QUORUM RUN
             User bitmask:   00000080
     Processes which can only execute on this CPU:
             *** None ***

     In this example, CPU 1 has user capability 8 enabled (user mask
     = 80). User capability 8 is set for the initial kernel thread
     of process CPUSCHED, and CPU affinity is set to 1. Either of
     these settings forces the initial kernel thread to run only on
     CPU 1, as shown by the SHOW PROCESS command.

     all CPU affinities and user capability requirements for the
     initial kernel thread of process (CPUSCHED), and the binding to
     CPU 1 disappears.

   Replaces the default DCL prompt ($  ) with the specified string.


     SET PROMPT[=string]

3  Parameter


   Specifies the new prompt string. The following rules apply:

   o  All valid ASCII characters can be used.

   o  No more than 32 characters are allowed.

   o  To include spaces or lowercase letters, enclose the string
      in quotation marks (" ").  Otherwise, letters are converted
      automatically to uppercase; leading and trailing spaces are

   If you do not specify the string parameter with the SET PROMPT
   command, the default DCL prompt ($  ) is restored.

3  Qualifier


      /CARRIAGE_CONTROL (default)

   Inserts carriage return and line feed characters before the
   prompt string. Type the qualifier after the string parameter.

3  Example

 $ SET PROMPT ="What's next?"
 What's next? SHOW TIME
  19-APR-2001 14:08:58

     The SET PROMPT command in this example replaces the DCL prompt
     ($  ) with the phrase "What's next?". When you see the prompt
     on your screen, you can enter any DCL command. This example
     uses the SHOW TIME command.


   Establishes the default protection for files created by the
   current process.



4  Parameter


   Specifies the SOGW protection to be assigned by default to all
   files subsequently created by the current process. To override
   this protection, you must specify an explicit protection using
   either the SET PROTECTION command or the /PROTECTION qualifier on
   the CREATE command. If you do not specify a protection code, the
   current default remains unchanged.

   The code is made up of the following components:

   o  Ownership category-system (S),  owner (O), group (G),  or
      world (W).  Each category can be abbreviated to its first

   o  Access category-Read (R),  write (W), execute (E),  or delete
      (D).  The access category is assigned to each ownership
      category. A null access specification means no access.


      Use the SET SECURITY command in place of other SET
      PROTECTION commands to reset security characteristics of
      the directory or file.

4  Example


     The SET PROTECTION/DEFAULT command in this example sets the
     default protection to grant unlimited access to other users in
     the same group and read (R) access to all users. The default
     protections for system and owner are not changed.

   Changes the attributes of the specified queue.

   Requires manage (M) access to the queue.


     SET QUEUE  queue-name[:]

3  Parameter


   Specifies the name of an execution queue or a generic queue.

3  Qualifiers



   Specifies the base process priority at which jobs are initiated
   from a batch execution queue. The base priority specifier can be
   any decimal value from 0 to 15.

   You also can specify this qualifier for an output execution
   queue. In this context the /BASE_PRIORITY qualifier establishes
   the base priority of the symbiont process when the symbiont
   process is created.



   Limits the size of print jobs that can be processed on an output
   execution queue. This qualifier allows you to reserve certain
   printers for certain size jobs. You must specify at least one of
   the parameters.

   The lowlim parameter is a decimal number referring to the minimum
   number of blocks that are accepted by the queue for a print job.
   If a print job is submitted that contains fewer blocks than the
   lowlim value, the job remains pending until the block limit for
   the queue is changed. After the block limit for the queue is
   decreased sufficiently, the job is processed.

   The uplim parameter is a decimal number referring to the maximum
   number of blocks that are accepted by the queue for a print job.
   If a print job is submitted that exceeds this value, the job
   remains pending until the block limit for the queue is changed.
   After the block limit for the queue is increased sufficiently,
   the job is processed.

   If you specify only an upper limit for jobs, you can omit the
   parentheses. For example, /BLOCK_LIMIT=1000 means that only
   jobs with 1000 blocks or less are processed in the queue. To
   specify only a lower job limit, you must use a null string ("")
   to indicate the upper limit. For example, /BLOCK_LIMIT=(500,"")
   means any job with 500 or more blocks is processed in the queue.
   You can specify both a lower and upper limit. For example,
   /BLOCK_LIMIT=(200,2000) means that jobs with less than 200 blocks
   or more than 2000 blocks are not processed in the queue.

   The /NOBLOCK_LIMIT qualifier cancels the previous block limit
   setting for that queue.



   Specifies one or more characteristics for processing jobs
   on an execution queue. If a queue does not have all the
   characteristics that have been specified for a job, the job
   remains pending. If you specify only one characteristic, you can
   omit the parentheses. Each time you specify the /CHARACTERISTICS
   qualifier, all previously set characteristics are canceled. Only
   the characteristics specified with the qualifier are established
   for the queue.

   Queue characteristics are installation specific. The
   characteristic parameter can be either a value from 0 to
   127 or a characteristic name that has been defined by the

   The /NOCHARACTERISTICS qualifier cancels any characteristics
   settings previously established for that queue.


   Prevents jobs from being entered in the queue through PRINT
   or SUBMIT commands or as a result of requeue operations. To
   allow jobs to be entered, use the /OPEN qualifier. Whether a
   queue accepts or rejects new job entries is independent of the
   queue's state (such as paused, stopped, or stalled). When a queue
   is marked closed, jobs executing continue to execute and jobs
   pending in the queue continue to be candidates for execution.



   Defines the default CPU time limit for jobs in a batch execution
   queue. You can specify time as delta time, 0, INFINITE, or NONE.
   You can specify up to 497 days of delta time.

   If the queue does not have a defined CPUMAXIMUM time limit and
   the value established in the user authorization file (UAF) has
   a specified CPU time limit of NONE, either the value 0 or the
   keyword INFINITE allows unlimited CPU time. If you specify NONE,
   the CPU time value defaults to the value specified either in the
   UAF or by the SUBMIT command (if included). CPU time values must
   be greater than or equal to the number specified by the system
   parameter PQL_MCPULM. The time cannot exceed the CPU time limit
   set by the /CPUMAXIMUM qualifier. For information on specifying
   delta time, refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual or the online help
   topic DCL_Tips (subtopic Date_Time).



   Defines the maximum CPU time limit for all jobs in a batch
   execution queue. You can specify time as delta time, 0, INFINITE,
   or NONE. You can specify up to 497 days of delta time.

   The /CPUMAXIMUM qualifier overrides the time limit specified
   in the user authorization file (UAF) for any user submitting a
   job to the queue. Either the value 0 or the keyword INFINITE
   allows unlimited CPU time. If you specify NONE, the CPU time
   value defaults to the value specified either in the UAF or by
   the SUBMIT command (if included). CPU time values must be greater
   than or equal to the number specified by the system parameter

   For information on specifying delta time, refer to the OpenVMS
   User's Manual or the online help topic DCL_Tips (subtopic Date_



   Establishes defaults for certain options of the PRINT command.
   Defaults are specified by the list of options. If you specify
   only one option, you can omit the parentheses. After you set an
   option for the queue with the /DEFAULT qualifier, you do not have
   to specify that option in your PRINT commands. If you do specify
   these options in your PRINT command, the values specified with
   the PRINT command override the values established for the queue
   with the /DEFAULT qualifier. Possible options are as follows:

   [NO]BURST[=keyword]    Controls whether two file flag pages with
                          a burst bar between them are printed
                          preceding output. If you specify the
                          value ALL (default), these flag pages
                          are printed before each file in the job.
                          If you specify the value ONE, these flag
                          pages are printed once before the first
                          file in the job.

   [NO]FEED               Specifies whether a form feed is inserted
                          automatically at the end of a page.

   [NO]FLAG[=keyword]     Controls whether a file flag page is
                          printed preceding output. If you specify
                          the value ALL (default), a file flag page
                          is printed before each file in the job.
                          If you specify the value ONE, a file flag
                          page is printed once before the first file
                          in the job.

   FORM=type              Specifies the default form for an output
                          execution queue. If a job is submitted
                          without an explicit form definition, this
                          form is used to process the job. If no
                          form type is explicitly specified with
                          the FORM keyword, the system assigns the
                          form "DEFAULT" to the queue. See also
                          the description of the /FORM_MOUNTED

   [NO]TRAILER[=keyword]  Controls whether a file trailer page is
                          printed following output. If you specify
                          the value ALL (default), a trailer page
                          is printed with each file in the job. If
                          you specify the value ONE, a trailer page
                          is printed once with the last file in the

   When you specify the BURST option for a file, the [NO]FLAG option
   does not add or subtract a flag page from the two flag pages that
   are printed preceding the file.

   For information on establishing mandatory queue attributes, see
   the description of the /SEPARATE qualifier. For information on
   specifying default queue attributes, refer to the OpenVMS System
   Manager's Manual.



   Specifies a string of up to 255 characters used to provide
   operator-supplied information about the queue.

   Enclose strings containing lowercase letters, blanks, or other
   nonalphanumeric characters (including spaces) in quotation marks
   (" ").

   The /NODESCRIPTION qualifier removes any descriptive text that
   may have been associated with the queue.



   Controls whether batch jobs executed from a queue can be swapped
   in and out of memory.



   Specifies whether files queued to a generic queue that does not
   specify explicit queue names can be placed in this execution
   queue for processing.



   Specifies the mounted form for an output execution queue.

   If no form type is explicitly specified, the system assigns the
   form "DEFAULT" to the queue.

   If the stock of the mounted form does not match the stock of the
   default form, as indicated by the /DEFAULT=FORM qualifier, all
   jobs submitted to this queue without an explicit form definition
   enter a pending state and remain pending until the stock of
   the queue's mounted form is identical to the stock of the form
   associated with the job.

   If a job is submitted with an explicit form and the stock of the
   explicit form is not identical to the stock of the mounted form,
   the job enters a pending state and remains pending until the
   stock of the mounted form of the queue is identical to the stock
   of the form associated with the job.

   To specify the form type, use either a numeric value or a form
   name that has been defined by the DEFINE/FORM command. Form
   types are installation-specific. You cannot use the /FORM_MOUNTED
   qualifier with the /GENERIC qualifier.



   Indicates the number of batch jobs that can be executed
   concurrently from the queue. Specify a number in the range 1
   to 255.


      /NONO_INITIAL_FF (default)

   Allows user to set or modify whether a form feed should be sent
   to a printer device when a queue starts. To suppress the initial
   form feed, set the queue with /NO_INITIAL_FF qualifier.

   Setting the queue with /NONO_INITIAL_FF qualifier sends a form
   feed to the output device before printing begins when the queue


   Allows jobs to be entered in the queue through PRINT or SUBMIT
   commands or as the result of requeue operations. To prevent
   jobs from being entered in the queue, use the /CLOSE qualifier.
   Whether a queue accepts or rejects new job entries is independent
   of the queue's state (such as paused, stopped, or stalled).



   Requires OPER (operator) privilege or control (C)  access to the

   Enables you to change the user identification code (UIC) of the
   queue. Specify the UIC by using the standard format as described
   in the OpenVMS Guide to System Security.



   Requires OPER (operator) privilege to control access to the

   Specifies the protection of the queue. The following rules apply:

   o  Specify the ownership parameter as system (S),  owner (O),
      group (G),  or world (W).

   o  Specify the access parameter as read (R),  submit (S), manage
      (M),  or delete (D). A null access specification means no

   If you include only one protection code, you can omit the

   For more information on specifying protection codes, refer to
   the OpenVMS Guide to System Security. For more information on
   controlling queue operations through UIC-based protection, refer
   to the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.



   Determines whether the symbiont can concatenate (or block
   together) output records for transmission to the output device.
   If you specify the /NORECORD_BLOCKING qualifier, the symbiont
   sends each formatted record in a separate I/O request to the
   output device. For the standard OpenVMS system print symbiont,
   record blocking can have a significant performance advantage over
   single-record mode.



   Holds jobs in the queue in a retained status after they have
   executed. The /NORETAIN qualifier enables you to reset the queue
   to the default. Possible options are as follows:

   ALL     Holds all jobs in the queue after execution (default).
   ERROR   Holds in the queue only jobs that complete



   Specifies whether pending jobs in an output queue are
   scheduled for printing based on the size of the job. When the
   /SCHEDULE=SIZE qualifier is in effect, shorter jobs print before
   longer ones. When the /SCHEDULE=NOSIZE qualifier is in effect,
   jobs are printed in the order they were submitted, regardless of

   If you enter this command while there are pending jobs in any
   queue, its effect on future jobs is unpredictable.



   Specifies the mandatory queue attributes or job separation
   options for an output execution queue. Job separation options
   cannot be overridden by the PRINT command.

   The job separation options are as follows:

   [NO]BURST              Specifies whether two job flag pages with
                          a burst bar between them are printed at
                          the beginning of each job.

   [NO]FLAG               Specifies whether a job flag page is
                          printed at the beginning of each job.

   [NO]RESET=(module[,...]Specifies one or more device control
                          library modules that contain the job reset
                          sequence for the queue. The specified
                          modules from the queue's device control
                          library (by default SYS$LIBRARY:SYSDEVCTL)
                          are used to reset the device each time
                          a job reset occurs. The RESET sequence
                          occurs after any file trailer and before
                          any job trailer; therefore, all job
                          separation pages are printed when the
                          device is in its RESET state.

   [NO]TRAILER            Specifies whether a job trailer page is
                          printed at the end of each job.

   When you specify the /SEPARATE=BURST qualifier, the [NO]FLAG
   separation option does not add or subtract a flag page from the
   two flag pages that are printed preceding the job.

   For information on establishing queue attributes that can be
   overridden, see the description of the /DEFAULT qualifier.

   For more information on specifying mandatory queue attributes,
   refer to the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.



   Defines for a batch job a working set default, the default number
   of physical pages that the job can use.

   The value set by this qualifier overrides the value defined in
   the user authorization file (UAF) of any user submitting a job to
   the queue.

   Specify the value of n as a number of 512-byte pagelets on Alpha
   or 512-byte pages on VAX. Note that the OpenVMS system rounds up
   this value to the nearest CPU-specific page so that actual amount
   of physical memory allowed may be larger than the specified
   amount on Alpha.

   If you specify the value 0 or NONE, the working set default
   value defaults to the value specified in the UAF or by the SUBMIT
   command (if included).



   Defines for the batch job a working set extent, the maximum
   amount of physical memory that the job can use. The job uses
   the maximum amount of physical memory only when the system has
   excess free pages. The value set by this qualifier overrides the
   value defined in the user authorization file (UAF) of any user
   submitting a job to the queue.

   Specify the value of n as a number of 512-byte pagelets on Alpha
   or 512-byte pages on VAX. Note that the OpenVMS system rounds up
   this value to the nearest CPU-specific page so that actual amount
   of physical memory allowed may be larger than the specified
   amount on Alpha.

   If you specify the value 0 or NONE, the working set extent value
   defaults to the value specified in the UAF or by the SUBMIT
   command (if included).



   Defines for a batch job the working set quota, the amount of
   physical memory that is available to the job. The value set
   by this qualifier overrides the value defined in the user
   authorization file (UAF) of any user submitting a job to the

   Specify the value of n as a number of 512-byte pagelets on Alpha
   systems or 512-byte pages on VAX systems. Note that the OpenVMS
   system rounds up this value to the nearest CPU-specific page so
   that actual amount of physical memory allowed may be larger than
   the specified amount on Alpha. If you specify the value 0 or
   NONE, the working set quota value defaults to the value specified
   in the UAF or by the SUBMIT command (if included).

   A working set default size and a working set quota (maximum size)
   are included in each user record in the system user authorization
   file (UAF). You can specify a working set default and a working
   set quota for both individual jobs and for all jobs in a given
   queue. The following table shows the action taken for different
   combinations of specifications that involve working set size and
   working set quota values.

   Specified       Value
   by              Specified
   the SUBMIT      for the
   Command?        Queue?        Action Taken

   No              No            Use the UAF value.

   No              Yes           Use the value for the queue.

   Yes             Yes           Use the smaller of the two values.

   Yes             No            Compare the specified value with
                                 the UAF value; use the smaller.

3  Examples


     In this example, the queue is initialized with the
     INITIALIZE/QUEUE command. The queue has the following
     attributes: two file flag pages preceding each file in the job
     and the mounted form LETTER. Later the queue is stopped with
     the STOP/QUEUE/NEXT command so that the current job finishes
     processing before the queue stops. The SET QUEUE command
     changes the mounted form to MEMO.


     In this example, the SET QUEUE command changes the default form
     to LN01_PORTRAIT for the LN01_PRINT queue.


     In this example, the batch queue SYS$BATCH is modified to
     prevent jobs from being entered in this queue.

   Assigns a value to the global symbol BATCH$RESTART. This global
   symbol defines the location at which a batch job is restarted
   after its execution has been interrupted. The SET RESTART_VALUE
   command is meaningful only in command procedures.



3  Parameter


   Specifies a string of up to 255 characters, which specifies the
   label at which the batch job should begin executing when it is

3  Example


     In this example, the first command states that, if $RESTART
     is true, the procedure is to jump to the value contained in
     BATCH$RESTART. ($RESTART is true only if the job has been
     executed before, that is, the job is being rerun after a crash
     or after having been requeued.)

     The first SET RESTART_VALUE command assigns the label FIRSTPART
     to be equal to the symbol BATCH$RESTART. The next line contains
     the command to run PART1.EXE.

     The second SET RESTART_VALUE command assigns the label
     SECONDPART to be equal to the symbol BATCH$RESTART. The last
     line shown contains the command to run PART2.EXE.

     When the job is first submitted using the SUBMIT/RESTART
     command, the value of $RESTART is FALSE, so the IF expression
     is ignored. If the job is stopped during the run of PART1.EXE,
     the value of BATCH$RESTART is FIRSTPART. When the job is
     restarted, the value of $RESTART is TRUE; therefore, the IF
     expression is processed and transfers control to the FIRSTPART
     label in the procedure. PART1.EXE is rerun.

     If the job is stopped during the run of PART2.EXE, the value
     of BATCH$RESTART is SECONDPART. When the job is restarted,
     the value of $RESTART is TRUE. In this instance, the IF-GOTO
     command transfers control to the SECONDPART label in the
     procedure so that PART2.EXE can be run. PART1.EXE is not rerun.

   Allows users to modify the process or system rights list. You
   must specify either the /DISABLE or the /ENABLE qualifier with
   the SET RIGHTS_LIST command.


     SET RIGHTS_LIST  id-name[,...]

3  Parameter


   Specifies identifiers to be added to or removed from the process
   or system rights list. The id-name parameter is a string of 1 to
   31 alphanumeric characters, underscores (_),  and dollar signs
   ($);  each name must contain at least one nonnumeric character.

3  Qualifiers



   Specifies attributes to be associated with the identifiers.
   Attributes may be added to new or existing identifiers. The
   following are valid keywords:

   DYNAMIC      Allows unprivileged holders of the identifier to
                remove and to restore the identifier from the
                process rights list by using the DCL command SET

   NOACCESS     Makes any access rights of the identifier null and
                void. If a user is granted an identifier with the No
                Access attribute, that identifier has no effect on
                the user's access rights to objects. This attribute
                is a modifier for an identifier with the Resource or
                Subsystem attribute.

   RESOURCE     Allows holders of an identifier to charge disk space
                to the identifier. Used only for file objects.

   SUBSYSTEM    Allows holders of the identifier to create and
                maintain protected subsystems by assigning the
                Subsystem ACE to the application images in the
                subsystem. Used only for file objects.

   To remove an attribute from the identifier, add a NO prefix
   to the attribute keyword. For example, to remove the Resource
   attribute, specifiy /ATTRIBUTE=NORESOURCE.

   The default uses the current processes in the rights database.
   Use the command SHOW PROCESS/RIGHTS to see the attributes of the
   current process.


   Removes the identifiers from the process or system rights list.
   You cannot use the /DISABLE qualifier with the /ENABLE qualifier.
   Note that removing more than ten identifiers in a single command
   invocation requires CMKRNL privilege.


   Adds the identifiers to the process or system rights list. You
   cannot use the /ENABLE qualifier with the /DISABLE qualifier.
   Note that adding more than ten identifiers in a single command
   invocation requires CMKRNL privilege.



   Specifies the process identification (PID) value of the process
   whose rights list is to be modified. The PID is assigned by the
   system when the process is created. When you specify a PID, you
   can omit the leading zeros.

   If you specify the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier, you cannot use the
   /PROCESS qualifier. By default, if neither the /IDENTIFICATION
   nor the /PROCESS qualifier is specified, the current process is
   assumed. You cannot use the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier with the
   /SYSTEM qualifier.



   Specifies the name of the process whose rights list is to be
   modified. The process name can contain from 1 to 15 alphanumeric

   If you specify the /PROCESS qualifier, you cannot use the
   /IDENTIFICATION qualifier. By default, if neither the /PROCESS
   nor the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier is specified, the current
   process is assumed.

   You cannot use the /PROCESS qualifier with the /SYSTEM qualifier.


   Specifies that the desired operation (addition or removal of
   an identifier) be performed on the system rights list. You
   cannot use the /SYSTEM qualifier with the /PROCESS or the
   /IDENTIFICATION qualifier.

3  Examples


     The SET RIGHTS_LIST command in this example adds the MARKETING
     identifier to the process rights list of the current process.
     Specifying the RESOURCE attribute allows holders of the
     MARKETING identifier to charge resources to it.

     %SYSTEM-F-NOPRIV, insufficient privilege or object
      protection violation

     The SET RIGHTS_LIST command in this example adds the PHYSICS101
     identifier to the system rights list. You must have both the
     CMKRNL (change mode to kernel) and SYSNAM (system logical name)
     privileges to modify the system rights list.

   Defines default values for multiblock and multibuffer counts,
   network transfer sizes, prolog level, extend quantity, and the
   query lock option used by OpenVMS Record Management Services
   (RMS) for file operations.

   If you set the default value for either the multiblock count or
   the multibuffer count at 0, RMS tries to use the process default
   value or the system default value, in that order. If these are
   set at 0, RMS uses a default value of 1. Defaults are set for
   sequential, relative, or indexed file organizations on a process-
   only basis, unless a systemwide basis is requested.



3  Qualifiers



   Specifies a default multiblock count (0 to 127) for record
   I/O operations only, where count is the number of blocks to be
   allocated for each I/O buffer.

   For more information on multiblock count, refer to the
   description of the RAB$B_MBC in the OpenVMS Record Management
   Services Reference Manual.



   Specifies a default multibuffer count (0 to 255) for local file
   operations, where count is the number of buffers to be allocated.
   If you use the /SYSTEM qualifier to extend the default value
   systemwide, the maximum default value is 127.

   When you use the /BUFFER_COUNT qualifier, you can use the /DISK,
   qualifiers to specify the types of file for which the default
   is to be applied. If the /BUFFER_COUNT qualifier is specified
   without any of these qualifiers, the /SEQUENTIAL qualifier is
   assumed. If file type is not specified, the default is applied to
   sequential files.

   For more information on multibuffer count, refer to the
   description of the RAB$B_MBF field in the OpenVMS Record
   Management Services Reference Manual.



   Allows you to specify fairness under high contention conditions
   for write-shared files at the process or system level. Note that
   selecting this option may noticably increase locking overhead.

   This option is disabled by default.

   In a mixed cluster environment with high contention for specific
   buckets, it is possible for accesses to write-shared files on
   nodes using read-mode global bucket locking to dominate access
   to a bucket. Nodes without this support might be denied timely
   access to the bucket.

   Additionally, it is possible to observe comparable behavior on
   all OpenVMS versions when dealing with accesses to write-shared
   files without global buffers enabled. A similar fairness issue
   between lock conversions and new lock requests may be observed in
   which the new lock requests may remain ungranted for an extended
   period of time. Use the /CONTENTION_POLICY qualifier to specify
   fairness under high contention conditions.

   The following table lists valid PROCESS keywords (/SYSTEM not

   Keyword        Description

   NEVER          Never use the higher overhead option to improve
                  fairness for any write-shared files accessed by
                  this process; minimal overhead.
   SOMETIMES      Use this option for fairer bucket access (but
                  higher overhead) to any write-shared files with
                  global buffers enabled accessed by this process.
   ALWAYS         Use this option for fairer bucket access (but
                  higher overhead) to all write-shared files
                  accessed by this process.
   SYSTEM_        Use system setting. Note that this keyword is
   DEFAULT        disallowed with /SYSTEM.

   The following table lists valid SYSTEM keywords (/SYSTEM also

   Keyword        Description

   NEVER          Never use the higher overhead option to improve
   (default)      fairness for any write-shared files accessed on
                  the system; minimal overhead.
   SOMETIMES      Use this option for fairer bucket access (but
                  higher overhead) to any write-shared files with
                  global buffers enabled accessed on the system.
   ALWAYS         Use this option for fairer bucket access (but
                  higher overhead) to all write-shared files
                  accessed on the system.


   Applies the specified defaults to disk file operations. Values
   applied using the /SEQUENTIAL qualifier take precedence over
   values applied using the /DISK qualifier.



   Specifies the number of blocks n to extend a sequential file
   where n can range from 0 to 65535. If you do not specify the
   /EXTEND_QUANTITY qualifier, RMS calculates its own extend value.
   The /EXTEND_QUANTITY qualifier value is used when the program
   does not specify an extent quantity explicitly.


   Applies the multibuffer default to indexed file operations.


   Applies the multibuffer default to magnetic tape operations.
   Values applied using the /SEQUENTIAL qualifier take precedence
   over values applied using the /MAGTAPE qualifier.



   Specifies a default block count (0 to 127) for network access to
   remote files, where count is the number of blocks to be allocated
   for each I/O buffer.

   For remote file access, the buffer size is negotiated between
   RMS and the remote system's file access listener (FAL) with the
   smaller of the two sizes being selected.

   Thus, the /NETWORK_BLOCK_COUNT value places an upper limit on
   the network buffer size that is used. It also places an upper
   limit on the largest record that may be transferred to or from
   a remote file. The largest record must be less than or equal to
   512*network_block_count. (The network_block_count is in block
   units and the record is in byte units.)

   If you omit the value or specify a value of 0, RMS uses the
   systemwide block count value. If this value is also 0, RMS uses a
   size of one block.



   Specifies a default prolog level for indexed files where
   acceptable values for n are 0, 2, or 3. If 0 (default) is
   specified, RMS sets an appropriate prolog level.


      /QUERY_LOCK=keyword [/SYSTEM]

   Enables or disables query locking at the process and system

   The following table lists valid PROCESS keywords (/SYSTEM not

   Keyword        Description

   DISABLE        Disable query locking for the duration of any
                  file opens done by images within the process for
                  any read ($GET or $FIND) record operations that
                  have both RAB$V_NLK (no lock) and RAB$V_RRL (read-
                  regardless) set in the RAB$L_ROP field of the RAB
                  (Record Access Block). Disabling query locking
                  directs RMS not to make any calls to the lock
                  manager for a read record operation just to find
                  out whether a record is locked by another stream.
   ENABLE         Use RMS's default record locking for images run
                  within this process.
   SYSTEM_        Use system setting. Note that this keyword is
   DEFAULT        disallowed with /SYSTEM.

   The following table lists valid SYSTEM keywords (/SYSTEM also

   Keyword        Description

   DISABLE        Disable query locking for the duration of any
                  file opens done by images on the system for any
                  read ($GET or $FIND) record operations that have
                  both RAB$V_NLK (no lock) and RAB$V_RRL (read-
                  regardless) set in the RAB$L_ROP field of the RAB
                  (Record Access Block). Disabling query locking
                  directs RMS not to make any calls to the lock
                  manager for a read record operation just to find
                  out whether a record is locked by another stream.
   ENABLE         Use RMS's default record locking for images run
   (default)      within this process.

   There is no system parameter associated with the QUERY_LOCK


   Applies the multibuffer default to relative file operations.


      /SEQUENTIAL (default)

   Applies the multibuffer default to sequential file operations.
   The /SEQUENTIAL qualifier overrides values applied using either
   the /DISK, the /MAGNETIC TAPE, or the /UNIT RECORD qualifier.

   The /SEQUENTIAL qualifier is the default if you do not specify
   either the /RELATIVE or the /INDEXED qualifier.


   Requires CMKRNL (change mode to kernel) privilege.

   Applies specified defaults on a systemwide basis to all file

   Systemwide settings are implemented as system parameters, with
   the exception of /QUERY_LOCK. For a systemwide setting to survive
   a system reboot, it must be written to the system parameter file
   by using SYSGEN.


   Applies the multibuffer default to file operations on unit record
   devices. Values applied using the /SEQUENTIAL qualifier take
   precedence over values applied using the /UNIT_RECORD qualifier.

3  Examples


             MULTI- |              MULTIBUFFER COUNTS            | NETWORK
             BLOCK  | Indexed Relative         Sequential        |  BLOCK
             COUNT  |                  Disk Magtape  Unit Record |  COUNT
     Process  24    |    0        0      0     0          0      |    0
     System   16    |    0        0      0     0          0      |    8

              Prolog    Extend Quantity     VCC_DFW    QUERY_LOCK
     Process    0              0               0       System
     System     0              0               0       Enabled

     Process      System
     System       Never

     The SET RMS_DEFAULT command in this example sets the multiblock
     count for disk file I/O at 24 for user programs that do not
     set the multiblock count explicitly. The command applies only
     to the current process. Note that the placeholder, VCC_DFW, is
     currently reserved to Compaq.


             MULTI- |              MULTIBUFFER COUNTS            | NETWORK
             BLOCK  | Indexed Relative         Sequential        |  BLOCK
             COUNT  |                  Disk Magtape  Unit Record |  COUNT
     Process   0    |    0         0     0     8          0      |    0
     System   16    |    0         0     0     0          0      |    8

              Prolog    Extend Quantity     VCC_DFW    QUERY_LOCK
     Process    0              0               0       System
     System     0              0               0       Enabled

     Process      System
     System       Never

     The SET RMS_DEFAULT command in this example defines the default
     multibuffer count for I/O magnetic tape operations at 8. Note
     that the placeholder, VCC_DFW, is currently reserved to Compaq.


             MULTI- |              MULTIBUFFER COUNTS            | NETWORK
             BLOCK  | Indexed Relative         Sequential        |  BLOCK
             COUNT  |                  Disk Magtape  Unit Record |  COUNT
     Process   0    |    0        0      0     0          0      |    0
     System   16    |    0        0      7     7          0      |   16

              Prolog    Extend Quantity     VCC_DFW    QUERY_LOCK
     Process    0              0               0       System
     System     0              0               0       Enabled

     Process      System
     System       Never

     The SET RMS_DEFAULT command in this example defines the
     systemwide default multibuffer count at 7 for all sequential
     file operations on disk, magnetic tape, and unit record
     devices. The command also sets the network block count at 16.
     Note that the placeholder, VCC_DFW, is currently reserved to


             MULTI- |              MULTIBUFFER COUNTS            | NETWORK
             BLOCK  | Indexed Relative         Sequential        |  BLOCK
             COUNT  |                  Disk Magtape  Unit Record |  COUNT
     Process   0    |    5         0     0     0          0      |    0
     System   16    |    0         0     0     0          0      |    8

              Prolog    Extend Quantity     VCC_DFW    QUERY_LOCK
     Process    0             50               0       System
     System     0              0               0       Enabled

     Process      System
     System       Never

     The SET RMS_DEFAULT command in this example sets the default
     multibuffer count for I/O operations on indexed files at 5.
     It also defines the default extend quantity for sequential
     I/O operations at 50 blocks. These defaults apply only to disk
     operations for user programs that do not set the multiblock
     count explicitly. These defaults are limited to the current
     process. Note that the placeholder, VCC_DFW, is currently
     reserved to Compaq.


             MULTI- |              MULTIBUFFER COUNTS            | NETWORK
             BLOCK  | Indexed Relative         Sequential        |  BLOCK
             COUNT  |                  Disk Magtape  Unit Record |  COUNT
     Process   0    |    0        0      0     0          0      |    0
     System   16    |    0        0      0     0          0      |    8

              Prolog    Extend Quantity     VCC_DFW    QUERY_LOCK
     Process    0              0               0       Disabled
     System     0              0               0       Enabled

     Process      System
     System       Never

     The SET RMS_DEFAULT command in this example requests that query
     locking be disabled for the duration of any file opens done by
     images within this process for any read ($GET or $FIND) record
     operations that have both RAB$V_NLK (no lock) and RAB$V_RRL
     (read-regardless) set in the RAB$L_ROP field of the RAB (Record
     Access Block). Note that the placeholder, VCC_DFW, is currently
     reserved to Compaq.

   Modifies the security profile of an object.


     SET SECURITY  object-name

3  Parameter


   Specifies the name of an object, such as a file or device, whose
   security profile is to be modified. An object is identified by an
   object name and a class name. The default class name is FILE.

   An object name of the FILE class (explicitly or implicitly
   specified) can include an asterisk (*)  or a percent sign (%)
   wildcard character, but wildcard characters are not allowed
   in any class other than FILE. SET SECURITY does not operate on
   remote files and devices, alias directory entries, or directory
   names in UIC format (for example, [14,5]).

   The following table shows the qualifier categories for the SET
   SECURITY command.

                ACL-        Security   File-
   General      Modifying   Class      Specific   Transfer
   Qualifiers   Qualifiers  Qualifier  Qualifiers Qualifiers

   /CLASS       /DELETE                /BEFORE    /LIKE
   /LOG         /EDIT                  /BY_OWNER
   /OWNER       /REPLACE               /CONFIRM
   /PROTECTION                         /CREATED

3  Qualifiers



   Identifies one or more access control list entries (ACEs) to
   add, replace, or delete. Enclose each ACE in parentheses and
   separate multiple ACEs by commas (,).  The most common type of
   entry, the Identifier ACE, has the format (IDENTIFIER=identifier,
   ACCESS=access-type(+...)). By default, SET SECURITY adds an ACE
   to the top of the ACL. This behavior changes when you include one
   of the positional qualifiers: /AFTER, /DELETE, or /REPLACE. Refer
   to the discussion of ACL ordering in the OpenVMS Guide to System



   Positions all ACEs specified with the /ACL qualifier after the
   ACE named with the /AFTER qualifier.


   Modifies the time value provided with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE
   qualifier. The /BACKUP qualifier selects files according to the
   date of their most recent backup (rather than by the creation,
   expiration, or modification date). By default, SET SECURITY
   selects files according to their creation date.



   Selects only those files dated prior to the specified time.
   You can specify time as absolute time, as a combination of
   absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords:
   BOOT, LOGIN, TODAY (default), TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify
   the /CREATED or the /MODIFIED qualifier to indicate the time
   attribute to be used as the basis for selection. The /CREATED
   qualifier is the default.

   For complete information on specifying time values, refer to the
   OpenVMS User's Manual or the online help topic DCL_Tips (subtopic



   Selects files whose owner's UIC matches the UIC specified. The
   default UIC is that of the current process.



   Specifies the class of the object whose profile is to be
   modified. By default, the command assumes the object class is


   Controls whether SET SECURITY prompts for verification before
   performing the operation. Valid responses are YES, NO, TRUE, and
   FALSE. Answers are not case sensitive and can be abbreviated to
   one letter. To stop processing the command at any point, type
   QUIT or press Ctrl/Z. To cancel the verification procedure but to
   proceed with the command, type ALL.



   Specifies a subset of security elements to transfer from a source
   object to a target object. Valid keywords include the following:

   Keyword        Description

   ALL            Copy all security elements
   ACL            Copy the access control list
   OWNER          Copy the owner
   PROTECTION     Copy the protection code

   Use the /COPY_ATTRIBUTE qualifier with the /LIKE qualifier. For
   example, you can create an ACL for an object and then copy its
   ACL to new objects.


   Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE
   qualifier. The /CREATED qualifier selects files according to the
   date they were created (rather than by the backup, expiration,
   or modification date). By default, SET SECURITY selects files
   according to their creation date.



   Deletes ACEs according to the following rules:

   o  The expression /ACL=aces/DELETE deletes the named ACEs.

   o  The expression /ACL/DELETE deletes all unprotected ACEs.

   o  The expression /ACL/DELETE=ALL deletes all ACEs including
      protected ACEs.

   o  The expression /ACL=aces/DELETE=ALL deletes the existing ACL
      (if any) and create a new ACL with the ACEs specifies on the
      /ACL qualifier.


   Regenerates the security profile of a file. The default qualifier
   changes the protection code, the ACL, and the owner elements of a
   file to what it would be if the file had just been created. The
   profile is recreated according to the following rules:

   o  The protection code is propagated from the default protection
      ACE on the directory (if one exists), or else it is propagated
      from the process default.

   o  The ACL is propagated from the parent directory for those ACEs
      that have the default option.

   o  The owner is set to the owner of the parent directory.

   With subdirectory files, SET SECURITY assigns the owner,
   protection, and ACL elements of the parent directory.

   SET SECURITY does not copy any ACE on the source object if the
   ACE holds the nopropagate attribute nor does it change any ACE
   on the target object if the ACE holds the protected attribute. To
   apply new elements to all versions of the file, specify ;* in the
   object name. Refer to the OpenVMS Guide to System Security for
   more information on propagation rules.


   Invokes the access control list editor (ACL editor) and allows
   you to modify an ACL interactively. The ACL editor does not allow
   the asterisk (*)  and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters
   in an object name. You must specify the object whose ACL you are

   The /EDIT qualifier must be the first qualifier on the command
   line; other qualifiers can include /CLASS and, if the class is
   SECURITY_CLASS, you can include the /PROFILE qualifier. Whenever
   an object does not belong to the FILE class, you also need to
   specify /CLASS.

   Refer to the ACL editor in the OpenVMS System Management
   Utilities Reference Manual for more information.



   Excludes the specified files from the SET SECURITY operation.
   You can include a directory, but not a device, in the file
   specification. You cannot use relative version numbers to exclude
   a specific version.


   Modifies the time specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE
   qualifier. The /EXPIRED qualifier selects files according to
   their expiration dates rather than by the backup, creation,
   or modification date. (The expiration date is set with the SET
   FILE/EXPIRATION_DATE command.) By default, files are selected
   according to their creation date.


    [,CLASS=source-object-class]  [,PROFILE=TEMPLATE=template-name])

   Identifies the object from which SET SECURITY should copy
   security elements. The /LIKE qualifier replaces an object's
   existing elements with those of the source object. Nopropagate
   ACEs are not transferred and protected ACEs on the target object
   are not deleted. Use the /COPY_ATTRIBUTE qualifier with the /LIKE
   qualifier to copy an object's elements. Refer to the OpenVMS
   Guide to System Security for information about the special
   handling of protected and nopropagate ACEs.

   The object class of the source object defaults to the class of
   the target object. When the /CLASS qualifier is omitted, the
   CLASS keyword defaults to FILE.

   The PROFILE keyword applies to security class objects. It
   identifies which template of the security class you want to copy
   and modify. See /PROFILE for more information.


   Controls whether the SET SECURITY command displays the name of
   the object that has been modified by the command. The qualifier
   is invalid with the /EDIT qualifier.


   Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE
   qualifier. The /MODIFIED qualifier selects files according to
   the dates on which they were last modified, rather than by the
   backup, creation, or expiration date. By default, files are
   selected according to their creation date.



   Requires GRPPRV (group privilege) to set the owner to another
   member of the same group. Requires SYSPRV (system privilege) to
   set the owner to any user identification code (UIC) outside your

   Modifies the owner element of an object. Specify the user
   identification code (UIC) or general identifier in the standard
   format. Modifying the owner element of a file usually requires
   privileges. Refer to the OpenVMS Guide to System Security for
   more information.



   Identifies which template profile of a security class object
   you want to modify. All object classes except FILE have at
   least one template profile. These template profiles define the
   basis of the profile of new objects. Use the DCL command SHOW
   SECURITY/CLASS=SECURITY_CLASS to display template names. When no
   value is given for template-name, SET SECURITY uses the template
   named DEFAULT.

   Include the /CLASS=SECURITY_CLASS qualifier to identify which
   profile you want to modify.



   Cannot be used to change the protection on a file by using DECnet

   Modifies the protection code of an object. The protection code
   defines the type of access allowed to users, based on their
   relationship to the object's owner.

   Specify the ownership parameter as system (S),  owner (O), group
   (G),  or world (W).

   Access types are class specific and are shown in the following
   table. For access, use the first letter of the access name.

       Object Class         Access Types

       CAPABILITY (VAX      Use, Control
       COMMON_EVENT_FLAG_   Associate, Delete, Control
       DEVICE               Read, Write, Physical, Logical, Control
       FILE (including      Read, Write, Execute, Delete, Control
       directory file)
       GROUP_GLOBAL_        Read, Write, Execute, Control
       LOGICAL_NAME_TABLE   Read, Write, Create, Delete, Control
       QUEUE                Read, Submit, Manage, Delete, Control
       RESOURCE_DOMAIN      Read, Write, Lock, Control
       SECURITY_CLASS       Read, Write, Control, Logical I/O,
                            Physical I/O
       SYSTEM_GLOBAL_       Read, Write, Execute, Control
       VOLUME               Read, Write, Create, Delete, Control



   Eliminates entries listed with the /ACL qualifier and adds
   entries listed with the /REPLACE qualifier. SET SECURITY inserts
   the entries listed with /REPLACE in the position of the last
   deleted ACE.



   Selects only those files dated on or after the specified time.
   You can specify time as absolute time, as a combination of
   absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords:
   BOOT, LOGIN, TODAY (default), TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify
   the /CREATED or the /MODIFIED qualifier to indicate the time
   attribute to be used as the basis for selection. The /CREATED
   qualifier is the default.

   For complete information on specifying time values, refer to the
   OpenVMS User's Manual or the online help topic DCL_Tips (subtopic



   Specifies the file name format for display purposes.

   The valid keywords for this qualifier are CONDENSED and EXPANDED.
   Descriptions are as follows:

   Keyword     Explanation

   CONDENSED   Displays the file name representation of what is
   (default)   generated to fit into a 255-length character string.
               This file name may contain a DID or FID abbreviation
               in the file specification.
   EXPANDED    Displays the file name representation of what is
               stored on disk. This file name does not contain any
               DID or FID abbreviations.

   The keywords CONDENSED and EXPANDED are mutually exclusive. This
   qualifier specifies which file name format is displayed in the
   output message, along with the confirmation if requested.

   File errors are displayed with the CONDENSED file specification
   unless the EXPANDED keyword is specified.

   Refer to the OpenVMS Guide to Extended File Specifications for
   more information.

3  Examples


     LNM$GROUP object of class LOGICAL_NAME_TABLE

          Owner: [SYSTEM]
          Protection: (System: RWCD, Owner: R, Group: R, World: R)
          Access Control List:

     _$            (IDENTIFIER=WU,ACCESS=READ+WRITE)) -
     _$       /DELETE=ALL -
     _$       /PROTECTION=(S:RWCD, O:RWCD, G:R, W:R)


     LNM$GROUP object of class LOGICAL_NAME_TABLE

          Owner: [SYSTEM]
          Protection: (System: RWCD, Owner: RWCD, Group: R, World: R)
          Access Control List:

     This example shows how to make a straightforward change to the
     security elements of an object. The first SHOW SECURITY command
     displays the current settings of the LNM$GROUP logical name
     table. The SET SECURITY command resets the ACL to allow control
     access for user Chekov, and to allow read and write access
     for user Wu. Note that without the /DELETE=ALL qualifier,
     these ACEs would have been added to the existing ACL rather
     than superseding it. The protection is also changed to allow
     read, write, create, and delete access for the owner. The last
     command displays the results of the changes.


     LNM$GROUP object of class LOGICAL_NAME_TABLE

          Owner: [SYSTEM]
          Protection: (System: RWCD, Owner: R, Group: R, World: R)
          Access Control List:


     LNM$JOB object of class LOGICAL_NAME_TABLE

          Owner: [USER,WEISS]
          Protection: (System: RWCD, Owner: RWCD, Group, World)
          Access Control List:  <empty>



     LNM$JOB object of class LOGICAL_NAME_TABLE

          Owner: [USER,WEISS]
          Protection: (System: RWCD, Owner: R, Group: R, World: R)
          Access Control List:

     This example shows how to copy security access information
     from one object to another and, at the same time, set some
     elements explicitly. The first SHOW SECURITY commands display
     the current settings for the LNM$GROUP and LNM$JOB logical name
     tables. The SET SECURITY command copies the protection code
     from the LNM$GROUP logical name table to the LNM$JOB logical
     name table and adds an ACE to allow read access to another
     user. The final SHOW SECURITY command shows the effect of the



          Owner: [SYSTEM]
          Protection: (System: RWED, Owner: RWED, Group: R, World: R)
          Access Control List:  <empty>

       Template: DEFAULT

          Owner: [SYSTEM]
          Protection: (System: RWED, Owner: RWED, Group, World: RE)
          Access Control List:   <empty>

     _$      /PROTECTION=(S:RWE, O:RWE, G:RE)


          Owner: [SYSTEM]
          Protection: (System: RWED, Owner: RWED, Group: R, World: R)
          Access Control List:  <empty>

       Template: DEFAULT

          Owner: [SYSTEM]
          Protection: (System: RWE, Owner: RWE, Group: RE, World: RE)
          Access Control List:  <empty>

     This example demonstrates how to change the security elements
     for the template of a security class object. The first command
     shows the current settings for the SECURITY_CLASS object. The
     second command changes the DEFAULT template of the SECURITY_
     CLASS object such that the protection is (S:RWE, O:RWE, G:RE).
     The change is shown in the display of the last command. The
     world protection of RE remains unchanged.


     Directory DKA200:[DATA]

     FILE001.DAT;1        [SYSTEM]                         (RWED,RWED,RE,)

     Total of 1 file.

     %SET-I-MODIFIED, DKA200:[DATA]FILE001.DAT;1 modified


     Directory DKA200:[DATA]

     FILE001.DAT;1        [SYSTEM]                       (RWED,RWED,RE,RE)

     Total of 1 file.

     This example shows how to set UIC-based protection codes on
     an object. The first DIRECTORY command displays the current
     security settings on the file FILE001.DAT. The SET SECURITY
     command changes the protection codes on the file to allow read
     and execute access for all users. The last command displays the
     results of the change.

   Controls the Security and Registry servers.

   Requires the SYSPRV privilege.


     SET SERVER  server-name

3  Parameter



3  Qualifiers


   Aborts the registry server on the specified node or nodes in the

   Cannot be used with the /EXIT, /RESTART, or /START qualifiers.


   Issues the SET command to each registry server in the cluster,
   setting the registry master server last.

   Cannot be used with the /MASTER or /NODE qualifiers.


   Stops the detached security server process, or stops the registry
   server on the specified node or nodes in the cluster.

   Cannot be used with the /ABORT, /RESTART, or /START qualifiers.


   Closes the current registry server log file and creates a new


   Issues the command to the registry master server only. Requires
   the SYSLCK privilege.

   Cannot be used with the /CLUSTER, /NODE, or /START qualifiers.



   Issues the SET command to the registry servers on the specified
   nodes in the order they are entered. The node names must be
   within the current cluster.

   Cannot be used with the /CLUSTER or /MASTER qualifiers.


   Restarts the detached security server process, or restarts the
   registry server on the specified node or nodes in the cluster.

   Cannot be used with the /ABORT, /EXIT, or /START qualifiers.


   Starts the detached security server process, or starts the
   registry server on the specified node or nodes in the cluster.

   Cannot be used with the /ABORT, /EXIT, or /RESTART qualifiers.

3  Examples


     This command starts the detached security server process.


     This command stops the detached security server process.


     This command restarts the detached security server process.


     This command restarts the detached registry server on the
     master server.


     This command closes the current log files and opens new files
     on all systems across the cluster.


     This command stops the detached registry server process on
     nodes KAKADU and CAIRNS.

   Controls access to local and global symbols in command



3  Qualifiers


      /ALL (default)

   Specifies that the values of the /SCOPE qualifier pertain both
   to the translation of the first token on a command line and to
   general symbol substitution.

   The /ALL qualifier is incompatible with the /GENERAL or the /VERB


   Specifies that the values of the /SCOPE qualifier pertain to the
   translation of all symbols except the first token on a command

   The /GENERAL qualifier is incompatible with the /ALL or the /VERB



   Controls access to local and global symbols. Lets you treat
   symbols as being undefined. Possible keywords are as follows:

   NOLOCAL    Causes all local symbols defined in outer procedure
              levels to be treated as being undefined by the current
              procedure and by all inner procedure levels.

   LOCAL      Removes any symbol translation limit set by the current
              procedure level.

   NOGLOBAL   Causes all global symbols to be inaccessible to the
              current procedure level and to all inner procedure
              levels unless otherwise changed.

   GLOBAL     Restores access to all global symbols.


   Specifies that the values of the /SCOPE qualifier pertain
   to the translation of the first token on a command line as a
   symbol before processing only. It does not affect general symbol


      Caution must be used if the SET SYMBOL/VERB/SCOPE command
      is used more than once in a command procedure. Because
      DCL uses the translation behavior when looking for a
      label or subroutine, execution may be different running
      in one mode than in another. Compaq recommends that the
      SET SYMBOL/VERB/SCOPE command be used once as part of
      the command procedure setup and left in that mode for the
      duration of the procedure.

   The /VERB qualifier is incompatible with the /ALL or the /GENERAL

3  Examples


     In this example, all local symbols defined in outer procedure
     levels are now undefined for the current procedure level and
     all inner procedure levels.


     In this example, all global symbols are now inaccessible to the
     current procedure level and all inner procedure levels unless
     otherwise changed.

   3.$ NOW :== SHOW TIME
     $ !
     $ NOW
        3-NOV-2001 11:48:58
     $ !
     $ NOW
     %DCL-W-IVVERB, unrecognized command verb-check validity and spelling
     $ !
       NOW == "SHOW TIME"

     This example demonstrates the use of the /VERB qualifier.

     The symbol NOW is assigned to the SHOW TIME command. The
     next line shows the default behavior, where DCL attempts to
     translate the first string on the command line (NOW). Because
     NOW translates to the SHOW TIME command, this is used instead
     of NOW.

     The SET SYMBOL command on the next line changes the behavior
     so that DCL does not attempt a translation. When NOW is
     subsequently entered, DCL uses the string NOW as the command
     verb and cannot find it in the command table. This results in
     the error message.

     Notice that the scoping of the verb translation has no effect
     on general symbol translations, as demonstrated by the SHOW
     SYMBOL command in the example.

   Sets the characteristics of a terminal. Entering a qualifier
   changes a characteristic; omitting a qualifier leaves the
   characteristic unchanged.


     SET TERMINAL  [device-name[:]]

3  Parameter


   Specifies the device name of the terminal. The default is
   SYS$COMMAND if that device is a terminal. If the device is not
   a terminal, an error message is displayed.

3  Qualifiers



   Controls whether the terminal has advanced video attributes and
   is capable of 132-column video. If the terminal width is set
   to 132 columns and you specify the /ADVANCED_VIDEO qualifier,
   the terminal page limit is set to 24 lines. If you specify the
   /NOADVANCED_VIDEO qualifier, the terminal page limit is set to
   14 lines.


   Causes the terminal driver to create a permanent, alternate type-
   ahead buffer. The system parameter TTY_ALTYPEAHD determines the
   size of the type-ahead buffer. This specification is effective
   at your next login and stays in effect until you reboot your VAX

   To enable /ALTYPEAHD, you must also set the qualifier /TYPE_

   SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM for those communication lines that
   require this capability.

   To use this feature interactively, specify SET
   TERMINAL/PERMANENT/ALTYPEAHD. This specification is effective
   at your next login.


      /ANSI_CRT (default)

   Controls whether the terminal conforms to ANSI CRT programming
   standards. Because ANSI standards are a proper subset of the DEC_
   CRT characteristics, the default for all VT100 family terminals
   is /ANSI_CRT.


   Specifies that the keypad is to be set to application keypad
   mode, which allows you to enter DCL commands defined with the
   DEFINE/KEY command. By default, the terminal is set to numeric
   keypad mode.



   Controls whether the terminal baud rate is set when you log in
   and sets the default terminal speed to 9600. You must press
   Return two or more times at intervals of at least 1 second for
   the baud rate to be determined correctly. If you press a key
   other than Return, the /AUTOBAUD qualifier may detect the wrong
   baud rate. If this happens, wait for the login procedure to time
   out before continuing. The /AUTOBAUD qualifier must be used with
   the /PERMANENT qualifier.

   The valid baud rates are as follows:

    50       150       1800       4800       38400
    75       300       2000       7200       57600
   110       600       2400       9600       76800
   134      1200       3600      19200      115200



   Controls whether block mode transmission, local editing, and
   field protection are performed.



   Controls whether broadcast messages are sent to an associated
   mailbox if one exists.


      /BROADCAST (default)

   Controls whether reception of broadcast messages (such as those
   issued by MAIL and REPLY) is enabled. Specify the /NOBROADCAST
   qualifier when you are using a terminal as a noninteractive
   device or when you do not want special output to be interrupted
   by messages. Use the SET BROADCAST command to exclude certain
   types of messages from being broadcast, rather than eliminating
   all messages.


   Sets the ANSI_COLOR terminal characteristic and identifies
   the terminal as capable of supporting the ANSI color escape


      /NOCOMMSYNC (default)

   Allows connection of asynchronous printers and other devices
   to terminal ports, using standard modem control signals as flow
   control. Transmission to the device stops if either data set
   ready (DSR) or clear to send (CTS) EIA modem control signals are
   dropped. Transmission resumes when both signals are present.

   The /COMMSYNC qualifier and the /MODEM qualifier are mutually

   The COMMSYNC feature has the following limitations:

   o  Cannot be used on LAT ports

   o  Can only be used on ports with full modem control

   o  Should not be used in conjunction with Xon/Xoff flow control
      (the port may hang)


      The /COMMSYNC qualifier should never be set on a line with
      a modem that is intended for interactive use. The qualifier
      disables the modem terminal characteristic that disconnects
      a user process from the terminal line in case of a modem
      phone line failure. With the /COMMSYNC qualifier enabled,
      the next call on the terminal line could be attached to the
      previous user's process. Security administrators should
      be aware that the characteristic should not be used on
      interactive terminal ports. In addition, the /COMMSYNC
      qualifier is not supported on a port connected to a LAT



   Generates the specified number of null characters after each
   carriage return before transmitting the next meaningful character
   (to ensure that the terminal is ready for reception). The value
   must be an integer in the range 0 to 9. The default is the
   /CRFILL=0 qualifier.



   Controls whether the terminal conforms to DIGITAL VT100-,
   VT200-, VT300-, VT400-, or VT500-family standards and supports
   the minimum standards, including the additional DIGITAL escape

   You can specify one of the following values:

   1           Requests that the DEC_CRT terminal characteristic be
   (default)   set.

   2           Requests that the DEC_CRT2 terminal characteristic be

   3           Requests that the DEC_CRT3 terminal characteristic
               be set. A level 3 terminal supports the following
               additional features:

               o  A status line (line 25, at the bottom of the

               o  The ISO Latin1 character set

               o  Terminal state interrogation (describes what state
                  your terminal is in)

   4           Requests that the DEC_CRT4 terminal characteristic
               be set. A level 4 terminal supports the following
               additional features:

               o  Extended keyboard

               o  Key position mode

               o  Secure reset

               o  Novice mode

               o  Selective erase

               o  On-line transaction processing (OLTP) features:

                  -  Page memory

                  -  Rectangular editing

                  -  Text macros

                  -  Data integrity reports

   Note that DEC_CRT2, DEC_CRT3, and DEC_CRT4 are supersets of DEC_
   CRT. Clearing DEC_CRT causes DEC_CRT2, DEC_CRT3, and DEC_CRT4
   to be cleared. Similarly, setting DEC_CRT4 causes all subsets of
   DEC_CRT4 (including ANSI_CRT) to be set.



   Informs the system of the terminal type and sets characteristics
   according to the device type specified. You can specify any of
   the following terminal types:

      UNKNOWN     LA100      PRO_SERIES      VT102      VT200
      FT1-FT8     LA120      VT05            VT105      VT300
      LA12        LA210      VT52            VT125      VT400
      LA34        LN01K      VT55            VT131      VT500
      LA36        LN03       VT100           VT132
      LA38        LQP02      VT101           VT173

   The default characteristics for the VT100-, VT102-, and VT125-
   series terminals are as follows:

   /BROADCAST       /CRFILL=0       /ECHO
   /LOWERCASE       /NODMA          /PAGE=24
   /SPEED=9600      /TAB            /TTSYNC
   /TYPE_AHEAD      /WIDTH=80       /WRAP


      /NODIALUP (default)

   Controls whether the terminal is a dialup terminal.


      /NODISCONNECT (default)

   Controls whether the process connected to this terminal is
   disconnected if the line detects a hangup. The /DISCONNECT
   qualifier is valid only when the /PERMANENT qualifier is


      /NODISMISS (default)

   Controls whether the terminal driver ignores data that causes a
   parity error (instead of terminating the currently outstanding
   I/O with an error status).



   Controls whether direct memory access (DMA) mode is used on a
   controller that supports this feature.


      /ECHO (default)

   Controls whether the terminal displays the input it receives.
   With the /NOECHO qualifier, the terminal displays only system or
   user application output, or both.



   Controls whether the terminal can perform ANSI-defined advanced
   editing functions.



   Controls whether the terminal uses the 8-bit ASCII protocol
   rather than the 7-bit ASCII protocol. You can use the Terminal
   Fallback Facility (TFF) to set the 8-bit characteristic on
   terminals. If the terminal you specify has the TFF enabled,
   the /EIGHT_BIT qualifier has no effect. For more information on
   terminal fallback, refer to the OpenVMS Terminal Fallback Utility
   Manual (available on the Documentation CD-ROM).


      /NOESCAPE (default)

   Controls whether escape sequences are validated.



   Controls whether the 8-bit DEC Multinational character set
   characters are displayed on the terminal in their 7-bit
   representation. The default depends on the /EIGHTBIT setting of
   the terminal. If the OpenVMS Terminal Fallback Facility (TFF) is
   enabled, it activates the default character conversion tables for
   the named terminal. For more information, refer to the OpenVMS
   Terminal Fallback Utility Manual (available on the Documentation
   CD-ROM). If TFF is not enabled on your system, the /FALLBACK
   qualifier has no effect and no error message is displayed.



   Controls whether a form feed is transmitted rather than
   translated into multiple line feeds.



   Specifies the number of data bits that the terminal driver
   expects for every character that is input or output. The value of
   n can be from 5 to 8. The default value depends on the settings
   for the terminal established by the /PARITY and /EIGHTBIT


      /FULLDUP (default)

   Controls whether the terminal operates in full-duplex mode. The
   /FULLDUP qualifier is equivalent to the /NOHALFDUP qualifier.


      /NOHALFDUP (default)

   Controls whether the terminal operates in half-duplex mode. The
   /HALFDUP qualifier is equivalent to the /NOFULLDUP qualifier.


      /NOHANGUP (default)

   May require LOG_IO (logical I/O) or PHY_IO (physical I/O)
   privilege depending on system generation parameter settings.

   Controls whether the terminal modem is hung up when you log out.



   Controls whether the device is established as a hardcopy terminal
   and outputs a backslash (\)  when the Delete key is pressed. The
   /HARDCOPY qualifier is equivalent to the /NOSCOPE qualifier.


      /NOHOSTSYNC (default)

   Controls whether system transmission from the terminal is stopped
   (by generating a Ctrl/S) when the input buffer is full and
   resumed (by generating a Ctrl/Q) when the input buffer is empty.


   Sets the device type when the /INQUIRE qualifier is specified
   and the DEC_CRT characteristic is set. The SET TERMINAL command
   reads the current screen size from the terminal and sets the
   corresponding page length and page width values appropriately.
   The default device type is UNKNOWN. Works only on DIGITAL
   terminals, and not on LA36 or VT05 terminals. Some VT100 family
   terminals, including the VT101 and VT105, return a VT100 type
   response. LA38 terminals respond as LA43 terminals.


      The SET TERMINAL/INQUIRE command works correctly on DIGITAL
      supplied VT100 and later terminals. Some personal computer
      terminal emulators may not work correctly, because they do
      not correctly emulate all VT100 escape sequences. Compaq
      recommends that users who experience problems with these
      terminal emulators contact the terminal emulator supplier.

   You can include the SET TERMINAL/INQUIRE command in your
   LOGIN.COM file to detect the terminal type automatically.

   If you specify /INQUIRE=OLD, OpenVMS sets the terminal window
   to 24 lines by 80 columns and ignores the real terminal size.
   (This is the behavior of the SET TERMINAL/INQUIRE command prior
   to OpenVMS Version 6.2.)


      This qualifier clears the type-ahead buffer. If the response
      sequence is unrecognized, no action message or error message
      is displayed. The /INQUIRE qualifier should be used only on
      DIGITAL terminals; however, the LA36 and VT05 terminals do
      not support this feature.


   Sets the terminal to insert mode. This feature allows you to
   insert characters when editing command lines. The default mode is
   overstrike, which allows you to type over the current character
   when editing a command line. Press Ctrl/A to switch from one mode
   to the other.



   Transmits to the terminal the specified number of null characters
   after each line feed before transmitting the next meaningful
   character (to ensure that the terminal is ready for reception).
   The value must be an integer in the range 0 to 9. The default is
   installation dependent.



   Controls whether advanced line-editing features are enabled for
   editing command lines: pressing Return and pressing Ctrl/Z are
   recognized as line terminators, as are escape sequences.


      /NOLOCAL_ECHO (default)

   Controls whether the terminal echoes characters locally (rather
   than the host echoing them) for command level terminal functions.
   (Do not use the /LOCAL_ECHO qualifier with utilities that require
   control over echoing, such as line editing or EDT's screen mode.)


      When logging in to terminals with the LOCAL_ECHO
      characteristic, the OpenVMS system has no control over the
      echoing of passwords.



   Controls whether lowercase characters are passed to the terminal.
   The /NOLOWERCASE qualifier translates all input to uppercase. The
   /LOWERCASE qualifier is equivalent to the /NOUPPERCASE qualifier.


   Indicates manual switching of terminal lines to dynamic
   asynchronous DDCMP lines when your local terminal emulator does
   not support automatic switching. The /MANUAL qualifier should be
   specified with the /PROTOCOL=DDCMP and /SWITCH=DECNET qualifiers.



   Specifies whether the terminal is connected to a modem or
   a cable that supplies standard EIA modem control signals.
   If your terminal has the MODEM characteristic, entering SET
   TERMINAL/NOMODEM automatically logs you out. The /MODEM qualifier
   and the /COMMSYNC qualifier are mutually exclusive.


      /NUMERIC_KEYPAD (default)

   Specifies whether the keys of the numeric keypad are used
   to type numbers and punctuation marks (/NUMERIC_KEYPAD) or
   to enter DCL commands defined with the DEFINE/KEY command


      /OVERSTRIKE (default)

   Sets the terminal to overstrike mode. This feature allows you to
   type over the current character when you are editing a command
   line. Set your terminal to insert mode if you want to insert
   characters when editing command lines. Press Ctrl/A to switch
   from one mode to the other.



   Specifies the number of print lines between perforations for
   hardcopy terminals. (When the terminal reads a form feed, it
   advances the paper to the next perforation.) The value of the
   lines-per-page parameter can be from 0 to 255 and defaults to 0
   (which treats a form feed as a line feed).


      /NOPARITY (default)

   Controls whether the terminal passes data with only odd or even
   parity, where option equals ODD or EVEN. If you specify the
   /PARITY qualifier without an option, the value defaults to EVEN.


      /NOPASTHRU (default)

   Controls whether the terminal passes all data (including tabs,
   carriage returns, line feeds, and control characters) to an
   application program as binary data. The setting of /TTSYNC is

   Make sure that you spell both these qualifiers exactly as they
   appear in the text.


   Requires LOG_IO (logical I/O) or PHY_IO (physical I/O) privilege.

   Sets characteristics on a permanent basis, that is, over terminal
   sessions; however, the characteristics revert to their initial
   values if the system is halted and restarted. Use in a system
   startup file to establish characteristics for all terminals on
   the system.



   Specifies whether the terminal has a printer port (an attribute
   not set by the SET TERMINAL/INQUIRE command). The default is
   installation dependent.


      /PROTOCOL=NONE (default)

   On VAX, controls whether the terminal port specified is changed
   into an asynchronous DDCMP line. The /PROTOCOL=NONE qualifier
   changes an asynchronous DDCMP line back into a terminal line.
   Note that /PROTOCOL=DDCMP is a permanent characteristic;
   therefore, the /PERMANENT qualifier is not required.


      /NOREADSYNC (default)

   Controls whether the terminal uses the Ctrl/S and Ctrl/Q
   functions to synchronize data transmitted from the terminal.


      SET TERMINAL/READSYNC should not be used on LAT terminal
      lines. Setting this characteristic may cause unexpected

   The default is the /NOREADSYNC qualifier; the system does not
   use the Ctrl/S and Ctrl/Q functions to control reads to the
   terminal. The /READSYNC qualifier is useful for certain classes
   of terminals that demand synchronization or for special-purpose
   terminal lines where data synchronization is appropriate.



   Specifies whether the terminal understands ReGIS graphic



   Controls whether the device is established as a video terminal.
   The /SCOPE qualifier is equivalent to the /NOHARDCOPY qualifier.


      /NOSECURE_SERVER (default)

   Requires either LOG_IO (logical I/O) or PHY_IO (physical I/O)

   Controls whether the Break key on the terminal logs out the
   current process (except on a virtual terminal). With the /SECURE_
   SERVER qualifier in effect, pressing the Break key when there
   is no current process initiates the login sequence. With the
   /NOSECURE_SERVER qualifier in effect, the break is ignored.

   On terminals with the AUTOBAUD and SECURE_SERVER characteristics,
   pressing the Break key disconnects the current process, but
   is not required to start a new login sequence. However,
   when the NOAUTOBAUD characteristic is set, the SECURE_SERVER
   characteristic requires a break to initiate a new login sequence.



   Requires either LOG_IO (logical I/O) or PHY_IO (physical I/O)

   Controls whether the /SPEED qualifier can be used to change the
   terminal speed.



   Specifies whether the terminal is capable of displaying graphics
   using the sixel graphics protocol. The default is device



   Specifies whether the terminal is capable of loading a user-
   defined character set. The default is device dependent.



   Sets the baud rate at which the terminal receives and transmits
   data. If the input and output rates are the same, specify

   Not all terminals support different input and output baud rates.
   For specific information on baud rates for your terminal, consult
   the manual for that terminal.

   The default transmission rates are installation dependent.

   The valid values for input and output baud rates are as follows:

    50       150       1800       4800       38400
    75       300       2000       7200       57600
   110       600       2400       9600       76800
   134      1200       3600      19200      115200



   On VAX, causes the terminal lines at each node to be switched
   to dynamic asynchronous DDCMP lines, when specified with
   the /PROTOCOL=DDCMP qualifier. Note that /SWITCH=DECNET is a
   permanent characteristic; therefore, the /PERMANENT qualifier is
   not required.


      /NOSYSPASSWORD (default)

   Requires LOG_IO (logical I/O) privilege.

   Determines whether the terminal requires that a system password
   be entered before the Username: prompt.



   Controls whether tab characters are converted to multiple blanks.
   The /NOTAB qualifier expands all tab characters to blanks and
   assumes tab stops at 8-character intervals. The default is device


      /TTSYNC (default)

   Controls whether transmitting to the terminal is stopped when
   Ctrl/S is pressed and resumes transmission when Ctrl/Q is


      /TYPE_AHEAD (default)

   Controls whether the terminal accepts unsolicited input to the
   limit of the type-ahead buffer.

   When you specify the /NOTYPE_AHEAD qualifier, the terminal
   accepts input only when a program or the system issues a read
   to the terminal, such as for user input at the DCL prompt ($).
   When you specify the /TYPE_AHEAD qualifier, the amount of data
   that can be accepted is governed by the size of the type-ahead
   buffer. That size is determined by system generation parameters.


   Specifies a terminal type that is unknown to the system, which
   then uses the default terminal characteristics for unknown



   Controls whether lowercase characters are translated to
   uppercase. The /UPPERCASE qualifier is equivalent to the
   /NOLOWERCASE qualifier.



   Specifies the maximum characters per line. This value must be
   an integer in the range 1 to 511. With the /WRAP qualifier, the
   terminal generates a carriage return and line feed when the width
   specification is reached.

   If the specified width on an ANSI terminal is 132, the screen is
   set to 132-character mode. If the terminal does not have advanced
   video option (AVO), the page length limit is set to 14 lines.


      /WRAP (default)

   Controls whether a carriage return and line feed are generated
   when the value of the /WIDTH qualifier is reached.

3  Examples


     In this example, the SET TERMINAL command establishes the
     current terminal as a VT102 terminal and sets the default
     characteristics for that terminal type.


     In this example, the first SET TERMINAL command indicates
     that the width of terminal lines is 132 characters and that
     the size of each page is 60 lines. The /NOBROADCAST qualifier
     disables the reception of broadcast messages while the terminal
     is printing the file MEMO.DOC. The next SET TERMINAL command
     restores the terminal to its default state.

   Resets the system clock, which is used as a timer to record
   intervals between various internal events and as a source clock
   for displaying the time of day.

   Requires both OPER (operator) and LOG_IO (logical I/O)


     SET TIME[=time]

3  Parameter


   Specifies a date in the format day-month-year, or a time in the
   format hour:minute:second.hundredth, or both. These fields accept
   the following values:

   Field      Type    Values

   Day        Integer 1 to 31
   Month      String  JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP,
                      OCT, NOV, or DEC
   Year       Integer 1858 to 9999 - VAX only
   Year       Integer 1957 to 2056 - Alpha only
   Hour       Integer 0 to 23
   Minute     Integer 0 to 59
   Second     Integer 0 to 59
   Hundredth  Integer 0 to 99

   The hyphens (-),  colons (:), and period (.)  are required
   delimiters. Separate the date and time, when both are specified,
   with a colon. The syntax is sometimes specified as follows:

   [dd-mmm-yyyy[:]] [hh:mm:ss.cc]

   Alpha systems also allow a 2-digit year format:

   [dd-mmm-yy[:]] [hh:mm:ss.cc]

   The century applied to the 2-digit year format is determined by
   the corresponding year in the supported Alpha date range (1957-

   If the explicit time value is not specified, the interval system
   clock is automatically reset according to the time-of-year clock.

   Note that the time-of-year clock is optional for some VAX
   processors. For further information about the time-of-year clock,
   refer to the hardware documentation for your computer.


      Alpha systems maintain system time during power failures
      and system down time. When a system is booted, if the time
      is known to be earlier than the time value of the last time
      modification, or greater than five years in the future, you
      are prompted to enter the time at the console prompt.

3  Description
   Resets the system clock, which is used as a timer to record
   intervals between various internal events and as a source clock
   for displaying the time of day.


      The SET TIME command will not work if there is a time
      service available on your system or OpenVMS Cluster.

3  Qualifier


   Requires OPER and LOG_IO privilege, and in an OpenVMS Cluster
   environment, SYSLCK privilege.

   Sets the time on all nodes in a cluster to the same system time.
   The format of the SET TIME /CLUSTER command is the following:


     SET TIME[=time] [/CLUSTER]

3  Examples

   1.$ SET TIME=14-DEC-2001:19:31:0.0

     The SET TIME command in this example sets the date and time to
     December 14, 2001, 7:31 P.M.

   2.$ SET TIME
     $ SHOW TIME
     14-DEC-2001 03:21:27.53

     The SET TIME command in this example sets the system time
     according to the time-of-year clock. The SHOW TIME command
     requests a display of the current time.

   3.$ SET TIME=14-DEC-2001:15:31:0.0/CLUSTER

     This example sets the date and time to December 14, 2001, 3:31
     P.M. on all nodes in the cluster where the command was entered.

   Controls whether command lines and data lines in command
   procedures are displayed at the terminal or are printed in
   a batch job log. The information displayed by the SET VERIFY
   command can help you in debugging command procedures.




3  Parameter


   Specifies one or both types of verification. Procedure
   verification causes each DCL command line in a command procedure
   to be written to the output device. Image verification causes
   data lines (input data that is included as part of the SYS$INPUT
   input stream) to be written to the output device.

   By default, both types of verification are set or cleared with
   SET VERIFY and SET NOVERIFY. If you specify only one keyword, the
   other is not affected. If you specify only one keyword, omit the

3  Examples


     In this example, procedure verification is turned on. If image
     verification was on, it remains on; if image verification was
     off, it remains off.

     $ INDEX == "$INDEX.EXE
     $ TABLE == "$TABLE.EXE
     $ EXIT

     Procedure and image verification are turned on at the beginning
     of the command procedure so that the system displays all the
     command and data lines in the procedure as it reads them. At
     the end of the procedure, the SET NOVERIFY command restores the
     system default (no procedure or image verification).

     $ SET PREFIX "(!%T)"

     This command procedure uses the F$ENVIRONMENT lexical function
     to save the current procedure and image verification setting,
     as well as the current verification prefix string. The SET
     PREFIX command sets the verification prefix to be used in
     the current command procedure. It uses an FAO control string
     to produce the time each command is read by the command
     interpreter (DCL), surrounded by parentheses. Then the SET
     VERIFY command turns on both procedure and image verification.
     Subsequently, the F$VERIFY lexical function is used to restore
     the original verification settings. The SET PREFIX command
     returns the verification prefix to its previous setting. Note
     how the symbol HOLD_PREFIX is used in the SET PREFIX command.
     This preserves casing and special characters in the stored

     $ @TEST
     $ EXIT

     In this example, the SET VERIFY command turns procedure and
     image verification on. When the command procedure TEST.COM is
     executed interactively, the command lines and the data lines
     for the program AVERAGE are displayed on the terminal. The data
     lines were entered in the command procedure on lines that did
     not begin with the DCL prompt.

     $ COUNT = 1
     $ EXIT

     When this command procedure is executed interactively, the
     SET VERIFY command causes the command and data lines to be
     displayed. Symbols that are substituted during the first
     phase of symbol substitution (such as 'COUNT') are displayed
     by the SET VERIFY command, but other symbols are not. The
     following lines are displayed when this procedure is executed

       $ COUNT = 1
       $ IF P1 .NES. "" THEN GOTO &P1

     Although these values are not displayed, the value for P1 is
     substituted during the third phase of symbol substitution, and
     the value for &P1 is substituted during the second phase.

   Changes the characteristics of one or more mounted Files-11
   volumes. The SET VOLUME command affects only the node on which
   the command is issued, and will not affect any other nodes, even
   when a volume is mounted on multiple nodes in an OpenVMS Cluster

   If you are not the owner of the volume, requires control access
   to the volume.


     SET VOLUME  device-name[:][,...]

3  Parameter


   Specifies the name of one or more mounted Files-11 volumes.

3  Qualifiers



   Requires OPER (operator) privilege.

   Specifies the number of directories to be maintained in system
   space for ready access. You can specify a value n in the range
   of 0 to 255. If you specify the qualifier /ACCESSED and omit
   the number of directories, a default value of 3 is used. If you
   specify a value greater than the current value, the new value is
   effective immediately; otherwise, the new value is not effective
   until the next time the volume is mounted.



   Defines a default for data check operations following all read
   and write operations to the specified volume. (If you do not
   specify the /DATA_CHECK qualifier, no checks are made.) Possible
   keywords are as follows:

   READ    Performs checks following all read operations.
   WRITE   Performs checks following all write operations (default).


      /NOERASE_ON_DELETE (default)

   Determines whether the space occupied by a file is overwritten
   with a system-specified pattern when a file on the volume is



   Specifies the number of blocks to be used as a default extension
   size for all files on the volume. You can specify a value n in
   the range of 0 to 65,535. If you specify the /EXTENSION qualifier
   without specifying a value, a default value of 0 (the OpenVMS RMS
   default) is used.

   For example, during an update operation, the extension default
   is used when a file increases to a size greater than its initial
   default allocation.



   Sets the default protection to be applied to all files on the
   specified disk volume. Specify the ownership parameter as system
   (S), owner (O), group (G), or world (W) and the access parameter
   as read (R), write (W), execute (E), or delete (D). A null access
   specification means no access.


      This attribute is not used while the volume is in use on an
      OpenVMS system, but the attribute is provided to control
      the process use of the volume on RSX-11M systems. The
      OpenVMS system always uses the default file protection;
      the protection can be changed with the DCL command SET



   Determines whether the file highwater mark (FHM) volume attribute
   is set. The FHM attribute guarantees that a user cannot read data
   that was not written by the user. Applies to Files-11 On-Disk
   Structure Level 2 (ODS-2) and 5 (ODS-5) volumes only.



   Specifies a 1- to 12-character ANSI name to be encoded on the
   volume. The specified label remains in effect until it is changed
   explicitly; dismounting the volume does not affect the label.
   Compaq strongly recommends that a volume label should consist
   only of alphanumeric characters, dollar signs ($),  underscores
   (_),  and hyphens (-).

   If you change the volume label on an OpenVMS system disk, you
   should also update the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility
   database. To accomplish this, use the PRODUCT REGISTER VOLUME
   command to replace the old volume label with the new volume


      Changing the volume label does not change other structures
      that used the original volume label. For example, the
      DISK$labelname logical is not changed nor is the device-lock
      name that is kept internally by OpenVMS. As a result, if
      you attempt to access another disk that has the same volume
      label as the original volume of this device, you may get
      error messages such as the following: "%MOUNT-F-VOLALRMNT,
      another volume of same label already mounted".

      Compaq recommends that, if you change a disk volume label,
      you also dismount and remount the disk on all nodes in the
      cluster so that the names and locks are consistent.


      /NOLOG (default)

   Determines whether the volume specification of each volume is
   displayed after the modification.



   Determines whether mount verification is enabled. Mount
   verification prevents interruption to user input/output
   operations and notifies the operator of problems with the disk.



   Sets the owner user identification code (UIC) of the volume
   to the specified UIC. The default UIC is that of the current
   process. Brackets ([])  are required around the UIC. Specify
   the UIC by using standard UIC format as described in the OpenVMS
   Guide to System Security.



   Specifies the protection to be applied to the volume. The
   following rules apply:

   o  Specify the ownership parameter as system (S),  owner (O),
      group (G),  or world (W).

   o  Specify the access parameter as read (R),  write (W), create
      (C),  or delete (D).

   The default protection is all types of access by all categories
   of user.



   Recovers caching limits for a volume that was dismounted
   improperly. If a disk volume was dismounted improperly (such
   as during a system failure), and was then remounted with the
   MOUNT/NOREBUILD command, you can use SET VOLUME/REBUILD to
   recover the caching that was in effect at the time of the
   dismount. The FORCE option forces the disk to be rebuilt
   unconditionally, thus updating the free block count in the disk
   volume's lock value block.



   Specifies the minimum and maximum retention times to be used by
   the file system to determine the expiration date for files on
   the volume. When a file is created, its expiration date is set
   to the current time plus the maximum time. Each time the file is
   accessed, the current time is added to the minimum time. If the
   sum is greater than the expiration date, a new expiration date is

   If you omit the maximum value, a default value that
   is the smaller of (2 x min) or (min + 7) days is
   used. For example, /RETENTION=3- is the same as
   /RETENTION=(3-,6-), while /RETENTION=10- is the same as

   The command SET VOLUME/RETENTION=0 disables retention times on
   the volume.



   Sets the structure level of the volume. Use the value 5 to set
   the volume to ODS-5.

   When the /STRUCTURE_LEVEL qualifier is used with other
   qualifiers, the volume structure level is set prior to the other
   qualifiers being performed.

   You cannot use the SET VOLUME command to change a volume from
   ODS-5 to ODS-2. To reset a volume to ODS-2, refer to instructions
   in the OpenVMS Guide to Extended File Specifications.


      Compaq does not support creating the system disk as (or
      changing it to) an ODS-5 volume.

   Refer to the OpenVMS Guide to Extended File Specifications for
   further information.



   Enables the processing of subsystem ACEs. Requires the SECURITY
   privilege. By default, the disk from which you boot has protected
   subsystems enabled but other disks do not. For further details on
   subsystems, refer to the OpenVMS Guide to System Security.


      /UNLOAD (default)

   Specifies whether the volume is unloaded (spun down) when the DCL
   command DISMOUNT is entered.



   Specifies a user name of up to 12 alphanumeric characters to be
   recorded on the volume. The default name is the current process
   user name.



   Specifies the number of mapping pointers to be allocated for file
   windows. The value of n can be from 7 to 80; the default value is



   This qualifier only affects applications such as PATHWORKS that
   can request deferred writes to file headers. You use it to
   control whether these applications can use the deferred write

   Use /NOWRITETHROUGH to allow these applications to use the
   deferred write feature. When one of these applications explicitly
   requests a deferred write when updating a file header, control
   returns to the application when the I/O request has been queued;
   the application does not have to wait until the data is on disk.

   Note that although the SHOW DEVICES/FULL command shows the volume
   status as write-back caching enabled, the extended file cache
   (XFC) will still be in write-through mode.

   Use /WRITETHROUGH to disable the deferred write feature, so that
   no applications can use it. The SHOW DEVICES/FULL command shows
   the volume status as write-through caching enabled.

   The deferred write feature is not available on Files-11 ODS-1

3  Examples


     The SET VOLUME command in this example requests that data
     checks be performed following all read and write operations
     to DBC5.


     The SET VOLUME command in this example sets the default
     protection to be applied to all files created on volume DBC5.
     System (S)  and owner (O) are granted all types of access;
     group (G)  and world (W) are permitted only to read and execute
     files on DBC5.


     The SET VOLUME command in this example encodes the label
     LICENSES on the volume DBC5. Note that if characters in labels
     are entered in lowercase, they are changed to uppercase by the
     /LABEL qualifier.


     The SET VOLUME command in this example specifies that 25
     directories are to be maintained in system space for ready
     access for the volume DKA0. The command also assigns the
     user name MANAGER to the volume and displays the volume
     specification after the volume is modified.

     %SET-I-MODIFIED, _NODE$DKA2: modified

     The SET VOLUME command in this example causes a rebuild
     operation to begin on the volume that is mounted on NODE$DKA2.
     The /LOG qualifier directs the SET VOLUME command to display a
     notification message.

   Redefines the default working set size for the process, or sets
   an upper limit to which the working set size can be changed by an
   image that the process executes. Working set limits cannot be set
   to exceed those defined in the user authorization file (UAF).

   Specify the value of n as a number of 512-byte pagelets on Alpha
   or 512-byte pages on VAX. Note that the OpenVMS system rounds
   up this value to the nearest CPU-specific page so that the
   actual amount of physical memory allowed may be larger than the
   specified amount on Alpha.



3  Qualifiers


      /ADJUST (default)

   Controls whether the system can automatically adjust the size of
   the process working set.



   Specifies the maximum number of physical pages that can be
   resident in the working set during image execution.

   The extent value must be greater than the minimum working set
   defined at system generation, and it must be less than or equal
   to the authorized extent defined in the UAF.

   If you specify a value greater than the authorized extent, the
   command sets the working set limit at the maximum authorized



   Specifies the size to which the working set is to be reduced at
   image exit.

   If you specify a value greater than the current quota, the quota
   value is also increased.


      /NOLOG (default)

   Determines whether confirmation of the SET WORKING_SET command is



   Specifies the maximum number of physical pages that any image
   executing in the process context can request. An image can set
   the working set size for the process by calling the $ADJWSL
   (Adjust Working Set Limit) system service.

   If you specify a quota value that is greater than the authorized
   quota, the working set quota is set to the authorized quota

3  Examples

      Working Set      /Limit=  150  /Quota=  700            /Extent= 700
      Adjustment enabled    Authorized Quota=  700  Authorized Extent= 700
     %SET-I-NEWLIMS, new working set: Limit = 150 Quota = 700 Extent = 700

     The SHOW WORKING_SET command in this example displays the
     current limit, quota, and extent, as well as the authorized
     quota and authorized extent. The SET WORKING_SET command
     attempts to set a quota limiting the maximum number of pages
     any image can request that is greater than the authorized
     quota. Note from the response that the quota was not increased.

      Working Set      /Limit=  150  /Quota=  350            /Extent= 350
      Adjustment enabled    Authorized Quota=  350  Authorized Extent= 350
     %SET-I-NEWLIMS, new working set: Limit = 100 Quota = 350 Extent = 350
      Working Set      /Limit=  100  /Quota=  350            /Extent= 350
      Adjustment enabled    Authorized Quota=  350  Authorized Extent= 350

     The SET WORKING_SET command in this example sets the working
     set size for any image in the process to 100.