Help on Session Manager and FileView
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  Protecting Files

  To change the protection on a file or a group of files:

  1.  Select the file or files you want to protect.

  2.  Choose the ellipsis (...)  next to the Protection command
      from the Commands menu.  FileView displays the
      Protection dialog box.

  3.  Click on the appropriate buttons to set the protection for
      your file or files.

  4.  Click on OK button.

  Additional topics:

  *   Altering a Protection Operation

  *   Creating and Modifying Files

  *   Reading Files

  *   Copying Files

  *   Copying Groups of Files

  *   Searching Files for Text Strings

  *   Changing the Name of a File

  *   Comparing the Contents of Files

  *   Displaying Information About Files

  *   Purging Files

  *   Deleting Files

  *   Printing Files

  *   Running Programs

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