Help on Session Manager and FileView
FileView Window Components
The FileView window contains many screen objects including
buttons, menus, list boxes, and text entry fields. Following is a
brief description of FileView window components:
Components Description
Title bar Displays the name of the window.
Menu bar Displays FileView's menu names.
Directory entry box Displays the name of the current device and
Parent Directory Lets you navigate your directory structure.
button This button appears when you select a file in
the subdirectory list. As you navigate through
your subdirectories, this button label changes
to reflect the name of the parent directory.
Subdirectory list Displays your subdirectories. Using the sub-
directory list, you can descend the directory
structure in the current window.
File Selection Menu Contains the names of menus you can use to
Bar select and filter files.
Apply button Lets you renew your file list according to the
contents of the File Filter and Directory entry
File list Contains different kinds of information, such
as the creation date or size, about the files in
the current directory or those specified by the
File Filter. The first time you start FileView,
the file list contains the names of the files in
your top-level directory only.
File Filter entry box Lets you list a subset of files, for example, all
*.TXT files, in the current file list.
FileView displays the number of files you
filter on the File Selection menu bar next to
the Files Filtered menu.
Additional topics:
* Selecting File Names
* Apply/Update Button
* Working With Files
* Accessing Files and Applications Quickly
* Working With Directories
* Changing the Look of Your File List
* Saving a View
* Superseding a Saved View
* Restoring a Saved View
* Deleting a Saved View
* Opening a New FileView Window
* Executing a DCL Command
* Customizing FileView