Help on Session Manager and FileView
Adding an Item to a Pull-Down Menu
To add a menu item to a pull-down menu:
1. In the Menu Names list box, select the menu name to
which you want to add an item.
The item in menus list box displays the menu items on the
menu you selected. The name of the menu you selected is
displayed above the list box.
2. In the Item Names list box, select the item that you want
to add to the menu.
3. Click on the arrow button that appears. The item is
added to the menu you selected.
4. Use the Up and Down arrows that appear to change the
location of the item on the menu.
5. Click on Ok or Apply to see your changes.
Or click on Reset or Cancel to retain the original settings.
Enabling the Sort & Merge setting ensures that the
private customization file that you create when you
customize FileView is merged with any other system
or public customization files that FileView reads. If
you disable the Sort & Merge setting, FileView cannot
merge your new definition with the public and system
definitions for that menu. A menu also becomes
unsorted if you rearrange the contents of a menu.