Compaq Fortran 77 Release Notes for OpenVMS VAX Systems
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  3.2  DEC Fortran User Manual for OpenVMS VAX Systems

  3.2.1  Section 1.2.3 - New qualifiers
  New /ALIGNMENT (V6.3-155) and /PAD_SOURCE (V6.3-

  141) qualifiers have been added.  See   Section
  Section 2.5.1,respectively, for details.

  3.2.2  Section - New /ASSUME=SOURCE_INCLUDE

  The /ASSUME qualifier now has a new SOURCE_

  INCLUDE keyword.  See      Section 2.3.1 for details.  (V6.3-141)

  3.2.3  Section - /DEBUG Qualifier
  The /DEBUG qualifier now accepts the PARAMETERS key-
  word, which may have values.  See     Section 2.6.6for details.

  3.2.4  Section - /MATH_LIBRARY Qualifier

  The description of the [NO]V5 keyword was omitted.  See
  Section more details.  (V6.0-1)

  3.2.5  Section - /STANDARD Qualifier
  The keyword SOURCE_FORM now selects extension diag-
  nostics for use of CDEC$ and CPAR$ directives.  (V6.0-40)

  3.2.6  Section - /WARNINGS Qualifier
  Replace the first paragraph with "Controls whether the
  compiler generates certain classes of optional diagnostic mes-
  sages." as some of the diagnostics controlled by this qualifier
  have E-level severity.

  Add the sentence "Specifying the qualifier /WARNINGS
  without any keywords is equivalent to specifying /WARNINGS=ALL;
  specifying /NOWARNINGS is equivalent to specifying

  In the description of the ALIGNMENT keyword, delete the
  sentence "RECORD variables are not checked." (V6.3-155)

  In the description of the DECLARATIONS keyword, omit the
  text "W-level".  The diagnostic message for use of an untyped
  data item has E-level severity.

  3.2.7  Section 1.x - INCLUDE Files

  The manual omits an explicit description of how INCLUDE
  files are located.  If the logical name FORT$INCLUDE is
  not defined, the default file specification for non-library

  INCLUDE files is '.FOR'; for library INCLUDE files it is
  '.TLB'. Section 2.8.3describes the effect if the logical name
  FORT$INCLUDE is defined.  (V6.0-1)

  As of Version V6.2-130, if /ASSUME=SOURCE_INCLUDE
  is specified, portions of the INCLUDE file specification
  not supplied in the INCLUDE line or by the definition of

  FORT$INCLUDE, if any, are taken from the file specifica-
  tion of the current source file.

  3.2.8  Section - User Supplied Default Libraries

  The statement that definition of the logical name FORT$LIBRARY
  as a search list is unsupported is no longer true.  See
  Section 2.8.2for more details.  (V6.0-1)

  3.2.9  Sections 8.1.1 and 8.1.2 - Sharing Images in
         Shareable Image Libraries

  If an application is linked against a shareable image, such
  as a COMMON block to be used for sharing data, and that
  shareable image does not reside in the directory given by the
  logical name SYS$SHARE, you must define a logical name
  for the name of the shareable image which translates to the
  complete file specification.  In the example given, the following
  definition would be needed:


  If the application is INSTALLed with any privilege, you must
  also specify the /EXEC and /SYSTEM qualifiers when issuing
  the DEFINE command.

  3.2.10  Table G-1 - Source Program Diagnostic Messages
  Table 3-1  describes new and changed source program diag-
  nostic messages.

  3.2.11  Table G-4 - CRX Error Messages

  Table 3-2  describes new and changed CRX diagnostic mes-
  sages which are issued during processing of DICTIONARY

  In addition, the messages NOPPARVEC, OPTLV4CHK,
  relate to conflicts between certain compile command or

  OPTIONS statement qualifiers, now have severity W instead
  of E.

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