1  CMS
   The Compaq Code Management System for OpenVMS (CMS) is a 
   library system for software development and maintenance.  
   CMS stores source files in a library, keeps track of changes 
   made to the files, and records user access to the files.

   If you have installed DECwindows on your system, you can also 
   use the CMS DECwindows interface (CMS Version 3.2 and higher).  
   See the /INTERFACE qualifier for information on invoking the 
   CMS DECwindows interface.

2  Qualifiers
   Invokes CMS in either the character cell (terminal) or 
   DECwindows environment.  You must have CMS installed on your 
   system.  You can specify one of the following interfaces:

   Specify the  CHARACTER_CELL keyword to invoke CMS as a sub-
   system in the command-line interface.  Whether you type the 
   CMS  command,  the  CMS/INTERFACE  command,  or  the 
   CMS/INTERFACE=CHARACTER_CELL command, the default is to invoke 
   the CMS command-line interface.

   Specify the DECWINDOWS keyword to invoke the CMS DECwindows 
   interface  (CMS Version 3.2 or higher).   You must have 
   DECwindows installed on your system.  The DECwindows interface 
   is a graphical interface to CMS, and runs on a terminal or 
   terminal emulator on a DECwindows workstation.  
   Changes the review status of each specified element generation  
   from "pending" to "accepted" and removes it from the review
   pending list.

         ACCEPT GENERATION  element-expression "remark"
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more elements. An element expression can be an
   element name, a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of
   these separated by commas.


   Specifies a string to be logged in the history file with this
   command, usually used to explain why the command was entered. The
   remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark was entered, a
   null remark ("") is logged.
4  Description
   The ACCEPT GENERATION command changes the review status of each
   specified element generation from "pending" to "accepted" and
   removes it from the review pending list.

   Use this command only on element generations that have reviews
   pending (see the description of the REVIEW GENERATION command for
   more information). If you access the generation once it has been
   accepted, CMS no longer informs you of any review status.
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

   When you specify /CONFIRM and run CMS in interactive mode, CMS
   prompts you for confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1,
   CMS executes the transaction.  If you type NO, QUIT, FALSE, 0,
   or press RETURN or CTRL/Z, no action is performed. If you type 
   any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you type an 
   acceptable response.
   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.


   Specifies a particular generation of the element to be accepted.
   If you omit /GENERATION, CMS accepts the most recently created
   generation with a review pending. You specify this qualifier only
   if more than one generation of an element is under review.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, GROUP, CLASS)
      ELEMENT (D)
      GROUP (D)
      CLASS (D)
      NONE--equivalent to (NOELEMENT, NOGROUP, NOCLASS)

   You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
   [NO]ELEMENT, [NO]GROUP, and [NO]CLASS keywords.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.
4  Example
   CMS> ACCEPT GENERATION EXAMPLE.SDML "this example cleared for 
   %CMS-S-ACCEPTED, generation 3 of element 

     This command accepts the most recently created generation of
     the element EXAMPLE.SDML. The generation is removed from the
     review pending list.
   Creates a line-by-line file listing of the changes made to each
   specified element generation and places it in your current default
   directory or a specified directory.

           ANNOTATE  element-expression
3  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more elements. An element expression can be an
   element name, a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list
   of these separated by commas. If you specify a group name, CMS
   annotates each element in the group. If you use wildcards, CMS
   produces one annotated listing file for each matching element. By
   default, the most recent generation of an element on the main line
   of descent is annotated.
3  Description
   The ANNOTATE command documents the development of an element. This
   command creates an output file that contains an annotated listing;
   by default, the file name is the same as the element name and the
   file type is .ANN. The annotated listing file contains two parts:

   o  A history

   o  A source file listing

   The history includes the generation number, date, time, user,
   and remark associated with each generation of the element (and
   other file-related information when you use the /FULL qualifier).
   The generations are listed in reverse chronological order. The
   generation numbers of the specified generation and its ancestors
   are marked with an asterisk (*).

   The source file listing contains all the lines inserted or
   modified from generation 1 to the specified generation. The
   listing does not show lines deleted from the file. CMS inserts
   consecutive line numbers in the listing unless editor-assigned
   line numbers already exist. (The line numbers start with 1 for the
   first line and increase by 1 for each line.) The generation field
   starts at the first character position of each line. It contains
   the generation number of the most recent generation in which the
   line was inserted or modified. The generation field is blank if a
   line is unchanged since generation 1.
3  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS appends the history and source file listing
   to an existing file, or creates a new file. If you specify /APPEND
   and the output file does not exist, CMS creates a new file. If you
   do not provide an output file specification (see the description
   for /OUTPUT), CMS searches your default directory for a file with
   the element file name and the file type .ANN.


   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

   When you specify /CONFIRM and run CMS in interactive mode, CMS
   prompts you for confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1,
   CMS executes the transaction.  If you type NO, QUIT, FALSE, 0,
   or press RETURN or CTRL/Z, no action is performed. If you type 
   any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you type an 
   acceptable response.

   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.


   Controls whether the history and source file listing is formatted,
   and specifies the type of formatting. You can specify one or both
   formatting parameters in any order.


   Specifies the type of format. Possible values for data formats 
   include:   ASCII (Default), DECIMAL, HEXADECIMAL, and OCTAL.  


   Specifies the type of data partition. Possible values for data
   partitions include:  BYTE, LONGWORD, RECORDS (Default), and WORD.


   Directs CMS to include the following information about the file
   used to create each generation:

   o  Creation time
   o  Revision time
   o  Revision number
   o  Record format
   o  Record attributes

   CMS also indicates deleted lines in the source listing. Each
   set of one or more deleted lines is identified by a count of the
   deleted lines.


   Specifies a particular generation of the element to be annotated.
   If you omit /GENERATION, CMS annotates the most recent generation
   on the main line of descent.

   The history contains a description of every generation of the
   element, including those created after the specified generation.
   (Generations created after the specified generation are not marked
   with an asterisk.)

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Combines two generations of an element and creates a single
   file that contains the annotated listing. The parameter on the
   /MERGE qualifier specifies the generation that is merged into the
   retrieved generation. This command creates a file that contains
   the text common to both generations and the changes made to both
   generations. When changes that are not identical are made in
   the same position of the common ancestor, the changes from both
   generations are included in the resulting file and are marked as a
   conflict. By default, generations are not merged.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, GROUP, CLASS)
      ELEMENT (D)
      GROUP (D)
      CLASS (D)
      NONE--equivalent to (NOELEMENT, NOGROUP, NOCLASS)

   You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
   [NO]ELEMENT, [NO]GROUP, and [NO]CLASS keywords.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.


   Directs CMS to write output to the specified file. CMS creates a
   new file if you do not specify /APPEND. If you omit the /OUTPUT
   qualifier (or if you specify /OUTPUT but do not provide a file
   specification), CMS creates a file with the element file name and
   the file type .ANN. Wildcards are allowed.

   If you annotate more than one element (by specifying wildcards or
   a group name for the element expression parameter), and you do not
   specify wildcards in the output file specification, CMS creates
   successive versions of the file indicated by /OUTPUT.
3  Example

     This command produces a file named TIMECVT.ANN, which contains
     the annotated listing of generation 3 of TIMECVT.BAS. The
     contents of TIMECVT.ANN are as follows:

Annotated listing for element TIMECVT.BAS in CMS Library 
DISKX:[WORK.CMSLIB]  25-APR-1988 15:50:29

 4    15-APR-1988 10:01:55 JAMES "additional error checks"
*3    12-APR-1988 15:49:01 JAMES "add check for invalid delta time"
*2    27-MAR-1988 12:39:58 JAMES "jp - fixed length string required"
*1    25-MAR-1988 15:37:11 JAMES "time conversion program"

Annotated listing for element TIMECVT.BAS in CMS Library 
DISKX:[WORK.CMSLIB]  25-APR-1988 15:50:29

         1       10      rem Program to compute an absolute time given the 
present time
         2               rem and a delta time. The result is written to a file.
         4       20      OPTION TYPE = EXPLICIT
         5               DECLARE STRING DELTA_TIME
 2       6               MAP (STRING_LEN) STRING ASC_TIME = 80
         7               DECLARE LONG RETCODE
         8               DIM LONG BINARY_DELTA(1)
         9               DIM LONG NOW(1)
         10              DIM LONG BINARY_CVT_TIME(1)
         12      100     EXTERNAL LONG CONSTANT SS$_NORMAL
 3       13              EXTERNAL LONG CONSTANT SS$_IVTIME
         14              EXTERNAL LONG FUNCTION LIB$ADDX
         15              EXTERNAL LONG FUNCTION LIB$SUBX
         16              EXTERNAL LONG FUNCTION LIB$INT_OVER
         20                                              LONG BY REF, 
         21      150     LET RETCODE = LIB$INT_OVER(0)
         22              PRINT "Input delta time"
         23              INPUT DELTA_TIME
         24              LET RETCODE = SYS$BINTIM ( DELTA_TIME, 
 3       25      175     IF (RETCODE = SS$_NORMAL) THEN GOTO 200
 3       26              ELSE IF RETCODE = SS$_IVTIME THEN     &
 3       27                   PRINT ,"INVALID TIME"
 3       28                   GOTO DONE
 3       29                   END IF
 3       30              END IF
 3       31      200     LET retcode = SYS$GETTIM(NOW(0))
 3       32              IF (VAL( DELTA_TIME ) > 0 ) THEN      &
         33              retcode=LIB$ADDX(NOW(0),BINARY_DELTA (0) ,
         34              END IF
         35              LET retcode = SYS$ASCTIM(,ASC_TIME,BINARY_
         36              OPEN "TIME.TMP" FOR OUTPUT AS FILE #1
         37              PRINT #1,ASC_TIME
         38              CLOSE #1
         39      32767   Done:  END

     The element's history appears at the beginning of the
     file TIMECVT.ANN. The history lists the records of the
     transactions that created each of the four generations.
     However, because the third generation was annotated (ANNOTATE
     TIMECVT.BAS/GENERATION=3), changes made after generation 3
     are not shown in the annotated listing. Generation 3 and its
     ancestors are marked with an asterisk in the history.

     The source file listing shows each line of the file, including
     line numbers. The numbers farthest to the left are the
     generation numbers in which the line was most recently inserted
     or modified; the lines with no generation numbers have not
     changed since generation 1. The next column of numbers is
     assigned by CMS. The third column of numbers is included in
     the program itself.
   The CANCEL REVIEW command changes the review status of each
   specified element generation from "pending" to "none" and removes
   it from the review pending list.


         CANCEL REVIEW  element-expression "remark"
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more elements. An element expression can be an
   element name, a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of
   these separated by commas.


   Specifies a string to be logged in the history file with this
   command, usually used to explain why the command was entered. The
   remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark was entered, a
   null remark ("") is logged.
4  Description
   The CANCEL REVIEW command changes the review status of each
   specified element generation from "pending" to "none" and removes
   it from the review pending list.

   Use this command only on element generations that have reviews
   pending (see the description of the REVIEW GENERATION command for
   more information).
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

   When you specify /CONFIRM and run CMS in interactive mode, CMS
   prompts you for confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1,
   CMS executes the transaction.  If you type NO, QUIT, FALSE, 0,
   or press RETURN or CTRL/Z, no action is performed. If you type 
   any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you type an 
   acceptable response.

   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.


   Specifies which generation of the element is to have its review
   pending status canceled. If you omit /GENERATION, CMS cancels
   the review of the most recently created generation with a
   review pending. You specify this qualifier only if more than one
   generation of an element is under review.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, GROUP, CLASS)
      ELEMENT (D)
      GROUP (D)
      CLASS (D)
      NONE--equivalent to (NOELEMENT, NOGROUP, NOCLASS)

   You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
   [NO]ELEMENT, [NO]GROUP, and [NO]CLASS keywords.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.
4  Example
   $ CMS CANCEL REVIEW EXAMPLE.SDML "review the final version only"
   %CMS-S-CANCELED, review of generation 2 of element

     This command cancels the review of the element EXAMPLE.SDML,
     and removes it from the review pending list.
   Converts libraries that were created with Version 2.n of CMS for
   use with Version 3.n of CMS.


         CONVERT LIBRARY  V2-library-directory-specification
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies the directory specification of the existing CMS library
   you want to convert.


   Specifies the directory specification of the new CMS library you
   want to create. This directory must be empty.
4  Description
   The CONVERT LIBRARY command creates a copy of an existing CMS
   library and converts the copy for use with this version of
   CMS. Libraries created with CMS Version 3.0 do not need to be

   To convert a library, you must first create an empty directory
   to contain the new, converted library. Conversion maintains
   everything in your existing library, including the reference
   copy directory. After the library is converted, CMS automatically
   executes the VERIFY/REPAIR command to ensure that any existing
   reference copy directory is valid and current.

   The CONVERT LIBRARY command causes an unusual occurrence to be
   logged in the history file.
4  Example
   $ CMS
   _V2 library: [PROJECT.CMSLIB_V2]
   _Directory for V3 library: [PROJECT.CMSLIB_V3]
   V3] inserted into the library list
   %CMS-I-CONELE, element DATAPROG.BAS converted
   %CMS-I-CONGRP, group TESTGRP converted
   %CMS-I-CONCLS, class ETMETAL converted
   %CMS-I-CONRES, all reservations converted
   %CMS-I-CONHIS, history file converted
   %CMS-S-CONVERTED, Version 2 library converted to Version 3 format
   %CMS-I-VERCLS, class list verified
   %CMS-I-VERCMD, command list verified
   %CMS-I-VERELE, element list verified
   %CMS-I-VERGRP, group list verified
   %CMS-I-VERRES, reservation list verified
   %CMS-I-VERFRE, internal free space list verified
   %CMS-I-VERFRE, internal free space list verified
   %CMS-I-VERFRE, internal free space list verified
   %CMS-I-VERFRE, internal free space list verified
   %CMS-I-VERFRE, internal free space list verified
   %CMS-I-VERFRE, internal free space list verified
   %CMS-I-VERFRE, internal free space list verified
   %CMS-I-VERARC, archive control block verified
   %CMS-I-VER2, internal contiguous space verified
   %CMS-I-VERCON, control file verified
   %CMS-I-VEREDF, element DATAPROG.BAS verified
   %CMS-I-VEREDFS, element data files verified
   %CMS-I-REPAIRED, library [PROJECT.CMSLIB_V3] repaired

     This example first creates a new directory to contain the
     converted library, and then converts the old library.

     CMS automatically issues VERIFY/REPAIR to ensure that both
     the library and any reference copies are valid. If there are
     invalid reference copies, VERIFY/REPAIR repairs them. Even
     if you receive reference copy errors, your library is still
     converted and available for use.
   Copies one or more existing classes to form one or more new
   classes. If you copy a class to the same library, the new
   class must have a different name. The COPY CLASS transaction
   preserves all class attributes and inserts element generations
   that belong to each input class. The elements to be inserted
   into the new class must already exist in the target library.


         COPY CLASS  old-class-expression new-class-name "remark"
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more existing classes to be copied. If you
   specify more than one class to be copied, you must use a
   wildcard character for the new class name. An old class
   expression can be a class name, a wildcard expression, or a
   list of these separated by commas.


   Specifies the name for the new class. The name cannot be the
   same as any existing class name in the target library. Wildcards
   are allowed. If you specify more than one class with COPY CLASS,
   you must use a wildcard character for the new class name.


   Specifies a character string for the creation remark of the new
   class to be logged in the history file with this command. The
   remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark was entered,
   then the remark from the old class is used for the creation
   remark of the new class, but a null remark ("") is logged in
   the history file.
4  Description
   The COPY CLASS command uses an existing library class to copy
   and create a new class in the same library or in another library.
   The original class is left unchanged. The class attributes are
   copied in full and an identical set of element generations are
   inserted into the new class. The elements to be inserted into
   the new class must already exist in the target library.

   CMS must be able to create one new class for each old class.
   When you use wildcards, or a comma list in the input class
   specification you must specify a wildcard ("*") as the output
   class specification.
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

   When you specify /CONFIRM and run CMS in interactive mode, CMS
   prompts you for confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1,
   CMS executes the transaction.  If you type NO, QUIT, FALSE, 0,
   or press RETURN or CTRL/Z, no action is performed. If you type 
   any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you type an 
   acceptable response.

   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.


   Identifies a valid CMS library that is the location of the class
   specified by the old-class-expression parameter. When you
   specify an alternative library, the new-class-name parameter is
   optional. If you do not specify a value for /LIBRARY, the current
   CMS library is used.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to CLASS
      CLASS (D)
      NONE--equivalent to CLASS

   You can specify either ALL, NONE, or the [NO]CLASS keyword.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.
4  Example
       CMS> COPY CLASS INIT_CLASS INITX_CLASS "experimental version"
       to INITX_CLASS

     This command creates a new class named INITX_CLASS in the same
     library as the old class.
   Copies one or more existing elements to form one or more new
   elements. If you copy an element to the same library, the new
   element must have a different name. The COPY ELEMENT transaction
   preserves all element attributes, data, and generation/variant


         COPY ELEMENT  old-element-expression new-element-name "remark"
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more existing elements to be copied. If you
   specify more than one element to be copied, you must use a
   wildcard character for the new element name. An old element
   expression can be an element name, a group name, a wildcard
   expression, or a list of these separated by commas.


   Specifies the name for the new element. The name cannot be the
   same as any existing element name in the target library. The file
   name component cannot be 00CMS because this name is reserved for
   CMS. Wildcards are allowed. If you specify more than one element
   with COPY ELEMENT, you must use a wildcard character for the new
   element name.


   Specifies a character string for the creation remark of the new
   element to be logged in the history file with this command. The
   remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark was entered,
   then the remark from the old element is used for the creation
   remark of the new element, but a null remark ("") is logged in
   the history file.
4  Description
   The COPY ELEMENT command uses an existing library element to
   copy and create a new element in the same library or in another
   library. The original element is left unchanged. The generation
   history, file characteristics, and element attributes are copied
   in full.

   If the existing element has the reference copy attribute enabled
   (that is, if it was created or modified with /REFERENCE_COPY),
   the reference copy attribute is also enabled for the new element
   (assuming the reference copy attribute is established for the

   If the existing element is reserved when you issue COPY ELEMENT,
   CMS informs you of the condition, then proceeds with the
   transaction. The new element is not reserved, regardless of
   whether the original element is reserved at the time of the copy

   If a generation of the element is marked pending review, CMS
   informs you of the condition, then asks whether you want to
   proceed. If you type YES, CMS records the transaction as an
   unusual occurrence and proceeds with the command. The new element
   is not marked as pending review, regardless of whether the
   original element is marked at the time of the copy. If you type NO
   or press RETURN, no further action is taken.

   CMS must be able to create one new element for each old element.
   When you use wildcards, a group name, or a comma list in the
   input element specification, CMS builds a list of elements to
   be copied. CMS uses this list as the point of reference during the
   copy transactions. If the output element specification does not
   allow CMS to create a new element for each element in the input
   list, the results may not be what you intend. For example, the
   following combination of wildcard expressions produces only one
   new element:

     input element specification -  *.FOR
     output element specification - NDATA.*

   The first element that matches the input specification (*.FOR)
   produces one new element named NDATA.FOR. Each successive element
   that matches the input specification generates an error message
   because CMS can create only one unique element name from the given
   combination of wildcard expressions.
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

   When you specify /CONFIRM and run CMS in interactive mode, CMS
   prompts you for confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1,
   CMS executes the transaction.  If you type NO, QUIT, FALSE, 0,
   or press RETURN or CTRL/Z, no action is performed. If you type 
   any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you type an 
   acceptable response.

   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.


   Identifies a valid CMS library that is the location of the element
   specified by the old-element-expression parameter. When you
   specify an alternative library, the new-element-name parameter is
   optional. If you do not specify a value for /LIBRARY, the current
   CMS library is used.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, GROUP)
      ELEMENT (D)
      GROUP (D)
      NONE--equivalent to (NOELEMENT, NOGROUP)

   You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
   [NO]ELEMENT and [NO]GROUP keywords.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.
4  Examples
   (1) CMS> COPY ELEMENT INIT.FOR INITX.FOR "experimental version"
       to INITX.FOR

     This command creates a new element named INITX.FOR in the same
     library as the old element.

       $ CMS
       CMS> CREATE LIBRARY [RELEASE.CMSLIB] "follows development library"

       %CMS-I-COPIED, element DISKX:[PROJECT.CMSLIB]INIT.FOR copied to
       %CMS-S-COPIES, 6 copies completed

       History of CMS Library DISKX:[RELEASE.CMSLIB]
               "follows development library"
         9-MAY-1988 11:26:00 SMITH COPY 
               INIT.FOR INIT.FOR "loading elements"
         9-MAY-1988 11:26:04 SMITH COPY 
               INITX.FOR INITX.FOR "loading elements"
         9-MAY-1988 11:26:07 SMITH COPY 
               MSGDOC.FOR MSGDOC.FOR "loading elements"
         9-MAY-1988 11:26:15 SMITH COPY 
               OUTPUT.FOR OUTPUT.FOR "loading elements"
         9-MAY-1988 11:26:17 SMITH COPY 
               SEARCH.FOR SEARCH.FOR "loading elements"
         9-MAY-1988 11:26:19 SMITH COPY 
               ARGCHK.FOR ARGCHK.FOR "loading elements"
       Element generations in CMS Library DISKX:[RELEASE.CMSLIB]
         2      6-MAR-1988 17:34:04 SMITH "header offset and additional 
                    free space added"
         1      6-MAR-1988 17:26:10 SMITH "initialization routines"

     This example creates a new directory for a new library,
     and then copies all of the elements from the library
     [PROJECT.CMSLIB] into the new library [RELEASE.CMSLIB].
     Because the new elements are being created in a separate
     library, CMS can create new elements with the same names as
     the old elements; thus, a null string may be entered for the
     second parameter (for the new element name). In this case,
     CMS supplies the value *.*.

     The SHOW HISTORY command that is executed after the copy
     transaction indicates that the library history contains only
     records of transactions performed on the new library (CREATE
     command shows the generation history for one of the elements.
     The COPY ELEMENT transaction preserves the generation history
     for each element; thus, the record of replacement transactions
     (also the CREATE ELEMENT transaction that produced generation 1
     of the element) is maintained from the old element to the new.
   Copies one or more existing groups to form one or more new
   groups. If you copy a group to the same library, the new
   group must have a different name. The COPY GROUP transaction
   preserves all group attributes and inserts elements and groups
   that belong to each input group. The elements to be inserted
   into the new group must already exist in the target library.


         COPY GROUP  old-group-expression new-group-name "remark"
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more existing groups to be copied. If you
   specify more than one group to be copied, you must use a
   wildcard character for the new group name. An old group
   expression can be a group name, a wildcard expression, or a
   list of these separated by commas.


   Specifies the name for the new group. The name cannot be the
   same as any existing group name in the target library. Wildcards
   are allowed. If you specify more than one group with COPY GROUP,
   you must use a wildcard character for the new group name.


   Specifies a character string for the creation remark of the new
   group to be logged in the history file with this command. The
   remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark was entered,
   then the remark from the old group is used for the creation
   remark of the new group, but a null remark ("") is logged in
   the history file.
4  Description
   The COPY GROUP command uses an existing library group to copy
   and create a new group in the same library or in another library.
   The original group is left unchanged. The group attributes are
   copied in full and an identical set of elements and groups are
   inserted into the new group. The elements to be inserted into
   the new group must already exist in the target library.

   CMS must be able to create one new group for each old group.
   When you use wildcards, or a comma list in the input group
   specification you must specify a wildcard ("*") as the output
   group specification.
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

   When you specify /CONFIRM and run CMS in interactive mode, CMS
   prompts you for confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1,
   CMS executes the transaction.  If you type NO, QUIT, FALSE, 0,
   or press RETURN or CTRL/Z, no action is performed. If you type 
   any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you type an 
   acceptable response.

   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.


   Identifies a valid CMS library that is the location of the group
   specified by the old-group-expression parameter. When you
   specify an alternative library, the new-group-name parameter is
   optional. If you do not specify a value for /LIBRARY, the current
   CMS library is used.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to GROUP
      GROUP (D)
      NONE--equivalent to GROUP

   You can specify either ALL, NONE, or the [NO]GROUP keyword.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.
4  Example
       CMS> COPY GROUP INIT_GROUP INITX_GROUP "experimental version"
       to INITX_GROUP

     This command creates a new group named INITX_GROUP in the same
     library as the old group.
   Creates one or more empty classes.

         CREATE CLASS  class-name[,...] "remark"
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies a name for the class. CMS reports an error if you
   specify a name that is already used for an existing class or
   group. (Class and group names must be unique.) If a previously
   used class or group name has been removed with the DELETE CLASS or
   DELETE GROUP command, you can reuse that name with CREATE CLASS. A
   class name can also be a list of class names separated by commas.
   Wildcards are not allowed.


   Specifies a character string for the creation remark of the class
   to be logged in the history file with this command. The remark
   is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark was entered, a null
   remark ("") is logged.
4  Description
   The CREATE CLASS command establishes a class. After a class is
   created, you can place any related set of element generations
   in that class by using the INSERT GENERATION command. The CREATE
   CLASS command does not automatically place any generations in the
   created class.
4  Qualifiers
/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to CLASS
      CLASS (D)
      NONE--equivalent to NOCLASS

   You can specify either ALL, NONE, or the [NO]CLASS keyword.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object. If you
   specify /OCCLUDE=NOCLASS, CMS creates a class in every library in
   the search list.
4  Examples
   (1) CMS> CREATE CLASS INTERNAL_RELEASE "for internal use only"

     This command creates a class named INTERNAL_RELEASE. Once the
     class name is established, element generations can be placed in
     the class with the INSERT GENERATION command.

   (2) CMS> CREATE CLASS FTEST1,FTEST2,V1 "for external release"
       %CMS-I-CREATED, class DISKX:[PROJECT.CMSLIB]V1 created
       %CMS-S-CREATES, 3 creations completed

     This command creates the three classes FTEST1, FTEST2, and V1.
   Creates one or more new elements in a CMS library from an existing


         CREATE ELEMENT  element-expression "remark"
4  Restrictions
   o  If you specify the /NOTES qualifier, you must also specify the
      /POSITION qualifier on the same command line.
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more elements to be created. If you do not
   specify the /INPUT qualifier (or if you specify /INPUT without
   a value), the element name must correspond to an existing file
   in your current default directory. The name cannot be the same as
   any existing element name in the library. Do not use the file name
   00CMS because this name is reserved for library control files.
   Generation 1 of the new element is created. An element expression
   can also be a list of element names separated by commas, or a
   wildcard expression.


   Specifies a character string for the creation remark of the
   element to be logged in the history file with this command. The
   remark is stored with both the element and its first generation.
   The remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark was
   entered, a null remark ("") is logged.
4  Description
   The CREATE ELEMENT command creates the first generation of a new
   element by moving the input file into a CMS library. By default,
   CMS searches for the file in your current default directory.
   You can direct CMS to use a file in a different directory by
   specifying the /INPUT qualifier. After the element is created, CMS
   deletes all versions of the file used to create the new element.
   If you specify either the /KEEP or /RESERVE qualifiers, CMS does
   not delete the file.

   When you create an element, you can also define the history,
   concurrent, notes, position, reference copy, and review attributes
   for the element or establish a reservation.

   CMS stores the creation date and time, the revision date and time,
   file attributes, and the file revision number of the file used to
   create generation 1 of the new element. When you fetch or reserve
   a generation of an element, CMS restores the times, attributes,
   and file revision number associated with the file used to create
   the element generation. You can also display this information by
   using the SHOW GENERATION/FULL command.

   To change the creation remark associated with the element or
   generation 1 of the element, use the MODIFY ELEMENT or MODIFY
   GENERATION command, respectively.
4  Qualifiers

   Specifies whether this element can have multiple reservations.
   After you have created the element, you grant or deny concurrent
   access by using the MODIFY ELEMENT command.


   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

   When you specify /CONFIRM and run CMS in interactive mode, CMS
   prompts you for confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1,
   CMS executes the transaction.  If you type NO, QUIT, FALSE, 0,
   or press RETURN or CTRL/Z, no action is performed. If you type 
   any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you type an 
   acceptable response.

   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.


   Establishes the history attribute for the element. If an element
   has the history attribute, its history is included in the file
   when you retrieve it with the FETCH or RESERVE command.

   The quoted string specifies the format of the history. The quoted
   string must contain the characters #H or #B (lowercase is allowed)
   and can contain other printing characters. To include a quotation
   mark in the output history string, type it twice (""). To include
   a number sign (#) in the output history string, type it twice


   Specifies the file to be used to create the element. When you
   specify an alternative location for the input file, CMS deletes
   the file from the alternative location (unless you specify /KEEP
   or /RESERVE). If you do not specify this qualifier, CMS searches
   your current default directory for a file with the same name as
   specified with the element expression parameter on the command
   line. Wildcards are allowed.

   CMS must be able to create a unique element for each file in the
   input file list. Thus, if you use wildcards in the /INPUT file
   specification to specify more than one input file, you must also
   use wildcards in the element-name parameter.


   Controls whether CMS deletes all versions of the file used to
   create the new element. If you specify /KEEP, CMS does not delete
   the file.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Establishes the notes attribute for the element. If an element has
   the notes attribute, notes are appended to the lines of the file
   when it is retrieved by the FETCH or RESERVE command.

   The quoted string specifies the format of the note. The quoted
   string can contain text or the characters #G (or #g), or both. If
   you specify /NOTES, you must also specify /POSITION.


   Establishes the position attribute; that is, the character
   position where the note generated by the /NOTES qualifier begins
   on the line. The value n is required and must be an integer in
   the range 1 to 511. The /NOTES qualifier is required with the
   /POSITION qualifier.

   The note is placed to the right of the text of the line. If the
   length of the line is less than n, the note appears at position n.
   If the length of the line is greater than or equal to n, the note
   is placed at the next tab stop after the end of the line. (Tab
   stops are at position 9 and every eight characters thereafter.)


   Controls whether CMS maintains a reference copy of the element.
   You must have established a reference copy directory.

   The presence of the reference copy attribute for an element is
   inherited from the library, that is, if a reference copy directory
   is established for the library, by default, the attribute is
   enabled for the element. You can override the reference copy
   attribute by specifying /NOREFERENCE_COPY.

   If a reference copy directory has been established for the CMS
   library, CMS creates a reference copy of the new element and
   updates the reference copy directory each time you create a new
   main line generation of that element. When CMS places a file in
   the reference copy directory, it also deletes any earlier versions
   of that file in the reference copy directory.


   Controls whether the new element is to be reserved after it is
   created. When you specify /RESERVE, CMS does not delete the file
   used to create the element. Generation 1 of the newly created
   element is automatically reserved.

   If you omit both the /RESERVE and the /KEEP qualifiers, CMS
   deletes all versions of the file used to create the element.


   Specifies that new generations of the element are marked for
   review. By default, new generations of the element are marked
   for review only if the reserved generation was either rejected
   or has a review pending. If you specify CREATE ELEMENT/REVIEW,
   generation 1 of the element is also marked for review.

   You can change the review attribute with the MODIFY ELEMENT
4  Example
   CMS> CREATE ELEMENT INIT.FOR "initialization routines"

     This command creates an element named INIT.FOR from a file
     with the same name in the current default directory, and
     then deletes all versions of that file in the current default
   Creates one or more empty groups.

         CREATE GROUP  group-name[,...] "remark"
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies a name for the group. CMS reports an error if you
   specify an existing group or class name. (Group and class names
   must be unique.) However, if a previously used group or class name
   has been removed with the DELETE GROUP or DELETE CLASS command,
   you can reuse that name with CREATE GROUP. A group name can also
   be a list of group names separated by commas. Wildcards are not


   Specifies a character string for the creation remark of the group
   to be logged in the history file with this command. The remark
   is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark was entered, a null
   remark ("") is logged.
4  Description
   The CREATE GROUP command establishes a group. After a group is
   created, you can place any related set of elements or groups in
   that group by using the INSERT ELEMENT or INSERT GROUP command.
   The CREATE GROUP command does not automatically place any elements
   or groups in the created group.
4  Qualifiers
/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to GROUP
      GROUP (D)
      NONE--equivalent to NOGROUP

   You can specify either ALL, NONE, or the [NO]GROUP keyword.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object. If you
   specify /OCCLUDE=NOGROUP, CMS creates a group in every library in
   the search list.
4  Example
   CMS> CREATE GROUP TIME_TST "files for time tests"

     This command creates a group named TIME_TST. Once the group
     name is established, elements can be placed in the group with
     the INSERT ELEMENT command.
   Creates one or more new CMS libraries in one or more existing
   empty directories. You can have only one CMS library in each


         CREATE LIBRARY  directory-specification[,...] "remark"
4  Restrictions
   o  You cannot specify both the /AFTER and the /BEFORE qualifiers
      on the same command line.
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more valid VMS directories. Each directory must
   not contain any files. A directory that is to be used as a CMS
   library cannot be your current default directory. If you specify
   more than one VMS directory, you must separate the directory
   specifications with commas. Wildcards are not allowed.


   Specifies a character string for the creation remark of the new
   library to be logged in the history file with this command. The
   remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark was entered, a
   null remark ("") is logged in the history file.
4  Description
   The CREATE LIBRARY command builds CMS control files in a
   directory so that it can be used as a CMS library. After you have
   established a library with the CREATE LIBRARY command, you can
   issue CMS commands to manipulate the library. When you issue the
   CREATE LIBRARY command, your current CMS library is automatically
   set to the library or libraries specified. You can use CREATE
   LIBRARY only once on a library.

   You can create more than one library at a time by specifying the
   CREATE LIBRARY command with more than one directory specification.
   The directory specifications must be separated by commas.

   When you execute this command, CMS defines a logical name that
   begins with CMS$. These names are used by subsequent CMS commands.
   You should not define logical names beginning with CMS$ because
   this prefix is reserved for use by CMS.
4  Qualifiers

   Instructs CMS to insert new libraries into the existing library
   search list immediately following the existing specified
   directory. The specified directory must be in the existing
   library search list. If you omit the directory specification,
   CMS automatically adds the libraries (in the order you specify) to
   the end of the list. You cannot specify both /AFTER and /BEFORE on
   the same command line. If neither /AFTER or /BEFORE is specified,
   the CREATE LIBRARY command's library list supersedes any existing
   search list.


   Instructs CMS to insert new libraries into the existing library
   search list immediately in front of the existing specified
   directory. The specified directory must be in the existing
   library search list. If you omit the directory specification, CMS
   automatically adds the libraries (in the order you specify) to the
   front of the list. You cannot specify both /AFTER and /BEFORE on
   the same command line. If neither /AFTER nor /BEFORE is specified,
   the CREATE LIBRARY command's library list supersedes any existing
   search list.


   Specifies whether elements in a library can have multiple 
   reservations by setting the concurrent attribute on the library.
   Use /NOCONCURRENT to disallow multiple reservations.
   Use MODIFY LIBRARY to change this attribute on an existing library.


   Instructs CMS to create a directory to contain the library if the
   directory does not already exist. /NOCREATE_DIRECTORY is the default.


   Used to create a CMS library that allows the use of extended file
   names. This qualifier is only available on OpenVMS V7.2 and later.
   Use /NOEXTENDED_FILENAMES to create a CMS library that does not allow
   the use of extended file names. /NOEXTENDED_FILENAMES is the default.
   Use MODIFY LIBRARY to change this attribute on an existing library.


   Instructs CMS to not delete all versions of a file used to create
   a new element or generation.  /NOKEEP is the default.
   Use MODIFY LIBRARY to change this attribute on an existing library.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.
   Use MODIFY LIBRARY to change this attribute on an existing library.


   Used to create a CMS library that allows the use of long variant names.
   Use /NOLONG_VARIANT_NAMES to create a CMS library that does not allow
   the use of long variant names. /NOLONG_VARIANT_NAMES is the default.
   Use MODIFY LIBRARY to change this attribute on an existing library.


   Specifies a valid VMS directory to be used for reference copies
   of library elements. The directory cannot be a CMS library, nor
   should it be a subdirectory of a CMS library directory. If you use
   the CREATE LIBRARY command to create a search list of more than
   one library, you should specify a reference copy directory for
   each library in the search list. If you specify only one reference
   copy directory for more than one library, CMS creates one library
   for the entire search list, not one library for each library in
   the search list. Wildcards are not allowed.
   /NOREFERENCE_COPY is the default.
   Use MODIFY LIBRARY to change this attribute on an existing library.

   Controls whether CMS uses the original file revision time or the
   file storage time when a file is retrieved from the CMS library.
   The options field can contain of the following keywords:

      ORIGINAL (D)

   Use the ORIGINAL keyword to indicate that the original revision
   time of files placed in a CMS library should be restored unchanged 
   upon their retrieval.  This is the default behavior.  

   Use the STORAGE-TIME keyword to indicate that the time when a file
   was stored in a CMS library (through a CREATE ELEMENT or REPLACE 
   transaction) should be substituted for its original revision time 
   upon retrieval.
   Use MODIFY LIBRARY to change this attribute on an existing library.
4  Examples
   (1) CMS> CREATE LIBRARY [RELEASE.CMSLIB] "follows development library"

     This command creates a CMS library in the subdirectory
     [RELEASE.CMSLIB]. The library does not contain any elements
     yet. Subsequent CMS commands refer to the library contained
     in [RELEASE.CMSLIB] until the user logs out or issues a SET
     LIBRARY or another CREATE LIBRARY command.

            [DOC.FNL.CMSLIB] "creating doc lib"

     This example creates three CMS libraries in the subdirectories
     sets the library search list to the three libraries, in that
   Deletes one or more classes from a CMS library.


          DELETE CLASS  class-expression "remark"
4  Restrictions
   o  You cannot delete a class that contains any element
      generations unless you specify the /REMOVE_CONTENTS

   o  You cannot delete a class that has read-only access. (Use the
      MODIFY CLASS/NOREAD_ONLY command to change the access to the
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies the class or classes to be deleted from the CMS library.
   A class expression can be a class name, a wildcard expression, or
   a list of these separated by commas.


   Specifies a character string to be logged in the history file
   with this command, usually used to explain why the command was
   entered. The remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark
   was entered, a null remark ("") is logged.
4  Description
   The DELETE CLASS command deletes one or more classes from a CMS
   library. The class must exist and must not contain any element
   generations unless the /REMOVE_CONTENTS qualifier is specified.
   If the /REMOVE_CONTENTS qualifier is not specified and any
   generations belong to the class, CMS issues an error message and
   does not delete the class. If the /REMOVE_CONTENTS qualifier is
   not specified, use the REMOVE GENERATION command to remove element
   generations from a class before issuing the DELETE CLASS command.

   Even though a class is deleted, records of transactions that
   created and used the class are retained in the library history.
   You can reuse the deleted class name to create a new class.
   However, there is no distinction between the two classes in the
   project history, except that their transactions are separated by
   entries for DELETE CLASS and CREATE CLASS commands.

   To determine which generations belong to a class, use the SHOW
   CLASS command with the /CONTENTS qualifier.
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

   When you specify /CONFIRM and run CMS in interactive mode, CMS
   prompts you for confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1,
   CMS executes the transaction.  If you type NO, QUIT, FALSE, 0,
   or press RETURN or CTRL/Z, no action is performed. If you type 
   any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you type an 
   acceptable response.

   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to CLASS
      CLASS (D)
      NONE--equivalent to NOCLASS

   You can specify either ALL, NONE, or the [NO]CLASS keyword.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.


   Controls whether CMS removes generations of elements from the
   specified class prior to deleting the class. When /REMOVE_CONTENTS
   is specified CMS displays an informational message for each element
   generation that is removed from the class.
4  Examples
   (1) CMS> DELETE CLASS PRE_RELEASE "no longer necessary"

     This command deletes the class named PRE_RELEASE.

       _Remark: beta sites converted to released product
       %CMS-I-GENREMOVED, generation 3 of element 
       DISKX:[PROJECT.CMSLIB]INI.FOR removed from class 
       %CMS-I-GENREMOVED, generation 4 of element 
       DISKX:[PROJECT.CMSLIB]SRC.FOR removed from class 
       %CMS-I-GENREMOVED, generation 3 of element 
       DISKX:[PROJECT.CMSLIB]INI.FOR removed from class 
       %CMS-I-GENREMOVED, generation 2 of element 
       DISKX:[PROJECT.CMSLIB]SRC.FOR removed from class 
       %CMS-S-REMOVALS, 4 removals completed

       CMS> DELETE CLASS BETA* "beta sites converted to released product"
       %CMS-S-DELETIONS, 2 classes deleted

     This example removes all element generations from all classes
     whose names begin with the string BETA, then deletes all of
     the empty classes. CMS does not prompt for confirmation during
     deletion unless you specify the /CONFIRM qualifier.
   Deletes one or more elements from a CMS library.


         DELETE ELEMENT  element-expression "remark"
4  Restrictions
   o  You cannot delete an element that belongs to a group or has a
      generation in a class.

   o  You cannot delete an element that has a generation reserved.

   o  You cannot restore a deleted element.

   o  You cannot delete an element that has a generation under
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more elements that are to be deleted from the
   library. An element expression can be an element name, a wildcard
   expression, or a list of these separated by commas.


   Specifies a character string to be logged in the history file
   with this command, usually used to explain why the command was
   entered. The remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark
   was entered, a null remark ("") is logged.
4  Description
   The DELETE ELEMENT command deletes an element from a CMS library.
   If the element is set to /REFERENCE_COPY and there is a current
   reference copy directory for the CMS library, CMS deletes the
   corresponding file from the reference copy directory.

   There cannot be any existing reservations for the element.
   The element cannot be a member of a group, nor can one of its
   generations belong to a class, or be under review. If one of
   the element's generations is under review, use the CANCEL
   REVIEW command to remove it from the review list. If an element
   is reserved, you must unreserve or replace it before you can
   delete the element. If the element belongs to any groups or
   has generations in any classes, use the REMOVE ELEMENT or REMOVE
   GENERATION command to remove it.

   Even though an element is deleted, records of transactions that
   created and used the element are retained in the library history.
   You can reuse the deleted element name to create a new element.
   However, there is no distinction between the two elements in the
   library history, except that their transactions are separated by
   entries for DELETE ELEMENT and CREATE ELEMENT commands.
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

   When you run CMS in interactive mode, CMS prompts you for
   confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1, CMS executes the
   transaction. If you type NO or QUIT or press RETURN, no action
   is performed. If you type any other character, CMS continues to
   prompt until you type an acceptable response.

   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to ELEMENT
      ELEMENT (D)
      NONE--equivalent to NOELEMENT

   You can specify either ALL, NONE, or the [NO]ELEMENT keyword.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.
4  Example
   CMS> DELETE ELEMENT INITX.FOR "x-version no longer required"
   Delete element INITX.FOR? [Y/N] (N): Y
   %CMS-S-DELETIONS, 1 deletion completed

     This example uses INITX.FOR as an experimental module; when it
     is no longer needed, it can be deleted from the library.
   Deletes one or more generations of an element.


         DELETE GENERATION  element-expression "remark"
4  Restrictions
   o  You cannot delete generation 1 of an element.
   o  You cannot delete a generation that has variants off it.
   o  You cannot delete a generation that has a review pending.
   o  You cannot delete a generation that is reserved.
   o  You cannot delete a generation that is in a class.
   o  All generations in the specified range of generations to be
      deleted must be on the same line of descent.
   o  You cannot use /GENERATION in combination with /AFTER, /BEFORE,
      /FROM, or /TO.
   o  You cannot specify /AFTER and /FROM on the same command line.
   o  You cannot specify /BEFORE and /TO on the same command line.
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more generations of an element. An element
   expression can be an element name, a group name, a wildcard
   expression, or a list of these separated by commas.


   Specifies a character string to be logged in the history file
   with this command, usually used to explain why the command was
   entered. The remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark
   was entered, a null remark ("") is logged.
4  Description
   The DELETE GENERATION command removes information about one or
   more generations of an element. Once a generation is deleted, it
   cannot be restored to its former place in the element in the CMS
   library. You can, however, archive the contents of the generation
   using the /ARCHIVE qualifier and later restore the contents of the

   If the generation or range of generations to be deleted has a
   direct descendant generation (that is, a descendant generation on
   the same line of descent), then the changes associated with those
   generations are combined, and then those changes are combined
   with the changes in the descendant generation. If there is
   no descendant generation, that is, the generation or range of
   generations to be deleted is at the end of the line of descent,
   then the changes associated with those generations are discarded.

   You can specify a single generation with the /GENERATION
   qualifier. /GENERATION=1+ is the default. You can also specify
   a range of generations with either the /AFTER or /FROM qualifier
   to delimit the beginning of a range, and either the /BEFORE or /TO
   qualifier to delimit the end of a range. These sets of qualifiers
   can be paired to specify ranges with inclusive or exclusive
   endpoints (see the restriction section).

   If you delete the latest generation on the main line of descent of
   an element that has the reference copy attribute, CMS deletes the
   generation's reference copy and creates a new reference copy that
   corresponds to the generation that is now the latest generation on
   the main line of descent.
4  Qualifiers

   Specifies the start of a range of generations that are to be
   deleted, excluding the specified generation. You cannot specify
   both /AFTER and /FROM or both /AFTER and /GENERATION. You must
   specify the end of the range with either the /BEFORE or /TO


   Specifies a file to which CMS writes archived generation
   information. If the file specification is omitted, CMS creates
   a file for each with the same name as the element and the .CMS_
   ARCHIVE file type and places it in your default directory.


   Specifies the end of a range of generations that are to be
   deleted, excluding the specified generation. You cannot specify
   both /BEFORE and /TO or both /BEFORE and /GENERATION. You must
   specify the start of the range with either the /AFTER or /FROM


   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

   When you run CMS in interactive mode, CMS prompts you for
   confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1, CMS executes the
   transaction. If you type NO or QUIT or press RETURN, no action
   is performed. If you type any other character, CMS continues to
   prompt until you type an acceptable response.

   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.


   Specifies the start of a range of generations that are to be
   deleted, including the specified generation. You cannot specify
   both /FROM and /AFTER or both /FROM and /GENERATION. You must
   specify the end of the range with either the /BEFORE or /TO


   Specifies a particular generation of the element to be deleted. By
   default, the most recent generation on the main line of descent is
   deleted. You cannot combine /GENERATION with any of the following
   qualifiers: /FROM, /TO, /AFTER, and /BEFORE.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to ELEMENT
      ELEMENT (D)
      NONE--equivalent to NOELEMENT

   You can specify either ALL, NONE, or the [NO]ELEMENT keyword.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.


   Specifies the end of a range of generations that are to be
   deleted, including the specified generation. You cannot specify
   both /TO and /BEFORE or both /TO and /GENERATION. You must specify
   the start of the range with either the /AFTER or /FROM qualifier.
4  Examples
       _Remark: Delete variant line
       %CMS-S-GENDELETED, 1 generation of element 

     This command deletes generation 5B1 of the element SAMPLE.PAS.
     The /NOCONFIRM qualifier directs CMS to suppress the prompt
     confirming the operation.

       _Remark: delete generations between released versions
       Delete 5 generations after V1(1) before V2(7) of element SAMPLE.PAS?
       [Y/N] (N): Y
       %CMS-S-GENDELETED, 5 generations of element 

     This command deletes all generations of the element after the
     generation in class V1 and before the generation in class V2,
     excluding the two generations in classes V1 and V2.

       _Remark: delete a range
       %CMS-E-NOGENDELETED, no generations of 
       -CMS-E-VARINRANGE, range has variants

       _Remark: delete the variant range and archive the deleted generations
       %CMS-S-GENDELETED, 3 generations of element 

     The first command specifies that all generations be deleted
     between generation 1 and the generation in class V1. CMS could
     not delete the generations, however, because it found variants
     for the indicated generations.

     The second command specifies a range of generations to be
     deleted from and including the variant generation 2A1 to
     and including the latest variant generation of the element
     SAMPLE.PAS. In this case, CMS deleted 3 generations of the
     element. The /ARCHIVE qualifier directs CMS to save the deleted
     generations in an archive file in your default directory.

     To display the descendants of a generation and the
     classes containing the generations, use the SHOW
   Deletes one or more groups from a CMS library.


         DELETE GROUP  group-expression "remark"
4  Restrictions
   o  You cannot delete a group that contains any elements or groups
      unless you specify the /REMOVE_CONTENTS qualifier.
   o  You cannot delete a group that belongs to another group.
   o  You cannot delete a group that has read-only access. (Use the
      MODIFY GROUP/NOREAD_ONLY command to change the access to the
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies the group or groups to be deleted. A group expression
   can be one or more group names, a wildcard expression, or a list
   of these separated by commas.


   Specifies a character string to be logged in the history file
   with this command, usually used to explain why the command was
   entered. The remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark
   was entered, a null remark ("") is logged.
4  Description
   The DELETE GROUP command deletes a group from a CMS library. If
   the group is not empty and the /REMOVE_CONTENTS qualifier is
   not specified, or if the group belongs to another group, CMS
   returns an error and does not delete the group.

   Even though a group is deleted, records of transactions that
   created and used the group are retained in the library history.
   You can reuse the deleted group name to create a new group.
   However, there is no distinction between the two groups in the
   library history, except that their transactions are separated by
   entries for DELETE GROUP and CREATE GROUP commands.

   To determine which elements and groups belong to a group, use the
   SHOW GROUP command with the /CONTENTS qualifier.
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

   When you specify /CONFIRM and run CMS in interactive mode, CMS
   prompts you for confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1,
   CMS executes the transaction.  If you type NO, QUIT, FALSE, 0,
   or press RETURN or CTRL/Z, no action is performed. If you type 
   any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you type an 
   acceptable response.

   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to GROUP
      GROUP (D)
      NONE--equivalent to NOGROUP

   You can specify either ALL, NONE, or the [NO]GROUP keyword.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.


   Controls whether CMS removes elements and groups from the specified
   group prior to deleting the group. When /REMOVE_CONTENTS is
   specified CMS displays an informational message for each element or
   group that is removed from the group.
4  Example
   CMS> DELETE GROUP TIME_TST "superseded by comparison tests"

     This command deletes the group named TIME_TST.
   Deletes all or part of the library history.


         DELETE HISTORY  "remark"
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies a character string to be logged in the history file
   with this command, usually used to explain why the command was
   entered. The remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark
   was entered, a null remark ("") is logged.
4  Description
   The DELETE HISTORY command deletes all or part of the library
   history. By default, CMS writes the deleted history records to
   a file named HISTORY.DMP in your current default directory. CMS
   cannot access this file as a history file.

   The DELETE HISTORY command does not delete the library creation
   history record.

   Whenever you delete some of the library history, CMS records two
   transactions. As with other commands that modify the contents of
   the library, CMS records the deletion transaction. In addition,
   CMS logs a REMARK transaction at the point that corresponds to
   the /BEFORE value. If you do not specify the /BEFORE qualifier,
   the default is /BEFORE=current-time. The REMARK transaction
   record includes the following remark: "PREVIOUS HISTORY DELETED".
   Both the REMARK and the DELETE HISTORY transactions are unusual
   transactions. When you use the SHOW HISTORY command, CMS
   identifies unusual transactions by displaying an asterisk (*)
   in the first column of the transaction record.
4  Qualifiers

   Deletes all of the history information before a specified time. A
   single entry is made in the history file specifying that a section
   of the history data has been removed. This entry is made at the
   location in the history file where the lines were deleted.

   The time value can be an absolute, delta, or combination time
   value, or one of the following keywords: TODAY, TOMORROW, or
   YESTERDAY.  If the time value is a future value, CMS uses the
   current time.  


   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

   When you run CMS in interactive mode, CMS prompts you for
   confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1, CMS executes the
   transaction. If you type NO or QUIT or press RETURN, no action
   is performed. If you type any other character, CMS continues to
   prompt until you type an acceptable response.

   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to OTHER
      OTHER (D)
      NONE--equivalent to NOOTHER

   You can specify either ALL, NONE, or the [NO]OTHER keyword.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.


   Specifies an object about which history information is to be
   deleted. The object expression can be one or more class names,
   element names, group names, a wildcard expression, or a list of
   any of these, separated by commas. If you do not specify an object
   expression, CMS deletes all classes, elements, and group
   transaction records in the library subject to the constraints
   imposed by other qualifiers.


   Directs CMS to write output to the specified file. If you omit the
   /OUTPUT qualifier (or if you specify /OUTPUT but do not provide a
   file specification), CMS creates a file named HISTORY.DMP in your
   current default directory.


   Deletes all transaction records generated by a specific command.
   You can specify the following keywords with this qualifier:


   If you specify more than one keyword, you must enclose the keyword
   list in parentheses. The /TRANSACTIONS qualifier directs CMS
   to delete transaction records for only the listed keywords. The
   /NOTRANSACTIONS qualifier directs CMS to delete transaction records
   for all keywords except the listed keywords. If you omit the
   /TRANSACTIONS qualifier (or if you specify /TRANSACTIONS but do
   not provide any keywords), CMS deletes transaction records for all
   transaction types.


   Deletes all transaction records created by the specified user.
4  Example
   Confirm DELETE HISTORY/BEFORE=10-MAY-1988 [Y/N] (N): y
   %CMS-S-HISTDEL, 89 history records deleted

     This example deletes all of the library history prior to
     the current day. The following shows the first few records
     contained in the HISTORY.DMP file:

         Deleted dump for CMS Library DISKX:[PROJECT.CMSLIB]

           6-MAR-1988 17:07:50 SNAKE  CREATE ELEMENT OUTPUT.FOR 
                 "ASCII format"
           6-MAR-1988 17:26:10 MARTIN CREATE ELEMENT INIT.FOR 
                 "init routines"
           8-MAR-1988 12:33:09 LISA   RESERVE INIT.FOR(1) "change 
                 header offset"
           9-MAR-1988 17:34:04 LISA   REPLACE INIT.FOR(2) "header 
                 offset and additional free space added"

     The CREATE LIBRARY transaction is not deleted from the library
   The DIFFERENCES command performs the following functions:

   o  Compares two files, two generations of elements, or a file and
      a generation of an element (see File).

   o  Compares the contents of two classes (see /CLASS).
3  file
   Compares two files, two generations of elements, or a file and
   a generation of an element. If the entities are different, CMS
   creates a file that contains the lines that differ between them.
   If they are the same, CMS issues a message to that effect and does
   not create a differences file (unless the /FULL qualifier is in


         DIFFERENCES  file1 [file2]
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies the first file that is to be compared. If you specify
   /GENERATION for this parameter, file1 must be an element name;
   otherwise, a VMS file specification is assumed.


   Specifies the second file that is to be compared. If you specify
   /GENERATION for this parameter, file2 must be an element name;
   otherwise, a VMS file specification is assumed.

   CMS follows these rules when you do not provide a second file

   o  If you direct CMS to take file1 from a location that is not a
      CMS library, CMS uses the next lower file version in the same
      directory as file1.

   o  If you direct CMS to take file1 from a CMS library (by
      specifying /GENERATION), CMS uses the latest default directory
      version of file1 as the second input file.
4  Description
   The DIFFERENCES command compares the contents of two files. If
   CMS finds differences, it creates a file named first-file-name.DIF
   in your current default directory (unless /OUTPUT is in effect.)
   If the files are the same, it issues a message to that effect
   and does not create a differences file. By default, CMS compares
   two files that are not located in a CMS library. However, you can
   direct CMS to use element generations from the current library by
   specifying the /GENERATION qualifier on one or both of the file
   name parameters.

   Note: If both file1 and file2 are element generations, both 
   generations must reside in the same library of the search list 
   or an error will occur.  

   A difference is defined as one of the following:

   o  A line or lines that are in one file and not in the other.

   o  A replacement of n lines by m lines (n may or may not be equal
      to m).

   Only the lines that differ are displayed in the differences file
   (unless you specify /FULL).

   A heading at the beginning of the differences file includes the
   name of the user that issued the command, the date and time the
   command was issued, and the file specifications of the two files
   being compared. If you direct CMS to use element generations and
   you have specified the /FORMAT option generation-differences,
   the differences listing contains a section labeled "Generation
   Differences" that contains the replacement history for the
   element. Each generation used in the comparison is identified by
   an asterisk (*) in the first column of the transaction record.
   The differences between the files are contained in a section
   labeled "Text Differences." By default, each difference is
   formatted with the line or lines from the first file followed by
   the differing line or lines from the second file. If a difference
   consists of a line or lines in one file but not the other,
   only the lines from the file containing the additional text are

   If you specify the /SKIP, /SENTINEL, and /IGNORE qualifiers on the
   same command line, they are processed in the following order:

   (3) /SKIP
   (4) /SENTINEL
   (5) /IGNORE options other than HISTORY or NOTES

   For example, if you specify /SKIP=5 and /SENTINEL=("sushi","bar"),
   DIFFERENCES disregards the first 5 lines in each of the compared
   files, and then searches the remainder of each file for the
   sentinel character strings "sushi" and "bar".
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS appends the command output to an existing
   file, or creates a new file. If you specify /APPEND and the output
   file does not exist, CMS creates a new file. If you do not provide
   an output file specification (see the description for /OUTPUT),
   CMS searches your current default directory for a file with the
   file name specified in the file1 parameter and the file type .DIF.

/FORMAT=(data-format, data-partition, [no]generation-differences)

   Controls whether the output file is formatted, specifies the
   type of formatting, and controls whether a list of generation
   differences is included in the DIFFERENCES output. You can specify
   the parameters in any order.


   Specifies the type of format. Possible values for data formats 
   include:   ASCII (Default), DECIMAL, HEXADECIMAL, and OCTAL.  


   Specifies the type of data partition. Possible values for data
   partitions include:  BYTE, LONGWORD, RECORDS (Default), and WORD.


   Specifies whether or not a list of generation differences is to
   be included in the DIFFERENCES output. This option is applicable
   only if two element generations are compared by the DIFFERENCES
   command. In any other case, this option is ignored.  Possible 
   values for generation-differences include: GENERATION_DIFFERENCES


   Directs CMS to include a complete listing in the output file,
   including identical text and differences between file1 and file2.


   Directs CMS to search for an element generation in the current
   CMS library. The /GENERATION qualifier must immediately follow
   the element name to which it applies. If you specify /GENERATION
   but do not provide a generation expression, CMS uses the latest
   generation on the main line of descent.


   Specifies one or more of the following keywords. Each keyword
   indicates a type of special character to be ignored during the

   Keyword          Ignored Characters

   CASE             Directs CMS to ignore any differences between the
                    case of alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z).

   FORM_FEEDS       Directs CMS to remove formfeed characters as it
                    compares records from the two files.

   HISTORY          Directs CMS to ignore element generation history
                    as it compares a file with a generation. At least
                    one of the files must be an element generation
                    with the history attribute enabled.

   LEADING_BLANKS   Directs CMS to remove leading blanks and tabs as
                    it compares records from the two files.

   NOTES            Directs CMS to ignore notes as it compares a file
                    with a generation. At least one of the files must
                    be an element generation with the notes attribute

   SPACING          Directs CMS to compress multiple blanks and tabs
                    into a single space as it compares records from
                    the two files.

   TRAILING_BLANKS  Directs CMS to remove trailing blanks and tabs as
                    it compares records from the two files.

   If the HISTORY or NOTES keyword is specified, the history or notes
   text is not used for the comparison, and is also removed from
   the output generated by DIFFERENCES. For all other options, the
   output generated by DIFFERENCES contains the original records used
   for the comparison, instead of the modified form of the records
   designated by the /IGNORE qualifier.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, CLASS)
      ELEMENT (D)
      CLASS (D)
      NONE--equivalent to (NOELEMENT, NOCLASS)

   You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
   [NO]ELEMENT and [NO]CLASS keywords.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.


   Directs CMS to write output to the specified file. CMS creates a
   new file if you do not specify /APPEND. If you omit the /OUTPUT
   qualifier (or if you specify /OUTPUT but do not provide a file
   specification), CMS creates a file with the file name specified in
   the file1 parameter and the file type .DIF. If you specify a file
   name but omit the file type component, CMS writes the output to a
   file with the specified file name and a file type of .DIF.


   Directs CMS to execute a comparison without creating an output
   file. This form of the comparison may be significantly faster
   because CMS stops the transaction when it encounters the first


   Controls whether CMS allows page breaks in the output file. By
   default, page breaks are converted to the string "<PAGE>" in the
   output file. Use /PAGE_BREAK to request the inclusion of page
   breaks in the output file.


   Controls whether the differing lines from the two files are
   formatted side by side. If you specify /PARALLEL, the differences
   from the first file are displayed on the left and the differences
   from the second file are displayed on the right. The heading of
   the differences report displays the file specification of the
   first file on the left and the file specification of the second
   file on the right.

   By default, the width of the listing is 132. Use the /WIDTH
   qualifier to control the width. Vertical lines separate the text
   on the left side of the report from the text on the right side.
   The text from each of the files is allotted equal space (half the
   width of the full report).

   If a line from one of the files being compared is longer than half
   the width of the full report, the line is truncated on the right.
   A plus sign (+) is printed at the end of the line to indicate
   that the line has been truncated.

/SENTINEL=("begin-delimiter", "end-delimiter")

   Specifies a pair of strings used to delimit a section of text to
   be ignored during the comparison of both files. The delimiters
   can be up to 256 characters per line, and must be unique. Any text
   between and including the delimiters is treated as if it did not
   exist. If you do not enclose the sentinel strings in quotation
   marks, they are converted to uppercase before the comparison of
   the files. Sentinel strings may contain any characters, but if you
   include spaces or tabs, they must be enclosed in quotation marks.

   Sentinel strings can appear anywhere in a file. If text delimited
   by a sentinel pair crosses record boundaries, the text after the
   delimited region appears in its own record in the output file; it
   is not appended to the contents of the record in which the begin
   delimiter was found.


   Indicates the number of lines at the beginning of each file (or
   generation) that are to be ignored during the comparison of both
   files. You must specify a nonnegative integer value indicating the
   number of lines to be ignored.


   Specifies the limit for the width of the differences report. The
   value n is required and must be an integer in the range 48 to 511. 
   If n is less than 48, 48 is used. If n is more than 511, 511 is 
   used. The default width is the same as the width of the output 

   The width of the report is rounded down to the nearest multiple
   of 8 minus 1. CMS rounds down so that if you have specified the
   /PARALLEL qualifier, CMS correctly interprets the horizontal tabs
   in the file on the right. Thus, for example, if you specify a
   value of 100 on the /WIDTH qualifier, the actual width is 95.
   Compares the contents of two classes. If the particular generation
   of any element, that is a member of the class, differs between the
   classes, CMS creates a file that contains a listing of the class
   members that differ between them. If the contents of the classes
   are the same, CMS issues a message to that effect and does not create
   a differences file (unless the /FULL qualifier is in effect). The
   /CLASS qualifier must be specified prior to any other qualifiers.


         DIFFERENCES/CLASS  class1 class2
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies the first class that is to be compared.


   Specifies the second class that is to be compared.
4  Description
   The DIFFERENCES/CLASS command compares the contents of two
   classes. If CMS finds differences, it creates a file named
   first-class-name.DIF in your current default directory (unless
   /OUTPUT is in effect.) If the contents of the classes are the
   same, it issues a message to that effect and does not create a
   differences file.

   Note: Both classes must reside in the same library of the search
   list or an error will occur.  

   A difference is defined as one of the following:

   o  A particular generation of an element is a member of one
      class but no generation of the element is a member of the
      other class.

   o  One particular generation of an element is a member of one
      class and a different generation of the same element is a
      member of the other class.

   Only the generations that differ are displayed in the differences
   file (unless you specify /FULL).

   A heading at the beginning of the differences file includes the
   name of the user that issued the command, the date and time the
   command was issued, and the class names of the two classes being
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS appends the command output to an existing
   file, or creates a new file. If you specify /APPEND and the output
   file does not exist, CMS creates a new file. If you do not provide
   an output file specification (see the description for /OUTPUT),
   CMS searches your current default directory for a file with the
   file name specified in the file1 parameter and the file type .DIF.


   Directs CMS to include a complete listing in the output file,
   including both identical and different generations between
   class1 and class2.


   Specifies one or more of the following keywords. Each keyword
   indicates a type of difference to be ignored during the

   Keyword          Ignored Difference

   FIRST_VARIANT    Directs CMS to ignore any differences where the
                    generation in one class is the first variant of
                    the generation in the other class. For example
                    generation 2C1 is a first variant of generation
                    2 and generation 4B6D1 is a first variant of
                    generation 4B6.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, CLASS)
      ELEMENT (D)
      CLASS (D)
      NONE--equivalent to (NOELEMENT, NOCLASS)

   You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
   [NO]ELEMENT and [NO]CLASS keywords.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.


   Directs CMS to write output to the specified file. CMS creates a
   new file if you do not specify /APPEND. If you omit the /OUTPUT
   qualifier (or if you specify /OUTPUT but do not provide a file
   specification), CMS creates a file with the file name specified in
   the class1 parameter and the file type .DIF. If you specify a file
   name but omit the file type component, CMS writes the output to a
   file with the specified file name and a file type of .DIF.


   Directs CMS to execute a comparison without creating an output
   file. This form of the comparison may be significantly faster
   because CMS stops the transaction when it encounters the first


   Controls whether the differing member generations from the two
   classes are formatted side by side. If you specify /PARALLEL,
   the differences from the first class are displayed on the left
   and the differences from the second class are displayed on the
   right. The heading of the differences report displays the class
   name of the first class on the left and the class name of the
   second class on the right.

   By default, the width of the listing is 132. Use the /WIDTH
   qualifier to control the width. Vertical lines separate the text
   on the left side of the report from the text on the right side.
   The text from each of the classes is allotted equal space (half
   the width of the full report).

   If a line from one of the classes being compared is longer than
   half the width of the full report, the line is truncated on the
   right. A plus sign (+) is printed at the end of the line to
   indicate that the line has been truncated.


   Specifies one or more of the following keywords. Each keyword
   indicates a type of class difference to show.

   Keyword                   Difference Type

   GENERATION_DIFFERENCES    Directs CMS to show the difference if the
                             generation in one class differs from the
                             generation in the other class but one
                             generation isn't a variant of the other

   VARIANT_DIFFERENCES       Directs CMS to show the difference if the
                             generation in one class differs from the
                             generation in the other class and one
                             generation is a variant of the other. One
                             generation will be a variant of the other
                             if at some point in the path between one
                             generation and the other a generation is
                             reserved and replaced /VARIANT.

   If the /SHOW qualifier is not specified, both generation differences
   and variant differences are shown. If a generation of an element is
   in one class but no generation of the element is in the other class
   then the difference is always shown regardless of whether the /SHOW
   qualifier is specified or not.

   Specifies the limit for the width of the differences report. The
   value n is required and must be an integer in the range 48 to 511. 
   If n is less than 48, 48 is used. If n is more than 511, 511 is 
   used. The default width is the same as the width of the output 

   The width of the report is rounded down to the nearest multiple
   of 8 minus 1. CMS rounds down so that if you have specified the
   /PARALLEL qualifier, CMS correctly interprets the horizontal tabs
   in the generation comment on the right. Thus, for example, if you
   specify a value of 100 on the /WIDTH qualifier, the actual width
   is 95.
   Retrieves a copy of a generation of one or more elements from a
   CMS library.


          FETCH  element-expression "remark"
3  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more generations of an element to be retrieved
   from the library. An element expression can be an element name, a
   group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by
   commas. By default, the most recent generation on the main line of
   descent is fetched.


   Specifies a character string to be logged in the history file
   with this command, usually used to explain why the command was
   entered. The remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark
   was entered, a null remark ("") is logged.
3  Description
   The FETCH command delivers a copy of the specified element
   generation to your current default directory. The element is not
   reserved, and CMS does not allow you to replace a fetched element.
   CMS allows you to fetch an element that is reserved, and notifies
   you of any current reservations for the element.

   The presence or absence of a remark determines whether the FETCH
   transaction is recorded in the library history. If you enter a
   remark, CMS records the transaction in the history file. If you
   enter a null remark, CMS does not record the transaction in the
   history file.

   If a version of a file with the same name as the element already
   exists in your current default directory when you execute the
   fetch transaction, CMS notifies you. A new version is then created
   with the next higher version number.

   When you fetch a generation of an element from a CMS library, CMS
   restores the file creation time, revision time, revision number,
   and record format and attributes. The file that is placed in your
   directory has the same creation and revision times as the file
   that was used to create the generation that you are fetching.
3  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

   When you specify /CONFIRM and run CMS in interactive mode, CMS
   prompts you for confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1,
   CMS executes the transaction.  If you type NO, QUIT, FALSE, 0,
   or press RETURN or CTRL/Z, no action is performed. If you type 
   any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you type an 
   acceptable response.

   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.


   Specifies a particular generation of the element that is to be
   retrieved. If you omit /GENERATION, CMS fetches the most recent
   generation on the main line of descent.


   Specifies that history is to be included in the retrieved file.
   The quoted string specifies the format of the history. The quoted
   string must contain the characters #H or #B (lowercase is allowed)
   and can contain other printing characters. To include a quotation
   mark in the output history string, type it twice (""). To include
   a number sign (#) in the output history string, type it twice


   Prevents CMS from appending the element history to the file. If
   you omit /NOHISTORY, and the retrieved element has the history
   attribute, the element history is included in the file when it is
   delivered to your current default directory. An element has the
   history attribute if you specified the /HISTORY qualifier on the

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Controls whether another generation of the element (called the
   merge generation) is to be merged with the generation that is
   being fetched (called the retrieved generation).

   When you specify the /MERGE qualifier, CMS merges the lines of
   the two generations and delivers a single copy to your default
   directory. The file that is placed in your directory has the
   current creation and revision times. The merge generation cannot
   be on the same line of descent as the retrieved generation. When
   there is a conflict between blocks of one or more lines, CMS
   includes the conflicting lines and flags the conflict.


   Temporarily establishes the notes attribute for the element,
   regardless of whether the element previously had the notes
   attribute enabled. If neither the /NOTES or /NONOTES qualifier is
   specified for an element, but the element has the notes attribute
   enabled, notes are appended to the lines of the file when it is
   retrieved by the FETCH or RESERVE command.

   The quoted string specifies the format of the note. The quoted
   string can contain text or the characters #G (or #g), or both.
   If you specify /NOTES for an element that does not have the notes
   attribute enabled, then you must also specify /POSITION.


   Specifies that notes are not to be embedded in the output file.
   If you omit /NONOTES, and the retrieved element has the notes
   attribute, CMS embeds notes in the output file. An element has
   the notes attribute if you specified the /NOTES qualifier on the


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, GROUP, CLASS)
      ELEMENT (D)
      GROUP (D)
      CLASS (D)
      NONE--equivalent to (NOELEMENT, NOGROUP, NOCLASS)

   You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
   [NO]ELEMENT, [NO]GROUP, and [NO]CLASS keywords.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.


   Directs CMS to write output to the specified file. If you omit the
   /OUTPUT qualifier (or if you specify /OUTPUT but do not provide a
   file specification), CMS creates a file with the same name as the

   If you fetch more than one element (by specifying wildcards or a
   group name for the element expression parameter), and you do not
   specify wildcards in the output file specification, CMS creates
   successive versions of the file indicated by /OUTPUT.


   Specifies that the fetch operation is to be performed along with
   any history processing and error checking, but that no output file
   is to be created. By default, an output file with the same name as
   the element is created.


   Specifies the column in which the note is to be placed. The column
   number is required and must be an integer in the range 1 to 511.
   The notes attribute or the /NOTES qualifier is required with the
   /POSITION qualifier.

   If the length of the line is less than the specified column
   number, the note appears at the column number. If the length of
   the line is greater than or equal to the column number, the note
   is placed at the next tab stop after the end of the line. (Tab
   stops are at position 9 and every 8 characters thereafter.)
3  Example
   CMS> FETCH INIT.FOR "check for correct spelling"
   Element INIT.FOR currently reserved by:
       (1)    SMITH   2    30-APR-1988 15:48:35.65  "to add new routine"
   %CMS-S-FETCHED, generation 2 of element DISKX:[PROJECT.CMSLIB]INIT.FOR 

     This command fetches the latest generation on the main line of
     descent of element INIT.FOR. CMS indicates that the element is
     reserved, then continues with the fetch transaction.
   Provides online CMS information.
3  Command_Parameters

   Specifies a subject that is related to CMS. For example, help
   on the topic OVERVIEW consists of general information on CMS and
   pointers to other topics that would be of interest to new users.
   Help on CLASSES defines the concept of a class and points to help
   on commands that manipulate classes.


   Gives information about CMS either at DCL level or at CMS
   subsystem level. At DCL level, the DCL command HELP CMS provides
   online help on CMS commands, qualifiers, and other topics. For

     $ HELP CMS

   To get help on a specific CMS command, such as the CREATE ELEMENT
   command, type the command after HELP CMS. For example:


   You can get help at the CMS subsystem level by typing either HELP,
   or HELP and the specific command. For example:


command /qualifier

   Specifies a CMS command with an appropriate qualifier. For


   This command gives you help at DCL level on the PARALLEL qualifier
   on the DIFFERENCES command.

command option

   Specifies a CMS command with an appropriate option. For example:


   These commands give you help at DCL level on the SHOW ELEMENT and
   CREATE CLASS commands.

command option/qualifier

   Specifies a CMS command with an option and a qualifier. For


   This command gives you help at DCL level on the /RESERVE qualifier
   on the CREATE ELEMENT command.
3  Description
   Online help for CMS is available at both the DCL and the CMS
   subsystem command level. At DCL level, you can type HELP CMS or
   CMS HELP to get information. At CMS subsystem level, you can type
   HELP to get information. If you omit a parameter after HELP CMS,
   you get an overview of the CMS HELP facility. In this overview,
   the general syntax of a CMS command is displayed, and all the
   keywords for which you can obtain more information are listed.

   The command HELP CMS HELP gives a short explanation of how the
   HELP topics are organized.
   Places one or more elements or groups in the specified group or


         INSERT ELEMENT  element-expression group-expression "remark"
4  Restrictions
   o  You cannot insert an element into a group that has read-only
   o  You cannot insert an element into a group if the element
      already belongs to the group.
   o  You cannot insert an element into a group in another library
      (the element and group must be in the same library).
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more elements to be inserted into the group.
   An element expression can be an element name, a group name, a
   wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas.


   Specifies one or more groups into which the element or elements is
   to be inserted. A group expression can be a group name, a wildcard
   expression, or a list of these separated by commas.


   Specifies a character string to be logged in the history file
   with this command, usually used to explain why the command was
   entered. The remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark
   was entered, a null remark ("") is logged.
4  Description
   The INSERT ELEMENT command places one or more elements or groups
   into one or more groups. The groups must already exist. When you
   use the INSERT ELEMENT command with a group name, you insert the
   contents of the group. For example, if you insert group A into
   group B by using the INSERT ELEMENT command, group B will contain
   the contents of group A at the time of the insertion transaction.
   If the contents of group A change at a later time, the contents of
   group B are not affected. To insert a group into another group,
   use the INSERT GROUP command.
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

   When you specify /CONFIRM and run CMS in interactive mode, CMS
   prompts you for confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1,
   CMS executes the transaction.  If you type NO, QUIT, FALSE, 0,
   or press RETURN or CTRL/Z, no action is performed. If you type 
   any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you type an 
   acceptable response.

   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.


   Directs CMS to insert the element only if the group does not
   already contain that element. If the element already belongs to
   the group, CMS takes no action and does not return an error.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, GROUP)
      ELEMENT (D)
      GROUP (D)
      NONE--equivalent to (NOELEMENT, NOGROUP)

   You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
   [NO]ELEMENT and [NO]GROUP keywords.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.
4  Examples
   (1) CMS> INSERT ELEMENT INIT.FOR TIME_TST "for time tests"
       inserted into DISKX:[PROJECT.CMSLIB]group TIME_TST

     This command inserts the element INIT.FOR into the group named

   (2) CMS> INSERT ELEMENT DBAS EXAMPLES "more examples for book"
       inserted into DISKX:[PROJECT.CMSLIB]group EXAMPLES
       inserted into DISKX:[PROJECT.CMSLIB]group EXAMPLES

     This command inserts the contents of group DBAS into group
   Places one or more element generations in the specified class or


         INSERT GENERATION  element-expression class-expression "remark"
4  Restrictions
   o  You cannot insert an element generation into a class that has
      read-only access.
   o  A class can contain only one generation of any particular
   o  You cannot insert a generation into a class in another library
      (the generation and class must be in the same library).
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more elements whose generations are to be
   inserted into the class. An element expression can be an element
   name, a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these
   separated by commas. By default, the most recent generation on the
   main line of descent is inserted.


   Specifies an established class into which the element generation
   is being placed. The class must not have the read-only attribute.
   A class expression can be a class name, a wildcard expression, or
   a list of these separated by commas.


   Specifies a character string to be logged in the history file
   with this command, usually used to explain why the command was
   entered. The remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark
   was entered, a null remark ("") is logged.
4  Description
   The INSERT GENERATION command places the specified element
   generation into one or more classes. The class or classes must
   already exist. (See the description of the CREATE CLASS command.)

   A class can contain only one generation of an element. You
   cannot insert any generations into a class that has the read-only
   attribute. (See the description of the MODIFY CLASS command.)
4  Qualifiers

   Directs CMS to insert the element generation into the class in
   all cases. If the class already contains a generation from the
   specified element, that generation is removed before the new one
   is inserted.


   Directs CMS to insert the element generation based on the
   /GENERATION qualifier or the latest generation on the main line
   of descent if there is no qualifier. The generation inserted is
   the latest ancestor of the generation determined above that
   pre-dates the specified time. If no generation pre-dates that
   time (i.e. generation 1 is later) then no generation is inserted.

   The time value can be an absolute, delta, or combination time
   value, or one of the following keywords: TODAY, TOMORROW, or
   YESTERDAY.  If the time value is a future value, CMS uses the
   current time.  If no time value is supplied, CMS used TODAY.


   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

   When you specify /CONFIRM and run CMS in interactive mode, CMS
   prompts you for confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1,
   CMS executes the transaction.  If you type NO, QUIT, FALSE, 0,
   or press RETURN or CTRL/Z, no action is performed. If you type 
   any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you type an 
   acceptable response.

   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.


   Specifies a particular generation of the element that is to be
   inserted into the class. If you omit /GENERATION, the INSERT
   command uses the latest generation on the main line of descent.


   Directs CMS to insert the element generation into the class only
   if a generation of that element is not already in the class. If a
   generation of the element is already in the class, CMS takes no
   action and does not return an error.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, GROUP, CLASS)
      ELEMENT (D)
      GROUP (D)
      CLASS (D)
      NONE--equivalent to (NOELEMENT, NOGROUP, NOCLASS)

   You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
   [NO]ELEMENT, [NO]GROUP, and [NO]CLASS keywords.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.


   Controls whether CMS removes a generation of the element that
   exists in the class and replaces it with the specified generation.
   (Using /SUPERSEDE is the equivalent of using the REMOVE command
   before the INSERT command.)

   If you specify /SUPERSEDE and there is no generation of the
   specified element already in the class, an error message is
   issued and the generation is not inserted into the class. You
   cannot use the /IF_ABSENT qualifier on the same command line as
   the /SUPERSEDE qualifier to override this action.

   If you omit the /SUPERSEDE qualifier and a generation of the
   element already exists in the class, an error message is issued
   and no change is made to the library.
4  Examples
       %CMS-S-GENINSERTED, generation 2 of element 
       DISKX:[PROJECT.CMSLIB]INIT.FOR inserted into class 

     This command inserts the default generation of element INIT.FOR
     into the class PRE_RELEASE_V3.

       _Class name: BASELEVEL_1 "inserting generation 3 for final baselevel
       Insert generation 3 of element INIT.FOR into class BASELEVEL_1? 
       [Y/N] (N): Y
       %CMS-I-GENINSERTED, generation 3 of element 
       DISKX:[PROJECT.CMSLIB]INIT.FOR inserted into class 
       Insert generation 3 of element SPEC.TXT into class BASELEVEL_1? 
       [Y/N] (N): Y
       %CMS-I-GENINSERTED, generation 3 of element 
       DISKX:[PROJECT.CMSLIB]SPEC.TXT inserted into class 
       CMS-I-INSERTIONS, 2 insertions completed

     This example inserts generation 3 of both elements INIT.FOR
     and SPEC.TXT into the class BASELEVEL_1. The /IF_ABSENT
     qualifier indicates that the generations should be inserted
     only if they are not already present in the class. The /CONFIRM
     qualifier directs CMS to prompt you for confirmation before
     each insertion.
   Places one or more groups into the specified group or groups.


         INSERT GROUP  subgroup-expression group-expression "remark"
4  Restrictions
   o  You cannot insert a group into another group that has read-only
   o  You can insert a group into another group only once.
   o  You cannot create recursive groups; that is, a group cannot
      directly or indirectly be a member of itself.
   o  You cannot insert a group from one library into a group in
      another library (both groups must be in the same library).
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more groups to be inserted into a second group
   (indicated by group-expression). A subgroup expression can be a
   group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by


   Specifies the group into which subgroup-expression is to be
   inserted. A group expression can be a group name, a wildcard
   expression, or a list of these separated by commas.


   Specifies a character string to be logged in the history file
   with this command, usually used to explain why the command was
   entered. The remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark
   was entered, a null remark ("") is logged.
4  Description
   The INSERT GROUP command inserts one or more groups into one
   or more other groups. Both groups must exist. When you use the
   INSERT GROUP command to insert group A into group B, the elements
   accessible through group B change as the contents of group A
   change. A group cannot be a member of itself; that is, it cannot
   be a subgroup of itself. For example, you cannot insert group A
   into group B if group A already contains group B.
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

   When you specify /CONFIRM and run CMS in interactive mode, CMS
   prompts you for confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1,
   CMS executes the transaction.  If you type NO, QUIT, FALSE, 0,
   or press RETURN or CTRL/Z, no action is performed. If you type 
   any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you type an 
   acceptable response.

   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.


   Directs CMS to insert subgroup-expression into group-expression
   only if group-expression does not already contain it. If subgroup-
   expression already belongs to group-expression, CMS takes no
   action and does not return an error.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to GROUP
      GROUP (D)
      NONE--equivalent to NOGROUP

   You can specify either ALL, NONE, or the [NO]GROUP keyword.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.
4  Example

     This command inserts the group named USER_MANUAL into the group
     named CODE_AND_DOCS. As long as group USER_MANUAL belongs to
     group CODE_AND_DOCS, any changes to the contents of USER_MANUAL
     are reflected in the contents of CODE_AND_DOCS. Any element
     accessible through USER_MANUAL is also accessible through CODE_
   Marks each specified element generation for review and adds it to
   the review pending list.


         MARK GENERATION  element-expression "remark"
4  Restrictions
   o  This command can be used only on element generations that do
      not already have reviews pending.
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more elements or groups of elements whose
   generations are to be marked with pending review status. An
   element expression can be an element name, a group name, a
   wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas.


   Specifies a character string to be logged in the history file
   with this command, usually used to explain why the command was
   entered. The remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark
   was entered, a null remark ("") is logged.
4  Description
   The MARK GENERATION command changes the review status of the
   specified element generation from "none" to "pending" and inserts
   it into the review pending list. You can then review the element
   generation by using the REVIEW GENERATION command. Use one of the
   following commands to change the review status of the element
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

   When you specify /CONFIRM and run CMS in interactive mode, CMS
   prompts you for confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1,
   CMS executes the transaction.  If you type NO, QUIT, FALSE, 0,
   or press RETURN or CTRL/Z, no action is performed. If you type 
   any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you type an 
   acceptable response.

   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.


   Specifies which generation of the element is to be marked as
   having review pending status. If you omit /GENERATION, CMS marks
   the most recent generation on the main line of descent.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, GROUP, CLASS)
      ELEMENT (D)
      GROUP (D)
      CLASS (D)
      NONE--equivalent to (NOELEMENT, NOGROUP, NOCLASS)

   You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
   [NO]ELEMENT, [NO]GROUP, and [NO]CLASS keywords.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.
4  Example
   _Remark: check this gen out before reinserting into class
   %CMS-S-MARKED, generation 1X1 of element 

     This command marks a specific generation for review. CMS adds
     the generation to the review pending list.
   Changes the characteristics of a specified class or classes.


         MODIFY CLASS  class-expression /qualifier "remark"
4  Restrictions
   o  You cannot modify a class that has read-only access. If a
      class has read-only access, you must change it to NOREAD_
      ONLY access to change the contents of the class or any other

   o  You must specify one or more of the following qualifiers:
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies the class being modified. A class expression can be a
   class name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by


   Specifies a character string to be logged in the history file with
   this command, usually used to explain why the command was entered.
   The remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark was
   entered, a null remark ("") is logged. Note that this parameter
   and the string on the /REMARK qualifier are unrelated.
4  Description
   The MODIFY CLASS command changes the characteristics of one or
   more classes. You can alter the following characteristics:

   o  The name of the class.

   o  The access to the class (READ_ONLY or NOREAD_ONLY). You cannot
      change the contents, the name, or the remark of a class that
      has been set to READ_ONLY.

   o  The creation remark that is associated with the class.

   Use the SHOW CLASS command to display class characteristics.
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

   When you specify /CONFIRM and run CMS in interactive mode, CMS
   prompts you for confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1,
   CMS executes the transaction.  If you type NO, QUIT, FALSE, 0,
   or press RETURN or CTRL/Z, no action is performed. If you type 
   any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you type an 
   acceptable response.

   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Specifies the new name for the class. The new class name cannot
   be the same as an existing class or group name. If a previously
   used class or group name has been removed with the DELETE CLASS or
   DELETE GROUP command, you can reuse that name. Wildcards and comma
   lists are not allowed.

   If you specify the /NAME qualifier, you cannot use wildcards or a
   comma list in the class-name parameter, nor can you use a wildcard
   for the /NAME qualifier. You cannot change the name of a class
   that has read-only access.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to CLASS
      CLASS (D)
      NONE--equivalent to NOCLASS

   You can specify either ALL, NONE, or the [NO]CLASS keyword.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.


   Establishes or alters the read-only attribute of a class. To
   change the characteristics of a read-only class, you must set
   the class to NOREAD_ONLY. NOREAD_ONLY is the default attribute of
   a class when it is created with the CREATE CLASS command.


   Specifies a new remark to be substituted for the creation remark
   that is associated with the class. You cannot change the remark of
   a class that has been set to READ_ONLY.
4  Examples
   (1) CMS> MODIFY CLASS PRE_RELEASE/READ_ONLY "freeze internal version"

     This command sets the class named PRE_RELEASE to READ_ONLY.

       _Remark: include additional functions

     This example renames class PRE_RELEASE to PRE_RELEASE_V3.
     Because PRE_RELEASE had been set to READ_ONLY, it is necessary
     to use the /NOREAD_ONLY qualifier to modify the class.
   Changes the characteristics of a specified element or elements.


         MODIFY ELEMENT element-expression /qualifier "remark"
4  Restrictions
   o  You cannot modify an element if it is set to read-only access.
   o  You can modify only the reference copy, remark, and review
      attributes of an element that has a generation reserved.
   o  If you specify /NOTES, you must also specify /POSITION on the
      same command line.
   o  You must specify one or more of the following qualifiers:

4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more elements to be modified. An element
   expression can be an element name, a group name, a wildcard
   expression, or a list of these separated by commas.


   Specifies a character string to be logged in the history file with
   this command, usually used to explain why the command was entered.
   The remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark was
   entered, a null remark ("") is logged. Note that this parameter
   and the string on the /REMARK qualifier are unrelated.
4  Description
   The MODIFY ELEMENT command changes the characteristics of one or
   more elements. You can alter the following characteristics:

   o  The concurrent attribute of the element
   o  The history string that is inserted in the element history when
      the element is reserved or fetched
   o  The element name
   o  The notes string and related position attribute
   o  The reference copy attribute of the element
   o  The creation remark that is associated with the element
   o  The review attribute

   Use the SHOW ELEMENT command to display element characteristics.

   If the history, notes, or position attribute is modified on an
   element that has the reference copy attribute, CMS creates an
   updated reference copy for the element.
4  Qualifiers

   Specifies whether this element can have multiple reservations. If
   you do not specify this qualifier, the existing concurrent access
   is not changed.


   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

   When you specify /CONFIRM and run CMS in interactive mode, CMS
   prompts you for confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1,
   CMS executes the transaction.  If you type NO, QUIT, FALSE, 0,
   or press RETURN or CTRL/Z, no action is performed. If you type 
   any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you type an 
   acceptable response.

   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.


   Establishes the history attribute for the element. If an element
   has a history attribute, its history (which is similar to that
   produced by the ANNOTATE command) is included in the file when you
   retrieve it with the FETCH or RESERVE command.

   The quoted string specifies the format of the history. The quoted
   string must contain the characters #H or #B (lowercase is allowed)
   and can contain other printing characters. To include a quotation
   mark in the output history string, type it twice (""). To include
   a number sign (#) in the output history string, type it twice


   Deletes any existing history attribute. If both /HISTORY and
   /NOHISTORY are omitted, any existing history attribute remains

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Specifies the new name for the element. The new element name
   cannot be the same as an existing element name. Do not use the
   file name 00CMS because this name is reserved for CMS. If you
   specify the /NAME qualifier, you cannot use wildcards or a comma
   list in the element-name parameter, nor can you use a wildcard for
   the /NAME qualifier.

   If an element is set to /REFERENCE_COPY, CMS creates a new
   reference copy of the element in the reference copy directory.


   Establishes the notes attribute for the element. If an element
   has a notes attribute, notes are appended to the lines of the file
   when it is retrieved by the FETCH or RESERVE command.

   The quoted string specifies the format of the note. The quoted
   string can contain text or the characters #G (or #g), or both.


   Cancels any current notes attribute and the corresponding position

   If both /NOTES and /NONOTES are omitted, any existing notes
   attribute remains unchanged.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, GROUP)
      ELEMENT (D)
      GROUP (D)
      NONE--equivalent to (NOELEMENT, NOGROUP)

   You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
   [NO]ELEMENT and [NO]GROUP keywords.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.


   Establishes the position attribute; that is, the character
   position at which the note generated by the /NOTES qualifier is to
   begin on the line. A file that has a position attribute must have
   a notes attribute. Thus, the /POSITION qualifier can be used only
   if the element already has an established notes attribute, or the
   /NOTES qualifier is used on the same MODIFY ELEMENT command.

   The value n is required and must be an integer in the range 1 to
   511. If the length of the line is less than n, the note appears
   at position n. If the length of the line is greater than or equal
   to n, the note is placed at the next tab stop after the end of
   the line. (Tab stops are at position 9 and every 8 characters

   If you omit /POSITION, any current position attribute remains


   Controls whether a new reference copy of an element is created or 
   deleted.  If you specify /REFERENCE_COPY, CMS creates a new 
   reference copy of the element in the reference copy directory and 
   updates the current reference copy directory whenever you create a 
   new main line generation of the element.  If you specify 
   /NOREFERENCE_COPY, CMS deletes the existing reference copy of the 
   element.  The reference copy directory must be established before 
   you issue the MODIFY ELEMENT/REFERENCE_COPY command. Use the MODIFY 
   LIBRARY/REFERENCE_COPY command to establish the reference copy 

   Controls whether CMS creates a new reference copy of an element
   whenever you create a new main line generation of the element. If
   you specify /NOREFERENCE_COPY, CMS deletes the existing reference 

   To establish the reference copy directory, use the MODIFY


   Specifies a new remark to be substituted for the creation remark
   that is associated with the element.


   Controls whether new generations of the element are marked for
   review. If you specify /REVIEW, new generations of the element are
   marked for review. If you specify /NOREVIEW, new generations are
   marked only if the reserved generation is either rejected or has a
   review pending. If you do not specify this qualifier, the existing
   review attribute is not changed.

   To determine whether an element has the review attribute enabled,
   use the SHOW ELEMENT/FULL command.
4  Examples
       _Remark: no more changes, other than those already discussed

     This example sets the element INIT.FOR to NOCONCURRENT access.
     This means that only one person can reserve the element at a

       _Remark: team should review all changes before performing build

     This example marks the latest generation of the element
     EXAMPLE.SDML for review, and adds it to the review pending
     list. To display what generations are pending review, use the
   Changes the characteristics of a specified generation or


         MODIFY GENERATION  element-expression /qualifier "remark"
4  Restrictions
   o  You must specify one of the following qualifiers: /GENERATION
      or /REMARK.
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more elements whose generations are to be
   modified. An element expression can be an element name, a group
   name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by


   Specifies a character string to be logged in the history file with
   this command, usually used to explain why the command was entered.
   The remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark was
   entered, a null remark ("") is logged. Note that this parameter
   and the string on the /REMARK qualifier are unrelated.
4  Description
   The MODIFY GENERATION command changes the remark that is
   associated with a particular generation of one or more
   elements. Use the SHOW GENERATION command to display generation

   This command does not change a generation's review status. See
   GENERATION, and REVIEW GENERATION commands for more information.
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

   When you specify /CONFIRM and run CMS in interactive mode, CMS
   prompts you for confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1,
   CMS executes the transaction.  If you type NO, QUIT, FALSE, 0,
   or press RETURN or CTRL/Z, no action is performed. If you type 
   any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you type an 
   acceptable response.

   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.


   Specifies which generation of the element is to be modified. If
   you omit /GENERATION, CMS modifies the most recent generation on
   the main line of descent.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, GROUP, CLASS)
      ELEMENT (D)
      GROUP (D)
      CLASS (D)
      NONE--equivalent to (NOELEMENT, NOGROUP, NOCLASS)

   You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
   [NO]ELEMENT, [NO]GROUP, and [NO]CLASS keywords.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.


   Specifies a new remark to be substituted for the creation
   (replacement) remark that is associated with the generation. This
   qualifier is required.
4  Example
   _Element expression: SPEC.TXT
   _Remark: Marked obsolete
   %CMS-S-MODIFIED, generation 5 modified

     This command specifies a new remark to be substituted for the
     creation remark of generation 5 of element SPEC.TXT. You must
     also specify the element expression, and its associated remark,
     which is logged in the history file.
   Changes the characteristics of the specified group or groups.


         MODIFY GROUP  group-expression /qualifier "remark"
4  Restrictions
   o  You cannot change the attributes of a group that has been set
      to READ_ONLY. If a group has read-only access, you must change
      it to NOREAD_ONLY to change any other characteristics.

   o  You must specify one or more of the following qualifiers:
      /NAME, /[NO]READ_ONLY, or /REMARK.
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies the group to be modified. A group expression can be a
   group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by


   Specifies a character string to be logged in the history file with
   this command, usually used to explain why the command was entered.
   The remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark was
   entered, a null remark ("") is logged. Note that this parameter
   and the string on the /REMARK qualifier are unrelated.
4  Description
   The MODIFY GROUP command changes the characteristics of one or
   more groups. You can alter the following characteristics:

   o  The name of the group.
   o  The access to the group (READ_ONLY or NOREAD_ONLY). You cannot
      change the contents of a group that has been set READ_ONLY.
   o  The creation remark that is associated with the group.

   Use the SHOW GROUP command to display group characteristics.
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

   When you specify /CONFIRM and run CMS in interactive mode, CMS
   prompts you for confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1,
   CMS executes the transaction.  If you type NO, QUIT, FALSE, 0,
   or press RETURN or CTRL/Z, no action is performed. If you type 
   any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you type an 
   acceptable response.

   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Specifies the new name for the group. You cannot change the
   name of a group that has been set to READ_ONLY. The new group
   name cannot be the same as an existing group or class name.
   Wildcards and comma lists are not allowed. If you specify the
   /NAME qualifier, you cannot use wildcards or a comma list in the
   group name parameter, nor can you use a wildcard for the /NAME


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to GROUP
      GROUP (D)
      NONE--equivalent to NOGROUP

   You can specify either ALL, NONE, or the [NO]GROUP keyword.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.


   Establishes or alters the read-only attribute of a group. To
   change the characteristics of a READ_ONLY group, you must set
   the class to NOREAD_ONLY. NOREAD_ONLY is the default attribute of
   a group when it is created with the CREATE GROUP command.


   Specifies a new remark to be substituted for the creation remark
   that is associated with the group.
4  Example
   CMS> MODIFY GROUP TESTS/READ_ONLY "coordinate before changing 

     This command sets the group TESTS to READ_ONLY. Once the group
     is set to READ_ONLY, the contents cannot be changed.
   Establishes or removes the connection between the current CMS
   library and a reference copy directory.


         MODIFY LIBRARY  /qualifier "remark"
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies a character string to be logged in the history file
   with this command, usually used to explain why the command was
   entered. The remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark
   was entered, a null remark ("") is logged.
4  Description
   The MODIFY LIBRARY command establishes or removes the connection
   between the current CMS library and a reference copy directory.
   The reference copy directory cannot be a CMS library. This command
   does not add files to or delete any files from a reference
   copy directory. Once you establish a reference copy directory
   for a library, subsequent transactions that create new element
   generations on the main line of descent also update the reference
   copy directory (provided the element is set to /REFERENCE_COPY).

   You must use the MODIFY ELEMENT/NOREFERENCE_COPY command on
   the elements in the library before you can use the MODIFY

   If you specify MODIFY LIBRARY/REFERENCE_COPY and the reference
   copy directory is already set, CMS first verifies all the files
   found in that directory. The contents of the directory must
   exactly correspond with the elements that have /REFERENCE_COPY
   set in the CMS library. If elements are set with /NOREFERENCE_
   COPY and there are existing reference copies for those elements,
   CMS advises you to use VERIFY/REPAIR. No further operations are
   allowed until the reference copies have been repaired.

   Use the SHOW LIBRARY command to display library characteristics.
4  Qualifiers

   Specifies whether elements in a library can have multiple 
   reservations by setting the concurrent attribute on the library.
   Use /NOCONCURRENT to disallow multiple reservations. If this
   qualifier is not specified the status of this attribute remains


   Change the attribute of a CMS library to allow the use of extended
   file names. This qualifier is only available on OpenVMS V7.2 and
   later. Use /NOEXTENDED_FILENAMES to change the attribute to disallow
   the use of extended file names. If this qualifier is not specified
   the status of this attribute remains unchanged.


   Instructs CMS to not delete all versions of a file used to create
   a new element or generation. If this qualifier is not specified
   the status of this attribute remains unchanged.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Change the attribute of a CMS library to allow the use of long
   variant names. Use /NOLONG_VARIANT_NAMES to change the attribute
   to disallow the use of long variant names. If this qualifier is
   not specified the status of this attribute remains unchanged.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to OTHER
      OTHER (D)
      NONE--equivalent to NOOTHER

   You can specify either ALL, NONE, or the [NO]OTHER keyword.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.


   Specifies a valid VMS directory to be used for reference copies
   of library elements. The directory cannot be a CMS library, nor
   can it be a subdirectory of a CMS library directory. If you use
   the MODIFY LIBRARY command on a search list consisting of more 
   than one library, you should specify a reference copy directory 
   for each library in the search list. If you specify only one 
   reference copy directory for more than one library, CMS uses one 
   reference copy directory for the entire search list, not one 
   reference copy directory for each library in the search list. 

   Use the /NOREFERENCE_COPY qualifier to remove the connection 
   between the current CMS library and the current reference copy 
   directory. Wildcards are not allowed.

   Controls whether CMS uses the original file revision time or the
   file storage time when a file is retrieved from the CMS library.
   The options field can contain of the following keywords:

      ORIGINAL (D)

   Use the keyword ORIGINAL to indicate that the original revision
   time of files placed in a CMS library should be restored unchanged 
   upon their retrieval.  This is the default behavior.  

   Use the keyword STORAGE_TIME to indicate that the time when a file
   was stored in a CMS library (through a CREATE ELEMENT or REPLACE 
   transaction) should be substituted for its original revision time 
   upon retrieval.
4  Example
   test area"
   %CMS-S-MODIFIED, library [WORK.CODELIB] modified

     This command establishes the reference copy directory
     [WORK.REFCOPY] for the current CMS library. In addition, to
     update the reference copy directory, an element must be set to
     /REFERENCE_COPY. Thus, if these two conditions are met, each
     transaction that creates a new main line element generation
     also updates the reference copy directory.
   Changes the characteristics of a specified reservation.


         MODIFY RESERVATION  element-expression /qualifier "remark"
4  Restrictions
   o  You must specify the following qualifier: /REMARK.
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more elements whose reservation reservations are
   to be modified. An element expression can be an element name, a
   group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by


   Specifies a character string to be logged in the history file with
   this command, usually used to explain why the command was entered.
   The remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark was
   entered, a null remark ("") is logged. Note that this parameter
   and the string on the /REMARK qualifier are unrelated.
4  Description
   The MODIFY RESERVATION command changes the remark that is
   associated with a particular reservation of one or more
   elements. Use the SHOW RESERVATIIONS command to display
   reservation characteristics.
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

   When you specify /CONFIRM and run CMS in interactive mode, CMS
   prompts you for confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1,
   CMS executes the transaction.  If you type NO, QUIT, FALSE, 0,
   or press RETURN or CTRL/Z, no action is performed. If you type 
   any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you type an 
   acceptable response.

   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.


   Specifies which reserved generation of the element is to be
   modified. If you have more than one reservation of the same
   element generation, you must use the /IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER
   qualifier to identify the reservation.


   Specifies which reservation is to be modified. This qualifier
   is required when you have multiple reservations of the same
   generation of an element. /IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER can be used
   instead of /GENERATION when you have multiple reservations. Use
   the SHOW RESERVATIONS command to determine the identification
   number of each reservation. The identification number appears
   before the user name.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, GROUP, CLASS)
      ELEMENT (D)
      GROUP (D)
      CLASS (D)
      NONE--equivalent to (NOELEMENT, NOGROUP, NOCLASS)

   You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
   [NO]ELEMENT, [NO]GROUP, and [NO]CLASS keywords.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.


   Specifies a new remark to be substituted for the remark that is
   associated with the reservation. This qualifier is required.
4  Example
   _Element expression: SPEC.TXT
   _Remark: Modify the reservation remark
   %CMS-S-MODIFIED, reservation SPEC.TXT modified

     This command specifies a new remark to be substituted for the
     reservation remark that was specified when generation 5 of
     element SPEC.TXT was reserved. You must also specify the element
     expression, and its associated remark, which is logged in the
     history file.
   Changes the review status of each specified element generation
   from "pending" to "rejected" and removes it from the review
   pending list.

         REJECT GENERATION  element-expression "remark"
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more elements whose generations are to be
   rejected. An element expression can be an element name, a group
   name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by


   Specifies a character string to be associated with the element
   generation specified, to be logged in the history file with this
   command. The remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark
   was entered, a null remark ("") is logged.
4  Description
   The REJECT GENERATION command changes the review status of
   each specified element generation from "pending" to "rejected"
   and removes it from the review pending list. You can use this
   command only on element generations that have reviews pending
   (see the description of the REVIEW GENERATION command for more

   If you attempt to reserve a generation that has been rejected,
   CMS issues a message stating that the generation was rejected,
   and then prompts you for confirmation. Additionally, further
   generations created from a rejected generation are marked for
   review, regardless of the element's review attribute.
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

   When you specify /CONFIRM and run CMS in interactive mode, CMS
   prompts you for confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1,
   CMS executes the transaction.  If you type NO, QUIT, FALSE, 0,
   or press RETURN or CTRL/Z, no action is performed. If you type 
   any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you type an 
   acceptable response.

   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.


   Specifies a particular generation of the element to be rejected.
   If you omit /GENERATION, CMS rejects the most recently created
   generation with a review pending. You specify this qualifier only
   if more than one generation of an element is under review.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, GROUP, CLASS)
      ELEMENT (D)
      GROUP (D)
      CLASS (D)
      NONE--equivalent to (NOELEMENT, NOGROUP, NOCLASS)

   You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
   [NO]ELEMENT, [NO]GROUP, and [NO]CLASS keywords.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.
4  Example
   $ CMS REJECT GENERATION EXAMPLE.SDML "don't change this until 
   it is fixed"
   %CMS-S-REJECTED, generation 1X1 of element 

     This command rejects the latest generation of EXAMPLE.SDML,
     which was on the review pending list. This generation of
     EXAMPLE.SDML remains rejected unless you specify a MARK
     GENERATION command.
   Places a remark in the library history.


         REMARK  "remark"
3  Description
   The REMARK command adds a remark to the library history. When you
   let CMS prompt you for the remark, the length of the remark cannot
   exceed 254 characters. When you issue the remark on the command
   line, the length of the remark cannot exceed 256 characters. The
   remark is recorded in the library history in the following format:

     date time username REMARK "remark"
3  Qualifiers
/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to OTHER
      OTHER (D)
      NONE--equivalent to NOOTHER

   You can specify either ALL, NONE, or the [NO]OTHER keyword.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.


   Specifies that the remark string placed in the history file be
   marked as an unusual occurrence, so that it appears marked with an
   asterisk in the output from SHOW HISTORY and is included in the
   output from a SHOW HISTORY/UNUSUAL command.
3  Example
   CMS> REMARK "all transactions from this point use modules for 
   new system"
   %CMS-S-REMARK, remark added to history file

     This command adds the remark enclosed in quotation marks to the
     library history.
   Removes one or more elements from one or more groups.


         REMOVE ELEMENT  element-expression group-expression "remark"
4  Restrictions
   o  You cannot remove elements from a group that has read-only
      access (see the description of the MODIFY GROUP command).
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more elements to be removed from one or more
   groups. An element expression can be an element name, a group
   name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated
   by commas. When you use wildcard characters in the element
   expression, /IF_PRESENT is the default. (CMS does not return an
   error message if the group does not contain the element being


   Specifies the group from which one or more elements are to be
   removed. A group expression can be a group name, a wildcard
   expression, or a list of these separated by commas.


   Specifies a character string to be logged in the history file
   with this command, usually used to explain why the command was
   entered. The remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark
   was entered, a null remark ("") is logged.
4  Description
   The REMOVE ELEMENT command removes one or more elements from one
   or more groups. The command does not delete the elements from
   the library, but there is no longer any association between the
   elements and the groups.
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

   When you specify /CONFIRM and run CMS in interactive mode, CMS
   prompts you for confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1,
   CMS executes the transaction.  If you type NO, QUIT, FALSE, 0,
   or press RETURN or CTRL/Z, no action is performed. If you type 
   any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you type an 
   acceptable response.

   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.


   Directs CMS to remove the element from the group if it belongs to
   the group. If the element does not belong to the group, CMS takes
   no action and does not return an error. When you use wildcard
   characters in the element expression, /IF_PRESENT is the default.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, GROUP)
      ELEMENT (D)
      GROUP (D)
      NONE--equivalent to (NOELEMENT, NOGROUP)

   You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
   [NO]ELEMENT and [NO]GROUP keywords.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.
4  Example
   CMS> REMOVE ELEMENT *.* A2 "remove all elements from group"
   removed from group DISKX:[PROJECT.CMSLIB]A2
   removed from group DISKX:[PROJECT.CMSLIB]A2

     This command removes all the elements from the group A2.
   Removes one or more element generations from one or more classes.


         REMOVE GENERATION  element-expression class-expression "remark"
4  Restrictions
   o  You cannot remove a generation from a class with read-only
      access (see the description of the MODIFY CLASS command).
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more generations of elements to be removed from
   one or more classes. An element expression can be an element
   name, a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these
   separated by commas. When you use wildcard characters in the
   element expression, /IF_PRESENT is the default. (CMS does not
   return an error message if the class does not contain a generation
   of the element.)


   Specifies the class from which the element generation is to
   be removed. The class must not have read-only access. A class
   expression can be a class name, a wildcard expression, or a list
   of these separated by commas.


   Specifies a character string to be logged in the history file
   with this command, usually used to explain why the command was
   entered. The remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark
   was entered, a null remark ("") is logged.
4  Description
   The REMOVE GENERATION command removes an element generation from a
   class. The command does not delete the element generation from the
   library, but the element generation is no longer associated with
   the class.

   To remove one element generation from a class and replace it with
   another generation of the same element, use the INSERT GENERATION
   command with the /SUPERSEDE qualifier.
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

   When you specify /CONFIRM and run CMS in interactive mode, CMS
   prompts you for confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1,
   CMS executes the transaction.  If you type NO, QUIT, FALSE, 0,
   or press RETURN or CTRL/Z, no action is performed. If you type 
   any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you type an 
   acceptable response.

   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.


   Directs CMS to remove a particular generation of an element
   from one or more classes in the library. The generation must
   be currently existing in the class. If you use a wildcard or a
   list of class names for the class expression, CMS deletes the
   particular generation from each specified class.


   Directs CMS to remove any generation of the element that exists
   in the class. If the class does not contain a generation from the
   element, CMS takes no action and does not return an error. When
   you use wildcard characters in the element expression, /IF_PRESENT
   is the default.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, GROUP, CLASS)
      ELEMENT (D)
      GROUP (D)
      CLASS (D)
      NONE--equivalent to (NOELEMENT, NOGROUP, NOCLASS)

   You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
   [NO]ELEMENT, [NO]GROUP, and [NO]CLASS keywords.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.
4  Example
   _Remark: internal documentation is online
   %CMS-S-GENREMOVED, generation 2 of element 
   DISKX:[PROJECT.CMSLIB]USER.DOC removed from class 

     This example removes generation 2 of USER.DOC from class PRE_
   Removes one or more groups from another group or groups.


         REMOVE GROUP  group-expression1 group-expression2 "remark"
4  Restrictions
   o  You cannot remove a group from a group with read-only access
      (see the description of the MODIFY GROUP command).
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more groups to be removed. Wildcards and a comma
   list are allowed. When you use wildcard characters or a comma
   list in the group name, /IF_PRESENT is the default. (CMS does
   not return an error message if group-expression2 does not contain


   Specifies one or more groups from which the groups in group-
   expression1 are to be removed. Wildcards and a comma list are


   Specifies a character string to be logged in the history file
   with this command, usually used to explain why the command was
   entered. The remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark
   was entered, a null remark ("") is logged.
4  Description
   The REMOVE GROUP command removes a group from another group. The
   command does not delete the group from the library, but there is
   no longer any association between the two groups. Removing group
   A from group B means that the contents of group A are no longer
   accessible through group B.
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

   When you specify /CONFIRM and run CMS in interactive mode, CMS
   prompts you for confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1,
   CMS executes the transaction.  If you type NO, QUIT, FALSE, 0,
   or press RETURN or CTRL/Z, no action is performed. If you type 
   any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you type an 
   acceptable response.

   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.


   Directs CMS to remove group-expression1 only if it belongs to
   group-expression2. If group-expression1 does not belong to group-
   expression2, CMS takes no action and does not return an error.
   When you use wildcard characters or a comma list in the group
   name, /IF_PRESENT is the default.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to GROUP
      GROUP (D)
      NONE--equivalent to NOGROUP

   You can specify either ALL, NONE, or the [NO]GROUP keyword.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.
4  Example
   CMS> REMOVE GROUP A1 A2 "remove group from group"
   %CMS-S-REMOVED, group DISKX:[PROJECT.CMSLIB]A1 removed from group

     This command removes group A1 from group A2.
   Returns each specified element reservation to the library and
   creates a new generation of the element.


         REPLACE  element-expression "remark"
3  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more reserved generations of an element to
   be replaced. An element expression can be an element name, a
   group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated
   by commas. If you specify more than one element (with either a
   group name or a wildcard expression), each file indicated by the
   element expression must exist in the same directory. When you use
   wildcards, CMS creates an input element list based on the list of
   element generations that you have reserved.


   Specifies a character string to be associated with the newly
   created generations, to be logged in the history file with this
   command. The remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark
   was entered, then the remark from the corresponding reservation is
   used for the new generation and the replacement transaction in the
   history file.
3  Description
   The REPLACE command transfers a file from your default directory
   to the current CMS library, thus creating a new generation. You
   can direct CMS to use a file other than the one located in your
   default directory by specifying the /INPUT qualifier. After the
   reserved generation is replaced, CMS deletes the file used to
   create the new generation (and any earlier versions of the file
   in the same directory). If you specify either the /KEEP or the
   /RESERVE qualifier, CMS does not delete the file. You cannot
   replace a reserved generation held by another user unless you hold
   BYPASS process privilege or unless you are granted BYPASS access
   to the element by an access control entry. After the replace 
   transaction is completed, the reservation is ended.

   By default, the number of the new generation is the number of
   its predecessor with the rightmost level number increased by 1.
   For example, if you reserved generation 1A1, CMS would create
   generation 1A2 when you replaced it. CMS also stores the creation
   date and time, the revision date and time, and the file revision
   number of the file used to create the new generation. When you
   fetch or reserve a generation of an element, CMS restores the
   times and file revision number associated with the file used
   to create the element generation. You can also display this
   information by using the SHOW GENERATION/FULL command.

   CMS reports an error if you attempt to create a generation that
   is already in the library (see the description of the /VARIANT

   The REPLACE command checks for other current reservations and
   concurrent replacements of the element, and whether you are
   replacing another user's reservation. If any of these situations
   occur, CMS prompts whether you want to proceed with the command.
   If you type NO or press RETURN, the command is not executed. If
   you type YES, CMS executes the command and records the transaction
   as an unusual occurrence.

   If you have more than one reservation of an element, or if 
   you are replacing a concurrent reservation made by another user,
   (that is, if there is any ambiguity), you must specify the exact
   reservation to be replaced.  You do this by using either the 
   /GENERATION qualifier or the /IDENTIFICATON_NUMBER qualifier.

   You can use /GENERATION as long as the concurrent reservations are
   not on the same generation. If you have more than one concurrent
   reservation for the same generation, you must identify the
   specific reservation to be replaced. Each reservation is assigned
   an identification number. Use the SHOW RESERVATIONS command to
   determine the identification number of each reservation. The
   identification number appears in parentheses at the beginning
   of each line. If you use the /IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER qualifier, you
   do not need to also use the /GENERATION qualifier; when both are
   used, CMS ignores the /GENERATION qualifier.  

   If the reference copy attribute is enabled for an element and
   REPLACE creates the new generation on the main line of descent,
   CMS creates a new reference copy in the reference copy directory
   for the element and deletes the old copy from the reference copy

   Replacing an Element with Defined Attributes

   If you reserve a generation of an element with an embedded history
   and then replace it, the REPLACE command ignores the history; that
   is, CMS does not copy the history into your CMS library. If you
   add text to the file in or above the history (relative to #B),
   or in or below the history (relative to #H), the REPLACE command
   issues an error message and the command is not executed.

   If you reserve a file with embedded notes and then replace it,
   the REPLACE command does not copy the notes to the CMS library.
   If, while editing the file, you insert text that looks like an
   embedded note, it is deleted when the file is replaced.
3  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

   When you specify /CONFIRM and run CMS in interactive mode, CMS
   prompts you for confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1,
   CMS executes the transaction.  If you type NO, QUIT, FALSE, 0,
   or press RETURN or CTRL/Z, no action is performed. If you type 
   any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you type an 
   acceptable response.

   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.

   The /NOCONFIRM qualifier does not override the confirmation prompt
   issued when you make a concurrent replacement or when you replace
   another user's reservation.


   Specifies which reserved generation of the element is to be
   replaced. If you have more than one reservation of the same
   element generation, you must use the /IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER
   qualifier to replace the reservation.


   Specifies which reservation is to be replaced. This qualifier
   is required when you have multiple reservations of the same
   generation of an element. /IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER can be used
   instead of /GENERATION when you have multiple reservations. Use
   the SHOW RESERVATIONS command to determine the identification
   number of each reservation. The identification number appears in
   parentheses at the beginning of each line.


   Specifies that a new generation is to be created only if the
   input file is different from the generation that was reserved.
   By default, a new generation is always created, regardless of the
   existence of any differences.

   CMS deletes the input file from the specified location after
   the new generation is created (unless you specify the /KEEP or
   /RESERVE qualifier).


   Specifies a file to be used as input for the replacement
   transaction. If you use the /INPUT qualifier but you do not supply
   a file specification, CMS searches your current default directory
   for a file with the same name as the element specified on the
   command line. When you specify /INPUT, CMS deletes the input file
   from the specified location after the new generation is created
   (unless you specify the /KEEP or /RESERVE qualifier).

   CMS must be able to match the input element list with the list of
   elements indicated by the element expression parameter. Thus, if
   you use wildcards in the /INPUT file specification to generate
   more than one input file, you must also use wildcards in the
   element expression parameter.


   Controls whether the file used to create the new element
   generation is deleted from your directory. If you omit both /KEEP
   and /RESERVE, the files are deleted.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, GROUP, CLASS)
      ELEMENT (D)
      GROUP (D)
      CLASS (D)
      NONE--equivalent to (NOELEMENT, NOGROUP, NOCLASS)

   You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
   [NO]ELEMENT, [NO]GROUP, and [NO]CLASS keywords.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.


   Controls whether the new generation of the element created by the
   replacement is reserved. If you specify the /RESERVE qualifier,
   the generation is reserved and the element files are not deleted
   from your current default directory. The list of concurrent
   replacements is updated as if /RESERVE had been omitted.


   Controls whether a variant generation is created. If you specify
   the /VARIANT=variant-name qualifier, the number of the created
   generation is the predecessor's number, followed by the variant
   name, followed by the number 1.

   The Variant Generation Names are limited to
   alphabetic characters (A through Z) and underscore
   characters with a maximum length of 255 characters.

   If two or more users have concurrently reserved the same element
   generation, the replaced generations cannot be on the same line of
   descent. Thus, one can be replaced as a main line generation and
   the rest must be replaced as variants.
3  Example
   _Remark: descriptor bug fixed
   %CMS-S-GENCREATED, generation 14 of element 

     This command creates a new generation on the main line of
     descent of element FILEIO.BLI.
   Retrieves a copy of each specified element generation from a CMS
   library and marks it as reserved.


         RESERVE  element-expression "remark"
3  Command_Parameters

   Specifies the element or elements from which a generation is
   to be reserved. An element expression can be an element name,
   a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated
   by commas. By default, CMS reserves the most recent generation
   on the main line of descent of each element designated by the


   Specifies a character string to be associated with the reservation
   and logged in the history file with this command. The remark is
   enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark was entered, a null
   remark ("") is logged.
3  Description
   The RESERVE command sends a copy of the specified generation of
   each specified element to your current default directory (or to
   another location if you specified the /OUTPUT qualifier). Each
   element is marked as reserved. Usually, after you have modified
   the file, you return your changes to the library with the REPLACE
   command. Alternatively, you can cancel the reservation with the
   UNRESERVE command.

   You can reserve more than one generation of the same element if
   concurrent reservations are allowed.  If a generation of an 
   element is reserved by you or another user, or a
   generation of the element is under review or has been rejected,
   CMS displays the current reservations and review comments, and
   prompts whether you want to proceed with the command. If you
   type YES, you are added to the list of current reservers. The
   transaction is recorded as an unusual occurrence.  
   If you type NO or press RETURN, no action is taken.

   If a version of the output file exists in your default directory
   when you issue the RESERVE command, CMS notifies you. A new
   version is then created with the next higher version number.

   When you retrieve a generation of an element from a CMS library,
   CMS restores the file creation and revision times. The file that
   is placed in your directory has the same creation and revision
   times as the file that was used to create the generation that
   you are reserving. If you specify /MERGE, the file placed in your
   default directory has the current creation and revision times.
3  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

   When you specify /CONFIRM and run CMS in interactive mode, CMS
   prompts you for confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1,
   CMS executes the transaction.  If you type NO, QUIT, FALSE, 0,
   or press RETURN or CTRL/Z, no action is performed. If you type 
   any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you type an 
   acceptable response.

   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.

   You cannot use /NOCONFIRM to override the prompt generated when
   you attempt to reserve a generation of an element that is already
   reserved by you or by another user.


   Specifies a particular generation of the element that is to be
   reserved. If you omit /GENERATION, CMS reserves the most recent
   generation on the main line of descent.


   Specifies that history is to be included in the retrieved file.
   The quoted string specifies the format of the history. The quoted
   string must contain the characters #H or #B (lowercase is allowed)
   and can contain other printing characters. To include a quotation
   mark in the output history string, type it twice (""). To include
   a number sign (#) in the output history string, type it twice


   Prevents CMS from including the element history in the file. If
   you omit /NOHISTORY, and the retrieved element has the history
   attribute, CMS includes the element history in the output file. An
   element has the history attribute if the /HISTORY qualifier was
   specified on the CREATE ELEMENT or MODIFY ELEMENT command.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Controls whether another generation of the element (called the
   merge generation) is to be merged with the generation that is
   being reserved (called the retrieved generation).

   If you specify the /MERGE qualifier, CMS merges the lines of the
   two generations and delivers a single copy of the file to your
   default directory. The file that is placed in your directory has
   the current creation and revision times. The merge generation
   cannot be on the same line of descent as the retrieved generation.
   When there is a conflict between blocks of one or more lines, CMS
   includes the conflicting lines and flags the conflict.


   Specifies that the element cannot be reserved by another user
   while you have it reserved. You must replace or unreserve the
   element before others can reserve it. By default, CMS allows
   concurrent reservations if the element has the concurrent
   attribute set.  


   Specifies that notes are to be appended to the lines of the
   file as it is retrieved by the RESERVE operation. This qualifier
   overrides the element's nonotes attribute, if one was established.

   The quoted string specifies the format of the note. The quoted
   string can contain text or the characters #G (or #g), or both.
   If you specify /NOTES for an element that does not have the notes
   attribute enabled, then you must also specify /POSITION.


   Specifies that notes are not to be embedded in the output file.
   If you omit /NONOTES, and the retrieved element has the notes
   attribute, CMS embeds notes in the output file. An element has
   the notes attribute if the /NOTES qualifier was specified on the


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, GROUP, CLASS)
      ELEMENT (D)
      GROUP (D)
      CLASS (D)
      NONE--equivalent to (NOELEMENT, NOGROUP, NOCLASS)

   You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
   [NO]ELEMENT, [NO]GROUP, and [NO]CLASS keywords.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.


   Directs CMS to write output to the specified file. If you omit the
   /OUTPUT qualifier (or if you specify /OUTPUT but do not provide a
   file specification), CMS creates a file with the same name as the
   element in your default directory.

   If you reserve more than one element (by specifying wildcards or a
   group name for the element expression parameter), and you do not
   specify wildcards in the output file specification, CMS creates
   successive versions of the file indicated by /OUTPUT.


   Specifies that the generation is to be reserved, but that no
   output file is to be created.


   Specifies the column in which the note is to be placed. The column
   number is required and must be an integer in the range 1 to 511.
   The notes attribute or the /NOTES qualifier is required with the
   /POSITION qualifier.

   If the length of the line is less than the specified column
   number, the note appears at the column number. If the length of
   the line is greater than or equal to the column number, the note
   is placed at the next tab stop after the end of the line. (Tab
   stops are at positions 9 and every 8 characters thereafter.)
3  Examples
       _Remark: fix temporary descriptor bug
       %CMS-S-RESERVED, generation 13 of element 

     This command reserves generation 13 of the element FILEIO.BLI.
     When the element is replaced, a successor generation is

       _Remark: add syntax for RECORD declaration
       Element SYNTAX.PAS currently reserved by:
         (1)  JERRYH     1     24-JUL-1988 16:17:45 "implement FOR 
              loop syntax"
       Proceed?  [Y/N] (N): YES
       %CMS-S-RESERVED, generation 1 of element 

     This example creates a concurrent reservation for the element
     SYNTAX.PAS. Because you type YES in response to the Proceed
     prompt, generation 1 of the element is reserved.

       _Remark:merging new I/O routines with library self checking
       %CMS-W-MERGECONFLICT, 31 changes successfully merged 
       with 3 conflicts
       %CMS-S-RESERVED, generation 12 of element 
       DISKX:[PROJECT.CMSLIB]COPY.BLI reserved and merged with 
       generation 11A1

     This command merges generation 11A1 into generation 12 of the
     element COPY.BLI and reserves generation 12. The version that
     is delivered to the user directory contains the changes from
     both generations. Thirty-one changes were successfully merged.
     There were three conflicts between the two generations. These
     conflicts must be resolved by editing the file.
   Retrieves one or more generations from one or more archive files.

         RETRIEVE ARCHIVE  file-expression
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies the name of the archive file. The file expression can be
   a file-name.type specification, a wildcard expression, or a list
   of these separated by commas.
4  Description
   The RETRIEVE ARCHIVE command retrieves one or more generations of 
   an element from one or more archive files.  By default, CMS 
   retrieves the highest numbered generation from the archive file 
   and places a copy of the generation in your default directory 
   with the same file name and type as the element whose generation
   was originally deleted (unless you specify another name or location 
   with the /OUTPUT qualifier).  You can indicate a specific generation 
   to be retrieved with the /GENERATION qualifier.  CMS creates one 
   file for each retrieved generation.  You do not need to have a 
   library currently set to use this command, because the RETRIEVE 
   ARCHIVE command does not interact with the CMS library.  
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

   When you specify /CONFIRM and run CMS in interactive mode, CMS
   prompts you for confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1,
   CMS executes the transaction.  If you type NO, QUIT, FALSE, 0,
   or press RETURN or CTRL/Z, no action is performed. If you type 
   any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you type an 
   acceptable response.

   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.


   Specifies a particular generation to be retrieved from the archive
   file. If you omit /GENERATION, CMS retrieves the highest numbered
   generation in the archive file.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Directs CMS to write output to the specified file. If you omit the
   /OUTPUT qualifier (or if you specify /OUTPUT but do not provide a
   file specification), CMS creates a file with the same name as the
   archived element and the file type .CMS_ARCHIVE.

   If you retrieve generations from more than one archive file and
   you do not specify wildcards in the output file specification, CMS
   creates successive versions of the file indicated by /OUTPUT.
4  Example
   %CMS-S-RETRIEVED, generation 2A3 of element 

     This command retrieves generation 2A3 from the file SAMPLE.CMS_
     ARCHIVE in your default directory. CMS names generation 2A3
     to its original element name SAMPLE.PAS and places it in your
     default directory.
   Associates a review comment with one or more specified element


         REVIEW GENERATION  element-expression "remark"
4  Restrictions
   o  This command can be used only on element generations that have
      reviews pending.  
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more elements. An element expression can be an
   element name, a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of
   these separated by commas.


   Specifies a character string to be logged in the history file
   with this command, usually used to explain why the command was
   entered. The remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark
   was entered, a null remark ("") is logged.
4  Description
   The REVIEW GENERATION command associates a review remark with the
   specified element generation. The review status of the generation
   must be "pending." You can display the remarks associated with the
   generation by issuing the SHOW REVIEWS_PENDING command.
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

   When you specify /CONFIRM and run CMS in interactive mode, CMS
   prompts you for confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1,
   CMS executes the transaction.  If you type NO, QUIT, FALSE, 0,
   or press RETURN or CTRL/Z, no action is performed. If you type 
   any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you type an 
   acceptable response.

   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.


   Specifies the generation of the element with which to associate
   the review remark. If you omit /GENERATION, CMS uses the most
   recently created generation with a review pending. You specify
   this qualifier only if more than one generation of an element is
   under review.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, GROUP, CLASS)
      ELEMENT (D)
      GROUP (D)
      CLASS (D)
      NONE--equivalent to (NOELEMENT, NOGROUP, NOCLASS)

   You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
   [NO]ELEMENT, [NO]GROUP, and [NO]CLASS keywords.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.
4  Example
   %CMS-S-REVIEWED, generation 3 of element 

     In this example, the latest generation of the element
     EXAMPLE.SDML is pending review; the REVIEW GENERATION command
     allows users to associate review comments with that generation.
     The generation can then be accepted, canceled, or rejected.
     Use the SHOW REVIEWS_PENDING command to display all generations
     under review in the library.
2  SET
3  ACL
   Manipulates the access control list (ACL) on various objects in
   the CMS library.


         SET ACL  object-expression /OBJECT_TYPE=type "remark"
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more objects whose ACL is to be modified.
   Wildcards and a comma list are allowed.

   The object name depends on the object type (see the /OBJECT_TYPE
   qualifier). For example, if the object type is CLASS, the object
   name is the name of a class in the CMS library. The same principle
   applies to elements and groups. If the object type is LIBRARY, the
   object expression must be a list of one or more of the following


   These keywords are referred to as object subtypes. You can
   abbreviate object subtypes. Wildcards are not allowed.

   The object name can also be the name of a CMS command. If /OBJECT_
   TYPE is specified as COMMAND, SET ACL modifies the ACL on the
   given command. Commands that contain two words must be specified
   with an underscore, for example, INSERT_ELEMENT.


   Specifies a character string to be logged in the history file
   with this command, usually used to explain why the command was
   entered. The remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark
   was entered, a null remark ("") is logged.
4  Description
   The SET ACL command is used to manipulate ACLs on various objects
   in the CMS library. ACLs can be put on elements, groups, and
   classes, as well as on the lists containing these entities. (An
   ACL on a list can be thought of as a directory ACL.) An ACL can be
   put on the entire library, and on the library history. ACLs can
   also be used to control access to individual CMS commands.
4  Qualifiers

   Specifies one or more access control entries (ACEs) to be
   modified. When no ACE is specified, the entire access control
   list (ACL) is affected. Separate multiple ACEs with commas and
   enclose the list in parentheses. The specified ACEs are inserted
   at the beginning of the ACL unless the /AFTER qualifier is used.


   Indicates that all access control entries (ACEs) specified with
   the /ACL qualifier are added after the ACE specified with the
   /AFTER qualifier. By default, any ACEs added to the access control
   list (ACL) are always placed at the top of the list.


   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

   When you specify /CONFIRM and run CMS in interactive mode, CMS
   prompts you for confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1,
   CMS executes the transaction.  If you type NO, QUIT, FALSE, 0,
   or press RETURN or CTRL/Z, no action is performed. If you type 
   any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you type an 
   acceptable response.

   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.


   Creates an ACL for one or more specified objects as if the object
   were newly created. The /DEFAULT qualifier propagates the DEFAULT
   option ACEs in the ACL of the entity list to the ACL of the
   specified object. This qualifier can be used only with an object
   that is a library entity, that is, either an element, class, or


   Indicates that the access control entries (ACEs) specified with
   the /ACL qualifier are to be deleted. If no ACEs are specified
   with the /ACL qualifier, the entire ACL is deleted. If the /ACL
   qualifier specifies an ACE that does not exist in the ACL of the
   specified object, you are notified that the ACE does not exist,
   and the delete operation continues on to the next ACE on the ACL,
   if any exists.


   Indicates that the ACL of the specified object is to replace the
   ACL of the object or objects specified with SET ACL. Any existing
   ACEs are deleted before the ACL specified by /LIKE is copied.

   The type of the source and destination objects must be the same.
   No wildcard characters are allowed in the /LIKE parameter.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Indicates that any existing ACEs in the ACL of the object
   specified with SET ACL are to be deleted. To use the /NEW
   qualifier, you must specify a new ACL or ACE with the /ACL


   Specifies the type of the object whose ACL is being modified.
   There is no default object type; therefore, this qualifier is
   required. The type must be one of the following keywords:



   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, GROUP, CLASS, OTHER)
      ELEMENT (D)
      GROUP (D)
      CLASS (D)
      OTHER (D)

   You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
   [NO]ELEMENT, [NO]GROUP, [NO]CLASS, and [NO]OTHER keywords.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.


   Deletes the access control entries (ACEs) specified with the /ACL
   qualifier and replaces them with those specified with /REPLACE.
   Any ACEs specified with the /ACL qualifier must exist and must be
   specified in the order in which they appear in the current ACL.
4  Examples
       _CMS> ACCESS=RESERVE+CONTROL "setting up acl on element"
       %CMS-S-MODACL, modified access control list for element

     This command assigns an ACL on the element SAMPLE.PAS,
     specifying that the user holding the identifier WALLEN has
     reserve and control access on the element.

       _Remark: assign ACEs to newly created elements
       %CMS-S-MODACL, modified access control list for subtype

     This example shows how to assign two separate ACEs on the
     element list. The first ACE specifies a default ACE to be
     inherited by newly created elements in the library. The second
     ACE allows the user holding the identifier WALLEN to create
     elements in the library.

       _Remark: inherit default ACEs from element list
       %CMS-S-MODACL, modified access control list for element



     The SET ACL command causes the default ACE from the element
     list (see example 2) to be placed on the element SAMPLE.PAS.
     The SHOW ACL command displays the ACE on element SAMPLE.PAS
     (which is now assigned the default ACE from the element list in
     example 2).

       _Remark: allow access to class for library employees
       %CMS-S-MODACL, modified access control list for class 

     This command assigns an ACL allowing insert and remove access
     to class BL1 for users in group DEV holding the LIBRARIAN

       _Remark: put ACL from class BL1 on class BL2
       %CMS-S-MODACL, modified access control list for class 




     In this example, the /LIKE qualifier causes the ACL from the
     class BL1 (see example 4) to be placed on the class BL2. The
     SHOW ACL command displays the ACL on both classes BL1 and BL2.
   Enables access to an existing CMS library or libraries. Subsequent
   CMS commands automatically refer to the libraries identified by
   this command.


         SET LIBRARY  directory-specification[,...]
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more existing CMS libraries. The directory
   that is used as the CMS library cannot be your current default
   directory. The directory specification must conform to VMS
   conventions; it can also be a logical name. If you specify
   more than one VMS directory, you must separate the directory
   specifications with commas. Wildcards are not allowed.
4  Description
   The SET LIBRARY command enables access to an existing CMS library
   or list of libraries. Subsequent CMS commands automatically refer
   to the library or libraries identified in the SET LIBRARY command.
   The SET LIBRARY command defines logical names beginning with CMS$
   that allow CMS commands to refer implicitly to the library. You
   should not define logical names beginning with CMS$ because this
   prefix is reserved for CMS.

   The SET LIBRARY command performs some consistency checks on the
   directory to verify that it is a valid CMS library (unless you
   specify the /NOVERIFY qualifier). If the library is not valid, you
   receive an error message.

   The library must have been created with the CREATE LIBRARY
   command. During each session in which you want to use your CMS
   library, you must use the SET LIBRARY command before you access
   a library. The command is not required, however, if you have
   just created a library (see the description of the CREATE LIBRARY
   command) because the CREATE LIBRARY command performs an implicit

   You create a search list by specifying multiple libraries on
   the SET LIBRARY command. This enables you to manipulate several
   libraries with one command. You must include commas between the
   directory specifications.
4  Qualifiers

   Instructs CMS to insert new libraries into the existing library
   search list (that you previously specified by using a comma list
   with the CREATE LIBRARY or SET LIBRARY command) immediately
   following the existing specified directory. If you omit the
   directory specification, CMS adds the libraries to the end of
   the list. You cannot specify both /AFTER and /BEFORE on the same
   command line. By default, the SET LIBRARY command's library list
   supersedes any existing search list.


   Instructs CMS to insert new libraries into the existing library
   search list (that you previously specified by using a comma list
   with the CREATE LIBRARY or SET LIBRARY command) immediately
   in front of the existing specified directory. If you omit the
   directory specification, CMS adds the libraries to the front of
   the list. You cannot specify both /AFTER and /BEFORE on the same
   command line. By default, the SET LIBRARY command's library list
   supersedes any existing search list.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Allows you to set a library without performing the locking and
   verification process CMS normally performs. This speeds up the SET
   LIBRARY operation and allows a CMS library to be set even if the
   library is locked by another user. However, if the library needs
   recovery, the condition is not detected until another transaction
   is attempted.
4  Examples
       %CMS-S-LIBIS, CMS library is DISKX:[WORK.CMSLIB]

     This command sets the CMS library to the existing library

       %CMS-I-LIBIS, library is DISK$:[WORK.CMSLIB]
       %CMS-I-LIBINSLIS, library DISK$:[TEST.CMSLIB] inserted at 
       end of library list
       %CMS-S-LIBSET, library set
       -CMS-I-SUPERSEDE, library list superseded

     This command sets (or resets, if there was an existing library
     or libraries) the current library to contain two libraries.

       %CMS-I-LIBINSLIS, library DISK$:[PROJECT.CMSLIB] inserted after
       %CMS-S-LIBSET, library set

     Assuming you set your library as in example 2, this command
     directs CMS to insert the library [PROJECT.CMSLIB] after the
     library [WORK.CMSLIB]. The library list now contains the three
     libraries [WORK.CMSLIB], [PROJECT.CMSLIB], and [TEST.CMSLIB],
     in that order. Use the SHOW LIBRARY command to display the
     library search list.
   Removes one or more libraries from the current library search


         SET NOLIBRARY  directory-specification[,...]
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more existing CMS libraries in the current
   library search list. The directory specification must conform
   to VMS conventions; it can also be a logical name which translates
   to a search list. If you specify more than one VMS directory, you
   must separate the directory specifications with commas. Wildcards
   are not allowed.  If you do not supply a directory specification,
   CMS removes all libraries from the current library search list.  
4  Description
   The SET NOLIBRARY command removes one or more libraries from
   the current library search list. None of the directories in the
   library search list can be your current default directory. If all
   libraries are removed from the list, the logical name CMS$LIB is
4  Qualifiers
/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.
4  Example
   %CMS-W-UNDEFLIB, library is undefined

     This example removes all existing libraries from the current
     library search list.
3  ACL
   Displays the access control list (ACL) associated with the
   specified object or objects.


         SHOW ACL  object-expression /OBJECT_TYPE=type
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies the CMS library object whose ACL is to be displayed.
   Wildcards and a comma list are allowed.

   The object name depends on the object type (see the /OBJECT_TYPE
   qualifier). For example, if the object type is CLASS, the object
   name is the name of a class in the CMS library. The same principle
   applies to elements and groups. If the object type is LIBRARY, the
   object expression must be a list of one or more of the following


   These keywords are called object subtypes. You can abbreviate
   object subtypes. Wildcards are not allowed.

   The object name can also be the name of a CMS command. If /OBJECT_
   TYPE is specified as COMMAND, SHOW ACL displays the ACL for the
   given command.
4  Description
   The SHOW ACL command displays the ACL associated with the
   specified object or objects.
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS appends the command output to an existing
   file, or creates a new file. If you specify /APPEND and the output
   file does not exist, CMS creates a new file. If you do not provide
   a file specification (see the description for /OUTPUT), the output
   is appended to SYS$OUTPUT.


   Specifies the type of the object whose ACL is to be displayed.
   There is no default object type; therefore, this qualifier is
   required. The object type can be one of the following keywords:



   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, GROUP, CLASS, OTHER)
      ELEMENT (D)
      GROUP (D)
      CLASS (D)
      OTHER (D)

   You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
   [NO]ELEMENT, [NO]GROUP, [NO]CLASS, and [NO]OTHER keywords.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.


   Directs CMS to write output to the specified file, except for any
   warning and error messages, which are written to SYS$OUTPUT and
   SYS$ERROR. CMS creates a new file if you do not specify /APPEND.
   If you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier (or if you specify /OUTPUT
   but do not provide a file specification), CMS directs output to
   the default output device (SYS$OUTPUT). If you omit either the
   file name or the file type component, CMS supplies the missing
   component from the default specification.
4  Example



     This command displays the ACE on element SAMPLE.PAS.
   Displays information about one or more archive files.


         SHOW ARCHIVE  file-expression
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies the name of the archive file. The file expression can be
   a file-name.type specification, a wildcard expression, or a list
   of these separated by commas.
4  Description
   The SHOW ARCHIVE command displays information about the contents
   of one or more specified archive files.
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS appends the command output to an existing
   file, or creates a new file. If you specify /APPEND and the output
   file does not exist, CMS creates a new file. If you do not provide
   an output file specification (see the description for /OUTPUT),
   the output is appended to SYS$OUTPUT.


   The /BRIEF qualifier displays the name of the element, the
   generations archived into this file, the name of the person
   who archived the file, the date and time, the remark entered on
   the DELETE GENERATION command, and the name of the library in
   which the original element resided. 


   The /FULL qualifier displays complete generation file information 
   for each archived generation.


   The /INTERMEDIATE qualifier displays the generation history for
   the archived generations.


   Directs CMS to write output to the specified file, except for any
   warning and error messages, which are written to SYS$OUTPUT and
   SYS$ERROR. CMS creates a new file if you do not specify /APPEND.
   If you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier (or if you specify /OUTPUT
   but do not provide a file specification), CMS directs output to
   the default output device (SYS$OUTPUT). If you omit either the
   file name or the file type component, CMS supplies the missing
   component from the default specification.
4  Examples

       25-JAN-1988 17:08:47 JONES DISKX:[WORK.CMSLIB] 
       SAMPLE.PAS(2A1--2A3) "delete the variant range and archive 
       the deleted generations"

     This command displays information about the archive file,
     consisting of the date and time entered with the DELETE
     GENERATION command, the name of the person who archived the
     file, the library in which the original element resided, the
     generations that were archived into the file, and the remark
     entered on the DELETE GENERATION command.


       25-JAN-1988 17:08:47 JONES DISKX:[WORK.CMSLIB] SAMPLE.PAS(2A1--2A3) 
       "delete the variant range and archive the deleted generations"
           2A1    22-JAN-1988 14:27:41 JONES "reserved concurrently 
                  to add routines"
               File creation:      22-JAN-1988 14:27
               File revision:      24-JAN-1988 17:12 (1)
               Record format:      Variable length
               Record attributes:  Carriage return carriage control
               Review status:      None

           2A2    22-JAN-1988 14:36:56 JONES "another routine added"
               File creation:      22-JAN-1988 14:36
               File revision:      22-JAN-1988 18:01 (1)
               Record format:      Variable length
               Record attributes:  Carriage return carriage control
               Review status:      None

           2A3    22-JAN-1988 14:45:12 JONES "last one I promise"
               File creation:      22-JAN-1988 14:45
               File revision:      27-JAN-1988 08:30 (1)
               Record format:      Variable length
               Record attributes:  Carriage return carriage control
               Review status:      None

     This command displays complete generation file information for
     each archived generation in the archive file.
   Displays information about one or more classes in a CMS library.


         SHOW CLASS  [class-expression]
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more classes to be listed. If you do not specify
   a class name, CMS lists all classes in the library. A class
   expression can be a class name, a wildcard expression, or a list
   of these separated by commas.
4  Description
   The SHOW CLASS command lists the names of all established classes
   in alphabetical order, along with the associated creation remarks.
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS appends the command output to an existing
   file, or creates a new file. If you specify /APPEND and the output
   file does not exist, CMS creates a new file. If you do not provide
   an output file specification (see the description for /OUTPUT),
   the output is appended to SYS$OUTPUT.


   The /BRIEF qualifier displays only class names. 


   Controls whether CMS identifies the element generations that
   belong to each class. If you specify /CONTENTS, CMS displays the
   class name and the creation remark, along with the element name
   and generation number for each generation in the class.

   The /FULL qualifier displays the name, creation remark, and 
   read-only attribute (if established) for each class. 


   The /INTERMEDIATE qualifier displays the name and creation remark 
   for each class.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to CLASS
      CLASS (D)
      NONE--equivalent to NOCLASS

   You can specify either ALL, NONE, or the [NO]CLASS keyword.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.


   Directs CMS to write output to the specified file, except for any
   warning and error messages, which are written to SYS$OUTPUT and
   SYS$ERROR. CMS creates a new file if you do not specify /APPEND.
   If you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier (or if you specify /OUTPUT
   but do not provide a file specification), CMS directs output to
   the default output device (SYS$OUTPUT). If you omit either the
   file name or the file type component, CMS supplies the missing
   component from the default specification.
4  Examples

       Classes in CMS Library DISKX:[RELEASE.CMSLIB]

       INTERNAL_RELEASE   "for internal use only"
       MESSAGETEST     "filter evolution checks"
       PASCAL_CLASS    "PASCAL tests"

     This command displays the class name and the creation remark
     for each class in the library.


       Classes in CMS Library DISKX:[RELEASE.CMSLIB]


     This command limits the output to class names only.
   Displays information about one or more elements in a CMS library.


         SHOW ELEMENT  [element-expression]
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more elements to be listed. If you do not supply
   an element expression, CMS lists all the elements in the library.
   An element expression can be an element name, a group name, a
   wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by commas.
4  Description
   The SHOW ELEMENT command lists the name of each specified element
   in alphabetical order, along with the remark logged at the
   time the element was created or modified. You can also specify
   qualifiers that provide information about element attributes,
   concurrent access, and the groups to which the element belongs.
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS appends the command output to an existing
   file, or creates a new file. If you specify /APPEND and the output
   file does not exist, CMS creates a new file. If you do not provide
   an output file specification (see the description for /OUTPUT),
   the output is appended to SYS$OUTPUT.


   The /BRIEF qualifier displays only element names. 


   Controls whether the output of the SHOW ELEMENT command is
   formatted. You can use the /FORMAT qualifier in combination
   with the /OUTPUT qualifier to set up a command file. With this
   command file, you can execute a CMS command or a DCL command on a
   specified set of elements (such as all elements in a group).

   The format string can contain printing characters; within the
   format string, CMS recognizes #E (and #e) as the element format
   parameter. For each line of output (one line per element), CMS
   displays the format string and replaces each occurrence of #E (or
   #e) with the element name. To include a number sign in the output
   line, type it twice (##). When you specify /FORMAT, CMS does
   not generate the heading normally produced by the SHOW ELEMENT

   To set up a command file, you specify a format string consisting
   of a command, including the dollar sign ($) prompt and the
   element format parameter (for example, /FORMAT="$ CMS FETCH #E").
   Use the /OUTPUT qualifier to direct the output to a command file.
   When you execute the SHOW ELEMENT command with these qualifiers,
   CMS creates a command file containing a list of FETCH commands
   that use each element in the denoted set as parameters.


   The /FULL qualifier displays the name, creation remark, and the 
   attributes in effect for the specified elements. 


   The /INTERMEDIATE qualifier displays the name and creation remark 
   associated with the element.


   Lists the element name, creation remark, and the names of any
   groups to which the element belongs.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, GROUP)
      ELEMENT (D)
      GROUP (D)
      NONE--equivalent to (NOELEMENT, NOGROUP)

   You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
   [NO]ELEMENT and [NO]GROUP keywords.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.


   Directs CMS to write output to the specified file, except for any
   warning and error messages, which are written to SYS$OUTPUT and
   SYS$ERROR. CMS creates a new file if you do not specify /APPEND.
   If you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier (or if you specify /OUTPUT
   but do not provide a file specification), CMS directs output to
   the default output device (SYS$OUTPUT). If you omit either the
   file name or the file type component, CMS supplies the missing
   component from the default specification.
4  Examples

       Elements in CMS Library DISKX:[PROJECT.CMSLIB]

       CCM.FOR             CCM1.FOR            COPYTEST.FOR

     This command limits the output to element names only.


     This command produces a file named FETCH.COM that contains a
     fetch command for each element in the library. The contents of
     a file produced by this command might look like the following:

   Displays information about one or more element generations in a
   CMS library.


         SHOW GENERATION  [element-expression]
4  Restrictions
   o  You cannot specify the /ANCESTORS and /DESCENDANTS qualifiers
      on the same command line.
   o  You cannot specify the /DESCENDANTS and /FROM qualifiers on the
      same command line.
   o  If you specify the /FROM qualifier, you must also specify the
      /ANCESTORS qualifier on the same command line.
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more elements. For each element, CMS lists the
   transaction record of the most recent generation on the main line
   of descent. If you do not supply an element expression, CMS lists
   a transaction record for each element in the library. An element
   expression can be an element name, a group name, a wildcard
   expression, or a list of these separated by commas.
4  Description
   The SHOW GENERATION command lists information about a specific
   generation of an element or a group of elements. By default, this
   command displays the transaction record of the latest generation
   on the main line of descent. You can also use SHOW GENERATION
   to display the element name and generation number of all element
   generations belonging to a specified group or class.
4  Qualifiers

   Displays the transaction records of the specified element
   generation and all of its ancestors. The transaction records are
   listed in reverse chronological order. If you do not specify a
   particular generation, the list begins with the latest generation
   on the main line of descent.

   The ancestors of a main line generation are all the preceding
   generations back to the first generation of an element. The
   ancestors of a variant-line generation are all preceding
   generations on the variant line of descent, and any generations
   back to the first generation on the main line.


   Controls whether CMS appends the command output to an existing
   file, or creates a new file. If you specify /APPEND and the output
   file does not exist, CMS creates a new file. If you do not provide
   an output file specification (see the description for /OUTPUT),
   the output is appended to SYS$OUTPUT.


   Displays all of the generation information before a specified time. 

   The time value can be an absolute, delta, or combination time
   value, or one of the following keywords: TODAY, TOMORROW, or
   YESTERDAY.  If the time value is a future value, CMS uses the
   current time.  If no time value is supplied, CMS used TODAY.


   The /BRIEF qualifier displays only element names and
   generation numbers for each specified generation. 


   Displays the transaction records of the specified element
   generation and of all its descendants. The transaction records
   are listed in reverse chronological order. If you do not specify a
   particular generation, the list begins with generation 1.

   The descendants of a generation consist of all the successor
   generations, including those that on variant lines of descent.
   Thus, you can use this command to determine whether any variant
   lines of descent exist for a particular element.


   Controls whether the output of the SHOW GENERATION command is
   formatted. You can use the /FORMAT qualifier in combination
   with the /OUTPUT qualifier to set up a command file. With this
   command file, you can execute a CMS command or a DCL command on a
   specified set of elements (such as all elements in a class).

   The format string can contain printing characters; within the
   format string, CMS recognizes #E (and #e) as the element format
   parameter, and #G (and #g) as the generation number format
   parameter. For each line of output (one line per generation),
   CMS displays the format string and replaces each occurrence of #E
   or #G with the element name or generation number, respectively.
   To include a number sign in the output line, type it twice (##).
   When you specify the /FORMAT qualifier, CMS does not generate the
   heading normally produced by the SHOW GENERATION command.

   To set up a command file, you specify a format string consisting
   of a command, including the dollar sign ($) prompt and a
   format parameter (#E or #G) (for example, /FORMAT="$ CMS FETCH
   #E/GENERATION=#G"). Use the /OUTPUT qualifier to direct the output
   to a command file. When you execute the SHOW GENERATION command
   with these qualifiers, CMS creates a command file containing a
   list of FETCH commands that use each element in the denoted set as


   Specifies the generation that begins the list of ancestors. You
   must specify the /ANCESTORS and /FROM qualifiers on the same


   The /FULL qualifier displays standard CMS transaction information 
   (the element name, generation number, date, time, user, and remark),
   and also produces information about the file creation and revision
   date and time, the file revision number, and the record format and


   Specifies the generation about which you want information. When
   you use the /GENERATION qualifier with the element-name parameter,
   the transaction record of the indicated generation is displayed.


   The /INTERMEDIATE qualifier displays the element name, generation 
   number, date, time, user, and remark associated with the transaction 
   that created the generation.


   Lists the element name, generation number, and the names of any
   classes to which the element generation belongs.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, GROUP, CLASS)
      ELEMENT (D)
      GROUP (D)
      CLASS (D)
      NONE--equivalent to (NOELEMENT, NOGROUP, NOCLASS)

   You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
   [NO]ELEMENT, [NO]GROUP, and [NO]CLASS keywords.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.


   Directs CMS to write output to the specified file, except for any
   warning and error messages, which are written to SYS$OUTPUT and
   SYS$ERROR. CMS creates a new file if you do not specify /APPEND.
   If you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier (or if you specify /OUTPUT
   but do not provide a file specification), CMS directs output to
   the default output device (SYS$OUTPUT). If you omit either the
   file name or the file type component, CMS supplies the missing
   component from the default specification.


   Displays all of the generation information since a specified time. 

   The time value can be an absolute, delta, or combination time
   value, or one of the following keywords: TODAY, TOMORROW, or
   YESTERDAY.  If the time value is a future value, CMS uses the
   current time.  If no time value is supplied, CMS used TODAY.

4  Examples

       Element generations in CMS Library DISKX:[TAYLOR.CMSLIB]

       CCM.FOR/2           CCM1.FOR/1          COPYTEST.FOR/2

     This command directs CMS to display only the element name
     and the number of the latest main line generation for each
     element. Because no element is specified in the command line,
     CMS displays information about all elements in the library.


       Element generations in CMS Library DISKX:[TAYLOR.CMSLIB]

       CCM.FOR       2       7-DEC-1988 14:15:51 SMITH "header changed"

     This command displays the element name, generation number,
     date, time, and remark associated with the latest main line
     generation for element CCM.FOR.

       Element generations in CMS Library DISKX:[TAYLOR.CMSLIB]

       CCM.FOR      2       6-MAR-1988 17:34:04 SMITH "header changed"
               File creation:       6-MAR-1988 17:24
               File revision:       6-MAR-1988 17:24 (1)
               Record format:      Variable length
               Record attributes:  Carriage return carriage control

     This command produces information about the file creation
     and revision date and time, the file revision number, and
     the record format and attributes, in addition to the standard
     CMS transaction information (element name, generation number,
     date, time, user, and remark). This additional information
     describes the file that was used to create the particular
     element generation, in this case generation 2 of CCM.FOR.


     This example produces a file named FETCH_CLASS.COM that
     contains a fetch command for each element that belongs to
     the class named RELEASE5. The FETCH command retrieves the
     element of the correct generation from the RELEASE5 class. The
     contents of a file produced by this command might look like the

   Displays information about one or more groups in a CMS library.


         SHOW GROUP  [group-expression]
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies the group to be listed. If you do not supply a
   group expression, CMS lists all groups in the library. A group
   expression can be a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list
   of these separated by commas.
4  Description
   The SHOW GROUP command lists the names of all established groups
   in alphabetical order, along with the remark logged at the time
   each group was created or modified.
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS appends the command output to an existing
   file, or creates a new file. If you specify /APPEND and the output
   file does not exist, CMS creates a new file. If you do not provide
   an output file specification (see the description for /OUTPUT),
   the output is appended to SYS$OUTPUT.


   The /BRIEF qualifier displays only group names. 


   Lists the group name and creation remark, along with the names of
   any elements or groups contained within the specified group.

   You can specify an integer value (n) that directs CMS to display
   nested groups up or down to and including the level indicated by
   n. When you specify /CONTENTS without a value, CMS displays one
   level of contents. You can also specify /CONTENTS=ALL to display
   all levels of contained groups.


   The /FULL qualifier displays the group name, creation remark, and 
   read-only attribute (if established) for each group. 


   The /INTERMEDIATE qualifier displays the name and creation remark 
   associated with each group.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to GROUP
      GROUP (D)
      NONE--equivalent to NOGROUP

   You can specify either ALL, NONE, or the [NO]GROUP keyword.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.


   Directs CMS to write output to the specified file, except for any
   warning and error messages, which are written to SYS$OUTPUT and
   SYS$ERROR. CMS creates a new file if you do not specify /APPEND.
   If you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier (or if you specify /OUTPUT
   but do not provide a file specification), CMS directs output to
   the default output device (SYS$OUTPUT). If you omit either the
   file name or the file type component, CMS supplies the missing
   component from the default specification.
4  Examples

       Groups in CMS Library DISKX:[PROJECT.CMSLIB]

       ARTWORK   "graph display"
       OUT_DEFS  "output definition files"
       TEST_ART  "tests for graphs"

     This command displays the group name and the creation remark
     associated with the group, by default. Because no group name
     is specified on the command line, CMS lists all groups in the


       Groups in CMS Library DISKX:[WORK.CMSV3.CALL.TEST.CMSLIB]

       ARTWORK   "graph display"

     This command produces a list of elements and groups that are
     members of group ARTWORK. The group TEST_ART was inserted into
     ARTWORK with the INSERT GROUP command; thus, as the contents of
     TEST_ART change, the elements accessible in the group ARTWORK
   Displays a chronological list of transactions performed on a
   CMS library. You can limit the number of transactions that are
   displayed by specifying different parameters and qualifiers on the


         SHOW HISTORY  [object-expression]
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies an object about which history information is to be
   displayed. The object expression can be one or more class names,
   element names, group names, a wildcard expression, or a list of
   any of these, separated by commas. If you do not specify an object
   expression, CMS lists all classes, elements, and groups in the
4  Description
   The SHOW HISTORY command lists information about CMS library
   transactions. CMS records all transactions that update the
   library. The following transactions are not logged in the library

   ANNOTATE               SET LIBRARY
   DIFFERENCES            SHOW commands
   FETCH (no remark)      VERIFY (no qualifiers)

   The SHOW HISTORY command displays a chronological list of
   transactions. The transaction records are displayed in the
   following format:

   date time username command remark

   A space separates each item in the transaction record. Each item
   is explained below.


   Displays the date the command was issued, in the following


   For example:



   Displays the time the command was issued, in the following


   For example:



   Displays the user name of the person who issued the command.


   Identifies the command that was issued. The string "CMS" does
   not appear as part of the command. The command name, option
   name (if any), and any parameters are displayed. If the command
   operates on a particular generation of an element, the element
   name is followed by the generation number enclosed in parentheses;
   for example, SEMANTICS.PAS(3). Qualifiers that indicate some
   modification of the library are logged; for example, the /NAME
   qualifier with a MODIFY command.


   Specifies a character string that was logged in the history file
   with this command, usually used to explain why the command was
   entered. The remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark
   was entered, a null remark ("") is displayed.

   The following is an example of one transaction record:

loop syntax compatible"

   This record shows that on August 11, 1988, at 11:54, user TAYLOR
   issued the REPLACE command on SYNTAX.PAS, which created generation

   For any command that caused an unusual occurrence, CMS displays an
   asterisk in the first column.

   Note that because transaction records for elements, groups, or
   classes deleted from a library are retained (see DELETE ELEMENT,
   DELETE GROUP, and DELETE CLASS), SHOW HISTORY can display records
   for elements and classes that do not currently exist. If a deleted
   name is reused, SHOW HISTORY does not distinguish between the old
   and the new histories.
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS appends the command output to an existing
   file, or creates a new file. If you specify /APPEND and the output
   file does not exist, CMS creates a new file. If you do not provide
   an output file specification (see the description for /OUTPUT),
   the output is appended to SYS$OUTPUT.


   Lists all history information prior to a specified date. By
   default, the time is the current date and time. The time value
   can be an absolute, delta, or combination time value, or one of
   the following keywords: TODAY, TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to OTHER
      OTHER (D)
      NONE--equivalent to NOOTHER

   You can specify either ALL, NONE, or the [NO]OTHER keyword.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.


   Directs CMS to write output to the specified file, except for any
   warning and error messages, which are written to SYS$OUTPUT and
   SYS$ERROR. CMS creates a new file if you do not specify /APPEND.
   If you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier (or if you specify /OUTPUT
   but do not provide a file specification), CMS directs output to
   the default output device (SYS$OUTPUT). If you omit either the
   file name or the file type component, CMS supplies the missing
   component from the default specification.


   Specifies that only those history entries dated on or after the
   given time are to be displayed. The time value can be an absolute,
   delta, or combination time value, or one of the following
   keywords: TODAY, TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. When the /SINCE qualifier
   is omitted, all transactions that occurred since the library was
   created are displayed. If you specify the /SINCE qualifier but do
   not specify a value, CMS defaults to /SINCE=TODAY.


   Displays all transaction records generated by a specific command.
   You can specify the following keywords with this qualifier:


   If you specify more than one keyword, you must enclose the keyword
   list in parentheses. The /TRANSACTIONS qualifier directs CMS
   to list transaction records for only the listed keywords. The
   /NOTRANSACTIONS qualifier directs CMS to list transaction records
   for all keywords except the listed keywords.


   Controls whether transactions recorded as unusual occurrences
   are displayed. If you specify /UNUSUAL, only unusual transactions
   are displayed. By default, /NOUNUSUAL displays all transactions,
   including unusual occurrences. The following CMS transactions are
   defined as unusual occurrences:

   o  A RESERVE command specifying an element that is already
   o  A concurrent replacement
   o  A VERIFY/RECOVER command
   o  A VERIFY/REPAIR command
   o  A CONVERT LIBRARY command
   o  A REMARK/UNUSUAL command


   Lists the transactions executed by the specified user.
4  Example
   History of CMS Library DISKX:[PROJECTLIB]

    15-JAN-1988 08:45:15 SNOW CREATE LIBRARY [PROJECTLIB] "code library"
    25-JAN-1988 10:23:42 SNOW CREATE ELEMENT STRING.LIB(1) "string defs"
    25-JAN-1988 13:37:57 SCHULTZ CREATE ELEMENT SIGNAL.LIB(1) "signaling 
    25-JAN-1988 14:09:37 PADDOCK CREATE ELEMENT CONVRT.BLI(1) "gen 
    conversion util"
    26-JAN-1988 13:59:16 PADDOCK DELETE ELEMENT CONVRT.BLI "wrong format"
    27-JAN-1988 10:51:05 PADDOCK CREATE ELEMENT CNVNUM.BLI(1) "conversion 
    10-FEB-1988 10:51:48 SNOW CREATE ELEMENT SYSUTL.BLI(1) "general 
    21-FEB-1988 11:11:55 SNOW RESERVE STRING.LIB(1) "change definitions"
    23-FEB-1988 11:22:31 SNOW REPLACE STRING.LIB(2) "added characters"
    23-FEB-1988 11:23:41 PADDOCK RESERVE CNVNUM.BLI(1) "change constant 
    23-FEB-1988 12:15:21 SNOW FETCH STRING.LIB(1) "check differences"
    23-FEB-1988 12:20:42 PADDOCK REPLACE CNVNUM.BLI(2) "constant values 
     This command shows part of the early history of a library.
   Displays the directory specification of the current CMS library.
   SHOW LIBRARY also checks whether the directory is a valid CMS
   library (unless you specify the /BRIEF qualifier).


          SHOW LIBRARY
4  Description
   The SHOW LIBRARY command identifies the current CMS library. If
   you have not designated a CMS library for the current session
   (with SET LIBRARY or CREATE LIBRARY), this command issues an error
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS appends the command output to an existing
   file, or creates a new file. If you specify /APPEND and the output
   file does not exist, CMS creates a new file. If you do not provide
   an output file specification (see the description for /OUTPUT),
   the output is appended to SYS$OUTPUT.


   The /BRIEF qualifier displays the directory specification (and
   does not lock the library) even if the default library is locked
   by another user. However, if the library needs recovery, it is
   not detected until another operation is performed. 


   The /FULL qualifier displays the current library directory 
   specification, the number of elements, groups, classes, 
   reservations, concurrent replacements, reviews pending, and 
   the current reference copy directory specification, if any. 

   The /INTERMEDIATE qualifier displays the directory specification 
   of the current CMS library.


   Directs CMS to write output to the specified file, except for any
   warning and error messages, which are written to SYS$OUTPUT and
   SYS$ERROR. CMS creates a new file if you do not specify /APPEND.
   If you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier (or if you specify /OUTPUT
   but do not provide a file specification), CMS directs output to
   the default output device (SYS$OUTPUT). If you omit either the
   file name or the file type component, CMS supplies the missing
   component from the default specification.
4  Examples
       Your CMS library list consists of:

     This command displays the device and directory where the
     current CMS library is located.


       Your CMS library list consists of:

             and contains

               224 elements
                 4 groups
                 7 classes
                 6 reservations
                 0 concurrent replacements
                 5 reviews pending

           REFERENCE_COPY directory is DISKX:[CODE.REQUIRE]

     This command directs CMS to display additional information
     about the contents of the library.
   Displays all current reservations and concurrent replacements in
   effect at the time the command is issued.


         SHOW RESERVATIONS  [element-expression]
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more elements for which CMS displays current
   reservation and concurrent replacement information. If you do
   not specify an element expression, information is displayed for
   all elements. An element expression can be an element name, a
   group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by
4  Description
   The SHOW RESERVATIONS command provides information about current
   reservations and concurrent replacements. For each element that
   has one or more generations reserved, the output consists of the
   element name and the following:

   o  For each reservation--identification number, user, reserved
      generation number, date, time, and remark

   o  For each concurrent replacement--user, replaced generation
      number, date, time, and remark

   The elements are listed in alphabetical order.
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS appends the command output to an existing
   file, or creates a new file. If you specify /APPEND and the output
   file does not exist, CMS creates a new file. If you do not provide
   an output file specification (see the description for /OUTPUT),
   the output is appended to SYS$OUTPUT.


   Lists current reservations that were executed prior to the
   specified time. The date value can be an absolute, delta, or
   combination time value, or one of the following keywords: TODAY,
   TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. By default, CMS displays all existing


   Lists only concurrent reservations and concurrent replacements.


   Lists reservations for a specific generation or set of generations
   in a class.


   Indicates that concurrent replacements are not to be displayed.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, GROUP, CLASS)
      ELEMENT (D)
      GROUP (D)
      CLASS (D)
      NONE--equivalent to (NOELEMENT, NOGROUP, NOCLASS)

   You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
   [NO]ELEMENT, [NO]GROUP, and [NO]CLASS keywords.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.


   Directs CMS to write output to the specified file, except for any
   warning and error messages, which are written to SYS$OUTPUT and
   SYS$ERROR. CMS creates a new file if you do not specify /APPEND.
   If you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier (or if you specify /OUTPUT
   but do not provide a file specification), CMS directs output to
   the default output device (SYS$OUTPUT). If you omit either the
   file name or the file type component, CMS supplies the missing
   component from the default specification.


   Lists current reservations that were executed after the specified
   time. The time value can be an absolute, delta, or combination
   time value, or one of the following keywords: TODAY, TOMORROW, or


   Lists current reservations that were executed by the specified
   user. If you do not specify this qualifier, CMS lists reservations
   held by all users.
4  Example

   Reservations in CMS Library DISKX:[PROJECT.CMSLIB]

       (2)    STEVEW     8      25-APR-1988 09:46:38 "add checks for 
       file attributes"
     Concurrent replacements
              STEVEM     9      16-MAY-1988 16:01:30 "change %ascid 
       & non-picrefs to pic"
       (1)    STEVEM     15     17-MAY-1988 21:28:34 "fix access 
       (1)    SMITH      13     15-MAY-1988 15:09:33 "context 
       (1)    STEVEM     5      17-MAY-1988 21:43:10 "bug fixes"

     This command lists the element name, the identification
     number of the reservation, the user who has it reserved, the
     generation number, and the date, time, and remark associated
     with the reservation for each element. In addition, CMS reports
     that the element AUDIT.FOR has been concurrently replaced,
     creating generation 9. As a result, user STEVEW must create a
     variant when he replaces the element.
   Displays a list of element generations that currently have review
   pending status.


         SHOW REVIEWS_PENDING  [element-expression]
4  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more elements which are to be searched for
   generations with pending reviews. By default, all elements are
   searched. An element expression can be an element name, a group
   name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by
4  Description
   The SHOW REVIEWS_PENDING command provides information about
   element generations currently marked for review. For each element
   with generations under review, the output consists of the element
   name, user, generation number, date, time, replacement remark,
   and any associated review comments that were established with the
   REVIEW GENERATION command. The elements are listed in alphabetical
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS appends the command output to an existing
   file, or creates a new file. If you specify /APPEND and the output
   file does not exist, CMS creates a new file. If you do not provide
   an output file specification (see the description for /OUTPUT),
   the output is appended to SYS$OUTPUT.


   Specifies that only generations placed under review before the
   indicated date and time are to be displayed. By default, all
   generations with reviews pending are displayed. The date value
   can be an absolute, delta, or combination time value, or one of
   the following keywords: TODAY, TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY.


   Specifies that only reviews pending for generations matching
   the generation expression are to be displayed. By default, all
   generations with reviews pending are displayed.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, GROUP, CLASS)
      ELEMENT (D)
      GROUP (D)
      CLASS (D)
      NONE--equivalent to (NOELEMENT, NOGROUP, NOCLASS)

   You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
   [NO]ELEMENT, [NO]GROUP, and [NO]CLASS keywords.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.


   Directs CMS to write output to the specified file, except for any
   warning and error messages, which are written to SYS$OUTPUT and
   SYS$ERROR. CMS creates a new file if you do not specify /APPEND.
   If you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier (or if you specify /OUTPUT
   but do not provide a file specification), CMS directs output to
   the default output device (SYS$OUTPUT). If you omit either the
   file name or the file type component, CMS supplies the missing
   component from the default specification.


   Specifies that only generations placed under review after the
   indicated date and time are to be displayed. By default, all
   generations with reviews pending are displayed. The date value
   can be an absolute, delta, or combination time value, or one of
   the following keywords: TODAY, TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY.


   Specifies that only reviews pending for generations created by the
   indicated user are to be displayed. By default, all generations
   with reviews pending are displayed.
4  Example

   Reviews pending in CMS Library DISKX:[WORK.CMSLIB]

       DAVIS     3      22-JAN-1988 10:40:26 "example is now complete"
       Review comments
          EVEDITOR      23-JAN-1988 14:41:54 "this looks wonderful!"
          JONES         25-JAN-1988 11:30:02 "agreed...let's submit it"

       KENW      6      04-FEB-1988 09:22:36 "we need to verify this 

     This command shows all generations of elements in the library
     that are currently on the review pending list.
   Displays the version number of the CMS system currently in use.


4  Description
   The SHOW VERSION command shows the version number of the current
   CMS system.
4  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS appends the command output to an existing
   file, or creates a new file. If you specify /APPEND and the output
   file does not exist, CMS creates a new file. If you do not provide
   an output file specification (see the description for /OUTPUT),
   the output is appended to SYS$OUTPUT.


   Directs CMS to write output to the specified file, except for any
   warning and error messages, which are written to SYS$OUTPUT and
   SYS$ERROR. CMS creates a new file if you do not specify /APPEND.
   If you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier (or if you specify /OUTPUT
   but do not provide a file specification), CMS directs output to
   the default output device (SYS$OUTPUT). If you omit either the
   file name or the file type component, CMS supplies the missing
   component from the default specification.
4  Example
   CMS Version V3.0

     This command shows the current version of CMS.
   Cancels one or more reservations of a generation of an element.


         UNRESERVE  element-expression "remark"
3  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more elements whose reservations are to be
   canceled. An element expression can be an element name, a group
   name, a wildcard expression, or a list of these separated by


   Specifies a character string to be logged in the history file
   with this command, usually used to explain why the command was
   entered. The remark is enclosed in quotation marks. If no remark
   was entered, a null remark ("") is logged.
3  Description
   The UNRESERVE command cancels an existing reservation of a
   generation of an element. You cannot unreserve a generation held
   by another user unless you hold BYPASS privilege or unless you are
   granted BYPASS access to the element by an access control entry.  

   If you have more than one reservation of an element, or if 
   you are replacing a concurrent reservation made by another user,
   (that is, if there is any ambiguity), you must specify the exact 
   reservation to be canceled.  You do this by using either the 
   /GENERATION qualifier or the /IDENTIFICATON_NUMBER qualifier.

   You can use /GENERATION as long as the concurrent reservations are
   not on the same generation. If you have more than one concurrent
   reservation for the same generation, you must identify the
   specific reservation to be canceled. Each reservation is assigned
   an identification number. Use the SHOW RESERVATIONS command to
   determine the identification number of each reservation. The
   identification number appears in parentheses at the beginning
   of each line. If you use the /IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER qualifier, you
   do not need to also use the /GENERATION qualifier; when both are
   used, CMS ignores the /GENERATION qualifier.  
3  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation before each

   When you specify /CONFIRM and run CMS in interactive mode, CMS
   prompts you for confirmation. If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1,
   CMS executes the transaction.  If you type NO, QUIT, FALSE, 0,
   or press RETURN or CTRL/Z, no action is performed. If you type 
   any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you type an 
   acceptable response.

   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.

   The /NOCONFIRM qualifier does not override the confirmation prompt
   issued when you unreserve a concurrent reservation or when you
   cancel another user's reservation.


   Controls whether all versions of the unreserved file are deleted.
   If you omit /DELETE, the files are not deleted. If you specify
   /DELETE without a file specification, all versions of the
   unreserved files are deleted from your current directory. The
   file specification allows you to specify a different location and
   the name of the file to be deleted.


   Specifies which reserved generation of the element is to be
   unreserved. If you have more than one reservation of the same
   element generation, you must use the /IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER
   qualifier to unreserve the reservation.


   Specifies which reservation is to be unreserved. This qualifier
   is required when you have multiple reservations of the same
   generation of an element. /IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER can be used
   instead of /GENERATION when you have multiple reservations. Use
   the SHOW RESERVATIONS command to determine the identification
   number of each reservation. The identification number appears
   before the user name.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, GROUP, CLASS)
      ELEMENT (D)
      GROUP (D)
      CLASS (D)
      NONE--equivalent to (NOELEMENT, NOGROUP, NOCLASS)

   You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
   [NO]ELEMENT, [NO]GROUP, and [NO]CLASS keywords.

   By default, CMS performs occlusion for all objects; that is, CMS
   selects only the first occurrence of a specified object.
3  Examples
       _Remark: problem elsewhere

     This command cancels the existing reservation of the element

       $ CMS UNRESERVE SAMPLE.TXT "unreserving on behalf of SMITH"
       Element A.TXT currently reserved by:
           (1)   SMITH     1      17-FEB-1988 13:43:52 "sample module 
           for program"
       Unreserve (1) SAMPLE.TXT generation 1, held by SMITH? [Y/N] (N): Y

     This example shows the cancellation of another user's existing 
     reservation (through the use of BYPASS privilege) of the latest 
     generation of the element SAMPLE.TXT.  If concurrent reservations 
     of element SAMPLE.TXT existed, you would need to specify the exact 
     reservation to be canceled by using either the /GENERATION or 
     /IDENTIFICATION qualifier.
   Performs a series of checks on your CMS library to confirm that
   the library structure and library files are in a valid form.


         VERIFY  [element-expression]
3  Restrictions
   o  You cannot specify the /RECOVER and /REPAIR qualifiers on the
      same command line.

   o  You cannot specify an element expression parameter when you use
      the /RECOVER qualifier.
3  Command_Parameters

   Specifies one or more elements to be verified. If you do not
   supply an element expression, CMS verifies every file in the
   library. You cannot specify an element expression parameter if
   you use the /RECOVER qualifier. An element expression can be an
   element name, a group name, a wildcard expression, or a list of
   these separated by commas.
3  Description
   The VERIFY command performs a series of consistency checks on
   your library. If you issue VERIFY under normal conditions, the
   command executes successfully, indicating that the information
   in your library is correct. However, if the data in the library
   is invalid, the command returns an error message indicating that
   there is an error in the verification of the library. You can
   use the /RECOVER and /REPAIR qualifiers on the VERIFY command to
   correct some of the errors discovered by VERIFY.

   Recovery and repair transactions are marked as unusual occurrences
   in the library history.
3  Qualifiers

   Controls whether CMS prompts you for confirmation prior to
   deleting any invalid reference copies during a VERIFY/REPAIR
   operation. In some cases, however, if CMS finds invalid reference
   copies (for example, if there is one valid reference copy and the
   remaining reference copies are invalid), it automatically deletes
   the invalid copies without prompting for confirmation.

   If you type YES, ALL, TRUE, or 1, CMS executes the transaction. If
   you type NO or QUIT or press RETURN, no action is performed. If
   you type any other character, CMS continues to prompt until you
   type an acceptable response.

   CMS does not prompt for confirmation in batch mode.

/LOG (D)

   Controls whether CMS displays success and informational messages
   on the default output device. By default, if the command executes
   successfully, CMS displays a success message. If you specify
   /NOLOG, success and informational messages are suppressed. Any
   warning, error, or fatal error messages are displayed regardless
   of whether /LOG or /NOLOG is specified.


   Controls whether CMS selects the first instance of the specified
   object, or all instances of the specified object in the library
   search list. The options field contains one or more keywords
   associated with the name of the object. The options field can
   contain the following keywords:

      ALL--equivalent to (ELEMENT, GROUP, OTHER)
      ELEMENT (D)
      GROUP (D)
      OTHER (D)
      NONE--equivalent to (NOELEMENT, NOGROUP, NOOTHER)

   You can specify either ALL or NONE, or any combination of the
   [NO]ELEMENT, [NO]GROUP, and [NO]OTHER keywords.

   If you do not specify an element expression on the VERIFY command,
   the default is /OCCLUDE=NONE. If you do specify an element
   expression, the default is /OCCLUDE=ALL.


   Controls whether the VERIFY command cancels an incomplete
   transaction. You use the /RECOVER qualifier when a transaction
   with the library is incomplete and the rollback mechanism does not
   automatically cancel the command.  For example, you must use
   the /RECOVER qualifier if the VMS system fails while a
   CMS command is updating the library.

   If a CMS command is terminated and the library is left in an
   inconsistent state, CMS recognizes that the last transaction
   was incomplete and automatically initiates command rollback 
   to return the library to a valid format.

   If you have set up a restrictive protection scheme and a system
   failure occurs during a CMS transaction and leaves your library
   in an inconsistent state, the VERIFY/RECOVER command should be
   executed by the same person who was using CMS at the time of the
   system failure or by a person with sufficient privileges.


   Controls whether or not the VERIFY command repairs the CMS
   library and files in the CMS library. You should use the /REPAIR
   qualifier if VERIFY issues a message concerning one of the
   following conditions:

   o  The CMS library has inconsistencies that CMS indicates are
   o  Element data files in the library were not closed by CMS.
   o  The checksum of elements in the library is invalid.
   o  Generations in the library have invalid maximum record size.
   o  A data block was not found on pass 1.
   o  The reference copy for an element is missing.
   o  A reference copy is found for an element with the /NOREFERENCE_
      COPY qualifier.
   o  There are duplicate reference copies for an element.
   o  The reference copy of an element is invalid.

   If reference copies need repairing, VERIFY/REPAIR creates or
   deletes files as necessary to correct the information in the
   reference copy directory.

   If a file was not closed by CMS, VERIFY/REPAIR repairs the OpenVMS
   RMS file header so that the file can be successfully verified. If
   the checksum of a file does not correspond to the contents of the
   file, VERIFY/REPAIR recalculates the checksum so that the library
   can be verified.

   If any of these conditions exist, data may have been changed in
   the library by methods other than the normal updating of the
   library with CMS commands. For example, a file may have been
   opened and modified with a text editor. You may want to find out
   why the files could not be verified.
3  Example
   %CMS-I-VERCLS, class list verified
   %CMS-I-VERCMD, command list verified
   %CMS-I-VERELE, element list verified
   %CMS-I-VERGRP, group list verified
   %CMS-I-VERRES, reservation list verified
   %CMS-I-VERFRE, internal free space list verified
   %CMS-I-VERFRE, internal free space list verified
   %CMS-I-VERFRE, internal free space list verified
   %CMS-I-VERFRE, internal free space list verified
   %CMS-I-VERFRE, internal free space list verified
   %CMS-I-VERFRE, internal free space list verified
   %CMS-I-VERFRE, internal free space list verified
   %CMS-I-VERARC, archive control block verified
   %CMS-I-VER2, internal contiguous space verified
   %CMS-I-VERCON, control file verified
   %CMS-I-VEREDFS, element data files verified

     This example indicates that the library is in a consistent
     format. If VERIFY reports errors, see the description of the
     error message in Appendix A.
2  Classes
A class is a set of specific element generations.  It can be used 
to define a system version (such as a base level) consisting of 
different generations of several elements.  An element generation 
can belong to zero, one, or several classes, but a class may contain 
no more than one generation of a given element.

A class name is any string of 39 or fewer characters, consisting of
letters, digits, underlines, hyphens, dollar signs, and periods.

     (1)  HELP CMS CREATE CLASS tells how to establish one or 
          more new classes.

     (2)  HELP CMS DELETE CLASS tells how to delete one or more

     (3)  HELP CMS INSERT GENERATION tells how to insert one or 
          more element generations into one or more classes.

     (4)  HELP CMS MODIFY CLASS tells how to change the 
          attributes of one more classes.  

     (5)  HELP CMS REMOVE GENERATION tells how to remove one or
          more generations from one or more classes.  

     (6)  HELP CMS SHOW CLASS tells how to display information 
          about one or more classes.  
2  Elements
An element is the basic structural unit in a library.  An element 
consists of a file and all its versions, called generations.  

An element name is the file name and type specified with the CMS
CREATE ELEMENT command.  When you retrieve an element from the
library, CMS places a copy of the element in your default directory.
Each time you replace an element in the library, CMS creates a new 
generation of that file.  

CMS can store any type of file except a directory file.  

     (1)  HELP CMS CREATE ELEMENT tells how to create new files 
          in a CMS library.

     (2)  HELP CMS DELETE ELEMENT tells how to delete one or more

     (3)  HELP CMS INSERT ELEMENT tells how to insert one or more
          elements into one or more groups.

     (4)  HELP CMS MODIFY ELEMENT tells how to change the attributes
          of one more elements.  

     (5)  HELP CMS REMOVE ELEMENT tells how to remove one or more
          elements from one or more groups.

     (6)  HELP CMS SHOW ELEMENT tells how to display information 
          about one or more elements.  
2  Groups
A group is a collection of elements.  You establish a group to
manipulate related elements as a single unit.  For instance, you
could establish a group that contains all the chapters in a book.
Groups can contain elements or other groups.  

A group name is a string of 39 or fewer characters, consisting of
letters, digits, underlines, hyphens, or dollar signs.

     (1)  HELP CMS CREATE GROUP tells how to establish one or 
          more new groups.  

     (2)  HELP CMS DELETE GROUP tells how to delete one or more

     (3)  HELP CMS INSERT ELEMENT tells how to insert an element
          into a group.

     (4)  HELP CMS INSERT GROUP tells how to insert one group 
          into another group.

     (5)  HELP CMS MODIFY GROUP tells how to change the attributes 
          of one more groups.  

     (6)  HELP CMS REMOVE ELEMENT tells how to remove one or more 
          elements from one or more groups.  

     (7)  HELP CMS REMOVE GROUP tells how to take a group out of
          another group.

     (8)  HELP CMS SHOW GROUP tells how to display information 
          about one or more groups.  
2  Libraries
A CMS library is a VMS directory containing specially formatted files
which CMS uses to operate.  You create a library by first creating a
VMS directory (with the $ CREATE/DIRECTORY command) and then creating
a CMS library in that directory (with the CMS CREATE LIBRARY command).
Once you have created a library, it must be reserved exclusively for
use by CMS.

     (1)  HELP CMS CREATE LIBRARY tells how to create a new library.

     (2)  HELP CMS CONVERT LIBRARY tells how to convert your V2.n 
          library to V3.0 format.  

     (3)  HELP CMS MODIFY LIBRARY tells how to change the attributes 
          of one more libraries.  

     (4)  HELP CMS SET LIBRARY identifies one or more existing 
          libraries as your current library list.  

     (5)  HELP CMS SET NOLIBRARY removes one or more libraries from
          the currently set library list.  

     (6)  HELP CMS SHOW LIBRARY displays the directory specification 
          of your currently set CMS library or libraries.  
2  New_User
Welcome to CMS.  You can invoke CMS in one of two ways:

     (1) You can enter the command "CMS", then press RETURN.  This
         invokes the CMS subsystem (shown by the prompt CMS>).  Once
         in subsystem mode, you can execute commands by entering
         subcommands, keywords, parameters, and qualifiers.  To return
         to DCL, type "EXIT" or press CTRL/Z.

     (2) You can also enter commands one at a time from DCL level.  
         After each command is completed, CMS returns control to DCL.

If your project already has a library, you can set default to it by
typing the following:


     (1) HELP CMS gives a list of topics for which help is available.

     (2) HELP CMS CREATE LIBRARY tells how to set up a project

     (3) HELP CMS OVERVIEW explains what CMS is and how it is used.

For more information and help on getting started, see Chapter 1 of 
the "Guide to DIGITAL Code Management System (AI-KL03B-TE).  
2  Overview
During development, team members continually make changes to project
files.   CMS stores, keeps track of, and monitors these files (called
elements).  CMS also lets you manipulate combinations of files within
a library (called groups and classes).

CMS stores project files in a central library where they are available
to all project members.  Some of the functions you can perform using
CMS include the following:

     (1) Store elements in a library for safekeeping

     (2) Retrieve elements, and modify and test them in your own

     (3) Control concurrent modifications to the same element

     (4) Merge concurrent modifications to a file

     (5) Create successive versions, or generations, of files

     (6) Compare two versions of an element within a library

     (7) Organize related library elements into groups

     (8) Define a set of various element generations (called a class)
         to make up a baselevel or release version of a project

     (9) Track which users are working on which files from the library

    (10) Maintain a historical account of element and library

A CMS library can store any type of file except for a directory file.  

     (1) HELP CMS New_User explains how to invoke CMS.

     (2) HELP CMS CREATE LIBRARY tells how to establish a new project

     (3) HELP CMS gives a list of topics on which help is available.

2  Release_Notes
You can find the release notes for this release and previous versions 
of CMS in SYS$HELP:CMSvvu.RELEASE_NOTES, where vv is the major version 
number, and u is the update number.  

To list all the CMS release notes available, type: