Compaq Fortran 77 Release Notes for OpenVMS VAX Systems
2.1 New and Changed Features in V6.5
This section provides highlights of new and changed features
in Compaq Fortran 77 V6.5.
2.1.1 New DATE_AND_TIME Intrinsc
The non-standard Fortran intrinsic routines DATE and
IDATE return date strings in a format using a two-digit
year. This can cause problems for applications executing in
the year 2000 or later. In order to provide a year-2000-
compliant progam interface for obtaining the date, Compaq
Fortran 77 now supports the DATE_AND_TIME intrin-
sic from the Fortran 90 standard. The calling sequence is as
CALL DATE_AND_TIME ([date] ,[time] ,[zone] ,[values])
date - character variable whose first 8 characters
receive the date in the form yyyymmdd
time - character variable whose first 10 characters
receive the time in the form hhmmss.sss
zone - character variable whose first 5 characters
receive the timezone differential from UTC in
the form ±hhmm or blank if the zone is unavailable.
values - INTEGER*4 (8) array which into which is stored
the following information:
VALUES(1) = year
VALUES(2) = month
VALUES(3) = day
VALUES(4) = timezone differential in minutes, or
-2147483648 if unavailable
VALUES(5) = hour
VALUES(6) = minute
VALUES(7) = second
VALUES(8) = milliseconds
Any of the arguments may be omitted, but any preceding
commas for omitted arguments must be specified. If any of
the CHARACTER arguments are longer than the required
length, the remaining characters are unchanged.
Because the OpenVMS system clock has a 10ms resolution,
the number of milliseconds returned will always be a multiple
of 10.
The timezone value is derived from the value of the logical
ported on OpenVMS VAX V6.0 and later. The timezone
can be set using the SYS$MANAGER:UTC$CONFIGURE_
TDF.COM procedure or through DECnet-PLUS (DECnet
/OSI) configuration.
Run-Time Library support for DATE_AND_TIME is au-
tomatically installed along with the Compaq Fortran 77
compiler as object module FOR$DATE_AND_TIME in
SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET.OLB. This routine will be included
in a future version of OpenVMS VAX. If your application
uses DATE_AND_TIME and you wish to link on another
system, that other system must install the Run-Time Library
support from the Compaq Fortran 77 kit.
As an alternative to DATE_AND_TIME, consider the
OpenVMS date-time system services, such as SYS$ASCTIM.