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  Choosing Printer Options

  Choose Printer...  from the Options menu to change printer
  features such as the printing destination.  DECterm displays
  a dialog box.

  Additional topics:

  *   Queued Printer

  *   Options...

  *   Printer Port

  *   Printer Port

  *   File

  *   File

  *   None

  *   Normal Print Mode

  *   Auto Print Mode

  *   Printer Controller Mode

  *   Print Full Page

  *   Print Full Page and Transcript

  *   Print Scroll Region Only

  *   Print Selection Only

  *   Print National Characters Only

  *   Print National and Line Drawing

  *   Print All Characters

  *   Form Feed Terminator

  *   Printer To Host

  *   Graphics Printing

  *   Background Printing

  *   Level 1 Sixel Graphics

  *   Level 2 Sixel Graphics

  *   LA210 Sixel Graphics

  *   Compressed Graphics Printing

  *   Expanded Graphics Printing

  *   Rotated Graphics Printing

  *   Monochrome Printing

  *   Color Printing

  *   HLS Color Syntax

  *   RGB Color Syntax

  *   8-Bit Printer Mode

  *   7-Bit Printer Mode

  *   OK

  *   Apply

  *   Cancel

  *   Help

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