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  Building Pop-Up Menus and Defining Double Click

  Using the File Types dialog box, you can modify the pop-up
  menus and double-click command definitions associated with
  each file type.

  To display the File Types dialog box, choose File Types...  from
  FileView's Options menu.  The File Types dialog box contains
  the following components:

  *   File Types list box

  *   Pop-Up menu list box

  *   Item names list box

  *   Double-Click Item entry box

  For more information about using the File Types dialog box
  double click on an item from the list of additional topics below.

  Additional topics:

  *   File Types List Box

  *   Item Names List Box

  *   Double Click for Selected File Type

  *   Adding a Menu Item to a Pop-up Menu

  *   Removing a Menu Item from a Pop-Up Menu

  *   Changing a Double Click Menu Item Definition

  *   Adding a File Type

  *   Removing a File Type

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