VMS Help
V73 Features, System Management Features, New System Parameters

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

    This section contains definitions of system parameters that are
    new in OpenVMS Version 7.3.


    AUTO_DLIGHT_SAV is set to either 1 or 0. The default is 0.

    If AUTO_DLIGHT_SAV is set to 1, OpenVMS automatically makes the
    change to and from daylight saving time.


    FAST_PATH_PORTS is a static parameter that deactivates Fast Path
    for specific drivers.

    FAST_PATH_PORTS is a 32-bit mask. If the value of a bit in the
    mask is 1, Fast Path is disabled for the driver corresponding to
    that bit. A value of -1 specifies that Fast Path is disabled for
    all drivers that the FAST_PATH_PORTS parameter controls.

    Bit position zero controls Fast Path for PKQDRIVER (for parallel
    SCSI), and bit position one controls Fast Path for FGEDRIVER
    (for Fibre Channel). Currently, the default setting for FAST_
    PATH_PORTS is 0, which means that Fast Path is enabled for both

    In addition, note the following:

    o  CI drivers are not controlled by FAST_PATH_PORTS. Fast Path
       for CI is enabled and disabled exclusively by the FAST_PATH
       system parameter.

    o  FAST_PATH_PORTS is relevant only if the FAST_PATH system
       parameter is enabled (equal to 1). Setting FAST_PATH to zero
       has the same effect as setting FAST_PATH_PORTS to -1.

    For additional information, see FAST_PATH and IO_PREFER_CPUS.


    On Galaxy systems, GLX_SHM_REG is the number of shared memory
    region structures configured into the Galaxy Management Database
    (GMDB). If you set GLX_SHM_REG to 0, the default number of shared
    memory regions are configured.

  4 - LCKMGR CPUID (Alpha)

    The LCKMGR_CPUID parameter controls the CPU that the Dedicated
    CPU Lock Manager runs on. This is the CPU that the LCKMGR_SERVER
    process will utilize if you turn this feature on with the LCKMGR_
    MODE system parameter.

    If the specified CPU ID is either the primary CPU or a
    nonexistent CPU, the LCKMGR_SERVER process will utilize the
    lowest nonprimary CPU.

    LCKMGR_CPUID is a DYNAMIC parameter.

    For more information, see the LCKMGR_MODE system parameter.

  5 - LCKMGR MODE (Alpha)

    The LCKMGR_MODE parameter controls usage of the Dedicated CPU
    Lock Manager. Setting LCKMGR_MODE to a number greater than zero
    (0) indicates the number of CPUs that must be active before the
    Dedicated CPU Lock Manager is turned on.

    The Dedicated CPU Lock Manager performs all locking operations
    on a single dedicated CPU. This can improve system performance
    on large SMP systems with high MP_Synch associated with the lock

    For more information about usage of the Dedicated CPU Lock
    Manager, see the OpenVMS Performance Management manual.

    Specify one of the following:

    Value    Description

    0        Indicates the Dedicated CPU Lock Manager is off. (The
    >0       Indicates the number of CPUs that must be active before
             the Dedicated CPU Lock Manager is turned on.

    LCKMGR_MODE is a DYNAMIC parameter.


    NPAGECALC controls whether the system automatically calculates
    the initial size for nonpaged dynamic memory.

    Compaq sets the default value of NPAGECALC to 1 only during the
    initial boot after an installation or upgrade. When the value of
    NPAGECALC is 1, the system calculates an initial value for the
    NPAGEVIR and NPAGEDYN system parameters. This calculated value is
    based on the amount of physical memory in the system.

    NPAGECALC's calculations do not reduce the values of NPAGEVIR and
    NPAGEDYN from the values you see or set at the SYSBOOT prompt.
    However, NPAGECALC's calculation might increase these values.

    AUTOGEN sets NPAGECALC to 0. NPAGECALC should always remain 0
    after AUTOGEN has determined more refined values for the NPAGEDYN
    and NPAGEVIR system parameters.

  7 - NPAGERAD (Alpha)

    NPAGERAD specifies the total number of bytes of nonpaged pool
    that will be allocated for Resource Affinity Domains (RADs) other
    than the base RAD. For platforms that have no RADs, NPAGERAD
    is ignored. Notice that NPAGEDYN specifies the total amount of
    nonpaged pool for all RADs.

    Also notice that the OpenVMS system might round the specified
    values higher to an even number of pages for each RAD, which
    prevents the base RAD from having too little nonpaged pool. For
    example, if the hardware is an AlphaServer GS160 with 4 RADs:

    NPAGEDYN = 6291456 bytes
    NPAGERAD = 2097152 bytes

    In this case, the OpenVMS system allocates a total of
    approximately 6,291,456 bytes of nonpaged pool. Of this amount,
    the system divides 2,097,152 bytes among the RADs that are not
    the base RAD. The system then assigns the remaining 4,194,304
    bytes to the base RAD.

  8 - RAD SUPPORT (Alpha)

    RAD_SUPPORT enables RAD-aware code to be executed on systems
    that support Resource Affinity Domains (RADs); for example,
    AlphaServer GS160 systems.

    A RAD is a set of hardware components (CPUs, memory, and I/O)
    with common access characteristics. For more information
    about using OpenVMS RAD features, refer to the OpenVMS Alpha
    Partitioning and Galaxy Guide.


    SHADOW_MAX_UNIT specifies the maximum number of shadow sets that
    can exist on a node. The setting must be equal to or greater
    than the number of shadow sets you plan to have on a system.
    Dismounted shadow sets, unused shadow sets, and shadow sets with
    no write bitmaps allocated to them are included in the total.

    This system parameter is not dynamic; that is, a reboot is
    required when you change the setting.

    The default setting on OpenVMS Alpha systems is 500; on OpenVMS
    VAX systems, the default is 100. The minimum value is 10, and the
    maximum value is 10,000.

    Note that this parameter does not affect the naming of shadow
    sets. For example, with the default value of 100, a device name
    such as DSA999 is still valid.

  10 - VCC MAX IO SIZE (Alpha)

    The dynamic system parameter VCC_MAX_IO_SIZE controls the maximum
    size of I/O that can be cached by the Extended File Cache. It
    specifies the size in blocks. By default, the size is 127 blocks.

    Changing the value of VCC_MAX_IO_SIZE affects reads and writes to
    volumes currently mounted on the local node, as well as reads and
    writes to volumes mounted in the future.

    If VCC_MAX_IO_SIZE is 0, the Extended File Cache on the local
    node cannot cache any reads or writes. However, the system is
    not prevented from reserving memory for the Extended File Cache
    during startup if a VCC$MIN_CACHE_SIZE entry is in the reserved
    memory registry.

    VCC_MAX_IO_SIZE is a DYNAMIC parameter.

  11 - VCC READAHEAD (Alpha)

    The dynamic system parameter VCC_READAHEAD controls whether
    the Extended File Cache can use read-ahead caching. Read-
    ahead caching is a technique that improves the performance of
    applications that read data sequentially.

    By default VCC_READAHEAD is 1, which means that the Extended File
    Cache can use read-ahead caching. The Extended File Cache detects
    when a file is being read sequentially in equal-sized I/Os, and
    fetches data ahead of the current read, so that the next read
    instruction can be satisfied from cache.

    To stop the Extended File Cache from using read-ahead caching,
    set VCC_READAHEAD to 0.

    Changing the value of VCC_READAHEAD affects volumes currently
    mounted on the local node, as well as volumes mounted in the

    Readahead I/Os are totally asynchronous from user I/Os and only
    take place if sufficient system resources are available.

    VCC_READAHEAD is a DYNAMIC parameter.

  12 - WBM_MSG_INT

    WBM_MSG_INT is one of three system parameters that are available
    for managing the update traffic between a master write bitmap
    and its corresponding local write bitmaps in an OpenVMS Cluster
    system. (Write bitmaps are used by the volume shadowing software
    for minicopy operations.) The others are WBM_MSG_UPPER and
    WBM_MSG_LOWER. These parameters set the interval at which the
    frequency of sending messages is tested and also set an upper and
    lower threshold that determine whether the messages are grouped
    into one SCS message or are sent one by one.

    In single-message mode, WBM_MSG_INT is the time interval in
    milliseconds between assessments of the most suitable write
    bitmap message mode. In single-message mode, the writes issued by
    each remote node are, by default, sent one by one in individual
    SCS messages to the node with the master write bitmap. If the
    writes sent by a remote node reach an upper threshold of messages
    during a specified interval, single-message mode switches to
    buffered-message mode.

    In buffered-message mode, WBM_MSG_INT is the maximum time a
    message waits before it is sent. In buffered-message mode, the
    messages are collected for a specified interval and then sent
    in one SCS message. During periods of increased message traffic,
    grouping multiple messages to send in one SCS message to the
    master write bitmap is generally more efficient than sending each
    message separately.

    The minimum value of WBM_MSG_INT is 10 milliseconds. The maximum
    value is -1, which corresponds to the maximum positive value that
    a longword can represent. The default is 10 milliseconds.

    WBM_MSG_INT is a DYNAMIC parameter.


    WBM_MSG_LOWER is one of three system parameters that are
    available for managing the update traffic between a master write
    bitmap and its corresponding local write bitmaps in an OpenVMS
    Cluster system. (Write bitmaps are used by the volume shadowing
    software for minicopy operations.) The others are WBM_MSG_INT
    and WBM_MSG_UPPER. These parameters set the interval at which the
    frequency of sending messages is tested and also set an upper and
    lower threshold that determine whether the messages are grouped
    into one SCS message or are sent one by one.

    WBM_MSG_LOWER is the lower threshold for the number of messages
    sent during the test interval that initiates single-message mode.
    In single-message mode, the writes issued by each remote node
    are, by default, sent one by one in individual SCS messages
    to the node with the master write bitmap. If the writes sent
    by a remote node reach an upper threshold of messages during a
    specified interval, single-message mode switches to buffered-
    message mode.

    The minimum value of WBM_MSG_LOWER is 0 messages per interval.
    The maximum value is -1, which corresponds to the maximum
    positive value that a longword can represent. The default is

    WBM_MSG_LOWER is a DYNAMIC parameter.


    WBM_MSG_UPPER is one of three system parameters that are
    available for managing the update traffic between a master write
    bitmap and its corresponding local write bitmaps in an OpenVMS
    Cluster system. (Write bitmaps are used by the volume shadowing
    software for minicopy operations.) The others are WBM_MSG_INT
    and WBM_MSG_LOWER. These parameters set the interval at which the
    frequency of sending messages is tested and also set an upper and
    lower threshold that determine whether the messages are grouped
    into one SCS message or are sent one by one.

    WBM_MSG_UPPER is the upper threshold for the number of messages
    sent during the test interval that initiates buffered-message
    mode. In buffered-message mode, the messages are collected for a
    specified interval and then sent in one SCS message.

    The minimum value of WBM_MSG_UPPER is 0 messages per interval.
    The maximum value is -1, which corresponds to the maximum
    positive value that a longword can represent. The default is

    WBM_MSG_UPPER is a DYNAMIC parameter.


    WBM_OPCOM_LVL controls whether write bitmap system messages are
    sent to the operator console. (Write bitmaps are used by the
    volume shadowing software for minicopy operations.) Possible
    values are shown in the following table:

    Value Description

    0     Messages are turned off.
    1     The default; messages are provided when write bitmaps are
          started, deleted, and renamed, and when the SCS message
          mode (buffered or single) changes.
    2     All messages for a setting of 1 are provided plus many

    WBM_OPCOM_LVL is a DYNAMIC parameter.
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