1  DSR
   DIGITAL Standard Runoff (DSR) is a text-formatting facility
   consisting of DSR commands, DSR flags, the DCL command RUNOFF,
   the DSR Table of Contents utility, and the DSR Indexing utility.
   You can use any text editor to create the DSR input file that
   consists of text to be formatted and the commands and flags to do
   the formatting. The output file is a either a formatted document
   or an intermediate file that can be used in subsequent passes to
   produce final output. Neither the DSR commands nor the DSR flags
   appear in the final document.

   For help on the RUNOFF command, return to DCL level and type HELP

2  Command_line
   Most DSR commands can be abbreviated. For example, the
   .AUTOPARAGRAPH command can be abbreviated .AP. To find the
   accepted abbreviations for DSR commands, refer to the format
   section for each command listed under HELP DSR DSR_Commands.

   All DSR commands begin with the Control flag (.) in column 1.
   Multiple commands may appear on one line. The control flag is
   followed by the command text, any arguments to the commands, and,
   if required, the command is terminated with a semicolon (;). For

      .LEFT MARGIN 10
      .LIST ELEMENT; text

2  DSR_Commands
   DSR commands allow you to specify many formatting items, among
   them: the size of pages, uneven or justified right margins, the
   amount of spaces to appear between lines, and the arrangement of
   items in lists.

   Note that the underscore (_) character in command names shown
   below are not part of the command syntax but are a convenience
   for Help.

   The .APPENDIX command specifies the beginning of an appendix,
   assigns an identifying letter to it, and allows you to supply a
   title. Successive .APPENDIX commands assign identifying letters
   in alphabetical order. (See also .NUMBER APPENDIX and .DISPLAY


     .APPENDIX  [text]

   Abreviated format

     .AX  [text]

4  Parameter


   The title you give the appendix

   When you enter .AUTOJUSTIFY, the following commands automatically
   execute .JUSTIFY (as well as .FILL) commands:


   If you disable automatic justification by entering
   .NO AUTOJUSTIFY, DSR does not disturb either the
   justify/no justify or the fill/no fill states that are in effect
   (whether by default or as a result of a previous .JUSTIFY or
   .NO JUSTIFY command) at the time you use one of these commands.
   Whichever state is in effect remains in effect when you enter




   Abreviated formats



4  Default

   The .AUTOPARAGRAPH and .NO AUTOPARAGRAPH commands turn the
   automatic paragraph capability on and off. If .AUTOPARAGRAPH
   is in effect, you do not have to insert .PARAGRAPH commands each
   time you want to format a paragraph. When you start a line with a
   space or tab or insert a blank line, DSR automatically formats a
   new paragraph, using the values of .PARAGRAPH or .SET PARAGRAPH.
   You can specify values for .PARAGRAPH or you can use the default
   values (see .PARAGRAPH). .AUTOPARAGRAPH cancels .AUTOTABLE.




   Abreviated formats



4  Default
   If you have not entered .PARAGRAPH or .SET PARAGRAPH, DSR
   executes the .TEST PAGE 2 command followed by the .SKIP 1 and
   .INDENT 5 commands.

   The .AUTOSUBTITLE command causes DSR to use .HEADER LEVEL titles
   for running-head subtitles. Subtitles therefore can change
   according to the section title that applies to a given page.
   The .NO AUTOSUBTITLE command cancels the .AUTOSUBTITLE function.


     .AUTOSUBTITLE  [[+/-]n]


   Abreviated formats

     .AST  [[+/-]n]


4  Parameters


   The highest numbered header level whose title will be used as a
   subtitle. For example, if you enter .AUTOSUBTITLE 2, the titles
   of header levels 1 and 2 appear as running-head subtitles. Header
   levels 3, 4, 5, and 6 do not appear as running-head subtitles.


   Increases the current highest numbered header level by n.


   Decreases the current highest numbered header level by n.

4  Defaults

   o  If you do not enter .AUTOSUBTITLE or .NO AUTOSUBTITLE, the
      default is .AUTOSUBTITLE 1.

   o  If you enter .AUTOSUBTITLE with no value, the default is the
      value you specified with a previous .AUTOSUBTITLE command. If
      no .AUTOSUBTITLE command was previously entered, the default
      value is 1.

   The .AUTOTABLE and .NO AUTOTABLE commands turn the automatic
   paragraph capability on and off. If .AUTOTABLE is in effect,
   DSR formats a new paragraph for each line that does not start
   with a space or tab. It is formatted according to .PARAGRAPH or
   .SET PARAGRAPH values, whether they are specified or supplied
   by default (see .PARAGRAPH). The .AUTOTABLE and .NOAUTOTABLE
   commands cancel .AUTOPARAGRAPH. The .AUTOTABLE command is
   formatted according to .PARAGRAPH or SET PARAGRAPH values,
   whether they are specified by the user or supplied by default
   (see .PARAGRAPH).




   Abreviated formats



4  Default
   If you have not entered .PARAGRAPH or .SET PARAGRAPH, DSR
   executes the .TEST PAGE 2 command followed by the .SKIP 1 and
   .INDENT 5 commands.

   The .BLANK command inserts exactly the number of blank lines that
   you specify. It is different from .SKIP, which inserts a multiple
   of the number of blank lines specified in the .SPACING command
   (see .SKIP and .SPACING). The .BLANK command does not work after
   a .PAGE command.


     .BLANK  [[-]n]

   Abreviated format

     .B  [[-]n]

4  Parameters


   The number of blank lines you want to insert.


   Specifies that the next line will begin exactly n lines from the
   bottom of the current page.

4  Default
   If you enter .BLANK without a value, you get .BLANK 1.

   The .BREAK command ends the current line immediately, without
   filling or justifying. Enter .BREAK when .FILL is in effect
   and you want a few short lines of text with no blank lines in



   Abreviated formats



   The .CENTER (.CENTRE) command centers a single line of text
   around a character position on a line (compare with .RIGHT).


     .CENTER  [[+/-]n]; text

     .CENTER  [[+/-]n] text

     .CENTRE  [[+/-]n]; text

     .CENTRE  [[+/-]n] text

   Abreviated formats

     .C  [[+/-]n]; text

     .C  [[+/-]n] text

4  Parameters


   Twice the value of the character position that you want to center
   the text around. (Absolute character positions on a line always
   start with 0 at the leftmost position on the page.)

   If you center the line of text between settings of the left and
   right margins, then n is equal to the value specified by the most
   recent .LEFT MARGIN command added to the value specified by the
   most recent .RIGHT MARGIN command.


   Moves the character position around which the text is centered to
   the right by n/2 character positions. This value normally is used
   to adapt .CENTER to a new setting specified by the .LEFT MARGIN


   Moves the character position around which the text is centered to
   the left by n/2 character positions. This value normally is used
   to adapt .CENTER to a new setting specified by the .RIGHT MARGIN


   The text you want to center. You must enter this text on one

4  Default
   If you enter .CENTER without specifying n, the text is centered
   between the current left and right margins.

3  Change_bar_commands
   The bar commands control the insertion of vertical bars (|) at
   the beginning of lines of text. The bars (usually called change
   bars) are normally inserted to indicate where changes in text
   have occurred since the previous edition of a document. You can
   specify a character other than the default character (vertical
   bars) to indicate changes by using the /CHANGE_BAR qualifier to
   the RUNOFF command line.





     .END BAR

   Abreviated formats





4  Default
   .DISABLE BAR - Operation of the change bar function is not
   initially enabled. By default, there are no change bars and text
   is not indented.


   The .ENABLE BAR command shifts all text following it three spaces
   to the right to make room for the bars on the left. The width of
   the lines of actual text is not altered.


   The .DISABLE BAR command disables the bar commands but does not
   shift the lines of text back to their original position.


   The .BEGIN BAR command causes DSR to start inserting vertical
   bars at the beginning of lines.


   The .END BAR command causes DSR to stop putting vertical bars at
   the beginning of lines.

   The .CHAPTER command specifies the beginning of a chapter,
   numbers it, and allows you to supply a chapter title. Successive
   .CHAPTER commands number the chapters sequentially. (See also


     .CHAPTER  [text]

   Abreviated format

     .CH  [text]

4  Parameter


   The title of the chapter.

3  Conditional_Commands
   The .IF, .IF NOT, .ELSE, and .ENDIF commands (also known as
   the conditional commands) cause portions of a DSR file to be
   processed or not processed, according to conditions that you
   specify. The commands refer to the /VARIANT qualifier that you
   specify on the DSR command line. (See also /DEBUG=CONDITIONALS
   and .VARIABLE.)


     .IF  name

     .ELSE  name

     .IFNOT  name (or .IN name)

     .ENDIF  name (or .EI name)

4  Parameter


   A word that is common to the conditional commands that make up a
   single .IF or .IFNOT block of text.

   The .CONTROL CHARACTERS command causes DSR to accept control
   characters as normal text in your input file. The characters
   that are affected by this command are the characters in the DEC
   Multinational character set with the following decimal values;
   1 to 31, 128 to 159, and 255. The control characters 0 (NULL)
   and 127 (DEL) can only be inserted into a document by using
   the accept flag (_). A form feed (Ctrl/L or ASCII 12) must be
   preceded by the accept flag if used in column 1.

   The .NO CONTROL CHARACTERS command does not accept control
   characters as normal text.




   Abreviated formats



4  Default

3  .DATE
   The .DATE and .NO DATE commands control whether the current date
   appears in running heads. The date appears in the following
   format: 22 August 1992. The .SUBTITLE command and .LAYOUT
   commands must be included for .DATE to be effective. (See also



     .NO DATE

   Abreviated formats



4  Default

   The .DISPLAY APPENDIX command allows you to specify the form that
   the lettering (or numbering) of appendixes will take. The form
   you specify appears in the title, the page numbers, and the first
   character of header level numbers throughout the appendix. This
   command does not change any values; it affects only the way the
   values are displayed. (See also .APPENDIX and .NUMBER APPENDIX.)



   Abreviated format

     .DAX  y

4  Parameter


   One of the following one- or two-letter codes:

   Code  Form of Sequence and Case

   D     Decimal numbers
   O     Octal numbers
   H     Hexadecimal numbers
   RU    Roman uppercase numerals
   RL    Roman lowercase numerals
   RM    Roman mixed case numerals - only first numeral is uppercase
   LU    Letters, uppercase
   LL    Letters, lowercase
   LM    Letters, mixed case - only first letter is uppercase

4  Default
   Letters, uppercase (LU)

   The .DISPLAY CHAPTER command allows you to specify the form that
   the numbering (or lettering) of chapters will take. The form you
   specify appears in the title, the page numbers, and the first
   character of header level numbers throughout the chapter. This
   command does not change any values; it affects only the way the
   values are displayed. (See also .CHAPTER and .NUMBER CHAPTER.)



   Abreviated format

     .DCH  y

4  Parameter


   One of the following one- or two-letter codes:

   Code  Form of Sequence and Case

   D     Decimal numbers
   O     Octal numbers
   H     Hexadecimal numbers
   RU    Roman uppercase numerals
   RL    Roman lowercase numerals
   RM    Roman mixed case numerals - only first numeral is uppercase
   LU    Letters, uppercase
   LL    Letters, lowercase
   LM    Letters, mixed case - only first letter is uppercase

4  Default
   Decimal numbers (D)

   The .DISPLAY ELEMENTS command allows you to specify the form that
   sequential numbering or lettering of items in a list will take.
   This command does not change any values; it affects only the way
   the values are displayed. (See also .LIST, .END LIST, and .NUMBER


     .DISPLAY ELEMENTS  ["x",] y [,"z"] (or ['x',] y [,'z'])

   Abreviated format

     .DLE  ["x",] y [,"z"] (or ['x',] y [,'z'])

4  Parameters


   A character, such as a left parenthesis or bracket, that you can
   specify to precede the number or letter. You must enclose the
   character in quotation marks (" ") or apostrophes (' ').


   One of the following one- or two-letter codes:

   Code  Form of Sequence and Case

   D     Decimal numbers
   O     Octal numbers
   H     Hexadecimal numbers
   RU    Roman uppercase numerals
   RL    Roman lowercase numerals
   RM    Roman mixed case numerals - only first numeral is uppercase
   LU    Letters, uppercase
   LL    Letters, lowercase
   LM    Letters, mixed case - only first letter is uppercase


   A character, such as a right parenthesis or bracket, that you
   can specify to follow the number or letter. You must enclose the
   character in quotation marks (" ") or apostrophes (' ').

4  Default
   A space for x, decimal numbers for y, and a period (.) for z

   The .DISPLAY LEVELS command allows you to specify the form that
   sequential numbering (or lettering) of section headers will
   take. You can control the form of individual numbers within a
   section number for a header (that is, those numbers preceding
   or following a dot). This command does not change any values; it
   affects only the way the values are displayed.(See also .HEADER

   Default Header Level Numbering

   Command            Nonchapter  Chapter n   Appendix A

   .HEADER LEVEL 1    1           n.1         A.1
   .HEADER LEVEL 2    1.1         n.1.1       A.1.1
   .HEADER LEVEL 3    1.1.1       n.1.1.1     A.1.1.1


     .DISPLAY LEVELS  [y1] [,y2]...[,y6]

   Abreviated format

     .DHL  [y1][,y2]...[,y6]

4  Parameter


   One of the following one- or two-letter codes; 1,2, ... 6
   indicate positions of numbers (or letters) for a section header.
   The commas correspond to the dots in a printed section number.
   (See also .NUMBER LEVEL.)

   Code  Form of Sequence and Case

   D     Decimal numbers
   O     Octal numbers
   H     Hexadecimal numbers
   RU    Roman uppercase numerals
   RL    Roman lowercase numerals
   RM    Roman mixed case numerals - only first numeral is uppercase
   LU    Letters, uppercase
   LL    Letters, lowercase
   LM    Letters, mixed case - only first letter is uppercase

4  Default
   Decimal numbers (D)

4  Example
Entering the command .DISPLAY LEVELS RU, LU, LL (roman numeral
upper, letters uppercase, letters lowercase) would cause your
headers to be displayed as follows:

     Command            Nonchapter   Chapter n  Appendix A

     .HEADER LEVEL 1    I            n.I        A.I
     .HEADER LEVEL 2    I.A          n.I.A      A.I.A
     .HEADER LEVEL 3    I.A.a        n.I.A.a    A.I.A.a

   The .DISPLAY NUMBER command allows you to specify the form that
   sequential numbering (or lettering) of pages will take. This
   command does not change any values; it affects only the way the
   values are displayed. (See also .HEADERS ON, .NUMBER PAGE, .NO



   Abreviated format

     .DNM  y

4  Parameter


   One of the following one- or two-letter codes:

   Code  Form of Sequence and Case

   D     Decimal numbers
   O     Octal numbers
   H     Hexadecimal numbers
   RU    Roman uppercase numerals
   RL    Roman lowercase numerals
   RM    Roman mixed case numerals - only first numeral is uppercase
   LU    Letters, uppercase
   LL    Letters, lowercase
   LM    Letters, mixed case - only first letter is uppercase

4  Default
   Decimal numbers (D)

   The .DISPLAY SUBPAGE command allows you to specify the form that
   sequential lettering (or numbering) of subpage characters will
   take. Subpage characters are the characters that are appended to
   the page numbers of subpages. This command does not change any
   values; it affects only the way the values are displayed. (See



   Abreviated format

     .DSP  y

4  Parameter


   One of the following one- or two-letter codes:

   Code     Form of Sequence and Case

   D        Decimal numbers
   O        Octal numbers
   H        Hexadecimal numbers
   RU       Roman uppercase numerals
   RL       Roman lowercase numerals
   RM       Roman mixed case numerals - only first numeral is
   LU       Letters, uppercase
   LL       Letters, lowercase
   LM       Letters, mixed case - only first letter is uppercase

4  Default
   Uppercase letters (LU) appended to the page number preceding the

   The .ENABLE BOLDING and .DISABLE BOLDING commands enable and
   disable the bolding function. You can perform bolding only
   if recognition of the Bold flag (*) is turned on and the bold
   function is enabled.




   Abreviated formats



4  Default
   Operation of the bold function is initially enabled (.ENABLE
   BOLDING), but recognition of the Bold flag (*) is not turned on

   and disable the hyphenation function.

   You can use hyphenation to close up excessive spacing between
   words. Extra spaces often are placed between words when margins
   are narrow and a line contains several long words.




   Abreviated formats



4  Default
   Operation of the hyphenation function is initially enabled
   (.ENABLE HYPHENATION), but recognition of the Hyphenate flag
   (=) is not turned on (.NO FLAGS HYPHENATE).

   The .ENABLE INDEXING and .DISABLE INDEXING commands enable
   and disable the operation of the indexing commands (.INDEX and
   .ENTRY), and the Index flag (>).




   Abreviated formats



4  Default
   Operation of the index function is initially enabled (.ENABLE
   INDEXING), but recognition of the Index flag (>) is not turned on

   enable and disable the overstrike function.

   You use the Overstrike flag (%) to create special characters that
   are not available on the terminal by overstriking any printing
   character with another. For example, you can overstrike a 7 with
   a hyphen to create a European 7.




   Abreviated formats



4  Default
   Operation of the overstrike function is initially enabled
   (.ENABLE OVERSTRIKING), but recognition of the Overstrike flag
   (%) is not turned on (.NO FLAGS OVERSTRIKE).

   These commands enable and disable DSR's collection of information
   for the table of contents.




   Abreviated formats



4  Default
   Operation of the table of contents function is initially enabled

   and disable the underline function. You can perform underlining
   only if recognition of the Underline flag (&) is turned on and
   the underline function is enabled.




   Abreviated formats



4  Default
   Operation of the underline function is initially enabled (.ENABLE
   UNDERLINING) and recognition of the Underline flag (&) is turned

   The .ENTRY command creates an index entry without a page number
   reference. It is usually used for "See..." or "See also..." index


     .ENTRY  topic [>subtopic1... >subtopicn]

   Abreviated format

     .Y  topic [>subtopic1... >subtopicn]

   The .FIGURE command leaves room on a page for you to insert a
   figure later. You specify the number of blank lines you need, and
   DSR leaves that amount of space on the current page if there is
   enough room.

   If there is not enough room on the current page, DSR ends the
   page immediately and then puts the blank lines at the top of the
   next page.


     .FIGURE  [n]

   Abreviated format

     .FG   [n]

4  Parameter


   The number of blank lines needed. Values of 0 or less are not
   valid and n cannot exceed the number of lines of text allowed
   on a page (this would be the page-length value associated with
   the .PAGE SIZE command minus any header lines, any forced blank
   spaces after the header information, and any bottom of the page
   information specified by .LAYOUT 1, .LAYOUT 2, or .LAYOUT 3).

4  Default
   .FIGURE 1

   The .FIGURE DEFERRED command leaves room on a page for you to
   insert a figure later. You specify the number of blank lines you
   need, and DSR leaves that amount of space on the current page if
   there is enough room.

   If there is not enough room on the current page, .FIGURE DEFERRED
   first adds enough text to complete the page and then puts the
   required number of blank lines at the top of the next page.



   Abreviated format

     .FGD  [n]

4  Parameter


   The number of blank lines needed. Values of 0 or less are not
   valid and n cannot exceed the number of lines of text allowed
   on a page (this would be the page-length value associated with
   the .PAGE SIZE command minus any header lines, any forced blank
   spaces after the header information, and any bottom of the page
   information specified by .LAYOUT 1, .LAYOUT 2, or .LAYOUT 3).

4  Default

3  .FILL
   The .FILL command causes DSR to treat line endings exactly like
   spaces (see also .NO SPACE). Line-filling is the accumulation of
   words on a line until the addition of one more word would exceed
   the right margin. If .NO FILL is in effect, line endings in the
   input file are duplicated in the output file (see also .KEEP).



     .NO FILL

   Abreviated formats



4  Default

   The .FIRST TITLE command allows running-head information to
   appear on the first page of a document with no chapters. (See



   Abreviated format


4  Default
   No running-head information on the first page

   The .FLAGS ACCEPT and .NO FLAGS ACCEPT commands turn on and turn
   off recognition of the Accept flag character (_).


     .FLAGS ACCEPT  [k]


   Abreviated formats

     .FL ACCEPT  [k]


4  Parameter


   Specifies a character to replace the current flag character.

4  Default
   .FLAGS ACCEPT - Recognition of the Accept flag character (_) is
   turned on.

   The .FLAGS ALL and .NO FLAGS ALL commands function as master
   switches for all other .FLAGS/.NO FLAGS flag-name command
   settings, except the .FLAGS/.NO FLAGS COMMENT and .FLAGS/.NO
   FLAGS CONTROL commands.

   The .FLAGS ALL and .NO FLAGS ALL commands turn on and turn off
   recognition of all flags without disturbing other flag command
   settings. (An analogy for flag recognition is turning on a master
   switch [entering .FLAGS ALL] - those lights whose switches are
   in the ON position will go on and those whose switches are in the
   OFF position will not go on.) See also .ENABLE/.DISABLE BOLDING,





     .NO FLAGS

   Abreviated formats



4  Default

   The .FLAGS BOLD and .NO FLAGS BOLD commands turn on and turn off
   recognition of the Bold flag character (*).


     .FLAGS BOLD  [k]


   Abreviated formats

     .FL BOLD  [k]

     .NFL BOLD

4  Parameter


   Specifies a character to replace the current flag character.

4  Default
   .NO FLAGS BOLD - Recognition of the Bold flag character (*) is
   turned off.

   The .FLAGS BREAK and .NO FLAGS BREAK commands turn on and turn
   off recognition of the Break flag character (|).


     .FLAGS BREAK  [k]


   Abreviated formats

     .FL BREAK  [k]


4  Parameter


   Specifies a character to replace the current flag character.

4  Default
   .NO FLAGS BREAK - Recognition of the Break flag character (|) is
   turned off.

   The .FLAGS CAPITALIZE and .NO FLAGS CAPITALIZE commands turn on
   and turn off recognition of the Capitalize flag character (<).




   Abreviated formats

     .FL CAPITALIZE  [k]


4  Parameter


   Specifies a character to replace the current flag character.

4  Default
   .NO FLAGS CAPITALIZE - Recognition of the Capitalize flag
   character (<) is turned off.

   The .FLAGS COMMENT and .NO FLAGS COMMENT commands turn on and
   turn off recognition of the Comment flag character (!).


     .FLAGS COMMENT  [k]


   Abreviated formats

     .FL COMMENT  [k]


4  Parameter


   Specifies a character to replace the current flag character.

4  Default
   .FLAGS COMMENT - Recognition of the Comment flag character (!) is
   turned on.

   The .FLAGS CONTROL and .NO FLAGS CONTROL commands control
   recognition of the Control flag character (the period (.) that
   begins a DSR command). You can enter .FLAGS CONTROL to change
   the character that precedes the commands from a period (.) to a
   character of your choice. You can enter .NO FLAGS CONTROL to turn
   off recognition of the Control flag character.


      There is no way to reenable recognition of the Control flag
      once you enter the .NO FLAGS CONTROL command.


     .FLAGS CONTROL  [k]


   Abreviated formats

     .FL CONTROL  [k]


4  Parameter


   Specifies a character to replace the current Control flag

4  Default
   .FLAGS CONTROL - Recognition of the Control flag character (.) is
   turned on.

   The .FLAGS HYPHENATE and .NO FLAGS HYPHENATE commands turn on and
   turn off recognition of the Hyphenate flag character (=).




   Abreviated formats

     .FL HYPHENATE  [k]


4  Parameter


   Specifies a character to replace the current flag character.

4  Default
   .NO FLAGS HYPHENATE - Recognition of the Hyphenate flag character
   (=) is turned off.

   The .FLAGS INDEX and .NO FLAGS INDEX commands turn on and turn
   off recognition of the Index flag character (>).


     .FLAGS INDEX  [k]


   Abreviated formats

     .FL INDEX  [k]


4  Parameter


   Specifies a character to replace the current flag character.

4  Default
   .NO FLAGS INDEX - Recognition of the Index flag character (>) is
   turned off.

   The .FLAGS LOWERCASE and .NO FLAGS LOWERCASE commands turn on and
   turn off recognition of the Lowercase flag character (\).




   Abreviated formats

     .FL LOWERCASE  [k]


4  Parameter


   Specifies a character to replace the current flag character.

4  Default
   .FLAGS LOWERCASE - Recognition of the Lowercase flag character
   (\) is turned on.

   and disable recognition of the Overstrike flag character (%).




   Abreviated formats

     .FL OVERSTRIKE  [k]


4  Parameter


   Specifies a character to replace the current flag character.

4  Default
   .NO FLAGS OVERSTRIKE - Recognition of the Overstrike flag
   character (%) is turned off.

   The .FLAGS PERIOD and .NO FLAGS PERIOD commands turn on and turn
   off recognition of the Period flag character (+). When the period
   flag is in effect, an extra space is inserted after the following
   punctuation marks: period (.), colon (:), question mark (?) and
   exclamation point (!).


     .FLAGS PERIOD  [k]


   Abreviated formats

     .FL PERIOD  [k]


4  Parameter


   Specifies a character to replace the current flag character.

4  Default
   .PERIOD FLAG - Recognition of the Period flag character (+) is
   turned on.

   The .FLAGS SPACE and .NO FLAGS SPACE commands turn on and turn
   off recognition of the Space flag character (#).


     .FLAGS SPACE  [k]


   Abreviated formats

     .FL SPACE  [k]


4  Parameter


   Specifies a character to replace the current flag character.

4  Default
   .FLAGS SPACE - Recognition of the Space flag character (#) is
   turned on.

   The .FLAGS SUBINDEX and .NO FLAGS SUBINDEX commands turn on and
   turn off recognition of the Subindex flag (>). You can also
   use the .FLAGS SUBINDEX command to change the Subindex flag to
   another character. If you enter .NO FLAGS SUBINDEX, the command
   will cause a right angle bracket (>) to be printed as part of
   your indexed text, instead of causing subindexing.




   Abreviated formats

     .FL SUBINDEX  [k]


4  Parameter


   Specifies a character to replace the current flag character.

4  Default
   .FLAGS SUBINDEX - Recognition of the Subindex flag character (>)
   within .INDEX or .ENTRY commands is turned on. The Subindex flag
   character is always taken as normal text outside an .INDEX or
   .ENTRY command.

   The .FLAGS SUBSTITUTE and .NO FLAGS SUBSTITUTE commands turn on
   and turn off recognition of the Substitute flag character ($).
   The default Substitute flag character ($) or any replacement
   character you specify must be used in pairs.




   Abreviated formats

     .FL SUBSTITUTE  [k]


4  Parameter


   Specifies a character to replace the current flag character.

4  Default
   .NO FLAGS SUBSTITUTE - Recognition of the Substitute flag
   character ($) is turned off.

   The .FLAGS UNDERLINE and .NO FLAGS UNDERLINE commands turn on and
   turn off recognition of the Underline flag character (&).




   Abreviated formats

     .FL UNDERLINE  [k]


4  Parameter


   Specifies a character to replace the current flag character.

4  Default
   .FLAGS UNDERLINE - Recognition of the Underline flag character
   (&) is turned on.

   The .FLAGS UPPERCASE and .NO FLAGS UPPERCASE commands turn on and
   turn off recognition of the Uppercase flag (^).




   Abreviated formats

     .FL UPPERCASE  [k]


4  Parameter


   Specifies a character to replace the current flag character.

4  Default
   .FLAGS UPPERCASE - Recognition of the Uppercase flag character
   (^) is turned on.

   The .FOOTNOTE command places the text following it at the bottom
   of the current page if there is room. If there is not enough
   room on the current page for the entire footnote, DSR places the
   entire note at the bottom of the next page.

   The .END FOOTNOTE command ends the footnote and restores any
   case, fill, justify, spacing, or margin settings that you might
   have changed within the footnote.

   The right margin of the footnote will be the same as the right
   margin in effect for the document at the time the footnote is
   created. If you change the right margin of the document but
   want the right margin of all footnotes to be the same, enter the
   .RIGHT MARGIN command immediately after each .FOOTNOTE command to
   set the same right margin for each footnote.

   The left margin setting of the footnote is defaulted to 0.


     .FOOTNOTE  [n]


   Abreviated formats

     .FN  [n]


4  Parameter


   The number of lines the footnote will occupy. This argument is
   included only for compatibility with older versions of RUNOFF and
   is not necessary or recommended.

   The .HEADER LEVEL command allows you to specify both a section
   number and a section title. Successive .HEADER LEVEL commands
   of the same value (all .HEADER LEVEL 1's for example) cause the
   section numbers to increase sequentially. This happens at all six
   levels of headers. If your current section is in Chapter 2 and is
   numbered (a header level 3), then the following numbering
   would result depending upon the .HEADER LEVEL command you used:

   o  .HL4 would number the next section

   o  .HL3 (or .HL without a value, since .HL defaults to the
      current level) would number the next section

   o  .HL2 would number the next section 2.5.3

   o  .HL1 would number the next section 2.6


   Following is a summary of default header level numbering for
   three levels of three different types of documents:
   Default Header Level Numbering

                      Nonchapter  Chapter n    Appendix A

   .HEADER LEVEL 1    1           n.1          A.1
   .HEADER LEVEL 2    1.1         n.1.1        A.1.1
   .HEADER LEVEL 3    1.1.1       n.1.1.1      A.1.1.1


     .HEADER LEVEL  [[+/-]n] [title]

   Abreviated format

     .HL  [[+/-]n] [title]

4  Parameters


   A number from 1 to 6 that specifies the level of the header. Do
   not confuse the level numbers with the header numbers that are
   printed in your document just to the left of the header title.


   Adds n to the current header level number.


   Subtracts n from the current header level number.


   The name of the section you are now starting. Do not precede the
   title with a semicolon (;).

4  Default
   If you enter .HEADER LEVEL without specifying a level number, you
   get the current header level. All header levels, .HEADER LEVEL
   1 to .HEADER LEVEL 6, begin their numbering with 1 unless you
   specify another value with .NUMBER LEVEL.

   The .HEADERS ON and .NO HEADERS commands restore and cancel,
   respectively, the capability of having one or two lines of
   information at the top of a page. These lines indicate the
   content of the page and the page number. They are called running
   heads, which you should not confuse with section heads (specified
   with .HEADER LEVEL commands).


     .HEADERS [ON]


   Abreviated formats

     .HD [ON]



4  Default

3  .HEADERS_case
   The .HEADERS case commands specify the case of the word "page"
   that precedes the page number. The commands .HEADERS UPPER,
   .HEADERS LOWER and .HEADERS MIXED produce, respectively, PAGE,
   page, and Page. In an index, these commands also affect the word
   "index" that is part of the page number, for example, Page Index-
   3. The command normally takes effect on the next page.





   Abreviated formats

     .HD  UPPER

     .HD  LOWER

     .HD  MIXED

4  Default

   The .INDENT command causes the first line of text following it to
   begin at a position relative to the left margin.


     .INDENT  [[-]n]

   Abreviated format

     .I  [[-]n]

4  Parameters


   Specifies how many character positions to the right of the left
   margin setting the first line of text will begin.


   Specifies how many character positions to the left of the left
   margin setting the first line of text will begin. .INDENT cannot
   begin to the left of character position 0.

4  Default
   If you enter .INDENT without a number, you get the indent value
   that you specified with .PARAGRAPH or .SET PARAGRAPH. If you
   did not enter either of these paragraph commands, you get an
   indentation of 5.

   The .INDEX command creates an index entry with a page number


     .INDEX  topic [>subtopic1... >subtopicn]

   Abreviated format

     .X  topic [>subtopic1... >subtopicn]

   The .JUSTIFY command causes DSR to insert exactly enough space
   between words so that the last character reaches the right
   margin. The .NO JUSTIFY command disables justification.




   Abreviated formats



4  Default

3  .KEEP
   The .KEEP command allows you to keep blank lines that are present
   in the input file, in the output file when .NO FILL is in effect.
   Normally, multiple blank lines in the input file are discarded
   in the output file while .NO FILL is in effect. .NO KEEP also
   discards blank lines when .NO FILL is in effect. (See also



     .NO KEEP

   Abreviated formats



4  Default

   The .LAYOUT command rearranges running-head and running-foot
   information on pages. (See the .HEADERS ON command.) When the
   default .LAYOUT operates, page numbering is not displayed on the
   first page, it starts on page 2.


     .LAYOUT  n1 [,n2]

   Abreviated format

     .LO  n1 [,n2]

4  Parameters


   A number from 0 to 3 that specifies one of the following
   arrangements of running head information:

   .LAYOUT 0   Restores the standard arrangement of title and
               subtitle in the upper left of a page, and page number
               and date in the upper right.
   .LAYOUT 1   Titles and subtitles are centered at the tops of
               pages. Page numbers are centered at the bottom. No
               date is output.
   .LAYOUT 2   Titles and subtitles appear at the top right of
               right-hand (odd-numbered) pages and at the top left
               of left-hand (even-numbered) pages. Page numbers are
               centered at the bottom. No date is output.
   .LAYOUT 3   Gives the standard page arrangement for title and
               subtitle (as in .LAYOUT 0), but with the addition
               of running-page numbers centered at the bottom of
               pages between two hyphens (for example, - 23 -).
               Running-page numbers are consecutive through the
               entire document rather than within chapters; they
               are not affected by the .NO NUMBER or .NUMBER PAGE
               commands. (See also .NUMBER RUNNING.)


   Specifies how many lines below the last line of text on a page
   the number will appear. You must specify n2 if n1 is 1, 2, or 3.
   If n1 is 0, you cannot specify a value for n2.

4  Default
   .LAYOUT 0

   The .LEFT MARGIN command sets the left margin to the specified


     .LEFT MARGIN  [[+/-]n]

   Abreviated format

     .LM  [[+/-]n]

4  Parameters


   Specifies the number of the character position of the left
   margin. For example, .LEFT MARGIN 0 sets the left margin just
   to the left of the first character position.


   Sets the left margin n character positions to the right of the
   current left margin.


   Sets the left margin n character positions to the left of the
   current left margin.

4  Default

3  .LIST
   The .LIST command specifies the beginning of a list by resetting
   the left margin farther to the right, by setting a .SKIP command
   value to take effect before each item in the list, and by
   executing .TEST PAGE. Use the .LIST ELEMENT command to specify
   each item in the list. .LIST ELEMENT commands also give you
   numbers or letters in sequence in the left margin or let you
   substitute a single character of your choice for each of the
   numbers or letters (for example, the lowercase letter o, which
   is known as a "bullet"). (See also .DISPLAY ELEMENTS and .NUMBER

   The .END LIST command ends a list, restoring any fill, justify,
   case, margin, or spacing settings that were in effect before you
   entered the most recent .LIST command. You can also specify a
   value with .END LIST that puts blank lines after the last item in
   the list (as with .SKIP).


     .LIST  [[-]n] ["x"]

     .END LIST  [[-]n]

     .LIST  [[-]n] ['x']

     .END LIST  [[-]n]

   Abreviated formats

     .LS  [[-]n] ["x"]

     .ELS  [[-]n]

     .LS  [[-]n] ['x']

     .ELS  [[-]n]

4  Parameters


   With .LIST, specifies the number of blank lines to appear before
   each item. Each blank line can result in additional blank lines
   if the .SPACING setting is greater than 1. (See .SKIP n.)

   With .END LIST, behaves the same as n with .LIST, however, the
   blank lines appear after the final item in the current list.


   With .LIST, pushes the next line of list text to within n lines
   of the bottom of the current page by inserting blank lines. (See
   .SKIP -n and .BLANK -n.)

   With .END LIST, pushes the next line of current list text to
   within n lines of the bottom of the current page by inserting
   blank lines. (See .SKIP -n and .BLANK -n.)


   A character enclosed in quotation marks ("x") or apostrophes
   ('x') that you can specify to appear at the beginning of each
   list item.

4  Defaults

   o  If you omit n from either .LIST or .END LIST, you get the
      .SKIP value associated with .PARAGRAPH or .SET PARAGRAPH or 1
      (if you have not specified such a value).

   o  If you omit "x," you get a sequence of decimal numbers
      beginning with 1, or you get another kind of sequence if you
      enter the .DISPLAY ELEMENTS command after the .LIST.

   The .LIST ELEMENT command specifies the beginning of each item
   in a list. If you specify a character in a .LIST command, it
   appears, followed by two spaces, before each item. Otherwise,
   a sequence of numbers or letters, as defined in the .DISPLAY
   ELEMENTS command, appears when you enter successive .LIST ELEMENT
   commands. If you have not entered the .DISPLAY ELEMENTS command,
   you will get a sequence of decimal numbers, each followed by a
   period and two spaces. (See .LIST, .END LIST, .DISPLAY ELEMENTS,
   and .NUMBER LIST.)


     .LIST ELEMENT;  text

   Abreviated format

     .LE;  text

4  Parameter


   The text that will appear after the list element delimiter.

4  Defaults

   o  If you have not entered the .LIST command with a specified
      character to appear in the left margin, you will get the kind
      of sequence that you specified in .DISPLAY ELEMENTS.

   o  If you have not entered the .DISPLAY ELEMENTS command, you
      will get decimal numbers, each followed by a period and two

   The .LITERAL command allows you to have your text formatted
   exactly as you have typed it. This means that you will get a
   blank line in the output file wherever a blank line occurs in the
   input file. (If the value specified by the .SPACING command is
   anything other than one, you will get the spacing value that you

   Commands are not recognized when .LITERAL is in effect and are
   treated as ordinary text if you enter them. DSR flags are also
   treated as normal text. Tab stops set prior to the .LITERAL
   command, however, are still in effect within the block of
   .LITERAL text (see .TAB STOPS). You must enter .END LITERAL when
   you want DSR to resume normal formatting.

   If you want to have flags in effect, use the .KEEP and .NO FILL
   commands instead of the .LITERAL command.


     .LITERAL  [n]


   Abreviated formats

     .LT  [n]


4  Parameter


   The number of lines to be produced. This argument is included
   only for compatibility with older versions of RUNOFF and is not
   necessary or recommended.

   The .NO SPACE command prevents the insertion of the end-of-line
   space for one line of text only, causing the characters at the
   end of one line and the beginning of the next to be adjacent.

   Without the .NO SPACE command, when .FILL is in effect, DSR
   treats the end of an input line exactly like a space. That is,
   it inserts a space in the output file at the place where each
   input line ended (this is the meaning of "fill\nospace").

   If you ever have occasion to use this command, you should enter
   it immediately after the end-of-line space that you want to


     .NO SPACE

   Abreviated format


4  Default
   You get the normal space when you press the Return key unless you
   execute .NO SPACE.

3  .NOTE
   The .NOTE command highlights a portion of text by narrowing the
   margin settings, centering the text on the page, and printing a
   title centered over the text.

   The .END NOTE command restores the fill, justify, case, margin,
   and spacing settings that were in effect just before you entered
   the .NOTE.


     .NOTE  [text]

     .END NOTE  [[-]n]

   Abreviated formats

     .NT  [text]

     .EN  [[-]n]

4  Parameters


   Specifies the number of blank lines to follow the note. If
   .SPACING has a value greater than 1, you will get more lines
   than you specified. (See also .SKIP n.)


   Specifies that the next line of text be pushed to within n lines
   of the bottom of the current page by the insertion of blank
   lines. (See also .SKIP -n and .BLANK -n.)


   A title for the note. If omitted, the word NOTE appears in
   uppercase letters over the text.

4  Default
   The word NOTE appears in uppercase letters over the text if you
   do not specify a title. The .END NOTE command leaves 1 blank line
   after the note.

   The .NUMBER APPENDIX command allows you to specify an identifying
   letter with which a sequence of appendixes will begin. The next
   .APPENDIX command starts the sequence. Subsequent .APPENDIX
   commands cause appendixes to be lettered in alphabetic order.


     .NUMBER APPENDIX  [[+/-]n]

   Abreviated format

     .NMAX  [[+/-]n]

4  Parameters


   The character that specifies what the next appendix letter will
   be. You can specify the letter itself (A) or you can specify a
   number corresponding (in order) to the letter that will identify
   the appendix. For example, 1=A, 26=Z, 27=AA, 28=AB.


   Specifies how many alphabetically ordered letters past the
   current appendix letter the next .APPENDIX character will be.
   For example, if the current appendix is APPENDIX B, then .NUMBER
   APPENDIX +2 will cause the next .APPENDIX to produce APPENDIX D.


   Specifies how many alphabetically ordered letters before the
   current appendix letter the next .APPENDIX letter will be.

4  Default
   Sequential uppercase lettering, beginning with A.

   The .NUMBER CHAPTER command allows you to specify the number
   with which a sequence of chapters will begin. The next .CHAPTER
   command starts the sequence. Subsequent .CHAPTER commands will
   cause each chapter to be numbered one higher than the previous
   chapter. (See also .DISPLAY CHAPTER.)


     .NUMBER CHAPTER  [[+/-]n]

   Abreviated format

     .NMCH  [[+/-]n]

4  Parameters


   The number that the next .CHAPTER will have. Entering the .NUMBER
   CHAPTER command without an argument gives Chapter 1.


   Adds n to the number of the most recently issued .CHAPTER. The
   result is the number that the next .CHAPTER will have.


   Subtracts n from the number of the most recently entered
   .CHAPTER. The result is the number that the next .CHAPTER will

4  Default
   Sequential decimal numbering, beginning with 1.

   The .NUMBER LEVEL command allows you to specify the beginning
   number of a sequence of headers. Enter this command immediately
   before the first .HEADER LEVEL command that you want to affect.
   Subsequent .HEADER LEVEL commands will each be one higher than
   the preceding one according to its level (see .HEADER LEVEL).


     .NUMBER LEVEL  [[+/-]n1] [,[+/-]n2]...[,[+/-]n6]

   Abreviated format

     .NMLV  [[+/-]n1] [,[+/-]n2]...[,[+/-]n6]

4  Parameters


   Indicate positioned numbers in a section header. The commas
   correspond to the dots in the printed section number. For
   example, to set the next .HEADER LEVEL to, you would
   enter the following commands:

      .NUMBER LEVEL 3,5,2,4


   Adds n to the current value of the parameter N.


   Subtracts n from the current value of the parameter N.

4  Default
   Sequential decimal numbering, beginning with 1.

   The .NUMBER LIST command allows you to specify, anywhere in a
   list, the number with which a sequence of items in a list will
   begin. Enter this command just before the .LIST ELEMENT command
   that you want to affect. Subsequent list elements will each have
   a number that is one greater than the number for the preceding
   .LIST ELEMENT command. (See also .DISPLAY ELEMENTS, with which
   you can specify the form the number will take.)


     .NUMBER LIST   n

   Abreviated format

     .NMLS  n

4  Parameter


   Specifies a string of characters or the number with which a
   following sequence of items in a list will begin. You must enter
   .LIST ELEMENT following the .NUMBER LIST command.

4  Default
   Sequential decimal numbering, beginning with 1.

   The .NO NUMBER command suspends normal page numbering. The
   .NUMBER PAGE command resumes normal page numbering, having kept
   track of the numbering while .NO NUMBER was in effect; or it
   allows you to specify the beginning of a new number sequence by
   specifying a number for the next page. (See also .NUMBER RUNNING,


     .NUMBER PAGE  [[+/-]n]


   Abreviated formats

     .NMPG  [[+/-]n]


4  Parameters


   The number that the next page will have.


   Sets the number of the next page to n more than the number of the
   current page.


   Sets the number of the next page to n less than the number of the
   current page.

4  Default
   Sequential decimal numbering, beginning with 1 or chapter
   number-1 or appendix letter-1.

   The .NUMBER RUNNING command allows you to specify the beginning
   of a new sequence of running page numbers. This command affects
   page numbers only if you have entered a .LAYOUT command with an
   n1 value of 3. (See .LAYOUT, .HEADERS ON, and .NO NUMBER.)


     .NUMBER RUNNING  [[+/-]n]

   Abreviated format

     .NMR  [[+/-]n]

4  Parameters


   The running number that the next page will have.


   Sets the running number of the next page to n more than the
   running number of the current page.


   Sets the running number of the next page to n less than the
   running number of the current page.

4  Default
   No running page numbers.

   The .NUMBER SUBPAGE command allows you to specify the beginning
   of a new sequence of subpage numbers, for example, 1-16A, 1-16B,
   1-16C, and so on. This command affects only the letters that the
   .SUBPAGE command appends to the normally numeric page number.
   .NUMBER SUBPAGE takes effect on the next page. (See also .SUBPAGE


     .NUMBER SUBPAGE  [[+/-]n]

   Abreviated format

     .NMSPG  [[+/-]n]

4  Parameters


   The subpage letter that will be appended to the number of the
   next page. You can specify the letter itself (A) or you can
   specify a number corresponding (in order) to the letter that
   the subpage will have. For example, 1=A, 26=Z, 27=AA, 28=AB.


   Specifies how many alphabetically ordered letters past the
   current subpage letter the next subpage letter will be. For
   example, if the current subpage is page 3-12E, then .NUMBER
   SUBPAGE +2 will cause the next subpage to be numbered 3-12G.


   Specifies how many alphabetically ordered letters before the
   current subpage letter the next subpage letter will be.

4  Default
   Sequential uppercase lettering, beginning with A.

3  .PAGE
   The .PAGE command starts a new page. A page must have either
   text or a .FIGURE DEFERRED command on it for the.PAGE command to
   create a new page. Consecutive .PAGE commands do not create blank



   Abreviated format


   The .PAGE SIZE command sets the page "frame" by specifying the
   page length (the maximum number of lines of text on a page)
   and the page width for the running heads. (Compare with .RIGHT
   MARGIN, which sets the text width.) The width component of .PAGE
   SIZE and the value established by .RIGHT MARGIN are separate


     .PAGE SIZE  [[+/-]n1] [,[+/-]n2]

   Abreviated format

     .PS  [[+/-]n1] [,[+/-]n2]

4  Parameters


   (Length) is the maximum number of lines on a page; n1 cannot be
   smaller than 13.


   Increases the current page length by n1 lines.


   Decreases the current page length by n1 lines.


   (Width) is the maximum number of characters on a line for running
   heads; n2 cannot be larger than 150.


   Increases the current page width by n2 characters.


   Decreases the current page width by n2 characters.

4  Default
   .PAGE SIZE 58,70

   The .PAGING command enables paging. The .NO PAGING command
   disables it.




   Abreviated formats



4  Default

   The .PARAGRAPH command controls spacing and page placement
   associated with the creation of paragraphs. The .PARAGRAPH
   command executes .TEST PAGE, followed by .SKIP and .INDENT. (See
   also .SET PARAGRAPH.)


     .PARAGRAPH  [[-]n1 [,[-]n2 [,n3]]]

   Abreviated format

     .P  [[-]n1 [,[-]n2 [,n3]]]

   The parameters n1, n2, and n3 are identical to the values of the
   .SET PARAGRAPH command. If you choose not to use one of these
   optional parameters, you must use a comma as a placeholder for
   the missing parameter in the parameter list.

4  Parameters

n1 = spaces indented (The default is 5.)

   Specifies (like .INDENT) how many character positions to the
   right of the left margin setting the first line of text will


   Specifies how many character positions to the left of the left
   margin setting the first line of text will begin; -n1 cannot,
   however, cause the text to begin to the left of character
   position 0.

n2 = vertical spacing (The default is 1.)

   Specifies (like .SKIP) the number of blank lines you want
   inserted before the paragraph. You get additional blank lines
   if the .SPACING value is greater than 1 (see .SKIP, .SPACING).


   Specifies that the next line of text be pushed to within n2
   lines of the bottom of the current page by the insertion of
   blank lines. Every line but the last one retains the line spacing
   (.SPACING value) that follows it.

n3 = test page lines (The default is 2.)

   Specifies (like .TEST PAGE) the number of lines of text required
   to be on one page. This parameter, unlike the .TEST PAGE command,
   takes into account any blank lines that the .SPACING command
   is routinely inserting after each line of text. If there is not
   enough room on the current page to accommodate that many lines,
   DSR puts the text on the next page. You can cancel this function
   by specifying 0 for n3.

4  Defaults

   o  .PARAGRAPH 5,1,2

   o  If you enter .PARAGRAPH without one or more of the n values,
      you get the corresponding setting from the previous .PARAGRAPH
      or .SET PARAGRAPH that you entered.

   o  If you enter .PARAGRAPH without one or more of the n values
      and if you have not set values in any previous .PARAGRAPH or
      .SET PARAGRAPH that you might have entered, you get one or
      more of the following:


   The following table shows how to change the default values from 5
   for spaces indented, 1 for vertical spaces, and 2 for test page

   Format           Actual Arguments

   .PARAGRAPH       5,1,2
   .PARAGRAPH ,,4   5,1,4
   .PARAGRAPH 3     3,1,2
   .PARAGRAPH ,2    5,2,2

   DSR normally adds an extra space after any of the following
   punctuation marks in your text: period (.), colon (:), question
   mark (?), and exclamation point (!).

   The .NO PERIOD command cancels the extra space that DSR inserts
   after any of the punctuation marks listed in the previous
   paragraph. The .NO PERIOD command is used to differentiate
   between punctuation used as part of a sentence, and punctuation
   used as part of a DSR command.

   The .PERIOD command restores the routine insertion of an extra
   space following any of the punctuation marks listed in the
   previous paragraph.




   Abreviated formats



4  Default

   The .REPEAT command allows you to specify up to 150 characters
   to be printed a specified number of times, either horizontally or
   vertically. The text will be repeated horizontally when .FILL is
   in effect, and vertically when .NO FILL is in effect.


     .REPEAT  n "x" (or n 'x')

   Abreviated format

     .RPT  n "x" (or n 'x')

4  Parameters


   The number of times you want the characters printed.


   A string of up to 150 characters. You must enclose the characters
   within quotation marks (" ") or apostrophes (' ').

   The .REQUIRE command allows you to process several DSR files at
   the same time and merge them in an output file.


     .REQUIRE  "filespec" (or 'filespec')

   Abreviated format

     .REQ  "filespec" (or 'filespec')

4  Parameter


   A file specification enclosed in quotation marks or apostrophes.
   If you just specify a file name, the default file type is .RNO.
   If you do not supply a full file specification, DSR uses your
   default device and directory. If you want to include (.REQUIRE)
   files from other devices or directories, you must specify the
   full file specification.

   This command, when used with the .SAVE command, maintains the
   formatting context of a document for the user. The files produced
   by the DSR utilities make changes to the formatting context. In
   order not to disturb the user's context, the .RNT and .RNX files
   execute .SAVE and .RESTORE commands.

   The .RESTORE command restores the formatting information saved
   by the last-issued .SAVE command. .SAVE/ .RESTORE pairs may be
   nested up to 10 pairs deep.



   Abreviated format


   The .RIGHT command positions a single line of text relative to
   the right margin. (See also .CENTER.)


     .RIGHT  [[-]n]; text

     .RIGHT  [[-]n]

   Abreviated formats

     .R   [[-]n]; text

     .R   [[-]n]

4  Parameters


   Specifies how many character positions to the left of the right
   margin setting the line will be indented.


   Specifies the number of character positions to the right of the
   right margin setting that the line will extend to.


   The text to be positioned relative to the right margin. No other
   DSR commands can follow this text on a line.

4  Default
   If you enter .RIGHT without a value, you get a 0, which will push
   the line of text to the right margin.

   The .RIGHT MARGIN command sets the right margin to the position
   that you specify. This is the position to which a line of text
   normally extends. If .JUSTIFY is in effect, the .RIGHT MARGIN
   value is the position against which text is justified. If .NO
   JUSTIFY is in effect, the .RIGHT MARGIN value specifies the
   maximum number of characters on any text line. (Compare with
   .PAGE SIZE, which sets the page width for running heads.)


     .RIGHT MARGIN  [[+/-]n]

   Abreviated format

     .RM  [[+/-]n]

4  Parameters


   Specifies the character position of the new right margin; n must
   be greater than the value for the left margin. (For example,
   .RIGHT MARGIN 60 sets the right margin just to the right of the
   60th character position.) The maximum value of n is 150.


   Sets the right margin n character positions to the right of the
   current right margin.


   Sets the right margin n character positions to the left of the
   current right margin.

4  Defaults

   o  If you do not enter the .RIGHT MARGIN command, you get .RIGHT
      MARGIN 70.

   o  If you enter .RIGHT MARGIN without a value, you get the
      default value 70.

3  .SAVE
   This command, when used with the .RESTORE command, maintains the
   formatting context of a document for the user. The files produced
   by the DSR utilities make changes to the formatting context. In
   order not to disturb the user's context, the .RNT and .RNX files
   execute .SAVE and .RESTORE commands.

   The .SAVE command stores information about the current RUNOFF
   formatting context; this includes DSR defaults and DSR commands
   and flags issued by the user.

   The .RESTORE command restores the formatting information saved
   by the last-issued .SAVE command. .SAVE/ .RESTORE pairs may be
   nested up to 10 pairs deep.



   Abreviated format


   The .SEND TOC command allows you to insert DSR commands, DSR
   flags, and text into the table of contents (.RNT) file. The items
   that you insert affect the appearance of the table of contents.
   For example, you can send emphasis flag characters to cause
   bolding and underlining in the table of contents.


     .SEND TOC  text

   Abreviated format

     .STC  text

4  Parameter


   Specifies the DSR command, DSR flag, or text that you are sending
   to the table of contents.

   The .SET DATE and .SET TIME commands let you specify a date and
   time to be inserted in your file when you issue the Substitute
   flag pair, $$, with any of the appropriate date or time
   parameters. .SET DATE also sets the date for the .DATE command,
   which causes the date to appear in running heads.


     .SET DATE  d1 ,d2 ,d3

     .SET TIME  t1 ,t2 ,t3

   Abreviated formats

     .SDT  d1 ,d2 ,d3

     .STM  t1 ,t2 ,t3

4  Parameters


   A number specifying the day of the month


   A number specifying the month of the year


   A number specifying the year (either four digits or the last two
   digits of the year)


   A number specifying the hour of the day


   A number specifying minutes past the hour


   A number specifying seconds past the minute

   If you precede any of these values with a plus sign (+) or a
   minus sign (-), you will change the corresponding current value
   by adding to or subtracting from it the value following the + or

4  Defaults

   o  If you do not enter .SET DATE or .SET TIME, entering a $$time,
      $$date, or any of the appropriate date or time parameters with
      the substitute flag pair ($$) will give you the date or time
      that DSR began processing the file.

   o  If you enter either of these .SET commands, you can retain
      a previous value by omitting its value from the command. You
      must, however, type any comma that would have followed it.

   o  If you enter either command without specifying any values for
      it, you will get the current date or the time as of the second
      the command is executed.

   The .SET LEVEL command allows you to preset the level of the
   next section head without entering a .HEADER LEVEL command (see


     .SET LEVEL  [+/-]n

   Abreviated format

     .SL  [+/-]n

4  Parameters


   Specifies the level for the next .HEADER LEVEL command.


   Makes the level for the next .HEADER LEVEL command n more than
   the current level.


   Makes the level for the next .HEADER LEVEL command n less than
   the current level.

   The .SET PARAGRAPH command allows you to set values for
   command can be especially useful if you plan to execute


     .SET PARAGRAPH  [[-]n1 [,[-]n2 [,n3]]]

   Abreviated format

     .SPR  [[-]n1 [,[-]n2 [,n3]]]

   The parameters n1, n2, and n3 are identical to the values of
   the .PARAGRAPH command. If you choose not to use one of these
   optional parameters, you must use a comma as a placeholder for
   the missing parameter in the parameter list.

4  Parameters

n1 = spaces indented (The default is 5.)

   Specifies (like .INDENT) how many character positions to the
   right of the .LEFT MARGIN setting the first line of text will


   Specifies how many character positions to the left of the .LEFT
   MARGIN setting the first line of text will begin; -n1 cannot,
   however, cause the text to begin to the left of character
   position 0.

n2 = vertical spacing (The default is 1.)

   Specifies (like .SKIP) the number of blank lines you want
   inserted before the paragraph. You get additional blank lines
   if the .SPACING value is greater than 1.


   Specifies that the next line of text be pushed to within n2
   lines of the bottom of the current page by the insertion of
   blank lines. Every line but the last one retains the line spacing
   (.SPACING value) that follows it.

n3 = test page lines (The default is 2.)

   Specifies (like .TEST PAGE) the number of lines of text required
   to be on one page. Unlike the .TEST PAGE command itself, n3 takes
   into account any blank lines that .SPACING routinely inserts
   after each line of text. If there is not enough room on the
   current page to accommodate that many lines, DSR puts the text
   on the next page. You can cancel this function by specifying 0
   for n3.

3  .SKIP
   The .SKIP command inserts a multiple of the number of blank
   lines that has been specified by the .SPACING command. Contrast
   this with .BLANK, which inserts only the number of blank lines
   specified with the .BLANK command itself. (See .BLANK.)


     .SKIP  [[-]n]

   Abreviated format

     .S  [[-]n]

4  Parameters


   The number of .SPACING lines you want inserted. For example, if
   you have specified a .SPACING value of two lines and you enter
   .SKIP without an n value, DSR will insert two blank lines (the
   .SPACING value). If you enter .SKIP 2, DSR will insert four blank
   lines (2 times the .SPACING value), and so on.


   Specifies that the next line of text be pushed to within n lines
   of the bottom of the current page by the insertion of blank
   lines. Every line but the last one retains the line spacing
   (.SPACING value) that follows it.

4  Default
   If you enter no value for .SKIP, and you have entered no .SPACING
   command, you get .SKIP 1.

   The .SPACING command changes the amount of spacing between lines
   of text.


     .SPACING  n

   Abreviated format

     .SP  n

4  Parameter


   The amount of spacing that you want between lines of text. For
   example, 1 denotes single spacing (no blank lines between lines
   of text). You must specify n, which must be within the range of 1
   to 5, inclusively.

4  Default
   If you do not enter a .SPACING command, you get single spacing
   (.SPACING 1).

   The .STYLE HEADERS command changes the format and placement of
   the text portion of section heads (that is, the .HEADER LEVEL n


     .STYLE HEADERS  [n1] [,n2]...[,n9]

   Abreviated format

     .STHL  [n1] [,n2]...[,n9]

4  Parameters

n1 (The default is 3.)

   Specifies the lowest-numbered header level to have the section
   title run-in to the paragraph that it heads. The text immediately
   follows the header title on the same line instead of beginning
   a new paragraph. All higher-numbered levels also have run-in
   formats. If n1=4, then .HEADER LEVEL 4, 5, and 6 titles are
   run into the main text. All lower levels will have the title
   separated from the text by blank lines (see parameter n7 for
   number of blank lines).

n2 (The default is 1.)

   Specifies the highest-numbered header level to have its title
   printed entirely in uppercase. All lower-numbered levels will
   also have titles entirely in uppercase. If n2=4, then .HEADER
   LEVEL 1, 2, 3, and 4 will have titles in uppercase.

n3 (The default is 6.)

   Specifies the highest-numbered header level to have only the
   first letter of each word capitalized in the title. All lower-
   numbered levels will also have titles in mixed format. If n3=6,
   all levels will have this case format. All uppercase takes
   precedence over initial capital letters, if there is a conflict.

n4 (The default is 7.)

   Specifies the lowest-numbered header level not to have a
   section number to the left of its title. All higher-numbered
   levels will also not have section numbers to the left of their
   titles. Because there are only 6 header levels, the default of 7
   indicates that all headers numbered.

n5 (The default is 7.)

   Specifies the lowest numbered non-run-in header level to have
   its title centered. All higher-numbered non-run-in levels will
   also have their titles centered. Because there are only 6 header
   levels, the default value of 7 indicates that no header titles
   are centered.

n6 (The default is 3.)

   Specifies the number of blank lines you want before section

n7 (The default is 1.)

   Specifies the number of blank lines you want after non-run-in
   section heads before the text is printed.

n8 (The default is 9.)

   Specifies the number of lines you want to have available on the
   current page for the test page issued by .HEADER LEVEL. Note that
   n8 takes into account any blank lines that .SPACING routinely
   inserts after each line of text (unlike .TEST PAGE). (See also

n9 (The default is 2.)

   Specifies the number of spaces you want between the section
   number and the section title. The maximum value is 75.

4  Defaults
   If you do not specify a value for any given n, DSR supplies the
   following default values:

   n1=3  Run-in titles for header levels 3 to 6.
   n2=1  Titles in all uppercase for header level 1 only.
   n3=6  Titles with only the first letter of every word in
         uppercase for header level 2 to header level 6.
   n4=7  A sequence of numbers (or letters) preceding the section
         title. (See .DISPLAY LEVELS.)
   n5=7  Titles printed starting at the left margin (flush left),
         not centered.
   n6=3  Three blank lines before each header.
   n7=1  One blank line after each header.
   n8=9  Seven more than the test-page value of the most recent
         .PARAGRAPH or .SET PARAGRAPH command you have entered. If
         you have not specified such a value, you get 7 plus the
         .PARAGRAPH default of 2. (See the description of n8 for
         note on .SPACING adjustment.)
   n9=2  Two spaces between the section number of the header and the
         header itself (section title).

   The .SUBPAGE command begins a new page and a new format for page
   numbering. It numbers the new page by keeping the previous page
   number and appending the letter A to it. For example, if the
   previous page is 10, the first subpage is 10A and the next page
   becomes 10B unless you enter an .END SUBPAGE command. (See also

   The .END SUBPAGE command begins a new page and goes back to
   normal page numbering. If you enter the .END SUBPAGE command
   on page 2-8D, for example, the next page would be numbered 2-9.




   Abreviated formats



4  Default
   .SUBPAGE is not in effect.

   The .SUBTITLE command allows you to specify a subtitle for a
   running head (see .HEADERS ON). When using the default .LAYOUT
   command, the subtitle appears on the second line of every page
   (except page 1) at the leftmost position on a line (character
   position 0), regardless of the left margin setting. The .NO
   SUBTITLE command cancels the .SUBTITLE command. (See also


     .SUBTITLE  [text]


   Abreviated formats

     .ST  [text]


4  Parameter


   The title of the running head you want to appear on the second
   line of the page.

4  Defaults

   o  If you do not enter either .SUBTITLE or .NO SUBTITLE, you get

   o  If you enter the .SUBTITLE command without specifying subtitle
      text for it, you will get the effects of .AUTOSUBTITLE
      (provided you have not entered .NO AUTOSUBTITLE).

   o  If .AUTOSUBTITLE is in effect and if the text picked up from
      an applicable .HEADER LEVEL command is wider than the margins
      in effect when the subtitle is displayed, the subtitle is
      truncated and an ellipsis (...) is appended to the end of it.

   The .TAB STOPS command changes the current positions of tab
   stops. Each tab character in the input file advances the print
   carriage to the right to the next tab stop.


     .TAB STOPS  [[+/-]n1] [,[+/-]n2]...[,[+/-]n32]

   Abreviated format

     .TS  [[+/-]n1] [,[+/-]n2]...[,[+/-]n32]

4  Defaults

   o  If you enter the .TAB STOPS command without number or comma
      specifications, the use of all tab stops is suspended and the
      tab character is equivalent to a space.

   o  If you do not enter the .TAB STOPS command, successive tab
      characters work as if you had set a tab stop every eight
      positions; that is, as if you had entered .TAB STOPS 8,16,24,
      and so on. Note that because .PAGE SIZE has a width limit of
      150, 149 is the practical limit for .TAB STOPS.

   The .TEST PAGE command allows you to keep a specified amount of
   text entirely on a single page. If there is not enough room on
   the current page to accommodate that amount, DSR ends the current
   page and puts the entire text on the next page.


     .TEST PAGE  n

   Abreviated format

     .TP  n

4  Parameter


   The number of lines required to be on one page. This number
   cannot be omitted and must be positive.

   The .TITLE command allows you to specify a title for a running
   head (see .HEADERS ON). This title normally appears at the top
   of every page but the first, at the leftmost position on the line
   (character position 0), regardless of the .LEFT MARGIN setting.
   (See also .FIRST TITLE, .SUBTITLE, and .LAYOUT.)


     .TITLE  [text]

   Abreviated format

     .T  [text]

4  Parameter


   The title of the main running head you want to appear.

4  Default
   If you do not enter the .TITLE command, you get the title you
   specified in any .CHAPTER command that is in effect (unless you
   have entered .NO HEADERS).

   The .VARIABLE command allows you to specify a character that
   corresponds to the name you have given the commands and text in
   an .IF (or .IFNOT) block. This identifying character is placed
   in the left margin when you process your file with the /DEBUG or
   /DEBUG=CONDITIONALS command line qualifier.


     .VARIABLE  name [t ,f]

   Abreviated format

     .VR name  [t ,f]

4  Parameters


   The name you have given to the commands and text in an .IF (or
   .IFNOT) block.


   (True) is a single character of your choice that appears in front
   of lines of text to indicate that they will be processed (.IF
   block) if you specify /VARIANT, instead of /DEBUG, in the command


   (False) is a single character of your choice that appears
   in front of lines of text to indicate that they will not be
   processed (.IFNOT block) if you specify /VARIANT, instead of
   /DEBUG, in the command line.

   The .XLOWER command allows you to control the case of index
   entries specified by the .INDEX and the .ENTRY commands, or by
   the Index flag (>). The case of the index entries will match
   exactly the case that you enter when you make the index entry.

   See also the .XUPPER command.



   Abreviated format


4  Default
   If you do not specify the .XLOWER command, .XUPPER is the

   The .XUPPER command lets DSR control the case of index entries.
   If .XUPPER is in effect (as it is by default), DSR capitalizes
   the first character of every index entry and drops everything
   else in the entry to lowercase.

   See also the .XLOWER command.



   Abreviated formats


4  Default

2  DSR_Flags
   DSR flags are special characters that you enter to specify
   emphasis of text, case of characters, spacing of text, and other
   formatting details.

3  Accept
   The Accept flag (_) causes any character that directly follows it
   to be accepted as text.

   If the character is a punctuation mark after which DSR normally
   inserts an extra space (for example, a period), you can precede
   it with the Accept flag to cancel the extra space.

   If you want to insert a flag character into your text, the
   easiest way is to precede it with the Accept flag. For example,
   to insert an ampersand (&), which is also the Underline flag,
   type _&.

   For underlining purposes, you can use the Accept flag to cause
   the acceptance of an expandable space (one you produce by
   pressing the SPACE bar) because DSR normally does not underline
   spaces between words.

4  Default
   Recognition is turned on.

3  Bold
   The single character occurrence of the Bold flag (*) causes
   the next character to be printed in boldface; that is, to be
   overstruck once. You can cause characters to be overstruck more
   than once by using the /BOLD=number qualifier when processing
   the file with the RUNOFF command. Pairing the bold flag with the
   uppercase flag (^*) turns on the bolding until the lowercase/bold
   pair (\*) is encountered.

4  Default
   Recognition is turned off. To turn on recognition, you must use
   the .FLAGS BOLD command.

3  Break
   The Break flag (|) tells DSR where it may break a word that
   occurs at the end of a line. You might want DSR to be able to
   break a word after a slash (/) or a hyphen (-) that is part
   of the word (for example, "a yes/no response"). The Break flag
   allows a line to end where the flag occurs; no hyphen is ever
   inserted because of it.

   If the flag is turned on and inserted at break points, DSR is
   able to break the word at any of the specified points. If more
   than one Break flag is present in a word that DSR is breaking at
   the end of a line, DSR leaves as much of the word as possible on
   the line; that is, it breaks the word at the last possible Break

   The Break flag works the same whether .JUSTIFY or .NO JUSTIFY is
   in effect.

4  Default
   Recognition is turned off. To turn on recognition, you must use
   the .FLAGS BREAK command.

3  Capitalize
   The Capitalize flag (<) causes all the letters in the word
   directly following it to be capitalized, except for letters that
   may be preceded by an Accept (_) or Lowercase (\) flag.

   Capitalization continues until one of the following is

      An expandable space
      A Break flag (|)
      A Hyphenate flag (=)
      Another Capitalize flag
      A pair of Uppercase flags (^^)
      A pair of Lowercase flags (\\)
      The end of the line

   You can pair the Capitalize flag with the Uppercase flag (^<) to
   capitalize all following text up to the next case flag.

4  Default
   Recognition is turned off. To turn on recognition, you must use
   the .FLAGS CAPITALIZE command.

3  Comment
   The Comment flag (!) is used to insert comments in .RNO files.
   You type the comment text immediately after the Comment flag.
   Comments do not appear in the output file.

4  Default
   Recognition is turned on.

3  Control
   The Control flag (.) is placed at the left margin to begin a
   string of DSR commands. When you want a period to be accepted as
   a text character, you do not need to precede it with an Accept
   flag (_) as long as the period is not placed at the left margin.
   If you do need to have a period in the 0 character position
   (and it is not part of a DSR command), you must precede it with
   an Accept flag. Alternatively, you can use two periods at the
   beginning of a line; the effect is the same as if you had used an
   Accept flag.

4  Default
   Recognition is turned on.

3  Hyphenate
   When the Hyphenate flag (=) is turned on and inserted between
   syllables of a word, DSR knows where the word can be broken at
   the end of a line. DSR inserts a hyphen where the break occurs.
   If DSR does not find it necessary to break the word, however,
   the hyphen does not appear. By default, the Hyphenate flag is

   The action of this flag (as opposed to the recognition of the
   flag) can be disabled or reenabled by the .DISABLE HYPHENATION
   and .ENABLE HYPHENATION commands.

4  Default
   Recognition is turned off. To turn on recognition, you must use
   the .FLAGS HYPHENATE command.

3  Index
   With the Index flag (>), you can mark words in the text of your
   document as index entries. Using the .INDEX command instead of
   the Index flag is a more common way of marking index entries.

4  Default
   Recognition is turned off. To turn on recognition, you must use
   the .FLAGS INDEX command.

3  Lowercase
   The Lowercase flag (\) causes the letter that directly follows it
   to appear in lowercase. The flag has no effect if the character
   following it is not a letter.

   The Lowercase flag can be paired as follows:

   o  With the Underline flag (\&) to stop underlining text.

   o  With the Bold flag (\*) to stop bolding characters.

   o  With itself (\\) to cause the characters following it to be
      printed in lowercase by default. If you have a file that is
      in all uppercase, you can put a paired lowercase flag (\\)
      at the beginning of the file and then, as needed, override
      the temporary lowercase default by using a circumflex (^) to
      capitalize the letter following it.

4  Default
   Recognition is turned on.

3  Overstrike
   When the Overstrike flag (%) is turned on and inserted between
   two characters, it causes the first of the two characters to be
   overstruck by the following one. By default, the Overstrike flag
   is disabled.

   This capability allows the printing of characters not normally
   available, for example, a European 7, which is a 7 overstruck
   with a hyphen.

   Three or more characters can be overstruck, but only if you
   specify the /BACKSPACE qualifier in the DSR command line.
   Otherwise, only the first and last characters in an overstrike
   sequence will appear.

   The action performed by this flag (as opposed to the flag's
   recognition) can be disabled and reenabled by the .DISABLE

4  Default
   Recognition is turned off. To turn on recognition, you must use
   the .FLAGS OVERSTRIKE command.

3  Period
   DSR routinely inserts an extra expandable space after a period
   (.), colon (:), question mark (?), or exclamation point (!) that
   is followed by the usual end-of-word space.

   The Period flag (+) lets you specify the extra space following
   other characters.

   If the flag is turned on and .FILL is in effect, an extra
   space occurs when the flag (+) is inserted directly after the
   character. You must, however, insert the end-of-word space after
   the flag if it is to be effective.

   For example, if you have a complete sentence enclosed in
   quotation marks or parentheses, you may want an extra space after
   the closing quotation mark or parenthesis.

4  Default
   Recognition is turned off. To turn on recognition, you must use
   the .FLAGS PERIOD command.

3  Space
   The Space flag (#) produces one unexpandable space (not affected
   by justification) in the output file for every flag character
   inserted in the input file. If you insert the flag between two
   words, DSR treats them as one word (although they will appear
   as separate words in the output file). Therefore, you should not
   type any spaces before or after typing the Space flag.

   The flag can directly follow an Underline flag (&#) to cause the
   underlining of an unexpandable space.

4  Default
   Recognition is turned on.

3  Subindex
   The Subindex flag (>) works as a subindex entry flag only if you
   have issued an .INDEX or .ENTRY command. Subindex entries marked
   with this flag are collected and alphabetized below the primary
   entry to which they refer. The Subindex flag indicates that the
   next word or phrase will be placed on the following line of the
   index, indented two characters to the right of the preceding

4  Default
   Recognition is turned on only within .INDEX and .ENTRY commands.

3  Substitute
   The Subsitute flag ($$) is the only flag that must be used in
   pairs. When the flag is turned on, it causes either a date or
   a time to be output. The output is determined by the word you
   associate with the flag pair; for example, $$Date. See the output
   in the following example.

   When the Substitute flag is turned on, any dollar sign character
   ($), even if it is not paired, must be preceded by an Accept flag
   if it is to be taken as normal text by DSR.

4  Default
   Recognition is turned off. To turn on recognition, you must use
   the .FLAGS SUBSTITUTE command.

4  Examples
   The following table shows the use of the substitute flag. The
   output file will contain the date and time that DSR processing of
   the file began.

   Input                  Output

   $$Date                 10 November 1993
   $$Time                 10:55:00
   $$Year                 1993
   $$Month                November
   $$Day                  10
   $$Hours                10
   $$Minutes              55
   $$Seconds              00
   $$Month#$$Day,#$$Year  November 10, 1993

3  Underline
   The Underline flag (&) causes the next character to be

   The operation performed by this flag (as opposed to the flag's
   recognition) can be disabled and reenabled by the .DISABLE

   The Underline flag can be paired as follows:

   o  With the Uppercase flag (^&) to turn underlining on and with
      the Lowercase flag (\&) to turn underlining off.

   o  With the Space flag (&#) to cause the underlining of
      unexpandable spaces.

4  Default
   Recognition is turned on.

3  Uppercase
   The Uppercase flag (^) serves the same purpose as a typewriter
   Shift key when you use it just before typing a letter. The flag
   capitalizes any single letter that directly follows it. It has no
   effect if the character following it is not a letter.

   The Uppercase flag can be paired as follows:

   o  With a Capitalize flag (^<) to turn on the capitalization
      of the text that follows (the same as using Shift-Lock on a

   o  With an Underline flag (^&) to turn on underlining of the text
      that follows.

   o  With a Bold flag (^*) to turn on bolding for the text that

   o  With itself (^^) if you want to ensure that the case of
      letters in your input file is maintained in your output
      file. You can use this flag pair with those commands that
      control uppercasing and lowercasing (such as .HEADER LEVEL
      or .CHAPTER). When you specify a title, precede it with two
      circumflexes (^^).

4  Default
   Recognition is turned on.