Compaq Fortran 77 Release Notes for OpenVMS VAX Systems
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  Table 3-1:  Source Program Diagnostic Messages
  Mnemonic              Code     Text/Explanation

  ALNNOMAT              W       Alignment settings of common block are inconsistent with previous
                                 Occurs when using CDEC$ OPTIONS/ALIGN (or /WARN=ALIGN)
                                 if the same COMMON is declared in multiple places within a single
                                 compilation unit and /ALIGN or /WARN=ALIGN has changed between
                                 places. For example:

                                     CDEC$  OPTIONS  /ALIGN=COMMON=NATURAL
                                           COMMON  /COM1/  A,B
                                            !  common  elements  are  naturally  aligned
                                     CDEC$  END  OPTIONS

                                     CDEC$  OPTIONS  /ALIGN=COMMON=PACKED
                                           COMMON  /COM1/  C,D
                                            !  common  elements  are  packed
                                     CDEC$  END  OPTIONS

                                 Note that COMMON declarations can also take place in SAVE and
                                 VOLATILE statements and in CDEC$ PSECT, CPAR$ PRIVATE and
                                 CPAR$ SHARED directives.  All declarations must be in the scope of a
                                 consistent setting for alignment and alignment warnings.

                                 User Action:  Modify the program to remove inconsistent alignment
                                 directives.  (V6.3-154)

  ARGLISEXE             F        IARGCOUNT/IARGPTR used in non-executable statement

                                 One of the argument list inquiry intrinsic functions, IARGCOUNT and
                                 IARGPTR, was used in a non-executable statement such as a statement
                                 function declaration. (V6.1)

  ASFUNUSED             I        Statement function was defined but not used

                                 The specified statement function was defined but never used.
                                 This message can be suppressed with /WARNINGS=NOUNCALLED.

  Mnemonic              Code     Text/Explanation

  AUTDATINI             W       Variable is data-initialized; AUTOMATIC ignored
                                 A variable was declared as AUTOMATIC but was also data-initialized
                                 in a DATA or type specification statement.  AUTOMATIC variables
                                 cannot be data-initialized.  The AUTOMATIC attribute was ignored.

  AUTSAVALL             W       SAVE of all variables specified; AUTOMATIC ignored
                                 A variable was declared as AUTOMATIC in a program unit which con-
                                 tained a SAVE statement that, by omitting a list of names of variables to
                                 be SAVEd, specified that all variables should be SAVEd.  AUTOMATIC
                                 variables cannot be SAVEd.  The AUTOMATIC attribute was ignored.

  AUTSHARED             W       SHARED or SHARED_ALL specified; AUTOMATIC ignored

                                 A variable was declared as AUTOMATIC was named in a CPAR$
                                 SHARED directive or was in a program unit which contained a CPAR$
                                 SHARED_ALL directive.  AUTOMATIC variables cannot be shared
                                 among parallel task processes.  The AUTOMATIC attribute was ig-
                                 nored. (V6.0-16)

  BRNCHINTOBLK       I           Questionable branch into loop or block

                                 A branch into a DO loop or IF block was detected.  Although this might
                                 be valid if the FORTRAN II "extended range of a DO loop" feature was
                                 being used, it generally indicates a programming error.  A common
                                 case involves two or more DO loops which share a common termination.
                                 In such cases, the shared termination statement is considered to belong
                                 to the innermost DO loop.

                                 This message can be suppressed with /WARNINGS=NOUSAGE. (V6.1)

  Mnemonic              Code     Text/Explanation

  CHACONCONTD       I            Character, Hollerith or RAD50 constant continued across lines; may be

                                 A character, Hollerith or RAD50 constant was continued across two
                                 or more source lines.  This is potentially non-portable as some imple-
                                 mentations pad source lines with blanks and others, including Digital

                                 Fortran, do not, which can result in different constant values.  This di-
                                 agnostic is issued only if one or more of the source lines which made
                                 up the statement was shorter than the statement field width (72 or 132
                                 columns, depending on /EXTEND_SOURCE), and can be suppressed
                                 with /WARNINGS=NOUSAGE.

                                 For character constants, use the concatenation operator to build up long
                                 values.  Replace Hollerith or RAD50 constants with character constants
                                 if feasible or ensure that they are complete on one line.  For character
                                 constants used for data initialization, PARAMETER constants must be
                                 used to maintain FORTRAN-77 standard conformance. For example:

                                         CHARACTER*(*)  CHRCON
                                         PARAMETER  (CHRCON  =  'This  is  a  '//
                                        1    'continued  character  value')
                                         CHARACTER*80  CHRVAL
                                         DATA  CHRVAL  /CHRCON/

  COMALNERR             F        COMMON alignment error, too small for variable
                                 A field in the COMMON block is larger than the size of alignment
                                 requested by the CDEC$ PSECT directive.
                                 User Action:  Specify a larger alignment value in the CDEC$ PSECT
                                 directive for the COMMON block.  (V6.3-154)
  ENDOPTMIS             W       No matching CDEC$ END OPTIONS for CDEC$ OPTIONS

                                 A CDEC$ OPTIONS directive must be terminated by CDEC$ END

                                 User Action:  Make sure that each CDEC$ OPTIONS directive is properly
                                 terminated by a CDEC$ END OPTIONS directive. (V6.3-154)

  Mnemonic              Code     Text/Explanation

  EQVSAVCOM             E        EQUIVALENCE may not be used to put a SAVE variable into COMMON

                                 An EQUIVALENCE group was found which included a COMMON vari-
                                 able and a variable named in a SAVE statement.  SAVE variables may
                                 not be placed in COMMON, although an entire COMMON block may be
                                 named in a SAVE statement. (V6.0-5)

  EXT_ASFARGNAM    I             Extension to FORTRAN-77:  Statement function argument name same
                                 as non-variable

                                 A statement function dummy argument had the same name as
                                 an entity other than a variable or a common block (for example, a
                                 PARAMETER constant). (V6.1)

  EXT_INVINTARG     I            Extension to FORTRAN-77:  Nonstandard use of intrinsic function as
                                 actual argument

                                 The FORTRAN-77 standard does not permit the use of the type conver-
                                 sion (INT, DBLE, etc.), lexical relationship (LGE, LGT, etc.)  or mini-
                                 mum and maximum functions (MIN, MAX, etc.) as actual arguments.
  EXT_KEYCON            I        Extension to FORTRAN-77:  nonstandard combination of keywords

                                 A statement included a nonstandard combination of keywords or key-
                                 word values, for example:

                                  *  In an OPEN statement, FILE= specified when STATUS='SCRATCH'

  FEAUNSAXP             W       This feature is unsupported on Alpha systems

                                 Detected a language feature supported on this platform that is not
                                 supported on Alpha systems. (Text correction)

  Mnemonic              Code     Text/Explanation

  FLDMISALN             W       Record contains one or more misaligned fields

                                 One or more fields are not naturally aligned in a RECORD structure.
                                 If the record is or contains a record array, one or more of the array
                                 elements may not be naturally aligned.

                                 Specifying /NOALIGN or /ALIGN=RECORDS=PACKED, the default,
                                 causes Digital Fortran to pack the fields within records instead of
                                 naturally aligning them.

                                 User Action:  Consider specifying the /ALIGN qualifier or rearrange
                                 fields so that they fall on natural boundaries. (V6.3-154)

  FUNVALUND             W       Function value undefined at end of routine

                                 A function did not have its return value defined at the end of the routine.

  INCNOTSUP             F        INCLUDE not supported for current source file device
                                 An INCLUDE statement was found while the current source device was
                                 not random-access, for example a tape drive or a terminal.  The com-
                                 piler requires that it be able to close and later re-open and re-position
                                 the source file before processing an INCLUDE statement. (V6.0-1)

  INTACTARG             W       Intrinsic routine used as actual argument should be named in
                                 INTRINSIC statement

                                 An identifier which had been previously used as an intrinsic routine
                                 was used as an actual argument, but was not named in an INTRINSIC
                                 statement.  The compiler assumed that the intrinsic routine of that
                                 name was intended.

                                 If the identifier is intended to be a routine name, declare it in an
                                 EXTERNAL or INTRINSIC statement as appropriate.

                                 This message can be suppressed with /WARNINGS=NOUSAGE. (V6.1)

  OPTMISSING            W       No matching CDEC$ OPTIONS for CDEC$ END OPTIONS
                                 A CDEC$ END OPTIONS directive terminates a CDEC$ OPTIONS

                                 User Action:  Remove extraneous CDEC$ END OPTIONS directives or
                                 add CDEC$ OPTIONS directives as appropriate.  (V6.3-154)

  Mnemonic              Code     Text/Explanation

  ROUREFREC             F        Routine referenced recursively; /RECURSIVE required

                                 A subroutine, function or entry name was referenced recursively in
                                 the same program unit, but the /RECURSIVE command or OPTIONS
                                 statement qualifier was not specified.  (V6.0-22)

  STREMPTY              I        Structure is empty

                                 A STRUCTURE declaration contains no fields. (V6.4)

  TOOMNYOPT             W       CDEC$ OPTIONS directives nested too deeply - this one ignored

                                 CDEC$ OPTIONS directives cannot be nested beyond 100 levels.
                                 User Action: Modify source so that CDEC$ OPTIONS nesting depth does
                                 not exceed 100. (V6.3-154)
  USEBEFDEF             I        Use of variable before definition; name in SAVE statement if appropriate

                                 A variable in a subprogram was used before its value was defined.  This
                                 may have been intentional, with an assumption of implicit SAVE se-
                                 mantics, but may also have been a programming error.  This message
                                 can be suppressed with /WARNINGS=NOUNINITIALIZED.
                                 If intentional, name the variable in a SAVE statement and make sure
                                 that it is properly initialized.  Initialization to zero is not guaranteed on
                                 all implementations. (V6.1-78)
  VARUNUSED             I        Variable was declared but not used

                                 The specified variable was declared but never used.

                                 This message can be suppressed with /WARNINGS=NOUNUSED. (V6.1)

  WRONGCLD              F        Wrong command definition installed

                                 The current DCL command tables are incompatible with the compiler
                                 version.  This may occur if an old copy of the command tables are being
                                 used, or if a new version of the compiler was installed and a user pro-
                                 cess is still using an old version.  SeDigital Fortran Installation
                                 Guide for OpenVMS VAX Systems    for instructions on updating the
                                 command tables. (V6.0-1)

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