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  Changing Your Keyboard Settings

  To change your keyboard settings, choose Keyboard...  from
  Session Manager's Options menu.  Session Manager displays
  the Keyboard Options dialog box.

  From the Keyboard Options dialog box, you can change any
  of the following settings:

  -   Bell Volume

  -   Keyclick Volume
  -   Cursor Blink

  -   Auto Repeat

  -   Lock Key State

  -   Operator Window Key

  -   Keyboard Type

  For more information about customizing your keyboard,
  double click on an item from the list of additional topics below.

  Additional topics:

  *   Setting Your Keyboard Type

  *   Setting the Bell Volume

  *   Setting the Keyclick Volume

  *   Setting Auto Repeat

  *   Setting the Lock Key State

  *   Setting the Operator Window Key

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