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  Displaying a Logical Name Definition

  To display a logical name definition and the name of the
  logical name table in which it is stored:

  1.  Choose Logical Names...  from the Session menu.  Session
      Manager displays the Logical Names dialog box.

  2.  In the Name field, type the logical name whose definition
      you want to display.

  3.  If you do not know the logical name table in which the
      logical name is stored, click on the Any button next to
      the From Table label.  Click on the Job, Group, or System
      buttons if you want to see the definition in a specific
      table.  Click on the Other button and type the name of the
      logical name in the text field provided to display a logical
      name definition from another table.

  4.  Click on Show.  Session Manager displays the definition
      and the name of the logical name table in which it is

  If the Any option is selected, Session Manager searches
  through the logical name tables specified by the logical name
  LNM$FILE_DEV. If the logical name exists in more than
  one logical name table, Session Manager displays the logical
  name definition and the name of the logical name table in
  which the definition was first encountered.

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