VMS Help

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

   Invokes the Review subsystem to examine and manipulate test
   results for a collection of tests.


     REVIEW  collection-name [/qualifier] ["remark"]

  1 - Restrictions

   o  You can only review noninteractive and interactive terminal
      tests in the Review subsystem. DECwindows tests must be
      reviewed through the Digital Test Manager DECwindows user

  2 - Qualifiers

 2.1 - /READ_ONLY


   Determines whether you are a primary or read-only user of the
   Review subsystem. There can be only one primary reviewer at a
   time. This reviewer can enter all Review subsystem commands. There
   can be multiple read-only reviewers who cannot make changes to
   the result descriptions or to the files they describe. Read-only
   reviewers cannot enter the INSERT or UPDATE commands.

  3 - Example

   Collection MAIL_COLL with 7 tests was created on 7-SEP-1998 09:30:28 by the
       CREATE COLLECTION MAIL_COLL MAIL* "Creating the MAIL tests collection"
       Last Review Status = not previously reviewed
       Success count = 4
       Unsuccessful count = 1
       New test count = 2
       Updated test count = 0
       Comparisons aborted = 0
       Test not run count = 0

   Result Description MAIL_TEST  Comparison Status : Unsuccessful


     This example invokes the Review subsystem for the collection

  4 - Review Subsystem

   The Review subsystem enables you to examine and manipulate tests
   results for the specified collection.

   The REVIEW command invokes the Review subsystem.

   The Review subsystem uses the following commands:

 4.1 - @file-specification

   Executes Digital Test Manager Review subsystem commands contained in
   the specified file.



 4. 1.1 - Restrictions

   o  You can only specify Review subsystem commands with this
      @file-specification command.

 4. 1.2 - Example

   Result Description MAIL_TEST   Comparison Status :  Unsuccessful
   Differences File DUA0:[USER01.DTMLIB]MAIL_TEST.DIF For Result
   Description MAIL_TEST

   Digital Test Manager COMPARE utility

   This example executes the command procedure REVIEW_FILE, which
   contains the NEXT/UNSUCCESSFUL and SHOW/DIFFERENCES commands.

 4.2 - ATTACH

   Switches control from the current process to another process in
   your job.


     ATTACH  process-name [/qualifier...]

 4. 2.1 - Command Qualifiers

 4. 2. 1.1 - /IDENTIFICATION


   Specifies the process identification (PID) of the process to which
   you want to attach the terminal. You can omit the leading zeros
   when you specify a PID.

   If you specify the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier, do not specify the
   process name parameter or the /PARENT qualifier. If you do not
   specify a qualifier, you must specify a process name.

 4. 2. 1.2 - /PARENT

   Specifies that the process you want to attach to is the original
   (parent) process.

   If you specify the /PARENT qualifier, do not specify the process
   name parameter or the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier. If you do not
   specify a qualifier, you must specify a process name.

 4. 2.2 - Example

   Collection name: MAIL_COLL
   Collection MAIL_COLL with 1 test was created on 29-JUL-85 15:13:54
   by the command:
     CREATE COLLECTION MAIL_COLL MAIL_TEST "Recording MAIL on the terminal"
     Last review status = not previously reviewed
     Success count = 0
     Unsuccessful count = 1
     New test count = 0
     Updated test count = 0
     Comparisons aborted = 0
     Test not run count = 0

   Result Description MAIL_TEST  Comparison Status : Unsuccessful

   You have 0 new messages.

   This example uses the MAIL SPAWN command to create a subprocess
   executing a Digital Test Manager Review subsystem to review
   collection MAIL_COLL. The Review subsystem ATTACH command is then
   used to attach the terminal back to the mail session, the parent

 4.3 - BACK

   Moves you backward through the sequence of result descriptions
   being reviewed.


     BACK  [count] [/qualifier...]

 4. 3.1 - Command Qualifiers


   Moves you to the previous result description for a test whose
   comparison aborted.

 4. 3. 1.2 - /NEW

   Moves you to the previous result description for a new test.

 4. 3. 1.3 - /NOT_RUN

   Moves you to the previous result description for a test that did
   not run.

 4. 3. 1.4 - /SUCCESSFUL

   Moves you to the previous successfully compared result

 4. 3. 1.5 - /UNSUCCESSFUL

   Moves you to the previous unsuccessfully compared result

 4. 3. 1.6 - /UPDATED

   Moves you to the previous updated result description.

 4. 3.2 - Example


   This example displays the result description that is two
   positions behind the current result description.

 4.4 - DEFINE

   Use DEFINE/KEY to define a key to execute a command string.


     DEFINE/KEY  key-name "command-string" [/qualifier...]

 4. 4.1 - /KEY

   Use DEFINE/KEY to define a key to execute a command string.


     DEFINE/KEY  key-name "command-string" [/qualifier...]

 4. 4. 1.1 - Restrictions

   o  Key definitions apply only to terminal environments.

   o  Keys defined with the DEFINE/KEY command in the REVIEW
      subsystem can only be used in the REVIEW subsystem.  They
      are not effective during test recording or in the Digital Test
      Manager subsystem. A separate DEFINE/KEY command may be
      used within the Digital Test Manager subsystem to define keys
      within that environment.

 4. 4. 1.2 - Command Qualifiers

 4. 4. 1. 2.1 - /ECHO

   /ECHO (D)

   Specifies whether the command is displayed on your screen after
   you press the defined key. You cannot define a key by specifying

 4. 4. 1. 2.2 - /IF_STATE


   Specifies a list of states, any one of which must be set to enable
   the specified key definition. The default is the current state.
   Digital Test Manager defines the two states REVIEW and GOLD_REVIEW.
   The /NOIF_STATE qualifier selects the current state.

 4. 4. 1. 2.3 - /LOCK_STATE


   Retains the state specified with the /SET_STATE qualifier until
   you use the /SET_STATE qualifier again to change it.

 4. 4. 1. 2.4 - /SET_STATE


   Associates a state with the key you are defining. The default is
   the current state. A state name can be any alphanumeric string.
   Digital Test Manager defines the two states REVIEW and GOLD_REVIEW.
   You cannot define a key specifying both /SET_STATE and /TERMINATE.
   The /NOSET_STATE qualifier selects the current state.

 4. 4. 1. 2.5 - /TERMINATE


   Determines whether the specified command string executes when you
   press the defined key. When you use /NOTERMINATE, you must press
   RETURN to execute the command. You cannot define a key specifying

 4. 4. 1.3 - Example


   This example defines two keys on the Review subsystem keypad.
   When you press the keypad 1 key, you move forward to the next
   result description for a successful test. When you press the
   GOLD key followed by the keypad 1 key, you move backward to the
   previous result description for a successful test.

 4.5 - EXIT

   Terminates the Review session and returns control to the previous
   command level where you invoked the Review subsystem.


     EXIT  [/qualifier...]

 4. 5.1 - Command Qualifiers

 4. 5. 1.1 - /NOINSERT

   Specifies that a group is not to be created from tests marked with
   the INSERT command when you exit the Review subsystem.

 4. 5. 1.2 - /NOPRINT

   Specifies that files marked with the PRINT command are not to be
   printed when you exit the Review subsystem.

 4. 5.2 - Example

   %DTM-S-EXIT, leaving Review subsystem

   This example shows how to exit from the Review subsystem.

 4.6 - FIRST

   Moves you to the first result description in the collection you
   are reviewing.



 4. 6.1 - Example


   This example displays the first result description in a

 4.7 - HELP

   Displays help text for Review subsystem commands.


     HELP  [topic]

 4. 7.1 - Example





      Use DEFINE/KEY to define a key to execute a command string.


        DTM_REVIEW> DEFINE/KEY key-name "command-string" [/qualifier...]

     Additional information available:

     /ECHO         /NOECHO        /IF_STATE=(state-name,...)  /NOIF_STATE
     Parameters  Command_Description  Example


   This example shows how to get help for the DEFINE command.

 4.8 - INSERT

   Marks test descriptions for insertion into a group Digital Test
   Manager creates when you exit from the Review subsystem.


     INSERT  [result-description-expression] [/qualifier...]

 4. 8.1 - Command Qualifiers


   Marks for inclusion test descriptions for tests whose comparisons
   aborted. The default is to mark the test description associated
   with the current result description.

 4. 8. 1.2 - /CONFIRM


   Controls whether Digital Test Manager prompts you to confirm the
   processing of each test description marked for insertion. Valid
   responses are Yes, No, All, or Quit.

 4. 8. 1.3 - /NEW

   Marks for inclusion test descriptions for new tests. The default
   is to mark the test description associated with the current result

 4. 8. 1.4 - /NOT_RUN

   Marks for inclusion test descriptions for tests that did not run.
   The default is to mark the test description associated with the
   current result description.

 4. 8. 1.5 - /SUCCESSFUL

   Marks for inclusion test descriptions for tests that compared
   successfully. The default is to mark the test description
   associated with the current result description.

 4. 8. 1.6 - /UNSUCCESSFUL

   Marks for inclusion test descriptions for tests that compared
   unsuccessfully. The default is to mark the test description
   associated with the current result description.

 4. 8. 1.7 - /UPDATED

   Marks for inclusion test descriptions for tests whose benchmark
   files have been updated. The default is to mark the test
   description associated with the current result description.

 4. 8.2 - Example

   DTM-S-MRKFORINSERT, test_description MAIL_TEST marked for insertion
   DTM-S-CREATED, group RUNMAIL$DTM_1 created
   DTM-S-EXIT, leaving Review subsystem

   This example inserts the MAIL_TEST test into a group that is
   created upon leaving the Review subsystem.

 4.9 - LAST

   Moves you to the last result description in the collection you are



 4. 9.1 - Example


   This example displays the last result description in a

 4.10 - NEXT

   Moves you forward through the sequence of result descriptions
   being reviewed. Pressing the RETURN key also moves you forward to
   the next result description.


     NEXT  [count] [/qualifier...]

 4. 10.1 - Command Qualifiers


   Moves you to the next result description for a test whose
   comparison aborted.

 4. 10. 1.2 - /NEW

   Moves you to the next result description for a new test.

 4. 10. 1.3 - /NOT_RUN

   Moves you to the next result description for a test that did not

 4. 10. 1.4 - /SUCCESSFUL

   Moves you forward to the next successfully compared result

 4. 10. 1.5 - /UNSUCCESSFUL

   Moves you forward to the next unsuccessfully compared result

 4. 10. 1.6 - /UPDATED

   Moves you forward to the next result description whose benchmark
   file has been updated.

 4. 10.2 - Example


   This example displays the result description that is two
   positions ahead of the current result description.

 4.11 - PCA

   Invokes the Analyzer of the VAX Performance and Coverage Analyzer



 4.12 - PRINT

   Selects one or more files for printing.


     PRINT  [result-description-expression] [/qualifier...]

 4. 12.1 - Command Qualifiers

 4. 12. 1.1 - /BENCHMARK

   Prints benchmark files from the specified result descriptions. The
   default is /RESULT.


   Prints files from result descriptions for tests whose comparisons
   aborted. The default is to select files from the test description
   associated with the current result description.

 4. 12. 1.3 - /DIFFERENCES

   Prints difference files from the specified result descriptions.
   The default is /RESULT.

 4. 12. 1.4 - /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on the screen.

 4. 12. 1.5 - /NEW

   Prints files from result descriptions for new tests. The default
   is to select files from the test description associated with the
   current result description.

 4. 12. 1.6 - /NOT_RUN

   Prints files from result descriptions for tests that did not run.
   When a test does not run, its result description may or may not
   contain a benchmark file. The default is to select files from the
   test description associated with the current result description.

 4. 12. 1.7 - /NOW

   Concatenates all files selected for printing on the current
   PRINT command and immediately places them in the print queue.
   The default is to place the concatenated files in the print queue
   when you exit from the Review subsystem.

 4. 12. 1.8 - /RESULT

   Prints the result file from the specified result descriptions.
   This is the default.

 4. 12. 1.9 - /SELECTED

   Concatenates all files already selected for printing and the
   currently specified file and immediately places them in the print

   The default is to place the concatenated files in the print queue
   when you exit from the Review subsystem.

 4. 12. 1.10 - /SUCCESSFUL

   Prints files from result descriptions for tests that compared
   successfully. The default is to select files from the test
   description associated with the current result description.

 4. 12. 1.11 - /UNSUCCESSFUL

   Prints files from result descriptions for tests that compared
   unsuccessfully. The default is to select files from the test
   description associated with the current result description.

 4. 12. 1.12 - /UPDATED

   Prints files from result descriptions whose benchmark files
   have been updated. The default is to select files from the test
   description associated with the current result description.

 4. 12.2 - Example

   test MAIL_TEST selected for printing
   %DTM-S-PRINTQD, print job has been sent to the print queue
   -DTM-I-TEXT, Job MAIL_TEST (queue SYS$PRINT, entry 32) started on SYS$PRINT
   %DTM-S-EXIT, leaving Review subsystem

   This example shows how to queue the differences file for

 4.13 - SELECT

   Moves you to the specified result description.


     SELECT  result-description-name

 4. 13.1 - Example

   Result Description MAIL_TEST Comparison Status : Unsuccessful

   This example displays the MAIL_TEST result description in a

 4.14 - SHOW

   Displays and describes output files for specified result


     SHOW  [result-description-expression] [/qualifier...]

 4. 14.1 - Command Qualifiers

 4. 14. 1.1 - /BENCHMARK

   Displays the benchmark file. The default is to state whether
   output files (benchmark, difference, and result files) exist.
   If the benchmark file exists, its file specification is displayed.

   For a noninteractive test, Digital Test Manager displays the benchmark
   file. For an interactive test, Digital Test Manager displays the
   benchmark file screen by screen and provides you with a keypad
   for manipulating the file.

   If the benchmark file is in a CMS library, Digital Test Manager
   fetches the benchmark.

   If you include a comparison status qualifier with the /BENCHMARK
   qualifier, Digital Test Manager displays the benchmark file for result
   descriptions with the specified comparison status.


   States whether output files (benchmark, difference, and result
   files) exist for the specified result descriptions with the
   comparison aborted comparison status. The default is to display
   information for the current result description. If the benchmark
   file exists, its file specification is displayed.

   If you include an output file qualifier with the
   /COMPARISON_ABORTED qualifier, the specified output files are
   displayed for result descriptions with the comparison aborted
   comparison status. You cannot specify a comparison status
   qualifier with a result description name parameter; a result
   description expression is required.

 4. 14. 1.3 - /DIFFERENCES

   Displays the difference file. The default is to state whether
   output files (benchmark, difference, and result files) exist. If
   the benchmark file exists, its file specification is displayed.

   For a noninteractive test, Digital Test Manager displays the
   difference file. For an interactive test, Digital Test Manager
   displays the benchmark and result files screen by screen with
   differences marked and provides you with a keypad for manipulating
   the files.

   If you include a comparison status qualifier with the /DIFFERENCES
   qualifier, Digital Test Manager displays the difference file for
   result descriptions with the specified comparison status.

 4. 14. 1.4 - /FILES

   Displays the comparison status for result descriptions and states
   whether output files (benchmark, difference, and result files)
   exist for the result description. The default is /FILES. If the
   benchmark file exists, its file specification is displayed.

   You cannot include the /FILES qualifier with the included

 4. 14. 1.5 - /NEW

   States whether output files (benchmark, difference, and result
   files) exist for result descriptions with the new comparison
   status. The default is to display information for the current
   result description.

   If you include an output file qualifier with the /NEW qualifier,
   the specified output files are displayed for result descriptions
   with the new comparison status. If a test is new, it has a result
   file but it does not have a benchmark or difference file. You
   cannot specify a comparison status qualifier with a result
   description name parameter; a result description expression is

 4. 14. 1.6 - /NOT_RUN

   States whether output files (benchmark, difference, and result
   files) exist for result descriptions with the not run comparison
   status. The default is to display information for the current
   result description. If the benchmark file exists, its file
   specification is displayed.

   If you include an output file qualifier with the /NOT_RUN
   qualifier, the specified output files are displayed for result
   descriptions with the not run comparison status. If a test does
   not run, it does not have a result or difference file. It might
   have a benchmark file. You cannot specify a comparison status
   qualifier with a result description name parameter. A result
   description expression is required.

 4. 14. 1.7 - /OUTPUT


   Sends the requested output to the specified file. The default is

 4. 14. 1.8 - /RESULT

   Displays the result file. The default is to state whether output
   files (benchmark, difference, and result files) exist.

   For a noninteractive test, Digital Test Manager displays the result
   file. If the benchmark file exists, its file specification is

   For an interactive test, Digital Test Manager displays the result file
   screen by screen and provides you with a keypad for manipulating
   the file.

   If you include a comparison status qualifier with the /RESULT
   qualifier, Digital Test Manager displays the result file for result
   descriptions with the specified comparison status.

 4. 14. 1.9 - /SUCCESSFUL

   States whether output files (benchmark, difference, and result
   files) exist for result descriptions with the successful
   comparison status. The default is to display information for the
   current result description. If the benchmark file exists, its file
   specification is displayed.

   If you include an output file qualifier with the /SUCCESSFUL
   qualifier, the specified output files are displayed for result
   descriptions with the successful comparison status. If a test
   is successful, it has a benchmark file. Its result file was
   deleted and no difference file was created. You cannot specify
   a comparison status qualifier with a result description name
   parameter; a result description expression is required.

 4. 14. 1.10 - /SUMMARY

   Displays the Collection Summary Information (the information
   displayed when you first enter the Review subsystem). The default
   is /FILES. You cannot specify the /SUMMARY and /FILES qualifiers
   with the same command.

   The /SUMMARY qualifier is mutually exclusive with all qualifiers
   except the /OUTPUT qualifier.

 4. 14. 1.11 - /UNSUCCESSFUL

   States whether output files (benchmark, difference, and result
   files) exist for result descriptions with the unsuccessful
   comparison status. The default is to display information for the
   current result description. If the benchmark file exists, its file
   specification is displayed.

   If you include an output file qualifier with the /UNSUCCESSFUL
   qualifier, the specified output files are displayed for result
   descriptions with the unsuccessful comparison status. (If a test
   is unsuccessful, it has benchmark, result, and difference files.)
   You cannot specify a comparison status qualifier with a result
   description name parameter; a result description expression is

 4. 14. 1.12 - /UPDATED

   States whether output files (benchmark, difference, and result
   files) exist for result descriptions with the updated comparison
   status. The default is to display information for the current
   result description. If the benchmark file exists, its file
   specification is displayed.

   If you include an output file qualifier with the /UPDATED
   qualifier, the specified output files are displayed for result
   descriptions with the updated comparison status. An updated test
   is a test whose benchmark file was created from its result file
   since the time when the test was last executed. An updated test
   does not have a result or difference file. You cannot specify
   a comparison status qualifier with a result description name
   parameter; a result description expression is required.

 4. 14.2 - Example

   Result Description YYY  Comparison Status :  Unsuccessful

     Benchmark File is DUA1:[USER01.DTM.DTMLIB]YYY.BMK
     Result file is present
     Difference file is present


     This example displays all the unsuccessful result descriptions
     in a collection.

 4.15 - SPAWN

   Creates a subprocess of the current Digital Test Manager session.


     SPAWN  [command] [/qualifier...]

 4. 15.1 - Command Qualifiers

 4. 15. 1.1 - /CARRIAGE_CONTROL


   Determines whether carriage control or line feed characters or
   both are prefixed to the prompt string of the subprocess. The
   default is the current setting of the parent process.

 4. 15. 1.2 - /CLI


   Specifies an alternate command language interpreter (CLI) for
   the subprocess to use. The CLI you specify must be located in
   SYS$SYSTEM and have the file type .EXE. The default is the CLI
   the parent process uses.

 4. 15. 1.3 - /INPUT


   Specifies an input file containing one or more commands for the
   spawned subprocess to execute. If you specify a command with an
   input file, the command is processed before the commands in the
   input file. The subprocess terminates when processing is complete.
   You cannot use wildcards in the file specification.

 4. 15. 1.4 - /KEYPAD

   /KEYPAD (D)

   Determines whether DCL keypad symbols and the current DCL keypad
   state are copied from the DCL keypad in the parent process to the
   subprocess. Use the /NOKEYPAD qualifier if you do not want the key
   settings to be copied.

 4. 15. 1.5 - /LOGICAL_NAMES


   Determines whether the system passes process logical names and
   logical name tables to the subprocess, except those marked CONFINE
   or created in executive or kernel mode.

 4. 15. 1.6 - /NOTIFY


   Determines whether a message is sent to the terminal to notify
   you that the subprocess has completed or aborted. Do not specify
   /NOTIFY unless you also specify the /NOWAIT qualifier.

 4. 15. 1.7 - /OUTPUT


   Specifies the output file to which the output of the SPAWN
   operation is to be written. The default is to direct the output
   to the current SYS$OUTPUT device. When you specify /NOWAIT, you
   should use /OUTPUT to specify an output other than SYS$OUTPUT
   to prevent the terminal from being used by both processes

 4. 15. 1.8 - /PROCESS


   Specifies the name of the subprocess to be created. The default is
   USERNAME_n (where n denotes a unique number).

 4. 15. 1.9 - /PROMPT


   Specifies the DCL-prompt string for the subprocess. The default is
   to copy the current prompt string from the parent process. If you
   specify /PROMPT but do not specify a string, the default prompt is

 4. 15. 1.10 - /SYMBOLS


   Determines whether the system passes DCL global and local symbols
   to the subprocess.

 4. 15. 1.11 - /WAIT

   /WAIT (D)

   Controls whether the system waits until the subprocess is
   completed before enabling more commands to be issued to the parent
   process. The /NOWAIT qualifier enables you to enter more commands
   while the specified subprocess is running. When you specify
   /NOWAIT, you should also specify /OUTPUT to direct output to a
   file (rather than to the screen). This prevents the terminal from
   being used by both processes simultaneously.

 4. 15.2 - Example


   You have 1 new message.


   This example spawns the OpenVMS MAIL Utility from the Digital Test
   Manager subsystem. Enter the ATTACH command to terminate the
   MAIL session and return to the Digital Test Manager system level.

 4.16 - UPDATE

   Makes the result file for the specified result descriptions the
   new benchmark file and deletes the previous benchmark file if it
   resides in the Digital Test Manager library.


     UPDATE  [result-description-expression] [/qualifier...]


 4. 16.1 - Command Qualifiers

 4. 16. 1.1 - /CONFIRM


   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays each test name before
   updating it and prompts you to confirm whether you want the test
   results updated. If you specify a wildcard result description
   expression, Digital Test Manager automatically prompts you.

 4. 16. 1.2 - /LOG

   /LOG (D)

   Controls whether Digital Test Manager displays informational and
   success messages on your screen.

 4. 16.2 - Example

   Result Description MSGTEST  Comparison Status :  Unsuccessful

   %DTM_I_UPDATED, the benchmark for test MSGTEST has been updated

   This example selects the MSGTEST test results and then uses the
   UPDATE command to replace the current benchmark file with the
   test results.

  5 - Keypad

     		   Review Subsystem Keypad
   | PF1         | PF2         | PF3         | PF4         |
   |    GOLD     | HELP KEYPAD |             |             |
   |             |    HELP     |             |             |
   | 7           | 8           | 9           | -           |
   |  SHOW/DIF   |  SHOW/RES   |  SHOW/BEN   |  SHOW/SUM   |
   |  PRINT/DIF  |  PRINT/RES  |  PRINT/BEN  |             |
   | 4           | 5           | 6           | ,           |
   |  PRINT/NOW  |   INSERT    |   UPDATE    |    SPAWN    |
   |             |             |             |  ATTACH/PAR |
   | 1           | 2           | 3           | ENTER       |
   | NEXT/UNSUCC |  NEXT/NEW   | NEXT/UPDATE |             |
   | BACK/UNSUCC |  BACK/NEW   | BACK/UPDATE |             |
   +-------------+-------------+-------------+             |
   | 0                         | .           |             |
   |            NEXT           |    FIRST    |             |
   |            BACK           |    LAST     |             |
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