Help on Print Screen
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  Context-Sensitive Help

  Context-sensitive help is information about a specific object in
  a window or a dialog box.  When you choose context-sensitive
  help from the  Help pull-down menu,        the pointer changes
  to a question mark.  Move the question mark to a menu, a
  text entry field, or another object and click MB1.  Help for
  that object appears.

  To get context-sensitive help about a menu item, press and
  hold MB1 on the menu item, press the Help key, and release

  For more information, double click on any bold hotspot.

  Additional topics:

  *   Using File, Options, Help Pull-down Menus

  *   Using Options Menus to Change Print Screen


  *   Taking Screen Snapshots

  *   Overview of Print Screen

  *   Exiting Print Screen

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