Help on Session Manager and FileView
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  Adding a Menu Item to a Pop-up Menu

  When you press and hold MB3 on any file name, FileView
  displays the pop-up menu defined for that file type.  From the
  File Types dialog box, you can tailor an existing pop-up menu
  by changing the menu items it contains.

  To add a menu item to a pop-up menu:

  1.  In the File Types list box, select the file type whose
      corresponding pop-up menu you want to change.

  2.  In the Item Names list box, select the menu item you
      want to add to the pop-up menu.

  3.  Click on the Arrow button that appears between the
      Pop-Up Menu and Item Names list boxes.

      The menu item is added to the Pop-Up Menu list box.
      New menu items are added alphabetically if the Sorted
      button is shaded.  The menu items you add always appear
      in boldface to identify what you have customized.  To
      move the menu item within the list, click on the Up or

      Down Arrow buttons that appear between the Pop-Up
      Menu and Item Names list boxes.
      To delete the menu item, click on the Trashcan button.

  4.  Click on the OK button.

  Additional topics:

  *   File Types List Box

  *   Item Names List Box

  *   Double Click for Selected File Type

  *   Removing a Menu Item from a Pop-Up Menu

  *   Changing a Double Click Menu Item Definition

  *   Adding a File Type

  *   Removing a File Type

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