Directory Service Manager for DECdns HyperHelp System
When you create an Access Control Entry (ACE) for a di-
rectory, DECdns automatically copies (propagates) the ACE
into the Access Control Sets (ACSs) of all the child directo-
ries you may later create under that directory. Note that
P-flagged ACEs are not inherited by anything other than fu-
ture child directories. However, default ACSs are inherited by
nondirectories. Automatic propagation of every ACE that you
create for a directory always occurs unless you set the P flag
to off (after you unlock the ACS, click once on the P flag to
turn it off).
You should turn the P flag off when you want to create an
ACE for a directory, but would prefer that the rights you
grant be applied only to that particular directory and not be
inherited by any future child directories.