Help on Session Manager and FileView
Saving a View
When you have customized FileView to display the
information you want, you can save it as a custom view.
You can save one, all, or any combination of the FileView
components in a view that you can restore at any time.
To save a view:
1. Customize the FileView window the way you want it
2. Choose Save View... from FileView's Options menu.
FileView displays the Save View dialog box.
3. Type the name of the view you want to save in the Name
of View entry box.
Give it a name meaningful to you, for example, ``Sales
Project'' or ``C file sizes''.
4. Click on the components you don't want to save in the
view. (All the components are saved by default.)
5. Click on OK or Apply.
The view is saved.
For more information about the components of a FileView
window, double click on an item from the list of additional
topics below.
Additional topics:
* File Filter
* Directory
* Fields
* Order
* Versions
* Directories
* Exclude Files
* Date Filter
* Menu Bar
* Window Name
* Icon Name
* Initial State
* Window Size
* Window Position
* Privileges
* Size Filter
* Owner Filter