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  Print Menu Item

  To actually take the snapshot, choose Print or   Print... from
  the File menu.

  If you first select Printer in theSend to options menu,
  then choosing Print sends the snapshot to the default printer.

  If you first select Both in the Send to options menu, then
  choosing Print sends the snapshot to the default printer   and
  saves the snapshot to the file named in the   Output File

  Name text field.

  If you select Send to File, then choosing Print saves the
  snapshot to a file; the snapshot is not immediately printed.

  When you save to a file, you can specify a file name in the
  Output File Name field, or you can accept the default file

  For more information, double click on any bold hotspot.

  Additional topics:

  *   Using File, Options, Help Pull-down Menus

  *   Using Options Menus to Change Print Screen

  *   Taking Screen Snapshots

  *   Overview of Print Screen

  *   Exiting Print Screen

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