Directory Service Manager for DECdns HyperHelp System
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  Enter the name of the principal (for example IAF:.rome.admin.augustus).
  A principal is a user or group of users for which access rights
  to DECdns names can be assigned and checked.  A principal
  name is part of an  access control entry (ACE).

  The default option, activated and deactivated by toggling the
  Default button on or off is associated with the principal name.

  When the default option is on, you can create a default ACE
  for a directory that applies specifically to the directory's fu-
  ture contents (soft links, application-defined object entries,
  groups, and clearinghouse object entries).  Although a default
  ACE is associated with a directory name, it applies only to the
  future contents of the directory, not to the directory itself.


      Because a clearinghouse itself is not contained in a
      directory, it cannot inherit ACEs.  Only the clearing-
      house object entry (which represents a clearinghouse)
      is actually contained in a directory and is, therefore,
      able to inherit ACEs automatically.  To grant access
      to a clearinghouse itself, use the ACS Editor from the
      Clearinghouse Detail Window and explicitly create
      appropriate ACEs in the ACS of the clearinghouse for
      the users and applications that require it.

  Remember that default ACEs apply only to names that are
  created in the directory after you create the ACEs; they do
  not affect access to names that already exist in the directory.

  As with other directory ACEs, the access you grant with a
  default ACE also propagates to the future contents of any
  child directories of the associated directory unless you sup-
  press the propagation by turning off the propagate (P) option
  for the default ACE.

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