1 DCE_CDS DCE Cell Directory Services (CDS) provide a location-independent method of identifying resources within a cell. A cell is the smallest group of DCE systems that share a common naming and security domain. 2 Administration_Intro NAME cds_intro - Introduction to the CDS commands DESCRIPTION The DCE Cell Directory Service provides the following management commands: o The cdsbrowser command starts the CDS Browser utility. This utility is based on the OSF/Motif graphical user interface. The Browser can display an overall directory structure as well as show the contents of directories. o The nsedit command starts the CDS namespace editor utility. This utility is based on the OSF/Motif graphical user interface. The editor can not only display directory structure and contents, but also allows modification of entries shown. o The cdscp command starts the CDS control program. Use this command line interface to manage the CDS components and the contents of your namespace. The following commands are typically started automatically by scripts that execute as part of normal system start-up procedures. See the reference pages for these commands before you try to use them. o The cdsadv command starts the advertisement and solicitation daemon on the local system. Use this command only when troubleshooting because the CDS advertiser process is normally started automatically by scripts that execute as part of normal system start-up procedures. o The cdsclerk command restarts the CDS clerk. Use this command only when troubleshooting because the CDS clerk process is normally started automatically by scripts that execute as part of normal system start-up procedures. o The cdsd command restarts the CDS server. Use this command only when troubleshooting because cdsd is normally started automatically by scripts that execute as part of normal system start-up procedures. o The gdad command starts the GDA (Global Directory Agent) daemon. The GDA enables intercell communication, serving as a connection to other cells through the global naming environment. The GDA is typically started automatically by scripts that execute as part of normal system start-up procedures. RELATED INFORMATION Book: DCE Administration Guide Commands: cdsadv cdsbrowser cdsclerk cdscp cdsd gdad dced nsedit 2 cdsadv NAME cdsadv - Starts the advertisement and solicitation daemon SYNOPSIS cdsadv [-c] [-D] [-s] [-w route] ARGUMENTS -c Specifies cache size in kilobytes. -D For debugging use only. -s Causes the server not to send or receive advertisements. This argument can be used for diagnostic work involving multiple servers on the same local area network to limit access to those servers identified with the define cached server command. -w route Routes serviceability messages. DESCRIPTION The cdsadv command starts the advertisement and solicitation daemon on the local system. Privilege Required You must log in as DCE$SERVER. NOTES This command is ordinarily executed by the CDS startup script on the system where the CDS server is running. You should use this command interactively only to do diagnostic work on the host system. EXAMPLE To restart a clerk, enter the following command: $ @sys$manager:dce$setup start To debug a clerk, follow these steps: 1. Log in to the clerk system as DCE$SERVER. 2. Log in to DCE as the machine principal of the local host. Enter the principal name in the format hosts/hostname/self as shown in the following example command for a host named orion whose password is smith: $ dce_login hosts/orion/self smith 3. Enter the following command to see if the dced process is already running: $ show system If the dced process appears on the list of active processes, proceed to step 4. If the dced process does not appear on the list of active processes, enter the following command to start the process: $ run sys$system:dce$dced 4. Enter the following command to start the cdsadv process: $ run sys$system:dce$cdsadver RELATED INFORMATION Books: OSF DCE Administration Guide 2 cdscp NAME cdscp - Starts the CDS control program SYNOPSIS cdscp [cdscp-command] ARGUMENTS See Command_Summary RELATED INFORMATION Books: OSF DCE Administration Guide 3 Command_Summary cdscp-command Optionally, specifies one of the following control commands: add directory Adds a value to a modifiable, set-valued attribute (including application-defined attributes) of a directory add object Adds a value to a modifiable, set-valued attribute (including application-defined attributes) of an object entry clear cached server Removes knowledge of a server that you had specifically defined from the local clerk's cache clear clearinghouse Removes knowledge of the specified clearinghouse from the server's memory create child Creates a child pointer at the master replica of the parent directory create clearinghouse Creates a clearinghouse on the local server system or makes an existing clearinghouse available create directory Creates a directory create link Creates a soft link and optionally specifies an expiration time and an extension time create object Creates a new object entry create replica Creates a replica of an existing directory in the specified clearinghouse define cached server Creates knowledge of a server in the local clerk's cache delete child Deletes a child pointer from the namespace delete clearinghouse Deletes the specified clearinghouse from the local server system delete directory Deletes a directory delete link Deletes a soft link delete object Deletes an object entry delete replica Deletes a read-only replica of a directory from a clearinghouse disable clerk Stops the clerk on the local system disable server Stops the server on the local system dump clerk cache Displays the contents of the clerk cache help Displays a list of the CDS control program commands list child Displays a list of all the child pointers whose names match the specified child name list clearinghouse Displays a list of all the clearinghouses whose names match the specified clearinghouse name list directory Displays a list of all the directories whose names match the specified directory name list link Displays a list of all the soft links whose names match the specified link name list object Displays a list of all the object entries (including clearinghouse object entries) whose names match the specified object entry name remove directory Removes a value from a set-valued or single-valued attribute (including application-defined attributes) of a directory remove link Removes a soft link's timeout value attribute remove object Removes a value from a set-valued or single-valued attribute (including application-defined attributes) of an object entry set cdscp confidence Sets the confidence level of clerk calls issued as a result of CDS control program commands set cdscp preferred clearinghouse Specifies a preferred clearinghouse to use for satisfying read requests that result from CDS control program commands set directory Changes the value of a modifiable, single-valued attribute of a directory set directory to new epoch Reconstructs a directory's replica set, allowing you to designate a new master replica or to exclude a replica set directory to skulk Starts the skulk of a directory immediately set link Changes the value of a modifiable, single-valued attribute of a soft link set object Changes the value of a modifiable, single-valued attribute of an object entry show cached clearinghouse Displays current information about the specified cached clearinghouse show cached server Displays address information of a server in the local clerk's cache show cdscp confidence Displays the current confidence level of clerk calls resulting from CDS control program commands show cdscp preferred clearinghouse Displays the preferred clearinghouse for satisfying read requests that result from CDS control program commands show cell Displays the information you need to create a cell entry in either DNS or GDS show child Displays attribute information about the specified child pointer show clearinghouse Displays attribute information about the specified clearinghouse show clerk Displays attribute information about the CDS clerk on the local system show directory Displays attribute information about the specified directory show link Displays attribute information about the specified soft link show object Displays attribute information about the specified object entry show replica Displays attribute information about the specified replica show server Displays attribute information about the server running on the local system NOTES With the exception of the following subcommands, this command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command. This command may be fully replaced by the dcecp command in a future release of DCE, and may no longer be supported at that time. + disable clerk + disable server + help + set cdscp confidence + set directory to new epoch + show cdscp confidence + show cell + show clerk + show server 3 DESCRIPTION The Cell Directory Service (CDS) control program is a command line interface for managing the components of the Cell Directory Service and the contents of the namespace. You can use the control program commands from within the control program or from the system prompt. To use the control program commands from inside the control program, start the control program by using the cdscp command alone, without any argument. This enters the control program, which displays the control program prompt (cdscp>): $ cdscp cdscp> At this prompt, you can enter any control program command; for example: cdscp> show server Use the command do filename from inside the control program to read a file of commands. To leave the control program and return to the system prompt, use the quit command. To use the control program commands from the system prompt, enter the cdscp command with an internal command of the CDS control program as the first argument. The control program executes the command immediately, without displaying the control program prompt. For example, you can enter the show server command as follows: $ cdscp show server 4 Elements_of_a_CDS_Command All CDS control program commands must include a verb, an entity name, and all required arguments. Depending on the command, you can also specify optional arguments and attributes. A space must separate more than one attribute or argument. A space must precede and follow an equal sign (=). 5 Verbs The following is a list of the definitions of verbs used in control program commands: add Adds a value to a modifiable, set-valued attribute clear Removes knowledge of a cached clearinghouse or cached server from memory create Creates an entity define Creates knowledge of a locally cached server delete Deletes an entity disable Stops operation of a clerk or server dump Displays the contents of a clerk cache list Displays a list of specified entity names remove Removes a value from a set-valued or single-valued attribute set Changes the value of a modifiable, single-valued attribute show Displays attribute information 5 Entity_Names Any individually manageable piece of CDS is called an entity. A set of commands exists for each entity. The following is a list of the entities and a description of what each entity represents: Cached Clearinghouse A cached clearinghouse is a clearinghouse that a clerk has discovered and cached. A clerk can learn about clearinghouses as a result of configuration information, advertisements received on a LAN, or during the process of finding a name. Cached Server A cached server is a server that a clerk has cached as a result of manual configuration through the control program. Child A child pointer connects a parent and child directory in a hierarchical namespace. The child pointer is stored in the parent directory and has the same name as the child directory. Clearinghouse A clearinghouse is a database containing a collection of directory replicas at a particular server. Clerk The clerk is the interface between client applications and servers. Directory A directory contains child, object, and link entries that are logically stored under one name (the directory name). Link A soft link is a pointer providing an alternate name for an object entry, directory, or other soft link. Object An object entry represents a resource (for example, an application) that is named in the namespace. Replica A replica is a copy of a directory. Each copy, including the original or master, is referred to as a replica. Server A server handles lookup requests from clerks and maintains the contents of the clearinghouse or clearinghouses at its node. 5 Attributes Every CDS entity has attributes, which are pieces or sets of data associated with that entity. Attributes can reflect or affect the operational behavior of an entity, record the number of times a particular event or problem occurred since the entity was last enabled, and uniquely distinguish an entity from any other entity. Some attributes have a single value; others contain a set of values. CDS attributes are identified by ISO object identifiers (OIDs). Every CDS attribute name maps to an OID and a corresponding data type. Usually, client applications define the name of an attribute and its data type. Application programmers should never need to modify (except for the purpose of foreign language translation) the existing CDS labels associated with the unique OIDs in the cds_attributes file. However, programmers can obtain new OIDs from the appropriate allocation authority, create new attributes for their own object entries, and then append them to the existing list. The OID and data type of each attribute are stored in the file DCE$COMMON:[ETC]CDS_ATTRIBUTES.DAT. Descriptions of the CDS data types that applications can use are in the cdsclerk.h file. All entities have show commands that you can use to display the names and values of specific attributes or all attributes. When you display an attribute that has more than one value, the show command lists each value for the attribute separately. When there are multiple values for an attribute, the command first lists the attribute name on a line ending with a colon, then the parts of the value. For more information about CDS attributes, see the DCE Directory Service module in the DCE Administration Guide. 4 Editing_the_Commands You can abbreviate commands, continue a command beyond one line, or redirect output to a file within the control program. To abbreviate any command name, type only the first four characters. You can abbreviate a command name to fewer than four characters as long as the abbreviated name remains unique among all command names in the control program. For example, the following commands are equivalent: cdscp> show directory /.:/sales cdscp> sh dir /.:/sales To continue a long command line onto the next line, type a space and then a \ (backslash) at the end of the first line, for example: cdscp> set link /.:/sales CDS_LinkTimeout \ > (1991-12-31-12:00:00 090-00:00:00) To add a comment, use the # (number sign). Everything following the # character on a line is ignored. 4 Using_Wildcard_Characters When entering a name in show and list commands, you can use wildcard characters in the rightmost simple name (the name to the right of the last slash (/) in the full pathname). The asterisk (*) matches 0 or more characters in a simple name. The question mark (?) matches exactly one character in a simple name. When you use an asterisk or a question mark as a normal character in the rightmost simple name of a show or list command, escape it with a backslash (\* or \?). Otherwise, the character is interpreted as a wildcard. You cannot use wildcard characters in show clerk and show server commands. 4 Permissions_Required CDS supports the following DCE permissions: read (r), write (w), insert (i), delete (d), test (t), control (c), and administer (a). Each permission has a slightly different meaning, depending on the kind of CDS name with which it is associated. In general, the permissions are defined as follows: Read Allows a principal to look up a name and view the attribute values associated with it. Write Permission allows a principal to change the modifiable attributes associated with a name, except the name's access control list (ACL) entries. Insert Permission (for use with directory entries only) allows a principal to create new names in a directory. Delete Permission allows a principal to delete a name from the namespace. Test Permission allows a principal to test whether an attribute of a name has a particular value without being able to actually see any of the values (that is, without having read permission to the name). Test permission provides application programs a more efficient way to verify a CDS attribute value. Rather than reading an entire set of values, an application can test for the presence of a particular value. Control Permission allows a principal to modify the ACL entries associated with a name. (Note that read permission is also necessary for modifying a CDS entry's ACLs; otherwise, acl_edit will not be able to bind to the entry.) Control permission is automatically granted to the creator of a CDS name. Administer Permission (for use with directory entries only) allows a principal to issue CDS control program commands that control the replication of directories. The creator of a name is automatically granted all permissions appropriate for the type of name created. For example, a principal creating an object entry is granted read, write, delete, test, and control permission to the object entry. A principal creating a directory is granted read, write, insert, delete, test, control, and administer permission to the directory. 3 EXAMPLES The following command starts the CDS control program: $ cdscp cdscp> The following command operates from the system prompt to display the attributes of the CDS clerk on the local system: $ cdscp show clerk 3 add_directory NAME add directory - Adds a value to a modifiable, set-valued attribute (including application-defined attributes) of a directory SYNOPSIS cdscp add directory directory-name attribute-name = attribute-value ARGUMENTS directory-name The full name of the directory. attribute-name The name of a particular attribute. Specify only one attribute at a time. See the cds_attributes file for the list of attributes that your application uses. attribute-value The value of a particular attribute. The value of an application-defined attribute is dependent on the type of attribute. See the cds_attributes file for the list of attributes and corresponding data types that your application uses. If you enter a byte data type, you must enter an even number of digits in length. You can only enter pairs of hexadecimal values for user-defined attributes. DESCRIPTION The add directory command adds a value to a modifiable, set-valued attribute (including application-defined attributes) of a directory. If the attribute does not exist, this command creates it. Usually, this task is performed through the client application. See the DCE Administration Guide for more information about attributes. Privilege Required You must have write permission to the directory. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE To add the value ontario to the attribute myname of a directory named /.:/sales, read the cds_attributes file to verify that the attribute shown in the following display exists: OID LABEL SYNTAX myname char Enter the following command to assign the value ontario to the attribute myname: cdscp> add directory /.:/sales myname = ontario RELATED INFORMATION Commands: remove directory show directory Books: OSF DCE Administration Guide 3 add_object NAME add object - Adds a value to a modifiable, set-valued attribute (including application-defined attributes) of an object entry SYNOPSIS cdscp add object object-name attribute-name = attribute-value ARGUMENTS object-name The full name of the object entry. attribute-name The name of a particular attribute. Specify only one attribute at a time. See the cds_attributes file for the list of attributes and corresponding data types that your application uses. attribute-value The value of a particular attribute. The value of an application-defined attribute is dependent on the type of attribute. DESCRIPTION The add object command adds a value to a modifiable, set-valued attribute (including application-defined attributes) of an object entry. If the attribute does not exist, this command creates it. Usually, this task is performed through the client application. See the DCE Administration Guide for more information about attributes. Privilege Required You must have write permission to the object entry. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE To add the value ps to the attribute printcap of an object entry named /.:/subsys/deskprinter, read the cds_attributes file to verify that the attribute shown in the following display exists: OID LABEL SYNTAX printcap char Enter the following command to assign the value ps to the attribute printcap: cdscp> add object /.:/subsys/deskprinter printcap = ps RELATED INFORMATION Commands: create object delete object list object remove object set object show object Books: OSF DCE Administration Guide 3 clear_cached_server NAME clear cached server - Removes knowledge of a server that you had specifically defined from the local clerk's cache SYNOPSIS cdscp clear cached server name ARGUMENTS name The simple name given to the cached server when it is created. DESCRIPTION The clear cached server command removes knowledge of a server from the local clerk's cache. You can only clear servers that you have specifically created with the define cached server command. Privilege Required You must have write permission to the clerk. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLES The following command removes knowledge of the server nrl from the clerk cache: cdscp> clear cached server nrl RELATED INFORMATION Commands: define cached server dump clerk cache show cached server 3 clear_clearinghouse NAME clear clearinghouse - Removes knowledge of the specified clearinghouse from the server's memory SYNOPSIS cdscp clear clearinghouse clearinghouse-name ARGUMENTS clearinghouse-name The full name of the clearinghouse. DESCRIPTION The clear clearinghouse command removes knowledge of the specified clearinghouse from the server's memory. The clearinghouse files are not deleted. This ensures that the clearinghouse is not automatically enabled on server restarts. If you issue a list clearinghouse command, the clearinghouse will be listed. Before you can delete a cleared clearinghouse, you must use the create clearinghouse command to recreate it. After recreating the clearinghouse, you can use the delete clearinghouse command to remove it. This command is part of the process of relocating a clearinghouse. See the OSF DCE Administration Guide for more information. Privilege Required You must have write permission to the server on which the clearinghouse resides. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLES The following command clears the clearinghouse /.:/Paris2_CH before moving it to another server: cdscp> clear clearinghouse /.:/Paris2_CH RELATED INFORMATION Books: OSF DCE Administration Guide Commands: create clearinghouse delete clearinghouse list clearinghouse set cdscp preferred clearinghouse show cdscp preferred clearinghouse show clearinghouse 3 create_child NAME create child - Creates a child pointer at the master replica of the parent directory SYNOPSIS cdscp create child child-name clearinghouse clearinghouse-name ARGUMENTS child-name The full name of the child pointer. clearinghouse-name The full name of a clearinghouse that contains a replica of the child directory. DESCRIPTION The create child command creates a child pointer at the master replica of the parent directory. When CDS looks up a name in the namespace, it uses child pointers to locate directory replicas. Use the set cdscp preferred clearinghouse command before issuing this command to ensure that the request is directed to the master replica. Privilege Required You must have insert permission to the parent directory. NOTES Use the create child command only to re-create a child pointer that is accidentally deleted. This command is designed only for troubleshooting. This command will fail if the associated directory does not exist. If the associated directory exists, this command will return successfully. This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE The following command creates the child pointer in the parent directory /.:/subsys. It uses the replica located at the /.:/subsys/NY_CH clearinghouse to fill in its replica set. cdscp> create child /.:/subsys clearinghouse /.:/subsys/NY_CH RELATED INFORMATION Commands: delete child list child show child 3 create_clearinghouse NAME create clearinghouse - Creates a clearinghouse on the local server system or makes an existing clearinghouse available SYNOPSIS cdscp create clearinghouse clearinghouse-name ARGUMENTS clearinghouse-name The full name of the clearinghouse. DESCRIPTION The create clearinghouse command creates a clearinghouse on the local server system or makes an existing clearinghouse available. The server start-up command usually creates a new clearinghouse when you configure a new CDS server. Occasionally, you may need to create a second clearinghouse on a particular server; for example, if you are temporarily relocating a clearinghouse on a different server. See the OSF DCE Administration Guide for more information about relocating a clearinghouse. Clearinghouses should be named only in the root. When you enter the command, CDS creates a read-only replica of the root directory and stores it in the new clearinghouse as the initial replica. Because the process that creates the new clearinghouse initiates a skulk of the root directory, all replicas of the root should be reachable when you enter the command. Privilege Required You need write permission to the server on which you intend to create the clearinghouse and administer permission to the cell root directory. The server principal needs read, write, and administer permission to the cell root directory. NOTES This command is usually executed only by the network configuration procedure. To ensure that all replicas of the root are reachable, perform an immediate skulk of /.: prior to issuing this command. This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE The following command creates a clearinghouse named /.:/Boston_CH on the local server system: cdscp> create clearinghouse /.:/Boston_CH RELATED INFORMATION Commands: clear clearinghouse delete clearinghouse list clearinghouse set cdscp preferred clearinghouse show cached clearinghouse show cdscp preferred clearinghouse show clearinghouse Books: OSF DCE Administration Guide 3 create_directory NAME create directory - Creates a directory SYNOPSIS cdscp create directory directory-name [clearinghouse clearinghouse-name] ARGUMENTS directory-name The full name of the directory clearinghouse-name The name of the clearinghouse in which you create the directory. DESCRIPTION The create directory command creates a directory with the name that you specify. If you do not specify a clearinghouse, CDS creates the master replica of the directory in the same clearinghouse as the new directory's parent directory. Privilege Required You must have the following permissions in order to create a directory: + read and insert permission to the parent directory; + write permission to the clearinghouse in which the master replica of the new directory is to be stored. In addition, the server principal must have read and insert permission to the parent directory. NOTES To ensure that all replicas are consistent, perform an immediate skulk of the parent directory after issuing this command. This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE The following command creates a directory named /.:/sales. cdscp> create directory /.:/sales RELATED INFORMATION Commands: delete directory list directory set directory set directory to skulk show directory 3 create_link NAME create link - Creates a soft link and optionally specifies an expiration time and an extension time SYNOPSIS cdscp create link link-name CDS_LinkTarget = target-name [CDS_LinkTimeout = (expiration-time extension-time)] ARGUMENTS link-name The full name of the soft link. target-name The full name of the entry to which the soft link points. expiration-time A date and time after which CDS checks for existence of the soft link's target and either extends or deletes the soft link. The value is specified as yyyy-mm-dd-hh:mm:ss (year-month-day-hour:minute:second). You can abbreviate this value. extension-time A period of time by which to extend the soft link's expiration time (if the server has validated that the target still exists). The value is specified as ddd-hh:mm:ss (days-hour:minute:second). You can abbreviate this value. DESCRIPTION The create link command creates a soft link. If you specify the CDS_LinkTimeout attribute, you must specify an expiration time and an extension time. If you omit the CDS_LinkTimeout attribute, the soft link is permanent and must be explicitly deleted. Privilege Required You must have insert permission to the directory in which you intend to create the soft link. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE The following command creates a permanent soft link named /.:/sales/tokyo/price-server that points to an object entry named /.:/sales/east/price-server. The expiration value indicates that CDS will check that the destination name /.:/sales/east/price-server still exists on June 25,1995, at 12:00 p.m. If the destination name still exists, the soft link remains in effect another 90 days. Thereafter, CDS will check that the destination name exists every 90 days. cdscp> create link /.:/sales/tokyo/price-server CDS_LinkTarget \ > = /.:/sales/east/price-server CDS_LinkTimeout = \ > (1995-06-25-12:00:00 = 90-00:00:00) RELATED INFORMATION Commands: delete link list link set link show link 3 create_object NAME create object - Creates an object entry SYNOPSIS cdscp create object object-name [CDS_Class = class-name CDS_ClassVersion = value] ARGUMENTS object-name The full name of the object entry. class-name The class of object entry being created. You can specify an application-defined class name. A class is specified as a simple name limited to 31 characters. value The version of the class assigned to the object entry. Specify the value as v.n, where v defines the major release number and n specifies the minor version number. Specifying a class version is useful as it allows the definition of a class to evolve as the application is revised. DESCRIPTION The create object command creates an object entry. This task is usually done through a client application. Privilege Required You must have insert permission to the parent directory. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE The following command creates an object entry named /.:/sales/east/floor1cp. The object entry describes a color printer on the first floor of a company's eastern sales office. cdscp> create object /.:/sales/east/floor1cp CDS_Class = \ _> printer CDS_ClassVersion = 1.0 RELATED INFORMATION Commands: delete object list object set object show object 3 create_replica NAME create replica - Creates a replica of an existing directory in the specified clearinghouse SYNOPSIS cdscp create replica directory-name clearinghouse clearinghouse-name ARGUMENTS directory-name The full name of the directory. clearinghouse-name The full name of the clearinghouse in which you want to create the replica. DESCRIPTION The create replica command creates a replica of an existing directory in the specified clearinghouse. Privilege Required You must have administer permission to the directory you intend to replicate and write permission to the clearinghouse that stores the new replica. The server principal needs read, write, and administer permission to the directory you intend to replicate. NOTES This command is usually executed only by the network configuration procedure. To ensure that all replicas are consistent, perform an immediate skulk of the parent directory after issuing this command. This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE The following command creates a replica of the /.:/mfg directory in the clearinghouse /.:/Paris_CH. cdscp> create replica /.:/mfg clearinghouse /.:/Paris1_CH RELATED INFORMATION Commands: delete replica show replica 3 define_cached_server NAME define cached server - Creates knowledge of a server in the local clerk's cache SYNOPSIS cdscp define cached server name tower value ARGUMENTS name A simple name for the cached server. value The protocol sequence and network address of the server node. The format is protocol-sequence:network-address. A protocol- sequence is a character string identifying the network protocols used to establish a relationship between a client and server. There are two choices of protocol sequence, depending on the network address that is supplied in the binding: ncacn_ip_tcp or ncadg_ip_udp. For the network- address, specify an Internet address using the common Internet address notation. For more information about this format, see the RPC introduction in the DCE Application Development Reference. DESCRIPTION The define cached server command creates knowledge of a server in the local clerk's cache. This command is typically used to manually provide configuration information to a clerk that cannot automatically configure itself. This is required, for instance, to give the clerk addressing information about a server across a WAN. Once the clerk knows about one server, it can find other servers through referrals. Privilege Required You must have write permission to the clerk. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLES The following command creates knowledge of the server nrl in the local clerk's cache: cdscp> define cached server nrl tower ncacn_ip_tcp: RELATED INFORMATION Commands: clear cached server dump clerk cache show cached server Books: OSF DCE Application Development Reference 3 delete_child NAME delete child - Deletes a child pointer from the namespace SYNOPSIS cdscp delete child child-name ARGUMENTS child-name The full name of the child pointer. DESCRIPTION The delete child command deletes a child pointer from the namespace. Privilege Required You must have delete permission to the child pointer or administer permission to the parent directory. NOTES Use the delete child command only when the directory to which the child pointer refers is deleted and the child pointer accidentally remains. This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE The following command deletes the child pointer that accidentally remains after the /.:/sales/east directory is deleted: cdscp> delete child /.:/sales/east RELATED INFORMATION Commands: create child list child show child 3 delete_clearinghouse NAME delete clearinghouse - Deletes the specified clearinghouse from the local server system SYNOPSIS cdscp delete clearinghouse clearinghouse-name ARGUMENT clearinghouse-name The full name of the clearinghouse. DESCRIPTION The delete clearinghouse command deletes a clearinghouse from the local server system. CDS does not permit you to delete a cleared clearinghouse. Before you can delete a cleared clearinghouse, you must recreate it using the create clearinghouse command. The delete clearinghouse command automatically deletes all read-only replicas from a clearinghouse. CDS does not permit you to delete a clearinghouse that contains a master replica. See the DCE Directory Service module of the DCE Administration Guide for more information about handling master replicas when deleting a clearinghouse. Permissions Required You must have write and delete permission to the clearinghouse and administer permission to all directories that store replicas in the clearinghouse. The server principal needs delete permission to the associated clearinghouse object entry and administer permission to all directories that store replicas in the clearinghouse. NOTES It is recommended that you delete all replicas except the root before issuing this command. This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE The following command deletes a clearinghouse named /.:/sales/Orion_CH from the local server system: cdscp> delete clearinghouse /.:/sales/Orion_CH RELATED INFORMATION Commands: clear clearinghouse create clearinghouse list clearinghouse set cdscp preferred clearinghouse show clearinghouse show cdscp preferred clearinghouse Books: DCE Administration Guide 3 delete_directory NAME delete directory - Deletes a directory SYNOPSIS cdscp delete directory directory-name ARGUMENTS directory-name The full name of the directory. DESCRIPTION The delete directory command deletes a directory. The directory cannot contain any object entries, soft links, or child pointers. The master replica must be the only remaining replica in the cell. Use the delete replica command if you need to remove read-only replicas. Privilege Required You must have delete permission to the directory and write permission to the clearinghouse that stores the master replica of the directory. The server principal needs administer permission to the parent directory or delete permission to the child pointer that points to the directory you intend to delete. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE The following command deletes the directory /.:/eng from the namespace: cdscp> delete directory /.:/eng RELATED INFORMATION Commands: create directory delete replica list directory set directory set directory to skulk show directory 3 delete_link NAME delete link - Deletes a soft link SYNOPSIS cdscp delete link link-name ARGUMENTS link-name The full name of the soft link. DESCRIPTION The delete link command deletes a soft link. Privilege Required You must have delete permission to the soft link, or administer permission to the directory that stores the soft link. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE The following command deletes the soft link /.:/sales/asia. cdscp> delete link /.:/sales/asia RELATED INFORMATION Commands: create link list link set link show link 3 delete_object NAME delete object - Deletes an object entry SYNOPSIS cdscp delete object object-name ARGUMENTS object-name The full name of the object entry. DESCRIPTION The delete object command deletes an object entry. This task is usually done through the client application, except under certain circumstances (for example, if the application is obsolete or no longer has access to the namespace). Privilege Required You must have delete permission to the object entry, or administer permission to the directory that stores the object entry. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE The following command deletes the object entry /.:/sales/east/floor1pr2. cdscp> delete object /.:/sales/east/floor1pr2 RELATED INFORMATION Commands: create object list object set object show object 3 delete_replica NAME delete replica - Deletes a read-only replica of a directory from a clearinghouse SYNOPSIS cdscp delete replica directory-name clearinghouse clearinghouse-name ARGUMENTS directory-name The full name of the directory clearinghouse-name The full name of the clearinghouse DESCRIPTION The delete replica command deletes a read-only replica of a directory from a clearinghouse. Use the delete directory command to delete the master replica of the directory. Privilege Required You must have administer permission to the directory whose replica you want to delete and write permission to the clearinghouse from which you are deleting the replica. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE The following command deletes a read-only replica of the /.:/mfg directory from the /.:/Paris1_CH clearinghouse: cdscp> delete replica /.:/mfg clearinghouse /.:/Paris1_CH RELATED INFORMATION Commands: create replica delete directory show replica 3 disable_clerk NAME disable clerk - Stops the clerk on the local system SYNOPSIS cdscp disable clerk DESCRIPTION The disable clerk command stops the clerk on the local system, causing all active communication with any server to be aborted and all client calls in progress to fail. The clerk cache is copied to disk. Privilege Required You must have write permission to the clerk. NOTES If you are disabling a clerk on a system where a server is running, make sure you disable the server first. This command may be replaced in future releases by the dcecp command, and may no longer be supported at that time. EXAMPLES The following command stops the clerk on the local server system: cdscp> disable clerk RELATED INFORMATION Command: show clerk 3 disable_server NAME disable server - Stops the server on the local system SYNOPSIS cdscp disable server DESCRIPTION The disable server command stops the server on the local system. The server is disabled after all transactions in progress are completed. Privilege Required You must have write permission to the server. NOTE This command may be replaced in future releases by the dcecp command, and may no longer be supported at that time. EXAMPLE The following command stops the server on the local system: cdscp> disable server RELATED INFORMATION Command: show server 3 dump_clerk_cache NAME dump clerk cache - Displays the contents of the clerk cache SYNOPSIS cdscp dump clerk cache DESCRIPTION The dump clerk cache command displays the contents of the clerk cache on the screen. Use this command when solving CDS problems. Privilege Required You must have superuser (root) privileges on the clerk system. No CDS permissions are required. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE The following command displays the contents of the clerk cache on the screen: cdscp> dump clerk cache RELATED INFORMATION Command: show clerk 3 list_child NAME list child - Displays a list of all the child pointers whose names match the specified child name SYNOPSIS cdscp list child child-name [with attribute-name = attribute-value] ARGUMENTS child-name The full name of a specific child pointer. The last simple name can contain wildcard characters. attribute-name The name of a particular attribute. attribute-value The value of a particular attribute. DESCRIPTION The list child command displays a list of all the child pointers whose names match the specified child name. The last simple name can contain wildcard characters. You can use a with attribute-name = attribute-value clause to limit output only to child pointers whose attributes have values equal to the specified values. A space must precede and follow the = (equals sign). Privilege Required You must have read permission to the directory that stores the child pointer. If you use a with attribute-name = attribute-value clause in the command, you also need read or test permission to the selected child pointers. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE The following command displays a list of all the child pointers named in the /.:/sales directory: cdscp> list child /.:/sales/* LIST CHILD /.../abc.com/sales AT 1991-10-15-15:56:00 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 RELATED INFORMATION Commands: create child delete child show child 3 list_clearinghouse NAME list clearinghouse - Displays a list of all the clearinghouses whose names match the specified clearinghouse name SYNOPSIS cdscp list clearinghouse clearinghouse-name [with attribute-name = attribute-value] ARGUMENTS clearinghouse-name The full name of a specific clearinghouse. The last simple name can contain wildcard characters. attribute-name The name of a particular attribute. attribute-value The value of a particular attribute. DESCRIPTION The list clearinghouse command displays a list of all the clearinghouses whose names match the specified name. The last simple name can contain wildcards. You can use a with attribute-name = attribute-value clause to limit output only to clearinghouses whose attributes have values equal to the specified values. A space must precede and follow the = (equals sign). Privilege Required You must have read permission to the directory that stores the associated clearinghouse object entry. If you use a with attribute-name = attribute-value clause in the command, you also need read or test permission to the selected clearinghouses. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE The following command displays a list of all the clearinghouses named in the root directory: cdscp> list clearinghouse /.:/* LIST CLEARINGHOUSE /.../abc.com/* AT 1991-10-15-15:56:00 /.../abc.com/Munich_CH /.../abc.com/Paris_CH RELATED INFORMATION Commands: clear clearinghouse create clearinghouse delete clearinghouse set cdscp preferred clearinghouse show cdscp preferred clearinghouse show clearinghouse 3 list_directory NAME list directory - Displays a list of all the directories whose names match the specified directory name SYNOPSIS cdscp list directory directory-name [with attribute-name = attribute-value] ARGUMENTS directory-name The full name of a specific directory. The last simple name can contain wildcard characters. attribute-name The name of a particular attribute. attribute-value The value of a particular attribute. DESCRIPTION The list directory command displays a list of all the directories whose names match the specified directory name. The last simple name can contain wildcards. You can use a with attribute-name = attribute-value clause to limit output only to directories whose attributes have values equal to the specified values. A space must precede and follow the = (equals sign). Privilege Required You must have read permission to the parent directory. If you use a with attribute-name = attribute-value clause in the command, you also need read or test permission to the selected directories. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE The following command displays the names of all the directories in the /.:/sales directory: cdscp> list directory /.:/sales/* LIST DIRECTORY /.../abc.com/sales AT 1991-10-15-15:43:58 atlanta austin boston chicago ontario ny seattle RELATED INFORMATION Commands: add directory create directory delete directory remove directory set directory set directory to skulk show directory 3 list_link NAME list link - Displays a list of all the soft links whose names match the link name that you specify SYNOPSIS cdscp list link link-name [with attribute-name = attribute-value] ARGUMENTS link-name The full name of a specific soft link. The last simple name can contain wildcard characters. attribute-name The name of a particular attribute. attribute-value The value of a particular attribute. DESCRIPTION The list link command displays a list of all the soft links whose names match the link name that you specify. The last simple name can contain wildcard characters. You can use a with attribute-name = attribute-value clause to limit output only to soft links whose attributes have values equal to the specified values. A space must precede and follow the = (equals sign). This command does not list the name of the directory, object entry, or other soft link to which the soft link points. Privilege Required You must have read permission to the directory that stores the soft link. If you use a with attribute-name = attribute-value clause in the command, you also need read or test permission to the selected soft links. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE The following command displays a list of all the soft links whose names begin with the letter l in the directory /.:/admin. cdscp> list link /.:/admin/l* LIST SOFTLINK /.../abc.com/admin AT 1991-10-15-15:54:38 lnk01 lnk02 lnk03 lnk04 lnk05 lnk06 RELATED INFORMATION Commands: create link delete link remove link set link show link 3 list_object NAME list object - Lists the specifies object entries (including clearinghouse object entries) SYNOPSIS cdscp list object object-name [with attribute-name = attribute-value] ARGUMENTS object-name The full name of a specific object entry. The last simple name can contain wildcard characters. attribute-name The name of a particular attribute. attribute-value The value of a particular attribute. DESCRIPTION The list object command displays a list of all the object entries (including clearinghouse object entries) whose names match the object entry name that you specify. The last simple name can contain wildcard characters. You can use a with attribute-name = attribute-value clause to limit output only to object entries whose attributes have values equal to the specified values. A space must precede and follow the = (equals sign). Privilege Required You must have read permission to the directory that stores the object entry. If you use a with attribute-name = attribute-value clause in the command, you also need read or test permission to the selected object entries. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE The following command displays a list of all the object entries named in the directory /.:/eng. cdscp> list object /.:/eng/* LIST OBJECT /.../abc.com/eng AT 1991-10-15-15:53:06 juno test_stats work_disk1 work_disk2 RELATED INFORMATION Commands: add object create object delete object remove object set object show object 3 remove_directory NAME remove directory - Removes a value from a set-valued or single-valued attribute (including application-defined attributes) of a directory SYNOPSIS cdscp remove directory directory-name attribute-name [= attribute-value] ARGUMENTS directory-name The full name of the directory. attribute-name The name of a particular attribute. Specify only one attribute at a time. See the cds_attributes file for the list of attributes and corresponding data types that your application uses. attribute-value The value of a particular attribute. The value of an application-defined attribute is dependent on the type of attribute. DESCRIPTION The remove directory command removes a value from a set-valued or single-valued attribute (including application-defined attributes) of a directory. If you do not specify a value, the command removes the entire attribute. This command can delete attributes created by the add directory and set directory commands. Usually this task is performed through the client application. See the OSF DCE Administration Guide for more information about attributes. Privilege Required You must have write permission to the directory. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE To remove the value 1 from the user-defined, set-valued attribute dirregion of a directory named /.:/sales, follow these steps: 1. Read the cds_attributes file to check that the attribute dirregion is listed, as shown in the following display: OID LABEL SYNTAX dirregion small 2. Enter the following command to remove the value 1 from the attribute dirregion. cdscp> remove directory /.:/sales dirregion = 1 RELATED INFORMATION Commands: add directory list directory set directory set directory to skulk show directory Books: OSF DCE Administration Guide 3 remove_link NAME remove link - Removes a soft link's timeout value attribute SYNOPSIS cdscp remove link link-name CDS_LinkTimeout ARGUMENTS link-name The full name of the soft link. DESCRIPTION The remove link command removes a soft link's timeout value attribute, CDS_LinkTimeout, causing the soft link to become permanent. Privilege Required You must have write permission to the soft link. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE The following command removes the timeout value attribute of a soft link named /.:/eng/link01. cdscp> remove link /.:/eng/link01 CDS_LinkTimeout RELATED INFORMATION Commands: create link delete link list link set link show link 3 remove_object NAME remove object - Removes a value from a set-valued or single-valued attribute (including application-defined attributes) of an object entry SYNOPSIS cdscp remove object object-name attribute-name [= attribute-value] ARGUMENTS object name The full name of the object entry. attribute-name The name of a particular attribute. Specify only one attribute at a time. See the cds_attributes file for the list of attributes and corresponding data types that your application uses. attribute-value The value of a particular attribute. The value of an application-defined attribute is dependent on the type of attribute. DESCRIPTION The remove object command removes a value from a set-valued or single-valued attribute (including application-defined attributes) of an object entry. If you do not specify a value, the command removes the entire attribute. This command can delete attributes created by the add object and set object commands. Usually, this task is performed through the client application. See the OSF DCE Administration Guide for more information about attributes. Privilege Required You must have write permission to the object entry. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE To remove the value ps from the attribute printcap of an object entry named /.:/mlh/deskprinter, follow these steps: 1. Read the cds_attributes file to check that the attribute printcap is listed, as shown in the following display: OID LABEL SYNTAX printcap char 2. Enter the following command to remove the value ps from the attribute printcap. cdscp> remove object /.:/mlh/deskprinter printcap = ps RELATED INFORMATION Commands: add object list object set object show object Books: OSF DCE Administration Guide 3 set_cdscp_confidence NAME set cdscp confidence - Sets the confidence level of clerk calls issued as a result of CDS control program commands SYNOPSIS cdscp set cdscp confidence = value ARGUMENTS value One of the following confidence levels: low, medium, or high. A low confidence level means the clerk obtains information from caches or the most convenient server. A medium level means the clerk obtains information directly from a server. A high level means the clerk obtains information only at master replicas. The initial value is medium. DESCRIPTION The set cdscp confidence command sets the confidence level of clerk calls issued as a result of CDS control program commands. You must use this command within the CDS control program. Exiting from the CDS control program removes the confidence level setting. You must reset the confidence level each time you enter the CDS control program. NOTE This command may be replaced in future releases by the dcecp command, and may no longer be supported at that time. EXAMPLE The following command sets the confidence level of clerk calls to high. $ cdscp cdscp> set cdscp confidence = high RELATED INFORMATION Command: show cdscp confidence 3 set_cdscp_preferred_clearinghouse NAME set cdscp preferred clearinghouse - Specifies a preferred clearinghouse to use for satisfying read requests that result from CDS control program commands SYNOPSIS cdscp set cdscp preferred clearinghouse [clearinghouse-name] ARGUMENTS clearinghouse-name The full name of the preferred clearinghouse. If you omit this argument, the command causes CDS to revert to the default, which is to use any clearinghouse. DESCRIPTION The set cdscp preferred clearinghouse command specifies a preferred clearinghouse to use for satisfying read requests that result from CDS control program commands. You cannot specify a preferred clearinghouse for making modifications, because these requests always use the master replica. You must use this command within the CDS control program. Exiting from the CDS control program removes the preferred clearinghouse setting. You must reset the preferred clearinghouse each time you enter the CDS control program. Permissions Required None NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE The following command specifies /.:/Paris_CH as the preferred clearinghouse: $ cdscp cdscp> set cdscp preferred clearinghouse /.:/Paris_CH RELATED INFORMATION Command: show cdscp preferred clearinghouse 3 set_directory NAME set directory - Changes the value of a modifiable, single-valued attribute of a directory SYNOPSIS cdscp set directory directory-name attribute-name = attribute-value ARGUMENTS directory-name The full name of the directory. attribute-name The name of a particular attribute. Specify only one attribute at a time. See the cds_attributes file for the list of attributes and corresponding data types that your application uses. attribute-value The value of a particular attribute. The value of an application-defined attribute is dependent on the type of attribute. DESCRIPTION The set directory command changes the value of a modifiable, single-valued attribute of a directory. If the attribute does not exist, this command creates it. Usually, this task is performed through the client application. See the OSF DCE Administration Guide for more information about attributes. You can specify an application-defined attribute or the following attributes: CDS_Convergence = value Specifies the degree of consistency among replicas. By default, every directory inherits the convergence of its parent at creation time. The default setting on the root directory is medium. You can define one of the following for value: low CDS does not immediately propagate any updates. The next skulk distributes all updates that occurred since the previous skulk. Skulks occur at least once every 24 hours. medium CDS attempts to immediately propagate an update to all replicas. If the attempt fails, the software lets the next scheduled skulk make the replicas consistent. Skulks occur at least once every 12 hours. high CDS attempts to immediately propagate an update to all replicas. If that attempt fails (for example, if one of the replicas is unavailable), a skulk is scheduled for within one hour. Background skulks occur at least once every 12 hours. Use this setting temporarily and briefly because it uses extensive system resources. CDS_UpgradeTo = v.n Controls the upgrading of a directory from one version of CDS to another. By modifying this attribute, you can initiate the upgrading of a directory to a higher version of CDS. Specify the value as v.n, where v indicates the major version number and n specifies the minor version number. There is no default. Privilege Required You must have write permission to the directory. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLES The following command sets a low convergence value on the /.:/mfg directory: cdscp> set directory /.:/mfg CDS_Convergence = low The following commands upgrades the directory version on the /.:/host directory: dcecp> directory modify /.:/host -add {CDS_UpgradeTO 1.2} -single dcecp> directory synchronize /.:/host RELATED INFORMATION Commands: create directory delete directory list directory remove directory set directory to skulk show directory Books: OSF DCE Administration Guide 3 set_directory_to_new_epoch NAME set directory to new epoch - Reconstructs a directory's replica set, allowing you to designate a new master replica or to exclude a replica SYNOPSIS cdscp set directory directory-name to new epoch master clearinghouse-name [readonly clearinghouse-name...] [exclude clearinghouse-name...] ARGUMENTS directory-name The full name of the directory. master clearinghouse-name ... The full name of the clearinghouse in which an individual replica is located. The first clearinghouse-name specifies where the master replica is stored. readonly clearinghouse-name ... Designates the replicas in the specified clearinghouses as read-only. exclude clearinghouse-name ... Excludes the replicas in the specified clearinghouses. DESCRIPTION The set directory to new epoch command reconstructs a directory's replica set, allowing you to designate a new master replica or to exclude a replica. You must list each existing replica and indicate whether an existing replica needs to be included in or excluded from the new replica set. You can include or exclude more than one replica. The ellipses (...) indicates that you can specify multiple clearinghouse names, separated by spaces. When you set a new epoch on a directory, you must disable the clearinghouse containing the replica that is being excluded. To do this, use the disable server command (if the server has more than one clearinghouse, all its clearinghouses will be disabled). Note that all clearinghouses that are not excluded must be enabled and available before you issue the disable server command. Privilege Required You must have administer permission to the directory, and the server principal needs administer, read, and write permission to the directory. When designating a new master replica, you also need write permission to the clearinghouse that stores the new master replica, and the server principal needs write permission to each clearinghouse where the replica type is changed to read-only. NOTE This command may be replaced in future releases by the dcecp command, and may no longer be supported at that time. EXAMPLE The following command sets a new epoch for the directory /.:/mfg. The master replica is in the clearinghouse /.:/Paris1_CH, and read-only replicas are in the clearinghouses /.:/Chicago1_CH, /.:/Seattle_CH, and /.:/NY1_CH. The new replica set excludes the replica in the clearinghouse /.:/NY1_CH. cdscp> set directory /.:/mfg to new epoch master /.:/Paris1_CH \ > readonly /.:/Chicago1_CH /.:/Seattle_CH exclude /.:/NY1_CH RELATED INFORMATION Commands: set directory to skulk show directory show replica 3 set_directory_to_skulk NAME set directory to skulk - Starts the skulk of a directory immediately SYNOPSIS cdscp set directory directory-name to skulk ARGUMENTS directory-name The full name of the directory. DESCRIPTION The set directory to skulk command starts the skulk of a directory immediately. The CDS control program prompt cdscp> does not return until the skulk is complete. The amount of time for the skulk to complete is dependent on the location, number, and availability of replicas of the directory. Privilege Required You must have administer, write, insert, or delete permission to the directory. The server principal needs administer, read, and write permission to the directory. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE The following command initiates a skulk on the /.:/admin directory: cdscp> set directory /.:/admin to skulk RELATED INFORMATION Commands: add directory create directory delete directory list directory remove directory set directory to new epoch show directory 3 set_link NAME set link - Changes the value of a modifiable, single-valued attribute of a soft link SYNOPSIS cdscp set link link-name attribute-name = attribute-value ARGUMENTS link-name The full name of the soft link. attribute-name The name of the attribute to be modified. Specify only one attribute at a time. See Description for valid attribute names. attribute-value The value of a particular attribute. DESCRIPTION The set link command changes the value of a modifiable, single-valued attribute of a soft link. The following are valid attributes: CDS_LinkTarget = fullname Specifies the full name of the directory, object entry, or other soft link to which the soft link points. CDS_LinkTimeout = (expiration-time extension-time) Specifies a timeout value after which the soft link is either checked or deleted. The timeout value contains both an expiration time and an extension time. If a soft link expires and its target entry is deleted, the soft link is deleted. If the soft link still points to an existing entry, its life is extended by the expiration time. Specify expiration-time in the format yyyy-mm-dd-hh:mm:ss (year-month-day-hour:minute:second). Specify extension-time in the format ddd-hh:mm:ss (day-hour:minute:second). Privilege Required You must have write permission to the soft link. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE The following command redirects a soft link named /.:/admin/work_disk from its current destination name, /.:/admin/work_disk01, to a new destination name, /.:/admin/work_disk03. cdscp> set link /.:/admin/work_disk CDS_LinkTarget = \ _> /.:/admin/work_disk03 RELATED INFORMATION Commands: create link delete link list link show link 3 set_object NAME set object - Changes the value of a modifiable, single-valued attribute of an object entry SYNOPSIS cdscp set object object-name attribute-name = attribute-value ARGUMENTS object-name The full name of the object entry. attribute-name The name of the attribute to be modified. Specify only one attribute at a time. See the cds_attributes file for the list of attributes and corresponding data types that your application uses. attribute-value The value of a particular attribute. The value of an application-defined attribute is dependent on the type of attribute. DESCRIPTION The set object command changes the value of a modifiable, single-valued attribute of an object entry. If the attribute does not exist, this command creates it. Usually, this task is performed through the client application. See the OSF DCE Administration Guide for more information about attributes. Privilege Required You must have write permission to the object entry. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE To change the value of the sales_record attribute to region2 of an object entry named /.:/Q1_records, follow these steps: 1. Read the cds_attributes file to check that the attribute sales_record is listed, as shown in the following display: OID LABEL SYNTAX sales_record char 2. Enter the following command to assign the value region2 to the attribute sales_record of an object entry named /.:/Q1_records. cdscp> set object /.:/Q1_records sales_record = region2 RELATED INFORMATION Commands: add object create object delete object list object remove object show object Books: OSF DCE Administration Guide 3 show_cached_clearinghouse NAME show cached clearinghouse - Displays current information about the specified cached clearinghouse SYNOPSIS cdscp show cached clearinghouse clearinghouse-name ARGUMENT clearinghouse-name A specific clearinghouse name. The name can contain wildcard characters. DESCRIPTION The show cached clearinghouse command displays all the names and values of the attributes in the specified cached clearinghouse. The following are valid attributes: Creation Time Specifies the time at which this clearinghouse was added to the cache Miscellaneous Operations Specifies the number of operations other than read and write (that is, skulks, new epochs, and so on) performed by this clerk on the cached clearinghouse Read Operations Specifies the number of lookup operations of any sort performed by the clerk on the cached clearinghouse Towers Specifies the protocol sequence and Internet address of the server that maintains the cached clearinghouse Write Operations Specifies the number of write operations performed by this clerk on the cached clearinghouse Privilege Required You must have read permission to the clerk. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE The following command displays all attributes of the cached clearinghouse /.:/Paris2_CH. cdscp> show cached clearinghouse /.:/Paris2_CH SHOW CACHED CLEARINGHOUSE /.../abc.com/Paris2_CH AT 1991-10-15-15:58:09 Creation Time = 1991-10-01-17:03:32.32 Read Operations = 412 Write Operations = 618 Miscellaneous Operations = 278 RELATED INFORMATION Commands: list clearinghouse 3 show_cached_server NAME show cached server - Displays address information of a server in the local clerk's cache SYNOPSIS show cached server name ARGUMENTS name A simple name for the cached server. The name can contain wildcard characters. DESCRIPTION The show cached server command displays address information of a server in the local clerk's cache. The following list describes the valid attributes: Name The directory cell name Towers The protocol sequence and network address of the server node Privilege Required You must have read permission to the clerk. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLES The following command displays all attributes of the cached server emv: cdscp> show cached server emv* SHOW CACHED NAMESERVER emv_udp AT 1991-10-15-15:56:56 Name = /.../emv.abc.com Tower = ncadg_ip_udp: Tower = ncacn_ip_tcp: SHOW CACHED NAMESERVER emv_tcp AT 1991-10-15-15:56:57 Name = /.../emv.abc.com Tower = ncadg_ip_udp: Tower = ncacn_ip_tcp: RELATED INFORMATION Commands: clear cached server define cached server 3 show_cdscp_confidence NAME show cdscp confidence - Displays the current confidence level of clerk calls resulting from CDS control program commands SYNOPSIS cdscp show cdscp confidence DESCRIPTION The show cdscp confidence command displays the current confidence level of clerk calls. A low confidence level means the clerk obtains information from caches or the most convenient server. A medium level means the clerk obtains information directly from a server. A high level means the clerk obtains information only at master replicas. You must use this command within the CDS control program. Exiting from the CDS control program removes the confidence level setting. You must reset the confidence level each time you enter the CDS control program. NOTE This command may be replaced in future releases by the dcecp command, and may no longer be supported at that time. EXAMPLE The following command displays the current confidence level of clerk calls: $ cdscp cdscp> show cdscp confidence Confidence used is medium RELATED INFORMATION Commands: set cdscp confidence 3 show_cdscp_preferred_clearinghouse NAME show cdscp preferred clearinghouse - Displays the preferred clearinghouse for satisfying read requests that result from CDS control program commands SYNOPSIS cdscp show cdscp preferred clearinghouse DESCRIPTION The show cdscp preferred clearinghouse command displays the preferred clearinghouse for satisfying read requests that result from CDS control program commands. You can only read attribute values for entries stored in the specified clearinghouse. You must use this command within the CDS control program. Exiting from the CDS control program removes the preferred clearinghouse setting. You must reset the preferred clearinghouse each time you enter the CDS control program. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE The following command displays the current clearinghouse: $ cdscp cdscp> show cdscp preferred clearinghouse read attribute values from clearinghouse /.../abc.com/Paris_CH RELATED INFORMATION Commands: set cdscp preferred clearinghouse 3 show_cell NAME show cell - Displays the information you need to create a cell entry in either DNS or GDS SYNOPSIS cdscp show cell cell-name [as type] ARGUMENTS cell-name The global name of the cell. type The global namespace in which you want to define the cell. Enter either of the values dns or gds. The default is gds. DESCRIPTION The show cell command displays the information you need to create a cell entry in either the Domain Name System (DNS) or the Global Directory Service (GDS). DCE does not support cells registered simultaneously in GDS and DNS. If you want to define a cell in DNS, you can use this command to produce a preformatted set of resource records. You can then edit the appropriate DNS data file and copy the output directly into the file. In GDS, cell information is contained in two attributes: CDS-Cell and CDS-Replica. If you want to define a cell in GDS, you can use this command to obtain the data you need to supply when creating the CDS-Cell and CDS-Replica attributes. For details, see the OSF DCE Administration Guide. Privilege Required You must have read permission to the cell root directory. NOTE This command may be replaced in future releases by the dcecp command, and may no longer be supported at that time. EXAMPLES The following command displays the GDS-formatted output in the local cell: cdscp> show cell /.../abc.com as gds SHOW CELL /.../abc.com AT 1991-10-15-15:58:25 Namespace Uuid = 2d2d50ad-8b1a-11ba-8983-08002b0f79aa Clearinghouse Uuid = 2ab024a8-8b1a-11ba-8983-08002b0f79aa Clearinghouse Name = /.../abc.com/NY_CH Replica Type = Master Tower 1 = ncadg_ip_udp: Tower 2 = ncacn_ip_tcp: Namespace Uuid = 2d2d50ad-8b1a-11ba-8983-08002b0f79aa Clearinghouse Uuid = 49757f28-8b1a-11ba-8983-08002b0f79aa Clearinghouse Name = /.../abc.com/Boston_CH Replica Type = Readonly Tower 1 = ncadg_ip_udp: Tower 2 = ncacn_ip_tcp: RELATED INFORMATION Books: OSF DCE Administration Guide 3 show_child NAME show child - Displays attribute information about the specified child pointer SYNOPSIS cdscp show child child-name [attribute-name] [with attribute-name = attribute-value] ARGUMENTS child-name The full name of a specific child pointer. The last simple name can contain wildcard characters. attribute-name The name of an attribute; see Description for valid attribute names. attribute-value The value of a particular attribute. DESCRIPTION The show child command displays the names and values of the attributes specified in attribute-name. You can use a combination of attributes in a single command. Use a space to separate multiple attributes. You can use a with attribute-name = attribute-value clause to limit output only to child pointers whose attributes have values equal to the specified values. A space must precede and follow the = (equals sign). If you do not supply any attributes, the command displays all attributes and their values. The following is a description of child pointer attributes: CDS_CTS Specifies the creation timestamp (CTS) of the specified child pointer. CDS_ObjectUUID Specifies the unique identifier of the directory to which the child pointer refers. CDS_Replicas Specifies the address, UUID, and name of a set of clearinghouses where a copy of the child directory referenced by the child pointer is located. This attribute also specifies whether the directory in a particular clearinghouse is a master or read-only replica. CDS_UTS Specifies the timestamp of the most recent update to an attribute of the child pointer. Privilege Required You must have read permission to the child pointer. If you specify a wildcard child name, you also need read permission to the parent directory. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE The following command displays all of the attributes and values of the child directory to which the child pointer /.:/admin refers: cdscp> show child /.:/admin SHOW CHILD /.../abc.com/admin AT 1991-10-15-15:56:01 CDS_CTS = 1991-10-15-19:55:52.000000003/08-00-2b-1c-8f-1f CDS_UTS = 1991-10-15-19:55:52.000000006/08-00-2b-1c-8f-1f CDS_ObjectUUID = 6b5362e8-8b1c-11ca-8981-08002b0f79aa CDS_Replicas = : Clearinghouse's UUID = 2ab024a8-8b1a-11ca-8981-08002b0f79aa Tower = ncadg_ip_udp: Tower = ncacn_ip_tcp: Replica type = master Clearinghouse's Name = /.../abc.com/Boston_CH RELATED INFORMATION Commands: create child delete child list child 3 show_clearinghouse NAME show clearinghouse - Displays attribute information about the specified clearinghouse SYNOPSIS cdscp show clearinghouse clearinghouse-name [attribute-name] [with attribute-name = attribute-value] ARGUMENTS clearinghouse-name The full name of a specific clearinghouse. The last simple name can contain wildcard characters. attribute-name The name of a particular attribute; see Description for valid attribute names. attribute-value The value of a particular attribute. DESCRIPTION The show clearinghouse command displays the names and values of the attributes specified in attribute-name. You can use a combination of attributes in any sequence in a single command. Use a space to separate multiple attributes. You can use a with attribute-name = attribute-value clause to limit output only to clearinghouses whose attributes have values equal to the specified values. A space must precede and follow the = (equals sign). If you do not supply any attributes, the command displays all attributes and their values. The following list describes the clearinghouse attributes: CDS_AllUpTo Indicates the date and time the clearinghouse object has been updated to reflect the CDS_CHDirectories attribute. CDS_CHDirectories Specifies the full name and unique identifier (UUID) of every directory that has a replica in this clearinghouse. CDS_CHLastAddress Specifies the current reported network address of the clearinghouse. CDS_CHName Specifies the full name of the clearinghouse. CDS_CHState Specifies the state of the clearinghouse. The state on indicates the clearinghouse is running and available. CDS_NSCellname Specifies the name of the cell in which the clearinghouse resides. CDS_CTS Specifies the creation timestamp (CTS) of the clearinghouse. CDS_DirectoryVersion Specifies the directory version for new directories that are created in the clearinghouse. CDS_ObjectUUID Specifies the unique identifier of the clearinghouse. CDS_ReplicaVersion Specifies the current version of the replica in which the directory was created. CDS_UTS Specifies the timestamp of the most recent update to an attribute of the clearinghouse. The following counters and their values are displayed only when you use this command to display all attributes and their values: Data Corruption Count Specifies the number of times that the data corruption event was generated Enables Specifies the number of times that the clearinghouse was enabled since it was last started Read Accesses Specifies the number of read operations directed to this clearinghouse References Returned Specifies the number of requests directed to this clearinghouse that resulted in the return of a partial answer instead of satisfying the client's request Skulk Failures Specifies the number of times that a skulk of a directory, initiated from this clearinghouse, failed to complete - usually because one of the replicas in the replica set was unreachable Entry Missing Count Specifies the number of times the clearinghouse entry missing event was generated Root Not Reachable Count Specifies the number of times the root lost event was generated Upgrades Failed Counts Specifies the number of times that upgrades failed Write Accesses Specifies the number of write operations directed to this clearinghouse Disables Specifies the number of times that the clearinghouse was disabled since it wsa last started Privilege Required You must have read permission to the clearinghouse. If you specify a wildcard clearinghouse name, you also need read permission to the cell root directory. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE The following command displays the current values of the CDS_UTS and CDS_ObjectUUID attributes associated with the /.:/Chicago1_CH clearinghouse: cdscp> show clearinghouse /.:/Chicago1_CH CDS_UTS CDS-ObjectUUID SHOW CLEARINGHOUSE /.../abc.com/Chicago1_CH AT 1991-10-21-13:12:30 CDS_UTS = 1991-10-21-13:04:04.000000009/08-00-2b-1c-8f-1f CDS_ObjectUUID = 3706d70c-8b05-11ca-9002-08002b1c8f1f RELATED INFORMATION Commands: clear clearinghouse create clearinghouse delete clearinghouse list clearinghouse set cdscp preferred clearinghouse show cdscp preferred clearinghouse 3 show_clerk NAME show clerk - Displays attribute information about the CDS clerk on the local system SYNOPSIS cdscp show clerk DESCRIPTION The show clerk command displays all the names and values of the clerk attributes on the local system. The clerk must be enabled when you use this command. The following are valid attributes: Authentication Failures Specifies the number of times a requesting principal failed authentication procedures. Cache Bypasses Specifies the number of requests to read attributes for which the clerk was specifically directed by the requesting application to bypass its own cache. Instead, a server is contacted to get the requested information. This attribute does not account for requests that the clerk is unable to satisfy from the cache or for requests to look up names or enumerate the contents of directories. Cache Hits Specifies the total number of read requests directed to this clerk that were satisfied entirely by the information contained in its own cache. This attribute accounts only for requests to read attribute values and does not include requests to look up names or enumerate the contents of directories. Creation Time Specifies the time when this entity was created. Miscellaneous Operations Specifies the number of operations other than read and write (that is, skulks, enumerating contents of directories, and so on) performed by this clerk. Read Operations Specifies the number of lookup operations performed by this clerk. This attribute accounts only for requests to read attributes and does not include requests to look up names or enumerate the contents of directories. Write Operations Specifies how many requests to modify data were processed by this clerk. Privilege Required You must have read permission to the clerk. NOTE This command may be replaced in future releases by the dcecp command, and may no longer be supported at that time. EXAMPLE The following command displays the attributes of the clerk on the local system: cdscp> show clerk SHOW CLERK AT 1991-10-15-15:56:50 Creation Time = 1991-10-15-15:38:19.000000051-04:00I0.000000000 Authentication failures = 0 Read Operations = 1068 Cache Hits = 137 Cache bypasses = 433 Write operations = 1250 Miscellaneous operations = 590 RELATED INFORMATION Commands: disable clerk 3 show_directory NAME show directory - Displays attribute information about the specified directory SYNOPSIS cdscp show directory directory-name [attribute-name] [with attribute-name = attribute-value] ARGUMENTS directory-name The full name of a specific directory. The last simple name can contain wildcard characters. attribute-name The name of a particular attribute; see Description for valid attribute names. attribute-value The value of a particular attribute. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. RELATED INFORMATION Commands: add directory create directory delete directory list directory remove directory set directory 4 DESCRIPTION The show directory command displays the names and values of the attributes specified in attribute-name. You can use a combination of attributes in any sequence in a single command. Use a space to separate multiple attributes. You can use a with attribute-name = attribute-value clause to limit output only to directories whose attributes have values equal to the specified values. A space must precede and follow the = (equals sign). If you do not supply any attributes, the command displays all attributes and their values. In addition to the following directory attributes, application-specific attributes can exist for a directory: CDS_AllUpTo Indicates the date and time of the last successful skulk on the directory. All replicas of the directory are guaranteed to receive all updates whose timestamps are less than the value of this attribute. CDS_Convergence Specifies the degree of consistency among replicas. This attribute's value is defined as one of the following: low CDS does not immediately propagate an update. The next skulk distributes all updates that occurred since the previous skulk. Skulks occur at least once every 24 hours. medium CDS attempts to immediately propagate an update to all replicas. If the attempt fails, the next scheduled skulk makes the replicas consistent. Skulks occur at least once every 12 hours. high CDS attempts to immediately propagate an update to all replicas. If the attempt fails (for example, if one of the replicas is unavailable), a skulk is scheduled for within one hour. Skulks usually occur at least once every 12 hours. Use this setting temporarily and briefly, because it uses extensive system resources. By default, every directory inherits the convergence setting of its parent at creation time. The default setting on the root directory is medium. CDS_CTS Specifies the creation timestamp (CTS) of the CDS directory. CDS_DirectoryVersion Specifies the minimum of all the values of the CDS_ReplicaVersion attribute on the directory replicas. CDS_Epoch A UUID that identifies a particular incarnation of the directory. CDS_LastSkulk Records the timestamp of the last skulk performed on this directory. CDS_LastUpdate Records the timestamp of the most recent change to any attribute of a directory replica, or any change to an entry in the replica. CDS_ObjectUUID Specifies the unique identifier of the directory. CDS_ParentPointer Contains a pointer to this directory's parent in the namespace. CDS_Replicas Specifies the address, UUID, and name of every clearinghouse where a copy of this directory is located. This attribute also specifies whether the replica in a particular clearinghouse is a master or read-only replica. CDS_ReplicaState Specifies whether a directory replica can be accessed. CDS_ReplicaType Indicates whether a directory replica is a master or read-only replica. CDS_ReplicaVersion Specifies the version of a replica of the directory. CDS_RingPointer Specifies the UUID of a clearinghouse containing another replica of this directory. This attribute is written by the system and is read-only to users. It will appear on older directories, but not on DCE 1.1 directories. CDS_UpgradeTo Controls the upgrading of a directory from one version of CDS to another. By modifying this attribute, you can initiate the upgrading of a directory to a new version of CDS. CDS_UTS Specifies the timestamp of the most recent update to an attribute of the directory. RPC_ClassVersion Specifies the RPC runtime software version that can be used to import on the directory. Privilege Required You must have read permission to the directory. If you specify a wildcard directory name, you also need read permission to the directory's parent directory. 4 EXAMPLE The following command displays the current values of all the attributes associated with the /.:/admin directory: cdscp> show directory /.:/admin SHOW DIRECTORY /.../abc.com/admin AT 1991-10-15-15:43:59 RPC_ClassVersion = 0100 CDS_CTS = 1991-10-15-13:09:47.000000003/08-00-2b-1c-8f-1f CDS_UTS = 1991-10-17-08:59:50.000000006/08-00-2b-1c-8f-1f CDS_ObjectUUID = ba700c98-8b1a-11ca-8981-08002b0f79aa CDS_Replicas = : Clearinghouse's UUID = 2ab024a8-8b1a-11ca-8981-08002b0f79aa Tower = ncadg_ip_udp: Tower = ncacn_ip_tcp: Replica type = master Clearinghouse's Name = /.../abc.com/Paris_CH CDS_AllUpTo = 1991-10-17-08:51:18.000000032/08-00-2b-1c-8f-1f CDS_Convergence = medium CDS_ParentPointer = : Parent's UUID = b773525c-8b1a-11ca-8981-08002b0f79aa Timeout = : Expiration = 1991-10-16-19:43:50.516 Extension = +1-00:00:00.000 CDS_DirectoryVersion = 3.0 CDS_ReplicaState = on CDS_ReplicaType = master CDS_LastSkulk = 1991-10-17-08:51:18.000000032/08-00-2b-1c-8f-1f CDS_LastUpdate = 1991-10-21-13:04:02.000000044/08-00-2b-1c-8f-1f CDS_RingPointer = 2ab024a8-8b1a-11ca-8981-08002b0f79aa CDS_Epoch = bd8b2c50-8b1a-11ca-8981-08002b0f79aa CDS_ReplicaVersion = 3.0 3 show_link NAME show link - Displays attribute information about the specified soft link SYNOPSIS cdscp show link link-name [attribute-name] [with attribute-name = attribute-value] ARGUMENTS link-name The full name of a specific soft link. The last simple name can contain wildcard characters. attribute-name The name of a particular attribute; see Description for valid attribute names. attribute-value The value of a particular attribute. DESCRIPTION The show link command displays the names and values of the attributes specified in attribute-name. You can use a combination of attributes in any sequence in a single command. Use a space to separate multiple attributes. You can use a with attribute-name = attribute-value clause to limit output only to soft links whose attributes have values equal to the specified values. A space must precede and follow the = (equals sign). If you do not supply any attributes, the command displays all attributes and their values. The following is a description of soft link attributes: CDS_CTS Specifies the creation timestamp (CTS) of this soft link CDS_LinkTarget Specifies the full name of the directory, object entry, or other soft link to which the soft link points CDS_LinkTimeout Specifies a timeout value after which the soft link is either checked or deleted CDS_UTS Specifies the timestamp of the most recent update to an attribute of the soft link Privilege Required You must have read permission to the soft link. If you specify a wildcard soft link name, you also need read permission to the directory that stores the soft link. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE The following command displays the current values of all the attributes associated with the soft link /.:/sales/region1. cdscp> show link /.:/sales/region1 SHOW SOFTLINK /.../abc.com/sales/region1 AT 1991-10-15-15:54:40 CDS_CTS = 1991-10-15-19:54:35.00000003/08-00-2b-1c-8f-1f CDS_UTS = 1991-10-15-19:54:35.00000006/08-00-2b-1c-8f-1f CDS_LinkTarget = /.../abc.com/sales/service SHOW SOFTLINK /.../abc.com/sales/region1 AT 1991-10-15-15:54:41 CDS_CTS = 1991-10-15-19:54:36.00000077/08-00-2b-1c-8f-1f CDS_UTS = 1991-10-15-19:54:36.00000009/08-00-2b-1c-8f-1f CDS_LinkTarget = /.../abc.com/sales/software CDS_LinkTimeout = : Expiration = 1991-10-15-00:00:00.0 Extension = +1-00:00:00.000 RELATED INFORMATION Commands: create link delete link list link remove link set link 3 show_object NAME show object - Displays attribute information about the specified object entry SYNOPSIS cdscp show object object-name [attribute-name] [with attribute-name = attribute-value] ARGUMENTS object-name The full name of a specific object entry. The last simple name can contain wildcard characters. attribute-name The name of a particular attribute; see Description for valid attribute names. attribute-value The value of a particular attribute. DESCRIPTION The show object command displays the names and values of the attributes specified in attribute-name. You can use a combination of attributes in a single command. Use a space to separate multiple attributes. You can use a with attribute-name = attribute-value clause to limit output only to object entries whose attributes have values equal to the specified values. If you do not supply any attributes, the command displays all attributes and their values. In addition to the following attributes, any application-defined attributes that might exist will be included in the output of this command. The following is a description of object entry attributes: CDS_Class Specifies the class to which an object belongs. CDS_ClassVersion Contains the version number of the object's class. This allows applications to build in compatibility with entries created by earlier versions. CDS_CTS Specifies the creation timestamp (CTS) of this object entry. CDS_ObjectUUID Specifies a unique identifier for the object being referenced. CDS_UTS Specifies the timestamp of the most recent update to an attribute of the object entry. Privilege Required You must have read permission to the object entry. If you specify a wildcard object entry name, you also need read permission to the directory that stores the object entry. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. EXAMPLE The following command lists all the attributes and their values of the object entry /.:/sales/east/floor1cp. cdscp> show object /.:/sales/east/floor1cp SHOW OBJECT /.../abc.com/sales/floor1cp AT 1991-10-15-15:53:07 CDS_CTS = 1991-10-15-19:53:03.00000003/08-00-2b-1c-8f-1f CDS_UTS = 1991-10-15-19:53:03.00000006/08-00-2b-1c-8f-1f RELATED INFORMATION Commands: add object create object delete object list object remove object set object 3 show_replica NAME show replica - Displays attribute information about the specified replica SYNOPSIS cdscp show replica directory-name clearinghouse clearinghouse-name [attribute-name] ARGUMENTS directory-name The full name of the directory clearinghouse-name The full name of the clearinghouse attribute-name The name of a particular attribute; see Description for valid attribute names. NOTE This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE. RELATED INFORMATION Commands: create replica delete replica 4 DESCRIPTION The show replica command displays the directory-specific attributes as well as the per-replica attributes of the specified directory. If you do not supply any attributes, the command displays all attributes and their values; any application-defined attributes that might exist will be included in the output of this command. You can enter one or more of the following attributes: CDS_AllUpTo Indicates the date and time of the last successful skulk on the directory. All replicas of the directory are guaranteed to have received all updates whose timestamps are less than the value of this attribute. CDS_Convergence Specifies the degree of consistency among replicas. This attribute's value is defined as one of the following: low CDS does not immediately propagate an update. The next skulk distributes all updates that occurred since the previous skulk. Skulks occur at least once every 24 hours. medium CDS attempts to immediately propagate an update to all replicas. If the attempt fails, the next scheduled skulk makes the replicas consistent. Skulks occur at least once every 12 hours. high CDS attempts to immediately propagate an update to all replicas. If the attempt fails (for example, if one of the replicas is unavailable), a skulk is scheduled for within one hour. Skulks usually occur at least once every 12 hours. Use this setting temporarily and briefly, because it uses extensive system resources. By default, every directory inherits the convergence setting of its parent at creation time. The default setting on the root directory is medium. CDS_CTS Specifies the creation timestamp (CTS) of the directory of which this replica is a copy. CDS_DirectoryVersion Specifies the minimum of all the values of the CDS_ReplicaVersion attribute on the directory replicas. CDS_Epoch A UUID that identifies a particular incarnation of the directory. CDS_LastSkulk Records the timestamp of the last skulk performed on this particular replica of a directory. CDS_LastUpdate Records the timestamp of the last update to any attribute of the replica, or any change to the contents of the replica, including object entries, child pointers, and soft links. CDS_ObjectUUID Specifies the unique identifier of the directory of which this replica is a copy. CDS_ParentPointer Contains a pointer to this directory's parent in the namespace. CDS_Replicas Specifies the address, UUID, and name of every clearinghouse where a replica of this directory is located. This attribute also specifies whether the replica in a particular clearinghouse is a master or read-only replica. CDS_ReplicaState Specifies the internal state of a replica. When you create or delete a replica, it goes through various states. CDS_ReplicaType Specifies the replica type of a directory. CDS_ReplicaVersion Specifies the replica version of a directory. CDS_RingPointer Specifies the UUID of a clearinghouse containing another replica of this directory. This attribute is written by the system and is read-only to users. It will appear on older directories, but not on DCE 1.1 directories. CDS_UTS Specifies the timestamp of the most recent update to an attribute of the directory. RPC_ClassVersion Specifies the RPC runtime software version that can be used to import on the directory. Privilege Required You must have read permission to the directory from which the replica is created. 4 EXAMPLE The following command displays the current values of all the attributes of the replica of the /.:/eng directory in the /.:/Chicago2_CH clearinghouse: cdscp> show replica /.:/eng clearinghouse /.:/Chicago2_CH SHOW REPLICA /.../abc.com/eng AT 1991-10-15-15:55:29 RPC_ClassVersion = 0100 CDS_CTS = 1991-10-15-12:09:47.000000003/08-00-2b-1c-8f-1f CDS_UTS = 1991-10-17-07:59:50.000000006/08-00-2b-1c-8f-1f CDS_ObjectUUID = 5816da70-8b1c-11ca-8981-08002b0f79aa CDS_Replicas = : Clearinghouse's UUID = 2ab024a8-8b1a-11ca-8981-08002b0f79aa Tower = ncadg_ip_udp: Tower = ncacn_ip_tcp: Replica type = master Clearinghouse's Name = /.../abc.com/Chicago1_CH CDS_Replicas = : Clearinghouse's UUID = 49757f28-8b1a-11ca-8981-08002b0f79aa Tower = ncadg_ip_udp: Tower = ncacn_ip_tcp: Replica type = readonly Clearinghouse's Name = /.../abc.com/Chicago2_CH CDS_AllUpTo = 1991-10-17-07:51:18.000000032/08-00-2b-1c-8f-1f CDS_Convergence = medium CDS_ParentPointer = : Parent's UUID = 560f1ad0-8b1c-11ca-8981-08002b0f79aa Timeout = : Expiration = 1991-10-15-19:55:18.711 Extension = +1-00:00:00.000 CDS_DirectoryVersion = 3.0 CDS_ReplicaState = on CDS_ReplicaType = readonly CDS_LastSkulk = 1991-10-17-07:51:18.000000032/08-00-2b-1c-8f-1f CDS_LastUpdate = 1991-10-21-12:04:02.000000044/08-00-2b-1c-8f-1f CDS_RingPointer = 2ab024a8-8b1a-11ca-8981-08002b0f79aa CDS_Epoch = 58472144-8b1c-11ca-8981-08002b0f79aa CDS_ReplicaVersion = 3.0 3 show_server NAME show server - Displays attribute information about the server running on the local system SYNOPSIS cdscp show server DESCRIPTION The show server command displays all the names and values from the attributes named in this entity. The server must be enabled when you use this command. The following are valid attribute names: Child Update Failures Specifies the number of times the server was unable to contact all the clearinghouses that store a replica of a particular child directory's parent directory and apply the child updates that have occurred since the last skulk. This counter is incremented by the Cannot Update Child Pointer event. Creation Time Specifies the time when the CDS control program process was started. Crucial Replicas Specifies the number of times a user attempted (from this server) to remove a replica that is crucial to the connectivity of a directory hierarchy. The server background process prevents users from accidentally disconnecting lower-level directories from higher-level directories. When it detects an attempt to remove a crucial replica, it does not execute the command to do so. This counter is incremented by the Crucial Replica event. Future Skew Time Specifies the maximum amount of time that a timestamp on a new or modified entry can vary from local system time at the server system. Known Clearinghouses Specifies the clearinghouse or clearinghouses known to the server. Read Operations Specifies the number of read operations directed to this CDS server. Security Failures Specifies the number of times a server principal for this server was found to have inadequate permissions to perform a requested operation. Skulks Completed Specifies the number of skulks successfully completed by this CDS server. Skulks Initiated Specifies the number of skulks initiated by this CDS server. Times Lookup Paths Broken Specifies the number of broken connections between clearinghouses on this server and clearinghouses closer to the root. Incoming requests to this server that require a downward lookup in the directory hierarchy still succeed, but requests that require a lookup in directories closer to the root will fail. This counter is incremented by the Broken Lookup Paths event. Write Operations Specifies the number of write operations to this CDS server. Privilege Required You must have read permission to the server. NOTE This command may be replaced in future releases by the dcecp command, and may no longer be supported at that time. EXAMPLE The following command displays the current values of all the attributes associated with the server running on the local system: cdscp> show server SHOW SERVER AT 1991-10-15-15:56:47 Creation Time = 1991-10-15-15:39:35.35 Future Skew Time = 300 Read Operations = 757 Write Operations = 542 Skulks Initiated = 219 Skulks Completed = 219 Times Lookup Paths Broken = 1 Crucial Replicas = 0 Child Update Failures = 1 Security Failures = 0 Known Clearinghouses = /.../abc.com/Boston_CH = /.../abc.com/NY_CH RELATED INFORMATION Command: disable server 2 cdsbrowser NAME cdsbrowser - Starts the CDS Browser utility on the local system SYNOPSIS cdsbrowser DESCRIPTION The cdsbrowser command starts the CDS Browser utility on the local system. This utility runs on workstations with windowing software based on the OSF/Motif graphical user interface. Using a mouse to manipulate pull-down menus, you can view the directory structure of a namespace, view child directories of a particular directory, view the object entries and soft links in a directory, and set a filter to display only object entries of a particular class. (For users who do not have windowing software, similar functions are available with the control program.) When you use the CDS Browser, it sets the confidence level of clerk calls to low. Privilege Required None EXAMPLE The following command starts the CDS Browser utility on the local system: $ cdsbrowser If the cdsbrowser command is not currently defined, execute the following command file, and try again: $ @sys$manager:dce$define_required_commands RELATED INFORMATION Books: OSF DCE Administration Guide 2 cdsclerk NAME cdsclerk - Manages the interface between clients and the CDS server SYNOPSIS cdsclerk [-D] [-w route] OPTIONS -D For debugging use only. -w route Routes serviceability messages. DESCRIPTION The cdsclerk command manages the interface between clients and the CDS server. Privilege Required Your UIC must be DCE$SERVER. NOTES You should use this command interactively only to do diagnostic work on the host system. EXAMPLE Before you run the following process, make sure that other clerks are not running. To start the cdsclerk process for debugging, follow these steps: 1. Make sure that a CDS server is already running somewhere within the cell. 2. Log in to the system as a privileged user, and set your UIC to DCE$SERVER. 3. Log in to DCE as the machine principal of the local host. Enter the principal name in the format /hosts/hostname/self as shown in the following example command for a host named orion whose password is smith: $ dce_login hosts/orion/self smith 4. Enter the following command to see if the dced process is already running: $ show system If the DCE$DCED process appears on the list of active processes, proceed to step 5. If the DCE$DCED process does not appear on the list of active processes, enter the following command to start the process (for debugging only): $ r sys$system:dce$dced 5. Enter the following command to start the cdsadv process: $ r sys$system:dce$cdsadver 6. Enter the following command with the appropriate arguments to start the cdsclerk process: $ r sys$system:dce$cdsclerk RELATED INFORMATION Books: OSF DCE Administration Guide 2 cdsd NAME cdsd - Restarts the CDS server SYNOPSIS cdsd [-a] [-D] [-l principal] [-w route] ARGUMENTS -a Creates a new namespace if there is not an existing namespace. This flag is meaningful only when the cell is first configured (that is, the initial creation of the namespace). -D For debugging use only. -l principal Locksmith mode. Allows the principal specified to have full access to all information stored with this server. -w route Routes serviceability messages. DESCRIPTION The cdsd command restarts the CDS server. This command starts the CDS server process automatically whenever the host system is rebooted. Privilege Required Your UIC must be DCE$SERVER. NOTES This command is ordinarily executed by the CDS startup script on the system where the CDS server is running. You should use this command interactively only if you want to do diagnostic work on the host system. EXAMPLE To restart a server, follow these steps: 1. Log in to the server system and set your UIC to DCE$SERVER. 2. Log into DCE as the machine principal of the local host. Enter the principal name in the format hosts/hostname/self as shown in the following example command for a host named mystic whose password is smith: $ dce_login hosts/mystic/self smith 3. Enter the following command to see if the dced process is already running: $ show system If the dced process appears on the list of active processes, proceed to step 4. If the dced process does not appear on the list of active processes, enter the following command to start the process: $ run sys$system:dce$dced 4. Enter the following command to see if the cdsadv process is already running: $ show system If the cdsadv process appears on the list of active processes, proceed to step 5. If the cdsadv process does not appear on the list of active processes, enter the following command to start the process: $ run sys$system:dce$cdsadver 5. Enter the following command to restart the server: $ run sys$system:dce$cdsd When the server process starts, it starts all clearinghouses on the system. RELATED INFORMATION Books: OSF DCE Administration Guide 2 gdad NAME gdad - Starts the GDA daemon SYNOPSIS gdad [-D] [-w route] OPTIONS -D For debugging use only. -w route Routes serviceability messages. DESCRIPTION The gdad command starts the GDA daemon. The Global Directory Agent (GDA) enables intercell communication, serving as a connection to other cells through the global naming environment. Privilege Required You must log in as superuser (root). NOTES Use this command only when troubleshooting. EXAMPLE To start the gdad process, follow these steps: 1. Make sure that a CDS server is already running somewhere within the cell. 2. Log in to the system and set your UIC to DCE$SERVER. 3. Log in to DCE as the machine principal of the local host. Enter the principal name in the format /hosts/hostname/self as shown in the following example command for a host named orion whose password is smith. $ dce_login hosts/orion/self smith 4. Enter the following command to see if the dced process is already running: $ show system If the dced process appears on the list of active processes, proceed to step 5. If the dced process does not appear on the list of active processes, enter the following command to start the process: $ run sys$system:dce$dced 5. Enter the following command to start the cdsadv process: $ run sys$system:dce$cdsadver 6. Enter the following command to start the gdad process: $ run sys$system:dce$gdad To stop the GDA, enter the following command: $ stop/id=<pid> where pid is the process identifier of the gdad process. RELATED INFORMATION Books: OSF DCE Administration Guide 2 nsedit NAME nsedit - Starts the CDS Browser/Editor utility on the local system SYNOPSIS nsedit DESCRIPTION The nsedit command starts the CDS Browser/Editor utility on the local system. This utility runs on workstations with windowing software based on the OSF/Motif graphical user interface. Using a mouse to manipulate pull-down menus, you can view and modify the directory structure of a namespace, view and modify child directories of a particular directory, view and modify the object entries and soft links in a directory, and set a filter to display only object entries of a particular class. (For users who do not have windowing software, similar functions are available with the control program.) When you use the CDS Browser/Editor, it sets the confidence level of clerk calls to low. Privilege Required None EXAMPLE The following command starts the CDS Browser/Editor utility on the local system: $ nsedit If the nsedit command is not currently defined, execute the following command file, and try again: $ @sys$manager:dce$define_required_commands